World market of liquid biofuels: trends, policy and challenges - E3S Web of Conferences

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E3S Web of Conferences 280, 05005 (2021)                                                     
ICSF 2021

         World market of liquid biofuels: trends, policy and challenges
         Yevhenii Hyrchenko1, Tetiana Skibina2, Yana Us3, and Regina Veckalne4
         1Sumy  State University, International Economic Relations Department, 2 Rymskogo-Korsakova Str., Sumy, 40000, Ukraine
         2Kherson Economy and Law Institute, Department of Finance and Credit, 130 Krimskay Str., Kherson, 73028, Ukraine
         3Sumy State University, Department of Marketing, 2 Rymskogo-Korsakova Str., Sumy, 40000, Ukraine
         4Riga Technical University, The Institute of Building Entrepreneurship and Real Estate Economics, 1 Kalku str., Riga, LV-1658, Latvia

                       Abstract. This paper aimed at studying the current state of development of liquid biofuels' world market.
                       The authors considered the theoretical bases of liquid biofuels production, their types, disadvantages and
                       advantages. The world experience of introducing stimulation mechanisms of development and their influence
                       on the sectors' growth is analyzed. In this study's frame, there is outlined the world leaders in the production
                       of liquid biofuels. The findings represent the peculiarities of state regulation in implementing mandates for
                       creating transport fuels with bioliquids. The current state of investment in the production of liquid biofuels
                       was investigated. The obtained results contribute to the prospects for promoting world production of liquid
                       biofuels to achieve the Paris Agreement's goals by 2030 under the sustainable development scenario.

       1 Introduction                                                            Besides, there is an assessment of the prospects for
                                                                              achieving the Paris Agreement's goals by 2030 under the
       At the present stage of human development, most                        SDS (sustainable development scenario).
       countries' main driver of economic growth is fossil energy
       resources. In turn, it negatively impacts the ecosystem.
       Therefore, the world community faces the problem to find               2 Theoretical bases of producing liquid
       energy resources, which will compromise the rate of                    biofuels from biomass
       economic growth and its impact on the environment. One
       of the promising areas aimed at reducing the                           The modern branch of bioenergy offers the production of
       anthropogenic impact is developing biomass potential for               fuel for internal combustion engines based on raw
       energy purposes. As the transport sector is one of the                 materials of plant origin (liquid biofuel) [1,2], animal
       largest emitters of greenhouse gases, greening the                     origin [2,3], organic waste (biogas) [3,4]. However, the
       industry is becoming increasingly crucial for the world.               use of liquid biofuels by the transport sector has become
       Given the current state of development of technologies                 the most popular among the various types of renewable
       related to the transport sector, the most promising                    energy sources due to the convenience of the production
       direction to increase transport decarbonization may be                 process and higher energy density [5]. It stands to mention
       liquid biofuels.                                                       that liquid biofuels are usually producing by fermenting
           For Ukraine, the problem of liquid biofuels                        sugars (corn grains, sugar cane, etc.). That results in
       development has a special place because, despite the                   ethanol or by processing oilseeds such as rapeseed,
       significant development of the agro-industrial sector, the             soybean or palm oil into biodiesel.
       market of liquid biofuels is in its infancy. Therefore, for                Replacing biofuel, a traditional petroleum-based
       implementing effective mechanisms to stimulate the                     transport fuel, has several advantages. First, the
       growth of liquid biofuel production in the country, it is              production of biofuels helps to increase the country's
       necessary to study current trends in the global biofuel                energy security, reducing oil imports. Second, the use of
       market and analyze the experience of public policy                     bioliquids for transport helps reduce greenhouse gas
       created in countries that occupy leading positions in the              (GHG) emissions [6]. Third, the production and use of
       market.                                                                liquid motor biofuels contribute to agricultural
           The article aims to study the main aspects of the world            development, job creation and the filling of local budgets.
       biofuel market development, determine the world leaders                    Note, the economic feasibility of liquid biofuel
       in biofuel production, and analyze the experience in                   production directly depends on the choice of raw
       creating a state biofuel policy. The paper provides an                 materials. When choosing a raw material base, it is
       investigation on the development trend of world                        necessary to consider the following [7]:
       production of liquid biofuels.                                             1. Crop capacity. This indicator is significant because
                                                                              the land resources used to grow energy crops are limited.
                                                                              For example, the yield of ethanol per acre is 462 gallons

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E3S Web of Conferences 280, 05005 (2021)                                                                
ICSF 2021

       per acre of 165 bushels of corn. Approximately 35 tons of                          low compared to fossil fuels generally. The main
       crop or about 560 gallons of ethanol can be obtained from                          difference characterizing the first generation of biofuels
       a sugar cane hectare [8]. Therefore, it is advisable to use                        lies in the fact that it is producing from sugar and starch-
       land resources efficiently and prefer raw materials with                           rich plants, oilseeds and animal fats. Alternatively, the
       the highest yields.                                                                raw material could be used for food purposes [9].
            2. The need for nutrients. Growing raw materials for                              2. Biofuel of the 2nd generation. This category
       the production of liquid biofuels should not require large                         includes biofuels made from non-edible raw materials and
       amounts of fertilizers. In addition to nutrients, there is a                       lignocellulosic biomass. Biofuel of the 2nd generation is
       need for water resources. Indeed, nowadays, water is a                             considered to be advanced technology in the modern
       valuable and scarce resource, so growing plants must                               world. The development of second-generation biofuels
       require a moderate amount of water.                                                could address using land for growing bioenergy crops [9].
            3. Growing conditions. Finding useful raw materials is                            3. Biofuel of the 3rd generation. This category
       closely related to the country's climatic conditions. Thus,                        includes biofuels produced from algae. The main
       it is advisable to grow energy crops that are best adapted                         advantage of this technology is the lack of need to attract
       to a particular country's climatic conditions.                                     agricultural land and use raw materials that could be used
            It worth noting that nowadays, there are three                                for food purposes. However, this technology is quite
       generations of liquid biofuels as follows:                                         expensive. Therefore, it would not be able to compete
            1. Biofuel of the 1st generation. This category includes                      commercially with other technologies for biofuels soon
       fuels such as bioethanol, biodiesel, etc. First-generation                         [10].
       biofuel production technologies are not new in the modern                              It stands to mention that the use of liquid biofuels has
       world. Approximately 2% of the world's arable land is                              both advantages and disadvantages. Table 1 systematized
       used to produce such biofuels. However, the commercial                             the main of them.
       competitiveness of the 1st generation biofuels remains
                                Table 1. The main advantages and disadvantages of using liquid motor biofuels (based on [10,11,12]).

                                                 Advantages                                                       Disadvantages
                        The use of bioethanol reduces the emissions of carbon
                                                                                          The consumption of bioethanol in the engine power supply is

                        monoxide released by the vehicle's exhaust gases. Besides,
                                                                                          by 51% higher than gasoline consumption. For using bioethanol
                        bioethanol impurities to gasoline allow obtaining a fuel
                                                                                          in higher concentrations, modifications have to be made to the
                        mixture with an increased octane number, which reduces fuel
                                                                                          internal combustion engine.
                        Compared to ethanol, butanol can be mixed in higher

                        proportions with gasoline. Besides, biobutanol has the property
                                                                                          The process of biobutanol production is quite complicated and
                        of less solubility in water, less volatility and more excellent
                                                                                          lengthy. Moreover, the production of biobutanol is low
                        safety. Thus, it allows for transporting fuel through existing
                                                                                          profitable and requires significant investment.
                        piping systems. The use of biobutanol in its pure form does not
                        require additional modifications to the engine.
                                                                                          The consumption of biomethanol in the engine power supply is

                        Biomethanol production has significant economic advantages
                                                                                          greater than the consumption of gasoline. Besides, the use of
                        over the production of other liquid biofuels. In comparison
                                                                                          biomethanol by the vehicle contributes to corrosion processes
                        with gasoline use, powering of the engine with fuel from a
                                                                                          in the fuel system. Biomethanol requires special attention from
                        gasoline mix with impurity of methanol reduces emissions of
                                                                                          the car owner because it is toxic. Moreover, it poses a potential
                        harmful substances in the atmosphere.
                                                                                          danger to the human body.
                        The use of biodiesel fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) allows
                        significantly reduce emissions of harmful compounds and           The use of biodiesel to power the engine in winter requires

                        particulate matter during engine operation compared to            additional compounds because the fuel begins to thicken at low
                        traditional diesel. At the same time, biodiesel has good          temperatures. Biodiesel is more aggressive against polymer and
                        lubricating properties, which allows increasing the engine's      rubber engine parts than gasoline.
                        service life.
                        The use of HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil) biodiesel reduces
                                                                                          The price of fuel is relatively high. Therefore, it is impossible

                        NOx, PM and CO2 emissions compared to traditional diesel

                                                                                          to compete with traditional diesel fuel. Limited feedstock when
                        fuel. Compared to biodiesel, FAME has a longer shelf life and
                                                                                          using only vegetable oil.
                        higher energy content.
                                                                                       Compared to diesel fuel, it has less heat of combustion and


                        Proportional performance and efficiency with diesel fuel while

                                                                                       kinematic viscosity. Besides, DME is a strong solvent, so it
                        having a high cetane number and low particulate emissions.
                                                                                       destroys rubber products

                                                                                          declare strategic goals for the development of the biofuel
       3 The world trends in the liquid biofuels                                              However, despite increased energy efficiency, an
       sector development                                                                 increase in the number of electric vehicles, and a steady
                                                                                          increase in biofuel consumption persists transport as the
       Nowadays, the liquid biofuel sector is showing high                                industry with the lowest share of renewable energy
       growth rates. Currently, a large number of countries                               sources [1, 13]. Thus, liquid biofuels provide only about

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ICSF 2021

       3%) of the world's fuel needs in the transport sector (Fig.                     Besides, biodiesel production, which is confidently
       1).                                                                             increasing its share in the global fuel and energy sector
                                                                                       structure, is gaining popularity. In turn, the Asia-Pacific
                                                                                       countries show a significant contribution to the worldwide
                                                                                       growth of liquid biofuels. These countries consider the
                                                                                       industry as an effective mechanism for disposing of
                                                                                       agricultural residues and increasing energy sovereignty.

                                                                                       4 Energy policies to promote sector of
       Fig. 1. The share of renewable energy in the total final energy                 liquid biofuels development
       consumption of the transport sector (based on [15]).
                                                                                       Figure 3 demonstrates that implementing an effective
           Nowadays, the production and use of biofuels such as                        strategy for developing the industry at the national level
       biodiesel and bioethanol are the most widespread in of                          results in the liquid biofuel sector's positive effect.
       liquid biofuels market. Besides, approximately 65% of                           However, there is still a lack of a comprehensive strategy
       total world production is ethanol, and almost 35% –                             for decarbonizing transport in many countries. Besides,
       biodiesel [14].                                                                 policies to promote renewable energy in the transport
           Nowadays, the United States, Brazil, the EU and Asia-                       sector continue to focus mainly on road transport, which
       Pacific are the world leaders in liquid biofuels production                     accounts for the vast majority of energy use in the
       (Fig. 2). However, the undisputed leaders who provide                           transport sector, while ignoring aviation and shipping.
       more than half of liquid biofuels' world production are the
       United States and Brazil.                                                                    200

                                                                                         (number of countries)

             700                                                                                    150                                             128   135
                        601                                                                                                       112   114
             600                                                                                                      100   102
                                                                                                    100                                             70    70    70
             500                                                                                                            63    64    66    68
                       417                                                                                             56

             400                       357                                                                       50    20   16    21    21    21    24    20    23
             300                     263                 240       218
             200                                     149                                                              2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
                               96            87                  76
             100                                    57                     52 58                                                          (years)
                             29            24     31           31 34     23 24
                                                                                                                           Hearting and cooking regulating policies
                   0                                                                                                       transport regulating policies
                         US            Brazil        EU  Asia Pacific Rest world                                           Power regulating policies
                                             (countries)                               Fig. 3. Number of countries implementing Renewable Energy
               Ethanol 2009         Ethanol 2019 Biodiesel 2009 Biodiesel 2019         Policies (2012–2019) (based on [15]).
       Fig. 2. Biofuels production (thousand barrels of oil equivalent
       per day) (based on [14]).                                                           Policies for support biofuels' production and using
                                                                                       include blending mandates, financial incentives, public
           The United States and Brazil provided more than 80%                         procurement, and infrastructure support for refuelling and
       of world bioethanol production in 2019. It worth noting                         blending. Herewith, mandates for blending biofuels are
       that these countries had been holding their leading                             the most widely accepted type of policy to increase
       positions in the bioethanol market for more than ten years.                     renewable fuels in the transport sector, common in all
       In turn, biodiesel production technology has gained the                         regions and countries
       most popularity in the EU. Herewith, the EU had been in                             Table 2 demonstrates that the number of countries
       the lead for over ten years. It stands to mention that the                      with the authority to mix biofuels has recently remained
       rapid growth in biodiesel production occurred in Asia-                          stable (70 countries in 2019). However, mandates for
       Pacific, where production increased by six times over the                       blending are not always fulfilled.
       past decade [14].                                                                   The trend of stimulating the development of liquid
           The world market for liquid biofuels has an annual                          biofuels' production and using the mandate to create fuel
       growth rate of 3% (54 thousand barrels of oil equivalent                        mixtures has recently gained popularity in many countries
       per day), while in the last decade, the growth rate was two                     due to the increase in the mandate to create fuel mixtures.
       times higher [14].                                                              However, the most significant changes took place in
           In general, biodiesel production is experiencing higher                     Indonesia (from B20 in 2018 to B30 in 2019), Brazil
       industry growth than ethanol (13% vs 2% relatively).                            (where the blending standard increased from B10 to B11
       Thus, Indonesia demonstrated a rapid increase in                                in 2019; besides, the country approved the sale and use of
       biodiesel production (7%) [14].                                                 B15) and France (where agreed with an increase in the
           It could be assumed that the global liquid biofuels                         mandate for mixing bioliquids from 7.9 to 8.2 in 2020)
       sector has been growing for more than a decade.                                 [15].
       However, the growth rate has slowed significantly.

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ICSF 2021

          According to Ren 21, the global biofuel market                   Table 3. The policy of the state stimulating the development of
       demonstrates the growing popularity of advanced                     liquid biofuel production and its efficiency (based on [17,18]).
       biofuels. In 2019, the EU and eight other countries had
       mandates to mix advanced biofuels, while 24 countries               unt-               Public policy                      Efficiency
       were preparing to introduce such mechanisms [15].                    ry
                                                                                      The loan guarantee program is      The United States provi-
       Table 2. Biofuels Global Production in 2019 (Top-10 countries
                                                                                      designed to support new inno-      des 50% of world produc-
                      and EU-28) (based on [15,16]).
                                                                                      vative bioenergy facilities. Se-   tion of ethanol and 14% of
                            Biodiesel         Blend Mandate                           veral programs have been cre-      biodiesel. Over the last de-

                    Ethanol                                                           ated at the federal level that     cade, many experimental,
        Country              (Fame)                     Advanced
                                      Ethanol Biodiesel                               encourage increased produc-        demonstration, and com-
                      Billion litres                       biofuel
                                                                                      tion, biofuels, and the deve-      mercial projects of 2nd ge-
        USA          59,7        4,0  E2-E20 B2-B10            -
                                                                                      lopment of biomass supply lo-      neration biofuels have
        Brazil       35,3        5,9    E27        B11         -                      gistics.                           emerged.
        Indonesia      0         7,9     E3        B30         -                      Tax benefits for producers and
        China         4,0        0,6    E10          -         -                                                         Brazil provides 26% of the
                                                                                      users of liquid biofuels.
                                                            0.05%                                                        world production of etha-
                                                                                      The quota for duty-free im-
                                                        from 2020                                                        nol and 12% of biodiesel.
                                                                                      ports of ethanol is 600 million
                                                          (for fuel                                                      Two commercial and one
                                                                                      litres per year.
                                                                                                                         demonstration plant for

        Germany       0,8        3,8      -          -   suppliers                    Providing subsidies for produ-
                                                         supplying                                                       cellulose ethanol producti-
                                                                                      cers of raw materials used in
                                                        at least 20                                                      on has been established.
                                                                                      the process of biofuel produc-
                                                            PJ/a).                                                       The possibility of joint
                                                           2.3% of                                                       processing of crude oil
                                                                                      Financial incentives for the
                                                         diesel and                                                      and vegetable oils is acti-
                                                                                      development of 2nd generati-
                                                           3.4% of                                                       vely studied.
                                       7.9% biofuels in                               on biofuel production.
        France        0,9        2,8                    petrol from                                                      In 2019, China produced
                                           motor fuel                                 Producers of ethanol from
                                                         advanced                                                        4 bln litres of ethanol and
                                                        biofuels by                   non-food crops have the op-
                                                                                                                         ranked third in the world
                                                             2023                     portunity to receive tax bene-
                                                                                                                         in terms of ethanol pro-
        Argentina     1,1        2,5    E12        B10         -                      fits in the form of exemption
                                                                                                                         duction and consumption.
                                                        25 million                    from excise duty and VAT.
                                                                                                                         The ethanol producers'

                                                          litres per                  Discounts on VAT for expor-
        Thailand      1,6        1,7     E5         B7                                                                   support scheme often de-
                                                           day by                     ters of ethanol and biodiesel.
                                                                                                                         pends on the country's
                                                             2022                     The government provides a
                                                                                                                         grain stocks.
                                                        0.1% from                     subsidy of $ 0.07 per litre for
        Spain         0,5         2         Overall 6                                                                    The use and production of
                                                             2020                     cellulosic ethanol producers.
                                                                                                                         biodiesel in the country is
                                                          0.2% by                     China focuses on ethanol pro-
                                                                                                                         0.2% of diesel fuel volu-
                                                         2022, 1%                     duction.
        EU-28         4,7       12,4      -          -    by 2025;                                                       In average, since 2007, et-
                                                          3.5% by                     Various types of funding
                                                                                                                         hanol's total production
                                                             2030                     programs focus primarily on
                                                                                                                         and use have grown annu-
                                                                                      stimulating the production of
                                                                                                                         ally by 10-12%, while an-
                                                                                      advanced biofuels and, to a
                                                                                                                         nual biodiesel production

           Table 2 shows the leaders of world production of                           lesser extent, conventional
       liquid biofuels. The assessment of the structure of national                                                      remains relatively unchan-
                                                                                      biofuels. For example, “ener-
       policies of mandates for mixing reflects the industry trend                                                       ged.
                                                                                      gy transition in the transport
                                                                                                                         Several demonstration re-
       and the prospect of further changes in the construction of                     sector” no longer any unique
                                                                                                                         search projects aimed at
       fuel consumption by the transport sector. However, liquid                      counting of biofuels mecha-
                                                                                                                         the production of advan-
       biofuel producers' success is due to the introduction and                      nism included in the national
                                                                                                                         ced biofuels have been
       other individual mechanisms to stimulate the production                        legislation.
       and consumption of liquid biofuels, consider the most                                                             The current share of biofu-
       significant of them, for individual leaders in the global                                                         els in India's transport se-
                                                                                      The import of biofuels is ban-
       biofuel market (Table 3).                                                                                         ctor is approximately
                                                                                      ned. However, it is allowed
           The total amount of investment in liquid biofuels                                                             1.2%.
                                                                                      for importing raw materials
       production decreased in the last decade, while RE's                                                               The percentage of mixing
                                                                                      for biofuel production.
       investment income almost doubled (Fig. 4). This fact                                                              ethanol with gasoline is
                                                                                      State support aimed at stimu-
                                                                                                                         2%, biodiesel – 0.1%.

       explains the slowdown in sectoral growth in biofuel                            lating the production of 2nd
                                                                                                                         The effectiveness of state
       production and the shallow renewable energy level used                         generation biofuels.
                                                                                                                         policy on the development
       in the global transport sector.                                                Biofuel policy provides per-
                                                                                                                         of liquid biofuels is low.
           Despite the low level of investment support in the                         mission for foreign direct in-
                                                                                                                         The main limiting factor
                                                                                      vestment in the biofuel facili-
       industry, there is still a significant increase in investment                                                     in developing the liquid
                                                                                      ty's equity in the amount of
       activity for some types of biofuels. Recently, increasing                                                         biofuels market is the lack
       investor attention has focused on advanced biofuels                                                               of the required volume of
       technology, including HVO.                                                                                        raw materials.

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ICSF 2021

                                                                                           in fuel demand, the rate of increase in biofuel production
                 19                                                 301.7                  does not change significantly. However, if countries
                                                                                           change their market regulation policies to increase
                 17                                                      331.4
                          3.3                                                              mandatory mandates for blending fuels, the share of liquid
                 14                                              288.1                     biofuels in the country's fuel and energy sector could

                          5.5                                                              grow[20].
                 12                                         253.7
                          7.7                                                                                           25

                                                                                           (annual production growth)
                 11       10.5                                                                                                                                             19
                 9                              167.8                                                                                                                   15.3
                                                                                                                        15                                                      13.3
                      0            100           200            300              400                                                                          11.8
                                          (the amount of funds)                                                                              9
                          Total investment by RE          Liquid biofuel                                                           7
       Fig. 4. New Investments by Technology, bln USD, (2009-                                                            5
       2019) (based on [11]).                                                                                                1.9                    1.7
          The growth of investment attention to the HVO is                                                                   USA        EU          Brazil    India     China ASEAN
       primarily due to a significant increase in demand for                                                                                          (contries)
       biofuels from heavy goods vehicles and aviation.
                                                                                                                                   Forecast (2019-25)                SDS (2019-30)
       According to REN 21, if the planned HVO projects are
                                                                                           Figure 5. Prospect for key biofuel markets (% of growth)
       successfully implemented, the industry's global                                     (based on [18])
       production capacity will triple to 22 bln litres annually.
          It is worth noting that despite the prevalence of                                    In turn, Brazil is already one of the leading producers
       investor attention to HVO technology, this industry                                 of biofuels. The country is also increasing its mandate for
       provides only 6% of biofuels, while biodiesel FAME                                  blending fuel mixtures and is actively increasing
       35%.                                                                                production capacity for ethanol production. However,
                                                                                           according to IEA forecasts, the government would not
       5 Paris Agreement and perspectives                                                  achieve a pace of sectoral growth to meet the SDS goals
                                                                                               Given the current state of biofuel production in India,
       The modern world market of liquid biofuels characterized                            the country would not achieve the SDS goals. However,
       by the dominant role of production and consumption of                               recently the production of biofuels in the country is
       1st generation biofuels; however, the need to produce new                           actively growing. The government also introduced a new
       generation liquid biofuels are multiplying.                                         regulatory policy in 2018. This policy expanded the
           According to the International Energy Agency (IEA)                              authorization to use different types of raw materials that
       forecasts, liquid biofuel production's growth rate would                            could be used for ethanol production. Moreover, it
       be 3% in the next five years. Simultaneously, to achieve                            provided subsidies aimed at expanding production
       the Paris Agreement's goals, the minimum amount of                                  capacity for ethanol production. However, it stands to
       sectoral growth should be 10% by 2030. To comply with                               mention that the country focuses only on ethanol
       the SDS (sustainable development scenario aimed at                                  production[20].
       achieving the goals set out in the Paris Agreement), world                              In turn, China and the ASEAN countries could reach
       production and consumption of liquid biofuels should                                the SDS level while maintaining the current growth rate.
       increase by three times by 2030 (to 298 Mtoe). However,                             China is actively increasing new production capacity for
       given the current pace of biofuel production, most                                  ethanol production and plans to introduce the E10
       countries would not reach the required level provided for                           standard in 10-15 provinces.
       in the SDS (Fig. 5). It is also necessary to increase the                               It worth emphasizing that the main barrier that slows
       pace of development of advanced biofuel consumption                                 down the global transport sector's greening is the lack of
       and the adoption of biofuels in aviation and marine                                 strong political support and insufficient development of
       transport to achieve these goals. Only sustainable biofuels                         technological innovations that would help reduce the cost
       have a place in the SDS [20].                                                       of production of advanced biofuel [20].
           The main limiting factor that slows down the global                                 Recently, researchers have paid more attention to the
       transport sector's greening is the lack of strong political                         introduction of Euro 7 (for cars) and VII (for heavy). The
       support and insufficient development of technological                               new Euro 7 emission standard is to enter into force in the
       innovations that would help reduce the cost of production                           EU in 2025. The planned Euro-7 standard provides for
       of advanced biofuel.                                                                clear emission standards for vehicles from 2025. Thus,
           Biofuel production in the US and EU countries lags far                          new vehicles will emit only 30 mg of NOx (nitrous oxide)
       behind SDS rates. The increase in demand for biofuels in                            per kilometre, and in the second scenario - only 10 mg per
       these countries is due to fuel mixtures containing                                  kilometre. The current limit is 60 mg for gasoline and 80
       bioliquids. Therefore, given the tendency to increase the                           mg for diesel cars. Besides, CO2 limits should be sharply
       efficiency of vehicles, and as a consequence, the decrease                          reduced to 300 or 100 mg, depending on the car category

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