Page created by Sylvia Fowler
                                           October 2020
                                         GWRRA CHAPTER AB-C

        GWRRA Directors: Jere & Sherry Goodman                     District Rider Educator: Dave England
        Prairies District Director: Scott Kucharyshen              District Asst Rider Educator: Roger Matas
        GWRRA website:                                   University website:
                                AB-C Chapter Director: Terry Heidt 403-396-0710
        AB-C Asst Chapter Directors: Rod & Trish Proctor           AB-C Ride Coordinator: Terry Heidt
        AB-C Couple of the Year: Dave & Debbie Carritt             AB-C Treasurer: Rob Christensen
        AB-C Webmaster/ Media Publisher: Milt Sorensen             AB-C Chapter Historian: Brian Brown
        AB-C Skills Enhancement Advisor: Rod Proctor               AB-C Calendar Publisher: Fred Grono
        AB-C MEC: George & Margaret Rehman                         AB-C Newsletter Editor: Glenda Heidt

Chapter Information:
Leadership contacts are listed on our GWRRA Chapter AB-C website. We have a very well maintained website, check it
often for updated ride schedule, newsletters and event updates. (

Monthly Chapter Gatherings:
GWRRA AB-C meets the last Monday of the month at 7:30 pm in the Legion Board Room, 5108 - 49 Ave Innisfail AB
* Due to Covid 19 restrictions we are meeting via Zoom until further notice, log-in starts around 7:00 pm.

AB-C Breakfasts:
Sunday mornings all year 9:00 am at A&W Gasoline Alley west side of QE2, Red Deer, everyone welcome!
* Due to Covid 19 restrictions we are meeting via Zoom until further notice, log-in starts around 8:30 am.

Chapter Ride every Sunday during Riding Season:
Sunday morning following breakfast, riders assemble in A&W parking lot at 9:45, ride leaves by 10:00. Ride in a group
or at your own pace as far as you like. You are encouraged to pack a picnic lunch until further notice.
* Due to Covid 19 restrictions we meet at A&W parking lot at 10:45 and leave by 11:00 am after the Zoom breakfast.

Chapter Ride every Wednesday during Riding Season:
Ride leaves at 6:00 pm *effective Sept 9/2020. Meet near the Costco gas pumps, Gasoline Alley for an "Ice Cream Run"!

   The Goldwing Way                                                            University Director news
   AB-C Scavenger Hunt Wrap Up                                                 Sept 20 Water Valley/Sundre
   Chapter AB-C Director's Report                                              Sept 16 Ice Cream Run
   Ride Coordinators Report Fall Maintenance                                   Sept 27 Crimson Lake Ride
   Membership Anniversaries                                                    Travels with Don & Irene
   Chapter Ride Information                                                    Ride down Memory Lane
   Chapter Gathering Highlights                                                Ladies of AB-C Get-Together
   Highway Clean-up 2020                                                       Birthdays & 50/50 Winners
   Sept 13 Rimbey/Morningside                                                  Where in Alberta?
   Million Miles Of Memories                                                   In Case you were Wondering?
                                                                               Classifieds & Word Search
The Goldwing Way - Newsletter Editor Notes
                              Phone 403-343-0885

                                            Hello everybody!

                                            The scavenger hunt challenge is nearing the end. How did you do?
                                            Did you manage to get at least 15 photos from the list?

                                            *The deadline to submit your photos in to your directors (via
                                            email, text or hard copy) is "October 15th! We will draw the lucky
                                            winners at our chapter wind-up online zoom meeting October 26th.

  There will be two main draws, one for those who submitted all 30 items and a consolation prize for all
  those who submitted 15 - 30. If you submitted 30 and you're not drawn in the first draw you still get a
  second shot at it! *If you have less than 15, please send them in, there will actually be a draw for you
  too, every picture tells a story! I will post some of the submitted photos in future newsletters.

  The original plan was to make a video to show at our chapter windup (aka pie night) but that isn't
  going to happen this year, feel free to bring a slice of pie or cake to your comfy seat to enjoy while we
  bid farewell to our snowbirds - who may or may not get to go to a warmer climate this winter.

  October 12th is Thanksgiving in our neck of the woods. As chapter directors, Terry and I are thankful to
  belong to GWRRA AB-C and we hold many friendships close to our heart because we are members.
  2020 could have been a challenging year for our chapter but we found a way to make the best of it,
  that's the Goldwing way! In the spirit of being grateful, our Blessings still remain too many to count.
  Be safe, stay kind, this too shall pass - happy Thanksgiving dear friends!

  Miles of smiles …

             AB-C SCAVENGER HUNT - OCT 15th is the deadline to get your photos in!
        Send your photos to Terry & Glenda electronically via text or email or we can scan hard copies.
                                    email: or
                                    text: Glenda 403-872-0885 text: Terry 403-396-0710

1. Airplane on the ground                 11. Green combine                      21. Town office sign
2. Alberta flag                           12. Ice Cream Store                    22. Playground
3. Antique car - older than 1960          13. License plate from another prov.   23. Red tractor
4. Bridge - traffic or pedestrian         14. Motorcycle shop sign               24. Restaurant sign
5. Bull, cow or horse                     15. Movie theatre sign                 25. Sports arena
6. Canadian flag                          16. Museum                             26. Statue or sculpture
7. Church cross or steeple                17. Open 24 hours sign                 27. Street sign starting with G,W,R, or A
8. Community hall                         18. Outdoor clock                      28. Train car or caboose
9. Ducks or geese on water                19. Outdoor mural                      29. War memorial
10. Golf course sign                      20. Outhouse                           30. Water tower
GWRRA AB-C Director's Report
                          Was this what a normal September is supposed to be like in Central Alberta? What a
                          treat to still be riding in decent weather at this time of year. If you travelled the
                          same road a few days apart it was very noticeable how much the leaves were

                           At the chapter level we've had a couple of potential new members Allan and
                           Antoinette out to ride - Welcome to Chapter AB-C! Otherwise most things have
                           stayed pretty much the same since last month, we are continuing with online
                           breakfast gatherings, no training is planned for the remainder of this year so our
                           Skills Enhancement Advisor hasn't been too busy, and we are still managing to get in
some riding. Remember to call Fred and reserve a spot for your motorcycle picture in the 2021 calendar. He
has just a few spots left.

Some members have accumulated surprisingly high kilometers this year. We would love to hear about your
travels in 2020. What is the longest trip you took and what challenges did you face on the road this year?
Which hotels, restaurants, businesses have a COVID system that worked well and which ones are struggling.
Given the current conditions you faced, these riding adventures could qualify as "Wing Word Epic Rides".

It was definitely an experience riding west into the glare of the setting September sun while returning from a
Wednesday evening ice cream ride to Delburne, but 'hey' they have really good ice cream and a nice big
outdoor deck for swapping stories with some great riding companions who can really spin a tale. The ride start
times were changed from 6:30 pm to 6:00 pm to allow a couple hours of riding and story-telling before dark.

I still say our heated vests are the most functional motorcycle accessories we own. The vest is a welcome
accessory to start a Sunday ride although it may get unplugged or stuffed back in a saddle bag as mid-day
temperatures climb. As the sun drops during an evening ice cream ride the vest makes for a comfortable trip
home again. They definitely help to extend the Alberta riding season.
A heated vest is like American Express - Don't leave home without it.

We witnessed a high potential incident on Highway 2 north of Lacombe recently. We were travelling north of
the Burman University with cruise set at 110 kph. A truck and trailer hauling a disabled Mack cab-over style
truck passed us doing about 120 kph and then pulled into the right lane in front of us. Just after pulling in the
truck hit a dip which sent a spray of small rocks off the trailer toward our windshield. The jolt was enough that
a left side tire and rim came off the trailer and proceeded to roll down the highway at high speed, then rolled
left into the median and continued for quite a distance down the grassy divider before coming to a stop. The
truck pulled over to the right and stopped and we slowed down to keep the rolling tire in front of us. There
was no cable fence in the median so there was potential for the tire to roll right across and into oncoming
southbound traffic. Luckily we were in our F-150 while all this took place. You would not want to be beside the
trailer on your motorcycle when the tire came off or in the southbound lane if the tire rolled directly into
oncoming traffic. Drive defensively, minimize time riding beside big trucks, and be prepared to expect the

As you read this we are now into October and the weather can change very quickly. Make sure to find time for
proper fall servicing of your bike, but prior to that, get out and enjoy a ride while you can.

Stay safe
Terry Heidt - AB-C Chapter Director
The Ride Coordinator Report

                       Fall Motorcycle Servicing and Storage Reminders.
Maintenance - this is a good time to inspect your bike and perform any required maintenance.
Gasoline Stabilizer - if you have a fuel injected engine, mix some stabilizer into your gas tank, fill the tank, run
the engine to circulate stabilized gasoline through the entire fuel injection system. For carbureted engines use
the same procedure, then close the fuel tank shutoff valve and drain the carburetor float bowls or run the
engine until the fuel in the bowls is used up.
Lubricating oil - Change the oil, install a new filter and proper grade motor oil.
Cleaning - clean your motorcycle, allow all parts to dry, then wax all the metal and chrome surfaces.
Spend a little extra time polishing up your rims, especially if they are gold.
Chain - if your bike has a drive chain, clean and lubricate the chain.
Lubricate - cables and switches (use proper plastic friendly lubricant on switches).
Antifreeze - check that engine antifreeze strength provides freeze protection if your storage area isn't heated.
Tires - ensure tires are inflated correctly and put the motorcycle onto the center stand.
Battery - ensure lead acid battery cells are filled, install a battery tender that will keep the battery at
maximum charge without overcharging.
If your exhaust system has a weep hole or drain - ensure that it is not plugged to allow any moisture to drain.
Install steel wool in the end of the exhaust pipes to prevent vermin from entering and using as a winter nest.
Secure the bike from theft and install a proper cover.

                                                                   October GWRRA Membership
GWRRA Always Be - Careful                                                Anniversaries!
When stopping at a light or a stop sign, it is
recommended to leave your bike in gear with
                                                                           Gareth Philip - 6 yrs
the clutch pulled so you can take quick evasive
                                                                          Caryl Yarmchuk - 6 yrs
action in case the vehicle behind fails to stop in
                                                                           Glenn Turple - 38 yrs

                  AB-C Regular Scheduled Chapter Rides - May to October
                        *Rides subject to favourable weather conditions in October*

  Sunday Chapter Ride                                   Wednesday Ice Cream Run
  Every Sunday at 11:00 am                              Every Wednesday now at 6:00 pm
  (tentative time until further notice)                 *effective September 9/2020
  Pre-ride mtg in the A&W parking lot at 10:45          Meet near the Costco Gas Pumps
  To contact the group prior to or after the            Gasoline Alley, Red Deer
  group leaves - Bluetooth contact is:                  Ice cream stop along the way!
  Dave Carritt @403-373-7000                            Bluetooth contact is: Dave Carritt @403-373-7000
AB-C Chapter Gathering Highlights - September 28th

There were 25 members logged in to the zoom call - thanks to everyone who participated.

District Director - Thanks Scott Kucharyshen for joining in - he discussed the upcoming Canadian
Recruitment/Membership Program that will be rolled out soon, plus other ideas that are being considered to
increase GWRRA exposure to prospective members. He also discussed a method to improve volume on older
GL1800s when using an Ipod connected to the bike auxiliary port.

Chapter Director - GWRRA has further extended expiration dates for some member courses from 2020 year
end to July 15/2021. With any luck we will get our ARC, TRC, FA/CPR recertified by then.

Road Side Cleanup - Is wrapped up for 2020. There were 12 members who came out, down from 23 members
last year. Thanks to Vickie and Terry for providing cake and coffee after. Our Adopt-a-Highway agreement with
the Alberta government has been extended for another 3 years.

Ride Coordinator - The Sept 6th ride was cancelled due to rain, all other Sunday rides in September were
completed. The online breakfasts will continue even after weather prohibits continuation of Sunday rides.

Treasurer Report - No change in account balance in September. Some 50/50 proceeds to be deposited yet.

Calendar Publisher - Fred still needs 4 volunteers for calendar pictures - please submit to him by Dec 1/2020.

COY - Reviewed birthdays, anniversaries, new members and introduced long time member Louis DeBeaudrap
who joined the online gathering. Debbie set up a nice AB-C ladies day event on Sept 28th.

Assistant Directors - For the October meeting we will have an online Halloween hat/mask/face paint night and
for the November online meeting we will have Xmas sweater night.

Chapter Skills Enhancement Advisor - There are no courses listed at this time on GWRRA University website.

Newsletter - Glenda has received more Scavenger Hunt pictures from members, the deadline to submit is
October 15th. Thanks again to members who recently submitted new articles for the newsletter.

Trivia - We discussed helmet laws in Canada and variances in helmet laws throughout the USA states.
An important point was made that if you are riding in the USA under your Alberta insurance and have an
accident, you may not be covered fully if you were not wearing your helmet.

  The Dunlop Tire Co founded National Motorcycle Ride Day on the second Saturday in October.

  October 1887 - John B Dunlop developed the first practical pneumatic tire (containing air).
Highway Clean-up 2020 - by Vickie Johnson

                     On September 19, 2020, twelve Chapter Members gathered for our annual highway
                     cleanup. When we arrived, I commented that someone had set out “Caution
                     Highway Cleanup” signs.
                     As everybody grabbed bags, vests, gloves, Robin said there was a group of people
                     cleaning our side of the highway. How dare they. Terry J asked us to wait at the
                     vehicles while he found out what was going on. Much to his dismay we didn’t listen,
                     and got on with our task of picking garbage for five minutes!

Due to COVID, the Alberta Highway cleanup day, usually scheduled in the Spring, was changed to Sept
19th. The Red Deer Ski Club took over our ditch cleaning duties for the day!!

 The "geared up" garbage picking group! I think Wayne found a few full bags of garbage somewhere ...
 or he arrived at the site really early!

Pizza was cancelled but everyone gathered at our place for a fire, carrot cake and coffee. We set a new
record for the shortest time spent on highway cleanup!
Chapter Ride to Rimbey and Morningside - Sept 13, 2020

             Now that the harvest air is a bit crisper, the 11:00 am Sunday ride departure time is proving to
              be most appreciated. Fourteen riders and co-riders left the A&W parking lot heading north
              taking the less travelled secondary pavement to Rimbey. Oncoming traffic was next to nil
              making the ride past some of Alberta's best farmland most enjoyable. Weather wise, it turned
            out to be a perfect September day, no wind and the temperature quickly warmed. Terry H led
           one group with Robin following with the second group.

          We made a comfort stop at the UFA in Rimbey, kicked some tires and made Dave's candy bag a bit
lighter! Goldwingers Allan & Antoinette Stewart joined in on the ride and are considering joining our Chapter.
Fred had a bit of a mishap losing one of his saddle bag tops on the way to Red Deer. Fortunately he back
tracked a few miles and found it propped up against a sign post. He then rejoined the group at Rimbey.

We arrived at Al & Caryl's acreage at Morningside around 1:10 to a crackling campfire where we ate our lunch.
Thank you once again for the hospitality, the coffee and Timbits were a treat! Thank you also to Wayne &
Linda for bringing donuts. Seven members (including our hosts) drove vehicles bringing the total headcount to
twenty one. Congratulations to Milt on winning the 50/50!
A Million Miles of Memories - by Glenn Turple

 The year 2020 has brought new challenges. First was the Covid-19 virus and the second was to pass my
medical to renew my driver's license. I planned to do all the riding I can this year while able to keep my

For the first overnight ride my daughter Brenda
and I rode our Spyders to Oyen via Drumheller,
then east on Highway 570 to Oyen. On Victoria
day we went to the farm 8 miles south of
Chinook where I spent nearly the first ten years
of my life. Then we went to Youngstown to see
the B.I.T. (Back in Time) Museum featuring
motorcycles and lots of other things in three
buildings. They have a fourth building not open
yet. From there we ate supper in Big Valley
                                                                Cereal Alberta - in front of Antelope
while a rain storm finished, then to our homes.

                    There are six river ferries in Alberta and I had only done three.
           Two are on the Red Deer river and one on the Bow river and I did those in June one day.

                                                            On July 21st I rode to the Peace River ferry south
         Most northern ferry in Alberta - near LaCrete      of Grimshaw. It was not running (I have ridden on
                                                            it a few times before) so I had to go back to
                                                            Highway 49, then to Highway 744 to the town of
                                                            Peace River for the night. That was the longest
                                                            day ride this year (783 km).

                                                            On July 22nd the run was north on Highway 35
                                                            past Paddle River to Highway 697 then east to
                                                            Alberta's largest ferry which crossed the Peace
                                                            River at LaCrete on to Fort Vermilion. Then south
                                                            on Highway 88 to Red Earth for the night.

                                                             On July 23rd the road was to the Athabasca River
                                                             ferry via Dapp and Vega, then on to Fort
                                                             Assiniboine and to Westlock for the night.
July 24th was a short ride to home - total 2151 kilometers. In August the ride was to Saskatchewan River
Crossing, and Jasper to Hinton for the night, home the next day.

Sept 6th I rode to Pincher Creek. Sept 7th to Creston and Balfour ferry to Nelson, BC.
Sept 8th to Osoyoos and to West Kelowna. Sept 9th the roads led to Sicamous on the way to Sorrento.
Sept 10th I went to the Motorcycle Museum 8 kilometers east of Sorrento then on to Golden where I stayed in
a motel for two nights to visit several relatives. Sept 12th was to home - total 2312 kilometers.

I still hope to make a run into Saskatchewan, weather permitting.

More from Glenn…
          sometimes you just have to laugh!

            In the Middle of the Jungle!

The missionary was hiking through the dark
mysterious jungle when he heard a padding
behind him and realized he was being followed by
a lion.

Realizing that he could not escape he knelt down
on his knees with his eyes closed, to pray. As
nothing happened, he opened his eyes and there
was the lion with his paws clasped, praying beside
                                                                      What's in a Name?
                                                            Did you hear about Toyota and Chevrolet
Said the missionary to the lion, "Isn't it
                                                            getting together to build a new line of
wonderful to find someone of your faith in the              cars?
middle of the jungle? It's nice to see you
                                                            It was dropped, when combining the two
                                                            names it was decided no one would want to
Said the lion, "Shut up, I'm saying Grace"!                 buy the newToylet!

                                 When you don't Understand Football

A guy took his girlfriend (who had never seen a football game before) to the Super Bowl game.
They had great seats right behind their teams bench. After the game, he asked her how she liked
it. "Oh, I really liked it", she replied, "especially the tight pants and all the big muscles, but I just
couldn't understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents"!

Dumbfounded, her boyfriend asked, " What do you mean"? "Well, they flipped a coin, one team got
it and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was … "Get the quarter back"!
I'm like … helloooooo? It's only 25 cents"!

                                                     GWRRA UNIVERSITY
                       GWRRA University director Clara Boldt is stepping down as of October 2020.
                       Clara was instrumental in organizing all of the online courses that over two
                       thousand GWRRA members have attended, including some from chapter AB-C.

                       Clara has announced that there will be no more online university seminars for
                       the remainder of 2020. Watch for new course announcements in the new year.
                       Thank you Clara from GWRRA AB-C for your many years of service.
Chapter Ride to Water Valley and Sundre - Sept 20, 2020

 What a glorious fall day for a ride. A little breezy, but bright blue skies for the whole 280
 km ride. We started off with 5 bikes and 8 riders, but picked up 3 bikes with 4 riders in
 Innisfail and another 2-up bike in Olds for a total of 9 bikes and 14 riders. (Glenn joined in
 at Didsbury, Doug and Linda also rode out boosting the total to 17). We made the
 Renfert residence in Sundre our picnic lunch destination and were treated to a roaring
 bonfire, coffee and a delicious cake that Linda Renfert had concocted. Thanks for your
 hospitality Wayne and Linda. You can see in the pictures that we even had a special guest
 drop by for a bite to eat!
 Milt Sorensen
Ice Cream Run -Sept 16, 2020
                       Photos by Assistant Chapter Director, Trish Proctor

A beautiful autumn evening - wheels were rolling to Olds for a regular Wednesday "Ice Cream Run". The
group left the Costco Parking lot at 6:00 pm, picking up Harold & Henny in Innisfail. At Bowden, Trish had
timed it just right to capture some photos of our members as they rode past the Bowden curve on highway
2A. After ice cream at McDonalds the route was retraced back to Red Deer before dark. This has been a
great season, with good turnouts. Our Ice Cream Run rides will continue until the weather tells us
otherwise. Hope to see you Wednesday evening at 6:00!

           Terry H                      Terry J                         Robin                      Dave

           Glenn                        Harold                        Henny                         Bill

           Gareth                         Rod                           Ian                       Allan S

                                                                  The Leader of the Pack
                                                                  zoomed by too quickly. Will
                                                                  get you next time Al Ingles!
Chapter Ride to Crimson Lake - Sept 27, 2020

                     Another beautiful fall day in Alberta. Bright blue skies with a high of 17 degrees by
                     mid-afternoon. Seven bikes and seven riders (all two wheelers today) and one Cadillac
                     SUV made the cross country journey west to Strachan and then north to Crimson lake
                     for lunch. We were met at the lake by three trikes and another vehicle. Fourteen
                     people for a picnic lunch at the lake.
                     280 km for the day.
                     Milt Sorensen

   ♫ Life is a highway ♫             ♫ On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again ♫

  ♫ Up, up and away … ♫                               ♫ I've, been everywhere …♫

♫ Shake, rattle and roll … ♫                            ♫ Summertime blues … ♫
Travels with Don & Irene - Road to Tofino

                         In August, Don and I decided to go on a two week bike trip. In total, we biked 5205
                          km from Lacombe to Vancouver Island and back home. We had never biked to
                          Vancouver Island before and we decided to cross this off our bucket list. We
                          explored many towns and roads. Riding on Ferries along the way and getting to
                          know fellow bikers we met on our trip. We had never been to Tofino so we were
                          pretty excited to stay there. Don and I checked into our beach front room and
                          after a day of biking in 31 above weather all day we put on our swim suits and
                          headed into the water. Our excitement soon disappeared when we were about
                         thigh deep in water and could not feel our feet from the cold ocean water! Lol!

Another highlight was eating fresh fish and chips at Molly's Reach in Gibsons. This restaurant was on the
Canadian show" The Beachcombers" that first aired in 1972. The Totem poles are so unique here, each one
tells a story. I would like to thank my wonderful husband Don who has taught me how to ride my Spyder and
encourages me to be a safe rider and has shown me many amazing places on our Motorbikes !
Thank you hubby!
Irene Hecht
A Ride down Memory Lane - a trip back in time
                                             By Debbie Carritt

Over the years, our friend Jack Hill planned many wonderful group rides to B.C. In September 2020 David and
I retraced a favourite ride that we took back in 2009 with Jack & Henny, Terry & Glenda and Kim Coubrough.
We stayed in Sparwood (the place where the big mining truck is) and enjoyed riding to Fort Steel, Invermere
and Radium - we rode on some very nice biking roads. This was a special trip as it brought back memories of
the great times we had riding with Jack & Henny. This one was for you Jack, and we remember you often.
Debbie Carritt

           2020 - West Side Legacy Trail                                   2020 - Invermere Lake

                                                                               2009 - Sparwood
                2009 - the group at Radium

                                            2009 Trip Route
Day 1 - Red Deer to Nanton, then to Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump, then to Frank Slide, then on to Sparwood for
overnight. Day 2 - Sparwood to Wardner, then to Fort Steele, then to Invermere, then to Radium Hot Springs for
overnight. Day 3 - Radium Hot Springs to Lake Louise, then to Saskatchewan River Crossing, then to Rocky
Mountain House, and the road home.
An autumn stroll around Bower Ponds followed by a backyard
Ladies   luncheon - some things are just better on a tranquil autumn day!
         On September 28th our lovely COY lady Debbie Carritt organized a
         fun "friendship get-together" and although it was very short notice we

AB-C     still had a turnout of five - it was without a doubt a success! Thank
         you so much Debbie, we look forward to more AB-C ladies events.
October Birthdays!!
                      Caryl Yarmchuk                                     50/50 Winners!!
                        Greg Derby                                     September 13 - Milt
                        Jim Willson                                September 20 - not drawn
                       Vickie Johnson                              September 27 - not drawn
                      Veronica Willson
                        Dave Carritt

I just saw some red-breasted birds        Just spoke with Bill Withers.
outside enjoying the sun and eating       I told him "Ain't no sunshine" is poor grammar.
ice cream.
                                          He said, "I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I
I think they were basking robins"!        know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know".♫

                                          What did the mother turkey say to her disobedient
 Did you know Ants never get sick?
    It's because they have little
                                          If your father could see you now, he'd turn over in his

My family told me to quit telling         Apparently it's good to talk to your plants. I tried to
Thanksgiving jokes, but I told them I     teach my flowers mathematics but they ended up with
couldn't quit "cold turkey"!              square roots!

                       Check out the Canadian GWRRA Districts
                               Motorcycle friends coast to coast…

        GWRRA North West Coast District               GWRRA Canadian Central District
               BC, Yukon, Alaska.                             Ontario, Quebec.

        GWRRA Canadian Prairie District                GWRRA Canadian Atlantic District
            GWRRA-Prairies                  GWRRA-Canadian Atlantic Region
        Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba            Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia,
                                                    New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island.
Where in Alberta
                   Where in Alberta can you find these old threshing machines?

                              In Case you were Wondering?

               What did these Manufacturers make before Motorcycles?

               BMW - made airplane engines.
               Ducati - made radio parts.
               Honda - made automobile piston rings for Toyota & motorized bicycles.
               Indian - cofounder Oscar Hedman was a watchmaker.
               Kawasaki - made large ships and aircraft.
               Suzuki - made weaving looms and equipment for the silk industry.
               Yamaha - made pianos and musical instruments.

                                 Always Wear Your Underwear
Always wear underwear in public, especially when working under your vehicle. From the local
paper comes this story of a Brisbane couple who drove their car to the shopping centre only
to have their car break down in the car park. The man told his wife to carry on with the
shopping while he fixed the car. The wife returned later to see a small group of people
standing near the car. On closer inspection, she saw a pair of hairy legs protruding from
under the chassis.

Unfortunately although the man was in shorts, his lack of underpants turned his private parts
into glaringly public ones. Unable to stand the embarrassment, she dutifully stepped forward
and very quickly tucked everything back into place. On regaining her feet, she looked across
the Bonnet and found herself staring at her husband who was standing idly by watching.

The mechanic (he hired) however, had to have twenty stitches in his forehead!

                                                     Where in Alberta answers: Elnora and Big Valley
FOR SALE - 2014 Honda Goldwing, 64,000 km, red in colour. New tire on the front and almost new on the
back. 3M treatment on the leading edges. Auxiliary lighting. Heli bar system installed by "Lazy Dawg".
Excellent condition, asking $16,000. Call Bill @ 403-350-6223

  FOR SALE - 2017 Honda CTX 700 with Givi windshield, backrest, heated grips, air wings, battery
  tender connection. 14,000 km, excellent condition, $6700. Call Al @ 403-350-4398

   For Sale                                                  Great camera to capture those special
   Canon EOS Digital Rebel Camera                            photos on your motorcycle adventures.
   Complete with Canon EF-S 17-85 mm lens
   SanDisk Ultra 2.0 GB memory card
   2 Canon camera batteries and charger
   Canon EP-EX15 viewfinder extension
   Promaster 67mm UV Filter
   Canon Speedlite 430EX Flash
   Lowpro camera bag
   Silk Gazelle 95D Tripod stand
   All documentation and original packaging.
   $500 takes the lot
   Contact Milt at 403-304-0500
For Sale: 1977 GL 1000. $4000
History: About 2008 a friend of mine bought it in Fife Washington with a reported original 7900 Miles on it. It had
knocked around in a Quonset and was cosmetically in rough shape, the carburetors totally gummed up. He did
fork seals, cleaned it up and for ride-ability reasons put on a set of GL1100 carbs, transistor ignition and
progressive shocks. It was also repainted by Patrick Heard at the "Chop Shop" in Edmonton. A complete set of
correct reproduction pinstripes were applied at the time and clear coated over top. Runs very sweet. In 2012, I
became the third owner and have put on 2,000 miles. Because of its age I did timing belts. I have a 2006 I have put
231,000 kms on so the 1000 doesn't get ridden much.
Contact Moe Miles: 403-740-5580 text or call.

                           Do you have an Article for the Newsletter?
We would love to read about it. There are no rules, it can be as short as a paragraph or as long as a book -
doesn't matter! Pictures are worth a thousand words. Where have you been, past or recently? Your
history with motorcycles, epic trips, memorable trips, trips with friends, safety concerns, humour, tips,
poems, stories, etc. - let's share some of those experiences. Is there anything you would like to see added
or changed? Pop me an email or call 403-343-0885 or text 403-872-0885, thank you so very much!
Glenda - Newsletter Editor
Wishing you Bountiful Blessings - Happy Thanksgiving
Next Zoom chapter gathering is October 28th - our "Chapter Wind-up"!
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M   I   Q    U   E   L   O   N   L   A   K   E   H   S   Q   S   I   R   Y   V
C   O   S    X   R   Z   R   N   K   A   O   C   K   T   J   L   Q   O   E   E
L   R   H    U   M   H   A   P   S   U   N   G   D   R   N   L   B   C   L   R
V   P   I    K   N   G   K   P   D   A   X   N   G   A   U   I   M   H   L   M
L   T   N    M   E   D   E   A   R   B   A   N   R   T   G   H   I   O   A   I
D   F   E    V   S   N   A   W   R   L   A   K   X   H   J   S   D   N   V   L
E   E   N    K   B   O   O   N   S   L   J   G   I   C   S   S   L   S   W   I
O   U   E    E   A   B   N   I   C   B   M   L   A   O   R   E   A   A   O   O
D   P   A    H   N   L   Y   L   I   E   L   O   T   N   G   R   N   N   B   N
R   C   T    E   G   R   N   G   A   S   X   B   O   A   P   P   D   D   I   R
H   M   L    S   D   U   K   O   P   K   X   Y   L   S   S   Y   J   S   F   U
S   G   A    O   R   N   O   R   E   M   E   K   I   C   E   C   U   F   I   A
T   I   J    R   I   I   I   L   E   G   X   Z   E   I   I   L   V   W   R   S
J   E   R    F   Z   N   K   C   R   K   I   R   T   E   Y   L   A   F   Q   O
D   P   E    A   G   W   S   K   F   E   A   P   V   N   T   S   A   K   C   N
W   F   I    S   H   C   R   E   E   K   T   L   W   C   K   Q   M   N   E   I
K   E   E    R   C   G   G   A   R   B   G   E   D   E   F   R   P   I   C   D
K   C   O    R   E   U   L   B   V   X   G   B   P   L   Z   L   S   O   C   L
A   E   T    R   E   D   L   O   D   G   E   E   Y   I   O   Z   P   N   G   N
E   N   O    T   S   N   O   G   N   I   T   I   R   W   S   C   P   C   Z   L

AspenBeach                    CypressHills                 PeterLougheed
BigHillSprings                  Dinosaur                     PigeonLake
   BigKnife                     DryIsland                     RedLodge
  BlueRock                     Dunvegan                     RochonSands
 BowValley                     FishCreek                 StrathconaScience
 BraggCreek                  GlenbowRanch                     Sundance
  ColdLake                      Midland                       Vermilion
CrimsonLake                  MiquelonLake                 WritingOnStone
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