WELCOME GUIDE Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre - Institut national de la recherche scientifique
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WELCOME GUIDE Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre INRS.CA WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre // I
A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF WELCOME INRS TABLE OF CONTENT › Founded by the Government of Quebec in 1969. › Comprised of four research centres Welcome 1 Sustainable development 7 Group plan - ASEQ 15 To all our new students: • Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie A brief overview of INRS 1 Office keys 7 Health, security, and COVID-19 15 Research Centre The AFSB Centre at a glance 1 Emergencies / Info-Santé health line 15 • Eau Terre Environnement PAYING FOR Need to talk about We are thrilled that you have chosen to pursue your univer- STUDYING AT INRS DURING 5 YOUR STUDIES 8 personal problems 15 sity studies at Institut national de la recherche scientifique Research Centre 1 THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC 2 Psychological help 15 (INRS) and we would like to extend you a warm welcome! • Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Support available at the Research Centre By choosing INRS, you’ve chosen a top quality research and Access to research facilities 2 AFSB Research Centre 8 STUDENT • Urbanisation Culture Société Research Courses 2 Payment schedule 8 10 ASSOCIATIONS 16 educational experience. You’ve also chosen to dive straight Centre into an adventure like no other, with personalized academic Access to campus 2 Student financial assistance (SFA) support and program offerings focused on society’s greatest › A university dedicated exclusively to Supervision 2 from the Government of Quebec 8 INRS student federation (FEINRS) 16 challenges. graduate level research and training Association générale des étudiants de At INRS, we’re committed to ensuring you have all the infor- › About 150 faculty members THINGS TO DO HOUSING l’Institut Armand-Frappier (AGEIAF) 16 2 ON ARRIVAL 3 6 AND TRAVEL 9 mation you need to feel comfortable with the new learning › Over 700 graduate students and research environment that will be your home. The Stud- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Orientation day and Finding housing 9 11 AND PHONE NUMBERS 17 ies and Student Life Department and the Armand-Frappier Interdisciplinary research at a university Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre have put this guide where people matter. information session 3 Housing information 9 together to provide valuable information designed to help Get in touch with your mentor 3 Getting around 9 For any IT questions or you settle in. Please read it now and refer back to it regularly. Submit your legal documents 3 support requests 17 INRS email address 3 7 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 10 Wireless access Sending large files 17 17 We’re looking forward to guiding you through this new step in your academic journey, which will no doubt be full of excit- THE AFSB CENTRE 3 YOUR STUDIES 4 Budget, banking services Phone numbers 17 ing discoveries, rewarding conversations, and unforgettable memories. AT A GLANCE and credit cards 10 On behalf of our entire university community, we wish you a 12 LIBRARY › Named for Dr. Armand Frappier, the Your student record: Housing: basic information 10 most rewarding and inspiring academic journey here! 19 Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie IDÉ Academic Portal 4 Work 10 (AFSB) Research Centre contributes to Steps to complete each term in IDÉ 4 Income tax 11 Specialized documentation and Quebec efforts in research, training, and Forms 5 Health and hospitalization insurance 11 information services (SDIS) 19 biological transfer in order to prevent University glossary 5 Immigration 11 and screen for disease and improve Study plan 5 French, the official language of Quebec 11 13 YOUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 20 population health. YOUR PLACE Some tips to help you make › More than 45 research professors and 4 OF STUDY 6 the most of your stay in Quebec 11 Graduate studies regulation 20 Philippe-Edwin Bélanger Claude Guertin over 160 graduate students Psychological harassment Director Director › The Centre’s multidisciplinary faculty INRS – all the centres 6 STUDENT and sexual violence 20 Studies and Student Armand-Frappier focus their research on four main areas: General administration 6 8 SERVICES 12 Code of ethics 20 Life Department Santé Biotechnologie • Infections and immunity Centre management 6 Language policy 21 Research Centre Your contacts 12 Research integrity 21 • Influence of environmental factors and AFSB RESEARCH CENTRE 6 Overview of services 12 Intellectual property 21 heredity on disease development Access to the building 6 Ombudsman 21 • Development of new therapeutic and Parking 6 HEALTH preventive agents Bikes 6 9 CARE 14 • Use of microorganisms for Dining area 7 biotechnology development Classrooms and meeting rooms 7 International students: › Faculty at the Centre hold five research Student spaces 7 health and hospitalization insurance 14 chairs and are active members of leading national and international research groups and networks including the Institut-Pasteur International Network, of which the Centre is the only member in North America. II // WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre // 1
STUDYING AT INRS DURING THINGS TO DO 1 THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC 2 ON ARRIVAL THE PANDEMIC IS HAVING A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON THE 2020-2021 ACADEMIC YEAR. WE ARE MAKING EVERY EFFORT TO ENSURE YOUR TIME AT ORIENTATION DAY AND SUBMIT YOUR LEGAL INRS MEETS YOUR EXPECTATIONS. INFORMATION SESSION DOCUMENTS New students at your centre are invited to an orientation Get in touch with your contact for student records. Make day. The invitation has been or will be emailed to you. sure you provide all the required documents. Orientation day is important to help you start your ACCESS TO RESEARCH ACCESS TO CAMPUS university career at INRS on the right foot. FACILITIES During the pandemic, access to the campus will depend YOUR CONTACT FOR STUDENT After shutting down entirely at the beginning of the on the public health regulations in effect. For the start of the academic year, access will be limited to essential GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR AFFAIRS pandemic, laboratories and research facilities reopened in May 2020. They will remain open as long as Quebec trips only. The situation may change over the course of MENTOR the year. . As soon as you arrive, you will be put in touch with Anne Philippon public health authorities allow, in accordance with strict Student records agent health protocols. a colleague who is familiar with INRS: This is your AFSB Centre mentor! SUPERVISION . You will meet them at the beginning of term. anne.philippon@inrs.ca COURSES To make up for the lack of in-person interactions on campus, INRS staff members will touch base with you To make things easier: INRS and its teaching staff have made every possible more frequently. A mentorship program has also been . Give them your contact information effort to provide you with quality courses, even if class- es must be taught remotely. developed to provide you with personalized support. . Answer their invitations INRS EMAIL ADDRESS For Fall 2020, as well as for Winter and Summer 2021, most courses are offered remotely. An INRS email is created for you when you arrive. For detailed information on the courses offered in your Instructions on how to activate it will be emailed to your program and their format, please talk to the resource personal email address or given to you when you arrive. person at your centre. INRS will use this email address to communicate with WHAT MENTORS DO: you. . Help you settle in Spam emails are filtered out. To view them, follow these instructions (in French). . Help you quickly connect with colleagues . Answer your questions and direct you to the appropriate resources . Help you make the most out of university life SET UP YOUR INBOX Don’t want a mentor? . If you need help setting up your email on your Want to change mentors? Contact the head of the mentorship program: mobile device or computer, visit https://sri.inrs.ca/soutien (in French only) sve@inrs.ca . To access your email from the Internet: https://courriel.educ.inrs.ca/owa 2 // WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre // 3
3 YOUR STUDIES YOUR STUDENT RECORD: STEPS TO COMPLETE EACH FORMS IDÉ ACADEMIC PORTAL TERM IN IDÉ You will find all the forms you need for your studies on ACADEMIC YEAR the INRS website (in French only). Used to: 1. You must register for each term until your . Choice and change of supervisor DIVIDED INTO THREE TERMS: . Manage your contact information final thesis submission or graduation . Register . Thesis committee proposal You will receive an email each term containing the FALL | WINTER | SUMMER . Request a leave of absence . Thesis submission and evaluation report forms necessary information on how to register. . Change your registration See the university calendar for: . Request an extension Your registration will be blocked if you have an out- . Term start and end dates . Request to change to full-time or part-time standing balance of $100 or more. If this happens, UNIVERSITY GLOSSARY . Holidays . Select your courses please contact the Finance Department (finances@ inrs.ca) to pay the amount owing or work out a pay- This online glossary will help you understand the . Course change and withdrawal deadlines . View your account statement French terms related to your studies. . Choose your research topic ment plan. . Submit your research objectives for the term International students will be unable to register if one . Assess your research activities for each term of the following documents is due to expire before STUDY PLAN . View your transcript the end of term: CAQ, study permit, RAMQ card (if the student has one). You have primary responsibility for the success of . Submit your proposal for your thesis committee your research project. So it’s important to make sure . Submit your dissertation or thesis electronically 2. Choose your courses and activities you have all the information you need, starting with the . Request an embargo 3. Update your contact information, if required Guide to graduate studies (in French). In addition to walking you through your first steps at university, it also 4. Pay your tuition fees as soon as you re- tells you how to approach each stage of your academic ACCESS TO IDÉ ceive the invoice (see description of fees [in journey. https://portail.inrs.ca/ide/portail/index.html French]) Open communication with your research supervisor is Pay by credit card, cheque, or deduction from your key to success. It’s normal for your opinions to differ User name and password emailed to you when you register for your first term. scholarship. from time to time or for misunderstandings to occur, but it’s important to be able to talk about them. RESEARCH MASTER’S AND PHD In the event of a dispute, or if you are having trouble 5. Research objectives and evaluation communicating, notify your program director. If you You must present your research objectives at the have a complaint about supervision, you can contact ABSENCES beginning of term. the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Department. . Do you need to take a break from your The objectives will then be evaluated at the end of term. studies? You can suspend your studies for a maximum of three terms. Talk to your program director. PROOF OF REGISTRATION Note: A leave of absence affects the support TRANSCRIPTS you receive and your ability to work if you are Submit a request at the following link to obtain a a temporary resident. proof of full-time study or an official transcript: http://www1.inrs.ca/doc/public/inscription/ CHANGES AND WITHDRAWALS As long as you act by the deadlines indicated in HEALTH INSURANCE FEES the university calendar, you can: . Change your registration and get a refund Tuition fees include health and medical insurance. You can opt out of some insurance. Read the . Withdraw from classes without failure Health care chapter for more details. Registrar’s Office: registrariat@inrs.ca | Québec City: 418 654-3861 | Toll free: 1 877 326-5762 4 // WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre // 5
YOUR PLACE OF ARMAND- 4 DINING AREA EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AND There are a number of dining areas on campus. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN STUDY FRAPPIER SANTÉ . Outdoor space: various areas with picnic tables In the event of emergency, call 4444 for immediate BIOTECHNOLOGIE . Indoor space: a cafeteria with vending machines (building 18) and several kitchenettes and dining assistance. If you call 911 (or 9-911) directly, make sure to call 4444 afterwards to notify them of the situation. INRS — ALL THE CENTRES RESEARCH CENTRE areas in various buildings You are responsible for keeping the appliances clean That way staff can quickly direct emergency respond- ers to the right place, but also send someone to assist you while you wait for the responders to arrive. and washing any utensils you use. 531, BOULEVARD DES PRAIRIES The Laval Campus has implemented an emergency re- Armand-Frappier Santé LAVAL (QC) H7V 1B7 sponse plan (ERP). A copy of this plan is available on Biotechnologie Research Centre CLASSROOMS AND MEETING http://www.campus-laval.com/ under the Emergency Response section. 531, boulevard des Prairies, Laval (QC) H7V 1B7 ROOMS CENTRE MANAGEMENT There are multiple rooms available for classes, semin- Urbanisation Culture Société . CENTRE DIRECTOR ars, conferences, thesis defenses, and meetings. Some HEALTH AND SAFETY Research Centre Claude GUERTIN rooms are equipped for videoconferencing. Benoît Latreille . EXECUTIVE SECRETARY You can also rent other AV equipment (laptops, project- Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator 4128 385, rue Sherbrooke Est, Montréal (QC) H2X 1E3 Marie-Josée CHABOT ors, laser pointers, adapters, etc.). Daniel Pagé . ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER To reserve a room or equipment, you must: Prevention Advisor, Radiation Protection 4292 Eau Terre Environnement Research . Contact the multiservice counter: Rufin DJAOZANDRY Anastasia Nikolakakis Centre + Urbanisation Culture Société comptoirmultiservices@iaf.inrs.ca Prevention Advisor, Research Centre 450 687-5010, ext. 0 Hazardous Materials Management 4330 490, rue de la Couronne, Québec (QC) G1K 9A9 . Follow the link on http://www.campus-laval.com/ Mireille Cartier ACCESS TO THE BUILDINGS Prevention Advisor, Biosecurity 4226 Énergie Matériaux . The Laval campus is spread out over multiple Télécommunications Research Centre STUDENT OFFICES Health Office (building 18, room H105) buildings. Varennes You will be assigned an office in a student room. Each Joanie Houle . The multiservice counter, which handles student and 1650, boulevard Lionel-Boulet desk has a storage unit that can be locked. You can get Nurse (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.) 4296 visitor intake, is located in building 18. Follow the a key for the storage unit from the multiservice counter. Varennes (QC) J3X 1S2 signs on campus to get there. You can also request a locker from the multiservice Montréal . Opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to counter if you want one. Place Bonaventure 800, de La Gauchetière Ouest 12 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. You can reach the staff by email at comptoirmultiservices@iaf.inrs.ca As a security measure, we recommend you lock up your personal belongings when you leave your office, ACCESS CARD Portail Nord-Ouest, bureau 6900 Montréal (Québec) H5A 1K6 or by phone at 450 687-5010, ext. 0. even for short periods of time, and never leave valu- On your first day, someone from the multiservice . Visitors can use the phone located inside the first set ables out in the open. counter will meet with you to create your file and give you an orientation. of double doors to building 18 to call the multiservice You will be asked to pay a $20 deposit, which will GENERAL ADMINISTRATION counter. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT be refunded at your departure when you return . Buildings for which you have authorization are . Legal Affairs ÉcoActifs – The mission of the student sustainable the items listed in your file. accessible 24/7 with an access card. development committee at the AFSB Research Cen- . Archives and Document Management You will be given an access card, a student card, tre is to raise awareness on campus about issues of . Communications and a parking decal. You will have to fill out some eco-responsibility and eco-citizenship. The committee . Philanthropic Development and Alumni PARKING provides advice on limiting the environmental impact of forms for the health office and to get an email Relations Parking on campus is free. events held at the Centre. It also offers services directly address. . Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies If you would like to park on campus, you must obtain a to staff members and students including: You will also be given the following documents: . Finance parking decal from the multiservice counter. Your au- . Battery recycling . Comment partir du bon pied booklet (health . Planning and International Relations thorized parking area is printed on the decal. . Composting and safety information) . Research and Development There is reserved parking for visitors in lot D. . Campus map . Delivery of organic vegetables and meat from . Registrar’s Office eco-responsible farms . Emergency response plan (building . Government Relations and Public Affairs . Human Resources BIKES . Community gardens evacuation instructions) Bike racks are available on campus outside a number . Classroom and meeting room map . Information Resources . of buildings. . Information booklet on how to operate lab Material Resources equipment in the treatment centre You will also be given an appointment with a nurse at the health office following your arrival. 6 // WELCOME GUIDE WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre // 7
5 PAYING FOR YOUR STUDIES 6 HOUSING AND TRAVEL INRS OFFERS DIFFERENT TYPES OF SUPPORT WITH THE GOAL OF ENABLING ALL STUDENTS TO DEVOTE THEMSELVES TO THEIR STUDIES. SUPPORT AVAILABLE FINDING HOUSING GETTING AROUND EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS AND INRS does not offer student housing in Montreal or Laval. Here is some important basic information. More infor- AWARDS AFSB CENTRE mation is available on the INRS website in the Trans- Research PhD and master’s For a list of programs offered by external ports section (in French). organizations (public and private): INRS website. Scholarship for all full-time students A scholarship makes a great addition to your HOUSING IN LAVAL AFFORDABLE CARSHARING Master’s with thesis: four terms ($5,740/term) resume! See: Communauto SEE YOUR CONTACT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS PhD: eight terms ($6,685/term) Contact info in chapter 2 Please note: Amounts are reassessed each year based on the cost of living. PAYMENT SCHEDULE FIND AN APARTMENT GETTING AROUND LAVAL Graduate scholarship awards of the Armand-Frappier Foundation Whether you receive a scholarship or support from Cherche Trouve (in French) TAKING THE BUS IN LAVAL INRS, or an external scholarship managed by INRS, the Trouve un appart (in French) To get reduced fares, first ask for the Student SUPPLEMENTAL TUITION FEE payments are usually made on the following dates: Kijiji OPUS card: . Consult the OPUS card website. EXEMPTION SCHOLARSHIPS Fall 2020 term Winter 2021 term LesPAC (in French) . Complete section 1 and 3 of the form and send September 17 January 21 Kangalou Tuition fees are higher for students from outside Que- it to: Anne Philippon, anne.philippon@inrs.ca bec. Visit the INRS website (in French) for more de- Louer.com October 15 February 18 tails. Supplemental tuition fees do not apply to students BY BIKE from France and French-speaking Belgium. November 19 March 18 Ville de Laval website: bike network (in French) INRS offers exemption scholarships for these supple- mental fees. Get in touch with your contact for student December 17 April 15 HOUSING INFORMATION PARKING AND BIKE RACKS records. Student reference on housing (traps to avoid, tips, ren- Consult chapter 4. SUPPORT FROM YOUR ters’ rights): see Likehome.info SUPERVISOR If you do not have financial support or if your financial QUESTIONS ABOUT SUPPORT OR support has ended, talk to your supervisor. Funds may PAYMENT OF YOUR SCHOLARSHIP? be available to support you. Isabelle Fiola Being part of a research team increases your Administrative technician opportunities for support. AFSB Centre Isabelle.fiola@inrs.ca STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE (SFA) FROM THE GOVERNMENT OF QUEBEC If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you are eligible for SFA. You can apply online. 8 // WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre // 9
7 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS WORK You can usually work in Canada with a study permit, but it depends on the conditions of your study permit and INCOME TAX If you live or work in Quebec for a certain period of time, you will probably have to file income tax returns your registration status. The Études au Canada web- (in French). Information in English is available in the This section contains useful information for students HOUSING: BASIC INFORMATION site (in French only) breaks down the conditions and guides mentioned earlier. You will need to file two re- who are new to Quebec. The Studying and living in situations under which you can work. turns: one for Quebec and one for Canada. If you read French, visit the Housing section on the Im- Quebec page (in French) on the INRS website contains Canada: to learn more, visit the website of the Govern- migrant Quebec website for information on: WORKING OFF CAMPUS more information on the following topics: ment of Canada . Where to look Most of the time, you can work off campus with your . A future in Quebec . Climate and clothing . Rental housing characteristics Quebec: to learn more, visit the Revenu Québec website . Food . Money and banking study permit, for a maximum of 20 hours per week. . Leases (rental agreements) Make sure you respect the conditions for work. . Budget . Language . Your rights as a renter . Housing . Phone The terms and conditions in effect may include more HEALTH AND HOSPITALIZATION . Transportation Otherwise, see the English guides mentioned above. permissive rules for holidays and breaks scheduled on the school calendar. Please note, however, that these INSURANCE On the Immigrant Quebec website, guides available do not apply to the holidays you decide to take. This You must have health and hospitalization insurance. See in English also address these topics. In addition, you OTHER SERVICES only applies in two situations at INRS: the Health care chapter. can visit the Living in Quebec page on the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration As a renter, you may also have utilities to pay for. Utility . The short break between the end of a term and the costs vary. (MIFI) website. start of the next one IMMIGRATION HOME INSURANCE . Professional program: during a term where no It is important that you: activities are offered BUDGET, BANKING SERVICES, It’s important to get home insurance. . Always make sure your immigrant documents are valid AND CREDIT CARDS If there’s a theft, fire, or other loss, the insurance will cover: WORKING ON CAMPUS . Strictly adhere to the immigration rules and any . Your personal belongings The number of hours you can work on campus is special conditions that apply to you When you arrive in Canada, you will need to open a Canadian bank account so that INRS can deposit your . Your liability for damage to the property or others’ unlimited. But you’ll need to ensure your work isn’t . Renew your documents before the start of the term scholarship money. belongings interfering with your studies. If necessary, talk to your if they are due to expire before the term ends supervisor to avoid any misunderstandings. The Immigrant Quebec website has some useful infor- Assurance Québec (in French) mation in French: http://www.assurance-qc.com/maison.html . Budget and banking institutions (in French) DRINKING WATER SOCIAL INSURANCE NUMBER (SIN) WORRIED ABOUT SOMETHING TO DO . Banking accounts and credit cards (in French) WITH YOUR IMMIGRATION STATUS? Drinking water is free in Quebec. You don’t need to buy You need a social insurance number to get a job. Information on these topics can also be found in the water, contact a provider, or pay to use the service. To get one, visit the Service Canada website. Your contact for student records can help. English guides presented above. Note: your SIN is highly confidential. Only give it to: If there is a problem, a staff member at student HEATING AND ELECTRICITY . Your employer services can help you or direct you to the appro- Find out if there are any additional costs for heating . Your financial institution priate resources. and electricity before renting an apartment. . The Government of Canada See Chapter 8 for a list of student services staff BANK ACCOUNT COMPARISON In Quebec, heating is generally electric. If a rental is list- . Your educational institution members and their contact information. Government of Canada: ed as: Account Comparison Tool . Chauffé, the landlord pays for the heating . Éclairé, the landlord pays for the electricity, not FRENCH, THE OFFICIAL CREDIT CARD COMPARISON including heating LANGUAGE OF QUEBEC SOME TIPS TO HELP YOU MAKE THE . If the rental property does not include utilities, you Government of Canada: French is the official language of Quebec, even if you can MOST OF YOUR STAY IN QUEBEC will need to open a utility account. usually get by speaking English, especially in Montreal. Credit Card Comparison Tool . Talk to your mentor and build ties There is only one electricity provider: ALREADY SPEAK FRENCH WELL? with your colleagues. Hydro-Québec: 1 888 385-7252 If you already speak French, you may have some ques- . Get involved in university life. https://www.hydroquebec.com/residential/ tions about certain Quebecois words and expressions. . Take an interest in Quebec culture and ask To help you, or simply satisfy your curiosity, we’ve put questions. together a short glossary of Quebec expressions. . Keep on playing sports and doing activities PAYING RENT you enjoy. NOT COMFORTABLE ENOUGH IN FRENCH? Rent is due on the first of every month. . Do not isolate yourself. You can—and we recommend you do—take French les- For more details: Régie du logement website sons. INRS offers free French lessons each term for all . Actively maintain links with your family and levels. You will receive an email with course information friends back home. at the beginning of each term. 10 // WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre // 11
STUDENT SERVICES 8 THE STUDIES AND STUDENT LIFE DEPARTMENT AT INRS SUPPORTS SPORTS FACILITIES – AFSB CENTRE Students have free access to a gym located in building 70, room 415. The gym will be moved to building 18 in STUDENT ENGAGEMENT INRS supports student engagement. Getting involved with your university is a rich and rewarding experience STUDENTS AND HELPS THEM WITH THEIR PLANS BY PROVIDING A WIDE the fall. that makes a difference. RANGE OF SERVICES DESIGNED TO FOSTER A WELCOMING ACADEMIC . The ambassadors program is a chance for students ENVIRONMENT AND HELP THEM SUCCEED. who love INRS to help promote it. SPECIAL NEEDS . The student mentorship program encourages Student services provides personalized individual as- returning students to lend a hand to colleagues who sistance to students with disabilities or learning disor- are just getting started at INRS. ders. YOUR CONTACTS CHECK YOUR INRS EMAIL Tools, services, and other accommodations may be There are all kinds of ways to get involved! Students at INRS have a range of resource people they REGULARLY available to you. can turn to for guidance and services. Welcome to INRS! STUDENT RECOGNITION The student services team, like other INRS services, will share relevant information with you via email. Some- Your work, background, and skills can be showcased in times emails contain information about activities taking a variety of ways: WORKPLACE INTEGRATION place in a few days. Every year, INRS holds a career event called Ren- Three Minute Thesis/Ma thèse en 180 secondes 1. YOUR CONTACT FOR STUDENT dez-vous carrière. . Present your thesis in three minutes RECORDS OVERVIEW OF SERVICES . Networking and professional network . French and English components Anne Philippon . Information on the job market Email sve@inrs.ca for more information. . INRS winners go to the regional finals Student records agent . Job opportunities AFSB Centre WORKSHOPS AND TRAINING SESSIONS Forces AVENIR anne.philippon@inrs.ca Come check out your options and map your career tra- Workshops and training sessions are offered each term Mandate: to recognize, honour, and promote university jectory! 2. YOUR MENTOR to help you: students who demonstrate excellence and outstanding . Develop your skills commitment. Your mentor will be able to answer most of your questions. If it’s something more compli- . Prepare for the job market . A Quebec-wide contest cated, they can direct you to the appropriate . Learn more about topics you care about . A jury made up of public figures resource. A notification is sent to students who might be interest- Show off your talents! 3. STUDENT SERVICES ed whenever new activities are added. Send your questions to the student services team at the following address: sve@inrs.ca FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR STUDENT PROJECTS Yannick Machabée If you have a project or activity in mind to: Student services officer . Promote scientific life at university Phone: 418 654-1801 yannick.machabee@inrs.ca . Improve the quality of life at INRS Hama Tchamo-Kpona Consult the program (in French) before submitting your Secretary request to sve@inrs.ca. Do not hesitate to contact us Phone: 418 654-3815 to discuss your idea in advance. hama.tchamo-kpona@inrs.ca We encourage all projects that benefit the INRS com- munity. Talk to us about your plans! 12 // WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre // 13
9 HEALTH CARE INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: GROUP PLAN – ASEQ NEED TO TALK ABOUT HEALTH AND HOSPITALIZATION EMERGENCIES/INFO- (ADDITIONAL INSURANCE) PERSONAL PROBLEMS INSURANCE SANTÉ All INRS students benefit from a two-part group health- The employee and student support program (PAEE) of- care plan (Group insurance plan – ASEQ): fers fast and free access to consultations if you feel the During your stay in Quebec, you must be covered by a health insurance plan. Students from some countries DIAL 911 FOR EMERGENCIES HEALTHCARE COMPONENT need to talk to someone about your worries and per- . Vision care sonal problems. The service is offered by an external are eligible for Quebec public health insurance plan For emergencies, especially medical ones. company and is completely confidential. (RAMQ) and must apply when they arrive. Please note that fees apply for ambulance service. . Professional services You can contact PAEE 24/7 at 1 877 257-5557 Other students must register for the group insurance * You must have a Canadian SIM card for 911 service . Vaccines, X-rays, etc. (French: 1 800 361-2433). plan for international university students that Quebec to work with your phone. universities have negotiated with Desjardins Financial Available only to students covered by RAMQ Security. The premium is billed by INRS at the same time DIAL 811 – INFO-SANTÉ HEALTH LINE DENTAL COMPONENT PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP as tuition fees. Available to everyone Do you or your family need advice from a nurse? THE DESJARDINS PLAN FOR INTERNATIONAL Do you need someone to direct you to the ap- For more information, consult the insurance docu- STUDENTS propriate healthcare resources? ments (in French) or contact the INRS student federa- Sessions with a psychologist are reimbursed up to a tion (FEINRS). DISTANCE LEARNING 24/7 free phone consultation service maximum of $500 per year. STUDENTS GROUP PLAN – ASEQ International students studying from outside Ca- Sessions with a psychologist or psychotherapist are re- nada do not have to pay the health insurance OPTING OUT OF THE PLAN imbursed up to a maximum of $500 per year, but you premium. The premium is billed with your fall and winter pay the first $50 for each session. HEALTH, SAFETY, AND COVID-19 tuition fees. For any health issues related to being on campus during the pandemic, please contact your pro- Each year, during the first month of the first term gram director. in which you are enrolled, you can opt out of one or both components. Fees for 2020-2021: Fall Winter Healthcare: $71.75 Healthcare: $143.51 Dental: $53.93 Dental: $107.84 FEINRS FEINRS (see Chapter 10) handles the group in- surance plan with ASEQ. You may contact the member of the executive representing you with ASEQ. 14 // WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre // 15
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 10 STUDENT ASSOCIATIONS 11 AND PHONE NUMBERS INRS STUDENT FEDERATION ASSOCIATION GÉNÉRALE DES FOR ANY IT QUESTIONS OR SENDING LARGE FILES (FEINRS) ÉTUDIANTS DE L’INSTITUT SUPPORT REQUESTS (INRS You can use the file sharing program to send large do- FEINRS is an umbrella association representing the ARMAND-FRAPPIER (AGEIAF) EMAIL, WIRELESS NETWORK, cuments. Either the sender or the recipient must have an INRS email address. student associations from all INRS centres. It facilitates AGEIAF, founded in 1984, represents the students at COMPUTER ROOM) student dialogue and coordination on matters of com- the Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Please refer to the Information Resources Depart- mon interest. Its mission: Centre. Its membership stands at about 150, and varies ment website (in French). There you’ll find: PHONE NUMBERS . Defend and promote the rights and interests of its slightly depending on the number of students enrolled . Documents on certain procedures and software INRS Directory (in French) members on matters of common interest, including: in the health biosciences programs. Its primary mission is to advocate for the interests of the Research Centre’s . A support request form (in French) - Tuition fees, ancillary fees, and other fees paid to INRS student community. When academic or institutional issues of interest to its members arise, AGEIAF coor- - The management, administration, and payment of dinates conversations to determine a common posi- WIRELESS ACCESS INRS and external scholarships tion and then acts as intermediary with the university Three wireless networks are available across INRS. - Academic affairs (program evaluation and modifi- administration. The association also organizes social . INRS: This one can be used by all INRS personnel cation, amendments and additions to statutes and activities to bring students together. This mission is all regulations) in any INRS centre. Sign in with your Windows the more important since the Research Centre is home username and password. - Management of group insurance (health and dental) to students from very diverse backgrounds, and good . INRS-Visiteurs: This network is for anyone who does - Compliance with INRS regulations by the adminis- communication is paramount. AGEIAF also has an active green committee that supports environmental initiatives not have an INRS account. It offers Internet access tration and faculty only and does not require a password. and helps raise awareness among the students and - Health and safety conditions in INRS laboratories . Eduroam: This is a wireless network available in a staff at the Research Centre. - Any other needs included in this framework identi- number of universities that you can log into using To get in touch, send an email to AGEIAF@inrs.ca. fied by members your INRS Windows account. . Officially represent its members before any body You can also join our Facebook group, where we share the latest information on events, activities, meet-ups, deemed relevant to promote their rights and announcements, representatives, and more. It’s a great interests. place to share our experiences, concerns, laughs, . Promote, protect, and develop the scientific and tips about life at AFSB. The group is managed by interests of its members and INRS students in students, for students. Whether you’re starting classes general. soon or you just graduated, join us! . Connect students from local member associations https://www.facebook.com/ in order to foster a sense of belonging to INRS groups/1079032792480093/ and create opportunities for social and scientific discussions. To contact FEINRS, write to: fe.inrs@adm.inrs.ca You can also talk to your representatives on the FEINRS executive committee. 16 // WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre // 17
12 AFSB CENTRE LIBRARY WHAT’S IN THE LIBRARY SERVICES OFFERED The AFSB Centre library collections include thousands . Training and technical support (bibliographic and of books, reports, theses, and dissertations. informational tools) The library catalogue can be found here (Sofia): . Training and help with bibliographic research and https://inrs.on.worldcat.org/discovery?lang=en literature monitoring The list of journals can be found here: . Bibliographic notification service https://inrs.on.worldcat.org/atoztitles#journal . Provision of documents (purchase, borrow, copy) . Research data management HEAD LIBRARIAN . Research support (communication, liaison officer, Michel Courcelles centre management, etc.) Phone: 450 687-5010 . Writing assistance (scientific posters, etc.) Email: michel.courcelles@iaf.inrs.ca . Plagiarism management . Assessment of information literacy skills . Remote access to digital collections . IAF publications database and institutional repositories (INRS and Pasteur) . Institute administrator for the Moodle platform . Update of faculty publication lists on the INRS website . Technical help for the library classroom . Workspaces . Scanner/photocopier available at the library . Computer workstations LA SYNTHÈSE La Synthèse is the popular science journal pu- blished by INRS students at the AFSB Centre. It helps disseminate and promote the Institute’s research by making it available to the general pu- blic. In addition to providing a venue for student researchers to share their knowledge, the jour- nal raises INRS’s profile and expands its reach. La Synthèse also offers training sessions and talks to help INRS students improve their communica- tion skills and explain their research using plain language. La Synthèse: https://www.lasyntheseinrs.com/ or in EspaceINRS 18 // WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre // 19
13 YOUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES LANGUAGE POLICY The INRS Directive Concerning the Application of the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The Intellectual Property Policy establishes the prin- VARIOUS NORMATIVE DOCUMENTS EXIST TO ENSURE THAT MEMBERS OF Language Policy states that the INRS is a French-lan- ciples and rules that govern the relationship between guage institution and specifies when French should be members of the academic community and INRS in mat- THE INRS COMMUNITY HAVE ACCESS TO SUITABLE LIVING AND WORKING used and when a language other than French may be ters of intellectual property. In particular, the policy aims ENVIRONMENTS. THESE REGULATIONS, STANDARDS, AND POLICIES used. to establish the principles for the valuation of copy- PROTECT YOU AND IMPOSE CERTAIN CODES OF CONDUCT. SOME OF THESE right and invention rights. See the Copyright Guide (in French) for more information. DOCUMENTS AFFECT YOU MORE DIRECTLY. RESEARCH INTEGRITY The INRS Research Integrity Policy (Politique d’inté- grité en recherche de l’INRS) aims to promote respon- sible research. It states that you must be honest and serious in your work, rigorous in your analyses, and GRADUATE STUDIES PSYCHOLOGICAL HARASSMENT committed to sharing research results, and apply pro- OMBUDSMAN fessional standards. Consult the Student Guide on Re- REGULATION AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE search Integrity (in French). As a member of the university community, you may bring any situation where you feel your The Graduate Studies Regulation (Règlement sur les Consult the INRS website for information on psycho- rights have not been respected to the attention études supérieures) covers: logical harassment and sexual violence. Information of the Ombudsman. See more information on the . Academic advising on the site clarifies these concepts, explains how to act, Ombudsman web page (in French). . Research programs, courses, and activities and suggests resources. See also the normative docu- The Ombudsman acts independently. ments: . Supervision . Harassment, Discrimination, and Incivility Policy . Admission and registration . Policy against Sexual Violence . Evaluation and awarding of degrees SUPERVISION CODE OF ETHICS The regulation sets out, among other things, the rules Consult the Code of ethics document. and guidelines for the supervision of graduate studies. TOPICS COVERED BY THE CODE OF ETHICS . Respect for people . Use of INRS property PLAGIARISM . Compliance with laws INRS provides students with a tool called Com- . Privacy pilatio to help detect plagiarism. The tool is used to verify that assignments are original. Be . Respect for the institution careful though—while the software is useful for . Conflicts of interest school works, it is less well suited to research publications, scientific articles, dissertations, and theses. For access to Compilatio, contact sve@inrs.ca. For context-appropriate training, contact sdis@inrs.ca. 20 // WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre // 21
INNOVATE BY RESEARCH 22 // WELCOME GUIDE | Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre
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