WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA 2019 International Holstein Show Grand Champion

Page created by Corey Rice
WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA 2019 International Holstein Show Grand Champion

         Butz-Butler Gold Barbara-ET
  2019 International Holstein Show Grand Champion

   Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA
           September 28 - October 2
WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA 2019 International Holstein Show Grand Champion
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WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA 2019 International Holstein Show Grand Champion
International Holstein Show
                                           SP)ULGD\2FWREHU +HLIHUV
                                           DP6DWXUGD\2FWREHU &RZVDQG*URXSV

                                               World Dairy Expo
                                               Board of Directors
            Dairy Cattle
             Exhibitor                         President
            Committee                          **Bill Hageman, At-Large Representative
                   Chair                       **Tom Morris, WDE Dairy Cattle Exhibitor Committee Chair
         Tom Morris, Amery, WI                 Secretary/Treasurer
                Vice-Chair                     **Bob Hagenow, At-Large Representative
     Bryan Voegeli, Monticello, WI
                                               Bill Barlass, Director Emeritus
Overall Dairy Cattle Show Superintendent
        Dave Bollig, Belleville, WI            Dan Belk, Foremost Farms USA
            Ethics Coordinator                 Scott Bentley, World Dairy Expo General Manager
   David Jeans, DVM, Evansville, WI            **Dave Bollig, Overall Dairy Cattle Show Superintendent
                                               Dan Brattlie, Nasco
      Katie Agnew, Oconomowoc, WI              Jim Crowley, Jr., Director Emeritus
      Dale Bendig, Gettysburg, PA              Scott Culbertson, Purebred Breeders of World Dairy Expo                 2021
   Justin Burdette, Mercersburg, PA            Jason Danhof, Purebred Breeders of World Dairy Expo
                                               Alan Deming, Director Emeritus
     Evan Creek, Hagerstown, MD                                                                                    2I¿FLDO-XGJH
                                               Glen Easter, Dairy Farmers of America
        John Dalton, Hartland, WI              Troy Esser, BouMatic LLC
        Dean Dohle, Halfway, MO                Corey Geiger, Holstein Association USA, Inc.                     3RZHOO%XWWH2UHJRQ
       Tom Foss, Cambridge, MN                 Calvin Graber, Associated Milk Producers, Inc.
    Corey Geiger, Mukwonago, WI                Tim Griswold, Dane County Holstein Breeders                       $VVRFLDWH-XGJH
                                               Keith Heikes, URUS                                                  7RP'H*URRW
    Bruce Gingerich, Millerburg, IN
                                               Dean Hermsdorf, ABS Global, Inc.                              5RVHGDOH%ULWLVK&ROXPELD
      Gene Hall, Jr., Cushing, OK              Josh Hushon, At-Large Representative
       Lynn Harbaugh, Marion, WI                                                                                      &DQDGD
                                               **Kevin Jorgensen, Select Sires, Inc.
  Matt Hawbaker, Clear Spring, MD              Ernie Kueffner, At-Large Representative
         Matt Henkes, Luana, IA                Ray Kuehl, Director Emeritus                                        Superintendent
    Ysabel Jacobs, Cap-Sante', QC              Dave Kyle, Foremost Farms USA                                      -HQQLIHU.HXQLQJ
                                               **Joan Lau, At-Large Representative                             *UHHQ%D\:LVFRQVLQ
      Deb Lakey, Trempealeau, WI
                                               Jeff Lyon, At-Large Representative
     Steve Maddox, Riverdale, CA               Jennifer Meyer, Purebred Breeders of World Dairy Expo                :RUOG&ODVVLF
 Sheila McGuirk, DVM, Dodgeville, WI           Randy Romanski, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture,
                                                                                                                      2021 Sale
     Donna Mertz, DVM, Blair, NE                                   Trade & Consumer Protection
                                               Chad Ryan, Purebred Breeders of World Dairy Expo
       Roger Owens, Frederic, WI
                                               **Jeannette Sheehan, Purebred Breeders of World Dairy Expo               7 p.m.
     Terri Packard, Boonsboro, MD
                                               Jim Sipiorski, CentralStar Cooperative, Inc.                           &ROLVHXP
       Christy Ratliff, Garnett, KS
                                               Kate VandenBosch, UW-Madison CALS
     Chad Ryan, Fond du Lac, WI                Clark Vilter, Wisconsin Guernsey Breeders Association
     Kevin Stoltzfus, East Earl, PA            **Bryan Voegeli, Purebred Breeders of World Dairy Expo
 Rick "RT" Thompson, Darlington, WI            Ryan Weigel, Wisconsin Holstein Association
     Roger Turner, Watertown, WI               **Doug Williams, WDE Commercial Exhibitor Committee Chair
 Bonnie Van Dyk, New Richmond, WI              Emily Yeiser Stepp, National Milk Producers Federation
 Andrew Vander Meulen, Brighton, ON            **Denotes Member of Executive Committee
         Clark Vilter, Hartland, WI
WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA 2019 International Holstein Show Grand Champion
A special "Thank You" to all Dairy Cattle Show
                                                                                  sponsors including:

                       2021                                                              Supreme Champion
                                                                      The Gregory Blaska Memorial Trophy: World Dairy Expo, Inc.
                                                                              Supreme Champion Cash Award: BouMatic
                                                                             Supreme Champion Royal Blanket: Agpro, Inc.
                                                                     Supreme Champion Director's Chair: International Protein Sires
                                                                     Reserve Supreme Champion Cash Award: Trans Ova Genetics

                                                                Reserve Supreme Champion Royal Blanket: E-Zee Milking Equipment, LLC

                                                                  Reserve Supreme Champion Director's Chair: TLAY Dairy Video Sales
                                                                       $1,000 Grand Champion Cash Awards: Udder Comfort Inc.
                                                                                Supreme Champion of the Heifer Show
                                                                     The W. Terry Howard Memorial Trophy: World Dairy Expo, Inc.
    Please see the World Dairy Expo Premium Book                          Supreme Champion of the Heifer Show Cash Award:
    for additional Dairy Cattle Show award sponsors.                                  Trans Ova Genetics
                                                                         Supreme Champion of the Heifer Show Royal Banner:
                                                                                      Trans Ova Genetics
                                                                      Reserve Supreme Champion of the Heifer Show Cash Award:
                                                                                       Golden Calf Company
                                                                     Reserve Supreme Champion of the Heifer Show Royal Banner:
                                                                                      Golden Calf Company
                                                                           Junior Champion Sashes: TLAY Dairy Video Sales
                 World Dairy Expo, Inc.                               $500 Junior Champion Cash Awards: Cargill Animal Nutrition
                       3310 Latham Drive
                 Madison, Wisconsin 53713 USA                                         Neck Ribbons & Medallions:
                      Phone: 608-224-6455                                              Jetstream Genetics, Inc.
   •                          Morning Coffee Cart: ABS Global and St. Jacobs ABC •
                                                                           Dairy Cattle Exhibitor Appreciation Picnic: Culver's •
        VQDSFKDWZRUOGGDLU\H[SR‡VSRWLI\VSRWL¿;[)WG[               Herdsmanship Jackets & Awards: Select Sires, Inc.
        \RXWXEHFRPZRUOGGDLU\H[SR‡([SR)0)0                      Milking Parlor Equipment & Supplies: BouMatic

                             Staff                                   ([KLELWRU:HOFRPH%DJV 0LON%XFNHWV1DVFR)DUP 5DQFK
                Scott Bentley, General Manager                                   Cattle Check-In Apparel: Bio-Vet, Inc.
       Ann Marie Magnochi, Dairy Cattle Show Manager
                                                                               Sharps Containers: Elanco Animal Health
         Laurie Breuch, Dairy Cattle Show Coordinator
      Crystal Ripp, Trade Show & Sponsorship Manager                             840 Tag Sponsor: Datamars Livestock
           Mikayla DeBoer, Trade Show Coordinator
                                                                         ExpoTV Broadcast: Diamond V, Golden Calf Company,
           Katie Schmitt, Communications Manager                               Madero Dairy Systems, and STgenetics
               Kelsey Erf, Communications Intern
      Dawn Dommisse, Administrative Services Manager                               Barn Disinfectant: AgroChem, Inc.
     Cassi Miller, International & Youth Programs Specialist
                 Michele Elliott, Staff Accountant
        Annette Ziegler, Purple Cow Gift Shop Manager
            Laura Herschleb, Education Contractor
WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA 2019 International Holstein Show Grand Champion
A special "Thank You" to all Junior Dairy Cattle Show
                 sponsors including:                                           Expo Your Way
 Junior Show Gold Sponsor: MilkSource Genetics, Trans Ova Genetics            World Dairy Expo’s mobile event app
                       and Tom Morris Ltd.                                 helps you customize your Expo experience!
    Supreme Champion of the Junior Show Cash Award: BouMatic
                                                                           Custom Schedule
        Supreme Champion of the Junior Show Trailer Award:
                  Frenchville Trailer Sales, LLC                           View additional details and favorite events to create your custom
Supreme Champion of the Junior Show Royal Blanket: Select Sires, Inc.
                                                                           Cattle & Exhibitor Search
       Supreme Champion of the Junior Show Director's Chair:               Search for your favorite animals or
                   International Protein Sires
     Reserve Supreme Champion of the Junior Show Cash Award:               Pavilions or Cattle Tent.
                       Udder Comfort Inc.
                                                                           Dairy Cattle Show Results
           Reserve Supreme Champion of the Junior Show                     Keep updated on the Dairy Cattle Show
               Royal Blanket: Ameriprint Apparel, LLC
                                                                           with real-time results on class winners
   Reserve Supreme Champion of the Junior Show Director's Chair:           and champions.
                    TLAY Dairy Video Sales
      Grand Champion of the Junior Show Sashes: New Holland                Railbird Judging Contest
                                                                           Submit your top four backtag numbers
$500 Grand Champion of Junior Show Cash Awards: Udder Comfort Inc.
                                                                           in each Railbird class to see how your
            Supreme Champion Heifer of the Junior Show                     SODFLQJVPDWFKXSDJDLQVWWKHRI¿FLDO
       Michael Hellenbrand Memorial Trophy: Linda Hellenbrand              judge!
      Supreme Champion Heifer of the Junior Show Cash Award:
                     Golden Calf Company                                   Trade Show Search & Maps
     Supreme Champion Heifer of the Junior Show Royal Banner:              Locate companies and products found in the Trade Show using the
                    Scott & Nikki Culbertson                               searchable list feature or with interactive maps.
  Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer of the Junior Show Cash Award:
                     Golden Calf Company                                         Download the WDE mobile
 Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer of the Junior Show Royal Banner:               event app today from Google
                     Ebert Enterprises LLC                                        Play or the App Store by
   Junior Champion of the Junior Show Sashes: Duane T. Cole, DDS                searching “World Dairy Expo”
                                                                                 or scanning this QR code.
         $250 Junior Champion of Junior Show Cash Awards:
                       Cargill Animal Nutrition
              Junior Show Neck Ribbons & Medallions:
                       Accelerated Genetics

Junior Show General Sponsor: Green County Holstein Breeders, Kaeser
          Compressors, Inc., Revolution, and Tuffy Tilt Tables

                                                Showring Sponsors
WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA 2019 International Holstein Show Grand Champion
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WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2021 - Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI, USA 2019 International Holstein Show Grand Champion
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Page 1

Class 705 Spring Heifer Calf
          Born 03/01/2021 - 05/31/2021
          Premiums: $100, 95, 90, 85, 80, 75, 70, 65, 60, 55, 50, 40, 40, 40, 35, 35, 35, 30, 30, 30, 30, 25, 25, 20
          1st Place Award presented by Green County Holstein Breeders, WI
          Bred & Owned Award presented by International Protein Sires, Rock Springs, WI

  3000 Petitclerc Alligator Bulle                   04/19/2021 B&O S-Stanton Alligator                        Ferme Petitclerc Et Fils
                                                                   D-Petitclerc Goldwyn Anouk-ET              St-Basile QC

  3001 Nk-Stef A Sassy One                          03/24/2021 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET                  Niki & Kelsi Steffenhagen
                                                                   D-Nk-Stef Dback Abit Sassy                 Kenosha WI

  3002 Vandoskes Denver Carmen-ET                   03/14/2021 B&O S-Brenland Denver                          Brianne, Brooklyn and Reid Vandoske
                                                                   D-Vandoskesdback Carley-ET                 Cleveland WI

  3003 Banowetz Tattoo Fireball-ET                  03/10/2021 B&O S-Duckett Crush Tatoo-ET                   Banowetz Genetics
                                                                   D-Banowetz Awesome Foxy Lady               Charlotte IA

  3004 Cashells Defiant Franklin                    03/08/2021 B&O S-Scientific B Defiant-ET                  Benjamin & Elizabeth Cashell
                                                                   D-Cashells Goldchip Force-ET               Towanda PA

  3005 Jollyland War Gumdrop-Red                    03/08/2021 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET                Breya L. Pollack and Coltin J. Coffeen
                                                                   D-Jollyland Lady Gaga                      Depere WI

  3006 Golden War Lord                              03/06/2021 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET                Rachel Coyne and Sierra Swanson
                                                                   D-Liddleholme Diamnd Lust-ET               Spring Valley WI

  3007 Irish-Land Latrust Polly                     03/06/2021          S-Comestar Lautrust-ET                Intrigue, Hovden, Gibbs and Pundsack
                                                                        D-Irish-Land Gold Port                Cosmos MN

  3008 Cowenhurst Admiral Dutchess                  03/05/2021 B&O S-Luck-E Undenied Admiral                  Cowenhurst
                                                                   D-Ms Solomon Desi-ET                       Bainbridge NY

  3009 Reyncrest Dlambda Lit Up                     03/05/2021 B&O S-Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET                  Reyncrest Farm
                                                                   D-Reyncrest Lo and Behold                  Corfu NY

  3010 Windy Knoll View Pesky                       03/05/2021 B&O S-Windy Knoll View P209                    Conroy, Boulet and Clark
                                                                   D-Windy Knoll View Polden                  Angola IN

  3011 EZ-Witt Sidekick Annie-ET                    03/04/2021 B&O S-Walnutlawn Sidekick                      Taylor Wittmus and Eric Zwiefelhofer
                                                                   D-Prestige-Gen Gc Anthem                   Valders WI

  3012 MM-T Pockets Ava Libbey-ET                   03/04/2021 B&O S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWMichael Maloney
                                                                   D-MM-T Pockets Larissa-ET       New Bavaria OH

  3013 MM-T Pockets Unix Betty-ET                   03/04/2021 B&O S-Croteau Lesperron Unix-ET                Michael Maloney
                                                                   D-Ms Mvg Doorman Bella-ET                  Belmont WI

  3014 Silver-Elite Aristocrat Mia                  03/04/2021 B&O S-Luck-E Aristocrat-Red                    Lauren Anne Silveira
                                                                   D-Jo-Costa Dback 71336                     Chowchilla CA

  3015 Velthuis Doorman Ophelia                     03/04/2021 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET                    Velthuis Farms Ltd
                                                                   D-Duckett Sidekick Ollie-ET                Osgoode ON

  3016 Winright Doorman Emerald                     03/04/2021 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET                    Enright, Hamming Holsteins Ltd & Lucky Hill Dairy
                                                                        D-Winright Gold Chip-EXPlosion        Winchester ON

International Holstein Show
Page 2

  3017 AK-Philips Denver Atlee        03/03/2021 B&O S-Brenland Denver                   Kenlee Philips
                                                     D-Garay Unix Abigail-ET             Lingleville TX

  3018 Heritage Cruella Devil-ET      03/03/2021 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET             Madison & Melanie Sarbacker
                                                     D-Heritage Delicious-ET             Whitewater WI

  3019 Hickoryacres Dumbledore Luna   03/03/2021       S-Progenesis Dumbledore-ET        Noah Bilz and Brynley DeJong
                                                       D-Hickiryacres Mccutchen Merina   Dorchester WI

  3020 Ms Heart&Soul Sammy Risen      03/03/2021       S-Gen-I-Beq Sammy-ET              Madison & Hayden Weaver
                                                       D-Heart&Soul Gold Runway          Millmont PA

  3021 Oakfield Ava Bullseye-ET       03/03/2021       S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWAaron Spiniolas
                                                       D-Underground Bccas Blair-Res   Harvard IL

  3022 Pennwood Sidekick Faith-ET     03/03/2021 B&O S-Walnutlawn Sidekick               Collin L. Stoltzfus
                                                     D-Oakfield-Bro Gc Fawn-ET           Berlin PA

  3023 RedCarpet War Missouri-ET      03/03/2021       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET       J L & M Harbaugh and D & C Ryan
                                                       D-Cookview Goldwyn Monique        Marion WI

  3024 Reyncrest Select Lemon Drop    03/03/2021 B&O S-Avant-Garde Unix Select           Reyncrest Farm
                                                     D-Reyncrest Solomon Lucille-ET      Corfu NY

  3025 Sonnenbrook Kryptonite-ET      03/03/2021 B&O S-Brenland Denver                   Ryan Sonnenburg
                                                     D-Sonnenbrook Pronto Kari           Belleville WI

  3026 Winright Doorman Elle          03/03/2021 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET             Enright, Jaquemet Holsteins and Borba
                                                     D-Winright Gold Chip Emoji          Winchester ON

  3027 Clarkvalley Analyst Chacha     03/02/2021 B&O S-Mr Affection Analyst-Red-ET       Clarkvalley
                                                     D-Almerson Goldchip Charity         Woodville ON

  3028 Ms Glamourview L Beyonce-ET    03/02/2021 B&O S-Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET           Eaton Holsteins, Borba and Ferme Petitclerc
                                                     D-Ms Beauty Wbk Bambi-ET            Marietta NY

  3029 Ms Revives Relax-ET            03/02/2021 B&O S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWFairholm, Wapsi-Ana and Triple S
                                                     D-Ms Aol Cntndr Revive-Red-ET   Anamosa IA

  3030 Ms Shadeline-An Jasmine        03/02/2021 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET             Charles J Gleisner and Adam Neider
                                                     D-Klinedell Cinderella              Greenwich OH

  3031 Ms Shadow Qcove Magnificent    03/02/2021 B&O S-Walnutlawn Sidekick               Quietcove Holsteins and Kurt Wolf
                                                     D-Shadow-W Denver Mile High         New Bavaria OH

  3032 Schievink Uns Ginger           03/02/2021 B&O S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red   Jordan Schievink
                                                     D-Ms Shadow W Doorman Hershey Stephenville TX

  3033 Ubercrest Skyhigh Tori         03/02/2021       S-Walnutlawn Skyhigh              Colton Uber
                                                       D-Redcarpet Doorman Tempus-ET     Adamsville PA

  3034 Yotpolis Tatoo De France       03/02/2021 B&O S-Duckett Crush Tatoo-ET            Nicholas P Yotpolis
                                                     D-Yotpolis Baileys Firewater        Clymer NY

  3035 Borderview Doorman Roxie-ET    03/01/2021 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET             M&S Hawbaker and T&S Abbott
                                                     D-Hez Bo Atwood Ruth-ET             Clear Spring MD

  3036 Bucks-Pride Hancock County     03/01/2021 B&O S-Siemers Doc Hancock               Bucks Pride LLC
                                                     D-Bucks-Pride Doorman Destiny       Bloomville OH

International Holstein Show
Page 3

  3037 Budjon Chief Keira                      03/01/2021 B&O S-Stantons Chief-ET                             Budjon Farms
            D-03-00       305 36,231 3.9% 1,000 3.3%P 888P D-Milksource Doorman Kallie                        Lomira WI

  3038 Dridge Undenied Applejack                    03/01/2021 B&O S-Our-Favorite Undenied-ET                 Darlington Ridge Farms
                                                                   D-Apple-Pts Alikna-ET                      Darlington WI

  3039 Duckett Boom Lib-ET                   03/01/2021                 S-Regancrest Boom                     Budjon Farms, Vail, Risner and Binversie
            D-03-11      305 30,000 3.8% 874 3.5%P 748P                 D-Idee Doorman Lysa                   Lomira WI

  3040 Hobby-Hill Addison Tequila                   03/01/2021 B&O S-Farnear Aria Addison                     Gracin & Chesney Speich
                                                                   D-Hobby-Hill Al Tia                        Orfordville WI

  3041 Hodglynn Mirand Halo                         03/01/2021          S-Coomboona Zipit Mirand-Imp-ET       Elizabeth Laney
                                                                        D-Hodglynn Solomon Hadley             West Salem OH

  3042 Kriegels Denver Destiny                      03/01/2021          S-Brenland Denver                     Mallory Nifong
                                                                        D-Ms Team Diamond                     Orfordville WI

  3043 Milibro Denver Roselakyme                    03/01/2021          S-Brenland Denver                     Colt & Luke Buckley
                                                                        D-Milibro Unix Roselakela             Lawrenceburg KY

  3044 Montdale Denver Callie                       03/01/2021 B&O S-Brenland Denver                          Petitclerc, Montdale & Dentrex
                                                                   D-Ms Reyncrest Crsh Charlotte              St-Basile QC

  3045 Sco-Lo Moovin Harm 2422-ET           03/01/2021 B&O S-Lindenright Moovin-ET                            Cael, Chase & Caden Cannon
            D-02-04     210 13,645 4.7% 639 3.3%P 447P     D-Guided-Path Harissa-Red                          Dyersville IA

  3046 Wi Fischerdale Speckles                      03/01/2021 B&O S-Lirr Drew Dempsey                        Payton, Braelyn & Reagan Sarbacker
                                                                   D-Wi Fischerdale Crush Dot                 Verona WI

  3047 ZBW M Denver Serenity                        03/01/2021 B&O S-Brenland Denver                          Mason Ziemba
                                                                   D-Budjon-Vail Raptor Sonya                 Durhamville NY

Class 706 Winter Heifer Calf
          Born 12/01/2020 - 02/28/2021
          Premiums: $100, 95, 90, 85, 80, 75, 70, 65, 60, 55, 50, 40, 40, 40, 35, 35, 35, 30, 30, 30, 30, 25, 25, 20
          1st Place Award presented by Genes Diffusion, France
          Bred & Owned Award presented by Sonnenbrook Holsteins, Belleville, WI

  3048 Borderview-I Tatoo Blexy                     02/05/2021          S-Duckett Crush Tatoo-ET              Madison & Melanie Sarbacker
                                                                        D-Blexys Doorman Brandy-ET            Whitewater WI

  3049 Petitclerc Lambda Sweetie                    02/01/2021 B&O S-Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET                  Petitclerc, Fortale and JM Valley
                                                                   D-Petitclerc Doorman Spicy                 St-Basile QC

  3050 Hollow-Ridge Doc Tandi                       12/28/2020          S-Woodcrest King Doc                  Helion Genetics
                                                                        D-Oh-River-Syc Hbknd Becki-ET         Knoxville MD

  3051 S-Creekacres Sdkick Tuesday                  12/23/2020          S-Walnutlawn Sidekick                 Weston M. Taylor
                                                                        D-S-Creekacres Eqatn Tamara           Allenwood PA

  3052 Wi Fischerdale Radio Ryder                   12/22/2020 B&O S-Morningview Radio-ET                     Payton, Braelyn & Reagan Sarbacker
                                                                   D-Wi Fischerdale Doorman Ribsy             Verona WI

  3053 Bluff-Ridge King 7-Up                        12/15/2020 B&O S-Woodcrest King Doc                       Kelly & Kendall O’Connor
                                                                   D-Ms Gold Butterfly                        Arrowsmith IL

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  3054 Heart&Soul Warrior Paige              12/15/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Luke Tanis
                                                              D-Borderview Rap Princess-ET     Nazareth PA

  3055 Blexys Kngdoc Brilliant-ET              12/14/2020 B&O S-Woodcrest King Doc             Budjon Farms, Vail, and Cunningham
            D-09-00       305 50,000 4.1% 1,232 3.9%P 1,211P D-Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn-ET        Lomira WI

  3056 Petitclerc Denver Arriana             12/12/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                  Ferme Petitclerc Et Fils
                                                            D-Petitclerc Goldwyn Anouk-ET      St-Basile QC

  3057 Winright Solomon Evermore             12/12/2020 B&O S-Walnutlawn Solomon-ET            B Enright and Ferme Petitclerc
                                                            D-Budjon-JK Gchip Ellen            Winchester ON

  3058 Floydholm Kdoc Egypt-ET               12/11/2020       S-Woodcrest King Doc             A, C, P, B & R Sarbacker
                                                              D-Budjon-JK Damion Eklipse-ET    Edgerton WI

  3059 Cornish Denver Alexa                  12/08/2020       S-Brenland Denver                Robb Hart
                                                              D-Corni Windhammer Adalyn        Canastota NY

  3060 Crave Upgrade 13435                   12/07/2020       S-Our-Favorite Upgrade-ET        Sara Skalitzky
                                                              D-Crave Meridian Alex 10469      Waterloo WI

  3061 Driscoll Hill Look At Me              12/07/2020 B&O S-Luck-E Undenied Admiral          Glenn McNeil and Allen Vangorder
                                                            D-Greenlark Libby Sid              Manchester NH

  3062 Redcarpet Goldwyn Touch               12/07/2020 B&O S-Braedale Goldwyn                 Gary W, Lauryn K & Kinley M Young
                                                            D-Rosedale Crown Of Thorns-ET      Chehalis WA

  3063 B-J-Grove Skick Kola Bear             12/05/2020 B&O S-Walnutlawn Sidekick              Kyle Clanton
            D-05-01      305 23,211 3.9% 952 3.1%P 727P     D-K-Lane Axford Kedzie             Mulberry Grove IL

  3064 Kingsway Denver Amarillo-ET           12/05/2020       S-Brenland Denver                Bryce Cullen
                                                              D-Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang-ET Delavan WI

  3065 Winright Doorman Everly-TW            12/05/2020       S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET          Kaleb Osinga and Henry Osinga
                                                              D-Winright Gold Chip-EXPlosion   Hico TX

  3066 Winright Doorman Explosive            12/05/2020 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET            Brian Joseph Enright
                                                            D-Winright Gold Chip-EXPlosion     Winchester ON

  3067 Cash-Al Artist Miley Cyrus            12/04/2020 B&O S-Stone-Front Artist-ET            Chase & Alexis Cashell
                                                            D-Pineybrook Defiant Marilyn       Oakfield NY

  3068 J-Folts Moovin Liza                   12/04/2020 B&O S-Lindenright Moovin-ET            Isaac Folts
                                                            D-J-Folts Sandstorm Lydia          North Collins NY

  3069 Jo-Ry Tattoo Affection                12/04/2020 B&O S-Duckett Crush Tatoo-ET           Brooke Calkins
                                                            D-Arethusa Kingboy Attention       Rome PA

  3070 Ms Co-Vista Dman Laguna-ET            12/04/2020       S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET          Courtney & Duncan Bailey
                                                              D-Borderview Gold Fantasy-ET     Valley Falls NY

  3071 Ms Tstorm Sweet Emotion-ET            12/04/2020 B&O S-Blondin Thunder Storm            La Femme Fatale
                                                            D-Floydholm Mc Emoji-ET            Kaukauna WI

  3072 Ms Zehrview Tattoo Crytal             12/04/2020 B&O S-Duckett Crush Tatoo-ET           W & R Zehr and E Young
                                                            D-Ms Zehrview Okaliber Chloe       Graymont IL

  3073 Qcove First Things First               12/04/2020 B&O S-Siemers Doc Hancock             Quietcove Holsteins and Kurt Wolf
           D-02-03       305 19,000 4.0% 1,100 3.3%P 809P D-Quietcove Doorman Flicker          Wapakoneta OH

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  3074 Redcarpet Movnto Dubuque-ET   12/04/2020       S-Lindenright Moovin-ET          Natzke, Kinyon, Van Dyk and Kinnard
                                                      D-Duckett G Chip Tokyo-ET        Fond Du Lac WI

  3075 Samway ASW Denver Alexa       12/04/2020       S-Brenland Denver                J L & M Harbaugh and D & C Ryan
                                                      D-Siemers Wood Ashlyn-ET         Marion WI

  3076 Solid-Gold Tatoo Apollo4-ET   12/04/2020       S-Duckett Crush Tatoo-ET         Colton Uber
                                                      D-Maple-Downs-Dt Alana-ET        Adamsville PA

  3077 Budjon-Vail Crt Danielle-ET   12/03/2020       S-Col Dg Crushtime               Jim & Janet Kappers
                                                      D-Arolene Goldwyn Divine         Spring Valley MN

  3078 Ms Milksource Versace-ET      12/03/2020 B&O S-Walnutlawn Solomon-ET            Brian Joseph Enright
                                                    D-Jacobs Doorman Victoire-ET       Winchester ON

  3079 Ms Signature Dempsey Lyda     12/03/2020       S-Lirr Drew Dempsey              Abby Pavolko
                                                      D-Llr Sid Lotus                  Albion PA

  3080 Ms Thunderstorm Era-ET        12/03/2020 B&O S-Blondin Thunder Storm            La Femme Fatale and S & S Nehls
                                                    D-Floydholm Mc Emoji-ET            Kaukauna WI

  3081 Ms Thunderstorm Eternity-ET   12/03/2020 B&O S-Blondin Thunder Storm            La Femme Fatale
                                                    D-Floydholm Mc Emoji-ET            Kaukauna WI

  3082 Premierpoint Mas Carmona-ET   12/03/2020       S-Golden-Oaks Master-ET          Daniel, Nevaeh, Chupp
                                                      D-Butlerview Braz Cami-ET        Inola OK

  3083 Clarkvalley Armani Asia       12/02/2020 B&O S-Mr Apples Armani-ET              Clarkvalley
                                                    D-Certified Cv Bradnick Arkona     Woodville ON

  3084 Co-Vista Doc Alicia 3157-ET   12/02/2020       S-Woodcrest King Doc             Blackjack Holsteins
                                                      D-Ms-Co-Vista Slmon Alive-ET     Wykoff MN

  3085 Floydholm Kdoc Ellarose-ET    12/02/2020       S-Woodcrest King Doc             Lauren E & Brayden Breunig
                                                      D-Budjon-JK Damion Eklipse-ET    Sauk City WI

  3086 Intrigue Denver Angel         12/02/2020       S-Brenland Denver                Kade & Hallie Meyer
                                                      D-Strans-Tola Barnie Andrea      West Union IA

  3087 Kamps-Rx Appleb Alondra-ET    12/02/2020       S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWAinsley A Noble
                                                      D-KHW Regiment Apple B-Red-ETN Lancaster WI

  3088 Le-O-La Altitude Callie-ET    12/02/2020       S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET        Abigail & Alexander Ard
                                                      D-Milksource Doorman Chex-ET     Pulaski WI

  3089 Luncrest Delta Atlanta-2278   12/02/2020 B&O S-Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET          Luncrest Farm, J Black and L Nelson
                                                    D-Regancrest-Gvh Arizona-ET        Granville NY

  3090 Malic Ponde Lili              12/02/2020       S-Stantons Chief-ET              John Weaver
                                                      D-Comestar Luxury Doorman        Dorchester ON

  3091 Ms Jumpin Jiggy-ET            12/02/2020 B&O S-Walnutlawn Sidekick              Meyer, Bertsch, Price and Cummings
                                                    D-Bertschland Dor Jump-Around      Zanesfield OH

  3092 Ms Thndrstorm Elation-ET      12/02/2020       S-Blondin Thunder Storm          Lauren E & Brayden Breunig
                                                      D-Floydholm Mc Emoji-ET          Sauk City WI

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  3093 Reyncrest Ava Palmbay-ET             12/02/2020 B&O S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWReyncrest Farm
                                                           D-Windy Knoll View Perfect-ET   Corfu NY

  3094 Reyncrest Wkv Paris-ET               12/02/2020       S-Brenland Denver               Addison Harshman
                                                             D-Windy Knoll View Perfect-ET   Mercersburg PA

  3095 Velthuis Doorman Fanta               12/02/2020 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET           Velthuis Farms Ltd
                                                           D-Willows-Edge Atwod Faith-ET     Osgoode ON

  3096 Vosberg Echo Starla                  12/02/2020       S-St Gen Arvis Echo-Red-ET      Red & Black Genetics
                                                             D-Vosberg Lindell Star          Sheboygan WI

  3097 Winright Doorman Elmo                12/02/2020 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET           Enright, Jaquemet Holsteins and Borba
                                                           D-Winright Gold Chip Emoji        Winchester ON

  3098 Budweisers Dnvr Brooklyn-ET          12/01/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                 John Cunningham and Ross Risner
           D-02-02      148 12,354 2.9% 546 3.3%P 421P     D-Blexys Crush Budweiser          Lomira WI

  3099 Glen-Paul Warrior Bacardi            12/01/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET       M & L Topp and Audrey Sidle
                                                           D-Glen-Paul Alexander Baja        Smithville OH

  3100 Hammertime Tstorm Ribbon-ET          12/01/2020 B&O S-Blondin Thunder Storm           Callie Krohlow and Paige Sweatt
                                                           D-Hammertime Abs Revalee-ET       Poynette WI

  3101 Kingsway Alligator A Twix            12/01/2020       S-Stantons Alligator-ET         Velthuis Farms Ltd
                                                             D-Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang   Osgoode ON

  3102 McGarr-Farms Luster Relish           12/01/2020       S-Quality Luster                Makayla & Kaleb Osinga
                                                             D-McGarr-Farms Solomon Rain     Hico TX

  3103 Ms Awesome Riley                     12/01/2020 B&O S-Luck-E Awesome-Red              Tyler Carter and Dylan Reed
                                                           D-Carters Corner Doorman Reign    Greenville IL

  3104 Opsal Solomon Celebrity-ET           12/01/2020       S-Walnutlawn Solomon-ET         Matheron and Evangelo
                                                             D-Ryan-Vu Gchip Claudette-ET    Whitewater WI

  3105 RBCC-Xtreme V Denver Damascus        12/01/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                 Wyatt & Garett Borth
                                                           D-Ocean-View Dirty Diamond        Ellsworth WI

  3106 Retso-Ridge Mstr Shirley-ET          12/01/2020       S-Golden-Oaks Master-ET         Mitchell Coleman and Isabella Pires
                                                             D-Thistledown Shanias Solo-ET   Turlock CA

  3107 Skykomish Tatoo Bliss                12/01/2020       S-Duckett Crush Tatoo-ET        Matheron, Machado and Heritage Holsteins
                                                             D-Ms Blexys Drmn Blythe-ET      Whitewater WI

  3108 Whitdale Crush Madonna               12/01/2020       S-Maverick Crush                Grace Depew
                                                             D-Whitdale-D Aspen Madeline     Argyle NY

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Class 707 Fall Heifer Calf
          Born 09/01/2020 - 11/30/2020
          Premiums: $100, 95, 90, 85, 80, 75, 70, 65, 60, 55, 50, 40, 40, 40, 35, 35, 35, 30, 30, 30, 30, 25, 25, 20
          1st Place Award presented by Ran-Rose Holsteins, Corey Geiger & Krista Knigge, Mukwonago, WI
          Bred & Owned Award presented by International Protein Sires, Rock Springs, WI

  3109 Ho-Crawf Db Andromeda-ET                     11/05/2020 B&O S-Mr D Apple Diamondback                   Maple-Downs Farms, Crawford, and Vail
                                                                   D-Ms Apples Affection-ET                   Middleburgh NY

  3110 Maplebranch Denver Dare Ya                   10/13/2020          S-Brenland Denver                     Eli & Isaac Horswill
                                                                        D-Maplebranch Sid June                Middlebury IN

  3111 Crescentmead Wishful                         10/10/2020          S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET             Taylor Jackson
                                                                        D-Crescentmead Armani Willow          Spring Green WI

  3112 Luncrest Handsome Art-2266                   10/06/2020 B&O S-Siemers Doc Handsome-ET                  Hackett IV and Luncrest Holsteins LLC
                                                                   D-Luncrest Sid Amazin-1834-ET              Clinton Corners NY

  3113 Opsal Unstp Konspiracy-ET                    10/01/2020          S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red           Blackjack Holsteins
                                                                        D-Opsal Atwood Karma                  Wykoff MN

  3114 Rollingriver Dback Ears                      09/25/2020 B&O S-Mr D Apple Diamondback                   Kamrie Mauer and Bentley Brasch
                                                                   D-Ms Rollingriver Elsa                     Browntown MN

  3115 Budjon-Vail S Dotty West-ET                  09/23/2020          S-Walnutlawn Sidekick                 Emma M. Paulson
                                                                        D-Arolene Goldwyn Divine              Mayville WI

  3116 Eskdale Avalanche Dill-ET             09/21/2020    S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWDyment, Hogge, and Wadeland Dairy
            D-03-01     305 30,580 4.3% 1,316 3.5%P 1,061P D-Eskdale Kboy Delucy-ET        Dundas ON
                        365 35,600 4.4% 1,561 3.5%P 1,249P

  3117 Rotaly Goldwyn Martha                 09/19/2020    S-Braedale Goldwyn                                 Ferme Blondin, Ferme Jacobs and Proulx
             D-06-07    305 30,351 3.4% 1,016 3.2%P 968P D-Rotaly Duplex Margot                               Saint-Placide QC
                        365 35,037 3.4% 1,197 3.3%P 1,151P

  3118 Brook Corner D Burgundy-ET                   09/18/2020          S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET               C & J Hill and Bart Crest Holsteins
                                                                        D-Ms Blexys Bounty                    Thurmont Md 21788 MD

  3119 Steffes Denvr Crimson Cider                  09/14/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                          Darcy E Steffes
                                                                   D-Steffes Door Crimson Fever               Elizabeth IL

  3120 Opsal Diamondback Rhianna                    09/11/2020 B&O S-Mr D Apple Diamondback                   Joseph Opsal and Hayleigh Geurink
                                                                   D-Opsal Ammo Reputation                    Blue Mounds WI

  3121 Vosberg Echo Shower                 09/11/2020 B&O S-St Gen Arvis Echo-Red-ET                          Red & Black Genetics
            D-02-02    305 21,860 3.2% 710 2.9%P 640P     D-Vosberg Lusky Sin-Red                             Sheboygan WI
                       365 26,160 3.3% 866 3.0%P 785P

  3122 Milksource Warrior Klash-Red                 09/10/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET                Milk Source
                                                                   D-Milksource Absolut Klue-Red              Kaukauna WI

  3123 2nd-Look Master Blaster                      09/08/2020          S-Golden-Oaks Master-ET               Kaianne & Kaydence Hodorff
                                                                        D-2nd-Look On Point Bubbles           Eden WI

  3124 Brook-Corner Tatoo Justify                   09/08/2020          S-Duckett Crush Tatoo-ET              Blackjack Holsteins
                                                                        D-Brook-Corner Sid Jade               Wykoff MN

  3125 Bevans-Creek Sdkick Dana-ET                  09/07/2020          S-Walnutlawn Solomon-ET               Ricky & Elizabeth Hall
                                                                        D-Bevans-Creek Gchip Dynamite         East Montpelier VT

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  3126 RBCC-Xtreme V Den Elevation         09/06/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                  Wyatt & Garett Borth
                                                          D-RBCC-Xtreme Undenied Eerie       Ellsworth WI

  3127 Petitclerc Denver A-Rod             09/05/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                  Ferme Petitclerc Et Fils
                                                          D-Petitclerc Goldwyn Anouk-ET      St-Basile QC

  3128 Egl-Acres Undenied Sasha            09/04/2020 B&O S-Our-Favorite Undenied-ET         Emily G Lampson
                                                          D-Egl-Acres Moby Annabelle         Castile NY

  3129 Ms Rebas Raven Beauty-ET            09/04/2020 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET          Tessa VL & Stella RB Schmocker
                                                          D-Sherona-Hill Rachel Reba-ET      Whitewater WI

  3130 Petitclerc Sidekick Arsenic         09/04/2020       S-Walnutlawn Sidekick            Enright, Jaquemet Holsteins and Borba
                                                            D-Petitclerc Doorman Aliza       Winchester ON

  3131 Wildpfaffs Denver Lizzy-ET          09/03/2020       S-Brenland Denver                Lila C Sloan
                                                            D-Pfaffsway Bltmr Lyrical-ET     Davis IL

  3132 Bella-Ridge Drmn Giovanna           09/02/2020 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET            J, L & M Harbaugh and A & A Loehr
                                                          D-Bella-Ridge Durham Gorgeous      Marion WI

  3133 Blexys Denver Bedazzled-ET          09/02/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                  Joseph Airosa and Henry Van Exel
                                                          D-Blexys Crush Budweiser-ET        Tipton CA

  3134 Blexys Hioct Baton Rouge-ET         09/02/2020       S-Stantons High Octane           Abbott, Kane, Schirmer, Bruchey and Hawbaker
                                                            D-Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn-ET       Clear Spring MD

  3135 Creamcheese Rpm Cheesecake          09/02/2020       S-Our-Favorite Upgrade-ET        Eaton Holsteins and Brad Cates
                                                            D-Windy Knoll View Creamcheese   Marietta NY

  3136 JMK Denver 4145                     09/02/2020       S-Brenland Denver                Heslinga, Raber and Sanchez
                                                            D-JMK Rainy 3370                 Stephenville TX

  3137 Miss Warriors Heart-RC              09/02/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET        Davis, Semanchik, and Nielsen
                                                          D-Alla-Valley Chip Of Heaven       Fowler MI

  3138 Ms Triple-T Pin-Up-ET               09/02/2020       S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red      Nelson and Gilbertson
                                                            D-T-Triple-T Platinum-ET         Wykoff MN

  3139 Ocean-View Daring Dreamz              09/02/2020 B&O S-Mr D Apple Diamondback         Ocean View Genetics
           D-07-00      305 34,330 4.5% 1,552 3.0%P 1,034P D-Ocean-View Damion Daenerys      Deerfield WI

  3140 Pappys Avalanche Riddle-ET            09/02/2020     S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWChandler & Calvin Bening
            D-06-00     305 28,000 3.6% 1,000 2.8%P 877P    D-Pappys Redliner Rosa          Lomira WI

  3141 Wapsi-Ana Alttude Joleen-TW         09/02/2020       S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET        Jeremy Kinslow
                                                            D-Dymenthom Doorman Joelle       Smiths Grove KY

  3142 Weigland Sdkick Alexlynn-ET         09/02/2020 B&O S-Walnutlawn Sidekick              Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel
                                                          D-Budjon-Abbott Anexandra-ET       Platteville WI

  3143 Air-Osa Warrior 28763               09/01/2020       S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET      Kyleigh Forster
                                                            D-Air-Osa Atwood 21105           Bakersfield CA

  3144 Apex Jinn Zelda                     09/01/2020       S-Pine-Tree Juicy Jinn-ET        Ryan Goedken
                                                            D-Apex Pety Zoey                 Earlville IA

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  3145 Borderview Denver Chloe-ET                   09/01/2020          S-Brenland Denver                     McGee and Roudabush
                                                                        D-Ms Cling Doorman Clasp-ET           Clearfield PA

  3146 DKH Dempsey Poppy                            09/01/2020 B&O S-Lirr Drew Dempsey                        Kelli Wyles
                                                                   D-Windy Knoll View Protection              New Enterprise PA

  3147 Duckett Denver Vero-ET                       09/01/2020          S-Brenland Denver                     Krohlow and Knaup
                                                                        D-Ms Beautys Black Velvet-ET          Poynette WI

  3148 Jacobs Lautrust Lauren-ET                    09/01/2020          S-Comestar Lautrust-ET                Kenlee Philips
                                                                        D-Jacobs Goldwyn Louka-ET             Lingleville TX

  3149 Ms Boreales Doorman Baby              09/01/2020    S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET                            Breanna Wiley
            D-04-03     305 29,202 4.1% 1,186 3.5%P 1,034P D-Mystique Goldwyn Boreale                         Thorntown IN
                        343 31,934 4.2% 1,332 3.6%P 1,160P

  3150 Reyncrest Denver Polly-ET                    09/01/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                          Reyncrest Farm
                                                                   D-Windy Knoll View Perfect-ET              Corfu NY

  3151 Sunnylodge Knonaudale Db Eve        09/01/2020                   S-Mr D Apple Diamondback              S & S Nehls and P Schmitz
            D-03-08    305 26,365 3.6% 959 3.1%P 822P                   D-Aija Goldchip Eve-ET                Hustisford WI

  3152 Sweet-Peas Unstop Aleign                     09/01/2020          S-Riverdown Unstopabull-Red           Patience Holsteins Ltd, Gibson, Weswin Holsteins
                                                                        D-Sweet-Peas Doorman Alana            Mildmay ON

  3153 T-Triple-T Power Play                        09/01/2020 B&O S-Mr D Apple Diamondback                   Colton & Blayk Thomas
                                                                   D-T-Triple-T Play It Again-ET              North Lewisburg OH

  3154 Velthuis Doc Happy Dance                     09/01/2020 B&O S-Woodcrest King Doc                       Velthuis Farms Ltd
                                                                   D-R-E-W Happy Go Lucky-ET                  Osgoode ON

Class 708 Summer Yearling Heifer
          Born 06/01/2020 - 08/31/2020
          Premiums: $100, 95, 90, 85, 80, 75, 70, 65, 60, 55, 50, 40, 40, 40, 35, 35, 35, 30, 30, 30, 30, 25, 25, 20
          1st Place Award and Bred & Owned Award presented by International Protein Sires, Rock Springs, WI

  3155 Petitclerc Unix Panama                       07/24/2020 B&O S-Croteau Lesperron Unix-ET                Ferme Petitclerc Et Fils
                                                                   D-T-Triple-T Priceless                     St-Basile QC

  3156 Lapridge Jacoby Pepsi                        07/05/2020          S-Cycle Doorman Jacoby-ET             Kyle M Welk
                                                                        D-Glen-Valley Balt Pepper-ET          Peach Bottom PA

  3157 Highwaymen Denver Alright                    07/02/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                          Highwaymen
                                                                   D-Hillpine Rain Addy-ET                    Stoughton WI

  3158 Joleanna Sidekick Rigby                      07/01/2020          S-Walnutlawn Sidekick                 Braeden L Johnson
                                                                        D-Jolenna Crush Rapper                Unadilla NY

  3159 ZBW-Retso-PV Dnvr Lockdown                   06/23/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                          K & B Ziemba, B Oster and P Vail
                                                                   D-ZBW M KD Lori                            Durhamville NY

  3160 Elm-Lane First Crush Sade                    06/21/2020 B&O S-Eclipse Firstcrush-ET                    Elm-Lane Holsteins
                                                                   D-Elm-Lane Archrival Lexus                 Pipestone MN

  3161 RBCC-Xtreme Ctrl-Alt-Delete-P                06/20/2020 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET                  Wyatt & Garett Borth
                                                                   D-Ourway Rbr Delight                       Ellsworth WI

  3162 Don-Mair Sidekick Snowbank                   06/18/2020          S-Walnutlawn Sidekick            Rhett & Mckenna Wade
                                                                        D-Don-Mair High Octane Snowwhite Delavan WI

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  3163 Budjon Dnvr Andrea Crowe-ET           06/16/2020      S-Brenland Denver                 Chandler & Calvin Bening
            D-04-08     305 38,213 4.2% 1,102 3.6%P 912P     D-Walk-Era Dundee Annelise        Lomira WI

  3164 Milksource Rhapsody-ET                06/16/2020      S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWHeatherstone Enterprises, Inc.
             D-04-05    281 28,640 4.2% 1,192 3.1%P 899P     D-Heatherstone Redhot-Red       Baraboo WI

  3165 Heart&Soul Undeniably Right          06/15/2020       S-Our-Favorite Undenied-ET        Jessica Nolt and Jackson Cloninger
                                                             D-Heart&Soul Diamond Ring         Millmont PA

  3166 Maplebranch Denver Justice           06/14/2020       S-Brenland Denver                 Horswill and Kuehnert
                                                             D-Maplebranch Sid June            Middlebury IN

  3167 App-Sham Addison Ally-ET             06/11/2020       S-Farnear Aria Addison Ewl-ET     Bret & Shelby Keister
                                                             D-App-Sham Brokaw Kallie          Townville PA

  3168 Gbm Rkm Backflip Evanka              06/10/2020 B&O S-Jacobs Backflip-ET                Kayla Moret
                                                           D-GBM Kam Mccutchen Elvira          Prairie Du Chien WI

  3169 Clarkvalley Awesome Ripper           06/09/2020 B&O S-Luck-E Awesome-Red                Clarkvalley
                                                           D-Goldenflo Solomon Riproaring      Woodville ON

  3170 Kamps-Rx Appleb Avery-ET             06/06/2020       S-Lindenright Moovin-ET        Molly Olstad
                                                             D-KHW Regement Apple B-Red-ETN Kaukauna WI

  3171 Penncross Topnotch Sidekick          06/06/2020       S-Walnutlawn Sidekick             Brooke Calkins
                                                             D-Penncross Solomon Torrey        Rome PA

  3172 Heart&Soul BF Anna-ET                06/05/2020       S-Jacobs Backflip-ET              Cale Baker and Regan Pries
                                                             D-Trent Valley Abra 4-ET          Maynard IA

  3173 Lakeshore Doorman Billie-ET          06/05/2020       S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET           Kurt Wolf
                                                             D-River-Valley Barbara 4-ET       New Bavaria OH

  3174 Pappys Conclusion Rila               06/05/2020       S-Kings-Ransom Conclusion         Kyson Jenson
                                                             D-Pappys Chelios Ruby-ET          Wellsville UT

  3175 Heritage Readmylips-ET               06/04/2020       S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWLogan & Lauren Silveira
                                                             D-Linerway-CM Absol Sassy-ET    Delavan WI

  3176 Oakfield Denver Fairy-ET             06/04/2020       S-Brenland Denver                 Royal Vista Holsteins
                                                             D-Oakfield Solom Footloose-ET     Pickett WI

  3177 Milksource Diamond Bling             06/03/2020       S-Mr D Apple Diamondback          Jamie Judd
                                                             D-Milksource Gld Blessing-ET      LaValle WI

  3178 Ms Jumpin June-ET                    06/03/2020 B&O S-Walnutlawn Sidekick               Tyler Meyer and James Bertsch
                                                           D-Bertschland Dor Jump-Around       Zanesfield OH

  3179 Petitclerc Kingdoc Alcatraz          06/03/2020 B&O S-Woodcrest King Doc                Ferme Petitclerc Et Fils
                                                           D-Petitclerc Goldwyn Anouk-ET       St-Basile QC

  3180 Toppglen Goldchip Wakiki             06/03/2020       S-Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET        Colton Thomas and Caroline Egolf
                                                             D-Toppglen Defiant Wowwee         North Lewisburg OH

  3181 Jeffrey-Way Drman Tavor-ET            06/02/2020    S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET             Emma Kate & Ava Hendrickson
             D-04-00    305 37,048 3.6% 1,350 3.2%P 1,178P D-Jeffrey-Way Cor Tavette           Belleville WI
                        362 41,890 3.7% 1,552 3.2%P 1,333P

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  3182 Merrillea Bitty Bug                          06/02/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                          Merrillea Holsteins
                                                                   D-Merrillea Gc Beauty                      Fayette NY

  3183 Ods Gebarten Bkwd Alisha                     06/02/2020          S-Eclipse Blackwood-ET                Jacob & Hannah Coller
                                                                        D-Fairmont Avalanche Alice-ET         De Kalb Junction NY

  3184 Reyncrest C Posh Spice-ET                    06/02/2020 B&O S-Oh-River-Syc Crushabull-ET               Mackenzie Reynolds
                                                                   D-Jpb Doormans Spice Girl                  Corfu NY

  3185 Winright Aija Unix Valley Girl               06/02/2020          S-Croteau Lesperron Unix-ET           Clarkvalley
                                                                        D-Jacobs Doorman Velvet               Woodville ON

  3186 Hillpine America Arose                       06/01/2020          S-Luck-E America 684-ET               Abigail Hovland
                                                                        D-Milksource B Anya Again-ET          Colby WI

  3187 Kingsway Denver Gamma-ET                     06/01/2020          S-Brenland Denver              Kenlee Philips
                                                                        D-Kingsway Solomon Gorgeous-ET Lingleville TX

  3188 Maple-Downs Sdkck Aurora-ET         06/01/2020                   S-Walnutlawn Sidekick                 Alexis Payne
            D-02-09    305 30,732 3.0% 912 3.0%P 908P                   D-Maple-Downs Edward Adora            Middleburgh NY

  3189 Milksource Alibi                             06/01/2020          S-Mr D Apple Diamondback              Heslinga, Raber and Schievink
                                                                        D-Milksource Dreams Adlee             Stephenville TX

  3190 Ocean-View Heaven Sent Me            06/01/2020 B&O S-Mr D Apple Diamondback                           Ocean View Genetics
           D-02-03     303 28,230 4.0% 1,141 3.2%P 907P D-Ocean-View Heaven Sent                              Deerfield WI

  3191 Opsal Denver Seduction                       06/01/2020          S-Brenland Denver                     K & K Haag and N Prosek
                                                                        D-Opsal Aftrshk Specialize-ET         Dane WI

  3192 Pennwood Diamondback Pats                    06/01/2020          S-Mr D Apple Diamondback              Elizabeth Stoltzfus
                                                                        D-Pennwood Durham Pattern             Berlin PA

  3193 Quality Master Ruth                          06/01/2020 B&O S-Golden-Oaks Master-ET                    Ari Ekstein
                                                                   D-Quality Atwood Ruby                      Vaughan ON

Class 709 Spring Yearling Heifer
          Born 03/01/2020 - 05/31/2020
          Premiums: $100, 95, 90, 85, 80, 75, 70, 65, 60, 55, 50, 40, 40, 40, 35, 35, 35, 30, 30, 30, 30, 25, 25, 20
          1st Place Award and Bred & Owned Award presented by International Protein Sires, Rock Springs, WI

  3194 Andrew Warrior Ecstasy                       04/16/2020 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET                Roger & Mary Swart
                                                                   D-Andrew Golden Elude                      New London MN

  3195 Legendholm Hopes Harper                      04/15/2020 B&O S-Milksource Doc Atticus-ET                Legendholm
                                                                   D-Ms Legendholm Hez Hope                   Kaukauna WI

  3196 Whey-Mat Master Dior                         04/14/2020 B&O S-Golden-Oaks Master-ET                    Matt & Lena Leak
                                                                   D-Leakbros Chels Daisy                     Cornish UT

  3197 Kimball-Way Goldwyn Monday-ET                04/10/2020          S-Braedale Goldwyn                    Doeberiener, Bowen and J Black
                                                                        D-Happydanny Jayz Sunday-ET           West Salem OH

  3198 Joleanna Sidekick Bluebird                   04/09/2020 B&O S-Walnutlawn Sidekick                      Braeden L Johnson
                                                                   D-Joleanna Crush Bluestar                  Unadilla NY

  3199 Ms Triple-T-SW Panama                        04/05/2020 B&O S-Walnutlawn Sidekick                      Triple-T, C Thomas and R Pierick
                                                                   D-Ms Triplet SW WB Payton-ET               North Lewisburg OH

International Holstein Show
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  3200 Opsal Denver Cheer Me On-ET           03/27/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                   Joseph Opsal
                                                            D-Opsal Aspen Charity-ET            Blue Mounds WI

  3201 Golden-Oaks Master Leddy-ET           03/16/2020       S-Golden-Oaks Master-ET           Eaton Holsteins, Conroy and Clark Valley
                                                              D-Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket-ET   Marietta NY

  3202 Won-Bell Doorman Glory                03/16/2020 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET             Daniel Wonders
                                                            D-Rosedale Geeky Gorgeous           Mineral Point WI

  3203 Sun-Made Crave K Lincoln-ET         03/14/2020         S-Woodcrest King Doc              Budjon Farms and Crave Brothers Farm LLC
            D-08-09    59 4,807 3.5% 167 2.8%P 134P           D-Comestar Larion Goldwyn         Lomira WI

  3204 Cornercrest Artist Meteor             03/12/2020       S-Stone-Front Artist-ET           Jim Butler and Pat Conroy
                                                              D-Cornercrest Brady Maple         Chebanse IL

  3205 Petitclerc Denver Amber               03/12/2020       S-Brenland Denver                 Makenna Osinga and Emily Osinga
                                                              D-Petitclerc Goldwyn Anouk-ET     Hico TX

  3206 Petitclerc Denver Apricot             03/12/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                   Ferme Petitclerc Et Fils
                                                            D-Petitclerc Goldwyn Anouk-ET       St-Basile QC

  3207 Ms Quietcove Denver Daisy             03/11/2020       S-Brenland Denver                 Kennley, Grace, Mya & Kane Siegrist
                                                              D-Ms Armani Denyell-ET            Coldwater OH

  3208 Ms Total-Look Denver Paige            03/09/2020       S-Brenland Denver                 Theo & Addison Goldenberg
                                                              D-K-E-B-A Jasper Prada-ET         Mcgregor TX

  3209 Quietcove Avalanche Funny-ET          03/08/2020 B&O S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWQuietcove Holsteins
                                                            D-Quietcove-W Gold Flower-ET    Wapakoneta OH

  3210 Reyncrest Ex Limit-TW                 03/07/2020 B&O S-Stantons Expander-ET              Reyncrest Farm
                                                            D-Reyncrest Lmted Edition-ET        Corfu NY

  3211 Kamps-Rx Appleb Aiyana-ET             03/06/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                   Reggie & Krysty Kamps
                                                            D-KHW Regment Apple B-Red-ET        Darlington WI

  3212 Quietcove Avalnche Faith-ET           03/06/2020       S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWJacob, Logan & Madison Harbaugh
                                                              D-Quietcove-W Gold Flower-ET    Marion WI

  3213 T-Triple-T Peach Crown-ET             03/04/2020 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET             Colton Thomas
                                                            D-T-Triple-T Gold Promise-ET        North Lewisburg OH

  3214 Dreamhaven Doorman Bellabee           03/03/2020       S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET           Maria, Brooke & Melanie Zillges
                                                              D-Gerrits Wndbk Belletoria-ET     Larsen WI

  3215 Blondin Thunder Storm Alacazam         03/02/2020 B&O S-Blondin Thunder Storm            Ferme Blondin and Blondin Sires
            D-02-09      305 24,048 4.1% 985 3.7%P 891P      D-Pierstein Windbrook Alacazam     Saint-Placide QC
                         365 28,334 4.2% 1,197 3.8%P 1,076P

  3216 Bulldog Dback Lizzy                   03/02/2020       S-Mr D Apple Diamondback          Blackjack Holsteins
                                                              D-Coolea Farms Sanchez Liza-ET    Wykoff MN

  3217 Kamps-Rx Apb Abercombie-ET            03/02/2020 B&O S-Brenland Denver                   Reggie & Krysty Kamps
                                                            D-KHW Regment Apple B-Red-ET        Darlington WI

  3218 Petitclerc Denver Alias               03/02/2020       S-Brenland Denver                 Enright, Jaquemet Holsteins and Riverdown
                                                              D-Petitclerc Goldwyn Anouk-ET     Winchester ON

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  3219 RBR-FRM Jacoby Krown               03/02/2020 B&O S-Cycle Doorman Jacoby-ET          Addison & Jacob Raber
                                                         D-Luck-E Beemer Kandygirl          Gridley IL

  3220 Sddotte Doorman Sugar-ET           03/02/2020       S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET          Kiley Lickfelt
                                                           D-Sddotte Starburst 3466-Red     Hutchinson MN

  3221 Windy Knoll View Peperoni          03/02/2020 B&O S-Leaninghouse Bentley-P-ET        James & Nina Burdette
                                                         D-Windy Knoll View Pizzashop       Mercersburg PA

  3222 Bluff-Ridge Undenied Bell          03/01/2020 B&O S-Our-Favorite Undenied-ET         Kelly O’Connor
                                                         D-Bluff-Ridge GC Bea               Arrowsmith IL

  3223 Cheers Avalanche Charley-ET          03/01/2020     S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWJohn, Rocco & Christian Cunningham
            D-05-11     159 16,370 4.4% 720 3.0%P 485P     D-Unique Dempsey Cheers         Lomira WI

  3224 Esperanza-Cc Starlite              03/01/2020       S-Col Dg Crushtime               Andrew Stuewe
                                                           D-Esperanza-Cc Brazzl Starwyn    Hamburg MN

  3225 Karolstein Cocktail Sidekick       03/01/2020 B&O S-Walnutlawn Sidekick              Ferme Kaven Grandmont Inc.
                                                         D-Butlerview-I Cratercamerello     Nicolet QC

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Class 710 Winter Yearling Heifer (not in milk)
          Born 12/01/2019 - 02/29/2020
          Premiums: $100, 95, 90, 85, 80, 75, 70, 65, 60, 55, 50, 40, 40, 40, 35, 35, 35, 30, 30, 30, 30, 25, 25, 20
          1st Place Award presented by International Protein Sires, Rock Springs, WI
          Bred & Owned Award presented by Illinois Holstein Association

  3226 Ms Laces Upgrade Lacie-ET                    01/08/2020          S-Our-Favorite Upgrade-ET             Golden Oaks Farm
                                                                        D-Lizettes Ava Beaded Lace-ET         Wauconda IL

  3227 Bella-Ridge Lets Get Tatoos                  01/04/2020 B&O S-Duckett Crush Tatoo-ET                   J, L & M Harbaugh and A & A Loehr
                                                                   D-Bella-Ridge Lets Get Going               Marion WI

  3228 Opsal Alt Cant Stop Me-ET                    12/24/2019 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET                  Joseph Opsal
                                                                   D-Ryan-Vu Gchip Claudette-ET               Blue Mounds WI

  3229 Duckett Impression Lily                      12/18/2019          S-Monument Impression-ET              Sam R McWilliams
                                                                        D-Ms Jacobs G Dreams Lea-ET           Somerset PA

  3230 McWilliams Warrior Raine-ET                  12/18/2019          S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET           Katie Yocum
                                                                        D-McWilliams Atwood Rose-ET           Clear Spring MD

  3231 Borderview 659 Avalanche-ET                  12/15/2019          S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWBlake Wright
                                                                        D-Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah       Verona MO

  3232 Goldmist Altitude Juliet-Et Rc               12/10/2019 B&O S-Farnear Altitude-Red-ET                  Nicole A & Aaron Breunig
                                                                   D-Hostogold Doorman Jolene-ET              Manitowoc WI

  3233 Podcrest Monsoon Thunderstorm                12/10/2019          S-Blondin Thunder Storm               Westcoast Holsteins
                                                                        D-Poelman Peter Mysterious            Chilliwack BC

  3234 Har-Mar-T Denver Ashanti-ET                  12/09/2019          S-Brenland Denver                     Katelyn Klipp
                                                                        D-Timlyn Goldsun Adore                Hanover KS

  3235 Oakfield Unix Zoey-ET                        12/08/2019          S-Croteau Lesperron Unix-ET           Eaton Holsteins and Gerritt Kerssies
                                                                        D-Budjon-Vail Drmn Zanetta-ET         Marietta NY

  3236 Winright Unix Genesis                        12/08/2019 B&O S-Croteau Lesperron Unix-ET                Enright, Phoenix, Armcrest Holsteins and
                                                                        D-Miss Ocd Doorm Georgette            Winchester ON

  3237 Crystal-Star Avln Chanel                     12/04/2019          S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWMason Ziemba
                                                                        D-Regancrest Chanel             Durhamville NY

  3238 Liberty-Gen Knockin Boots-ET                 12/04/2019          S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWQuietcove Holsteins and Kurt Wolf
                                                                        D-Garden-State D Favor-Red-ET   New Bavaria OH

  3239 Reyncrest Doorman Greedy-ET                  12/04/2019 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET                    Reyncrest Farm
                                                                   D-Reyncrest Corvette Gracie                Corfu NY

  3240 Elmvue Doorman Kinetic-ET                    12/03/2019 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET                    Elmvue Farm
                                                                   D-Ms Elmvue Novelty Keeley                 Johnstown NY

  3241 Redcarpet Wrrior Wrigley-ET                  12/03/2019          S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET           Daniel, Nevaeh, Chupp
                                                                        D-Arethusa Sid Tess                   Inola OK

  3242 Whitehead-Ra Doormn Allstar                  12/03/2019 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET                    G & M Schmidt and T Dickerhoof
                                                                   D-Whitehead Brokaw Adore Me                Delavan WI

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  3243 Borderview Goldwyn 2378-ET                12/02/2019         S-Braedale Goldwyn             Doeberiener, Bowen, Ryan and Cannon
                                                                    D-Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah      West Salem OH

  3244 Mrsprech Tatoos Excite Me                 12/02/2019         S-Duckett Crush Tatoo-ET       Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel
                                                                    D-Mrsprech Drm Expression      Platteville WI

  3245 Tal-View Tatoo Pistol                     12/02/2019         S-Duckett Crush Tatoo-ET       Duckett and M & S Hawbaker
                                                                    D-Smith-Manor Brokaw Pink-ET   Rudolph WI

  3246 Blondin Denver Svalantini                 12/01/2019         S-Brenland Denver              Ari Ekstein
                                                                    D-Blondin Goldwyn Svetlana     Vaughan ON

  3247 Express-Smd Warrior Harley           12/01/2019 B&O S-Mr Blondin Warrior-Red-ET             Express, Stan-Mar-Dale and Ack-Lee Holsteins
            D-03-06     305 17,750 4.3% 761 3.5%P 622P     D-McGuire Dback Harlow                  Urbana OH
                       365 19,230 4.2% 816 3.5%P 679P

  3248 Redcarpet Doorma Denmark-ET               12/01/2019         S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET        Alysha M Bauer
                                                                    D-Gray Alexander Destiny-ET    Marshfield WI

  3249 Redcarpet Doorman Daytona-ET              12/01/2019         S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET        Blackjack Holsteins
                                                                    D-Garay Alexander Destiny-ET   Wykoff MN

Class 711 Fall Yearling Heifer (not in milk)
          Born 09/01/2019 - 11/30/2019
          Premiums: $100, 95, 90, 85, 80, 75, 70, 65, 60, 55, 50, 40, 40, 40
          1st Place Award presented by International Protein Sires, Rock Springs, WI
          Bred & Owned Award presented by Stro-Lane Dairy, Henderson, MN

  3250 Opsal Denver Coco De Chanel               10/12/2019         S-Brenland Denver              Kyra & Kenzie Danz
                                                                    D-Opsal Guthrie Chanel         Barneveld WI

  3251 App-Sham Denver Dixie                     10/11/2019         S-Brenland Denver              Bret & Shelby Keister
                                                                    D-Camp-Gold Doorman Diva5-ET   Townville PA

  3252 Milksource Storm Siren-ET              09/08/2019    S-Blondin Thunder Storm                Ndira & Denier Farms
             D-06-00     305 38,741 4.4% 1,111 3.8%P 1,000P D-Miss Apple Snapple-Red               Lomira WI

  3253 Milksource Unix Chassup-ET                09/07/2019         S-Croteau Lesperron Unix-ET    Harbaugh and Viergutz
                                                                    D-Trefle Chassep Doorman       Marion WI

  3254 Banowetz Diamond Ring                     09/03/2019 B&O S-Mr D Apple Diamondback           Banowetz Genetics
                                                                D-Milksource Gldchp Regina-ET      Charlotte IA

  3255 Maple-Leigh Dempsey Alexa-ET              09/03/2019         S-Lirr Drew Dempsey            G & H Dairy
                                                                    D-Me-Do-Mb Durham Adeen        Delavan WI

  3256 Kimball-Way Blake Sandy-ET                09/01/2019         S-Walnutlawn Blake-ET          Suton Paulson
                                                                    D-Happydanny Jays Sunday-ET    Rockford IL

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Class 717 Junior Champion Female
          Norman E. Magnussen Memorial Award presented by E-Zee Milking Equipment, LLC, McFarland, WI
          $500 Junior Champion Cash Award presented by Cargill Animal Nutrition, Minneapolis, MN
          Champion Banner presented by Select Sires, Inc., Plain City, OH
          Rosette presented by GenOvations, Lodi, WI

Class 718 Reserve Junior Champion Female
          Award presented by Genes Diffusion, France
          Reserve Champion Banner presented by Select Sires, Inc., Plain City, OH
          Rosette presented by Phibro Animal Health Corp., Quincy, IL

Class 719 Junior Best Three Females
          Fall Yearling Heifer (not in milk) and under. All must be bred by exhibitor and at least one animal must be owned (solely or in partnership) by the
          Premiums: $60, 40, 30, 20, 15
          1st Place Award presented by Double S Liquid Feed Services, Inc., Danville, IL

  3257 Banowetz Genetics
       Charlotte IA

  3258 Brian Joseph Enright
       Winchester ON

  3259 Brian Joseph Enright
       Winchester ON

  3260 Budjon Farms
       Lomira WI

  3261 Clarkvalley
       Woodville ON

  3262 Clarkvalley
       Woodville ON

  3263 Elizabeth Thyen of Nix-Thyen
       Grove City MN

  3264 Ferme Petitclerc Et Fils
       St-Basile QC

  3265 James & Nina Burdette
       Mercersburg PA

  3266 Joseph Opsal
       Blue Mounds WI

  3267 Luncrest Farm
       Granville NY

  3268 Oakfield Corners Dairy
       Oakfield NY

  3269 Reyncrest Farm
       Corfu NY

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  3270 Velthuis Farms Ltd
       Osgoode ON

  3532 La Femme Fatale
       Kaukauna WI

Class 721 Premier Breeder of Heifer Show
          Royal Banner presented by Suneslope Farm, Madison, WI

Class 722 Premier Exhibitor of Heifer Show
          Royal Banner presented by St. Jacobs ABC, DeForest, WI

Class 723 Premier Sire of the Heifer Show
          Royal Banner presented by St. Jacobs ABC, DeForest, WI

Class 725 Yearling Heifer in Milk (must have freshened)
          Born 09/01/2019 - 12/31/2019
          Premiums: $120, 110, 100, 90, 85, 80, 75, 70, 65, 60
          1st Place Award presented by International Protein Sires, Rock Springs, WI
          Bred & Owned Award presented by Ferme Jacobs, Cap-Sante, QC, Canada
          Best Udder Rosette presented by Cattle Connection, Amery, WI

  3271 Heart&Soul Jk Grazygirl-ET                10/20/2019 B&O S-Luck-E Awesome-Red               Douglas R. Boop
                                                                D-J&K-Vue Goldwyn Glamour-ET       Millmont PA

  3272 Sheeknoll Jordy-R Anabel-ET            10/05/2019    S-Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red              Deronda Holsteins
            D-04-09      305 27,700 4.3% 1,179 3.1%P 862P D-Sheeknoll Bolton Ariana                Amery WI
                         365 32,930 4.5% 1,498 3.3%P 1,078P

  3273 Ms GD Solomon Pandora                     10/03/2019        S-Walnutlawn Solomon-ET         High Voltage Cattle Management, James R.
                                                                                                   Bertsch, Bryce Klein
                                                                   D-Miss Gd Golden Panda          Union City IN

  3274 Beckholm Diamondback Karmen               09/28/2019        S-Mr D Apple Diamondback        Doeberiener, Bowen and Adam Clark
                                                                   D-Vale-O-Skene Brady Karma      West Salem OH

  3275 Plum-Line America Appleseed               09/23/2019 B&O S-Luck-E America 684-ET            John Carey
                                                                D-Plum-Line Solo In America        Titusville PA

  3276 Redline Tatoo Ideal                     09/17/2019 B&O S-Duckett Crush Tatoo-ET             Jacob C Maier
             D-02-11      244 29,661 3.9% 1,159 3.1%P 912P D-Redline Ivanka                        Jim Falls WI

  3277 Sco-Lo Devour Foxie                  09/11/2019 B&O S-Mr Danielle Devour-ET                 Cael, Chase & Caden Cannon
             01-09      49 3,463 2.9% 100 2.8%P 97P        D-Sco-Lo-Coons Door 2282                Dyersville IA

  3278 Sicy Doorman Alice                     09/10/2019 B&O S-Val-Bisson Doorman-ET               Ferme Yvon Sicard and Ferme Blondin
             D-05-04     305 75,652 4.7% 3,523 3.3%P 2,498P D-Al-Shar Dempsey Alison               Saint-Justin QC
                         365 88,716 4.7% 4,180 3.4%P 2,998P

  3279 RBCC-Xtreme V Evil Knievel                09/09/2019 B&O S-Stantons High Octane             Wyatt & Garett Borth
                                                                D-RBCC-Xtreme V Sid-Evil           Ellsworth WI

  3280 Glenirvine Unix Sally                  09/06/2019           S-Croteau Lesperron Unix-ET     Ferme Blondin and Fairbanks Cattle Co
             D-01-10      293 16,501 4.6% 765 3.4%P 556P           D-Glenirvine Cinderdoor Sal     Saint-Placide QC

  3281 Milksource A Tradition-ET                 09/06/2019        S-Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TWSophie Leach
                                                                   D-Silvermine Adv Tally-Red-ET   Linwood KS

International Holstein Show
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