Winter 2023 - Town of Palm Beach

Page created by Cody Leonard
Winter 2023 - Town of Palm Beach
Winter 2023

                                                        Revised January 28, 2021
                                              Revised January 28, 2021
Morton and Barbara Mandel Recreation Center
340 Seaview Ave, Palm Beach, FL 33480
Winter 2023 - Town of Palm Beach
General Information
  Welcome to the Town of Palm Beach Recreation Department, the primary provider of public recreation
  activities and facilities on the Island. Palm Beach has a bounty of opportunities for golf, tennis, and other
  recreational/social experiences.
  The Recreation Department strives to provide outstanding recreation programs, facilities, and services
  which enrich and enhance the lives of its Palm Beach residents and visitors through the Mandel Recreation
  Center, Seaview Park & Phipps Ocean Park Tennis Centers, Town Marina and Par 3 Golf Course.

   Registration may be done in person at 340 Seaview Avenue, online at or over
   the phone at 561-838-5485. Due to limited space capacity, all programs must be registered for in
   advance. Payment is due at the time of registration. Please note Anyone under the age of 13 must be
   accompanied by a parent/guardian while at the Mandel Recreation Center.

   Refund/Transfer Polices
   All Recreation Center refund requests are subject to a $15 processing fee, are prorated and no refunds will
   be issued after the second meeting of any activity. A $10 fee will be assessed for all transfers, and no
   transfers will be issued after the second meeting of any activity.

   Classes may be prorated up to the mid-point of each program if registering after the class has begun. Once
   the mid-point of the class is reached, 50% of the class fee will be charged.

   Proof of Residency The following items listing name and Palm Beach residential address qualify as Proof of
   *Palm Beach County tax receipt for the current year              *Voter’s registration card
   *Unexpired State of Florida driver’s license or vehicle registration
   *A copy of a lease agreement for residential property or boat dockage for a period of at least 6 months
   *A deed or other official document indicating ownership of residential property
   *Any utility bill listing the name and Palm Beach residential address
   *Mail from a credit card company, bank or other financial institution

                                                 Recreation Update Directory
                General Information: Page 2                             Preschool Enrichment 3
                Youth Enrichment Page 4                                Preschool & Youth Sports Page 5
                Youth Sport/Youth & Adult Private Training Page 6      Adult Enrichment/ Mom & Me Fitness Page 7
                Fitness Classes Page 8                                 Fitness Center Page 9
                Fieldhouse & Pickleball Page 10                        Tennis Centers Page 11
                Department Facility Directory Page 12

                                                   Facebook- Palm Beach Recreation Department
                   Connect with us!
                                                   Instagram- @townofpalmbeachrecreation

     561-838-5485                                                     Page 2
Winter 2023 - Town of Palm Beach
Preschool Enrichment
Preschool programs help teach children the importance of     Registration Info
physical activity, help develop better communication,       Winter Session begins January 9*
gross and fine motor skills and teaches socialization.      Resident registration begins November 22
                                                            Nonresident registration begins December
                                                                                            December 13
Little Hands Art                                            Space is limited
Rhythm & Hues will have your toddler
exploring the world of art in this hands on
project based class.
Mondays 2:30pm-3:15pm ages 2-4 years
                                                         Movin’ & Groovin’
Residents $280/8wks Nonresident $350/8wks                Rhythm & Hues will have you singing, dancing
                                                         and playing with instruments in this fun music
Tot Tumbling- Parent/Child                               Wednesdays 10:30-11:00am 18 months-3 years
Gold Coast Gymnastics encourages tots to explore
                                                         Residents $280/8wks Nonresidents $350/8wks
their natural physical movement, gain socialization
opportunities and develop self-awareness through
movement, music and interaction in this parent/
child program.
Mondays 3:00-3:45pm ages: walkers- 3 years
Residents $198/8wks Nonresidents $248/8wks              Mommy and Me Palm Beach *Dec. 29-Feb. 2
                                                        Start your morning off with an hour of music,
                                                        movement, themed crafts, and more for the
Tot Tumbling                                            littlest among us!
Join Gold Coast Gymnastics to learn basic               Thursdays 9:30-10:30am ages 0-4 years
tumbling skills such as somersaults, cart wheels,       Residents $65/4wks Nonresidents $81/4wks
bridges and more as you explore your physical
and character development.
Mondays 4:00-4:45pm ages 3-4 years
Residents $198/8wks Nonresidents $248/8wks

  Page 3                                     561-838-5485
Winter 2023 - Town of Palm Beach
Youth Enrichment
Registration Info
Winter Session begins January 9                          Author Club – Conserve Our Wild
Resident registration begins November 14                 Participants will complete their own professional
                                                         children's wildlife book(s) developed for use in
Nonresident registration begins December 5
                                                         early literacy curriculum. Upon editorial approval
Space is limited                                         their authored book is published to Amazon, online
                                                         reading platforms, and literacy organizations. This
                                                         program improves communication skills through
Mix it Up Art- Rhythm & Hues                             story outlining, perception building, research,
Find your inner Picasso with Rhythm & Hues               spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and more. Each child
while exploring a variety of different mediums           progresses at their own rate.
throughout the session.
Mondays 3:30pm-4:30pm 5-12years                          Thursdays 3:30-4:30pm, Ages: 5+
Residents $280/8wks Nonresident $350/8wks                Residents: $200/6 wks     Nonresidents: $250/6 wks

Gymnastics                                               Systema Karate -Floyd Karate Institute
Gold Coast Gymnastics will help participants             This class promotes fitness, respect, socialization, an
                                                         increased attention span, helps build character and
explore their character development with floor,          so much more.
balance beam, bars and trampoline work.                  Mondays 4:15-4:45pm ages 3-6 years
Mondays 4:45-5:30pm Kindergarten -4th grade              Residents: $104/month Nonresidents: $129/month
Residents $198/8wks      Nonresidents $248/8wks

Communications Arts Prep -Mary Brennan                     Anyone under the age of 13 must be accompanied
For students preparing for or considering a
                                                           by a parent/guardian while at the Mandel
competitive Communications Arts audition. Topics
include film critiquing, writing a creative story, and     Recreation Center.
how to create & prepare for an impromptu speech.
Wednesdays 3:30-4:30pm 3rd- 5th grade
Residents: $175/8wks Nonresidents: $219/8wks

    561-838-5485                                             Page 4
Winter 2023 - Town of Palm Beach
Preschool & Youth Sports
  Story Time Soccer                                       Registration Info
  Teaches soccer through interactive stories and
                                                         Winter Session begins January 9*
  games where participants act out scenarios and
  focus on footwork and ball control to help grasp       Resident registration begins November 14
  soccer fundamentals, a positive impression of          Nonresident registration begins December 5
  sports and an enormous head start on motor             Space is limited
  Mondays 3:30-4:15pm ages 3-5 years
  Residents: $164/8 wks                                  COED Lacrosse:
  Nonresidents: $205/8 wks                               Under the leadership of Molly & Cullen Miller, focus
                                                         will be on game fundamentals, stick work, field
                                                         positioning, conditioning, leadership, sportsmanship,
 Soccer League                                           and teamwork. Programs runs with divided fields.
 Select Soccer will bring your skills to the next
 level, especially in the area of mobility and           Sundays 4:00pm-5:00pm
 agility in this fun, educational program.               Kindergarten- 2nd grade
 Practice: Fridays                                       Residents: $300/8wks Nonresidents: $375/8wks
 Kindergarten– 1st Grade: 3:30-4:30pm
                                                         COED Flag Football:
 2nd-3rd & 4th-6th grade: 4:30-5:30pm
                                                         Participants focus on fundamentals such as running,
 Games: Saturday                                         throwing, passing and catching, as well as on
 Kindergarten-1st Grade: 10:00-11:00am                   discipline, self-esteem, education, sportsmanship,
 2nd-3rd & 4th-6th grade: 11:00am-12:00pm                teamwork, leadership and building character. Older
                                                         participants will learn strategy while continuing
 Residents: $200/10wks Nonresidents $250/10wks
                                                         their skill development.

Little Hoopsters Basketball                              Sundays 3:00pm-4:00pm
"Little Hoopsters" will learn skills such as             Kindergarten- 2nd Grade
dribbling, shooting, passing, game concepts and
                                                         3rd - 5th grade
sportsmanship. With our experienced coaching,
parents and young athletes have a great time             Residents $225/8wks Nonresidents $281/8wks
being active! This program is held in the Smith
Family Fieldhouse.
                                                     Anyone under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a
Saturdays 9:30-10:30am ages 3-5 years
                                                     parent/guardian while at the Mandel Recreation Center.
Residents: $295/8 wks Nonresidents: $369/8

Page 5                                561-838-5485
Winter 2023 - Town of Palm Beach
Youth Sports
                                                             Perseverance Basketball
                                                             Perseverance League
                                                             Perseverance Basketball strives to teach the game
                                                             the right way by a unique instructional style, with an
                                                             age appropriate curriculum. Our particular set of
                                                             "Perseverance in-game rules" are used to encourage
                                                             competitiveness, skill development, sportsmanship,
                                                             teamwork and fun!


                                                             Tuesdays Practice begins
 Basketball Skills Academy:
                                                             Kindergarten & 1st grade: 4:45pm-5:30pm
 Join the Perseverance Basketball staff for weekly
                                                             2nd & 3rd grade: 5:30pm-6:30pm
 drills & skills aimed at improving each player's skill
 level & knowledge of the game! Each week will               4th & 5th grade: 6:30pm-7:30pm
 consist of a different skill topic such as ball han-        6th-9th grade: 7:30pm-8:30pm
 dling, defense, shooting, passing & rebounding.
 Improve your game today!                                    Saturdays Games begin on
 Wednesdays                                                  Times TBA
 Kindergarten-2nd grade: 3:30-4:30pm                         Residents: $ 325/8wks Nonresidents: $ 406/8wks
 3rd-5th grade: 4:30-5:30pm                                  Includes team jersey
 6th-9th grade: 5:30-6:30pm
 Residents: $295/8 wks Nonresidents: $369/8 wks
                                                                   Private Training
                     Perseverance Basketball Youth and Adult Private Training
 Our goal is to teach the fundamentals of the sport to your athlete with an emphasis catering towards the
 skill level and needs of each individual. We teach those goals through hard work, dedication, and diligence in
 the sport. Training sessions are held during open gym time slots.

                  Private Training: 1 Hour Training
           Residents: $115/sess. Nonresidents: $144/sess.

                 Semi-Private Training (2-3 participants):
                             1 Hour Training
                       Residents: $75/per./sess.
                       Nonresidents: $94/per./sess.

             Training sessions must be booked 2 days in
             advance. Payment is due at the time reservation is
             made. For more information or to reserve your training
             session, call 561-838-5485.

      561-838-5485                                                    Page 6
Winter 2023 - Town of Palm Beach
Adult Enrichment Programs
Italian VIRTUAL                                                 Registration Info
Laura Antonacci, a native Italian, will make
learning Italian easy and fun. Laura conducts class           Winter Session begins January 9*
almost entirely in the target language and focuses            Resident registration begins November 14
on development of conversational skills. Students             Nonresident registration begins December 5
will become acquainted with the culture, music,
and food of Italy through web-site material,                  Space is limited
practical dialogues and Italian song and games.
Italian for Beginners Mondays 12-1:30pm
Italian Intermediate Mondays 10-11:30am
                                                              Michele Bradley will make learning French easy and
Resident: $225/8 wks Nonresident: $281/8 wks                  fun. Michele conducts class almost entirely in the
                                                              target language and focuses on development of
                                                              conversational skills. Students will become
                                                              acquainted with the culture, music, and food of
                                                              French for Beginners Wednesdays 12-1:30pm
                                                              French Intermediate Wednesdays 1:45-3:15pm
                                                              Resident: $225/ 8 wks   Nonresident: $281/8 wks

                                                              Mom & Me Fitness
                                                 Mommy & Me

         All ages and fitness levels welcome for this fun, zoo-themed workout. Think squats, lunges,
         animal movements & more. Lift your littles or get big kids building strength and endurance
         working out alongside you! Simple intervals will help your toddlers build counting skills, help-
         ing you count down work and rest periods.

                                        Wednesdays 11:00-11:45am

                                                  Drop-in Class: Residents $18, Nonresidents $23
                                                  5 Class Pass: Residents $80, Nonresidents $100
                                                  10 Class Pass: Residents $140, Nonresidents $175

Page 7
Winter 2023 - Town of Palm Beach
Fitness Classes
Try one of our wellness programs to enhance your workout routine or improve your sports performance.
Classes are ongoing. Mix and match classes to create the ultimate workout experience and consider buying a
series pass to save.

 Zumba GOLD TONING with Anabell                         Slow Flow Yoga for Strength with Jen
 Tailored for active older adults who want to           This class moves at a medium-slow pace, and
 focus on muscle conditioning and light                 focuses on building strength and endurance,
 weight activity. Ideal for individuals who             particularly in upper body strength. Learn the
 want a slower-paced Zumba class with the               foundational movements behind sun salutations
 benefits of moderate intensity strength                and more.
 training for the entire body.                          Tuesdays 9:00am
 Mondays 8:30am
                                                        Zumba TONING with Anabell
                                                        Perfect for those who want a fun, high-energy
Core Strength & Stability with Jen/Daniel               aerobic workout with the added benefit of toning
Join Daniel in his signature 30-minute core             and sculpting the muscles of the arms, core and
intensive class that will incorporate exercises for     lower body.
lengthening, strengthening, and stabilizing the         Wednesday 8:30am
muscles of the abdominals, lower back and
obliques                                                Restorative Yoga for Mobility with Jen
Monday and Thursday 12:00pm                             This restorative-style Yoga class moves at a slower
                                                        pace, allowing more time for static holds and
Vinyasa Yoga with Amy                                   deepening postures. Expect extra time spent on
                                                        shoulder, trunk and hip mobility, especially
This vinyasa-style yoga class moves at a medium pace,
                                                        beneficial for our golf and tennis athletes.
encouraging movement with the breath. Focusing on
building strength, balance, and overall fitness in this Thursday 9:00am
gentle class available to all fitness levels! Enjoy the
sunset and moon for this ‘candle-lit’ outdoor class     Stretch & Relaxation with Yoga Man Dan
held on the South-facing patio. Monday, 6:15pm          Join our newest instructor, Dan Schaffer for a relaxing
                                                        morning stretch, Fridays at 8:30am. Expect a full-body
Monday 6:15pm
                                                        stretch, balance work and deep relaxation. Accessible
                                                        to all fitness levels and bodies!
                                                        Fridays 8:30am

                                                        Zumba with Anabell
                                                        Designed for “Everybody and every body!”, Zumba
             Drop-in Class:                             aims to take the “work” out of workout, by mixing
             Residents $18, Nonresidents $23            low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an inter-
             5 Class Pass:                              val-style calorie-burning dance fitness party. Total
                                                        body workout combines cardio, muscle condition-
             Residents $80, Nonresidents $100
                                                        ing, balance and flexibility, while boosting energy
             10 Class Pass:                             levels and having fun!
             Residents $140, Nonresidents $175          Saturday 8:30am

   561-227-6363                                            Page 8
Winter 2023 - Town of Palm Beach
Fitness Center
The Fitness Center, at the Morton and Barbara Mandel Recreation Center, is a boutique fitness center in
the heart of Town offering its residents (proof of residency required) cardio equipment, weight machines,
personal training and wellness programs for all fitness levels. Call 561-227-6363 or stop by the Mandel
Recreation Center to sign-up for a membership or personal training

                                     Fitness Center Hours:

           Nov. 1- April 30                                  May 1- October 31
           Monday- Friday: 6:30am-8:00pm                     Monday- Friday: 6:30am-7:00pm
           Saturday: 8:00am-6:00pm                           Saturday: 8:00am-5:00pm
           Sunday: 9:30am-6:00pm                             Sunday: 9:30am-5:00pm

 Memberships                                            Personal Training
3 Month Resident Pass:                                  Whether it’s your first time working with a trainer
Adult: $270                                             or you’re a seasoned veteran, we’ll work with you
2 Adults (Same Household): $395                         to accomplish your individual goals.

                                                         Individual Sessions:
Annual Resident Pass:
Adult: $495                                              30 Minutes: $60 60 Minutes: $100
2 Adults (Same Household): $740                          10 Sessions:
                                                         30 Minutes: $550 60 Minutes: $900
                                                         20 Sessions:
Monthly Resident Pass:                                   30 Minutes: $1050 60 Minutes: $1750
Adult: $130
2 Adults (Same Household): $195

                                                         NEW: Partner & Small Group (3-5 people) Sessions
Daily     Resident Drop-ins:
Adult: $22 Adult Guest: $28                              Partner Sessions:
                                                         30 Minutes: $100     60 Minutes: $150
                                                         Small Group (3-5 people) Sessions:
                                                         *60 Minutes only: $200

  Page 9                      561-227-6363
Winter 2023 - Town of Palm Beach
Smith Family Fieldhouse
                                           The Smith Family Fieldhouse is available for court reservations. A
                                           registration form and COVID-19 Waiver is required of all participants.

                                           Court Reservations
                                           You may reserve a half-court or full-court for a one or two hour block
                                           with a maximum of eight players. Players must bring their own
                                           equipment. Payment is due at time of reservation. Reservations may
                                           be made up to one week in advance, multiple reservations are allowed.
                                            Call 561-838-5485 for availability.
                                           Half-Court: Resident $22+ tax Nonresident $27+ tax
                                           Full-Court: Resident $44 + tax Nonresident $54+ tax

All private training MUST be done through Perseverance Basketball.
Outside trainers are not permitted as per Town Ordinance:
Sec. 78-44-Vending. Code 1982, § 10-247
Private Lessons                                                       Pickleball Play and Reservations
Pickleball lessons, in the Smith Family Field House,                  Pickleball Play is available Tuesdays, Thursdays
are available on a limited basis. To book a lesson,                   and Fridays from 10:15am -1:15pm. You may
call the Seaview Park Tennis Center at 561-838-5404                   reserve a Pickleball court for a one or two hour
or stop by the pro shop at your next visit.                           block. Singles or doubles play is allowed. Players
                                                                      must bring their own equipment. Payment is due
Privates: Head Pro: $95/hour Assist. Pro: $90/hour                    at time of reservation*. Reservations must be
Semi-privates: up to 3 people.                                        made a day in advance to allow for set-up and
                                                                      may be made up to one week in advance, multiple
Head pro: $50/hour/person                                             reservations are allowed.
Assist. Pro: $45/hour/person                                          To reserve a time slot or for additional availability,
                                                                      call 561-838-5485
                                                                      Resident $25 Nonresident $32
                                                                      *A 24hr cancelation notice must be given for a refund/
                                                                      credit to be issued.
               Clay Tennis Courts
               Court 7 is now a multi-use court, with the              Outdoor Pickleball
                                                                       The outdoor basketball court is now reserved
               recent addition of pickleball lines. Studies            for Pickleball use on a first come, first serve
               show playing pickleball on clay puts less               basis during the days and times listed below.
               strain on the knees and joints, and can lead            Players must bring their own equipment.
               to longer rallies!                                      Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
               Reservations can be made one day in ad-
               vance. Call the reservation line at
               561-227-7081 between 12-12:30pm.

                                                            561-838-5485 Page
                                                                                                          Page 10
Tennis Programs
Seaview Park Tennis Center
340 Seaview Avenue
Phipps Ocean Park Tennis Center
2201 South Ocean Blvd.

Seaview Junior Tennis Clinics
Young Stars (ages 4-6): Tuesday/Thursday 3:30-4:30pm                     $210/$420 6 weeks         ratio: 6/1
Futures (ages 7-10): Monday/Wednesday/Friday 3:30-4:30pm                 $210/$420/$630 6 weeks           ratio: 6/1
ATP-Challenger (ages 7-10): Tuesday/Thursday 4:30-5:30pm                 $210/$420       6 weeks     ratio: 6/1

Adult Intermediate Clinics Saturdays 8:30-10:00am 10 pack $375 5 pack $200 Drop-in $47.50

 Clinics with only 2 participants will be reduced to 1hr and with 1 participant, reduced to 30 minutes.
 Refunds will only be given for rainouts.
                                                           For more information on our tennis programs, call the
                                                           Seaview Park Tennis Center Pro Shop, 561-838-5404 or
 Lessons                                                   visit our website,

Are you looking to sharpen your tennis skills? Come learn from the best tennis pros in the Town Of Palm
Beach. Whether you are playing tennis for the first time or you are a tennis player trying to improve your
game, our tennis pros will be there to accommodate your needs. Call 561-838-5404 to book a lesson today!
There are Private, Semi-Private and Group lessons for 30min, 45 min, 1 hr and 1.5hr. You may purchase a
series of 10 lessons to receive a discounted rate.

                                                                Head Tennis Pro
                                                              Dejan Mimic, USPTA
                                                                 Teaching Pros
                                            Armand Segudo, USPTA and Sean Bianca Lee, USPTR
                                                                 Assistant Pros
                                                    Lisa Khamassi and Minja Gligic USPTR

 Page 11                                          561-838-5485
Department Facility Directory
                                    Mandel Recreation Center                       Fitness Center
                                    340 Seaview Avenue                             340 Seaview Avenue
                                    561-838-5485                                   561-227-6363
                                    Monday-Friday:                                 Monday-Friday: 6:30 am-
                                    8:00 am-8:00 pm                                8:00 pm
                                    Saturday: 9:30 am-6:00 pm                      Saturday: 8:00 am-6:00 pm
                                    Sunday: 9:30 am-6:00 pm                        Sunday: 9:30 am-6:00 pm

   Mark D. Bresnahan                 Seaview Park Tennis Center                    Phipps Ocean Park Tennis
                                     340 Seaview Avenue                            Center
   Recreation Director
                                     561-838-5404                                  2201 South Ocean Blvd.
                                     7:30 am-8:00 pm                               Sunday– Saturday
                                     Saturday & Sunday:                            8:00am-12:30pm
                                     7:30 am-6:30 pm                               8:00am-5:00pm seasonally

                                      Palm Beach Par 3 Hours                       Town Marina– PO Box 2029
                                      November - April                             500 Australian Ave.
                                      7:00 am-6:00 pm
                                                                                   Palm Beach FL 33480
                                      May-September                                Longitude 80 02. 66' W
                                      7:00 am-7:00 pm
                                                   Latitude 26 42. 18' N
                                      561-547-0598                                 561-838-5463

     Have a programming idea? We are always looking to bring new, enriching programs to the Recreation Center.
     If you have a program you would like to see added to the schedule, email: recreation@townofpalmbeach. com

                                    Friends of Recreation, Inc.
        The Morton & Barbara Mandel Recreation Center opened it’s doors in December of 2019 to serve
        the community of Palm Beach after a two year fundraising campaign spearheaded by the Friends
        of Recreation, Inc., a generous donation by the Morton and Barbara Mandel Family Foundation
        and the Town of Palm Beach.

                    To preserve the long-term viability of the Mandel Rec center, Friends of Recreation
                    will professionally manage an endowment fund aimed to improve programming and
                    bring the center to a break-even level. There are several donor and/or naming oppor-
                    tunities still available.

                    For more information, including a complete list of naming opportunities,
                    please contact Mark Bresnahan at
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