LICENSED CARE - Buckhorn Daycare

Page created by Marcus Alexander
LICENSED CARE - Buckhorn Daycare
       TO 12 YEARS
LICENSED CARE - Buckhorn Daycare
Welcome to Buckhorn Daycare

                                                                                                                                       Cover imags: top photo © Maryna Pleshkun; bottom left © FamVeld; middle bottom © iofoto; bottom right © wavebreakmedia
About Us.................................................3              General Policies..............................13
  Program Statement.................4                                   Health Policies................................ 16
Daily Programs...................................9                      Parents.................................................. 18
Fees.......................................................... 11       Helpful Links.....................................20
  Payments & Waitlist..............12

Fast Facts
* 7:30
  Open 5 days a week, Monday through Friday
       a.m. – 5:30 p.m.                                                  *     All happenings at the school will be posted on the
                                                                               bulletin boards.
       Opening and closing times may vary according
       to the needs of the families enrolled.                            * The
                                                                               Daycare is closed for all statutory holidays,

* We opened our doors on November 3, 1983.                                     Easter Monday, and the Civic Holiday.

* We are a non-profit charitable organization,
  administered by a volunteer Board of Directors
                                                                               We also close the week between Christmas and
                                                                               New Years. The Daycare will close at 12:00 noon
       from the community and volunteer parents.                               on Christmas Eve Day.

* We are licenced and inspected for quality
  assurance by the Early Learning Division of the                        * Registered
                                                                                      Early Childhood Educators:
       Ministry of Education, the Peterborough County                      1 R.E.C.E.C. Supervisor
       City Health Unit, and the Trent Lakes Fire                          4 Program Staff (minimum of 2 Registered Early
       Department.                                                           Childhood Educators)
                                                                           1 Cook/Cleaner
* We  are financed by parents’ fees, Peterborough
  Children’s Services, the Province of Ontario, and
                                                                         		 Volunteers and Field Placement Students

       fundraising activities.

* Subsidies are available.
* The Daycare is run by Registered Early Childhood

* one
                                                                                                                              © Vol. Kozin

  The maximum number of children is 35 at any

* Buckhorn  Daycare is an approved integrated
  Centre for Special Needs Children.

LICENSED CARE - Buckhorn Daycare
About Us © mamaza

                            Buckhorn Daycare has been serving local families for        Infant Program (6 weeks – 18 months)
                            over 35 years. Our programs are designed to promote         Care in a home-like environment that fosters
                            the development of children aged 6 weeks to 12              connection and encourages babies to engage with
                            years in an inclusive and welcoming environment.            the world around them.

                            Children are unique individuals and we help them to         Toddler Program (18 months – 2.5 years)
                            flourish—by having fun. Our programming nurtures            A warm atmosphere that provides the freedom for
                            the rich potential in each child through daily              little ones to grow, discover, and develop as creative
                            opportunities to explore, experience success, and           individuals.
                            enjoy good company.
                                                                                        Preschool Program (2.5 – 4 years)
                            All of our programs include nutritious snacks and           Enriching opportunities to blossom through
                            lunches to fuel growing bodies and minds. Play and          exploration, asking questions, solving problems, and
                            connection with nature are essential for healthy            building meaningful relationships. We support each
                            development, so we provide plenty of time for               child in developing expression and communication
                            outdoor activities on our spacious playground.              skills in preparation for school.

                            Our Registered Early Childhood Educators all have           School Age Program (5 – 12 years)
                            criminal reference checks (including vulnerable             An abundance of activities to enjoy with friends and
                            sector checks) as well as first aid and child/infant        independently. Children have the space to pursue
                            CPR certifications, and immunizations up to date. The       their passions, building a sense of responsibility and
                            Daycare is licensed and inspected for quality               confidence while strengthening bonds with peers.
                            assurance by the Early Learning Division of the
                            Ministry of Education, Peterborough Public Health,
                            and the Trent Lakes Fire Department.

LICENSED CARE - Buckhorn Daycare
About Us continued

                                  Program Statement
                                  Children are viewed as competent, capable, curious, and rich in
                                  potential. “How Does Learning Happen?” (Ontario’s Pedagogy for the                2 014

                                  Early Years) will be the framework for program development, teaching,
                                  and practice at Buckhorn Daycare. It is intended to strengthen the quality
                                  of programs and ensure high quality experiences that lead to positive             How Does
                                  outcomes in relation to children’s learning, development, health and              Learning Happen?
                                                                                                                    Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years
                                                                                                                    A resource about learning through relationships for those who
                                                                                                                    work with young children and their families

                                                                      Buckhorn Daycare will ensure that every child has a sense of belonging
                                                                      when he or she is connected to others and contributes to their world. Every
                                                                      child is a capable communicator who expresses himself or herself in many
                                                                      ways. Buckhorn Daycare fosters communication and expression in all forms.

                                                                      Buckhorn Daycare supports positive and responsive interactions among
                                                                      the children, parents, child care providers and staff. The Educators will ©

                                                                      encourage the children to interact and communicate in a positive way and
                                                                      support their ability to self-regulate.

                                                                      Educators will facilitate successful communication between children by
                                                                      helping children listen to and express themselves to one another.

                                                                      Educators will recognize the physical and emotional states of each child
                                                                      and respond in a warm and sensitive manner; connecting with each child
                                  Belonging                           and recognizing and valuing his or her unique spirit, individuality, and
                                                                      presence; planning for ways to support smooth transitions: between the
                                  Every child has a sense of          home and the child care setting, and in daily routines.
                                  belonging, where each
                                                                      Educators will support relationships between children as they initiate,
                                  individual is connected to
                                                                      respond, collaborate, celebrate, and demonstrate care for others. Buckhorn
                                  others and contributes to           Daycare will develop policies, practices, and environments that respect and
                                  their world                         support inclusion, meaningful participation, and a sense of belonging for all
                                                                      children. Our programs will cultivate authentic, caring relationships and
                                                                      connections to create a sense of belonging among and between children,
                                                                      adults, and the world around them.

LICENSED CARE - Buckhorn Daycare
Buckhorn Daycare will ensure that every child is developing a sense of self,
                                                                    health, and well-being. Educators will promote the health, safety, nutrition
                                                                    and well-being of the children. Buckhorn Daycare will nurture children’s
                                                                    healthy development and support their growing sense of self.

                                                                    Buckhorn Daycare will abide by all health, fire, and safe drinking water
                                                                    regulations. All staff are required to have Standard First Aid, Child/Infant CPR, a
                                                                    criminal reference check including a vulnerable sector check, and © Maya Kruchankova

                                                                    immunizations up to date. Educators will ensure the safety of the children with
                                                                    constant supervision, hazardous materials out of reach, locked medication, and
                                                                    monthly fire drills.

                                                                    Educators will provide healthy meals and snacks that take into account health
                                                                    issues and respect for family requests and preferences. Educators will
                                                                    establish positive eating environments that are responsive to children’s cues of
                                                                    hunger and fullness; incorporating opportunities and time to practise self-help
                                                                    and self-care skills based on each child’s capabilities throughout daily routines
                                      Well-being                    and activities.

                                                                    Educators will provide regular daily opportunities (responsive to individual
                                      Every child is developing a
                                                                    capabilities) for children to be physically active and explore the world around
                                      sense of self, health, and
                                                                    them with their bodies, minds, and senses; limiting activities where children are
                                                                    sitting for an extended period of time; creating safe and stimulating outdoor
                                                                    spaces for intentional active play that is individualized and adapted as needed
                                                                    to support children’s varied abilities, and offers challenges that are within each
                                                                    child’s ability to master.

                                                                    Educators will facilitate children’s efforts to take reasonable risks, test their
                                                                    limits, and gain increasing competence and a sense of mastery through active
                                                                    play and social interactions; recognizing and supporting children’s developing
                                                                    and varied self-regulation abilities in all domains (biological, emotional,
                                                                    communicative, cognitive, and social).

                                                                    Educators will design environments that are attuned to children’s varied
                                                                    sensitivities, arousal states, and need for maintaining a calm, focused, and alert

LICENSED CARE - Buckhorn Daycare
About Us continued

                                                                  Buckhorn Daycare will ensure that every child is an active, engaged learner
                                                                  who explores the world with body, mind, and senses. Buckhorn Daycare
                                                                  provides environments and experiences to engage children in active,
                                                                  creative, and meaningful exploration, play, and inquiry. © Serhiy Kobyakov

                                                                  The Educators will foster the children’s exploration, play and inquiry. The
                                                                  Educators will provide child-initiated and adult-supported experiences.
                                                                  The Educators will plan for and create positive learning environments and
                                                                  experiences in which each child’s learning and development will be
                                                                  supported. The Educators will incorporate indoor and outdoor play, as
                                                                  well as active play, rest and quiet time into the day; and give
                                                                  consideration to the individual needs of the children receiving child care.

                                     Expression                   The Educators will design indoor and outdoor environments and experiences
                                                                  that spark curiosity, invite investigation, and provide challenges that are
                                     Every child is a capable     responsive to individual capabilities to help children extend the boundaries
                                     communicator who expresses   of their learning; connecting with families and communities and inviting their
                                     himself or herself in many   participation to ensure that environments and experiences reflect and are
                                     ways                         relevant to children’s everyday lives; providing a wide variety of interesting
                                                                  objects and open-ended materials for children to explore with their senses,
                                                                  manipulate, and investigate; planning daily routines (the flow of the day) with
                                                                  limited interruptions and transitions to maintain a sense of calm and
                                                                  simplicity for infants and toddlers, and providing ample opportunities
                                                                  through large blocks of time for older children to engage in sustained,
                                                                  complex play, and inquiry.

                                                                  Educators will participate with children as a co-investigator, co-learner, and
                                                                  co-planner rather than as director or “keeper of knowledge” and “keeper of
                                                                  the plans” in a way that is separate and apart from the children.

                                                                  Educators will continuously question and test their own theories and
                                                                  strategies and seek new ideas to facilitate children’s exploration and
                                                                  understanding of the world around them in meaningful ways.

                                                                  Educators will work with families and community partners to ensure that
                                                                  environments and experiences provide equal learning experiences for all
                                                                  children by making flexible program adaptations and providing special
                                                                  equipment and/or adaptive devices (as recommended by a regulated
                                                                  health professional). Educators will ensure that the spaces and experiences
                                                                  provided promote play and inquiry that will help children discover and
                                                                  develop an increasing awareness and understanding of key concepts,
                                                                  including those associated with literacy and numeracy development.

LICENSED CARE - Buckhorn Daycare
Educators will engage and cultivate children’s connections with stories and
                                               books in a variety of contexts (e.g., by sharing books and telling stories with
                                               individuals, small groups, and large groups), and for a variety of purposes
                                               (e.g. to foster close relationships, explore and play with language structures,
                                               recount past events, research ideas, spark conversations, and connect with
                                               cultural traditions).

                                               Educators will provide time, space, and materials to encourage expression
                                               through creative materials that reflect children’s capabilities as well as their
                                               social and cultural backgrounds.

                                               Educators will weave numeracy, language, and literacy related activities and
                                               materials into all daily experiences, routines, and physical spaces.

                                               Educators will document and make children’s thinking, learning, and
                                               competence visible to children, families, and others.

                                               Buckhorn Daycare will make connections with the families and community.
                                               Families are competent, capable, curious, and rich in experience.

                                               The Educators will foster the engagement of and ongoing communication
                                               with parents about the program and their children. Buckhorn Daycare involves
                                               local community partners and allows those partners to support the children,
                                               their families and staff.

                                               Educators will reach out to all families, including those who may be
                                               experiencing stressful and challenging circumstances, and help them to make

                                               connections to formal supports (e.g., community agencies) and informal
                                               supports (e.g. connections with other families and/or their own support

                   Engagement                  Educators will establish positive relationships when greeting parents when they
                                               arrive, informing parents about their child’s day, and encouraging ongoing
                   Every child is an active,   information sharing.
                   engaged learner who         Buckhorn Daycare will find ways to intentionally integrate the unique
                   explores the world with     perspectives and gifts of parents, caregivers, and extended family throughout
                   body, mind, and senses      all elements of the program in a meaningful and authentic way; establishing and
                                               maintaining positive reciprocal relationships with community partners to
                                               support meaningful participation.

                                               Educators will create opportunities throughout daily experiences that enable
                                               children to explore, wonder about, care for, and make connections to the natural

LICENSED CARE - Buckhorn Daycare
About Us continued

                     Educators will give visibility to the many relationships that children form with
                     adults, other children, the community, and the natural world through various
                     forms of documentation.

                     Educators will invite community members (ie. firefighters, OPP, etc.) to contribute
                     to and participate in the program and provide opportunities for children to
                     participate and make meaningful contributions to the community on an ongoing
                     basis when exploring the community (ie. visit the library and local businesses,
                     assist at the Buckhorn locks, etc.)

                     Pedegogical Documentation
                     Pedegogical Documentation is a means to learn about how children think and
                     learn… “it offers a process to explore our questions about children… to make this
                     learning visible to others for interpretation. It encourages educators to be
                     co-learners alongside both children and families.”

                     The Educators will foster the engagement of and ongoing communication with
                     parents about the program and their children.

                     The Educators will plan for and create positive learning environments and
                     experiences in which each child’s learning and development will be supported.
                     The Educators will document and review the impact of the above strategies on
                     the children and their families, and give visibility to the many relationships that
                     children form with adults, other children, the community, and the natural world
                     through various forms of documentation. Daily contact with parents and staff will
                     be supplemented by individual interviews, group meetings and workshops.

                     Newsletters will be distributed to all parents informing them of workshops, as
                     well as topics of interest, events and centre news. Notices, and menus will be
                     posted on the bulletin board. Buckhorn Daycare reviews and undertakes
                     annual activities and documentation to monitor the quality of our services.
                     These activities include the use of environmental assessments, parent surveys,
                     staff surveys, health and safety monitoring, and following the Ministry of
                     Education Regulations. Programs are re-evaluated regularly to reflect changes
                     with the Early Years Act and ideologies on early childhood education. Reports
                     are provided to the Board of Directors and action plans are developed when

                     Buckhorn Daycare will support staff in relation to continuous professional
                     learning. Staff will be encouraged to participate in professional learning (ie.
                     workshops, conferences, books, journals, accessing relevant internet
                     information, etc.) and connecting with community partners to ensure the
                     program fosters social and emotional well-being and resilience for children
                     and families.

LICENSED CARE - Buckhorn Daycare
Daily Programs © MNStudio

                              Daily Schedule
                              Toddlers and Preschoolers                                  School Age

                              Children arrive and explore and engage in activities       Arrival and snack
                              Tidy up, washroom, snack                                   Connect with nature and outside activities
                              Group experiences                                          Group experiences
                              Outside activities and connect with nature                 Explore and engage in inside activities
                              Washroom                                                   Departure
                              Washroom, reading time                                     School age and preschool children may be grouped
                              Quiet time                                                 together at the beginning and the end of the day.
                              Outside activities
                              Group experiences
                              Preschoolers and toddlers may be grouped together                                     CHECK IN
                              at the beginning and the end of the day.                                             with staff on arrival
                                                                                                                       and before

LICENSED CARE - Buckhorn Daycare
Daily Programs continued

How Does Learning Happen?                                       Nippissing Developmental Checklist
Children are viewed as competent, capable, and                  Staff will fill out this checklist for all children, and
curious. “How Does Learning Happen?” (Ontario’s                 parents will receive a copy. Parents will also receive a
Pedagogy for the Early Years) is the framework for              copy of milestones, warning signs, and a chart
program development, teaching, and practice at                  showing the development of speech sounds.
Buckhorn Daycare. It is intended to strengthen the
quality of programs and ensure high quality                     Documentation
experiences that lead to positive outcomes in relation          Pictures and learning stories are posted to
to children’s learning, development, health and                 demonstrate children’s thinking and learning, and
well-being.                                                     provide educators with information on how to plan
                                                                developmentally appropriate experiences and
Investing in Quality                                            environments.
Our Daycare is participating in the Investing in Quality
Program with other childcare programs in the City               Loose Parts
and County of Peterborough. It is a program designed            Loose parts are items that children can move, carry,
to help families ensure that their children are                 combine, redesign, line up, take apart, put back
receiving high quality early learning and childcare             together in multiple ways, and use to enhance their
services. The program is committed to maintaining               play and exploration. They provide a high level of
provincial regulatory standards as well as local                creativity, choice, and the possibilities are endless for
community standards.                                            how they can be used. Research shows that children
                                                                like to play with loose parts because they can use
Communication                                                   their imagination, have greater control in their play,
Our educators greet you upon arrival, inform you                and encourage open ended learning.
about your child’s day, and encourage information
sharing. We support you in making connections with              Second Step Program
formal and informal supports (e.g., community                   This program involves lessons on social skills, dealing
agencies, other families and support networks).                 with emotions, and problem solving for children. The
                                                                activities teach the children how to have power, and
Ontario Early Learning Framework                                control their actions.
Program Plans are posted outside of each room.
Planned Activities are blue, Developmental Skills are           Early Years Workshops
red, and emerging activities are green.                         Workshops may be booked to take place at the
                                                                Daycare if parents or caregivers are interested in
Individual Support Plans                                        attending.
Buckhorn Daycare is an approved integrated Centre
for Special Needs Children. If a child has needs                Five Counties Consultants
physical or developmental in nature, or behaviours              Will come to our Center to support the staff and work
that prevent them from participating in the program             with children with special needs, or concerns.
in a meaningful way, an individual support plan will be
set up and conducted by qualified consultants from              Peterborough Public Health
Five Counties Children’s Centre in Peterborough. All            Provides ongoing support.
plans include parental involvement.

Fees, Payment &
                                                                                                                          Waitlist © Evgeniy Kalinovskiy

                                         Registration                          Preschool & Kindergarten
                                         $20.00 for the first child            (2.5 – 4 years)*
                                                                                                                      YOUR FEES
                                                                                                                      are due at the first
                                         $10.00 for each additional child      $17.00/day under 6 hours
                                                                                                                        of each month
                                                                               $19.00/day 6-8 hours
                                         Infants (up to 18 months)*            $22.00/day 8-10 hours

                                         $24.00/day under 6 hours              Nursery School (2.5 – 4 years)*
                                         $27.00/day 6-8 hours                  $12.00/day 9:30 am-11:30 am
                                         $30.00/day 8-10 hours
                                                                               School Age (3.8 – 12 years)
                                         Toddlers (18 months – 2.5 years)*     $9.00 before school
                                         $20.00/day under 6 hours              $13.00 after school
                                         $22.00/day 6-8 hours                  $20.00 before and after school
                                         $25.00/day 8-10 hours                 $30.00/day under 6 hours
                                                                               $36.00/day 6-8 hours
                                                                               $38.00/day 8-10 hours

                                         * The costs for children up to age four have been cut in half due
                                           to funding from the Ministry of Education.

Fees, Payments & Waitlist continued

We have subsidy spots available. If you wish to apply,            Waitlist
call 1-855-738-3755 ext. 2 to complete a needs
assessment with Children’s Services. Buckhorn                     There is no charge to be put on our waitlist. Access is
Daycare will bill the family accordingly.                         based on availability of space. We respect the child
                                                                  care requirements of all families and treat everyone
Late Pick-up                                                      fairly.
If late picking up your child(ren), you will pay the staff
on duty, $2.00 for every 5 minutes that you are late.
                                                                  How do we get on the waitlist?
Days Missed
                                                                  To apply for our child care program
There are no refunds for any days missed. If a child
goes on holidays you must pay for your daycare spot.
                                                                  See our waitlist policy below for more information.
Events are organized to enable parents and staff to
get together in a social setting while raising money              Priority is given in the following order:
for the program. The proceeds from these events                   1. Children that have a sibling already enrolled in the
have enabled the organization to enrich and expand                   program
our toys, equipment, and library resources.                       2. Returning families
                                                                  3. New families located in the Buckhorn community

Payments                                                          4. Families residing outside of the Buckhorn

All bills are distributed in the middle of each month             Your child’s status on the waitlist will be shared upon
and payable by the first of the following month. If               request. As openings occur you will be notified by
fees are not paid on time, the child(ren) must be                 telephone. Any family who declines a space but
withdrawn from the school until all fees are paid in              wishes to stay on the waitlist is placed in a holding file
full. All cases will be reviewed by the Directors of the          and is not re-contacted until they have requested
school.                                                           reactivation.

Payments can be made by certified cheque, cash or                 Families are removed from the wait list if:
money order. Cheques are the preferred means of                   • Their child is no longer age-appropriate
payment, however, cash is accepted. Cash payments                 • They do not return the phone call requesting
must be submitted in a sealed envelope with your                    confirmation of interest in a space.
name on the front. All fees are to be put in the fee box          • They are not able to be contacted by phone
located in the staff room.                                          because the phone number is out of service.
                                                                  • They have moved and have not left a forwarding
Upon request and at the end of each calendar year,                  number.
Buckhorn Daycare will provide a receipt to the payee
(free of charge).                                                 Buckhorn Daycare reserves the right to decline a
                                                                  space to a returning family whose account is in
                                                                  arrears and to close the waiting list at any time.

General Policies © Olesia Bilkei

                                   Admission                                                     When picking up your child(ren), enter the building
                                   An interview will be arranged to familiarize you and          and make sure that staff know you are leaving. Unless
                                   your child(ren) with the surroundings, answer                 otherwise arranged children will not be released to
                                   questions and complete admission forms prior to               any person other than those specified on the
                                   enrolment. The non-refundable registration fee may            Admissions form.
                                   be paid at this time. For the first week, you are
                                                                                                 Please be sure to call the Daycare if your child(ren)
                                   encouraged to stay with your child at the beginning
                                                                                                 will not be attending.
                                   of the day in order to reassure and minimize fears
                                   until you both become comfortable.
                                                                                                 Parent Communication Envelopes
                                                                                                 Each registered family will have an envelope on their
                                   Arrival and Pick-up
                                                                                                 child’s box. Please check your envelope daily, as it is
                                   Young children depend on regular routines for their
                                                                                                 where all bills, receipts, notices and messages will be
                                   own sense of security, so we recommend that they
                                   arrive before or by 9:30 a.m.

                                   Please greet an educator upon arrival so that they are
                                   aware of your child(ren)’s presence.

                                   Due to the negative effects of lateness on the child,
                                   children arriving after 10:00 a.m. will not be
                                   admitted into the program that day. (In extenuating
                                   circumstances, the Administrator has the authority to
                                   use his/her discretion in admitting a child.)

General Policies continued

Parents are responsible for making all busing
arrangements for school-age children. Please contact
the Daycare if your child is absent, or if bus times
have been changed.

Inclement Weather
Program closure may occur as a result of inclement
weather days. The Program will close when the
weather is extreme or in the case of facility

                                                                                                               © Pavel Kobysh
emergencies (i.e. power failure).

Clothing and Possessions
Your child should be dressed in clothing that is
appropriate for physical activity – for the weather and
the season. A second set of clothing should be kept
at the Daycare in case of accidents or illness. All            Public Relations
clothing and toys should be labeled with your child’s          The Daycare centre is sometimes used for the
name. Please check your child’s box daily for soiled           purpose of public relations when TV, radio and the
clothing to be washed, and replace spare clothing the          press request to take pictures. Also, field placement
next day.                                                      students often observe children for their
                                                               assignments. If you do not wish to have your child’s
Field Trips                                                    picture taken and shared, or prefer that they not be
Our program includes regular walking excursions                observed for any reason, please advise the
around our community. A notice will be distributed in          Administration upon registration.
advance, informing you of the destination, time and
date.                                                          Smoke Free
                                                               There is no smoking on Daycare property (including
Personal Information                                           the parking lot). If there are even butts on the
We must comply with the Personal Information and               property or in the parking lot we can be charged, and
Documents Act (PIPEDA). When registering at the                the person putting them there can also be charged.
Daycare each family must sign a consent form for the
collection, use, and disclosure of personal                    Donations
information.                                                   The Daycare is always happy to receive donations.
                                                               Toys, equipment, clothes, and art supplies are always
Volunteers and Students                                        needed. ONLY unopened snacks in original sealed
Volunteers, students, and anyone under 18 years of             packages, fruit, and vegetables can be accepted due
age do not have unsupervised access to the children            to health regulations.
at Buckhorn Daycare.
                                                               We can give receipts for donations of new items (i.e.,
                                                               raffle prizes, appliances, etc.), since we are a non-
                                                               profit charitable organization.

Serious Occurrences                                                c) locking the exits of the child care centre or home
The safety and well-being of our children is the                      child care premises for the purpose of confining
highest priority. In spite of all the best precautions,               the child, or confining the child in an area or room
serious occurrences can sometimes take place.                         without adult supervision, unless such
These could include: a complaint about service                        confinement occurs during an emergency and is
standards, a fire or other disaster on site, or serious               required as part of the licensee’s emergency
injury to a child. In the event of a serious occurrence,              management policies and procedures;
a Notification Form will be posted for a minimum of                d) use of harsh or degrading measures or threats or
10 business days beside the Centre’s licence.                         use of derogatory language directed at or used in
                                                                      the presence of a child that would humiliate,
Emergency management policies and procedures
                                                                      shame or frighten the child or undermine his or
will be followed. In the event of an evacuation,
                                                                      her self-respect, dignity or self-worth;
parents/guardians will be contacted by telephone to
                                                                   e) depriving the child of basic needs including food,
notify each child’s family of the situation and the
                                                                      drink, shelter, sleep, toilet use, clothing or
location of where the children can be picked up.
                                                                      bedding; or
Parents/guardians will be given a written debriefing
                                                                   f) inflicting any bodily harm on children including
the same day or as soon as possible summarizing
                                                                      making children eat or drink against their will.
what happened, steps taken, and any future steps
                                                                   Withdrawl from the Daycare
If an emergency situation takes place and the centre
                                                                   Please give two weeks notice before withdrawing
has a child and/or adult who requires additional
                                                                   your child from the Daycare. If notice is not received,
support, direction will follow from the Supervisor/
                                                                   full program fees will be charged. A permanent space
Designate as to who will support these individuals.
                                                                   cannot be guaranteed if you wish to temporarily
                                                                   withdraw your child(ren).
Prohibited Practices
Buckhorn Daycare will support positive interactions                Buckhorn Daycare may terminate services if policies
between the children, families, staff, and the                     are not followed or fees not paid.
community. The children will be encouraged to
interact and communicate in a positive way, and the
staff will support the children to have the ability to

Buckhorn Daycare will abide by Ontario Regulation
137/15 and will not permit the following:

a) corporal punishment of the child;
b) physical restraint of the child, such as confining
   the child to a high chair, car seat, stroller or other
   device for the purposes of discipline or in lieu of
   supervision, unless the physical restraint is for the
   purpose of preventing a child from hurting
   himself, herself or someone else, and is used only
   as a last resort and only until the risk of injury is no
   longer imminent;
                                                          © avs

Health Policies

           The SAFETY &
           of our children

                                                                                                                     © Serenko Natalia
           is the highest

Nutrition                                                        Outdoor Play
Snack breaks and meal-times offer significant                    Regulations require daily outdoor play for each
learning experiences and opportunities for                       child—therefore, it is our policy that children too ill to
connection. The nutritious lunches and snacks that               play outside remain at home.
we provide account for the dietary needs/allergies
amongst the children in our care. Weekly menus are               Sun Protection
posted for the current and following week and follow             Children in our program are outside a minimum of
the Canada Food Guide. Please do not send candy,                 two hours a day if the weather permits, so we must
gum, etc.                                                        take precautions to protect the children from the sun.
                                                                 We purchase bulk sunscreen for all children to
Water                                                            prevent cross contamination. Families will be charged
Our water is safe for drinking. We have a chemical               $10 per child per season for the first child in the
analysis of the water done every 5 years. On October             family, and $5 for each additional child from the same
12, 2017 the sodium in our water tested high at 59.6             family. You may supply your child’s sunscreen in the
mg/L. When resampled on October 23, 2017, the                    original labeled bottle if your child has sensitive skin
results showed the sodium was 37.5 mg/L.                         and cannot use our sunscreen.
Peterborough Public Health has asked us to inform all
                                                                 Wide-brimmed hats, are required.
parents that they have no concerns unless a user is on
a salt-restricted diet. We do not have to test for sodium
                                                                 Scarves and Strings
for another 5 years. Our water is also tested for total
                                                                 For your child’s safety, no scarves or strings on
coliform and e.coli monthly, nitrates quarterly, and lead
                                                                 mittens are allowed in the playground.
yearly. All of these test results show that our water is
safe for drinking.

Rest Period
Toddler and Preschool rest periods do not exceed
two hours in length, and the children who do not
need a daily sleep may do quiet activities. Upon
request, we will awaken your child after an hour to
ensure sleep patterns at home are not disrupted.

Health Policies continued

Insect Repellant                                                Health and Administration of Drugs
You may bring insect repellent in the original labeled          Buckhorn Daycare will administer prescription drugs
bottle and staff will apply it when needed.                     to children in accordance with provincial legislation.
                                                                This requires that you provide the following:
Communicable Diseases                                           • Written authorization, including the dosage and
In the event of a child contracting a communicable                 administration times.
disease, please notify the school immediately. The              • Medication in the original container, clearly
staff is authorized to refuse admittance to any child              labeled with the child’s name, name of the drug,
who, in their judgment, is too ill to attend or whose              the dosage, the date of purchase, and instructions
condition presents a hazard to the health of the other             for storage and administration.
children. Before a child is re-admitted, parents are            • Kindly give it directly to a staff member to put in
required to present a doctor’s certificate of health.              our locked box.
                                                                • Staff and school age children may carry life
Immunizations                                                      threatening medication (i.e., epipens and inhalers)
The Child Care and Early Years Act stipulates that                 that may be needed immediately without having it
prior to admission, each child MUST be immunized                   locked away.
as recommended by the local Medical Officer of
Health, unless there are objections due to medical or
religious reasons. If this is the case the parent/
guardian is required to submit a “Statement of
Exemption” provided by the Ministry of Education.
Peterborough Public Health also requests that you
notify their office by telephone at 743-1000 every
time that your child receives a vaccine.

Head Lice Policy
If your child has head lice, it is recommended that you
contact your pharmacist, Peterborough Public Health,
or your family doctor to determine appropriate
treatment. In order to control the spread, children
found to have head lice will be asked to leave the
centre temporarily and the parents/guardian will be
advised to follow the recommended course of
treatment. When returning to the centre, the parent
will remain while the child is checked to ensure all
nits and lice are no longer present. If nits or lice are
present, the parent will be asked to take the child
home again and continue treatment.                     © maroke


                                                                                              STAY INFORMED
                                                                                              by checking our
                                                                                              bulletin boards.

                                                                                                                 © Sharomka
You are encouraged to take an active role in our child        Parental Involvement
care centre and regularly discuss what your child(ren)        We are an incorporated non-profit, charitable
are experiencing with our program. We support                 organization, therefore all members must have an
positive and responsive interactions among everyone           active role in the running of the Daycare. Our Annual
at the centre, and foster ongoing communication with          Meeting is held the third Wednesday of October. This
parents/guardians about the program and your                  is when we elect our Board Members and at least one
children.                                                     adult from each registered family should attend.
                                                              Meetings are not held during the months of July and
Bulletin Boards                                               August unless necessary.
Stay informed by checking our bulletin boards. All
happenings at the school will be posted there.                Fundraising
                                                              Events are organized to enable parents and staff to
Parking                                                       get together in a social setting while raising money
Parking is available on the building side of the              for the program. The proceeds from these events
Daycare (angled spots). Please do not park in the             have enabled the organization to enrich and expand
right-of-way, and for safety reasons, please turn off         our toys, equipment, and library resources.
your car when parked on Daycare property.
Development                                                   All matters are treated confidentially, and every effort
Programs are re-evaluated regularly to reflect                will be made to protect the privacy of parents/
changes with the Early Years Act and ideologies on            guardians, children, staff, students and volunteers.
early childhood education. Newsletters will be sent to
                                                              Sometimes, when the situation warrants, we are
the parents, informing you of workshops, as well as
                                                              legally responsible to disclose information (e.g., to the
topics of interest, events and Buckhorn Daycare
                                                              Ministry of Education, College of Early Childhood
                                                              Educators, law enforcement authorities, or the
                                                              Children’s Aid Society).

Parents continued

Conduct                                                         3. Issues/concerns may also be reported to other
Our centre maintains high standards for positive                   relevant regulatory bodies (e.g. local public health
interaction, communication and role-modeling for                   department, police department, Ministry of
children. Harassment and discrimination will                       Environment, Ministry of Labour, fire department,
therefore not be tolerated from any party. If at any               College of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario
point a parent/guardian, provider or staff feels                   College of Teachers, College of Social Workers etc.)
uncomfortable, threatened, abused or belittled, they               where appropriate.
may immediately end the conversation and report the
                                                                Buckhorn Daycare, 705-657-1611
situation to the supervisor and/or licensee.
                                                                Ministry of Education, Licensed Child Care Help Desk:
                                                                1-877-510-5333 or
Buckhorn Daycare provides a transparent process for
                                                                Concerns about the Suspected Abuse or Neglect
parents/guardians, the child care licensee, and staff
                                                                of a Child
to use when parents/guardians bring forward issues
                                                                1. Everyone, including members of the public and
and concerns.
                                                                    professionals who work closely with children, is
All matters raised are taken seriously and addressed                required by law to report suspected cases of child
as quickly as possible. They may be brought forward                 abuse or neglect.
verbally or in writing, and every effort will be made to        2. If a parent/guardian expresses concerns that a
resolve issues to the satisfaction of all parties.                  child is being abused or neglected, the parent will
                                                                    be advised to contact the local Children’s Aid
An initial response to an issue or concern will be
                                                                    Society (CAS) directly.
provided to parents/guardians within one to two
                                                                3. Persons who become aware of such concerns are
business day(s). The person who raised the issue/
                                                                    also responsible for reporting this information to
concern will be kept informed throughout the
                                                                    CAS as per the “Duty to Report” requirement under
resolution process.
                                                                    the Child and Family Services Act.
Investigations of issues and concerns will be fair,             4. For more information, visit
impartial and respectful to parties involved.             
Escalation of Issues or Concerns
1. Where parents/guardians are not satisfied with the
   response or outcome of an issue or concern, they
   may escalate the issue or concern verbally or in
   writing to the Executive Director; when necessary to
   the Board of Directors
2. Issues/concerns related to compliance with
   requirements set out in the Child Care and Early
   Years Act., 2014 and Ontario Regulation 137/15
   should be reported to the Ministry of Education’s
   Child Care Quality Assurance and Licensing Branch.

                                                           19 © Tinna Pong

                                    Useful Links
                                    Ministry of Education: Parents                             Five Counties Children’s Centre
                                    Helpful information for parents on early childhood         Five Counties Children’s Centre helps children with
                                    education.                   physical, communication and developmental
                                                                                               challenges, and their families.
                                    Ontario Ministry of Children, Community & Social
                                    Services                                                   Kinark Child and Family Services
                                    Helpful information for parents on children’s health       A children’s mental health organization that provides
                                    and development.                                           help to children and youth, families and community.
                                                                                               Stsco School Bus Information
                                    Peterborough Children’s Services                           This is where you will find information on
                                    A link to the City of Peterborough’s Children’s            transportation and bus cancellations due to weather.
                                    Services website where you will find information on
                                    fee subsidies and community services that help
                                    children and families.    Joint Statement on Safe Sleep
                                    Services/Social_Services/Children_s_Services.htm           An important article on the principles of safe sleep for
                                    Peterborough Public Health                       
                                    For families in the community, Peterborough Public         aspc/hp-ps/dca-dea/stages-etapes/childhood-
                                    Health offers programs and information on many             enfance_0-2/sids/pdf/jsss-ecss2011-eng.pdf
                                    subjects, including healthy living, immunizations and
                                    child development.

                                    705-657-1611 • • Box #139, 8 George Street, Buckhorn, Ontario K0L 1J0
                                f   buckhorndaycare
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