Year 9 Spanish - Rastrick High School

Page created by Jose Daniels
Year 9 Spanish - Rastrick High School
Rastrick High School: Home Learning

Year 9 Spanish
Booklet 2: Half-Term 2, Lessons 1-14

                Healthy lifestyle

  This booklet covers content for the whole Autumn 2 term. Answers &
  instructions for all tasks are provided (answers are at the end of the
Year 9 Spanish - Rastrick High School
Guidance for completing MFL work:

The work inside the booklets on ClassCharts/in school reception contain enough work to cover the
12 hours of lesson time you would have had in this half-term, it is therefore expected that you
spend a similar amount of time completing the tasks. This can be done in small chunks and/or with
regular breaks. You will be directed by your teacher to which lessons you need to complete.

The content of the booklets is based on activities/tasks from your lessons. This means that you
should be familiar with the different types of tasks set by your teacher. Within each booklet are
instructions (in English) for every task that you have to complete.

If you struggle to understand a task, please see below a list of useful websites to help you with
vocabulary & grammar:

   - (online dictionary)
   - (grammar & vocabulary)
   - (vocabulary learning)

All answers to the tasks are at the back of the booklets provided. This means that once you have
completed certain tasks, you can mark these yourself to see where you have made good progress
and which areas you may need to revise.

Remember - you do not need to print out the work - you could just read it on screen and work in an
exercise book or on lined paper. There are also printed copies of the booklets available to pick up
from school if anyone cannot access them on a screen.

If you have any questions about the work, please don't hesitate to get in touch via the Contact
page on the school website or emailing your teacher directly.
Year 9 Spanish - Rastrick High School
Year 9 Spanish - Rastrick High School
Year 9 Spanish - Rastrick High School
Year 9 Spanish - Rastrick High School
Core and Recurring Themes

                    The Magic Top 10                               SER (to be) – present tense
  1        I went             fui                       yo       soy           I am
  2        I’m going to go voy a ir                     tu       eres          you are (s.)
  3        I did              hice                      él/ella  es            he/she is
  4        I’m going to do voy a hacer                  nosotros somos         we are
  5        I played           jugué                     vosotros sois          you are (pl.)
  6        I’m going to       voy a jugar               ellos/as son           they are
  7        I would like…      me gustaría                         ESTAR (to be) – present tense
  8        it was             era                        yo       estoy       I am
  9        it will be         será                       tu       estás       you are (s.)
  10       because            porque                     él/ella  está        he/she is
               Time Phrases                              nosotros estamos     we are
   siempre==always                                       vosotros estáis      you are (pl.)
   a menudo==often
                                                         ellos/as están       they are
   a veces==sometimes                                Making superlatives
                                                                                           Asking Questions
   normalmente==usually                  Es el/la más (+ adj)==is the most (+ adj)
                                                                                           ¿por qué?==why?
   todos los días==every day             Es el/la menos (+ adj)==is the least (+ adj)
   en el pasado==in the past             El el/la major (+ adj)==is the best (+ adj)
   ayer==yesterday                       Es el/la peor (+ adj)==is the worst (+ adj)
   la semana pasada==last weekend
   mañana==tomorrow                              Common               Common               ¿cuánto(s)?==how
   el fin de semana==at the weekend            Prepositions          Negatives             much/many?
   el próximo año==next year                 de==of                 (before the            ¿cómo?==how?
                                             a==to/at                  verbs)
                 Fancy Language              por==by/for         no==no
                                             para==for / to      nadie==nobody
en este momento==now                         en==in              nunca==never
                                             desde==from         ni==neither/nor
no obstante==nevertheless                                                               Useful Phrases
                                                                                   no puedo==I can’t
además==in addition/furthermore                         Opinions
                                                                                   no puede==he/she/can’t
                                             Pienso que==I think that
por lo tanto==therefore                                                            puede ser==it can be
                                             Creo que==I believe that
como resultado==as a result                  Me parece que==it seems that..
                                                                                   quiero==I want
                                             Me gusta==I like it
                                                                                   iba==I used to go
sin embargo==however/on the other hand       Odio==I hate
                                             No me gusta==I don’t like it
                                             Me encanta==I love it
aún==yet                                                                                   Extending and
a causa de esto==because of that                       Quantifiers                      y==and
                                             mucho==a lot                               o==or
gracias a esto==thanks to that               (un) poco==(a) little                      también==also
                                             muy==very                                  pero==but
                                             bastante==quite                            porque==because
en segundo lugar==secondly                   demasiado==too                             con==with
                                             un montón de==a load of                    sin==without
afortunadamente==fortunately                 la mayoría de==the majority of             además==moreover

a pesar de esto==in spite of this
Year 9 Spanish - Rastrick High School
Week beginning 2.11.2020

Lesson 1 – Objective - Can I describe my diet in Spanish and say whether
it is healthy or not?

See Sentence Builder 1 for support

1)Rellena las vocales – Fill in the vowels e.g. A) la pasta == pasta

  A) l_    p_st_==p_st_

  B) l_s c_r_m_l_s==sw_ _ts

  C) l_s   p_st_l_s==c_k _s

  D) l_s v_rd_r_s==v_g_t_bl_s

  E) _l p_n==br_ _d

  F) _l p_sc_d_==f_sh

  G) _l _rr_z==r_c_

  H) l_s h_ _v_s==_ggs

  I) l_ c_rn_==m_ _t

  l_s g_ll_t_s==b_sc_ _ts
Year 9 Spanish - Rastrick High School
2)Read the blog and fill in the gaps in English.

3)Write your own blog using the text in exercise 2 and your sentence builder to
help (5-6 sentences miniumum).

4)Choose the correct translation for each of the sentences below.
Year 9 Spanish - Rastrick High School
Lesson 2 – Objective – Can I describe what I do (or don’t do) to stay in

See Sentence Builder 2 for support

1)Translate the sentences into English.

2)Read the text and find the phrases (1-6) in Spanish in the text.
Year 9 Spanish - Rastrick High School
Challenge: Translate the texts into English.

3)Figure out the sentences using your sentence builder.
Week beginning 9.11.2020

Lesson 3 – Objective - Can I describe what I do (or don’t do) to stay in

See Sentence Builder 1 for support

Grammar Point – Direct object pronouns
1)Choose the correct direct object pronoun lo/la/los/las


                                                           El = masculine singular → lo

                                                           La = feminine singular → la

                                                           Los = masculine plural → los

                                                           Las = feminine plural → las

                                                           el arroz = rice

                                                           el pollo = chicken

                                                           los perritos calientes =

                                                           los caramelos = sweets
Challenge: Extend the following phrases to show you can
                                                           la leche = milk
use direct object pronouns: lo, la, los or las
                                                           las hamburguesas =
1)Por la tarde, salgo a correr con mis amigos.             burgers

                                                           el yogur = yoghurt
2)Después del insti hago natación en la piscina.
                                                           las verduras =
3)Prefiero hacer mis clases de baile.                      vegetables

4)Me gusta hacer artes marciales.

5)Acabo de empezar a jugar con un equipo.
2)Answer the questions in English.

Lesson 4 – Objective - Can I describe my daily routine to stay healthy?

See word list below for help and sentence builder 2 for support

A)Using prior knowledge (times, time phrases, activities, food), match up text
and pictures.

B)Identify the activity in each text and write it down in your book (there may
be more than one activity for each)

c)Identify the time phrase in each text.

! Remember a time phrase tells you when something happened e.g. todos los días
= every day
2)Translate the sentences into English.

3)Find the errors in the faulty translation and correct them in the English

   Me llamo David. Voy a hablar de mi rutina    My name is David. I’m going to talk about
   diaria. A ver… me despierto bastante         my daily routine. Let’s see…I wake up quite
   temprano, a las seis y media, y me levanto   late, at seven thirty, and I get up straight
   enseguida.                                   away.

   Me visto y luego me lavo los dientes.        I get dressed and then I brush my hair. I
                                                have toast for breakfast and then I go out
   Desayuno tostadas y después salgo en bici.   running.
   Entreno una hora todos los días.             I train for two hours every day.
   Por la tarde voy al polideportivo, donde     In the morning I go to the sports centre
   hago natación.                               where I do gymnastics.
   Ceno sopa o ensalada y me acuesto a las      I have soup or salad and I go to bed at
   diez y media.                                eleven thrity.
   El año pasado participé en una               Last year I participated in a football match
   competición de natación y gané.              and I won.
Lesson 5 – Objective - Can I talk about what you do and what you avoid
doing to get fit and healthy?

See sentence builder 2 for support

1)Read the text and answer the questions in English in your books.

1)What is Diego’s problem in getting fit? (1)

2)When does he eat junk food? (1)

3)What should you do in order to be fit/healthy according to the text? (2)

4)What did Diego eat yesterday? (1)

5)What is Diego going to do from now? (2)
2)Now Diego wants to be a member of a basketball team. What should he
do/not do in order to get fit? Write the phrases in green into the correct

3)Translate the sentences into English in your books.
4)Figure out the sentences using your sentence builder.

Week beginning 16.11.2020

Lesson 6 – Objective - Can I use reflexive verbs and the structure ‘se
debe’ in my work?

See sentence builder 2 for support

Grammar Point – Reflexive Verbs
1) Read the text about Manolo’s training schedule. List all the examples of
  reflexive verbs you can find. What do they mean in English?
Grammar Poinr – Se debe structure

2)Write 8 pieces of advice to help Carlos get fit using the se debe and no se
debe structure.
3)Writing task. Write answers to the questions below

a)What do you do in order to lead a healthy life?

b)What do you avoid in order to lead a healthy life?

Lesson 7 – Objective - Can I describe different body parts and ailments?
1)Using the Sentence builder above, translate the sentences below into English.

  2) Fill in the gaps with the missing vowels.
Week beginning 23.11.2020

Lesson 8 – Objective – Can you give recommendations for someone who is

  1) Mosaic Translation – Colour or mark with a symbol the phrases in Spanish
     to translate the sentences below.

  1)My head hurts and it is very annoying.

  2)I twisted my ankle and the pain is unbearable.

  3)I spent too much time in the sun and now I have a fever.

  4)My ears hurt and I believe that I’m going to die.

  5)I cut my finger and in addition I have the flu.
2)Use the support below to fill in the gaps to recommend what you can do to
3)Find the errors in the English translation and correct them.

I love playing volleyball. It’s my passion. I play every weekend and I am a
member of a team. Yesterday I went to watch a match with my friends. We had
a phenomenal time, but I ate some biscuits and now my arm hurts and I have a
fever. Next time I’m going to eat some vegetables.

In order to be in shape, I play rugby three times a week. My favourite football
player is Rafa Nadal, of course. Last week I went to a tennis tournament in
Pontevedra and I liked it. It was amazing, but I got sunburnt and now my
shoulder hurts. Oh no! Next time I’m going to wear a cap and put on a bandage
and also I’m going to eat a lot of water.
Lesson 9 – Objective - Can I use the correct syntax in structures with ‘me
duele’ and ‘me duelen’ in my work to say what hurts?

1)Translate the following sentences using the support below if needed:

a)Not only I twisted my ankle but also my back hurts quite a lot and the pain is

b)I fell and my head hurts and I hate it.

c)I cut my finger but also I have a fever and I believe that I’m going to die.
Grammar point – saying something hurts

2)Translate into Spanish the following:

a)My back hurts

b)Your legs hurt

c)His foot hurts

d)Their arms hurt
3)Translate the text into Spanish.


Compré – I bought

A partir de ahora – From now on

Más = more

Week beginning 30.11.2020

Lesson 10 – Objective - Can I develop and embed key strategies to
complete GCSE-style reading and listening tasks?

  • IN&ON: Write a list of all the vocabulary you can think of relating to the
    current ‘healthy lifestyle’ topic without using any support.

  • La comida (el jamón, los huevos, la pasta, …)

  • Las actividades (salgo a correr, practico meditación…)

  • Para evitar (fumar cigarrillos, comer muchas dulces…)

  • El cuerpo (el tobillo, los dientes…)
1)Read the texts and answer the questions in English.

2)Read the text and fill in the gaps in English.
The following activities would normally be completed as listening tasks but
please complete as reading activities looking at the transcripts provided.

3)Complete the table in English using the text below.
4)Read the texts and write the correct letters for each person.
Lesson 11 – Objective - Can I show a high level of skill in my preparation
for the speaking preparation next week?
You are going to prepare some questions for a Speaking assessment. Read the
instructions below.
1) Use the rest of this lesson to prepare for questions 1-5 to use in your
     speaking assessment.
  2) Begin to learn your answers by heart in preparation for your speaking

Feel free to contact your teacher to check the quality of your language in your
answers or to ask any further questions.

You must have your answers ready by lesson 13 (week beginning 7.12.2020)

Week beginning 7.12.2020

Lesson 12 – Can I recall key vocabulary and structures in preparation for
my assessments next week?
1) Revise your speaking questions from Lesson 12 in preparation for next
     lesson. Once you are happy with those please see the exercises below for
     further preparation for an assessment which you will complete in lesson

2)Read the text below and complete the table for Juan and Camila.
3)Read the texts below and answer the questions. True or False.

Lesson 13 – Assessment

Week beginning 14.12.2020

Lesson 14 - Assessment

Lesson 1

1)Rellena las vocales – Fill in the vowels e.g. A) la pasta == pasta

1. la pasta = pasta
2. los caramelos = sweets
3. los pasteles = cakes
4. las verduras = vegetables
5. el pan = bread
6. el pescado = fish
7. el arroz = rice
8. los huevos = eggs
9. la carne = meat
10. las galletas = biscuits


a)Valerie eats fish 2 or 3 times a week.

b)Four or five times a day she eats fruit and vegetables.

c)Last week at the restaurant she ate barbeque chicken.
d)Her friend Ana had American hamburgers.

e)They drank water.

f)For dessert they had rice pudding.

4)Choose the correct translation for each of the sentences below.




Lesson 2

1)Translate the sentences into English.

1)In the afternoon I go running with my friends.

2)After school I do athletics with my club/team.

3)At the weekends I do swimming in the pool.

4)…but I prefer to play basketball.

5)…however I like to do martial arts more.

6)…and I have just started to play with a team.

2)Read the text and find the phrases (1-6) in Spanish in the text.
1)todos los días después del insti

2)soy miembro de un equipo

3)es muy emocionante

4)prefiero los deportes individuales

5)soy muy competitive

6)prefiero los deportes de equipo

Challenge: Translate the texts into English.

Ariana – I play football every day after school. On Saturdays my brother and I
play basketball, but I prefer to play football because it is fun and I am a
member of a team.

David – Sometimes I play volleyball with my friends because it is very exciting.
However, I prefer to do swimming because I prefer individual sports. And you?
What sports do you prefer?

Laura – On Tuesdays and Thursdays I do athletics – I am a member of a club.
Also my friend Carla and I do dance sometimes. However I prefer to do
athletics because I am very competitive.

Iker – On Fridays I do cycling, but I prefer to play rugby because I prefer
team sports. I play rugby four times a week because it is my favourite sport. Do
you also play rugby?

3)Figure out the sentences using your sentence builder.
Lesson 3

1)Choose the correct direct object pronoun lo/la/los/las








Challenge: Extend the following phrases to show you can use direct object
pronouns: lo, la, los or las

2)Read the questions and answer in English.

Lesson 4
1)A)Using prior knowledge (times, time phrases, activities, food), match up text
and pictures.

B)Identify the activity in each text and write it down in your book

c)Identify the time phrase in each text.

Activity A)









Activity B)

a)me lavo los dientes/me visto

b)voy al gimnasio/entreno (I train)

c)me despierto/me levanto

e)me ducho/desayuno

f)me acuesto

g)voy al trabajo

h)salgo a correr/corro ( I run)

Activity C)

a)a las cinco = at 5 o’clock

b)luego = then

c)a las cinco de la mañana = at 5 o’clock in the morning

d)a las seis = at 6 o’clock / a las nueve = at 9 o’clock

e)a las siete y media = at 7:30

f)a las diez – at 10 o’clock

g)a las ocho = at 8 o’clock

h)a las cinco = at 5 o’clock / cada día = each day

2)Translate the sentences into English.

1)In the afternoon I go out running with my friends.

2)I go out running at 5:30. I train each day.

3)I shower, I brush my teeth and then I have breakfast.

4)In the afternoon I go to the gym where I train for 2 more hours.

5) I eat (evening meal) chicken or fish at 9 o’clock (at night)

6)I go to bed at 10 o’clock and I sleep for 7 hours.

3)Find the errors in the faulty translation and correct them in the English
Me llamo David. Voy a hablar de mi rutina    My name is David. I’m going to talk about
 diaria. A ver… me despierto bastante         my daily routine. Let’s see…I wake up quite
 temprano, a las seis y media, y me levanto   early, at six thirty, and I get up straight
 enseguida.                                   away.

 Me visto y luego me lavo los dientes.        I get dressed and then I brush my teeth. I
                                              have toast for breakfast and then I go out
 Desayuno tostadas y después salgo en bici.
                                              on my bike.
 Entreno una hora todos los días.
                                              I train for one hour every day.
 Por la tarde voy al polideportivo, donde
                                              In the afternoon I go to the sports centre
 hago natación.
                                              where I do swimming.
 Ceno sopa o ensalada y me acuesto a las
                                              I have soup or salad and I go to bed at ten
 diez y media.
 El año pasado participé en una
                                              Last year I participated in a a swimming
 competición de natación y gané.
                                              competition and I won.

Lesson 5

1)Read the text and answer the questions in English in your books.

1)What is Diego’s problem in getting fit? (1) He likes hamburgers and hot
dogs/he is addicted to junk food.
2)When does he eat junk food? (1) All the time/all day

3)What should you do in order to be fit/healthy according to the text? (2) Eat
more fruit and veg/drink water frequently

4)What did Diego eat yesterday? (1) 8 hamburgers

5)What is Diego going to do from now? (2) eat more veg/ eat less junk food

2)Now Diego wants to be a member of a basketball team. What should he
do/not do in order to get fit? Write the phrases in green into the correct

3)Translate the sentences into English in your books.
4)Figure out the sentences using your sentence builder.

Lesson 6

Me lavo = I wash (myself)

Me visto = I get dressed (I dress myself)

Me despierto = I wake up

Me levanto = I get up

Me ducho = I have a shower

Me acuesto = I go to bed
2)Write 8 pieces of advice to help Carlos get fit using the se debe and no se
debe structure.

Lesson 7
1)Using the Sentence builder above, translate the sentences below into English
2)Fill in the gaps with the missing vowels.

Lesson 8

  1) Mosaic Translation – Colour or mark with a symbol the phrases in Spanish
     to translate the sentences below.
2)Use the support below to fill in the gaps to recommend what you can do to

3)Find the errors in the English translation and correct them.
I love playing football. It’s my passion. I play every day and I am a member of a
team. Yesterday I went to watch a match with my friends. We had a
phenomenal time, but I ate a hamburger and now my arm stomach and I felt
sick. Next time I’m going to eat a salad.

In order to be in shape, I play tennis three times a week. My tennis football
player is Rafa Nadal, of course. Last weekend I went to a tennis tournament in
Pontevedra and I loved it. It was amazing, but I got sunburnt and now my head
hurts. Oh no! Next time I’m going to wear a cap and put on some sun cream and
also I’m going to drink a lot of water.

Lesson 9
1)Translate the following sentences using the support below if needed:

a)Not only I twisted my ankle but also my back hurts quite a lot and the pain is

No solo me torcí el tobillo sino también me duele bastante la espalda y el dolor
es insoportable.

b)I fell and my head hurts and I hate it.

Me caí y me duele la cabeza y lo odio.

c)I cut my finger but also I have a fever and I believe that I’m going to die.

Me corté el dedo pero tambiéen tengo fiebre y creo que voy a morir.

2)Translate into Spanish the following:

a)My back hurts – Me duele la espalda

b)Your legs hurt – Te duelen las piernas

c)His foot hurts – Le duele el pie

d)Their arms hurt – Les duelen los brazos
3)Translate the text into Spanish.

Por lo general, no tengo una dieta sana. Por ejemplo, me encantan las
hamburguesas y las como todos los días. Ayer fui al cine donde compré muchos
caramelos. Ahora me duele el estómago y tengo náuseas. A partir de ahora voy a
comer más verduras porque para estar en forma no se debe comer la comida

Lesson 10

1)Read the texts and answer the questions in English.
2)Read the text and fill in the gaps in English.

3)Complete the table in English using the text below.
4)Read the texts and write the correct letters for each person.

Lesson 11
Lesson 12

2)Read the text below and complete the table for Juan and Camila.

            Juan             Camila
1)          C                B
2)          D                A
3)          B                A
4)          C                A

3)Read the texts below and answer the questions. True or False.





You can also read