Without scales? What would a world be - World With Weighing

Page created by Leon Hammond
Without scales? What would a world be - World With Weighing
What would a world be
without scales?
Without scales? What would a world be - World With Weighing
2   |   What woud a world be without scales?

        What would a world be                  so that our food always has the   ing from large manufacturers
        without scales?                        same taste. Scales are used for   to small service providers are
                                               quality assurance in industri-    continuously working to en-
        What would a world without             al production, for example, to    able research, improve pro-
        scales look like? Certainly not        detect low-quality parts with     ductions processes and ensure
        the way we all know it. Various        air inclusions or missing parts   fair trade, positively impacting
        types of scales accompany our          in larger elements. Scales can    daily lives all over Europe.
        daily lives without us always          also assist in counting compo-
        noticing. Scales are a funda-          nents – for example, ensuring     A look back - the history
                                               the correct number of screws
        mental part of medical and                                               of weighing
        pharmaceutical research, with-         in a packaging unit - so that
        out which the development of           downstream processes run
                                                                                 The exact date of the invention
        drugs would be impossible.             smoothly. These are just a few
                                                                                 of the scale cannot be defined,
        Scales are used to perform for-        examples of why accurate and
                                                                                 but it is closely linked to the de-
        mulations in food production,          reliable scales have such a big
                                                                                 velopment of civilization and
                                                                                 the need to measure goods
                                                                                 with a value. However, the use
                                                  The European weighing in-
                                                                                 of scales in medical and do-
                                               dustry, represented by CECIP,
                                                                                 mestic use is relatively new and
                                               is providing and maintaining
                                                                                 began about 250 years ago.
                                               the weighing instruments that
                                                                                 First findings of a beam balance
                                               allows the world to work as it
                                                                                 in Egypt are more than 7000
                                               is done now. Companies rang-
                                                                                 years old. Around 500 BC, the
Without scales? What would a world be - World With Weighing
accuracy of the beam balance       weight. Decimal and kitchen
was improved by the Etruscans.     scales were then developed
The Romans used unequal-arm        in the first half of the 19th cen-
scales around 100 B.C., which      tury, and around 1895 the first
had a movable weighing piece       scales with simultaneous price
on the longer arm as well as a     display appeared.
line marking to determine the
weight. The advantage of these        In 1939, two engineers ush-
scales was that one sliding        ered in the age of electronic
weight replaced a large num-       scales with the use of electrical
ber of counterweights. In 1669,    resistance changes, which was
the Frenchman Gilles Personne      further advanced in 1981 with
de Roberval invented the table     the first design of a fully elec-
balance. The special feature of    tronic scale. In the meantime,
these was that the position of     the development of the bal-
the goods did not affect the       ance has progressed far and is
result. In addition to the table   continuously being optimized.
scale, the inclination scale was   The performance reaches into
also invented by Philipp Mat-      the nanogram range, built-
thäus Hahn in the 17th centu-      in cameras - e.g. self-service
ry. Its advantage was a direct     scales at the fruit counter – sup-
weight indication, which works     port the user or weighing data
without moving and placing a       are automatically and wireless-

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Without scales? What would a world be - World With Weighing
4   |   What woud a world be without scales?

                                               What impact do scales              production process itself, to
                                               have on our daily lives?           quality control and packaging
                                                                                  and logistics.
                                               Scales and weighing solutions
                                               are more present in our lives      Incoming goods
                                               than we realize at first glance.   When raw materials are deliv-
                                               A large number of objects that     ered, the process begins with
                                               surround us and with which we      the determination of the raw
                                               have daily contact would not       material quantity, usually by
                                               exist or would not exist in the    means of weighing. For this
                                               form we know without scales.       purpose, truck scales for trucks
                                               Since the number is so high,       or trains, built-in scales or load
                                               we can only give a small insight   cells in tanks or silos as well as
                                               into the influence of scales       pallet or floor scales can be
                                               on our daily lives. However, it    used. Even the moisture con-
                                               gives a good overview of how
        ly transferred from the scale to       extensive and, above all, irre-
        different software systems.            placeable weighing technol-
        However, the interesting histo-        ogy solutions have become.
        ry of the development of scales        Scales in general accompany
        is far from over, which will bring     the value chain from incoming
        us many more exciting devel-           goods in production, through
        opments for the future.                research and development, the
Without scales? What would a world be - World With Weighing
tent of powders or granules       and quality parameters such as       In quality control, scales play
can be determined by means of     tightness of packaging, closure      an important role in analytical
moisture analyzers (also called   torques or the frictional stabili-   applications, such as quality
drying scales), whose technol-    ty of tablets are ensured.           assurance for food or pharma-
ogy is based on the weight loss                                        ceuticals, but also in identifying
of the sample by heating.            Bench or floor scales are         incomplete or damaged prod-
                                  then often used in manual pro-       ucts – as in the plastics or metal
Production and quality control    duction steps. The scales assist     industries. Here, the weight of
During production, weighing       employees in counting pieces         a component provides infor-
modules and load cells in fill-   so that customer orders can be       mation about its quality. On the
ing, dosing and formulation       processed without missing or         other hand, integrated check-
systems support the correct       excess components. At the same       weighing solutions ensure the
use of individual raw materials   time, counting scales can track      completeness of assemblies,
and components. Overfilling       inventory movements and thus         kits or individual delivery units.
and underfilling are avoided      avoid out-of-stock situations.       In filling systems, too, weigh-

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Without scales? What would a world be - World With Weighing
6   |   What woud a world be without scales?

        ing is the only method of filling      the packaging system for indi-   The importance of qual-
        control that is not dependent          vidual packages or even pal-     ity, reliability and safety
        on container shape, density            letized freight automates the
        differences, foam formation or         processes.                       If scales do not work reliably,
        air pockets.                                                            then this can have significant
                                                  Scales can send shipment      influences. For example, in
        Packaging and logistics                weight data to invoicing via     the case of pharmaceuticals,
        Freight costs often depend             software integration, minimiz-   only the smallest amounts of
        on weight and volume and are           ing manual paperwork and         active ingredient can have an
        thus essential for accurate in-        thus transmission errors. For    impact on the life and death
        voicing. Integrating a scale into      volume measurement, the          of a patient. The effects are of
                                               scales can be combined with a    course not always immediately
                                               camera system and also linked    so dramatic, but the user of a
                                               to the control software.         scale should always be able to
                                                                                rely on its results - whether in
                                                                                the nanogram or ton range. In
                                                                                this respect, it is important that
                                                                                a scale is of good quality. Only
                                                                                high-quality scale parts, com-
                                                                                bined with careful assembly,
                                                                                will allow many years of daily
                                                                                use without failures due to bro-
                                                                                ken components. If repairs are
Without scales? What would a world be - World With Weighing
necessary, it is important that    rious consequences - from im-
they are carried out by trained    mense costs to significant legal
specialists using approved         consequences.
spare parts - preferably direct-
ly from the manufacturer. The      Legal framework              for
European weighing industry
supplies the high-quality scales
and carries out the repairs to
                                   It is important that someone
guarantee the quality of scales.
                                   is able to trust the weighing
                                   instruments they use. For cen-
    To ensure accurate results
                                   turies legal metrology legisla-
from a scale, it must also be
                                   tion is in place to guarantee the
checked or calibrated regu-
                                   quality of weighing. Currently,
larly. This involves determin-
                                   there is a comprehensive legal
ing whether the scale deviates
                                   framework consisting of Euro-
from the true, actual value of
                                   pean and national legislation,
the measure and, which is done                                         gotiable. Consequently, the
                                   international standards and
with the help of metrological                                          weighing instruments need to
                                   guidelines to protect users and
comparison objects. Only if a                                          meet certain standards when
                                   consumers. Particularly in the
balance works accurately is it a                                       being sold and during its life-
                                   area of commercial transac-
reliable measuring and testing                                         time they need to continue
                                   tions, medical diagnoses and
instrument. Inadequate mea-                                            functioning correctly. In most
                                   legal disputes these require-
surement results can have se-                                          European countries this means
                                   ments are strict and not-ne-

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Without scales? What would a world be - World With Weighing
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                                               the weighing instruments are        olution and accuracy, the con-
                                               also obliged to be checked on       nection to automatic dosing
                                               a regular basis.                    and control systems, automatic
                                                                                   networking in databases, in-
                                                   For purchasers it is essen-     tegration in software systems,
                                               tial to buy the weighing instru-    the combination with camer-
                                               ments that are compliant with       as or intelligent self-checking
                                               the legislation. Additionally,      functions of the scales them-
                                               users need to follow national       selves.
                                               legislation and ensure the ac-
                                               curacy of the weighing instru-         Development of innovative
                                               ment over the years by having       weighing instruments is ongo-
                                               periodic reverifications. This      ing and is currently focusing
                                               way the legal framework pro-        very strongly on the topic of
                                               tects users and customers.          data integration and facilitation
                                                                                   of daily use for the user. Here,
                                               Outlook into the future             the gain in efficiency through
                                                                                   time savings in the individual
                                               of scale development
                                                                                   weighing process plays a major
                                                                                   role. Tests are also being car-
                                               In the last 20 years alone,
                                                                                   ried out to find out which me-
                                               there have been fundamental
                                                                                   dia the scales can use to sup-
                                               advances in the weighing in-
                                                                                   port the user even more in the
                                               dustry, be it in the area of res-
Without scales? What would a world be - World With Weighing
individual process steps. Virtu-    are becoming increasingly im-      will continue to support us in
al reality glasses or intelligent   portant, as is the avoidance of    the coming years to simplify
laboratory tables that commu-       overfilling or underfilling and    our daily lives.
nicate with the scales play an      the complete traceability of re-
important role here.                sults.

   Scales in retail that provide       At the same time, increas-
recipes on the smartphone to        ingly strict legal requirements
match the food purchased are        for almost all industries de-
also an innovation as well as       mand appropriate instruments
the implementation of sustain-      and processes for quality con-
ability in the entire production    trol, in which the scales can
and food industry.                  support the user considerably.
In the production sector, re-       So it remains very exciting how
jects due to flawless batches       weighing technology solutions

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Without scales? What would a world be - World With Weighing
10   |   What woud a world be without scales?

         Who is CECIP?                          all sectors. Nowadays weighing          dard in the manufacture of
         About us                               instruments plays an important          weighing instruments;
                                                role in every industry, contrib-    »   Co-operating with the metro-
         CECIP is the European associa-         uting to the quality of the final       logical services in the estab-
         tion for national trade organisa-      product.                                lishment and amendment of
         tions representing the Europe-                                                 the regulatory environment;
         an manufacturers of weighing               Today, CECIP is playing its     »   Reducing the technical and
         instruments. Founded in 1958,          role within Europe, striving for        administrative     regulations
         CECIP has today 14 members.            common and harmonised stan-             relevant to weighing instru-
         These include 11 national mem-         dards to be adopted at Euro-            ments to those requirements
         ber associations from: Austria,        pean and International levels.          which are necessary not to
         Czech Republic, France, Ger-           These standards and legislation         harm users;
         many, Italy, Netherlands, Po-          should provide safety and qual-     »   Ensuring harmonisation of na-
         land, Slovakia, Spain, Switzer-        ity to both consumers and users         tional regulations and the use
         land and United Kingdom and            of weighing instruments. CECIP          of established international
         three company members from             aims to provide valuable contri-        standards, in order to elim-
         Portugal, Sweden and Turkey.           butions to improve the quality          inate barriers to cross-bor-
                                                of legislation and standards.           der trade of weighing instru-
            The weighing industry has                                                   ments;
         gone through tremendous                The mission of CECIP                »   Ensuring that national and in-
         changes in the past decades                                                    ternational requirements do
         with new technologies and              CECIP´s mission is:                     not prevent the development
         techniques being introduced in         » Promoting a high quality stan-        of new weighing technologies;
» Liaising with national and in-   them being partly or even over     » Protecting consumer rights
  ternational organisations and    50 % active on related fields as     via trustworthy and reliable
  with end users concerning all    well). The weighing industry in      supermarket scales.
  aspects of legal metrology in-   total employs around 50.000        » Helping doctors providing
  cluding consistent interpreta-   people and has a turnover of         the right medical care.
  tion of requirements;            about 3 billion Euros.             » Supporting advanced re-
» Promoting a good under-                                               search via high-precision
  standing of modern weighing         There is a wide variety of        scales.
  technology, especially in de-    weighing instruments that          » Increasing productivity in the
  veloping countries;              are produced by the industry.        process industry by enabling
» Ensuring fair trade practices    These range from weighbridg-         further atomisation.
  by all weighing instrument       es and supermarket scales to       » Making agriculture more sus-
  manufacturers worldwide.         high-precision scales in labora-     tainable by allowing agricul-
                                   tories.                              ture machinery to work more
Power behind CECIP                                                      precisely.
                                      Reliable and high-quality       » Producing safe and high qual-
European weighing instruments      weighing instruments improve         ity food products.
manufacturers, including mem-      processes and equipment in         » Ensuring       fair      busi-
bers of CECIP, represent over      various ways.                        ness-to-business trade via
50 % of the worldwide trade vol-                                        accurate truckscales and
ume. There are ca. 700 compa-        Weighing instruments help          bulkscales.
nies active in the production of   consumers, researchers and
weighing instruments (many of      companies in, for instance:

                                                                          What woud a world be without scales?   |   11
Our Office

The secretariat of CECIP is located in Brussels and led by Secretary
General. It is in charge of the daily management of the association. In
addition, the secretariat coordinates the work of the working groups
of CECIP organising and assisting their meetings.

Contact us

Bluepoint Building
Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80
1030 Brussels
Tel.: +32 (0)2 706 82 15
Email: info@cecip.eu                                                      © 02/2021 CECIP
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