Welkom bij de ICT-Kring Delft - Maandag 1 oktober 2018

Page created by Jesus Gutierrez
Welkom bij de ICT-Kring Delft - Maandag 1 oktober 2018
Welkom bij de ICT-Kring Delft
         Maandag 1 oktober 2018
Welkom bij de ICT-Kring Delft - Maandag 1 oktober 2018
• Mededelingen;
• Presentatie André van Delft;
• Vragen;
• Afsluiting en netwerken.
Welkom bij de ICT-Kring Delft - Maandag 1 oktober 2018
• Inventarisatie presentatie onderwerpen;
   • Tijdens bijeenkomst afgelopen september geïnventariseerd;
   • Lijst met mogelijke onderwerpen:
      •   John Schmitz, nieuwe decaan TU Delft;
      •   Mooc (online cursussen);
      •   Linux monitoring;
      •   Marketing en bedrijfsvoering;
      •   Blockchain.

• Introducés;
   • Altijd welkom;
   • Twee keer gratis, tenzij er bijvoorbeeld een buffet is;
   • Na twee keer gesprek met bestuur i.v.m. eventueel lidmaatschap.

• Andere netwerk gelegenheden;
   • 20 november – Zeepkistensessie.
Welkom bij de ICT-Kring Delft - Maandag 1 oktober 2018
“Op welke wijze beïnvloedt software ons …………”

André van Delft
Welkom bij de ICT-Kring Delft - Maandag 1 oktober 2018
Expand your thinking; unlearn first

             André van Delft

             ICT Kring Delft
Welkom bij de ICT-Kring Delft - Maandag 1 oktober 2018

1   Introduction                   9     Twitter

2   Functional Programming         10    Google

3   Source code: appearance        11    #QAnon

4   Source code: size              12    CGI

5   Open source software           13    Truth

6   Wikileaks                      14    Why is this relevant?

7   Linux                          15    Links

8   Social Media                   16    Powered by SlideMight
Welkom bij de ICT-Kring Delft - Maandag 1 oktober 2018
1 - Introduction

The illiterate of the 21st century will
not be those who cannot read and write,
but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.

Alvin Toffler?

By instructing students how to learn, unlearn and relearn,
a powerful new dimension can be added to education.
•   Alvin Toffler

Tomorrow's illiterate will not be the man who can't read;
he will be the man who has not learned how to learn.
•   Herbert Gerjuoy
Welkom bij de ICT-Kring Delft - Maandag 1 oktober 2018
2 - Functional Programming
•   As fantastic as you often hear on conferences?
•   Successful?
•   Unsuccessful?
•   Are FP projects successful?
•   Is FP hard?
•   Is the presentation of FP ok?
•   Do the concepts in Math and FP have logical names?
•   What is behind the naming?
•   How could this be improved?

Welkom bij de ICT-Kring Delft - Maandag 1 oktober 2018
3 - Source code: appearance
•   Why does source code look so technical?
•   Would it be beter if source code were clearer for humans?
•   How can source code become clearer?
•   Is aesthetics important for source code?
•   Is this subject overlooked?

Welkom bij de ICT-Kring Delft - Maandag 1 oktober 2018
3.A - A GUI controller
•   Input Field
•   Search Button
•   Searching for…
•   Results

3.B - A GUI controller
val searchButton = new Button("Go”) {
  reactions.+= {
    case ButtonClicked(b) =>
     enabled = false
     outputTA.text = "Starting search...”
     new Thread(new Runnable {
      def run() {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable{
         def run() {outputTA.text="Search ready”
               enabled = true

3.C - A GUI controller
script ..

 live       = searchSequence...

 searchSequence = searchCommand

 searchCommand = searchButton
 showSearchingText = @gui: {:outputTA.text = "…":}
 showSearchResults = @gui: {:outputTA.text = "…":}
 searchInDatabase = {* Thread.sleep(3000) *}

4 - Source code: size
•   How big is the source code for
    •   MS Windows
    •   MS Office
    •   Linux
    •   Mercedes
•   How does it compare to the Empire State Building?
•   Why is it so big?
•   What are KLOCs, MLOCs, GLOCs?
•   How many KLOCs did Bill Atkinson fill in on his management form at Apple?

5 - Open source software
•   What is open source?
•   What is the open source movement?
•   Who pays for open source development
•   What is meritocracy
•   Who are against?

5.A - Open source software: Open SSL
•   What is Open SSL?
•   Is the code well understandable?
•   Why would the code be unclear?
•   Hard? Sloppy? On purpose?
•   What is at stake?
•   Wikipedia: Against eavesdropping. Sure?
•   Who is paying for the development?
•   LambdaDays 2018: Heather Miller on financing
•   Is money scarcity a problem? A means?

5.B - Open source software: Open SSL
•   2017: Stephen Henson and Steve Marquess left
•   What agency employed Steve Marques?
•   Was this information wiped from Internet?
•   Can you quit CIA?
•   Is Andy Polyakov a Spy?
    •   2014: OpenSSL audit fellowships
        for Stephen Henson and Andy Polyakov
        Andy is the guy who introduced the undocumented
        ROP entry point in the openssl/crypto/x86cpuid.plmentioned earlier.
        Now he's the one supposed to audit/fix OpenSSL ---> WTF ?
        This sounds like an attempt to sabotage open-source security infrastructure.

6 - Wikileaks
•   What is Wikileaks?
•   Did Wikileaks start with Chinese dissidents/CIA/NSA?
•   Who is Julian Assange?
•   James Bond versus Julian Assange?
•   MK-Ultra Project,Monarch and Julian Assange
•   Supported by Open Society Institute?

6.A - Wikileaks - SecureDrop
•   What was DeadDrop?
•   Who was Aaron Swartz?
•   When did he die and why?
•   What else did he invent?
•   What is SecureDrop?
•   What does “Secure” mean in name?
•   Who was John Perry Barlow?
•   When did he die?
•   What was he accused of 11 days before?
•   Was SecureDrop compromised?
•   What happened to whistleblowers?

7 - Linux
•   Wat is Linux
•   Who is Linus Thorvalds
•   What happened to him in 2015?
•   Why did he step down in 2018?
•   What is at stake?
•   4Chan speculation
    Theo is targeted first
    because he famously resisted an Intel backdoor

8 - Social Media
•   What are social media companies?
•   Are commercial products free?
•   What are the products of social media companies?
•   Why are they increasing censorship?
•   Could that harm their business?
•   What is their business?

•   What are social media?
•   What is their intended purpose?
•   What is their unintended effect?

9 - Twitter
•   What happened on 1 October 2017 in Las Vegas?
•   Who own the top floors of the Mandelay Bay hotel?
•   Why did Twitter ban Donald Trump in November 2017?
    •   Official statement by Twitter?
    •   Malware installation attempt?
•   What had Trump tweeted?
•   What happened in SA next day?
•   Who was the biggest fish?
•   What is is share in Twitter?

10 - Google
•   What is the motto of Google?
•   censored search engine for #China?
•   “You caught us, so what?"
•   Do you trust Google?
•   Who was Google's boss until December 2017?
•   What did Julian Assange write about him?
•   What was he doing in North Korea?
•   What is the Executive Order by DJT of 21 Dec 2017 about?
•   Why did Eric Schmidt resign from ABC?

11 - #QAnon
•   What is 4Chan, 8Chan?
•   What is #QAnon

11.A - #QAnon

11.B - #QAnon

11.C - #QAnon
•   What happened on GitHub early 2018?
•   Did Apple remove QAnon.app from App Store?
•   Does Twitter censor QAnonPosts.com and QProofs.com?

11.D - #QAnon
•   What did the EU pass in september 2018?
•   Why did Facebook develop AI bots for memes?
•   What are memes?

12 - CGI
•   Who is Nicholas Negroponte?
•   What famous video did he shoot?
•   Do you believe in coincidences?
•   What is wrong with the video?
•   What is wrong with other video footages?
•   What is a conspiracy?
•   What is a conspiracy theory?
•   What is the most successful conspiracy theory?
•   What purpose did it serve?
•   How many people were hurt?

12.A - CGI
•   What is augmented reality?
•   What is it used for?
•   Does ISS footage involve augmented reality?

13 - Truth
•   199x: Tim Berners Lee: semantic web, ontologies, N3
    •   Facts and meta-facts
    •   not provable ≠ false
•   LvD: there are no rules to determine truth,
    else a misleader would abuse such rules
•   NC3A: allways evaluate data
•   #QAnon: Future proves past, coincidences

14 - Why is this relevant?
•   Why would you care about all this?
•   Does this affect you?
•   Could it affect you in the future?
•   Risks?
•   Does it affect others?
•   Would you care?
•   Can we make things better?

15 - Links
•   QAnon 1
•   QAnon 2
•   QProofs
•   911
•   ISS
•   SlideMight
•   SubScript

16 - Powered by SlideMight

16.A - Powered by SlideMight

16.B - Powered by SlideMight
Title : Expand your thinking; unlearn first
Author : André van Delft
Event : ICT Kring Delft
Chapters: |
 # Introduction
 *The illiterate of the 21st century will
 not be those who cannot read and write,
 but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.*
 Alvin Toffler?
 *By instructing students how to learn, unlearn and relearn,
 a powerful new dimension can be added to education.*
 *Tomorrow's illiterate will not be the man who can't read;
 he will be the man who has not learned how to learn.*
 - Herbert Gerjuoy

16.C - Powered by SlideMight

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 Title : Expand your thinking; unlearn first
 Author : André van Delft
 Event : ICT Kring Delft

 Chapters: |

      # Introduction


1   Introduction                    9     Twitter

2   Functional Programming          10    Google

3   Source code: appearance         11    #QAnon

4   Source code: size               12    CGI

5   Open source software            13    Truth

6   Wikileaks                       14    Why is this relevant?

7   Linux                           15    Links

8   Social Media                    16    Powered by SlideMight
“Op welke wijze beïnvloedt software ons …………”

Bedankt voor de aandacht, volgende bijeenkomst:

Maandag 5 november 2018
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