Winning in Omnichannel and Bricks & Clicks - Nick East, Derya Guvenc

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Winning in Omnichannel and Bricks & Clicks - Nick East, Derya Guvenc
Winning in
Omnichannel and
Bricks & Clicks
Nick East, Derya Guvenc

16 September 2020
Winning in Omnichannel and Bricks & Clicks - Nick East, Derya Guvenc
Meet the (new) shoppers
Winning in Omnichannel and Bricks & Clicks - Nick East, Derya Guvenc
Retaining the new shoppers require targeted solutions on B&C platforms

           The Elderly:                         The At-risk employed:            The Young:
   Most likely to return to stores              Most likely to trade out   Most likely to shop around

                     Most likely to define ‘growth’ in 2021
                               Source: Kantar                                                           3
Winning in Omnichannel and Bricks & Clicks - Nick East, Derya Guvenc
Covid-19 has sent a ripple of energy through Bricks & Clicks retail – especially Grocery
What are the key tasks to be done in Omnichannel accounts to account for the channel shift?

                                             Business                                         People &
                            Distribution                     Portfolio       Media
                                             Planning                                          Priority

Winning in Omnichannel and Bricks & Clicks - Nick East, Derya Guvenc
DISTRIBUTION: your top three actions

1. MAP FULFILMENT                             2. TRACK KEY                                  3. MANAGE
MODELS                                        METRICS                                       INVENTORY
Understand all your customer fulfilment       Track key logistic metrics for Bricks &       Manage ranging/distribution for all click &
models. For store/dark store dispatch -       Clicks. Use substitution numbers to           collect formats. Pick from shelf and rapid
map all dispatch points. Plot your            develop strategies to hack availability.      collection models outside of Grocery are
product distribution against this to see      Dispatching store time of day and shelf       critical. Manage store distribution for C&C
true online availability                      availability                                  at key consumption periods

 Key Questions:                                Key Questions:                                Key Questions:
 • Are you aware of your B&C customers’        • Are you receiving eCommerce availability    • Can ranging and distribution be flexed for
   fulfilment options?                           and substitution data from customers?         key consumption periods?
 • Do you have strategies to optimise sales    • Can you manage availability ‘one step       • Do you have critical SKU’s in small stores
   through availability?                         removed’ by pushing for increase shelf        for rapid C&C?
                                                 holding of key SKU’s?

Winning in Omnichannel and Bricks & Clicks - Nick East, Derya Guvenc
BUSINESS PLANNING: your top three actions

1. PREPARE FOR                             2. INTEGRATED                                  3. DATA DATA
BATTLE!                                    NEGOTIATIONS                                   DATA
eCommerce teams supporting                 Negotiate eCom as a fully integrated           Put data on the agenda for every meeting
Omnichannel customer accounts need         channel, not an afterthought. Consider all     with customers and table it as a tradeable
to sharpen commercial skills. Involve      the new possible tradeables you might          in negotiations or when investing. Ensure
them in commercial discussions and use     have. These will vary by customer!             you have the capability and resources to
their perspective on margin situations                                                    add value and interpret the data

 Key Questions:                             Key Questions:                                 Key Questions:
 • Are your B&C account managers            • As the growth part of the account is         • Do you know the data and analytics
   sufficiently confident with eCommerce      eCommerce front and centre of this year’s      capabilities of key customers?
   conversations?                             terms negotiation?
                                                                                           • Are you adequately resources to be able to
 • Do you eCommerce managers own their      • Have you fully explored all digital            handle it and what hypotheses are you
   P&L?                                       tradeables the customer could offer?           looking to test?

Winning in Omnichannel and Bricks & Clicks - Nick East, Derya Guvenc
PORTFOLIO: your top three actions

1. SKU LEVEL                                     2. PLAN FOR                                     3. INNOVATVE FOR
FOCUS                                            INVENTORY FLEX                                  CHANNEL PROFIT
Map value chain of each SKU to                   Build ranging flexibility into your plans.      Advanced organisations are innovating
optimise profit in omnichannel,                  Find the right product for the right            for eCommerce but this can stray into
examining the P&L at a line level within         audience is critical for online conversion      ‘vanity project’ territory. The smart move
Bricks & Clicks eCommerce                        and the fulfilment channel may have a           is to innovate for channel profit.
                                                 significant impact on this

 Key Questions:                                   Key Questions:                                  Key Questions:
 • Do you know the line level profitability of    • Have you targeted Brand-critical audiences    • Do Brand and NPD team understand the
   key SKU’s in B&C eCommerce?                      within Bricks & Clicks eCommerce?               B&C eCommerce value chain?
 • What optimisations in the value chain          • Do you know if your customers offer           • How could you work together to optimise
   could be made for eCom that don’t                inventory customisation per fulfilment          existing and future products for inventory
   compromise in-store execution?                   method?                                         flex and other trends?

Winning in Omnichannel and Bricks & Clicks - Nick East, Derya Guvenc
MEDIA: your top three actions

1. TEST &                                     2. DISRUPT                                   3. SKU BUSINESS
INVEST                                        JOURNEYS                                     PLAN
Work with your Brand Marketing team,          Review Shopper Journey understanding         Get to know your margin hotspots and
Agencies and Customers to identify            for Bricks and Clicks retail post Covid-19   allocate money as a group and organise
digital media opportunities within Bricks     and create new view of how their             around the budget.
& Clicks retail.                              behaviour has changed.

 Key Questions:                                Key Questions:                              Key Questions:
 • What existing retail media are you using    • Do you have a strong understanding of     • Have you considered shopper journeys
   to activate digital journeys?                 post Covid-19 omnichannel shopping          that start off-site?
 • As B&C sophisticated digital media                                                      • How can you intercept these missions and
   opportunities open up are you aware of      • Have you mapped potential shopper           direct traffic to the most profitable
   the early movers?                             intercept points, on and off site?          destination?

Winning in Omnichannel and Bricks & Clicks - Nick East, Derya Guvenc
PEOPLE & PRIORITY: your top three actions

1. CREATE INTEGRATED                         2. eCOM KPI’S FOR                            3. CONSIDER ‘NEW’
TEAMS                                        ALL                                          ROLES
Solidify those Bricks & Clicks team lines.   Every single commercial or supporting        Build out “new roles” to activate Bricks &
Either co-opt existing resource or hire      function in your business should have        Clicks – media, finance and logistical
more. Protect the team with dedicated        eCom KPIs. Consider: Absolute and            analytics primarily. These could be cross
resource and make the business case          growth in eCommerce penetration targets      customer or even pan-EU to begin with.
for a strong full time team around you       as well as, role specific goals

 Key Questions:                               Key Questions:                               Key Questions:
 • Could you test agile teams for             • Do your commercial and brand teams have    • Do Brand and NPD team understand the
   omnichannel customers?                       an eCommerce KPI?                            B&C eCommerce value chain?
 • Have you budgeted for a larger             • How could supporting functions develop     • How could you work together to optimise
   omnichannel cross functional team in         measures to support channel growth?          existing and future products for inventory
   2021?                                                                                     flex and other trends?

Winning in Omnichannel and Bricks & Clicks - Nick East, Derya Guvenc
Thank you… and good
luck on your digital
commerce journey
If you were unable to attend Kantar’s ‘Digital
Leadership for the New Decade’ Conference, you
can purchase it on-demand here or by emailing

Or to schedule a virtual coffee with one of our
experts contact Nick East at
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