Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update

Page created by Tim Sherman
Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update
Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update
                                 April 15th 2021

For information on services and supports for children, young people and families see

       For information on supports for parents, see Wexford Parents Hub at
         www.wexfordcypsc.ie/wexford-parents-hub and on Facebook at

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Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update

P.3 :“One Family” Parenting Classes
P.4 : Leinster “No Surviving Children” Group : Anam Cara
P.5 : Bereavement Information Evening : Anam Cara
P.6 : Consultation on Developing a National Model of Parenting Support Services

Children & Young People;

P.7 : Cois Barry Youth Café: Rosslare
P. 8 : Cois Barry Inbetweenagers Group
P. 9 : The WAYS Music Hub


P.10 : WWETB Local Youth Club Grant Scheme 2021
P.11 : LGBTi Youth Strategy Capacity Building Grant for Family Support Services
P. 12 : What Works : Sharing Knowledge Improving Childrens Futures

Youth Awards;

P. 13 : County Wexford Garda Youth Awards
P. 15 : Irish Youth Music Awards

Webinars / Conferences/ Training;

P.16 : Creative Youth Conference

P.17 : Engaging Men Webinar Series: Why Men's Health?

P. 18 : Webinar for Disabled People, families and carers on reducing stress and increasing well-being
– how to care for yourself and access psychosocial supports during and after the pandemic

P. 19 : Wexford Communities 4 Climate Action Online Course

P. 20 : Media Literacy Ireland Public Webinar


P. 21 : Living Well – Programme for Adults with Long Term Health Conditions

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Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update

● “One Family” Parenting Classes

“One Family” is Ireland’s national organisation for one-parent families.

Parenting classes via Zoom:
With all children returning to school on Monday why not add another string to your parenting bow
in preparation for the summer holidays?

One Family’s low-cost, live, Parenting Courses via Zoom are enrolling now for the Spring/Summer
term. Our parenting courses are specially designed for people parenting alone, sharing parenting
and parenting through separation. Parents work with the facilitator in live weekly group sessions and
get to meet other parents who are parenting in similar situations. Groups meet weekly for 8 weeks.

Courses are:

• Positive Parenting for Changing Families | Thursday 29 April 2021: 10.30am

• Family Communications Parenting when Separated | Tuesday 27 April 2021: 7pm

• Family Communications Parenting Teens | Thursday 29 April 2021: 7.00pm

• Family Communications Parenting when Separated | Tuesday 4 May 2021: 10.30am

For more information on Parenting Programmes that are available from One Family see :

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Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update
○ Leinster “No Surviving Children” Group : Anam Cara

As you know our Leinster Parents Living with No Surviving Children Group has been taking place
since January and has been a welcome addition to our services.

"I can honestly say that I never felt more at ease than in the company of this group of parents who
have also experienced the death of their only child, There was no judgement and no one was afraid
to talk of their children’s lives and deaths for fear of upsetting the other"

Our Leinster living with no surviving children group is facilitated by Dorothy Ingram and will take
place via zoom on Tuesday 20th April at 7pm.

If you know any bereaved parents living with no surviving children who would like to join this
meeting please get them to contact us on 085 288 8888 or info@anamcara.ie. As always Anam Cara
offer their services free of charge for as long as needed.

Take care and stay safe


Contact Number Office 01 4045378 & NI 02895213120Email
Address    l.milligan@anamcara.ieWeb Address    www.anamcara.ie

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Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update
○ Bereavement Information Evening : Anam Cara

The next Bereavement Information evening will be held in conjunction with Jacinta's Smile, an
organization that support bereaved siblings. Jacintas smile will be on hand during the evening to
discuss with parents how they can help support children after the loss of a sibling.

This event will take place on Wednesday 21st April at 7pm

During the evening we will be bringing our Anam Cara booklets to life. After our guest speaker we
will invite parents to join one of three break our rooms.

        A mothers Grief
        A Fathers Grief
        Helping your Children after the loss of a sibling.

Each of these rooms will be hosted by one of our Anam Cara Professionals and a bereaved Parent.

Katie Anne from Jacinta's smile will be in the break out room for parents who are interested in
"Helping your children after the loss of a sibling"

If you know any parents that would like to join they can contact us here in Anam Cara. They can call
us 085 288 8888 or email us info@anamcara.ie

As always all Anam Cara services are offered free of charge.

Take Care and keep safe and well

Kindest Regards


Contact Number: RoI Office 00 353 1 4045378/085 2888 888 or NI 02895213120

Email Address:     info@anamcara.ie

Web Address:        www.anamcara.ie

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Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update
○ Consultation on Developing A National Model of Parenting Support Services : Parenting
Support Policy Unit (Dept. Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth).

A collaborative working group set up by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration
and Youth is currently developing a national model of parenting support services.

Parenting support is the provision of information and services aimed at strengthening parents’
knowledge, confidence and skills to help achieve the best outcomes for children and their families
Parenting supports include parenting programmes, information sessions, one-to-one advice and
support, group-based supports, parent mentoring, home visiting programmes, drop-in advice clinics,
support helplines and online parenting supports
As part of this work the group would like to hear from a wide range of stakeholders with an interest
in parenting supports. This includes parents, providers of parenting supports and others working with
children and families.

The aim of this consultation is to gather thoughts and ideas on improving the development and
delivery of parenting support services for all parents. For more information on the work to develop a
national model of parenting support services please click here.

Please note that wider family-focused policies and supports such as financial supports, educational
supports, housing, mental health services and children's services are outside the scope of this
The consultation is available on EU Survey and submissions will be accepted up to the 16th of April.
Please click here to participate. For an Irish language version, please click here.

Please share details of the consultation with anyone you think may be interested in contributing.

Kind regards,
Parenting Support Policy Unit

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Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update
○ Cois Barry Youth Café: Rosslare

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Wexford CYPSC News and Resources Update
○ Cois Barry Inbetweenagers Group

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○ The WAYS Music Hub

The FDYS Music Hub provides a safe space for young people who have an interest in music to
come and play an instrument, sing, rap or produce music. Young people are also given the
opportunity take part in music related workshops, activities, and take part in the Irish Youth
Music Awards.

Contact details

Maria Brennan Tel: 085 8888388 maria.brennan@fdys.ie

Elaine Goldsberry Tel: 086 1383393 elaine.goldsberry@fdys.ie

IYMAS Wexford entry 2019 ‘Lively’

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○ WWETB Local Youth Club Grant Scheme 2021

The Local Youth Club Grant Scheme 2021 is now live for the Waterford and Wexford Education and
Training Board.

The Scheme supports voluntary youth club/group activities for young people; with priority given to
clubs/groups catering for young people aged 10 – 21. The primary focus of the Scheme is to assist
local volunteer-led youth clubs/groups that provide a programme of youth work activities for young
people. In addition, other clubs/groups that work with young people, but are not specifically
providing youth work, are also entitled to apply for funding under this scheme.

Please note: Clubs/Groups whose primary focus is sport are not eligible to receive funding under the
terms of this Scheme.

Information and Closing date:
Completed Application Forms must be returned to WWETB by Wednesday 28th April
2021. Application Forms should be fully completed, returned electronically as a Word Document
with typed signatures by email to Annadoyle@wwetb.ie

For further details see : http://waterfordwexford.etb.ie/youth-work-affairs/youthwork/news/

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● LGBTi Youth Strategy Capacity Building Grant for Family Support Services

The LGBTi Youth Strategy Capacity Building Grant for Family Support Services that is being launched
today. This is a joint initiative between the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration
and Youth and Tusla. Queries can be sent to lgbtiyouthstrategy@equality.gov.ie.


The initiative is open to

     1) Professional service providers, who provide family support services that have an identified
        need for capacity building in the area of assisting parents and carers in their role supporting a
        young person who has come out as LGBTI+.
     2) Professional service providers who deal with young people and youth services in
        collaboration with family support services.

A service may make one application in respect of a single project or on behalf of a number of
funded projects under their management or governance.

The initiative will target those who work or volunteer with young people aged 10 to 24 and their
families including:

        Tusla funded Family Support Services, including Family Resource Centres, Area–based
         Childhood Programmes, Child and Family Support Network members, Tusla Internal Family
         Support and Eligible Initiatives such as those working in the area of Domestic, Sexual and
         Gender-based Violence
        Family support services co-located with youth services
        DCEDIY funded Youth Services, including Youth Helplines who work in collaboration with
         family support services

Funding will be made available for the delivery of:

        evidence-based LGBTI+ training, mentoring and/or coaching;
        Continuing Professional Development (CPD) initiatives;
        development of guidelines targeted at Family Support Service providers, professional service
         providers and youth services

     The closing date for applications is 16th April 2021.

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● What Works : Sharing Knowledge Improving Childrens Futures
- Learning Together Fund

- Children & Youth Digital Solutions

- What Works Learning Strategy

The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman T.D.,
announced two new funding schemes, worth €800,000 and aimed at supporting staff and expanding
the use of technology in community and voluntary organisations working with children, young people
and their families.

The two schemes form part of the Department’s What Works Initiative, which looks to maximise the
impact of prevention and early intervention to improve outcomes for children and young people, and
is funded through Dormant Accounts. Alongside the two funding schemes, the Minister also launched
a new Learning Strategy for the What Works initiative.

The Learning Together Fund is open for applications from today (April 9 th), and will support
professionals working in children, youth and family services with their learning requirements, peer
interaction, project collaborations and knowledge dissemination. There is a total of €200,000 available
under this fund and organisations can apply for a maximum of €20,000.

Rethink Ireland have been allocated €600,000 in funding for the ‘Children and Youth Digital Solutions’
Fund, which will open for applications on 15th April 2021 and aims to help projects supporting
children and young people’s services to become more efficient, transparent, inclusive and accessible
by means of the innovative use of technology.

Minister O’Gorman also announced the publication of the What Works Learning Strategy. This
strategy is intended to improve the knowledge and skills of professionals working with children, young
people and their families to use prevention and early intervention. It sets out how learning is being
supported under What Works, and what the initiative will achieve in this area overall.
Minister O’Gorman said, ‘I am pleased that this strategy has been published. It sets out how we can
develop more learning opportunities, ultimately to improve outcomes for children and young people,
especially those who are vulnerable. I know learning under What Works has had a significant impact
already in supporting prevention and early intervention across the children’s sector and wider system
through events such as our Festival of Learning , but also that there are further opportunities and
needs to address in this important sector.’ More information on these funding measures, and the
Learning Strategy, is available on the What Works website.

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○ Wexford Garda Youth Awards – now open for nominations

An Garda Siochana in Wexford in association with Wexford County Council are delighted to launch the
5th Annual Wexford Garda Youth Awards for 2021. An Garda Síochána are delighted to be working
so closely with Wexford County Council again in presenting these annual awards that acknowledge
the brilliance of our young people in our local communities in County Wexford. The launch of these
annual awards is to acknowledge the achievements of young people who are making a difference in
their own lives and in their communities within the Wexford Garda Division. These Awards
acknowledge the endeavours of young people who have faced and overcome challenges in their lives.

Wexford County Council is delighted to be associated with this event and is privileged to be able to
support this worthwhile community initiative. Cllr. Michael Whelan, Chairman of the Joint Policing
Committee said “the Awards are an important opportunity for Wexford County Council and An
Garda Síochána to celebrate our exceptional young people and the contribution they make in their

This year, it is important to remember that due to Covid, there hasn’t been the same opportunity for
young people to become involved with activities or projects compared to previous years. However,
we have also witnessed that many young people were active on the ground throughout the Covid 19
crisis, volunteering and becoming involved in a variety of projects that supported both the vulnerable
in the community, and the frontline services.

In launching this year’s Awards, Inspector Graham Rowley of Wexford Garda Station, remarked “This
past year have presented unprecedented challenges for our community, we wish to recognise the
sacrifices made by young people, as they contribute to their community, both at a local level, and
also in wider areas. An Garda Síochána would like to acknowledge Wexford County Council for their
continued sponsorship of the Youth Awards, along with South East Radio (Mr Alan Corcoran ,
Morning Mix) and Wexford People Newspapers for their support”. Inspector Rowley further
commented that “every nominee will receive a certificate, this way all nominees are recognised for
their efforts, and the certificate is a very valuable item to have on a young person’s CV into the

As heretofore, awards will be presented in four categories:

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   Individual Award - Making a positive contribution to their community, making it a better place
        to live.
       Group Award - Group of two or more, making a positive contribution to their community,
        making it a better place to live.
       Special Achievement Award - Overcome difficult circumstances, defied all the odds and whose
        commitment deserves recognition.
       Community Safety Award - Through a crime prevention or safety initiative/innovation, have
        made their community a safer place to live.

Anyone can nominate a young person between the age of 13 and 21 years for an award. This year,
due to Covid 19, nominations will be completed through an online process, this is available through
the following link:


Details of this process will be distributed to schools, youth groups and voluntary organisations right
across Wexford in the coming days and will also be available upon request from your local Garda
Station, the closing date for nominations will be Monday the 10 th of May 2021 . A Judging Panel will
decide upon the Divisional Winners, the Judging Panel will also nominate an individual/ group to
represent Wexford for consideration at the National Garda Youth Awards. It is anticipated that the
awards will take place towards the end of June 2021. The Awards will be organised in adherence with
all Government Covid 19 guidelines.

Enquiries / Further Information : If anyone requires further information they can contact Inspector
Graham Rowley at wexford_ds@garda.ie , 053 9165280 or through their local Garda Station.

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○ Irish Youth Music Awards

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● Creative Youth Conference

A Creative Youth Conference, which takes place across 3 virtual, lunchtime events in April and May,
will examine the impact of the Creative Youth Plan since its publication in 2017 and shape discussion
around its future direction.

The main event “ Creativity – the connection to our future, now ” takes place on Thursday 13 May,
will be opened by Taoiseach Micheál Martin and will include addresses from Minister for Tourism,
Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport & Media, the Minister for Education and the Minister for Children,
Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth.

In advance of this however, we are hosting two online events next week which may be of interest to
you, tour colleagues and the community/voluntary groups you work with. Creative Youth in the
Education System ( Tuesday 13 April ) will focus on learnings that have emerged from education-
based creative initiatives and how these might influence future plans for the project. While Creative
Youth in the Community ( Thursday 15 April ) will look at how well creative projects are connecting
with young people, the positive outcomes for young people and how can we ensure equality of
access to creativity.

Creativity – the connection to our future, now - https://hopin.com/events/creativity-the-connection-

Creative Youth in The Education System - https://hopin.com/events/creative-youth-in-the-

Creative Youth in The Community https://hopin.com/events/creative-youth-in-the-community

Your input, given your unique perspective, into these events would be very welcome. Please
circulate the above details to anyone in your network who might benefit from attending.

Kindest Regards,

Adele Mealey,

Clár Éire Ildánach

Creative Ireland Programme Office

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● Engaging Men Webinar Series: Why Men's Health?

You are invited to the first in a series of webinars focused on Engaging Men. The Why Men’s Health?
webinar takes place on the 29th April from 12.00 – 13.00 and registration is here.

HSE Health and Wellbeing, together with the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland, the Men’s Development
Network and the Men’s Health Research Centre in IT Carlow will host this series of webinars which
will bring you expert insights about the work and learning from the delivery to date of the HSE National
Men’s Health Action Plan 'Healthy Ireland Men'.

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○ Webinar: Friday, 23rd April for Disabled People, families and carers on reducing stress
and increasing well-being – how to care for yourself and access psychosocial supports
during and after the pandemic

We are holding a similar webinar NEXT FRIDAY 23rd APRIL for DISABLED PEOPLE, THEIR FAMILIES AND
CARERS to provide them with supports around self-care during the pandemic.

Could you please send this information and registration link to the families and disabled people in
your service and support them to register for this webinar. The webinar will be recorded and will be
available on our website after the event.

Topic: Reducing stress and increasing well-being – how to care for yourself and access psychosocial
supports during and after the pandemic

Target Audience – people with disabilities, their families and carers who support them

Description: This webinar, hosted by the HSE Disability Services, will be held on Friday, 23rd April 2021
from 11:30am – 1:00pm.

The webinar will introduce participants to the National Psychosocial Response to COVID -19
Framework and will feature a number of speakers who will discuss the importance of wellness and
supporting one another, self-care and outline further practical support services that are available free
of charge to people with disabilities, their families and carers.

A disabled person will also speak about how he has coped during the pandemic.

The event is free to attend.

Please register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_b4d6t9ybQpyB7UlCYCbNwg

Please check your spam/junk folder after you register to ensure that you receive confirmation and
the link to join the webinar.

Warm regards,

Marie Kehoe-O’Sullivan, National Disability Specialist, Quality Improvement

If you have any queries regarding this webinar, please contact nicole.lam@hse.ie

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○ Wexford Communities 4 Climate Action Online Course

Wexford Communities 4 Climate Action is a FREE 4 week online course for communities in County
Wexford who want to engage practically with climate action and energy efficiency. Course
commences on 18th May 2021, limited places available.

For a summary of the course click here. Find out all you need to know in the course handbook.

Feedback from course participant in Kildare:
"Excellent, committed, passionate and knowledgeable tutors delivering an excellent course designed
to empower communities to collaborate and work together for climate action. So glad to have had
the opportunity to take this course."

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○ Media Literacy Ireland Public Webinar

Good afternoon,

I hope the week is treating you well so far.

This may have been shared with you already, but I'm sharing it just in case it wasn't and it's of
interest to you!

Headline is a member of the Media Literacy Network of Ireland and they've just rolled out this year's
#BeMediaSmart campaign. One of the big themes this year is a drive for more awareness on
misinformation and to give people the tools to recognise it when they come across it, and to be
more media smart in general.

Media Literacy Ireland are hosting a public webinar on the 27 th April at 2pm looking specifically at
misinformation and the Be Media Smart campaign.

Registration is open here : https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2-

Please feel free to share with your contacts also.

Hope you have a good afternoon.

Barbara Louise Brennan (She/Her)

See Change Team Lead

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● Living Well

               Are you living with long term side effects from COVID19 (6months or longer)?

                                       Are you struggling after having COVID19?


                          then the COVID19 Living Well programme may be for you.

                            BOOKINGS OPEN for Living Well/COVID19 Living Well

 Living Well is a free group Self-Management programme for adults living with long-term health conditions.

For bookings, enquiries or promotional material email selfmanagementsupportsSECH@hse.ie Or ring Catriona:
087 2939881 or 087 4088325

                                    The following support available for anyone who needs help;
                                      - One to one support
                                      - Loan of devices (tablets, cameras, headsets)
                                      - Tech support available for every programme

 2021 Living Well dates

 Programme   Day         Session          Dates                                                 Time

                         27 th April      4 th, 11 th, 18 th, 25 th May 2021, 1 st, 8 th June   2pm –       New date added
 2           Tuesdays    2021             2021                                                  4.30pm

                         6 th May         13 th, 20 th, 27 th May 2021, 3 rd, 10 th, 17 th      10.30am –   Only 3 spaces left
 3           Thursdays   2021             June 2021                                             1pm

                         14 th May        21 st, 28 th, May 2021, 4 th, 11 th, 18 th, 25 th     2pm –       Only 4 spaces left
 4           Fridays     2021             June 2021                                             4.30pm

                                                                                                            Programme available for
                         15 th June       22nd, 29th June, 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th                10am –      Long term COVID19
 5           Tuesdays    2021             July 2021                                             12.30pm     conditions

                           For More information see www.hse.ie/LivingWell.

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