Yapton News MARCH 2021 - Issue No. 106 - Yapton Parish Council

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Yapton News MARCH 2021 - Issue No. 106 - Yapton Parish Council
Yapton News
MARCH 2021   Issue No. 106
Yapton News MARCH 2021 - Issue No. 106 - Yapton Parish Council
Yapton Parish Council                                                    Parish Council Information
   The Clerk of the Council (Andrew Gardiner)                                                      Stephen Haymes,
       is currently working from home. Face to                                                   Woodlands Park House,
     face contact is limited but the Clerk can be                                           Main Road, Yapton, BN18 0EZ
          contacted by phone: 01243 859141                                                        Tel: 01243 551475
          or by e-mail; Clerk@yaptonpc.gov.uk.                                          Email: Stephen.Haymes@yaptonpc.gov.uk
   Please also visit the Parish Council’s website at
                  www.yaptonpc.gov.uk                                                              Vice-Chairman
                                                                                                     Peter Dunkley,
             if you need more information
                                                                                         14 Navigation Drive, Yapton, BN18 0FS
                                                                                                   Tel: 07766 221550
                                                                                           Email: Peter.Dunkley@yaptonpc.gov.uk
               Yapton’s PCSO is Natalie Shrimpton.
               Natalie can be contacted, and                                                          Members
               the same for all Sussex Police                                                        Derek Ambler,
               non-emergencies matters by dialing 101
               or e-mailing 101@sussex.pnn.police.                                         11 Graham Road, Yapton, BN18 0JT
 uk or reporting online.                                                                           Tel: 01243 551156
                                                                                           Email: Derek.Ambler@yaptonpc.gov.uk
 Your local Police and Community Support Officer is no
 longer available at the Parish Council Office.                                                      Peter Dunkley,
                                                                                         14 Navigation Drive, Yapton, BN18 0FS
                                                                                                   Tel: 07766 221550
                                                                                           Email: Peter.Dunkley@yaptonpc.gov.uk
                                                                                                   Philippa Greenan,
                                                                                          35 Tack Lee Road, Yapton, BN18 0HB
                   Monthly Meetings Update                                               Email: Philippa.Greenan@yaptonpc.gov.uk
Although we are unable to continue publicly there is activity behind the                           Graham Holden,
scenes. Our hoped for re-start to our monthly get togethers is still on with the
                                                                                                   Tel: 07763 482420
guided tour around Chichester with our long-time friend, Paul Ulson as guide,
in May. Members will be kept informed personally while public notices will               Email: Graham.Holden@yaptonpc.gov.uk
appear around the village and on our web-site.                                                      Vicky Newman,
You are all aware of the situation regarding Covid-19 so all I need to say is                      Tel: 01243 551207
please be careful and take all precautions to keep safe
                                                                                          Email: Vicky.Newman@yaptonpc.gov.uk
                Allen Misselbrook Tel: 01243 552715                                                 Amanda Worne,
Email: allen@yaptonhistory.org.uk Web-site www.yaptonhistory.org.uk
                                                                                                   Tel: 07955 723232
                                                                                         Email: Amanda.Worne@yaptonpc.gov.uk

                   District Councillors:                                           The Parish Council currently has 3 vacancies
                           Henry Jones,
   6 Mill View Road, Yapton, Nr Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 0JL
              E-mail: Cllr.Henry.Jones@arun.gov.uk
                                                                                   Vacant, (Michael Caiger has been appointed to oversee
                        Amanda Worne,                                                and manage the Allotments. Tel: 01243 552435)
   21 Giles Close, Yapton, Nr Arundel, West Sussex BN18 0LG                                    Emergency & Resilience
          E-mail: Cllr.Amamda.Worne@arun.gov.uk                                             Philippa Greenan, Graham Holden,
                                                                                             Amanda Worne, 1 vacant place

                   County Councillors:                                                                  Planning
                                                                                       Derek Ambler, Peter Dunkley, Graham Holden,
  Middleton division: Jacky Pendleton, Oakdene House,                                      Mrs Vicky Newman, Amanda Worne
    44 Southdean Drive, Middleton-on-Sea, PO22 7TB                                                    Playing Field
            Email jacky.pendleton@westsussex.gov.uk                                            Peter Dunkley, 1 vacant place
                      Tel 01243 585979                                                                   Staffing
                                                                                     Stephen Haymes, Peter Dunkley, Philippa Greenan
                      Felpham division: Vacant
Yapton News MARCH 2021 - Issue No. 106 - Yapton Parish Council
 Yapton News                                                       MARCH 2021 | Issue 106

I find I am writing this piece shortly after            There will be a further easing on 29 March,
the 1st March, which is the Meteorological              with groups of up to six people or two
First Day of Spring, and the weather outside            households allowed to gather in parks and
is very changeable, with strong cold winds              gardens. Formally organised outdoor sports -
and then bright sunny periods. In the few               for adults and under 18s - can also restart and
days last week we were treated to bright                will not be subject to the gathering’s limits.
sunny days with temperatures well above
normal. I took the opportunity of doing a               Shops, hairdressers, gyms and outdoor
little bit of post-winter tidying-up in my              hospitality, as well as self-contained holiday
garden and was pleased to see that there are            accommodation, could reopen on 12 April.
definitely some signs of spring growth and              A review of international leisure travel
we hope, the promise of sunnier and warmer              restrictions could also be announced.
weather ahead. There is plenty of evidence              From 17 May, two households or a group of
of green shoots sprouting on the hydrangea              six may be able to meet indoors in a pub or
and the roses, the same roses which were still          other hospitality venue such as restaurants.
in flower over Christmas 2020. Our garden
plants always seem so resilient and I think we          Cinemas, museums, hotels, performances
are very fortunate to live in the area where            and sporting events will also reopen, with
our climate is very moderate.                           up to 30 people able to attend weddings,
                                                        receptions, funerals and wakes.
Some good news as I am writing this piece
for the magazine, is that it is very pleasing           The final step from 21 June will potentially
that the Government has successfully hit                see all legal limits on social contact removed,
their first target, offering vaccinations to            with the final closed sectors of the economy
all those in the first four priority groups by                                   reopened - such as
Mid-February. We hope that this success                                          nightclubs.
continues, and vaccinations carry on being                                      In the meantime –
offered at a rapid pace to those next priority                                  please continue to
groups in line, bringing us one cautious step                                   follow the rules and
nearer to being able to meet face-to-face                                       keep well and safe.
In the first step of the Prime Minister’s
Roadmap, all pupils in England’s schools are
expected to return to class from 8th March,             Andrew Gardiner
with mass testing and wider use of face masks           Email: Clerk@yaptonpc.gov.uk
in secondary schools.                                   Published by Yapton Parish Council

Cover picture - St Mary’s Church by Elaine Cordingley
Yapton News MARCH 2021 - Issue No. 106 - Yapton Parish Council
The Old Ford Canal
                                   - BY CHRIS SPRULES -

Close your eyes and imagine you are travelling       benefits all. All we need is for the community
from Ford to Hunston (Chichester) on the old         to come together and make it happen. You
canal route on a lovely warm summer’s day.           don’t need to volunteer for working groups
You have the South Downs in the distance             (although we’re very keen to hear from you
and the only sound is from the rustling trees        if you are interested…)! We just need your
and birds singing. You stop to pass the time         support and your voice to give our council
of day with a cyclist and a little further on, you   leaders a clear message that this is something
meet a horse and his rider. You then come            we want to happen, something that will last
across a working group who are busy clearing         for ever and that we can be proud of.
a path under what looks like a brick wall. On        So, what are we looking to do? Here is a very
closer inspection, you can see it is a lovely old    brief summary but full details are on our social
canal bridge. No barges in sight but you can         media pages (and I’ve included all of the links
see the curve of the canal and you can just          below):
imagine the towpath…
                                                     • Planning applications that impact on the
Ok, so we’re not there yet but this isn’t such       canal route - we have tried very hard to
an impossible dream. The historic Ford to            ensure that the canal route through the Ford
Hunston canal was abandoned in 1855 but              Airfield site is protected by the numerous
the traces are still out there – the seeds           comments added to the planning application.
to build a community GREENWAY which                  We have explained that it is protected in the

Yapton News MARCH 2021 - Issue No. 106 - Yapton Parish Council
local plan and requested that the GREENWAY         led by Andrew Saunders, is working on
forms part of this development. If agreed, this    this project and this will provide a peaceful
would create the off-road section from Ford        stopping point along the GREENWAY.
to Yapton and the schools and shops
                                                   So, if you believe that it’s a good idea then we
• At Drove lane site, the developers have          all need to help make it happen, I would be
agreed to leave the old canal alone (stretch       very happy to speak to you if you would like
opposite Bonhams Field) and we are trying          to make contact.
to persuade them to deliver our GREENWAY
                                                    Remember, we need to continually challenge
on the stretch of land they own alongside it.
                                                   all planning applications and garner support
Under the trees, at the top of Drove Lane,
                                                   from our great local Councillors. I’m pleased
is the old Bridge and we have asked that a
                                                   to say that Nick Gibb, our member of
feature be made of this.
                                                   parliament, is very supportive and we need
• Our hardworking Neighbourhood team               to continue to gather support from Arun
having just updated the village plan and           District Council, West Sussex County Council
have made it clear that we need new paths          and you.
around Burndell Bridge and along the top of
Downview Close field. This will create a link
between the Airfield and the village.
                                                   Chris Sprules
• The entire route of the canal from Ford          FORD to HUNSTON GREENWAY
to Hunston is on footpaths so we need the          Chrissprules27@gmail.com
support of neighbours and landowners to get        https://www.facebook.com/
them upgraded to all user paths.                   groups/297985974671964
• We are working on this project with the          The Burndell Bridge Society
‘Friends of the Old Ford to Hunston Canal          https://www.facebook.com/
 Group’ to ensure that the canal is protected      groups/2743080685955408/?multi_
 and where possible that further canal artefacts   permalinks=2797433590520117
 be recovered.
                                                   Friends of the old Ford to Hunston Canal
• Saving and restoring the Burndell Bridge –       https://www.facebook.com/
some of you will be aware that a local group,      groups/1267202743416643

Yapton News MARCH 2021 - Issue No. 106 - Yapton Parish Council
a great walk from the River Arun at Ford as far as Chichester though
 m. Located between Downview Road and Navigation drive (named i
               The Bridge,
 es a long forgotten  Burndell       Bridge
                                Burndell         Society
                                         Bridge. Heavily overgrown this m
                          - BY ANDREW SAUNDERS -
 ble from the air but is just about negotiable underneath.

        Hidden in the village is a monument to the   to London via the the river Arun, Arun
      Ford good      condition
            to Hunston   Canal whichthis    is the
                                     put Yapton   on focus    of our
                                                      Navigation,        group,
                                                                   The Wey         TheCanal,
                                                                             and Arun   Burndell
                                                                                             Wey   B
      the map when transport started in the area in and Godalming Navigations, The Basingstoke
ore the
      the bridge
           early 1800s.and   make
                          Opening     thethearea
                                  on May       26th more
                                                      canal, appealing,        makeShepperton
                                                              River Wey Navigation,    the passage
      1823, the canal connected the lock at Ford and locks to Richmond and then the Thames
y suitable
      (Next tofor    wheelchairs
                the Ship and Anchor pub)and    pushchairs,
                                        to Birdham,   to the Cityand     evenShipments
                                                                    of London.  facilitate    pedest
      Chichester with a spur to Chichester.           general heavy goods, coal, chalk as well as
ask but    much simpler than many restorations
      From here tugs took the barges to Milton and
                                                                        on canals. We also hop
                                                      munitions and bullion.

      then            theviavillage
            the dockyards             to familiarise
                              another canal  section. Manythetracespublic    withbut
                                                                     remain today, themany
            canal was designed to link Portsmouth been lost, demolished, collapsed, built on or

Yapton News MARCH 2021 - Issue No. 106 - Yapton Parish Council
Picture courtesy of The Yapton History Group
Picture   curteousy The Yapton history Group.
     filled in. Remains exist of Drove Lane bridge hope to establish signage and features around
      for example. The route is still largely accessible   the village to familiarise the public with the
     bywith    Tack
         foot and   Leea great
                  makes   bridgewalkatfrom
                                            end   of The
                                               River      Pines
                                                      history      these
                                                              of the canal. two bridges offer an idea
     Arun at Ford as far as Chichester though I
the village
     tend toin  theit1800s
               make          and
                      as far as    make aLocated
                                Barnham.      tributePaired
                                                      to the    history
                                                             with  Tack Leeand   culture
                                                                             bridge at the of
                                                                                               of The esp
                                                      Pines these two bridges offer an idea of the
with the   dramatic
     between          changes
                Downview    Road over     the past 20extent
                                  and Navigation       years. of the village in the 1800s and make
      Drive (named in reference to the canal) there
                                                      a tribute to the history and culture of Yapton,
      lies a long forgotten Bridge, Burndell Bridge.
                                                      especially relevant with the dramatic changes
      Heavily overgrown this monument to our past
                                                      over the past 20 years.
      is not visible from the air but is just about
Feel free         underneath.
             to join our group on Facebook, The       Feel  free to join
                                                          Burndell       our group
                                                                       Bridge      on Facebook,
                                                                                Society          The upda
                                                                                         for news,
                                                      Burndell Bridge Society for news, updates,
       In remarkably good condition this is the focus
      of our group, The Burndell Bridge Society. Our
                                                      links and history. You can also contact us on
     aim is to restore the bridge and make the area
      more appealing, make passage underneath We are always on the look out for pictures
      more user friendly suitable for wheelchairs and articles so do send anything you have in.
     and pushchairs, and even facilitate pedestrian Pictures of Burndell bridge are few and far
You can
     access also contact
              over.         us task
                    Not a small on burndellbridgesociety@gmail.com
                                    but much simpler between!
      than many restorations on canals. We also

We are always on the look out for pictures and articles so do send anything you hav
Yapton News MARCH 2021 - Issue No. 106 - Yapton Parish Council
Gardening Hints and Tips
                                - BY DAVID DONOVAN -

Although by no means a novel concept,
vegetables can be grown cheek-by-jowl with
annuals and tender perennials in the flower
border as they occupy the ground for about
the same periods of time.
A pyramid of sticks or canes to support
runner beans could complement a trellis of
sweet peas. If the latter are not for exhibition
quality cut flowers, the growing of which is
a considerable discipline, then the seeds can
be sown in pots or the open ground in April,
two or three weeks ahead of the runner beans.
Sweet peas come in a broad range of colours:
purple, lavender, blue, red, pink, cream and
white, essentially muted in effect. The beans
cannot compete with the spectrum available
in sweet peas, but there is an intensity in the
limited hues of red, red and white and pink,
plus a staple crop of the home garden as the
result. The sweet peas need to be routinely
cleared of fading flowers to prevent any seed
pod formation and to secure an extended
season of blossoms.
For first choice of colourful foliage in beans, the other red beans, in short pods.
vegetables, swiss chard is self-selecting. There Broad beans have scented flowers, sweet but
is a nineteenth century five colour selection musky.
still available, but the modern `Bright Lights’
                                                  The modern mangetout, `eat-all’ garden pea
is preferable as the range of colour is greater,
                                                 `Shiraz’ has light purple flowers not unlike
and more intensely pigmented. Chard is an
                                                  those of the farmers’ field pea, but for rich
easy vegetable to grow and cook; its `cut-
                                                  blue or purple flowers a few potatoes grown
and-come-again’ character gives a harvesting
                                                  for their heavily pigmented tubers, such as
spell of up to a year from sowing in the open
                                                 `Arran Victory’ or `Salad Blue’, could make the
ground to clearing the old plants.
                                                  flower border.
Coloured foliage cabbages were known in
                                                  A final suggestion would be to grow a modern
the Victorian era. Its modern counterpart, of
                                                  rhubarb with its highly coloured red sticks, a
Japanese origin, is much grown for municipal
                                                  long-lived perennial vegetable, for harvest
parks and gardens, whether for over-wintering
                                                  from March to May and complemented by
or for summer bedding schemes.
                                                  spring bedding plants. In the summer, the
In the domestic ornamental garden, it is rhubarb loses its appeal of ornamentation
possible to grow either of the red flowered and can be hidden behind a strong growing
broad bean selections, one producing green bedding plant.

Yapton News MARCH 2021 - Issue No. 106 - Yapton Parish Council
Yapton News MARCH 2021 - Issue No. 106 - Yapton Parish Council
Bailiffscourt Hotel & Spa, Clymping
                   From Pontus & Miranda Carminger,
                         Joint Managing Directors
Further to the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday, we are delighted to see light at
      We are delighted to extend this exclusive offer
the end of the tunnel, with the announcement of the 4 stage plan permitting the re-opening
of our hotels on Monday 17th May. Please be aware that as of Monday 17th May 2021 some
           to you to come and enjoy lunch at
restrictions will still apply, including indoors, the rule of 6 or 2 households and outdoors,
gatherings of up to a maximum of 30. There will no longer be the need for guests to order a
              Bailiffscourt Hotel, Climping
‘substantial meal’ with alcohol and no curfew which is a huge relief to us all, however guests
must order, eat and drink while seated.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to digest the Prime Minister’s latest update and
the information relevant to our industry as it unfolds. We will share further detail as soon
as we and our team have carefully read and understood the guidance and expectations for
hospitality and are absolutely clear on when and how we can safely welcome you back to our
hotels, spas and restaurants.
For now, as obliged by law, our hotels, spas, and restaurants remain closed.
Our aim, as always, is for our guests to feel confident and comfortable visiting our hotels,
spas and restaurants. At every step, we are working hard to familiarise ourselves with
these Government guidelines, and with the information, specific to our industry, from UK
Hospitality. We recognise that these are ever evolving and regularly review our processes and
procedures to ensure we are doing our best to keep you and our teams safe. Please keep an eye
on our COVID statement and social media channels for updates.
We ask and expect our teams, guests and members to continue to comply with our efforts and
measures to prevent both transmission and onward contamination of the COVID-19 virus,
summed up with this simple phrase:
‘Be together, safely spaced. Enjoy yourselves and respect others’
It has been heart-warming to see the support our hotels and spas received in 2020. It was an
incredibly difficult year for so many of us and the continued encouragement, and enthusiasm
to visit, from our guests has kept us going and will continue to keep us going through this

Enjoy a delicious two-course lunch for
We look forward to raising a glass of Sussex sparkling with you in the warmer months of
  just £15 .50 in our Hotel restaurant
Thank you
Pontus & Miranda
                                     Valid until Tuesday 31st March 2020
Monday 22nd February 2021

   To book, call 01903 723 511 or visit
   Climping Street, Climping, West Sussex, BN17 5RW
   Part of Historic Sussex Hotels Group

 This voucher entitles you to a two course lunch for £15.50 per person, or a three course lunch for £18.50 per person from our daily
 lunch menu and is valid until Tuesday 31st March 2020, Monday to Friday. Maximum eight guests per table. Excludes key dates,
Reflections from St Mary’s Church
                              - BY REVD. RICHARD HAYES -

Reflecting back over the past 12 months, what         a time to seek, and a time to lose;
can I say that hasn’t been felt and said already?     a time to keep, and a time to throw away;
We have had our lives turned upside down,             a time to tear, and a time to sew;
put on hold, interrupted and changed – none           a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
of us will be the same again. It’s wrong to talk      a time to love, and a time to hate;
of ‘going back to normal’, although we can look       a time for war, and a time for peace.’
forward to the gradual unlocking of our lives .       It’s simply saying that life is like this. It’s not
We have experienced the lows of life during           whether we’re religious or not, it’s not saying
lockdown. Family, friends and colleagues have         it’s great for those who believe and rubbish
been lost with limited opportunity for us to          for those who don’t. It’s just… like it is. We’re
mourn. Important moments of celebration in            hoping that soon we can all laugh more, dance
life have been reduced or cancelled – weddings,       more, embrace more, love more… but we will
birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, births.        also need to find time for silence, weeping,
Jobs have been threatened and lost, money             mourning.
has been short. Families have experienced             We also need to rebuild. As church
emotional pressure and our mental health has          communities we are aware of this. For long
suffered.                                             periods of time we have had to close our doors,
There have also been some moments where               missing favourite moments of being together,
our hearts have been touched. Moments of              yet it gives us an opportunity to think about
love, care and attention, times of unity and          what we need to be in the coming months and
hope. Signs of our common humanity.                   years. What we can be for you, our friends and
                                                      neighbours and how we can welcome visitors
Now we need to find time to heal a little.
                                                      and new comers. We want St Mary’s church,
We’re all bloodied and bruised and so we need         Yapton and St Andrew’s church, Ford to be
to care for each other even more.                     places where we can all come to celebrate
Some of us are old enough to remember the             and mourn, laugh and cry, be silent and speak.
song by the Byrds – ‘Turn, turn, turn’. You’ll also   Places and people who bring healing and hope.
know that it’s a rewrite from a bit in the bible.      Our churches will be open from Easter. At the
You might have heard it read at a funeral.             moment we still have to restrict numbers by
‘For everything there is a season, and a time for      asking people to ring me to book seats, but
 every matter under heaven:                            you’re really welcome to come and share in our
 a time to be born, and a time to die;                ‘rebuilding’ church process.
 a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is
 a time to kill, and a time to heal;
 a time to break down, and a time to build up;
 a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
a time to throw away stones, and a time to
gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from

Art Trail in Our Village
                                 - BY SUSIE OLFORD -
                   The Art Trail has been postponed until mid-July.
                      10 & 11th, then 17th and 18th July 2021.

There is a sense that all Artists are raring to go   You might be asked to wait before entering if
and have large quantities of art ready to share      the Venue is already full, hand sanitizer will be
with eager visitors. So fingers crossed for The      provided at our entrances and we will all wear
Open Studios Art Trail of 2021. Yapton Parish        face coverings. We will sanitize any touch
will have 4 Venues where artists will show           points and keep indoor areas ventilated. Please
their work in the making, and visitors have the      relax and enjoy.
opportunity to see original pieces of completed      From our Parish, you might wish to move to
work. On display will be sculpture, print            Felpham, Middleton/Elmer; or westwards
making, painting in watercolour, acrylic, oil and    through Barnham, Eastergate and Westergate
encaustic, as well as greetings cards. But, we       and onwards towards Chichester. For we are
are all in the hands of Government guidelines.       part of the Regis section of the Chichester
In May, we hope you will be able to visit your       Open Studios Art Trail, there is more to see if
Yapton artists, we’d like to bring some colourful    you travel west and north.
joy into your day. There will be two artists         As the saying goes, A Picture Paints a Thousand
in the village, one at Flansham and two at           Words so we tempt you with photographs of
Bilsham. We must ensure you are safe, you can        our work and we look forward to welcoming
socially distance, and browse at your leisure.       you in May.

                                                         Yearning Heart, Acrylic, Phil McCumskey
Amy Routledge is a full-time teacher and            using a wide variety of materials; she has
artist of abstract and impressionistic seascapes    always lived on the south coast where the
                                                    water and surrounding landscapes are a huge
                                                    inspiration. Amy paints en plein air, from
                                                    her studio or van, trying to capture an ever-
                                                    changing environment. Venue 46 in Yapton.

                                                    Phil McCumskey has been a writer, actor and
                                                    theatre director for many years and established
                                                    a video production company in Johannesburg.
                                                    With this creative streak, Phil recently
                                                    discovered painting - the learning curve is
                                                    steep, but fascinating. Brushes, palette knives,
                                                    spatulas, paint, canvas, paper; Phil has fallen
                                                    in love with all of them. He is currently busy
                                                    with his Red series. Venue 46 in Yapton. phil.

                                                    Fiona Champion’s paintings and sculptures
                                                    are inspired by animals seen either on safari or
                                                    in conservation programmes. Her passion is
                                                    especially for big cats. Through art, Fiona hopes
                                                    to reinforce awareness of the difficulties these
                                                    wonderful creatures face, and to inspire others
                                                    to think about the conservation of our planet.
                                                    Venue 45 at Bilsham. Easy parking at this and
                                                    the next venue (no.44). fionachampion.co.uk

                                                    Rupert Head is inspired by his travels around
                                                    England, nature and the open air especially the
            On Patrol, Acrylic, Fiona Champion      sea. Rupert was on HMY Britannia and painted
                                                    for the Royal Family, resulting in a painting in
                                                    the Royal collection. He works in watercolour,
                                                    acrylic and oil, and recently encaustic. Venue
                                                    44 at Bilsham. rhead.artist@btinternet.com

                                                    Susie Olford – I’m writing this article on behalf
                                                    of Yapton’s exhibitors. I too love the open air,
                                                    land or sea, clouds and weather moods but
                                                    never sad moods. and hoping to complete
                                                    paintings of Clymping beach before May. My
                                                    work is contemporary to express feeling rather
                                                    than rigid reality. It is colourful, painted in
                                                    oil or acrylic. Also on hand, my ever-popular
                                                    humorous Wine greetings cards with new
                                                    designs for 2021. Venue 38 at Flansham, a
                                                    spacious barn with ample parking. smoart@
                 Song of Light, Oil, Susie Olford
                                                                        Continued Overleaf
                                                                                             >    13
Yapton Art Trail

Sadly, this year our friends
and fellow Yapton artists Gill
and Karen (at Bilsham) will not
be opening their studios for
this Trail due to the current
Covid situation.        (Gill –
WildWonderCeramics – etsy).
(Karen – BerylPressPrints – etsy)
The Art Trail has been postponed
until mid-July. 10 & 11th, then
17th and 18th July 2021. Look
out for the green signs. The
2021 website is available at
chichesterarttrail.org. You’ll find
us in the Regis Section of the
information. Coloured brochures
will be available from any Venue
from mid-April. Free entry to all                        Rising Sun and Tide, Acrylic, Amy Routledge
Studios. The Trail could fall victim to Covid 19’s restrictions such that we are not permitted to
open our studios for you to visit. If this is the case, please feel free to contact us via our e-mail
or website. When the situation eases, we will be happy to display some of our work for you.
Meanwhile, enjoy the Spring, stay safe and we’ll see you soon.

                                                        Crannock Water, Watercolour, Rupert Head
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Update on Census
                                  - BY JOHN HEATON -

All households in Yapton will have received a      want everyone to be safely counted during
letter in the post from Census 2021 and I’m        the census. To do this, we’re making sure that
sure many of you will have filled in the census    our plans are always in line with the latest
form if you know who will be in your house         government safety guidelines. As you can
on the night of Census Day 21 March, and I         imagine, that means that they have been under
suspect most of us will. You’ll have seen the      constant review and been regularly tweaked.
national publicity campaign - on the television,   Our field officers will be working in the same
in the press and on social media - and that will   way as a postal or food delivery visit. They will
continue over the next month or so.                be wearing Personal Protective Equipment
                                                   and will never need to enter your house.
Any doubt about who’ll be home that night,
then complete it the day after or when you         If it’s safe and within government guidelines,
know. The access code on the letter is unique to   we will also be opening Census Support
your household and it’s                                                 Centres operated by West
really simple to fill it in                                             Sussex Libraries, to help
online, which is quicker,                                               people fill in their online
more efficient and                                                      questionnaire, or offer
more environmentally                                                    other support if that is not
friendly.       However,                                                possible.
that’s not for everybody
and the letter also                                                     At the end of last year,
tells you how to get a                                                  some people asked me
paper form, and how                                                     whether the census would
to access help if you                                                   go ahead and why now?
need it. We’re also                                                     We are all geared up and,
encouraging people to                                                   equally importantly, the
get help from friends                                                   information it provides
and family to complete                                                  is incredibly important.
their census if they                                                    The Office for National
need to.                                                                Statistics has used past
                                                                        census information to
Later in the month you will see distinctively      help us understand how the coronavirus
dressed census staff, with their i/d cards, on     (COVID-19) pandemic has affected people
the streets. They have all been recruited          in different ways and respond accordingly.
now and are raring to go. Some have already        Census 2021 will give us fresh information to
started helping in properties where lots of        improve our understanding of the pandemic.
people live. After Census Day and into April,      Although the questions in the census have
others will be visiting households from which      not been changed, the guidance about how to
we’ve not received a completed census form.        complete them in the light of the circumstances
They’ll encourage people to fill in the census     of how we are living and working through it has
and help them to access further help if they       been updated. The results will help to make
need it.                                           sure that the services you use meet the needs
In organising the teams, our main concern          of our changing society. This could include
is the safety of the public and our staff. We      hospitals, schools, universities and transport.

Tel: 558822 or 828025
First results will&
                    available within 12 months,
                                                         dams Airport Cars
                                                              Airport Cars
                                                          To Advertise in
although personal records will be locked away          “We go out of our way to help you on yours”
         years, keptand
                                   of generations.
                           for future
Incidentally, for those who are keen on
                                                         Yapton           News
                                                          Airports – Seaports – Theatres
   garden machinery
researching   family history, that means that the                Long distance trips        wsYNe
                                                                                      nYapeton   ws
                                                                                                                                                        Issue No. 106

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                                                                                                                               e No.
                                                                                                                    MARCH 2021

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                                                                                                       MARCH 2021                      MARC                             Issue No. 106
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1921 Census returns, taken not long after the                                                             ews
                                                                                                2021                                                          202
                                                                                                                                                                                        Issue No.
                                                                                           CH                                                                                                       106
                                                                                        MAR                                                                      1

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                                                                                                                                                                                                              e No.

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available - from 1 January 2022, in fact. After      Delivered to around
    loss of life during the war and the Spanish      1900 Households  in from
                                                                Gatwick       ££38.00
                                                                         Yapton 38.00
flu which followed it - that other devastating                Heathrow from £    60.00
pandemic just over 100 years ago - the
increase in the population decade on decade
                                                        Call 0124301903
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was in single figures for the first time since the
census began, just 5% compared to an average
growth of 13.6% since 1801. It was also the
only time in the history of the census that a         DMCHAINSAWS
question was asked about orphans.
Those 1921 census details are particularly
important because they will be the last ones                         H Husqvarna                       STIHL
published until 2051! All the records for the
                                                              Chainsaws, Strimmers
1931 census for England and Wales were                      Mowers, Garden Tractors
destroyed by fire in December 1942, during                 Blowers, Compactor Plates
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Office of Works in Hayes in an event that was         We also supply Robin, Hayter, Makita, Oregon,
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not attributed to enemy action. There was 24
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there was talk at the time of an unextinguished
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                                                       Walberton Park Farm, Yapton Lane
cigarette end… There was no census taken in
1941 due to the Second World War; however,
                                                        Walberton, Arundel BN18 0AS
the register taken as a result of the National             www.dmchainsaws.com
Registration Act 1939, which was released
into the public domain on a subscription basis
in 2015 with some redactions, captures many            ROD SPRINGER
of the same details as the census and has also         Painter & Decorator
assumed greater significance following the                 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR
destruction of the 1931 census.                                  DECORATIONS
                                                           reliable with over 35 years
John Heaton, the local Census Engagement                            experience
Manager will be liaising very closely with the                             NO JOB TOO SMALL                                                                             •
people on the ground, sharing his knowledge                                  FREE ESTIMATES                                                                             •
of the area and what he has learned from                                             NO VAT                                                                             •
working with charities and local authorities                             LOCAL CONTRACTOR                                                                               •
ranging from West Sussex County Council
to District, Borough and Parish Councils. If                        Tel: 01243 553028
you know of any organisations which work                                    Email Address:
with those in the community who may need                          rodneyspringer@mail.com
additional help, do ask them to contact John
through john.heaton37@field.census.gov.uk
or for more information, visit census.gov.uk.
Email: rory.clarke@homeinstead.co.uk

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St Mary’s Churchyard
                            - BY ELAINE CORDINGLEY -

Springtime is a lovely season around St Mary’s    all baptisms, marriages and burials within his
church. The daffodils, primroses and crocuses     parish. However, many records were kept on
have made their appearance and usually            loose paper and lost. So a royal proclamation
continue until Easter. The trees also start to    was issued in 1558 instructing records to be
burst with blossom and the birds scurry around    written on parchment.
looking for insects. The benches make a
                                                  Only in 1813 were preprinted books issued
welcome place to pause, rest and contemplate.
                                                  ensuring that the same details were recorded
The two large yew trees on the north side of      throughout the country.
the church have been estimated to be 450          The records show that there were at least
years and 300 years old. A short distance away    1400 burials up to 1722, the date of the
a new tree named the Millennium Yew was           earliest gravestone in the churchyard. This
planted in 2001.                                  gravestone can be found amongst the older
Other trees include several flowering cherries,   memorials on the south side of the church and
Medlar, Cotinus and Sorbus as well as many        is by the grave with the iron railings. It is dated
shrubs, Buddleia, Camellia, Hebe and others.      13 Sept 1722 for Dorothy Postlethwaite aged
                                                  18, daughter of Henry and Joan who are buried
The earliest records for burials are from         nearby. There is another old gravestone in the
1538. It was in that year that Henry VIII’s       eastern area of the oldest section marked with
chancellor, Thomas Cromwell, introduced           the name Sarah Ouden died 1742 but also her
legislation that require every priest to record   son Henry buried November 1715.

                                                                       Continued Overleaf
                                                                                            >     19
St Mary’s Churchyard
                                                 had the Maypole Inn in mid 1800s and Walter
                                                 Harris Loveys MP for Chichester 1958-1989.
As cremations became more usual, ashes           In 1996 a huge project was undertaken by
plots were made available along the west and     Mr David Day to collate all the known burial
south perimeters of the churchyard and more      records, map the locations and cross reference
recently a section to the south of the path is   them in an alphabetic listing. Both the map and
now used for ashes interment.                    the listing are kept in the church.
There are 3 Commonwealth War Graves in the       Many people now research their family, and
churchyard: two for World War I, Albert Wilson   burial records are part of that history. The
and Frederick John Saxby, and one for World      original parish registers for St Mary’s Yapton
War II, Frederick Henry Knight. Their details    are deposited at West Sussex Record Offfice,
and location can be found listed in the church   Chichester.
                                                 The internet can also help with finding records
Several local names can be found on the          and the transcribed entries up to 1901 for St
memorials including William and Ann Start who    Mary’s can be found online at www.freereg.org.

The website www.familysearch.org also has all   wildlife as well as the history in this special part
the transcribed burial records up to 1996.      of Yapton.
Some of the memorials can also be found on      Since then there have been a further 3000
www.findagrave.com and a current project will   known burials although of course not all are
be adding more records with photographs to      marked by a gravestone..
this archive.                                   Due to the growth of the village the churchyard
A team of volunteer gardeners tend the          was enlarged in 1863 and again in 1895.
churchyard usually twice a week. They are       In 1973, part of the north side of the
always grateful for additional help and they    churchyard was repurposed for further burials.
can be found on Thursday afternoons and         Any existing stones were moved against the
Saturday mornings; whether you like mowing,     perimeter walls and some broken ones used in
strimming, weeding or pruning there will be a   pathways.
task available!
                                                The churchyard was closed to new burials
So on a sunny day, take a walk around St        in 1997 except for using available space in
Mary’s churchyard and enjoy the flowers and     existing family plots.

Around the Village
Yapton Rainbows,
Brownies, Guides and
Report by Anna Drynan
1st Yapton Guide and
Ranger Leader

The 1st Yapton Rainbows are hoping to make
a start back to meeting each other soon. 1st
Yapton Brownies are also ready to go and just
waiting for everything to be safe before they
can start to meet and have lots of fun together
again. They are starting up a few meetings on
Zoom to make sure they keep in touch with
                                                                       Spaghetti tower
each other and get ready to meet up. The
Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers all
had the opportunity to join in with a virtual
festival run by our Girlguiding region LaSER.
It was held to celebrate Thinking Day and the
50th Birthday of the Region itself. There were
lots of crafts to do including making happy jars,
building bridges and designing dream boards,
music to join in with, drawing and cooking
workshops with a campfire and a chance to
renew the Guiding Promise together as part of
                                                       Guides and Rangers enjoying the
the festival.
                                                        workshops at the LaSer Festival
The Guides are keeping themselves as busy as
ever and have gained two new members this
year so far which is brilliant news. The girls are
meeting on Zoom and just keeping their fingers
crossed that we can all meet up again soon.
Their verdict is that meeting on Zoom is okay for
now but ‘meeting at the hut is so much better’.
The Guides have been working on Space
themed activities and have made Astronaut
Pudding, Galaxy Glitter Jars and played lots
of Space themed games. Their next virtual
sleepover is called ‘Astronaut Adventures’ and
25 Guides, Rangers, a few Brownie sisters and
two brothers are all signed up ready to take
part, have fun and earn themselves an amazing
glow in the dark Astronaut badge. There will
be Moon Rocky Road, Space Ice Cream and              Rangers making Astronaut Pudding

Moon Rock Cakes to make and the chance to
                                                                Guides and Rangers enjoying the
learn about Stargazing and Astrophotography.
                                                                 workshops at the LaSer Festival
Everyone will be attending a virtual workshop
at the London Planetarium too as part of the
weekend and learning how to draw the Solar
System, so we are all looking forward to that. Our
Guides have also had the amazing opportunity
to meet with their pen-pals on Zoom this term.
The unit has been corresponding with a Girl
Scout Troop in Oklahoma, USA for two years
and the girls regularly exchange letters (and
usually sweets) throughout the year. We were
able to get together on Zoom despite a 6-hour
time difference and meet and play some games
together which was fantastic! Before we had
Zoom – we never would have thought this
would have been possible!! The Guides and
Rangers also have high hopes that they will
be able to get in some much-missed camping
trips later this year and plans are tentatively
underway for an amazing trip to Switzerland in
May 2022.
The Rangers (our members aged 14-18) have
had a more relaxed start to the year and have
met on Zoom for some games, cookie making
and a pamper evening. They are set to join in
with ‘Astronaut Adventures’ and a few of the
Rangers and their families joined in with the
Guide and Ranger ‘Great Guiding Gameshow
Night’ which proved to be a lot of fun. There
were playdough modelling rounds, Bingo,
general knowledge questions, ‘truths and lies’
and a ‘build the tallest tower’ round using only
marshmallows and spaghetti. There were points
to earn and badges and prizes to win. The
Rangers have plans for some chocolate themed
activities for Easter and are busy hoping for a
fun packed summer this year.
We hope you continue to enjoy hearing about
what the Guiding units in Yapton are doing. We
would like to thank all the parents and families
who continue to support us and join in with
activities despite the current challenges and
we just really hope we can resume meetings in
person very soon. Please do see the 1st Yapton
Guide and Ranger website if you would like
to catch up with our latest news and photos.         A completed Galaxy
www.1styaptonguides.org.uk                                    Glitter jar

                                                                       Continued Overleaf
                                                                                            >   23
Around the Village
                                                    have missed our Primrose Sale in February,
                                                    and will be missing two shows in March and
Yapton & District Cottage                           June. We usually hold our fundraiser (should
Gardeners’ Society                                  have been a strawberry tea in 2020) in July,
Report by Anne Hollis                               and a plant sale in May. The Annual Show in
                                                    August will be the first event for 18mths and
Welcome       to     a   more                       then hopefully followed by the Autumn Show
optimistic section from                             at the end of Sept with speaker meetings in
Yapton Cottage Gardeners’.                          October and November.
At long last it looks as if we can make some        We look forward to welcoming people back to
plans for later in the year. If the dates for the   our events. For information about the Society
end of lockdown hold, we should be able             please go to www.yaptongardeners.co.uk or
to have our Annual Show in August. We do            contact Anne Hollis (Secretary) on 01243
not know exactly what form it will take yet,        551683.
but please put Saturday August 7th in your
diaries. More details will be in the May edition    Yapton & Ford Local
of Yapton News. We are hoping to put up             History Group
our 2 marquees for the show and would
appreciate any help on Friday Aug 6th during        Report by Allen Misselbrook
the afternoon for erecting the marquees and         Well, it looks like the end
on Saturday August 7th from 5pm to take             may be in sight, but we will
them down. We will be asking again in the           continue to be cautious. Hopefully the guided
May edition but are hoping that some people         tour around Chichester with Paul Ulson will still
might like to put the request in their diaries.     take place although we might have to change
Please contact Anne on the number below if          dates if there are any hiccups in Boris’ ‘road
you would like more information.                    map’. We will keep you informed.
Those people who exhibit at our shows               There are two more strings to our bow. You can
regularly will be familiar with the Banksian        now listen to stories from our past on Sussex
medal which is awarded to the person who            Local’s podcast and I have set up a Group
gains the most points in the Horticultural          on Facebook called Yapton & Ford History
classes at the Annual Show.                This     Group where members can ‘post’ photographs
medal is awarded according to RHS guidelines        and documents for people to view as well as
and as shows did not happen last year, the RHS      posting comments about them or, in fact,
suggested it should be awarded to a person          anything concerning our local history. We went
who had contributed greatly to our Society.         live Sunday (21st) evening and already have
The Committee decided unanimously that it           over 150 members (wed. 24th). Come along
should be awarded to Terry Booker. Terry has        and join like minded people, it is free.
regularly exhibited and has been a committee
member for 16yrs until his recent retirement.       A short entry again this month but with a
He has worked tirelessly at preparing for all       little bit of good fortune we can open up our
our events, and many people will know him           meetings again. Keep safe and hopefully the
from serving the teas at our shows for many         next report will back to normal.
years. He will continue to help us in any way       Keep safe and I look forward to meeting our
he can.                                             members and guests again in the near future.
Just to remind everyone of the regular              Allen Misselbrook Tel: 01243 552715
events that we will not do this year, and as        Email: allen@yaptonhistory.org.uk
information for any newcomers to Yapton. We         Web-site www.yaptonhistory.org.uk

Friends of Avisford Medical Group                  a freedom to socialise again even if in a limited
By Gill Henry                                      manner. Gill Henry Chair - Friends of Avisford
                                                   Medical Group. Contact: avisford.friends@gmail.
As I sit down to write the article for the March   com
edition the government have just announced
the ‘roadmap’ to cautiously ease the Covid         Yapton Village
Lockdown. I am sure you are aware of the key       Women’s Institute
dates and how the lifting of restrictions will     By Maggie Brackley
happen but for a summary go to: https://gov.
                                                   Despite being locked down
Locally the roll out of the vaccine has been       since Christmas, Yapton
moving at a pace with the first 4 groups           Village WI has been busy. We have had two
now offered an appointment. Many have              meetings using the Zoom Platform. We were
attended the Bognor Regis Vaccination clinic       fortunate to welcome the Chairman of the
or have gone further afield to the larger          West Sussex Federation of WIs, Yvonne Price,
mass vaccination centres. For the up-to-           to our first meeting. Her subject for the talk
date picture visit the surgery website https://    was very apposite in the current climate, being
avisford.co.uk. The clinic is still wanting        that of Women Pioneers in Medicine. She told
volunteers as we go through the Spring into        us about the courage and determination of
summer so if you are able to help on a regular     women through history and the lengths they
basis contact - Simone Nascimento, the Regis       often had to go to practise their medical skills
PCN Manager at s.nascimento@nhs.net                including, having to dress and act like men. We
I would like to thank all the volunteers and       heard about the work of Florence Nightingale
staff who have made rolling out the vaccine        who pioneered the collection of data to study
possible and are working hard 7 days a week        the causes of deaths in the Crimean War, with
to protect the local community.                    many of which had no conflict linked causes but
                                                   were from preventable illnesses and diseases.
Facebook – did you know the surgery now
                                                   Other notable figures who helped to enable
has a Facebook page? It has lots of useful
                                                   women to pursue a career in medicine were
information on many aspects of the surgery
                                                   Elizabeth Blackwell; who opened the London
and pictures of the excellent team of staff and
                                                   School of Medicine and Elizabeth Garrett
volunteers who work at the vaccination clinic.
                                                   Anderson. Their work and stoicism resulted in
Keeping in Touch – there have been many            a change in the law to allow women to train in
challenges in keeping in touch during this         all fields of medicine. Marie Curie and Rosalind
challenging time. It has been decided not to       Franklin were women whose discoveries of
circulate a newsletter but look out for our        X-rays and DNA changed the treatment and
posters round the village which contain our        understanding of many illnesses.
contact details. You can always look at our        In a complete contrast, we welcomed Stephen
website www.avisfordfriends.co.uk or email         Wells from the East Riding of Yorkshire, to
– avisford.friends@gmail.com we expected           speak to us at our February meeting on the
to restart our talks in the Autumn 2021. If you    subject of the History of Butlins. Stephen was
have a topic you would like us to cover drop       very interesting and entertaining with many
us a quick email. Health talks are open to all     stories of the celebrities who started their
interested members of the local community          careers by becoming Redcoats or by winning
not just Avisford Medical Group patients.          Butlin’s Talent Contests, Jimmy Tarbuck,
I hope by the time I next write to you we will     Cliff Richards and Catherine Zeta Jones to
be enjoying some much-needed sunshine and          name a few. Stephen, who worked as an

Around the Village
                                                    Yapton and Ford
entertainment executive for Butlins for many        Village Hall
years, made us laugh with some stories of the
fun and games on the camps including when           Report by Derek Ambler
Max Wall was booked to appear in a show but
arrived early and being at a loose end saw a        For more information about
talent competition advertised for the best          the re-opening of the Village
impersonation of himself...he entered but came      Hall after the current lockdown please contact
third!                                              Derek Ambler, Chairman on 01243 551156.
Obviously we would prefer to be meeting in
person but in the current situation, a digital      Yapton Cubs
meeting format gives our members the
                                                    By Katrina MacAnaspie
opportunity to meet in a safe and secure way
and to access a speaker from the other side
                                                    Well we have survived another
of the country, something impractical to us
                                                    term on Zoom and covered a
                                                    surprising number of badge
We understand that not all of our members           requirements on topics from Astronomy and
want to engage this way so we keep in               Map Reading to Sign Language and Cookery.
touch in other ways but we are delighted
that many of our members are enjoying the           We celebrated the Chinese new Year by
remote meetings we have held so far. We are         making lanterns and learnt all about exploring
particularly proud of one of our members who        the world from home by visiting the National
joined our meeting and Stephen’s talk for the       Air and Space Museum in Washington DC as
first time. She has got to grips with the virtual   well as an interesting walk around Buckingham
world despite celebrating her 90th birthday         Palace. The Cubs really enjoyed learning about
last year and is a wonderful example of a lady      What3words and were astounded that the
with determination and a positive attitude.         three words “Cubs like chocolates” took them
She encouraged other members not to fear            to a national park in Oregon, USA, whereas
technology but to call in the help of one’s         “mapped during lockdown” sent us all to the
children, grandchildren, friends and fellow WI      Northern Territories of Australia. The Cubs
ladies to help them take those first steps. She     then had great fun discovering what 3 words
told us to ‘take the plunge and have a go!’         would lead people to their own front door and
                                                    we discussed how accurate the system is and
Our next meeting speaker is from the Air
                                                    how the emergency services are able to use it
Ambulance Service on 16th March. If you
                                                    to locate people in remote locations.
would like to join Yapton Village WI please
do not hesitate to contact Maggie Brackley,         Our “Taskmaster” evening saw the Cubs make
President on 07789790706 or email                   a range of different animals using just a milk
president@yaptonvillagewi.co.uk We are a            bottle plus scraps and they only had 10 minutes
friendly and fun group and welcome new              to design and make their creature. They
members wholeheartedly.                             demonstrated incredible imagination, creating
                                                    birds, snakes, and elephants to name but a few.
Yapton Short Mat Bowling Club                       One of our Cubs helped others learn some
Report by Pauline Hoyland                           sign language, they learned how to sign the
                                                    Baby Shark song as well as how to introduce
Feel free to contact Geraldine Whitehead
                                                    themselves and spell their own names.
(Chairman) on 01243 582711 or Pauline
Hoyland (Secretary) on hoyland1@talktalk.net        The District of Arundel & Littlehampton
for more information                                organised a quiz for all sections, which was

very well attended by our wonderful Cubs, so          Yapton Free Church
they are still taking part in all that Scouting can   Report by Joanna Jeffers
offer them in whatever form it takes.
                                                      On        22nd      February
We are really looking forward to meeting up
                                                      Boris Johnson laid out
again face to face later this month if everything
                                                      the governments ‘4 Step Road map out
goes according to plan. Camping overnight
                                                      of lockdown’. A staged plan to ease the
together is still looking unlikely this summer,
                                                      restrictions we have adjusted to living under
but we have plans afoot that should enable
                                                      during the Covid 19 Pandemic. Sunday
the young people to enjoy camp style activities
                                                      afternoon my husband and I walked along
within the guidelines being set out for us by the
                                                      the beach and you could tangibly sense in the
                                                      air an optimism and fresh step in the walking
We currently have places available for boys or        pairs and families taking their daily exercise.
girls aged 8-10 so please contacts us at yapton.      I sensed the optimism was a combination
scouts@gmail.com if you would like to know            of a beautiful sunny Spring afternoon at the
more.                                                 seaside but also an anticipation and hope for
                                                      the proposed vision and plan to move forward.
                                                      The following day, Boris gave the nation just
Yapton Evergreens                                     that, laying out how we can look forward to
Over 50’s                                             further freedoms if we continue to obey the
Report by Pam Evans                                   current legislation and gradually take steps
                                                      to easing the lockdown. The plan has been
                                                      thought through and sounds good, so we are
I am pleased to report that
                                                      hopeful and prayerful that it will bring the
all our members are safe and
                                                      desired freedoms that we previously enjoyed.
                                                      Yet, however much we honour, pray for
If all goes well the Government says we can
                                                      and abide by the laws of our government I
go back to normal on June 21st. As this is a
                                                      sincerely believe that only God can save us
Monday, I am pleased to say we hope to have
                                                      from this pandemic. Whilst thankful for our
our first meeting for sixteen months. This will
                                                      leaders, scientists and doctors who invest
be a social get together with a chat, nibbles,
                                                      their time and care in policy making, research
tea and a game of card bingo. I look forward
                                                      and vaccines ultimately Jesus is the saviour
to seeing everybody again. Of course, this is
                                                      of the world and God holds us in his hands.
subject to things going well nationally.
                                                      Individually and as a church we pray that
Any new people that would like to join our very       our leaders will receive Godly wisdom when
active club please call me on 01243 868684 or         making some of these plans.
07796 657 081, we would love to have some
                                                      In the bible it says: Where there is no vision,
new members.
                                                      the people perish; but he that keepeth the
                                                      law, happy is he (Proverbs 29:18 KJV) or in
                                                      the amplified version: Where there is no
Yapton Coffee Morning                                 vision (no revelation of God and His word),
Community Group                                       the people are unrestrained; But happy and
Report by Elsie Nichols                               blessed is he who keeps the law (of God).
                                                      Our leaders are aware that entering further
For more information                                  lockdowns would be disheartening, but giving
contact Elsie Nichols on                              us a vision and goal with an end in sight brings
01243 553514.                                         hope and a future. I am thankful for those in

Around the Village

                                                                               Yapton Free Church

government who are trying to lead and find a        youth camp Soul Survivor. He was 15 years
way through this pandemic but as devastating        old hurting, angry and dealing drugs to his
and dangerous this disease is I am reminded         school friends. He was popular at parties
that a much deadlier disease than Covid,            and due to his lifestyle was getting deeper
effects many more people today. That disease        in trouble both, inwardly and outwardly. He
in the bible is called sin.                         was fighting with his Dad and angry with his
Sin separates us from healthy relationships         parents who had recently become Christians.
with each other and from God. Yet God says          His parents encouraged him to go to Soul
that if we confess our sins he is faithful and      Survivor an annual Christian youth camp,
just to forgive us and will cleanse us from         where he attended the final night’s meeting.
all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). This was          He knew his life was a mess and he was out of
highlighted by James di Castiglione (vicar          control and hurting, but prior to that meeting
from Chanctonbury church in Ashington),             had no understanding of the significance of
who shared a powerful testimony during one          Jesus sacrifice on the cross for his life. In that
of our Sunday services in February. Jesus,          meeting, James heard how Jesus is willing and
drastically transformed his life at the Christian   able to deal with the areas where we have

messed up in our relationships with others,        eternal life, and he knew the steps he would
with God and with ourselves.                       need to take to bring freedom to mankind.
                                                   We are part of that vision and he gives us an
That evening James fully surrendered his life
                                                   invitation to join him.
to Jesus, was filled with the Holy Spirit and
called to become a church leader. As James         Boris has a 4 step road map out of Covid and
lay on the floor in that meeting he saw Jesus      in the same way Jesus also has one to set
walk over to him from the back of the building,    us free from sin and live the full life that he
place his hands into his heart and remove          planned for each of us before we were born:
every bit of pain, anger and sin. Jesus then
replaced all the rubbish with his forgiveness,     1. Repent – say sorry to God (turn away
peace, love, joy, lightness, purity and James      from sin and surrender/connect to Jesus and
experienced a closeness with almighty God,         receive forgiveness).
like nothing else he had ever known. He stood      2. Be baptised in the Holy Spirit (to enable you
up an hour later aware that his life had been      to live a life of power/drenched with the Spirit
completely changed, he was saved, healed,          of God).
delivered and filled with the love and power
of God. If God could do that for him he can do     3. Get baptised in water.
the same for anyone. Nobody is excluded!!          4. Get a vision from God and his word (Go and
From that day on James has pursued the vision      make disciples of all nations – spend time with
God gave him (training to be a vicar), and         God/read the bible/pray/worship/serve/love)
subsequently positioning himself in a place to     Freely you have received now freely give.
see individuals, neighbourhoods and churches
resurrected/revived and changed through the        I pray as a nation that we would have a
love, forgiveness and power of God.                revelation of God and his word, and be happy
                                                   and blessed as we keep his laws. The BIBLE
He was given a vision to see people set free       (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth…)
and functioning in the love, compassion,           clearly gives us answers and wisdom for many
power and glory that God created them for.         of the issues that we are living through in
To see not only individuals and churches but       these days. As Proverbs says: Where there is
our whole nation transformed. This is only a       no vision (no revelation of God and His word),
snippet of his story and I’d recommend you         the people are unrestrained; But happy and
watch his whole testimony by putting this link     blessed is he who keeps the law (of God).
in your email browser: https://soundcloud.
com/yaptonfreechurch/sunday-service-7th-           James is just one story of what God can do
january-james-di-castiglione-and-holly.            when we say yes to Him and take hold of the
                                                   vision that he gives us. In Yapton Free Church
Coming up to Easter we hope to see some            I know there are many others who have a
easing of lockdown and be able spend time          story to tell of how they encountered Jesus
again, with family and friends. Boris and his 4    Christ and his love.
step road map offers a way out of lockdown
with a very intentional vision and a final
destination in mind. In the same way, Jesus        If you would like to know more you can join us
came to earth lived a perfect life, never sinned   live/via zoom at one of our Sunday services,
and knew ultimately, he was going to give his      youth groups, Toddler Group, Alpha or Men’s
life on the cross and take on the sins of the      Breakfasts. Details of which all can be found on
world so that we could be forgiven, restored       the church website www.yaptonfreechurch.net,
and able to enjoy a relationship with Father       email: admin@yaptonfreechurch.net or calling
God. Jesus had a plan and a vision to offer us     the church office on 01243 552232.

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