Year 9 & 10 2022 Parent Payments - Beaumaris Secondary College

Page created by Shawn Greene
Year 9 & 10 2022 Parent Payments - Beaumaris Secondary College
Year 9 & 10 2022
Parent Payments
Year 9 & 10 2022 Parent Payments - Beaumaris Secondary College
Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are looking forward to another great year of teaching and learning at Beaumaris Secondary College
and would like to advise you of the college’s voluntary financial contributions for 2022.

Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to
assure you that all contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures
that we can offer the best possible education and support for our students.

Beaumaris Secondary College and School Council makes every effort to keep the cost of items and
activities to a minimum and affordable for all parents, by reviewing costs on an annual basis.

We would like to thank you for your tremendous support through fundraising and/or volunteering your
time. This has made a huge difference to our college and the programs we are able to offer.

The monumental financial support from our parents has allowed us to build/install/purchase:

•   Equipment to run a wide range of specialism           •   Run the Micro-credential programs
    subjects and curriculum experiences                   •   Equipment for the Innovate Lab including
•   A bank of enhanced digital learning devices               hiring a 3D Printer
•   Our Fitness Centre                                    •   Scroll saw station
•   Equipment for our Fitness Centre                      •   Storage carts for Innovate equipment
•   Our aquarium in BEST allowing students to             •   Specialist microscopes
    study the ecosystem in real time (including           •   GPS tracking devices and vests
    maintenance)                                          •   Heart rate monitors
•   Outdoor seating and electronic weather                •   Drama light and sound equipment
    resistant blinds for student balconies

Please note that the Booklist contains stationery items that need to be purchased by families for students
in each learning area.

For further information on the Department’s Parent Payments Policy, please see the one-page overview
on page 11.

Yours sincerely,

Debby Chaves                                             Steve Pearce
Principal                                                School Council President

Year 9 & 10 2022 Parent Payments - Beaumaris Secondary College
Curriculum and Other Contributions
Curriculum Contributions - items that students use or participate in                                                                Amount

Year 9/10 Specialism classroom consumables, materials & equipment are based on Specialism
  • Apiary – ($0)
  • Architecture – ($40) -Cartridge paper $10, mountboard/drafting film/foam core $10 presentation boards $ 10,
        ink $3 and markers $7
   •    Art and Soul – ($60) - Canvas $ 5, paper and card $ 5, markers, oil pastels, charcoal $ 10, clay $10, glazes $10 ,
        screen print ink $10, prismacolor pencils $5, cleaning equipment | sponges, jiff, paper towel $5
   •    ART-iculate – ($60) - Canvas $ 5, paper and card $ 5, markers, oil pastels, charcoal $ 10, clay $10, glazes $10,
        etching plate and ink $15, cleaning equipment | sponges, jiff, paper towel $5
   •    Artisanship – ($140) - Timber, argenteum silver, solder, flux, acrylic, glue, screws, nails, rivets, hingers, domino
        joints, resin, silicone moulding, sandpaper, oil, stain, varnish & lacquer, paint, drill bits, scroll saw blades, gloves,
        cloths, chemicals, paintbrushes
   •    Be a Film Maker – ($0)
   •    Be a Vet – ($0)
   •    Be an Author – ($0)
   •    Beaumaris Sports Enhancement – ($0)
   •    Coding – ($0)
   •    Coding 2 - Year 10 only - $(0)
   •    Cooking with Chemistry – ($70) - for food and scientific experiments. Students typically engage in one
        cooking session or one experiment each week .
   •    CSI: Crime Scene Investigations - Forensic Science – ($35) - This covers materials for 3 pracs across
        the semester
   •    Cultural Lens – ($0)
   •    Design & Culture – ($30) - Markers, watercolour, pencils $15, Paper, mount boards, presentation boards $15
   •    DNA to Dinosaurs – ($0)
   •    Don’t Stop the Music - Year 10 only – ($0)
   •    Drama – ($0)
   •    Driving the Future – ($30) - Consumables electronic components, batteries, motors etc. for investigation
        and PBL outcomes
   •    Economics - Past, Present and Future – ($0)
   •    Events that Changed the World – ($0)
   •    Film as Text – ($0)
   •    Fit for Life - ($5) - First aid supplies to take home
   •    French - Year 9 – ($10) - $10 French food
        French - Year 10 – ($10) - $10 French food
   •    Games as Text – ($0)
   •    Game Set Match – ($0)
   •    Good and Evil – ($0)
   •    Green Chemistry – ($25) - Consumables Chemicals and equipment for Scientific Inquiries and PBL
   •    Heritage to Hip Hop - Year 10 only – ($0)
   •    Horrible Histories – ($0)
   •    Innovate – ($0)
        Families will be charged via Compass for student project works on 3D Printer and posters (approximately $120)
   •    Introduction to Differential Calculus - Year 9 only – ($0)
   •    Introduction to Integral Calculus - Year 10 only – ($0)
   •    Inventions and Discoveries – ($50) -Student’ design and produce engineering solutions to a budget.
        Fabrication supplies (timber, acrylic, 3D printing filament and supplies, glue, etc.). Mechanical components (gears
        and gearboxes, shafts, wheels etc.). Electrical components (micro controllers, motors, motor controllers, sensors,
   •    Japanese - Year 9 – ($0)
   •    Japanese - Year 10 – ($0)
   •    Life Through the Lens – ($15) - A3 & A4 photo paper
   •    Making the Musician - ($0)
   •    Marine Sanctuary – ($15) - Resources for Practical Activities
   •    Mathematics Year 9 – ($0)

Year 9 & 10 2022 Parent Payments - Beaumaris Secondary College
•    Mathematics Year 10 - ($0)
  •    Money and Markets - ($0
  •    Music Studio - ($0)
  •    Novel into Film - Year 10 only - $0)
  •    Our Story (previously Her Story) – ($0)
  •    Poverty and Power - ($0)
  •    Snapshot – ($15) - Photo paper for printing, mountboard $5
  •    Super Coach – ($5) - Equipment maintenance
  •    Survival Skills ($20) - Consumable resources for chemistry and physics units
  •    Sustainable Development – ($0)
  •    Sustainable Food Solutions – ($160) - food for practical sessions and PBL Students alternate between
       cooking once and twice a week, $10 for beeswax and cotton to make beeswax wraps.
  •    The Big Bang – ($2) - Consumables
  •    The Body Lab – ($0)
  •    The Great Outdoors – ($0)
  •    The Greatest Novels of All Times ($0)
  •    The HeArt of It – ($45) -Papers, pastels, pencils, charcoal, inks, paints, canvasses, print making materials, clay
  •    The Hopes & Horrors of Humanity - Year 10 only – ($0)
  •    Words at Work - Year 10 only – ($0)
  •    You are What you Eat: Food as Medicine - $225 -Food practical sessions per week and PBL
  •    GOAL – Resource materials for termly based activities ($8)

Year 9/10 Online Subscriptions                                                                                              $100.00
   •    Compass Access ($15), Library Systems ($5), IT Security & Support ($80)

Year 9/10 printing and photocopying of worksheets and learning materials                                                    $50.00

                        Total Cost for Curriculum Contributions are based on Specialism choices

Other Contributions (for non-curriculum items and activities)                                                               Amount

Curriculum Innovation                                                                                                       $200.00

First aid equipment                                                                                                         $50.00

State School Relief                                                                                                         $50.00

Tax-deductible contributions (suggested amount)

Building Fund – a tax-deductible contribution to support renovations, upgrades and maintenance
of school infrastructure.

Library Fund – a tax-deductible contribution to support book purchases and other equipment that
sustain the library as a valuable resource.

Total Cost for Other Contributions                                                                                          $400.00

          Total Curriculum and Other Contributions Costs are based on Specialism choices

Year 9 & 10 2022 Parent Payments - Beaumaris Secondary College
Extra-curricular Items and Activities
The following extra-curricular activities will be charged via Compass as they occur. Please note that
additional activities may be added throughout the year.

 Extra-Curricular Items and Activities – Indicative Costs                               Amount

 Apiary                                                                                 $95.00

 Architecture                                                                           $30.00

 Art and Soul                                                                           $30.00

 ART-iculate                                                                            $30.00

 Be a Film Maker                                                                        $15.00

 Be a Vet                                                                               $155.00

 Be an Author                                                                           $30.00

 Beaumaris Sports Enhancement                                                          $1,000.00

 Coding 2 (Year 10 only)                                                                $40.00

 College Carnivals                                                                      $40.00

 CSI: Crime Scene Investigations - Forensic Science                                     $20.00

 Cultural Lens                                                                          $35.00

 Design & Culture                                                                       $30.00

 DNA to Dinosaurs                                                                       $75.00

 Don’t Stop the Music - Year 10                                                         $45.00

 Drama                                                                                 $200.00

 Driving the Future                                                                     $30.00

 Economics - Past, Present and Future                                                   $13.00

 Film as Text                                                                           $15.00

 Fit for Life                                                                           $60.00

 French Year 9                                                                          $30.00

 French Year 10                                                                         $30.00

 Games as Text                                                                          $45.00

 Game Set Match                                                                         $65.00

 GOAL Year 9/10                                                                         $40.00

Year 9 & 10 2022 Parent Payments - Beaumaris Secondary College
Horrible Histories                                                                            $22.50

Innovate Year 9                                                                               $120.00

Innovate Year 10                                                                              $120.00

Inventions and Discoveries                                                                    $30.00

Japanese Year 9                                                                               $60.00

Japanese Year 10                                                                              $35.00

Life Through the Lens                                                                         $30.00

Making the Musician                                                                           $105.00

Marine Sanctuary                                                                              $335.00

Music Studio                                                                                  $55.00

Snapshot                                                                                      $30.00

Survival Skills                                                                               $335.00

Sustainable Development                                                                       $467.00

Sustainable Food Solutions                                                                    $40.00

The Big Bang                                                                                  $50.00

The Body Lab                                                                                  $150.00

The Great Outdoors                                                                        $1,000.00

The Greatest Novels of All Times                                                              $45.00

The HeArt of it                                                                               $30.00

The Hopes & Horrors of Humanity - Year 10                                                     $35.00

Words at Work - Year 10                                                                       $15.00

You are what you Eat: Food as Medicine                                                        $25.00

               Extra-curricular Items and Activities totals are based on Specialism choices

Year 9 & 10 2022 Parent Payments - Beaumaris Secondary College
Curriculum and Other Contributions Payment Plan
    Category                                                                      Total Amount

    Curriculum Contributions                                      Based on Specialism choices for Semester 1 & 2

    Other Contributions                                                               $300.00

    Tax-deductible Contributions                                                       $100.00

                                            Extra-curricular Items and Activities

          To be paid via Compass throughout the year for each event outside of the Curriculum and Other contributions

Payment Options
Payment options available commencing 25 January 2022:

•     In full

•     5 Monthly instalments

•     10 fortnightly instalments

The college will be utilising the Compass Billing module for payments, please see instructions on the
following page.

If you do not wish to use Compass, please contact the office on 8569 9200 to discuss alternative
payment options.

Year 9 & 10 2022 Parent Payments - Beaumaris Secondary College
A step by step guide to take you through paying your school contributions
through the Compass App or Browser.

Compass App                                       Web Browser
       Click the ‘Payment Centre’ Banner on             Select ‘School Fees’ from the
       your Home Page & select School Fees              3 Bars / Side Menu

                                                         Handy Tips & Tricks
                                                            You can access your payment history via
                                                         Cog icon > My Payments.
  Goodbye cash handling!
                                                            All transactions will send a receipt to your
   The Compass Payments Centre
     allows you to pay anytime,                          email.
   anywhere - reducing foot traffic
                                                           Access your Events & School contributions
   and contact in the school office.
                                                         all in the one place.
                                                           Chip away at your fees, whenever suits you.
                                                           Choose from a number of instalment

Year 9 & 10 2022 Parent Payments - Beaumaris Secondary College
A Parent’s Guide to Billing
Complete your Contributions
Each contribution/payment will detail whether
this is a standard or donation fee, and can be
adjusted, to chip away at each

You’ll always be able to access

time, anywhere.

Choose your Payment Method & process payment
Once you’re happy with the amount chosen, you can choose to pay in full or via instalments.

Refund Policy
Refunding Payment/s for College Activities

A refund for activities will depend on the College recouping payments which have been outlaid in good
faith by the College on behalf of the student, i.e. If the activity attracts an entry fee this fee will only be
refunded if the College does not need to pay the fee for those who do not attend and have been booked
to attend. Similarly, if a bus is hired, the cost of the bus must be covered before a refund may be given.
This applies in all circumstances including illness with a medical certificate.
Any refund request must be made in writing. Advice regarding refunds will be provided once events have
been reconciled and all suppliers paid. Please note that this could take approximately 30 days.

The College will only refund the cost of a camp or overnight activity if the College is able to recoup any
payment outlaid to the providers of such camp or overnight activity. Similarly, if a bus is hired, the cost of
the bus must be covered before a refund may be given. This applies in all circumstances including illness
with a medical certificate.
Any refund request must be made in writing.

In certain circumstances the College is required to pay a non-refundable deposit for an activity. When this
is the situation, a non-refundable deposit will be required as an expression of interest for an activity. This
will not be refunded if the student does not continue with the activity. The documentation sent to parents
will advise that the deposit is non-refundable.

Beaumaris Secondary College Council has approved this policy and will review the policy in line with any
future changes to Government policy and Beaumaris College objectives annually.

Reviewed April 2021
Ratified by School Council


           •     Schools provide students with free instruction and ensure students have free access to all
                 items, activities and services that are used by the school to fulfil the standard curriculum
                 requirements in Victorian Curriculum F-10, VCE and VCAL.
           •     Schools may invite parents to make a financial contribution to support the school.

           Schools can request contributions from parents under three categories:

                Curriculum Contributions                     Other                 Extra-Curricular Items and
                                                          Contributions                    Activities
               Voluntary financial
               contributions for curriculum     Voluntary financial              Items and activities that
               items and activities which       contributions for non-           enhance or broaden the
               the school deems necessary       curriculum items and             schooling experience of
               for students to learn the        activities that relate to the    students and are above and
               Curriculum.                      school’s functions and           beyond what the school
                                                objectives.                      provides for free to deliver
                                                                                 the Curriculum. These are
                                                                                 provided on a user-pays

           •     Schools may also invite parents to supply or purchase educational items to use and own
                 (e.g. textbooks, stationery, digital devices).

          •     Schools put in place financial hardship arrangements to support families who cannot pay for
                items or activities so that their child doesn’t miss out.
          •     Schools have a nominated parent payment contact person(s) that parents can have a
                confidential discussion with regarding financial hardship arrangements.

          •     Schools must obtain school council approval for their parent payment arrangements and
                publish all requests and communications for each year level on their school website for

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117/136 Reserve Road, Beaumaris VIC 3193
            03 8569 9200
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