Y8 Knowledge Organiser - SPRING 2022 - Academies Trust - John Whitgift Academy

Page created by Louise Soto
Y8 Knowledge Organiser - SPRING 2022 - Academies Trust - John Whitgift Academy
Academies Trust

                     SPRING 2022


                 YEAR 7 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER   I Delta Academies Trust                     1
Y8 Knowledge Organiser - SPRING 2022 - Academies Trust - John Whitgift Academy

                             Mind mapping is simply a diagram used to visually represent or
                             outline information.

                             It is a graphic technique you can use to translate what is in your
                             mind into a visual picture. Since mind mapping works like the
                             brain does it allows you to organise information faster and
                             more efficiently.

                             Use information gathered from your knowledge organiser to
                             create mind maps, make sure to use colours and images, keeping
                             writing to a bare minimum. Using this technique will help to embed
                             key information into your long-term memory.


                             Flash Cards
                             Use your knowledge organiser to make flash cards. Write the
                             question on one side and on the other record the answer. Test
                             yourself or work with a friend to make sure you know all the key
                             information for each topic. You could also use flash cards to test
                             yourself on the definitions of key terminology.

                             Remember you need to revisit information 10 times for it to be
                             embedded in your long-term memory.


                             Revision Clocks
                             Start by drawing a basic clock. Break your knowledge organiser
                             down into 12 sub-categories. Make notes in each chunk of the
                             clock. Revise each slot for 5 minutes, turn the clock over and then
                             try to write out as much information as you can from one of the
                             segments. E.g. all the information in the 2-3pm segment.

                             Your brain will retain more information if you include images as
                             well as key words.


         YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust
Y8 Knowledge Organiser - SPRING 2022 - Academies Trust - John Whitgift Academy
Literacy – Term 2                                                   ENGLISH
Word of the Week                  Definition

Notorious                         Famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed.

To ascend                         To go up or climb.

To prohibit                       To formally forbid (something) by law, rule, or other authority.

To culminate                      To reach a climax or point of highest development.

To collapse                       To (of a structure) suddenly fall down or give way.

Circumspect                       To be wary and unwilling to take risks.

Cataclysmic                       (Of a natural event) large-scale and violent.

Magnanimous                       Generous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or less powerful person.

To cajole                         To persuade (someone) to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery.

Fortuitous                        Happening by chance rather than intention.

Seven Deadly Sin focus: Apostrophe for possession
Use an apostrophe + S ('s) to show that one person/thing owns or is a member of something.
The dog’s collar (The collar of the dog.) The writer’s desk (The desk of the writer.) The planet’s atmosphere
(The atmosphere of the planet.)
Use an apostrophe after the ‘s’ at the end of a plural noun to show possession.
The dogs’ collars (The collars of the dogs.) The writers’ desks (The desks of the writers.) The planets’
atmospheres (The atmospheres of the planets.)
If a plural noun doesn't end in ‘s,’ add an apostrophe + ‘s’ to create the possessive form.
The children’s toys (The toys of the children.) The geese’s migration route (The migration route of the geese.)

Now you try:
    1.   The coat of the boy was left on the back of his chair.
    2.   The pen of the writer stopped working.
    3.   The books of the children were left on their desks.
    4.   The parents of the children were asked to ensure the children learned their spellings.
    5.   The fur of the cat was wet from the rain.

Remember last term, we focused on apostrophe with contraction
A contraction is a shortened form of a word/group of words that removes certain letters or sounds.
Here are the most common contractions:
He would = He’d                                I have = I’ve
They are = They’re                             You cannot = You can’t
He does not = He doesn’t                       She did not = She didn’t

                          YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022     I Delta Academies Trust                      3
Y8 Knowledge Organiser - SPRING 2022 - Academies Trust - John Whitgift Academy
ENGLISH       Reading Term 2:
                                 The Secret Diary of
                        Adrian Mole, aged 13 and ¾,
                                   by Sue Townsend
    Written in 1982, ‘Adrian Mole’ is a fictional ‘diary’ recounting the adventures of a young man struggling
    with first love and the breakdown of his family as he reaches puberty. The novel is set in 1980s England, and
    explores events such as the wedding of Prince Charles to Lady Diana Spencer, as well as the impact of
    Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s policies on the employment opportunities, education and lifestyle of the
    working class.
    Big Question
    How do you overcome adversity?

    Describing characters
     Character                        Characteristic             Synonyms

     Adrian Mole                      Sensitive                  Thoughtful / easily upset / self-absorbed / kind-hearted
     Pandora                          Studious                   Intelligent / hard-working / diligent / thoughtful
     Adrian’s dad                     Defeated                   Beaten / dejected / down-hearted / miserable
     Barry Kent                       Bullying                   Intimidating / aggressive / selfish / cruel

                        Key quotes for understanding the story
                        •     “Perhaps when I am famous and my diary is discovered people will understand the torment
                               of being a 13 ¾ year-old undiscovered intellectual.”
                        •     “My mother has got an interview for a job. She is practising her typing and not doing any
                               cooking. So what will it be like if she gets the job? My father should put his foot down before
                               we are a broken home.”
                        •     “My mother and Lucas have gone to the village to try to buy cigarettes.
                               At least that is their story.”
                        •     “The district nurse thinks Bert will be better off in the Alderman Cooper Sunshine Home.
                               But I don’t think he will...it looks like a museum. The old people look like the exhibits.”
                        •     “I used to be the sort of boy who had sand kicked in his face, now I’m the sort of boy who
    Key words                  watches somebody else have it kicked in their face.”

    Adolescence – the period during which puberty takes place, often during the teenage years.
    Redundancy – being made unemployed. Usually occurs when businesses cannot afford to pay employees.
    Capitalist – interested only in money and investment.
    Communism – the belief that the wealth of a group should be shared equally by its citizens.

    WRITING: SPEECH WRITING – During this term you will be developing your skills in speech writing. You will look at the features of
    a speech and how to plan your ideas. One of the most important aspects of speech writing is to develop your ideas fully. Use the
    following steps to create detailed paragraphs:

    1.          First sentence – TOPIC
    2.          Second sentence – FACT, REALISTIC STATISTIC, OPINION
    3.          Third/fourth sentence – DEVELOP THE ABOVE – what does it prove?
    4.          Fifth sentence – PERSONAL STORY
    5.          Sixth sentence – RHETORICAL QUESTION
    6.          Seventh sentence – OFFER A SUGGESTION, SOLUTION OR SUMMARY
    Remember: Specific details make your writing believable (place names, titles and streets)

4                                 YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022          I Delta Academies Trust
Y8 Knowledge Organiser - SPRING 2022 - Academies Trust - John Whitgift Academy
Unit 5: Sequences                                                                                     MATHS

  Key Concept                                   Key Words                                            Questions
Types of Sequence                   Sequence:                                                     1) Find the next two
                                    A list that is in a particular order                          terms and the term
Sequence as pictures:               following a pattern.                                          to term rule
                                                                                                  a) 9, 13, 17, 21, …
                                    Each particular part of a                                     b) 7, 12, 17, 22, …
Linear sequence:                    sequence.                                                     c) 9, 7, 5, 3, …
4, 7, 10, 13, 16, …
                                                                                                  d) 3, 4, 7, 11, 18
  +3    +3    +3     +3             Linear sequence:
Fibonacci sequence:                 A sequence that is formed by
                                    adding or subtracting the same                                2) Find the nth term
(add the previous two
terms)                              amount each time.                                             a) 7, 9, 11, 13, …
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, …
                                                                                                  b) 8, 13, 18, 23, …

                                    Sparx topics:                                                 c) 15, 12, 9, 6, …
                                    M381: Term-to-term rules for numerical sequences
If a sequence is decreasing,        M241: Term-to-term rules for sequences of patterns
                                                                                                  d) 1, -3, -7, -11, …
the ‘n’ term will be negative.      M166: Substituting into position-to-term rules
                                    M991: Position-to-term rules for arithmetic sequences
E.g. 15, 11, 7, 3, …                M866: Position-to-term rules for sequences of patterns
Nth term = -4n + 19                 M981: Special sequences


Next pattern is:

                                                Sequence = 4, 7, 10, 13, ….
                                                Term to term rule = + 3
                                                Nth term     4, 7, 10, 13, 16, … = 3n+1
                                                                             +3      +3      +3       +3

d) -4n + 5      c) -3n + 18      d) 29, 47, Rule = add previous 2 numbers                    b) 27, 32, Rule = +5
b) 5n + 3    2) a) 2n + 5        c) 1, -1 , Rule = -2                                     1) a) 25, 29 Rule = +4

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Y8 Knowledge Organiser - SPRING 2022 - Academies Trust - John Whitgift Academy
MATHS                                               Unit 6: Plotting And
                                                       Interpreting Graphs
        Key Concept                                  Key Words                                      Questions
       Substitution is the                   Intersection:                                   1) What are the gradient
    process of evaluating                    Where two graphs cross.
                                                                                             and y-intercept of:
        expressions by                       Gradient:
     replacing algebraic                     This describes the steepness                    a) y = 4x – 3
    letters with numbers.                    of the line.

             If a = 5 and b = 2              y-intercept:
                                             Where the graph crosses                         b) y = 4 + 6x
    a+b=                5+2=7                the y-axis.
    a–b=                5–2=3
                                             Linear:                                         c) y = -5x – 3
    3a =                3 × 5 = 15           A linear graph is a straight line.
    ab =                5 × 2 = 10                                                           2) Draw the graph of
    a2 =                52 = 25
                                             A quadratic graph is a curved                   y = 3x – 2 for x values
                                             u shape. It is called a parabola.               from -3 to 3 using a
    TIP                                                                                      table.
    Parallel lines have the same            Sparx topics:
    gradient.                               M797: Plotting horizontal and vertical lines
                                            M932: Plotting straight line graphs
                                            M544: Finding equations of straight line
    FORMULA                                 graphs
                    difference in y         M888: Interpreting equations of straight
    Gradient =
                    difference in x         line graphs

                                                               Draw the graph of y = 2x - 1

                                                                x     -2      -1       0     1      2
                                                                y     -5     -3       -1     1      3


           A: y = 2 B: x = 1
           C: y = -3 D: y = x
                                                               Notice this graph has a gradient
                                                               of 2 and a y-intercept of -1.

                                       2)   1) a) m = 4, c = -3 b) m = 6, c = 4 c) m = -5, c = -3               ANSWERS

6                               YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022         I Delta Academies Trust
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Unit 7: Introducing                                                                       MATHS
       Key Concept                                    Key Words                                     Questions
             Chance                          Probability:                                      In a bag of skittles
                                             The chance of something
                 Even                        happening as a numerical value.                   there are 12 red, 9
Impossible      Chance        Certain
                                                                                               yellow, 6 blue and 3
       Unlikely           Likely             The outcome cannot happen.                        purple.
          Probability                        Certain:                                          Find:
 0       0.25       0.5    0.75    1         The outcome will definitely
                                                                                               a) P(Red)
0%      25%     50%    75% 100%              Even chance:
 0       1       1      3       1            The are two different outcomes
         4       2      4                    each with the same chance of                      b) P(Yellow)
 Probabilities can be written as:            happening.
   - Fractions                               Expectation:                                      c) P(Red or purple)
   - Decimals                                The amount of times you expect
   - Percentages                             an outcome to happen based on                     d) P(Green)
 Probabilities always add up to
 1 or 100%.                                  Sparx topics:
                                             M655: Using probability phrases
 FORMULA                                     M941: Writing probabilities as fractions
                                             M938: Writing probabilities as fractions, decimals and percentages
 Expectation                                 M206: Expected results from repeated experiments
 = probability × number of trials            M755: Calculating P(A or B) and P(not A)


                                             1) What is the probability that a bead chosen will be yellow.
                                                  Show the answer on a number line.

                                                               Number of favourable outcomes
                                             Probability =
                                                                 Total number of outcomes
                                                              2      1
                                             P(Yellow) =         =
                                                              8      4

                                              0        1        2         3        4       5           6      7      1
                                                       8        8         8        8       8           8      8

                                             2) How many yellow beads would you expect if you
                                                pulled a bead out and replaced it 40 times?

                                                  1        1
                                                    × 40 =   of 40 = 10
                                                  4        4

                            30   2                     30   10                    30   5
             d) 0              =        c)                =         b)               =          1) a)      ANSWERS
                            15   1                      9   3                     12   2

                            YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022            I Delta Academies Trust                    7
Y8 Knowledge Organiser - SPRING 2022 - Academies Trust - John Whitgift Academy
MATHS                                         Unit 8: Parallel Lines
                                                            And Angles
          Key Concept                             Key Words                                    Questions

                                          Intersect:                                   Find the labelled angles,
                                          Two lines that cross.                        give reasons.
                                          Two lines that never intersect.
            Corresponding                 Marked by an arrow on each
           Angles are equal.              line.

                                          A line that intersects two                   2)
                                          parallel lines.

      Alternate         Co-interior
      Angles are        Angles add       Sparx topics:
                                         M163: Vertically opposite angles
       equal.            to 180°.        M606: Angles on parallel lines                3)
                                         Possible extension:
                                         M393: Using quadrilateral properties to
    TIP                                  find angles
    These angle properties can be        This topic combines parallel line facts
    used alongside all the other angle   with other angle facts to find unknown
                                         angles in parallelograms, trapeziums
    properties that you have learnt.     and kites


                                 m = 130° as                                                  a = 70° as
                                 corresponding                                                co-interior
                                 angles are equal                                             angles add to
                                 n = 50° as angles
                                 on a line                                                    b = 70° as
                                 add to 180°                                                  vertically
                                                                                              opposite angles
                                                                                              are equal

          ANSWERS: 1) m = 70°, n = 110° 2) x = 120°, y = 120°, z = 120° 3 ) a = 140°, b = 40°            ANSWERS

8                            YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022       I Delta Academies Trust
Y8 Knowledge Organiser - SPRING 2022 - Academies Trust - John Whitgift Academy
Unit 9: Circles   MATHS
and Compound Area
      Key Concept                                     Key Words                                   Questions
  Circumference                               Diameter: Distance from                       1) Find to 1decimal
                                              one side of the circle to the other,
                                Sector        going through the centre.                     place the area and

                                                                                            circumference of a

                                              Radius: Distance from                         circle with:
           diameter                           the centre of a circle to the
                                                                                            a) Radius = 5cm
                                              Chord: A line segment
                                              connecting two points on a                    b) Diameter = 12mm

                                              Tangent: A line that touches                  c) Radius = 9m
                                              the circle at only one point.
             chord                                                                          2) Find the area &
           Segment               Arc
                                              Compound (shape):                             perimeter of a
                                              More than one shape joined to
                                              make a different shape.                       semi-circle with
TIP                                                                                         diameter of 15cm to
If you don’t have a calculator you           Sparx topics:                                  1 decimal place.
                                             M595: Identifying parts of circles
can leave your answer in terms of �.         M169: Finding the circumference of circles
                                             M231: Finding the area of circles
FORMULA                                      Other Sparx topics covered by this unit:
Circle Area = � × r2                         M280: Finding the arc length of sectors
Circumference = � × d                        M430: Finding the area of sectors


       Find the area and circumference to 2 decimal place.

                                         Circumference = � × d
                                                       = � × 8 = 25.13cm

                                         Area = � × r2
                                              = � × 42 = 50.27cm2

      Find shaded area to 2 decimal place.

                                         Square area = 10 × 10
                                                     = 100m2

                                         Circle Area = � × r2
                                                     = � × 52
                                                     = 78.54m2
              10m                        Shaded area = 100 – 78.54 = 21.46m2

                                  c) A = 254.5m2, C = 56.5m   2) A = 88.4cm2, P = 38.6cm
                                  1) a) A = 78.5cm2, C = 31.4cm b) A = 113.1mm2, C = 37.7mm

                               YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022        I Delta Academies Trust                    9
Y8 Knowledge Organiser - SPRING 2022 - Academies Trust - John Whitgift Academy
MATHS                                  Unit 10: 3d Shapes,
                                                 Capacity And Volume
           Key Concept                                   Key Words                                     Questions
           Cube              Cuboid              Volume:                                      Find the volume of these
                                                 The amount of space that an                  shapes:
                                                 object occupies.
                                                 The amount of space that a
                                                 liquid occupies.
        Faces = 6            Faces = 6
       Edges = 12           Edges = 12           Cuboid:
       Vertices = 8         Vertices = 8         3D shape with 6 square/
                                                 rectangular faces.
      Hexagonal             Triangular           Vertices:                                    2)
        Prism                  Prism             Angular points of shapes.
                                                 A surface of a 3D shape.
                                                 A line which connects two
        Faces = 8            Faces = 5           faces on a 3D shape.
       Edges = 18            Edges = 9
                                                                                             Sparx topics:
      Vertices = 12         Vertices = 6                                                     M767: Properties of 3D shapes
                                                 FORMULA                                     M765: Finding the volume of cubes and cuboids
     TIP                                                                                     M722: Finding the volume of prisms
                                                 Volume of a cuboid = l × w × h              Other Sparx topics covered by this unit:
     Remember the units are cubed
                                                 Volume of a prism = area of cross           M761: Converting units of capacity
     for volume.                                                                             M465: Converting units of volume
                                                 section × length


                                                                      Volume = 4 × 9 × 2
                                                                             = 72cm3



                                                                      Area of triangle =
                                                                                          = 17.5mm2

                                            11mm          Volume of triangular prism = 17.5 × 11
                       7mm                                                                = 192.5mm3

                                                                 2) 162 m3              1) 5760 cm3              ANSWERS:

10                              YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022            I Delta Academies Trust
Energy                                                               SCIENCE
Work, energy and machines
A simple machine makes it easier to lift things, move things or turn things. It reduces the force that
you need to do a job, or increases the distance that something moves when you apply a force.
                           Most people use a lever to open a tin of paint.
                           The force applied to the lid by the lever (the output force) is bigger
                           than the force that you apply with just your hand (the input force).
                           A lever is a force multiplier.

       You can use a pulley system to lift (or lower) heavy objects. You can
       use a pulley to change the direction of the force. The pulley makes
       it easier to use your weight, but the input and output forces are the

Energy transfer
1. Conduction
Heat can be transferred in SOLIDS by conduction.
As the particles increase in thermal energy, the size and speed of
their movements increase. This energy is passed on to the particles
that they bump into.
Metals are the best conductors as they have delocalised electrons.
These electrons transfer heat quickly. These delocalised electrons
also allow metals to conduct electricity.
Materials, such as glass, which do not allow heat to conduct are called insulators.

2. Convection
Conduction can not happen in fluids such as
liquids and gases. In these substances we have
Hot less dense fluids rise and cold more dense
fluids fall to the bottom.

3. Radiation
Heat energy waves (or rays) are
known as Infrared radiation.
Infrared Radiation waves will travel
out from a hot source in all directions.
Infrared Radiation does not require
particles. Thermal energy from the
sun travels by radiation.
Different colours absorb and emit
thermal energy at different rates.
Black, dull colours absorb and emit
the best, shiny and white are the

                        YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust                 11
SCIENCE                                    Reactions
     Atoms in reactions
     In every chemical reaction atoms are rearranged to make new substances. ​The atoms are
     joined together in one way before the reaction and in a different way after the reaction.​All of
     the atoms present before the reaction are still present after the reaction.​The total number of
     atoms does not change. This is known as the law of conservation of mass. During a reaction the
        					2H + O
               2    2
                             2HO    2
                                          mass of reactant is the same as the mass of the products.
                                                                                              ribbon (coiled up)

                                                                                              pipe clay triangle
                                                                                              Bunsen burner

                                                                                              heatproof mat
         4 hydrogen atoms   4 hydrogen atoms
         + 2 oxygen atoms   + 2 oxygen atoms

                                                   Magnesium (s) + Oxygen (g)                            Magnesium Oxide (s)

                                                    3.5g		           2.5g			                                                     6g
                                                3.5 + 2.5 = 6 The mass of the reactants is
                                                equal to the mass of the products.

     Thermal decomposition                                                         metal carbonate
                                                                                                                                 delivery tube

     Thermal decomposition is when a chemical substance
     breaks down (decomposes) due to heat into at least                                 Bunsen

     two chemical substances.

                                                                                                                   clamp stand

     Metal carbonates break down into carbon dioxide                                      heat-proof

     (limewater test is used to show this product) and a metal                                                                   lime water

     For example: Copper carbonate            Copper oxide + Carbon dioxide

     In a combustion reaction, a substance reacts with oxygen, and energy is transferred into the
     surroundings as heat and light.
     Fuels are substances which release energy.
     Some fuels can be burnt and release heat.
     Oxygen is required to make things burn. Hydrocarbon fuels (like methane) produce carbon
     dioxide and water when they burn in oxygen. Some fuels can release polluting gases such as
     carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide or nitrogen oxides. These gases can cause global warming or acid
                                                                  The diagram shows how we can test for the
     There are 2 types of combustion of hydrocarbon fuels:        products of complete combustion.
                                                                  - Cobalt chloride paper turns from pink to
        1. Incomplete combustion
                                                                    blue in the presence of water.
     		 Incomplete combustion is where the reaction 		            - The cold water condenses the water vapor
     		 happens with limited (not enough) oxygen and 		             so it can be seen in the boiling tube.
     		 produces a poisonous gas called carbon 		                 - Lime water turns cloudy in the presence of
     		 monoxide.                                                   carbon dioxide.
                                                                                                                                    to pump

       2. Complete combustion
     		 Complete combustion happens when there is 		                                                     Cobalt
                                                                                                                                         Lime water
     		 plentiful (enough) oxygen.                                             cold                      Chloried paper
     		 Fuel + Oxygen        Carbon dioxide + Water

12                           YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust
Origins                                      SCIENCE
Evolution:                                                            Extinction:
                                                                      A species becomes extinct when
Scientists believe that the species we see on Earth
                                                                      there are no more of that species
today have gradually developed over millions of
                                                                      left anywhere in the world.
years. This is called the theory of evolution.
                                                                      Organisms may become extinct
Natural selection:
                                                                      due to…
Organisms evolve through the process of natural
                                                                      • Changes in the environment
selection. They change slowly over time, to
                                                                      • Destruction of habitat
become better adapted to their environment.
                                                                      • Outbreak of new disease
This theory was proposed by Charles Darwin.
                                                                      • Introduction of new predators
                                 Darwin’s theory of evolution,        • Increased competition for
                                 the evidence:                          resources
                                 • Fossil record
                                 • Extinction, species that did
                                   not adapt died out.
                                 • Changes have been
                                   observed in microorganism

Inheritance:                                                         Preserving biodiversity:
Your inherited characteristics come from your parents                1. Conservation, protecting the
through genetic material stored in the nucleus of your                  natural habitat.
cells.                                                               2. Captive breeding, this is breeding
                                                                        animals in human controlled
                         Chromosome                                  3. Gene banks, store genetic
                                                                        samples of different species.

Inside the nucleus of your cells, the 46 chromosomes                 Discovery of DNA:
are arranged into 23 pairs. An egg cell contains 23                  1866 – Gregor Mendel carries out
chromosomes. A sperm cell contains 23 chromosomes.                   experiments using peas. Notices that
When DNA is copied to make new cells it                              characteristics can be passed from
can become damaged. This change in                                   parents to offspring.
the DNA is called a mutation.                                        1952 – Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind
                                                                     Franklin used X-rays to take an
                                                                     image of DNA crystals.
                                                                     1953 – James Watson and Francis
Genetic modification:
                                                                     Crick worked out the structure of
Scientists can alter an organism's genes to                          DNA is a double helix (like a twisted
produce an organism with desired characteristics.                    ladder).

Examples:                                                            A Punnett square
• Cotton, to produce high yields.                                    can be used
• Corn, to produce toxins that                                       to show what
  kill insects.                                                      happens to the
• Bacteria, to produce                                               alleles in the
  medicinal drugs.                                                   genetic cross

                        YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022    I Delta Academies Trust                    13
SCIENCE                   Human Reproduction

 Puberty takes place between the ages of 9           Key words
 and 14 in most people.
                                                     Semen is released into the vagina.
 Changes in girls during puberty:
                                                     The nuclei of the sperm fuses with the egg (in
 •   Breasts develop                                 the oviduct).
 •   Hips widen
 •   Ovaries start to release egg cells              The fertilised egg attaches to the lining of the
 Changes in boys during puberty:

 •   Voice breaks (gets deeper)
 •   Testicles start producing sperm
 •   Hair grows on face and chest

                                                     It takes around 9 months for a fertilised egg to
                                                     develop into a baby.

                                                     An organ where substances pass between
                                                     the mother's blood and the fetus.

 The menstrual cycle (period) is controlled
                                                     Umbilical cord
                                                     Connects the fetus to the placenta.
 by hormones.
 The cycle lasts around 28 days.                     Amniotic fluid
 When the egg is released from the ovary             This acts as a shock absorber, protecting the
 this is called ovulation.                           fetus from any bumps.

14                     YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust
HT3: Are There                                                      GEOGRAPHY
Challenges To
Development?                                       Social indicators that affect
What is development?                               standard of living
Geographers use social, economic                      Indicators                           Measures
and political indicators to measure
development in countries                                Life             The average number of years a
                                                     expectancy          person is expected to live.
throughout the world. Developed
countries have better standards of                                       Number of deaths per 1000
                                                      Death rate
living than less developed countries.                                    people.

The development cable model:                                         The number of deaths of infants
                                                    Infant mortality under one year old per 1,000 births
                                                                     each year.

                                                       Birth rate        Number of births per 1000 people.

                                                                         The percentage of people in a
                                                     Literacy rates      population who can read and

                                                        Equality         Equal opportunities for women.

How do physical and human factors affect settlement development
                 Las Vegas, USA                            The Aral Sea and the town of Aral,

 • Over abstraction: 90% of Las Vegas’ water          • Over abstraction: During the Soviet era, water
   comes from Lake Mead, a reservoir formed             was abstracted for irrigating cotton.
   by the Hoover Dam 24 miles away from               • Since 1960s 90% of the Aral sea has
   Vegas. Climate: Very little rainfall and warm        disappeared. Ecosystems have been
   temperatures, averaging 33.5 degrees                 damaged alongside damage to the fishing
   Celsius.                                             industry.
 • USA wealth/GDP is £63,500 per capita               • Kazakhstan wealth is £9,055 per capita
   (Source: World Bank, 2020)                           (Source: World Bank, 2020)

                        YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust                     15
GEOGRAPHY                                            HT3: Are There
                                                          Challenges To
Brazil’s GDP = 6,796.84 USD (2020)
Curitiba is the capital and largest city in the state of Paraná in southeast Brazil. The
city witnessed a very large increase in its population from the middle of the 20th
century and was often gridlocked with traffic. Today, Curitiba is considered one of
the world's most successful examples of urban planning. The city has a population of
3 million people. Quality of life is high and air pollution is low.

Integrated Transport System                                                Recycling
• Public transport is used by 75% of                                       • 2/3 of all rubbish is recycled.
  commuters.                                                               • Creating jobs for local
• Network of express bus routes with                                         people sorting and
  orange feeder routes.                                                      processing the rubbish.
• Every 60 seconds a bus                                                   •There is also a library made
  arrives!                                                                  up of second hand books
• Raised platforms in tubular                                               and a museum containing
  bus stops to increase                                                     people’s rubbish.
• Travel times cut by 1/3.
                                                                           Green Exchange
• Low income families spend
  less than 10% of their                                                   •Low income residents of the
  income on bus tickets.                                                    city are invited to exchange
                                                                            their rubbish for food or bus
• For one fare you can travel                                               tickets.
  anywhere in the city.
                                                                           •This avoids wasted food
Prioritising People Over Cars                                               due to over production
                                                                            and encourages people
• Roads were pedestrianised and opened up to the people                     to use the public transport
  with street entertainers and painting/crafts for young                    system. The scheme also
  children to take part in.                                                 encourages recycling.
• There is also an extensive network of urban parks.



16                     YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust
HT3: Are There                                          GEOGRAPHY
Challenges To
China and the 3 Gorges Dam: Can it be justified?

                                 Artificial reservoirs (man-made lakes) created
                                 behind dams can add new stores to the
                                 water cycle.

                                 The Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River
                                 in China has created a reservoir 660km
                                 long, and 1.1km wide. It holds back 10
                                 trillion gallons of water for irrigation, industry
                                 and is meeting the government’s goal of
                                 producing pollution-free electric power.

                                  China’s GDP = 10,500.40 USD (2020)

                                 However, concerns have been raised over
                                 the quality of the water supplied. The dam
                                 stops the flow of sediment and pollution
                                 downstream, which may mean that the
                                 water quality in the reservoir declines and
                                 people cannot use the water.

                                 The creation of the reservoir will increase water
                                 supply to people in the area as the additional
                                 water store will hold water in one place that
                                 can then be extracted and used by people in
                                 the local area.
                                 In the long term, the Chinese Government
                                 want to extend this by creating a water transfer
                                 scheme to move water from the Three Gorges
                                 area to the more arid north of China.

            YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust          17
GEOGRAPHY                                           HT3: Are There
                                                           Challenges To
A sustainable future for Dubai?
Dubai is greatly dependent on the availability of
cheap energy, and its per capita consumption of
energy is amongst the highest in the world. Cheaply
available oil is used to desalinize the water that
irrigates the lush tropical landscapes implanted in
its desert, and that supports
the water-spending habits
of its leisure tourism. Cheaply
available oil is used to air-
condition its massive interior
spaces during the gruellingly
hot summer months.

                                     An example of
     The vast majority of the        sustainable architecture:
     buildings in the Gulf           Singapore “Supertrees"
     have been constructed           are high-tech structures
     by low-wage migrant             that collect solar energy
     labourers.                      to power a nightly light
     Due to Covid-19, many           show. They have a softer
     migrants have been left         side too: their trunks are
     stranded. Living away           vertical gardens, laced
     from their families, unable     with more than 150,000 living plants!
     to send any money
     home or to even feed                  Push Factors                              Pull Factors
     themselves. Many men                (pushing migrants                   (pulling migrants towards
     at the camp go to work              away from India)                              Dubai)
     but haven’t been getting
                                      Lack of jobs, poverty,            Pull factors are positive or attractive
     paid.                            environmental problems            aspects of the receiving country.
                                      such as drought, the              Examples include higher standards
                                      unattractiveness of               of living, the possibility of jobs in
                                      jobs in, for example,             factories, higher wages etc.
                                      agriculture, war,                 Dubai’s GDP = 31,982.23 USD (2020)
                                      persecution and
                                      political unrest are good         Lee’s Model of Migration
                                      examples of push factors
                                      India’s GDP = 1,900 USD
                                      Bangladesh GDP = 1,968
                                      USD (2020)

18                      YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust
HT3: Are There                                            GEOGRAPHY
Challenges To

Key terms for the unit
1. Development Indicators                  7. Climate
2. Economic Indicators                     8. Sustainability
3. Social Indicators                       9. Dam
4. GNP per capita                          10. Push factor
5. The development cable                   11. Pull factor
   model                                   12. Lee’s model of migration
6. Over abstraction

              YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust   19
GEOGRAPHY                                HT4: Who Wants To
                                                Be A Billionaire?
Distribution of wealth                                                    HICs:
                                                                          • Majority of HICs
                                                                            lie in the Northern
                                                                          • Exception Australia and
                                                                            New Zealand.
                                                                          • Clusters of HICs in
                                                                            Western Europe.
                                                                          • North America, Middle
                                                                            East and East Asia.

                                                                          NEEs and LICs:
                                                                          • South American
                                                                            countries are NEEs.
High Income = more than $12,536 about 60 countries.                       • Asia has more NEEs
                                                                            than LICs.
Middle Income = $3,956 – $12,535 – e.g. South Africa                      • Africa has more LICs
and China                                                                   than NEEs.
Lower middle income = $1,006 – $3,955 – about 50                          • Easter European
countries, mostly in Africa                                                 countries are mainly
Low income = $1,005 or less – about 30 countries,
mostly in Sub-Sahara

Causes of uneven development, Democratic Republic
of Congo (DRC)
     Physical                                      Human
     • Environmental – 60% is                      • Historical – a Belgium colony between
       tropical rainforest. Difficult                1885-1960.
       landscape, hard to build
       roads and rail networks.                    • Economic – during colonisation, a lot
                                                     of money created from industry did not
     • Natural resources e.g.                        stay in the country. Profits went back
       Coltan used in technology                     to Belgium. Government misusing tax
       such as mobile phones.                        payers’ money.
     • Location – mostly                           • Conflict – 1960, DRC gained
       landlocked with only 23                       independence, led
       miles of coastline. Hard for                  to conflict over who
       international trade. 11th                     would rule. A civil
       largest country.                              war between
20                    YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust
HT4: Who Wants To                                             GEOGRAPHY
Be A Billionaire?
                                                Distribution of billionaires
 Types of industry
    • Primary industry

    • Secondary industry

    • Tertiary industry

    • Quaternary industry

Employment structure                            Employment structure
over time                                       for HIC, NEE, LIC

Bar graph to show population and wealth
around the UK

                  YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust   21
GEOGRAPHY                                HT4: Who Wants To
                                                Be A Billionaire?
Can money
buy you

How to close the gap between LICs and HICs
Aid: Bottom Up                                         Positives
• Less expensive projects.                             • Working with the local community.
• Funded by people and NGOs from more                  • Improves education which will help
   developed countries.                                  people get better jobs.
• Small scale.                                         Negatives
• Lack co-ordination due to limited funding.           • Small scale due to funding limitations.
E.g. DRC Comic Relief £390,000 improving               • Difficult for everyone to access as
literacy rates in rural schools.                         some children need to earn a living.

Aid: Bottom down                                   Positives
• More expensive.                                  • Power lines will stretch 5,000km across
• Funded by governments of                           South Africa, Zambia and Nambia.
  developed countries or institutions              • 90% of the DRCs population isn’t
  such as the world bank.                            connected to the energy grid.
• Large scale so will help many people.            • Electricity DRC doesn’t use can be
• Can ignore local community needs.                  sold to other countries.
E.g. Build a dam across the River Congo            Negatives
Grand Inga Dam, second largest river in            • 22,000 hectares of land will be
the world by discharge volume. 2,733 miles           flooded, Bundi Valley.
long. Inga Falls are a series of rapids that       • Displace 35,000 people.
drop 96 meters in height over 15km. The            • Destroy natural habitats.
drop in height creates potential energy.           • Stop fish migration. Many people
                                                     rely on fish as a source of protein.
22                    YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust
HT4: Who Wants To                                                 GEOGRAPHY
 Be A Billionaire?
HIC – High Income Country.
NEE – Newly Emerging Economy.
MIC – Middle Income Country.
LIC – Low Income Country.
GNI – Gross National Income per capita (average wage).
GDP – Gross Domestic Product, total value of all goods and services produced in a country.
Development – Measure of how rich or poor a country is compared to other countries
(standard of living).
Development gap – The difference in the standards of living and well-being between the
world’s richest and poorest countries.
Trade – Buying and selling of goods.
Landlocked – A country that does not have land connected to an ocean.
Colonisation – Another country controls the economy and often exploits the raw material for
their own economic gain.
Civil war – Violent conflict within a country.
Independence – A place gains political freedom from outside control.
Primary industry – Collecting raw materials e.g. wood from logging, iron ore through
Secondary industry – Taking raw materials produced by the primary industry and processing
them into manufacture goods e.g. wood into a desk.
Tertiary industry – Selling of services and skills e.g. teaching, sales assistance.
Quaternary industry – Industries providing information services e.g. computing, research and
design e.g. pharmaceutical companies.
Aid – Money, goods and services given by an individual government or non-governmental
organisation (NGO) to promote development.
Bottom – up projects – Planned with the local community.
Top – down projects – Planned by the government.
Rural – Countryside.
Sustainable development – Meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs.
Comic Relief – Example of an NGO.
Dam – Barrier that is built across a river to interrupt river flow and control the amount of water
flowing downstream. This creates a
reservoir.                                Sustainable Development Goals: United Nations
Reservoir – Man-made lake.
Hydroelectric power –
Hydroelectricity can be generated
at a dam if energy of the moving
water is used.
Discharge – The quantity of water
that passes a given point on a
stream or river-bank within a given
period of time.
Displace – Forced to flee home but
remains within the country.
United Nations – UN.

                       YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust         23
HISTORY                                 8.3: What Was The
                                                Impact Of Slavery?
The Development of Africa
It is almost certain that human history began in Africa.
All the earliest evidence of human existence and of
our immediate ancestors has been found in Africa.
The latest scientific research points to the fact that all
human beings are likely to have African ancestors.
Africa was not just the birthplace of humanity but also
the cradle of early civilisations that made an immense
contribution to the world and are still marvelled at
today. The most notable example is Kemet – the
original name of ancient Egypt – which first developed
in the Nile valley more than 5,000 years ago and was
one of the first monarchies.
However, even before the rise of Egypt, an even
earlier kingdom was founded in Nubia, in what is
present-day Sudan. Ta Seti is thought to be one of
the earliest states in history, the existence of which
demonstrates that, thousands of years ago, Africans
were developing some of the most advanced
political systems anywhere in the world.

The Rise of Islam in Africa
Northern Africa developed trade routes with the
Arab world. The rise of Islam from the mid-7th century
meant that Islam became well integrated into North
Africa and helped to improve trade links due to the
introduction of Islamic practices of record keeping,
language and book-based learning. Universities were
established such as Sankore in Timbuktu in the 14th
However, alongside the benefits of improved trade
came a need for more workers. Slavery had existed
in many countries, such as when prisoners of war had
been captured by enemy tribes and put to work.
African societies did have slaves within their own lands
and also supplied slaves to be taken to the Middle
East, India and as far as China. This left some societies
without good workers, especially men who attracted
a higher price.

Golden Kingdoms
The area around present-day Mali was the home of a hugely wealthy series of West African empires
that flourished over the course of more than 800 years. The Ghana Empire lasted from AD 700 to 1000,
and was followed by the Mali Empire (around AD 1250 to 1500), which once stretched all the way from
the coast of Senegal to Niger. The Songhai Empire (AD 1000–1591) was the last of these little-known,
trade-based empires, which at times covered areas larger than Western Europe, and whose wealth was
founded on the mining of gold and salt from Saharan mines. Camels carried these natural resources
across the desert to cities in North Africa and the Middle East, returning laden with manufactured goods
and producing a huge surplus of wealth. One Malian emperor was said to possess a nugget of gold so
large you could tether a horse to it! Organised systems of government and Islamic centres of scholarship
– the most famous of which was Timbuktu – flourished in the kingdoms of West Africa, but conversely, it
was Islam that led to their downfall when the forces of Morocco invaded in 1591.
24                        YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust
8.3: What Was The                                                                  HISTORY
Impact Of Slavery?
Impact of the Transatlantic Slave
Trade on Africa

• By the mid-18th century, slaves were Africa's
  main export. In Western Africa the slave trade
  represented as much as 95 per cent of the
  value of their exports.
• Cowries (oval shells of different sizes with
  serrated edges) were one of the largest
  commodities imported by the British. They
  became a vital part of the system of
  exchange between Europeans and African
  traders. Slavers paid around 25,000 shells for an
  enslaved African.

• Kings and warlords were anxious to trade with
  Europeans to acquire guns.
• Twenty million guns were imported to Africa in
  the second half of the 18th century.
• African rulers exchanged captives for guns.
  Rulers were in competition with each other, so
  the acquisition of guns provided an edge over
  their rivals.
• States based on slavery grew in power and
  influence. For example the Kingdom of
  Dahomey became one of the most prosperous
  nations: total receipts from slave exports were
  an estimated £250,000 per year by 1750.

Social Consequences
• By the end of the 17th century, European demand for African captives, particularly for the sugar
  plantations in the Americas, became so great that they could only be acquired by initiating raiding
  and warfare.
• Large areas of Africa were devastated and societies disintegrated. Depopulation was also caused
  indirectly. Europeans brought with them deadly diseases: e.g. European strains of syphilis and
  smallpox, typhus and tuberculosis.

                        YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust            25
HISTORY                                 8.3: What Was The
                                                Impact Of Slavery?
 Why was the slave trade abolished
 across the British Empire?
 Political Leaders
 • Sharp – After successfully arguing for a change
   in the law to prevent slaves from being
   forced to leave Britain, he established the
   ‘Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade’
   and persuaded Wilberforce to become their
 • Clarkson organised petitions in industrial cities
   such as Manchester which raised awareness
   and put pressure on Parliament to debate
   ending slavery.
 • Wilberforce argued the abolition of slavery
   in Parliament for 18 years, whilst supporting
   anti-slavery organisations by helping with
   campaigns, for example by giving speeches.

 • Women published anti-slavery literature, such
   as Mary Birkett’s ‘A Poem on the African Slave        Key Words
   Trade’.                                               Civilisation – A society in an advanced state
 • Women organised boycotts of slave-made                of development.
   goods such as sugar in the 1790s and again in
   the 1820s/30s.                                        Middle Passage – The journey by ship
 • Women were active in gaining public support           between Africa and the Americas which
   to abolish slavery by giving lectures and             involved transporting slaves.
   knocking on doors.
                                                         Plantation – A large farm that produces one
 Olaudah Equiano                                         product e.g. rubber, sugar or tobacco.
 • His autobiography became a best seller and
                                                         Slave – A person who is made the property of
   revealed the realities of life as a slave to a
   wide audience.                                        another, they are forced to obey their owner.
 • His stories about life in Africa helped to            Transatlantic Slave Trade – The period during
   humanise slaves in the minds of British people.       which slaves were transported from Africa to
 • Equiano described his West African upbringing         the Americas and Europe, mainly in the 18th
   as joyful and peaceful. Slavers convinced the         and early 19th centuries.
   British people that West Africa was war torn to
   justify removing people from the area, to save

26                       YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust
8.4 – How Violent Was  HISTORY
 The French Revolution?
 Key Words                                         Timeline
 Committee of Public Safety – Created
 during the Terror. It had 12 members              1774 – Louis XVI became king of France.
 and its aim was to ensure the Revolution
 survived and continued.
                                                   1787 - 1789 – Bad harvests in France.
 Estates General – The French parliament.

 Execution – The act of killing someone as         1789 – Louis called the Estates General.
 punishment for a crime.                           The Tennis Court Oath.
 Exile – Leaving a place/country. Usually          The Storming of the Bastille.

 Guillotine – A machine for beheading              1791 – The flight to Varennes.

 National Convention – The government              1793 – Execution of Louis XVI and his wife
 of the French Revolution.                         Marie Antoinette.
 Revolution – A period of time which sees
 major changes.                                    1793 - 94 – The Terror.

Why was the slave trade abolished across the
British Empire?
Louis married Marie Antoinette in 1770 and became king in
1774. Large crowds gathered at his coronation and the couple
were initially young and popular. They lived in luxury with every
entertainment available including theatre, opera and stables.
Louis enjoyed hunting, eating and drinking. Mantin tells us that
Louis “would get up at six o’clock, eat four chops, a fat chicken,
six eggs poached in meat juice, a slice of ham and drink a bottle
and a half of champagne” (The French Revolution, 1992). Marie
Antoinette even had a country house called Petite Trianon built
for her in the grounds where she played at being a poor peasant’s
The couple faced some criticism. French kings were absolute
monarchs, meaning that they did not have to answer to anyone
else. People claimed that Marie Antoinette was vain, extravagant
and interfering. R.Tames even claims that she “became an object
of hatred on account of her extravagance and attitude” (The
French Revolution, 1974). People also began to question whether
Louis was a strong enough leader to rule France. One statement
about Louis XVI from during his reign said “he did not have the
qualities needed by a man born to be a leader. He was timid and
lacked self-confidence. It was soon recognised that others could
influence his decisions”.

                        YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust        27
HISTORY                         8.4 – How Violent Was
                                          The French Revolution?
Key events of the Revolution                                          The causes of the revolution
The Tennis Court Oath                                                 Money: By 1787, the French government was
In 1789 Louis decided to call together the Estates General            bankrupt. It was 4000 million livres in debt. France
(The French Parliament). The Estates General had not been             had spent a lot of money fighting costly wars, but
called since 1614; 175 years ago! The Estates General                 had nothing to show for it. Many people accused
included representatives (members) from all three estates.            the royals, especially Queen Marie- Antoinette of
                                                                      spending too much money on luxuries. Others said
On 17 June 1789, the representatives from the third estate            that the tax system was corrupt and some tax-
declared that they were in charge as they represented 90%             collectors did not hand all their taxes over to the
of the French population. They called themselves the National         government.
Assembly. But Louis locked them out of the meeting hall so
they gathered in the Tennis Court instead. They swore an              Bad harvests: In the years 1787 – 1789, terrible
oath (promise) not to leave until France was ruled fairly. They       weather, heavy rain, hard winters and too hot
wanted a new set of fair rules for how France should be run.          summers led to three very bad harvests in France.
                                                                      This led to peasants and farmers having smaller
The Storming of the Bastille                                          incomes, while food prices rose sharply. The poor
In July 1789, revolutionaries attacked the Bastille prison in Paris   harvests also meant that many French farmers
and released some prisoners after killing the governor of the         became unemployed. Many poorer people were
prison and several guards. The prison was famous for holding          starving, but could not afford food and could not
people who had criticised the King or the government. Often           find a job.
they were imprisoned without trial. The prison was therefore a        The Estates General: The Estates General (French
symbol of the absolute power of the King.                             parliament) met at the Palace of Versailles,
Louis’ execution                                                      just outside Paris, in May 1789. There were 1100
Louis was executed by guillotine in January 1793 in the Place         members, or deputies. The deputies of the third
de la Revolution in Paris. He was accused of asking foreign           estate, which represented millions of ordinary
armies to invade France and to a stop to the Revolution.              French people, made up only half of the deputies.

Impact of the Revolution
Maximilien Robespierre

The period after the revolution became known as ‘The
Terror’. Maximilien Robespierre became an influential figure
in the National Assembly and later gained power in the new
revolutionary government.

Robespierre became the leader of the Jacobins and in 1793
formed the Committee of Public Safety. This group effectively ran
the government, with Robespierre becoming the most powerful
man in France. He was determined to ensure the Revolution did
not fail and set about stamping out any opposition.

During Robespierre’s ‘Reign of Terror’ anyone that opposed
the revolutionary government was arrested or executed.
The guillotine was used to behead suspected traitors. Within
12 months over 16,000 ‘enemies of the state’ were officially
executed, with many more imprisoned.

After just one year of harsh rule, revolutionaries turned on
Robespierre and had him arrested. He was executed by
guillotine in July 1794.

28                             YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022    I Delta Academies Trust
Democracy                                                                  ETHICS, PHILOSOPHY
                                                                               AND CITIZENSHIP

We live in a democracy. A democracy is a country      How are MPs elected?
where the people choose their government.
In this country there are too many people to
                                                      Members of Parliament (MPs) are usually elected
ask and too many decisions to take, therefore
                                                      every five years at a General Election. For the
representatives are elected to make decisions.
                                                      General Election, the country is divided into 650
These representatives are called MPs (Members
                                                      constituencies or areas. Each constituency elects
of Parliament). We also elect representatives to
                                                      one MP to Parliament. The last General Election in
help govern our local area; these are called local
                                                      the UK was held on 12th December 2019.
                                                      The main role of MPs in Parliament is to represent
The UK Parliament meets in Westminster, London.
                                                      their constituents (the people in the area that
It has two parts – the House of Commons and the
                                                      elected them) in areas where the UK Parliament
House of Lords, plus the Monarchy. The House of
                                                      takes decisions e.g. immigration or defence. MPs
Commons is made up of 650 MPs and the House of
                                                      either debate or ask questions in the House of
Lords of around 810 Lords or, as they are sometimes
                                                      Commons or they work in smaller groups known as
known, peers.
                                                      Other important roles of MPs in Parliament are to
                                                      help make laws and to scrutinise (check up on) the
                                                      work of the government or investigate issues.

                                                                                           Source: BBC

                                                        1. Find out who your Member of Parliament is,
                                                           which party do they belong to?

                                                        2. If you were Prime Minister what would you
                                                           change? Think about:
                                                        • Housing.
                                                        • Healthcare.
                                                        • Education.
                                                        • Tax.
                                                        • Freedom.
If you were prime minister what would you change?       Write up your ideas as a speech to encourage
                                                        others to vote for you.
Source: BBC

                        YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust                   29
 The House of Lords                                       The Monarchy
 The House of Lords is the second chamber of the          The UK's political system can be described as a
 UK Parliament. The role of the House of Lords is to      Constitutional Monarchy with a King or Queen as
 help make laws as well as check on the work of           Head of State.
 government and investigate issues.                       However, it is the Houses of Parliament that make
 The main group of people in the House of Lords are       our laws, not the Monarch (Queen). The Queen only
 peers. Most peers have been appointed by the             passes legislation - this is known as Royal Assent.
 Queen on the advice of a Prime Minister because          When a Parliamentary Bill is given Royal Assent it
 they are experts in a particular area e.g. trade,        becomes an Act of Parliament. It is then up to the
 education or science. Others in the Lords are Church     government to implement that law. For example,
 of England bishops and 92 are hereditary peers or        the Department for Transport will deal with new Acts
 people with titles (such as Barons or Viscounts) who     relating to transport.
 have inherited the right to sit in the Lords (they are   The Monarch must remain politically neutral and
 there because of the family they are from).              does not interfere with Parliament. No Monarch has
 No party has overall control in the House of Lords,      refused Parliament's wishes for over 300 years.
 so the Government has to try to find compromises
 and agreements. In fact, around 200 members
 do not represent political parties and sit as
 crossbenchers. Even members who do belong to
 political parties often act in an independent way
 and because of this, debates are mostly based
 on discussion, persuasion and respect, rather than
 fierce argument. Because members of the House
 of Lords come from a wide variety of backgrounds
 and are chosen differently from MPs, they provide
 an important second opinion to the House of

                                                            1. Do you think it is right for the Queen to
                                                               appoint the peers in the House of Lords?
                                                            2. Do you think it is good or bad to have bishops
                                                               in the House of Lords?
                                                            3. Do you think it is right that people should
                                                               have a place in the House of Lords and help
                                                               to make laws because of who their parents
                                                            4. Do you think it would ever be right for the
                                                               Queen to not agree with what Parliament has

                                                          Did you know that famous athletes Sebastian Coe
                                                          and Tanni Grey-Thompson are peers?

30                        YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust
Democracy                                                                   ETHICS, PHILOSOPHY
                                                                                AND CITIZENSHIP

What do MPs do?
The role of a Member of Parliament (MP) is to
represent his/her constituents in the House of
Commons, including those who did not vote for
them or did not vote at all. MPs highlight issues
affecting their constituents by making speeches,
questioning government ministers, or by openly
supporting and highlighting particular campaigns.
MPs’ role is to challenge the policies of the
Government by taking part in debates in the House
of Commons. They also vote on new laws and
keep track of the work of the Government to make
sure their plans are fair and sensible. They keep in
contact with their constituents, so they understand
their needs and concerns. That means they are            The work of an MP outside parliament
in a good position to act as the voice of their
constituents in Parliament. They also:                   MPs don’t spend all their time in the House of
• Write to or organise meetings with a relevant          Commons. When they are not working in parliament,
  minister.                                              MPs work in their constituencies, communicating
                                                         with their constituents by writing letters, emails and
• Speak in Parliament.
                                                         replying to phone messages. Often MPs will hold
• Ask questions during Prime Minister's Questions.       'surgeries' where local people can meet with their
• Challenge other organisations (such as local           MP and ask questions. Constituents usually meet with
  councils, health boards) and individuals on behalf     their MP to seek help with a problem or issue. Some
  of their constituents (Lobbying).                      MPs send out newsletters to their constituents and
                                                         communicate via their own website or social media
• Take part in committees which scrutinise (check)
  new legislation or question the work of the
  government.                                            MPs are asked to attend a large number of meetings
                                                         and events, including with their local constituency
When the Government proposes a new law, MPs              political party. They require the support of the local
discuss and challenge it, and may suggest that           party to ensure that they will be selected to stand as
some amendments (changes) are made. Finally,             a candidate in future elections. The election of MPs
MPs vote on the law: If most of the MPs vote ‘Aye’       who are not linked to any political party is unusual.
(yes) then the law is passed to the House of Lords for
further debate.

  1. What qualities do you think a good Prime
     Minister should have?
  2. Do you think you would be a good MP? Why?
  3. Write a job advert for an MP. Think about:
    • What skills they would need.
    • What personal qualities should they have.
    • What would make a good MP.

                         YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust                     31
 What is local democracy?
 Local councils are responsible for schools, planning,
 parks, roads, culture and leisure services, council
 housing, social work, council tax and emergency
 services. Local government has very different
 responsibilities to other forms of government. Each
 area elects at least one councillor, these elections
 are usually more frequent the general elections.
 Local councillors represent everyone who lives in
 the area that elected them. Most councillors are on
 committees that decide local issues, for example the
 planning committee might decide if a new building
 should be built. Local councils are also responsible
 for your safety and will employ child protection
 officers and social workers to help make sure you are

                                                          1. Many of us have clear ideas about what
                                                             could be improved about the area we live
                                                             in. Local councillors are there to listen to our
                                                             ideas. How would you improve the place
                                                             where you live? Write a list of the things you
                                                             would change. Which is the most important
                                                             and why?
                                                          2. Who is your local councillor? Which party do
                                                             they represent?

     Produce your own spider diagram to summarise everything you have learnt about democracy in the UK.

                                Members of

                                 Houses of                            Houses of
                                 Commons                                Lords




32                        YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust
Physical Puberty                                                                  ETHICS, PHILOSOPHY
                                                                                      AND CITIZENSHIP

Define: Puberty
                                                               Physical Changes during Puberty
The process of physical maturity in a person that
takes place in adolescence.                                              •   Starts between 10 and 12 years of age.
                                                                         •   Facial hair.
                                                             Boys        •   Voice breaking.
Define: Menstruation                                         Only        •   Erections.
Also known as a period. The process in a                                 •   Wet dreams.
woman of discharging blood and                                           •   Widening of chest and shoulders.
other material from the lining of the uterus at                          •   Starts between 9 and 11 years of age.
intervals of about one lunar month from puberty                          •   Menstruation/periods begin.
until the menopause, except during pregnancy.                            •   Breast growth.
                                                           Girls Only
                                                                         •   Stretch marks.
                                                                         •   Cellulite.
Define: Hormones                                                         •   Hips widen.
A chemical substance produced in the body
                                                                         •   Grow taller.
that controls and regulates the activity of
                                                                         •   Sweat more.
certain cells or organs.                                   Both
                                                                         •   Changes to hair and skin.
                                                                         •   Spots and pimples.
Define: Wet Dream
An involuntary ejaculation that occurs
whilst a person is asleep.

  Female Genitalia                            Female Genitalia                            Male Genitalia
   External (Vulva)                              Internal

                    Labia Minora

                    Urethal Opening

                    Labia Majora


Things to Remember                                       Who can you turn to for help and
• Puberty begins at different times for different
  people.                                                • Parents or trusted family members.
• Changes will happen at different rates and in          • Your Doctor or Practice Nurse.
  a different order for different people.
                                                         • Teachers or school staff.
• Everyone goes through puberty, you are not
  alone.                                                 • School Nurse.
• Good diet and exercise can help deal with              • NSPCC - Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (24 hours, every day)
  some of the physical changes.                            www.nspcc.org.uk
• Puberty is normal despite feeling very                 • Childline - Helpline: 0800 1111(24 hours, every day)
  abnormal.                                                www.childline.org.uk
                                                         • NHS Live Well Website - www.NHS.UK/Livewell

                               YEAR 8 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER SPRING 2022   I Delta Academies Trust                       33
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