WWW.NCCUSTOM.COM Your One-Stop Source for Custom Chocolate All Year Long!

Page created by Chris Jackson
WWW.NCCUSTOM.COM Your One-Stop Source for Custom Chocolate All Year Long!

Your One-Stop Source for Custom Chocolate All Year Long!
WWW.NCCUSTOM.COM Your One-Stop Source for Custom Chocolate All Year Long!
Table of Contents
    Breakaway Chocolate Bars           10      STOCK COLLECTION
    Chocolate Boxes                    16        Starting on Page 18
    Chocolate Coins                    17
    Chocolate Cookies                  11
    Chocolate Delights Gift Box         6
    Chocolate Shapes                   17
       Alphabet                    24 - 26
       Animals                     18 - 22
       Arts                            28
       Circles / Globes                73
       Clothing/Hats/Accessories   58 - 59
       Educational                     50
                                                   CUSTOMIZE IT
       Food / Beverages            68 -69    Seen throughout our catalog.
       Games                       22 - 23
       Hearts                          72
       Household Items             61 - 62
       Keys                            60
       Medical / Body Parts        66 - 67
       Miscellaneous               76 - 79
       Miscellaneous Shapes        74 - 75
       Music                           29
       Nature Numbers              32 - 33
       Numbers                         27
                                                   GIVE A GIFT
                                              Show it through chocolate
       Police / Army               34 - 35
       Puzzle                          75
       Religion                        41
       Seasonal / Holiday              42
       Shoes                       39 - 40
       Stars                           71
       Squares / Rectangles            70
       Sports                      30 - 31
       Technology                  50 - 54
       Tools                       36 - 38
       Transportation              43 - 49
       Travel                      55 - 57

    Chocolate Square Gift Box           7
    Presentation Bars                  13
    Themed Options for Gift Box      8-9
    Two-Toned Chocolate Bars           12
    Truffles                       14 - 15

    Terms and Conditions               79

WWW.NCCUSTOM.COM Your One-Stop Source for Custom Chocolate All Year Long!
Shape Guide                             Find your perfect piece...

$5 Bill                        65    Box Truck                      49    Clock Person                   53
18 Wheeler Truck               43    Brain                          66    Cloud                     32, 33
Ace of Spades                  23    Brain Coral                    32    Clown                          76
Acorn                      32, 33    Brick                           61   Coffee Cup                     68
Airplane                   44, 49    Briefcase                      58    Coffin                         76
Ambulance                      47    Broadway                       56    Column                         57
Angel                           41   Building                  56, 57     Comma                          26
Apple                          69    Bull                           19    Computer                  52, 54
Artificial Heart               76    Bullet                         34    Computer Mouse            52, 53
Badge                          35    Bumble Bee                     19    Converse Sneaker               40
Ballet Slippers                40    Bunny                      19, 20    Corn                           69
Balloon                        42    Burger                         68    Cougar Cutout                  20
Band Aid                       63    Bus                            48    Cow                    19, 20, 21
Barn                           21    Butterfly                      21    Cowboy Boot           39, 40, 59
Basket                         64    Cable Car                      45    Cowboy Hat                     59
Basketball                     30    Cake                           68    Crab                       19, 20
Bear                           18    Calculator                     54    Credit Card Machine            53
Bed                            62    California                     57    Cross                           41
Beer Bottle                    69    Caliper                        38    Crown                          58
Beer Mug                       68    Camera                          51   Cruise Ship                    44
Bell                           64    Candle Clock                    61   Desk Phone                52, 54
Bench                          65    Capitol Building               56    Diamond                    74, 75
Billiard Table                 23    Car                   45, 46, 49     Dice                           22
Bird                           18    Cards                          23    Disk                           51
Blackberry             51, 53, 54    Carriage                       49    Distributor Cap                77
Block Letters                  26    Carrot                         69    Dog Bone                       19
Blow Dryer                     63    Cassette                        51   Dollar Sign                    26
Boat                           49    Castle                         56    Dominos                        23
Book                           63    CD                             53    Door                           62
Boomerang                      22    Cell Phone            50, 52, 54     Dove                           18
Boot                       39, 40    Cement Mixing Truck            47    Dress                          58
Boot on Block                  39    Champagne Bottle               69    Drill                          37
Bottle                 63, 64, 66    Chess Pieces              22, 23     Droplet                        74
Bottle Cap                     78    Chicken                        21    Duck                  18, 20, 22
Bowling Pin                    30    Chocolate Kiss                 74    Dumb Bell                      31
Bowling Pin and Ball           30    Christmas Tree                 42    Dump Truck                     43
Bowtie                     58, 59    Circles                        73    Ear                        66, 67

WWW.NCCUSTOM.COM Your One-Stop Source for Custom Chocolate All Year Long!
Easy Button                       61   Graduation                     42   Lobster                   19
    Egg                         68, 69     Grapes                         69   Lock                      61
    Eiffel Tower                     56    Grenade                        34   Lotus Flower             33
    Elevator Dial                    51    Guitar                         29   Magnifying Glass          77
    Elvis Presley                    78    Gun                            34   Man Hole Cover           57
    Eyedropper Bottle                67    Hairspray Bottle               63   Marquee               41, 76
    Fancy Shoes                      40    Halloween Pumpkin              42   Martini Glass            63
    Farm Vehicle                     44    Hammer                36, 37, 66    Mask                     78
    Filter                           65    Hand Holding Circle            67   Medallion                 31
    Fire Fighter Hat                 59    Handcuffs                      35   Medicine Bottle          66
    Fish                     18, 21, 22    Hard Hat                 58, 59     Mermaid                  78
    Flag                             75    Hearts                     67, 72   Mickey Mouse             28
    Flame                       62, 64     Heart (Anatomical)             67   Microphone               28
    Flip Flop                        40    Heart with Wings               75   Microscope               50
    Flonase Container                67    Heel                          40    Money Bag                65
    Floppy Disk                      51    Hen                            19   Mortar and Pestle         67
    Flower                      32, 33     Hibiscus                      32    Motorcycle                47
    Flu Test                         77    High Heel                     40    Mouse                     18
    Foot                             66    Hippo                          18   Movie Camera             28
    Football                     30, 31    Hockey Puck                    31   Movie Clapper            28
    Fork                             68    Hoop and Ball                 30    Movie Ticket             28
    Fork Lift                        48    Horseshoe                      74   Muffin / Cupcake         68
    Four Leaf Clover        32, 33, 42     Horseshoe Crab                 22   Mummy                    50
    Frame                             61   Hot Chocolate                  68   Music CD                  51
    Frankenstein                     42    House                     62, 64    Music Note               29
    Frog                         18, 22    Ice Cream Cone                 69   Mustache                 66
    Garbage Can                      64    Inhaler                        66   Nail Polish Bottle        61
    Gavel                            36    Ink Cartridge                  64   Neck Tie                 59
    GE Button                        76    iPhone                         53   New Jersey               56
    Gear                             49    iPod                           52   New York City            56
    Genie Lamp                       64    Jumping Rabbit                 21   NFL Plaque                31
    Ghost                            42    Key                            60   Nose                      67
    Girl with Face Covering          78    Knife                          68   Numbers              26, 27
    Glasses                          58    Knight                         77   Nutcracker                61
    Globes                           73    Landline Telephone             54   NY Rangers               30
    Gold Nugget                      75    Letters               24, 25, 26    Office Chair              61
    Gold Troy 500mg                  65    Liberty Bell                   56   Oil Derrick              57
    Gold Troy Ounce                  65    Light Bulb                52, 53    Oil Drum                 78
    Golf Bag                         31    Light House                    57   Open Book                63

WWW.NCCUSTOM.COM Your One-Stop Source for Custom Chocolate All Year Long!
Ounce Troy                        65    Sand Dollar                   32    Tag                              56
Owl                               18    Saw                           36    Taxi                             44
Pace Maker                        76    Saxophone                     29    Teddy Bear Block                  61
Paint Brush                       28    Scissors                       61   Telephone                        52
Paint Palate                      28    Scraper                       36    Television                       53
Palm Pilot                        54    Screw                          37   Tennis Racket                    31
Palm Tree                         33    Screw Driver              37, 38    Theater Faces                    28
Paw Print                         21    Screw Gun                     38    Tire                        48, 49
Pelican                           21    Seed Spreader                 65    Tools                            38
Pencil                             61   Sheep                          21   Tooth                            62
Penguin                           21    Shell                         33    Tractor                          44
Person                            78    Shield                        35    Tractor Trailer                  43
Phonograph                        29    Shoe                          39    Train                            45
Piano                             29    Shopping Cart                 64    Transamerica Building            57
Pickup Truck                      48    Shovel                        36    Transmission                     76
Pig                           19, 22    Sign                       41, 76   Tree                             33
Pig with Glasses                  19    Skull                          66   Trophy “Golf”                    30
Pineapple                         68    Slide Ruler                    77   Trophy Cup                       30
Pipe                              62    Slot Machine                  56    Truck                   43, 44, 48
Pizza                         69, 71    Sneaker                       40    Turkey                      20, 22
Pliers                            37    Snowflake                     42    Turtle                       19, 20
Pool Table                        23    Snowman                       42    Umbrella                         58
Pumpkin                           42    Space Ship                    44    UPS Truck                        43
Purim Girl                         41   Spark Plug		                   37   USA                              57
Purse                             58    Spine                         50    USB                              52
Puzzle Pieces                     75    Spoon                         68    Valentines Day                   78
Pyramid                           55    Square / Rectangles       70, 77    Van                              48
Question Mark                     26    Square with Design        77, 78    VW Bug/Beetle                    46
Race Car                          46    Stars                          71   Watch                            59
Recorder                          77    State                 55, 56, 57    Water Bottle                     69
Rectangle with Stick Figures      77    Station                       55    Whale                            21
Reflex Hammer                     66    Statue                        50    Wine Glass                       63
Remote                       52, 54     Statue of Liberty              57   Worldly Rectangle                55
Ribbon                            74    Submarine                     44    Wreath                            41
Robot                             53    Sunflower                     33    Wrench                      36, 37
Rose                              32    Sunglasses                    59    Yankee Candle                    62
Rose Heart                        75    Syringe                    61, 67
Sailboat                          44    T-Shirt                       59
Sand Clock                        65    Tablet                        53

WWW.NCCUSTOM.COM Your One-Stop Source for Custom Chocolate All Year Long!
       A delectable combination of milk and dark chocolate pieces surrounding a custom chocolate
       centerpiece. The border is made of shells and swirls, and you can choose up to two themed stock
       chocolate pieces to frame your logo (please see page 6). The gift is finished with a border of shell
       and swirl designs (except for TR8). Your choice of gold or silver window box with matching ribbon.

                                                           Large Custom Chocolate
                                                           Box          1.5 lbs.

                                                           TR48            3 lbs.
                                                           (not shown is a
                                                           double layer TR24)

                                                                                                                        Medium Custom Chocolate Delights Gift Box
                                                                                                                        8 lbs.

                                                                                    Small Custom Chocolate Delights Gift Box
                                                                                    1 lb

WWW.NCCUSTOM.COM Your One-Stop Source for Custom Chocolate All Year Long!
                                 Surround a creamy milk or dark chocolate centerpiece with themed square-
                                 shaped chocolates. Select one of our stock 3D designs (see page 7), a
                                 custom logo or both. Maximum of two designs. Each is packaged in your
                                 choice of silver or gold box with matching bow. SQ4, SQ8, FC2, and FC4
                                 are packaged in a silver or gold box with a coordinating stretch bow.
                  1.5 lbs.
                  (not shown is a
                  decadent double layer SQ64)

                                       6 oz.

                 13.5 oz.

                                                                                               5 oz.

                                                                         1.25 oz

        6.5 oz

                                                            2.5 oz

WWW.NCCUSTOM.COM Your One-Stop Source for Custom Chocolate All Year Long!
Actual Size
      1 - Airplane                 2 - Bathtub               3 - Bed            4 - Boot                5 - Bull

         6 - Bear                  7 - Building            8 - Caduceus          9 - Car            10 - Cell Phone

     11 - Cement Mixer            12 - Computer       13 - Computer Mouse   14 - Cruise Ship       15 - Dollar Sign        16 - Dump Truck          17 - Globe

        18 - Hammer            19 - Happy Holidays      20 - Hard Hat         21 - Heart              22 - House              23 - Key           24 - Light Bulb

    25 - Mortar & Pestle        26 - Music Note        27 - Puzzle Piece       28 - Saw        29 - Scales of Justice     30 - Screwdriver         31 - Shoe

      32 - Shovel              33 - Slot Machine           34 - Star         35 - Telephone        36 - Television         37 - Thank You          38 - Toilet

       39 - Tooth               40 - Tractor              41 - Truck            42 - Van            43 - Wrench             44 - 2014         45 - Stock Chocolate
                                                                                                                        2015 Also Available

                     Holiday Designs
                                                                               Add Impact
             46 - Ornament          47 - Snowflake      48 - Snowman                                 with Our Themed Chocolate
                                                                            Highlight your industry, promote a theme or celebrate a holiday by substituting
                                                                            our Stock Chocolate piece with one of the above shapes. Select up to 2 designs
                                                                            for the TR or Chocolate Box Series at no additional cost. To create a new custom
                                                                            shape call for details and minimum quantities required.
           49 - Easter Bunny        50 - Easter Egg      51 - US Flag
                                                                            CUSTOM 3D MOLDS (i.e. tractor): Minimum 250 gift boxes.
                                                      52 - Canadian Flag
                                                                            CUSTOM EMBOSSED MOLDS (i.e. 2014): Minimum 100 boxes.

WWW.NCCUSTOM.COM Your One-Stop Source for Custom Chocolate All Year Long!
Actual Size

    1 - Airplane         2 - Bathtub             3 - Bed              4 - Boot                5 - Bull               6 - Bear

     7 - Building       8 - Caduceus             9 - Car           10 - Cell Phone       11 - Cement Mixer        12 - Computer

13 - Computer Mouse    14 - Cruise Ship     15 - Dollar Sign       16 - Dump Truck          17 - Globe            18 - Hammer          19 - Happy Holidays

    20 - Hard Hat         21 - Heart           22 - House              23 - Key           24 - Light Bulb      25 - Mortar & Pestle        26 - Music Note

 27 - Puzzle Piece        28 - Saw        29 - Scales of Justice   30 - Screwdriver          31 - Shoe               32 - Shovel           33 - Slot Machine

     34 - Star         35 - Telephone        36 - Television        37 - Thank You            38 - Toilet              39 - Tooth             40 - Tractor

                                                                                                            Holiday Designs

    41 - Truck            42 - Van            43 - Wrench               44 - 2014
                                                                   2015 Also Available

                                                                                                  46 - Ornament           47 - Snowflake           48 - Snowman

Highlight your industry, promote a theme or celebrate a holiday with one
of the above shapes. Select up to 2 designs for the SQ & FC Series at no
additional cost. To create a new custom shape call for details and minimum
quantities required.
CUSTOM 3D MOLDS (i.e. tractor): Minimum 250 gift boxes.
CUSTOM EMBOSSED MOLDS (i.e. 2014): Minimum 100 boxes.
                                                                                                 49 - Easter Bunny       50 - Easter Egg            51 - US Flag
                                                                                                                                                 52 - Canadian Flag
WWW.NCCUSTOM.COM Your One-Stop Source for Custom Chocolate All Year Long!
BREAKAWAY CHOCOLATE BARS                       Your choice of milk or
                                                                     dark chocolate and
                                                                     each bar is packaged
                                                                     in a silver or gold gift box
                                                                     with coordinating bow, or
                                                                     for an additional charge
                                                                     a full color imprint on a
                                                                     white lid.

    Looking for an even more substantial
  shareable gift? Our 2 lb. Breakaway Bar
 provides 13 imprint areas to highlight your
   service divisions or departments within
   your organization for one mold charge.

                                                This unique 1 lb. Breakaway Bar offers 9 different
                                               imprint areas for one mold charge. These are ideal
                                                 for multi-branched businesses, different brands
                                                 under one umbrella and strategic partnerships.

 Our classic butter cookies are topped with creamy milk or dark
 chocolate and cello wrapped. Rectangle cookies can also be
     packaged in a silver or gold foil box with a stretch bow.

                                                                  Cookie Business Card Box
                                                                  (Rectangle cookie only)

                                  Round Cookie
                                  Imprint Area: 2 1/4" diameter

                     Rectangle Chocolate Cookie
                     Imprint Area: 2 1/2" x 2"

     Stock all-over patterns are available in Thank You, Happy Holidays, and dollar sign motif.

                                                                       1 lb.

                                                                                          2 lbs.

                                                                         8 oz


                                                          Our 1 pound 3D chocolate bar is available
                                                          with our stock Season’s Greetings design
                                                          in milk or dark chocolate. Each bar is
                                                          packaged in your choice of gold or silver
                                                          gift box with coordinating bow or optional
                                                          white lid with a full color imprint.

                                                          EC6A with 3D Season's Greetings Design
                                                          1 lb.

Our 2 pound 3D bar makes a
stunning gift. Use our stock
Happy Holidays or Season’s
Greetings designs and place
your logo in the rectangle as
shown. Each bar is packaged
in a gift box with a coordinating
bow and optional foil stamped
logo on the lid. For an additional
charge, enhance the gift by
including an imprinted hammer
to help break the bar.

EC6C with 3D Happy Holidays Design
2 lbs.

                                                 Personalize your own Presentation Bar!

     Combine truffles with a creamy milk or dark chocolate
     centerpiece for a sophisticated presentation. Packed in
     your choice of silver, gold or white box with matching
     ribbon as shown for BT20 and matching bows for BT8.                                             BT2
     Comes with an assortment of filled truffles professionally
     selected for your enjoyment.


                                                             6 oz


                                                                      Truffle Flavors:
                                                                         • Milk Amaretto
                                                                       • Dark Raspberry
                                                                        • White Tiramisu
                                                                         • Milk Hazelnut
                                                                         • Milk Caramel

                                                                    Select from 6 different box configurations and price points
                                                                    designed to fit every budget. Imprint the box with your foil stamped
                                                                    logo or molded in creamy milk or dark chocolate. Comes with
                                                                    an assortment of filled truffles professionally selected for your
                                                                    enjoyment. Choose between a silver, gold or black gift box (silver or
                                                                    gold only for the BCTB) with matching elastic bow as shown.

      2 oz


                                                12 oz

                             Signature Truffles
                    Milk Chocolate filled with caramel
                         or Dark Chocolate filled with
                                  chocolate mousse.


               Who can resist a gift of chocolate and truffles? These gift boxes are molded entirely of creamy milk or dark chocolate and filled
               with your choice of truffles or chocolate shapes. Create your own design on the lid, or use our stock 3D Happy Holidays design
                as shown, or Season’s Greetings design. Each box is packaged in a gold keepsake tin with coordinating bow. Truffle Boxes
                                      come with an assortment of filled truffles professionally selected for your enjoyment.

Large Chocolate Box
   20 oz. (10 pcs)

                                                                                                                                          Heart Box
                                                                                                                                            8 oz.

                                                                                                                                            Heart Box
                                                                                                                                           7 oz. (3 pcs)

                                                                                               Double Heart Box
                                                                                             6 oz. (3 heart truffles)

     Small Chocolate Box
       10 oz. (4 pcs)


                 1 1/2" Miss Liberty/

                                                      Custom Coins
                                                Milk Chocolate available in
                                                Gold, Red, Silver and Blue.

                                                                              1 1/8" Benjamin Franklin/
                                                                                     Liberty Bell
                                                                                   (Milk chocolate)

                          Stock Coins
                    3 Dollar Coins 1 1/2" &
                   4 Half Dollar Coins 1 1/4"
                       (Milk chocolate)

              CHOCOLATE SHAPES

Let your imagination run wild with all these delicious chocolate shapes!
 We can create any shape or size to meet and exceed your customers
 expectations, or choose one of our industry specific stock designs to
        promote your brand in delicious milk or dark chocolate.
  Each chocolate shape is molded in milk or dark creamy chocolate
      and is available in 1/2 oz., 3/4 oz. or 1 oz. sized pieces.


        Frog      Frog       Frog
       .50 oz      1 oz     1.10 oz

       Mouse     Hippo       Bear
       .50 oz     1 oz      1.10 oz

         Fish     Fish       Duck
       3.50 oz    1 oz      1.35 oz

        Owl      Bird "E"    Dove
        1 oz     1.50 oz    1.10 oz


Pig with Glasses    Pig          Pig
      3 oz          X oz       .60 oz

   Dog Bone          Bull        Hen
     1 oz          2.50 oz     1.75 oz

 Bumble Bee        Lobster     Turtle
    X oz            2 oz        X oz

     Crab           Cow        Bunny
    .45 oz         1.10 oz     1.10 oz


         Cow          Cow       Cow
        1.10 oz       1 oz      1 oz

     Cougar Cutout   Turkey    Turkey
         2 oz         1 oz      2 oz

         Crab        Bunny      Bunny
         1 oz         1 oz     2.50 oz

         Cow         Turtle     Duck
        1.10 oz      1.10 oz     1 oz


Paw Print   Jumping Rabbit      Pelican
 .50 oz          1 oz            1 oz

Penguin        Butterfly        Whale
 .50 oz         2.5 oz           1 oz

  Cow          Chicken            Fish
 .20 oz         2.5 oz          3.70 oz

 Sheep        Paw Print          Barn
 .30 oz        1.05 oz          2.10 oz


           Frog                 Fish                 Duck
     .35 oz and .50 oz        2.05 oz          .20 oz and .50 oz

     Horsehoe Crab               Pig                Turkey
          1 oz                 .30 oz                1 oz

          Dice           Chess Piece- Horse   Chess Piece - Pawn
          X oz                 .25 oz                X oz

                             2.55 oz


   Dominos 1-3          Dominos 5-5      Dominos 4-3
      X oz                 X oz             X oz

   Dominos 2-2          Dominos 1-6      Dominos 1-1
      X oz                 X oz            X oz

Billard Table (Large)   Billard Table    Dominos 6-3
         1 lb               12 oz           X oz

   Ace of Spades           Cards         Chess Piece
     1.80 oz               X oz             1 oz


      Letter A    Letter B   Letter C
        1 oz        1 oz       1 oz

      Letter D    Letter E   Letter F
        1 oz        1 oz       1 oz

      Letter G    Letter H   Letter I
        1 oz        1 oz       1 oz

       Letter J   Letter K   Letter L
         1 oz       1 oz       1 oz


Letter M   Letter N      Letter O
  1 oz       1 oz          1 oz

Letter P   Letter Q       Letter R
  1 oz       1 oz           1 oz

Letter S   Letter T      Letter U
  1 oz       1 oz          1 oz

Letter V   Letter W      Letter X
  1 oz       1 oz          1 oz


       Letter Y                       Letter Z                        Question Mark
         X oz                           X oz                             1.05 oz

      Dollar Sign            Dollar Sign (smaller shown)               Dollar Sign
       1.10 oz                    1 oz and 2.05 oz                       X oz

                    Comma                                  Number 0
                    2.5 oz                                   X oz

       Block A                        Block O                            Block F
        X oz                            X oz                              X oz


Number 1   Number 1   Salvation Army Number 1
  X oz      3.75 oz             .50 oz

Number 1   Number 2         Number 3
  X oz       X oz             X oz

Number 4   Number 5         Number 6
  X oz       X oz             X oz

Number 7   Number 8         Number 9
  X oz       X oz             X oz


      Theater Faces                 Movie Clapper                     Movie Ticket
        3.25 oz                          1 oz                       1 oz and 1 .95 oz

                      Paint Brush                    Mickey Mouse
                          1 oz                          1.10 oz

       Microphone                    Paint Pallate                  Movie Camera
        2.65 oz                         1.15 oz                       6.85 oz

      Movie Clapper                  Paint Brush                        Ticket
        5.35 oz                       1.80 oz                           1.10 oz


                          Music Note                      Piano
                           .95 oz                         X oz

       Guitar                            Saxaphone                  Guitar
       2.50 oz                              1 oz                    1.15 oz

Guitar "Hard Rock Cafe"                Guitar "Siemens"             Piano
        1.05 oz                             1.15 oz                 .45 oz

        Guitar                             Guitar                 Phonograph
        2.15 oz                            1.10 oz                  8.10 oz


        Football         Basketball         Hoop and Ball
          X oz              2 oz               5 oz

       Trophy Cup     Great Job Trophy      Golf Trophy
         2.50 oz         2.50 oz               8 oz

       Bowling Pin   Bowling Pin and Ball    Basketball
          1 oz              2 oz               X oz

       NY Rangers         Football           Basketball
        15.85 oz          2.55 oz              2 oz


Football               NFL Plaque                 Tennis Racket
 .95oz                  2.50 oz                       2 oz

            Golf Bag                 Dumb Bell
            2.50 oz                   2.50 oz

           Medallion                Hockey Puck
             1 oz                     2.55 oz


      Cloud (bigger)     Flower     Hibiscus
         1.95 oz         1.10 oz     X oz

      Four Leaf Clover    Cloud      Acorn
          1.90 oz        1.80 oz     1.45 oz

        Sand Dollar       Rose     Brain Coral
          1.05 oz        2.10 oz     7.10 oz


 Palm Tree       Tree          Cloud
    1 oz        2.5 oz         1.15 oz

  Flower       Sunflower        Shell
   X oz          X oz           8 oz

Lotus Flower    Acorn      Four Leaf Clover
    X oz        .50 oz           1 oz

   Shell         Shell         Flower
    1 oz        .50 oz          X oz


       Gun              Gun                Gun
       X oz             X oz             15.70 oz

                Gun              Gun
                8 oz             X oz

               Bullet          Grenade
               X oz             X oz


Badge                                  Badge                                          Badge
 X oz                                  2.50 oz                                         X oz

            Handcuffs                                           Police Badge
         X oz and 2.50 oz                                         2.80 oz

Shield                      Bear Department of Agriculture                            Badge
.95 oz                                  X oz                                           X oz

            Salvation Army Badge                              Salvation Army Shield
                    .50 oz                                            1.10 oz


      Hammer                  Hammer                     Hammer
      5.25 oz                 1.25 oz                      1 oz

      Wrench            Shovel (smaller shown)           Wrench
      1.05 oz               1 oz and X oz                 1 oz

      Hammer                    Saw                      Hammer
       X oz                     X oz                     5.10 oz

                Gavel                            Gavel
                X oz                              1 oz


              Tool?              Screw Driver
             1.10 oz                .95 oz

Spark Plug             Wrench                    Screw
  .55 oz               1.10 oz                   .35 oz

   Drill               Pliers                    Screw
 1.70 oz               1.15 oz                   .30 oz

 Scraper               Hammer                    Wrench
 1.60 oz               1.85 oz                   1.10 oz


                Caliper         Screwdriver
                1.85 oz           1.05 oz

             Tool "Swagelock"   Screw Gun
                   1.95 oz         X oz


  Shoe          Boot on Block
 4.05 oz           .60 oz

   Boot              Boot
  1.10 oz     .70 oz and 1.05 oz

Cowboy Boot          Boot
   1 oz              1 oz


                High Heel          High Heel
                   X oz              X oz

             Fancy Shoes               Heel
                .44 oz                 X oz

                  Flip Flop    Ballet Slippers
                     1 oz           X oz

                  Converse          Sneaker
                    X oz      1 oz and LARGE oz


Angel                    Cross                 Feliz Bautizo Cross
1.10 oz                  X oz                        1.80 oz

 Cross                  Cross                        Cross
1.90 oz                 1.10 oz                      1.10 oz

               Sign                  Cross
              .70 oz                1.10 oz

    Wreath             Purim Girl                        Wreath
    1.05 oz             1.05 oz                           1 oz


             Graduation              Halloween Pumpkin   Snowflake
              2.20 oz                      1 .80 oz        .50 oz

              Snowman                  Christmas Tree    Snowflake
               1.10 oz                    1.35 oz         1.10 oz

     St. Patricks Four Leaf Clover      Graduation        Ghost
                   1 oz                  2.20 oz           1 oz

               Balloon                  Frankenstein     Snowflake
                1 oz                        1 oz           .35 oz


     Truck         Tractor Trailer           Tractor Trailer
      8 oz              1 lb.                     8 oz

18 Wheeler Truck       Truck                     Truck
      1 lb.            2.5 oz                    2.5 oz

     Truck          Dump Truck                   Truck
     2.5 oz           2.5 oz                     1.10 oz

     Truck             Truck                  UPS Truck
      1 oz              5 oz                    1 oz


       Airplane          Airplane         Airplane
          1 oz             1 oz             1 oz

       Sailboat         Cruise Ship       Airplane
         1 oz            2.50 oz            1 oz

      Space Ship        Cruise Ship      Submarine
         1 oz         2.55 oz and 6 oz      1 oz

        Truck               Taxi         Farm Vehicle
         1 oz               1 oz             1 oz


Train    Train            Cable Car
 1 oz   2.50 oz            1.05 oz

Train    Car                 Car
 1 oz    1 oz                1 oz

Car      Car                 Car
1 oz     1 oz                1 oz

 Car    Car                  Car
 1 oz   1 oz               1.10 oz


                 Car                        Car
                 1 oz                       1 oz

        Car                    Car                   Car
        1 oz                 1.10 oz                 1 oz

         Car            VW Bug/Beetle Car          Race Car
       1.20 oz                8 oz                   1 oz

        Car                   Car                  Race Car
       2.15 oz                1 oz                   1 oz


Cement Mixing Truck   Cement Mixing Truck          Cement Mixing Truck
       1 oz                  8 oz                         1 oz

Cement Mixing Truck   Cement Mixing Truck          Cement Mixing Truck
       1 oz                  1 oz                         1 oz

    Motorcycle            Motorcycle                   Motorcycle
       1 oz                  1 oz                         1 oz

    Ambulance             Ambulance                    BOC Truck
      1 oz                  1 oz                        3.60 oz


        Forklift       Truck    Truck
         X oz         2.55 oz    X oz

      Pickup Truck    Truck     Truck
          X oz         X oz      X oz

         Truck         Bus      Bus
          X oz         X oz     X oz

         Tire          Van      Van
        4.10 oz        X oz     X oz


  Boat      Airplane Block              Car
 .95 oz         .95 oz                1.80 oz

Box Truck        Tire                 Airplane
  8 oz          .75 oz                 .20 oz

Carriage        Car                     Car
6.50 oz        4.10 oz                3.50 oz

Airplane       Forklift                Gear
2.55 oz        2.05 oz                1.05 oz


       Mummy         Microscope               Spine
      X oz & X oz       X oz                 1.20 oz

        Statue       Spinal Cord   Sign Language Happy Holidays
         X oz            1 oz                  8 oz

      Microscope      Mummy                Cell Phone
        .70 oz        2.40 oz               1.90 oz


             Blackberry             Elevator Dial
              2.55 oz                   1 oz

           Cassette                    Camera
           1.50 oz                      X oz

           Camera                    Floppy Disk
            X oz                        X oz

Music CD                  iPhone                      Disk
 2.10 oz                  1.10 oz                   1.05 oz


                  Light Bulb              Computer Mouse
                   1.05 oz                     1 oz

      Telephone                Computer                    Flip Cell Phone
        1.10 oz                  1 oz                            2 oz

        USB                      Ipod                        Desk Phone
       .70 oz                    2 oz                           3 oz

       Remote                  Remote                         Remote
       2.45 oz                 2.45 oz                     2.55 oz and 8 oz


     Television         Iphone             BlackBerry
        1 oz              4 oz                4 oz

     Light Bulb        Light Bulb             CD
       1.10 oz            1 oz                X oz

Credit Card Machine      Tablet          Computer Mouse
       3.70 oz          2.50 oz               1 oz

      Robot           Clock Person
      1.10 oz             X oz              Light Bulb
                                               1 oz


           iPod            Remote      Palm Pilot
          2.10 oz          2.55 oz      2.75 oz

     Landline Telephone   Blackberry   Cell Phone
           1.05 oz         2.60 oz      1.95 oz

       Flip Cell Phone    Calculator   Calculator
           2.75 oz         2.55 oz      1.05 oz

        Cell Phone        Cell Phone   Computer
         2.45 oz           2.45 oz       X oz


Pyramid        State           Station
  1 oz        2.35 oz          2.65 oz

          Worldly Rectangle
              2.60 oz


      New York City            Broadway                Eiffel Tower
          X oz                   X oz                      X oz

       Liberty Bell         Mini Liberty Bell        Capitol Building
          8 oz         Mini Liberty Bell with Logo        X oz
                                  1 oz

        Building      Slot Machine (Bigger Shown)        Castle
         X oz              1.10 oz and 2.50 oz           1.20 oz

         Castle               New Jersey                  State
          X oz                  .65 oz                   1.10 oz


   Building         Statue of Liberty            Building
    X oz                2.55 oz                   .65 oz

  Oil Derrick           Column               Trimerica Building
      X oz               X oz                      X oz

Man Hole Cover           USA                    Light House
     X oz                1 oz                       X oz

       California           California             State in Droplet
        1.20 oz              .95 oz                     .90 oz


                Hard Hat       Polo Shirt (Large)
                 1.25 oz              1 oz

                Crown           Umbrella
                1.10 oz          1.50 oz

                Glasses            Dress
                .80 oz             1.10 oz

               Briefcase            Purse
                1.05 oz            1.45 oz


   Hard Hat               Bow Tie         Neck Tie
     1 oz                  X oz            X oz

    T-Shirt              Cowboy Hat       Neck Tie
     X oz                   1 oz            1 oz

Fire Fighter Hat           Watch          Sunglasses
      X oz                 X oz              1 oz

          Shirt                 Shirt        Cowboy Hat
          1 oz                 1 .10 oz         X oz


     Key (Bigger Shown)             "Success" Key               "Thank You" Key
       .50 oz and 1 oz                  ? oz                         ? oz

         Large Key                       Key                           Key
          15.80 oz                       ? oz                   .55 oz and 1.10 oz

      "Thank You" Key                     Key                         Key
          1.10 oz                       1.10 oz                     2.55 oz

        Tractor Key       "You're the Key to Our Success" Key     Vintage Key
            1 oz                           1 oz                       1 oz


      Brick                  Nail Polish Bottle    Syringe
      X oz                         .85 oz            ? oz

Teddy Bear Block              Candle Clock        Nutcracker
      X oz                      1.35 oz            2.45 oz

   Office Chair                   Pencil           Frame
    2.50 oz                        1 oz            1.05 oz

Scissors (Big shown)          Easy Button           Lock
   X oz and X oz                 X oz              .95 oz


      "Thank You" House   House      House
             X oz          1 oz      .55 oz

          House            Door        Bed
          3.05 oz         .50 oz     2.50 oz

       Yankee Candle      Flame      Cigar
          1.95 oz          X oz      1.10 oz

            Tooth          Tooth      Tooth
           2.50oz         .30 oz     1.35 oz


                 Band Aid                      Blow Dryer
                   1 oz                          1.05 oz

   Book                          Book                       Open Book
   X oz                          X oz                        1.10 oz

   Bottle                   Hairspray Bottle                  Bottle
  2.50 oz                       2.50 oz                        1 oz

Martini Glass                 Wine Glass                      Bottle
   X oz                         X oz                         1.45 oz


           Bell                  House                     Basket
         1.50 oz                 1.05 oz                   1.10 oz

       Genie Lamp             Shopping Cart                Bottle
         .35 oz                  2.25 oz                  4.35 oz

                     Flame                     Bottle
                    1.85 oz                   1.60 oz

      Garbage Can                Bottle                 Ink Cartridge
        1.25 oz                  .70 oz                    1.50 oz


     Tag                       Tag "Best Buy"                      $5 Bill
     1 oz                         1.05 oz                           2 oz

    Bench                       Sand Clock                       Money Bag
   8.30 oz                         1 oz                           .30 oz

                     Filter                      Seed Spreader
                    .80 oz                            1 oz

Gold Troy Ounce               Gold Troy 500 mg                   1 ounce Troy
    1.95 oz                          5 oz                           1.05 oz


      Foot (3D)                    Foot                 Cutout Foot
        1 oz                       X oz                   1.10 oz

         Ear                  Reflex Hammer                 Brain
       1.75 oz                    1.40 oz                  1.30 oz

       Inhaler                Medicine Bottle            Mustache
       2.35 oz                  4.05 oz                    3 oz

                  Foot (3D)                     Skull
                    16 oz                       X oz


                                 Nose                                               Ear
                                 X oz                                             .80 oz

                            Heart Anatomical                                Eyedrop Bottle
                                1.80 oz                                        .40 oz

mortar and pestle (Big)                         mortar and pestle (Small)                    Flonase Container
         6 oz                                           1.10 oz                                   2.55 oz

                          Hand Holding Circle                                    Syringe
                               1.90 oz                                           2.60 oz


                                    Cake                        Pinapple
                                   1.10 oz                      2.80 oz

     Dunkin Donuts Hot Chocolate             Muffin / Cupcake               Egg
                4 oz                             4.30 oz                   .80 oz

             Beer Mug                          Coffee Cup                  Burger
              1.05 oz                           3.10 oz                    1.10 oz

               Spoon                               Fork                     Knife
               .55 oz                             .50 oz                   .50 oz


   Apple           Apple                  Egg 3D
    1 oz           2.70 oz                 1 oz

  Carrot            Corn               Ice Cream Cone
   X oz             X oz                     X oz

Water Bottle   Champagne Bottle          Beer Bottle
   8 oz          1 oz and 8 oz              8 oz

   Pizza           Pinapple               Grapes
  2.20 oz          2.50 oz                4.35 oz


               Rectangle            Rectangle
                .50 oz               .55 oz

                Square              Microchip
                 X oz                1.05 oz

               Square                Square
               .50 oz                 1 oz

                           .55 oz


 Star              "You Shine" Star              "Star Teller" Star
.70 oz                 1.10 oz                          1 oz

 Star                    Star                   "You're A Star" Star
2.5 oz                 1.10 oz                          1 oz

          Star                         Star
         1.15 oz                      1.15 oz

                   "Thank You" Star
                        X oz


           Heart          "Thank You" Heart      "Valentines Day" Heart
            1 oz                 1 oz                      1 oz

           Heart                Heart              "Thank You" Heart
           .95 oz               .55 oz                  2.50 oz

          Heart                  Heart           "Love Me Not" Heart
          1.10 oz                .75 oz                3.55 oz

     "Posse Love" Heart   "Verizon Fios" Heart           Heart
           .80 oz                .80 oz                  2 oz


       Circle                Circle                      Circle
        1 oz                 1.10 oz                     X oz

       Circle                Circle                      Circle
       X oz                  1.90 oz                     X oz

Globe (1.50 oz Shown)         Globe                      Globe
   1 oz and 1.50 oz            5 oz                      X oz
                        6.15 oz not shown

       Circle                Circle                   State of Texas
       1.20 oz                1 oz                       1.10 oz


           Ribbon            Ribbon       Ribbon w/ Name
            1 oz              1 oz            1.10 oz

          Diamond           Diamond          Diamond
            1 oz             1.10 oz           1 oz

             Kiss            Droplet         Diamond
     1.50 oz and 3.90 oz     1.10 oz          1.75 oz

         Horse Shoe        Horse Shoe       HorseShoe
          2.15 oz             1 oz      1.80 oz and 2.55 oz


     Puzzle Piece         "Essential Piece" Puzzle Piece         Puzzle Piece
         1 oz                         1.05 oz                       .35 oz

"Teamwork" Puzzle Piece           Puzzle Piece                   Puzzle Piece
       1.05 oz                        1 oz                          .55 oz

       Diamond                        Flag                 Puzzle with Pieces Missing
        .95 oz                        X oz                          2.55 oz

      Gold Nugget              Heart with Wings                  Rose Heart
        1.50 oz                    1.10 oz                        5.70 oz


             Transmission   Artificial Heart
               6.80 oz          1.10 oz

              .95 oz
                             Pace Maker
                                X oz

             GE Button      Clown
              1.40 oz       3.60 oz

                 Coffin         Coffin
                 1.10 oz        1.10 oz


                 Knight                                             Flu Test
                 1.05 oz                                             1.80

              Distributor Cap                                  Magnifying Glass
                  1.70oz                                          3.90 oz

Recorder                                 Recorder                                       Pizza
 1.10 oz                                   2 oz                                        2.60 oz

Slide Ruler                     Rectangle with Stick Figures                      Square with Design
  2.10 oz                                2.55 oz                                       1.10 oz


      Valentines Day              Square with Bubbles                               Oil Drum (Large)
         2.45 oz                       1.80 oz                                          14.70 oz

                          Face                          Girl with Face Covering
                         .65 oz                                  1.05 oz

                       Person                                   Bottle Cap
                       2.10 oz                                   1.85 oz

        Mermaid                     Elvis Prestley                                     Oil Drum
        7.90 oz                        2.55 oz                                    1.10 oz and 5.65 oz

Terms & Conditions
              When Ordering                                                                and Fed Ex FOB NY. International duties and taxes are billed at       desired size). $99.00 (G) standard mold charge. 3D molds will
                                                                                           a later date.                                                         be quoted on a per job bases.
              1. If ordering by fax, please type or print orders legibly, or email
                 orders to orders@chocolateinn.net.                                        Gift Cards: Same printed                                              Templates: Available upon request or see our website.
                                                                                           messages on all cards: $2.00(G).
              2. To avoid duplication, please indicate if emailed orders were                                                                                    Storage: Artwork is kept for 18 months following shipment
                                                                                           Supplied cards insertion with same
                  previously faxed. We cannot be responsible for duplicate orders.                                                                               of your order.
                                                                                           message: $0.10 (G). Supplied cards
              3. See Artwork Specifications for information and instructions               insertion with different messages:                                    Proofs: No charge paper proofs will be provided upon request.
                 for submitting artwork.                                                   $2.00 (G)                                                             Any changes made to paper proofs may be billed at $50.00
              4. Desired ship date must be specified when order is                                                                                               (G) per hour. Minimum charge is $25.00 (G).
                 placed but may not be guaranteed.                                         Policies                                                              Mailers: See individual products for pricing and availability. If
              5. Ship date will not be assigned until all order information and            Less than Minimum: $35.00 (G) for orders less than                    not listed all other mailers are $1.50 (G). Mailers are shipped
                                                                                           catalog minimum. The absolute minimum order is 50% of the             flat in bulk unless otherwise specified. Product can be inserted
                 art has been received and/or approved.
                                                                                           lowest catalog quantity. Not available for: wrapped products,         into bulk mailers for $1.50 (G) per.
              6. An order confirmation, with expected ship date, will be                   Calling Cards, Gum Packs, Popcorn, Foil Squares Goody Bags,           Drop shipments include product in assembled mailer.
                 sent after artwork and complete order information has been                Handfuls. No less than minimum available Nov. 20th through
                 received and approved.                                                    Dec. 24.                                                              Random Samples
                                                                                           Over-runs/Under-runs: We make every attempt to                        Orders under $10.00 (Z) will be billed for freight only. Orders
              Delivery/Shipping                                                            produce to quantities ordered, but because of the nature of our       over $10.00 (Z) will be billed at EQP less 25% plus freight (Some
              Normal Production Time: 7 days after approval of                             manufacturing processes, we reserve the right to ship ±5%             exclusions apply. Please call for details). Requests must be made
              artwork for catalog quantities only. Does not include shipping to            and bill accordingly.                                                 via fax or email to: orders@chocolateinn.net and must include
              destination. We may ship earlier then the specified date in order                                                                                  a courier account number. Samples are non returnable.
                                                                                           Changes to Orders: Changes to orders already in
              to ensure timely arrival. Drops/Splits are available with a 10 day           production cannot be guaranteed and may result in delayed
              production time.                                                                                                                                   Spec Samples: EQP plus setups and where no setup is
                                                                                           shipment or additional charges. Amended purchase order will
                                                                                                                                                                 normally charged $50.00 (G) plus product cost and freight applies.
              Freight: F. O. B. New York 11520. All freight charges and                    be required. If the addition is less that one-half the catalog
                                                                                                                                                                 50% of setup charge is credited upon receipt of order. Not
              applicable taxes are extra.                                                  minimum, a less than minimum charge of $35.00 (G) may apply.
                                                                                                                                                                 available for: wrapped products, Foil Squares, Hot stamp plates,
              Shipments to other countries outside of North America will                   We are not responsible for incorrect pricing or information on
                                                                                                                                                                 Popcorn, Gum Packs, and Calling Cards.
              incur additional charges and duties.                                         websites other than our own.
              We use UPS and Fed Ex. P.O. Boxes are not deliverable                                                                                              Distributor Self-Promos: Billed at EQP less 10% plus
                                                                                           Cancellations/Returns: All claims must be submitted
              via these services. Freight charges will be invoiced unless                                                                                        setups.
                                                                                           in writing within 5 days of receipt of goods. No merchandise
              customers provide their account number at the time of order.                 will be accepted without factory return authorization number.         Co-op programs: For special pricing we require proof
              Shipping Weights: Shipping weights, as provided in each                      To cancel an order a $50.00 (G) cancellation fee will apply. If       of the targeted and specific end-user program in which our
              product description are approximate and will vary depending                  order is already in production, the fee, plus cost of labor and       products are featured. This can be an online store or printed
              upon the weight of the filling.                                              materials will be billed accordingly.                                 catalog. We offer complete fulfillment services including storing
                                                                                                                                                                 and shipping products as needed.
                                     Express Service: 3 day express                        Damages/Loss Claims: Goods should be inspected
                                     add 20% to product prices (excludes                   immediately upon arrival. Complaints must be made in writing          Trademarks
                                     setup charges), 5 day express add 10%.                within 5 days of delivery. No merchandise may be returned             All copy or other materials submitted by the customer for
              $25.00 (G) minimum express charge applies to both.                           without factory return authorization number. All claims for           use by us in producing the items ordered will be accepted
              Express Service Excludes: Foil Squares, Flexographic                         goods damaged in transit or for delayed delivery must be filed        as being submitted in full compliance with all applicable
              wrappers and any items in which the imprinted method utilized                by the distributor/recipient with the carrier on receipt.             laws regarding trademark, service mark, copyright, right to
              is Liquid Lens™. Call factory for above catalog quantities.                                                                                        privacy, patent or similar protection. Copy and trademarks
                                                                                           Substitution: Factory reserves right to substitute item of
              Production time will begin the day following receipt of order,                                                                                     illustrated in this catalog are used to demonstrate product
                                                                                           equal or greater value.
              camera ready electronic art and hard copy proof. Orders                                                                                            imprinting and are not actual purchases by the organization
              must be received prior to 1:00 p.m. Eastern time. No paper                                                                                         shown. Items shown do not constitute endorsement of our
              proofs available.                                                            Art Specifications                                                    product line by anyone.
                                                                                                                                                                 All products are subject to availability.
              Split Shipments: (multiple units to multiple locations) add                  Digital Art Specifications: Supply vector based art for
              $7.50 (G) per address. If more than 10 locations we require a file           best reproduction with fonts converted to outlines. All text must     PRICES IN U.S. DOLLARS.
              in format shown below.                                                       be converted to outlines and file must be saved as an EPS or
              Individual and Drop Shipments: Individual Shipments                          PDF. If vector art cannot be supplied, a high-resolution TIFF will
              require mailers $3.00 (G) per address when supplied in proper                be accepted. If art is not properly prepared, or if manipulation is
              format below. Proper addresses must be provided 2 weeks prior                needed, additional charges will apply. An art charge of $75.00
              to ship date, in an Excel file, with corresponding printed list of           (G) per hour for recreations, touch-ups and corrections to
              names and addresses. For lists in other formats, add $4.50 (G)               supplied art will be billed as required. Typesetting charge
              per address.                                                                 $25.00 (G).
                                                                                           4 Color Process Specifications: Files supplied for 4
Company           Contact        Addr 1        Addr 2       City     State    Zip    Qty   color process printing must be supplied in a CMYK format at
Marto Inc       Jane Smith   310 East 45 St    5th Flr    Lawrence    NY     11559         300 dpi at 100% size. For tins requiring a bleed, a minimum of
   Star         Purchasing   57 Muriel Ave                 Atlanta    GA     30339         1/8" is needed saved as a tiff or a hi res jpeg.
                                                                                           Delivery: We prefer artwork to be emailed. Our artwork delivery
Sklar Sales                   5 Park Circle   Suite 12m    Irving     TX     75038
                                                                                           address is orders@chocolateinn.net Please be sure to identify
              Either contact or company may be blank but not both.                         yourself and your artwork along with your purchase order
              Address 2 may be blank. If the quantity per address varies,                  number, the product or products on which the art is to be
              the "Quantity" field must be included. 10 days production time.              printed and contact information if we need to contact you. The
                                                                                           maximum file size we can receive via email is 10 MB. Multiple
              Chocolate Shipping: When the temperature reaches                             files and any vector files should be compressed. Use either SIT
              75 degrees F. we will ship your order in insulated containers                or ZIP archives. We also accept files submitted DVDs and CD-
              with ice packs. The product will remain cool for 2 full days.                ROM. FTP site is available. Please contact Customer Service
              Expedited shipping is required for locations beyond a 2 day                  for details. Acceptable programs: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop,
              ground ship zone. We will use either refrigerated trucking or                InDesign.
              insulated cartons. We will select the least expensive method.
              For insulated cartons, add $15.00 (G) per carton. When cost                  Art for Chocolate Molds: Supply solid black line art
              effective, a larger carton can be used add $25.00 (G) per.                   (black areas of art will be raised on chocolate). No color gray
                                                                                           scale or half-tone screens will be accepted. Smallest type size
              Export Shipments: Shipping cost plus $20.00 (G) per                          that can be clearly reproduced is 9 points San serif, and 10
              destination covers additional paperwork for shipments outside of             points Serif. If vector art cannot be supplied please supply
              North America. International shipments are shipped only via UPS              a solid black high resolution bit map tiff (at least 600 dpi at                                                                   79
Our family of partner brands....

                       W W W.C H O C O L AT E I N N .C O M

Copyright © 2014 The Chocolate Inn, Ltd. and Taylor & Grant. All rights reserved.
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