Wool News - PGG Wrightson

Page created by Sandra Douglas
Wool News - PGG Wrightson
Wool     News
  Summer 2020

Market Report
Crossbred wool market improves
After much of the world went into lockdown     the supply chain to navigate.
due to the pandemic, prices for all types of   Since the crossbred wool market is driven
wool dropped by between 35 and 40 per          by supply and demand, as Christmas
cent. Since July we have regained most         approaches we tend to experience a price
of these losses. Values however remain
                                               lift, partly due to the fact that at this time
volatile with a recent appreciation of the
                                               of year we have lower levels of supply and
NZD not aiding this recovery. Initially that
                                               orders tend to come due pre-Christmas.
was driven by India, the largest worldwide
                                               From December to February, however, more
producer of rugs, while China, which is
                                               crossbred wool will come onto the market.
always a dominant player, was subdued at
                                               How well it will sell, particularly as the
first, before becoming more active recently
as Chinese manufacturers begin restocking      pandemic continues to affect many aspects
their wool pipelines.                          of life overseas, is difficult to predict.

Covid-19 has created significant challenges    What we do know is that even with the
during these unprecedented times. There        recent recovery, for most growers crossbred
                                               wool prices remain well short of acceptable.     behaviour on ethical grounds, are on our
is no escaping the fact that at the end of
                                               Further significant improvement remains          side. As long as those re-commence, or even
the supply chain, wool and wool products
                                               essential. Until the world enters a post-covid   accelerate once the ‘new normal’ arrives,
are predominantly sold on a retail basis.
                                               equilibrium, it is difficult to forecast when    crossbred wool growers stand to benefit.
When retail outlets are open, the pipeline
can operate. However, during a lockdown,       such a price lift will occur. What we do know
that becomes impossible, creating serious      is that wider social trends over the past        Grant Edwards,
challenges for manufacturers and others in     few years, particularly relating to consumer     General Manager, PGG Wrightson Wool.

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Wool News - PGG Wrightson
Excellent selling season for fine wool at auction despite the global disruption
As the present fine wool sale season is drawing            offered for sale than this time last year. In             market and selected offerings have been
to an end, mid micron and merino returns to                addition, clearances being well up, with our              well insulated from large volumes offered
wool growers have largely recovered to pre-                sales since July having achieved a 95 per cent            elsewhere, and global volatility that is yet to
lockdown levels.                                           clearance rate.                                           settle from the influence of Covid-19.
Although returns are still back on what was                Compared to offerings elsewhere around                    Overall quality and competitive value have
sold in the previous two years, they remain well           the globe, prices for New Zealand fine wool               been further enhanced by the addition of a
ahead of long-term historical averages.                    this season have been highly competitive,                 representative of a major Australian fine wool
Increased volumes have come forward for the                reflecting the excellent quality of our clip.             exporting company, Australian Merino Export
Christchurch selling bench. For the season to              Wool pricing trends generally mirror those                Ltd, who joined our buyers’ bench again this
date, 10 per cent more fine wool has been                  achieved across the Tasman, though our                    season in Christchurch. Their presence further
                                                                                                                     underpins and broadens the competition for
                                                                                                                     local wool.
                                                                                                                     Most of the fine wool taken through our
                                                                                                                     auction room is consigned to the world’s textile
                                                                                                                     manufacturing hub, China. Long term demand
                                                                                                                     derives from trends in the active sportswear
                                                                                                                     market. While much of the merino wool we
                                                                                                                     produce is ultimately destined for retail in
                                                                                                                     China, what is not used there is re-exported in
                                                                                                                     garments worn in first world countries.
                                                                                                                     With all wool sales now live streamed, the
                                                                                                                     transparency of the auction system is further
                                                                                                                     enhanced, providing farmers with the option
                                                                                                                     to watch their clip sell in real time, or just follow
                                                                                                                     the action on a smartphone or mobile device if
                                                                                                                     they so choose.
                                                                                                                     This has been another remarkable fine wool
                                                                                                                     selling season, especially considering the
                                                                                                                     pressure the pandemic has imposed on the
                                                                                                                     Dave Burridge,
                                                                                                                     South Island Auction Manager,
                                                                                                                     PGG Wrightson Wool.
          Left to Right: Jason Everson & Dave Burridge - PGG Wrightson Christchurch Store Auction room

Devold growers meet in Christchurch
30 merino growers recently congregated in                   hearing Devold sales have rebounded quicker than         was to help
Christchurch for a full day grower supplier meeting         expected from COVID-19, to a point where sales in        educate and
with Norwegian outdoor clothing company - Devold.           2020 are higher than last year. Added to this, Devold    inform growers
They were joined by PGG Wrightson representatives           are forecasting substantial growth as they aim to take   of a key Devold
for a live video conference linking the growers with        their household name in Norway to the world, which       quality criteria,
Devold senior management and various other                  will include NZ, Australia, and Russia to name a few.    being staple
business partners in countries such as Germany              Devold’s new strategy of being a global premium          strength, so
and Canada.                                                 brand has started, and they announced their new          PGG Wrightson’s           Craig Smith, General Manager
Devold Chief Executive Cathrine Strange provided            brand vision as being “Devold - Outdoor Wool Expert”.    Animal Health                       - Devold NZ
growers with insights and plans going forward,              Devold predominantly source all their merino wool        and Nutritionist
however one of the most pleasing aspects was                from NZ because it is the best quality and every kg      expert Laura Pattie was on hand to provide guidance
                                                                           is fully traceable back to the farmer     in this area. Laura gave growers insights from her
                                                                           suppliers. Cathrine believes that         professional background to help farmers understand
                                                                           having their own state of the art         the factors that affect staple strength. Genetics,
                                                                           manufacturing facility in Lithuania       environmental conditions, nutrition and crop feeds
                                                                           which is currently producing 30,000       all play their part and growers were provided plenty
                                                                           garments per week is a key point of       of food for thought as they plan for the future.
                                                                           difference to their competitors.          NZ Wool Testing Authority Chief Executive Duane
                                                                             “Now into their third year of the       Knowles was also in attendance. He provided
                                                                             fully traceable sheep to shop           growers with insights to objective measurements
                                                                             programme, the resulting quality        for wool. The growers appreciated Duane’s very
                                                                             improvements and sale volumes           informative presentation, and his openness and
                                                                             speak for themselves,” said Cathrine.   willingness to share information resonated very well
                                                                                                                     with the growers in attendance.
                                                                             One of the key themes of the day

                                                                                                                                      Helping grow the country
Wool News - PGG Wrightson
Grumpy Merino an exciting new chapter for
Canterbury high country family
Sarah Reed’s husband Jono is the third             nickname, Stumpy, and the name of the
generation of the Reed family to farm The          station. Meanwhile Ann assists with the
Grampians, a 3500 hectare high country             books and Jono, alongside shepherd
station 18 kilometres west of Culverden.           Will Brown, concentrates on producing
With the couple’s young children Hank,             the wool.
Greta and Alba poised to eventually take           With assistance from PGG Wrightson local
on the mantle, Sarah, a nurse by profession,       wool rep Peter McCusker Sarah has also
was keen to find her own niche in the family       started a dedicated Grumpy Merino range
business, which runs 5500 merinos and              of blankets.
400 cattle.                                        “We are producing Grumpy Merino blankets
“Our farm is best known for Grampians              for babies and children, in bassinet, cot and
Angus, our established stud business, which        single bed sizes, plus a throw for bigger
has an annual Angus bull sale each June.           beds. We send our premium hogget fleece
However, via a relationship set up by Bloch        for scouring in Timaru, it then goes to Wool
and Behrens and PGG Wrightson, Jono                Yarns to be carded, then to Interweave in
and his parents Graham and Ann have                Auckland where the blankets are made. We
been supplying Devold of Norway with               are also working with Wild Earth Yarns in
Grampians merino wool since 2017.                  Christchurch on a natural, undyed yarn. We
“We were fortunate to become a part of             are passionate about designing, developing
the Devold brand and meet the team from            and producing in New Zealand, working
Norway last year. I saw an opportunity             with like-minded businesses that support
to take Devold into New Zealand rural              our values and commitment to the wool
communities, which led to starting our             industry,” she says.
new business, The Grumpy Merino, selling           According to Sarah, a good day of sales is
Devold products in pop up shops around             the most satisfying aspect of the
the country,” she says.                            new business.
Running the business from the farm, Sarah          “I like to let the products speak for
sees wool grown by the family’s own ewes           themselves, then allow ‘word of mouth’ to
transformed into specific garments.                take over. Someone coming in and saying ‘I
“Our products are traceable, natural and           heard about you from so and so’ is powerful
sustainable. Being part of the Devold brand,       encouragement. Watching the business
which stands for high quality, is inspiring,”      grow and evolve, taking on and overcoming
she says.                                          new challenges: although you have highs
                                                   and lows, if you keep an open mind, and
A true family affair, The Grumpy Merino was        find new ways to stoke the passion, it is
named from a combination of Graham’s               really rewarding,” she says.

                             Jono and Sarah Reed with their three children

                                                                                                   Helping grow the country
Wool News - PGG Wrightson
Family service brackets both ends                                                             Lessons in wool at
of woolstore’s existence                                                                      Longbeach School
                                             Fast forward 86 years to this spring, and        PGG Wrightson Wool rep and South
                                             the end of the ‘Number Four’ building’s use      Island auctioneer Doug McKay was
                                             as a woolstore. Purely by coincidence the        a guest recently at Ashburton’s
                                             last bale of wool carted out of the store        Longbeach School, which this year
                                             was taken by Bruce Rolls, grandson of LC.        chose to focus on wool as their Country
                                             Now semi-retired, Bruce has continued a          Day theme. Presenting to the whole
                                             fine family tradition of working for Williams    school, Doug talked about the different
                                             and Kettle, which became part of PGG             purposes and types of wool, passing
                                             Wrightson in 2005.                               round plenty of samples to give his
                                             “My grandfather started as a 14 year old and     young audience a hands-on feel for the
                                             worked for the company for 32 years. At the      fibre. Lanolin was one of the subjects
                                             time many people thought he was mad for          for the older children, who also
                                             building such a big store, though it more        produced some wool related art for a
                                             than justified itself as the years went on. My   school exhibition.
                                             father Bob Rolls also worked for Williams and

In 1934 LC Rolls was General Manager of
Williams and Kettle, a stock and station
agency and general merchant of 50 years                                                       Photo: Doug McKay (right) with principal
standing with branches throughout the east                                                    Neil Simons (left) and Longbeach School
coast of the North Island.                   Kettle, giving 45 years of service, and with     pupils, who are all wearing the school’s
Headquartered in Napier, three years into    my tenure, across the three generations we       merino jersey supplied by True Fleece, the
recovery from its massive earthquake         have put in a total of 114 years between us,”    knitwear company established by
Mr Rolls was responsible for building the    says Bruce.                                      PGG Wrightson woolgrowers Carl and
company’s new premises on the waterfront     Williams and Kettle’s Number Four building       Tori Uren of Le Bons Bay.
at Port Ahuriri, where capacity for up       now belongs to Big Save, operating as their
to 30,000 bales made it the Southern         distribution warehouse for the upper
Hemisphere’s largest woolstore.              North Island.

                                                                                                        Helping grow the country
Wool News - PGG Wrightson
Staff profile: Maree Mather
Maree, right, was at the Waimai Ram Sale                                                                   understanding test results with clients.
recently where she caught up with Elle                                                                     “My most valuable role is being in the shed
Perriam from Allflex, who acknowledged                                                                     at shearing. Because shed hands are quite
the proceeds from the sale of a donated ram                                                                transient, I know someone will ask about
towards ‘Will to Live,’ encouraging more                                                                   preparation, and that is the value of on the
young people to speak up.                                                                                  job training: understanding why you do
Working alongside growers in Waikato,                                                                      something,” she says.
north to the Auckland Harbour Bridge and                                                                   Maree is easily recognisable: apart from the
throughout the Bay of Plenty where she is                                                                  PGG Wrightson branding, her car usually has
based, Maree Mather joined PGG Wrightson                                                                   kayak roof racks on top.
Wool in May 2015.                                                                                          “I am lucky to have the Rotorua lakes so handy
In the current challenging climate she says                                                                and kayaking has taken me to some amazing
you have to be passionate about wool to                                                                    places that most people can’t access.
remain positive.                                                                                           “I sit in a car for most of the day, so try to make
“I have farms that have converted to trees,                                                                sure I don’t sit down much otherwise. I always
and some looking at options other than                                                                     have heaps of projects on the go, which at the
wool production. Shearing costs persuaded                                                                  moment includes ‘training’ to tramp the Abel
several farmers into full wool this season,                                                                Tasman,” she says.
when traditionally this is a second shear                                                                  It amazes her that the average kiwi home with
region. Fortunately, that has reduced the cost                                                             synthetic carpet is similar to having 22,000
                                                  Left to Right: Elle Perriam (Allflex) and Maree Mather
structure more than the returns.                                                                           plastic bags on the floor, by weight.
“Now more than ever, growers need to             started her career with a Diploma in Wool                 “We need to make sure facts like that are
present an excellent product, particularly       and Wool Technology from Massey University.               more widely understood. As an industry, we
ensuring their sheep are dry when shorn, and     Experience as a wool handler and crossbred                need to work together to keep the integrity of
there is no raddle in the wool.                  wool classer followed, then travelling the                New Zealand wool. It is at the top of the world
“However, only one per cent of the               world working in England, Norway and                      market choices and we need to keep it there.
world apparel fibre market is wool: if that      Australia.                                                “I’m always on the lookout at cottage
percentage were to increase only slightly we     These days work entails a mix of auction, shed            industries to find out what people are doing
wouldn’t be able to produce enough wool          pricing and contracts.                                    with wool. I bought some expensive felted
in New Zealand to meet global demand,”           “With such a huge area there is usually                   soap the other day, made on Great Barrier
she says.                                        someone doing something with wool,                        Island: it smells so good,” says Maree.
Growing up on a Whangarei farm, Maree            whether it be shearing, wools in school, or

India export
An interesting new
development for strong
wool is currently evolving.
After many years of China
being the dominant export
destination for strong New
Zealand wool (defined as
fibre diameter greater than
35.4 micron), volumes to India
have overtaken China for the
first quarter of the 2020-2021

Source: Beef + Lamb Economic Service

                                                                                                                           Helping grow the country
Wool News - PGG Wrightson
Company’s first ‘Woolinar,’ in October, well received
In mid-October PGG Wrightson held the                   including General Manager Grant Edwards,           manufacturer and one of the world’s largest
company’s first wool webinar. An online                 and Bloch & Behrens GM Palle Petersen.             users of New Zealand wool.
woolshed meeting, nicknamed the ‘Woolinar,’             Stephen noted that the company has been            Feedback indicates support for similar events
we welcomed wool growers from around                    committed to the wool industry throughout          from growers and the wider industry. Sharing
the country, alongside participants from the            its 165 year history, employs some 100 wool        knowledge throughout the supply chain will
United Kingdom, India and Australia.                    business staff and invests significantly in wool   help bring the sector together to focus on
Aiming to provide growers with relevant sector          procurement.                                       effectively marketing our sustainable fibre and
information, the woolinar heard from PGG                Guests Lars Pedersen and Ole Winther, from         its many unique characteristics.
Wrightson Chair Rodger Finlay, CEO Stephen              Danspin, Denmark, provided insight from            More woolinars are planned next year.
Guerin, and senior wool management                      their perspective as a major international

       Left to Right: Rob Cochrane, Grant Edwards, Stephem Guerin, Rodger Finlay and Palle Petersen

Genetics breakthrough on measuring methane levels emitted by sheep
New Zealand farmers are                                 AgResearch scientist Dr Suzanne Rowe led the
                                                        research. She says comparing flocks separated
                                                                                                           methane emissions are heritable, allowed for
                                                                                                           the establishment of a breeding value for the
the first in the world able                             into low and high emitting, on average there       trait incorporated onto Sheep Improvement
                                                        was a difference of 11 per cent of methane         Limited database (now nProve) last year.
to breed low methane-                                   emitted per unit of feed between high and          Stud breeders have embraced the opportunity
emitting sheep.                                         low methane emitters, with no apparent             to measure the methane emissions in their
A ten year breeding programme funded                    difference in the health, productivity or          stud animals.
by the Pastoral Greenhouse Gas Research                 profitability of the respective sheep.
                                                                                                           Information from Beef+Lamb New Zealand.
Consortium (PGGRC) and the New Zealand                  “We are seeing more lean growth, carcass yield     More detail:
Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre             and wool production in the low methane
resulted in a breeding value for methane                sheep, without any negative trade-offs.”
emissions.                                              This breeding programme, which confirmed

                                                                                                                          Helping grow the country
Wool News - PGG Wrightson
Auction livestreaming heading North
Our North Island wool auctions are set to       To view the auction, go to our website:
go live on the internet. Just as we have in     https://www.pggwrightson.co.nz/Services/       Contact
the South Island in recent years, our regular   Wool/Wool-Auctions
North Island auctions will soon be                                                             Northland
livestreamed. Growers throughout the            or via our PGG Wrightson Wool facebook page.   Henry Bradfield            027 535 1924
country will be able to see their wool sold
in real time.                                                                                  King Country/Taranaki
                                                                                               Paul Terry                 027 498 6618

                                                                                               Te Kuiti
                                                                                               Michael Youngman           027 273 5660
Maintaining preparation standards                                                              Bay of Plenty
Despite low crossbred prices, growers need to stick to a high standard of wool preparation     Maree Mather               027 809 3356
to maximise wool returns. We need to maintain New Zealand’s reputation for producing a
high quality product, which all begins on farm and in the woolshed.                            East Coast
                                                                                               Chris Payne                027 956 5192
                                                                                               Shane Horne                027 598 6540
Use of non-scourable raddle on your sheep is likely to cause problems. Non-scourable
raddle cannot be washed out. Please ensure the raddle you use is water soluble.
Contamination                                                                                  Ian Hopkirk                027 702 9496
Please ensure bales are kept free from foreign materials. If undetected, this form of
contamination has serious implications for manufacturers. This photograph is of a pair of      Hawkes Bay
pink and black synthetic socks recently found in a bale at the wool scour.                     Andy Anderson              027 254 8754

                                                                                               Central Hawkes Bay/
                                                                                               Stephen Fussell            027 595 3351

                                                                                               Marcus Loader              027 448 3250

                                                                                               North Canterbury/Tasman
                                                                                               Peter McCusker             027 432 4926

                                                                                               North Canterbury/West Coast
                                                                                               Rob Lynskey                027 591 8454

                                                                                               Central/Mid Canterbury
                                                                                               Doug McKay                 027 432 6910

                                                                                               West Otago/Northern
                                                                                               Jared Manihera             027 226 0263

We’re going cheque free                                                                        Kevin Waldron              027 432 0117
In early 2021 PGG Wrightson will lose the ability to issue cheques for paying proceeds,
                                                                                               South Canterbury/North
refunds or other payments to customers.
If you have historically been paid by cheque, please contact us to ensure we have your         Alistair Flett             027 432 5369
bank account details.
Please complete the Direct Credit Form and email wooladmin@pggwrightson.co.nz                  Central Otago
                                                                                               Graeme Bell                027 650 2900

                                                                                               Daryl Paskell              027 548 3469
                                                                                               Lawrence Paskell           027 434 7641
                                                                                               Stuart McNaughton          027 435 0993

                                                                                               Freephone 0800 497 496

                                                                                                            Helping grow the country
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