Welcome Pack Geek Factory 3.0

Page created by Marion Jennings
Welcome Pack Geek Factory 3.0
Geek Factory 3.0
Welcome Pack
Welcome Pack Geek Factory 3.0
Hi, and thanks for booking into Geek Factory! We are really
looking forward to welcoming you to our 3 day residential. The
 Geek Factory core team is made up of and youth workers with
 a passion for all things Geek! We bring together leaders from
 across the region to make this camp the best it can be. Come
prepared for lots of gaming, conversations about faith and lots
   of laughs. It is packed with lots of free time where you can
  choose to play on a big selection of modern and retro game
  consoles, take a plunge on our state of the art virtual reality
headsets, play and laugh with your mates with one of our huge
 selection of board games or design and print a 3D model just
   to name a few things that you can choose from! This year’s
 theme is ‘ESCAPE TO REALITY’ and we will be exploring what
  is reality and rather than trying to switch off from the world,
            we will explore what it means to switch on.
Welcome Pack Geek Factory 3.0
14:00  Arrive
14:30  Welcome Session
15:00  Defuse the Bomb (Escape Room)
16:00  Free Time
18:00  Dinner
19:00  Free Time
19:30  Fortress of Solitude 1
20:30  Small Group Discussions
21:30  Choose Your Own Adventure
22:30  Get ready for bed
23:00  Bed Time

Tuesday                                Wednesday
07:30   Leaders Meeting                08:30 Breakfast
08:00   Breakfast                      09:15 Bowers Castle
09:15   Bowers Castle                  09:35 Free Time
09:35   Free Time                      11:00 Nerf War
11:00   Fortress of Solitude 2         12:30 Lunch
12:30   Lunch                          13:30 Escape Film Trailer
13:30   Quest                          15:00 Film Festival
15:00   Free Time                      15:30 Awards
16:30   Results from Quest.            16:00 Finish
17:00   Wonder Cakes
18:00   Dinner
19:00   Free Time
19:30    Fortress of Solitude 3
20:30   Small Group Discussions
21:30   Choose Your Own Adventure
22:30   Get ready for bed.
23:00   Bed Time
Welcome Pack Geek Factory 3.0
Kit List
                                    Please note, everything must be
                                    packed in one bag / suitcase as we
                                    need to pack away our belongings
                                    each day to make room for our
                                    exciting activities!

Necessary                                Optional
• Pillow                                 •Snacks
• Sleeping Bag / Duvet                   •Books
• Airbed (& pump) / Roll Matt
• Pyjamas                                •Nerf gun compatible with Elite
                                          (blue) darts. Please do not
• Toothbrush & Tooth Paste                bring any darts, we will
• Deodorant                               providing darts.
• Flannel / Baby wipes
• Towel                                  •Safety Eyewear. We will be
• Warm Clothes for the 3 days             providing compulsory eyewear
• Spare set of clothes (just in case)     for the nerf battle but feel free
                                          to bring any safety googles or
• Waterproof coat                         sun glasses.
• Outdoor shoes

Please note that we cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or
damage caused to personal belongings. We strongly recommend for
young people to not bring any electrical equipment such as Nintendo
Switches because we understand that young people can be very
attached to these items and we certainly do not want anyone upset due
to misplacing or damaging the item. However, we do understand this can
be a significant ask for some individuals, therefore, please get in contact
to discuss how we can manage this.
Welcome Pack Geek Factory 3.0

Core Team                                                             Location
Tim Cadoux - Camp Leader                                              St Thomas Baptist Church
Marketing Co-ordinator & SW Moorlands Manager at SWYM                 Dorset Avenue,
                                                                      EX4 1LZ
Ollie O’Meakin - Operations Coordinator
Resource Manager & Be Transformed Tutor at SWYM

Jon Hancock - Spiritual Programme Coordinator
Senior Youth Worker at Belmont Chapel Exeter

Trevor Sharp - Activity Coordinator
Technical Technician at Exeter University

Arrivals and Departure
Please do not arrive earlier than 2pm on Monday 17th Feb.

Please ensure you are ready to depart/be collected for 4pm on Wednesday 19th Feb.

                           Emergency & Safeguarding Contact
                           The emergency contact and designated safeguarding person is
                           Ollie O’Meakin. If you have any concerns, please do not
                           hesitate and speak to Ollie.

                           ollie@swym.org.uk or 07305933206
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