WILL YOU JOIN US? - Royal College of Nursing

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WILL YOU JOIN US? - Royal College of Nursing

THIS MAY                                         PRACTICE          CONFERENCE
P4 GOOD NEWS               P7 OPINION            P10 FEATURE       P16 EVENTS

ISSUE NO. 373 MARCH 2019                                           RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN
WILL YOU JOIN US? - Royal College of Nursing

                                                                               Imposed pay deal leaves
    The RCN represents nurses
    and nursing, promotes                                                      members short
    excellence in practice and
    shapes health policies.                                                    Imposition of a pay deal by the Department of Health in
                                                                               Northern Ireland means some members on Agenda for
    Editor: Kim Scott                                                          Change contracts may earn less from this month because
    Email: bulletin@rcn.org.uk                                                 enhanced pension contributions will exceed their pay
    Web: rcn.org.uk/bulletin                                                   increase. Staff on bands 5 and 8A are most likely to be hit.
    Address: 20 Cavendish Square,
    London W1G 0RN                                                             The RCN in Northern Ireland says the situation has arisen
    Classified advertising                                                     because the pay deal was imposed without proper union
    Tel: 020 8423 1333
    Fax: 020 8423 4382                   Keeping children                      consultation or full assessment of the implications.

    Email: advertising@rcni.com          safe online                           The RCN is preparing to ballot members on industrial
    Acceptance of an advertisement                                             action in response to the imposed deal.
    does not constitute an               The RCN is getting behind a new
    endorsement of a product,            campaign which calls on social        Visit rcn.org.uk/northern-ireland-pay to find out the
    service or company, either by        media companies to do more to         latest developments.
    the RCN or RCN Publishing.           protect children from online harm.
                                         The campaign asks companies to
    For RCN country and regional         sign up to a statutory duty of care
    contact details visit
                                         and invest a slice of their profits
    rcn.org.uk or call RCN Direct
                                         in child protection and mental
    on 0345 772 6100.
                                         health research.
    © Copyright 2019. RCN Publishing
    Company Limited and                  Fiona Smith, RCN Professional
    The Royal College of Nursing.        Lead for Nursing Children and
                                         Young People, said: “If duties
    Printed on 100% recycled paper       of care for children exist in the
    manufactured in the UK.              offline world, they should exist in
                                         the online world too. Social media
                                         firms need to understand that with
Shed load of savings                     hundreds of millions of pounds
                                         of profit comes a responsibility to
                                         ensure children are kept safe and
                                         healthy on their platforms.”

                                          Nursing cadet pilot
                                          The RCN is supporting a new
                                          pilot initiative seeking to widen
                                          access to the nursing                New principles for CPD
Make March xtra special                   profession. The nursing cadet
                                          scheme, which is supported by        The RCN has worked with other professional bodies and
This month, you can make savings on       HRH the Prince of Wales, will        unions to develop five principles for continuing professional
everything from household bills and       be aimed at hard to reach            development (CPD). They say that CPD should:
Mother’s Day gifts, to family days out    young people, like young
and cheap cinema trips.                   carers. It will be trialled in       •   be each person’s responsibility and be supported
                                          Wales starting this year, in             by employers
Just visit RCN Xtra and start             partnership with the Wales           •   benefit service users
saving today.                             Army Cadet Force. Once cadets        •   improve the quality of service delivery
                                          have completed the scheme,           •   be balanced and relevant to each person’s employment
                                          they’ll be offered a guaranteed      •   be recorded and show the effect on each person’s area
Xtra benefits. Xtra easy.                 interview for a nursing degree           of practice.
Register now at rcn.org.uk/xtra           programme in Wales.
                                                                               Find out more at tinyurl.com/new-rcn-cpd

    RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                          RCN BULLETIN MARCH 2019
WILL YOU JOIN US? - Royal College of Nursing

                                                Nursing degree
                                                applications down 30%
                                                since bursary axed

Members set to debate
hard-hitting issues
Prostitution, child poverty and loneliness
are among the debates on the agenda for
this year’s RCN Congress in Liverpool.

Members attending the event in May will
vote on a number of important resolutions
aimed at improving health and life
chances for vulnerable groups. Proposed
resolutions include lobbying government
to decriminalise prostitution and end
period poverty. Reducing sepsis and the
abuse of nitrous oxide will also be debated,
as well as workplace issues like bullying
and clinical supervision arrangements.
                                                RCN warns NHS Long Term                       deserves to succeed, but it cannot do so
RCN Congress 2019 takes place in Liverpool                                                    without the nurses to deliver it. These
from 19 to 23 May. To see the full agenda and   Plan won’t succeed unless                     figures show we all need to work together
book your place, visit rcn.org.uk/congress      decline in student nurse                      to address the workforce crisis, not only
                                                applications is reversed                      through investment in nurse education
                                                                                              in England but through a workforce
                                                Figures released by UCAS in February          strategy that reflects the demands of the
  Education grants                              show that despite a small increase on last    population in each country. This needs
                                                year, the number of people applying to        to be underpinned by legislation that
  Nursing staff can apply for the RCN           study nursing in England has fallen by        guarantees the right number of nurses and
  Foundation Professional Bursary               more than 13,000 since 2016, the last         nursing support staff to provide safe and
  Scheme from 1 March.                          year students received the bursary. The       effective care.”
                                                RCN is urging the Government to invest
  The scheme offers grants of up to             at least £1bn a year back into nurse higher   The RCN’s Fund Our Future campaign
  £5,000 per year to nursing staff for          education in England to reverse the trend.    calls on the Government to invest at least
  career development and CPD activities         The College has warned that if the decline    £1bn per year back into nursing higher
  in the following areas; primary care,         in applications isn’t reversed, the NHS       education in England to help stop the
  long term/chronic conditions, history         Long Term Plan, which was published in        decline in student nurse numbers and
  of nursing and occupational health.           January, won’t have a chance to succeed.      recruit the nursing staff needed to keep
                                                                                              patients safe. The College is calling for the
  Applicants will be asked to explain           With almost 41,000 nursing vacancies          Government to allocate the money as part
  how their course will improve patient         in England, the College has said the fall     of the Spending Review in spring.
  care in their field.                          in student numbers further jeopardises
                                                the future supply of nurses and puts safe     Students in Wales, Scotland and Northern
  The closing date for applications is          patient care at risk.                         Ireland can still access the bursary.
  31 May 2019. Visit
  tinyurl.com/rcn-foundation-grants             RCN Acting Chief Executive Dame Donna         Find out more about the Fund Our Future
                                                Kinnair said: “The Long Term Plan             campaign at rcn.org.uk/fundourfuture

RCN BULLETIN MARCH 2019                                                                                              RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN
WILL YOU JOIN US? - Royal College of Nursing

Member demands action on
staffing levels from NHS execs
RCN member Gay Lee has gone            Chair of NHS England David Prior
straight to the top to raise           insisted nurse staffing is a priority.
concerns about nurse numbers.          “The workforce is absolutely
                                       crucial to delivering the Long
Gay, who’s been nursing for 40         Term Plan,” he said.
years, says she felt compelled
to speak up at an NHS England          “But what are you going do about
board meeting. She’d been              it?,” stressed Gay. “It’s going to take
picketing outside as part of the       three years and a massive amount
Keep our NHS Public campaign           of work to get enough nurses.”
group but went in to observe the
discussion about the NHS Long          Well done for speaking out so
Term Plan. She jumped in at the        frankly, Gay. We share your
end when she felt execs had failed     concerns. With almost 41,000
to address how they hope to have       nurse vacancies in England, we
enough staff to deliver the aims of    think there needs to be urgent
the plan.                              action to invest in growing the
                                       nursing workforce.
“I’ve never seen the NHS in such
a bad state as it is now,” said Gay.   We’re calling for £1bn to be
“It upsets me a lot. You’ve been       invested in educating new nurses
very congratulatory and yet what       and for laws on staffing for safe
I’ve not heard in this meeting         and effective care in all four
is any real concern about the          UK countries.
workforce that is going to do all
this wonderful work. We haven’t        Find out how to get involved in
got enough staff…we have no            our campaigns at
workforce strategy.”                   rcn.org.uk/campaigns

                                       Order your pack for the UK’s biggest nursing celebration!
  RCN Direct
  comes of age                         Nurses’ Day is fast approaching
                                       and this year we’re inviting you
  More than 82,000 calls were
                                       to join us for the UK’s biggest
  made to RCN Direct last year
                                       nursing celebration.
  with nearly three-quarters of
  queries resolved by staff at the
                                       We know you’re facing many
  advice hotline. The rest were
                                       challenges. But we also know how
  referred to other RCN
                                       skilled and passionate you all are.
  specialists for help.
                                       So on 12 May we’d like to celebrate
  It’s been 21 years since the         the remarkable difference you
  first call was made to RCN           make by helping you hold parties
  Direct on 1 March 1998.              in your workplace.
  Now in 2019 it’s easier than
  ever for members to get the          Order your free party pack, filled
  information they need online.        with materials to help you hold
  Visit rcn.org.uk/get-help            your own party, at rcn.org.uk/
                                       nursesday from 6 March.

RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                              RCN BULLETIN MARCH 2019
WILL YOU JOIN US? - Royal College of Nursing

The big picture

                                                                                                           It’s World Poetry Day on 21 March. To
                                                                                                           mark this we’re sharing some of the poems
                                                                                                           members have written about nursing that
                                                                                                           capture the many experiences and emotions
                                                                                                           nursing staff live through every day.

                                                                                                           I am me

                                                                                                           Look at my eyes, can’t you see?
                                                                                                           I’m not just an illness, I am me.

                                                                                                           Look past the appearance, my greying hair,
                                                                                                           I’m still in there, I’m still here.

 Picture by                                                                                                Look past the disease, the equipment around,
                                                                                                           the doctors, the nurses, I still stand proud.
Laura and Stacy joined a march through Jersey last month to call for fair pay for public sector workers.
Members on the island will soon be balloted on taking strike action if mediation over a long-running       Once a full life I lived in the past,
pay dispute fails. Visit tinyurl.com/rcn-jersey-strike to find out more.                                   a career, a family, time goes by fast.

                                                                                                           My children grew old, had kids of their own.

    PATIENT PERSPECTIVE                                                                                    My husband passed on but I’m not alone.

                                                                                                           Surrounded by loved ones, grandchildren
  Karen says the specialist advice
                                                      need to be aware of. Her compassion                  watching them grow filled me with pride.
  she’s received from assistant                       and empathy are striking and she
  practitioner Ellan Corner has                       always seems to know when I need to                  Memories made I’ll never forget,
  been invaluable in caring for                       take a break from discussions.                       my life passing by with no regret.
  her sister
                                                      She’s had to do a bit of hand-holding                Remember this as you stand and stare,
  I first met Ellan when my sister, who               lately, helping me gain confidence, by               I’m not just an illness, I’m a person
  has a learning disability, had to have a            explaining complicated issues clearly                who’s scared.
  cataract operation. Ellan came to our               and leaving me with information to
  home armed with eye patches and pads                look at. Nothing is ever forced.                     Scared of what’s next, and how to let go.
  to help explain visually to my sister                                                                    Leaving my family and not watching
  what would happen. When it came to                  She understands that when people                     them grow.
  explaining how the drops and the eye                have a learning disability things can
  patch would work, she used me as a                  change very quickly – not all medical                But most of all as I wither away,
  guinea pig. She took photographs for                professionals understand that. And                   remember the person I am today.
  us to look at, reflect on, and talk about.          she’s reliable. If she says she’ll get back
  She was brilliant.                                  to me with an answer, she always does.               Not just an illness, not just what you see,
                                                                                                           I am a person, I am me.
  I’ve seen a lot more of Ellan in the last           Ellan’s a compassionate and caring
  few months as she’s now supporting me               person with a big heart. You can’t                   Lyndsey Curtis-Dawson
  as I face difficult decisions about my              interview for that but that’s why she’s so
  sister’s end of life care at home with us.          good at what she does.                               To read more poems about
  She’s addressed sensitive but important                                                                  nursing by members, visit
  practical issues, like what other carers            Read more about Ellan’s work on page 13.             rcn.org.uk/bulletin

WILL YOU JOIN US? - Royal College of Nursing

                                                    What you’ve been saying
                                                    What about regulating APs?                       It is so expensive to do a nursing degree
                                                                                                     these days that it is no longer an option for
                                                    So I understand that nursing associates are      most. Good luck to them, they deserve this
                                                    now being regulated and registered by the        progression opportunity and we need them!
                                                    NMC (RCN Bulletin, February issue, page 3).
                                                    As an assistant practitioner (AP), I think           Alison Lee on Facebook
                                                    we too should be regulated and registered.
                                                    I feel we don’t get any recognition or           Experience hands-on
                                                    acknowledgement of our training and often        nursing first
                                                    get referred to as HCAs. I have studied for
                                                    three years to be awarded my job title, but      The Government’s NHS Long Term Plan
                                                    now feel worthless and degraded. I would         outlines new ideas for nurse education
                                                    like the RCN to work with the NMC and            (RCN Bulletin, February issue, page 8).
                                                    government on this matter which affects          What I feel they should do is to introduce
 Anma Ageli                                         thousands of APs. Hopefully, one day soon,       a four-year nursing course. The first year
 Registered nurse                                   we will be awarded the recognition and           should be learning the basics, the reality
                                                    registration we deserve.                         of nursing and ward life as an HCA, which
 I was on a night shift when I was asked to                                                          will boost numbers on wards with people
 take an A&E patient to a ward. The woman             Neil Priestley by email                        doing hands-on nursing. Then it should
 was quite short of breath, had a chronic                                                            lead to the three-year degree. In the first
 lung condition and diabetes. My instinct           NA role should be celebrated                     year, the student should get paid as an
 told me this wasn’t a good idea. But after                                                          HCA, so they will have money coming in.
 being checked over and stabilised, I was told      The nursing associate (NA) role provides a       Wards will have numbers and those truly
 she was OK to be escorted.                         brilliant opportunity for experienced and        dedicated will stay.
                                                    motivated unregistered staff to develop their
 After just a few moments in the lift, the          skills and progress into a more senior role.         Susan Kendall on Facebook
 woman collapsed, went into cardiac arrest
 and stopped breathing. I started CPR, which
 the lady’s granddaughter found brutal to           QUOTE OF THE MONTH
 watch. She tried to pull me off her relative but
 I was on autopilot and got on with the job.                      We’re determined to secure safe staffing
                                                                  legislation across the UK, to ensure patients get
 When the lift reached the ward floor, I
 carried on compressions, while shouting for                      the safe, quality care they need and deserve
 help. A sister from ITU took over, while I
                                                    RCN President Anne Marie Rafferty on our campaign on staffing for safe and
 went to get the defibrillator. The patient was
                                                    effective care
 shocked three times and eventually came
 round, much to everyone’s relief.
                                                      FOUR THINGS TO DO IN MARCH
 At the end of the shift, I was told I’d done
 an amazing job and the woman wouldn’t
                                                     1.   Order your party pack to celebrate        3.   Book your free place at RCN Congress
 be alive if it wasn’t for my quick actions.
                                                          Nurses’ Day from 6 March:                      to join the debates, learn something
 I stayed in touch with the granddaughter
                                                          rcn.org.uk/nursesday                           new and meet colleagues from all over
 for a short while after the incident and
                                                     2.   Tell your patients about the                   the UK: rcn.org.uk/congress
 she told me that what happened in the lift
 inspired her to become a nurse herself.                  importance of eating and drinking         4.   Get an early bird rate on a conference
                                                          well during Nutrition and Hydration            on safe and secure handling of
 Sometimes you don’t get much gratitude                   Week, 11-17 March:                             medicines. Book at rpharms.com/
 in this job, but the whole experience made               nutritionandhydrationweek.co.uk                events?details=3727 by 4 March.
 me realise why I’m a nurse – to save lives.
 And to always trust my instinct if I feel
 something isn’t right.                                   GOT SOMETHING TO SAY?
                                                      The RCN Magazines team is always looking for members to contribute to the opinion
  rcn.org.uk/myrcn                                    pages. If you’re keen to share your views, email bulletin@rcn.org.uk

RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                                    RCN BULLETIN MARCH 2019
WILL YOU JOIN US? - Royal College of Nursing
Share your thoughts on nursing issues.
Email bulletin@rcn.org.uk

                                                                                              TO MEMBERS

                                                                                              Sue Warner
                                                                                              Chair of RCN Council
                                                                                              I truly believe the RCN’s biggest strength is
                                                                                              you, our members. Not many organisations
                                                                                              can say they have such a large membership.
                                                                                              The RCN represents the biggest group of
                                                                                              nursing staff in the UK but I know that we
                                                                                              can only be the real voice of nursing if we
                                                                                              know what you’re experiencing, what you’re
                                                                                              passionate about and what you need.

Let’s reclaim the                             unravelling of our hackneyed image, but
                                              would subvert the toxic masculinity that
                                                                                              As your new Chair of Council, one of my
                                                                                              priorities is to make sure we’re connecting
image of nursing                              stifles all genders. The toxic masculinity
                                              demanding that a man must be stoic,
                                                                                              with members in a meaningful way. A lot
                                                                                              of work is going on around that and we’re
                                              ruthless and proud, without space for           undertaking research to understand how
Members Emma Matthews and                     humanity, sensitivity and nuance. We can        you want to be communicated with so we
Diana Greenfield consider how                 celebrate the women who founded nursing,        can get better at it.
nursing can become a more                     those who uphold and certainly those who
gender-balanced profession                    advance it, while empowering men to join        Although Council leads the College, we ask
                                              without stigma or raised brows.                 every single member to get involved in some
It’s not immediately obvious how the                                                          way. That could be reading RCN Bulletin,
statement “our future depends on men”         As we recognise the necessity of a more         going to a meeting, joining a forum, voting
aligns with feminism. Yet for nursing, it’s   gender-balanced workforce, let’s be active in   in our elections or tweeting your MP about
true and supports a feminist ideal.           reclaiming our image and making it appeal       an RCN campaign.
                                              to the young boys and bright girls who were
Nursing is steeped in stereotype. Simply      advised to aim higher at school. Let’s banish   It’s my job to make sure we offer something for
look at any snapshot of pop-culture           terms such as “sister” and “matron”.            everyone because this is your organisation and
featuring nurses and you’ll see. The extent                                                   I want to make sure it’s the organisation you
to which we’re defined by cliché undermines   We cannot be what we cannot see, so let’s       need it to be. If you think we could improve
our achievements – our life-saving, life-     ask our brilliant nurses to broaden the         on something, tell me. My ability to deliver
affirming and life-enhancing achievements     language and image that define us.              on what you want depends on you telling me
– and impacts our own self-portrayal.                                                         what that is. I’m really keen for members to
Gender in particular, and various tropes      International Women’s Day is celebrated         contact me directly at sue.warner@rcn.org.uk
of femininity – sexy, surly, matronly –       each year on 8 March. The theme this            with any suggestions, concerns or feedback
reinforce nursing as the professional         year is #BalanceforBetter, with the aim of      so we can have a conversation about that and
extension of a “woman’s place”.               celebrating the achievements of women while     deliver the changes you want to see.
                                              creating a more gender-balanced world.
To improve the gender imbalance we                                                            rcn.org.uk/council
see in nursing would not only hasten the      Visit internationalwomensday.com

RCN BULLETIN MARCH 2019                                                                                              RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN
WILL YOU JOIN US? - Royal College of Nursing

Members crucial to                                                                                                             READ MORE

securing safe staffing law

Nursing staff will shape every aspect of our campaign for legislation in England
“I’m petrified of losing my PIN, not                campaigns in Wales and Scotland, and               Patricia adds: “We can’t stand back and
because I’m not a good nurse, but because           we’ll be working alongside members to              allow our health services to deteriorate
we’re under so much pressure due to lack            shape every aspect of the campaign. But            any longer because of something that
of staff that mistakes could be made that           how do you begin to tackle a problem this          is within our government’s control. We
have an impact on patient care.”                    big when there are almost 41,000 nurse             need funding for nursing education and
                                                    vacancies in England right now?                    clear accountability for tackling the huge
These are Natalie’s words. She qualified a                                                             shortfall of nursing staff. We must come
year ago and is already questioning her future      For Patricia Marquis, the Director of RCN          together to make this happen.”
in the unit where she works. “I leave every         England, it’s about getting members to
shift feeling that I could have given better        feel that they can do something, no matter         Making it happen involves lots and lots of
care if we had more staff,” she says. Natalie’s     how small, to drive change. “I know how            members. Over the next few months
not alone. When we surveyed members                 passionate members are about this and              campaign plans in each of the RCN’s nine
about their last shift at work, shockingly,         harnessing this passion will be pivotal,”          English regions will take shape, with members
more than half said they felt care had been         she says.                                          at the forefront of leading local action.
compromised because there were fewer
nurses on shift than there should have been.        In February, the first meeting to kick-off the     Danielle is one of them. “We need this
                                                    campaign in England brought members,               campaign to be exciting, to empower
It’s why the RCN’s campaign on staffing for         RCN reps and staff together to decide what         people and to get them believing that this
safe and effective care is so desperately needed    can be done locally to make this an issue on       is a battle they can help win,” she says.
and why we need your help to make sure it’s         everyone’s radar. Chair of RCN Council Sue         “There are so many ways we could drive
a success. Over the past few years we’ve been       Warner told those attending that ensuring          this campaign, the most important thing is
collecting evidence and have come up with           the campaign for safe staffing succeeds            that members join in.”
five key things we want a law to deliver in all     across the UK is her top priority. “Members
four countries of the UK (see box right).           have told us time and time again that this         Make no mistake. The road to success
                                                    is what needs to happen in order for them          won’t be swift, and is likely to be bumpy.
In England, we’ll be building on what               to be able to give safe and effective care to      But as RCN President Anne Marie Rafferty
we’ve learned from our successful ongoing           patients,” says Sue.                               says: “We are nurses and we will do this.”

  What’s happening across the UK?
  So near but yet so far in                         Safe staffing law within                         Wales leads on legislation,
  Northern Ireland                                  reach in Scotland                                now we want more
  There is no law for safe and effective nurse      The Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland)        After 10 years of campaigning, members
  staffing in Northern Ireland but some             Bill was introduced in May last year.            in Wales helped secure the Nurse
  progress was made before the collapse             Through our Ask for More campaign                Staffing Levels (Wales) Act which
  of the Northern Ireland Assembly and              members have influenced the bill as it has       became law on 21 March 2016. It means
  Executive in 2017. In 2014, following             passed through parliament. The campaign          health boards have a legal duty to regard
  input from members, the Department of             has secured changes to strengthen the            the importance of ensuring appropriate
  Health in Northern Ireland published a            importance of reporting and accountability       levels of nurse staffing in all settings.
  framework that set out plans to measure           for staffing levels and has made sure the        On adult wards in NHS hospitals, an
  nurse staffing levels against patient             Scottish Government has responsibility           appropriate nurse staffing level must be
  outcomes, initially in certain adult hospital     for ensuring an adequate supply of               maintained and action taken if staffing
  practice settings, for the first time. Progress   nurses for the NHS. The bill now says            levels aren’t met. Members continue
  has stalled because of the current political      senior charge nurses should not hold a           to campaign for enough nurses to be
  impasse and poor funding. Meanwhile, the          caseload and nursing staff should have           educated and for the act to be extended
  number of vacant nursing posts continues          time for CPD. The bill is now due to             to other areas. Visit tinyurl.com/rcn-
  to grow. Visit tinyurl.com/ni-staffing-           enter the final stage of the parliamentary       wales-staffing to watch a film on how
  framework to read about the framework.            process. Visit rcn.org.uk/askformore             members helped to secure the law.

RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                                     RCN BULLETIN MARCH 2019
WILL YOU JOIN US? - Royal College of Nursing
We need legislation that
                                                 defines what safe and
                                                 effective care is

     There’s a fine line between                                                             I want to be able to
     being busy and working                                                                  protect our nurses and
     in an environment that’s                                                                do something to make
     unsafe                                                                                  change happen

                                          What we want
The RCN is building its campaign for legislation in all parts of the UK.
      Though each country is on a different journey, our work is underpinned by
        five principles for ensuring nurse staffing for safe and effective care.

         NUMBERS                          ACCOUNTABILITY                                 STRATEGY
     We want the right number of          We want it to be clear whose job it       We want a vision for tackling
    nurses, with the right skills, to     is to make sure there are enough        nurse shortages and making sure
   be in the right place, at the right     nurses to meet patients’ needs.         nursing helps meet the whole
  time – so patients’ needs are met.                                                  country’s health needs.

                                 PLANS                              EDUCATION
                        We want clear plans for getting            We want governments to
                      the right numbers and skill mix of            educate enough nursing
                     nursing staff and we want checks to        students, and develop existing
                        make sure they really happen.            staff, to meet patients’ needs.

     Members need to feel                                                                     We need to campaign for
     empowered. We must                                                                       somebody to be responsible
     tackle the attitude that                                                                 for what’s happening in
     nothing will improve                                                                     terms of staffing

                                               Pictures by Gareth Harmer
                                                   Words by Kim Scott
WILL YOU JOIN US? - Royal College of Nursing

Seven steps to speaking up about
poor practice in your workplace
It’s never easy to raise concerns about a colleague. But if you witness care that poses a risk
to patients, you have a duty to tackle it head on. As an RCN member you’re not alone.
Learning and development facilitator Rachel Wood explains what to do

 1                                  3                                    6
      Read your local policy               Consider whether                     Remember your
      Your employer will have a            you can talk to the                  contractual duty
      policy which explains the            person directly                       Whatever your                   It’s normal to
 process for raising concerns       If your concern is something         role, you probably have a               find it hard but
 internally or directs you to an    minor that can be easily resolved,   contractual duty to speak
 outside specialist body such as    then you could approach your
                                                                                                                 to do nothing is
                                                                         up if you believe there is a
 Public Concern at Work.            colleague informally.                risk to patient safety or               not an option
                                                                         public protection.
 In the first instance, read the    If you do this, you will need to
 policy so you can be sure you’re   make sure it’s followed through      Members registered with
 following the right process. It    and results in change. It’s          the Nursing and Midwifery
 will tell you who to speak to      still a good idea to read your       Council (NMC) will also have
 and what to do if you need to      employer’s policy and seek           a professional duty.
 escalate your concerns.            support before doing this.
                                                                         When investigating errors or
                                                                         incidences of poor practice, the
                                                                         NMC may look at whether other

 2                                  4
        Seek support as                    Escalate to more              staff could have known about
        soon as possible                   senior colleagues             these and not reported them.
        From the beginning,                 If the concern is more
                                                                         It might be tempting to say
 ask yourself: “Do I need some      serious or an informal chat
                                                                         that you didn’t notice but if you
 help here?”                        isn’t an option, then your
                                                                         choose to overlook something
                                    employer’s policy will outline
                                                                         that results in patient harm,
 You can speak to an RCN rep        who to speak to and in what
                                                                         you could find yourself in
 in confidence to discuss your      order. You can also raise a
                                                                         difficulty with your employer
 concerns and seek their expert     concern in writing and the
                                                                         and the NMC.
 support and advice.                policy will tell you how.

 This can be invaluable as your

                                    5                                    7
 rep will ensure you have the
                                           Keep a log                           Know that you’re
 correct understanding of your
 workplace policy and guide                Make sure that you keep              doing the right thing
 you through the right process.            a timeline and record                Challenging something
                                    your concerns and notes from         is tough and takes courage.
 It’s a good idea to speak to       any related conversations.                                                       Read the RCN’s
 your RCN rep before you            However minor, it is important       But remember you’re                     full guide on raising
 approach anyone else.              to keep a record as it could         absolutely doing the right              concerns at rcn.org.
                                    escalate at a later date. You        thing and you’re doing what’s           uk/publications
 If you don’t have a rep, don’t     could also complete a reflection     expected of you as a member             (code 005 841)
 know who they are, or don’t        so that you can learn from           of the nursing profession.              You can call RCN
 feel able to approach them,        the situation. But remember,         There’s no need to feel                 Direct on 0345 772
 you can call RCN Direct on         you must maintain patient            alone. Seek support from                6100. Lines are open
 0345 772 6100 for support.         confidentiality at all times.        the RCN.                                8.30am to 8.30pm,
                                                                                                                 365 days a year.

RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                          RCN BULLETIN MARCH 2019
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Sally champions hand hygiene
in Cambodian hospital
                                                                                Battambang Hospital has about
                                                                                200 beds – metal frames with
                                                                                thin mats on top. “Relatives sleep
                                                                                on the floor underneath because
                                                                                                                         Relatives are
                                                                                they’re responsible for much of
                                                                                the nursing care and for feeding         responsible for
                                                                                the patient.”                            much of the
                                                                                                                         nursing care
                                                                                People seeking treatment queue
                                                                                up at the hospital’s door each
                                                                                morning. Patients are triaged and
                                                                                those who don’t reach the front
                                                                                of the queue before the doors
                                                                                close at 5pm must return the
                                                                                following day.

                                                                                Shifting goalposts

                                                                                Sally and her colleagues went to
                                                                                Cambodia with detailed plans for
                                                                                support they thought they might
                                                                                offer. But she says the goalposts
                                                                                shifted daily and instead they
                                                                                simply responded to the need they
RCN member Sally Young has             trip, offers education, training         observed in the hospital. Infection
been a registered nurse since          and clinical expertise, principally      control was among the priorities.
1990. She served for 18 years in       in Battambang Province in
the Territorial Army, worked in        Cambodia’s north west. One of the        “We spent the second half of
emergency care for 17 years, and       charity’s directors, Sue Smith, is       the week teaching basic hand
is a nurse practitioner. She has       Executive Chief Nurse at University      hygiene,” Sally says. “Although
seen and done much as a nurse          Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS           there were lots of big signs saying
                                       Foundation Trust, where Sally is         how important hand hygiene is, it
Even so, when she went to              now a quality assurance matron.          was absolutely not embedded.”
Cambodia last year as part of a                                                                                          Words by Daniel Allen
group of volunteers helping to         A challenging environment                Sally is hoping that the action
drive improvements in clinical                                                  plan she devised with local staff,        Volunteering
practice she was shocked by some       Sally visited Battambang Hospital        along with regular audit, will
                                       last November, part of a team of         produce results. She says all
of what she saw, particularly the
poverty among patients in the          volunteer health professionals           the staff she encountered were            Read our guide on
hospital where she spent a week.       that included specialists in             exceptionally keen to learn from          doing humanitarian
                                       paediatrics, alcohol-liaison and         the UK visitors and to improve            work at tinyurl.
Cambodia is a proud nation with        emergency care. She was asked            their practice.                           com/rcn-
a terrible recent history. In the      by the charity to undertake work                                                   humanitarian-
1970s, the murderous regime of         around patient safety.                   Since returning from Cambodia,            work or find
communist leader Pol Pot                                                        a further team of volunteers has          out more about
instigated genocide that left an       The experience was a “massive            visited Battambang Hospital.              volunteering in
estimated two million                  eye-opener”, says Sally, a member        They’ve said that handwashing             Cambodia at
Cambodians dead.                       of the RCN Professional Nursing          facilities are now installed in           transformhealth
                                       Committee. “In Cambodia, they            all clinical areas and the safety         carecambodia.
Transform Healthcare Cambodia,         are no less caring than us, but it’s a   champion role Sally introduced            org.uk
the UK charity that arranged Sally’s   really challenging environment.”         is working well.

RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                                  RCN BULLETIN MARCH 2019

Reducing fear of health checks
through desensitisation
Ellan explains how she makes adjustments for people with learning disabilities so they get
the health care they need

Hospitals, GP surgeries, opticians
and dentists – many health care
settings are frightening places
when you don’t understand what’s
going on. Needles hurt. Tests are                                                                                      We mocked up a
confusing. Someone messing with                                                                                        needle made of
your eyes is extremely unpleasant.                                                                                     plastic that looked
                                                                                                                       like the real thing
So my job is to support adults
with learning disabilities to get
the treatment they need, such
as health checks. I help them
understand what’s available
and why it’s important to attend
appointments and tests.

My role is all about talking to
people and making sure they
                                        Picture by Royston ‘Stone’ Naylor – Stonefree Photography
understand what’s going on. We
shouldn’t be surprised if people                                                                                         READ MORE
are uncooperative when they           We always take the individual’s          interesting or rewarding career.            ONLINE
haven’t had what’s happening          needs into account. For some             We’ve seen a huge drop in the                rcn.org.uk/
explained to them in a way they       it’s helpful to visit a GP surgery       number of student nurses coming              healthcare
can understand.                       in advance and see the same              to us and recently we struggled to              mag
                                      practice nurse each time. In fact        recruit to one of our nursing posts.
A lot of my work is about             desensitisation is important in                                                  Ellan Corner is an
communicating information in          many scenarios like going to the         But I’ve worked with people with        assistant practitioner
a simple way and making sure          dentist or getting nails cut.            a learning disability for more than     with Teignbridge
reasonable adjustments are made.                                               19 years now and I wouldn’t want        Primary Care
Providing relevant easy-to-read       Helping people prepare                   to do anything else.                    Liaison Team
information is important and
using pictures is a great way to      We found that practising with
help people understand what’s         the equipment really helps too.            100 years of learning disability nursing
going to happen.                      One of my colleagues mocked up             2019 marks a century since the first specific training
                                      a needle – it was made of plastic          certificate for learning disability nursing was introduced.
For example, if someone needs         but looked like the real thing,            This anniversary is cause for celebration but we also
a blood test for an underactive       and using it has really helped the         have huge concerns about the falling number of nurses
thyroid and they’ve had a bad         people we work with prepare for a          working in the specialty.
experience in the past, we need       range of treatments. It’s all about
a specific care plan to make sure     getting used to the environment            The RCN Learning Disability Nursing Forum is leading a
they get the test they need. I’m on   by looking at the machines before          project this year to promote learning disability nursing to
hand to break down the process        anything actually has to happen.           young people. We’re also supporting Mencap’s Treat Me
into small steps.                                                                Well campaign, which calls on NHS staff to make
                                      It worries me that many                    reasonable adjustments for people with a learning
It can take a long time but we’re     prospective nursing staff don’t            disability. Visit mencap.org.uk/treatmewell or
often successful and that’s what      see working with people with               rcn.org.uk/forums
really matters.                       a learning disability as an

RCN BULLETIN MARCH 2019                                                                                                RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN

Recipe for success
Making sure patients eat and drink well is essential for their recovery. Ahead of
Nutrition and Hydration Week, Claire Campbell explains the important role of nursing staff

There’ll be national conversations      Claire started her career in          the one hand, we have the obesity
about the importance of food            gastroenterology and noticed          crisis and consequences of that
and drink from 11 to 17 March as        its connection with nutrition.        on health. On the other hand, a
part of the fifth annual Nutrition      Many gastroenterology patients        significant number of people are
and Hydration Week. Nutritional         also have nutritional issues and      malnourished, and that needs a
                                                                                                                       On the one
knowledge is relevant in all nursing    patients undergoing gastro-related    whole different set of advice.”          hand, we have
roles, but because food and drink       surgery often need enteral feeding                                             the obesity
are everyday considerations, they       tubes, followed by support to         Nursing staff in hospitals and the       crisis. On the
can be overlooked.                      use the tube at home or switch        community can often see what             other hand,
                                        back to oral food. Now Chair of       patients are eating and drinking.
                                                                                                                       a significant
“It is everyone’s responsibility        the National Nurses Nutrition
and yet nobody’s responsibility,”       Group, Claire hopes to forge closer   They’re in a position to discuss how     number of
says Claire Campbell, Nutrition         connections between this and the      this affects general health, but also    people are
Support Nurse Specialist                RCN Gastrointestinal Nursing          address changing nutrition needs         malnourished
and a member of the RCN                 Forum to explore these links.         in times of ill-health and ethical
Gastrointestinal Nursing Forum.                                               questions around tube feeding.
                                        Claire currently works in a
“Nursing staff can look at the bigger   dedicated nutrition team at Frimley   Claire says: “If nursing staff
picture – what’s going on with each     Health NHS Foundation Trust. She      felt more confident to speak to
individual patient. Their underlying    supports nursing staff to address     patients about food and drink               Find out more
condition, mental health and            nutrition as part of patient care.    and drill down into issues a bit         about Nutrition and
access to food all have an impact on                                          further, that would potentially          Hydration Week at
their ability to maintain a healthy     “We have such mixed messages          have a huge impact on patients’          nutritionandhydration
nutritional status.”                    about nutrition,” she says. “On       overall health and wellbeing.”           week.co.uk

New pocket guide for student children’s nurses
Clinical placements are an              the card gives vital information
essential part of nurse training,       quickly. It contains important
but can be daunting, especially for     blood values for infants, children
new student nurses.                     and young people. This includes
                                        laboratory and monitoring ranges,
The Nursing Essentials pocket-          a handy referenced checklist and
sized guide is a set of cards given     links to online resources.
to all first-year nursing students
who join the RCN, to provide            The guide follows recommendations
support during placements. Now,         from the inquiry into the
a new card has been added to            hyponatraemia-related deaths of
assist children’s nursing students      children in Northern Ireland.
and improve outcomes.
                                        This new card helps improve
Designed by experienced                 quality of care and safety by
members of the Children and             ensuring children’s nursing
Young People (CYP) forums and           students have accurate
shaped by feedback from third-          information about blood sodium
year Queen’s University Belfast         levels and other important
children’s nursing students,            measurements at their fingertips.

RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                                RCN BULLETIN MARCH 2019
Highlighting the work of the RCN’s
specialist forums and networks

    IN THE SPOTLIGHT                                                                            WHAT I’M
    Procurement Network                        used in operating theatres. Michelle
                                               and another forum member Harriet
    Who’s the Chair?                           Dean-Orange will be leading
    Unlike many other RCN forums, the          initiatives in their workplaces.
    Procurement Network does not have
    a chair. Instead, active members           The next Small Changes, Big Differences
    work together to organise initiatives      event is on 12 July in Plymouth, inviting
    and share information. Clinical            nursing staff to listen to and share stories
    procurement specialist and senior          of success in making nursing greener.
    sister Michelle Winfield is one such
    member. She joined the forum when          Why join?
    her head of procurement encouraged         Michelle says: “The Procurement
    her to get involved.                       Network is helpful and professional. You
                                               can see what people are doing elsewhere,
    Recent highlights?                         the information is amazing and it makes        Dr Susanne Cruickshank
    The Procurement Network has been           me feel part of a wider professional           Cancer and Breast Care
    focusing on sustainability. The Small      group so I don’t feel so alone.                Forum Chair
    Changes, Big Differences campaign
    has helped to cut waste in a number        “My role in procurement requires me            Nursing staff communicate every day
    of areas, including by standardising       to balance cost with providing the best        with people from all corners of society.
    blood pressure cuffs and reducing          care so there are sometimes financial          What they say, when, and how is so
    reliance on disposable gloves. Now,        and ethical dilemmas I have to face.           important. The specific words used to
    Michelle and other members are             This is where the professional side            communicate information can set the tone
    working to cut plastic waste.              of being a nurse shines through. The           for the relationship that emerges between
                                               forum helps me to put projects in focus        themselves and those they nurse.
    What’s coming up?                          and supports my moments of doubt.”
    The focus on reducing single-use                                                          For people affected by cancer, the use
    plastics and plastic waste will            Find out more about the Procurement            of language is extremely important, as
    continue. There will be a particular       Network at rcn.org.uk/forums or visit          highlighted in a recent survey of more than
    effort to cut the amount of plastics       their Facebook page.                           2,000 people by Macmillan Cancer Support.

                                                                                              It affects how people feel and how they
                                                                                              interact with others. Words associated with
                                                                                              “battles”, “fights” and “bravery” were viewed
Scrub up on infection                                                                         as particularly unhelpful and it made me

prevention and control                                                                        reflect on how these words have crept quietly
                                                                                              into the cancer vocabulary in recent times.
Preventing infection is a central part of
nursing, especially at a time when                                                            I have really noticed their use in the media.
antibiotic resistance is a growing threat.                                                    However, more worrying is their use in the
The new RCN Infection Prevention and                                                          titles of UK policy documents, such as “Beating
Control (IPC) Module develops your                                                            cancer”, and we should start questioning this.
clinical and leadership skills so you can
help tackle the issue in your workplace.                                                      I don’t believe nursing staff set out to use
It’s tailored for people in bands six or                                                      inappropriate language but 8% of patients
seven (or equivalent), in roles with a focus                                                  in the survey had heard health professionals
on IPC and offers a greater understanding                                                     say things that were unhelpful.
of the evidence behind IPC practice and
ways to implement positive change. The                                                        Being mindful of the language used in a
unique module involves three face-to-                                                         clinical conversation, and asking patients
face sessions by leading experts, six                                                         about the terms they are comfortable with,
coaching sessions and extensive online                                                        is a simple action all nursing staff can take.
learning support. The module starts on
23 September 2019. Book now at                                                                rcn.org.uk/forums

RCN BULLETIN MARCH 2019                                                                                               RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN
16 EVENTS                                                                                       For details of more events visit the
                                                                                                region and country pages of the RCN
                                                                                                website or go to rcn.org.uk/events


Abstracts sought for global
research conference
                                                 time to submit an abstract to present at the
3-5 September                                    conference too. “We welcome submissions
                                                 from health professionals including
Sheffield Hallam University
                                                 student nurses, educators, practice
Howard Street                                    developers, researchers, service users and
Sheffield S1 1WB                                 carers,” says Daniel Kelly, RCN Nursing
                                                 Research Chair at Cardiff University.
This annual conference brings together
nursing researchers from all over the world      “This includes those working in the NHS,
to share their latest findings and discuss the   private and voluntary sectors, universities
impact of research on patient care. It           and colleges. Presenting your own research
features a keynote speech from Linda Aiken,      at an event like this is a great opportunity
whose pioneering research has created            to showcase your work on an international      to book.
evidence of the importance of nurse staffing     platform and share innovation in research.”
levels for safe and effective care, which was
key to the development of a law in Wales.            The deadline for submitting an abstract
                                                 is Friday 11 April. Visit
Anyone with an interest in nursing               rcn.org.uk/research19 or call
research is invited to attend. There’s still     02920 546 460

 Cardiff                                                                                         Antrim

Celebrating                                                                                     Mental health
creativity in nursing                                                                           seminar
Friday 8 March 5-7pm                                                                            30 April 10am-1pm
RCN Wales                                                                                       Antrim Civic Centre
King George V Drive East                                                                        50 Stiles Way
Cardiff CF14 4XZ                                                                                Antrim BT41 2UB

This event, hosted by RCN Wales,                                                                This free morning seminar for general
celebrates the value of arts for health by                                                      practice nurses aims to raise awareness
highlighting writers and artists who work                                                       of mental health issues.
in nursing.
                                                                                                It will help nurses in primary care
Olwen Morgan, singer and artist, will                                                           get to grips with the range of mental
perform her work, while children’s writer                                                       health conditions their patients may
Michele Pengelly will talk about the value                                                      present with.
of creativity in nursing for young people.
                                                                                                It aims to develop their skills to improve
RCN events and exhibitions manager                                                              communication with patients so they
Sarah Chaney says: “This will be a really                                                       can direct them to appropriate services
fun and informal event and promises to                                                          and treatment.
show the diverse ways in which nursing
staff make a contribution to society                Free and open to all. Book online at            To book email eventsreg@rcn.org.uk
through creative as well as caring means.”       nursingcreativity.eventbrite.co.uk             or call 02920 546 460.

RCN.ORG.UK/BULLETIN                                                                                             RCN BULLETIN MARCH 2019
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