WHAT'S ON MAY-JULY 2022 - Space for the Arts - Space for Magic - Space for You - Draíocht

Page created by Cynthia Barnes
WHAT'S ON MAY-JULY 2022 - Space for the Arts - Space for Magic - Space for You - Draíocht
                                MAY-JULY 2022

Space for the Arts – Space for Magic – Space for You
WHAT'S ON MAY-JULY 2022 - Space for the Arts - Space for Magic - Space for You - Draíocht
Creative Free Play                   Taster Dance                       Summer Youth Dance

                                                                                                                                       FAMILIES, YOUNG PEOPLE & SCHOOLS
                                                                                                                                                                          With Orla Kelly                      Workshops for Teens                Residency 20-24 June

                                                                                                                                                                          As part of Draíocht’s Creative       This April & May, Draíocht         Over five days participants
                                                                                                                                                                          Resources Series, join us            is delighted to offer five         (14-16 yrs) will work together
                                                                                                                                                                          for a new Podcast on Sat             D15 secondary schools, 2           with Dublin Youth Dance
                                                                                                                                                                          07 May. Creative free play           free contemporary dance            Company’s teacher and
                                                                                                                                                                          is unstructured activity that        workshops with dancer and          choreographer, Sue Malone,
                                                                                                                                                                          encourages children to engage        facilitator Sue Malone from        to explore and create a
                                                                                                                                                                          their imagination - anything         Dublin Youth Dance Company.        contemporary dance piece
                                                                                                                                                                          from playing with blocks, with       Sue will introduce dance to your   for performance, to an invited
                                                                                                                                                                          dolls, with toy cars, sticks,        students in a fun and accessible   family audience at the end of
                                                                                                                                                                          stones, playing make-believe         way in your own school             the week. Places are free but
                                                                                                                                                                          or dress-up - any opportunity        environment. Application via       limited. Application via
                                                                                                                                                                          that allows the child to make        email to sarah@draiocht.ie.        www.draiocht.ie by 03 June.
                                                                                                                                                                          independent decisions and lead       A collaboration between            A collaboration between
                                                                                                                                                                          the direction of their play.         Draíocht and DYDC, funded by       Draíocht and DYDC, funded
                     Michelle Hall - (R)OARS                                                                                                                              www.draiocht.ie/take-part/           Fingal Arts Office.                by Fingal Arts Office.

                     Curated by Sharon Murphy
                     15 June - 24 September 2022                                                                                                                          One Minute Movies                    Let’s Draw Together                PLAYground Orchestra
                     Ground Floor Gallery                                                                                                                                 27 June - 01 July                    06, 13, 20 & 27 July               Call for D15 Schools
                     In her practice, Michelle Hall is a gatherer and          the psyche. The exhibition takes place close to
                     investigator, collecting ideas through writing, found     where the artist is from which brings a return to
                     objects, images, details and textures. This occurs over   the radicle, through exploration of what lies at
                     long periods of time, allowing space for materials and    the root, and to consider new forms of grounding
                     ideas to gestate and fortify. The process of exhibition   through creative practice.
                     making prompts the artist to take stock and harvest
                     meaning from these gatherings, bringing them              Michelle Hall is an interdisciplinary visual artist
                                                                                                                                                                          Want to learn how to make            Join our artists on Wednesday      Our PLAYground Orchestra
                     together to generate narratives that fall somewhere       from Dublin 15 and was one of four recipients
                                                                                                                                                                          your own movies? Facilitated         mornings during July, for          Project is back in Dublin 15
                     between fact, fiction and myth.                           of HOMEGROUND: Art, People, Place, Identity
                                                                                                                                                                          by CreateSchool, you can             these fun informal drawing         school playgrounds this May.
                                                                               Research and Development Mentoring Awards
                                                                                                                                                                          collaborate with other creatives     sessions, using a selection of     APPLY NOW by contacting
                     Through a series of drawing, text and moving image        2020-2021, a Draíocht and Fingal Arts support
                                                                                                                                                                          to plan, script, storyboard,         dry materials. These sessions      Paula, paula@draiocht.ie /
                     works, the artist explores themes of healing and          programme for artists.
                                                                                                                                                                          film, edit and learn how to          will encourage you and your        087-197 5190, to check that you
                     transformation. For this body of work, Hall explores
                                                                                                                                                                          effectively produce your own         family to draw together, using     meet the criteria. The Project
                     the symbol of the oar as a tool of navigation – an        ‘(R)OARS’ has been specially commissioned by
                                                                                                                                                                          short movie, using mobile            materials that you might have      has been created by Draíocht in
                     object that keeps things afloat and moving forward.       Draíocht, as part of its celebration of visual art in
                                                                                                                                                                          digital devices and a selection      at home - like crayons and         collaboration with The Mobile
                     Hall often looks to healing modalities (real or           its 21st year.
                                                                                                                                                                          of apps. Gain skills and tips that   paper - but here we will use a     Music School with funding from
                     imagined) as a way to bring voice to the complex
                                                                                                                                                                          you can take home and master         MUCH larger sheet of paper -       Fingal County Council and
                     processes of the emotional world and experiences of
                                                                                                                                                                          with your own projects. With         and you don’t have to tidy up      the Local Live Performance
                                                                                                                                                                          funding from Fingal Arts Office.     afterwards! Tickets are Free.      Programming Scheme from the
                                                                                                                                                                          Ages 14-18 yrs. Cost €50. Book       Book Now: 01-885 2622:             Department of Tourism, Culture,
                                                                                                                                                                          Now: 01-885 2622                     Suitable for all ages.             Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
WHAT'S ON MAY-JULY 2022 - Space for the Arts - Space for Magic - Space for You - Draíocht
Belfast                                 Birdboy                               The Classic Beatles
                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Toddler

                                                                                                                         DRAÍOCHT PRODUCTIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Take Over
      CINEMA                                  DANCE                                 MUSIC

                                                                                                                                                                                                         FAMILY EVENT

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Thu 12 May, 10am - 2.30pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tickets €0-€5

      Wed 04 May, 7.30pm                      Fri 06 May, 12 noon & 7pm             Sat 07 May, 8pm
      Tickets €7.50 / €6 conc                 Tickets €7 / €5 conc                  Tickets €25 / €23 conc                                      A Little Event for the Youngest Citizens of Dublin 15! Celebrate the limitless imagination of the very
      From writer-director Kenneth            Once there was a boy who wished       The Classic Beatles are thrilled                            young child and the magic that happens when it is combined with the world of creative adventure.
      Branagh, and starring an acclaimed      he was a bird and could just fly      to be back on the road and                                  With a combination of book-in and free drop-in events, and the very special addition of a Sensory
      ensemble cast, including Caitriona      away to be free of all his worries.   delighted to bring you the                                  Toddler Day (Wed 11 May), join us and let your child take the lead, as we open up our building just
      Balfe, Jamie Dornan, Ciarán Hinds       In his whirring mind, thoughts,       Rooftop Tour! Featuring all the                             for them. Download the full programme from our website, www.draiocht.ie
      and Judi Dench, Belfast is a deeply     worries, fantasies all compete        hits from the famous January
      personal and joyful story about
      the power of memory, set in 1960s
                                              for space in a world where fitting
                                              in is hard to do. Full of fun and
                                                                                    1969 rooftop performance
                                                                                    including ‘Don’t Let Me                                                                                              The Visit
      Northern Ireland. Balfe and Dornan
      are superb as young parents trying
                                              sorrow, this kaleidoscopic show,
                                              performed by dancer Kévin
                                                                                    Down’, ‘I’ve Got a Feeling’,
                                                                                    ‘One After 909’, ‘Dig a Pony’
                                                                                                                                                                                                         by Deirdre Kinahan
      to figure out what’s best for their     Coquelard, celebrates the power       and, of course, ‘Get Back’,
      family amid escalating political        of imagination and offers a vision    the show will conclude with a                                                                                        Fri 20 - Sat 21 May, 8pm
      violence.” TIME Magazine                of hope and connection. From          wonderful selection of other                                                                                         Tickets €18 / €16 conc
                                              United Fall / Emma Martin.            Beatles classics.                                                                                                    Starring Mary O’Driscoll
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Directed by Veronica Coburn

      Parallel Mothers                        Starkids Celebration                  Still Here
      CINEMA                                  MUSICAL THEATRE                       THEATRE
                                                                                                                                                In the quiet of the theatre, Rose finds herself thinking back on the events of that morning, the
                                                                                                                                                events of last year, the last 20 years. When did she stop being herself? Rose thinks about her
                                                                                                                                                dead husband Stephen, and her sons, and the man who knocked on her door. The Visit is a funny,
                                                                                                                                                heart-warming, touching new play that explores a hidden social reality we are only beginning to
                                                                                                                                                understand. Touring nationwide in May & June, thanks to a Touring Award from the Arts Council.
                                                                                                                                                Full Tour details www.draiocht.ie

      Wed 25 May, 7.30pm                      Fri 27-Sat 28 May, 3pm & 7.30pm       30 May, 12 noon / 1.30pm / 3pm                                                                                       PLAYground
      Tickets €7.50 / €6 conc
      Language: Spanish with subtitles
                                              Tickets €18 / €15 conc
                                              It’s been 2 long years since
                                                                                    31 May, 10.30am / 12 noon / 2pm
                                                                                    Tickets €5-€7 / Age 3-6 yrs
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Orchestra Concert
      When two women meet at a                Starkids filled Draíocht’s stage      Anna Newell Theatre                                                                                                  FAMILY EVENT
      hospital and give birth to their        with song. They’re delighted to       Adventures presents a wordless
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sun 22 May, 2pm
      babies on the same day, their           be back in May to act, sing and       physical theatre piece with a                                                                                        Tickets €2
      lives are inextricably linked. Janis,   dance and share what they’ve          unique musical score played
      the older of the two, is more           been working on with family           live on baroque guitars.
      comfortable and confident with          and friends. Join in the fun of       Still Here is a quirky playful
      her single mother status. Ana is        this special day with their brand     exploration of the journey from
      a teenage mother, left to find          new show ‘Starkids Celebration’,      restriction, suspicion and fear to                          After the huge success of Draíocht’s PLAYground Orchestra Project - which reached 7,000 children,
      her own way by her absentee             as they promise to amaze, to          collaboration and celebration,                              aged 4-13 years, in twelve Dublin 15 primary schoolyards last Christmas – we are thrilled to reunite
      parents, and while she faces            entertain and to delight.             gently exploring some of the                                this 29-piece impressive orchestra for a fun family concert of well-known music, from traditional to
      many struggles, with Janis’s                                                  feelings of the last couple of                              contemporary, including pop, tv and movie music. Register Now on www.draiocht.ie
      support she finds her feet.                                                   years and our changing times.                               Created by Draíocht in partnership with The Mobile Music School.
WHAT'S ON MAY-JULY 2022 - Space for the Arts - Space for Magic - Space for You - Draíocht
Kidkast 2022                       A Summer Evening                        Deirdre O’Kane –                    Vladimir Jablokov -                     Niamh Kavanagh &                         Gladys Coyle Stage
              Presentation                       Concert                                 Demented                            Four Seasons                            the Illegals                             School
              MUSICAL THEATRE                    MUSIC                                   COMEDY                              MUSIC                                   MUSIC                                    MUSICAL THEATRE

              Wed 01 Jun, 7.30pm                 Thu 02 Jun, 8pm                         Fri 03 Jun, 8pm                     Fri 10 Jun, 8pm                         Sat 11 Jun, 8pm                          Sat 18 Jun, 1pm, 4pm, 8pm
              Tickets €20                        Tickets: €18 / €12 conc                 Tickets: €24 / €22 conc             Tickets: €25 / €23 conc                 Tickets: €22 / €20 conc                  Tickets: €17
              Kidkast Dublin is so excited       Dunshaughlin Choral Society             There’s a point beyond burnout      Acclaimed Slovakian violinist           It’s time for a post-lockdown,           Join these energetic young stars
              to be back on stage after 3        is a forty member strong, four          where all you can do is laugh,      Vladimir Jablokov’s hand-               summer breakout with a                   with their show for all the family,
              long years. Their wonderful        part, community choir who have          and funny woman Deirdre             picked violin, cello and piano          memorable night of unforgettable         packed with great songs and dance
              young students will dance, act     performed throughout Ireland            O’Kane has well and truly           ensemble will begin with a unique       songs from the world’s two most          routines. Including excerpts from
              and sing their hearts out for      and Europe. The Summer Evening          reached it. Catch her brilliant     arrangement of Vivaldi’s iconic         iconic rock bands. Led by the            Annie, Pinnochio, Aladdin, Move
              you. They are looking forward      Concert programme will be in two        new stand-up show, Demented         ‘Four Seasons’. The latter half         brilliant voice of Niamh Kavanagh,       It, The Addams Family and In the
              to seeing all their family and     parts. The first part is made up of     for one night only in Draíocht .    of the concert features some            The Illegals will take you on a          Heights, the students cannot wait
              friends and are buzzing to tread   beautiful, classical treats including   “O’Kane dazzles the audience        of the most popular pieces in           journey of soulful harmonies,            to showcase their talent in musical
              the boards again.                  Vivaldi, Mozart and Puccini and         from start to finish.” The List     Vladimir’s repertoire including         exciting riffs, blistering guitars and   theatre, hip hop, jazz, singing and
                                                 the second part will be a selection                                         Brahms’ Hungarian Dance No. 5,          unforgettable songs. The best of         comedy on Draíocht’s Main Stage.
                                                 of lively modern tunes from the                                             Strauss’ Radetzky March, Theme          two legendary bands in one night?
                                                 likes of The Beatles, and Queen.                                            from Schindler’s List, and more         It’s almost too good to be true.
                                                                                                                             audience favourites.

              I hear you and rejoice The Duke                                            David O’Doherty –                   The Worst Person                        Tom Cole Jr                              BabyLovesMusic
              THEATRE                            CINEMA                                  Whoa is me                          in the World                            MUSIC                                    FAMILY EVENT
                                                                                         COMEDY                              CINEMA

              Sat 04 Jun, 8pm                    Wed 08 Jun, 7.30pm                      Thu 09 Jun, 8pm                     Wed 22 Jun, 7.30pm                      Thu 30 Jun, 8pm                          03-09 Jul, 10.30am, 11.45am, 1pm
              Tickets: €18 / €16 conc            Tickets €7.50 / €6 conc                 Tickets: €22 / Age 14+              Tickets €7.50 / €6 conc                 Tickets: €20 / €18 conc                  Tickets: €10 per baby (1 adult free)
              Late in his life, Pat Farnon,      Kempton Bunton, a 60-year old           Here he comes again, trotting       Language: Norwegian with Subtitles      Following his jam packed                 For Babies 0-12 months / Dur: 30 mins
              a cobbler and all-round            taxi driver, stole Goya’s portrait      on to the stage with all of the     Julie is a vibrant and impulsive        successful debut show ‘The Songs         An eclectic musical journey with a
              contented man, embarks on          of the Duke of Wellington from          misplaced confidence of a           young woman who, on the verge           That Shaped The World’, Sunshine         distinctly Irish feel, BabyLovesMusic
              a journey he had not quite         the National Gallery in London.         waiter with no pad. Is he going     of turning 30, is faced with a          Radio’s Tom Cole Jr is back with         features a rich variety of instruments
              planned and finds that every       It was the first (and remains the       to remember it? HOPEFULLY!          series of drastic choices that force    his new show ‘Doing It My Way’.          including renaissance guitar, cello,
              twist in the road can bring its    only) theft in the Gallery’s history.   There’ll be lots of talking, some   her to continually reinvent and         Featuring the great songs of             accordion, fiddle, uilleann pipes,
              own surprises. Written by and      Kempton sent ransom notes               apologising and some songs          pursue new perspectives on her          Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Louis        treble recorder, and lots more.
              starring Mikel Murfi. “This is     saying that he would return the         on a glued together plastic         life. Over the course of several        Armstrong, The Rat Pack, Nat King        Featuring 4 musicians - Tim Doyle,
              pure distilled 100 per cent        painting on condition that the          keyboard from 1986. As seen on      years, Julie navigates multiple         Cole, Bing Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald,      Kate Hearne, Anna Newell and
              theatrical magic” 5 STARS -        government invested more in             BBC’s ‘Live at The Apollo’ and      love affairs, existential uncertainty   and many more of the timeless            Eamon Sweeney - with musical
              The Evening Standard               care for the elderly. A wonderfully     Channel 4’s ‘8 Out of 10 Cats       and career dissatisfaction as she       evergreen songs from the golden          arrangements by The Irish Chamber
                                                 uplifting true story starring Jim       Does Countdown’.                    slowly starts deciding who she          age of swing, big band and The           Orchestra’s, Malachy Robinson.
                                                 Broadbent & Helen Mirren.                                                   wants to become.                        Great American Song Book.
WHAT'S ON MAY-JULY 2022 - Space for the Arts - Space for Magic - Space for You - Draíocht
16 Sep         Culture Night                                         Booking Information
                                                 Free Admission                                        Draíocht accepts bookings in
                                                                                                       person, by phone & online.
                              21-22 Oct          The Bee Gees Story                                    Box Office Tel 01 885 2622
                                                 €25 / €23
                                                                                                       Box Office Opening Hours -
                                 04 Nov          The Fureys                                            Monday to Saturday,
                                                 €30                                                   10am – 6pm
                                                                                                       Or 24hrs online at
                              08-12 Nov          Coolmine Musical Society                              www.draiocht.ie
                                                 9 to 5 The Musical
                                                                                                       A booking fee of €1 per ticket
                                 03 Dec          Route 66 Big Band                                     applies online.

                               13-14 Dec         Abba Forever
                                                 €25 / €22                                             Location
                                                                                                       Draíocht is located in West
                                  17 Dec         Dublin Gospel Choir                                   Dublin in Blanchardstown,
                                                                                                       Dublin 15, and is part of the
                                                                                                       Blanchardstown Shopping
                                                                                                       Centre complex.

                                                                                                       Full details on

                                                                                                       Find Us Online

                            At Draíocht, our work goes far beyond our programme of events.
                            Throughout the year, we help people of all ages to make space
                            for the arts in their lives. Working collaboratively with artists of all
                            disciplines, we journey with thousands of people to enhance their
                            lives through arts events, projects and initiatives.

                            Since opening in 2001, there have been 1 million plus visits to
                            Draíocht. People of all ages are entertained as audience members,
                            participate in a wide range of programmes and create their own
                            work, giving their voice a platform.
                                                                                                       Draíocht, The Blanchardstown
                            We engage and support local, national and international artists of         Centre, Blanchardstown,
                            all disciplines in the presentation and creation of work.                  Dublin 15
                                                                                                       Box Office: 01-885 2622
                            We bring the public and artists together and in that space,                Email: marketing@draiocht.ie
                            MAGIC HAPPENS.
WHAT'S ON MAY-JULY 2022 - Space for the Arts - Space for Magic - Space for You - Draíocht WHAT'S ON MAY-JULY 2022 - Space for the Arts - Space for Magic - Space for You - Draíocht WHAT'S ON MAY-JULY 2022 - Space for the Arts - Space for Magic - Space for You - Draíocht WHAT'S ON MAY-JULY 2022 - Space for the Arts - Space for Magic - Space for You - Draíocht WHAT'S ON MAY-JULY 2022 - Space for the Arts - Space for Magic - Space for You - Draíocht
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