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Orbital Education Oryx International School is owned by Qatar Airways and managed by Orbital Education, who own and operate a growing group of international schools across the globe that cater for students between the ages of 2 - 18 years. Orbital specialise in delivering the English National Curriculum, enhanced to meet the needs of an internationaly diverse student population. Orbital was one of the select group of companies chosen to receive the prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise in 2019. Recognised for its excellence and innovation in international trade. *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 2
Delivering the best of British Education Supporting world Personalised learning for language development your child We offer several language Our ideal student:teacher ratio programmes including French means that every student gets and Spanish. the attention they need to be understood and supported. Our regional Arabic passport holders are taught Arabic 1 in We respect and develop each accordance with the MOE&HE student’s language and cultural requirements. diversity while continuing to develop their learning through the We also deliver English as an highest calibre of British education. Additional Language (EAL) programme to enable students to access the curriculum fully. A curriculum that opens Inspiring facilities in an doors ideal location We deliver the English National Our facilities are specifically Curriculum from our Early Years designed to support your children’s Foundation Stage to A-Levels. growth and development in the We are proud to say that we academic subjects of science, have the highest quality, fully technology, mathematics, trained teaching staff, all of whom languages, humanities, sports are specially selected for their and the creative arts, as well as professionalism, experience and encouraging them to participate in excellence. after school activities. *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 3
Accreditations and Examination Board The Council of British The Council of International British Schools in the Middle Pearson Edexcel is the brand International Schools (COBIS) Schools (CIS) is a East (BSME) supports a name for academic and general serves British International membership community network of high quality British qualifications from Pearson, Schools around the globe, working collaboratively to international schools in the including I/GCSEs, A levels and representing over 500 member shape international education region. BTEC, as well as some vocational organisations and 281 member through professional services In addition, they facilitate qualifications, including NVQs schools in 79 countries. to schools, higher education an invaluable partnership and Functional Skills. Oryx International School is a institutions, and individuals. The between member schools and Pearson is the UK’s largest Candidate School with COBIS CIS community includes more business partners specialising in awarding organisation offering and working through the than 1,360 institutions - over educational services, products academic, vocational and work- accreditation process. 740 schools, 610 colleges and and tools. based learning qualifications. universities representing 122 They support the accreditation Edexcel’s qualifications help For more information on COBIS countries. of member schools and lobby learners either progress to continue reading. Oryx has applied for school regulatory bodies to the benefit higher education or go directly membership. To qualify we must of their schools. into employment. They are meet CIS Core Membership grounded in the quality For more information on BSME criteria, live by the CIS Code of and traditions of the British continue reading. Ethics, and be fully accreditted education system made relevant by a recognised national agency. for today’s UK and international For more information on CIS learners. continue reading. For more information continue reading. *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 4
School Management Mr. Derek Laidlaw Mrs. Andrea Smith Mr. Ken Haggarty Executive Principal Head of Primary Head of Secondary Mr. Laidlaw has a Music and Mrs. Smith has a Post Graduate Mr. Haggarty has a Music and Teaching Degree from Dundee Certificate in Primary Education Teaching Degree from Dundee University and gained his National from Exeter University and University. He completed an MBA Professional Qualification for gained her National Professional in Education from the University of Headship through the National Qualification for Headship through Keele. College for School Leadership. He the National College for School Mr. Haggarty has over 35 years of has a MA in Educational Leadership Leadership. experience in education, holding from Oxford Brookes University. Mrs. Smith has over 25 years of various leadership roles and has Mr. Laidlaw has over 37 years experience in education and has spent 20 years in the Gulf. of experience in education 13 been a Headteacher for 18 of these. of these as Executive Principal in international schools on two continents. *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 5
UK Education System The education in the UK is split into four “Key Stages.” Students are assessed at the end of each stage. The most important assessments occur at the age of 16 when students write their International General Certificate of Secondary Education (I/GCSE’s) and then again at the age of 18 when they write their A-Level examinations. Age by 30 September Year Group Assessment / Examination EARLY Early Years 3-4 FS1 / Nursery Assessments YEARS Foundation Stage 4-5 FS2 / Reception 5-6 Year 1 Key Stage 1 6-7 Year 2 PRIMARY 7-8 Year 3 Termly assessments and end of year SCHOOL 8-9 Year 4 GL Assessments Key Stage 2 9 - 10 Year 5 10 - 11 Year 6 11 - 12 Year 7 Termly assessments and end of year Key Stage 3 12 - 13 Year 8 GL Assessments 13 - 14 Year 9 SECONDARY 14 - 15 Year 10 Year 10: Termly assessments. SCHOOL Key Stage 4 Year 11: Mock exams in November. Most external exams in May/June. 15 - 16 Year 11 Preparation of practical portfolios. Year 12: Mock Exams in November. 16 - 17 Year 12 Key Stage 5 Year 13: Mock exams in November. Most external exams in May/June. 17 - 18 Year 13 Preparation of practical portfolios. *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 6
Sixth Form Head of Sixth Form Lecture Theatre Oryx International School provides a unique educational Mr. Cundall has a BA (Hons) experience for our Sixth Form students. With the support of Degree in Industrial Design and our qualified professional team who will help prepare them, Technology with Education, in the two years under their care, for life after school. We are as well as his PGCE and committed towards supporting and guiding each student Masters Degree in Education at for their next stage of life, from choosing their future career Loughborough University. to their preferred university. Mr. Cundall has over 12 years Sixth Form is the first stage in preparing for life after school experience in education holding various leadership roles and as such, students are expected to have a high degree during this time. of independence and self-motivation; to have excellent attendance and behavioural records; and to contribute meaningfully towards the school community. Study Room Social Room As this is a two-year course, students must enrol in Year 12. Subjects on offer: • Art • Biology • Business Studies • Chemistry • Economics • English Language and Literature • French • Geography • History Bespoke Uniform • Information Technology • Mathematics • Music • Physical Education • Physics • Spanish • BTEC - Engineering • BTEC - Travel and Tourism • MOE&HE Arabic and Islamic Studies for regional students *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 7
Our School Day 06:30 - 07:15 07:15 Early drop off (students must be registered by arrangement) Gates 2 & 3 - doors open Before school care 07:30 Gates 2 & 3 - doors close If both parents work, or you are a single parent, you can register your child/ren for before school care club on a termly basis. 07:30 - 07:40 School starts - Registration in class If both parents work, please attach the official letter of 12:20 Foundation Stage 1 students may be collected from school employment for the parent that does not work for Qatar 14:00 End of academic school day Airways with the application form. 14:10 Buses depart Forms are available from our website: 14:10 - 15:00 After school activities https://oryxschool.qa/school-life/after-school-activities-and-clubs 15:00 ASA students to be picked up by parents Students will be supervised from 06.30 to 07.15 for early drop off, Sunday – Thursday. 15:10 ASA buses depart Please Note: After school care is available via our External After 16:00 All after care students to be picked up / Gates close School Activity provider - Premier Sports Group. *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 8
School Life School Uniform Oryx International School has a bespoke school uniform from Early Years through to Sixth Form, provided by Noblehouse. Contact details: +974 4039 0264 Transportation We contract a Qatar Airways externally approved bus company, Trilogistics. Parents can use their Education Allowance to pay for this, only valid for Oryx School students. Contact details: +974 7773 7879 Email: oryx@trilogistic.com Canteen Our canteen is operated by Newrest, a Qatar Airways provider. Students from Years 3 to 12 may purchase products via a card system. Parents can purchase these directly from the canteen. Further information regarding any of the above suppliers is available on our website, here. *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 9
School Life House System The house system provides an opportunity for students to learn and collaborate in vertical groups alongside students of different ages. It also provides opportunities for siblings to spend some time with each other. The houses are the focus for friendly, light-hearted student competition in a wide range of activities, including academic, sporting and clubs. Many student activities throughout the year are organised by houses to promote the broadest possible participation from all year groups. Student Leadership Our Primary and Secondary schools appoint a Student Leadership Team and Student Council to represent the students in the school. The Student Leadership Team are involved in all school activities and events and are given leadership opportunities within the school, while the Student Council take ideas and concerns to our Parent Teacher Student Association who refer these to the Senior School Leadership Team to action. *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 10
School Life PTSA The PTSA committee consists of dedicated parents, teachers, staff and students who are interested in playing an active part in working together in the planning, organising and facilitating of school events. These include events such as Pink Day, the School Fair, International Day, sports days and school productions amongst many others. We also have Parent Class Reps, which is a parent from each class that will liaise with other parents of the same class to help co-ordinate class contributions to school events and to welcome and assist new parents within the class. Our parents are also involved in assisting to represent and support their communities in school. As a multi-national school it is extremely beneficial to add new parents to our list of native speakers of different languages and to appoint a representative from each language to be a Parent Contact Rep. This position helps families from all countries feel included and welcome in our school by someone from their own country. *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 11
After School Activities School Offered External ASA Providers After School Activities (ASAs) The school offers externally run ASAs at an extra cost for parents. These include various sports such as swimming, Oryx International School offers a range of teacher run After basketball, football, tennis, dance and Muay Thai, School Activities. gymnastics and cricket. These run from 14:00 - 15:00 on Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Students will be given the opportunity to select ASAs at the start of each term via an online system. These may change on a termly basis and may include activities such as: Chess, Debating club, Coding and Robotics, Design and Technology, Sewing, Art and Design, Drama, Choir, Fun maths, K-Nex, Knitting, Lifecoaching, Reading, Green fingers, Spanish, Arabic 2, Islamic Studies (in English), Science, Yoga, MUN, various Sports...and so much more Oryx also offers the Duke of Edinburgh International Award. The DoE is a youth awards programme founded in the United Kingdom in 1956 by Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, and has since its establishment expanded to 144 nations. *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 12
After School Activities Sport Drama Art Music Robotics Secondary Choir of the BISQ Games year 2020 2020 Sportsman- ship Award Science Design Technology *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 13
School Facilities Classrooms Science Labs Art and Design Performing Arts All classrooms are spacious, There are six science There are six bright and There are four fully bright and installed with laboratries, three of which spacious art and design equipped music interactive white boards. have specialised equipment rooms, which include all classrooms, a music recital for Physics, Biology and types of art materials and a room with an audio-visual/ Chemistry. kiln for pottery. music recording studio, as well as a drama and dance studio. Computer Science DT and Robotics Labs Food Technology Auditorium Primary students have The Design & Technology The Food Technology The auditorium can seat chrome books to use and Robotics Labs are fully classroom is a fully over 400 guests with in class during their IT equipped with the latest designed kitchen with state-of-the-art sound and lessons. In Secondary, technology including a 3D ovens, microwaves, sinks lighting system, we can there are three ICT rooms, Printer. and working space for all host school productions, one of which is equipped our budding chefs. music and drama reticals, with Applemac computers. assemblies and events. *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 14
Sport Facilities 4G Football pitch Six court Sports Hall Training Gym 25m Swimming Pool with FIFA standard includes a full basketball with all the latest includes seating for lighting. court and seating for equipment for full spectators and changing spectators. gym workouts for our rooms. Secondary students. Three Outdoor Courts 140m Straight Outdoor student areas Teaching splash pool for basketball, netball, and canteen Running Track for our students that are volleyball and tennis. includes areas specifically learning to swim. adjacent next to our for EYFS and KS1, football pitch with all secondary social areas and weather surface. a two floor canteen. *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 15
Admissions School Fees for 2020 / 2021 Admission Fees Application Fees QR 450 Admissions to the school are open to local and expatriate Registration Fees QR 3,190 students aged between 3 to 18 years, FS1 to Y12. Tuition Fees Schedule: 2020-2021 At least one parent must be a full-time employee of Qatar Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term paid no later than the paid no later than the Airways or its subsidiaries, please ask for the list when Year Group paid no later than the first week of start of school first week of start of first week of start of Total Annual Fees school school inquiring. September 2020 January 2021 April 2021 Foundation Stage 1 QAR 13,600 QAR 10,200 QAR 10,200 QAR 34,000 The registration form can be accessed online here (link to Foundation Stage 2 QAR 13,600 QAR 10,200 QAR 10,200 QAR 34,000 follow with new website) Year 1 QAR 14,400 QAR 10,800 QAR 10,800 QAR 36,000 Documents required when applying: Year 2 QAR 14,400 QAR 10,800 QAR 10,800 QAR 36,000 Year 3 QAR 14,400 QAR 10,800 QAR 10,800 QAR 36,000 • Student - Passport, birth certificate, vaccination card, Year 4 QAR 15,600 QAR 11,700 QAR 11,700 QAR 39,000 passport photo, MoE health record, Qatar ID (unless in Year 5 QAR 15,600 QAR 11,700 QAR 11,700 QAR 39,000 recruitment process), attested report cards. Year 6 QAR 15,600 QAR 11,700 QAR 11,700 QAR 39,000 • Parents - Passports, Qatar IDs (unless in recruitment Year 7 QAR 15,600 QAR 11,700 QAR 11,700 QAR 39,000 process) Year 8 QAR 15,600 QAR 11,700 QAR 11,700 QAR 39,000 Year 9 QAR 15,600 QAR 11,700 QAR 11,700 QAR 39,000 Contact details: Year 10 QAR 18,000 QAR 13,500 QAR 13,500 QAR 45,000 Office: +974 4036 0085 Year 11 QAR 18,400 QAR 13,800 QAR 13,800 QAR 46,000 Email: admissions@oryxschool.qa Year 12 QAR 18, 800 QAR 14,100 QAR 14,100 QAR 47,000 Year 13 TBC* QAR 18,800 QAR 14,100 QAR 14,100 QAR 47,000 * Year 13 fees still to be approved by the MOE&HE for the 2020-21 academic year. Founders* Discount 2020-2021 Non-Education Allowance Eligible Founders’ Benefit Education Allowance Eligible Staff Staff 1st child 0% 25% 2nd child 25% 25% 3rd child on 50% 50% *Founding parents are all existing parents and those registered before September 2020. Please note: 1. The discount applies to Admission, Registration and Tution Fees for the 2020-2021 academic year. 2. Qatar Airways reserves the right to change/rescind the discount at any time. The discount applies to admissions, registration and tuition fees for the 2020-21 academic school year. *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 16
Admissions - Year group | Age 2020-2021 Year Group Age From Sept – Dec From Jan – Sept FS1/Nursery 3-4 September 2016 September 2017 FS2/Reception 4- 5 September 2015 September 2016 Year 1 5-6 September 2014 September 2015 Year 2 6-7 September 2013 September 2014 Year 3 7-8 September 2012 September 2013 Year 4 8-9 September 2011 September 2012 Year 5 9 - 10 September 2010 September 2011 Year 6 10 - 11 September 2009 September 2010 Year 7 11 - 12 September 2008 September 2009 Year 8 12 - 13 September 2007 September 2008 Year 9 13 - 14 September 2006 September 2007 Year 10 14 - 15 September 2005 September 2006 Year 11 15 - 16 September 2004 September 2005 Year 12 16 - 17 September 2003 September 2004 Year 13 17 - 18 September 2002 September 2003 *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 17
MOE&HE Equivalency Table 1 Oryx IB/ SEK IB / Age School Scotland Qatar Brazil Egypt Turkey USA Italy Spain France Germany Finland Japan Iran Jordan Lebanon Tunisia ISL IB )British( September to June 3-4 FS 1 Nursery KG1 KG1 Pre-school KG1 KG1 PS Pre-school Pre-school 3 KG1 Pre-school Pre-school Rawda Pre- EC2/ Pre- 4-5 FS 2 Prim.1 KG2 KG2 Pre-KG KG2 KG2 MS KG1 KG1 KG2 KG1 KG1 KG1 school 1 school 4 Tamhidi Pre- KG/ Pre- 5-6 Year 1 Prim.2 Grade 1 KG3 KG KG3 KG3 GS KG2 Grade 0 KG2 Grade 1 KG2 KG2 KG2 school 2 school 5 6-7 Year 2 Prim.3 Grade 1 Year 1 Grade 2 Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 1 CP1 Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 1 Grade 1 7-8 Year 3 Prim.4 Grade 2 Year 2 Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 2 CE1 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 2 8-9 Year 4 Prim.5 Grade 3 Year 3 Grade 4 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 CE2 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 3 Grade 3 9-10 Year 5 Prim.6 Grade 4 Year 4 Grade 5 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 4 CM1 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 4 Grade 4 10-11 Year 6 Prim.7 Grade 5 Year 5 Grade 6 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 CM2 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 5 Grade 5 11-12 Year 7 Sec.1 Grade 6 Year 6 Grade 7 Grade 6 Grade 6 Grade 6 Grade 6 6e Grade 6 Grade 6 Grade 6 Grade 6 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 6 Grade 6 12-13 Year 8 Sec.2 Grade 7 Year 7 Grade 8 Grade 7 Grade 7 Grade 7 Grade 7 5e Grade 7 Grade 7 Grade 7 Junior High 1 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 7 Grade 7 13-14 Year 9 Sec.3 Grade 8 Year 8 Grade 9 Grade 8 Grade 8 Grade 8 Grade 8 4e Grade 8 Grade 8 Grade 8 Junior High 2 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 8 Grade 8 14-15 Year 10 Sec.4 Grade 9 Year 9 Grade 10 Grade 9 Grade 9 Grade 9 Grade 9 3e Grade 9 Grade 9 Grade 9 Junior High 3 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 9 Grade 9 15-16 Year 11 Sec.5 Grade 10 Senior 1 Grade 11 Grade 10 Grade 10 Grade 10 Grade 10 2de Grade 10 Grade 10 Grade 10 High 1 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 10 Grade 10 16-17 Year 12 Sec.6 Grade 11 Senior 2 Grade 12 Grade 11 Grade 11 Grade 11 Grade 11 1ere Grade 11 Grade 11 Grade 11 High 2 Grade 11 Grade 12 Grade 11 Grade 11 17-18 Year 13 - Grade 12 Senior 3 - Grade 12 Grade 12 Grade 12 Grade 12 Terminale Grade 12 Grade 12 Grade 12 High 3 Grade 12 - Grade 12 Grade 12 18-19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Grade 13 - - Grade 13 Yr 10/11 Grade 12 - GCSE/ Higher or Certificate Grade 11 Vocational Vocational Baccalaureate Baccalaureate Secondary PUBLIC IGCSE advanced Grade 12 / not Certificate qualification Grade 11/12 IB Certificate Grade 12 Certificate or or vocational Prof, Tech, Grade 12 School EXAMS Yr 12/13 higher Certificate possible Grade 12 or Academic Abilur or Diploma Certificate Academic options General Diploma - As & A exams outside of Diploma qualification levels Egypt * Ministry of Education and Higher Education - Qatar directives and website HERE *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 18
MOE&HE Equivalency Table 2 Oryx School Age India CBSE Pakistan Philippines Australia South Africa Bangladesh Sri Lanka )English Syst( Sept to June April to March June to March January to December 3-4 FS 1 KG1 Pre Pre-school Pre-school Grade 000 LKG 4-5 FS 2 KG2 KGI KG1 Pre-school Grade 00 KGI UKG 5-6 Year 1 Prim 1 / Year 1 KGII KG2 KG Grade 0 KGII Year 1 6-7 Year 2 Prim 2 / Year 2 Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 1 Year 2 7-8 Year 3 Prim 3/ Year 3 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 2 Year 3 8-9 Year 4 Prim 4 / Year 4 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 Year 4 9-10 Year 5 Prim 5 / Year 5 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 4 Year 5 10-11 Year 6 Mid 6 / Year 6 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 Year 6 11-12 Year 7 Mid 7 / Year 7 Grade 6 Grade 6 Grade 6 Grade 6 Grade 6 Year 7 12-13 Year 8 Mid 8 / Year 8 Grade 7 Grade 7 Grade 7 Grade 7 Grade 7 Year 8 13-14 Year 9 Secon9/Year 9 Grade 8 Grade 8 Grade 8 Grade 8 Grade 8 Year 9 14-15 Year 10 Secon10/Year 10 Grade 9 Grade 9 Grade 9 Grade 9 Grade 9 Year 10 15-16 Year 11 Secon11/Year 11 Grade 10 Grade 10 Grade 10 Grade 10 Grade 10 Year 11 16-17 Year 12 Secon12/Year 12 Grade 11 Grade 11 Grade 11 Grade 11 Grade 11 Year 12 17-18 Year 13 - Grade 12 Grade 12 Grade 12 Grade 12 Grade 12 Year 13 18-19 - - - - - - - - Yr 10/11 - GCSE/ PUBLIC IGCSE Grade 10 certificate Vocational or Matriculation Secondary School Grade 12 CBSE Certificate EXAMS Yr 12/13 - As & A Grade 12 Diploma academic options Certificate Certificate levels *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only 19
We look forward to welcoming you to the Oryx Family English National Curriculum Exams offered – Pearson/Edexcel Languages taught - English - Arabic - French - Spanish 1310+ 12:1 Numbers of Students Student teacher ratio as at August 2019 3-18 current Age range 100+ Nationalities Contact us to arrange a visit British education for children aged 3-18 years www.oryxschool.qa *A school for the children of Qatar Airways employees only
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