"Y no quedó nada, nada de la casa, todo salió volando" (And there was nothing left, nothing of the house, everything flew away): a critical ...

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"Y no quedó nada, nada de la casa, todo salió volando" (And there was nothing left, nothing of the house, everything flew away): a critical ...
Vega Ocasio et al. BMC Public Health   (2021) 21:1833

 RESEARCH                                                                                                                                          Open Access

“Y no quedó nada, nada de la casa, todo
salió volando” (And there was nothing left,
nothing of the house, everything flew away):
a critical medical ecological perspective on
the lived experience of hurricane María in
Puerto Rico
D. Vega Ocasio†, J. G. Pérez Ramos† and T. D. V. Dye*†

  Background: Ecological disasters create dramatic changes as man-made and natural ecosystems adapt to their
  effects. In 2017, Hurricanes Irma and María devastated Puerto Rico. Public focus after such traumatic ecological
  events often neglects pre-existing community dynamics, heterogeneity of lived experience, and complexity of
  decision-making in the disaster context. We intended to better understand the lived experience of this ecological
  trauma in communities across ecosystems in Puerto Rico and among those displaced to Florida.
  Method: We used the Critical Medical Ecological (CME) framework to assess the relative contribution of ecological
  dimensions on lived experience across community levels and time. We used qualitative methods with emic coding
  and etic mapping of salient constructs to the ecological model. In total, 96 people participated in 23 discussion
  encounters. Two people coded interviews in Spanish using Dedoose. We identified common themes in sequential
  order mapped to elements of the CME to approximate the participants’ temporal experience.
  Results: Codes applied to the period of the hurricane’s landfall, traverse, and exit were markedly distinct from the
  other two periods (before and after) examined in this study: the experience of the hurricane’s strike was highly
  personal and, at this level, reflected a mix of sociocultural, biological, and abiotic factors. After the hurricanes, social
  and community factors re-emerged while new risks and conditions arose that were biological (e.g., leptospirosis, no
  food or water) or abiotic (e.g., unusable roads/bridges, structures destroyed), but created ongoing stressors and
  social needs for communities. As we found, the dynamics of the social and household landscape sometimes
  involved the decision to leave Puerto Rico altogether, or forced people to continually face and adapt to the
  ongoing collapse in basic services that were only slowly and differentially restored.

* Correspondence: tim_dye@urmc.rochester.edu
 D. Vega Ocasio, J. G. Pérez Ramos and T. D. V. Dye share joint first
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Rochester, School of
Medicine and Dentistry, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 668, Rochester, NY
14642, USA

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"Y no quedó nada, nada de la casa, todo salió volando" (And there was nothing left, nothing of the house, everything flew away): a critical ...
Vega Ocasio et al. BMC Public Health   (2021) 21:1833                                                           Page 2 of 28

 Conclusion: Lived experience across each stage of the hurricanes differed substantially from one another.
 Communities disrupted by ecological disaster are also frequently entangled within global economic and political
 histories and dependencies that could preclude recovery. Island nations are especially vulnerable to both climate-
 induced ecological change and political-economic exploitation. The ongoing health effect of the hurricane remains
 palpable in many communities of Puerto Rico and among the diaspora in Florida.
 Keywords: Puerto Rico, Disaster, Ecosystem, Hurricane María, Social determinants, Diaspora, Medical ecology, Critical
 perspectives, Qualitative, Trauma

Background                                                      significantly destabilized natural and built environments
Ecological disasters – increasingly more common and             - killing an estimated 250,000 people - but the subse-
frequently attributed to climate change – create disba-         quent social disaster after the earthquake, including a
lance among physical environments, biological risks, and        widespread, uncontrolled cholera epidemic, killed far
health care, and disrupt lives and communities that are         more [13, 14]. The consequences of the 2010 earthquake
nested within them [1]. Dramatic changes occur in hu-           in Haiti still reverberate in communities and in the ecol-
man populations post-disaster as man-made and natural           ogies that sustain them, with populations displaced, ser-
ecosystems adapt to their effects through recovery and          vices disrupted, and infrastructure destroyed long after
regeneration, achieving homeostasis and driving toward          the earthquake itself [15, 16]. Similarly, the tsunami in
stability or a “new normal” in both nature and society          Southeast Asia in 2004 killed 230,000 people in a short
[2–4]. Public focus surrounds the occurrence of disas-          period of time, yet the destabilizing and socially destruc-
trous events with rescue, provision of aid, population          tive impacts toppled governments, caused infectious dis-
exodus, and recovery; this focus often centers on visible       ease outbreaks, and dissolved communities long after
effects of the disaster event itself, neglecting pre-existing   [17–19].
community dynamics, heterogeneity of lived experience              We employed the Critical Medical Ecological frame-
of the disaster, and the complexity of decision-making          work [20] (Fig. 1) to examine the relative contribution of
(or, lack of agency to make decisions) post-event. Often        social, biological, abiotic, and health care dimensions on
the “disaster” stretches far before and far beyond the          lived experience across communities, households, and
ecological events that characterize them and adopting           among individuals before, during, and after the hurri-
such a longitudinal perspective can help explain commu-         cane disaster in Puerto Rico. We aimed to describe the
nity change, while incorporating the additive impact of         lived experience in communities across ecological zones
the event – on individuals, households, communities,            in Puerto Rico and among Puerto Rican community
and nations - itself [5].                                       members displaced to Orlando, Florida to more compre-
   In September of 2017, Puerto Rico was devastated by          hensively understand the pre-hurricane context, to de-
two powerful hurricanes, Irma and María, 2 weeks apart.         lineate the chronological stressors arising from the
Hurricane María, the strongest hurricane to hit Puerto          hurricanes, and to describe the resulting adjustments
Rico in more than a century, caused devastation across          and impacts in communities. We used qualitative
the archipelago [6]. The damages manifested by this hur-        methods with emic (local perception) coding and etic
ricane destroyed telecommunication systems, energy,             (external) mapping of salient constructs to the ecological
and water infrastructures, reshaped coastlines, damaged         model to explore the dimensions of this disaster, not
roads, caused mass deforestation, and destroyed homes.          knowing in advance exactly what dynamics and con-
The toll from Hurricane María was estimated at more             structs would emerge as prominent in accounting of
than 4000 people dead [4, 7, 8], and with an estimated          lived experience.
212,000 people or more migrating away from the archi-
pelago [9].                                                     Methods
   The consequences of human entanglement in eco-               Research team and reflexivity
logical disasters are the immediate loss of agency and          The research team had several layers. This project was
the creation of vulnerability in populations shocked and        embedded in a larger CDC-funded initiative partnering
living within disrupted environments [10, 11]. The              with Puerto Rican communities and the University of
events witnessed and experienced by living through the          Puerto Rico [21], with Dr. Dye and Dr. Pérez Ramos in-
disaster itself are tragic, disruptive, surreal, and impact-    volved from the beginning, including a research pause to
ful, and frequently usher a post-event social and eco-          create the #p2p4PUR (people-to-people for Puerto Rico)
logical disaster that creates even more disruption and          hurricane relief initiative [22]. Drs. Dye and Pérez Ramos
suffering [12]. For instance, the 2010 earthquake in Haiti      came to know many of the communities involved in this
Vega Ocasio et al. BMC Public Health      (2021) 21:1833                                                                                Page 3 of 28

 Fig. 1 Critical Medical Ecological Multileveled Analytical Framework: Lived Experience Before, During, and After 2017 Hurricanes in Puerto Rico

present study through their efforts with the CDC-funded                     Rico, they did not have prior experience nor existing re-
initiative and #p2p4PUR. After the hurricanes of 2017                       search relationships in Orlando, Florida, but networked
and with resumption of the team’s research in Puerto                        through social and professional contacts to reach re-
Rico, Dr. Vega Ocasio and Dr. Ivelisse Rivera joined Dr.                    search partners.
Dye and Dr. Pérez Ramos in creating the protocol that                         Project participants knew that the field team was
governed this project. As a demonstration of equity and                     Puerto Rican, based in Rochester, New York, and had
to deliberately avoid a hierarchical structure, the four in-                conducted health research in Puerto Rico before. The
vestigators (Drs. Vega Ocasio, Rivera, Pérez Ramos, and                     team members from Puerto Rico were from different
Dye) serve as Co-Principal Investigators. All four Co-PIs                   parts of the country and had different diaspora experi-
were deeply familiar with Puerto Rico, with family in the                   ences in the USA. The team members introduced them-
islands, and directly impacted by the hurricanes. The en-                   selves before interviews or focus groups started, sharing
tire field team was fluently bilingual (Spanish and Eng-                    this background. The presence of Latin American,
lish), and culturally Latin American and all coding team                    Caribbean, and European-American team members (in
members were fully bilingual (Spanish-English) with                         the field team and in the wider analytic team) helped us
Spanish as their first language. Two team members iden-                     bring both etic and emic perspectives to coding and
tify as men and six as women. Several team members                          analysis.
were full-time PhD students in the University of Roche-
ster’s Translational Biomedical Science program at the                      Study design
time of their involvement with this project.                                Our work examining the lived experience of the 2017
   The investigator team had pre-existing relationships                     hurricanes among Puerto Rican residents and the dias-
with some communities or individuals within particular                      pora used the medical ecology paradigm as a heuristic
locales before starting this work. In some cases, the team                  device [20, 23]. Medical ecology is particularly well-
networked through other contacts to reach interested                        suited to help organize data and to help interpret envir-
organizational partners at the community level. While                       onmental or ecological-related events in the social, bio-
the team had prior experience conducting fieldwork and                      logical, health care, and physical environments. The
in coordinating the aid response throughout Puerto                          model requires that we attend to multiple levels of
Vega Ocasio et al. BMC Public Health   (2021) 21:1833                                                          Page 4 of 28

organization (individuals, households, communities) and        typically restricted to formal legal and contractual trans-
across domains (biological, sociocultural, abiotic, health     actions, and a signature would be the only written iden-
care), address the processes of stressors and adaptations,     tifier in this study. An IRB-approved information sheet
and evaluate different types of data. For this project,        about the project and protections, with contact details
while the medical ecological paradigm helped us shape          for the investigators and IRB, was provided to partici-
the development of an interview guide, the fieldwork           pants. Topics and discussions often branched from the
was predominantly ethnographic and qualitative. This           original script, following a local format of conversation.
approach allowed for full expression of community              One field investigator guided the interview and the other
voices to capture lived experience.                            took notes. A third attended to logistics of recording,
   Participants met the inclusion criteria of a) Age 18 and    processing paperwork, and assisting participants and
over, b) self-identified as Puerto Rican, and c) were resi-    moderators as needed. Refreshments were provided to
dent in Puerto Rico, the USA, or relocated to the USA          all participants. Due to local institutional requirements
since the hurricanes. We worked with local community           and cost of participating, Orlando participants received
organizations in Puerto Rico and in the USA, who serve         $20 gift cards. All participants were provided with refer-
the populations impacted by the hurricanes to help             ral sheets in the interview that listed local and national
organize discussion groups and interviews (identifying         hotlines, resources, and suggestions for counseling and
venues, setting times, staffing check-in, referrals). We       assistance, and any local referrals were handled by part-
deliberately included a range of geographic locations to       ner organizations. The investigator teams debriefed at
help capture variety in experience, and conducted              the end of each day, summarizing that day’s experience
groups and interviews in urban, mountain, coastal, and         and planned for the next. All recordings were tran-
outer island locales throughout Puerto Rico. Specifically,     scribed by people for whom Spanish was their first lan-
we included the following types of municipalities and          guage, and transcripts were edited and corrected by
ecosystems in our study, “Urban/Metro,” “Mountain,”            project team members. Community participants did not
“Coastal,” and “Outer Island.” In the state of Florida, we     review completed transcriptions. Demographic questions
concentrated groups and interviews in Orlando, to              (place of residence, gender) were self-reported.
where most Puerto Ricans who left Puerto Rico for the             The average time for group interviews in Puerto Rico
mainland after the hurricanes relocated [24].                  was 70 min, and in Orlando 90 min. The average individ-
   We worked with local community partner organiza-            ual interview lasted 73 min. Repeat interviews were not
tions in each ecological zone to identify potential partici-   conducted and each participant participated only once.
pants in their catchment areas through flyers distributed      No one refused to participate and no one refused
or through social networking and word-of-mouth. In             recording.
total, 96 people (31 men, 65 women) participated in a
total of 23 discussion encounters (17 focus groups (four
of which were in Orlando), 6 interviews). Groups were          Data preparation and analysis
hosted in organizational or community facilities and in-       We developed a mixed codebook, mostly using
terviews were completed in spaces determined by                grounded procedures (emic codes) but also with several
participants.                                                  model-led codes (etic) [26]. First, the seven coders and
   The ethnographic instrument used was the same for           investigators reviewed a sample of transcripts, generating
individual and group interviews, and was pretested with        a list of candidate codes arising from the data. Those
the project team and with people for whom Spanish was          codes were reviewed, merged, and consolidated. Next,
their first language. The interview guide was structured       codes were applied to a sample of transcripts and a final
using Spradley’s “Grand Tour” and “Experience” ap-             codebook assembled. The final codebook (Additional file
proach [25], asking participants to describe sequentially      1) contained thematic, structural, theoretical, narrative,
how events unfolded before, during, and after the storms       and descriptive codes and subcodes. The final codebook
and with questions asking participants to recount their        contained definitions and examples for coders to refer-
lived experience. For participants in Orlando, we asked        ence, and was entered into Dedoose for cloud-based
more experiential questions regarding their decisions,         coding [27]. The codebook was ordered sequentially to
circumstances, and lived experiences of relocating from        capture the chronological sequence of pre−/during
Puerto Rico to Florida. Following presentation of the In-      −/post-hurricane emic codes followed by investigator-
formation Sheet with IRB-required language, partici-           driven etic codes.
pants provided verbal informed consent to participate in         While themes were not determined in advance, codes
the interview and also to be audio recorded. Documenta-        were mapped to the component of the medical eco-
tion of written consent was waived since literacy is un-       logical model with which they best fit, to facilitate ana-
clear, formal signing of documents in this population is       lysis within the medical ecological framework.
Vega Ocasio et al. BMC Public Health   (2021) 21:1833                                                               Page 5 of 28

   Coders were trained with a 10% sample of records in             Florida (as a representation of a recent Puerto Rican
Dedoose until > 90% agreement was accomplished, with               diaspora group) to capture a range of environmental and
discrepant codes discussed and resolved. Subsequently,             lived experiences. Codes (see Qualitative Codes in Ap-
two coders fully coded every interview, again with dis-            pendix A) were applied 3484 times to the Spanish-
crepant codes discussed and resolved to achieve a final            language transcriptions from the focus groups and inter-
coded transcript. We used a range of analytic methods              views. In total (Fig. 2), codes from the “Before the Hurri-
in Dedoose to identify frequency of codes, to pull ex-             cane” period (n = 691) accounted for 21% of all code
cerpts for closer manual analysis, to examine code co-             applications, with an additional 9% (n = 285) applied to
occurrences and to stratify codes by geographic unit               the “During the Hurricane” time period, and with the
(rural, urban, mountain, coastal, outer island, and                majority of code applications – 70% (n = 2405) – applied
Florida).                                                          to the “After the Hurricane” time period. An additional
   Analysis consisted of identifying the most commonly             122 code applications were generic or administrative, ap-
coded themes, and presenting codes and themes in se-               plied across all time periods. Overall, across all time pe-
quential order to approximate the participants’ temporal           riods, half of the codes applied related primarily to the
experience. Examples are presented from each code to               “Community” domain of the ecological model (Fig. 2),
illustrate both typical and outlier situations to help por-        followed by codes located within the “Individual” do-
tray the full range of lived experience. Codes were                main (37%), and “Household-related” codes (13%). Simi-
assigned domain (sociocultural, abiotic, biological, and           larly, slightly more than half of the applied codes related
health care) and level (individual, household, and com-            to the “Sociocultural” domain, one-third of the codes ap-
munity) values that were aggregated over the total                 plied related to the “Abiotic” domain, 12% to the “Bio-
period, and the periods before, during, and after the hur-         logical” domain, and 2 % in the “Health Care” domain.
ricanes. These summaries are presented as multilevel
qualitative models to synthesize the types of ecological
dynamics of each period.                                           Part a: before the hurricane
   Each partner organization provided a letter of support          Overall, half of the codes applied in reference to the
after reviewing the protocol, materials, and discussing            period before the hurricanes related to the Community
the project with investigators. The University of Roche-           level of the ecological model (see Fig. 3), while 41% of
ster’s Research Subjects Review Board reviewed and ap-             codes applied in this period related to Household level
proved the project (RSRB00071756) as expedited,                    issues, and with 7 % of the codes applied to the Individ-
minimal risk research. All investigator and research team          ual level. All of the codes applied from the period before
members completed CITI Program research, ethics, and               the hurricanes related to either Social (58%) or Abiotic
compliance training required by the University of Roch-            (42%) factors, with no codes applied in the Biological or
ester. Dr. Pérez Ramos and Dr. Dye also completed the              Health Care domains during this period.
required ethics training from the University of Puerto               Shown in Table 2, overall “hurricane preparation”
Rico earlier for the parent project.                               (considered predominantly as a Household-level/ Abiotic
   We used the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting                 set of codes, Fig. 3) was the most commonly-mentioned
Qualitative Research (COREQ) checklist [28] to organize            theme (particularly in the metro areas) when partici-
the reporting of qualitative findings.                             pants recalled the period before the hurricanes –– as
                                                                   people assembled food and water supplies, protected
Results                                                            windows with shutters, and relocated to shelters or to
As shown in Table 1, a total of 97 people from Puerto              the homes of relatives. Lack of preparation was also
Rico (51 women and 46 men) participated in the study.              commonly noted, especially in coastal and rural areas, in
Participants were recruited from different ecological              particular a lack of prevention by government agencies.
zones of the archipelago of Puerto Rico and in Orlando,            Participants in coastal and metro areas noted that
Table 1 Participants demographics by ecosystem/ region
Geographical Region        Number of Individual Interviews   Number of Focus Groups    Women       Men      Total of participants
Coastal                    2                                 6                         22          12       34
Metropolitan Area          0                                 3                         6           3        9
Outer Island               3                                 1                         5           0        5
Rural                      1                                 3                         12          10       22
Florida, USA               0                                 4                         6           21       27
Total                      6                                 17                        51          46       97
Vega Ocasio et al. BMC Public Health     (2021) 21:1833                                                           Page 6 of 28

                                                                   flooding was already frequent common in their commu-
                                                                   nities, even before María.
                                                                      From a participant who lives in a rural, coastal area:

                                                                     “Nosotros, en mi casa empezamos una preparación,
                                                                     pero al ir a las ferreterías no habían paneles ya y el
                                                                     precio que te estaban dando por un panel de un
                                                                     cuarto de PVC era sobre 40 dólares. El presupuesto
                                                                     no daba para comprar siete u ocho paneles que yo
                                                                     necesitaba. En mi caso yo rompí los closets y tapé
                                                                     las ventanas que eran de cristal, las que pude con la
                                                                     poca madera que tenía dentro de mi casa, sacamos
                                                                     y cubrimos la parte de, que es la que, como yo vivo
                                                                     en una lomita, la que recibe la mayor parte del
                                                                     impacto pero no fue suficiente. Me preparé con lo
                                                                     poco que tenía, forré y lo demás, compra y eso
                                                                     siempre los suministros para esta época pues en casa
                                                                     siempre se suplen, pero en el trabajo de ventanas,
                                                                     eso no se pudo hacer más que la mitad porque en
                                                                     las ferreterías la gente ya había sacado todo el panel
                                                                     que había y lo que quedó pues no fue suficiente.
                                                                     Y nosotros pues, el dinero no daba para comprar
                                                                     el material necesario para-- no había tormenteras
                                                                     y mis ventanas son de cristal. Lo poco que se
                                                                     pudo hacer, se hizo, lo demás pues se quedó a la
                                                                     intemperie y fue lo que sufrieron las

                                                                     “We started a preparation at my house, but when
                                                                     we went to the hardware stores there were no
                                                                     panels anymore and the price, they were giving you
                                                                     for a one-quarter PVC panel was about $ 40. The
                                                                     budget was not enough to buy seven or eight panels
                                                                     that I needed. In my case I broke the closets and
                                                                     covered the windows that were glass, which I could
                                                                     with the little wood that I had inside my house, we
                                                                     took out and covered the part of, which is the one
                                                                     that, since I live on a mound, the it receives most of
                                                                     the impact but it was not enough. I prepared myself
                                                                     with what little I had, I lined and the rest, buy and
                                                                     that is always the supplies for this time because at
                                                                     home they are always supplied, but in the work of
                                                                     windows, that could not be done more than half be-
                                                                     cause in hardware stores the People had already re-
                                                                     moved all the panel there was and what was left was
                                                                     not enough. And we, therefore, the money was not
                                                                     enough to buy the necessary material for ... there
                                                                     were no storm shutters and my windows are glass.
                                                                     The little that could be done was done, the rest was
                                                                     left out in the open and it was what suffered the
 Fig. 2 Qualitative code application by time period, domain, and
 level of the ecological model

                                                                    From a participant who lives in a rural, coastal area:
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 Fig. 3 Distribution of qualitative codes by ecological level and ecological domain by period of the hurricanes (before, during, after)
Vega Ocasio et al. BMC Public Health             (2021) 21:1833                                                                                           Page 8 of 28

Table 2 Most commonly applied qualitative codes before Hurricane María with examples, by geographic area
                   Exemplary Supportive Quotes
Theme              Coastal                        Metro                         Outer Island                  Rural                          Diaspora
Preparación        “Y yo por lo menos en          “Los otros huracanes          “Yo me preparé con lo         “Por lo menos                  “Llega el momento en
para el            mi casa yo trepé casi          que yo había vivido,          básico porque yo              nosotros en casa nos           que ya como pasa
huracán            todo en bloques                que el último más             decía “mi casa” para          preparamos por                 tanto tiempo, porque
(Hurricane         porque yo vivo cerca           grande fue George, yo         ese entonces porque           menos con los nenes,           no esperábamos,
Preparation)       del lago y trepé mis           era pequeña así que           ya yo no vivo en esa,         con los medicamentos,          verdad, todo el tiempo
(Ecological        muebles, los zapatos           yo no sabía mucho de          era, es bien pequeña,         para la fiebre, los            escuchábamos al
Model Level:       de los nenes, todo yo          preparación de                entonces, este yo, al         medicamentos para              gobierno que estaban
Sociocultural      lo traté de subir.” [And       huracanes,                    ver el último “live” de       las alergias de ellos,         preparados, pero no
domain)            at least in my house I         honestamente yo tuve          Ada Monzón, yo me             por varios días, y             nos decían para
No. of mentions:   put everything in blocks       que meterme en                asusté tanto que hice         agua, y las                    cuanto tiempo
168 (4.8%)         because I live near a lake,    google y en llamar a          hasta bulto porque mi         tormenteras. Lo más            estaban preparados, y
                   and I raised the furniture,    mi papa como para             nene tenía seis meses         importante para mí             entonces ahí es donde
                   the children shoes,            “como te preparas             para ese entonces yo          son los medicamentos           entró el pánico
                   everything, I tried to         para un huracán”              decía “si pasa algo yo        de ellos.” [“At least we       verdad, de que uno
                   make it higher]                ¿verdad?. Así que             tengo que salir               at home prepare for less       dice, “wow”, yo tengo
                   No. of mentions (%):           básicamente hice lo           corriendo” y en               with the babies, with the      gasolina o diésel para
                   63 (4.4%)                      mismo que habían              Vieques es difícil            medicines, for the fever,      tanto tiempo” pero
                                                  hecho mis padres para         porque para ese               the medicines for their        hasta cuándo va a
                                                  prepararse para               tiempo no va a haber          allergies, for several days,   durar esto, cuando ya
                                                  huracanes                     lancha, no va a haber         and water, and the storm       entonces las
                                                  anteriormente porque          vuelos. Y…..Entonces          racks. The most                gasolineras no tienen
                                                  yo no conocía de              hice bultos, este…mi          important thing for me is      diésel, ni gasolina, ahí
                                                  adulta huracanes.” [The       esposo llenó más agua         their medications.”]           es que entonces viene
                                                  other hurricanes that I       por si nos                    No. of mentions: 55            lo peor.” [“The time
                                                  had lived, the last biggest   quedábamos sin agua           (5.4%%)                        comes when so much
                                                  was George, I was little      y nada, nos                                                  time passes, because we
                                                  so I didn’t know much         encerramos ahí en la                                         did not wait, right, all the
                                                  about hurricane               sala porque                                                  time we listened to the
                                                  preparation, honestly I       considerábamos que                                           government that they
                                                  had to google and call        era el lugar más                                             were prepared, but they
                                                  my dad to ask: “how do        seguro porque era                                            did not tell us for how
                                                  you prepare for a             donde menos habían                                           long they were prepared,
                                                  hurricane” right? So, I       ventanas y como que                                          and then that is where
                                                  basically did the same        la ventana estaba ya                                         the panic entered the
                                                  thing my parents had          reforzada y pues…a                                           truth, that one says,
                                                  done to prepare for           esperar.” [“I prepared                                       “wow”, I have gasoline or
                                                  hurricanes before because     myself with the basics                                       diesel for so long “but
                                                  I didn’t know hurricanes      because I said “my                                           how long is this going to
                                                  as an adult”]                 house” at that time                                          last, when the gas
                                                  No. of mentions (%):          because I no longer live                                     stations have no diesel or
                                                  9 (3.3%)                      there, it was, it is very                                    gasoline, that’s when the
                                                                                small, so when I saw the                                     worst comes.”]
                                                                                last live of Ada Monzón, I                                   No. of mentions(%): 19
                                                                                was so scared that I                                         (3.7%)
                                                                                prepared a bag because
                                                                                my baby was six months
                                                                                old at that time I said “if
                                                                                something happens I
                                                                                have to run” and in
                                                                                Vieques it is difficult
                                                                                because at that time
                                                                                there will be no boat,
                                                                                there will be no flights.
                                                                                And ... I prepare my bags
                                                                                … my husband filled
                                                                                them with water in case
                                                                                we ran out of water and
                                                                                we locked ourselves there
                                                                                in the room because we
                                                                                considered it to be the
                                                                                safest place because it
                                                                                was where there were
                                                                                fewer windows and the
                                                                                window was already
                                                                                reinforced and well ...
                                                                                then we waited”]
                                                                                No. of mentions (%):
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Table 2 Most commonly applied qualitative codes before Hurricane María with examples, by geographic area (Continued)
                  Exemplary Supportive Quotes
Theme             Coastal                        Metro                           Outer Island               Rural                      Diaspora
Situacion         “Uno de los                    “La limpieza y eso              “No, no hay gasolina,      “Yo considero un           “Eh, el clima, el clima
Sociales          problemas más                  puede acarrear a los            no vienen trucks de        problema económico         estaba contaminado,
(Social           grandes que tiene              habitantes de estas             comida porque los          el hecho de, al vivir en   había muchas
Circumstances)    Rincón es la salud,            comunidades un sin              ferrys los paran           la región noroeste y la    personas con
(Socio-cultural   como tal. Es que aquí          números de                      completamente.” [“No,      mayor parte de los         dificultades
domain)           hay mucha población            condiciones de salud,           there is no gasoline, no   trámites grandes se        respiratorias,
No. of mentions   envejeciente, por              que sobre todo por las          food trucks come           hacen en San Juan, de      infecciones en los
(%): 119 (3.4%)   ende, muchos de esos           inundaciones, las               because the ferries stop   las agencias               pulmones, eh,
                  familiares quedan              gastritis, la dermatitis,       them completely.”]         gubernamentales,           problemas con los
                  solos en sus casitas,          el asma. Después del            No. of mentions (%): 27    cada vez que uno           mosquitos, con el
                  enfermos. Aquí en              huracán vimos mucha             (10.2%)                    sube allá, nada más        famoso dengue, por lo
                  Rincón, no hay una             asma, mucha                                                son cincuenta dólares      menos en donde yo
                  ambulancia.” [“One of          conjuntivitis. Este…                                       de gasolina más el         vivía si.” [“Um, the
                  the biggest problems           Hubo casos de                                              peaje, subir y bajar.”     climate, the climate was
                  Rincón has is health, as       piojos.”[“Cleanliness and                                  [“I consider an economic   polluted, there were
                  such. There is a large         that can lead to the                                       problem the fact that,     many people with
                  aging population here,         inhabitants of these                                       living in the northwest    respiratory difficulties,
                  therefore, many of those       communities a number                                       region and most of the     lung infections, uh,
                  relatives are left alone in    of health conditions,                                      large procedures are       problems with
                  their houses, sick. Here in    especially floods, gastritis,                              done in San Juan, by       mosquitoes, with the
                  Rincon, there is no            dermatitis, asthma. After                                  government agencies,       famous Dengue, um, at
                  ambulance”]                    the hurricane we saw a                                     every time one goes up     least where I lived yes”]
                  No. of mentions (%): 41        lot of asthma, a lot of                                    there, it is only fifty    No. of mentions(%): 7
                  (2.9%]                         conjunctivitis. This ...                                   dollars of gasoline plus   (1.4%)
                                                 There were cases of lice”]                                 the toll, go up and
                                                 No. of mentions (%): 9                                     down”].
                                                 (3.3%]                                                     No. of mentions (%):

  “Para nada, yo no me preparé. O sea, había una                                           agency was prepared, even though they have more
  compra que habíamos hecho, cobramos el cheque y                                          knowledge than the people, no one was prepared
  hacemos la compra grande del mes. Yo no vi en mi                                         there.”
  casa preparación porque “no vamos para ningún
  lado, nos vamos a trancar aquí y mañana es otro                                        Almost all codes applied at both the Community and
  día, nada va a pasar””                                                              Individual levels in the period before the hurricanes re-
                                                                                      lated to sociocultural factors (Fig. 4). For instance, par-
                                                                                      ticipants also noted challenging social circumstances
  “Not at all, I didn’t prepare. In other words, there                                that pre-existed the hurricanes such as crime, violence,
  was a purchase that we had made, we cashed the                                      and unemployment in communities, and migration from
  check and we make the big purchase of the month.                                    Puerto Rico to the USA. Outer island residents were
  I did not see preparation in my house because “we                                   particularly concerned about crime in their
  are not going anywhere, we are going to lock up                                     communities.
  here and tomorrow is another day, nothing will                                         From a participant living in an outer island:
                                                                                           “Muchas veces está bien tranquilo, pero llega una
  From a participant living in a rural area:                                               temporada que está caliente, empiezan los robos,
                                                                                           empiezan a asaltar, la verdad? La guerra de la calle
  “Lo que pasa es que mira la gente dice “entonces, no                                     y pues estamos en ese tiempo ahora, que no puede
  te preparaste” pero el gobierno está preparado, nadie                                    estar por ahí mucha, mucho…. Verda? Sola… no
  está preparado, ninguna agencia de gobierno se pre-                                      puedes estar tan tarde por ahí y tienes que tener cui-
  paró, aun teniendo más conocimiento que el pueblo,                                       dado donde te metes.”
  ahí nadie se preparó.”
                                                                                           “Many times, it is very calm, but there comes a sea-
  “What happens is that when people look, they say                                         son that is hot, the robberies begin, they begin to
  “then, you did not prepare” but the government is                                        assault, right? The street war and well we are in that
  prepared, nobody is prepared, no government                                              time now, that there cannot be around much,
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 Fig. 4 Multivariate qualitative code distribution of ecological domain by level (community, household, individual) and time (before, during,
 after hurricanes)

  much…. Right? Alone… you can’t be that late out                               “Aquí trataron de montar un puntito [drogas ilíci-
  there and you have to be careful where you go.”                               tas] acá en frente y los mismos vecinos nos organiza-
                                                                                mos y le caímos arriba a los muchachos, un poquito
  From a participant living in a coastal zone:                                  problemático”.
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  “Here they tried to set up a little point [illicit drugs]   the individual level, some participants said that they felt
  here in front and the same neighbors organized our-         their faith was a tool to protect them from harm.
  selves and we fell on top of the boys, a bit                  From a participant living in a coastal area:
                                                                “Algunos decían que no iba a venir nada, “no, eso
  Several Orlando participants indicated that people            no viene nada”. Eso es como en otros casos que la
were already leaving the island in the times before             gente decía como el cuento del lobo, viene y viene y
María. Participants who eventually migrated to Flor-            a última hora me preparo, gasto y no viene.”
ida were less likely to mention their communities as
tranquil before the hurricanes arrived and generally            “Some said that nothing was going to come, “no,
were less likely to mention preparedness-related                nothing is coming.” That is like in other cases that
issues.                                                         people said like the story of the wolf, it comes and
  From a participant living in Orlando:                         it comes and at the last minute I prepare myself, I
                                                                spend and it does not come.”
  “…que en el área médica los médicos ya se están
  yendo de Puerto Rico, y hay, hay especialistas que            From a participant living in a coastal area:
  no, que ya ni existen. O sea, básicamente. O sea que
  antes que pasara María, es como dijo el caballero,            “Entonces “Dios mío mami, entonces ¡Ay Dios! yo no
  fue el-el-el último hachazo que nos dieron, ¿verdad?,         puedo creer que esto va a pasar” ¿sabes?, entonces
  para que Puerto Rico terminara como está.”                    [comenzamos] rogando a Dios “vete, vete por la cur-
                                                                vita y vete por otro lado” porque Irma lo hizo así.”
  “... that in the medical area the doctors are already
  leaving Puerto Rico, and there are, there are special-        “Then “My God, mom, then Oh God! I can’t believe
  ists who are not, who no longer exist. I mean, basic-         this is going to happen” you know, then [started]
  ally. In other words, before María passed, it is as the       praying to God “leave, leave on the curve and go the
  gentleman said, it was the-the-last hack that they            other way” because Irma did it like that.”
  gave us, right? So that Puerto Rico ended as it is.”
                                                                From a participant living in a coastal area:
  From a participant living in Orlando:
                                                                “Yo tenía miedo de lo que llegara a suceder, pero yo
  “No hay para lo cual se sacrificaron, y como dicen            estaba confiado de verdad, de que, si pasaba algo,
  en mi campo, se pelaron las pestañas. Si nosotros             yo iba con Dios porque yo estoy en la iglesia.”
  como padres hasta nosotros mismos los impulsamos
  a que busquen bienestar y yo tengo tres hijos var-            “I was afraid of what would happen, but I was truly
  ones. Los tres se me salieron para acá ya hace más            confident that, if something happened, I would go
  de los últimos cuatro años. Con dolor en el alma vi           to God because I am in church.”
  a nuestros hijos partir con nuestros nietos sacándolos
  de-de prácticamente de debajo de nuestras sábanas,            Despite these challenges, participants frequently de-
  pero buscando bienestar.”                                   scribe their communities before the hurricanes as tran-
                                                              quil and unified. Consistent with these sentiments, some
  “There is none for which they sacrificed themselves,        participants noted that they underestimated the level of
  and as they say in my field, they peeled their eye-         destruction that was about to come.
  lashes. If we, as parents, even encourage them to             From a participant living in a rural, mountainous area:
  seek well-being and I have three sons. The three of
  them left me here for more than the last four years.          “Aquí, como todo el mundo se conoce, entonces pues,
  With pain in my soul, I saw our children leave with           este se unen. Entonces pues, todo es tranquilo,
  our grandchildren, pulling them out practically from          ¿sabes? Mayormente tranquilo. Este, no tenemos así,
  under our sheets, but seeking well-being.”                    pues, problemas mayores de pelea, ni robo. Este,
                                                                pues, podemos, pues, tratar de convivir juntos y
  Some participants mentioned a sense of “invincibility”        vamos, poco a poco, uniéndonos, este, como dijo.”
before the hurricanes and that no harm would come to
them, with a few noting that the comparatively low              “Here, as everyone knows each other, then, well,
amount of damage from Hurricane Irma may have cre-              they come together. So, everything is quiet, you
ated an air of overconfidence in facing María. Also at          know? Mostly calm. This, then, we do not have
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  major fighting problems, nor robbery. This, then,            “But we did not expect the thump that came.”
  we can, therefore, try to live together and we will,
  little by little, unite, this, as he said.”                Part B: during the hurricane
                                                             Codes applied to the period of the hurricane’s landfall,
  From a participant living in a metro area:                 traverse across Puerto Rico, and exit (see Figs. 3 and 4)
                                                             were markedly distinct from the other two periods (be-
  “Eh… es una, es una comunidad relativamente area           fore and after) examined in this study: the experience of
  tranquila que uno tiene una comunidad al lado que          the hurricane’s strike was highly personal (reflected by
  de hecho son una, que de hecho son los residentes          most codes – 92% - relating to the Individual level) and,
  originales de esa área que dura como un poquito            at this level, reflecting a mix of sociocultural, biological,
  más de ingresos, verdad, más humilde, más pobre”.          and abiotic factors (Fig. 4). Specifically, the predominant
                                                             themes of participants from the period before the hurri-
  “Eh ... it is a, it is a relatively quiet area community   canes (see Table 3) were fear and anxiety (in the Bio-
  that one has a community next to it that in fact are       logical domain), and experiences related to the wind (in
  one, that in fact are the original residents of that       the Abiotic domain).
  area that lasts a little more income, right, more            Participants described Hurricane María’s experience
  humble, poorer.”                                           mostly as one filled with fear and anxiety (see Table 3),
                                                             most prevalent in those living in coastal areas followed
  From a participant living in a mountainous area;           by those living in rural areas. The main causes of fear
                                                             and anxiety were described as a result of a rapidly deteri-
  “Tuvimos el evento de [Hurricane] Georges. Eso fue         orating built and natural environment during the storm,
  en el ‘98, ese fue fuerte. Pero anunciaban muchos          combined with not knowing what was happening due to
  fenómenos que venían, y muchas veces, pues, no lle-        communications black-outs (telephone services, internet,
  garon, por suerte se desviaban. Había como una             and social media). This uncertainty, combined with the
  confianza de... digo muchos, ¿verdad? Yo entiendo          strong winds and the darkness, made individuals feel
  que tuvimos como una confianza de que se iba a             fearful.
  desviar. A lo mejor en muchos lugares no nos pre-            From one rural, coastal participant:
  paramos como... porque de hecho, nadie, por lo
  menos, de esta generación, nadie había visto algo            “Era como si fuera eterno. No acababa. Nos metimos
  tan fuerte como esto.”                                       en la iglesia como desde las siete de la noche hasta
                                                               el otro día que terminó el huracán. Y era un miedo
  “We had the [Hurricane] Georges event. That                  horrible, y la puerta comenzó a hamaquearse, la de
  was in ‘98, that was strong. But they announced              enfrente, y estábamos en esa de que en cualquier
  many phenomena that were coming, and many                    momento se fuera a despegar. Y el agua entrando
  times, well, they did not arrive, luckily, they de-          por las ventanas.”
  viated. There was like a confidence of ... I mean
  many, right? I understand that we had a kind of              “It was as if it was eternal. It didn’t end. We went into
  confidence that he was going to deviate. Maybe               church from about seven at night until the other day
  in many places we don’t prepare like ... because             the hurricane ended. And it was a horrible fear, and
  in fact, at least no one from this generation, no            the door began to swing, the one in front, and we
  one had ever seen something as strong as this.”              were in the position that at any moment it would take
                                                               off. And the water entering through the windows.”
  From a participant living in a coastal area:
                                                               From a participant living in a rural area:
  “Pusimos tormenteras en la puerta del frente pero
  jamás y nunca pensábamos que se iba a ser como               “Pero a mí me dio ansiedad cuando no había nin-
  fue.”                                                        gún tipo de comunicación. No había forma de... no
                                                               había celulares, no había, este, televisión, no había
  “We put storm shutters on the front door but never,          señal. Este, bueno, tampoco tenía luz, no había”
  never thought it was going to be the way it was.”
                                                               “But it gave me anxiety when there was any type of
  From a participant living in a rural town:                   communication. There was no way to … there were
                                                               no cellphones, no television, there was no signal.
  “Pero no esperábamos el fuetazo que vino.”                   This, well, we had no electricity either, there wasn’t”
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Table 3 Most commonly applied qualitative codes during Hurricane María with examples, by geographic area
           Exemplary Supportive Quotes
Theme      Coastal                        Metro                         Outer Island                      Rural                        Diaspora
Fear and   “Después cuando el             “Si seguía lloviendo.         “Sí, cuando, ese                  “Yo sentí miedo,             “Y, cuando pasó el
Anxiety    viento empezó había            Había muchas teorías          momento cuando el                 cuando sentí que la          huracán yo estaba
(Biotic    que apagamos el                de ¿Por qué fue que           árbol le da al carro, que         casa se movía.” [“I felt     refugiada en una
factors)   televisor, entonces se         ocurrió la inundación?        ahí empezamos a                   fear, when I felt that the   iglesia. Resulta que la
No. of     fue la luz. Entonces           La más fuerte que ha          escuchar, no sabíamos             house was moving”]           iglesia es de dos
mentions   pasamos un susto bien          sonado es que                 lo que se escuchaba,              Isabela                      niveles, y la parte de
(%): 78    grande porque se cayó          supuestamente                 verdad? lo que era,               No. of mentions (%): 18      abajo tiene un colegio.
(2.2%)     un palo que estaba al          abrieron las puertas del      pero se escuchaba tan             (1.8%)                       Había treinta familias
           lado de quenepa y              Lago La Plata, las            fuerte. Eche yo estaba                                         allí. Resulta que, en el
           rompió la reja de la           abrieron porque estaba        bien asustada… Yo                                              paso del huracán, el
           casa y pasamos un              ya en su límite y que no      literal me metí una                                            techo de la iglesia se
           susto bien grande. La          avisaron a nadie, ellos       Benadryl a ver si me                                           abrió en dos, y la iglesia
           casa se conmovió               dicen que sí, que             dormía, pero los                                               se desplomó
           muchas veces como              prendieron las alarmas        nervios eran tantos que                                        completamente la parte
           temblor de tierra. Yo          de tsunami, pero nadie        no pude dormir. Fue                                            de arriba. O sea que la
           pensaba que la casa se         las escuchó y pues toda       bien fuerte.”                                                  experiencia mía fue mas
           iba a caer del techo y         esa agua bajó; al haber       [“Yes, when, that moment                                       difícil aun, porque tuve
           entonces yo decía              tantos escombros pues         when the tree hits the car,                                    que pasar el huracán
           “¿Dios mío que yo hago         se desbordó el agua y         which we started to listen                                     allí en vivo, que eso
           aquí?”, entonces               se inundaron todas            to, we didn’t know what                                        fue… teníamos el agua
           pensaba meterme al             estas comunidades”.           was being heard, right?                                        acá arriba. Pensábamos
           baño por si acaso              [“If it kept raining. There   what it was, but it                                            que nos, que nos
           pasaba algo, pero ¿y si        were many theories of         sounded so loud. Eche I                                        íbamos a morir, porque
           en el baño se cierra la        Why the flood happened.       was very scared ... I literally                                esa estructura empezó
           ventana? ¿Se tranca?           The loudest that has          put a Benadryl to see if I                                     a temblar. Entonces, no
           Me voy a ahogar. Me va         sounded is that they          fell asleep, but the nerves                                    tuvimos ropa algunos
           a pasar algo pensaba           supposedly opened the         were so much that I could                                      por tres días, bueno. La
           yo y eso.” [“Later when        gates of Lake La Plata,       not sleep. It was very                                         historia es larga.” [“And
           the wind started, we had       they opened them because      strong.”]                                                      when the hurricane
           to turn off the TV, then the   it was already at its limit   Vieques                                                        happened I was sheltering
           power went out. Then we        and that they did not         No. of mentions (%):                                           in a church. It turns out
           had a very big scare           warn anyone, they say yes,    1(0.4%)                                                        that the church is on two
           because a stick that was       that they turned on the                                                                      levels, and the lower part
           next to quenepa fell and       tsunami alarms, but no                                                                       has a school. We had
           broke the fence of the         one heard them and then                                                                      thirty families there. It turns
           house and we had a very        all that water went down;                                                                    out that, in the passage of
           big scare. The house shook     As there is so much rubble,                                                                  the hurricane, the roof of
           many times like an             the water overflowed and                                                                     the church was split in
           earthquake. I thought the      all these communities were                                                                   two, and the church
           house was going to fall off    flooded.”]                                                                                   completely collapsed on
           the roof and then I said       Santurce                                                                                     top. In other words, my
           “My God, what am I doing       No. of mentions (%) 9                                                                        experience was even more
           here?” So I thought I would    (3.3%)                                                                                       difficult, because I had to
           go to the bathroom just in                                                                                                  go through the hurricane
           case something happened,                                                                                                    there live, that was ... we
           but what if the window is                                                                                                   had the water up here. We
           closed in the bathroom?                                                                                                     thought that we, that we
           Does it lock up? I’m going                                                                                                  were going to die, because
           to drown. Something is                                                                                                      that structure began to
           going to happen to me I                                                                                                     shake. So, we didn’t have
           thought and that”]                                                                                                          any clothes for three days,
           No. of mentions (%): 48                                                                                                     well. The story is long.”]
           (3.4%)                                                                                                                      No. of mentions(%):
Stories    “Y no quedó nada, nada         “Bueno, en mi caso yo         “El viento era… Era una           “En mi casa el viento se     “Una ventana que no
about      de la casa, se llevó la        estuve agarrando              furia, era… o sea yo              llevó todas las              está para afuera, está
the wind   nevera, todo lo que            ventanas para que no          pasé Georges, yo me               tormenteras que daban        dentro de la casa, da
(Abiotic   estaba alrededor de la         se abrieran y mi hija,        acuerdo de Hugo. Pero             para atrás... se las llevó   para la sala, de un
factors)   pecera, todo salió             agarraba otra. En mi          realmente esto fue,               todas, y las tiró para un    cuarto para la sala, hizo,
No. of     volando. Como es como          casa hay una puerta           esto no se… ni… esto              lado y al otro día           empezó a sonar así a la
mentions   un laberinto, el viento        que es como de cristal        no se compara. No se              amanecieron en la            una que todavía no
(%): 49    daba regresaba y nos           y a mi mamá le daba           compara.” [The wind was           dirección                    había nada y eso me
(1.4%)     batía porque fue como          miedo que se fuera a          ... It was a fury, it was ...     completamente                levantó. Después de
           una máquina de moler           salir, así que ella la        that is, I passed Georges, I      opuesta de donde             eso, nada, empiezo con
           y allí fue destrozando         abrió un poco y se            remember Hugo. But really         salieron”. [“In my house     mi esposo a escuchar la
           todas las casas.               quedó velándola desde         this was, this I don’t            the wind carried away all    radio, y todo y eso era
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Table 3 Most commonly applied qualitative codes during Hurricane María with examples, by geographic area (Continued)
          Exemplary Supportive Quotes
Theme     Coastal                         Metro                           Outer Island              Rural                       Diaspora
          Después tú notabas que          lejos que no se fuera a         know… nor… this doesn’t   the thunderstorms that      un monstruo sonando
          se terminó, ya en mi            volar. Ella entró en            compare. It does not      were giving backwards ...   cuando empezó el
          casa no estaban los             crisis porque el                compare.”]                it took them all, and       pleno, yo creo que eran
          vientos, pero yo veía el        televisor estaba                No. of mentions (%): 3    threw them to one side      como las tres y media
          resto de viento                 enfrente a esa puerta           (1.1%)                    and the next day they       de la mañana y eso era
          destrozando las casas.          de cristal, y empezó,                                     woke up in the completely   un monstruo, realmente
          No hubo virazón como            “¡Pero mueve la                                           opposite direction from     tú escuchabas un
          antes. En mi casa               puerta!”, y yo la miro y                                  which they came”]           monstruo, lo que tú
          explotaron las ventanas         yo, “Ahora no es la                                       No. of mentions (%): 17     escuchabas por las
          y se metieron hacia             hora, lo siento por ti, sí                                (1.7%)                      ventanas eso era un
          adentro.” [“And there was       se va el televisor bye,                                                               monstruo que estaba
          nothing left, nothing from      bye, tv”, pero gracias a                                                              afuera.” [“A window that
          the house, he took the          Dios no le pasó nada.                                                                 is not facing the outside, is
          refrigerator, everything that   Si, nos quedamos                                                                      inside the house, it opens
          was around the fish tank,       agarrando las puertas”                                                                up to the living room, from
          everything flew away. As it     [“Well, in my case I was                                                              a room to the living room,
          is like a labyrinth, the wind   grabbing windows so they                                                              it did, it started to sound
          would return and beat us        wouldn’t open and my                                                                  like that at one o’clock
          because it was like a           daughter grabbed another.                                                             that there was still nothing
          grinding machine and            In my house there is a                                                                and that lifted me. After
          there it was destroying all     door that is like glass and                                                           that, nothing, I started
          the houses. Later you           my mother was afraid that                                                             with my husband listening
          noticed that it was over,       it would leave, so she                                                                to the radio, and
          the winds were no longer        opened it a little and kept                                                           everything and that was a
          in my house, but I saw the      watching from afar that it                                                            monster sounding when
          rest of the wind destroying     would not fly away. She                                                               the plenary session began,
          the houses. There was no        went into a crisis because                                                            I think it was like three
          turn as before. In my house     the TV was in front of that                                                           thirty in the morning if
          the windows exploded,           glass door, and she                                                                   more or less there) And
          and they went inside”]          started, “But move the                                                                that was a monster, really
          No. of mentions (%): 18         door!”, And I look at her                                                             you heard a monster, what
          (1.3%)                          and I, “Now is not the                                                                you heard through the
                                          time, I feel sorry for you,                                                           windows that was a
                                          yes the TV bye, bye, tv”, but                                                         monster that was outside”]
                                          thank God nothing                                                                     No. of mentions (%): 4
                                          happened to him. Yes, we                                                              (0.8%)
                                          were holding the doors.”]
                                          No. of mentions (%):

  From a rural, mountainous area:                                                    “So, then, as the situation increased, we were
                                                                                     getting nervous, right? Because it is something
  “Entonces, pues, según iba aumentando la situación,                                that we are not… unknown. So, this, when we all
  nos íbamos poniendo nerviosos, ¿verdad? Porque es                                  gathered here, the family, well, they left the front
  algo que no… desconocemos. Entonces, este, cuando                                  door open, right, and when that storm started ...
  nosotros nos reunimos todos aquí la familia, pues,                                 well ... I say, for me, I had never seen something
  dejaron la puerta del frente abierta, verdad, y                                    like this so strong. Because when Georges, this,
  cuando comenzó esa tormenta... pues….digo yo, para                                 that was at night, and it scared me because the
  mí, yo nunca había visto algo así tan fuerte. Porque                               house kind of vibrated and was a terrible hum.
  cuando Georges, esto, ese fue de noche, y me dio                                   So, well, I thought that could happen. But they
  miedo porque la casa como que vibraba y era un                                     left the door open and everyone there, looking
  zumbido terrible. Entonces, pues, yo pensé que eso                                 out the door because the wind blew in here, this
  podía suceder. Pero dejaron la puerta abierta y                                    way out front. And it was like a smoke, the water
  todos ahí, mirando por la puerta porque el viento se                               became like a smoke, that you didn’t see
  metió por aquí, por aquí al frente. Y era como un                                  anything. Just a buzz, right, like a bellow of
  humo, el agua se convertía como en un humo, que                                    something ...”
  tú no veías nada. Solamente un zumbido, verdad,
  como un bramido de algo...”                                                       From one participant – who had relocated to Orlando:
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