Year 11 2021 Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 29 July 2020 Welcome This evening we will discuss the various - Emmanuel ...

Page created by Johnnie Lopez
Year 11 2021 Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 29 July 2020 Welcome This evening we will discuss the various - Emmanuel ...
Year 11 2021 Parent Information Evening
              Wednesday 29 July 2020

      This evening we will discuss the various
  pathways and the process for Subject Selection as
       your child prepares for Year 11 in 2021
Year 11 2021 Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 29 July 2020 Welcome This evening we will discuss the various - Emmanuel ...
Year 11 2021
Parent Information Evening
• Welcome Leo Di Gregorio
• Year 11 2020 Peter Sackett & Sue Beedie
   • Year 10 Reports
   • Pathways & Options
   • WACE
• Course Selection Process Miranda Dempsey
• Head of Year Jessica Carlucci
• HOLAs available for questions
Year 11 2021 Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 29 July 2020 Welcome This evening we will discuss the various - Emmanuel ...
College Prayer
God of the journey,

We come trusting in your son, Jesus Christ, keep us aware of your
presence, be our strength, as we strive to do the best we can,
encourage us to be fair, compassionate, respectful, and to serve
others and guide us always in following your way.

Bless and strengthen all of our Emmanuel community, as we
continue to grow and learn, nurtured by the Holy Spirit. Through
all that we encounter in our lives remind us often that you are truly
with us.

And lead us in faith, as we go forward on the journey.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Year 11 2021 Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 29 July 2020 Welcome This evening we will discuss the various - Emmanuel ...
Acknowledgment of Country

Noongar Whadjak people
We would like to acknowledge the Noongar Whadjak people
who are the traditional owners of this land we are meeting
on today.

We would also like to pay our respects to the elders past
and present of the Noongar Whadjak people and extend
that respect to other Aboriginal people present today.
Year 11 2021 Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 29 July 2020 Welcome This evening we will discuss the various - Emmanuel ...
Key messages for tonight
• To better understand the Year 10 to 11 Student Undertaking.
• To understand the process of Year 11 2021 subject selection.
• To gain an understanding of different pathways through Year 11 and 12.
• To understand the potential that each pathway has, relevant to a
   student’s destination, post-school.
• To know where to get support and information to assist in the process.
• It is complex so there are no silly questions!
Year 11 2021 Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 29 July 2020 Welcome This evening we will discuss the various - Emmanuel ...
Deputy Principal Curriculum

Year 11 2021
   Year 10 Reports
   Pathways & Options
Year 11 2021 Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 29 July 2020 Welcome This evening we will discuss the various - Emmanuel ...
Why make Choices?
Year 11 2021 Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 29 July 2020 Welcome This evening we will discuss the various - Emmanuel ...
University Ready
    • Most direct pathway for University entry
    • Require at least 4 ATAR subjects in Year 12 for ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank)
    • Compulsory Exams
• University Preparation (eg FlexiTrack)
• Certificate IV (ATAR English)
• Alternate entry (eg Portfolio)
Year 11 2021 Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 29 July 2020 Welcome This evening we will discuss the various - Emmanuel ...
Work Ready
• Apprenticeships
• Workplace

• Numerous options available for Year 11 & 12 students
Year 11 2021 Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 29 July 2020 Welcome This evening we will discuss the various - Emmanuel ...
Which course type are you most suited to?
ATAR Courses rely upon student's success in
assessment types such as tests and exams.
A & B grades essential.

General Courses, students should ensure that they are
achieving the best possible grade. C grades are not
necessarily setting the student up for the future.
Reading your report

What is the report telling us
• Look at the report and assess where you meet the criteria
• ATAR courses: B grades or higher
• How do you perform in examinations?
• What are the attributes telling us about out motivation, application and study habits
• General Courses attaining C grades or higher
Reading your report – Student A
Reading your report – Student B
Reading your report – Student C
Reading your report – Student D
ATAR Calculation
Must study 4 or more ATAR subjects
•   Based on 50% Course mark & 50% WACE examination
•   Tertiary Entrance Aggregate (TEA) is calculated by adding the best 4 scaled scores
    (TEA out of 400)
•   Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is based on the TEA.
     •   It ranks students from zero to 99.95%.
     •   It is portable across Australia
To achieve success, particularly in ATAR

       Academic aptitude & Background knowledge

           Appropriate work ethic & study habits

         Suitability to learning style of that subject
Year 12 Pathways
                    Pathways                                   Recommended for                      Year 12 Subjects
                                                             Students who meet all
                                   ATAR                  prerequisites for at least 4 ATAR       At least 4 ATAR Subjects
                                                              Students not meeting
                                                                                                       Certificate IV
                                                         prerequisites for at least 4 ATAR
                               Certificate IV                                                          ATAR English
                                                          subjects, and intend to attend
                                                                                              + 4 other General/VET courses
                                                                  Curtin or ECU
 University Ready                                             Students not meeting
                       University Preparation Courses
                                                         prerequisites for at least 4 ATAR              FlexiTrack
                       (eg. FlexiTrack High – Murdoch
                                                          subjects, and intend to attend      + 5 other General/VET courses
                                                                  Murdoch Uni
                                                        Students with intention to attend        6 General/VET courses
                               Portfolio Entry          Notre Dame or selected courses at       (Meet with Mrs Beedie to
                                                             ECU, Curtin or Murdoch               discuss best options)
                                                        Students wishing to continue their
   Work Ready               TAFE or Employment           study at TAFE, or looking to enter      6 General/VET courses
                                                                   the workforce
Subject Selection

            In Year 11 & 12 all courses are Year long

       Therefore selecting the right course is essential

  Opportunities to change subject selection after Semester 2 Examinations.
         Limitations to changing subjects after the start of Year 11
It does not matter the pathway, success is determined by …
Set students up for success
Placement of a student in a program of study that is too difficult or does not interest them
often leads to a loss of enthusiasm, self-esteem, confidence and eventually to failure.

•   It is possible for a student to miss out on both TAFE and University through poor subject

•   There are an increasing number of pathways between TAFE and University and vice versa.

•   There is an increased range of ways to access a University education outside of the
    traditional ATAR method.
Be realistic
Students are advised to select subjects based on, not only those that interest them, but
“mainly on the basis of those in which they have the background to achieve success”

Past history strongly indicates that achievement in Years 9 & 10 is a very good predictor of
performance in related courses in Years 11 and 12.

Year 10 Semester One results are used to determine whether students have the necessary
background to achieve success in that subject.
Workplace Ready Pathways

Selection of VET (Certificate courses) or General Courses

Profile placements available to study selected courses at
TAFE- Funded Vocational Certificate courses.

Workplace Learning available- Endorsed program.
Must also study subject Careers & Enterprise.
Profile Placements- attending TAFE in Years 11 and 12

 Profile placement at North Metropolitan
    TAFE or South Metropolitan TAFE
    Funded                            Applications are
  Vocational       Students in year        online          Places
   Certificate     10 can apply for
courses- usually        2021.         Close 30 August    competitive
one day a week.                            2020
Profile Placements

    Information you require to
   upload with your application
 recent                               References/
             contact   USI   Resume
 school                               Certificates
Private RTOs

  Private RTO’s include, but are
          not limited to;
   MPA         College of
 Plumbing      Electrical
                             are open.
and Painting    Training
Off site one day per week …

  Students who attend TAFE for
        one day a week;
Must maintain        Balance TAFE   Be ready for an
school grades         and school    adult learning
(C minimum)          commitments     environment.
Off-site one day per week …

  Students who attend TAFE for
        one day a week;
  Workplace                         Benefits post
                     holidays and
requirements                          Year 12.
                     exam breaks
TAFE Requirements – post Year 12

Entry is based upon           Work Experience- paid     Employers are looking
point system and is           and unpaid.              for people who are “job
linked to:                                             ready” and see value in
                              • Workplace Learning
                                                         the skills acquired at
• School Grades attained in   • Part time employment
  Years 10, 11 and 12                                      TAFE and in work
Year 12 in 2021
Information for Year 10 Students
and their Parents
The WASSA – All students

All students receive a Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement
(WASSA) when they complete Year 12.
   formally records a student’s achievement in every course, qualification and
    program that the student has completed in senior secondary schooling
   provides evidence of achievement.

   The Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) is awarded to
    students who have successfully completed senior secondary schooling in WACE
    studies and have met the WACE requirements.
   The majority of students in Western Australia achieve the WACE.
   Study towards the WACE can be undertaken over a lifetime.
WACE requirements
Students must:
   complete one of three course combination options
     ▪   complete at least four Year 12 ATAR courses* OR
     ▪   complete at least five Year 12 General courses and/or ATAR courses or equivalent
     ▪   complete a Certificate II (or higher) VET qualification in combination with ATAR,
         General or Foundation courses
   demonstrate the literacy and numeracy standards
   meet the requirements for breadth and depth of study
   meet the achievement standard.
Literacy and numeracy standard
Students must demonstrate minimum standards of literacy and numeracy by
   demonstrating the standard through the Online Literacy and Numeracy
    Assessment (OLNA); or
   pre-qualifying for a particular component by achieving Band 8 or higher in
    reading, writing and numeracy in their Year 9 NAPLAN and being exempted
    from that component in the OLNA.
Breadth and depth requirement

Students must complete a minimum of 20 units or the equivalent, including:
   a minimum of ten Year 12 units or the equivalent
   four units from an English course, post-Year 10, including at least one pair of
    Year 12 units from an English learning area course
   one pair of Year 12 units from List A
   one pair of Year 12 units from List B.
Achievement standard requirement

Students must achieve 14 C grades or higher (or equivalents) in Year 11 and Year
12 units, including at least six C grades (or equivalents) in Year 12 units.
For students
Websites for students and parents

Pathway Planning
As parents we need to assist our children,
however, it is their future and they must
      take control in getting there!
Subject Selection
Students select 6 Subjects:
•   Religion & Life (ATAR or General or Certificate III in Christian Ministry and Theology)
•   English or Literature (ATAR or General)
•   4 more (at least one must be from List B)

Four Simple Steps to assist
•   Research what they would like to do when they leave school
•   Identify an appropriate pathway
•   Determine if any prerequisite (university) or preferred (TAFE) subjects are required
    for their selected pathway
•   Ask Questions
Course Entry Requirements: Pre-requisites
Pre-requisites stated in Handbook
Indicates level of demonstrated ability shown through the student’s:
    • Aptitude & Background Knowledge
    • Study habits & Work Ethic
    • Suitability to learning style of subject

Past history would suggest that achievement in Year 10 is a very good predictor of
performance in related courses in Years 11 and 12.
Demonstrated success at Year 10 level is essential
Course Entry Requirements
In the case where a pre-requisite is not achieved, but required. Request through Waiver:

    •   Not advised unless necessary
    •   Maximum of 1 Waiver permitted (within 5% of prerequisite)
    •   2 other subjects must be greater than 5% above prerequisite
    •   HOLA supported
    •   Form signed by student, parent & submitted at Subject Selection meeting
NB. Students can have their subject selection reconsidered after Semester 2 results. Please make
appointment with Deputy Principal.
Subject Options
Information in Handbook
Recent changes
• Certificate III in Christian Ministry & Theology
• Range of Certificate courses available
• Larger variety of General Subjects on offer, particularly Arts
   Technologies, HaSS, Health & Psychology
• Ability to access University from a general pathway
• Permitted to study English & Literature ATAR
• Foundation courses in English and Mathematics for OLNA support
Deputy Principal Year 9 & 10

Subject Selection Process
   Where to from here?
Where to from here?

  As a College we pride                                Interviews next week.
  ourselves in preparing
     students for the
                             Course counselling will   Please use the link and
pathways that they wish
                                allow students to      personal login code to
to attain. In doing so, we
                              obtain the best result   book an appointment
aim to do this by placing
                               for Year 11 in 2021.       with your Course
 students into pathways
   that they can have                                        Counsellor
Where to from here?
                             Complete the Subject
                               selection for 2021
                             booklet, ensuring you
Book subject selection         have checked the
                                                            Attend interview
      interview             subjects offered inside,
                             met the pre-requisite
                              and waiver signed if

                Select Subjects based on Semester 1 results.
 We can always look at changing these after semester 2 has been completed.
•   Refer to the Subject Selection Booklet. Instructions are on page 3.
•   Interviews held next week (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday)
•   Course counsellors have been assigned.
•   How to book……
Head of Year 10
Miss Jessica Carlucci

The Pastoral Program theme this year is 'COMPASS' Helping students to navigate
their way through the many opportunities that are available to them.
Find The Balance

• School commitments

• Family commitments

• Part time job

• Social life

• Friendships and relationships
Important Dates For Semester 2


•   August 11/18 – Armed for Life Guest Speaker
•   October 22 - Youth Alcohol & Road Injury Prevention - PBF
•   October 27 – RAC Back Seat Driver Presentation
•   November 3 – Armed for Life Leadership Skills Workshop
Important Dates For Semester 2
•   August 27, 28 & October 12 - Pupil Free Days
•   Round Two OLNA - September 1 (Writing), September 18 (Reading), September 23 (Numeracy)
•   November 9 - Year Ten River Cruise (Subject to Christian Service Hours completion)
•   November 19 to 25 - Year Ten Exams
•   December 1 - Presentation Night
•   December 2 - Year Ten Peer Support Training Day
•   December 4 - Year Ten Final Day
HOLAs are available for your convenience
•   Miss Lana Turner                 Religious Education
•   Mrs Vanessa Daly                 English & Languages
•   Mrs Claire Wallace               Mathematics
•   Ms Kerry Randall                 Science
•   Mrs Kylie Kingdon (Mr Bellini)   Humanities
•   Mr Ryan Henley (Mr Parry)        Physical & Health Education
•   Mr Brad Nicholas                 Technology and Enterprise
•   Mrs Sherie Chant                 The Arts
•   Mrs Sue Beedie                   Careers & VET
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