Well placed to lead the energy transformation - Christian Bruch, Chief Executive Officer Bank of America Global Industrials Conference March 17, 2022

Well placed to lead the energy transformation - Christian Bruch, Chief Executive Officer Bank of America Global Industrials Conference March 17, 2022
Well placed to lead the
energy transformation
Christian Bruch, Chief Executive Officer
Bank of America Global Industrials Conference
March 17, 2022

Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG.   Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Well placed to lead the energy transformation - Christian Bruch, Chief Executive Officer Bank of America Global Industrials Conference March 17, 2022

INFORMATION AND FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This document contains statements related to our future business and financial performance, and future events or
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                                                                                                                                        C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference   2
2022-03-17       Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG.                                                                                Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Well placed to lead the energy transformation - Christian Bruch, Chief Executive Officer Bank of America Global Industrials Conference March 17, 2022
Siemens Energy is well positioned
to lead the energy transition

                              Siemens Energy AG                                      Revenue by type
                                 Revenue FY21: € 28.5 bn

                                                         67% owned                                                      Gas and Power
                                                                                                                        Service share: 41%
  Gas and Power                                Siemens Gamesa
  (“GP”)                    ~65%               Renewable Energy
                                                                     ~35%                    33%                        SGRE
                                                                                                                        Service share: 19%
                            of SE Revenue                            of SE Revenue
                                               (“SGRE”)                                                   67%

                                                                                                             New Unit
  Generation                                   Onshore
  #1 Distributed               ~25%            #3                       ~20%
  #2 Central
                                                                                     Revenue by geography
  Industrial Applications                      Offshore
  #2                           ~20%            #1                       ~10%
                                                                                      Asia, Australia                   Two core markets:
                                                                                                                        EMEA, Americas
  Transmission                                 Service                                           18%                    Further upside
  #1                           ~20%            #1                        ~5%                                            in Asia
  Energy                                                                             Americas                 EMEA

                                                                                                C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference   3
2022-03-17                                                                                                    Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Well placed to lead the energy transformation - Christian Bruch, Chief Executive Officer Bank of America Global Industrials Conference March 17, 2022
1   Wind market offers attractive long term growth
SGRE – strategic         •
                             Significant increase in demand for onshore and offshore
                             Capitalization on service opportunity
imperative on wind
power remains
unchanged            2   Internal and external Challenges
                         •   Supply chain constraints
                         •   5.X ramp-up challenges

                     3   Measures
                         •   Acceleration and stringent execution of turnaround plan for

                                                           C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference   4
2022-03-17                                                               Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Well placed to lead the energy transformation - Christian Bruch, Chief Executive Officer Bank of America Global Industrials Conference March 17, 2022
The world needs
more electricity

                                                                      CAGR: +2%           40,064 TWh
Growing electricity
market (in TWh)1
                                                         26,619 TWh
• Increasing electrification
  of industries2
• Around 750 million people
  globally without access to
• New electrical consumers
  (data centers, e-mobility)

                                                           2018                                 2040
1 Source: IEA (Stated Policies Scenario, October 2020)
2 Relates to electricity generation

                                                                              C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference   5
2022-03-17                                                                                  Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Well placed to lead the energy transformation - Christian Bruch, Chief Executive Officer Bank of America Global Industrials Conference March 17, 2022
The  we deliver
            market is in the process of transformation
We strengthen our operational performance
through a more competitive organization

Shift of re-
source base¹

                                                 Wind                                                Gas                                      Coal

                                                 Solar                                               Nuclear                                  Oil


                                      •    Opportunities for SGRE                               •   Stable service business               •    Decarbonization of
Implications                          •    Grid upgrades & stabilization                        •   Highly efficient conventional              existing infrastructure
                                      •    Investment in energy                                     generation                            •    Coal exit
                                           transport & hydrogen
1 Source: IHS (Autonomy, July 2021); shift of resource base related to electricity generation                                       C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference   6
2022-03-17                                                                                                                                        Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Well placed to lead the energy transformation - Christian Bruch, Chief Executive Officer Bank of America Global Industrials Conference March 17, 2022
To reach the 1.5°C target of the Paris agreement will require a rapid
decarbonization in all sectors for a CO2 reduction of ~55% by 2030

  The gap between the reference case1 and                                                       All sectors would need to decarbonize rapidly
  1.5°C pathway creates significant uncertainty                                                 to meet a 1.5°C pathway
  CO2 abatement gap per sector                                                                  Percent CO2 abatement required in 1.5°C pathway vs.
  Gt CO2 emissions                                                                              reference case
                                                                                                                                                        2030                   2050

                    Widening            CO2 budget                                                Power                                                 73%                    99%
                    the gap             exceeded by 2031                                          Transport              Aviation                       35%                    81%
   40         ?                                                                                                          Marine                         25%                    61%
                                                                           Current                                       Road                           32%                    71%
   30                                                                      trajectory
                                                                                                  Buildings                                             42%                    86%

            Power                                                                                 Industry               Cement                         26%                    78%
   20       Transport
                                                                           Abatement                                     Iron & Steel                   29%                    97%
            Industry                                                       gap                                           Oil & Gas                      56%                    95%
   10       Agriculture
            Deforestation                                                                                                Ammonia                        39%                    87%
                                                                        1.5°C                                            Ethylene                       63%                    96%
    2016 2020                  2030                                2050 pathway                    Less than 30%   30 – 50%       50 – 70%   70 – 80%   80 – 90%   90 – 100%

1 McKinsey’s Global Energy Perspective (GEP) Reference Case provides our consensus view on how energy demand will evolve from today through 2050
2 Carbon dioxide removal, including measures such as reforestation and direct air capture
                                                                                                                                         C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference   7
2022-03-17                                                                                                                                             Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Well placed to lead the energy transformation - Christian Bruch, Chief Executive Officer Bank of America Global Industrials Conference March 17, 2022
Version 18

More and more government initiatives accelerate the energy

                                                                 UNITED KINGDOM
             UNITED STATES                                       Carbon budget 6 and industrial
             Infrastructure bills with focus on greening         decarbonization strategy
             the US economy
                                                                                 GERMANY                      CHINA
                                                                                 Coalition agreement on       “3060” goals - national
                                                                                 climate protection           decarbonization roadmap

                                                            SAUDI ARABIA
                                                            Vision 2030

                                                                                           UAE                               AUSTRALIA
                                                                                           UAE Energy                        2020 Integrated System
                                                                                           Strategy 2050                     Plan

                                                    SOUTH AFRICA
                                                    Hydrogen South Africa

                                                                                                           C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference   8
2022-03-17                                                                                                               Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Well placed to lead the energy transformation - Christian Bruch, Chief Executive Officer Bank of America Global Industrials Conference March 17, 2022
Version 18

We benefit because of our portfolio and the focus on the three
pillars around the globe – e.g. in Europe

                   UNITED KINGDOM                              ▪ Coal phase-out intended until 2030 (prior 2038)
             ▪ 68% CO2 emission reduction until 2030           ▪ 80% of electricity from renewable energies until 2030
             ▪ Industrial decarbonization strategy to reduce   ▪ 30GW offshore wind capacity by 2030 (prior 20GW)
               emissions by 2/3 in 15 years                    ▪ Commitment to highly efficient and H2-ready gas
             ▪ 50% emission reduction by 2030 in the oil&gas     power plants as transition technology
               industry                                        ▪ Acceleration of planning and permitting processes for
             ▪ 40GW offshore wind by 2030 (prior 30GW)           grid development
                                                               ▪ CO2 pricing as important instrument

             Opportunities for wind power and                  Significant opportunities for gas turbines,
             decarbonization of industries                     wind power and transmission

                                                                                    C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference   9
2022-03-17                                                                                        Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Well placed to lead the energy transformation - Christian Bruch, Chief Executive Officer Bank of America Global Industrials Conference March 17, 2022
Version 18

We benefit because of our portfolio and the focus on the three
pillars around the globe – e.g. in the US

                                     UNITED STATES
                                ▪ 50% green house gas pollution reduction in 2030
                                  (compared to 2005)
                                ▪ 30GW offshore wind by 2030
                                ▪ ~$60bn investments into power infrastructure
                                ▪ ~$10bn funding to accelerated development of green
                                  hydrogen technology

                                Opportunities for wind power, transmission,
                                hydrogen solutions and decarbonization of

                                                                                 C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference  10
2022-03-17                                                                                     Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Three pillars underpinning our strategy

     Low- or zero-emission    Transport and storage   Reducing the CO2 footprint & energy
       power generation             of energy         consumption in Industrials processes

                                                          C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference  11
2022-03-17                                                              Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Achieving our company transformation will require us
to innovate by working across organizations

     G           T          I       NEB       SGRE

                 Transform the future
                                       (Fields of Action)

                     Grow from the core                     fast and
                        (Service and adjacent markets)       unified

                     Strengthen the core
         (Technology Fields, Improve Perf, Cost out, ...)

                                                                       C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference  12
2022-03-17                                                                           Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
To respond to the changes
taking place in the energy
markets, and to address the
emerging opportunities we                                     Decarbonized Heat &
have defined 5 Fields of      Energy Storage                  Industrial Processes
Action:                       •   Thermal Storage             •   Heat pumps
                              •   Li-Ion Next Gen             •   Electric Heaters
                              •   Batteries                   •   Fuel cells
                              •   Redox Flow Next Gen         •   Waste heat recovery

                              Condition-based                 Resilient Grids
Power-to-X                    Service Interventions           and Reliability
•   Green Hydrogen            • Digital Twins for:            •   ARESS
•   Offshore Hydrogen              • Energy Consumption       •   SensX
•   E-chemicals                    • Operational Autonomous   •   SVC Grid Forming
•   E-fuels                        • Microgrids               •   HVDC Multivendor “InOpera”

                                                              C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference  13
2022-03-17                                                                  Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Our six levers to deliver shareholder value

      Leader in           Service         Reach operational    More EBITA     Developing future             Leading portfolio
    energy industry    Business as a        performance       and more Cash   portfolio with focus           in the industry
                      core value driver    (after Spin-off)                    on sustainability
                                                                                 and service

                                                                                     C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference  14
2022-03-17                                                                                         Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Financial outlook and framework

                                                            Actuals                                            Profit forecast                                     Mid-term target
                                                       FY20           FY21                FY21                FY22                        FY23
                   Revenue                           €18.1bn         €18.4bn
  Gas and Power

                                                                                         2%-6%               1%-5%
                   % Change   y-o-y2                  (3.1)%          1.5%

                   Adj. EBITA before Special Items    €254m          €849m
                                                                                       3.5%-5.5%           4.5%-6.5%                     6%-8%
                   % Margin before Special Items       1.4%           4.6%

                   Restructuring costs3               €133m          €360m          Cumulative mid-to-high triple digit euro million amount in FY20-23

                   Revenue                           €27.5bn         €28.5bn
  Siemens Energy

                                                                                          3%-8%                                                                        Flat to 3%1
                                                                                                          (prev. (1)%-3%)
                   % Change   y-o-y2                  (4.7)%          3.7%

                   Adj. EBITA before Special Items    (€17)m         €661m
                                                                                                             2%-4%               under reassessment                     ≥8%
                                                                                        2% -
1   Deliver on the fundamentals at GP and SGRE

Priorities for   2   Focus on supply chain, logistics and raw materials

                 3   Refine operating model and shape organization towards
                     the three pillars

                 4   Focus the company on sustainable growth elements

                                                   C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference  16
2022-03-17                                                       Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
We are #TeamPurple #WeEnergizeSociety

                                                        Meet us at our CMD
                                                        May 23-24, 2022
                                                        in Berlin

Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG.        Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Financial Calendar

         Mar 17                                                   May 11                       May 23-24                                              Aug 8

     BofA Global                                                  Q2 FY22                   Capital Markets                                        Q3 FY22
Industrials Conference                                                                            Day

     Contact Investor Relations
                  Michael Hagmann                                                                                Tobias Hang
                                                                            Harald Albrecht
                  Head of Investor Relations                                                                     tobias.hang@siemens-energy.com
                  michael.hagmann@siemens-energy.com                                                             +49 172 5744423
                                                                            +49 174 1766254
                  +49 173 2669650

                                                                                                                 Siemens Energy AG
                                                                            Lisa Class                           Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
                  Thomas Forstner-Sonne
                                                                            Team Assistant                       81739 Munich, Germany
                                                                            lisa.class@siemens-energy.com        investorrelations@siemens-energy.com
                  +49 172 7497108
                                                                            +49 89 6362 5358                     www.siemens-energy.com/investorrelations

                                                                                                                 C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference  18
     2022-03-17     Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG.                                                      Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022

                                                                     C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference  19
2022-03-17   Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG.                 Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Key Messages Q1 FY22

Highlights / Lowlights
• SGRE profit warning
• Very solid start in Gas and Power (GP)
• Sustainability Report published on January 25, 2022
                                                                            Q1 FY22 Financial Performance
                                                                            • Orders: +10.1% comp.1 at €8.3bn
Market Environment
                                                                            • Order backlog at €87bn
• Improving boundary conditions
                                                                            • Revenue: -11.4% comp.1 at €6.0bn; book-to-bill of 1.40
• Solid order environment across all businesses at GP
                                                                            • Adj. EBITA before SI: -€63m (down from €366m)
• SGRE market dynamics remain challenging
                                                                            • Adj. EBITA margin before SI: -1.1%
• Material availability, supply chain and logistics provide headwinds
                                                                            • FCF pre tax: -€69m (up from -€388m)

Revised Guidance FY22
SE           • Revenue development of (2)% to 3% comp.1, prev. (1)% to 3%
             • Adj. EBITA margin before SI of 2% to 4%, prev. 3% to 5%
GP           • Revenue growth of 1% to 5% comp.1 (unchanged)
             • Adj. EBITA margin before SI of 4.5% to 6.5% (unchanged)
SGRE         • Revenue decline of (2)% to (9)% comp.1, prev. (2)% to (7)%
             • Adj. EBITA margin before SI of (4)% to 1%, prev. 1% to 4%
1 comparable: excluding currency translation and portfolio effects                              C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference  20
2022-03-17                                                                                                    Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Solid progress in FY21 to become the most valued energy technology
company in the world

 Leader in energy             Service Business as     Reach operational           More EBITA and more        Developing future            Leading portfolio
 industry                     a core value driver     performance                 cash                       portfolio with focus         in the industry
                                                      (after Spin-off)                                       on sustainability and

 • Leading market             •   Return to           GP                          • €678m increase in        • R&D in service-            • Focus on 3 pillars:
   positions maintained           comparable growth   • Progress in                 Adjusted EBITA             related topics               1) Low- or zero-
   in all Divisions despite       in service            restructuring,              before SI driven by        increased                       emission power
   selectivity on scope of    •   Resilient service     footprint consolidation     cost out and             • Investment in                   generation
   projects                       margins               & NCC reduction             operational                hydrogen business            2) Transport and
                                                      • Customer focus and                                   • Blue portfolio, heat            storage of energy
                                                        collaboration             • €1.36bn free cash          pumps and batteries          3) Reducing the CO2
                                                                                    flow pre tax driven by
                                                      SGRE                                                   • Co-development with             footprint & energy
                                                                                    better-than-expected       customers to                    consumption in
                                                      • Innovation,                 net working capital
                                                        productivity and asset                                 decarbonize                     industrial
                                                                                    management                                                 processes
                                                        management &
                                                        operational excellence

                                                                                                                      C. Bruch | BofA Global Industrials Conference  21
2022-03-17                                                                                                                          Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
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