Welcome Pack Rethink Music Education - BIMM Institute

Page created by Ruben Marshall
Welcome Pack Rethink Music Education - BIMM Institute
Welcome Pack

Rethink Music Education

Year 2021/22

Welcome Pack Rethink Music Education - BIMM Institute
Welcome To Your BIMM Institute Birmingham
Welcome Pack Rethink Music Education - BIMM Institute
On Being Offered
A Place!

Welcome! We are thrilled that you have chosen BIMM       We believe that everything you do while at BIMM is
Institute Birmingham as your place for professional      preparing you for your career. For that reason, your
musical development and studies. The whole team          career doesn’t begin when you leave, it begins now.
here are very much looking forward to meeting you        We will provide you with numerous opportunities,
and are excited to be a part of your wonderful career    and I encourage you to make the most of every
in music.                                                single one – whether they be gigs in local venues,
                                                         performing at our open days, producing tracks
BIMM Institute Birmingham is the seventh college         for your fellow musicians, working at festivals,
in the BIMM group, opening its doors to the first        auditioning for record labels, or promoting a local
cohort of students in September 2017. Studying           venue – these all give you valuable experience which
alongside the Diploma courses in Performance,            you can use to demonstrate your ability to future
Songwriting, and Production, are our portfolio           employers or clients.
of degree programmes, including Popular Music,
Songwriting, Music Production and Music Business,        The Diploma programme will be challenging at times,
Event Management and Music Journalism and                and you will need to work hard to get the most from
Music Marketing, Media and Communication. This           your time at BIMM, but never forget that you are
combination of disciplines creates an effective          not alone, we are here to help you when you need it.
microcosm of the music industry for you to               You are also surrounded by many other students in
network within and start your journey towards            the same boat, who will also be happy to assist. The
ultimate success.                                        person you help today, will be the person who can
                                                         offer you an important gig in the future.
BIMM’s tutor roster is made up of music industry
professional musicians, songwriters, producers,          I’m looking forward to working with you this
artists, managers and entrepreneurs, who have not        academic year, and I can’t wait to hear and see what
just learnt how to do it, they are actively out there    you can achieve.
doing it. This means that their experience in the
real word yesterday, will be relevant in your lectures   Antony Greaves
today, ensuring that the curriculum is always at the     College Principal
cutting edge, to best prepare you for your own future
in the industry.
Welcome Pack Rethink Music Education - BIMM Institute

Introduction				5

Induction and Enrolment			            7

Welcome From Course Leader		          8

Recommended Resources		               9

Student Support			11

Disability and Learning Support		     13

Safeguarding				13

FE Diploma Financial Support		        15

Birmingham Life				16

Get connected at BIMM			              21

Masterclasses, Student Associations   23
and Practice Facilities

Diploma Attendance Procedures		       24

Faculty Information			25
Welcome Pack Rethink Music Education - BIMM Institute

And Enrolment
Welcome Pack Rethink Music Education - BIMM Institute
Welcome From Your
Diploma Course Leader

As Course Leader for Further Education at BIMM          understanding of the interconnecting aspects of the
Birmingham, I look forward to welcoming you onto a      UK music industry, not only in terms of industry job
Diploma course that allows you to immerse yourself      roles but also in regard to clear paths of development
within an environment that makes clear connections      within your own specific course discipline.
with professional practice. In addition to supporting
you throughout your learner journey here at BIMM        Whether you are applying as a vocalist, guitarist,
Birmingham, my role as course leader involves           bass player, drummer, songwriter or producer, we
leading a team of tutors with significant industry      look forward to welcoming you to BIMM Birmingham.
experience who are current practitioners in their own   Great opportunities await for you to engage with
areas of excellence.                                    highly experienced tutors using industry-standard
                                                        equipment and where many learners, like you, also
Upon enrolling as a Diploma student at BIMM             aspire to be professional musicians or music industry
Birmingham, you can expect to enter a programme         practitioners. I look forward to welcoming you to the
that enables both education and career                  Diploma course at BIMM Birmingham and witnessing
development. This will develop your knowledge           your development throughout your learner journey.
and skills required for progression onto a Higher
Education programme or towards a career within                         Steve McCarthy
the UK Music Industry. On the Diploma course, you                      FE Course Leader
will be provided with an opportunity to enable and
maximise your future potential through gaining an
To study at BIMM Institute, you will need to complete
enrolment. You will be sent instructions on how to      Useful Contacts
enrol via email. There are up to 3 stages to complete
enrolment before you become a registered student.       ------
Stage 1 – Enrolment Form                                Enrolment Support
Complete the enrolment form and upload essential        enrolmentsupport@bimm.ac.uk
personal information, as detailed at the bottom of      Monday – Friday 9am – 8pm (GMT)
this page. You must complete the enrolment form         Saturday 10am – 4pm (GMT)
before you can begin studying on your course. How       UK – 0344 2 646 666
to complete this stage will be sent directly to you
via email.                                              Admissions
Stage 2 – Tuition Fees
We need to confirm your tuition fees. You may be        Student Support
asked to contact student finance for verification.      studentsupportbirmingham@bimm.co.uk

Stage 3 – Logging in to BIMM systems                    Finance
The last part of enrolment is making sure you have      financeenquiries@bimm.co.uk
access to the applications and systems you will use
daily as a student. We will issue you with your IT
credentials and show you the student portal where
all applications are in one easy to use place.          Online Enrolment
Induction & Freshers’                                   For Your Course
Closer to the start of the course, your college will
contact you with induction and freshers’ information,   ------
look out for this in your inbox and on social media
platforms. Some of the events offered to you will be    All students are required to complete enrolment.
essential for you to attend and others will be more     You will have been sent an e-mail with a link to the
informal events. Make sure to take full advantage of    enrolment portal, which will guide you through all
the activities and events the colleges are putting on   the required processes. Below are a list of things that
for you.                                                MUST be completed before you can start the course:

Induction events include important information          Enrolment form – must be completed in full and
about your course, give you the opportunity to meet     submitted – the link to this form will have been sent
your course leader and your future classmates.          to you by e-mail.

                                                        Passport style photo – this will be used for your
                                                        student ID card. Please follow the guidelines on the
                                                        enrolment form. You will not be able to enter BIMM
Term Dates                                              buildings without an ID card.

------                                                  Proof of ID – we require proof that you have the
                                                        right to study in the UK. Ideally this will be a valid
Semester/Term dates                                     passport. You will upload a copy when completing
You can check the dates of your course here.            the online enrolment form.

                                                        The online enrolment form must be completed in
                                                        full before you can become an enrolled student at
                                                        BIMM Institute.
RSL Level 3 Diploma                                       You will be asked to attend an enrolment session
                                                          at some point during the week commencing 7th of
------                                                    September. You will be informed of the exact date
                                                          once you have completed your pre-enrolment. At
                                                          your enrolment event you will receive important
Popular Music, Songwriting, Music Business,               information about the College and your course,
and Music Production                                      including your timetable and Course Handbook plus
                                                          you will get the opportunity to meet your course
The RSL Level 3 Subsidiary/Extended Diploma               leaders and your future class mates.
for Music Practitioners is a nationally recognised
qualification. This is awarded upon successful            From the 7th of September, we will also being holding
completion of the BIMM course which requires you to       Induction and Freshers’ Events, which will be a
achieve a pass (or higher) in all assessed units within   fantastic opportunity to meet and network with lots
the academic year.                                        of BIMM students and enjoy some brilliant bands and
Qualifications, Final Award and Exit Awards:

Year 1
Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma for Music Practitioners
(90 Credits – 540 GLH)                                    Online Enrolment
Year 2                                                    For Your Course
Level 3 Extended Diploma for Music Practitioners
(180 Credits – 1080 GLH)                                  ------
One of the following will be shown on the RSL             All students are required to complete an online
certificate:                                              form as part of the enrolment process. You will have
                                                          been sent an e-mail with a link to the enrolment
RSL Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma for Music                  portal which will guide you through all the required
Practitioners                                             processes.

RSL Level 3 Extended Diploma for Music                    Below is a list of things that MUST be completed:
                                                          - Enrolment form – must be completed in full and
If you achieve the qualification you can access a         submitted – the link to this form will have been sent
three-year BA or BMus honours degree at BIMM              to you by e-mail.
(subject to grades and a progression interview, if
required), or higher education courses at other           - Passport style photo – this will be used for your
institutions.                                             student ID card. Please follow the guidelines on the
                                                          enrolment portal. You will not be able to enter BIMM
                                                          buildings without an ID card.

                                                          - Proof of ID – if you have a biometric document you
Induction and Enrolment                                   can validate your ID online via the app (info to be
                                                          provided). If you do not have a biometric document,
------                                                    please upload a colour scan of your ID to the portal
                                                          This ID will need to then be validated by BIMM.
In order to prepare you for studying at the BIMM
Institute Birmingham, we would like you to                - Online Enrolment Courses – you will be given
attend an enrolment session.                              access to complete a series of short online courses
                                                          and tasks to become enrolled, further details will be
You will be sent instructions on how to pre-enrol         sent to you via email.
onto your course. You will be asked to complete
a pre-enrolment form and upload some essential            The online enrolment form must be completed in
personal information, as detailed at the bottom           full before you can become an enrolled student at
of this page. It is really important that this part of    BIMM Institute.
enrolment is completed before you come in for your
actual enrolment session.

BIMM Institute Birmingham recommends that
all students start to explore the resources   Websites & Blogs
highlighted below before term starts.
                                              Create Digital Music – cdm.link
Journals & Magazines                          Synthtopia – synthtopia.com
                                              PRS – prsformusic.com
------                                        PPL – ppluk.com
                                              BASCA – basca.org.uk
CMU (Complete Music Update)                   SONGLINES – songlines.co.uk
Music Week (Main UK Industry Magazine)        Birmingham Music Archive
M Magazine (PRS Magazine)                     www.birminghammusicarchive.com
Mojo Magazine                                 The Quietus – thequietus.com
NME                                           Drowned in Sound – drownedinsound.com
Q Magazine                                    Fact – factmag.com
The Guardian Guide                            Pitchfork – pitchfork.com
                                              The Line of Best Fit – thelineofbestfit.com
                                              The 405 – thefourohfive.com
                                              The Guardian Music – theguardian.com/music
Twitter Feeds to Follow                       Clashmusic – clashmusic.com
                                              The Argus – theargus.co.uk
------                                        The Great Escape Festival –
@cdmblogs                                     Playlists galore – indieshuffle.com
@bpi_music                                    Hip hop lovers – allhiphop.com
@ppluk                                        General music blog – thewildhoneypie.com
@CMU                                          Metal – terriorizer.com
@songlinesmag                                 And more metal – metalinjection.net

Student   Student
Support   Support
Student Support                                           Academic Tutorials
Services                                                  ------
------                                                    Students are encouraged to book regular one-to-one
                                                          tutorials to work on technique, master their
Whilst studying with us at BIMM you will have lots        academic writing and discuss their skills,
of exciting and fulfilling opportunities to experience,   development and long/short term career goals.
but leaving school, especially if you are moving away     Tutorials give students a unique opportunity to be
from home for the first time, can come with some          individually guided by the most experienced industry
challenges. If you ever have any worries or concerns,     professionals in the country.
you can always come and have a chat with any of us
in Student Support.

We will do everything we can to help you and make         Pastoral Support
your BIMM experience the best it possibly can be
and we are also available to help if you are struggling   ------
with your coursework or if you have told us about a
special educational need you may have.                    The Student Support team holds individual one-
                                                          on-one sessions with students to discuss any issue
Head of Student Support                                   they may be struggling with. These are strictly
Mark Lewis                                                confidential and can include any topic ranging from
                                                          personal issues, attendance and assessment related
Student Support Officers                                  queries, discussion of special considerations we may
Aliesha Lobuczek-Byrne                                    need to take into account to support your studies
Patrick Connelly                                          and booking into one of the other support services
Lucy Palmer                                               we offer. We actively encourage students to book
                                                          appointments to come and meet us at any point
Learning Support Adviser                                  during their studies for extra support; the Student
Kathryn Lea                                               Support team are always available on site for a chat
                                                          when the college is open.
We are committed to helping students fulfil their
potential during their time at BIMM Institute
Birmingham and we place an emphasis on supporting
the development of our students both academically         Counselling
and personally. With this in mind, the Student
Support team are available at every step of the           ------
student journey to offer confidential support and
guidance on issues such as stress, smoking, alcohol       BIMM Institute Birmingham offers counselling to
and drugs, disability and learning support, family/       any student in need of the service with it’s own
friends/relationship problems, sexual health, eating      dedicated full time student counsellor. This free
disorders, depression and anxiety issues; as well as      and confidential provision offers individu als the
on-going academic and practical learning support          opportunity to explore a wide range of emotional
and advice. We also offer a wide range of additional      and psychological issues.
support services that are designed to meet students’
academic and welfare needs to enrich the BIMM             The counselling service provided is hugely
Institute Birmingham experience.                          experienced and abides by the British Association
                                                          for Counselling Code of Ethics.
Disability and Learning                                  Safeguarding our Students
Support                                                  ------
------                                                   BIMM Institute is committed to providing a safe and
                                                         welcoming environment in which to work and learn.
BIMM Institute Birmingham is committed to a policy       Safeguarding involves keeping children, young people
of equal opportunities and provides confidential         and adults* safe from a wide range of potential harm.
advice and support to students with varying
disabilities and specific learning difficulties.         How does BIMM institute keep learners safe?

We are committed to ensuring that students with          There are a number of ways in which the College
specific needs are provided with equal access to their   ensures the safety and wellbeing of its students and
chosen course of study and facilities. The College is    staff:
working towards removing any barriers which might
prevent an individual from actively participating in     • Ensuring IDs are always worn by staff and students
student life.
                                                         • Advice about healthy lifestyles during group
If students indicate on their application and/or pre-    tutorials
enrolment form that they require further support,
then a member of the Student Support team will be        • Tutors who can support and advise in 1-1 tutorials
in contact to arrange an individual consultation. This
is to ensure all requirements are catered for.           • Student Support Services can help with a wide
                                                         range of pastoral issues
Alternatively you can contact us with any questions
or concerns on                                           • Counselling Service - There is a free counselling
studentsupportbirmingham@bimm.co.uk                      available to all students

We have an excellent Learning Support provision for
those with additional support requirements. We           Tutor
work with students with a wide range of disabilities,
including but by no means restricted to:                 You will see your Tutor or Course Leader for 1-1
                                                         sessions throughout the year and you can use this
• Specific learning difficulties (such as dyslexia,      opportunity to discuss any issues which may be
dyspraxia, ADHD)                                         worrying you.
• Mental health difficulties (such as depression,
bipolar disorder, anxiety)                               Student Support Services
• Students with autistic spectrum and asperger’s
syndrome                                                 When you come into Student Support Services,
• Long-term medical conditions (such as HIV, cancer,     there will always be a member of staff who can talk
multiple sclerosis)                                      to you. They can offer advice and guidance, make
• Unseen disabilities (such as diabetes, asthma,         counselling appointments and also refer you to other
epilepsy)                                                agencies.
• Sensory impairments (such as visual/hearing
impairment)                                              DSL
• Mobility or physical impairments (such as paralysis,
arthritis)                                               The Designated Safeguarding Lead at BIMM
                                                         Birmingham is Mark Lewis, Head of Student Services.
If you have any reports or paperwork relating to your
disability or additional support requirements, please
email these with your application.
FE Diploma Financial
Financial support is available to help with transport
costs, equipment and meals.
Please see the information below and eligibility
criteria. Contact the Student Services Team for more

Vulnerable Student
Bursary Fund
The fund is made available from the government
through its funding body, The Education & Skills
Funding Agency (ESFA) for 16-19 year olds to
provide assistance to students whose access to, or
completion of, education is inhibited by financial
constraints or barriers. The new 16-19 year old
bursary scheme has been put in place as a partial
replacement for

16-19 Discretionary
Bursary Funds
The vulnerable Student Bursary Fund is available
if you are in receipt of Income Support or Universal
Credit because you are financially supporting
yourself or financially supporting yourself and
someone who is dependent on you and living with
you, such as a child or a partner.

In receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal
Independence Payments plus Employment and
Support Allowance or Universal Credit. In care or a
care leaver. The Vulnerable Student Bursary Fund
provides financial support to help students overcome
specific barriers to participation, so they can remain
in education. The bursary is a payment of
£1,200 per year
The City of Birmingham really does have everything –
brilliant clubs, loads of live music, great places to eat,   Venues
fabulous shops and, even more canals then Venice.
It is estimated that it is the youngest city in Europe       ------
with more than 40% of its population found to be
under the age of 25. You can be confident that you’ll        Birmingham is jam-packed with amazing live venues.
find plenty of like minded people and lots to keep           Here are some of the best… Sunflower Lounge, 02
you occupied. Birmingham is also the hometown                Arena and Institute , The Castle and Falcon, The
of many of the world’s ground-breaking musicians,            Night Owl, Dead Wax Digbeth, The Jam House, The
including Duran Duran, Ozzy Osbourne, UB40, Led              Hare and Hounds and The Flapper so you can spend
Zeppelin, Electric Light Ochestra, The Streets and           less time searching and more time gigging.
Black Sabbath.
                                                             Birmingham has long had a history of vibrant
                                                             nightlife. From ‘60s Brumbeat venues like the Plaza
                                                             Ballroom in Handsworth to ‘90s superclubs like
Culture                                                      Godskitchen and Gatecrasher, the city has always
                                                             celebrated good live music. These days, though,
                                                             Birmingham is fast gaining a reputation as one of the
------                                                       most exciting places in the UK to discover new music.

1. Festivals The city hosts over 50 festivals a year,        Whether you’re after intimate acoustic shows,
including the International Jazz Festival and Moseley        booming B-Town indie rock or hands-in-the-air
Funk & Soul Festival.                                        electronic beats. Theres always something for you in
                                                             the city.
2. The Birmingham Hippodrome is one of the most
popular theatres in the UK and has over half a million
people visit each year.
3. The NEC holds over 500 events per year, ranging
from art exhibitions to the Crufts dog show.                 ------
4. Home to the City of Birmingham Symphony                   Birmingham with its iconic bullring centre that offers
Orchestra, Symphony Hall is one of the world’s               over 110,000sq m of retails space including the eye
greatest concert halls.                                      catching skin of the Selfridges store with its 15,000
                                                             aluminium disks. With the largest Chinatown outside
5. Birmingham is the birthplace of the legendary rock        of London and the biggest jewellery quarter in
band Black Sabbath and is known as the Home of               Europe its little wonder it’s in England’s top 3 most
Heavy Metal.                                                 visited places to shop. The Birmingham Frankfurt
                                                             Christmas Market has over 200 stalls and brings
6. Football clubs: hosting 3 major clubs Aston Villa,        an unrivalled sense of merriment to the city at
West Bromwich Albion and Birmingham City FC there            Christmas time.
is plenty of games to enjoy.
                                                             Throughout the year other highlights include the
7. Edgbaston Cricket Ground is home to                       Mailbox complex and the grand central Birmingham
Warwickshire County Cricket Club and is also used            with its flagship John Lewis store and theres plenty
for Test Matches and One Day Internationals.                 of vintage shops around the city like COW stocking
                                                             vintage one-offs, designer styles and reworked
8. The Alexander Stadium is an International                 garments plus accessories.
Athletics venue that hosts major athletics
events, and is currently preparing for the 2022
Commonwealth Games which Birmingham is hosting.

9. The Library of Birmingham is located at
Centenary Square, the city’s most important public
open space in the heart of Birmingham city centre’s
Westside. Free to use for all students - open till late.

10. DigbethDigbeth is a developing, bohemian
district known for street art, independent bars and
shops. It is home to the Custard Factory where you
can attend creative workshops and Digbeth Dining
Eating Out                                              Transport
------                                                  ------
Birmingham boasts a flourishing and diverse             BIMM Birmingham is well connected to the rest of the
restaurant scene. Catering to all budgets and tastes.   city via public transport.
Foodies flock to the Balti Triangle which is the home
and birthplace of the Balti Curry.                      • Train - Birmingham has 8 local railways that cross
                                                        the city and make moving between venues and
Birmingham’s Chinese district sits alongside            attractions easy and simple. Birmingham New Street
traditional pub grub, meaning you really are spoilt     is the largest and busiest of the three main railway
for choice, (Dining Club, Baked in Brick, Original      stations in the city centre of Birmingham. It is a
Patty Men). For those with more expensive               central hub of the British railway system and makes
tastes Birmingham has a number of Michelin star         travelling throughout the UK a breeze. Having gigs in
restaurants including Turners at 69, Purnell’s and      the surrounding cities and towns is now easier than
Simpsons.                                               ever with the Midland Metro which will whisk you
                                                        between Birmingham and Wolverhampton. Network
Regular food festivals offer Michelin starred food at   West Midlands provides online timetables, fares
student prices throughout the city. Monthly food and    including day tickets and passes, ticket purchase and
farmer’s markets such as Moseley’s provide fresh,       route planning. To visit the Centro website, use
local produce.                                          www.centro.org.uk

                                                        • Bus & Metro - There are busses to all suburbs and
                                                        areas of Birmingham making Birmingham brilliant
                                                        for easy affordable travel. There is a huge network
The Great Outdoors                                      that links everyone to everything. Night busses that
                                                        go throughout the evening and early hours to places
------                                                  as far away as Coventry. Getting home from a gig is
                                                        safe, cheap and easy. Network West Midlands has all
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery is home to            the timetables and fair information online for easy
the largest collection of pre-Raphaelite artwork        ticket buying and route planning. More and more
in the world, as well as collections of silver,         local buses have facilities such as low floors for easy
sculpture, ceramics and ancient and social history      access for wheelchair users and pushchairs.
galleries. The Gas Hall Gallery houses a constantly     www.networkwestmidlands.com
changing programme of exhibitions. Entrance is
free except for certain exhibitions. One of Europe’s    • Taxi - Birmingham’s well-regulated taxis are
leading contemporary art galleries, Ikon is stylish,    especially convenient for those with heavy luggage
progressive and recognised for its individuality.       or returning late from a night out. TOA taxis are
The Ikon exhibits the best international and British    Birmingham’s black cab operators. They can be
art in a changing programme of exhibitions and          hailed in the street or reached at one of the many
events. Admission is free. Birmingham Museums           taxi ranks in the city centre; the main ones are at
has extraordinary venues that provide a fascinating     New Street Station, Stephenson Street and Digbeth
glimpse into Birmingham’s rich and vibrant past and     Coach Station.
showcase world class museum collections. Digbeth
Dining Club started in 2012 and is a multi-award        • Bike - With miles of canals and a compact city
winning food, music and entertainment event, with       centre, what better way to explore Birmingham and
dishes from £5 from over 22 traders every every         the wider region than by bicycle? There are cycle
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.                 lanes or paths on many of the major routes into
                                                        and across the city that take in some of the city’s
                                                        beautiful parks and waterways en route. National
                                                        cycle route 5 also runs through Birmingham.

Networking Events                                           Kris Tomkinson works with all students to build
                                                            their career skills and knowledge so they are best
------                                                      prepared to navigate their careers in the music
                                                            industry. Students take part in careers workshops
                                                            from the beginning of year 12 onwards on key topics
BIMM hold networking events in Term 1, which are a          such as networking and CV writing and every student
great opportunity to get together with other students       has access to one to one impartial advice on their
from different courses that have similar musical            individual career options, pathways and plans.
interests. Not only is it a great way to find new friends
and swap some phone numbers, but it’s also a good           Whether students need support to plan their careers,
place to start finding band members.                        help with their university, apprenticeship or job
                                                            applications, CV writing, job hunting or have general
                                                            questions or confusion about their next steps Kris is
BIMM Gigs                                                   here to help and students can always book tutorials
                                                            with him. He can be reached by email at
------                                                      Kristomkinson@bimm.co.uk

Once you’ve got your band together and had some
rehearsals, you can audition for one of BIMM’s end-
of-term gigs.
                                                            Interested in University?
We have an End of Term gig every term and utilise           ------
the amazing venues that are on our doorstep. These
gigs are a great opportunity for students to get some       Year 12 students on Level 3 courses should start
live performance experience and put on a brilliant          looking at degrees and attend university open days in
show for their peers, friends and families.                 the summer of year 12. All degree courses in the UK
                                                            can be seen at http://www.ucas.com. We can help
                                                            you apply for a degree at BIMM or another university
                                                            of your choice.
BIMM Album
                                                            Interested in
The BIMM album is a showcase of BIMM’s best
songwriting talent. Students have the opportunity           Apprenticeships?
to submit their demos to be reviewed by our Artist
Development team, and a selection of these songs            ------
will be professionally recorded and available to buy
as a CD or digital download.                                Apprenticeships are advertised throughout the year
                                                            but students will generally find the best time to apply
                                                            will be in the spring and early summer before they
                                                            plan to leave.
Careers And Creative
Industries Team
                                                            Starting a Business?
Your career in music starts here at BIMM and we
have a dedicated Careers and Industry team looking          Many roles in music are freelance so students may
forward to working with you.                                well want to go straight into work as a sole trader.Kris
                                                            can help students prepare for this route and make
We support the next generation of music performers          sure they are aware of the legal implications. Keen
and professionals in a number of ways, if you are a         to travel? Many students want to spend time abroad
performer or songwriter, you will be invited to artist      following their college course. There are lots of
development tutorials where you will be advised on          opportunities for organised trips both working
recording, gigs, your digital profile, photography,         holidays and volunteering as well as planning a solo
videos and promotion.                                       trip. Whatever path you decide to take after your
                                                            Diploma programme, BIMM will be here to help you
To support this, careers and industry advisor,              along the way.
Masterclasses                                            Student Associations
------                                                   ------
BIMM have some of music’s biggest stars on speed-        The BIMM Student Association (BSA) is a place for all
dial and the pulling power to get them in front of       students to come together, and take part in activities,
you at our legendary masterclasses. Leave your           form student led societies, and more. You have
autograph book at home and get ready listen to           the chance at BIMM to create your own society, no
heavyweights such as Nile Rodgers, Stormzy, Jo           matter your interests. You only need a minimum of 3
Whiley, Brian May, and Mabel. Learn how they             students to become a society.
conquered the industry and how you can follow in
their footsteps.                                         We have a wide range of groups at BIMM Birmingham,
                                                         such as mental health, LGBTQ+, musical theatre,
                                                         football and many more!

What do you Learn                                        What are you going to create?

at a Masterclass?                                        Currently running societies include:
                                                         Art Club, 5-a-side Football, Musical Theatre Society
------                                                   and Games society.

Masterclasses are an excellent opportunity to learn
directly from artists and music industry professionals
who have already succeeded in the industry.              Practise Facilities
They will pass on their knowledge and hopefully          ------
allow students to learn from some of their mistakes.
At the end of the masterclass, there is usually a Q&A    You will have access to many fully equipped
session for students to ask the guest questions about    rehearsal rooms at Pirate Studios throughout your
their careers or advice.                                 studies. However, there are lots of different rehearsal
                                                         spaces within the city of Birmingham and on campus
                                                         we have a brand new recording studio.
Diploma Attendance
Students who regularly attend lessons are much
more likely to succeed, and it is difficult for students
to build their skills and progress if they miss a lot
classes. It is compulsory for all Diploma students
to attend everyone of their classes. If a student has
continuous low attendance, Student Support will be
notified to try and solve the issue. Parents/Guardians
should contact Student Support if thy have any
concerns about their child’s attendance.

Authorised and Notified Absences:

If a student is going to be unable to attend a class,
for example because of an interview, or medical
appointment etc, our policy is that a parent/guardian
needs to notify us about their child’s absence. Please
refrain from booking medical appointments when
students have lessons, and we advice parents to
book holidays or trips around term time as they will
not be classed as authorised absences.

To report an absence please contact reception on
0121 726 3959 or email attendancebirmingham@
bimm.co.uk. We send regular texts to parents/
guardians about Diploma unauthorised absences.

BIMM Birmingham                                              Student Common Rooms
------                                                       ------
BIMM Institute Birmingham                                    If you require accommodation, there is an abundance
93-96 Floodgate St                                           of student accommodation within a fairly short
Digbeth                                                      distance of the building, and plenty of house and
                                                             flat shares run by private landlords in other popular
(Main entrance is on Little Ann Street)                      student areas. Please take into consideration the
                                                             cost of travelling and the time it takes to get to the
                                                             College from where you choose to live.
                                                             The following areas in particular are a good place to
Student Cards                                                look for shared student accommodation:

------                                                       - Birmingham City Centre
                                                             - Selly Oak
You will be issued with a BIMM student card and              - Moseley and Kingsheath
lanyard at the start of your course. It is compulsory        - Edgbaston
that you wear your student card at all times when
within BIMM.                                                 Birmingham is well connected through public
                                                             transport services; frequent buses that run all
                                                             through the night, rail and cycle lanes make it easy to
                                                             get around. Please note there are no parking facilities
                                                             available at BIMM Birmingham.

                                                           BIMM BIRMINGHAM
IT and Technical resources
To help you navigate your way through your studies        Please help us help you during your time at the
at the BIMM Institute we have supplied you with a         BIMM Institute by :
number of technical resources which are at your
disposal during your time with us. Whether you want
email on the go, a place to store all your data or just   • Choosing a complex password that you will
want to ask for technical support on all the various      remember that incorporates…
offerings available, we have you covered:                   - 8 characters or more
                                                            - Uppercase, lowercase, numerals and symbols
• A downloadable offline copy of the latest version of      - Combine words, don’t use one word
office 365                                                  - Make up a new word that’s not in the dictionary!
• A terabyte of cloud data dedicated to you               • Always maintain software versions on your personal
• An online self service password management tool         devices that match the software versions in the
• A virtual e- Library packed with resources to aid       Mac Labs
your studies                                              • Backup your important work in the cloud so it’s safe
• A student IT Support channel
• A one stop dedicated student web page where all
your resources are housed
• Mac Labs with an extensive software estate for
qualifying courses
We’re Here
To Help You

We are committed to helping you
throughout your studies with us at
BIMM Birmingham and offer a wide
range of support services designed
to meet your academic and welfare
needs, don’t hesitate to speak to
us whenever required.

                                            BIMM Institute
08442 646 666                          93-96 Floodgate St
studentsupportbirmingham@bimm.co.uk   Birmingham, B5 5SR

receptionbirmingham@bimm.co.uk                 bimm.co.uk
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