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Welcome to St. George Church A Parish with Spirit and Heart! January 2, 2022 The Epiphany of the Lord As we turn a page in a book or flip the month on a calendar we see a new page emerge, new possibilities are revealed. Here we are at the beginning of another year. 2022 is yet a mystery for us. There will certainly be good times and awful events. The blend of these will make up the “spice” of our year. So much is out of our control. Things happen and then we cope. Our response to exterior events is something we are able to influence by our interior attitude. This interior disposition of ours is a work in progress. Each of us have had experiences that influence our confidence to carry on. Some have torn us down, others have built us up. The end result is where we are at this moment. This moment, as we enter the year 2022, is an invitation to “spin” our experiences in the most positive, constructive way. What choices shall we make to encourage growth, motivate others and inspire hope? Tending our own interiority is vital in providing us the strength to be the best we can be in 2022! New Year’s blessings to all. Mary, Mother of God, pray for us. Sister Lori The parish office will be closed all day Monday, January 3rd, in celebration of the New Year’s Day holiday.
Sunday and Holy Day offerings last week totaled $5,095.00, and Maintenance and Capital Improvement offerings for December now total $1,058.00. Thank you for your steadfast and faithful generosity to our parish and community needs. Donate online anytime at stgeorgercchurch.weshareonline.org. Rosary Altar Society Cookie Sale a Huge success! Thank you all for your support of the sale, which netted $1,578.00 to be used for the projects of the Rosary Altar Society. The winners of the Holiday Gift Card Raffle were: the Kraus family (Colden Market & Cafe); the LaValley family (Home Depot); the Dolce family (Wegmans) and Ricky Russo (Amazon). Congratulations! Doris Ellis, Jeanne McIntyre, Ronald Eckert, Cathy Castro, Rick Gonzalez, Rosemarie Wagner, Joe Grover, Bill Frick, Rose Wolf, Patricia Kralisz, and Sharon Brinkel. May they receive God’s comfort and healing. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK (♥ denotes a living intention) Saturday, January 1 Solemnity of Mary 10 am Jim Caprio, by Rick & Linda Gonzalez Epiphany of the Lord (Vigil) 5 pm The Four Intentions of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, by the St. Vincent de Paul Society Epiphany of the Lord 10 am Dennis Dee, by the Schneider Family Sunday, January 2 Monday, January 3 8 am For favors received, by anonymous Tuesday, January 4 8 am Robert Brinkel, by Sharon Brinkel Wednesday, January 5 8 am Communion Service Thursday, January 6 8 am Communion Service Friday, January 7 8 am Mary Hankin, by Joe Denesha Saturday, January 8 5 pm Cindy Stallard, by Rick & Linda Gonzalez Baptism of the Lord 10 am Kazimiera Strzelczyk, by Tom & Alice Dziulko Sunday, January 9 Our First Friday Mass will be January 7th at 8 am in the chapel. Each First Friday of the month, after the 8 am Mass, we offer Eucharistic exposition and simplified adoration until 10 am. Consider joining us in this prayerful devotion. Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 4:00 - 4:30 pm in the sacristy of the church. The Memorare Chapel is open daily for prayer.
The Epiphany of the Lord “As we begin the New Year, may we discover anew that faith demands worship. If we can fall on our knees before Jesus, we will overcome the temptation to set off on our own path.” (Pope Francis, Jan. 6, 2020) On this Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, we remember that God came to earth for everyone, every nation, every people. Epiphany Blessing of Your Home & Household On the Feast of the Epiphany, many faithful ask God’s blessing on their home and on those who live in or visit the home. A common way of doing this is to use chalk to write above the home’s entrance. It can also be written somewhere inside the home. 20 + C + M + B + 22 The letters C, M, B have two meanings: • They are the initials of the traditional names of the three magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. • They also abbreviate the Latin words Christus mansionem benedicat, “May Christ bless the house.” The “+” signs represent the cross and 2022 is the year. You can learn more about this tradition and prayers to pray along with the chalking of your door at usccb.org/prayer-and- worship/liturgical-year/christmas/christmas-january-6. Catholic Men’s Fellowship Join other men of faith every Saturday morning from 8-9:30 am in the parish hall to share some coffee, scripture, and fellowship. Next Saturday you’re also invited to join them in the church from 7-8 am for Adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament. Need more information? Email Paul at kalinskip@gmail.com. Resolve to Give Greener! Are you trying to cut down on the paper you use? Is the offering check that you write for our parish one of the few checks that you write anymore? You can give greener by using our online giving service, WeShare. Visit our secure website at stgeorgercchurch.weshareonline.org and sign up in minutes. You decide the amount that you would like to give, one-time or recurring, and whether the donation is drawn from your bank account or your credit card. Call 652-3153 if you need more info.ted in the Gathering space of the church and inside the Chapel doors. Rest in Peace, Mary Volk Mary passed away peacefully at home on December 27th. Kindly keep Mary’s loved ones, especially her daughter Jacquie Carr and granddaughters Olivia Carr and Karleigh Volk, in your prayers. Arrangements will be announced as soon as they are known. May Mary rest forever in the peace of our Father’s love.
Christmas Flower Offerings Honoring our Family and Friends ♥ Indicates a living intention Florence Woodruff ~ Michael Greean II ~ Mary & David Rieman Grant & David Rieman ~ Robert Prehoda ~ Howard Parker ~ George Rogers Bea Rogers ~ Thomas Woodrow ~ Bea Woodrow ~ Kraus & Holden Families Alfred Puff ~ John & Annie Fitzpatrick ~ Christine Czora ~ Frances Gottstine Louis & Teresa Gottstine ~ Bob & Ray Gottstine ~ Richard & Dorothy Hartmetz ~ Gertrude & Harold Hayden ~ Raymond Gottstine ~ Daniel J. Sojka Norm & Meta Conway ~ Anthony & Jean Sojka ~ Rosemary Schneider Mary Schneider ~ Betty McElheny ~ Kathy Tullar ~ Gary McKale Dorothy & Stanley Harezga ~ Robert Harezga ~ Carol Fachko ~ Howard Nelson Theo Pokorski ~ Sally Denesha ~ Marian & Robert Bull ~ Eunice & Fred Vitale Gladys Stroup ~ Frances & Joe Dole ~ Chris & Tom Alibiso ~ Arthur Hider Bill & Agnes Mazurczyk ~ Vincent Mazurczyk ~ Dan Pietrzak ~ Joe Kupka Lou Kupka ~ Edward Beck ~ William Beck ~ Alfred Beck ~ Lynn Racine Douglas Stetler ~ Joseph Arcara ~ Mrs. & Mrs. Joseph Antkowiak Louise Maggio ~ John & Irene Szeliga ~ Ilse Jung ~ ♥John Jung Clarence & Esther Ling ~ Howard & Mary Jean Ling ~ Joseph & Helen Peplin John & Adam Sikora ~ John Peplin, Sr. ~ Richard & Norma Hartman Thank you for your generous offerings to beautify our Church this Christmas season. Today we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, where the Magi find the newborn king and offer him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. In the spirit of the Magi, please put your gift in the St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box so that comfort and peace can once again be given to a newborn child. Contact Us Sr. Lori High, SSMN, Pastoral Administrator Rev. Msgr. Jim Wall, Sacramental Minister Office: 716.652.3153 Mobile: 716.292.4262 Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 8:30 am – 1:30 pm www.stgeorgercchurch.org stgeorge.wf@gmail.com St. George Church 74 Old Glenwood Rd. West Falls, NY 14170-9704
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