XGB Series Installation, Operation, & Maintenance Instructions - Thermon

Page created by Amy Fowler
XGB Series Installation, Operation, & Maintenance Instructions - Thermon
Explosion-Proof Forced Air Unit Heater

XGB Series
Installation, Operation, & Maintenance Instructions

            WARNING. Improper installation adjustment,
            alteration, excessive vibration, service, or
 WARNING    maintenance can cause property damage,
            injury or death. Read the installation, operating
            and maintenance instructions thoroughly
            before installing, operating or servicing this

Special Notes

The following special notices highlight important
information in the installation, operation and maintenance

           This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous
           situation, which, if not avoided, can result in
CAUTION    personal injury or damage to the equipment.

           This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous
           situation, which, if not avoided, may be a shock

           This symbol indicates an imminently hazardous                    Glycol Free Design
           situation, which, if not avoided, could result in
WARNING    death or serious injury.

                                                                Part No. 11110.Rev.1.04 March 2022 Printed in Canada
A. General Information                                                                                                                                              3
   A.1   Description������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3
   A.2    Application����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
   A.3     Construction and Installation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
   A.4     Standard Product Features���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
   A.5     Optional Features�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
   A.6     Thermostats�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
   A.7    Motors���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
   A.8     Accesories������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
B. Pre-Installation                                                                                                                                                 5
C. Installation and Mounting                                                                                                                                        5
   C.1   Dimensions����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
   C.2    Mounting��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
   C.3    Mounting with Standard Kits������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 6
   C.4     Outlet Louvres���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
   C.5    Wiring�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
D. Options                                                                                                                                                          9
   D.1    Temperature Control�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
   D.2     “AUTO/OFF/FAN-ONLY” (Optional)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 9
E. Normal Sequence of Operation                                                                                                                                   10
F. Maintenance                                                                                                                                                    10
   F.1   Motor������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10
   F.2    Fan Blade�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
   F.3    Heater Cabinet�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
   F.4    Overheat Protection������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
   F.5    Replacement Parts List��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11

A.1      Description                                                     ࢦ Glycol-free design allows the heater to be tilted 30º downward

 The small cabinet units are available with ratings from 3.75 to         ࢦ Rotatable outlet louvers provide 35º of additional airflow
 10 kW, and can be identified by their internally mounted motor.           redirection
 The large cabinet units are available from 10 kW up to 35 kW. See       ࢦ Patented x-Max® housing with track and trolley system
 C.1 Dimensions, page 5 for cabinet dimensions.                            simplifies installation and servicing

                                                                         ࢦ Heavy duty 16 ga. Stainless steel casing
A.2      Application
                                                                         ࢦ Terminals for remote thermostat connection
 Designed specifically for heating industrial spaces where               ࢦ Dual automatic reset high limits
                                                                         ࢦ Contactor derated for extended service life
 explosive substances are or may be present. Typical hazardous
 location environments include:                                          ࢦ Isolated supply connection housing eliminates the need for
                                                                           conduit seals
ࢦ Water and Sewage Treatment Plants

ࢦ Oil Refineries
                                                                         A.5     Optional Features
ࢦ Compressor Stations
                                                                         ࢦ Built-in, externally adjustable thermostat
ࢦ Pulp and Paper Mills
                                                                         ࢦ Built-in disconnect
ࢦ Paint Storage Booths
                                                                         ࢦ Moisture-resistant construction
ࢦ Cement Plants
                                                                         ࢦ “AUTO/OFF/FAN-ONLY” switch
ࢦ Mines
                                                                         ࢦ Pilot light

                                                                         ࢦ Manual reset high limit
A.3      Construction and Installation

 Norseman™ unit heaters use extra heavy wall finned tubular
                                                                         A.6     Thermostats
 steel heating elements to provide safe, efficient heat transfer to
 the environment. The heater does not contain glycol.                    Thermon offers a wide variety of explosion-proof thermostats to
                                                                         suit most every need. Norseman™ unit heaters are available with
 In structures with high ceilings, other units may not have the
                                                                         optional built-in, externally adjustable, bulb type thermostats
 range of motion needed to direct air flow to the floor. The glycol-
                                                                         which are field-convertible to tamper-proof. Thermostats for
 free design of the XGB allows the unit to be tilted to a 30º angle
                                                                         remote mounting can also be provided on request.
 below the horizontal, with an additional 35º of airflow redirection
 provided by the outlet louver. For lateral airflow, the entire louver
 assembly can be rotated 90º.                                            A.7     Motors
 A factory installed conduit seal provides the necessary isolation       Fractional horsepower, 1725 RPM explosion-proof motor with
 between the supply and control housings. In Division 2, Zone 1          double shielded ball bearings and built-in thermal overload. Small
 and Zone 2 applications, a field installed conduit seal may not be      cabinet units use 1/12 hp motor approved for Class I, Group D;
 required.                                                               Class II, Group E, F, and G. Large cabinet units use 1/2 hp motor
 To facilitate installation, the Norseman™ XGB explosion-proof           approved for Class I, Groups C and D; Class II, Groups E, F & G, as
 unit heaters feature the patented x-Max® housing with slide out         standard.
 terminal block trolley for connection of the electrical supply.

                                                                         A.8     Accesories
A.4      Standard Pro­duct Features
                                                                          Norseman™ explosion-proof unit heaters readily adapt to
 See Figure 1 and Figure 2, page 4.                                       most mounting requirements. Each heater is equipped with a
                                                                          basic swivel bracket that is compatible with any of the optional
ࢦ CSA C/US Certified for hazardous locations. Small cabinet
                                                                          mounting kits.
  units approved for Class I, Div 1 & 2, Group D; Class II, Div. 1 &
  2, Groups E, F and G. Large cabinet units approved for Class I,        Optional mounting kits allow the unit to be installed on a wall
  Div. 1 & 2, Groups C & D; Class II, Div. 1 & 2, Groups E, F & G.       ceiling, 3" pipe, or floor stand. Each mounting configuration
                                                                         provides maximum flexibility for outlet flow direction. The swivel
                                                                                                                                               General Information

 NOTE:      Class II and some atmospheric groups are not available
                                                                         bracket (standard on all heaters) features holes for affixing a
            in every kW rating.
                                                                         safety chain.
ࢦ Zone marking available.

ࢦ Ratings from 3.75 to 35 kW.

ࢦ 208 to 600V, 1 or 3 phase

ࢦ Low watt density extra heavy wall tubular steel finned
  heating elements with nickel plated finish
                               Standard Features (Small Cabinet Unit)
                               1)     1/12 hp explosion-proof motor                                                    2.
STANDARD FEATURES,   SMALL CABINET UNIT:                                                                               ha
         2) Inlet guard
                       3) FEATURES,
                           Extra heavySMALL   CABINET
                                       wall tubular       UNIT: heating elements
                                                    steel finned
1) 1/12 hp explosion-proof motor
                      with                                                                                             2.
2) Inlet guard
    1) 1/12  hp explosion-proof
                      nickel platedmotor
                                       finish                                                                          cl
3) Extra  heavy
    2) Inlet guardwall tubular steel finned heating elements with                                                      ar
   nickel  plated
    3) Extra    4) finish
              heavy   Patented        steelexplosion-proof
                        wall tubular
                                                            terminal housing
                                            finned heating elements  with
4) Patented    x-Max®
       nickel plated        explosion-proof terminal housing
                        finish                                                                                         2.
                5) 120V control circuit includes:
5) 120V   controlx-Max®
    4) Patented      circuit includes:
                               explosion-proof terminal housing                                                        or
          • Derated
    5) 120V   control– magnetic
                        circuit      contactor
                                        magnetic contactor
                                 includes:                                                                             D
          • Dual    automatic
              • Derated
                            magnetic     high limits
                             Dual automatic reset high limits                                                          V
          • Transformer
              • Dual automatic reset high limits                                                                       N
6) Heavy duty • Transformer  Transformer
                   16 –ga. stainless    steel casing
    6) Heavy
7) Outlet louverduty   16
                6) assembly
                           ga. stainless steel casing
                      Heavy duty 16 ga. stainless steel casing
    7) Outlet
8) Swivel      louver assembly
    8) Swivel
9) Factory      7)    Outlet
             installed         louver
                          conduit      assembly
                                    seal                                                                               Th
    9) Factory    installed
10)Supply connection         conduit
                             housing  seal                                                                             co
                8) Swivel      bracket
11)Terminal      connection     housing
                       for supply    wiring and thermostat connection
                         9) block for supply
                               Factory        wiring
                                        installed    and thermostat
                                                  conduit  seal     connection                                         3.
                               10)    Supply connection housing

                               11)    Terminal block for supply wiring and thermostat
                                                                           Small Cabinet XGBUnit
                                                                                 Cabinet XGB UnitHeater
                        Figure 1 – Small Cabinet XGB Unit Heater Components

                          Standard Features (Large Cabinet Unit)

                          1)         1/2 hp explosion-proof motor

                          2)         Inlet wire guard
                   LARGE    CABINETUNIT:
                          3)         Extra heavy wall tubular steel finned heating elements with
1)  1) 1/2
   1/2      hp explosion-proof
                      nickel plated
       hp explosion-proof             motor
2)  2) Inlet
   Inlet wirewire    guard
               4) Patented x-Max® explosion-proof terminal housing
3)  3) Extra
   Extra  heavy heavy   wall
                     wall     tubular
                           tubular      steel
                                     steel     finnedheating
                                             finned    heatingelements
                                                                elements with
       nickel5)plated    finish
                      120V  control circuit includes:
   nickel plated     finish
    4) Patented x-Max® explosion-proof terminal housing
4) Patented x-Max®    –      explosion-proof
                            Derated    magneticterminal     housing
    5) 120V control      circuit  includes:
5) 120V control       circuit
               • Derated
                             magnetic     contactor
                      –     Dual   automatic     reset high limits
          • Derated      magneticreset
               • Dual automatic        contactor
                                              high limits
          • Dual    automatic
               • Transformer       reset high limits
          • Transformer
               • Fan– delay Fanrelay
                                 delay relay
          • Fan    delay fuse
               • Control    relay
          • Control
    6) Heavy            fuse
                  duty– 16  Control   fuse steel casing
                            ga. stainless
6) Heavy    duty
    7) Outlet       16
                 louver ga.  stainless
               6) Heavy duty 16 ga.        steel  casing
                                             stainless  steel casing
7) Outlet  louver
    8) Swivel         assembly
    9) Factory
8) Swivel      7) installed
            bracket   Outlet conduit
                              louver assembly
9) Factory     8) connection
              installed          housing
                      Swivel  bracketseal
10)Supply           block forhousing
             connection         supply wiring and thermostat connection
    12)Motor   9)mountFactory installed conduit seal
11)Terminal block for supply wiring and thermostat connection
12)Motor   mountmount
               10)       casing
                      Supply   connection housing
13)Motor mount casing
                          11)        Terminal block for supply wiring and thermostat connection

                          12)        Motor mount

                          13)        Motor mount casing         Figure 1B - Large Cabinet XGB Unit Heater Components

                                                              Figure 1B - Large Cabinet XGB Unit Heater Components
  General Information

                        Figure 2 – Large Cabinet XGB Unit Heater Components

B.                           PRE-INSTALLATION

1.                           Inspect the heater for possible damage due to shipping                                          3.     Verify that the nameplate voltage, phase and wattage
                             and handling. Claims for shipping damages shall be                                                     are as ordered and are the same as the electrical power
                             placed with the carrier.                                                                               supply available. DO NOT CONNECT THE XGB UNIT
                                                                                                                                    HEATER TO A SUPPLY VOLTAGE OTHER THAN THAT
2.                           Check the heater nameplate to ensure that the heater
                                                                                                                                    SHOWN ON THE PRODUCT NAMEPLATE.
                             area classification and temperature code are suitable for
                             the hazardous area classification.

C.                           INSTALLATION AND MOUNTING

The heater must be installed by qualified personnel in strict                                                                5.     For specific mounting instructions refer to C.3,
compliance with the electrical code.                                                                                                page 6.

                                                                                                                             6.     If lifting with slings, take special care not to damage the
C.1                     Dimensions                                                                                                  casing.

                                                                                                                             7.     For large cabinet units, leave the heater on the shipping
Table 1 – Dimensions and Weights                                                                                                    skid and use the skid as a lifting platform to facilitate
          (See Figure 3, page 5)                                                                                                    installation of the heater.

          Cabinet                      A               B                C               D1              D2        Weight

                     Type        in    mm        in    mm        in         mm    in        mm    in        mm    lbs   kg                                           B
                     Small        16              8               25               17
                                           429             225              640             445         –         100   45
            Cabinet              7/8             7/8             3/16             1/2

     Large Cabinet

                                                                                                                  145   66
                                 20               8              29                                31
                                           511             225              743         –                   794
                                 1/8             7/8             1/4                              1/4
                                                                                                                  185   84                C

C.2                      Mounting

1.                           Norseman™ explosion-proof unit heaters can be
                             mounted to a ceiling, wall, 3" pipe, or floor stand. Ensure
                             that the mounting surface is sufficiently strong to
                             support the heater, which, depending on the model,
                             could weigh up to 185 lbs, (84 kg). Provide sufficient
                             stiffness to prevent excessive vibration and withstand
                             harsh situations such as transportable installations. See
                             C.1 Dimensions, page 5 for heater dimensions and

2.                           The heater must be positioned with a minimum 15 cm
                             (6") side clearance from all surrounding surfaces and
                             must be mounted at least 61 cm (24") from the floor for
                             small cabinet units, or 2440 cm (96") from the floor for
                             large cabinet units. It is best to maximize clearances to
                             allow freedom of rotation. Ensure that airflow into and
                             out of the unit is not restricted.

3.                           All mounting studs, bolts, nuts and other fasteners shall
                             be secured so that there is no possibility of loosening                                                                   D1
                             over prolonged periods. Periodically inspect at regular
                             intervals and retighten if necessary.                                                                                              D2

4.                           All standard mounting kits are designed to support the
                             heater on its centre of gravity and to allow for 30º tilt in
                             the vertical direction and 360 º rotation in the horizontal.
                             Note that horizontal rotation is fixed after the ceiling                                        Figure 3 – XGB Heater Dimensions
                             bracket is bolted to its support.

C.3        Mounting with Standard Kits

                                     1.          Ceiling Mounting                                                                2.         Wall Mounting
                                    3.3 MOUNTING WITH STANDARD KITS
                                                 1.1 	Install the ceiling bracket to the mounting surface                                   2.1 	Install the ceiling bracket to the wall bracket
                                    3.3.1  MOUNTING  WITH
                                                       the STANDARD
                                                  with                 KITS Ensure that ‘LINE A”
                                                           desired orientation.                                                  3.3.2 WALL MOUNTING
                                                                                                                                             with the desired orientation. Ensure that “LINE A”                                          3.3
                                                         (Figure 4, page 6), a line drawn perpendicular                                           (Figure 5, page 6), a line drawn perpendicular
 ted                                    3.3.1 CEILING
                                    a) Install           toMOUNTING
                                               the ceiling     bracket
                                                             the          to thein
                                                                  bolt holes       mounting    surfacebar,
                                                                                     the mounting         withisthe  desired
                                                                                                                 pointed   in    3.3.2 WALLthe
                                                                                                                                 a) Install    MOUNTING
                                                                                                                                                  to the boltbracket
                                                                                                                                                                  holes  tointhe
                                                                                                                                                                               thewall    bracketbar,
                                                                                                                                                                                     mounting         with    the desired
                                                                                                                                                                                                          is pointed                     a)
 ing                                orientation. Ensure          that ‘LINE         A” of(Figure                                                                                                                                         orie
                                                         the desired       direction       airflow. 3),    a line bracket
                                                                                                     The ceiling      drawn      orientation. Ensure         that “LINE
                                                                                                                                                  in the desired                A” of
                                                                                                                                                                        direction     (Figure
                                                                                                                                                                                         air flow.4),    a line
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Secure          drawn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                the wall
 ing                                    a) Install thetoceiling
                                    perpendicular                bracket
                                                          the bolt   holes  tointhe
                                                                                       mounting surface  iswith
                                                                                                    bar, surface the desired
                                                                                                             pointed  in the     a) Install the ceiling
                                                                                                                                 perpendicular   to  the  bracket
                                                                                                                                                          bolt   holesto in
                                                                                                                                                                          thethewall   bracket bar,
                                                                                                                                                                                   mounting       withisthe    desired
                                                                                                                                                                                                           pointed   in the              per
ater                                    orientation.     must    bethat
                                                                      secured      to A”
                                                                                      the  mounting                 using   as                    bracket      to the   mounting       surface.4), The    wall bracket
                                    desired   directionEnsure
                                                           of airflow.    The‘LINE
                                                                                 ceiling   (Figure
                                                                                          bracket     3), abe line
                                                                                                     must             drawn
                                                                                                                 secured    to   orientation.  Ensure
                                                                                                                                 desired direction        that
                                                                                                                                                     of air   flow.“LINE
                                                                                                                                                                     Secure  A” the(Figure
                                                                                                                                                                                      wall bracket   a toline
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the drawn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 mounting                des
                                        perpendicular    many
                                                          to  the as
                                                                           (but in
                                                                                 nottheless than two)
                                                                                         mounting    bar, 5/8"
                                                                                                          is    fasteners
                                                                                                             pointed   in the    perpendicular    must    be holes
                                                                                                                                                                secured     to mounting
                                                                                                                                                                                the mounting         surface
                                                                                                                                                                                                      pointedusing  the as
                                    the mounting surface using as many as six (but not less than two)                            surface. The to   thebracket
                                                                                                                                                wall    bolt       mustin the
                                                                                                                                                                           be secured      tobar,
                                                                                                                                                                                                theismounting    insurface               the
                                                         (not provided).       Make     certain  thatmust
                                                                                                       lockwashers       areto   desired directionmany     as sixSecure
                                                                                                                                                                    (but not  theless
                                                                                                                                                                                   wallthan   four) to5/8"   fasteners
                                    5/8”desired  direction
                                          fasteners     (not of   airflow. The
                                                               provided).      Makeceiling  bracket
                                                                                        certain              be secured
                                                                                                  that lockwashers        are    using as many of   asairsixflow.
                                                                                                                                                               (but not less        thanbracket
                                                                                                                                                                                          four) 5/8”   the mounting
                                                                                                                                                                                                          fasteners (not                 loc
 ide                                    the mounting used surface   using
                                                                 under     allas  many
                                                                               nuts   or  as six
                                                                                         lag     (but not less than two)
                                                                                              bolts.                             surface. The wall   bracket
                                                                                                                                                  (not           must be
                                                                                                                                                        provided).       Makesecured    to the
                                                                                                                                                                                  certain   that mounting
                                                                                                                                                                                                   lockwashers surface
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     are or
                                    used under all nuts or lag bolts.                                                            provided). Make      certain    that lockwashers        are   used    under all nuts
d at                                      5/8” fasteners (not provided). Make certain that lockwashers are                       using as many usedas sixunder
                                                                                                                                                             (but not
                                                                                                                                                                    all  less or
                                                                                                                                                                        nuts    thanlagfour)
                                                                                                                                                                                        bolts. 5/8” fasteners (not                       b)
                                                                                                                                 lag bolts.
 cm                                       used under  all nuts or
                                                 1.2 	Hoist    thelag bolts. up to the ceiling bracket. Line up
                                                                    heater                                                       provided). Make certain that lockwashers are used under all nuts or
mize                                b) Hoist the heater up to the ceiling bracket. Line up the large centre                      lag bolts. 2.2 	Follow steps 1.2 and 1.3 outlined in Ceiling
                                             the swivelthe large centre
                                                         bracket       thehole in hole
                                                                                  the swivel   bracket with  the
 nto                                              the heater up towith     large
                                                                  the ceiling bracket. in theupmounting
                                                                                       Line     the largebar.
                                                                                                         centre                  b) Follow steps b) and c) outlined in 3.3.1.
                                                          large hole in the mounting bar.                                                            Mounting, page 6.
                                          hole in the swivel bracket with the large hole in the mounting bar.                    b) Follow steps b) and c) outlined in 3.3.1.
                                    c) Insert the 1/2” bolt and loosely secure with nut and washers
                                    provided.  1.3 	Insert
                                                     the1/2”   the 1/2"
                                                          heater          bolt  and loosely  tosecure  with nut and
 be                                    c) Insert              bolt at
                                                                            desired   angle with
                                                                                    secure       the
                                                                                                       and washers
ged                                 secure  with the
                                       provided.        washers
                                                   Tilt 3/8” bolt. provided.
                                                        the heater Tighten
                                                                      at the theTilt the
                                                                             desired     heater
                                                                                       angle      at the
                                                                                               to the    desiredand
n if                                   secure with the  angle
                                                          3/8” to  the
                                                               bolt.    horizontal
                                                                      Tighten         andbolt.
                                                                               the 1/2”   secure with the 3/8"                                                           MOUNTING SURFACE
                                                          bolt. Tighten the 1/2" bolt.                                                                                   11/16” dia.SURFACE
                                                                                                                                                                       MOUNTING      mounting holes
                                                                                                                                                                       11/16” dia. mounting holes
                                                                                                                                                                                       5/8” flatwasher, lockwasher, nut
ater                                                                                                                                                                              5/8” flatwasher, lockwasher, nut
                                                                                                                                                                                              WALL BRACKET
n is                                                                                                                                                                                     WALL BRACKET
                                                                                                 MOUNTING SURFACE                                          5/8” Bolt                          A
                                                                 LIN                              MOUNTING SURFACE                                       5/8” Bolt                    LAINE
                                                                    LEINA                         11/16” Dia. Mounting Holes                     3/8” Bolt                          INE              CEILING BRACKET
 ate                                               CEILING BRACKET      E     A                    11/16” Dia. Mounting Holes                   3/8” Bolt                          L
                                                                                                                                                                                                  CEILING BRACKET
                                                        CEILING BRACKET
                                                                                                    3/8” bolt
                                                       MOUNTING    BAR                               3/8” bolt                                                                                       5/8” Bolt
                                                                                                    1/2” bolt                                     1/2” Bolt                                       5/8” Bolt
.                                   3/8” Flat Washer, LockMOUNTING    BAR
                                                             Washer, Nut                             1/2” bolt                                   1/2” Bolt                                           MOUNTING BAR
sing.                                    3/8” Flat Washer, Lock Washer, Nut                                                                                                                       MOUNTING BAR
                                    1/2” Flat Washer, Lock Washer, Nut
                                         1/2” Flat Washer, Lock Washer, Nut                   SWIVEL MOUNTING BRACKET                                                                                3/8” flatwasher, lockwasher, nut
                                                                                               SWIVEL MOUNTING BRACKET                                                                            3/8” flatwasher, lockwasher, nut
                                                                                                                                      SWIVEL MOUNTING BRACKET                                         1/2” flatwasher, lockwasher, nut
skid                                                                                                                                  SWIVEL MOUNTING BRACKET                                     1/2” flatwasher, lockwasher, nut

                                      Figure 4 – Ceiling Mounting

                                                                                                                                 Figure 5 – Wall Mounting
                                    Figure 3 - 3Ceiling
                                                 - Ceiling Mounting
                                                         Mounting                                                                Figure
                                                                                                                                 Figure44- -Wall
                                                                                                                                                 Mounting                                                                                Fig
        Installation and Mounting

3.3.3 POST MOUNTING                                                                               3.3.4 FLOOR STAND MOUNTING
                                                                                                         4.          Floor Stand Mounting
          a) 3.Install Post  Mounting
                       the ceiling    bracket to the wall bracket with the desired                   a) At times adequate support for the heater may not be available
          orientation. Ensure that “LINE A” (Figure 5), a line drawn                                 within 4.1 
                                                                                                             the structure
                                                                                                                   At timesof       the space
                                                                                                                                 adequate          to be for
                                                                                                                                               support    heated.     In this
                                                                                                                                                              the heater    maysituation,
                                                                                                                                                                                  not     the
                       3.1 	Install the ceiling bracket to the wall bracket
          perpendicular to the bolt holes in the mounting bar, is pointed in the                     floor mount bestand     may be
                                                                                                                                      within    the
                                                                                                                                                     structure   of the
                                                                                                                                                                                 tubing on a
                              with the desired orientation. Ensure that “LINE A”
          desired direction of air flow. Secure the wall bracket to the post using                   support base allows the unit to be positioned at the desired height
                              (Figure 5), a line drawn perpendicular to the bolt                                   be heated. In this situation, the floor mount stand
          the 1/2” U-bolts, nuts and washers supplied. Make certain the                              above the floor anywhere between 1.8 m (6’) to 3 m (10’).
                              holes in the mounting bar, is pointed in the desired                                 may be desirable. Telescoping square tubing on a
 3.3 POSTlockwashers
            MOUNTING       are used under all nuts or lag bolts.
                              direction of air flow. Secure the wall bracket to 3.3.4 FLOOR STAND                     MOUNTING
                                                                                                                   support      base allows the unit to be positioned at the
                                                                                                     b) Position the base of the stand on the floor in the desired
                              the  post   using     the   1/2" U-bolts,   nuts and  washers                        desired     height above the floor anywhere between
) Install b)
                ceilingsteps  b) and
                                       c) outlined
                                   to the  Make
                                                         in 3.3.1.
                                              wall certain
                                                      bracket   thewith  the desired
                                                                                           a) At times
                                                                                    are used              adequate   Ensure that
                                                                                                                         m (6’) tofor3 mthe
                                                                                                                                                      A” may
                                                                                                                                                               not be  6),available
                                                                                                                                                                             a line drawn
rientation. Ensure that under  “LINEallA”        (Figure       5),   a   line  drawn       within theperpendicular
                                                                                                       structure  of    to the
                                                                                                                      the   spacebolttoholes
                                                                                                                                          be     in the mounting
                                                                                                                                               heated.     In this    bar, is pointed
                                                                                                                                                                    situation,   the in the
                                           nuts or lag bolts.                                        desired direction of air flow.
erpendicular to the bolt holes in the mounting bar, is pointed in the                      floor mount stand    may
                                                                                                            4.2 	      be desirable.
                                                                                                                   Position      the base   Telescoping
                                                                                                                                              of the standsquare
                                                                                                                                                              on the tubing
                                                                                                                                                                       floor in on
esired direction of air3.2 
                               Securestepsthe wall     bracket
                                                 1.2 and           to the post
                                                            1.3 outlined        using
                                                                           in Ceiling      support base allows desired
                                                                                                                   the unitorientation.
                                                                                                                                 to be positionedEnsureat    the“LINE
                                                                                                                                                          that    desired    height7,
                                                                                                                                                                        A” (Figure
                                                                                                     c) Next, the stand is to be lagged to a solid floor to prevent the unit
 e 1/2” U-bolts, nuts and        washerspage
                              Mounting,          supplied.
                                                      6.         Make certain the          above the floor anywherepage between          1.8 m perpendicular
                                                                                                                            7), a line drawn       (6’) to 3 m (10’).to the bolt
                                                                                                     from toppling. Four 11/16” diameter holes are provided in the base of
 ckwashers are used under all nuts or lag bolts.                                                                   holes in the mounting bar, is pointed in the desired
                                                                                                     the stand for this purpose.
                                                                                           b) Position the base         of theofstand
                                                                                                                   direction         air flow. on the floor in the desired
) Follow steps b) and c) outlined3” PIPEin   3.3.1.
                                          (NOT   INCLUDED)                                 orientation. Ensure that “LINE A” (Figure 6), a line drawn
                                                                                                     d) Raise the mounting frame to the desired height and secure to the
                                     1/2” U-bolt                                           perpendicular to    the bolt
                                                                                                            4.3 	  Next,holes      in theismounting
                                                                                                                            the stand         to be laggedbar,toisapointed    in to
                                                                                                                                                                    solid floor  the
                                                                                                     base using the hardware supplied.
                                          1/2” flat washer, lock washer, nut
                                                                                           desired  direction  of air  flow.
                                                                                                                   prevent      the unit from toppling. Four 11/16" diameter

                                                  WALL BRACKET                                           e) Hoist theholes    are provided in the base of the stand for this
                                                                                                                         heater up to the mounting frame.
                                                                                                c) Next, the stand ispurpose.
                                                                                                                        to be lagged to a solid floor to prevent the unit
                                                               5/8” flatwasher, lockwasher, nut from toppling. Four 11/16” diameter holes are provided in the base of
                                                                                                         f) Insert the 1/2” bolt and loosely secure with nut and lockwashers
                                                                                                the standprovided.
                                                                                                          for this purpose.
                                                                                                                4.4 	  Raise the mounting frame to the desired height
                                                                                                                     Tilt the heater at the desired angle to the horizontal and
                                                                                                                             and secure to the base using the hardware
                                                                                                                 secure with the 3/8” bolt. Tighten the 1/2” bolt.
                      3” PIPE (NOT INCLUDED)
                                                                I N EA                                d)  Raise  the mounting  frame to the desired height and secure to the
                                    5/8” bolt                 L
                          1/2” U-bolt                                   CEILING BRACKET               base using the hardware supplied.
                              1/2” bolt
                               1/2” flat washer, lock washer, nut                                                      4.5 	Hoist the heater up to the mounting frame.
                              3/8” bolt                                MOUNTING BAR                                                                             MOUNTING FRAME
                                       WALL BRACKET                                                   e) Hoist the heater up to the mounting frame. MOUNTING BAR
                                                                     3/8” flat washer, lock washer, nut                4.6 	Insert the 1/2" bolt and loosely secure with nut and
                                                                     1/2” flat washer, lock washer, nut                                                             3/8” flatwasher, lockwasher, nut
                  SWIVEL MOUNTING BRACKET 5/8” flatwasher, lockwasher, nut                            f) Insert the 1/2” boltlockwashers
                                                                                                                              and 3/8”  Bolt provided.
                                                                                                                                    loosely              Tilt the heater
                                                                                                                                               secure with     nut and       at thelockwasher,
                                                                                                                                                                   1/2” flatwasher,   desired nut
                                                                                                                             angle   to
                                                                                                      provided. Tilt the heater at1/2”  the
                                                                                                                                      the    horizontal   and  secure   with the 3/8"
                                                                                                                                        Boltdesired angle to the horizontal            and
                                                                                                      secure  with  the 3/8” bolt. Tighten
                                                                                                                             bolt. Tighten    the
                                                                                                                                               the 1/2"
                    5/8” bolt                   LIN
               1/2” bolt                             CEILING BRACKET

                3/8” bolt                           MOUNTING BAR                                                                                    MOUNTING FRAME
                                                  3/8” flat washer, lock washer, nut                                                                MOUNTING BAR
                                                  1/2” flat washer, lock washer, nut                                                                   3/8” flatwasher, lockwasher, nut
    SWIVEL MOUNTING BRACKET                                                                                             3/8” Bolt                      1/2” flatwasher,SWIVEL MOUNTING
                                                                                                                                                                        lockwasher, nut BRACKET
                                                                                                                        1/2” Bolt

               Figure 6 – Post Mounting

                                                                                                                                                            SWIVEL MOUNTING BRACKET
            Figure 5 - Post Mounting
                                                                                                                                                                    5/8” Bolt

                                                                                                                          5/8” flatwasher,
                                                                                                                          lockwasher, nut

gure 5 - Post Mounting
                                                                                                                                                           5/8” Bolt

                                                                                                              Figure    6 - Floor Mounting Stand
                                                                                                               5/8” flatwasher,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Installation and Mounting

                                                                                                               lockwasher, nut


                                                                                               Figure 6 - Floor Mounting Stand
                                                                                                         Figure 7 – Floor Mounting Stand

C.4            Outlet Louvres                                                               Table 2 – Small cabinet

                                     1.             A louvered grill on the heater outlet end is supplied as                                                       Max Line         Recommended
                                                    standard. The louver assembly may be positioned either                         Catalog                          Amps            Fuse Size (Amps)
                                                                                                                                              kW     Voltage
                                                    horizontally or vertically for maximum flexibility.                            Number
                                                                                                                                                               1Ø           3Ø       1Ø        3Ø
                                     2.             Standard heaters are shipped with the louvers in the
                                                                                                                                                      208      19             11     25         15
                                                    horizontal position. To change the orientation of the
                                                                                                                                                      240      17           10       25         15
                                                    louvers to vertical, remove the three mounting screws                         XGB038T3B   3.75
                                                    securing the louver assembly to the cabinet and rotate                                            480      –              6       –         10
                                                    the louver 90º to the desired direction.                                                          600      –              5       –         10

                                                                                                                                                      208      25           15       35        20

                                     C.5            Wiring                                                                                            240      22           13       30        20
                                                                                                                                  XGB050T3B    5
                                                                                                                                                      480      –              7       –         10

                                                     CAUTION. Whenever hazardous material are present,                                                600      –              6       –         10
                                                     ensure that the terminal housing covers, plugs, etc.,                                            208      37           22       50        30
                                                     are secured (but not over-tightened) before powering
                                                                                                                                                      240      32           19       40        25
                                                     the heater.                                                                  XGB075T3A   7.5
                                                                                                                                                      480      –            10        –         15
                                                     All circuits must be in the open position before
                                                                                                                                                      600      –              8       –         10
                                                     removing juncation or terminal box covers.
                                                                                                                                                      208      –            29        –        40

                                     1.             The heater must be installed by qualified personnel in                                            240      43           25       60         35
                                                                                                                                  XGB100T2C   10
                                                    strict compliance with the electrical code.                                                       480      –            13        –        20

                                     2.             All heaters are factory pre-wired and ready for direct                                            600      –              11      –         15
                                                Table           to the
                                                      2: Recommended   power
                                                                     Fuse Sizes supply leads.
 supplied as standard.                                                                            Recommended
either horizontally 3.or                            The    heater
                                                     Catalog Number must
                                                                    kW    be individually
                                                                         Voltage   Max Line Amps fused,Fuse preferably
                                                                                                            Size          with   Table 3 – Large Cabinet
                                                    Class J time-delay fuses for maximum                    safety. Unless
                                                                                    1Ø       3Ø      1Ø       3Ø
                                                                                                                                                                    Max Line        Recommended
 uvers in the horizontal                            stated
                                                                    3.75  in
                                                                          2 0 8your1local
                                                                                      9      1code,
                                                                                               1     2 5fuse1size5   shall be      Catalog
                                                                          240       17       10      25        15                             kW     Voltage         Amps           Fuse Size (Amps)
ers to vertical, remove                             125% of line current  480
                                                                               or next
                                                                                         size 6
                                                                                                           See 10
                                                                                                                   Table 2 and     Number
uver assembly to the
                                                    Table 3, page 8 for6 0recommendations.
                                                                              0      -        5       -        10                                              1Ø           3Ø       1Ø        3Ø
d direction.                                          XGB050T3B      5208    25   15   35     20
                                                                      240    22   13    30    20                                                       208      –             30      –        40
                                     4.             Use approved conduit
                                                                                                                 required by
                                                    the code for the hazardous location.
                                                                      6 0 0   -   6      -    1 0                                                      240     47             26      60       35
                                                      XGB075T3A     7.5
                                                                     208    37   22    50    30                                   XGB100T3B    10
 are present, ensure                                                 240    32   19    40    25                                                        480      –             13      –         0
tc., are secured (but                               The Norseman™ explosion-proof
                                                                     480     -   10
ater.                                               equipped with a factory
                                                                     600    installed
                                                                             -    8   conduit
                                                                                        -    1 0 seal between                                          600      –              11     –         15
                                                      XGB100T2C      10     208             29             40
                                                    the control and supply
                                                                     240    housings.
                                                                              43   25   In6 0Division
                                                                                                  35  2, Zone 1 and                                    208      –             44      –        60
on before removing                                                   480       -   13      -      20
                                                    Zone 2 applications,
                                                                         a field
                                                                                   11      -
                                                                                                      seal may not
                                                                                                                                                       240      –             38      –        50
                                                    be required. 1 0
                                                     XGB100T3B       208       -   30      -      40
                                                                                                                                  XGB150T3B    15
ed personnel in strict                                                       240   47        26    60      35
                                                                                                                                                       480      –             19      –        25
                                                                             480    -
                                     6.             Supply wiring         connections
                                                                             600    -
                                                                                         are11 13made
                                                                                                 by -
                                                                                                                                                       600      –             15      –        20
                                                    over  of the side
                                                      XGB150T3B   1 5 mounted
                                                                       208       - supply
                                                                                      4 4 connection
                                                                                               -    60     housing
 nd ready for direct                                                   240        -   38       -    50
                                                    (terminal box). Slide
                                                                       4 8 0 the control
                                                                                  -   1 9 trolley
                                                                                               -  out
                                                                                                    2 5 of the housing
                                                                                                                                                       480      –             25      –        35
                                                                       600        -   15       -    20                            XGB200T3B    20
                                                    just enough to access the terminal block (Figure 8,                                                600      –             20      –        25
                                                      XGB200T3B   20   480       -    25       -    35
 referably with Class J                             page 8).           600        -   20       -    25
 s stated otherwise in                               XGB225T3A      22.5    480      -      28      -      35
                                                                                                                                                       480      –             28      –        35
ne current or next size                                                                                                           XGB225T3A   22.5
                    7.                              Connect the power     6 0 0leads- to terminals
                                                                                           23     -  marked
                                                                                                        30       L1 and L2                             600      –             23      –        30
                                                     XGB250T2D     25     480         -    31     -     40
                                                    for single phase and  600   L1, L2- and25L3 for
                                                                                                  - three
                                                                                                        35   phase   heaters
                                                                                                                                                       480      –             31      –        40
 s are required by the                              making
                                                                   3 0 to4 leave
                                                                            80      some
                                                                                      -    3excess
                                                                                            7     - wire5 0 to ensure that
                                                                                                                                  XGB250T2D    25
                                                                          600         -    30     -     40
                                                    the  leads may                                                                                     600      –             25      –        35
                                                      XGB325T2D   32.5slide
                                                                          4 8 0back -into 4the
                                                                                            0   housing
                                                                                                  -     5 0 with the trolley.
                                                                          600         -    32     -     40
                                                    See Figure 9 and Figure          10, page  9 for control    circuit                                480      –             37      –        50
                                                      XGB350T2C    35     480         -    43     -     60
                                                                                                                                  XGB300T2D    30
                                                    and Figure 11, page   6 0 09 for suggested
                                                                                      -    34     -wiring.
                                                                                                        4 5 Exercise
                                                                                                                                                       600      –             30      –        40
                                                    care to avoid damage to wires caused by threads on the
                                                                                                                                                       480      –             40      –        50
                                                    housing.                                                                      XGB325T2D   32.5
                                                                                                                                                       600      –             32      –        40
         Installation and Mounting

                                                                                                                                                       480      –             43      –        60
                                                                                                                                  XGB350T2C    35
                                                                                                                                                       600      –             34      –        45
                                                                                                   TERMINAL BLOCK

                                                    Figure 8 - XGB Terminal Block Trolley Figure
                                     Figure 8 – Terminal Block Trolley
                                                                                                                                                                                                  with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  free to r
                                                                                                           Figure 9B - Large Cabinet XGB Wiring Schematic
                                                                                                                                                                                                  6.2 Ene
                                                            C                                                   8.       Connect4.0the TEMPERATURE             CONTROL
                                                                                                                                       ground wire to the ground      connection
              L3                             C                                       H3                                4.0 TEMPERATURE CONTROL
      1 OR                                                             H3                 TO HEATING       3.5.8 Connect    the ground
                                                                                                                         located          wire to
                                                                                                                                  in the supply    the ground
                                                                                                                                                 connection       connection
                                                                                                                                                               housing;         located in
                                                                                                                                                                         once again,              6.3 Ass
              L2                                                              H2
      3Ø L2                                                            H2 TO HEATINGLOAD                   the supply connection  surehousing;
                                                                                                                         making 4.1    BUILT-IN
                                                                                                                                        that the  once   again,
                                                                                                                                                 wire is          making
                                                                                                                                                         sufficiently long  sure
                                                                                                                                                                            to slidethat the      set to a
 SUPPLY       L1                                                             LOAD
                                                                              H1                                       4.1  BUILT-IN
                                                                                                           wire is sufficiently longthe
                                                                                                                         back into
                                                                                                                                         slide back  into
                                                                                                                                                        thethe  housing
                                                                                                                                                            trolley.      with the
                                                                                                                                                                     See Figure   11, trolley.
          L1                                                           H1
                                                                                                           See Figure 10.page 9.
                                                                                                                                 When specified,      the unit comeswith
                                                                                                                                                                       equipped    with a) The m
                                                                                                                                                                                        a built
                                                                                                                        When specified,   the unit comes     equipped      a built-in thermosta
                                                                                                                                                                                        b) After
                                                                              JUMPER JUMPER FOR
                                                                                                                        pre-wiredpre-wired   to standard
                                                                                                                                                 all other controls.
                                                                                                                                                                      controls. Set the temp
                                                                       OPTIONAL       THERMOSTAT
                                                                                THERMOSTAT                                        to all other                          the temperature    to th
                                        X1              X1                                                                       desired operating     condition.
                                                                                                                             TOPoperating  condition.                                   will de-e
                                              120V T2
                                        120V T1     T1HI-LIMITS
                                                           T2 HI-LIMITS
                                                                                      C        C
                                        X2              X2
                                                        C/AUX C/AUX
                                                                                      M     M                                  4.2 REMOTE
                                                                                                                        4.2 REMOTE        THERMOSTAT
                                                                                                                                    THERMOSTAT         (OPTIONAL)
                                                                                                                                               (OPTIONAL)                                    Note: T
                                                            NO             NO         MOTOR MOTOR
                                                                                                                                                                                             the “ON
                                                                                                                        Install the  XT thermostat
                                                                                                                                  Install               in accordance
                                                                                                                                           the XT thermostat              with the instruction
                                                                                                                                                                    in accordance            theshee
                                                                                                                                                                                       with the  ins
Figure 9A - Small
    Figure 99A
               - Small
            – Small Cabinet
                            XGB Wiring
                        Cabinet         Schematic
                                   Schematic  Schematic                                                                 provided.provided.
                                                                                                                                                “T1” and “T2”“T1”inand
                                                                                                                                                                     the “T2”
                                                                                                                                                                               in supply housing
                                                                                                                                                                                  the heater       ar
                                                                                                                        provided provided
                                                                                                                                   for connection    to the remote
                                                                                                                                              for connection          thermostat
                                                                                                                                                                 to the            and are pre-wire
                                                                                                                                                                          remote thermostat  compon
                                                                                                                        to the rest
                                                                                                                                  to of
                                                                                                                                      thethe control
                                                                                                                                           rest  of thecircuit. Remove
                                                                                                                                                          control  circuit.the  jumper the
                                                                                                                                                                             Remove    wirejumper
                                                                                                                                                                                             “OFF” i
                    1 OR 3Ø                                                                                             “T1” and “T1”
                                                                                                                                   “T2” and
                                                                                                                                         and connect
                                                                                                                                             “T2” and connect the thermostat to these(Refe
                                                                                                                                                         the thermostat    to these terminals.   term
                    SUPPLY 1 OR 3Ø
                                  3Ø ONLY
                                                        3Ø ONLY                                                         to Figure 9). Set the temperature to the desired operating condition 6.4 Th
                   L3 L2 L1
                              L3 L2 L1
                                                                                                                                  to Figure 9). Set the temperature to the desired tempera    operat
                                                                 H2 TO HEATING
                                                                                                                        5.0 “AUTO / OFF / FAN-ONLY” SWITCH (OPTIONAL)
                                                                        H2 TO HEATING
                                        L2                       H3    LOAD
                                                                                                                                   5.0 “AUTO / OFF / FAN-ONLY” SWITCH (OPTIONAL
                                                                            REMOVE JUMPER FOR                                             SIDE
                                                                           OPTIONAL       JUMPER FOR
                                                                                    THERMOSTAT                      If ordered, a factory installed “auto / off / fan-only” switch may b
                                                                                                                    included Ifonordered,   a factory   installedfeature
                                                                                                                                                                   “auto allows
                                                                                                                                                                          / off / the
                                                                                                                                                                                      heater st
                                              120V           X1
                                                                                       OPTIONAL THERMOSTAT
                                                                                HI-LIMITS                                           the heater.  The “fan-only”
                                             X2             T1120V
                                                                                         HI-LIMITS                  cycle in aincluded    on the
                                                                                                                                 “heat” mode       heater.
                                                                                                                                                dictated byThe   “fan-only” thermostat,
                                                                                                                                                            the controlling  feature allows
                                                                                                  C      Figure 10 -though
                                                                                                             Figure  11Supply Connection
                                                                                                                        – Supply
                                                                                                                                  fan in
                                                                                                                                      is a “heat”
                                                                                                                                         operating  mode   dictated
                                                                                                                                                    continuously.    by  the controlling  the
                                                             X2            T1   T2    FD

                                                        1                                      FD
                                                                                                                9.               though
                                                                                                                         Due to the      the of
                                                                                                                                    presence fan  is operating
                                                                                                                                                hazardous      continuously.
                                                                                                                                                          materials, ensure that
                                              5         4         FD
                                                                  M1                                                  6.0
                                                                                                                        theNORMAL      SEQUENCE
                                                                                                                            terminal housing  covers, OF  OPERATION
                                                                                                                                                      plugs, etc., are secured (but
                                                             3                                             3.5.9    Duenottoover-tightened)
                                                                                                                             the presence before
                                                                                                                                            of hazardous
                                                                                                                                                   powering  materials,
                                                                                                                                                              the OF      ensure that
                                                             5         4
                                                                                M                                               6.0 NORMAL SEQUENCE                     OPERATION
                                                                                                           the terminal housing covers, plugs, etc., are secured (but not
                                                                                                                      6.1 The heater must be properly mounted and wired in accordanc
                                                   3Ø ONLY                                                 over-tightened) before powering the heater.
                                                                                                                      with the instructions  contained
                                                                                                                                6.1 The heater    mustinbethis   manual.mounted
                                                                                                                                                              properly       The fan blade must bi
                                                                                                                                                                                      and wired
                                                                  3Ø ONLY
                                                                                                                      free to rotate
                                                                                                                                with with  no obstruction
                                                                                                                                      the instructions      to air inlet
                                                                                                                                                         contained     in or outlet
                                                                                                                                                                          this      areas.
                                                                                                                                                                               manual.   The fan b
Figure 9B -10Large
              – Large CabinetXGB
                    Cabinet  Wiring Schematic
                                  Wiring Schematic                                                                                 free to rotate with no obstruction to air inlet or outlet ar
    Figure 9B - Large Cabinet XGB Wiring Schematic                                                                      6.2 Energize the heater at the rated supply voltage.
                                                                                                                                   6.2 Energize the heater at the rated supply voltage.
3.5.8 Connect the ground wire to the ground connection located in               6.3 Assuming that the thermostat calls for heat, i.e. the thermostat
the supply connection housing; once again, making sure that the                 set to a higher temperature that ambient:
    3.5.8 Connect the ground wire to the ground connection located in
wire is sufficiently long to slide back into the housing with the trolley.
                                                                                          6.3 Assuming that the thermostat calls for heat, i.e. the
    the  supply
See Figure 10.     connection     housing;  once  again, making    sure    that  the      set to
                                                                                a) The main      a higher
                                                                                              contactor   willtemperature
                                                                                                                energize thethat  ambient:
                                                                                                                               elements and the fan moto
    D.1 isTemperature
             sufficiently long   to slide back into the housing with the trolley.
                           Control                                              b) After the inlet air temperature rises to the set point of th
    See Figure 10.                                                                        a) The
                                                                                thermostat,       main contactor
                                                                                             the thermostat           willwill
                                                                                                                contacts   energize  thethe
                                                                                                                               open and   elements  and t
                                                                                                                                            main contacto
    1.       Built-in Thermostat (Optional)
                   TOP                                                                    b) Afterthethe
                                                                                will de-energize           inlet air
                                                                                                       elements    andtemperature
                                                                                                                       the fan motor.rises to the set
                When specified, the unit comes equipped with a built-in                                                            thermostat, the thermostat contacts will open and the m
                           pre-wired to all other standard controls. Set                                               Note: Thewill de-energize
                                                                                                                                  large cabinet XGB theincorporates
                                                                                                                                                         elements and
                                                                                                                                                                    a fanthe  fan feature
                                                                                                                                                                            delay  motor. in bot
                the temperature to the desired operating condition.                                                    the “ON” and “OFF” cycles. This is a desirable feature as it allow
    2.          Remote Thermostat (Optional)                                                                           the heater  to come
                                                                                                                                Note:        to temperature
                                                                                                                                       The large             before
                                                                                                                                                    cabinet XGB      the fan operates
                                                                                                                                                                  incorporates            (no colf
                                                                                                                                                                                   a fan delay
                                                                                                                       blasts) and
                                                                                                                                the to  cooland
                                                                                                                                     “ON”     down   the cycles.
                                                                                                                                                  “OFF”   “OFF” cycle
                                                                                                                                                                  This (longer    life for featur
                                                                                                                                                                         is a desirable    contro
                Install the XT thermostat in accordance with the                                                       components    and  motor).   Delay  “ON” is 15  - 40  seconds
                                                                                                                                the heater to come to temperature before the fan ope    and  dela
                instruction sheet provided. Terminals “T1" and “T2" in the                                             “OFF” is blasts)
                                                                                                                                60 -160 and
                                                                                                                                                to cool down the “OFF” cycle (longer li
                heater supply housing are provided for connection to
                                                                                                                                   components and motor). Delay “ON” is 15 - 40 secon
                the remote thermostat and are pre-wired to the rest of                                                 6.4 The cycle described above will repeat when the ambien
                                                                                                                               “OFF” is 60 -160 seconds.
                the control circuit. Remove the jumper wire between “T1"                                               temperature falls below the thermostat set point.
                and “T2" and connect the thermostat to LOOPthese terminals.
                (Refer to Figure 9 and Figure 10, page 9 ). Set the                                                                6.4 The cycle described above will repeat when
                                      SIDE operating condition.
                temperature to the desired                                                                                         temperature falls below the thermostat set point.

    D.2        “AUTO/OFF/FAN-ONLY” (Optional)
Figure 10 - Supply Connection
            If ordered, a factory installed “AUTO/OFF/FAN-ONLY”
            switch may be included on the heater. The “fan-only”
3.5.9Figure 10
          Due    - Supply
            featurethe      Connection
                     allows         of hazardous
                            the heater  to cycle in a materials,
                                                      “heat” modeensure                                      that

the terminaldictated
                housing    covers,
                      by the         plugs,
                             controlling      etc., are
                                          thermostat,      secured
                                                        even        (but
                                                             though the                                       not
            fan isbefore  powering
                   operating          the heater.

    3.5.9    Due to the presence of hazardous materials, ensure that
    the terminal housing covers, plugs, etc., are secured (but not                                                                                                                               9
    over-tightened) before powering the heater.

                               1.      The heater must be properly mounted and wired in               NOTE:     The large cabinet XGB incorporates a fan delay
                                       accordance with the instructions contained in this                        feature in both the “ON” and “OFF” cycles. This is a
                                       manual. The fan blade must be free to rotate with no                      desirable feature as it allows the heater to come to
                                       obstruction to air inlet or outlet areas.                                 temperature before the fan operates (no cold blasts)
                                                                                                                 and to cool down the “OFF” cycle (longer life for
                               2.      Energize the heater at the rated supply voltage.
                                                                                                                control components and motor). Delay “ON” is 15 to 40
                               3.      Assuming that the thermostat calls for heat, i.e. the                     seconds and delay “OFF” is 60 to 160 seconds.
                                       thermostat is set to a higher temperature than ambient:
                                                                                                      4.      The cycle described above will repeat when the ambient
                                       3.1 	The main contactor will energize the elements and                 temperature falls below the thermostat set point.
                                            the fan motor.                                            IMPORTANT: The proper motor/fan rotation, viewed from the
                                                                                                                rear of the heater is counter clockwaise for the
                                       3.2 	After the inlet air temperature rises to the set point
                                                                                                                small cabinet units and clockwise for the large
                                            of the thermostat, the thermostat contacts will
                                                                                                                cabinet units, as indicated by the fan rotation
                                            open and the main contactor will de-energize the
                                                                                                                label on the heater. Incorrect rotation of the
                                            elements and the fan motor.
                                                                                                                fan will cause the heater to overheat and cycle
                                                                                                                on the high limits. Consult factory in case of
                                                                                                                incorrect rotation.

                               F.      MAINTENANCE

                               1.      The Norseman™ explosion-proof unit heaters are                 F.3   Heater Cabinet
                                       designed and constructed to operate in tough industrial
                                       applications with a minimum of maintenance. However,           The XGB unit heater cabinet is stainless steel for superior
                                       some routine maintenance is recommended to extend              corrosion resistance. We recommend the cabinet be wiped down
                                       the life of the heater and its components Always               periodically using a mild detergent.
                                       disconnect the electrical supply before performing any
                                       maintenance.                                                   F.4     Overheat Protection
                               2.      Periodically inspect the heater installation to ensure that
                                                                                                      In the event of fan failure, motor damage, excessive dust build-
                                       all connections, fittings, plugs, screws, covers, etc. are
                                                                                                      up or restricted inlet airflow, the heater temperature may rise,
                                       tight and free of corrosion.
                                                                                                      causing the limit controls to open, breaking the power supply to
                               3.      Check the inside of the cabinet and around the element         the heater. All units are equipped with two automatic reset high
                                       fins for dust build-up and debris, especially after seasonal   limit controls.
                                       shutdowns. Clean with an air blast or vacuum. Ensure
                                                                                                      Cycling of the high limits should not be permitted.
                                       that nothing is restricting the air flow into the unit and
                                       that the fan blade is free to rotate.                          Should this occur, the unit should be inspected to determine the
                                                                                                      cause of the cycling and the condition should be corrected.

                               F.1   Motor

                               The motor supplied with the small cabinet units is approved for
                               Class 1, Group D, Class II, Group E, F & G, T3B temperature code.
                               The motor supplied with the large cabinet units is approved for
                               Class I, Group C & D, Class II, Group E, F & G, T3B temperature
                               code. All motors have internal thermal protection to eliminate
                               motor overheating.
Normal Sequence of Operation

                               F.2   Fan Blade

                               Visually inspect the fan blade to ensure it is free to rotate and
                               accidental damage has not occurred. If bent or damaged, a
                               factory balanced blade should be installed so that the rated
                               airflow is maintained. A damaged fan blade may not deliver the
                               required airflow over the elements, resulting in cycling on the
                               high limit which can significantly reduce the life of the contactor
                               and the high limit.

F.5    Replacement Parts List

        The replacement parts list is included for reference only.
        Due to the delicate nature of explosion-proof design,
        XGB unit heaters are not field serviceable. Should any
        problem arise, return the unit to the factory for service by
        trained personnel.

Table 4 – Small Cabinet Units

          Part            Unit Description           Part No.

                               208V                  MO250O

                               240V                  MO250Q
                               480V                  MO250S

                               600V                  MO250V

                             T2C T-Code              C12023-11

      High Limits            T3A T-Code             C12023-10

                             T3B T-Code             C12023-10

         Motor                All units             B14302-01

       Contactor              All units               13463

                             10 & 7.5 kW            C11028-05
       Fan Blade
                             5 & 3.75 kW            C11028-06

Table 5 – Large Cabinet Units

          Part            Unit Description           Part No.

                               208V                 EXA50-23

                               240V                 EXA50-25
                               480V                 EXA50-36

                               600V                 EXA50-39

                             T2C T-Code              C12023-11

                            T2D T-Code               C12023-11
      High Limits
                             T3A T-Code             C12023-10

                             T3B T-Code             C12023-12

                           208 to 480V 3Ø              1699

         Motor                240V 1Ø                  1979

                               600V                    2433

       Contactor              All units             42CF35AF

       Fan Blade              All units               10873

      Control Fuse            All units              MDL-0.6

A Thermon XTK thermostat kit may be purchased to replace a
broken thermostat. Refer to installation instructions provided
with the kit.

                                                                        Failure to do so may be dangerous and may void certain
                                                                        provisions of your warranty.

    For further assistance, please call 24hr hotline: 1.800.661.8529 (U.S.A. and Canada)
    Please have model and serial numbers available before calling.

WARRANTY: Under normal use the Company warrants                         No warranty applies to paint finishes except for manufacturing
to the purchaser that defects in material or workmanship                defects apparent within 30 days from the date of installation.
will be repaired or replaced without charge for a period                The Company neither assumes nor authorizes any person to
of 18 months from date of shipment, or 12 months from                   assume for it any other obligation or liability in connection
the start date of operation, whichever expires first. Any               with the product(s).
claim for warranty must be reported to the sales office
                                                                        The Purchaser agrees that all warranty work required after
where the product was purchased for authorized repair or
                                                                        the initial commissioning of the product will be provided
replacement within the terms of this warranty.
                                                                        only if the Company has been paid by the Purchaser in full
Subject to State or Provincial law to the contrary, the                 accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.
Company will not be responsible for any expense for
                                                                        The Purchaser agrees that the Company makes no warranty
installation, removal from service, transportation, or
                                                                        or guarantee, express, implied or statutory, (including any
damages of any type whatsoever, including damages
                                                                        warranty of merchantability or warranty of fitness for a
arising from lack of use, business interruptions, or
                                                                        particular purpose) written or oral, of the Article or incidental
incidental or consequential damages.
                                                                        labour, except as is expressed or contained in the agreement
The Company cannot anticipate or control the conditions                 herein.
of product usage and therefore accepts no responsibility
                                                                        LIABILITY:      Technical data contained in the catalog or
for the safe application and suitability of its products when
                                                                        on the website is subject to change without notice. The
used alone or in combination with other products. Tests
                                                                        Company reserves the right to make dimensional and other
for the safe application and suitability of the products are
                                                                        design changes as required. The Purchaser acknowledges
the sole responsibility of the user.
                                                                        the Company shall not be obligated to modify those articles
This warranty will be void if, in the judgment of the                   manufactured before the formulation of the changes in
Company, the damage, failure or defect is the result of:                design or improvements of the products by the Company.
•     Vibration, radiation, erosion, corrosion, process                 The Company shall not be liable to compensate or indemnify
      contamination, abnormal process conditions,                       the Purchaser, end user or any other party against any actions,
      temperature and pressures, unusual surges or pulsation,           claims, liabilities, injury, loss, loss of use, loss of business,
      fouling, ordinary wear and tear, lack of maintenance,             damages, indirect or consequential damages, demands,
      incorrectly applied utilities such as voltage, air, gas, water,   penalties, fines, expenses (including legal expenses), costs,

      and others or any combination of the aforementioned               obligations and causes of action of any kind arising wholly or
                                                                        partly from negligence or omission of the user or the misuse,
      causes not specifically allowed for in the design
                                                                        incorrect application, unsafe application, incorrect storage
      conditions or,
                                                                        and handling, incorrect installation, lack of maintenance,
•     Any act or omission by the Purchaser, its agents,                 improper maintenance or improper operation of products
      servants or independent contractors which for greater             furnished by the Company.
      certainty, but not so as to limit the generality of the
      foregoing, includes physical, chemical or mechanical
      abuse, accident, improper installation of the product,
      improper storage and handling of the product, improper
      application or the misalignment of parts.

Edmonton                           Oakville                      Orillia                     Houston                       Denver
1-780-466-3178                     1-800-410-3131                1-877-325-3473              1-800-654-2583                1-855-244-3128
F 780-468-5904                     1-905-829-4422                1-705-325-3473              1-713-433-2600                1-303-979-7339
5918 Roper Road                    F 905-829-4430                F 705-325-2106              F 713-433-4541                F 303-979-7350
Alberta, Canada T6B 3E1
Unités de chauffage antidéflagrantes

XGB Series
Instructions d’installation, d’utilisation et d’entretien

                                                                      La conception sans glycol

                                                            Part No. 11110.Rev.1.04 janv 2021 Imprimé au Canada
Table des matières
A. Renseignements généraux                                                                                                                                      15
    A.1   Description�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
    A.2    Application����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
    A.3    Composition et installation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
    A.4    Caractéristiques standard������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
    A.5    Options�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
    A.6    Thermostats�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
    A.7   Moteurs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
    A.8    Accessoires��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
B. Avant l’installation                                                                                                                                         17
C. Installation et montage                                                                                                                                      17
    C.1   Dimensions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
    C.2    Montage��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
    C.3    Montage avec les trousses de série�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
    F.6   Auvents de sortie������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20
    F.7   Cablâge����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20

A.1    Description                                                        ࢦ Éléments muraux à ailettes extra lourds en acier tubulaire
                                                                            plaqué nickel à basse densité
Les unités à petit cabinet sont offertes en versions 3,75 à 10 kW, et
sont identifiables de par leur moteur interne. Les unités à grand         ࢦ Conception sans glycol permettant une inclinaison de 30 º
cabinet, sont offertes en versions 10 à 35 kW. Reportez-vous à              vers le bas
la section C.1 Dimensions, page 17 pour les dimensions des                ࢦ Auvents pivotables offrant une redirection additionnelle de
cabinets.                                                                   l’air de 35 º

                                                                          ࢦ Boîtier x-MaxMD breveté avec chariot coulissant simplifiant
A.2     Application                                                         l’installation et l’entretien

Conçus tout particulièrement pour le chauffage de zones                   ࢦ Boîtier robuste en acier inoxydable de ca. 16
industrielles où peuvent se trouver des substances possiblement           ࢦ Borniers de connexion pour thermostat externe
explosives. Les environnements dangereux comprennent :
                                                                          ࢦ Limites doubles élevées de réinitialisation automatique
ࢦ Stations d’épuration et usines de traitement des eaux usées
                                                                          ࢦ Contacteurs déclassés, pour une plus longue vie utile
ࢦ Raffineries pétrolières
                                                                          ࢦ Le boîtier-connecteur de l’alimentation est isolé, et ne requiert
ࢦ Stations de compression                                                   aucun joint de passage
ࢦ Usines de pâte et papier

ࢦ Cabinets d’entreposage de peinture                                      A.5    Options
ࢦ Cimenteries                                                             ࢦ Thermostat intégré réglable de l’extérieur
ࢦ Mines                                                                   ࢦ Commutateur intégré

                                                                          ࢦ Construction antimoisissure
A.3     Composition et installation
                                                                          ࢦ Interrupteur « automatique / arrêt / ventilateur seul »
Les unités de chauffage NorsemanMC de Thermon réchauffent                 ࢦ Lampe témoin
de manière efficace et sécuritaire, à l’aide d’éléments muraux à
ailettes extra lourds en acier tubulaire.                                 ࢦ Limite élevée pour la réinitialisation manuelle

Dans les structures aux plafonds élevés, il se peut que certaines
unités n’offrent pas la puissance nécessaire afin de permettre            A.6    Thermostats
aux flux d’air d’atteindre le plancher. La conception sans glycol de
                                                                          Thermon offre une grande variété de thermostats antidéflagrants
l’unité XGB permet à celle-ci d’être inclinée 30 º sous l’horizontale,
                                                                          convenant à presque tous les besoins. Les unités de chauffage
en plus d’offrir une redirection de l’air à 35 º, à l’auvent de sortie.
                                                                          NorsemanMC sont offertes avec thermostats intégrés à ampoule,
Pour une ventilation latérale, l’auvent au complet peut être monté
                                                                          réglables de l’extérieur, en option, pouvant être convertis sur
à 90 º.
                                                                          place au modèle inviolable. Les thermostats à distance sont aussi
Le joint installé à l’assemblage offre l’isolation nécessaire entre les   offerts au besoin.
boîtiers d’alimentation et de commande. Pour les applications de
Division 2, Zone 1 et Zone 2, un joint de passage peut ne pas être
                                                                          A.7    Moteurs

Pour faciliter l’installation, les unités de chauffage                    Moteur antidéflagrant 1725 tr/min à puissance fractionnaire, avec
antidéflagrantes NorsemanMC XGB offrent le boîtier breveté                roulement à billes à double paroi et protecteur de surcharge
x-MaxMD avec chariot de bornier coulissant pour la connexion à            thermique intégré. Les unités à petit cabinet utilisent un moteur
l’alimentation électrique                                                 1/12 cv homologué classe I, groupe D et classe II, groupes E, F et G.
                                                                          Les unités à grand cabinet utilisent un moteur 1/2 hp homologué
                                                                          classe I, groupes C et D et classe II, groupes E, F et G, en formule
A.4     Caractéristiques standard                                         standard.

Voir Figure 1 et Figure 2, page 16.

ࢦ Certifié CSA C/US pour les endroits dangereux. Unités à
                                                                                                                                                  Renseignements généraux

  petit cabinet homologuées classe I, div. 1 et 2, groupe D;
  classe II, div. 1 et 2, groupes E, F et G. Unités à grand cabinet
  homologuées classe I, div. 1 et 2, groupes C et D; classe II, div. 1
  et 2, groupes E, F et G.

Remarque: La classe II et certains groupes atmosphériques
          peuvent ne pas être offerts à toutes les cotes kW.

ࢦ Marquage par zone

ࢦ Modèles offerts entre 3,75 et 35 kW

ࢦ 208 à 600 V, moteur 1 ou 3 phases
A.8          Accessoires

                            Les unités de chauffage antidéflagrantes NorsemanMC s’adaptent            sur les plafonds muraux, les tuyaux de 3 po ou les supports au
                            facilement à la plupart des besoins en matière de montage.                sol. Les différentes configurations offrent la plus grande flexibilité
                            Chaque unité de chauffage est équipée d’un support de fixation            possible pour chaque direction de circulation. Le support de
                            pivotant compatible avec la plupart des trousses de montage en            fixation pivotant (en série pour toutes les unités de chauffage)
                            option.                                                                   comprend des trous de fixation pour une chaîne de sécurité.

                            Les trousses de montage en option permettent d’installer l’unité
                                   Caractéristiques de série, pour l’unité à petit cabinet:
                                   1)     Moteur antidéflagrant 1/12 cv                                                                                                        2.
         2)         SMALL CABINET
            Crépine d’admission d’air UNIT:
                 3) Éléments muraux
1) 1/12 hp explosion-proof          motor à ailettes extra lourds en acier tubulaire                                                                                           2.
2) Inlet guard         plaqué nickel
    1) 1/12 hp explosion-proof motor                                                                                                                                           cl
3) Extra  heavy
    2) Inlet     4) wall
              guard        tubular
                       Boîtiers      steel finned
                                  à bornier         heating elements
                                             antidéflagrants          with
                                                              x-MaxMD brevetés                                                                                                 ar
   nickel  plated
    3) Extra   heavy finish
                        wall tubular steel finned heating elements with
4) Patented      5) Circuit
                x-Max®           de commandeterminal
                             explosion-proof      120 V à :housing
       nickel plated     finish                                                                                                                                                2.
5) 120V   control     circuit
                       –       includes:
    4) Patented x-Max® explosion-proof terminaldéclassé
                              Contacteur    magnétique      housing                                                                                                            or
          • Derated
    5) 120V    control magnetic       contactor
                         circuit includes:                                                                                                                                     D
                       –      Limites doubles élevées de réinitialisation automatique
          • Dual     automatic
               • Derated           resetcontactor
                             magnetic    high limits                                                                                                                           VO
               • Dual–automatic
          • Transformer              reset high limits
                              Transformateur                                                                                                                                   N
6) Heavy duty  • Transformer
                    16 ga. stainless steel casing
                 6) Heavy duty 16 ga. stainless steel casing
    6) Heavy
7) Outlet  louverdutyassembly
                        16 ga. stainless steel casing                                                                                                                          3.
    7) Outlet
8) Swivel       louver    assembly
                 7) Boîtier
            bracket              robuste en acier inoxydable de ca. 16
    8) Swivel
9) Factory       bracketconduit seal
              installed                                                                                                                                                        Th
                 8) Auvent de sortie
    9) Factory
10)Supply          installed housing
             connection        conduit seal                                                                                                                                    co
    10)Supply9)   connection
                       Support   housing
                                      fixation pivotant
11)Terminal block for supply                  and  thermostat connection
                 11)Terminal block for supply wiring and thermostat connection                                                                                                 3.
                                   10)    Joints de passage en série                                                                                                           Ta
                                   11)    Boîtier du bornier d’alimentation

                                   12)    Borniers de l’alimentation et du thermostat externe
                                                                               Small Cabinet XGBUnit
                                                                                     Cabinet XGB UnitHeater
                                                                                                      Figure 1 – Composants de l’unité de chauffage XGB à petit cabinet

                              Caractéristiques de série, pour l’unité à grand cabinet:                                                                                          C

                              1)         Moteur antidéflagrant 1/2 cv

                              2)         Crépine d’admission d’air grillagée
                   LARGE    CABINETUNIT:
                              3)         Éléments muraux à ailettes extra lourds en acier tubulaire
1)  1) 1/2
   1/2      hp explosion-proof
                     plaqué nickel
       hp explosion-proof             motor
2)  2) Inlet
   Inlet wirewire   guard
              4) Boîtiers à bornier antidéflagrants x-MaxMD brevetés
    3) Extra heavy wall tubular steel finned heating elements with
3) Extra  heavy wall tubular steel finned heating elements with
       nickel5)plated   finishde commande 120 V à :
   nickel plated    finish
    4) Patented x-Max® explosion-proof terminal housing
4) Patented x-Max®   –      explosion-proof
                           Contacteur            terminal
                                           magnétique     housing
    5) 120V control     circuit   includes:
5) 120V control      circuit
              • Derated       includes:
                            magnetic     contactor
                     –     Limites    doubles  élevées de réinitialisation
          • Derated     magneticreset
              • Dual automatic         contactor
                            automatiquehigh limits
          • Dual    automatic reset high limits
              • Transformer
          • Transformer
              • Fan– delay Transformateur
          • Fan    delay
              • Control
                           Relais de ventilateur temporisé
          • Control
    6) Heavy           fuse
                 duty 16   ga. stainless steel casing
6) Heavy    duty
    7) Outlet      16– ga.
                louver     Fusible
                         assembly     de commande
                                          steel casing
7) Outlet  louver
    8) Swivel        assembly
                     Boîtier   robuste en acier inoxydable de ca. 16
    9) Factory
8) Swivel         installed conduit seal
  Renseignements généraux

9) Factory    7) connection
             installed          de
                          conduit   sortie
    11)Terminal    block
10)Supply connection
              8) Support   for  supply
                             housing    wiringpivotant
                                 de fixation    and thermostat connection
    12)Motor   mount
11)Terminal block for supply wiring and thermostat connection
    13)Motor  9)mountJoints  de passage en série
12)Motor   mount
13)Motor mount       casing connecteur d’alimentation
              10) Boîtier

                              11)        Borniers de connexion pour alimentation et thermostat
                                                                    Figure 1B - Large Cabinet XGB Unit Heater Components
                              12)        Support à moteur
                                                                   Figure 1B - Large Cabinet XGB Unit Heater Components
                              13)        Boîtier de support à moteur
     16                                                                                               Figure 2 – Composants de l’unité de chauffage XGB à grand cabinet
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