TIB-VA at SemEval-2022 Task 5: A Multimodal Architecture for the Detection and Classification of Misogynous Memes

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TIB-VA at SemEval-2022 Task 5: A Multimodal Architecture for the Detection and Classification of Misogynous Memes
TIB-VA at SemEval-2022 Task 5: A Multimodal Architecture for the
 Detection and Classification of Misogynous Memes
 Sherzod Hakimov1,2 , Gullal S. Cheema1 , and Ralph Ewerth1,2
 TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology
 Leibniz University Hannover, L3S Research Center
 Hannover, Germany
 {sherzod.hakimov, gullal.cheema, ralph.ewerth}@tib.eu

 Abstract notation processes such as those defined by Zeinert
 et al. (2021).
 The detection of offensive, hateful content on
 social media is a challenging problem that af-
 The detection of hateful content has been mainly
 studied from the textual perspective based on the
arXiv:2204.06299v1 [cs.CL] 13 Apr 2022

 fects many online users on a daily basis. Hate-
 ful content is often used to target a group Computational Linguistics and Natural Language
 of people based on ethnicity, gender, religion Processing (NLP) fields. However, hateful content
 and other factors. The hate or contempt to- on social media can be found in other forms, such
 wards women has been increasing on social as videos, a combination of text and images, or
 platforms. Misogynous content detection is es- emoticons. Misogynous content detection is espe-
 pecially challenging when textual and visual
 cially challenging when textual and visual modali-
 modalities are combined to form a single con-
 text, e.g., an overlay text embedded on top of ties are combined in a single context, e.g., an over-
 an image, also known as meme. In this paper, lay text embedded on top of an image, also known
 we present a multimodal architecture that com- as meme. Recent efforts in multimodal representa-
 bines textual and visual features in order to de- tion learning (Lu et al., 2019; Radford et al., 2021)
 tect misogynous meme content. The proposed pushed the boundaries of solving such problems
 architecture is evaluated in the SemEval-2022 by combining visual and textual representations of
 Task 5: MAMI - Multimedia Automatic Misog-
 the given content. Several datasets have been pro-
 yny Identification challenge under the team
 name TIB-VA. Our solution obtained the best
 posed using multimodal data (Gomez et al., 2020;
 result in the Task-B where the challenge is to Kiela et al., 2020b; Sharma et al., 2020; Praman-
 classify whether a given document is misogy- ick et al., 2021; Suryawanshi et al., 2020; Menini
 nous and further identify the main sub-classes et al., 2020) for various tasks related to hate speech.
 of shaming, stereotype, objectification, and vi- Each dataset includes an image and corresponding
 olence. text, which is either an overlay text embedded on
 an image or a separate accompanying text such
 1 Introduction as tweet text. Differently from existing datasets
 Detection of hate speech has become a fundamen- based on memes (Kiela et al., 2020b; Sharma et al.,
 tal problem for many social media platforms such 2020; Pramanick et al., 2021; Suryawanshi et al.,
 as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. There have 2020) the addressed task aims to identify misog-
 been many efforts by the research community and yny in memes specifically. Among the previously
 companies to identify the applicability of advanced mentioned work, only the dataset by Menini et al.
 solutions. In general, hate speech is defined as a (2020) intended for the detection of misogyny, in
 hateful language targeted at a group or individuals which the text is in the Italian language. In terms
 based on specific characteristics such as religion, of the size of the mentioned datasets, the dataset
 ethnicity, origin, sexual orientation, gender, physi- by Gomez et al. (2020) contains 150K image-text
 cal appearance, disability or disease. The hatred pairs, while other datasets have moderate sizes that
 or contempt expressed towards women has been range between 2K-10K image-text pairs. Moreover,
 drastically increasing, as reported by Plan Interna- existing model architectures that are evaluated on
 tional (2020) and Vogels (2021). Detection of such such benchmark datasets use a combination of var-
 misogynous content requires large-scale automatic ious textual and visual features extracted from pre-
 solutions (Gasparini et al., 2018; Suryawanshi et al., trained models (Kiela et al., 2020a).
 2020; Menini et al., 2020) and comprehensive an- The SemEval-2022 Task 5: MAMI - Multimedia
TIB-VA at SemEval-2022 Task 5: A Multimodal Architecture for the Detection and Classification of Misogynous Memes
Figure 1: Four data samples from MAMI - Multimedia Automatic Misogyny Identification with their correspond-
ing class labels. Misogynous samples have additional sub-classes from stereotype, shaming, objectification, and

Automatic Misogyny Identification (Fersini et al., shaming, objectification and violence.
2022)1 is a new challenge dataset that focuses on
identifying misogynous memes. The memes in this
dataset are composed of an image with an overlay In this paper, we present our participating model
text. Some samples from the dataset with their architecture under the team name TIB-VA. The
corresponding class labels are provided in Figure 1. model architecture is based on a neural model that
The dataset includes two sub-tasks as described uses pre-trained multimodal features to encode vi-
below. sual and textual content and combines them with
 an LSTM (Long-short Term Memory) layer. Our
 • Task-A: a basic task about misogynous meme
 proposed solution obtained the best result (together
 identification, where a meme should be cate-
 with two other teams) on the Task-B.
 gorized either as misogynous or not misogy-
 nous The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
 lows. In Section 2, we describe the proposed model
 • Task-B: an advanced task, where the type of architecture. In Section 3, the experimental setup,
 misogyny should be recognized among poten- dataset details, as well as evaluations of the model
 tial overlapping categories such as stereotype, architecture are described in detail. Finally, Sec-
 https://competitions.codalab.org/ tion 4 concludes the paper and outlines areas of
competitions/34175 future work.
TIB-VA at SemEval-2022 Task 5: A Multimodal Architecture for the Detection and Classification of Misogynous Memes
 token1 Task-B

 token2 256 Dropout(0.2)

 CLIP Text
 token3 LSTM 512 FC
 256 Objectification

 CLIP Image
 Image FC 256 Dropout(0.2)

Figure 2: The model architecture that combines textual and visual features to output probabilities for Task-A
(misogynous) and Task-B (stereotype, shaming, objectification, violence). FC: Fully connected layer, σ: sigmoid

2 Multimodal Architecture arate sigmoid function that outputs a probability
 value for the corresponding class. The model ar-
Our model architecture is a neural model that uses chitecture is shown in Figure 2. The source code
a pre-trained CLIP (Radford et al., 2021) model to of the described model is shared publicly with the
extract textual and visual feature representations. community2 .
The main reason behind the proposed architecture
is the usage of the CLIP model that is pre-trained
on over 400 million image-text pairs. We used
 3 Experimental Setup and Results
recently available ViT-L/14 variant of CLIP. The
 3.1 Dataset
tokens in the overlay text and the image are fed
into CLIP Text Encoder and CLIP Image Encoder The SemEval-2022 Task 5: MAMI - Multimedia
respectively. The text encoder outputs a sequence Automatic Misogyny Identification (Fersini et al.,
of 768-dimensional vectors for each input token. 2022) aims at identifying misogynous memes by
These token vectors are then fed into an LSTM taking into account both textual and visual content.
layer with a size of 256. This layer is another essen- Samples from the dataset are given in Figure 1. The
tial part of the proposed architecture. It learns the dataset includes the overlay text extracted from an
contextual relatedness among tokens in the text by image. The challenge is composed of two sub-
combining all token representations extracted from tasks. Task-A is about predicting whether a given
the CLIP text encoder branch. The output from the meme is misogynous or not. Task-B requires mod-
image encoder is fed into a fully-connected layer els to identify sub-classes of misogyny (stereotype,
with a size of 256. The output from an LSTM layer shaming, violence, objectification) in cases where a
for text and output from the fully-connected layer given meme is misogynous. The samples in Task-B
for the image are fed into separate dropout layers can have multiple labels where a meme can have
(dropout rate of 0.2), the outputs are concatenated, a single or all of the above sub-classes of misog-
and then fed into another fully connected layer yny. The train and test splits have 10 000 and 1000
with a size of 256. The final vector representa- samples, respectively. The distribution of samples
tion is then fed into separate sigmoid functions for for the corresponding two sub-tasks are given in
each task. For Task-A, the sigmoid outputs a single Table 1.
value that indicates the probability of misogyny.
For Task-B, each sub-class of misogyny (stereo- 2
type, shaming, violence, objectification) has a sep- multimodal-misogyny-detection-mami-2022
Task-A Task-B Total
 Misogynous NOT Shaming Objectification Violence Stereotype
 Train 5000 5000 1274 2202 953 2810 10 000
 Test 500 500 146 348 153 350 1000

Table 1: Distribution of samples in Task-A and Task-B for train and test splits in the MAMI - Multimedia Automatic
Misogyny Identification dataset.

3.2 Experimental Setup yield top results on Task-A, it achieves the best per-
Training Process: The model architecture is formance in Task-B for identifying sub-classes of
trained using Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, misogyny such as stereotype, shaming, objectifica-
2015) with a learning rate of 1e-4, a batch size of tion, violence. In future work, we will explore the
64 for maximum of 20 epochs. We decrease the combination of multiple multimodal features that
learning by half after every five epochs. We use measure different aspects in visual content such
10% of the training split for validation to find the as violence, nudity or specific objects and scene-
optimal hyper-parameters. specific content.
 Implementation: The model architecture is im-
plemented in Python using the PyTorch library.
 This work has received funding from the Euro-
 Team Task-A Task-B pean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innova-
 Ours (TIB-VA) 0.734 0.731 tion program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie
 SRC-B 0.834 0.731 grant agreement No. 812997 (CLEOPATRA ITN).
 PAFC 0.755 0.731
 DD-TIG 0.794 0.728
 NLPros 0.771 0.720 References
 R2D2 0.757 0.690 Elisabetta Fersini, Francesca Gasparini, Giulia Rizzi,
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