Design of Eucalyptus Oil Refining Destilator (Melaleuca Cajuputi) - International ...

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Design of Eucalyptus Oil Refining Destilator (Melaleuca Cajuputi) - International ...
International Journal Publishing
INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Volume 3, No. 2, 2021

Design of Eucalyptus Oil Refining Destilator (Melaleuca
 Reinyelda D. Latuheru1*, Peter Sahupala2
 Musamus University Merauke, Indonesia

 Abstract. The aim of this research is to design a distillation of eucalyptus oil and analyze the
 distillation rate on the yield of oil quality. This study uses an experimental method that directly makes
 a distillation apparatus, conducts experiments and observations to collect the necessary data, and then
 analyzes it with the Indonesian national quality standard, SNI 06-3954-2006. The design of the
 eucalyptus oil distillation apparatus is made in two major parts, namely the kettle as a distillation site
 and the condenser as a place for evaporation of steam into the water to obtain distillate which will then
 be separated to produce eucalyptus oil. The results showed that the highest average temperature
 measured on the surface of the boiler was 158°C, and the highest average temperature on the stove
 surface was 138°C. The average amount of water that is evaporated in the boiler is 19.0 liters in one
 distillation process. Distillation was carried out for 6 hours. Thus, the average water that can be
 evaporated in the boiler every hour is 4.0 liters/m². The amount of vaporized water is 4 liters of the
 total water in the kettle, as much as 19 liters; only 21.053% of the water is evaporated. The analysis
 results of these two samples show the quality of eucalyptus oil produced from the study. Namely, the
 color of the oil is clear/transparent, the odor produced is typical of eucalyptus oil, the specific gravity
 of the two samples is 0.9128 gr/ml, the refractive index is 0.4, and the oil yield is obtained. 1.2%. The
 temperature obtained is relatively tiny, namely, 203.8092 MJ, while the total energy needed to
 evaporate water is 11.2356127 MJ. It means that only 18.5% of energy can be generated in the
 distillation process in the boiler. The energy requirement of kerosene is 203,8092 MJ of the total need
 for kerosene used in the refining process of 5 liters. Still, it can be seen that the energy used to produce
 steam is only 11,2356127 MJ of the total available energy of 203,8092 MJ. A lot of energy is wasted
 because of the heat protection from the distillation apparatus, resulting in a resulting thermal efficiency
 of only 5.5%.

 Keywords: Distillation, Essential, Eucalyptus, Yield.

 Melaleuca cajuputi is one type of plant known as Eucalyptus and has excellent
benefits in producing essential oils. This plant usually grows on land that is not too wide and
is generally always close to people. Most people on the outskirts or those with medium and
small social and economic strata always cultivate or produce this Eucalyptus as an essential
oil. The utilization of eucalyptus leaves is a raw material in producing eucalyptus oil. It is
used as a raw material for the eucalyptus oil industry, processed through a refining process.
But in the processing process, traditional processing is often found using makeshift
equipment and without any scientific studies.
 The need for Eucalyptus oil continues to increase with the emergence of various
variants of eucalyptus oil. When viewed from the widespread eucalyptus plants and the
growing demand for eucalyptus oil, which is around 1500 tons, while Indonesia can only
produce 400 tons, even this production is often unstable and tends to decline, according to
data from the Directorate General of Forestry Production Development (Hetumessen et al.
 Several things are of concern in conducting this research because of field observations
about the results of products from Eucalyptus oil: 1) The yield and quality of Eucalyptus oil
are still meager; 2) The color and refractive index of eucalyptus oil are still brown and not
clear; 3) The smell of Eucalyptus oil is unscented specifically for eucalyptus leaves.

International Journal Publishing
INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Volume 3, No. 2, 2021

 The objectives of this research are as follows: 1) Designing a distillation of eucalyptus
oil and the recovery of essential oil / Eucalyptus produced; and 2) Analyzing the distillation
rate to the obtained distillation results.

 Distillation or distillation is a process of evaporation followed by condensation.
Distillation separates a liquid from the mixture if the other components do not evaporate
(other boiling points are higher). For example, is the treatment of fresh water from seawater
(Arteaga et al., 2021).
 Extraction with volatile solvents has the principle of extraction by dissolving the oil in
oil and fat solvents. Commonly used solvents include petroleum ether, gasoline, n-hexane,
and alcohol. Extraction with volatile solvents also has a weakness (Bertin et al. 2020).
Namely, the cost of extraction tends to be expensive, and the loss of solvent during the
extraction process will increase the price of oil production (Wannapakhe, 2017). Therefore,
extraction using solvents is suitable for oils that have high economic value.
 In the distillation process, the vapor phase will be formed immediately after being
heated. The vapor and liquid are allowed to make contact (Hutagalung et al. 2017). In
insufficient time all the components present in the solution will be distributed in the phase to
form a physical equilibrium. After physical equilibrium is reached, the vapor is immediately
separated from the liquid to form the distillate (Murni et al. 2017). The distillate contains
many components with a higher pure vapor pressure or lower boiling point. At the same time,
the details with low pure vapor pressure or high boiling point are primarily contained in the
residue (Dimian et al. 2019).
 Steam Distillation The distillation of Eucalyptus leaves to obtain eucalyptus oil uses a
principle based on the volatile nature of the volatile oil when rinsed with hot water vapor.
The steam that flows will carry the essential oil in the eucalyptus leaves, and when the smoke
is in contact with cold media, it will turn into dew so that water and oil will be obtained
separately (Liang et al. 2021). In distillation using direct steam, transporting essential oils
from within the material occurs with hot smoke blown directly. This method is similar to the
steaming way, but water is not added to the distillation kettle.
 The steam used is saturated steam or overheated steam at a pressure of more than 1
atmosphere. The hot steam generated from the boiler flows through a circular, porous steam
pipe under the material (Zhang et al. 2020). The moisture moves upward through the material
located above the filter in the tank or distillation boiler. Several factors affect the amount of
oil that evaporates with water vapor: the amount of steam pressure used, the molecular
weight of each component in the oil, and the speed of the oil coming out of the material.
 This fundamental principle distinguishes the notion of the separation process by
distillation from the evaporation or drying process, even though all three use heat as the
separating power (Atmanto et al. 2019). The fermented product contains 912% alcohol. With
multilevel distillation, the alcohol content can be increased. At atmospheric pressure, water
boils at 100oC and drink at 78oC. If this vapor is condensed, the alcohol concentration will be
greater than the initial solution. If this process is repeated continuously, an explanation of
increasing attention will be obtained (Putri et al. 2019). In this condition, the alcohol cannot
be concentrated again by distillation because the amount of alcohol and water will always be
 The units for determining the physical properties of essential oils/Eucalyptus are: 1)
Specific gravity is the weight ratio of the substance to the volume of the importance to a
particular temperature (25 0C); 2) The refractive index of essential oils always correlates with
each element contained in the resulting essential oil. This index strongly influences the

International Journal Publishing
INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Volume 3, No. 2, 2021

quality of essential oils. When light passes through a non-solid fluid such as air to a dense
fluid such as oil, the light will not form a straight line, but the light will bend or bias the
regular sequence (Ully & Wuwur, 2018). To test it used a refractometer. It is what then
becomes a benchmark for the quality of essential oils. If the water content in the essential oil
is significant, the Refractive Index will be small. It is a property of a liquid fluid that can
easily refract incoming light. Still, on the contrary, if it contains a mixture of substances with
a sufficiently large molecular weight or is said to have a significant density value, the
refractive index will be high as well; and 3) The optical rotation of essential oils has the
power to rotate the plane of polarization of light in all directions (Cao et al. 2017). These
properties depend on the type of essential oil, temperature, and wavelength of light. The tool
used is a Polarimeter.
 Useful heat is the energy used to raise the temperature and change the phase to
saturated vapor. When viewed from the increase in temperature and the amount of
evaporation mass, it can be determined by the following equation:
 Qk = λm .cp.(Ti - T0 ) + m.hfg
 Qk = Useful heat, (kkal)
 λm = Mass rate of condensate produced (kg/s)
 = Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (J/kg. K)
 T2 = Eucalyptus oil temperature, (0C)
 T1 = The initial temperature of eucalyptus oil, (0C)
 ∆ = The heat of vaporization of eucalyptus oil, (kkal/kg).
 When the distillation process occurs, the heat energy from the saturated steam will be
used to evaporate all the components of the compounds contained in eucalyptus leaves. This
process will result in a loss of power. In addition to the heat used for the evaporation process
of compounds in Eucalyptus leaves, it is necessary to keep the steam temperature constant to
avoid the decomposition of Eucalyptus leaves.
 The leading equipment in the distillation cycle is the condenser which is placed in the
distillation. The condenser's primary function is to change the vapor phase to liquid, which
means that condensation occurs. The mass of the condensed steam flow is equal to the group
of the heat generated in the boiler.

 The research will be conducted using the experimental method, which directly makes
the distillation apparatus and works experiments and observations to collect the necessary
data (Panzella et al. 2020). The implementation of observations to obtain experimental data
carried out in this writing took place at the Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering, Musamus
 Figure 1. Extractor Distillation Design

International Journal Publishing
INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Volume 3, No. 2, 2021

 The working conditions of the eucalyptus oil distillation are as follows: 1) Process:
Steam Installation; b) Working temperature: > 100oC; and 3) Pressure: 1 atm Inlet cooling
water temperature: Room temperature
 Outgoing cooling water temperature: be measured: 1) Prepare distillation boiler,
furnace, and raw materials, namely eucalyptus leaves; 2) The liquid fluid is put in the bottom
of the kettle, namely the extractor, after the eucalyptus leaves are inserted and placed on a
perforated plate/angsting just above the surface of the extractor; 3) The boiler/reactor is then
tightly closed so that no steam leaks; 4) The connecting pipe between the kettle and the
distillation serves to drain the saturated steam that has been mixed with eucalyptus leaf
compounds flowing from the kettle to the distillation/condenser; 5) The liquid fluid will flow
into the condenser to cool the saturated vapor, after which the fluid is removed again; 6) The
bucket that has been provided will accommodate the distillate in the form of eucalyptus oil;
and 7) Analyze the rate of heat transfer in the distillation process (Song et al., 2020).

 1. Result
 The process of refining eucalyptus oil is carried out using the steam distillation
method, where the process is carried out for 6 hours. There are three stages carried out
based on temperature measurements in the distillation process, namely: 1) From the 0th
minute to the 22nd minute; 2) From the 23rd minute to the 35th minute; 3) From the 36th
minute to the 360th minute.
 During the distillation process, several parameters were observed, such as: 1)
Observation of the performance of the refinery based on the design; and 2) The data
collection of the distillation process included the fuel used, namely a 32 axis and 5-liter
kerosene stove, the weight of the distilled eucalyptus leaves, the dimensions of the tool, the
surface temperature of the distiller, the rate of distillation or distillate, the temperature of
the distillate, the pressure applied, the length of the distillation time. And the amount of oil
obtained (Abdulstar et al., 2020).
 The process of refining eucalyptus oil is carried out on average for 6 hours. For one
distillation process, the average amount of kerosene is 5 liters, while the maximum capacity
of the kettle made to accommodate eucalyptus leaves is 25 kg. The resulting distillate
temperature is 29°C.
 The eucalyptus oil distillation system was treated with three conditions, namely the
0th minute to the 22nd minute, the 23rd minute to the 35th minute, and the 36th minute to
the 360th minute. This treatment is intended for a stable temperature associated with
increased pressure in the boiler, as shown in table 1.
 Table 1. Boiler and Steam Heat Transfer Surface Area Data
 No. Parameter Results
 Heat transfer 0.0961625 m2 +
 surface area in 0.02625 m2 +
 boilers and steam 0.0007054 m2 =
 pipes 0.12312 m2
 Amount of water
 2 19 liter
 6 hour (360
 3 Distillation time

International Journal Publishing
INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Volume 3, No. 2, 2021

 4 Steam generated 4 liter

 Average distillation
 5 140oC
 Average boiler
 6 158°C
 surface temperature
 Average stove
 7 138°C
 Source: Data proceed

 Table 2. Eucalyptus Oil Quality Requirements
 No. Test Type Unit Requirements
 1 Status
 Clear to
 1.1 Color - greenish-
 1.2 Smell -
 2 Gravity - 0.900 – 0.930
 o o
 20 C/20 C
 3 - 1.450 – 1.470
 Source: Data proceed
 The highest average temperature measured on the boiler surface is 158°C, and the
highest average temperature on the stove surface is 138°C. The average amount of water that
is evaporated in the boiler is 19.0 liters in one distillation process. Distillation was carried out
for 6 hours. Thus, the average water that can be evaporated in the boiler every hour is 4.0
 2. Discussion
 Quality test analysis determines the cineol content, ethanol content, refractive index,
optical rotation, specific gravity (specific gravity). The number of samples analyzed was two
bottles taken in the first 150 ml and the second 150 ml. Analysis of the quality test that has
been carried out is by using the Gas Chromatography method to determine the levels of
ethanol and cineol in eucalyptus oil. Based on the results of the analysis of the quality of
eucalyptus oil as shown in table 2.
 Yield Calculation of eucalyptus essential oil content (redeem) is carried out after the
distillation process, namely by calculating all of the research results conducted.
 Table 3. Eucalyptus Oil Quality Analysis Results
 Test Type Sample I Sample II
 Color Clear Clear
 Typical Typical
 Eucalyptus Oil Eucalyptus Oil
 Specific Gravity
 0. 9246156 0.9246156
 Refractive Index 0.4 0.4

International Journal Publishing
INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Volume 3, No. 2, 2021

 Yield (%) 1.2 1.2

 Source: Data proceed

 Based on the value of the quality standard of essential oils, especially eucalyptus oil,
as listed in table 2, a comparison can be made against the results of research and testing
obtained as in table 4.
 Table 4. Comparison of Analysis Results With National Quality Standards
 Test Result Quality
 Test Requirements
 Sample II

 Color Clear Clear Clear greeny

 Typical Typical
 Smell Eucalyptus Eucalyptus
 Eucalyptus Oil
 Oil Oil

 Gravity 0. 9128 0. 9128 0.900 – 0.930
 0.4 0.4 1.450 – 1.470

 Yield (%) 1.2 1.2 -

 Source: Data proceed
 Based on table 4 above, the study results show that the specific gravity of refined
eucalyptus oil is 0.9128, while according to the quality standard 0.900 – 0.930. The results
obtained indicate that the eucalyptus oil obtained in the test is still within the range set by the
national quality standard. Before the refining process, the raw materials receive pre-
treatment, namely in the drying or storage process.
 The refractive index can be determined based on direct measurement of the angle of
refraction of the oil by maintaining constant temperature conditions. The results of simple
measurements show a range of 0.4. This value is still in the field of 1,450 – 1,470 in the
national standard. The refractive index value is also influenced by the presence of water in
the eucalyptus oil content. The more water content, the smaller the refractive index value. It
is because of the nature of the water that it is easy to refract the incoming light.
 In this study, the yield of eucalyptus oil obtained was 1.2%. One of the factors that
caused the creation of eucalyptus oil in this study was quite good because there was an initial
treatment before the distillation process was carried out. It is because a smaller/fine material
where the leaf fibers with a small size will speed up the water infiltration process. Thus the
oil contained in eucalyptus leaves will evaporate more quickly along with the water vapor.

International Journal Publishing
INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Volume 3, No. 2, 2021

 The process of refining eucalyptus oil is carried out on average for 6 hours. For one
distillation process, the average amount of kerosene is 5 liters, while the maximum capacity
of the kettle made to accommodate eucalyptus leaves is 25 kg. The resulting distillate
temperature is 29°C.
 The eucalyptus oil distillation system was treated with three conditions, namely the
0th minute to the 22nd minute, the 23rd minute to the 35th minute, and the 36th minute to the
360th minute. This treatment is intended for a stable temperature associated with increased
pressure in the boiler, as shown in table 5.
 Table 5. Eucalyptus Oil Refining Work Efficiency Data
 Parameter Result
 1 Amount of oil used (K.A = 20 %) 5 liter (4.45 kg)
 2 Total energy produced by kerosene 203.8092 MJ
 3 Amount of water evaporated 4 liter (4 kg)
 4 The total energy of the water vapor produced 11.2356127 MJ
 5 Distillation time 6 hours (360 minutes)
 6 Energy efficiency in furnaces and boilers 5.5 %
 Source: Data proceed

 The energy requirement of kerosene is 203,8092 MJ of the total need for kerosene
used in the refining process of 5 liters. Still, it can be seen that the energy used to produce
steam is only 11,2356127 MJ of the total available energy of 203,8092 MJ. Much energy is
wasted due to heat protection from the distillation apparatus, resulting in a resulting thermal
efficiency of only 5.5%. The energy balance of the eucalyptus oil refining process that has
been carried out can be described.

 The design of the eucalyptus oil distillation apparatus is made in two major parts,
namely the kettle as a distillation site and the condenser as a place for evaporation of steam
into the water to obtain distillate which will then be separated to produce eucalyptus oil.
Other elements include steam pipes that connect the boiler to the condenser and small lines in
the condenser. Details of the design tool can be seen in appendix 1.
 Temperature measurement based on three-time treatments, obtained as follows minute
0 to minute 22, the water temperature was measured at room temperature, namely 30oC to
60oC, 23rd minute to 35th minute, the water temperature was measured at 60oC up to a
temperature of 73oC, the 36th minute to the 360th minute, the water temperature was
measured at a temperature of 73oC to a temperature of 138.03oC. The highest average
temperature measured on the surface of the boiler is 158°C, and the highest average
temperature on the stove surface is 138°C. The average amount of water that is evaporated in
the boiler is 19.0 liters in one distillation process. Distillation was carried out for 6 hours.
Thus, the average water that can be evaporated in the boiler every hour is 4.0 liters/m². The
amount of vaporized water is 4 liters of the total water in the kettle, as much as 19 liters; this
means that only 21.053% of the water is evaporated. Thus, fluctuations in the distillate rate
do not affect the steam pressure in the boiler. It can happen because the heat needed to
evaporate the water is not enough so that the temperature obtained is relatively tiny. The time
required for the distillation process is 6 hours. The analysis results of two samples showed the

International Journal Publishing
INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Volume 3, No. 2, 2021

quality of eucalyptus oil produced from the study. The color of the oil was clear/transparent,
the odor had was typical of eucalyptus oil, the specific gravity of the two samples was
0.9128gr/ml, the refractive index was 0.4, and the yield of the oil was obtained. 1.2%. The
amount of evaporated water is 4 liters of the total water in the kettle, as much as 19 liters;
only 21.053% of the water is evaporated. Thus, fluctuations in the distillate rate do not affect
the steam pressure in the boiler. It can happen because the heat needed to evaporate water is
not enough, so that the temperature obtained is relatively small, namely, 203.8092 MJ. In
comparison, the total energy required to evaporate water is 11.2356127 MJ, which means that
only 18.5% of energy can be generated in the distillation process in the boiler. The time
needed for the distillation process is 6 hours. The energy requirement of kerosene is 203,8092
MJ of the total need for kerosene used in the refining process of 5 liters. Still, it can be seen
that the energy used to produce steam is only 11,2356127 MJ of the total available energy of
203,8092 MJ. A lot of energy is wasted because of the heat protection from the distillation
apparatus, resulting in a resulting thermal efficiency of only 5.5%.

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Volume 3, No. 2, 2021

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