Page created by Stephen Mccormick

                                                                               Lenz School Counselor               Mrs. Ashley Brezina
Washoe County School                                                           Lenz School Clinic Aide             Mrs. Brenda Kibbe
District (WCSD) Vision and Mission                                             Lenz Site Facility Coordinator      Mr. Chris Reams
                                                                               Lenz School Mascot                  Leopard
The Washoe County School District (WCSD) is focused on creating an             Lenz School Website                 https://www.washoeschools.net/Lenz
education system where all students achieve academic success, develop
personal and civic responsibility, and achieve career and college readiness
                                                                              WCSD provides more information for families on many of the following
for the 21st century.
                                                                              topics and it can be found on the https://www.washoeschools.net and/or
                                                                              Administrative Manual 5904 Parent-Student Handbook.
Elizabeth Lenz Elementary School Mission for Student Learning
Lenz will provide social, emotional, and educational opportunities for        Attendance
personal growth for all students in a safe and accepting environment. Lenz    Please review the current WCSD attendance policy at
will inspire students to reach their highest potential, maintaining high      http://www.washoeschools.net/ Page/8789
standards and accountability, thus rewarding our community with
productive, responsible, and contributing citizens.                           Lenz ES Attendance policy notice:

                                                                              If you have any questions regarding the attendance policy, contact the Lenz
Elizabeth Lenz Elementary School Core Beliefs                                 office. Attendance is a shared responsibility and concern of students and
    1.   We as a Lenz staff are here for all students.                        parents/guardians with the assistance and support of school staff and the
    2.   We support and foster students social and emotional health.          community. Let’s all work together to get our children in school and make
    3.   All students must be challenged to become problem solvers.           every day count.
    4.   All students receive quality core instruction.
                                                                              Your child is expected to be in school every scheduled school day. If your
Welcome Lenz ES Families                                                      child will not be in school:
 Lenz grade levels                   Kinder through 6th grade and Early       1. Call Lenz at 851-5620 between 8:15 and 9:30 a.m.
                                     Childhood Strategies                     2. When your child returns to school, send a signed, dated note with
 Lenz school calendar                Balance calendar - WCSD                      him/her stating the reason for the absence and a doctor's note if
 Address                             Lenz Elementary School                       applicable.
                                     2500 Homeland Drive                      3. Absences for reasons other than illness, medical appointments, or
                                     Reno, NV 89511                               family emergencies must be arranged through the office and your
 Lenz Phone #                        (775) 851-5620                               child’s teacher.
 Lenz Fax #                          (775) 851-7080                           4. Make-up work must be completed.
 Lenz School Principal               Mr. Dave Keller
 Lenz School Secretary               Mrs. Sandie Johnson


Student Awards                                                                          a. Families receive phone calls for celebrations of student
Presented Quarterly:
                                                                                        b. Families receive phone calls to support students academically,
   •   Citizenship (Student Learning Behavior): All grades A or A- in both              socially or behaviorally.
       academic and social citizenship.                                         6) Surveys
   •   Honor Roll: Grades 3 through 5 only; GPA of 3.5 in 6 academic                    a. School district annual survey for students, parents, and staff.
       subject areas. A or A- in both Academic and Social Citizenship.                  b. Occasionally a short survey from Lenz School when warranted to
   •   Lenz Leopard: All grades. Students who continuously demonstrate                  provide input into decision making.
       excellent SPOTS behavior at school. Social and Emotion Learning          7) Meeting in person
       (SEL) maturity as defined by WCSD SEL standards. Student are                     a. Before and after school throughout the year and/or at
       recognized by classmates and their teacher.                                      conferences

Presented Each Semester:                                                        Daily School/Bell Schedule
   •   Principal’s List: Grades 3 through 5 only; A’s or A-‘s in all academic
                                                                                School starts at 9 am Monday – Friday. Expectations may be announced by
       subjects including Academic and Social Citizenship in previous four
                                                                                WCSD. School ends at 3 pm each day and 2:15 pm on Wednesdays.
   •   Positively Perfect Yearlong Attendance: All grades. For those who        Bikes, Roller Blades, Skateboards, Scooters
       have no absences (excused, unexcused, or MI’s) for the entire year.      Children are permitted to ride their bikes, skateboards, roller blades, or
                                                                                scooters to school. However, they are not permitted to ride them on school
Announcements                                                                   property. Bikes are stored in the bike rack area and children should lock
Communication between home and school occur in several different ways.
                                                                                their bikes. *No motorized vehicles are permitted.
1) School automated message system
        a. School events and information shared with all families.
                                                                                Behavior (student)
        b. Emergency information sent to inform parents of evacuation, lock     Lenz ES fosters the use of positive behavior supports (PBiS) for all students.
        down situations, or other emergencies.                                  Although individual teacher/classroom behavior expectations may vary,
2) Teachers send email to all the families in their class                       school wide behavior expectations are outline in our PBiS matrix. Our PBiS
        a. Weekly, bi-weekly, and/or monthly to share information and           matrix can be reviewed in Appendix B.
        ways to be involved with their class or the school
3) Notes and flyers                                                             Bully Prevention
        a. Families will receive notes and flyers about school events,          Lenz Bully Prevention Program
        community events, and general information.
                                                                                At Lenz Elementary, we are dedicated to teaching our students, staff,
4) Lenz School Website
        a. www.washoeschools.net/lenz                                           parents, and visitors to the school social responsibility skills for a positive
5) Phone calls & emails                                                         learning environment. We teach students the use of Stop Steps when


responding to problem behavior. We will accomplish this by giving our          instructional process. Electronic devices shall not be brought into
students the tools needed to reduce bullying behavior through the blending     classrooms during assessments, semester exams, or other testing situations.
of school wide positive behavior support, explicit instruction, and a          The first time a student’s personal electronic device appears to be a
definition of bullying. Students have been taught to use the following three   disturbance to the educational environment, it will be taken away and
step procedure:                                                                returned to the student at the end of the school day. The parent/guardian
                                                                               will need to come to the school to collect their child’s personal electronic
Student STOP Steps                                                             device any subsequent times the device is confiscated.
1. Say STOP and say your feelings, if the problem behavior ceases,
   students go on with their day.                                              Conference Week
   Sometimes, even when students tell others to “stop”, the problem
   behavior continues. When this happens…
2. Students are to tell the other student what they want to happen.
3. Students will own up to their part and “walk away” from the problem.        Delayed Start and School Closures
   Some students will continue to behave inappropriately towards them.
                                                                               Delayed Start: In the event that we have inclement weather (i.e. heavy
   When this happens…
                                                                               snow, ice, hazardous road conditions) or if an emergency has been declared,
4. Students should talk to an school adult.
                                                                               school may be delayed by:
5. *Important Note: If any student is in danger, the “Stop” and “Walk
   Away” steps should be skipped, and the incident should be reported              •   Two hours with school beginning at 11:00 a.m.
   immediately.                                                                           o Morning buses will run 2 hours later

Complete WCSD information regarding Bullying and all forms of harassment
                                                                               1. Local television and radio stations will begin broadcasting this
can be found in the Administrative Manual 5904 Parent-Student Handbook.
                                                                                  information by 6:00 a.m.
                                                                               2. The Judy’s Kidz Klub morning program will be cancelled for any delay or
Electronic Devices/Cell Phones                                                    closure.
WCSD is proud to be a 21st Century District, and to promote responsible
                                                                               School Closure: An announcement will be made by the WCSD in the event
and thoughtful use of personal electronic devices to support student
                                                                               that either inclement weather or any emergency make it necessary to close
achievement. Electronic devices can be disruptive and interfere with
student learning, including the learning of those who are not in possession
of such devices. Electronic devices should not interfere with the              Any school meetings with staff, parents, or community will be cancelled for
instructional process. Teachers and administrators reserve the right to        any delay or closure. Meetings will be rescheduled at the earliest
confiscate a student’s electronic device if it is interfering with             convenience.
curriculum/instruction. Students may possess or use electronic devices,
provided that the use of such devices does not interfere with the


Discrimination and Harassment                                                     Gifted and Talented Program
The Washoe County School District and Lenz ES are committed to a                  The WCSD offers a gifted and talented class to students who qualify for the
discrimination and harassment-free, working and learning environment.             program. Contact our school counselor for more information regarding the
Additional information can be found at                                            requirements for the Gifted and Talented Program. You may also call the
https://www.washoeschools.net/Page/3447.                                          Gifted and Talented Coordinator at 850-8010.

Dress Code                                                                        Lenz ES HALLWAYS are Quiet Zones
The primary responsibility for dress and grooming rests with our students         To make the best use of all instructional time, we ask that all students and
and their parents/legal guardians. However, the District does reserve the         visitors observe quiet zones in our school. All hallways and the lobby are
right to establish a comprehensive dress code with limitations for students       designated as Quiet Zones during class time.
which addresses what clothing they may wear and how they may wear that
clothing. School authorities have the professional responsibility and legal       Homework Policy – WCSD/Lenz
sanction to enforce student dress requirements, and within this authority,        Homework plays an important role in the learning process. Conventional
the right to request that students change their attire to conform to the          purposes for homework are practice, preparation, check for understanding,
District’s Dress Code. The following requirements are not intended to             and development of work habits. Homework is one of many learning
silence expressive conduct, but instead, constitute an attempt to maintain a      activities to engage students. Homework should: extend learning and/or
productive, safe, learning environment. The dress or grooming of all              provide practice in applying concepts initially presented in the classroom;
students must not present potential health or safety problems or create a         provide opportunities for independent work; strengthen concept and skill
disruption of the learning environment. Specific prohibitions or limitations      development; and provide opportunities for enrichment.
are outlined in the WCSD Dress Code Policy. Exceptions shall be considered
                                                                                  Leaving School during School Hours
for religious or medical reasons; or with the permission of the principal (i.e.
                                                                                  If it is necessary for a student to leave school for any reason during the
a designated school spirit day).
                                                                                  school day, parents must sign the student out in the school office first and
*The entire student dress policy (Administrative Regulation 5102) is              then the student will be called to the office. Only a parent or guardian can
available for review on at https://www.washoeschools.net.                         take a child from school. All other persons, including emergency contacts
                                                                                  must have prior written permission on file yearly.
Early Release at Lenz ES
Every Wednesday has been designated as an Early Release Day.                      Lost and Found
                                                                                  Lost and found items are placed in the wooden drawers in the lobby. Please
Students will be dismissed at 2:15 each Wednesday.                                check for missing items regularly!
Pre-k students schedule on Wednesday:       A.M. 9:00 – 1:30 PM.
                                                                                  Student Lunch
                                                                                  Students are expected to eat lunch at school in accordance with school
                                                                                  district policy. They may bring a sack lunch and may purchase milk for .75₵,

or they may purchase hot lunch in the cafeteria. Lunches may be purchased       2. Be courteous to other drivers and pedestrians.
on a daily basis $2.90, or by placing money on account in advance and $2.90     3. Please drive slowly (5 mph) in the parking lot and please be patient.
will be deducted each time the student has hot lunch. A record of accounts      4. The bus loading zone is reserved for buses only! The entrance and exit
is kept by the cafeteria manager on the cafeteria computer.                         to the bus loading zone must remain clear.
                                                                                5. Students dropped off on surrounding streets are to use sidewalks.
Should your child arrive at school without a lunch, he/she will contact you         Students must avoid cutting through the bus loading zone and/or the
to bring a lunch or lunch money to school.                                          actual parking lot.
                                                                                11. Other options for drop-off and pick-up:
Lenz ES Lunch Policy – All Grades                                                   • Use Caribou Drive (the street at back of the school)
    •   Students are to enter the multipurpose /lunchroom in a quiet                • Use a parking spaces along the side streets. Walk your child to the
        manner                                                                          front sidewalk or the back gate on Caribou.
    •   Students are to sit at their assigned table and begin eating                • At the end of the day, plan to meet your child in the pick-up landing
    •   Students may talk to the people nearest them in a                               on Edmands Dr. or at the back gate on Caribou.
        responsible/respectful volume/tone
    •   Students must finish the majority of their lunch before being           Edmands Dr. Student Drop-off/Pick-up
        excused to go out to recess. They will be sent to an identified table   1. Please obey the duty personnel’s directions. They are there to make the
        to finish their meal. Students are to clean up their area, including       drop-off/pick-up safe for you and your children.
        on top of and under the table                                           2. Please pull all the way forward to avoid blocking that entrance for
    •   Students are to leave in a respectful manner when their class/table        others.
        is dismissed                                                            3. Student drop-off/pick-up is along the sidewalk of the drive through lane
    •   Students who are creating a disruption will be asked to move to            on Edmands Dr. This is where students are able to get out of the
        another seat                                                               automobile and head into class or head home.
Medication                                                                      4. No parking in the Edmands drop-off area. Drivers most stay in their
If it becomes necessary for a student to take any form of medication               vehicle.
(including over-the-counter medicines) at school, a form obtained from the
office must be signed by the physician and be presented to the nurse or         REMEMBER THAT BUS SERVICE IS AVAILABLE FOR ELEMENTARY STUDENTS
clinic along with the medication. All medication will be dispensed through      WHO LIVE ONE OR MORE MILES FROM THE SCHOOL.
the clinic.
                                                                                Personal Property/Belongings
Parking Lot Procedures                                                          The district is not an agent for any student and is not responsible for any
In an effort to make our parking lot safe and more efficient, students drop     loss, theft, or damage to any items when in the student’s possession or
off and pick up has been moved to Edmands Dr. The parking lot is available      stored/left on campus or other school property. Therefore, please leave
to our families during the school day and when buses are not present.
                                                                                valuable items and toys at home. All students are responsible for
1. Avoid family parking on Homeland Drive as it will impede busing.


instruments, books, equipment or other items entrusted to them by the           office or by a teacher. Plans for after school activities should be made at
district.                                                                       home prior to the school day.

Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A.)                                             Student Toys/Electronic Devices
We have an active P.T.A.! Please join and become involved in the many           As a school, we would prefer toys and games remain at home. However, if
activities P.T.A. promotes. TOGETHER we CAN make a difference. Meetings         toys/games do show up at school and any disruptions occur to learning or
will be the first Tuesday of the month.                                         recess, items can be taken away and given back to the parent/student at the
                                                                                end of the day.
Report Cards
Report cards will be issued every nine weeks. In kindergarten, and grades       Wellness
one and two, students will be given S+, S, S-, or I for grades. Grades three    The district has asked all schools to be aware of the Wellness Policy
through six will be issued A, B, C, D, F grades. Parents are encouraged to      regarding the distribution of food throughout our school day. For our
contact the teachers if there are questions or concerns relating to student     school, the nutritional guide for snacks or celebrations is the main issue.
progress.                                                                       Families can send any food items to school for their child to eat during lunch
                                                                                or snack. The Wellness Policy states when food items are given or sold to
Safety                                                                          students the food items should meet the nutritional guidelines. Website for
The secure perimeter fence will be locked during school hours. Safety drills    nutritional guidelines:
are conducted monthly. Students and staff practice evacuation or fire drills,   http://nutrition.nv.gov/Programs/Nevada%E2%80%99s_Smart_Snacks/
code red or lock down, and earthquake drills. All adult employees wear
identification badges. Students practice safe use of playground equipment.      Lenz School would like to encourage our families to send healthy snacks for
During inclement weather or unhealthy air quality students and staff remain     designated birthday celebrations and class parties.
indoors. In the case of emergency the automated phone system will notify
                                                                                Visitors on Campus
parents of the situation and information for child reunification.
                                                                                Visitors to WCSD buildings are discouraged at this time, however if a visitor
Single Point Entry (new for 2020-2021)                                          needs to come into a building, they are required to wear a face covering.
Non Lenz staff are required to use main entrance at all times.                  Visitors who refuse to wear a face covering will not be allowed into any
                                                                                WCSD buildings or grounds. If something changes, we will inform you with
Tardiness                                                                       this information.
Promptness to class is extremely important. If a student is tardy, he/she
must report to the office to obtain a written pass to class.                    Volunteers
                                                                                Currently, we are unable to have volunteers inside the school.
School Telephones
Use of school telephones is limited to school business and emergencies.
Students are permitted to use the phone only when cleared through the


COVID Information                                                                         back and pick up other students to bring to school before the bell
   •     All students of all ages must wear cloth face coverings when they                time.
         are in WCSD buildings and on WCSD grounds. Face coverings can               3.   In the afternoon some students will need to wait at school while the
         only be removed for eating and drinking. If students want to bring               bus delivers a group of to their home stops and then returns to pick
         their own face coverings, they can; otherwise WCSD will provide                  up the second group. Face coverings are required for all students,
         face coverings to each student and staff member.                                 the driver, and transportation aides and must always be worn on
   •     Face coverings must be worn over both the nose and mouth and                     the school bus. Hand sanitizer will also be made available for
         should fit snuggly against the face. We know this is new to many of              students to use when entering and exiting the bus.
         our students and we urge everyone to practice wearing their face            4.   Buses will be cleaned and disinfected before and after each route.
         covering prior to the school year.                                               In addition, bus drivers will disinfect high touch areas such as
                                                                                          handles, doors, and seats in between each group of students on the
   •     Visitors to Lenz Elementary School are discouraged at this time. If
                                                                                          same route. Windows, roof hatches, and air vents will be opened to
         you need to come into a building, they are required to wear a face
         covering.                                                                        provide enhanced flow of fresh air.
                                                                                     5.   Students at all grade levels will be assigned seating due to
Recess                                                                                    occupancy requirements and to minimize student contact while
   •     Students will be required to wear their face coverings and maintain              loading and unloading on the bus and during ride times.
         physical distancing during outside time.                                    6.   Due to the occupancy requirements, transportation registration is
   •     Shared playground structures and equipment will not be utilized                  required to ensure that eligible students will be assigned on a bus
         and the number of students out at recess at any given time will be               for the first day of school. The registration form can be located on
         kept to under 50.                                                                the Transportation website, under School Bus Registration:
   •     Recess is an important part of the day to socialize safely. Students             https://www.washoeschools.net/Domain/73.
         will still have to take precautions by continuing to wear their face        7.   Students are encouraged to maintain physical distancing at bus
         coverings and maintaining physical distance.                                     stops.

                                                                                 Students Moving from Distance Learning to in person
Transportation Information
                                                                                 WCSD is requiring a notification to the administration in writing at least two
   1. School buses will not be operated in the same way as years past.
                                                                                 weeks before the intended date of return to in person learning.
      First each bus will be filled to only 50% capacity (45 students or less)
      in order to allow for three feet of physical distancing, as per
                                                                                 Students Moving from in person to Distance Learning
      Governor’s Directive 028 (https://bit.ly/33ybhQC).
                                                                                 WCSD is requiring a notification to the administration in writing at least two
   2. School buses will have more trips to make given the reduced
      capacity. There will be staggered drop off and pick up times for           weeks before the intended date of return to Distance learning.
      students at some schools. If a staggered pick up or delivery is
                                                                                 Expectations for Students
      required, some students will arrive to school and have to wait at the
      school for a period of time before the bell rings so the bus can go            •    Follow all mandated protocols, such as wearing face coverings.
                                                                                     •    Maintain positive attendance and course progress.

   •   Complete assignments and tasks as assigned.
   •   Exhibit good study habits.
   •   Reach out to teachers when requiring assistance.
   •   Attend daily and weekly required real-time, synchronous sessions or
       recorded sessions.
   •   Participate in any proctored assessments, if applicable.
Expectations for Students
   •   Have student do a daily health check with WCSD’s self-screening.
   •   Communicate with child’s instructor(s) during school hours or
       written communication.
   •   Actively assist child with their learning and directly participate with
       student, specifically in early elementary grade levels.
   •   Provide support, guidance, and assistance.
   •   Foster a conducive area for learning in the home.
   •   Encourage and recognize positive gains and achievements.
   •   Actively monitor child’s progress in assigned courses.

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