Windows April 2022 Vol. XXXIII No. 4 1330 India Hook Road, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29732 - Westminster Towers

Page created by Katherine Mccoy
Windows April 2022 Vol. XXXIII No. 4 1330 India Hook Road, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29732 - Westminster Towers
April 2022

     Vol. XXXIII No. 4 1330 India Hook Road, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29732
                                  (803) 328-5000
Windows April 2022 Vol. XXXIII No. 4 1330 India Hook Road, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29732 - Westminster Towers
Welcome April
    April showers bring May flowers. This saying is from the United
    Kingdom. Hopefully the rain will not stop us from going out this
    month! April for them is one of the more soggy months based on the
    position of the jet stream. Since this area typically has a cooler
    climate, the lower temperatures often push back the appearance of
    flowers to late April and early May. The phrase is also believed to
    come from an early poem with a line that goes, “Sweet April
    showers, do spring May flowers.”

    Our theme for the month of April is, "April showers bring May
    flowers." We will have a party for the end of the month celebrating
    the theme. In April, there are many little holidays to celebrate, to
    name a few: Arbor Day, April Fools Day, National Poem in Your
    Pocket Day, World Health Day, and Titanic Remembrance Day, just
    to name a few. We must not forget why we celebrate Easter this
    month. We celebrate Jesus's resurrection from the grave. We
    celebrate the fact that God raised Jesus to save the people of the
    world. April stands for new beginnings.

    Sara Curry
    Life Enrichment Director

Windows April 2022 Vol. XXXIII No. 4 1330 India Hook Road, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29732 - Westminster Towers
Ask the Windows
 Have a question for Jim or
                                     Can we get a dog park in the
 someone in management and do
                                     back for dogs who live at
 not know how or whom to ask?
                                     Westminster Towers?
                                 Answer: That is a question            If you have questions for Jim or
 Look no further. Those in the
                                 Kevin, our CFO, and Jim, our
 Windows committee will help                                           the Windows committee please
                                 CEO, will be thinking about in
 with any questions.                                                        see Sara or email her at
                                 the next few months.
   When will the staff and
                                     When will the vaccination
   family members get to not
                                     policy change for staff,
   wear the masks indoors?
                                     entertainers or volunteers?       All incoming questions will be
                                                                         reviewed by Sara and the
Answer: Until the CDC and
                                 Answer: According to the CDC,          Windows committee before
DHEC tells us, the staff,
                                 right now it is still mandatory for        article submission. All
volunteers, and family members
                                 those working in healthcare or in      submissions will be reviewed
coming to the Towers have to
                                 facilities with residents, to           and may not be published.
wear a mask in public areas.
                                 receive the vaccine. This applies
                                 to all those volunteering or
                                 entertaining in the Towers,
                                 Health Center or in the Manor.                                         3
Windows April 2022 Vol. XXXIII No. 4 1330 India Hook Road, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29732 - Westminster Towers
Health Center Resident Spotlight
                                   By: Ryan Troutman
                                   Mrs. Anne Herlong
We are pleased to have Mrs.         Two years later Mrs. Herlong met
                                                                           The Charlotte Observer wrote a
Anne Herlong as our resident          the love of her life, Doug, and
                                                                            feature article titled “Grandma
feature from the health center      moved to Fort Knox, Kentucky as       Gets Her Groove Back” where she
for the month of April.                her husband finished up his           wanted to emphasize that she
                                       military requirements. After        always performed the piano out
Anne moved to the Towers just         having five children in just five       of love and not for riches or
over a year ago and has become       years, Anne stopped performing
a vital part of the Westminster     the piano to raise her family and     We would love to hear Anne play
Towers Family. She’s one of our      began to teach piano to aspiring       in the Health Center, but she
more popular residents and has              musicians in 1964.            stopped performing several years
                                                                           ago saying, “I don’t want to go
friends and family members
                                                                               out mediocre. If I’m not
visiting her on a daily basis.          Over the years she taught         practicing to perform, I don’t care
                                    countless performers the tricks of           to touch the piano.”
She was born two weeks before         her trade. Anne studied under
Christmas in 1929 to parents         Gene Barban at Winthrop in the
Gus and Annie Kate Ratteree.           1980’s and entered the Van
Her father was born in 1866,          Cliburn International Amateur
only a year after the Civil War       competition where she placed
ended and her mom was a 1924                 third at age 74.
Winthrop Graduate.

Inspired by her mother, Anne
picked up the piano at an early
age and after graduating from
Winthrop Training school she
attended Converse College to
study music. She attended the
Julliard School of Music in 1950
after her junior year at


   Joan Bundy

       Joan was born in Savannah, Georgia in 1934. Her mother was a city girl and enjoyed the coming
 out parties in Savannah. Her father was a country boy. He bought and sold cotton. They were married
 and moved to a mill town called Joanna in South Carolina. Joan didn’t know how to boil water. She
 was lucky to have a good mother-in-law who taught her how to cook. Joan and her husband had 2
 daughters, Mimi and Joan. Joan’s mother died when she was 5 and Mimi was 7 and they went to live
 with grandparents in Fort Lawn, SC.
      Joan’s mother had a sister, called Aunt Mary. The girls went on the train from Lancaster to
 Savannah on weekends to visit. One time her grandmother didn’t make them a lunch to eat on the
 train. They had some money so they bought demitasse which they thought was lunch. They didn’t know
 it was coffee…what a surprise! Aunt Mary was a civil engineer for the state of Georgia and a novelist.
 Joan has some of the books she wrote. They are in pristine condition and very dear to the family.
      Joan attended Converse for a while but got married before she graduated. She and her husband,
 Bill, had 2 daughters, Ami and Gena. They lived in Charlotte, New York and Houston.
      Joan and Bill eventually divorced and she returned to Charlotte and resumed her college education
 at UNCC. Her major was English. She wanted to be a teacher. She also returned to many friends and
 eventually met her second husband. He was in the Air National Guard in Charlotte and had a young
 daughter named Nicole. This was another Bill who happened to be her first husband’s roommate in
 college. Joan and Bill were married and moved to River Hills, SC.
       Bill was sent to Military School at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama. There Joan worked on her
 Masters Degree at the University of Alabama in Montgomery. After a while, they returned to River Hills
 and Joan went to Amy James Elementary School where she taught 4th grade. While there, the state
 developed a writing test for students which Joan taught. Her scores were very high and the state was
 pleased with the program. An opening came available in the English Dept. in Charlotte. Joan worked
 for them for 16 years, having 15 schools for her to visit with the writing program. She retired at 70
 years young to have time for fun traveling with friends. She is now here at Westminster Towers
 enjoying playing a great game of bridge!
                                                                                Nancy Preston

                                      C                                D

          March Happenings
             the Towers
    A. At the top left we have Sara
    Curry, the Leprechaun, getting    D. Here we see Frances               E
     into all kinds of shananigans.                                    E. Don Hunt and Elaine
                                      Workman and Dot Modla            Thomas enjoying their tea.
                                      having fun at our Spring Tea
    B. Mr. and Mrs. Hipp enjoying
    some key lime pies during our     Social. We had little paper
       St. Patrick's Day party.       tea cups that held cold or hot
    C. Ruthann Poore showing off
      her key lime pie and other
     goodies for our St. Patrick's
             Day party.

A Note from
     Sue Nazak

     Wellness Committee
      The trees are leafing out, shrubs are blooming and plants are pushing up. Shake off
      the winter doldrums and get outside to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. While you
     are strolling around the campus enjoy the beauty of God’s world. Take advantage of
                   the exercise classes to tone up your muscles for your walks.

                  Spring at the Towers
     A. Three lovely ladies
          sitting for tea;
     One wearing white the
      others might there be,
 different colors, yes there be,
      A multitude of colors
        around the table,
 Plenty of time to enjoy April.
 Spring for three lovely ladies,
means drinking tea with friends,
Me thinks, we might make this a

Pictured: Carole, Sonja, and Bev.

B. Four lovely ladies sitting for
tea.... Oh many friends there be.

There is Marie, Sue, Cathy and      C

April Showers
    by Nancy Anderson
    “April showers bring May
    flowers” -- a time-worn saying
    which we have all heard and
    perhaps repeated on occasion. It
    simply highlights the fact that
    dark skies, thunder, wind, and
    rain make the way for beauty to
                                             It was a very visible and
    burst forth in the next season.
                                             impressive reminder to me of the
                                             Biblical account of great darkness
    Storms. Sometimes we get caught
                                             that occurred from noon to three
    in them unprepared. At other
                                             in the afternoon on the day Jesus
    times, we carry umbrellas with us
                                             died. While the Bible doesn’t
    when we see glowering skies or
                                             record that it rained during that
    hear a weather report that
                                             period of darkness, an
    predicts precipitation. Either way,
                                             earthquake and other phenomena
    we can feel inconvenienced by
                                             did occur, which caused those
    storms. Umbrellas can be turned
                                             who observed them to say that
    inside out if the wind is strong, or
                                             Jesus truly must have been the
    we can get wet despite holding                                                  It is inevitable that showers will
                                             Son of God!
    them if the rain is being blown                                                 occur, both in nature and in our
    horizontally. It is difficult to carry                                          lives. Whether they are a soft,
                                             The death of Jesus was certainly
    packages, dodge puddles, unlock                                                 gentle rain, or a downpour
                                             a “shower,” but his resurrection
    car or house doors, etc. while                                                  accompanied by thunder,
                                             was a tremendously significant
    holding an umbrella and trying to                                               lightning, and wind, they are
                                             “flower.” The Easter hymn states
    stay dry. It can be such a relief to                                            meant to have a good outcome –
                                             it this way, “Up from the grave he
    get inside and look out at a storm                                              that of producing new life and
                                             arose with a mighty triumph o’er
    rather than battle the elements in                                              beauty. In nature, they cause
                                             his foes. He arose a victor o’er the
    the middle of it. I’ll never forget                                             flowers to grow, plus much more.
                                             dark domain, and he lives forever
    one storm I observed as a                                                       In our lives, they cause our faith
                                             with his saints to reign. He arose.
    teenager from the safety of our                                                 to deepen as we experience the
                                             He arose. Hallelujah, Christ
    home on a Good Friday. At                                                       risen Lord’s presence and his
                                             arose!” And another well-loved
    precisely three in the afternoon,                                               strength to help us walk through
                                             hymn affirms, “Because he lives, I
    the sky became incredibly dark in                                               them.
                                             can face tomorrow. . . And life is
    the west, and this darkness
                                             worth the living, just because he
    spread over us very quickly,
    bringing strong bursts of wind
    and incredible sheets of rain
    accompanied by thunder and

                                   By: Carole Partridge

It’s the little things that can make   THINK on the LITTLE THINGS:        It’s THE LITTLE THINGS which
a day “good” or “less than”. Little                                       make us alike AND different,…a
things like a favorite movie                                              word of inquiry and/or a word of
                                            a thoughtful “please” or
canceled or time changed when                                             encouragement,….an unexpected
                                          grateful “thank you”;
                                                                          act of acknowledgement or
it’s been on the calendar for days.         a smile speaks volumes,       surprise,…a memory to be shared
Little things like not getting mail
                                          even in silence;                or nurtured into repetition,…a
for the second day in a row. Little
                                            remember the boxes of         concert to be anticipated and
things, like hearing “An Affair To                                        reveled in, conjuring up more
                                          photographs and letters
Remember” on Music Choice, and                                            memories of festivals, county fairs,
                                          reminiscent of summer jaunts
not having a responding love                                              summer water fights after cold
with whom to share. Little                to the lake of cold, emerald-   watermelon.
things, like ending a sentence            green waters flowing from       Memories of autumn picnics in the
with a preposition, and not really        the mountains.                  woods, searching for fallen pecans
caring anymore. (You change the             Remember the flaming          or walnuts. Remember the winter
text anyway when you feel over                                            shovels of snow and ice patches,
                                          sunburn acquired while
                                                                          tripping us into memories of The
the shoulder, the glare of a              chatting on a raft with that
                                                                          Light Fantastic of Seasons and
deceased English teacher.). Little        special someone or a friend?    Loves.
things bring frowns such as these         Remember when the               Yes, these are just SOME of the
or comfortable smiles.                                                    LITTLE THINGS of memory,
                                          preferred dance was a waltz
We justify our negative thoughts                                          romance and melancholy. They
                                          to quicken a romantic pulse,
momentarily; but must choose                                              tune our hearts and raise weary
                                          rather than the gyrating
alternative thoughts, motions,                                            spirits until Spring sings its strong
                                          movements of a lone dancer,     solo again…as brilliant in sound
and activities to survive “the long
haul” of life. We must eat our            imitating heathen acts of       as flowers are in color.
meals on time to avoid the                worship?                        Until then, it IS the LITTLE
“midnight munchies”. Be brave                                             THING…the glorious thing which
                                                                          must tune the heart, mind and
enough to dance a conservatively
                                                                          spirit…all work together to
modified step to the slow jazz,
                                                                          nourish the heart and the soul as
playing in the lobby (without
                                                                          they point to God.
caring what other people think or                                         “I lie awake, and am like a
say).                                                                     sparrow alone on a housetop.”
                                                                          (Psalm 102:7)

CNN Breaking News: Towers Resident
            May Become Next Batman
                 By Earl J Wilcox
 I’m just guessing if you’re the usual reader of this piece you might not be familiar with the controversy
 that keeps the Batman story hot in Marvel comics universe i.e. which actor over the years is the best
 Batman? Without listing all ten or so of them—as if I could do that without Google—just a shortlist: Adam
 West, the one most of us recall, the original Caped Crusader in a comic TV series 1966-68. (You
 remember SOCK! and POW! or WHAM!, words on the screen during the fights?

 Fast forward more than 50 years later, to the movies with several actors prowling as the super hero. Ben
 Affleck, George Clooney, Christian Bale, and Mr. Mom, Michael Keaton, some of the well-known actors.
 Online today are several discussions about which actor is 1st, 2nd, etc. Skipping over the virtues and so-
 called flaws in the various players, the owners of the franchise think just about anyone [they say] can play
 Batman IF the person just puts on the Batman costume. Now comes Robert Pattinson, of vampire fame, as
 the new hero. The Pattinson version is called simply THE BATMAN. Lots of raised eyebrows and hoots
 about a famous vampire actor being the hero? WHAT? BAM
  This little nugget of news from the owners –about anyone can play the role with the costume--brings me
 to my main point: I think I can be the next Batman. Yep, you heard me right. I mean, what’s to keep an
 old coot like me (a year or so shy of 90) from being the super hero. I wear a mask splendidly; my cape is
 always ready to help me fly around towers and Heathwoods and Shadow Brooks and Hampton Places.
 Now about the Batman’s tights and Batmobile, and that growling voice, well, just ask me to tell you a
 story! I can growl and flounder with the best of the youngins.

  Here’s the pitch. We old dudes always want to be helpful. To save the day! I, for one, always think of
 myself as a hero. Super---well not so much. But think of it: I have had lots of experience fighting bad
 things; my own version of defeating Jokers and clowns. Heck, We eat villains for breakfast every day. We
 overcame all those diseases—polio, whooping cough, gout, Shingles, head lice [a tricky one, for sure]
 even the Great Depression, several wars (like Korea), Covid and I was ably assisted by so many Robins I
 can’t begin to tell you. Cat Woman, yeah, she’s tough; but I’m pretty sure a posse of women right here in
 the Towers would come to my aid if I get in over my hip boots [or whatever Batman wears!] to fight evils
 such as mediocre meals--or boredom. I’m just not sure, yet, who would be best as my Robin, but I have
 seen several “younger” dudes here in the Towers that would gladly come to my aid and perhaps even fight
 the bad guys alongside me any day, any hour. I know they’re here because I saw them during our Olympic
 games. They can shoot arrows, hit balloons, toss discs, run marathons. Towers heroes are aplenty, and I’m
 just the one to find the right Robin. Might even discover a Robinette. Why not? Some women I see
 strolling the carpets here could easily take out any Joker or the Penguin.

     So, I’m off to Hollywood in May for auditions to be the next Batman. I’ll keep you posted with my Bat
                                 Signal sometime between bingo and donuts.

April Wednesday Church Schedule

A weekly church service will be held in Heritage Hall on Wednesdays at 3:00
 PM. We will be welcoming different pastors from local area churches each
              week to give a sermon. All faiths are welcome!

4/6 Gil Martin - Sharon ARP Church
4/13 Tony Caruso- Chaplain for Riverview Hospice and Palliative care
4/20 Kenny Ashley - The Journey Church at Lake Wylie
4/27 John Oliphant - First Presbyterian ARP

      Be sure to check the bulletin board and the weekly newsletter for

  If you have a pastor you'd like to see on the schedule, talk to Sara Curry.
 These pastors are, mostly, asked to come by residents! Please, talk to Sara
        before giving out a date for your pastor to come. Thank you
Manor Resident Spotlight
                                             by: Daniel Williams

                                       Dr. Hartwell Hildebrand
            Dr. Hildebrand was born in 1932 in Orangeburg S.C. At the time the graduating Camron High School
     class had a total of 9 students. That didn't stop Dr. Hildebrand from moving forward to becoming a Dr. like his
     father before him. Dr. Hildebrand attended The College of Charleston. After four years of studying medicine at a
     Charleston Medical school. Dr. Hildebrand completed a year of internship before marrying his loving wife Betty
     and moving to Florida in 1954. Once in Florida Dr. Hildebrand volunteered to join the Air Force and worked at
     the Air Force base hospital in Orlando FL. Dr. Hildebrand worked @ the Air Force base Hospital near Cape
     Canaveral for three years. After finishing his medical pedigree in FL and Charleston Dr. Hildebrand started his
     own medical practice in Rock Hill SC.
          Teaming up with Dr. John Bundy for three years the medical practice grew, eventually becoming Shiland
     Family Medicine. This medical office is still in operation today. After delivering generations upon generations of
     babies into this world and retiring at the tender age of 74, Dr. Hildebrand wasn't done yet. With some assistance
     from others in the medical field, Dr. Hildebrand helped start the Free Clinic Medical Center. Dr. Hildebrand
     worked there for ten years before officially retiring. Dr. Hildebrand and his lovely wife Betty decided to make
     Westminster Towers their home almost two years ago. But now it seems the still powerful yet happy couple has
     found their niche in The Manor. They both are still active... After turning 90 years old this past January. Dr.
     Hildebrand doesn't show any signs of slowing down.

Employee Spotlight

       Ed Connors

Welcome, Chef Ed Connors!

    We are fortunate to have a new chef with 40 years of experience in Culinary Arts to join us
here at Westminster Towers. Chef Connors grew up in New Jersey. After high school he attended
Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey for two years, studying business. For several
years after that he worked with his step father who was Chef Instructor at the Culinary Institute
of America in Hyde Park in New York State. That planted in him the desire to work in the food
industry so he attended the Culinary Institute to prepare for that line of work. After graduating,
he worked for two years at Le Cirque, the famous French Restaurant in New York City. His next
job was at the Ritz Carlton in Dearborne, Michigan. He moved to Naples, Florida and worked at
the Hyatt Hotel in Bonita Beach as a Culinary Supervisor. He was promoted and went to
Sacramento, California—then the Hyatt Regency in Bastrop, Texas. The Hyatt in Key West,
Florida was his first job as Executive Chef. He also served as Executive Chef at the Westin Hilton
Head for ten years.
      Ed and his wife, Martha, bought a house in Rock Hill in 2016.and he continued to work in
Hilton Head, coming here on the weekends. In 2020, during Covid, he was furloughed and moved
here. They have three children, two sons and one daughter. Their sons live in Florida, one in
Jacksonville and the other in Naples. Their daughter lives at home. Ed’s hobbies include playing
the guitar and reading—especially things related to politics.
     One of the experiences that Ed especially remembers as a chef is the day in New York City
that a woman dressed in black, wearing sunglasses walked into the restaurant, looked around and
then left. She came back moments later accompanied by Imelda Marcos, who was first lady of the
Philippines for twenty years. After he prepared her meal, Barbara Walters entered the restaurant
to interview Mrs. Marcos.
      Chef Connors says that his goal here at Westminster Towers is to make the residents feel
they’re getting a special meal on a daily basis with Unidine’s policy of using nutritious, fresh and
locally grown food. Everything is made from scratch. He is complimentary of the residents and
says that everybody is very friendly He is encouraged by how he has been treated and welcomed
with open arms.
                               We are glad to have you, Chef Connors!!

                                            Lou Ardrey
From the Processing Archivist
                       By Carson Cope, Processing Archivist

                       The Linda Williams Collection

                       If you are interested in art and local history, stop by the Louise Pettus Archives to
                       view the Linda Williams Collection which has been fully arranged and described.
                       Winthrop Alumna (’64,’69,’80) Linda Williams donated her collection to the Pettus
                       Archives on May 10, 2021. This collection primarily consists of memorabilia featuring
                       the artwork of Vernon Grant [1902-1990], who was an active member of the Rock
                       Hill community and led the Rock Hill Chamber of Commerce in the late 1950s and
                       1960s. Specifically, the collection consists of memorabilia such as posters, buttons,
                       Christmas cards, magazines, and advertisements that feature Vernon Grant’s
                       illustrations. There are many toys highlighting the illustrations of Vernon Grant as
                       well. For example, there is a xylophone, a record player, pick-up-stix set, and paper
                       dolls. Also included is a Hershey’s mascot doll, plate, and mug; a Rice Krispies bowl,
                       mug, and plate; and a Rice Krispies jigsaw puzzle.
                                                       Linda Williams

          Additionally, there are several copies of Linda Williams’
         biography of Vernon Grant covering his life and artwork,
      correspondence concerning the book’s creation, and copyright
       permissions. If you would like to learn more about Vernon
     Grant and his artwork, stop by the Louise Pettus Archives or look
      at the finding aid on Pettus Archives Digital Commons: Linda
       Williams Collection Acc. 1751. The collection has now been
        fully processed and is ready to be used by the researchers.
      Pictured to the side is one of the many posters included in the

                                                                         Fantasy Flower
                                                                         Blossoms And

                                                                   Created by Juanita
Honoring Those Who Give
  Endowment Fund                     General Fund                 Capital Campaign
In Honor of: Mary Phillips Gettys,
                                      Polly Schuerg             George and Esther Jackson
Madeline Hazen, Alma O'Shields,
Bonnie Sallis, Karen Schuerg,                                          Jean Barnes
Joann Twedt, and Louise
-Polly Schuerg

In Memory of: Bonnie Sallis
                                         If you want to make a donation to any of our funds, please
-Kitty Slattery
                                         bring cash/check to Pam Engle in the business office. You
                                           can make checks out to Westminster Towers and in the
                                             notes section write the fund you want to donate to.

                                                                      In Loving

                                                                      Mary Dobrynski

Final Thoughts
                                       We are looking for articles
                                       about Westminster Towers
     Westminster Towers, an            residents and happenings
     extension of the ministry of      around the Towers!
     Westminster Presbyterian
     Church, was founded on the        Entries can be submitted          Windows Committee
     theological principles and        directly to Sara Curry, Linda
                                       Lenz or can be emailed at
                                                                         meets every 3rd
     values of the Presbyterian
     Church in America. Our        Friday at 2:00 pm in
     mission is to provide services                                      the downstairs art
     that inspire, encourage, and      Deadline for entries for May is
                                       April 15th.
                                                                         room. We discuss the
     empower seniors, while
     demonstrating the love of
                                                                         current month's
                                       Newsletter Committee
     Christ to support individual      Members:                          windows as well as
     well-being.                                                         the following month.
                                       Committee Chair: Linda
     Westminster Windows is                                              Any ideas are
     published monthly for the         Members:                          welcome and anyone
     residents, staff and friends of   Lou Ardrey, Joy Taylor,
     Westminster Towers                Nancy Preston, Pinky              is welcome to attend.
     continuing care retirement        Funderburk, Barbara
     community.                        Gladden, Mary Alice
                                       Mitchell, Carole Partridge
     Submissions and column
                                       Residents’ Association             Submissions for the
     ideas are welcomed in
     writing to the following                                              windows are due
                                       Spencer Anderson
     members of the newsletter
     committee (submissions will
                                                                          every month on the
                                       President and CEO:
     not be returned, and they will    Jim Thomason                             15th.
     be used according to space
     availability and content          Windows Editor/Director
     appropriateness).                 of Life Enrichment:
                                       Sara Curry

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