Page created by Jim Munoz
02     REHM service
       Everything you need for welding technology

     You can find all the important information about ordering, delivery,
     exchange and service, including prices and additional
     pricing conditions, here:


      Valid until the publication of a new welding equipment catalogue.
      All text, images and other contents contained in this catalogue are protected by copyright. Except for private use they may not be processed, reproduced,
      distributed or otherwise used without written permission of REHM GmbH und Co. KG.

      SMC® (Smart Machine Control) and RSC ® (Real Time Speed Control) are the registered trademarks of REHM GmbH und Co. KG and are also subject to the
      laws for the protection of intellectual property (trademark protection). We reserve the right to legal action for the infringement of copyright and other intellectual
      property laws.

      The total sale and supply relationship between the buyer and REHM is subject to our General Terms and Conditions.
      These are available in printable form on our website www.rehm-online.de at all times. We would be happy to send you a copy of our General Terms and
      Conditions upon request.

      Technical modifications and availability reserved. All statements without guarantee. We apologise for any typographical and printing errors.
REHM complete product range                              03
                                                                           The benchmark for modern welding

Dear customers, dear business partners,

We are pleased to present you our current complete product           To advance this standard, all of our departments work in a
range. In this catalogue in addition to our tried and tested         customer-oriented manner and deliver quality 100% Made in
equipment you will also find an impressive range of special          Germany - from development to production and sales. This
new products. For example, we have revised almost the entire         enables us to set the standard for modern welding every day.
MIG / MAG portfolio.
                                                                     Now take a look at the latest developments from REHM and
Irrespective of the application, whether plasma cutting,             use our equipment to ensure your company works more effi-
electrode, MIG / MAG or TIG welding, whether with established        ciently to produce products and services with greater quality,
analogue or modern inverter technology up to the digital oper-       enhanced employee health protection and added ability to
ating concept of our current models, we offer you the perfect        communicate. Our new flagship, the FOCUS.ARC P and
equipment for every application and every requirement.               FOCUS.ARC S, sets new standards in this respect.

Our machines are characterised by their innovative technolo-         Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or
gies, their ease of operation and their practical applicability in   require further information.
the tough everyday workshop or on the construction site and,
last but not least, by their delivery of perfect welding results.
In the process we are constantly pursuing the direction towards
the digitalisation of equipment and Industry 4.0.

                                                                     Your REHM Team
¹ The proper handling, treatment and use of our equipment in accordance with our operating instructions are prerequisite for granting warranties. Wear and con-
  sumable parts are excluded from warranty. The statutory warranty provisions according to our general terms and conditions remain unaffected. Our warranty
  provisions can be viewed on our website ander www.rehm-online.de. We will also send our warranty provisions on request.
REHM welding equipment               05
                      List of contents

Revolution in welding technology
SIRIUS operating system                   06-07
FOCUS.ARC welding process                 08-09

MIG / MAG welding equipment
Pulse welding
FOCUS.ARC® P 250-450 WS                   11-19
MEGA.ARC P 250-450 WS                     21-23
DIN EN ISO 14175                          24

continuously adjustable
FOCUS.ARC® S 350 W-450 WS                 25-27
REHM torch concept                        28
MEGA.ARC® S 300-450 WS                    29-31

An overview of REHM premium sets          32
SYNERGIC.PRO® Series                      33-47

TIG welding equipment
INVERTIG.PRO® series                      49-58
INVERTIG.PRO® cooling machines /          59
ULTRA / HIGH versions                     60
TIGER® digital 182 / 230 DC and AC / DC   61-65
APUS 20 C                                 66-69

MMA electrode inverter
BOOSTER.PRO 230                           71-74
BOOSTER2 130-150                          75

PLASMA cutting systems
BARRACUDA® RTC 60-150                     77-79

REHM recommendation
REHM customer service                     80
REHM DIN EN 1090 WPQR /                   81
     Everything in view, everything under control

     SIRIUS opens up new potentials
     SIRIUS simplifies the operation of complex processes
     by visualization and assist functions.

     Modern, digitally controlled machines offer a multitude of optimisation possibilities.
     These are a must in modern manufacturing. Increase your competitiveness by bringing out
     the unused potential of SIRIUS.

       The SIRIUS display shows everything at a glance - in day and night mode

       Parameters to be optimized are transparent and graphic-dynamic visualized

       The relevant parameters are always in the foreground, which can be recognized from distance
       by the operator
SIRIUS                            07
                                                             Cutting-edge technology perfectly digitized

Equipped with Open Connect SIRIUS is fully compliant with Industry 4.0

                The possibilities to communicate digitally through SIRIUS are
                endless. The interface architecture of SIRIUS can be configured
                and expanded in any way.

Easy integration into existing systems through integrated server module. SIRIUS communicates via all common
interfaces via Ethernet, USB, CAN bus, LAN, W-LAN, 2.4 GHz radio technology.
■ SIRIUS is not an isolated solution that is only used for the documentation of welding data
■ SIRIUS can be fully integration into the operational process chain
■ SIRIUS creates easy integration into CAD and ERP systems
■ SIRIUS has freely programmable interfaces
■ SIRIUS digitizes and communicates machine and process data to all networks

Ingenious                                    Flexible                                   Smarter

 Simplifies the operation of complex          Ready for I 4.0                             Download the REHM app and
 digitally controlled processes               Simple integration into all systems /       get started
 Graphically dynamic and transparent          production chains and processes             Communicates with all networks
 visualization                                Freely configurable interface               and mobile devices
 Assist functions                                                                         LAN, W-LAN
 Maximum user acceptance

Everything required for communication with other digital devices is
integrated in SIRIUS.

                                                             Due to Easy Connect SIRIUS is on line around the clock

                                                             The integrated web server contains the necessary software for
                                                             communication with any end device. No more time-consuming
                                                             preparation or even the need for a service technician to travel to
                                                             the site to:

                                                               Set up a remote control on your tablet,
                                                               smartphone or PC
                                                               Software updates
                                                               Characteristic curve updates
                                                               Uploading of special characteristic curves

                                                             The SIRIUS app provides guidance to enable you to optimize
                                                             your welding systems by yourself.
                                                             Easy Connect connects you effortlessly and problem-free with
                                                             SIRIUS and the welding unit.

 A first impression of our simple and intuitive operation can be found here:
     Concentration matters

     Just better welding

     Unlike conventional welding processes used until now
     FOCUS technology bundles the energy at the centre of the arc.

     Previously: Conventional welding process                        Now: FOCUS.ARC welding process
     a wide arc with energy dispersed at the edge                    Concentrated arc with the energy at the centre

     Advantages of the REHM FOCUS welding processes*:
     Digitally controlled welding processes.                         Increased quality.
     ■ Controlled particle transfer                                  ■ Improved process visibility
     ■ Controlled short circuit resolution                           ■ Improved arc control
     ■ Controlled heat input                                         ■ Less faults

     Reduction of rework.                                            Improving health protection.
     ■ The percentage of rework can be reduced by 80 %.              ■ The formation of health-endangering welding
                                                                       fumes can be reduced by up to 70 %
                                                                     ■ Grinding dust contamination is reduced by up to 80 %
                                                                     ■ Weld spatter can be reduced by up to 100 %

     Previously: Significant development of welding fumes            Now: Welding fumes reduced by 70 %
     during conventional welding process.                            by the FOCUS.ARC welding process.

     *Information only applies in conjunction with REHM FOCUS.PULS
FOCUS.ARC                           09
                                                          Benefits which ensure the competitiveness

Whether increasing performance, quality improvement or responsible
health protection - the fully digitally regulated FOCUS.ARC
welding processes ensure your competitive advantage.

Faster                                    Better                                    Healthier
■ Increased revenue of up to 50 %         ■ Better view into the welding process    ■ Exposure to welding fumes reduced
■ More meters of welding seam per hour    ■ Better arc control                        by up to 70 %
                                                                                    ■ Elimination of problems caused by
■ Less rework                             ■ Less faults
                                                                                      weld spatter
■ REHM potential analysis                 ■ Higher quality                          ■ 80 % less grinding dust pinlution

                FOCUS.ARC is not just a promise, it proves its performance
                capability. Because only the result counts!

Digitally controlled welding processes for all applications

FOCUS.PULS                                                         FOCUS.ROOT
High performance welding process for steel construction            Almost spatter free welding process for
■ Accurate with adjustable heat input                              thin materials and root welding
■ Heat input reduced by 30 %                                       ■ Very good bridging of gaps
■ Melting disposition rate up to 60 % increased                    ■ Significant weld speed increase at down welding
■ Welding with reduced seam opening angle                          ■ Root welding also with reduced seam opening angle
■ Significant improved quality                                     ■ Save penetration
■ Overweldable spots                                               ■ No spatters
■ REHM generates a profit potential analysis

POWER.PULS                                                         FOCUS.ARC
Very good modulation of the welding process for steel,             Welding in unmatched dimensions
stainless steel and aluminium                                      ■ Welding with a short, powerful arc
■ Faster welding of stainless steel with weld seam surface         ■ Safe root detection
  almost similar to TIG                                            ■ Particularly deep penetration
■ Very little temper colour, electrochemically eliminable          ■ Safe edge detection
■ Adjustable heat input                                            ■ Reduced penetration
■ Welding seams in TIG optic, by using double pulse
■ Overweldable spots
■ Full optimization for special applications

Application examples www.rehm-online.de/en/application-reports

                               // Smart process

                               // More speed

                               // Higher efficiency

     REHM ‒ The benchmark for modern welding
MIG / MAG welding equipment pulse welding                                           11
                                                                    FOCUS.ARC® P 250-450 WS

Technology you can count on – robust, durable and
state of the art! Made in Germany by REHM.
The new FOCUS.ARC® P
The revolution in welding technology. The new digital operating system
SIRIUS and the fully digitally controlled welding process FOCUS.ARC
provides advantages that secure your competitiveness.

    Increased revenue of up to 50 %

    Better view into the welding process

    Exposure to welding fumes reduced by up to 70 %

    Assist functions

    Ready for I 4.0

    Download the REHM app and get started

                                             Everything you need to know about
                                             the qualification of welding processes.
                                             The REHM WPQR package, see page 81.

                                                                               None of the illustrations show the standard equipment.

The welding power sources must be maintained once a year in accordance with DGUV V3 and EN 60974-4. Our service department can help.
12   MIG / MAG welding equipment pulse welding
     FOCUS.ARC® P 250-450 WS


                 Further information on the SIRIUS operating system can be found
                 on pages 06-07.

       Menu button          Home button           Return button          Selection buttons         R-Pilot encoder

                Impact protected      Self-explanatory            Dynamic                    Smart
                full colour display    presentation               displays               Assist function
MIG / MAG welding equipment pulse welding                                      13
                                                                                    FOCUS.ARC® P 250-450 WS

     FOCUS.ARC® P 250-450 WS

 TECHNICAL DATA                                                           250        300             350              400            450
 Setting range                                              [A]       20-260        20-310         20-360            20-410         20-460
 Duty cycle (ED) at Imax.                                  [%]                                       80
 Weld current at 100 % ED                                   [A]           230        280            320               370            430
 Open-circuit connection                                    [V]                      89                                       75
 Wire feed                                             [Ø mm]         0.8 / 1.0                             1.0 / 1.2
 Mains connection                                           [V]                                    3 x 400
 Mains voltage tolerance                                   [%]                                    + 15 / - 25
 Fuse                                                       [A]                                       32
 Protection type                                                                                    IP 23
 Power factor                                         [cos phi]                                      0.99
 Power consumption at Imax.                              [kVA]            8.4         11             13.7             16.8           20.6
 Weight without undercarriage                               [kg]
   Compact gas-cooled                                                              46		                                       49
   Compact water-cooled (W)                                                        56		                                       59
   With wire feed case gas-cooled (S)                                              57                                         60
   With wire feed case water-cooled (WS)                                           70                                         73
 Dimensions without undercarriage LxWxH                    [mm]
   Compact gas-cooled                                                                           650 x 330 x 624
   Compact water-cooled (W)                                                                     650 x 330 x 820
   With wire feed case gas-cooled (S)
                                                                                               650 x 330 x 1,100
   With wire feed case water-cooled (WS)

 Item no.
    Gas-cooled                                                      1307045       1307055        1307065          1307075          1307085
    Gas-cooled with wire feed case (S)                              1307047       1307057        1307067          1307077          1307087
    Water-cooled (W)                                                1307046       1307056        1307066          1307076          1307086
    Water-cooled with wire feed case (WS)                           1307048       1307058        1307068          1307078          1307088

Operation as standard in wire feed case. Choose undercarriage separate.

     Subject to technical changes. All REHM welding equipment listed bears the CE and S markings and complies with the EN 60 974-1 and EN 501 99
     W = With water cooling, WS = With water cooling and separate wire feed case, S = With separate wire feed case
14   MIG / MAG welding equipment pulse welding
     FOCUS.ARC® P undercarriage

     The FOCUS.ARC® P
     Various undercarriage options are available for the FOCUS.ARC® P:

                                                      Undercarriage   Undercarriage   Upright stand   Retrofit kit driving
      UNDERCARRIAGE OPTIONS                            Advanced           Profi                        carriage for wire
                                                                                                          feed case

      Base plate                                       not required    not required                       not required
      Wheels: Front 160 mm with fixing brake                                                                4 rolls
              Rear 260 mm                                                                  –

      Gas bottle mount up to 50 l                                                          –                   –
      Wheel arches in the back                                              –              –                   –

      Brakes on the front wheels                                            –              –                   –


     Loading rack for gas bottles
     ■ Helps prevent back injuries
     ■ Avoids work accidents

     Integrated crane hooks

     Breaks on the front wheels
     ■ Prevents the unit rolling away when
       being transported or changing the gas bottle

     Gas bottle mount
     ■ Robust mount for gas bottles up to 50 litres

     Wheel arches in the back
     ■ Prevents the power supply cable
       being crushed when manoeuvring

     Large wheels
     ■ Front 160 mm with fixing brake
     ■Rear 260 mm

                                         Undercarriage Advanced
                                         in practical use
MIG / MAG welding equipment pulse welding                        15
                                                       FOCUS.ARC® P undercarriage


                           Undercarriage       Undercarriage       Upright stand   Retrofit kit driving
TECHNICAL DATA              Advanced               Profi                            carriage for wire
                                                                                       feed case

Weight              [kg]        31.5                  30               0.8                3.36
Dimensions LxWxH   [mm]    900 x 560 x 1,020   950 x 611 x 1,100   544 x 30 x 43    480 x 120 x 140
Item no.
                              1381102              1381101           1381100            7501502
16   MIG / MAG welding equipment pulse welding
     FOCUS.ARC® P 250-450 WS

     OPTIONS                                                                                                                  Item no.

     Operation in the machine FOCUS.ARC                                                                                       1381153
     Without undercarriage                                                                                                    1381100
     Undercarriage Profi 50 l                                                                                                 1381101
     Undercarriage Advanced 50 l (with loading rack and fixing brake)                                                         1381102
     Retrofit kit driving carriage for wire feed case                                                                         7501502
     Top shock proof cover display FOCUS.ARC                                                                                  1381107
     Bottom shock proof cover display FOCUS.ARC                                                                               1381108
     Toolbox for compact machines                                                                                             1381143
     Air pre-filter                                                                                                           1381144
     Crane lifting lugs for wire feed unit                                                                                    1381146
     Drum wire feed-through (wire feed unit)                                                                                  1381147
     Holder for torch and hose pack                                                                                           1180214
      Centre lock variants
     Adaptor EC-SA Torch connection Binzel                                                                                    4300318
     Option Push-Pull FAP (only for S/WS systems)                                                                             1381380


      Maximum welding current for the workplace
      Duty cycle           100 A       150 A        200 A        250 A         300 A        350 A         400 A       450 A     500 A
            10 %          50 mm²      50 mm²      50 mm²        50 mm²        50 mm²       50 mm²        70 mm²      70 mm²    95 mm²
            20 %          50 mm²      50 mm²      50 mm²        50 mm²        50 mm²       70 mm²        70 mm²      95 mm²    95 mm²
            35 %          50 mm²      50 mm²      50 mm²        50 mm²        70 mm²       70 mm²        70 mm²      95 mm²    95 mm²
            60 %          50 mm²      50 mm²      50 mm²        50 mm²        70 mm²       70 mm²        95 mm²      95 mm²    95 mm²
            80 %          50 mm²      50 mm²      50 mm²        50 mm²        70 mm²       70 mm²        95 mm²      95 mm²    95 mm²
     This selection table serves for orientation based on the welding current to be expected at the respective workplace.
     We recommend increasing the cross section for intermediate hose packages of 15 m in length or longer.

      Maximum welding currents in practice
                            Steel       CrNi         Alu
          0.8 mm           240 A       230 A          -
          1.0 mm           340 A       300 A        270 A
          1.2 mm           380 A       340 A        330 A
          1.6 mm           450 A       400 A        350 A

     ACCESSORIES                                                                                                              Item no.

      Intermediate hose pack gas-cooled
     Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 50mm² 1,4m G 12p FA/MA/SP                                                               7505000
     Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 50mm² 5m G 12p FA/MA/SP                                                                 7505001
     Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 50mm² 10m G 12p FA/MA/SP                                                                7505002
     Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 70mm² 1,4m G 12p FA/MA/SP                                                               7505010
     Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 70mm² 5m G 12p FA/MA/SP                                                                 7505011
     Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 70mm² 10m G 12p FA/MA/SP                                                                7505012
     Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 70mm² 15m G 12p FA/MA/SP                                                                7505013
     Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 70mm² 20m G 12p FA/MA/SP                                                                7505014
     Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 95mm² 5m G 12p FA/MA/SP                                                                 7505021
     Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 95mm² 10m G 12p FA/MA/SP                                                                7505022
     Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 95mm² 15m G 12p FA/MA/SP                                                                7505023
MIG / MAG welding equipment pulse welding   17
                                                               FOCUS.ARC® P 250-450 WS

ACCESSORIES                                                                     Item no.

Intermediate hose pack water-cooled
Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 50mm² 1,4m W 12p FA/MA/SP                       7505030
Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 50mm² 5m W 12p FA/MA/SP                         7505031
Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 50mm² 10m W 12p FA/MA/SP                        7505032
Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 70mm² 1,4m W 12p FA/MA/SP                       7505040
Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 70mm² 5m W 12p FA/MA/SP                         7505041
Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 70mm² 10m W 12p FA/MA/SP                        7505042
Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 70mm² 15m W 12p FA/MA/SP                        7505043
Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 70mm² 20m W 12p FA/MA/SP                        7505044
Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 95mm² 1,4m W 12p FA/MA/SP                       7505050
Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 95mm² 5m W 12p FA/MA/SP                         7505051
Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 95mm² 10m W 12p FA/MA/SP                        7505052
Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 95mm² 15m W 12p FA/MA/SP                        7505053
Intermediate hose pack MIG / MAG 95mm² 20m W 12p FA/MA/SP                        7505054
 Torch MIG / MAG gas-cooled
Torch MAG MB 24D 3m G 50° KGK                                                    7601566
Torch MAG MB 24D 4m G 50° KGK                                                    7601567
Torch MAG MB 24D 5m G 50° KGK                                                    7601568
Torch MAG MB 26D 3m G 50° KGK                                                    7601569
Torch MAG MB 26D 4m G 50° KGK                                                    7601570
Torch MAG MB 26D 5m G 50° KGK                                                    7601562
Torch MAG MB 36D 3m G 50° KGK                                                    7601571
Torch MAG MB 36D 4m G 50° KGK                                                    7601561
Torch MAG MB 36D 5m G 50° KGK                                                    7601572
Torch MAG MB 24D 3m UD G 50° KGK                                                 7601023
Torch MAG MB 24D 4m UD G 50° KGK                                                 7601024
Torch MAG MB 24D 5m UD G 50° KGK                                                 7601025
Torch MAG MB 26D 3m UD G 50° KGK                                                 7601689
Torch MAG MB 26D 4m UD G 50° KGK                                                 7601690
Torch MAG MB 26D 5m UD G 50° KGK                                                 7601691
Torch MAG MB 36D 3m UD G 50° KGK                                                 7601692
Torch MAG MB 36D 4m UD G 50° KGK                                                 7601693
Torch MAG MB 36D 5m UD G 50° KGK                                                 7601694
 Torch MIG / MAG water-cooled
Torch MAG W 340D 3m                                                              7601716
Torch MAG W 340D 4m                                                              7601718
Torch MAG W 340D 5m                                                              7601720
Torch MAG W 440D 3m                                                              7601722
Torch MAG W 440D 4m                                                              7601724
Torch MAG W 440D 5m                                                              7601726
Torch MAG W 540D 3m                                                              7601728
Torch MAG W 540D 4m                                                              7601730
Torch MAG W 540D 5m                                                              7601732
Torch MAG W 340D 7 3m UD                                                         7601717
Torch MAG W 340D 7 4m UD                                                         7601719
Torch MAG W 340D 7 5m UD                                                         7601721
Torch MAG W 440D 7 3m UD                                                         7601723
Torch MAG W 440D 7 4m UD                                                         7601725
Torch MAG W 440D 7 5m UD                                                         7601727
Torch MAG W 540D 7 3m UD                                                         7601729
Torch MAG W 540D 7 4m UD                                                         7601731
Torch MAG W 540D 7 5m UD                                                         7601733
18   MIG / MAG welding equipment Impulse welding
     FOCUS.ARC® P 250-450 WS

     ACCESSORIES                                                                                   Item no.

      Wear parts sets for torch
     Wear parts set Box MB 24D/240WD                                                               7700416
     Wear parts set Box MB 26D                                                                     7700418
     Wear parts set Box MB 36D                                                                     7700419
     Wear parts set Box W340                                                                       7700621
     Wear parts set Box W440                                                                       7700622
     Wear parts set Box W540                                                                       7700623
      Earth cable
     Earth cable 35mm² 4m 13 400A Clamp                                                            7810102
     Earth cable 50mm² 4m 13 500A Clamp                                                            7810109
     Earth cable 70mm² 4m 13 600A Clamp                                                            7810104
     Earth cable 95mm² 4m 13 600A Pinzwinge                                                        7810150
      Pressure reducer
     Pressure reducer Optimator Argon/CO2                                                          7967932
     Pressure reducer, with content and work pressure gauge, 200bar 32 l/min                       7530500
     Pressure reducer, Argon/CO2 NL                                                                7830164
      Basket spool adapter
     Basket spool adapter Industry                                                                 7516000
     Basket spool adapter Professional                                                             7516004
      Gas hose
     Gas hose ISO3821 6x3,5 2x 1/4" 1,8m                                                           3250001
     Inert gas filter 1/4" for assembly between gas hose and pressure reducer                      7501111
      Cooling liquid
     Cooling liquid, RCL, 5l                                                                       1680051
     Cooling liquid, RCL, 25l                                                                      1680251
     Remote control
     SET MIG-FP1 + Interface                                                                        7501101
     Set consists of handheld remote controller 7501004 with 2 controllers and interface 1381285
     Hand-held remote control MIG-FP1 for Interf. FP1                                              7501004
     Hand-held remote control with 2 controls. (requires the interface 1381285)

      FEED ROLLERS FOR WIRE FEED UNIT                                                               Item no.

      Single feed rollers for massive wire
     Feed roller 0,6/0,8mm massive 4/2                                                             7503054
     Feed roller 0,8/1,0mm massive 4/2                                                             7503055
     Feed roller 1,0/1,2mm massive 4/2                                                             7503053
     Feed roller 1,2/1,6mm massive 4/2                                                             7503056
     Feed roller 0,9/1,1mm massive 4/2                                                             7503065
      Single feed rollers for tube wire
     Feed roller 1,2/1,6mm tube 4/2                                                                7503066
     Single feed rollers for aluminium wire
     Feed roller A 1,0/1,2mm alu 4/2                                                               7503069
     Feed roller A 1,2/1,6mm alu 4/2                                                               7503070
     Feed roller A 1,6/2,4mm alu 4/2                                                               7503071
MIG / MAG welding equipment pulse welding   19
                                                                          FOCUS.ARC® P 250-450 WS

 UPGRADE EQUIPMENT                                                                        Item no.

Retrofit kit holder for torch and hose pack FOCUS.ARC                                      7501129
Retrofit kit shock proof cover display top/bottom FOCUS.ARC                                7501130
Retrofit kit air pre-filter                                                                7501132
Metal filter FA P (two pieces per attachment)                                              7503057
Retrofit kit toolbox for compact machines                                                  7501131
 Wire feed case
Retrofit kit driving carriage for wire feed case                                           7501502
Rolliner HD cpl. with connection G1 / 4 5m                                                 7504005
Package with connection for feeder case and barrel wire
Rolliner HD cpl. with connection G1/4 10m                                                  7504010
Package with connection for feeder case and barrel wire
Interfaces - SET FA to URe series                                                          7504015
Programmed interface including 5m connection cable and installation manual
Interface FP1 standard 5m                                                                  1381285
Start, current flows, two analog values with 5m control line

 SPARE PARTS FOR WIRE FEED UNIT                                                           Item no.

Capillary tube up to 1,6mm                                                                 7503067
Support tube for teflonfeeder up to 4mm outer diameter                                     7503068
Clamping pulley left 4/2                                                                   7503083
Clamping pulley right 4/2                                                                  7503084
Inlet blue ID ø 2.0mm                                                                      4000222
Middle wire feed, blue, ID ø 2.0mm                                                         4000223
Pressure unit complete, red SS4-ST4                                                        4000220
     The benchmark for efficient welding

                           Benefit from the use of the Power Factor Controller (PFC)
                           in many of our welding machines.
                           No matter whether you weld TIG or MIG / MAG.

     Wirkungsweise – Was bewirkt ein PFC (Power Factor Controller)?
     The progress of current and voltage  The progress of current and voltage
     without PFC                          with PFC
       Uncontroled asymmetrical current consumption                    No phase shifting. Symmetric controlled current consumtion

                 Phase shifting

           Voltage                                                           Voltage
           Current                                                           Current

     Primary inverters are for the power supply network a             A PFC is able to correct the phase shifting as well as the
     capacitive load. This generates a phase shifting between         peaks from the current.
     current and voltage. The result is reactive power.
     Another effect is that the consumption of current is not         Via a very fast measurement is the PFC sensing the voltage
     controlled. The current curve is like a peak.                    and the current consumption.
     The result is that the fuse is dropping earlier.                 According to the measurement is the current consumption
                                                                      regulated according to the voltage at each moment.
                                                                      The PFC also stores energy, this can be used, if needed
                                                                      from the machine.

      -    The consumption of current is not controlled.
           This causes a faster tripping of the fuse in the supply.
                                                                       +      The consumption of current is controlled

      -    Caused from the phase shifting appears a high level
                                                                       +      No phase shifting

           of reactive power, which is in the future not allowed
           anymore                                                     +      More load at same connection is possible

                                                                      Reduced power consumption
                                                                      In addition to the other advantages offers the PFC also a
                                                                      reduced power consumption:

                                                                          1. The maximal current consumption is 12,5 % reduced
                                                                          2. The effective current consumption is 25 % reduced
                                                                          3. The maximal power consumption is 15 % reduced
MIG / MAG welding equipment pulse welding                                         21
                                                                        MEGA.ARC P 250-450 WS

 Pulse welding for perfect MIG / MAG welding results.
 The new MEGA.ARC P 250-450 WS

 Just right for users who want to work with modern technology
 in a highly professional manner.
 Designed for professional use by industrial customers.

       More meters of welding seam per hour

       Better arc control

       80 % less grinding dust
       Ready for I 4.0 (optional)

                                               Everything you need to know about
                                               the qualification of welding processes.
                                               The REHM WPQR package, see page 81.

                                                                                None of the illustrations show the standard equipment.

The welding power sources must be maintained once a year in accordance with DGUV V3 and EN 60974-4. Our service department can help.
22   MIG / MAG welding equipment pulse welding
     MEGA.ARC P 250-450 WS

     MEGA.ARC P 250-450 WS

      TECHNICAL DATA                                                           250        300              350             400            450
      Setting range                                              [A]       20-260       20-310           20-360          20-410          20-460
      Duty cycle (ED) at Imax.                                  [%]                                80                                      60
      Weld current at 100 % ED                                   [A]           230        280              320             370            400
      Open-circuit connection                                    [V]                      89                                       75
      Wire feed                                             [Ø mm]         0.8 / 1.0                              1.0 / 1.2
      Mains connection                                           [V]                                     3 x 400
      Mains voltage tolerance                                   [%]                                     + 15 / - 25
      Fuse                                                       [A]                                        32
      Protection type                                                                                     IP 23
      Power factor                                         [cos phi]                                       0.99
      Power consumption at Imax.                              [kVA]            8.4         11             13.7              16.8          20.6
      Weight without undercarriage                              [kg]
        Compact gas-cooled                                                                 46		                                    49
        Compact water-cooled (W)                                                           56		                                    59
        With wire feed case gas-cooled (S)                                                 57                                      60
        With wire feed case water-cooled (WS)                                              70                                      73
      Dimensions without undercarriage LxWxH [mm]
        Compact gas-cooled                                                                           650 x 330 x 624
        Compact water-cooled (W)                                                                     650 x 330 x 820
        With wire feed case gas-cooled (S)
                                                                                                    650 x 330 x 1,100
        With wire feed case water-cooled (WS)
      Item no.
        Gas-cooled                                                        1307145      1307155           1307165         1307175         1307185
        Gas-cooled with wire feed case (S)                                1307147      1307157           1307167         1307177         1307187
        Water-cooled (W)                                                  1307146      1307156           1307166         1307176         1307186
        Water-cooled with wire feed case (WS)                             1307148      1307158           1307168         1307178         1307188

     Operation as standard in wire feed case. Choose undercarriage separate.

                               Information on the control panel can be found on page 12

                               See pages 14-15 for information about the various
                               undercarriage options.

     Subject to technical changes. All REHM welding equipment listed bears the CE and S markings and complies with the EN 60 974-1 and
     EN 501 99 standards.
     W = With water cooling, WS = With water cooling and separate wire feed case, S = With separate wire feed case
MIG / MAG welding equipment pulse welding   23
                                                          MEGA.ARC P 250-450 WS

Centre lock variants                                          see page 16

Intermediate hose pack selection table                        see page 16

Intermediate hose pack gas-cooled
Intermediate hose pack water-cooled
Torch MIG / MAG gas-cooled
Torch MIG / MAG water-cooled
Wear parts sets for torch
Earth cable                                                  see pages 16-18
Pressure reducer
Basket spool adapter
Gas hose
Cooling liquid
Remote control

Single feed rollers for massive wire
Single feed rollers for tube wire                             see page 18
Single feed rollers for aluminium wire

Wire feed case
                                                              see page 19

Spare parts for wire feed unit                                see page 19
24   Protective gases for connection welding
     DIN EN ISO 14175

     Classification of the protective gases for connection welding
     and related processes according to DIN EN ISO 14175

      Short name                                                               Components in volume-%
       Main        Sub-
                                                Oxidising                                    inner            reducing      inert substance
       group       group
                                      CO2                        O2              Ar              He              H2               N2
                     1                                                          100
         I           2                                                                          100
                     3                                                         Rest         0,5 ≤ He ≤ 95
                     1          0,5 < CO2 ≤ 5                                  Rest1)                       0,5 ≤ H2 ≤ 5
                     2          0,5 < CO2 ≤ 5                                  Rest    1)
                     3                                    0,5 ≤ O2 ≤ 3         Rest1)
                     4          0,5 ≤ CO2 ≤ 5             0,5 ≤ O2 ≤ 3         Rest1)
                     0         0,5 < CO2 ≤ 15                                  Rest1)
                     1          15 < CO2 ≤ 25                                  Rest1)
                     2                                    3 < O2 ≤ 10          Rest1)
                     3         0,5 ≤ CO2 ≤ 15             3 < O2 ≤ 10          Rest1)
                     4          5 < CO2 ≤ 15              0,5 ≤ O2 ≤ 3         Rest1)
                     5          5 < CO2 ≤ 15              3 < O2 ≤ 10          Rest1)
                     6         15 < CO2 ≤ 25              0,5 ≤ O2 ≤ 3         Rest1)
                     7          15 < CO2 ≤ 25              3 < O2 ≤ 10         Rest1)
                     1          25 < CO2 ≤ 50                                  Rest1)
                     2                                    10 < O2 ≤ 15         Rest1)
        M3           3          25 < CO2 ≤ 20              2 < O2 ≤ 10         Rest1)
                     4          5 < CO2 ≤ 25              10 < O2 ≤ 15         Rest1)
                     5          25 < CO2 ≤ 50             10 < O2 ≤ 15         Rest1)
                     1               100
                     2                Rest               0,5 ≤ O2 ≤ 30
                     1                                                         Rest1)                       0,5 ≤ H2 ≤ 15
                     2                                                         Rest    1)
                                                                                                            15 ≤ H2 ≤ 50
                     1                                                                                                           100
                     2                                                         Rest1)                                        0,5 ≤ N2 ≤ 5
         N           3                                                         Rest1)                                        5 ≤ N2 ≤ 50
                     4                                                         Rest1)                       0,5 ≤ H2 ≤ 10    0,5 ≤ N2 ≤ 5
                     5                                                                                      0,5 ≤ H2 ≤ 50       Rest
         O           1                                         100
                                             Mixed gases for components not listed in the table or mixed gases
                                                     with a composition outside the specified ranges2)

     1) For this classification argon may be partially or wholly replaced by helium.
     2) Two mixed gases with the same Z-classification must not be exchanged.
MIG / MAG welding equipment continuously adjustable                                                   25
                                                         FOCUS.ARC® S 350 W-450 WS

Continuously adjustable welding at the highest level
The new FOCUS.ARC® S
Equipped with the advantages that FOCUS.ARC® P also offers
(more on page 11), there is the right variant for every requirement,
with the right range of functions.

Range of functions FOCUS.ARC® P and FOCUS.ARC® S
in comparison
                                                                         ®                             ®
EQUIPMENT                                                 FOCUS.ARC P                    FOCUS.ARC S
SIRIUS operating and communication system                                    Identical
Web server                                                                   Identical
Performance data                                                             Identical
Job memory                                                       500                          500
Welding process POWER.ARC                                          X                            X
Welding process FOCUS.ARC                                          X                            X
Welding process FOCUS.ROOT                                         X                            X
Welding process POWER.PULS                                         X
Welding process FOCUS.PULS                                         X
MIG / MAG procedure                                                X                            X
MMA procedure                                                      X                            X
Accessories                                                                  Identical
Options                                                                      Identical

                                         Everything you need to know about
                                         the qualification of welding processes.
                                         The REHM WPQR package, see page 81.

                                                                               None of the illustrations show the standard equipment.

The welding power sources must be maintained once a year in accordance with DGUV V3 and EN 60974-4. Our service department can help.
26   MIG / MAG welding equipment continuously adjustable
     FOCUS.ARC® S 350 W-450 WS

     FOCUS.ARC® S 350 W-450 WS

      TECHNICAL DATA                                                            350                 400                      450
      Setting range                                              [A]           20-360             20-410                   20-460
      Duty cycle (ED) at Imax.                                  [%]                      80                                  60
      Weld current at 100 % ED                                   [A]            320                 370                      400
      Open-circuit connection                                    [V]             89                               75
      Wire feed                                             [Ø mm]                                1.0 / 1.2
      Mains connection                                           [V]                               3 x 400
      Mains voltage tolerance                                   [%]                              + 15 / - 25
      Fuse                                                       [A]                                  32
      Protection type                                                                               IP 23
      Power factor                                        [cos phi]                                  0,99
      Power consumption at Imax.                             [kVA]              13.7                 16.8                   20.6
      Weight without undercarriage                            [kg]
       Compact water-cooled (W)                                                  56                               59
       With wire feed case water-cooled (WS)                                     70                               73
      Dimensions without undercarriage LxWxH [mm]
        Compact water-cooled (W)                                                               650 x 330 x 820
        With wire feed case water-cooled (WS)                                                 650 x 330 x 1,100
      Item no.
         Water-cooled (W)                                                      1330212            1330213                 1330214
         Water-cooled with wire feed case (WS)                                 1330232            1330233                 1330234
     Operation as standard in wire feed case. Choose undercarriage separate.

                               Information on the control panel can be found on page 12

                               See pages 14-15 for information about the various
                               undercarriage options.

     Subject to technical changes. All REHM welding equipment listed bears the CE and S markings and complies with the EN 60 974-1 and
     EN 501 99 standards.
     W = With water cooling, WS = With water cooling and separate wire feed case
MIG / MAG welding equipment continuously adjustable    27
                                                              FOCUS.ARC® S 350 W-450 WS

 Centre lock variants                                              See page 16

 Intermediate hose pack selection table                            See page 16

ACCESSORIES                                                                        Item no.

Wear parts sets for torch
Wear parts set Box W340                                                            7700621
Wear parts set Box W440                                                            7700622
Wear parts set Box W540                                                            7700623
 Intermediate hose pack water-cooled
 Torch MIG / MAG water-cooled
 Earth cable
 Pressure reducer
                                                                 See pages 17-18
 Basket spool adapter
 Gas hose
 Cooling liquid
 Remote control

 Single feed rollers for massive wire
 Single feed rollers for tube wire                                 See page 18
 Single feed rollers for aluminium wire

 Wire feed case
                                                                   See page 19

 Spare parts for wire feed unit                                    See page 19
28   THE REHM torch concept
     Always the right torch for your welding machine

     How to find the right torch for your REHM welding equipment
     When buying a welding torch the same question arises again and again: "Which torch is the right one for my REHM
     welding equipment?". It is particularly challenging if the welding torch required is to have remote control functions
     of the welding equipment. It is not just a matter of the performance class but also whether the torch control pins can
     actually be connected to the welding equipment.

     With our instructions this is no longer a problem! The following example using the TIGER series shows how to find the
     right torch for your equipment in just two easy steps.

          Step 1:

          Check which control socket your REHM weld-
          ing equipment has and how many control pins
          it has. The control pins are connected to the
          control socket of the welding torch, in order to
          be able to call up the required functions. This
          is always located at the front of the welding
          equipment at the power source or alternatively
          at the wire feed case.
          In this example the TIGER has a 19-pin

          Step 2:

          Select your welding torch with the appropriate control pines and the desired function from our extensive
          range of welding torches.
          The following list is an example of TIG torches.

     Handle               Control socket         Function            Hose set          Length       VE [Pc.]          Item no.
     GRIP-LITTLE              7 pin.          Double press        HiFlex Leather        4m             1              7631773
     GRIP-LITTLE              7 pin.          Double press        HiFlex Leather        8m             1              7631774
     GRIP-LITTLE             19 pin.            Up/Down           HiFlex Leather        4m             1              7631806
     GRIP-LITTLE             19 pin.            Up/Down           HiFlex Leather        8m             1              7631807
     GRIP                    12 pin.            Up/Down           HiFlex Leather        4m             1              7631736
     GRIP                    12 pin.            Up/Down           HiFlex Leather        8m             1              7631702

     Note: Alternatively you can refer to the table below to see which REHM welding equipment series has which
     control socket.

      Welding equipment series                                 Welding technology                    Control socket [pol.]
      FOCUS.ARC                                                  MIG / MAG pulse                               7+19
      MEGA.ARC                                                   MIG / MAG pulse                               7+19
      INVERTIG.PRO    ®
                                                                        TIG                                     12
      TIGER   ®
                                                                   TIG portable                                 19
MIG / MAG welding equipment continuously adjustable                                                 29
                                                              MEGA.ARC S 300-450 WS

Continuously adjustable for perfect MIG / MAG welding
The new MEGA.ARC S 300-450 WS
Equipped with the advantages that MEGA.ARC P also offers
(more on page 21), there is the right variant for everyone who likes
conventional welding, with the right range of functions.

Range of functions MEGA.ARC P and MEGA.ARC S
in comparison
 EQUIPMENT                                                    MEGA.ARC P                   MEGA.ARC S
 SIRIUS operating and communication system                                     Identical
 Web server                                                                    Optional
 Performance data                                                              Identical
 Job memory                                                         500                          500
 Welding process POWER.ARC                                           X                            X
 Welding process ROOT                                                X                            X
 Welding process POWER.PULS                                          X
 MIG / MAG procedure                                                 X                            X
 MMA procedure                                                       X                            X
 Accessories                                                                   Identical
 Options                                                                       Identical

                                            Everything you need to know about
                                            the qualification of welding processes.
                                            The REHM WPQR package, see page 81.

                                                                               None of the illustrations show the standard equipment.

The welding power sources must be maintained once a year in accordance with DGUV V3 and EN 60974-4. Our service department can help.
30   MIG / MAG welding equipment continuously adjustable
     MEGA.ARC S 300-450 WS

     MEGA.ARC S 300-450 WS

      TECHNICAL DATA                                                                 300               350              400              450

      Setting range                                                        [A]     20-310             20-360           20-410         20-460
      Duty cycle (ED) at Imax.                                            [%]                          80                                60
      Weld current at 100 % ED                                             [A]       280                320             370              400
      Open-circuit connection                                              [V]                89                                75
      Wire feed                                                       [Ø mm]                              1.0 / 1.2
      Mains connection                                                     [V]                            3 x 400
      Mains voltage tolerance                                             [%]                            + 15 / - 25
      Fuse                                                                 [A]                                32
      Protection type                                                                                       IP 23
      Power factor                                                  [cos phi]                                0.99
      Power consumption at Imax.                                       [kVA]         11                13.7             16.8             20.6
      Weight without undercarriage                                       [kg]
        Compact gas-cooled                                                                    46                                49
        Compact water-cooled (W)                                                              56                                59
        With wire feed case gas-cooled (S)                                                    57                                60
        With wire feed case water-cooled (WS)                                                 70                                73
      Dimensions without undercarriage LxWxH                             [mm]
       Compact gas-cooled                                                                              650 x 330 x 624
       Compact water-cooled (W)                                                                        650 x 330 x 820
       With wire feed case gas-cooled (S)
                                                                                                       650 x 330 x 1,100
       With wire feed case water-cooled (WS)
      Item no.
         Gas-cooled                                                              1330375           1330385           1330395         1330405
         Gas-cooled with wire feed case (S)                                      1330377           1330387           1330397         1330407
         Water-cooled (W)                                                        1330376           1330386           1330396         1330406
         Water-cooled with wire feed case (WS)                                   1330378           1330388           1330398         1330408
     Operation as standard in wire feed case. Choose undercarriage separate.

                               Information on the control panel can be found on page 12

                               See pages 14-15 for information about the various
                               undercarriage options.

     Subject to technical changes. All REHM welding equipment listed bears the CE and S markings and complies with the EN 60 974-1 and
     EN 501 99 standards.
     W = With water cooling, WS = With water cooling and separate wire feed case, S = With separate wire feed case
MIG / MAG welding equipment continuously adjustable   31
                                                            MEGA.ARC S 300-450 WS

Centre lock variants                                           See page 16

Intermediate hose pack selection table                         See page 16

Intermediate hose pack gas-cooled
Intermediate hose pack water-cooled
Torch MIG / MAG gas-cooled
Torch MIG / MAG water-cooled
Wear parts sets for torch
Earth cable                                                   See pages 16-18
Pressure reducer
Basket spool adapter
Gas hose
Cooling liquid
Remote control

Single feed rollers for massive wire
Single feed rollers for tube wire                              See page 18
Single feed rollers for aluminium wire

Wire feed case
                                                               See page 19

Spare parts for wire feed unit                                 See page 19
32   An overview of REHM premium sets
     MIG / MAG and TIG

      (only available in combination with welding machines)

       SYNERGIC.PRO® 304-504

       Premium set gas-cooled
       Premium set 1 Torch MB15, earth cable 25mm² 4m, pressure reducer                        1184200
       Premium set 2 Torch MB25, earth cable 35mm² 4m, pressure reducer                        1184202
       Premium set 3 Torch MB26, earth cable 50mm² 4m, pressure reducer                        1184204
       Premium set 4 Torch MB36, earth cable 70mm² 4m, pressure reducer                        1184206
       Premium set water-cooled
       Premium set 5 Torch MB401, earth cable 50mm² 4m, pressure reducer                       1184208
       Premium set 6 Torch MB401, earth cable 70mm² 4m, pressure reducer                       1184210

        Figure: Premium set 1184202

      (only available in combination with welding machines)

       INVERTIG.PRO ®                                                                COMPACT   DIGITAL

       Premium set gas-cooled
       Premium set Torch R TIG 200/35² 8m, earth cable 25mm² 4m, pressure reducer        -     1485200
       Premium set Torch R TIG 200/50³ 8m, earth cable 25mm² 4m, pressure reducer        -     1485205
       Premium set water-cooled
       Premium set Torch R TIG 260W 8m, earth cable 35mm² 4m, pressure reducer       1485210   1485210
       Premium set Torch R TIG 260W 8m, earth cable 50mm² 8m, pressure reducer       1485215   1485215
       Premium set Torch R TIG 450W 8m, earth cable 70mm² 8m, pressure reducer       1485220   1485220
        Premium set Torch R TIG 450W SC 8m, earth cable 95mm² 8m, pressure reducer   1485225   1485225

        Figure: Premium set 1485205
MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC® technology                                                            33
                                                       SYNERGIC.PRO® Series

 The new SYNERGIC.PRO® Series
 MIG / MAG welding with the best in its class!
 The step-switched MIG / MAG devices with SMC® technology of the
 SYNERGIC.PRO® series are completely revised and even better than before.
 Find the right performance class for you from the extended range of types
 and experience the best "heavy duty machines" for MIG / MAG welding.

 SYNERGIC.PRO® 304-504 WS - The „heavy duty machines”
 for tough industrial use with focused arc

 SYNERGIC.PRO® 251-402 W - The all-rounders for industry and craft,
 for thin sheet metal and medium sheet thicknesses

                                                     Everything you need to know about
                                                     the qualification of welding processes.
                                                     The REHM WPQR package, see page 81.

                                                                               None of the illustrations show the standard equipment.

The welding power sources must be maintained once a year in accordance with DGUV V3 and EN 60974-4. Our service department can help.
34    MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC® technology
      SYNERGIC.PRO® Series

     SMC® – The superordinate machine control concept from REHM

     Precise control of the arc length
     The arc length is not only regulated by measuring the arc voltage and the welding current, but also by digitally recording the
     wire feed speed.

     Welding parameter setting - easy and safe
     Setting the correct welding parameters is easy and safe thanks to the integrated welding parameter database and the
     convenient operating concept.

     Constant arc length
     The integrated microprocessor compensates for changes quickly and efficiently and keeps the arc length significantly constant.

     SDI®                                                                                   RSC®
     (Stepless Dynamic Induction)                                                           (Realtime Speed Control)

     Stepless, electronic welding choke with                                                Realtime monitoring and precise control
     ultra-fast control for excellent arc ignition                                          of wire feed speed avoids adhesion due
     characteristics and a stable arc                                                       to burning

     (Characteristic Curve Memory)

     Integrated welding parameter database
     with concentrated expert knowledge
                                                                                            (REHM Machine Interface)

                                                                                            Enables straightforward, fast setting of
                                                                                            welding parameters

                         (Smart Machine Control)

                         Innovative, intelligent machine control for
                         excellent welding results through simple,
                         safe operation
MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC® technology                                                             35
                                                      SYNERGIC.PRO® Series

The „heavy duty machines” for tough industrial use up to 500 A:
SYNERGIC.PRO® 304 to 504 WS
For everyone who has special demands on the individual
device design.

Focused arc
The REHM FOCUS.ARC welding process can be                                 NEW &
activated on the SYNERGIC.PRO® 304 to 504 at the                          UNIQUE
push of a button.

Penetration stabilizer
The SYNERGIC.PRO® detects changes in the stick-out
(free wire end) and automatically corrects the arc power.
That means uniform penetration in every position.
Mains voltage compensation
The SYNERGIC.PRO® automatically detects fluctations
in the mains voltage and adjusts the wire feeder auto-
matically according to the mains voltage.

Robust undercarriage
Designed for 50 l gas bottles, with large wheels
(front 160 mm, rear 250 mm)

                                                                               None of the illustrations show the standard equipment.
The welding power sources must be maintained once a year in accordance with DGUV V3 and EN 60974-4. Our service department can help.
36   MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC® technology
     SYNERGIC.PRO® Series


     The fastest and safest way to set the correct welding parameters.

           Digital display for welding voltage with       Setting the spot-weld and interval time
           hold function

          Digital display for welding current with        Rotary knob for wire speed rate and
          hold function and material thickness            arc length correction
           Operating modes:                               Synergy program selection:
           Material thickness display                     ■ Material / wire diameter combination
           ■ 2 cycle, 4 cycle, spot-weld, interval          and manual operation





      7   Stepless arc strength regulation                Fine step switch
          (SDI® technology)

      8   Coarse step switch                          10 REHM FOCUS.ARC
                                                          Switching on / off
MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC® technology                                                  37
                                                             SYNERGIC.PRO® Series


                                                                    304-4                                          304-4 W
TECHNICAL DATA                                                     304-4 S                                        304-4 WS

Setting range                                     [A]                                      40-300
Duty cycle (ED) at Imax.                         [%]                                          40
Weld current at 100 % ED                          [A]                                        180
Open-circuit voltage                              [V]                                       17-37
Switching steps                                                                               10
Wire feed                                                                                  4 rollers
Mains connection                                  [V]                                      3 x 400
Fuse                                              [A]                                         32
Torch cooling                                                        gas                                         gas / water
Protection type                                                                             IP 23
Welding cable socket                           [mm]                                          13
Weight                                          [kg]
 Compact                                                             104                                             117
 With wire feed case                                                 120                                             133
Dimension LxWxH                               [mm]
 Compact                                                                           1,040 x 560 x 850
 With wire feed case                                                              1,040 x 560 x 1,400
Item no.
  Compact                                                          1122200                                         1122202
  With wire feed case                                              1122201                                         1122203

PREMIUM SET RECOMMENDATION                                          Item no.                               Recommended for
(only available in combination with welding machines)

 Premium set 3
                                                                    1184204                                     304-4, 304-4 S
 SYN.PRO² MM26-4m/50mm²
 Premium set 5
                                                                    1184208                                304-4 W, 304-4 WS
 SYN.PRO² MM401-4m/50mm²

Subject to technical changes. All REHM welding equipment listed bears the CE and S markings and complies with the EN 60 974-1 and
EN 501 99 standards.
W = With water cooling, WS = With water cooling and separate wire feed case, S = With separate wire feed case
38   MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC® technology
     SYNERGIC.PRO® 304-504 WS

     SYNERGIC.PRO® 404-504 WS

                                                                 404-4                 404-4 W                  504-4               504-4 W
     TECHNICAL DATA                                             404-4 S               404-4 WS                 504-4 S             504-4 WS

     Setting range                                      [A]                40-400                                         40-500
     Duty cycle (ED) at Imax.                          [%]                                           40
     Weld current at 100 % ED                           [A]                  260                                            320
     Open-circuit voltage                               [V]                 18-45                                          18-51
     Switching steps                                                          20                                            30
     Wire feed                                                                                    4 rollers
     Mains connection                                   [V]                                       3 x 400
     Fuse                                               [A]                                          32
     Torch cooling                                                gas                   water                    gas                 water
     Protection type                                                                                IP 23
     Welding cable socket                            [mm]                                            13
     Weight                                           [kg]
      Compact                                                     128                    141                     133                 146
      With wire feed case                                         144                    157                     149                 162
     Dimension LxWxH                                 [mm]
      Compact                                                                              1,040 x 560 x 850
       With wire feed case                                                                1,040 x 560 x 1,400
     Item no.
       Compact                                                  1122210                1122212                 1122220              1122222
       With Wire feed case                                      1122211                1122213                 1122221              1122223

     PREMIUM SET RECOMMENDATION                                            Item no.                                  Recommended for
     (only available in combination with welding machines)

     Premium set 4
                                                                            1184206                           404-4, 404-4 S, 504-4, 504-4 S
     SYN.PRO² MM36-4m/70mm²
     Premium set 5
                                                                            1184208                                  404-4 W, 404-4 WS
     SYN.PRO² MM401-4m/50mm²
     Premium set 6
                                                                            1184210                                  504-4 W, 504-4 WS
     SYN.PRO² MM401-4m/70mm²

     Subject to technical changes. All REHM welding equipment listed bears the CE and S markings and complies with the EN 60 974-1 and
     EN 501 99 standards.
     W = With water cooling, WS = With water cooling and separate wire feed case, S = With separate wire feed case
MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC® technology                                           39
                                               SYNERGIC.PRO® 304-504 WS

OPTIONS                                                                                                  Item no.

Air pre-filter SYNERGIC.PRO²/MEGA.ARC²                                                                    1381351
Tool-Set SYNERGIC.PRO²/MEGA.ARC²                                                                          1180212
Holder for torch and hose pack                                                                            1180214
Crane lifting lugs with storage compartment for power source SYNERGIC.PRO²/MEGA.ARC²                      1180213
Option spinning pump at SYNERGIC                                                                          1184058
Drum wire feed through (wire feed unit)                                                                   1381147

ACCESSORIES                                                                                               Item no.

 Premium set recommendation (only available in combination with welding machines)
Premium set 2 SYN.PRO² MM25-4m/35mm²                                                                      1184202
Premium set 3 SYN.PRO² MM26-4m/50mm²                                                                      1184204
Premium set 4 SYN.PRO² MM36-4m/70mm²                                                                      1184206
Premium set 5 SYN.PRO² MM401-4m/50mm²                                                                     1184208
Premium set 6 SYN.PRO² MM401-4m/70mm²                                                                     1184210

Intermediate hose pack gas-cooled
                                                                                       See pages 16-17
Intermediate hose pack water-cooled

Torch MIG / MAG gas-cooled
Torch MAG MB 25D 3m G 50° KGK                                                                             7601564
Torch MAG MB 25D 4m G 50° KGK                                                                             7602546
Torch MAG MB 25D 5m G 50° KGK                                                                             7601565
Torch MAG MB 26D 3m G 50° KGK                                                                             7601569
Torch MAG MB 26D 4m G 50° KGK                                                                             7601570
Torch MAG MB 26D 5m G 50° KGK                                                                             7601562
Torch MAG MB 36D 3m G 50° KGK                                                                             7601571
Torch MAG MB 36D 4m G 50° KGK                                                                             7601561
Torch MAG MB 36D 5m G 50° KGK                                                                             7601572
Torch MIG / MAG water-cooled
Torch MAG W 340D 3m                                                                                       7601716
Torch MAG W 340D 4m                                                                                       7601718
Torch MAG W 340D 5m                                                                                       7601720
Torch MAG W 440D 3m                                                                                       7601722
Torch MAG W 440D 4m                                                                                       7601724
Torch MAG W 440D 5m                                                                                       7601726
Torch MAG W 540D 3m                                                                                       7601728
Torch MAG W 540D 4m                                                                                       7601730
Torch MAG W 540D 5m                                                                                       7601732
Torch MIG / MAG gas-cooled Push-Pull
Torch MAG MB PP 24D 12 8m E 0°                                                                            7602456
Torch MIG / MAG water-cooled Push-Pull
Torch MAG MB PP 401WD 12 8m E 0°                                                                          7604137
Wear parts sets for torch
Wear parts set Box MB 25D                                                                                 7700417
Wear parts set Box MB 26D                                                                                 7700418
Wear parts set Box MB 36D                                                                                 7700419
Wear parts set Box W340                                                                                   7700621
Wear parts set Box W440                                                                                   7700622
Wear parts set Box W540                                                                                   7700623
40   MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC® technology
     SYNERGIC.PRO® 304-504 WS

     ACCESSORIES                                                                        Item no.

      Earth cable
     Earth cable 16mm² 4m 13 200A Clamp                                                 7810100
     Earth cable 25mm² 4m 13 400A Clamp                                                 7810101
     Earth cable 35mm² 4m 13 400A Clamp                                                 7810102
     Earth cable 50mm² 4m 13 500A Clamp                                                 7810109
     Earth cable 70mm² 4m 13 600A Clamp                                                 7810104
     Earth cable 95mm² 4m 13 600A Clamp                                                 7810106
      Pressure reducer
      Basket spool adapter
                                                                         See page 18
      Gas hose
      Cooling liquid

      Single feed rollers for massive wire
      Single feed rollers for tube wire                                  See page 18
      Single feed rollers for aluminium wire

     UPGRADE EQUIPMENT                                                                 Item no.

     Retrofit kit air pre-filter SYNERGIC.PRO²/MEGA.ARC²                                1381353
     Metal filter cell for air pre-filter case SYNERGIC.PRO²/MEGA.ARC²                  7501120
     Retrofit kit holder for torch and hose pack FOCUS.ARC                              7501129
     Retrofit kit Push-Pull-Connection for SYNERGIC.PRO²                                1180168
      Wire feed case                                                     See page 19

     SPARE PARTS FOR WIRE FEED UNIT                                                    Item no.

     Capillary tube up to 1,6mm                                                         7503067
     Support tube for teflonfeeder up to 4mm outer diameter                             7503068
     Pressure arm set plastic SF SS4 right / left complete                              4000201
     Inlet blue ID ø 2.0mm                                                              4000222
     Middle wire feed, blue, ID ø 2.0mm                                                 4000223
     Pressure unit complete, red SS4-ST4                                                4000220
MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC® technology                                                              41
                                                  SYNERGIC.PRO® 251-402 W

The all-rounders among the step-switched MIG / MAG welding machines:
SYNERGIC.PRO® 251 to 402 W
For industry and craft, the right choice when it comes to thin sheet metal
and medium sheet thicknesses.

Welding parameter setting                                     Internal regulation
The integrated database provides the right welding            The SYNERGIC.PRO® series has transformers and
parameters for all tasks.                                     chokes specially designed for the respective power
Weldable materials                                            The fine tuning is done by SDI and the process
Fe, CrNi, Alu, CuSi3                                          parameters that are assigned to each setting.

Welding from a sensational 15 A
particularly suitable for use in thin sheet processing
from 15 A welding current.
Thanks to the special synergy programs and
SDI technology.

                                                                                None of the illustrations show the standard equipment.
The welding power sources must be maintained once a year in accordance with DGUV V3 and EN 60974-4. Our service department can help.
42   MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC® technology
     SYNERGIC.PRO® 251-402 W

     SYNERGIC.PRO® 251-402 W

                                                             251-4            311-4           351-4               352-4            402-4
      TECHNICAL DATA                                                                                             352-4 W          402-4 W

      Setting range                                    [A]   15-250          35-300                      35-350                   40-400
      Duty cycle (ED) at Imax.                        [%]                                       35
      Weld current at 100 % ED                         [A]   140               185                        210                       260
      Open-circuit voltage                             [V]   15-39            17-40                      17-42                     18-45
      Switching steps                                                  10                                 12                        20
      Wire feed                                                                              4 rollers
      Mains connection                                 [V]                                   3 x 400
      Fuse                                             [A]             16                                           32
      Torch cooling                                                           gas                                        gas / water
      Protection type                                                                          IP 21
      Welding cable socket                          [mm]                                        13
      Weight                                         [kg]
       Compact gas-cooled                                     64               68               69                  72                 78
       Compact water-cooled (W)                                -                -                -                  85                 91
      Dimension LxWxH                               [mm]
        Compact                                                         800 x 330 x 620                              877 x 357 x 660
      Item no.
        Gas-cooled                                           1031125        1031126          1031127              1031130         1031135
        Water-cooled (W)                                        -              -                -                 1031131         1031136

     PREMIUM SET RECOMMENDATION                                         Item no.                             Recommended for
     (only available in combination with welding machines)

      Premium set 2
                                                                         1184202                                   251-4, 311-4
      SYN.PRO² MM25-4m/35mm²
      Premium set 3
                                                                         1184204                                   351-4, 352-4
      SYN.PRO² MB26-4m/50mm²
      Premium set 4
                                                                         1184206                                      402-4
      SYN.PRO² MB36-4m/70mm²
      Premium set 5
                                                                         1184208                              352-4 W, 402-4 W
      SYN.PRO² MB401-4m/50mm²

     Subject to technical changes. All REHM welding equipment listed bears the CE and S markings and complies with the EN 60 974-1 and
     EN 501 99 standards.
     W = with water cooling
MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC® technology                      43
                                                SYNERGIC.PRO® 251-402 W

OPTIONS                                                                             Item no.

Option spinning pump at SYNERGIC                                                    1184058
Fixed castors instead of standard                                                   1180248
Swivel castors plastic                                                              1180154
Centre lock variants                                                  See page 16

ACCESSORIES                                                                         Item no.

 Premium sets (only available in combination with welding machines)
Premium set 1 SYN.PRO² MM15-4m/25mm²                                                1184200
Premium set 2 SYN.PRO² MM25-4m/35mm²                                                1184202
Premium set 3 SYN.PRO² MM26-4m/50mm²                                                1184204
Torch MIG / MAG gas-cooled
Torch MAG MB 15 4m G 50° KGK                                                        7601515
Torch MAG MB 15 5m G 50° KGK                                                        7601563
Torch MAG MB 25D 3m G 50° KGK                                                       7601564
Torch MAG MB 25D 4m G 50° KGK                                                       7602546
Torch MAG MB 25D 5m G 50° KGK                                                       7601565
Torch MAG MB 26D 3m G 50° KGK                                                       7601569
Torch MAG MB 26D 4m G 50° KGK                                                       7601570
Torch MAG MB 26D 5m G 50° KGK                                                       7601562
Torch MIG / MAG water-cooled
Torch MAG W 340D 3m                                                                 7601716
Torch MAG W 340D 4m                                                                 7601718
Torch MAG W 340D 5m                                                                 7601720
Torch MAG W 440D 3m                                                                 7601722
Torch MAG W 440D 4m                                                                 7601724
Torch MAG W 440D 5m                                                                 7601726
Wear parts sets for torch
Wear parts set Box MB 15                                                            7700415
Wear parts set Box MB 25D                                                           7700417
Wear parts set Box MB 26D                                                           7700418
Earth cable
Earth cable 25mm² 4m 13 400A clamp                                                  7810101
Earth cable 35mm² 4m 13 400A clamp                                                  7810102
Earth cable 50mm² 4m 13 500A clamp                                                  7810109
Earth cable 70mm² 4m 13 600A clamp                                                  7810104
44   MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC®Technology
     SYNERGIC.PRO® 251-402 W

     Pressure reducer
     Basket spool adapter
                                                      See page 18
     Gas hose
     Cooling liquid

     Single feed rollers for massive wire
     Single feed rollers for tube wire                See page 18
     Single feed rollers for aluminium wire

     Spare parts for wire feed unit                   See page 40
MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC®Technology                                                              45
                               SYNERGIC.PRO®² 190-2 and SYNERGIC 202-262

The gas-cooled SYNERGIC MIG / MAG welding machines up to 260 A:
Compact and also ready for mobile use
SYNERGIC.PRO®² 190-2 and SYNERGIC 202 to 262:
High duty cycle, excellent welding results thanks SMC® technology.

Wide range of applications
Whether thin or thick sheet, whether unalloyed and alloyed steels, stainless steels,
aluminum or coated sheets, the compact SYNERGIC devices for the lower performance
range are also unbeatable in mobile use.
Thanks to the enormous power and endurance of the devices combined with the intelligent
machine control SMC® (Smart Machine Control), the range of applications for the compact
class is particularly broad.

                                                                               None of the illustrations show the standard equipment.
The welding power sources must be maintained once a year in accordance with DGUV V3 and EN 60974-4. Our service department can help.
46   MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC®Technology
     SYNERGIC.PRO®² 190-2 and SYNERGIC 202-262

       SYNERGIC.PRO®² 190-2 and SYNERGIC 202-262

        TECHNICAL DATA                                                         190-2                       202                         262
        Setting range                                             [A]    30-140 (50-190¹)                30-200                       35-260
        Duty cycle (ED) at Imax.                                 [%]         50 (30¹)                      35                          25
        Weld current at 100 % ED                                  [A]       100 (105¹)                    125                          140
        Open-circuit voltage                                      [V]     22-34 (23-37¹)                 17-32                        18-38
        Switching steps                                                         6                           8                           10
        Wire feed                                                                                       2 rollers
        Mains connection                                         [V]    1 x 230 (3 x 400¹)                             3 x 400
        Fuse                                                     [A]         20 (16¹)                                     16
        Torch cooling                                                                                      gas
        Protection type                                                                      IP 21                                     IP 23
        Welding cable socket                                   [mm]                                         13
        Weight                                                   [kg]            60                         52                          55
        Dimension LxWxH                                        [mm]       800 x 330 x 620                           760 x 320 x 625
        Item no.
        Compact                                                               1031905                   1012042                       1012640

       PREMIUM SET-EMPFEHLUNG                                                Item no.                            Recommended for
       (only available in combination with welding machines)

           Premium set 1
                                                                              1184200                             190-2, 202, 262
           SYN.PRO² MB15-4m/25mm²

           The SYNERGIC.PRO2 190-2 can also be opereted on 400 V mains voltage using the adapter enclosed. The information given is valid for
           operation with 400 V mains voltage.
           Subject to technical changes. All REHM welding equipment listed bears the CE and S markings and complies with the EN 60 974-1 and
           EN 501 99 standards.
MIG / MAG welding equipment step-switched with SMC®Technology      47
                                 SYNERGIC.PRO®² 190-2 and SYNERGIC 202-262

ACCESSORIES                                                            Item no.

 Premium sets
 (only available in combination with welding machines)   see page 43
 Torch MIG / MAG gas-cooled
 Wear parts sets for torch
 Earth cable
Earth cable 25mm² 4m 13 400A clamp                                     7810101
Earth cable 35mm² 4m 13 400A clamp                                     7810102
 Pressure reducer
 Basket spool adapter                                    see page 18
 Gas hose

FEED ROLLERS FOR WIRE FEED UNIT                                        Item no.

 2 rollers SYNERGIC.PRO² 190-2
Feed rollers 0,6/0,8mm massive wire SP² - 2R                           4000151
Feed rollers 0,8/1,0mm massive wire SP² - 2R                           4000153
Feed rollers 1,0/1,2mm massive wire SP² - 2R                           4000152
 2 rollers SYNERGIC 202-262
Feed rollers 0,6mm/0,8mm SYN-2R/PANTHER                                7503000
Feed rollers 0,8mm/1,0mm SYN-2R/PANTHER                                7503001
Feed rollers 1,0mm/1,2mm SYN-2R/PANTHER                                7503002

SPARE PARTS FOR WIRE FEED UNIT                                         Item no.

 2 rollers SYNERGIC.PRO² 190-2
Capillary tube 58,5mm                                                  7502049
Support tube 57mm                                                      7502053
 2 rollers SYNERGIC 202-262
Capillary tube 95mm for RD/RP/RMA/RM/SYN                               7502046
Support tube 90mm RD/RP/RMA/RMP/                                       7502052

                              // Higher productivity

                              // Faster welding processes

                              // Uniform quality

     REHM ‒ The benchmark for modern welding
TIG welding equipment                        49
                                                                                                 INVERTIG.PRO® Series

     The INVERTIG.PRO® series:
     The benchmark for modern TIG welding
     Weld seam quality, duration of use and energy efficiency:
     The new INVERTIG.PRO® series offers all this and more.
     An innovative bi-power inverter with digital process control for
     improved welding properties.
     And of course excellent ease of use.

     Plug & Play with iSYSTEM                                    High power, low weight and
     Just plug it in and use for a multitude of applications.    the high energy efficiency
     Thanks to the CAN networked multi processor                 A completely newly developed 200 kHz-bi-power inverter
     architecture with smart expansion modules.                  guarantees these three advantages simultaneously.

     Suitable for use with generators
     More flexibility for portable use
     such as on construction sites.


       INVERTIG.PRO® digital MODULAR                            INVERTIG.PRO® digital COMPACT
       with TIG-COOL CART 2000                                  with integrated water cooling

                                                                                    None of the illustrations show the standard equipment.

     The welding power sources must be maintained once a year in accordance with DGUV V3 and EN 60974-4. Our service department can help.
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