Who delivers top technology to develop and design a world-class Formula One car? - Siemens - Innovation Partner of Red Bull Racing Answers.

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Who delivers top technology to develop and design a world-class Formula One car? - Siemens - Innovation Partner of Red Bull Racing Answers.
Who delivers top technology to develop
           and design a world-class Formula One car?

Siemens – Innovation Partner of Red Bull Racing

Who delivers top technology to develop and design a world-class Formula One car? - Siemens - Innovation Partner of Red Bull Racing Answers.
Siemens PLM
   and Red Bull Racing
      Technology is the key to success in          Siemens PLM Software has long been
      modern day motorsports and cutting-          a market leader in developing software
      edge innovations are fundamental to          for digital product development and
      prevail in the world of Formula One.         manufacturing featuring embedded
      In fact, Grand Prix racing has become        intelligence and collaboration tools
      one of the most “time-critical” businesses   which accelerate the process of desi-
      in the world with on-track success de-       gning and developing race cars.
      pendent upon a complex and reliable
      development process subject to daily         Since the founding of Red Bull Racing,
      if not hourly deadlines.                     formerly Steward Grand Prix (1996-1999)
                                                   and Jaguar Racing (2000-2004), the
      After each Formula One race, Red Bull        alignment of the team’s needs and Siemens
      Racing Team Management must decide           PLM’s industry-leading capabilities, has
      which vehicle alterations represent the      defined a mutually beneficial partnership.
      optimal response to the lessons learned      In 2004 when the team was re-named
      in the previous race and the track for the   Red Bull Racing, Siemens PLM Software
      next race. The time span to implement        was introduced as an Innovation Partner,
      these changes can be as short as one         a relationship which has only blossomed
      week.                                        since, putting both parties on the inside
                                                   track to success in their respective fields.
Who delivers top technology to develop and design a world-class Formula One car? - Siemens - Innovation Partner of Red Bull Racing Answers.
„Siemens PLM has a clear and realistic roadmap,
             which it always manages to deliver upon.“
        Christian Horner, Red Bull Racing

        The digital backbone                         performance, the team consistently drives
                                                     Siemens PLM products to the highest
        With the help of Siemens PLM Software        level of innovation. The cooperation,
        solutions, Red Bull Racing has continued     in turn, serves as a unique showcase
        its climb up the rankings, finishing         of Siemens PLM Software to customers
        second in the constructors as well the       and supplies invaluable data and metrics
        drivers’ championship during the 2009        for the development of future products
        season. Siemens PLM Software provides        and solutions for other industries.
        Red Bull Racing with its unrivaled NX
        digital product design and manufacturing     In light of current sustainability trends,
        tools. The Teamcenter® software forms        Siemens PLM Software also understands
        the digital backbone allowing the team       its engagement in Formula One as a
        of 180 engineers to design, develop and      source of innovation throughout its
        manufacture simultaneously in the virtual    business with invaluable synergies to
        world. Excellent technical and business      other business activities. Siemens PLM
        support is provided by the Siemens PLM       Software is proud that as a result of its
        professional services team, becoming an      work, Red Bull Racing has significantly
        integral part of the Red Bull Racing Team.   reduced physical prototyping and limited
                                                     material waste. Meanwhile, designers
        Red Bull Racing also represents an ideal     regained up to 75% of their time with
        partner for Siemens PLM Software.            the tedious and repetitive portions of
        Continuously pushing the software’s          the design process being eliminated.
        limits in an effort to improve on-track
Who delivers top technology to develop and design a world-class Formula One car? - Siemens - Innovation Partner of Red Bull Racing Answers.
„Siemens proactively comes to us with solutions to
                                                                                                       problems that, sometimes, we didn’t even know we had!“
                                                                                              Steve Nevey, Red Bull Racing

Transforming business with Siemens PLM         Innovate more –                                Get optimized –                                 To establish an effective Global Innovation
                                               Rapid innovation is facilitated by providing   Re-use of intellectual capital translates       Network, the information technology
Siemens PLM Software solutions unite           a virtual environment that results in the      into faster response times to markets,          strategy must be built on a coherent data
the Red Bull Racing organization around        delivery of more competitive products.         as well as improved quality.                    structure that enables real-time, virtual
product and process innovation and un-                                                                                                        collaboration and data sharing. Siemens
leash the hidden power in the product          Move faster –                                  Go global –                                     PLM software unites the work of functionally
lifecycle – from concept design to product     Project management tools help manage           By using PLM to establish a highly secure,      or geographically separated teams in a single
development, manufacturing, launch and         performance against goals and compress         real-time digital environment, organizations    shared environment to ensure efficient
retirement. When working with Siemens          time-to-market.                                can unite individuals in a widely distributed   communication and reliable exchange of
PLM, organizations can move forward                                                           organization and maximize the advantages        product and process information. Siemens
strategically, heading to the long-term        Be compliant –                                 of globalization.                               PLM software uses an “open-by-design”
while achieving near-term results. En route,   Non-compliant components and conditions                                                        strategy that supports XML-based intero-
they will recognize signs that they are on     are avoided by addressing business and                                                         perability with best-of-breed design and
the road to more innovation and measu-         market requirements.                                                                           manufacturing tools.
rable growth – and well on their way to
meeting five key business requirements:
Who delivers top technology to develop and design a world-class Formula One car? - Siemens - Innovation Partner of Red Bull Racing Answers.
We never let
  a customer fail
  To compete successfully in the fast-paced   proceeds to outline structure where
  Formula One environment, Red Bull Racing    the Red Bull Racing design team has
  must be able to modify its vehicle design   approximately 150 workstations running
  rapidly, make or acquire the new parts      the fully integrated CAD/CAM/CAE suite,
  quickly and still have time to test and     NX® to develop geometric part models
  refine developments prior to the race.      for the entire vehicle. This is all managed
                                              within the digital lifecycle management
  From the early stages during the off-       and visualization capabilities of Teamcenter®.
  season, the team’s Formula One car is
  developed entirely in Siemens software,     The fully integrated Siemens PLM solutions
  based on functional requirements and        provide an integrated design-through-
  Formula One regulations. The model          manufacturing environment to set the
                                              stage for a highly competitive Red Bull
                                              Racing team.
Who delivers top technology to develop and design a world-class Formula One car? - Siemens - Innovation Partner of Red Bull Racing Answers.
From concept ideation to manu-                 During the racing season, as modifications    Holding it all together –                     Teamcenter® maximizes the power of
facturing – NX®                                to the car are ordered, designers revise      Teamcenter®                                   product and process knowledge to drive
                                               the digital model and review a 3D image                                                     productivity and innovation. All this work
NX® is used to design the car and create       of the changes with the team’s senior         Teamcenter® enables Red Bull Racing to        behind the scenes has one purpose: faster
the machine tool cutter paths for manuf-       technical management. Digital data drives     engage all parts of their business in the     lap times. After all, a design change that
acturing parts on the milling and turning      in-house manufacturing machines to            introduction of successful new race cars.     drops the lap time by a fraction of a second
machines. It transforms the entire product     produce new and redesigned parts. Out-        Integrated idea capture and management,       can determine the race.
development process by enabling Red Bull       side part suppliers also work from digital    real-time engineering collaboration and
Racing to reduce physical prototyping,         data. The parametric modeling capabilities    project management tools are combined
improve quality, shorten cycle time and        of NX ensure that defined geometric           with industry-leading product design and
deliver more innovative products. Design       relationships, such as those required by      development solutions in a single shared
engineers reference each other’s areas         regulations, are maintained as design         source of product and process knowledge.
of responsibility as they create the digital   modifications are considered.                 Teamcenter not only manages the complete
car, using the PLM system to control                                                         product definition and revisions as the car
access and manage geometric and non-           NX® is the industry’s only unified solution   is developed, but also manages the process
geometric data.                                that addresses every aspect of product        of introduction of the changes.
                                               development from concept ideation to
Who delivers top technology to develop and design a world-class Formula One car? - Siemens - Innovation Partner of Red Bull Racing Answers.
For more information about our partnership with Red Bull Racing
or our products and services portfolio, please contact:

Siemens PLM Software
3 Knoll Road
Surrey GU15 3SY
United Kingdom


© Siemens PLM Software Inc. 2010. All rights reserved.

Who delivers top technology to develop and design a world-class Formula One car? - Siemens - Innovation Partner of Red Bull Racing Answers. Who delivers top technology to develop and design a world-class Formula One car? - Siemens - Innovation Partner of Red Bull Racing Answers. Who delivers top technology to develop and design a world-class Formula One car? - Siemens - Innovation Partner of Red Bull Racing Answers.
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