West end Lane to FinchLey Road - Principles for a new place - draft supplementary Planning document January 2021 - Amazon AWS

Page created by Harold Peters
West end Lane to FinchLey Road - Principles for a new place - draft supplementary Planning document January 2021 - Amazon AWS
West End Lane to
      Finchley Road

      Principles for a new place

Draft Supplementary Planning Document
            January 2021

West end Lane to FinchLey Road - Principles for a new place - draft supplementary Planning document January 2021 - Amazon AWS

    1. Introduction								6

    2. The guidance: purpose and status					   7

    3. Vision and objectives							8

        A New Place								12
        A Different Pace							19
        A Sustainable and Resilient Place					 22

    4. Area and Site Context 						26
        Area and Site Analysis						27
        Local Engagement							40
        Policy Context							42

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West end Lane to FinchLey Road - Principles for a new place - draft supplementary Planning document January 2021 - Amazon AWS
To Hampstead

    Fortune Green

                                                                   Finchley Road
                                                                   & Frognal

       West Hampstead
                        West End Lane
       Thameslink                                       SPD AREA

                West Hampstead
                                                                                   Finchley Road

                                 West Hampstead
                                                                                     Finchley Road

                                          South Hampstead
                                                                                                   Swiss Cottage
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West end Lane to FinchLey Road - Principles for a new place - draft supplementary Planning document January 2021 - Amazon AWS
1.0 Introduction                                                                                          2.0 The guidance: purpose and status

1.1	The focus of this planning guidance is         this into sharper focus. This has revealed a           2.1	This document is intended to provide            co-ordinated and “joined-up” are encouraged so
the land and sites stretching from Finchley Road   number of inequalities and impacts; meaning            planning guidance and master planning               they can resolve existing problems and improve
town centre to the east through Blackburn Road     that not only is the nature of shopping and            principles to help guide future development of      integration with the wider area. The objectives
to West End Lane. Including the O2 Centre, its     leisure being re-evaluated, but also the way           this important area. It builds on established       and principles identified later on are therefore
associated car parking, Homebase retail store      we live, work and travel, not only now, but in         adopted planning policies and priorities for the    intentionally focussed on some key themes and
and neighbouring Audi/VW car showroom sites        the future. Alongside meeting the challenges of        O2 Car Park site and West Hampstead growth          opportunities that emerge from an assessment
there is a major opportunity for redevelopment     climate change, the resultant implications and         area, including the Camden Local Plan(2017)         of the local context and nature of the area and
to create a new place. Landsec, the O2 Centre      issues that need to be addressed range from the        Site Allocations Development Plan (2013) and        surroundings and associated key issues and
and Homebase site owners, are planning to          way new homes and workplaces are designed;             Neighbourhood Plan (2015).                          priorities identified through related policies,
bring forward comprehensive development            the sustainability of the delivery, distribution and                                                       aspirations and local community engagement.
proposals for this significant area. The owners    supply chains of goods and services; future car        2.2 	The wider O2 Centre site, adjacent
of the showrooms, 11,13 and Nido                   use; and the creation of the streets and spaces        car showrooms, former Asher House site on           2.5     As such, this document is not intended
student housing on Blackburn Road are also at      that make walking and cycling easier and safer.        Blackburn Road (now the Clockwork Factory)          to cover all the planning policies and standards
different stages in considering future                                                                    and 11 Blackburn Road have also been put            that may be relevant to future development set
redevelopment options.                             1.4	This also opens up the opportunity                 forward by their respective owners for future       out elsewhere, nor intended to create new policy
                                                   to consider the role and future of the O2              site allocations in a new Site Allocations Local    or allocate land, so it is being produced as
1.2     With significant and comprehensive         Centre itself. Its inclusion, as part of a more        Plan being prepared and subject of initial          supplementary guidance.
redevelopment now being considered, it is          comprehensive approach to redevelopment,               public consultation in 2020. With this parallel
proposed to bring forward complementary            could crucially open up substantial opportunities      production of a new plan, which will provide        2.6     With initial engagement with the
guidance to support the opportunities for an       to reassess, reshape and enhance the                   updated and more specific policy guidance on        Neighbourhood Development Forum,
integrated approach to proposals that can          attractiveness and accessibility of the shopping,      the development and use of land in the area,        landowners and other local stakeholders on
deliver a range of public benefits. These          recreational, employment and community “offer”         this guidance is intended to complement these       the emerging draft guidance, and following
benefits should help to meet our Camden            within new development to existing and future          evolving area and site policies and elaborate on    wider public consultation and any necessary
Plan ambitions, relevant Development Plan          local residents. It could also help create a higher    existing policies rather than duplicate them.       revisions, it is planned to adopt the document
policies and aspirations of the Fortune Green      quality and improved forms of development.                                                                 as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
and West Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan in                                                                  2.3 	This guidance is therefore focussed on         in Summer 2021. Drawing on the greater
relation to the O2 Centre site and its immediate   1.5      Importantly, whilst sites are in different    the area between West End Lane and Finchley         recognition of the role of design and “place”
surroundings.                                      ownerships, redevelopment options and                  Road covering these sites to establish and          in national and adopted development plan
                                                   design approaches should not be considered             illustrate some key principles and desirable        policies and guidance, it will not have the
1.3 	There is policy support for the               in isolation. They should consider how they            development outcomes for design teams               weight of adopted development plan policies
opportunities and principles of intensification    will contribute to a more inclusive and inviting       and developers to use in working up future          in the London Plan, Camden Local Plan, Site
in identified growth areas, such as West           new place that together help integrate new             proposals that support the overarching vision.      Allocations Plan and local Neighbourhood Plan.
Hampstead, and town centres and for                development with existing neighbourhoods and           However, the principles illustrated are not fixed   However, once adopted it will have weight as a
significant mixed use development, in particular   opens up benefits to the wider local community.        or inflexible and are intended to encourage and     “material consideration” in assessing the quality
for optimising the delivery of new housing.        This includes successfully delivering better           guide others in coming up with creative and         of proposals as they evolve and are submitted
However, changing patterns of shopping in a        accessibility, more attractive routes and spaces,      successful design solutions for proposals as        as planning applications.
pre-Covid pandemic world were already posing       and the facilities needed alongside proposed           they come forward.
questions over the future nature of high streets   new uses in a coordinated and comprehensive
and town centres and the pandemic has brought      way.                                                   2.4     It also aims to guide the complementary
                                                                                                          evolution of future development and
                                                                                                          improvement project proposals around the SPD
                                                                                                          area and to support comprehensive approaches
                                                                                                          and collaboration between landowners and
                                                                                                          with other stakeholders, including Network Rail
                                                                                                          (NR) , Transport for London (TfL) and London
                                                                                                          Underground(LUL). Schemes that are

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West end Lane to FinchLey Road - Principles for a new place - draft supplementary Planning document January 2021 - Amazon AWS
VISION                                                                      OBJECTIVES

     Comprehensive development and intensification of an insular, low
                                                                          With sustainability and health and well-being a common thread,
    density and poorly connected place should create a new residential
                                                                            and taking key messages, shared priorities and aspirations
    neighbourhood with different types of housing, including affordable
                                                                          outlined in policies, and expressed through engagement, three
       homes, that connects West End Lane and Finchley Road…
                                                                          closely interrelated overarching themes have been identified on
         …with variety in uses and activities, creating new                which our vision, objectives and principles have been based.
        opportunities for living, working, shopping, social interaction
                  and supporting health and well-being...

    …enhancing and integrating the existing town centres                                         A NEW PLACE
         of West Hampstead and Finchley Road, neighbourhoods
                  and an enviable transport network…

    …linked by direct and environmentally friendly walking routes and a                      A DIFFERENT PACE
        vastly more  attractive and inviting public realm,
             a network of inclusive new green spaces
          and improved connectivity, where the dominance of the                              A sustainable and
       car gives way to priority   for pedestrians and cyclists...                            resilient place

                   … that all positively combine to create
            a successful and sustainable new place
         where shops, places to work and community infrastructure

            are on the doorstep of not just a new socially diverse

                                                                             WEST END LANE
    residential neighbourhood, but also benefit existing neighbourhoods

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West end Lane to FinchLey Road - Principles for a new place - draft supplementary Planning document January 2021 - Amazon AWS

                A     We

                  West Hampstead

     West Hampstead
                      WEST END LANE

                                                                                                                     Finchley Road

                                      West Hampstead






                                                                                                  A B

                                                                  E R            A S U S TA I N
                                                              F                                                                      11

                                                        A DIF
West end Lane to FinchLey Road - Principles for a new place - draft supplementary Planning document January 2021 - Amazon AWS
Create a new neighbourhood

                                                      • Development must be based on a strong and               • A new place of distinct and diverse areas in
                                                        creative vision to deliver a new urban place              terms of design, uses and activity builds on
                                                        that positively responds to and integrates                the varying characters, scale and nature of
                                                        contrasting neighbouring areas                            adjoining areas and town centres.
                                                      • Through intensification, excellent design and           • Existing neighbourhoods and town centres
                                                        architecture a new neighbourhood should                   should become more connected by a direct
                                                        establish its own qualities and identity                  and attractive east-west walking route
                                                      • Development should be comprehensive                       through a new neighbourhood
                                                        and “joined up” and by making far more
                                                        effective use of land ensure that the delivery
                                                        of tangible benefits to the wider area can be
                                                      • A new neighbourhood should be a place
                                                        that is diverse, welcoming, inclusive and
                                                        accessible to all and not a gated community

                A new Place
     A new mixed use neighbourhood with its own
     distinct character: that integrates seamlessly
       into the wider city; that is a more outward
       looking and inclusive place of exceptional
     quality; and a contemporary and vibrant new
     neighbourhood for living and working, which
     also benefits neighbouring communities and
                      town centres                                                                                                                         Camden Goods Yard
                                                                                                                                                           - Allies and Morrison
                                                        New affordable homes and community play facilities as
                                                        part of Central Somers Town, Adam Khan Architects


                                                      West Hampstead Thameslink

                                                      West Hampstead

                                                                                                                                           Finchley Road

                                                           West Hampstead

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West end Lane to FinchLey Road - Principles for a new place - draft supplementary Planning document January 2021 - Amazon AWS
A new mixed use place                                                                                       ENHANCED VITALITY OF FINCHLEY ROAD AND WEST
                                                                                                                                                          END LANE TOWN CENTRES
•    A residential led mixed –use place can be                        •    The mix should include replacement and                              • Development should contribute to West End       • A new residential and working population
     created where the potential for new housing                           new uses and activities such as workspaces                            Lane and Finchley Road as distinct centres        should create a new customer base and
     is optimised and development provides                                 and jobs, shops and supporting social and                             with different functions, characters and choice   wider catchment supporting each town centre
     significant new housing of different types,                           community infrastructure, including health                            of shops and services that see each centre        thrive in their own ways, where more people
     including family sized homes and genuinely                            facilities, where new demands are created                             benefit from a wider and more connected new       can be attracted to shop locally
     affordable housing at social rent levels                         •    A denser mix of uses and activities should                            neighbourhood area                              • Development and associated public realm
•    Redevelopment of the O2 Centre as                                     create more engaging, active and safer                              • A chance to create and integrate existing         improvements, including a high quality
     part of a more comprehensive approach                                 streets, places and spaces throughout the                             and new retail, leisure and community uses        pedestrian route linking West End Lane and
     should deliver demonstrably higher quality                            day and night                                                         successfully within both a new place and          Finchley Road, can be used to present new
     outcomes that integrates new development                         •    Intensification can be delivered in different                         with existing local neighbourhoods and town       “front doors” into and from West Hampstead
     seamlessly with the wider area and deliver                            forms and building typologies and the                                 centres                                           and Finchley Road town centres
     benefits in terms of new spaces and walking                           acceptability of the scale and height of                            • New uses should complement, support and                               • Development can encourage investment and
     routes, where a range of retail, leisure and                          buildings will be determined by a range                               add to (rather than compete with) the vitality                          improvements to other land and properties
     community uses are adequately reprovided.                             of factors. These include design quality,                             and diversity of existing town centres                                  around the SPD area and in local centres
•    New and replacement uses should                                       delivery of much needed affordable housing,
     complement and add to the mix and                                     the quality of the public realm and size of
     character of uses across areas and                                    open spaces, supporting social infrastructure
     neighbourhoods– not a “one size fits all”                             and the impact on the character of
     approach , but with diverse types and scale                           neighbourhoods, views and skyline.
     of uses and activities created within an
     overall masterplan

                                                                                                                                               Central Parade, Walthamstow (Gort Scott) - Mixed-use scheme provides
                                                                                                                                               a bakery, café and events space, retail spaces and coworking areas
                                                                                                                                               with meeting rooms and studio units for up to 50 independent creative
                                                                                                                                               businesses. The basement includes rehearsal spaces and recording

East Grove, Elephant Park (AHMM) mid-rise blocks on podium with       Agar Grove Plot B, Hawkins\Brown with Mae, LBC (Image: ForbesMassie)                                                                             Tidemill Academy and Deptford Lounge (PTE) - A new civic heart
Trafalgar Place (by drmm) - Communal garden courtyard active ground   The development follows the principles of Passivhaus architecture,                                                                               Deptford town centre. The projects combines a primary academy, district
floor uses facing onto central green space                            allowing for greater energy performance and cutting down fuel poverty.                                                                           library, community centre, artists’ studios, affordable homes and a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       market square
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West end Lane to FinchLey Road - Principles for a new place - draft supplementary Planning document January 2021 - Amazon AWS
A new “front door” from Finchley Road to a
                new neighbourhood                                                                                                          KEY
                                                                                                                                                 Existing building footprints
Major development creates the opportunity to         •   Locate high quality activated public spaces
take a fresh look at the O2 Centre to consider its       and routes closer to Finchley Road that look                                            Indicative building frontages
future role and relationship with the town centre        onto and contribute to the vitality of the high
and Finchley Road. Any development should                street                                                                                  New east west pedestrian and cycle route
meet the following objectives:                       •   Introduce new retail frontages designed to                                              Vehicle, cycle and pedestrian streets
• Support strong, inclusive and sustainable              respond more appropriately to the adjacent
                                                                                                                                                 Pedestrian and cycle routes
  economic renewal and enhance the vibrancy              terrace and prevailing high street townscape
  of Finchley Road as a town centre and local                                                                                                    Public open space
  high street
                                                                                                                                                 Public green open space
• Successfully unlock a “backland” area that         Though it would limit the ability to deliver
  integrates with the town centre and facilitates    a number of important objectives and                                                        Biodiversity corridors
  direct and attractive pedestrian and cycle         opportunities, if the O2 Centre were to be
  friendly routes through a new neighbourhood        retained as a part of proposals it would need                                               Street trees
  to West End Lane                                   to embed itself far more successfully with the                                              Active Frontages
                                                     existing town centre to create a new mixed-use
• Create a community asset of an inclusive and
                                                     place. This would require significant intervention                                          Key intersection
  convenient place to meet and socialise
                                                     and improvement to achieve the following:
• Make access, entrances and routes into and
                                                     •   A more inviting, interesting and stimulating
  from development inviting, attractive and
                                                         mixed use destination, providing the retail,
  interesting – to draw people through to new
                                                         leisure, working and community uses that
  uses, spaces and facilities
                                                         can attract and employ local residents
• Significantly improve the pedestrian and
                                                     •   A more welcoming pedestrian and cycle
  streetscape quality of this part of Finchley
                                                         entry into new development through
                                                         measures such as improved crossings,
                                                         reduced traffic lanes, wider footways,
Redevelopment of the O2 centre as part of a              greening and animating the sides of the O2                               road
comprehensive approach would be more likely              centre                                                       black

to support delivery of these objectives and also
                                                     •   More active and engaging frontages,
open up other opportunities to:

                                                         entrances and streetscapes at ground floor

•    Create a modern, flexible and adaptable             level on all public facing sides

     retail and leisure environment that is

                                                     •   A more open, clearer and more accessible
     designed for the high street of the future
                                                         route through the centre
•    Create a new set back building line to
                                                     •   A high quality urban space to the rear that
     increase pavement width and introduce tree
                                                         can integrate the existing with the new and is
     planting along Finchley Road
                                                         designed for people and not the car
•    Form more accessible level changes

     on Finchley Road into and from new
     development                                                                                                                                          Finchley Road

•    Provide different routes that align more with
     movement choices and destinations (eg road
     crossings, public transport and other shops)
     to create a more permeable place                                                                                                    Potential comprehensive redevelopment

                                                                                      *                    If 02 Centre
16                                                                                                                                                                                17
                                                                                                           is retained
West end Lane to FinchLey Road - Principles for a new place - draft supplementary Planning document January 2021 - Amazon AWS
An attractive and welcoming place
                                         off West End Lane
       • Development along Blackburn Road from                     KEY
         West End Lane should be used to create
                                                                          Existing building footprints
         a more coherent and engaging street and
         an effective transition between the existing                     Indicative building frontages
         town centre and a new residential led
         neighbourhood                                                    New east west pedestrian and cycle route
       • New development should facilitate and/or                         Vehicle cycle and pedestrian street
         improve pedestrian and cycle access through
         improvements to the streetscape quality from                     Pedestrian and cycle streets
         West End Lane through Blackburn Road to                          Public open space
         reflect an enhanced role as a key entrance
         into major new development                                       Public green open space
       • The public realm from West End Lane,                             Biodiversity corridors
         Blackburn Road, Billy Fury Way and around
         Granny Dripping Steps should be improved                         Active Frontages
         to create attractive spaces connecting with
                                                                          Set buildings back and improved passive
         new pedestrian/cycle routes through to
         Finchley Road                                                    surveillance.
                                                                                                                             A DIFFERENT PACE
       • Redevelopment opportunities should be used                       Landscaping on Billy Fury Way
         to address safety and access issues along
         Billy Fury Way; these could include setting                                                                       A more connected and liveable place;
         buildings back, path widening, improved                                                                      successfully integrating a new neighbourhood
         lighting, more active frontages, passive                                                                    with existing neighbourhoods and town centres,
         surveillance and creation of new routes and                                                                   and where, through healthy street principles,
         spaces to offer improved walking choices                                                                    greater priority is given to walking, cycling and
                                                                                                                       stopping to enjoy new spaces and activities
                                                                                                                      in a more accessible and inclusive place with
                                                                                                                        attractive and safe routes and public realm


                 West End Lane


West Hampstead                                              NIDO

                                          n ro
                                                                         GRANNY DRIPPINGS

       18                                                                                                                                                                    19

                   West Hampstead
A new route connecting Finchley Road and                                                                An even better public transport network
                  West End Lane
• Access through and around the SPD area            • Route(s) designed for pedestrians and              • Productive relationships should be              • The feasibility of a potential new link
  should be improved with a futureproof               cyclists should have a clear purpose and,            established with key transport stakeholders to    into Finchley Road Station through new
  masterplan for a network of permeable and           along with new public spaces, be sufficiently        identify potential impacts on transport network   development needs to be explored
  pleasant routes and spaces that help connect        segregated from the potential noise, air             connectivity, accessibility and capacity to     • Cycle routes and cycle storage facilities
  new development(s) into the wider area              quality and safety impacts of railways,              manage and address any significant increase       should be designed and located so that they
                                                      servicing and other vehicle movements                in population
• A strong, convenient and direct east-west                                                                                                                  integrate with existing and planned future
  route linking Finchley Road into West End         • Non-vehicular routes should be designed in         • Development should be used to provide             local cycle networks
  Lane should be created - this needs to be           ways that pedestrians and cyclists can safely        better access to public transport networks      • Bus stops should be conveniently and
  a generous, 24-hour, open, green, well-             use together                                         through providing new routes and improving        accessibly located near entrances to shops
  overlooked and inclusive “street” - but not for                                                          existing connections, the public realm and        and facilities
  vehicles                                                                                                 environment around transport facilities
                                                                                                                                                           • Any bus turnaround and bus stands should
• Main and secondary route(s) should provide           KEY                                               • Opportunities to create a new link/step free      be incorporated in a suitable location and
  an engaging, enjoyable and safe experience                                                               access through new development into West
                                                              Existing building footprints                                                                   high quality way as part of an integrated
  to encourage walking - with areas of                                                                     Hampstead Station needs to be explored            servicing and vehicle access strategy, that
  different character and detail, punctuated                  New east west pedestrian and cycle route                                                       does not diminish the quality of routes,
  with activation by different uses, spaces and
                                                                                                                                                             spaces and the public realm
  passive surveillance (e.g. from shopfronts,                 Alternative east west pedestrian and
  windows, balconies, terraces and front doors)               cycle route
                                                              Vehicle, cycle and pedestrian streets
                                                                                                                           Reduce cars and car parking
                                                              Pedestrian and cycle routes
                                                              Public open space
                                                                                                         • To meet Camden’s air quality, zero               • New development should support a
                                                              Key intersection                             carbon and transport strategy objectives           pedestrian focussed future; where the
                                                                                                           the dominance of car parking should be             hierarchy of transport priorities gives priority
                                                                                                           eliminated as far as possible                      to walking, cycling and public transport
                                                                                                         • The impacts of car parking should be             • Development should facilitate reduced car
                                                                                                           designed out; not only by numbers, but             use and support the shift from the car to
                                                                                                           physically and visually where any parking is       sustainable modes of transport– through
                                                                                                           subservient and does not compromise the            alternatives, disincentives and where car free
                                                                                                           quality of new development and a new place         is the starting point for new development

Alfred Place, West End Project, Camden

 West Hampstead Thameslink

                                                                                                                        Minimise impact of servicing and

 West Hampstead
                                                                                                                                operational land

                                                                                       Finchley Road
                                                                                       Station           •   Development should reduce, design out          •   Innovative and sustainable approaches
                                                                                                             and “soften” the visual and physical impacts       to deliveries and servicing, waste, and
                               West Hampstead                                                                of transport infrastructure, servicing and         facilities management are needed for future
                                                                                                             operational land so that the quality of new        development and uses.
                   West E

                                                                                                             development is not compromised and

                                                                                                             potential conflicts with pedestrians and

20                                                                                                                                                                                                          21
                                                                                                             cyclists are minimised

                                                         • Development should include a variety of           • Site layouts and location of new buildings
                                                           publicly accessible and inclusive spaces            should be used to create and frame public
                                                           with a range of sizes, forms and functions          open spaces in ways that the quality
                                                           including an urban public space to the east         and inclusivity of public spaces are not
                                                           and a large public green space to the west          compromised, e.g. where microclimate,
                                                         • Spaces should be tailored to support new            design and dominance of buildings or
                                                           and existing communities offering elements of       proximity of windows could deter use of
                                                           tranquillity, spaces to socialise and play, and     spaces, or make them feel private.
                                                           add to nature and biodiversity.
                                                         • New development will also require additional      KEY
                                                           spaces and greening for new homes and
                                                           other uses. Including gardens, courtyards,              New east west pedestrian and cycle route
                                                           terraces, balconies and green roofs,
                                                           these should provide communal spaces to                 Alternative east west pedestrian and cycle
                                                           encourage social interaction and reduce                 route
                                                           isolation and secure, overlooked spaces to
                                                                                                                   Public green open space
                                                           enable children to play in safety.
            A SUSTAINABLE AND                            • Development creates the opportunity to                  Biodiversity corridors
                                                           strengthen existing biodiversity corridors
             RESILIENT PLACE                               along railways and improve railway edges
                                                                                                                   Public open space
                                                           through softening/greening, e.g. tree planting,
                                                           living green walls, improved boundary
      A greener and environmentally friendly place;
                                                           treatments, community food growing (whilst
     where a network of green and urban spaces of          retaining maintenance and emergency
     different forms and functions form a key part of      access).
      ambitious development and design strategies
        that incorporate recognised and innovative
       measures to reduce environmental impacts
     and create a resilient place that is designed for
                 longevity and adaptability


                                                              West Hampstead Thameslink

                                                              West Hampstead

                                                                                                                                               Finchley Road

                                                                                  West Hampstead

22                                                                                                                                                               23
Environmental and                                                                               implementation and delivery
                       sustainable development

• A sustainable new place should be created         • Proposals which involve demolition of existing   • Design should be futureproof, enduring and        • Business continuity is encouraged as far as
  with ambitious and innovative environmental         buildings and justified in supporting other        flexible that can be adapted to respond to          possible until comprehensive redevelopment
  and energy strategies, that is resilient to the     planning objectives and public benefits            change and future needs                             comes forward and the temporary or
  challenge of climate change and contributes         should follow the Mayor of London’s whole        • Depending on the extent of replacement car          “meanwhile” use of land and buildings of
  towards improving air quality and a zero            life carbon guidance and build in the key          parking to futureproof designs to facilitate        vacant buildings for appropriate cultural,
  carbon future                                       principles of a low carbon circular economy:       potential further reduction in car parking in the   leisure, business or retail activities to maintain
• Measures to tackle the sources of air pollution     to reclaim, recycle and reuse materials,           future                                              activity during phased development would be
  and improve air quality should be prioritised,      minimise waste and divert waste from landfill                                                          supported
                                                      and to utilise materials with low embodied       • Landowners are encouraged to work
  including efficient delivery and servicing
                                                      carbon content                                     collaboratively and co-operatively on common • Phases of comprehensive development
  methods; switching to cleaner fuels and lower                                                          objectives and regeneration outcomes and to         should aim to stand by themselves as a
  emission vehicles and through reduced car         Development should contribute further to             ensure that individual schemes or phases of a       coherent part of an emerging urban fabric
  use with major development targeting World        circular economy principles, such as:                comprehensive masterplan do not prejudice         • Effective communication and engagement
  Health Organization air quality objectives              • Creating a more liveable “15 minute”         or undermine the delivery of other schemes,         with existing and new residents throughout
• Working as part of a green infrastructure                 place- where the strengths and               benefits and associated improvements                project development and construction phases
  network, sustainable drainage measures,                   proximities of existing neighbourhoods       beyond individual site boundaries                   will be needed.
  e.g. trees and planting, green roofs, water               are realised and where existing and        • To assist in the achievement of the vision
  features and rain gardens, should be used                 new homes,shops, places to work and          and objectives in this guidance and emerging
  to make development resilient to flood risk,              local facilities become closer to each       policy, the Council would, in appropriate
  reduce pressure on the sewer network, and                 other and more conveniently reached          circumstances, consider the use of statutory
  achieve zero surface water run-off using soil           • Supporting the uses and social               powers, such as compulsory purchase and
  infiltration and rain and waste water recycling           infrastructure where communities             the over-riding of easements and other rights,
• The feasibility of establishing a site wide               can access and take part in a sharing        where these may be necessary to deliver
  zero emission energy strategy should be                   economy, including social enterprises,       more publicly beneficial development.
  assessed, which maximises the use of                      local production such as food growing      • Development should be coordinated
  secondary, waste and renewable heat to                    (where food waste can be recycled as         across ownerships and phased to minimise
  meet on-site energy demands                               compost), and recycling/upcycling and        disruption to local communities and to sustain
• Renewable onsite energy generation and                    repairing projects                           the occupation of buildings and provision of
  energy efficiency should be maximised             • The design of homes and workplaces should          existing facilities and services for as long as
  including optimising the potential for solar        be adaptable and support changing living and       possible.
  energy generation and managing solar gain           work patterns; from suitable external amenity
  and overheating risk through appropriate            spaces to high quality digital networks
  building orientations                             • The sustainable movement of goods,
• Proposals involving substantial demolition          materials and waste should be employed
  and reconstruction should be fully justified        during both construction and operation of new
  in terms of the consideration of feasible           buildings and uses, and the opportunities for
  and viable alternatives and optimisation of         utilising rail transport should be explored.
  resources and energy use, in comparison
  with existing buildings, through a whole life
                                                                                                                                                                   Skip Garden, King’s Cross (Image: John Sturrock)
  carbon assessment.                                                                                                                                        Provide places for the community to take ownership and access
                                                                                                                                                                  to nature through gardens, play areas and learning.

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                  25
site context

                             3.1 	Stretching between Finchley Road to              character is redolent of a suburban shopping
                             the east and West End Lane to the west and            centre and atypical for an inner London area
                             created from (and shaped by) a railway and            like Camden. “Of its time”, this creates both
                             industrial legacy, the rear of the O2 Centre and      the need and the opportunities for fundamental
                             adjacent sites sit as a significant and distinct      and positive change, which responds to the
                             island of land cut-off from largely residential       character and nature of surrounding areas.
                             areas to the north and south of railways and
                             sitting between Finchley Road and West                3.4	There is the opportunity to review the
                             Hampstead town centres and neighbourhoods,            role of the O2 Centre in light of the challenges
                             each with their own distinct characters.              that are facing the retail and leisure sectors,
                                                                                   including whether it would be beneficial for it to
                             3.2     Following a variety of retail led proposals   be redeveloped to create a more modern and
                             emerging in the 1980’s, the O2 Centre, car            attractive town centre “offer” in this location,
                             park and adjoining retail warehouse (occupied         including the type of replacement and new retail,
                             by Homebase) were built in the late 1990s on          eating and leisure uses that local people value
                             former railway sidings and associated industrial      and would want to use. We would therefore
                             land. Blackburn Road retains elements of the          support ambitions to incorporate the centre itself
                             industrial legacy terminated abruptly at the end      into more comprehensive site proposals if this
                             by car showroom sites built in the early 2000’s       would help achieve better outcomes from higher
                             to the rear of the O2 Centre land.                    quality redevelopment.

     area and site context   3.3 	An overriding characteristic of the O2           3.5 	The following sections look at some of
                             and adjacent sites is the insular nature; in the      the key characteristics, features, and constraints
                             middle of, but divorced from, well-established        that make up and contribute to the SPD area.
                             neighbourhoods. With a layout of large and            These will influence and shape appropriate
                             predominantly low-rise buildings, sitting in          approaches for new development proposals to
                             parking and servicing dominated areas of land,        consider and identify the potential impacts and
                             the current uses are poorly integrated with           local needs that high quality design, new uses
                             the neighbouring areas of Finchley Road and           and improved infrastructure, alongside other
                             West End Lane. This inefficient use of land and       relevant mitigation measures, should look to

26                                                                                                                               27
Area and site analysis
                                                                                                              Lymington Road and Dresden Close
                                                                                                              •   The more traditional character of Lymington Road gives way to the distinct
                                                                                                                  linear layout of the 1980s Dresden Close estate.
                                     Lymington Road                                                           •   More recent housing blocks and crescent terrace at Lithos Road highlight
                                     and dresden close                                                            the challenges of being hemmed in by railway lines on either side, with
                                                                                                                  Billy Fury Way being the only direct pedestrian route going west.
                        West End                                                      Road                    •   Rosemont Road connects east to Finchley Road and has an industrial
                        Lane                                                                                      mews feel, characterised by garages and small scale businesses below
     west Hampstead                                 area of focus                                             •   The railways and level changes have created embankments where
                                                                                                                  mature greenery has been established and an area of the railside corridor
                                                                                                                  is identified as part of a Site of Borough Grade I Importance for Nature
      west End Square
                                                   Broadhurst Gardens
                                                   and south hampstead                                        West End Lane
                                                                                                              •   West Hampstead town centre is characterised by its mainly small scale
                                                                                                                  independent shops and businesses and Victorian and Edwardian flats and
                          Broadhurst Gardens and South Hampstead                                                  mansion blocks
                                                                                                              •   Character is distinguished by three separate train stations - which
                          •   A strong contrast to the busy Finchley Road gives way to quieter streets            generate activity around the town centre, but create congestion on the
                              and other residential neighbourhoods.                                               relatively narrow street and pavements.
                          •   Canfield Place has an industrial mews character made up of small houses         •   Noticeable difference in the qualities of the southern and northern sections
                              and businesses.                                                                     of the shopping street - with a more fragmented appearance , generally
                          •   Broadhurst Gardens going west is characterised by its relationship to               poorer maintained properties and lower quality retail frontages around the
                              the railway running parallel to its north side with a green edge to part of         stations and southern end
                              the street before a section characterised by 1950s linear blocks of flats       •   The northern section of the street is more historically intact and has a
                              (“Broadfield”). The west end of Broadhurst Gardens is an extension of the           more coherent appearance and “feel”
                              small scale and independent retail character of West Hampstead town             •   Off West End Lane, Blackburn Road retains vestiges of an industrial past,
                              centre.                                                                             but with fenced off car parking areas, storage yards and fencing to the
                          •   The wider South Hampstead conservation area is an example of the leafy              railways, it is not a particularly inviting street, with an illegible route into the
                              Victorian and Edwardian suburb with generous treed streets of substantial           O2 Centre and towards Finchley Road.
                              houses and mansion blocks.

                          Finchley Road                                                                       West Hampstead
                          •   Finchley Road is a more obviously metropolitan town centre, serving both        •   With West End Lane as its spine, the West End Green Conservation
                              local needs and a wider catchment                                                   Area and adjacent residential areas around the town centre and moving
                          •   Centred around, but dissected by, the busy A41 road corridor, the volume            into Fortune Green are strongly characterised by mainly Victorian and
                              of traffic creates barriers to convenient movement and contributes to a less        Edwardian terraced housing and mansion blocks
                              than attractive shopping and visitor environment.
                          •   Whilst vestiges of original Victorian/Edwardian parades remain, the
                              character is more fragmented and diverse on the west side around
                              Finchley Road and Frognal station and south from the O2 Centre
                                                                                                              West End Square (Ballymore Development)
                              towards Swiss Cottage – this encompasses inter-war and more recent
                              development with larger shops and other uses, such as hotels and offices,       •   This forms a mini-character zone with its set-back public space and
                              in taller and larger scale buildings and a more diverse palette of materials.       perpendicular blocks, which pick up on the colour palette of local
                          •   The O2 Centre makes its own dominant impact in terms of massing and                 materials.
                              footprint, contrasting with the general character and local grain.              •   The layout and intensification on this comparable former railway land
                          •   There are noticeable level changes either side of Finchley Road with land           island site highlights the influence of adjacent railways in terms of design;
                              and markedly quieter residential streets (forming parts of Frognal and              illustrated, for example, through raised open spaces and relatively long,
28                            Fitzjohns conservation areas) rising eastwards towards Hampstead                    narrow and utilitarian one-sided linear access                            29
Movement and Public Transport Connections                                                                                  Destinations: Local facilities and open space

3.6 	The area has enviable public transport          carried out initial feasibility work on options,                      3.10 Whilst there is a range of local                          role). Also, to improve or provide the services
connections (reflected in the generally high         which require more detailed assessments.                              community and social infrastructure in relatively              and local infrastructure to support a growing
Public Transport Accessibility Levels across                                                                               close proximity, a theme commonly revealed                     and changing population, ranging from healthy
the area covered). With a number of local bus        3.8     The quality of choices and environments                       through community engagement, and expressed                    and walkable streets and public transport
routes around West End Lane and Finchley             for the pedestrian or cyclist are generally poorer.                   through the Neighbourhood Plan, is the concern                 accessibility; to energy generation and water
Road(which also has national bus service             The relatively narrow nature of West End Lane                         about how growth places additional pressure on                 supply capacity; to local health services.
stops), to the train and underground services        sees busy periods of pedestrian and traffic                           local services and resources.
connecting across London and beyond,                 congestion around the stations and crossings,                                                                                        3.12	This access to local services is not solely
including to Luton and Gatwick Airports,             warranting demands for a better public realm                          3.11 This identifies the need to consider and,                 limited to meeting increased demands, and
significant travel choices are available. Large      and safer, wider pavements. Finchley Road is a                        where appropriate, address the impacts on                      which may need to involve and be delivered by
numbers of people use the stations on a daily        town centre divided by heavy north-south traffic                      health, wellbeing and local facilities arising from            other agencies, but also about enabling people
basis, either for starting or ending journeys or     flows and the junction and current entrance road                      major developments and increased population.                   to get to and use existing and potential new
interchanging between the different services         into the SPD area are not pedestrian friendly                         This includes ways to improve and create                       facilities and services in more convenient and
and destinations.                                    and the location/environment of bus stops                             more accessible public open spaces (many                       accessible ways, and also having improved
                                                     (routes 187 and 268) sit detached from main                           designated local open spaces are private and/                  choices to remain in the area as household
3.7    Future proposals with implications for the    entrances.                                                            or inaccessible, and green ecological corridors                circumstances change.
interchange include the West London Orbital                                                                                alongside railways serve a distinct biodiversity
route set out in the Mayors Transport Strategy,      3.9	The railways limit both north-south and
                                                                                                                           1                                          2                                                  3
with further destinations to west London, and        east-west movement choices, with uninviting
a new Thameslink station (Brent Cross West)          and unsafe railway paths and bridge (Granny
serving the expansion of Brent Cross and             Dripping Steps) to Broadhurst Gardens offering
associated redevelopment of the area. Whilst         unattractive alternatives. The car showrooms at
capacity and access improvements have                Blackburn Road and the O2 Centre car park and
taken place at the Thameslink and overground         the lack of a clear and attractive route through
stations themselves, improved capacity and           compound the disconnection between what are
accessibility at West Hampstead Underground          relatively close town centres, neighbourhoods                              Hampstead & Cumberland Clubs                   Crown Close Open Space                               Broadhurst Gardens
station is a very high local priority and TfL have   and transport networks.                                                   Sports grounds in private ownership.       Children’s play area and small park.               Children’s play area and small park
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                TO HAMPSTEAD HEATH

                          to luton                                                                                                                                                                                                        hampstead

                                                                                                            to stratford

                                                                                                          to kings cross                                                                                                             Road
                                                                                                                                                                                            West end
                                                                                    finchley road
                                                                                    and frognal                                                                                             lane

                                                                                                                                      Green Corridors along                                                      2
                                                                                                                                       railway lines (SINC)
                                                      west hampstead
                                                      thames link
                                                           west hampstead
                                                                                                finchley road                                                                                    4
                                                                                                station                             Open space
KEY                                                          west hampstead

                                      to stanmore
                                                                                                                                    Privately owned or hard
      Metropolitan Line underground                                                                                                 to access open space                                                                                          SWISS COTTAGE

      Jubilee Line underground        to richmond/
                                                                                                                                    Town Centres
      Overground                                                                                                 central            Community facilities
                                                                                                                                    Health facilities
                                                                                                                                    Train Stations
      Guidance Boundary
                                                                                                                                    Guidance Boundary
30                                                                                                  to central london
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         TO REGENTS PARK      31
Building Massing and Heights                                                                                Land Ownership

3.13 The wider area around the main roads           north along West End Lane, sharply up to            1                                                       4
is broadly characterised by typically scaled        Finchley Road and then further to the north
Victorian and Edwardian housing in the              east (a difference of c. 38m over about 800m).
form of terraces and flats above shops, and         With these changes in levels across the                                       14 Blackburn Road                              Nido Student Housing
interspersed with more substantial mansion          area generally, and across the area of focus,
blocks. Larger scale buildings and increased        the topography will shape and influence the
heights are found around Finchley Road              acceptability and potential scale and height
and Swiss Cottage. Examples of taller and           of buildings and this will vary depending on        2                                                       5
differently scaled buildings in recent local        their proposed siting, disposition (including
developments include West Hampstead Square,         orientation, form, proportion, skyline/roofscape
                                                                                                                                  11 Blackburn Road                              Car show rooms
the Nido student block at Blackburn Road and        and materials) and visual impact in identified
housing approved as part of the Kingsgate           longer and shorter views. These level changes
Primary School CIP scheme on Liddell Road.          will also have an impact on the approaches to
Whilst optimising the use of land is supported,     improving accessibility and movement across
these are not benchmarks, and designs should        the SPD area.                                       3                                                       6
respond appropriately to their context.
                                                    3.15 	There are no strategic London viewing                                   13 Blackburn Road                              02 Centre and Carpark and
                                                    corridors affecting the area, however, depending                                                                             Homebase
3.14 There are evident changes in levels
across the wider area. From the middle of the       on the nature and potential scale of proposed

current O2 site, land rises to the west and         development, possible impacts in relation to

                                                    conservation areas and significant local and


                                                    wider views (eg from rising land to the north and

                                                    north-east and elevated areas such as Primrose

                                                    Hill and Hampstead Heath)may arise. These
                                                    need to be considered and subject to more
                                                    detailed assessment and testing.                                                                                6
                                                                                                                                              4   5

                                  Level Changes
                                                                                                            Site issues and constraints
                                                                                                            3.16	The issues and constraints affecting           up to form distinct physical and psychological
                                                                                                            the SPD area are various and evident; with          barriers between town centres, neighbourhoods
                                                                                                            extensive surface parking and a dominating          and public transport networks and the various
                                                                                                            service road, large low density retail warehouse    local services and facilities that each can
                                                                                                            and showrooms with blank and inactive public        offer to residents, workers and shoppers, and
                                                                                                            facing elevations; and hemmed in by railways        create obstacles and disincentives to walking
                                                                                                            and related infrastructure to the north and south   and cycling between them. Design teams will
                                                                                                            requiring adequate maintenance access.              be challenged to come up with the necessary
                                                                                                                                                                creative solutions needed to overcome these
                                                     KEY                                                    3.17 The general environment and quality of         issues, so the expected high design quality of
  8+ Storeys    3-6 Storeys     Guidance                   Conservation areas                               the public realm is poor and uninviting to the      future proposals are not compromised, and
  6-8 Storeys   1-3 Storeys     boundary                   Views to consider                                large residential catchment area surrounding the    positive change can be achieved.
                                                           Guidance boundary
                                                                                                            site. These conditions and characteristics add
32                               Building Heights                                                                                                                                                          33
Site Context and Constraints

1. Poor access                                        2. Rail Severance                                     4. Poor public realm                               5. Railway access zones adjacent
                                                                                                                                                               to rail tracks and below ground
•    All existing routes to and through current       •       Railways to the north and south act as        •   Designed for and around the car, car parking   services
     sites have failings, with no clear, legible or           barriers segregating the area from its            and service vehicles
     attractive pedestrian routes, and need to be             surroundings.                                 •   Edges shaped by railway infrastructure and     •   Rail infrastructure places some restrictive/
     improved.                                        •       Creates an “island site”                          access requirements                                protective limits on the proximity, location
•    The steep route from Finchley Road is the                                                              •   Utilitarian fencing and boundary and surface       and nature of development
     main vehicular way in or out of the area, but                                                              treatments                                     •   6 metre exclusion zone to southern LUL
     not designed with the pedestrian or cyclist in                                                         •   Secondary and “ back of house”- uninviting         operational land including tracks and sub-
     mind                                                                                                       particularly from the west                         station and for development within 50 metres
•    An internal route through the O2 Centre                                                                •   Could be vulnerable to anti-social behaviour       of TfL infrastructure details of proposed
     is limited to opening hours and involves                     55.86     49.31    47.97    55.09                                                                works must be provided to protect LUL
     wayfinding between different levels of the                                                                                                                    infrastructure.
     centre                                                                                                                                                    •   A 15 metre zone to northern Network Rail
•    Other pedestrian and cycle routes to and                                                                                                                      operational land requires relevant consents
     through the area are in various ways                                                                                                                          for develoment in close proximity
     unattractive, convoluted or feel unsafe,                                                                                                                  •   Access points required
     including the approach into and across the
                                                                                                                                                               •   Underground sewer at north-east corner
     O2 car park via Blackburn Road from the
                                                                                                                                                                   of O2 site and under/near Homebase will
     west and railway path and “Granny Dripping
                                                                                                                                                                   influence nature of buildings, other works
     Steps” bridge routes.                                3. Change in levels                                                                                      and construction methods

                                                          •    A 7 metre level change between Finchley
                                                               Road and West End lane levels to the lower
                                                               level of the 02 car park
                                                          •    Level changes create accessibility issues                                                                                                   35
A Changing context

                                                                                                         3.18 The SPD area sits close to an area that        3.20 A number of developments have been
                                                                                                         has been seeing substantial change, where           carried out or are proposed on Blackburn Road.
                                                                                                         a considerable amount of development has            This includes the Nido student housing block,
                                                                                                         taken place, been approved or is planned. It will   which has current plans to expand and with
                                                                                                         be important to consider future development         a poor ground floor interface and boundary
                                                                                                         alongside these and other sites coming forward      treatment with Billy Fury Way there is a real
                                                                                                         to ensure they work together to create the right    opportunity to improve this part of the link and
                                                                                                         balance of uses, connections and high quality       public realm. 11 Blackburn Road has received
                                                     7. Servicing/bus turnaround                         urban design and architectural solutions to         planning permission for housing and offices/
                                                                                                         address current local issues and priorities.        workshops and the Clockwork Factory (former
                                                     •   Layout is vehicle dominated                                                                         Asher House) was converted to flats under
                                                     •   Lack of active edges and natural surveillance   3.19 The kind of public realm and connectivity      permitted development rights, but further
                                                         around the current service route and current    issues identified have been evident elsewhere       proposals around these sites are happening.
                                                         uses generally - adding to the poor quality     around West End Lane and local pedestrian
                                                         pedestrian environment                          routes where a number of improvements               3.21 This guidance is intended to support
                                                     •   Poor public realm around bus waiting areas      have already been carried out or are planned        development and regeneration benefits being
                                                         that could be vulnerable to anti-social         (through different means and agencies)              delivered in an optimal and comprehensive way,
                                                         behaviour                                                                                           while also recognising that individual sites may
                                                                                                                                                             be brought forward at different stages.

6. History of adhoc development
and poor design
•    Siting and size of car showrooms,
     Homebase and O2 centre buildings creating
•    The dominance of parking and the
     prominence given to the car
•    Large low density warehouses and
     showrooms with inactive frontages and
•    Utilitarian and poorly maintained fencing,      8. Title constraints and land
     boundary and surface treatments including
     from Billy Fury Way at Nido student block
     and southern side of Blackburn Road
                                                     •   Any proposals which would require the O2                                                            Proposed development at 156 West End Lane
•    Inactive and “back of house” feel of rear and       Centre being retained and/or remaining
     side of O2                                          fully open and operational during future
                                                         redevelopment could constrain the nature
                                                         and extent of what could be a more
                                                         ambitious ,wide-ranging and successful
                                                     •   Landowners having differing objectives and
                                                     •   Parking requirements of existing shops and
                                                         facility operators

36                                                                                                                                                                                                        37
Changing site context

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            yR  e


                                                      17                                                                              7
                                          2                                      West Hampstead Thameslink
                                                                               18                                                 8
          1                                                    3       4
                                                                                                                                                22                                           14
                                                                               West Hampstead                  21      9
                                                                   5                                                          10
                                                                                                  18                                  12                                                                24
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Finchley Road
   KEY                                                                     6                                23
          Public Realm Works
                                                                                                            West Hampstead
          Schemes built out
          Other sites
          West Hampstead Growth Area

Within and around the West Hampstead           7 156 West End Lane                                                                     15 Midland Crescent                                   19 Potteries Path pedestrian route will
Growth Area development has taken place,         180 homes (c.50% affordable by area)                                                     60 student units/9 homes, 757sqm                      be improved as part of the future
been approved or is planned and helped to        1825 sqm commercial space and community                                                  commercial. Approved but not implemented              redevelopment of 156 West End Lane
deliver the housing and jobs targets for the     space. Amended scheme granted permission
                                                                                                                                       16 Finchley Road                                      20 Improved accessibility and capacity at the
                                               8 Rear of 148 - 152 West End Lane                                                          22 flats (2 affordable), flexible commercial          Overground station.
                                                 No current proposals. Potential site allocation                                          unit. Under construction.
1 65-67 Maygrove Road ‘The Residence’                                                                                                                                                        21 Planned new steps/wider entrances to Billy
  91 homes (12 affordable)                     9 11 Blackburn Road                                                                                                                              Fury Way at West End Lane and Finchley
                                                 6 homes and B1 space. Approved but not                                                   Public Realm Improvements                             Road ends
2 Liddell Road                                   implemented
  106 homes (4 affordable) 3700sqm                                                                                                        The kind of public realm and connectivity issues   22 Improving the landscaping around the Nido
  employment and new school                    10 Clockwork Factory, 13 Blackburn Road                                                    identified around the O2 site have been evident       student block on Blackburn Road
                                                  Converted to 29 homes (under permitted                                                  elsewhere around West End Lane and local
3 159 - 161 Iverson Road ‘The Ivery’                                                                                                                                                         23 TfL have carried out feasibility work on
                                                  development) Proposed site allocation and                                               pedestrian routes and public spaces where a
  19 homes (4 affordable) small B1 space                                                                                                                                                        options to improve West Hampstead
                                                  current application                                                                     number of improvements have been carried out          underground station
4 163 Iverson Road ‘The Central’                                                                                                          or are planned (through different means and
                                               11 Nido, Blackburn Road                                                                                                                       24 Improvements to Broadhurst Gardens
  36 homes (10 affordable)                        Planning application to add extra floors                                                agencies)
                                                                                                                                                                                                Open Space
5 Taveners Site, 188 Iverson Road              12 14 Blackburn Road                                                                       17 Clearance and resurfacing of The Black
  Proposed site allocation                                                                                                                   Path                                            25 New open space as part of future
                                                  14 homes, B1/B8 space. Approved but not built
                                                                                                                                                                                                development of 156 West End Lane
 6 Ballymore 187-199 ‘West Hampstead           13 Car showrooms site                                                                      18 Footway widening and new public
   Square’                                        Proposed site allocation                                                                   spaces at West Hampstead Square and
   198 homes (53 affordable) 1357sqm                                                                                                         Thameslink station
38 commercial space                            14 O2 Centre                                                                                                                                                                                 39
                                                  Current and proposed site allocation
local engagement

3.22	In anticipation of potential future
development and planning guidance, the NDF
carried out consultation at the local Jester
Festival in July 2016, where local residents
were engaged on the issues surrounding future
development in the area. The subsequent
consultation report detailed some of the main
issues raised and suggestions summarised

                                 Concerns                                                                      Summary of strengths                                                 Summary of weaknesses
                                about traffic
                               and pedestrian
                                                                                     Resolve                                                                                                Lack of
                               congestion on                                                                                                                                                                                      O2 Centre
                                                       New park/                   problems on                                                                                           greenspaces
                               West End Lane                                                                                                                                                                                     “turns back
            Support for                                  open                       Blackburn                                                                                              and poor                New            “ on West
                                                                                                            Role of car                                                                    access to
          upgrade of West                               spaces          New           Road                                                Generally good                                                       development       Hampstead
                                                                                                           park for town                                               Dominance        existing spaces
            Hampstead                                                  medical                              centre and                   retail and leisure                                                     needs to be
                                                                                                                                                                       of car use                              higher quality
           Underground                                                centre/GP                            other shops                      offer at O2
              Station                    Need for                                                                                              Centre
                                       investment                      surgery
                                          in local                                                                                                                                                                          Unsafe and poor
                                                                                                                                                                                    Capacity and          Level             quality pedestrian
                                     infrastructure                                                               Garden
                                                                                                                                 Great public                                                           changes
                                                                                                                                                                                    overcrowding                              links and poor
                                                                                                                  Centre                                                                                and poor
                                                                                                                                  transport                                           issues in                                “gateways” at
                                                                                                                                  provision                                          and around        accessibility         Blackburn Road

Neighbourhood Workshop (November 2016)
                                                                                                             Summary of Opportunities                                                Summary of threats
3.23 To take these issues further forward,            future redevelopment also summarised here.
and look at more specific aspects of potential        Reflected in more recent consultations,
redevelopment around the wider O2 site, the           where the potential benefits of high quality           Reduce
NDF organised a community workshop in                 redevelopment may be recognised, concerns             length of                      Potential
                                                                                                                                                                   Need to                           Viability - eg        Long
                                                                                                          service road                      for new
November 2016 at Emmanuel School where                about local impacts remain, such as pressures                                       access into
                                                                                                                                                                   improve                         costs of “decking”   timescales
                                                                                                                                                                  Blackburn                          v. affordable
participants, including Council officers, were        on community infrastructure and transport                                            stations
                                                                                                                   Other uses - such                                                                   provision
asked to think about future development               capacity and the need for accessible green
                                                                                                                     as workspaces
scenarios and ideas for the O2 site. Whilst           spaces. Informal consultation took place with                   for start-ups,              Better walking/                                                                Changing retail
occurring a few years ago, the workshop               the NDF and WHAT (West Hampstead Amenity                     community/health               cycling routes                                                                environment and
feedback report still provides useful                 & Transport) during the initial drafting of this              facilities, garden          between West End                                                                threat from Brent
                                                                                                                       centre, café             Lane and Finchley                          Demands for
background to take into account in considering        guidance and has been taken into account in                                                                                           even more                                 Cross
                                                                                                                                                Rd to O2 and other
development options. It provides a relevant           preparing this proposed SPD                                                                     shops                                  parking
                                                                                                         More attractive
context to local issues and concerns as well                                                             and inviting O2
                                                                                                         from West End               Accessible                A mix of housing                                    More pressures
as identifying opportunities and ideas around                                                                                        new public                suitable for area                                       on social
                                                                                                                                       green                   - particularly for                                   infrastructure
                                                                                                                         Mixed         space                  families and more
                                                                                                                      ground floor                                affordable

40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             41
Policy Context

3.24 	There is a broad array of policy             previous local engagement, and what we hope          New London Plan
documents, providing both strategic and            redevelopment can achieve, we have looked
more detailed and specific policies, guidance,     at this policy context to identify some relevant     3.28 	The more detailed policies of the             says development proposals should contribute
standards and aspirations that need to             and common overarching themes and priorities,        most up to date version of the New London           to regeneration by tackling inequalities and the
considered for major new development,              which have informed this guidance’s objectives       Plan(December 2020) are underpinned by              environmental, economic and social barriers
ranging from affordable housing requirements       and principles.                                      the key themes and objectives of the “Good          that affect the lives of people.
to sustainable design . It is not intended that                                                         Growth” agenda, principally addressing
these guidelines duplicate or set out all the      3.25 Nevertheless, new major development             London’s pressing housing needs, with also a        3.30 An emphasis on making more effective
potential policies and standards that might be     will also need to take account of all relevant       strong focus on economic growth, supporting         use of land remains, with the promotion of
applicable to development in the area covered      policies and associated guidance outlined below      more inclusive and balanced communities and         design led approaches to intensification, and
by this draft SPD. Instead, in view of the         (and links to these and other documents are          addressing health inequalities.                     reaffirmed links between optimising densities
particular characteristics of the SPD area, its    provided at Appendix 1).                                                                                 and good public transport accessibility
immediate context and issues identified through                                                         3.29 It identifies the Swiss Cottage/Finchley       and infrastructure capacity. In line with the
                                                                                                        Road town centre (which extends into the            policies, major new development should also
                                                                                                        West Hampstead Growth Area) as having               be conceived to support the plan’s “Urban
                                                                                                        high residential growth potential and, with         greening” and “Healthy Streets” objectives.
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)                                                               West Hampstead town centre (with medium             These focus on tackling air quality, creating
                                                                                                        residential growth potential), forms part of an     more inclusive and healthier environments and
3.26 The NPPF (February 2019) sets out the         3.27 In particular it promotes the more
                                                                                                        identified strategic area for regeneration. In      delivering the design quality and patterns of
Government’s planning policy framework which       effective use of under-utilised land in meeting
                                                                                                        these areas especially, the plan (Policy SD10)      land use and measures, where “car free” is the
local authorities and developers need to take      the need for more homes(Paragraph 118) and
                                                                                                                                                            starting point for new development, and more
into account in preparing plans and policies, in   the creation of healthy, inclusive and safe places
                                                                                                                                                            trips happen by foot, cycle or public transport.
coming forward with acceptable schemes and         by encouraging mixed use developments and
in assessing development proposals. Promoting      strong neighbourhood centres with the well-
sustainable development, which meets               designed connections and layouts that allow          Our Camden Plan
economic, social and environmental objectives,     for easy walking and cycling(Paragraph 91).
the framework gives significant emphasis to the    Also that the opportunities to promote walking,      3.31 	Camden is committed, in its adopted           •   Building and development in the borough
role of design and states the creation of high     cycling and public transport use are identified      Camden Plan and Camden 2025 ambitions,                  contributes to making Camden open,
quality buildings and places is fundamental to     and pursued(Paragraph 102).                          to put health and wellbeing at the forefront of         accessible and attractive for everyone
what the planning and development process                                                               all that it does (and this is reflected in other    •   Green spaces, streets, housing estates and
should achieve(Paragraph 124).                                                                          important strategies such as the Climate Action         other public spaces are clean, attractive
                                                                                                        Plan, Transport Strategy and Air Quality Action         and safe, and that residents, visitors
                                                                                                        Plan which also need to be taken into account).         and businesses are actively involved in
                                                                                                        This includes creating clean, vibrant, safe and         contributing to this.
                                                                                                        sustainable environments, including the streets
                                                                                                        and the spaces, which can promote active travel     3.32 	Desired outcomes include creating the
                                                                                                        and physical activity; and as set out in Our        conditions that support good health and tackle
                                                                                                        Camden Plan:                                        health inequalities, including the walkable
                                                                                                                                                            neighbourhoods, environments and facilities
                                                                                                        •   Walking, cycling and public transport will be   which encourage social interaction.
                                                                                                            the easiest and best ways to get around the
                                                                                                        •   No one should experience poor health as a
                                                                                                            result of the air they breathe

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