What's Soil Got to Do with Climate Change? - 9-12 October, GSA Connects 2022

What's Soil Got to Do with Climate Change? - 9-12 October, GSA Connects 2022
9–12 October, GSA Connects 2022

                                 VOL. 32, NO. 5 | MAY 2022

What’s Soil
Got to Do
with Climate
What's Soil Got to Do with Climate Change? - 9-12 October, GSA Connects 2022
The Evolution of
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  lessons for the betterment of the human condition. The 29 papers and accompanying artwork illustrate how art about
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  our planet for the benefit of future generations.
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What's Soil Got to Do with Climate Change? - 9-12 October, GSA Connects 2022
MAY 2022 | VOLUME 32, NUMBER 5

                                                                    4 	What’s Soil Got to Do with
                                                                        Climate Change?
                                                                    		  Todd Longbottom et al.
GSA TODAY (ISSN 1052-5173 USPS 0456-530) prints news
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What's Soil Got to Do with Climate Change? - 9-12 October, GSA Connects 2022
What’s Soil Got to Do with Climate Change?

Todd Longbottom, Leila Wahab, Dept. of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of California Merced, Merced, California 95343,
USA; Kyungjin Min, Dept. of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of California Merced, Merced, California 95343, USA, and
Center for Anthropocene Studies, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea; Anna Jurusik, Dept. of
Life and Environmental Sciences, University of California Merced, Merced, California 95343, USA; Kimber Moreland, Atmospheric,
Earth, and Energy Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550, USA; Manisha Dolui, Touyee
Thao, Melinda Gonzales, Yulissa Perez Rojas, Jennifer Alvarez, Zachary Malone, Jing Yan, Teamrat A. Ghezzehei, and Asmeret
Asefaw Berhe, Dept. of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of California Merced, Merced, California 95343 USA

ABSTRACT                                           Soils are a necessary part of the solution for   is driven by microbial decomposition of
   Soils are the foundation of life on land        human-induced climate change because they        organic C inputs to CO2 and dissolved and
and represent one of the largest global            represent one of the largest terrestrial car-    particulate transport of C through leaching
carbon (C) reservoirs. Because of the vast         bon (C) reservoirs, storing twice as much C      and/or erosion.
amount of C that they store and the continu-       as the earth’s atmosphere and vegetation            The SOC that exists in soil can be subdi-
ous fluxes of C with the atmosphere, soil          combined (up to 2500 Pg C; IPCC, 2013;           vided into “slow-cycling” and “fast-cycling”
can either be part of the solution or problem      Friedlingstein et al., 2020). Terrestrial C      pools akin to checking and savings accounts
with respect to climate change. Using a            pools are a powerful C sink, with the poten-     (Lavallee and Cotrufo, 2020), respectively.
bank account analogy, the size and signifi-        tial to offset up to 30% of anthropogenic C      Slow-cycling C is either mineral-associated
cance of the soil organic C (SOC) pool is          emissions, where some of the sequestered C       C that is found physically protected in soil
best understood as the balance between             persists in soil over millennial time scales     aggregates or chemically bound to the sur-
inputs (deposits) from net primary produc-         (Friedlingstein et al., 2020). Because of the    faces of reactive soil minerals; both mecha-
tivity and outputs (withdrawals) from SOC          relative sizes of the different C reservoirs,    nisms restrict decomposition and associated
through decay and/or physical transport.           even slight changes in the amount of C           losses of SOC, allowing it to persist in soil
Reversing the current problematic trend of         stored in soil can represent significant         for decadal to millennial time scales (Schmidt
increasing concentration of greenhouse             changes in the global atmospheric con-           et al., 2011; Hemingway et al., 2019). In
gases in the atmosphere must be met with           centration of carbon dioxide (CO2) and           contrast, fast-cycling C is more readily
reduced fossil fuel emissions. At the same         the earth’s climate future.                      degradable and prone to physical transport
time, we argue that “climate-smart” land              How do we unlock soil’s potential for         in shorter time scales (Schmidt et al., 2011;
management can promote both terrestrial            combating climate change? An important           Hemingway et al., 2019). Fast C cycling,
sequestration of atmospheric carbon diox-          component of a comprehensive response is         which is akin to funds in a checking account,
ide (CO2) and contribute to improving soil         to store more C in soils, particularly in soil   is critical for maintenance of life in soil,
health and benefits. In this review, we high-      pools that cycle C at slower rates compared      because decomposition is the main mecha-
light environments that are particularly vul-      to the other reservoirs (ex., atmosphere, bio-   nism that recycles nutrients needed by organ-
nerable to SOC destabilization via land use        mass, and on near surface soil layers)           isms that call the soil home (Janzen, 2006).
and climatic factors and outline existing          (Schmidt et al., 2011). The amount of carbon     Even small, but sustained, deposits into the
and emerging strategies that use soils to          stored in soil (soil organic C or SOC) is a      soil C savings account over time allow for
address anthropogenic climate change.              balance between inputs and outputs of car-       long-term buildup of C in the slow-cycling
                                                   bon (Berhe, 2019a; Lavallee and Cotrufo,         pool with significant potential for climate
INTRODUCTION                                       2020). SOC storage in a given area (plot,        change mitigation.
   The health and diversity of natural eco-        catchment, region, or another spatially con-        Increasing urgency for addressing the
systems—and human civilization—depend              strained system) has been likened to a bank      global climate emergency demands that we
on our coordinated responses to global             account, where the “balance” is the bulk         reduce the release of greenhouse gasses
changes that threaten earth’s long-term            SOC stock or inventory (Fig. 1). Bank            from burning of fossil fuels, while finding
habitability. Soils, the thin veneer on the        “deposits” are contributed by vegetation lit-    appropriate alternatives to draw down some
global land surface that supports terrestrial      ter, root exudates, living soil biota, deposi-   atmospheric carbon through soil carbon
life, are an integral component of anthropo-       tion of eroded C, and remains of formerly        sequestration and other means. As we seek
genic climate change mitigation strategies         living organisms. The depletion of the           these solutions, it is important to remember
(Paustian et al., 2016; Loisel et al., 2019).      balance in the soil carbon bank account          that decomposition of organic matter (i.e.,

GSA Today, v. 32, https://doi.org/10.1130/GSATG519A.1. CC-BY-NC.

4 GSA TODAY | May 2022
What's Soil Got to Do with Climate Change? - 9-12 October, GSA Connects 2022
land for agriculture, conventional tillage
                                                                                                          practices, and overgrazing (Lal, 2004;
                                                                                                          Montgomery, 2007). Conventional land
                                                                                                          management practices cause physical distur-
                                                                                                          bance of soils and have historically promoted
                                                                                                          enhanced agricultural yields, to the detri-
                                                                                                          ment of SOC content, topsoil thickness, and
                                                                                                          overall soil health and structural stability
                                                                                                          (Phillips et al., 1980; Reganold et al., 1987;
                                                                                                          Amundson et al., 2015). The systematic
                                                                                                          exploitation and modification of undisturbed
                                                                                                          soils has led to the resulting agricultural soils
                                                                                                          being dubbed “domesticated,” lacking hall-
                                                                                                          mark resilience of their wild predecessors
                                                                                                          (Amundson et al., 2015). Soil domestication
                                                                                                          for agriculture also presents broader, associ-
                                                                                                          ated ecosystem issues, such as diminished
                                                                                                          biodiversity from engineered crop commu-
                                                                                                          nity monocultures, introduction of chemical
                                                                                                          pesticides to hydro- and pedospheres, and
                                                                                                          the delivery of vast quantities of esp. nitro-
                                                                                                          gen and phosphorus fertilizers to coastal
                                                                                                          margins. Conservation tillage and organic
                                                                                                          farming have been proposed as alternative
                                                                                                          approaches that enhance soil health and to
                                                                                                          limit unsustainable soil “mining” and asso-
                                                                                                          ciated SOC overspending (Montgomery,
                                                                                                          2007). Estimates maintain that tillage man-
                                                                                                          agement, when paired with cropping sys-
                                                                                                          tems, can sequester 0.03–0.11 Pg C yr –1
                                                                                                          (Follett, 2001). Despite these promising
Figure 1. Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a dynamic and complex admixture. Here, three contrasting eco-      advances, human civilization and associated
systems reveal differing SOC richness and dynamics: (A) agricultural, (B) grassland/shrubland, and (C)    changes in land use and land cover led to the
forested. Conventional agriculture (A) often leads to lower carbon stocks, and overall, less carbon
input to the soil carbon pool. Grasslands (B) can harbor plants with deeper and more extensive root       loss of 120 Pg C in the upper ~2 m of soils
systems, medium to high amounts of SOC stock, and greater carbon inputs to the SOC pool. Forests          since humans adopted agriculture, with the
(C) can have the deepest rooting system, a high amount of soil C stock, greatest density of mineral-
associated C, and high rate of input of C to soils. Overall, organo-mineral association(s) and SOC pool
                                                                                                          fastest rate of loss occurring in the past 200
is a function of the “balance” of C inputs and outputs in the soil organic carbon “bank account.”         years (Sanderman et al., 2018).
                                                                                                             Land Use/Land-Use Change (LULUC)
withdrawal of some of the balance from the           In this framework, we identify strategies for        practices such as conventional agriculture,
soil carbon checking account) is a critical          soil C sequestration and ways to prevent             deforestation, and wetland conversion con-
ecosystem process because decay of organic           “overspending” in an uncertain future                tribute 10%–14% of overall anthropogenic
residue provides essential nutrients for             marked by changing climate and increased             greenhouse gas emissions (Paustian et al.,
plants and microbes in soil (Janzen, 2006).          demands to ensure food and nutritional               2016). The SOC pools impacted by LULUC
For this reason, we cannot expect zero with-         security of the growing human population.            have the potential to release massive amounts
drawals from the soil carbon bank and must                                                                of C to the atmosphere, making the preserva-
figure out how we can continue to “invest”           CARBON LOSSES DUE TO                                 tion of these environments critical to protect
in soil C to maximize its input and retention        CONVENTIONAL SOIL USE                                soil C from loss both by reducing future
in the soil, thus preventing fast release of C       AND DEGRADATION                                      releases of C from soil to the atmosphere
as greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere.                 An increasing human population and                (avoided fluxes) and promoting drawdown of
Maintenance of soil health through “smart”           onset of the industrial age led to an increased      C that is already in the atmosphere (seques-
management practices has been proven to              demand for food, energy, and water re-               tration of atmospheric CO2). Deforestation
simultaneously achieve SOC sequestration             sources, and overall intensification of the          was historically practiced to clear land for
and provision of clean air, water, and a             agricultural sector. With intensive agricul-         agriculture, but also continues to occur due
functional habitat (Billings et al., 2021;           tural practices came large-scale degradation         to urban development, logging, and an
Kopittke et al., 2022). Here, we explore pre­        of the global soil resource that included            increase in wildfire frequency and inten-
vailing issues with conventional soil man­           increased rates of soil erosion (i.e., loss from     sity. These activities can destabilize SOC,
agement, vulnerability of SOC to loss in a           working lands) that outpaced new soil                releasing slow-cycling C stored even in
changing world, and strategies to alleviate          production by 1–2 order(s) of magnitude,             deeper soil layers (Drake et al., 2019). This
cli­mate-change impacts on soil resources.           largely resulting from deforestation to clear        also lowers ecosystem functions that SOC

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What's Soil Got to Do with Climate Change? - 9-12 October, GSA Connects 2022
can provide, such as water retention and          its sensitivity to environmental changes.         This process promotes SOC-mineral asso-
nutrient cycling (Veldkamp et al., 2020).         Contrary to the positive relationship between     ciation(s) (Rumpel and Kögel-Knabner,
Similarly, histosols (wetland soils, including    temperature and SOC decomposition rate,           2011) that build up soil C stock in the slow-
peatlands with no underlying permafrost)          increases in water availability can increase      cycling soil C savings account (Schmidt et
can play a critical role because they make up     (Kaiser et al., 2015; Min et al., 2020) or        al., 2011). Recent estimates suggest that
only 1% of soils globally, yet contain a larger   decrease SOC decomposition (Freeman et            paleosol C is a significant global C reser-
proportion of SOC (179 Pg C, or ~12% of           al., 2001), depending on the systems of           voir (Lehmkuhl et al., 2016), but it is spa-
SOC in the upper 100 cm globally: Brady           interest. Precipitation can also indirectly       tially variable depending on landscape and
and Weil, 2017). This SOC accumulation            affect SOC storage by inducing soil erosion,      climate history, thus making it difficult to
can be attributed to a lower rate of decom-       changes in pore connectivity, and altering        estimate the total storage. The effect of any
position of SOC due to waterlogging and           ecosystem structure (Pimentel et al., 1995;       environmental change on buried SOC is
resultant limitation in availability of free      Smith et al., 2017; Wu et al., 2018). In erod-    complex and poorly understood because
oxygen for the heterotrophic soil microor-        ing landscapes, lateral distribution of top-      paleosols are not considered for the global C
ganisms that can otherwise effectively            soil C and its deposition in lower-lying land-    stock inventory and models. The possibility
decompose organic matter. Histosols have          form positions (Berhe et al., 2018) causes        of the vast storage of SOC raises questions
historically been targets for drainage and        mixing of the relatively fast-cycling C           on how the previously buried SOC will
conversion to high-yielding agricultural          with slow-cycling C in deep soil layers.          interact in the presence of water, modern
lands (Holden et al., 2004). Draining of             The response of carbon stored in soil to       soil surface microbes, and addition of new
histosols, due to atmospheric warming             climate change and other perturbations var-       fresh SOC, and finally if they will become a
and/or anthropogenic practices, can lead          ies depending on the nature of the soils and      sink or a source of greenhouse gasses in
to rapid decomposition of SOC release to          the type of change to the system (Berhe,          the presence of all the optimal conditions
the atmosphere (Couwenberg et al., 2011).         2019b). Here, we highlight how SOC will           for decomposition.
Overall, the soil system stores large             respond to climate change using three
amounts of carbon, but it has continued to        important areas of concern and uncertainty        Deep Soil
experience rapid degradation due to human         (e.g., gelisols, paleosols, and deep soil).          The overwhelming majority of soil C
actions. However, adoption of climate-                                                              studies have focused on shallow soil depths,
smart land management practices has a clear       Gelisols                                          with little attention paid to the amount of C
potential to reduce the atmospheric CO2              Gelisols are soils of very cold climate        stored in or the vulnerability of C in deep
burden and increase the amount of carbon          conditions and store ~1000 Pg C in the upper      soil layers. Soils can develop to >10 m
stored in the soil carbon bank, with multiple     3 m of active and underlying layers of per-       depth, and deep soils (below 30 cm) can
benefits for improving ecosystem health and       mafrost soils (Tarnocai et al., 2009; Hugelius    store up to 74% of the total profile C with
human welfare.                                    et al., 2014). Gelisols have accumulated C        radiocarbon ages of 5,000–20,000 years old
                                                  because of climate-driven slow decomposi-         (Moreland et al., 2021). It is estimated that
VULNERABILITY OF SOC TO LOSS                      tion rates (Ping et al., 2015; Turetsky et al.,   28 Pg C is stored in soils with deep weath-
WITH UNCERTAIN FUTURE                             2020). Warming in the northern hemisphere         ered bedrock, suggesting that deep soil C
   Climate is a primary factor driving the        is predicted to release 12.2–112.6 Pg C by        is a large C reservoir that may be poten-
rate of decomposition of SOC (Brady and           2100, according to Representative Con-            tially vulnerable to a changing climate
Weil, 2017). Global climate change can            centration Pathway 4.5 and 8.5 warming sce-       (Moreland et al., 2021). Some soils are already
accelerate SOC losses due to increasing           narios (IPCC, 2013). This huge uncertainty        showing evidence of warming by 2 °C, since
global atmospheric temperature, altered           in the projected C release in the northern        1961, which has been observed at up to 3 m
precipitation patterns, and other changes         hemisphere is partly due to considerable          depths (Zhang et al., 2016). Although decom-
(Bellamy et al., 2005; Walker et al., 2018).      variability in hydrology, soil conditions, and    position rates are slower in deeper soils than
Warming often increases the rate of micro-        vegetation (McGuire et al., 2009; Schuur and      in surface soils, recent studies have shown
bial decomposition of SOC and subsequent          Abbott, 2011; Ping et al., 2015). The rapid       that deep SOC is more vulnerable to loss
CO2 efflux to the atmosphere (Lloyd and           destabilization of polar and high-altitude        than previously thought (Rumpel and Kögel-
Taylor, 1994; Lehmeier et al., 2013; Min et       environments, often referred to as the most       Knabner, 2011; Hicks Pries et al., 2017; Min
al., 2019). The effects of increasing temper-     sensitive barometers of climate change,           et al., 2020). Experimental warming to a
ature on SOC losses vary with molecular           serves as a benchmark for understanding           depth of 1 m found that warming increased
complexity of SOC and environmental con-          anthropogenic modifications to the global         annual soil respiration by ~35% and estimated
ditions (e.g., water limitation, aggregation,     climate system.                                   that with a 4 °C increase, deep soils have the
mineral association) (Davidson and Janssens,                                                        potential to release 3.1 Pg C yr –1, equivalent
2006). Complex SOC, with high activation          Paleosols                                         to 30% of fossil fuel emissions (Hicks Pries
energy, is more sensitive to temperature             Paleosols are soils that developed in dif-     et al., 2017; Friedlingstein et al., 2020).
than simple SOC (Lehmeier et al., 2013;           ferent environmental conditions when top-            In the following section, we focus on
Lefèvre et al., 2014). The temperature sensi-     soil was transported downhill and buried by       “working lands,” where the global soil
tivity of protected, slow-cycling C has been      alluvial, colluvial, aeolian deposition, vol-     degradation problem can be effectively
less studied (Karhu et al., 2019), which          canic eruption, or human activities over          addressed (in a cost- and time-efficient
necessitates future studies that explore the      centuries to millennia (Marin-Spiotta et al.,     manner) through a suite of natural climate
relationship between slow-cycling C and           2014; Chaopricha and Marin-Spiotta, 2014).        change solutions.

6 GSA TODAY | May 2022
What's Soil Got to Do with Climate Change? - 9-12 October, GSA Connects 2022
SOILS AS NATURAL CLIMATE                                2017). The “4 per 1000” effort has proposed               Restoring degraded lands and avoiding
CHANGE SOLUTIONS                                        soil as a natural climate change solution and          further land conversion (e.g., afforestation)
   Intergovernmental Panel on Climate                   endeavors to increase SOC storage by 0.4%              can also help mitigate climate change (Fig.
Change (IPCC) assessment reports and the                annually (Rumpel et al., 2020), thereby offset-        2; Table 1). Afforestation of degraded sites
Paris Agreement have highlighted the impor-             ting one third of global fossil fuel emissions.        in the United States is estimated to poten-
tance of immediate action to prevent cata-              Here, we provide a review of the available             tially sequester 2.43 Pg C yr –1 in the upper
strophic changes to the earth system. Inclusion         solutions to increase the amount of C stored in        30 cm of soil over 30 years (Cook-Patton et
of soils in local to global climate change mit-         the soil C savings account through a variety of        al., 2020). Although afforestation efforts
igation strategies is a proven and cost-effec-          land stewardship practices, including use of           can increase SOC storage on decadal time
tive strategy. Natural climate solutions can            amendments such as compost, biochar, waste,            scales, the effects are largely site-specific.
provide 37% of cost-effective CO2 mitigation            and management interventions such as refor-            For example, depending on the prevailing
necessary for a >66% chance of holding                  estation, inclusion of deep root perennials,           climate of an area, restoring grasslands
warming below 2 °C by 2030 (Griscom et al.,             and cover crops.                                       might be a better option for C sequestration

             Figure 2. Various management strategies in forested, agriculture/grassland, and wetland ecosystems exhibit differing pro-
             pensities to take up CO2. Overall, these strategies represent a way to expand terrestrial ecosystem uptake of carbon
             (Friedlingstein et al., 2020; Paustian et al., 2016; Griscom et al., 2017).

                                           TABLE 1. CLIMATE MITIGATION POTENTIALS OF VARIOUS LAND USE
                          Practice                            Climate Mitigation Potential   Area of Practice Adoption   References
                                                                   (Pg CO2 eq yr–1)                    (Mha)
                          Reforestation                                   10                           3665
                          Natural forest management                       1.8                          3665                 1, 2
                          Improved forest plantations                     0.5                           204

                          Agriculture and Grasslands
                          Biochar                                         1.7                      2000–3000
                          Conservation agriculture                        0.8                       750–2000
                          Grazing—Optimal intensity                       0.4                       500–2000
                                                                                                                            2, 3
                          Cropland management                             1.5                       750–2000
                          Rice management                                 0.3                         20–50
                          Enhanced root phenotypes                        0.1                      1000–2000

                          Restored histosols                              1.3                         10–15                 2, 3
                             Siry et al., 2005
                            Griscom et al., 2017
                            Paustian et al., 2016

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What's Soil Got to Do with Climate Change? - 9-12 October, GSA Connects 2022
than afforestation/reforestation, and con-           Recent advances in plant-based strategies        ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
verting grasslands to forest may yield less       have also provided new insights to address             This article was supported by the National Science
                                                                                                      Foundation (EAR 1623812) and University of Califor-
net SOC storage than converting cropland          net SOC loss. These strategies rely on the
                                                                                                      nia Merced and Falasco Endowed Chair to AAB; and
to forest (Li et al., 2012; Bárcena et al.,       ability of plants to self-regulate and self-        University of California Merced Chancellor’s Post-
2014). Soil restoration, specifically for         optimize resource uptake and allocation, and        doctoral Fellowship and the National Research Foun-
wetlands, has the potential to return these       thus are considered cost-effective and sus-         dation of Korea (MSIT, NRF-2018R1A5A7025409) to
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  organic matter—A key but poorly understood                  The potential in Europe and the global context:         Zhang, H., Wang, E., Zhou, D., Luo, Z., and Zhang,
  component of terrestrial C cycle: Plant and Soil,           European Journal of Agronomy, v. 20, p. 229–              Z., 2016, Rising soil temperature in China and its
  v. 338, p. 143–158, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104​         236, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2003.08.002.           potential ecological impact: Scientific Reports,
  -010-0391-5.                                             Tarnocai, C., Canadell, J.G., Schuur, E.A.G., Kuhry,         v. 6, 35530, https://doi.org/10.1038/srep35530.
Rumpel, C., and 13 others, 2020, The 4p1000 initia-           P., Mazhitova, G., and Zimov, S., 2009, Soil or-
  tive: Opportunities, limitations and challenges for         ganic carbon pools in the northern circumpolar          Manuscript received 15 July 2021
  implementing soil organic carbon sequestration              permafrost region: Global Biogeochemical Cy-            Revised manuscript received 27 Jan. 2022
  as a sustainable development strategy: Ambio,               cles, v. 23, https://doi.org/10.1029/2008GB003327.      Manuscript accepted 3 Feb. 2022

10 GSA TODAY | May 2022
                          with GSA E-books
The GSA Store offers hundreds of e-books,
most of which are only $9.99.
These include:
• popular field guides and maps;
                                                                                 Paper 41

• out-of-print books on prominent topics; and              Earth a
                                                                         nd Mi
• discontinued series, such as Engineering
  Geology Case Histories, Reviews in
                                                            How G
                                                          and Le    e ologis
                                                                             t s
                                                                 ar n            T h ink
  Engineering Geology, and the Decade of                                             about
                                                                                                  t he Ea
  North American Geology.                                                                                 r th
Each book is available as a PDF, including plates
and supplemental material. Popular topics
include ophiolites, the Hell Creek Formation,
mass extinctions, and plates and plumes.

          Get 50% off
         ebooks in the                              edited b
        GSA Store until                                     y Cathry
                                                                    n A. Man
                                                                                  duca an
          25 May. Use                                                                        d David
                                                                                                       W. Mogk
         coupon code
          at checkout.

       Shop now at https://rock.geosociety.org/store/.
                  Colorado, home to stunning scenery of mountains, rivers, and plains, welcomes the Geological
                Society of America’s 2022 Connects meeting (9–12 October) to Denver. Since the last GSA meet-
                ing in Denver six years ago, we enjoyed the full gamut of normal life activities during the pre-
                COVID years, hopefully navigated the syn-COVID years unscathed, and at this year’s meeting
                perhaps we will excitedly enter a post-COVID time.
                  This meeting will be fully hybrid; nonetheless, the two of us look forward to seeing you all
                during this stimulating scientific meeting, which includes 176 topical sessions, five Pardee
                Symposia, 38 short courses, and 14 field trips. As GSA does so well, we have planned plenty of
                engaging activities for students, early-career geoscientists, and K–12 educators, and we will have
                a vibrant Resource & Innovation Center. One of the special aspects of an in-person meeting is
                the spontaneous and not-so-spontaneous informal gatherings you make with colleagues, former
                students, friends, and new scientists.
                  Want a break from the meeting? Enjoy a hike in the Front Range in one of dozens of parks
                where you can walk across flat-lying Cenozoic sedimentary deposits and basalt flows that
                unconformably overlie tilted Mesozoic and late Paleozoic sedimentary rocks that unconform-
                ably overlie Proterozoic igneous and gneissic rocks. If you gain enough elevation, be greeted
                by a stunning panorama of Denver and the Great Plains of Colorado. Or visit one of the many
                museums, like the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, with offerings from art to minerals to
                dinosaurs and more.
                  While in Denver, check out the recently opened Meow Wolf Convergence Station, Meow
                Wolf’s third permanent exhibition in the United States. Check out Dinosaur Ridge and then visit
                the best place to see the stars, Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre, and see King Gizzard and the
                Lizard Wizard. Walk the River North Arts District and see some of the best murals and graffiti.
                A palette of flavors awaits you among Denver’s distinct restaurants, roving food trucks and food
                carts, and cuisine from some of Denver’s semifinalists in this year’s James Beard Awards.

                                                                  We look forward to seeing you in Denver,

                                                                  Jeff Lee, research professor, Dept. of
                                                                  Geophysics, Colorado School of Mines

                                                                  Cal Barnes professor (retired), Dept. of
                                                                  Geosciences, Texas Tech University

                                                                  GSA 2022 Connects General Co-Chairs
                          Jeff Lee             Cal Barnes

12 GSA TODAY | May 2022
Important Dates                                                           Official GSA Locations
Now open: Abstracts submission                                            Colorado Convention Center
Now open: Non-technical event space/event listing system                  700 14th Street, Denver, Colorado 80202, USA
June: Housing opens
Early June: Registration and travel grant applications open               Hyatt Regency Denver at the Colorado Convention Center
6 June: Meeting room request deadline—fees increase after this date       (Hyatt Regency)
19 July: Abstracts deadline                                               650 15th Street, Denver, Colorado 80202, USA
Late July: Student volunteer program opens
6 September: Early registration deadline
6 September: GSA Sections travel grants deadline
12 September: Registration and student volunteer cancellation
14 September: Housing deadline for discounted hotel rates

                   Left: Red Rocks Ampitheatre. Right: Blue Bear at Colorado Convention Center. Photos courtesy of Visit Denver.

           GSA Partners with Its                                                         Non-Technical Event
           Associated Societies                                                            Space Requests
   GSA has a long tradition of collaborating with like-minded                Deadline for first consideration: 6 June
organizations in pursuit of mutual goals to advance the geosci-                Please let us know about your non-technical events via
ences. The Society seeks to build strong, meaningful partnerships            our online event space & event-listing database connect via
with other societies and organizations across the country and                https://community.geosociety.org/gsa2022/connect/events/
around the world in service to members and the global geoscience             plan. Space is reserved on a first-come, first-served basis; in
community. National and international societies with consistent              order to avoid increased fees, you must submit your request by
aims and missions of advancing the geosciences and/or science in             MONDAY, 6 JUNE. Event space/event listing submissions
general are invited to affiliate with GSA as an Associated Society.          should be used for business meetings, luncheons, receptions,
   GSA currently works with its 77 Associated Societies and 22 scien-        town halls, etc.
tific Divisions to build a dynamic technical program and stimulating
events during Connects 2022. Many of our Associated Societies will           • For events held at the Colorado Convention Center (CCC) or
present their representative science, hold tailored events, and have           Hyatt Regency Denver at CCC (HQ Hotel)
exhibit booths during the meeting. GSA is looking forward to hosting         • For off-site events (events that are being held at another loca-
these valued partners and organizations. Members of Associated                 tion in Denver that you have arranged on your own)
Societies also receive the GSA member registration rate.                     • For online events being held 7–13 October 2022
   For more information about the GSA Associated Societies and a
full list, go to www.geosociety.org/GSA/About/Who_We_Are/                    Meeting room assignments will be sent out in July.

                                                                                                                www.geosociety.org/gsatoday       13
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