XAVIER NEWS VOLUME 38-1 - Xavier Foundation

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XAVIER NEWS VOLUME 38-1 - Xavier Foundation

APRIL 2020
PP38 1667/0037

XAVIER NEWS VOLUME 38-1 - Xavier Foundation
Looking to the                                                                                                Contents
Xavier News
Published by the Community and Engagement
Office of Xavier College

                                               good first
135 Barkers Road Kew Victoria 3101
T +61 3 9854 5465
E xaviernews@xavier.vic.edu.au

Editorial team                                 As we begin a new year, and indeed a new
Director of Community and Engagement:          decade, there is much to look forward to and
Shane Healy                                    a lot of ‘good’ to be found in it.
Content Editor: Hannah Clifton
Graphic Designer: Colleen Daly
OXA Liaison: Davina Calhaem
                                               This edition we’ll be sharing with you the
                                               details of the exciting redevelopment of the
                                               Keenan Wing at the Senior Campus, (page
                                                                                                                                                                                                1                                                        11
Foundation Content: Lucy Cohen                 11-14) a project that marks one of the many                                                                                                 Leadership                                                     Life of
Archival Content: Catherine Hall               steps we will be taking on the path towards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the School
                                               XC150 in 2028.

                                               Our College Theme for the year is ‘Look to
                                               the Good First’ a sentiment that calls on us to
                                               find the spirit of God in every situation. There
                                               is certainly much good that can be seen in
                                               the fine achievements of our VCE students
                                               (page 15), and also much to be found in the
                                               widespread connections of our Old Xaverian
                                               community which stretch back across the
                                                                                                                                                                                             31                                                          33
                                               decades.                                                                                                                                      Xavier                                                       Old
                                                                                                                                                                                           Foundation                                                   Xaverians
                                               This will be our final edition as a printed
                                               magazine. Our next and subsequent editions
                                               will be sent electronically. As the College
                                               embraces rapid technological change, this
                                               decision is timely and sensible. I urge you to
                                               ensure we have your updated email address
                                               so you and many others can enjoy Xavier
                                               News in the years ahead.

                                               While there has been much ‘good’ to look to
                                                                                                                                                                                             48                                                          49
On the cover                                   and to celebrate, there have certainly been
Ignatius students William Jago (Year 12) and
                                                                                                                                                                                             Archives                                                Hic et Ubique
                                               some periods over the past few months that
Tom O’Brien (Year 11) gathered in their new
House area, one of the six reimagined Keenan   have challenged us. Our hearts are with
Wing spaces at the Senior Campus..             those in our community who were affected
                                               and continue to be affected by the recent
                                                                                                                                                              As our first edition of Xavier News reaches you for 2020, we find ourselves in extremely unusual times
                                               We hope that this latest edition of Xavier
                                                                                                                                                              due to the outbreak and spread of Coronavirus (COVID 19).
                                               News brings some ‘good’ to your day, and
                                               we look forward to sharing many more                                                                           We have communicated to our Xavier families proactively across the final weeks of Term 1 and will
                                               stories with you throughout the year.                                                                          continue to keep the Xavier community fully informed as we work our way through these extremely
Photographer: James Grant                                                                                                                                     unchartered waters.
Printer: Eastern Press
Distributor: Complete Mailing                                                                                                                                 Our move to online learning has been pleasingly received and I congratulate our teaching staff and
                                                                                                                                                              students for the impressive manner in which they have adapted.
                                                    Shane Healy and the
           This magazine is printed on
                                                    Editorial team                                                                                            I pass on my thoughts and best wishes to anyone in our wider Xaverian community affected by the
           recyclable paper.
                                                                                                                                                              Coronavirus and especially our many alumni spread across the globe from the US and London to
                                                                                                                                                              Singapore and Hong Kong. The pandemic is having a massive effect in many countries and we all pray
                                                                                                                                                              for its swift end and a return to normal life as soon as is possible.

                                                                                                                                                              William Doherty
                                               We acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners of the lands upon which our campuses are situated.
XAVIER NEWS VOLUME 38-1 - Xavier Foundation
LEADER SH IP                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LE ADE R SHI P

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Fr Chris Middleton SJ with Fr Chris Gleeson SJ (right) at the Senior Campus Opening Mass.

     Forming people with heart,
     compassion and understanding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Seven of last year’s graduates commence six months or a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                year’s service in Thailand, Nepal and Sri Lanka, embedded
                                                                                                                                                  “It is about inculcating a pervading                                          in local villages and teaching English in communities that
                                                                                                                                                  sense of generosity in our approach                                           are isolated and poor. Their work is undertaken under the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                auspices of the Cardoner Project, the Jesuit ministry of
         Fr Chris Middleton SJ                                                                                                                    to life and the signif icance of the                                          engagement with young people
                                                                                                                                                  spiritual in our search for                                                   Finally, our commitment to ‘looking to the good’ is pre-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                eminently relational as we seek to be brothers and sisters to
     Our College Theme for 2020, ‘Look to the Good First’,                Firstly, it is about the recognition, cultivation and nourishment
                                                                                                                                                  meaning and happiness.”                                                       all. The earliest Christian communities saw the connection
     reflects the Lord’s words of promise, “I have come that              of the diversity of gifts among us, that recognises effort and                                                                                        between slave and free, male and female, Jew and gentile, in
     you should have life, life to the full”.                             commitment, acknowledges success and achievement, and                  The camp offered 24-hour respite care for children with severe                 a way that shocked the world of their time.
                                                                          respects the wide range and diversity of involvements of all           disabilities – boys who just days before had received ATARs
     As understood in Jesuit education, the educational enterprise is     in the school. With that recognition comes a cultivation of            and even topped their subjects were engaged in conversation                    At Xavier the ongoing challenge for the boys is to reflect
     about forming better human beings; people with a heart, with         a sense of gratitude which so shapes how we see life. The              with children with profound disability, playing with them and                  on how they are with family, with friends, with girls, with
     compassion, with understanding. This is our core business. It        Ignatian Examen, for example, is a reflective prayer, part of the      caring for them                                                                the stranger. As a community we reflect on whether we are
     is about character, meaning and happiness, and surely, if our        Jesuit patrimony, that encourages a gentle reflective approach                                                                                        respectful of difference, even among ourselves in terms of race,
     world with all its complications has taught us anything, then        to the routine of the day and week, centring on what gives             • 37 of our Seniors spend four days of their holidays on the                   background, sexual identity, personality and ways of seeing
     it is that character cannot be taken for granted, that meaning       us life, and what we are grateful for, and where perhaps we            Kairos retreat in December, being honest, open and trusting as                 things. In giving priority to pastoral care, do we seek to be an
     can be so often obscured and happiness is easily surrendered.        need to work at, so as to better attune ourselves to what is           they reflected on life and relationships. This voluntary retreat,              inclusive community with a special care for those who might
     Many of us can find it difficult to be engaged beyond our own        going on in our deepest selves, and where God’s Spirit might           offered four times a year in the boys’ holidays, points to a                   be struggling for whatever reason? Conscious too, that good
     selves, and our needs and wants. Our wellbeing can be assailed       be moving us.                                                          certain hunger for reflection and conversation that a spiritual                spirituality and good psychology often go hand in hand, are
     by depression and other mental health issues, as well as by                                                                                 retreat can offer                                                              we appreciative of the part played by others, such as by our
     addictions, insecurities and fears.                                  Secondly, it is about inculcating a pervading sense of generosity                                                                                     teachers, and the sacrifices demanded often in families, that
                                                                          in our approach to life and the significance of the spiritual in our   • Four Seniors undertake an Immersion to India, visiting the                   enable such opportunities to be taken up.
     A healthy spirituality and, in particular, the Ignatian insight of                                                                          former Australian Jesuit missions in Hazaribagh, while eight
                                                                          search for meaning and happiness. It is a particular strength I
     looking to the good first in self and in others, can influence our                                                                          others travelled on an Immersion to Thailand/Vietnam. Both                     Xavier is about who we are, and how we are forming better
                                                                          think of the Xavier culture that we have seen:
     personal wellbeing and how we are with others. How might                                                                                    groups were exposed to different worlds and had real contact                   human beings; people with a heart, with compassion, with
     this commitment to looking to the good take shape? In our            • About 20 of our outgoing and incoming Seniors                        with people for whom life can be so tough and challenging,                     understanding. It is about living life to the full. In this we are
     Commencement Mass I suggested to the students three ways:            help run the Sony Camp here at Xavier last December.                   and yet there is much laughter                                                 true to God’s promise and to our own best selves.

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XAVIER NEWS VOLUME 38-1 - Xavier Foundation
LEADERSHIP                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              LE ADE R SHI P

        William Doherty

    We are looking different! The Keenan Wing renovation to
    establish six new prototype learning and pastoral spaces is
    perhaps one of our most significant projects in recent times and
    for our future. Over the summer holiday period, the end three
    classrooms over the two levels of the Keenan Wing abutting
    the Great Hall have been entirely gutted and reimagined – four
    as classroom learning spaces and two as House pastoral spaces
    – transforming the typical classrooms that have characterised
    Xavier learning environments of the past few decades.

    The project is significant on a number of levels.

    First and foremost, as mentioned, the project is a prototyping
    venture. It has been deeply informed through contact with
    leading University-sector thinking and action in the space, as well
    as through consultation within our own staff community. This
    is of course in furtherance to the skilled acumen of Baumgart
    Clark Architects and Case Meallin Project Managers who
    offered the professional expertise that a project such as this
    demands. The key to this project though, is that it is intended
    to be a truly collaborative learning journey where some of the
    greatest contributors will be the students and staff who will use
    the spaces in the months ahead. From furniture to lighting, IT
    displays, student movement, class layout and sizing, all aspects
    of teaching, learning and student engagement will be carefully
    analysed and considered as the forerunner to the revitalisation
    of the remaining learning and pastoral spaces across the Senior
    Campus. This will also help to ensure that expenditure is carefully
    managed and purposeful in every way, while also enabling a true
    sense of student and staff ownership in the future shape and
    functionality of the campus.

      “The ten Houses of the Senior Campus are
      absolutely central to the delivery of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Principal William Doherty and College Captain Ben Wright-Smith envisioning the new Keenan Wing at the Senior Campus.
      exceptional pastoral care that characterises
      a Xavier education. In keeping with our                             We are delighted with so many aspects of our design, from the         in the scenario. It is important that the College makes its own                       Lancaster Bomber of Jack Ryan (OX1929), where he was tragically
      Strategic Plan and consequent actions,                              large curtain wall of glass, so impactful to both external and        financial contribution, but the great majority of the funding for this                shot down and killed on his return from a raid in Europe towards
                                                                          internal perspectives, to the soft furnishings of the House spaces    endeavour has been generously underpinned by Mr Peter Walsh                           the end of the Second World War. It will mark the 75th anniversary
      every student at Xavier deserves to                                 and the USB-enabled lockers. We are also proud that these key         and the Ryan and Tutton Trusts he represents. We look forward to                      of his passing and will be attended by a wide range of family
      have a space that feels like home.”                                 materials, products and engineered-solutions are locally sourced      recognising these two Xaverian families in our spaces as the final                    and friends. To think that the boys of his College will occupy the
                                                                          and supplied.                                                         stages of the project draw to completion in the coming weeks.                         brilliantly-renovated spaces of the Keenan Wing that have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      funded through the generous donations and legacy of his widow
    Given the centrality of the Houses to College life and strong         Lastly, but by no means least, projects like this need support.       We often say in life that “timing is everything”. The momentum                        Betty Ryan, her brother John (Jack) Tutton and her sister Margaret
    relationships, it is fitting that every House has a space that        The power they generate is important and the real-time, real-         that this project is already providing to the spirit of students and                  Tutton, is an incredibly uplifting and life-giving thought for our
    fosters these positive interactions and enables every student in      life impact is as clear as it is powerful. However, the current and   staff on the Senior Campus is telling and we expect will only lift                    current Xaverians. It is a typically-Xaverian story in its depth and its
    the House – from the youngest Year 9 boy to the President of          the future potential simply cannot be realised unless there are       further as they occupy these inspiring new spaces. The timing                         legacy. Long may the boys who inherit its spaces rise to the blue
    the House – to have a gathering and engagement point. The             people who can see the possibilities, back the vision and enable      of this opening though is telling in other ways. At the time of                       skies it provides.
    two new pastoral spaces for Spinola and Ignatius will enable the      it to occur. While the College Board, its Planning and Building       publication, a ceremony will have just concluded in Lincolnshire,
    trialling of the layout and furnishing of these spaces ahead of the   Committee and Jesuit Education Australia have all been critical       to the north of London and on the eastern seaboard of the United                      Sursum Corda
    creation of a further eight spaces for our remaining Houses.          in advancing the project, there is a telling financial imperative     Kingdom. The ceremony will be held beside the crash site of the

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XAVIER NEWS VOLUME 38-1 - Xavier Foundation
LEA DER SH IP                                                                                                                                                                                                                              LE ADE R SHI P

    An exciting year ahead

        Tony Nunan
        Chair, Xavier College Board                                                                                                                                                                                       Lilian Topic

    In this first Xavier News for 2020, I am delighted to announce that two new
    people have been appointed to the Xavier Board. Geraldine Farrell and Lilian                                                                                                                                          Lilian has worked in Parliament for
    Topic attended their first meetings in February. Lilian has been appointed to                                                                                                                                         many years and also as a researcher,
    the Risk and Compliance subcommittee while Geraldine has been appointed                                                                                                                                               lecturer and tutor at the University of
    to Chair the Planning and Building Committee. One of the most gratifying                                                                                                                                              Melbourne. She now oversees the work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of the Legislative Council Standing
    aspects of these appointments, apart from the wealth of experience that                                          Lilian (centre) with her son Luka (right) and husband Neil (far left) holidaying together in Japan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Committees Office at the Parliament of
    each bring to the Board, is that both are parents of current students.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Victoria. She also manages the Legal
    Over the Christmas holidays, Mr Shane Healy, a Xavier Board member since                                                                                                                                              and Social Issues Committee’s work
    2012 and a past Xavier parent, has been appointed to the role of Director of        Meet members of the    In one word, Geraldine describes
                                                                                                               herself as “busy!”. She currently
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          on five inquiries- spent convictions,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          firearms prohibition legislation,
    Community and Engagement, meaning that he has also resigned from the
    Board. Shane has been Chair of the Planning and Building Committee and              Xavier College Board   works as the Company Secretary &                            “I’m really excited to                         homelessness, drug law reform and
                                                                                                               Head of People & Corporate Projects
    was also on the Education Committee.
                                                                                                               for an ASX-listed medicinal cannabis                        see how we can bring                           child sex offenders.

    Mrs Beth McConnell, an outstanding Board member and Chair of the Risk                                      company, and is also on the Council of
                                                                                                               Swinburne University of Technology,
                                                                                                                                                                           the XC150 Strategic                            She has also advised a previous Speaker
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of the Legislative Assembly and worked
    and Compliance Committee, retired after the March Board meeting. Beth’s
    term on the Board was due to expire in the middle of the year but she has                                  the Board of the Hawthorn Football                          Plan to life.”                                 in the Cabinet Office at the Department
    brought that forward by some months due to her workload.                                                   Club Foundation, a committee at                                                                            of Premier and Cabinet and at the
                                                                                                               the Murdoch Children’s Research                                                                            University of Melbourne.
    I will miss the advice and great work of both these long serving Board                                     Foundation and the board of a small
    members, but I wish them both all the very best for their future endeavours.                                                                                        She hopes to bring her experiences                Lilian describes her family; herself
                                                                                                               biotechnology company. She is also
                                                                                                                                                                        in the tertiary education sector and              and her husband Neil and son Luka
                                                                                                               currently studying a Masters of
    You will see elsewhere in this edition (including the front cover), the brilliant                                                                                   as a non-executive director, as well as           (Year 5, Burke Hall), as small by Xavier
                                                                                                               Corporate Governance.
    new classroom spaces which were completed over the holiday period                                                                                                   the view of a parent who has a child              standards. “We all love the snow, and
    and are now buzzing with energy and enthusiasm. Xavier College is quite                                                                                             “at each end of the Xavier education              travelling especially to Japan,” she
    definitely ‘on the move’ as these prototypes will inform our next moves as                                 Geraldine is also a mum of three, with                   journey”.                                         says. Lilian is also an “avid reader of
    we take this wonderful school forward toward our 150th anniversary in                                      two boys at Xavier: Will (Year 12) and                                                                     fiction” and writes book reviews on her
    2028. There has been much planning and effort to ensure this important                                     James (Year 5), and one daughter, Liv                    “I’m really excited to see how we can             Instagram account (@bookgroupies).
    first step materialised well and I must give enormous credit and thanks to                                 (Year 10), at Genazzano FCJ College.                     bring the XC150 Strategic Plan to life
    Principal William Doherty and also to Stephen Case of Case Meallin and                                     “At this time of the year, I am also a                   over the next few years,” she says.               “I hope to make a contribution to the
    John Clarke of Baumgart Clark Architects, without whose expertise we                                       very committed rowing mum at both                        “With my background in science and                school’s ability to innovate, and to
    could not have successfully reached this highly impressive result.                                         Xavier and Gen,” she says. “Once                         technology, I’m also really excited to see        develop educational practice in a way
                                                                                                               winter comes, it is all things AFL and                   how Xavier can upgrade its facilities in          that makes it the best place for boys
    We have an exciting year ahead, and I look forward to sharing more news                                    brown and gold, and I do love the                        the science and technology spaces to              and young men to learn in Victoria,”
    from the College Board with you throughout 2020.                                    Geraldine Farrell      races”.                                                  be world-class”.                                  she says.

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LEA DER SH IP                                                                                        LE ADE R SHI P

Great intent
for learning and success

    Ben Wright-Smith
    College Captain
                                                       “My leadership team will put
                                                       mental health at the forefront
                                                       of every single mind at the
With each new year, close to 250 young men             College letting those affected
partake in the final stage of their schooling life
here at the Senior Campus, in turn bringing
                                                       know that there is support,
new life to the school. The Year 9s have               love, and a place for them,
transitioned to senior life seamlessly, making the
jump in learning with great maturity. Already          anywhere they go.”
their participation in extracurricular activities
such as Saturday sport and Ignatian service has
been commendable. Students at Kostka and             2020 presents the Prefect body with the prospect
Burke Hall have been working diligently at their     of bringing mental health further into the
respective campuses to start the new year off        spotlight. This year at Xavier, my leadership team
well.                                                will put mental health at the forefront of every
                                                     single mind at the College letting those affected
The College itself is undergoing significant         know that there is support, love, and a place
change with building works on the Keenan             for them, anywhere they go. A Jesuit education
Wing now complete. It looks magnificent and          focuses on the care of the individual within our
its presence will bring a liveliness and energy to   community. Hence we hope to walk with those
both inside and outside the building. The Class      who are struggling so that they are never alone.
of 2020 have most certainly put our best foot
forward to start this year by actively welcoming     Last year Ned Kelliher (College Captain 2019) and
new students, using the new VCE study space          his Prefect body produced a video interviewing
in the Brennan Library purposefully, supporting      students at Kostka Hall and Burke Hall asking
the cricketers on a Friday afternoon and have        them a series of questions about masculinity.
already completed our first English SAC. There       We plan to use this as the opener of a forum
is a great intent for learning and group success     later this year, which will focus on masculinity
present throughout the school, shown at its          and gender relations. What we hope to create
greatest extent by the senior Class of 2020.         at Xavier is a culture which is open minded,
                                                     respectful and emanates the characteristics of a
This year I have had the incredible opportunity      good man.
of living on campus in the Boarding House. I
have seen no finer example of community and          2020 holds a great opportunity for the College
family than what is present there. During my         to push into the new decade with meaning and
first weekend in boarding I was made aware           conviction. I look forward to working together
of the family that Xavier is during a day trip       with the College community to sustain the
to Torquay. There was a sense of inclusion           energy and enthusiasm that has come with the
and appreciation for living and enjoying life        beginning of a new year, and hope to finish 2020
alongside friends. I am also privy to examples       with the same level of positivity and excitement
of this year’s College Theme, ‘Look to the           with which we started.
Good First’, almost daily. It is only by looking
to the good of every person first that you can       Although it is vital to start a new year in the
appreciate and love the family that lives here in    manner that we have, it is how you end it that
the Boarding House.                                  truly counts.

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XAVIER NEWS VOLUME 38-1 - Xavier Foundation
L E A DE RSHI P                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LE ADE R SHI P

    What does it mean to
    be a leader?
    Leadership can make many forms and can mean many things. This year we will be
    highlighting some of our student leaders from across the three campuses to find
    out what being a ‘leader’ means to them.

                                                                                                                                                                       Jack Francis, Ben Wright-Smith, Sebastian Paravizzini and Hugh Basset in India.

        Max Phillips, Year 8,                                                  Boston Vella and Katia Citroni, Year 4,                      Jack Francis, Year 12,
        Regis House Captain, Kostka Hall Campus                                Early Years Library Captains, Burke Hall Campus              Prefect for Wellbeing, Senior Campus

    As the chosen Regis House Captain this year, it gives me a great       As Library Captains this year, Katia and Boston are          To me, being a leader is acting in a way which can help
    opportunity to give back to not only my House, but also to             responsible for assisting Early Years Library staff and      others and model to all students the type of behaviour
    Kostka Hall.                                                           acting as role models for their younger peers.               which can develop a positive culture of young men                                     “I hope to model an attitude
                                                                                                                                        throughout our community. If I can achieve this, even in a
    Through my years at Kostka, I have contributed to campus life          Katia describes herself as “a creative, principled learner   small capacity, I believe that I have assisted those whom I                           of respect, inclusion and
    positively in many ways. I was a Faith and Service leader for my
    class in Year 7, which saw me representing the school as well as
                                                                           who listens carefully”. She says she believes that “being
                                                                           respectful” is a “vital ingredient for a leader”.
                                                                                                                                        have been elected to lead.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              acceptance of everyone,
    running prayer and reflection time for the Early Years. In these
    ways, and hopefully many more in the future, I can contribute to       As a Library Captain, she says that it’s important that
                                                                                                                                        As a student leader this year, I am responsible for
                                                                                                                                        organising Wellbeing Day. For Year 12 students, Wellbeing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              regardless of their age,
    positive campus life.                                                  she “shows Cura Personalis when I offer to help others       Day takes place during Activities Week and involves a                                 interests, sexuality or
                                                                           when they need it”.                                          series of workshops and seminars from guest speakers.
    In my role this year, I believe that I can help students to be their                                                                                                                                                      background.”
    best selves by ensuring that each individual student is recognised     Boston says that he is committed to helping the Library      The wellbeing role also includes promoting and celebrating
    and welcomed. Being a role model is so much more than just             and “visits the library as many times during the week as     R U OK? Day. This takes place every September and aims
    speaking with respect. It is also through your actions and how you     possible”. In his role, he helps by “setting up before a     to raise awareness of the importance of checking in on our                        To the younger students, I hope to model an attitude of
    portray yourself. I do this by being aware that others are looking     class and then putting books away”. “My reading has          mates, making meaningful connections and supporting                               respect, inclusion and acceptance of everyone, regardless
    up to me as a leader.                                                  improved and because of this I would be a great role         anyone who may be struggling with life simply by asking                           of their age, interests, sexuality or background. Especially
                                                                           model for younger students,” he says.                        the question ‘Are you OK?’.                                                       in a school setting, it is important that we acknowledge
    Giving back has always been a big focus in a Jesuit education.                                                                                                                                                        that everyone is unique and we should celebrate our
    Through my years, qualities such as these have been instilled in me.   Boston says that his experience playing on a basketball      As Prefect for Wellbeing, I am also a member of the                               individual differences. Allowing for students to express
                                                                           team has taught him to be both a team player, and a          Student Consult which is a group of six Prefects, including                       themselves and feel comfortable doing so is a key part of
    I believe I have still yet to reach my full potential, however the     leader. “I can use these skills to work as a team with the   the College Captain and Vice-Captains, who work closely                           the positive and inclusive culture which we promote at
    role of Regis House Captain will help me further develop my            library assistants,” he says.                                with Fr Middleton regarding the wellbeing of all students.                        the College.
    leadership qualities and allow me to give back to Kostka Hall.

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LIFE OF THE SCHOOL                                                             LIFE OF THE SCHOOL

                                                               “Ignatius and Spinola Houses
                                                               now have new welcoming
                                                               ‘home’ environments, with
                                                               soft furnishings and new
                                                               lockers and work benches.
                                                               These dedicated spaces are a
                                                               place for boys to congregate

             Prototyping our                                   and work during their

             learning environments
                             “The four new
                             classrooms will
                             give teachers more
                             options and students
                             a broader experience
                             of learning styles,
                             augmented by the
                             use of interactive

                            Main image: Ignatius House area
                            and interconnecting classroom
                            Right: Spinola House area, and
                            (left) one of the new innovative
 11                         learning spaces                                                   12
XAVIER NEWS VOLUME 38-1 - Xavier Foundation
LIFE OF THE SCHOOL                                                                                                                LIFE OF THE SCHOOL

                     Keenan Wing refurbishment
                     gives life to our teaching, learning and
                     pastoral spaces
                         Stephen Case (Case Meallin)
                         John Clark (Baumgart Clark Architects)

                     Over the holiday period, the teaching and learning              design. These multi-use rooms also have an educational role
                     areas immediately adjacent to the Great Hall have been          to play and can serve as break-out spaces and extensions of
                     entirely transformed to provide exceptional contemporary        the dedicated flexible classrooms adjacent.
                     classrooms and pastoral spaces for students at the Senior
                     Campus.                                                         In addition to the renewal of the form and function of the
                                                                                     interior spaces, the façade of the building has also been
                     Through delivery of this project, it has been demonstrated      redesigned to perform far better in environmental terms.
                     that the Keenan Wing, characterised by the building             Each space is intentionally different. Different furniture
                     limitations and educational structures of its time, can be      styles, teacher touch-down points and technologies have
                     adapted for contemporary learning methodologies by              been incorporated throughout each of the spaces. The
                     embracing both traditional and innovative theories of           purpose of this development is to learn from every aspect of
                     learning. The four new classrooms will give teachers more       the project. As students and teachers use the new unique
                     options and students a broader experience of learning           spaces, their feedback will meaningfully inform the future
                     styles, augmented by the use of interactive technologies.       renovation of classroom spaces at the College.
                     Spinola and Ignatius now both have dedicated House areas
                     for boys to congregate and work during their downtime,          Project management: Case Meallin
                     connected to the explicit teaching spaces. Flexible furniture   Design: Baumgart Clark Architects
                     arrangements and locker facilities are a key part of the        Construction: 2Construct

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XAVIER NEWS VOLUME 38-1 - Xavier Foundation
LIFE OF THE SCHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     LIFE OF THE SCHOOL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Table 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   37.1             17.1                  14.2                8.7

                                                                                                                                                                                       Table 1                                                      5.8              1.8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Median ATAR              1


                  34                                         40+                                         144                                                26
                                                                                                                                                       to our    4

                                                                                                                                                                                                 15              13                 7                5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2019    -   84.75
                                                                                                                                                2 Duces for 2019
                                                                                                                                                  who achieved the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       43 students                                                 2018 -      82.70
                                                                                                                                                Perfect ATAR score of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  received an ATAR score
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2017 -      82.25
                  Median                                 16.25% study scores                     60.5%of graduates with                             99.95                                              above 95
                study score                                   above 40                            ATAR scores above 80

        Celebrating the                                                                                                            “ The culture of a school that allows for the achievement of academic excellence, and
                                                                                                                                 for its celebration, is the result of the efforts of all, and the pride we take in individual

        Class of 2019
                                                                                                                                achievement is a pride we take in the efforts of all our students.” Fr Chris Middleton SJ

                                                                                                                                        ROUND 1 OFFERS MADE BY INSTITUTIONS                                                             ROUND 1 OFFERS BY COURSE TYPE

        We are conscious that behind every number stands a young man                                                                                                                                                         1%
        who has ability and intelligence in its multitude of diverse forms.                                                    3%
        We hope and trust they have come to appreciate the scores they                                                         4%
                                                                                                                                     LA TROBE
        have now attained are but one measure of achievement, and                                                              5%
                                                                                                                                                                                      MONASH                               7.3%
        that they remain men for others who will make a difference in                                                                                                                            26%
        the world by the way they live their lives, through their head,
        their heart and their hands.                                                                                                                                                                                         8%

        These young men are part of a cohort that blended unique
        talents, personal conquests and achievements, big or small, that                                                       13%
        offer much inspiration to our community, not least those who                                                                                                                                                       8.7%

        will follow them in the Red and Black.

        Congratulations to those who are proud of their academic
        achievements and thank you to all members of our Class 		                                                                    RMIT                                           MELBOURNE
                                                                                                                                                                                                 26%                       14.2%
        of 2019.
        Sursum Corda.
        William Doherty						                                                  College Duces, Jeff Ma and Patrick Grave, who
                                                                                                                                      University of Melbourne           TAFE                                                Management and Commerce                  Creative Arts
                                                                               both attained a perfect ATAR score of 99.95.
                                                                                                                                      Monash University                 La Trobe University                                 Society and Culture (includes Law)       Health (includes Medicine)
                                                                                                                                      RMIT University                   Swinburne University                                Natural and Physical Science             Information Technology
                                                                                                                                      Deakin University                 Australian Catholic University                      Engineering and Related Technologies     Agriculture and Environments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Architecture and Building


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LIFE OF THE SCHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                                            LIFE OF THE SCHOOL

       How did                                                                                                                    The VCE Season of Excellence
       this happen?                                                                                                                  is a five-month annual festival that showcases
                                                                                                                                     outstanding creative works from high-
                                                                                                                                     achieving students across the State.

          A poem by Edward Brammall,
          Year 7 student, Burke Hall Campus

                                                                     Edward Brammall (Year 7) pictured late last year
       Lifeless. Done for, cut off from the real world.                  with his grandfather James Lally (OX 1962).

       I am crusty, broken, thirsty. How did this happen?
       It was so good at one stage.
                                                                               Late last year, Edward (Ned) was
       Dense, green, bursting with life, always moist.                                                                                                                             Angelo Ooi’s ceramic artworks Transience
                                                                                   announced as the state-wide
                                                                                                                                                                                   and Manifestations will be displayed at the
       I have been erased from the real world, gone, extinct.               winner of the poetry prize in Shared                                                                   NGV Australia at Federation Square from
                                                                                 Stories, an annual anthology of
       I feel barren, empty.                                                                                                                                                       March 13 – July 12.
                                                                                  creative works by primary and
       Some lucky people would have known me.                                         secondary students from all                                                                  Angelo explored both Australian and
       When will someone love me?                                               Catholic schools across Victoria.                                                                  Chinese influences to produce pit-fired
                                                                                     There were more than 3,000                                                                    sculptures representing his own personal
       When will I be given a chance? I want to feel lush again.                 submissions received, over 500                                                                    cultural identity.
       Perished. Wasted. Lost. Where is everyone? Could I be lost?              pages published, and the poetry
                                                                                  prize winner was Ned with his
       God please, please give me the tears of joy.
                                                                                  poem, ‘How did this happen?’,
       Let the drought break.                                                       inspired by the image below.
                                                                                                                         Transience by Angelo Ooi

                                                                                                                        Hugo Di Mattina steered himself
                                                                                                                        toward accolades and acclaim after
                                                                                                                        submitting his entry to Top Screen
                                                                                                                        Victoria. His short film, Tamagotchi,
                                                                                                                        is one of only 15 VCE Media films
                                                                                                                        to be showcased at Top Screen at

                                                                                                                        In creating his live-action/animated
                                                                                                                        short film, Hugo gave us a satirical
                                                                                                                        and fantastical glimpse at the life
                                                                                                                        of an office grunt, pushing to meet
                                                                                                                        impossible deadlines.

                                                                                                                        Please note that as a precautionary measure, both
                                                                                                                        ACMI and the NGV have closed and postponed all
                                                                                                                        programs until further notice, including Top Screen
                                                                                                                                                                               Tamagotchi by Hugo Di Mattina
                                                                                                                        screenings. Top Arts exhibitions are however able to
                                                                                                                        be viewed at ngv.vic.gov.au/exhibition/top-arts-2020

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LIFE OF THE SCHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                  LIFE OF THE SCHOOL

 Jesuit                                                                                                                                     Jesuit Mission
 supports a
 range of
 the world
 We are proud to support the work
 of Jesuit Mission, which works with
 local partners in over 13 countries
 across Asia-Pacific and Africa to
 provide a range of targeted support
 and training that empowers women,
 men and children to build the skills,
 capacity and resilience they need to
 live full and free lives.

                                         The Xavier Jesuit School (XJS) in Cambodia        The Water Project (pictured, main image)                 The Maytime Fair is a much loved and anticipated event
                                         (pictured, to the left) is situated in a remote   began in 2018 in collaboration with Jesuit               in our community, held in support of the wonderful
                                         village in Banteay Meanchey province, one         Social Services in Timor-Leste.                          work of Jesuit Mission every year.

                                         of the poorest provinces in the country. The
                                         school provides quality education to over         The aim is to install water tanks and                    To ensure the health and safety of all within our
                                         700 children in the village.                      infrastructure to 10 remote villages to                  community, the decision has been made to postpone
                                                                                           allow households to access clean water.                  this year’s Maytime Fair.
                                         So far, Jesuit Mission has supported the
                                         construction of some of the high school
                                                                                           At the project’s completion, it will provide             Details regarding a potential Springtime event in lieu of
                                         buildings and assisted a number of
                                                                                           clean water to more than 3,000 people.                   the Maytime Fair will be made available once a decision
                                         scholarship students.
                                                                                                                                                    is made.
19                                                                                                                                                                                                               20
LIFE OF THE SCHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                LIFE OF THE SCHOOL

                                                                                                                                                                               “Momentum built through a skill
                                                                                                                                                                               learned, goal scored or race won
                                                                                                                                                                               can be a huge motivator for
                                                                                                                                                                               things to come.”

          Innovating the space of youth                                                                                                                        athlete development
                                                                       The space of youth athlete                 “Stemming from my experiences across        “This grounding led me to pursue a Master in      through formalised school sport training and
                                                                       development, especially in schools,        a number of youth athletic development      Coaching qualification that has enabled me        competition,” he says. “As such, the aim of
                                                                       is evolving. And with it, the way we       programs, it is apparent that youth         to commence a journey that provided me the        this strength and conditioning program is to
                                                                       approach sport and coaching at Xavier      athletic development is being supported     opportunity to work with elite athletes in a      fill the void during what is an unprecedented
                                                                       is changing. In recent months, the         by greater personnel and expertise,” he     variety of sports”.                               period and enable them to maintain healthy
                                                                       gymnasium at the Senior Campus has         says. This line of thought has led Nathan                                                     and safe activity habits around their academic,
                                                                       been given a fresh look with a new         to the adoption and implementation of       He says that there are “a couple of rules” that   social and family commitments”.
                                                                       equipment ‘fit out’ and two key staff      training methods and philosophies that      underly his philosophy around coaching young
                                                                       members have joined the team.              have typically been utilised with elite     athletes, with the first being ‘play to your      To ensure that all of the students have the
                                                                                                                  level athletes.                             strengths’. “Confidence is a valuable tool in     information available to complete strength
                                                                       Nathan Heaney, who has taken on                                                        developmental sport. Momentum built through       training ranging from an introductory level
                                                                       the new role of Head of Athlete            “The challenge we face with this            a skill learned, goal scored or race won can be   through to an intermediate level, Nathan
                                                                       Performance and Development, started       approach is ensuring that the               a huge motivator for things to come,” he says.    and his team also worked to develop a
                                                                       his career at the Victorian Institute of   overarching themes of fun, enjoyment                                                          strength training video library. “The rationale
                                                                       Sport, where he provided strength and      and participation are not lost in the       The second rule he holds to is ‘champions         behind the video library is to ensure that our
                                                                       conditioning to a variety of athletes      pursuit of improved youth development       choice’, which he describes as the notion         students can access reliable, accurate and
                                                                       across his 10 year tenure. After a short   and performance,” he says.                  that “performance is a process”. “It requires     school-endorsed information pertaining to
                                                                       period as Head of Athlete Management                                                   athletes to make good choices, ask good           the correct execution of foundational strength
                                                                       at AFL Victoria, he then assumed the       Joining Nathan in the Sports Department     questions and commit to the journey,” he says.    training movements which form part of the
                                                                       Strength and Conditioning Coordinator      is Lloyd Knight in the role of Head of      “Performance isn’t given, it’s taken by those     Xavier College Strength and Conditioning
                                                                       position at the Adelaide Crows for         Sports Programs and Coaching. His           who seek to do the work”.                         philosophy,” he says.
        Nathan Heaney and Lloyd Knight in the newly refurnished gym
                                         space at the Senior Campus.   three seasons.                             career in coaching started here at
                                                                                                                  Xavier over 10 years ago in the athletics   Following the temporary suspension of sports      Thus far, Nathan says the feedback from
                                                                       Nathan says that his strength and          program.                                    training and competitions due to COVID-19,        both the students and staff regarding the
                                                                       conditioning philosophy for young                                                      Nathan and his team devised a strength and        online strength and conditioning program has
                                                                       athletes revolves around Long Term         “I was fortunate to be mentored by          conditioning program to enable students           been overwhelmingly positive, a credit to the
                                                                       Athletic Development (LTAD) concepts,      some outstanding coaches and staff          to stay engaged with their physical activity      adaptability and creativity of the team during
                                                                       in which an emphasis is placed on          who taught me the importance of             during this period of apprehension and            this period of uncertainty.
                                                                       movement competency and the onus           developing culture, fostering character     uncertainty. “This is critically important as
                                                                       placed on students to engage in the        and genuinely caring about what you do      our students are typically provided structure
                                                                       program.                                   and the people you work with,” he says.     and guidance around their physical activity
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LIFE OF THE SCHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      LIFE OF THE SCHOOL

         EDUCATING GENERATIONS                                                                                                     A love of
         OF XAVERIANS                                                                                                              Snowsports
           In the 1980s, College life looked just a little bit different.

      In 1985, computers had only recently been introduced
      into schools. Kostka Hall had 16 Apple II computers on the
      network and the students in Years 7 and 8 were doing a
      course in Basic Programming (pictured).

      Over at the Senior Campus, the Xavier-Genazzano production
      in 1985 was Gilbert and Sullivan’s Patience and was performed
      at the Camberwell Civic Centre. The House system, which
      now boasts 10 Houses, then had eight, named; ‘Black’, ‘Blue’,
      ‘Brown’, ‘Gold’, ‘Green’, ‘Magenta’, ‘Red’ and ‘Sky Blue’.

      Also during the 1980s, a number of long-serving staff
      members began their teaching journey at Xavier College.

      In 1982, Peter Ryan (OX 1968) was successful in obtaining
      a teaching position at Burke Hall Campus teaching Year
      8 students, and in 1983, Jocelyne Sroussi-Schiftan started
      working at the College as a French assistant. In 1985, Geoff       At the end of 2019, we bid farewell to these              Greg Gaudie & Ron Gazdowicz
      Glue took on a teaching role and a ‘Blue House tutor’ position
                                                                        incredible staff members amongst others. Of                Teachers in Charge - Snowsports
      at the Senior Campus. A year later, John Murphy began his
      service at the Senior Campus as the subject coordinator for       particular signif icance, Trish Thompson began
                                                                                                                               With the official start of winter not too far away, and ski resorts        People love to ski and snowboard because it allows us to
      Drama/Media Studies, and Barb Loughnan started out at
                                                                        her career at Xavier in 1976 and dedicated an          preparing for the season ahead, this seems like a great moment to          hear ourselves think. Or not. When your mind has to focus on
      Xavier teaching English, Geography, Politics and History. Then
      in 1988, Nicole Thomson began as an instrumental music            incredible 43 years of her life to educating Xavier    address a profound question in the sphere of winter wellness:              staying alive and out of harm’s way, it eliminates the possibility of
                                                                                                                               why do people love to ski and snowboard?                                   worrying about anything else.
      teacher. On the cusp of the 1990s, Eamon Galligan also began      boys. Each of our departing staff led impressive and
      his career at Xavier, teaching French and English to Year 9s.                                                                                                                                       People love to ski and snowboard because it’s good for us.
                                                                        impactful careers at the College, and as a school,     Said another way, why would anyone in their right mind voluntarily
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Skiing and riding are both great exercises. They burn calories, get
      We thank each and every one of our departing staff for their                                                             choose to wear heavy boots, several layers of clothing, a helmet,
      service to the College and our commitment to forming ‘Men
                                                                        we have been so lucky to have had such passionate      face mask and goggles, and then strap two sticks or an over-sized          the joints moving, and lead to really deep and restorative sleep at
                                                                                                                                                                                                          night (trust us, there’s no sleep like ski sleep).
      and Women for Others’ in the Jesuit tradition.                    educators with such an extensive length of service.    skateboard to their feet and hurl themselves headlong down a
                                                                                                                               mountain? Unless they were being pursued by a wild animal or creating
                                                                                                                                                                                                          And people love to ski and snowboard because there’s
                                                                                                                               a YouTube video, really, what’s the point?
                                                                                                                                                                                                          still time. It’s possible that one of the reasons that a ski day is
                                                                                                                                                                                                          so important is because we’re all keenly aware that we won’t be
                                                                                                                               It’s gear-intensive, expensive, highly weather-dependent, and involves a
                                                                                                                                                                                                          able to do it forever. Somehow we imagine always being able
                                                                                                                               ridiculous amount of preparation and work before any resemblance of
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to run, swim, hike, and ride a bike, but no one thinks they’ll be
                                                                                                                               fun can be had. People did it when their survival depended upon it. But
                                                                                                                                                                                                          able to ski forever. It’s a pleasure that has to be grabbed while it’s
                                                                                                                               in the modern age, surely there are better ways to spend our time?
                                                                                                                                                                                                          available, and that makes it all the more fun.

                                                                                                                               People love to ski and snowboard because it challenges us.                 All students and their families are welcome to join the Xavier
                                                                                                                               Anyone who’s being truthful will admit that skiing (or riding a            Snowsports program. We offer a Trailblazer ‘learn to Ski’ program
                                                                                                                               snowboard) is about fear. And mastering it.                                at both Burke Hall and Kostka Hall which has seen 100’s of
                                                                                                                                                                                                          students experience skiing and boarding for the first time.
                                                                                                                               People love to ski and snowboard because it teaches us
                                                                                                                               resilience. The rule is that when you’re on a ski trip, everyone goes      Snowsports is not offered as an APS sport, but on a State and
                                                                                                                               out – every day, no matter what the weather is doing. If you’re doing      National competitive level. Our competitive team involves students
       Eamon Galligan                                                                                                          snowsports in Australia, this has to be your rule, otherwise you’d         from all three campuses and is one of the few sports where the
                                                                       Trish Thompson and Graham Sharp
                                                                                                                               rarely leave the comfort of your accommodation!                            College competes as one team, Foundation to Year 12.
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LIFE OF THE SCHOOL                                                                                                            LIFE OF THE SCHOOL

                                                                 Colle nd Dolls
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                                             dway based on the
                     A musical fable of Broa
                                              Damon Runyon
                      story and characters of

 25                                                                                                                                         26
LIFE OF THE SCHOOL                                                                                                                                                                                                                              LIFE OF THE SCHOOL

                 Thailand/Vietnam Immersion

                                                                                                                              Xavier Committee for Indigenous Affairs (XCIA) visit Wurundjeri Elder                   Grandparents and Special Friends Day
                                                                                                                              Murrundindi to seek advice on symbols and words that could be used                                at Kostka Hall
                                                                                                                                        to connect our Houses to the Indigenous land

                       India Immersion                                         Burke Hall Southwell House baking fundraiser

                                                                                                                                    AFL Kicking School at Kostka Hall with former AFL player                Kostka Hall Jazz on the Lawn, at which approximately $1,200
                                                                                                                                                   and coach, Mark Williams                                    was raised for Bushfire Relief in affected communities

                                              Senior Campus Welcome Cocktail Party                                                                                            Burke Hall Year 7 Outdoor Education Experience

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LIFE OF THE SCHOOL                                                                                                                                                                           LIFE OF THE SCHOOL

                                                                                                                                         Introducing our new Head of Music,
                                                                                                                                         James de Rozario
                                                                                                                                                                                  “To be able to make
                                                                                                                                                                                  music is one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                  greatest pleasures
                                                                                                                                            James de Rozario                      that anyone can
                                                                                                                                            Head of Music
                                                                                                                                        My music teaching career began
                                                                                                                                        as a visiting sessional teacher at a
                                                                                                                                        variety of schools in Perth, Western
                                                                                                                                        Australia. I also played professionally
                                                                                                                                        at the time and was incredibly busy.
                                                                                                                                        After falling ill with adult chicken-
                                                                                                                                        pox, I realised that I needed a job
                                                                                                                                        with sick pay! Shortly after I was
                                                                                                                                        fortunate to be appointed Head of
                                                                                                                                        Strings at Scotch College Perth, and
                                                                                                                                        seven years later I moved to Victoria
                                                                                                                                        to be the Head of Strings at Scotch
                                                                                                                                        College Melbourne. After nearly
                                                                                                                                        15 years in that role, I moved
                                                                                                                                        to Xavier at the start of 2020.

       INCORPORATING WOW WORDS                                                                                                          My love of music came from my
                                                                                                                                        family – my older brother learnt

       INTO OUR WRITING                                                                                                                 the violin and my younger sister
                                                                                                                                        later became a professional cellist
                                                                                                                                        – but it was my father (as a piano
                                                                                                                                        playing electrical engineer) who
                                                                                                                                        really instilled in us a love of music.
                                                                                                                                        After he died, my mother (a primary
          Kate Bird, Early Years Curriculum/PYP                                                                                         school Principal) worked hard to
          Coordinator, Kostka Hall Campus
                                                                     “‘Big Writing’ is a teaching approach                              ensure that all three of us were able
                                                                                                                                        to continue with our musical studies.
                                                                     which aims to raise standards in                                   I started violin lessons at the age
      ‘Big Writing’ is a teaching approach which aims to raise                                                                          of 5 and later took up piano aged
      standards in writing rapidly and effectively. The method       writing rapidly and effectively.”                                  9. I also play viola, cello and some
      is based on fast, fun and lively teaching of the ‘writing                                                                         double bass.
      voice’ through oracy. It gives pupils confidence and an
      understanding of how to develop a higher level ‘writing     The Big Write is just one of the many writing sessions undertaken.    I cannot imagine a day without
      voice’.                                                     It’s a special piece of writing where the students ‘show off’ and     music and to be able to MAKE music
                                                                  celebrate all the skills they have been learning. Lights are turned   is one of the greatest pleasures that
      Engaging with the VCOP characters, learning experiences     down low, candles are glowing, with Mozart playing softly in the      anyone can behold.
      anchor around the four key areas; Vocabulary (Vinny         background the atmosphere is set to promote calm and creative
      Vocabulary), Connectives (Connie Connective), Openers       writers.                                                              I was always interested in Xavier as
      (Ollie Opener) and Punctuation (Penny Punctuation).                                                                               a place to work, as everyone I knew
      Children are encouraged to search for ambitious (WOW)       Another key aspect of the program is ‘uplevelling’, where students    who worked here, loved their job!
      words in the environment, highlight and apply these in      reflect on their writing highlighting evidence of where they have     It is rare to hear this from so many
      context as they build up their bank of words.               demonstrated the use of VCOP. They set goals for future writing,      people from one school! And now
                                                                  as they develop the skills to be assessed as capable learners.        that I am part of the school, I am
      A favourite activity of the Early Years boys is ‘Kung Fu                                                                          excited to be in a position to help
      Punctuation’, a game similar to Simon Says. Students are    We encourage you to have a conversation with a Kostka Hall            guide the music at Xavier and to get
      encouraged to identify punctuation marks. They gain a       Early Years student. Ask them to elaborate on what they know          the best out of every student.
      kinaesthetic awareness of punctuation, which helps them     about the VCOP characters or even give a Kung Fu Punctuation
      learn the symbols, what they mean and how they are used.    demonstration.                                                        I have been welcomed with
                                                                                                                                        generosity and warmth – it really is a
                                                                                                                                        wonderful community to be part of.

 29                                                                                                                                                                                                       30
XAVIER FOUNDATION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      XAVIER FOUNDATION

                                                                                                                                                                              Welcoming two
                                                                                                                                                                              new members of the
                                                                                                                                                                              Foundation Board
                                                                                                                                                                              The Xavier College Foundation has an enthusiastic Board which is being strengthened this
                                                                                                                                                                              year with the addition of new members Carolyn Ireland and Damien Farrell. Carolyn brings
                                                                                                                                                                              Finance Risk and Investment insights, and Damien, with his stakeholder relations experience
                                                                                                                                                                              at Monash University, is already providing valuable input to our fundraising processes and
                                                                                                                                                                              will provide an important liaison between the Board and our Advancement Committee.

                                                                                             Lawrence and Anna O’Halloran, Patrons of the 2020 Inspiring Excellence appeal.

      INSPIRING EXCELLENCE                                                                                                                                                                                Carolyn Ireland joins the Board with over
                                                                                                                                                                                                          20 years’ experience working in a variety
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Internal Audit at Epworth Healthcare, Group
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Treasurer at Australian Unity and Head of

      IN 2020                                                                                                                                                                                             of senior Finance and Treasury roles with
                                                                                                                                                                                                          extensive board level interaction, specialising
                                                                                                                                                                                                          in the Not-For-Profit sector. She is currently
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Capital Management at Australian Unity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Investments where she established a central
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Treasury function. Prior to then, she was
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Non-Executive Director at Defence Health,         CFO at GBS Venture Partners and spent six
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Head of Strategy & Investor Relations at API      years as Associate Director at Macquarie
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ltd and Director and Chair of Finance and         Bank.
          Lucy Cohen
                                                                                                                             “The thing that compels                                                      Investment Committees at International
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Carolyn and her husband Basil are current
          Associate Director of Development                                                                                                                                                               Womens Development Agency.
                                                                                                                             us to give a philanthropic                                                                                                     parents to three Xavier boys, Joseph (Year
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Carolyn is a Chartered Accountant with            12), Daniel (Year 11) and Owen (Year 7).
      The American writer and social justice advocate,         Of the importance of philanthropy, Lawrence
                                                                                                                             gift is not only how we                                                                                                        Through the Inspiring Excellence appeal,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          an MBA. Her previous roles have included;
      Mirum Beard, wrote that “the results of                  says that one of the key lessons he has learnt                may assist others, but                                                       Group Treasurer, Australian Pharmaceutical        Carolyn and Basil have helped to establish
      philanthropy are always beyond calculation”.             from the life of St Ignatius is “to be patient and            largely the feeling we                                                       Industries where she was responsible for          the College’s first Indigenous bursary.
      Indeed, as St Francis of Assisi taught us, that in       persistent and how to handle setbacks without                                                                                              funding acquisitions and managing strategic
      giving we receive, the notion of philanthropy            abandoning your goals.”                                       get when we do it.”                                                          projects, Group Treasurer and Head of
      is connected to gain; both as an impact and as
      return.                                                  “My wife and I support the Foundation because
                                                               we believe in the programs it funds,” he said.
      As Assisi and Beard assert, the thing that compels       “I am very appreciative of my Jesuit Education
      us to give a philanthropic gift is not only how          and the values it has instilled in me. I firmly
      we may assist others, but largely the feeling we         believe that where possible we as Old Xaverians
      get when we do it. We feel like we are part of           seriously consider giving back to the College,                                                                                             Damien Farrell (OX 1989) will bring               He then worked as a lawyer for law firm,
      something bigger than us. We are able to achieve,        and the Foundation is one way in which we                                                                                                  much to this role through his extensive           Freehills. Since his time as a lawyer, he
      with others, something we might not be able to           can”.                                                                                                                                      experience in advancement, government             has worked in government relations and
      do on our own. Something meaningful, something                                                                                                                                                      relations and business development. Damien        corporate affairs in the renewable energy,
      that has an exponential effect, something that           Anna says that for both herself and Lawrence,                                                                                              is currently Vice-President (Advancement)         financial services, legal and higher education
      helps us be the best version of ourselves.               there is importance in giving back. “By                                                                                                    at Monash University, where he has                sectors, both in Australia and overseas
                                                               supporting the Foundation, we are enabling the                                                                                             responsibility for alumni engagement,             including at the National Australia Bank,
      This joyful participation is especially evident within   College to continue to flourish and grow in this                                                                                           development, donor relations and external         Minter Ellison and Energy Developments Ltd,
      the well-known Xavier family, the O’Halloran’s.          changing world,” she said.                                                                                                                 engagement.                                       before joining Monash University in 2007.
      Lawrence and Anna O’Halloran are the Patrons of
      our annual Inspiring Excellence appeal in 2020 and       “My life is much richer for the experience”.                                                                                               After graduating from Monash University           As regular donors to the Xavier Foundation,
      have a deep understanding of the importance and                                                                                                                                                     with a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of           Damien and his wife Emma believe strongly
                                                               We ask that when you receive the Inspiring
      potential of giving back. They have both supported                                                                                                                                                  Arts (majoring in politics), Damien began his     in creating opportunities for students
                                                               Excellence brochure this year, you think about
      the Inspiring Excellence appeal since 1994 and                                                                                                                                                      career working as an Aide to two Victorian        through the College’s bursaries program.
                                                               the opportunity to not only have an impact that
      Anna is the current chair of the Maytime Fair                                                                                                                                                       Governors, The Hon Richard McGarvie and
                                                               can be lifelong, but to experience the joy of           Lawrence and Anna on their wedding day outside
      Committee.                                                                                                                                                                                          Old Xaverian The Hon Sir James Gobbo.
                                                               participation!                                          the Xavier College Memorial Chapel.

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OLD XAVERIANS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           OLD XAVERIANS

                                                                                                                                                          EVENTS              Please note that all events are currently on hold until further
                                                                                                                                                                              notice. All dates below are tentative. Visit XavNet for updates.
      OLD XAVERIANS’                                                    Visit xavnet.com.au for:
                                                                        • News and events • Networking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Please note that all reunions are currently on

      ASSOCIATION                                                       • Reunions        • Mentoring
                                                                                                                                                          OXA Lecture #1 - Raoul Lobo (OX 2009)
                                                                                                                                                          7:30am – 9:00am Monday 27 April
                                                                                                                                                                                                              OXA Dinner
                                                                                                                                                                                                              7:00pm Friday 17 July
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    hold until further notice. All dates below
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    are tentative. Visit XavNet for updates.

                                                                                                                                                          Dalton Room, Xavier College                         Leonda
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Class of 2010 - 10 Year Reunion
      OXA CONTACTS                                                                                                                                        Father/Son Pathways to Manhood Reunion              OXA Golf Day                          4:00pm Friday 10 July
      Adelaide    Michael Giuliano      0418 821 275                              Albury/Wodonga John Moran             02 6024 1988                      7:00pm - 9:00pm Wednesday 20 May                    11:45am Monday 31 August
      Brisbane    Sam Johnston          SJohnston@kordamentha.com                 Hong Kong      Anthony Correa         antbecs@googlemail.com
                                                                                                                                                          Great Hall, Xavier College                          Royal Melbourne Golf Club             Class of 1990 - 30 Year Reunion
      Melbourne   Christopher Worsnop   0403 910 183                              London         Clive O’Sullivan       clive.m.osullivan@gmail.com                                                                                                 7:00pm Friday 7 August
      Perth       Brendan Prowse        0468 970 464                                             Chris Muttukumaru      cpj.muttukumaru@btinternet.com
      Sydney      Richard McGrath       richard.mcgrath@kemosabe-capital.com      New York       Patrick Loftus-Hills   patrick.loftus-hills@moelis.com   Generations Breakfast
      Tasmania    Peter Volker          peter.volker@iinet.net.au                 Singapore      Chris Coburn           Chris.Coburn@tweglobal.com        7:30am - 9:00am                                                                           Class of 1980 - 40 Year Reunion
                  James Groom           james.groom@groomkennedy.com.au
                                                                                                                                                          Tuesday 26 May                                                                            7:00pm Friday 14 August
                                                                                                                                                          Great Hall, Xavier College                                                                Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Class of 2000 - 20 Year Reunion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7:00pm Friday 21 August

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Class of 2015 - 5 Year Reunion
                  Davina Calhaem, Alumni Manager,                                                                                                                                                                                                   7:00pm Friday 11 September
                  Executive Officer of the Old Xaverians’ Association
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Class of 1970 - 50 Year Reunion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7:00pm Friday 2 October
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Great Hall, Xavier College
            It is going to be an exciting year
            of activities for the Old Xaverians’                                                                                                                                                                                                    Class of 1985 – 35 Year Reunion
            Association (OXA).                                                                                                                                                                                                                      7:00pm Friday 9 October
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Railway Hotel Windsor
            We have some great Business Networking
            Events planned, and I am very excited
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Class of 2019 - 1 Year Reunion
            to announce that our first OXA Lecture
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6:00pm Thursday 27 November
            Speaker for 2020 will be Raoul Lobo (OX
            1999). Amongst many other great things,
            Raoul launched Uber Eats in Australia,
            New Zealand and Japan. His topic for the
            evening lecture will be ‘Being a Generalist’.                                                                                                                                                                                           AUSTRALIA DAY
            Many of you may have experienced
            the wonderful Father/Son Pathways to                                                                                                          Introducing the                                                             OXA
            Manhood program at Xavier College over                                                                                                                                                                                    Rowing
            the years, and it is wonderful to announce                                                                                                    new OXRC                                                   RO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Club          James Gorman AO (OX 1976)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    For distinguished service to the finance and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WING CLUB
            that there will be a reunion for those who
            attended the program, both Old Xaverians                                                                                                                                                                                                banking sectors through executive roles at the
            and current boys and their parents.                                                                                                                                                                                                     national and international level
                                                                                                                                                              Harry Amad
                                                                                                                                                              OXRC member                                                                           Gillian Groom AO (past parent)
            The Generations Breakfast will also take                                With times as challenging as they are, it is more important
            place again this year and I look forward                                than ever to stay connected.                                                                                                                                    For distinguished service to the community
            to seeing many grandfathers, fathers and                                                                                                      The inaugural season for the Old              River. The Henley is a knockout-style       through healthcare, medical research and social
                                                                                    Our reunion and events program has done a great job of                Xaverians’ Rowing Club started in the         event, where we raced three crews           welfare organisations and to the law
            sons in attendance (and maybe even a few
                                                                                    doing this for a very long time, but it’s time to consider            middle of 2019, with plans to begin           individually, coming up against the
                                                                                    the health and safety of our alumni, so we are pushing                racing over the 2019/2020 season. We          Melbourne Argonauts in the final in         Emeritus Prof Brendan Crotty AM (OX 1973)
            I am also pleased to report that a number                               the pause button on all events, either cancelling or                  have been training in eights, quads, pairs    which we prevailed by 15 seconds. This      For services to health education and to the
            of Old Xaverians have been coming back                                  postponing, until further notice.                                     and single sculls since then, rowing out      was the first win for the Old Xaverians’    community
            to the College to address the students on                               Our strong OXA community, with its local and                          of the school’s sheds in Hawthorn, with a     Rowing Club, and was hopefully a            David Curtain QC AM (OX 1966 and past
            a range of topics from Healthy Masculinity                              international connections, combined resources and the                 squad of around 20 Old Xaverians.             sign of things to come as the season        parent)
            to Business, and to date we have                                        Xavier motto of being ‘Men and Women for Others’,                                                                   progresses.
                                                                                                                                                          Our first race was as a quad of boys from                                                 For significant service to the law and to
            welcomed back Michael Nunan, Simon                                      will remain accessible. We will find ways to keep you
                                                                                                                                                          the Class of 2018 in the Melbourne Head       On 1 March we competed in the               professional legal organisations
            Gleeson, Peter Crock and Raoul Lobo.                                    connected and to help wherever possible. And when we
                                                                                    get the green light to allow the Red and Black community              Regatta in late November last year, where     Victorian State Championships at Lake
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    John Santamaria AM (OX 1969)
            In some exciting news, we are very proud                                to meet again, we’ll be ready, willing and able.                      we placed a close 2nd. Most recently, on      Wendouree, Ballarat.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    For significant service to intensive care medicine
            to announce that Simon Keenan (OX                                                                                                             22 February, the same quad comprising
            2010) is in the Australian Eight for the                                                                                                      of Michael Dowdell, Luke Toohey, myself,      If you would like to join the OXRC, email
                                                                                    We encourage you to contact us at any time at                                                                                                                   Jane Turner OAM (past parent)
            Tokyo Olympics, and we look forward to                                                                                                        Jack Guy and Ben King (Cox), coached by       oxrowing@gmail.com
                                                                                    oxa@xavier.vic.edu.au. For updates and resumptions of                                                                                                           For service to the performing arts as a writer,
            supporting him later this year.                                         events please refer to xavnet.com.au                                  Jordan King and Jack Lawson, competed                                                     actor and comedian
                                                                                                                                                          in the Australian Henley on the Yarra
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Vincent Gallichio OAM (OX 1969)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    For services to medicine

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