Page created by Henry Dawson

A WORD FROM THE DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMS                                              French
                                                                                   Teaching   classes
                                                                                                                                                     page 20 19
AND STUDENT LIFE ...................................... PAGE 3                    Curriculum
                                                                                                        .............................................. page 21
   «Welcome to France» Label ............... page 4                               Academic
                                                                                   Academiccalendar,  calendar,holidays  holidaysand       andbank  bank holi-
INSA ROUEN NORMANDIE ........................ PAGE 4                           holidays
                                                                                days .................................................................
                                                                                                                                                       page 21
INSA ROUEN NORMANDIE ........................ PAGE 5
PREPARING FOR YOUR ARRIVAL.............PAGE 7                                  ENGINEERING
PREPARING                                                                      STATUS
   Checklist FOR      YOUR ARRIVAL............ PAGE 87
  Visas ..............................................................page
                .....................................................page 87   CAMPUS
  Visas .............................................................page
  Welcome        Program ..................................page 8
  Provisional    Program           .................................. page 8
                    budget ..................................page          9        Eating
  Arrival on campus
  Provisional       budget.................................
                                                                           9        Léocarte
                                                                                                  studentcard     card.........................page
  Arrival on campus ...................................page 11                      Library
YOUR ARRIVAL AT INSA.............................PAGE 12                            Reprography
  Welcome             AT INSA.............................PAGE 13
                ....................................................page  12        Health
  Residence      formalities in France ........page 13                              Student
  Residence      formalities
                         registration  in France .................page
                                                          ........page 14
                                                                       13           Cultural
  Administrative registration .................page 14                         SOCIAL
HOUSING ........................................................PAGE 14
HOUSING                                                                        PAGE
           residence halls ........................page 14             15
            a housinghalls ................................page
                                   ........................page 16
                                                                 15               Transportation
                                                                                                                                          page 2726
  Booking   a housing
               insurance   ................................
                                                            page 16
                                                                 17               Practical
                                                                                                                (shopping,banks,      banks,
  Arrival at residence
  Household    insurance    halls
                                                            page 16
                                                                 17            communication,
                                                                                                            ............................... page28
  Arrival at residence halls ..................... page 17                        Tourism
                                                                                                 recreationalactivities activities.page   .page2929
FRENCH SOCIAL SECURITY .....................PAGE 18
FRENCH SOCIAL SECURITY .....................PAGE 19                            CAMPUS
STUDENT AFFAIRS ......................................PAGE 19
STUDENT   AFFAIRS   .....................................PAGE                  HISTORY
  Academic    registration       ..........................page2019
     Academic registration ........................ page 20                    GLOSSARY OF STUDIES AT INSA ...........PAGE 38
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Dear Students,                                                          The dynamic Student and Sport Offices of-
Congratulations on your admission to INSA                               fers a number of associations and sports
Rouen Normandie.                                                        activities.

Founded in 1985, INSA Rouen Normandie is                                Welcome to INSA Rouen Normandie, at the
a member of the INSA Group. Ranked first                                heart of Normandy.
public engineering school in France, INSA                               In the meantime, I wish you an excellent
Rouen trains nearly 10% of the French en-                               holiday.
gineers each year. Our engineering pro-                                 Jean Maquet
grams are accredited by the Commission                                  Director of Programs and Student Life
des titres d’ingénieur and awarded by the
European internationally recognized EUR-
ACE® label. INSA Rouen Normandie is the
leading engineering public school in Nor-
mandy, with its 350 engineering graduates
and offers 11 specializations. Graduates are
highly qualified in various fields. In addition,
they are multidisciplinary, humanistic and
innovative. Openness and diversity are the
core values of the institution. A broad-based
recruitment process enables us to promote
equal opportunity (27,1% of French student
engineers hold scholarships). The school
has 39,7% female student engineers (far
above the national average). The institution
welcomes 19,1% foreign student engineers
of over 48 nationalities and all student en-
gineers have relevant experience abroad
(teaching semester or internship of up to
3 months).

INSA Rouen Normandie also offers a vibrant
student life on an attractive campus. Lo-
cated within the Madrillet Campus and di-
rectly connected to the heart of Rouen by
metro, it boasts a wide selection of hou-
sing options at residence halls, as well as
canteens, cafeterias and sports facilities.

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students with the establishment of in-
  «WELCOME TO                                                                ternational student referents.
FRANCE» LABEL                                                         •      Quality of postgraduate follow-up with
                                                                             support towards employment.
INSA Rouen Normandie has commited
itself to the «Welcome to France» label-
ling process launched in 2019 by Campus
France to highlight the facilities available to
international students in higher education

INSA Rouen Normandie has been awarded
the 2-star level, attesting to the quality of
its welcome for international students, thus
satisfying 15 of the 20 indicators defined by
the label, notably those of the « Welco-
me package ». These are concrete actions,
directly in contact with the reality of inter-
national students, structured according to
5 fields:

•   Quality and accessibility of information:
    multilingual site with a clear presenta-
    tion of the training offer and diplomas,
    combined with an offer of demateria-
    lisation of application and administra-
    tive procedures.

•   Quality and accessibility of reception
    facilities: a multiservice reception desk
    offer associated with the distribution
    of a welcome booklet and welcome
    products. This welcome takes the form
    of a back to-school event specifically
    dedicated to international students
    and inclusive events throughout the
    school year.

•   Accessibility and teaching support:
    INSA Rouen Normandie has developed
    a French as a Foreign Language (FLE)

•   Accommodation and quality of campus
    life: dedicated reception for internatio-
    nal students with multilingual staff, as
    well as an accommodation offer. Call to
    mobilize students and promote foreign

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Ranked among the leading French public en-                 nism.
gineering institutions in France, INSA Group
institutions are located in major French ci-               In addition to the city of Rouen and its cultu-
ties (Lyon, Rennes, Rouen, Strasbourg, Tou-                ral and historical heritage, embodied by the
louse, Val de Loire and Hauts-de-France)                   Havre UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Nor-
and abroad (INSA Euro-Méditerranée in                      mandy provides a large number of tourist
Fès, Morocco). The seven French schools of                 attractions (Mont-Saint-Michel, Étretat, La
the INSA Group, the first international INSA               maison de Monet, Giverny, the Caen Nor-
institution, in conjunction with six academic              mandie Memorial, the Centre for History and
partners, embody a training approach that                  Peace, the D-day landing beaches, etc.). In
has been worldwide recognized for over                     addition, the Seine Valley, located between
half a century. The INSA Group includes                    Rouen and Le Havre, boasts a flourishing
over than 80 engineering specializations                   industrial area, comprising petrochemical
and counts 60 high-level laboratories. The                 refineries, pharmaceutical industries, au-
institution brings together a professional                 tomotive manufacturing plants, and much
network of over 90,000 alumni in France                    more.
and all around the world.

                                                               Welcome to INSA Rouen Normandie!
First engineering school in Normandy
                                                               This welcome guide includes relevant
INSA Rouen Normandie comprises an in-                          information to ensure students enjoy
ternational academic and research center,                      a smooth stay. It features details on
located near Paris. The largest enginee-                       courses at INSA, teaching departments,
ring institution in Normandy welcomes                          housing, entry and residence formali-
more than 2,000 students and is situated                       ties in France, as well as an overview of
in Rouen and Le Havre. Its headquarters                        life in Normandy, Rouen and Le Havre.
are located within the Madrillet Campus                        Need help with day-to-day or adminis-
in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray. INSA Rouen                        trative procedures? We are on hand to
Normandie plays a major role in training
                                                               provide support, feel free to contact us!
engineers in France. Its missions include
teaching (11 engineering programs with 4
                                                               Exchange students receive personal gui-
apprenticeships and apprenticeships, 6 na-
                                                               dance throughout their entire study period.
tional master’s degrees and 2 specialized
master’s degrees.), research (8 laboratories)
                                                               Sophie BINARD, Director of the Interna-
and the spreading of scientific culture. Trai-
                                                               tional Relations Department, INSA Rouen
ning programs cover the following areas of
expertise: Information and Data Science,
Mathematics, Chemistry and Processes,
Risk Assessment and Site reengineering,
Energy, Propulsion, Mechanics, Industrial
Performance, Civil Engineering and Urba-

                           INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students - INSA Rouen Normandie - 5/41
Training Programs and Student Life contacts

First name - Name              Position                                               Adresse mail
Jean Maquet                    Director of Programs and Student Life                   formation@insa-rouen.fr

Florence Médaerts              Director of Programs and Educational                    formation@insa-rouen.fr
Stéphanie Bocquet              Head of One-stop Desk and Student Life                  guve@insa-rouen.fr

Marina Holard                  Head of Student Affairs                                 scolarite@insa-rouen.fr

                                 International Relations Department Contacts

First name - Name              Position                                               Adresse mail
Sophie Binard                  Director of the International Relations                 sophie.binard@insa-rouen.fr
Caroline Meley                 International Relations Department                      caroline.meley@insa-rouen.fr
                               Coordinator - Outgoing Mobility
Coralie Mimault                International Relations Department                      coralie.mimault@insa-rouen.fr
                               Coordinator - Incoming Mobility
Valérie Papamicael             International Relations Department                      valerie.papamicael@insa-rouen.fr

                                           International Relations Managers

First name - Name                  Country                                        Adresse-mail

Ludovic Auvray                     Asia & Pacific                                  ludovic.auvray@insa-rouen.fr

Vincent Boutigny                   Spain                                           vincent.boutigny@insa-rouen.fr

International Relations            Africa & Middle East                            international@insa-rouen.fr
Hortense Larcheveque               North America                                   hortense.larcheveque@insa-rouen.fr

Sébastien Leveneur                 Eastern & Southern Europe                       sebastien.leveneur@insa-rouen.fr

Gérard-Vincent Martin              Welcome Program                                 gerard-vincent.martin@insa-rouen.fr

Mariana Renoux                     Franco-German University (Uni-                  mariana.renoux@insa-rouen.fr
                                   versité Franco-Allemande - UFA):
                                   Master of Science Degree from
                                   Kaiserslautern University of Tech-
                                   nology, Germany
Cécila Zanni-Merk                  FITEC Program (France Ingénieurs                cecilia.zanni-merk@insa-rouen.fr
                                   TEChnologie) and Joint Degrees
                                   with Latin America

    6/41 - INSA Rouen Normandie - INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students
INSA Group                                                         Academic partners

                                                                                                                        ESITech ROUEN

                                                            INSA HAUTS
                              INSA ROUEN                      DE FRANCE                                                                           ENSISA MULHOUSE

                                                                                                                                         ENSCMu MULHOUSE

                                                                  INSA STRASBOURG
                             INSA RENNES
                                                                                                                       ENSIL-ENSCI LIMOGES

                                             INSA CENTRE VAL DE LOIRE
                                                                                                                                        ISIS CASTRES

                                                                           INSA LYON                                       SUP’ENR UPVD

                            INSA TOULOUSE
                                                                                                                  INSA Euro-Méditerranée
                                                                                                                  Fès | Maroc

    Biotechnologies,   Environnement,        Génie Civil,      Génie Électrique,     Informatique,   Mécanique,         Systèmes,         Formation        Formation
         Chimie            Énergie          Urbanisme,           Électronique,      Mathématiques,   Matériaux           Risques         d’architecte    de paysagiste
                                            Topographie          Automatique,        Modélisation                      industriels,
                                                             Télécommunications                                    Génie des Procédés

                                                                   Faculty Contacts

First name - Name                       Departement                                    Sigle         Adresse-mail
David Honoré                            Engineering Science                            STPI           david.honore@insa-rouen.fr
Laurent Vercouter                       IT and Information Tech-                       ITI            laurent.vercouter@insa-rouen.fr
Youssef Boulos                          Fine Chemical Engineering                      CFI            youssef.boulos@insa-rouen.fr
Jean Cousin                             Energetics and Propulsion                      EP             jean.cousin@insa-rouen.fr
Elie Rivoalen                           Civil Engineering and                          GCCD           elie.rivoalen@insa-rouen.fr
                                        Sustainable Building
Jean Guy Caputo                         Engineering Mathematics                        GM             jean-guy.caputo@insa-rouen.fr
Arnaud Knippel                                                                                        arnaud.knippel@insa-rouen.fr
Matthieu Tourbier                       Mechanics                                      MECA           matthieu.tourbier@insa-rouen.fr
Sébastien Leveneur                      Industrial and Environ-                        MRIE           sebastien.leveneur@insa-rouen.fr
                                        Risk Management
Vincent Boutigny                        Humanities                                     HUMA           vincent.boutigny@insa-rouen.fr

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     Checklist                                                                mentation on your University, etc.).

Students are required to bring following                                 For Europea n Economic Area
mandatory documents:                                                     students:
                                                                           • European Health Insurance Card
For all students:
 • At least one translated and certified birth                           For students from Quebec:
   certificate (by an official French service).                            • Passport
 • A valid passport (for European Economic                                 • Health Insurance Form SE401 Q106/
   citizens: an identity card is sufficient) with                            SE401 Q102 bis
   a student short- or long-stay visa (unless
   exempted).                                                            For non-European students:
 • For French state scholarship holders: the                               • Private valid insurance as you enter
   Campus France scholarship certificate.                                    France
 • If you intend to drive in France, a valid dri-
   ving. To find out if your licence is eligible,
   consult the information : https://www.                                         Visas
   service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/                             Visas are issued by the French Embassy
   N19126                                                                of France in your home country. The CEF
 • If you wish to practice a sport in France                             (Centre d’Études pour la France) procedure
   (association or club), a current-year me-                             is compulsory in most countries. Please
   dical certificate to compete in any univer-                           check whether:
   sity event or competition will be required.                             • You are exempted from visa require-
 • Items symbolizing your homeland (flags,                                   ments.
   recipes, postcards, posters and docu-                                   • You need a «short-stay» visa (stay under

     8/41 - Preparing for your arrival - INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students
90 days). Visa fees: €80. If you obtain a                             The DRI team will provide you, for a limited
   «short-stay» visa, there are no additional                          time, a mobile phone to enable you to com-
   formalities to complete once you have                               municate with your close family member as
   arrived in France.                                                  soon as you arrive at INSA.
 • You need a «long-stay» visa (stay over                                A welcome pack of goodies to help you
   90 days). Visa fees: €99 + cost of vali-                            integrating into the region and at INSA.
   dation once arrived in France. Our staff                             A maintenance kit to allow you a better ins-
   provides you with guidance on preparing                             tallation in residences as soon as you arrive.
   your file for the authorization of your                             If you are not yet registered but interested,
   long-stay visa (LSV valid as residence                              please send an email to: welcomepro-
   permit for students. > More information                             gram@insa-rouen.fr.
   here: page 14.)
 • Find out all information on visas on
   the Campus France website : https://                                         Provisional budget
   france-visas.gouv.fr/web/france-visas/                              To reside in France and obtain a residency
   accueil                                                             permit in Normandy, international students
                                                                       must provide a proof of sufficient financial
      Welcome Program                                                  resources during their stay. Students should
                                                                       expect they will need a monthly budget of at
The two-week program before the begin-                                 least €615 to live adequately. This amount
ning of courses (mid-August/early Sep-                                 covers everyday expenses (housing, meals,
tember) includes French courses, cultural                              recreational activities, transport, etc.). These
visits and activities, as well as guidance on                          resources must currently be €65 per day
administrative formalities (bank, insurance,                           if the person is staying in a hotel or €33 if
etc.).                                                                 the person is in possession of an accommo-
  • For Exchange and Master’s Students                                 dation certificate. More information: http://
    from all nationalities, the Welcome Pro-                           www.anafe.org/spip.php?article274.
    gram is optional; a €75 fee is charged,                            Although the cost of living in Rouen is lower
    payable upon registration. It corresponds                          than in many other French cities, interna-
    to two ECTS for exchange students.                                 tional students should plan on a monthly
  • For students enrolled in the Bilingual Pro-                        budget of at least €700 to €800 to live
    gram, the Welcome Program is manda-                                adequately. This budget represents every-
    tory and included in the registration fees.                        day expenses (housing, meals, recreational
With the Welcome Program, you benefit                                  activities, transport, etc.).
from the following services:

               Estimation of the total cost of a study period at INSA Rouen Normandie
   Budget may differ between students, according to their status (full-time or exchange student), their needs and their lifestyle.

 Expense item                                                     Cost
 Housing at INSA residence halls                                  B/W €330 and €420: Madrillet Campus.
                                                                  For more information on other residence halls, click
                                                                  Students can request financial aid for monthly rent
                                                                  (APL - Aide personnalisée au logement)
 Damage deposit (mandatory)                                       Expect one month’s fee rental
 Housing insurance (mandatory)                                    €45 per year
 Liability insurance (mandatory)                                  €20 per year

                                    INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students - Preparing for your arrival - 9/41
Expense item                                                        Cost
 Meals                                                               €200 per month
 Transportation                                                      €21 per month (Half price 365 day pass for the youth
 Validation stamp for residence permit                               €60 for entire visa term
 (depending on nationality)
 Phone, internet, TV contract                                        €30-€40 per month
 Other (entertainment, activities, etc.)                             €150 per month
 Personal health insurance (optional)                                €340 per year
 Potential expenses for settling in (sheets, towels,                 Variable
 cooking utensils, etc.)

                         Additional costs for students completing Master’s degrees or the Bilingual Program

A specific and unique program, the Bilingual Program, integrated into the Euro-
pean Higher Education Area, leads to a five-year engineering diploma, awarded
by INSA Rouen Normandie and delivers a Master’s degree. The INSA Rouen Nor-
mandie training programs are accredited by the Commission des titres d’ingé-
nieur and awarded by the internationally recognized European EUR-ACE® label.

  Bilingual Program              For European students                                               Included services
  and tuition fees                • First year: € 750 + tuition fees for European                      • Welcome Program : admi-
  (non refundable                   Economic Area students (€601 in 2021/22)                             nistrative support, cultural
  once the aca-                   • Following years: tuition fees are set by the                         activities organized during
  demic year has                    French State                                                         the first 4 semesters
  begun, in case of                                                                                    • FFL (French as Foreign Lan-
  student resigna-                                                                                       guage) courses
  tion)                          For international students (non-European)                             • Guidance and monitoring
                                  • €4750 for the Welcome Program Summer                                 throughout the 2-year un-
                                    and and €4000 for the Welcome Program                                dergraduate program “ES”,
  Fee for the face-                 Winter + €601 of tuition fees                                      • “Student life” subscription.
  to-face program                 • Following year: tuition fees are set by the
                                    French State + “Student Life” subscription,
                                    €92 payable online: https://www.messer-

                                   • For all each year “Student Life” subscription,
                                     €92 payable online: https://www.messer-


  Tuition fees                     • Tuition fees are set by the French State : €243 for students who are ad-
                                     mitted to Masters for 2021/2022 Academic Year
                                     “Student life” subscription, €92 payable online :

Registration fees are updated every new academic term and available on the INSA
website, Student life section: https://www.insa-rouen.fr/vie-etudiante/cout-des-etudes

      10/41 - Preparing for your arrival - INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students
Payment                                                              • Check payable to the Agent comptable
                                                                       de l’INSA de Rouen,
 • Online (you will receive a payment link                           • Postal money order or bank transfer
   by email),                                                          (mentioning your name on the transfer
 • Direct debit,                                                       request form).

INSA Rouen bank details:

 Bank Code          Sort Code                      Account                RIB Key                    Bank Domiciliation
 10071              76000                          00001000151            50                         TPROUEN TG

 IBAN (International Bank Account Number)                                                            BIC (Bank Identifier Code)
 FR76        1007       1760             0000            0010             0015            150        TRPUFRP1

Please note:                                                               Arrival on campus
 • Cash payments are forbidden.
 • Payment in three instalments is pos-                           INSA Rouen Normandie comprises three
   sible for terminal credit card payment                         sites, Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, close to
   or bank transfer.                                              Rouen, Le Havre and Vernon.
                                                                  Airports: Roissy-Charles de Gaulle, Orly or
                                                                  Beauvais (an airport which offers low-cost
Léocarte Student Card                                             flights).
The student status enables you to en-
joy special conditions and discounts on                           Links to help you prepare for your
public transports and recreational activi-
ties. Feel free to show your student card!
                                                                     • Airports
                                                                          • Aéroports de Paris
Working in France                                                         • Aéroport de Paris-Beauvais
A long-stay student visa enables you to                              • Public Transportation
                                                                          • Réseau de Transport Paris-Ile de France
work, under specific conditions, during your                              • Réseau de Transport Rouen
stay in France.                                                           • Réseau de Transport Le Havre
For more information, click here:                                    • Train
○ https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vos-                         • Trains SNCF
droits/F2713                                                         • Route
                                                                          • Blablacar
Financial aid                                                             • Michelin
                                                                          • Mappy
Students can request financial aid from their
home-country or from specialized organi-
For more information, please go to the
site Campus France.

                               INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students - Preparing for your arrival - 11/41
Saint-Étienne du Rouvray                                                 1 Avenue Hubert Curien, 27207 Vernon
The campus is located at the heart of the                                INSA Rouen Normandie Campuses
Rouvray forest, seven km south of Rouen.                                 maps and directions:
To get to INSA Saint-Étienne-du Rouvray
Campus, please take the metro, towards                                    ○ https://www.insa-rouen.fr/insa-rouen-normandie/
Technopôle Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray and                                   campus-et-plan-dacces
get off at the last stop Technopôle.
685 Avenue de l’université, BP08 76801
Saint Etienne du Rouvray Cedex
 • IT and Information Technology (ITI)
 • Mechanics Department (MECA)
MAGELLAN building
 • Energetics and Propulsion Department
   (EP) – Mechanics (MECA) – Humanities
 • International Relations Department
 • Student One-Stop Desk (GUVE)
 • Library, cafeteria, IT rooms
 • Sports Department
 • Laboratories
 • Residence halls INSA ROUEN Office
 • ES Department
 • Administrative Department
 • Student Council
 • Health Services
DARWIN building
 • Fine Chemical Engineering (CFI) – In-
   dustrial and Environmental Risk Mana-
   gement (MRIE)
Le Havre Campus
The campus is located 70 km away from
Rouen, in downtown Le Havre. The Civil
Engineering and Sustainable Building
Department (GCCD) is locate there.
Address: 73 rue Bellot, 76600 Le Havre,
Campus de l’Espace à Vernon
It hosts the specialty in Industrial Digital
Performance learning (Perf-NI)
     12/41 - Preparing for your arrival - INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students

     Welcome                                                habits and to better integrate into INSA
                                                            Rouen Normandie.
International students receive personalized
guidance throughout their study period. The                 We advise you to register on the platform
staff will help you in administrative registra-             as soon as you receive your admission
tion procedures. For any question, please                   letter! This will allow you to get to know
contact the International Relations Depart-                 your buddy before you arrive at INSA, to
ment or the Student Office.                                 help you discover the city (Rouen or Le
                                                            Havre) and guide you through your first
Welcom’INSA                                                 steps at INSA.
Welcom’INSA, an association composed of                     More information on
French and international students provides
                                                             ○ https://buddysystem.eu/en/
you with helpful information on INSA stu-
dies: housing, life in Rouen or in Le Havre,
student associations, and supports you in                   Erasmus Student Network
integrating the institution by organizing                   Erasmus Student Network in Rouen: ESN
cultural activities during your first semester.             ROUEN (eROUENsmus) is an association
Contact :                                                   geared towards international students and
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/                      sponsored by the International Relations
welcominsa/?hl=fr                                           Department of the University of Rouen.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/                        Comprising around ten student-volunteers,
welcominsa/                                                 its aims are to enhance activities for inter-
Email Address :                                             national students and organize cultural
welcominsa@gmail.com                                        and sports events. Its main objective is to
                                                            integrate exchange students by introducing
Buddysystem                                                 them to the culture of Rouen.
                                                            More information on
Buddysystem is an online platform that
permits international students to find a                     ○ https://erasmusu.com/en/erasmus-le-havre
sponsor within INSA Rouen Normandie.
                                                             ○ https://www.univ-rouen.fr/formation/
Through this system, you can get in touch
with local students who will help you to
better understand the local customs and
                              INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students - Your arrival at INSA - 13/41
two emails from the Registrar’s Office:
    Residence formalities                                                -the first one to activate your INSA compu-
in France                                                                ter account
                                                                         -the second will tell you which administrative
European students:                                                       steps to take when you arrive in France.
                                                                         Once you have arrived in France, the Regis-
 • The European Health Insurance card is
                                                                         trar’s Office will make an appointment to help
                                                                         you finalise your administrative formalities.
Students from Quebec:                                                    Registration is mandatory for all students
                                                                         to receive the INSA student card (Léocarte).
 • Passport
                                                                         The card can be used as entry pass to all
 • Health Insurance Form SE401 Q106 /
                                                                         INSA buildings and as mean of payment at
   SE401 Q102 bis
                                                                         university restaurants. It can be required
Students from other countries:                                           when opening a bank account, requesting
 • A valid passport throughout your stay + a                             a low-rate transportation card, etc., during
   potential visa + a birth certificate translated                       the examination period.
   in French                                                             The day of the appointment
 • A long-stay visa (LSV valid as residence
                                                                           • Check your registration file with the
   permit for student’s validation): we help
                                                                             Registrar’s Office;
   you to validate your visa and to pay the
                                                                           • Submit any missing document to com-
   fiscal stamp (€60) on the Foreign Affairs
                                                                             plete the file;
   Ministry website. For any question, please
                                                                           • Pay tuition and housing fees if it’s not
   send an email to: guve@insa-rouen.fr
                                                                             already done;
                                                                           • Check your registration to the French Social
 # A chest X-ray and a medical checkup are                                   Security https://etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr/) ;
 mandatory once you entered housing fees if                                • For non-exchange students : pay the
 it’s not already done. You are assisted in these                            CVEC (contribution to student life), if
 procedures by the INSA health unit                                          it’s not already done. The contribution
                                                                             is required on CVEC website : https://
In case you wish to continue your studies at                                 cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr/ BEFORE admi-
the end of the first academic year in France:                                nistrative registration;
You must apply for a residence permit from                                 • Collect your student card, your certifi-
the prefecture of your place of residence two                                cates of attendance. Certificates of atten-
months before the long-stay visa expires                                     dance at school will also be available on
(LSV valid as residence permit for student’s                                 your VLE (https://ent.normandie-univ.fr) ;
validation). The file will be compiled by the                              • Proceed with the validation of the visa
INSA Rouen One-stop Desk before being sent                                   if required ; (if long-stay visa, payment
to the prefecture. It is recommended to keep                                 of 60€ to be provided by credit card on
all documents concerning studies, housing                                    the website of the Ministry of Foreign
and financial resources (bank statements) as                                 Affairs).
proofs. The application for a residence permit                           For more information, please send
can be refused for no-show at the exams.                                 an email to:
   Administrative                                                        Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray Campus Regis-
                                                                         trar’s Office
Contact: INSA Registrar’s Office
Before your arrival in France, you will receive
     14/41 - Your arrival at INSA - INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students

  Student residence                                        www.quantic-telecom.net/etudiants/in-
                                                           sa-rouen. The INSA residences are already
halls                                                      listed there. Please note that you will need
                                                           an RJ45 cable to connect the internet to your
Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray Campus                            computer (€10).
International students registered at ITI, CFI,             What you need to bring
EP, GM, MECA, MRIE Departments can stay                    Sheets, blankets, dishes, cleaning equip-
at one of our halls, located near the Saint-               ment (broomstick, mop, sponge, etc.), was-
Étienne-du-Rouvray Campus (Madrillet                       hcloths, towels. Welcom’INSA can assist you
Technopôle), and near public transportation                in purchasing such items.
(metro-bus) and shops.                                     When you arrive, we will give you a Welco-
More information on                                        me Pack with several goodies. In addition,
○ https://www.insa-rouen.fr/vie-etudiante/se-loger-        we will also provide you with a cleaning kit
sur-les-campus                                             for your first few days (sponge, bin bag,
INSA residence halls provide with a range                  toilet paper etc.). If you have not already
of services and are managed by the INSA                    done it, you can reserve a free crockery kit
Housing Office.                                            (consisting of cutlery, plate, glass etc.) by
                                                           contacting the International Relations Of-
Furnishing and equipment                                   fice. Please note that the stock is limited.
For more information about residence halls’                 ○ international@insa-rouen.fr
equipment, please go to:
○ https://www.insa-rouen.fr/vie-etudiante/se-loger-         ○ welcominsa@gmail.com
                                                           Studio cleaning
To get internet access, a subscription to
an external provider is necessary. Quantic                 Cleaning is performed by an outsourced
Telecom, offers you a monthly subscription                 company. It is mandatory and an additio-
without commitment of 15€. You can also                    nal €15 is charged to your rent. Cleaning is
pay 40€ in one go.                                         scheduled on weekends, while students are
You can subscribe either by phone (in
France) or directly on their website: https://
                                         INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students - Housing - 15/41
on campus.                                                                the minors.

Housing rental agreement
Students sign a full-year rental agreement
(September 1 - August 31). They receive a
key upon completing an inventory of fix-                                Visale, the free security deposit online ser-
tures. The agreement may be terminated,                                 vice can also be used by international stu-
provided a three-month notice period is                                 dents.
observed.                                                               To be eligible, students must be between
                                                                        18 and 30 years old and enrolled in a higher
Housing fees                                                            education institution.
Two-bedroom apartments (2 persons):                                     European students only need a valid ID
€320+ €15 for mandatory cleaning fees.                                  card. Non-European students, scholarship
Single rent (1 person): €398 + €15 for man-                             holders or not, must have a valid long-stay
datory cleaning fees per month and per                                  visa equivalent to a valid residence permit
person.                                                                 mentioning «Student» or a valid «Student»
Fees include costs for heating, electricity,                            residence permit or even a valid «Talent»
hot and cold water, etc. Fees apply to cur-                             passport.
rent year rates. Rent is subject to increase                            A deposit can be requested for rents not ex-
on July 1st according to the housing rent                               ceeding €800 in Île-de-France and €600 in
Index.                                                                  other regions, both in private and public ren-
More information on:                                                    tal housing (APL-regulated housing owned
○ https://www.insa-rouen.fr/vie-etudiante/se-loger-                     by legal entities, residential housing, and
sur-les-campus                                                          housing with or without agreements within
                                                                        university residences).
APL Funding (Aide personnalisée au
logement)                                                               Conditions for admission to INSA
Students can request financial aid for mon-                             residence halls
thly rent (APL - Aide personnalisée au loge-
                                                                        Only students who have received a letter
ment). International students must provide
                                                                        of admission to INSA can apply for housing
proof of a valid residency permit and a social
                                                                        rental. However, INSA Rouen Normandie
security number, which will be issued upon
                                                                        registration authorization does not mean
administrative registration.
                                                                        that housing is granted to students. Priority
                                                                        is given to regular students in university re-
APL request must be completed once your
                                                                        sidences. Persons who are not registered at
arrival at residence is confirmed. Residence
                                                                        INSA cannot be housed.
halls Office will provide relevant information
                                                                        Due to the high number of requests and li-
and assist you in administrative matters.
                                                                        mited availabilities, we are unable to take
○ For more information, click here: https://wwwd.caf.                   into consideration your preferences in terms
                                                                        of locations and fees. However, you can se-
                                                                        lect either “flat sharing“ or “single room“, as
                                                                        housing option.
 # Financial aid is never disbursed to
 recipients but deducted from rents. The
 amount granted depends on the housing
 area, the type of housing, and the financial
 resources of the student. It is never credited
 during the first month of occupancy and to

     16/41 - Housing - INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students
Booking a housing
Pre-reservation                                         • Before May 29th > autumn semester or
For students enrolled in the Bilingual Pro-               full-year.
gram, housing is reserved as of right, once             • Before December 4th > spring semes-
you have received a final admission letter.               ter.
Exchange students are required to mention              Applications received after the deadline
housing preferences when applying online               will not be considered.
on the MoveOn website.
The Residence halls Office will send a
“housing proposal“ by email, mentioning                        Household insurance
the residence and the rent you will pay per            Article 18 of Act No. 82,526 dated 22 June
month (only one proposal per student).                 1982 requires tenants to insure themsel-
Master’s students must make their own ar-              ves against the risks for which they are
rangements for accommodation in or near                bound by law.
Rouen or Le Havre.                                     Depending on your personal situation, you
                                                       will be required to provide the INSA Resi-
                                                       dence halls Office or the owner with a mul-
 # Please note: if you refuse a housing pro-           ti-risk home insurance certificate insuring
 posal, you will be expected to find accom-            against fire, water damage, furnishings,
 modation on your own, through the private             neighbors’ claims, explosions, and any
 rental market.                                        rental risks for which you, as tenant, are
                                                       Two health insurance centers offer such
Final reservation                                      services, LMDE (La Mutuelle des Étu-
                                                       diants),SMENO (Société Mutualiste des
Your reservation will be confirmed once:
                                                       Étudiants de la Région Nord-Ouest) or at a
 • You have accepted the proposal.
                                                       bank. Fees: from €40 per year.
 • You have paid the first month’s rent and
   the deposit (the amount of the deposit is
   equivalent to one month’s rent).
 • You have completed and submitted «The                  Arrival at residence
   deed of third-party guarantee» (docu-
   ment issued by the residence hall with
   the proposal). The document has to be
   signed by your parents or guarantors.                 # Checking is not possible on Saturdays,
                                                         Sundays and public holidays.
Le Havre campus                                          Arrival: between 9am to 4pm on weekdays.
Students enrolled in the GCCD department
INSA Rouen Normandie does not provide
housing in Le Havre but can help you find
All you have to do is send an email to Coralie
Mimault (coralie.mimault@insa-rouen.fr) in-
dicating that you wish to be accommodated
with the Crous du Havre.

                                     INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students - Housing - 17/41
Exchange students                                                      Students enrolled in the Bilingual
In order to welcome you in the best condi-                             Program
tions, please inform us a few weeks before                             As the Welcome Program is mandatory, you
you arrive, by sending an email, mentioning                            will be required to arrive on a specific date,
surname, first name, day and time of your                              which will be stated on your admission let-
arrival. Please note that accommodation is                             ter, in order to pick you up at the airport.
available from the first of September and                                ○ For any special circumstance, please contact: wel-
the first of February.                                                   comeprogram@insa-rouen.fr

○ Email contact: international@insa-rouen.fr

                                            Your contacts at residence halls:

 Name - First             Position                                         Email
 JOUETTE Arnaud           Head of Residence halls Office                    residences@insa-rouen.fr

 CAZIER Colin             Coordinator                                       residences@insa-rouen.fr

 ROS Edith                Coordinator                                       residences@insa-rouen.fr

INSA Rouen Normandie
Campus du Madrillet
Bâtiment Magellan, Services de la logistique et des résidences
685 Avenue de l’Université - 76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray - France

     18/41 - Housing - INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students
Until you complete procedures, you are re-                 Liability Insurance
quired to hold valid personal insurance co-                INSA is not legally responsible for acts or
verage till October 1st of the academic year.              harmful acts caused by student engineers
The Registrar’s Office will help you to com-               during a company internship in France or
plete French Social Security registration, as              abroad.
soon as your administrative registration has               Depending on the company, it is manda-
been confirmed.                                            tory to provide a proof of insurance which
Documents in foreign languages must be                     includes coverage of academic internships
translated by a sworn translator.                          in companies (The mention «internship» or
Traductions are mandatory and free of                      «academic and extracurricular activities»
charge for non-EU students.                                must be stated on the proof of insurance).
If necessary, the Caisse Primaire d’Assu-                  (Subscription via a student health insurance
rance Maladie (CPAM) of your place of resi-                center or a private insurance).
dence can assist.
Note that social security permits the reim-
bursement of medical expenses, but some
medical expenses may remain the responsi-
bility of the student (e.g. hospitalisation
costs). We therefore recommend that you
take out supplementary student insurance
or private mutual insurance with approved

                          INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students - French Social Security - 19/41

     Academic registration                                              Department and the Project Manager/Aca-
                                                                        demic International Relations Coordinator
                                                                        must be submitted to the International
Exchange students                                                       Relations Department by the end of Octo-
At teaching departments                                                 ber (for the first semester) or by the end of
                                                                        February (for the second semester) at the
Academic registration must be completed
in the relevant teaching department. The
                                                                        At INSA, class attendance is mandatory and
second part of registration concerns mainly
                                                                        any absence must be justified (medical cer-
teaching and assessment validation. You
                                                                        tificate, force majeure). If you decide not to
are required to go to the relevant academic
                                                                        attend a course scheduled in your academic
department offices, as stated on your letter
                                                                        program, you are required to inform the Pro-
of admission, in order to establish a final
                                                                        ject Manager or the International Relations
educational contract.
                                                                        Coordinator who will consider providing
Build your academic curriculum                                          you with an alternative course. Contacts
The final choice of courses must be ar-                                 list page 6.
ranged with the relevant international rela-
tions coordinator/ manager: https://www.
insa-rouen.fr/international/contacts.                                            French classes
We highly recommend that you select
                                                                        The teaching language for most courses is
courses in the same year and in the same
                                                                        French, although INSA also provides with
teaching department, so as to make the stu-
                                                                        fourth- and fifth-year courses in English. A
dy process smoother and avoid scheduling
                                                                        minimum B1 level is required in both lan-
The program approved by you, the Head of

     20/41 - Student Affairs - INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students
guages.                                                  welcome you.

Non-French-speaking international stu-                   Holidays and Bank holidays in
dents can also take French courses (French               Normandy
as Foreign Language) - FFL - during their
study period at INSA. Courses are open to
«B1 - Intermediate» level students.                      In France, holidays depend on the place of
                                                         study. Schools are organized in academic
                                                         areas, divided into three holiday periods A,
                                                         B and C. INSA Rouen Normandie is part of
     Curriculum                                          the Académie de Normandie, located in B
The INSA Rouen Normandie engineering                     zone. To find out about holiday dates, here .
program complies with the Master level,                  Please note that INSA does not offer all aca-
under the European LMD system (Licence                   demic holidays.
- Master - Doctorate). It is organized in 10             Bank holidays
semesters (S1 to S10), i.e. 5 years; no degree
                                                         During bank holidays, most public services,
is delivered at Licence level. Students can
                                                         banks and shops are closed:
continue their studies to obtain a Doctorate.
INSA Rouen Normandie provides you with a
high quality management framework. In this
context, student engineers are surveyed at
the end of each semester, in order to assess
the courses they attended. They are also
surveyed to assess the quality of the tea-
ching departments.

   Academic calendar,
holidays and bank
Academic year
The academic year is divided into 2 semes-
  • 1st semester (autumn): September to
  • 2nd semester (spring): Mid-January to
    end of June

The beginning and end dates of courses
may differ according to the specialization
of each department. For more information,
please feel free to contact the Internatio-
nal Relations Department or the relevant
academic department coordinator that will

                                INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students - Student Affairs - 21/41
Engineering curriculum with a student status
                                                                                                  at INSA Rouen Normandie
                                                                                                  *Specializations                                       Civil Engineering and Sustainable Building (GCCD)
                                                                                                  IT and Information Technology (ITI)                    Engineering Mathematics (GM)
                                                                                                  Fine Chemistry and Engineering (CFI)                   Industrial and Environmental Risk Management (MRIE)                                  Engineering degree
                                                                                                  Energetics and Propulsion (EP)                         Mechanics (MECA)                                                               INSA de Rouen Normandie
                                                                                                                                                                                         M1/Master/Continuing education
                                                                                                                                                                                         (Fontanet option)
                                                                                                                                                         L2/CPGE/DUT-BTS Degrees                                                         Year 5
                                                                                                                           L1/French Higher School
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Year 4                 S. 9   Students can
                                                                                                                           Preparatory Classes or CPGE
                                                                                            Scientific Baccalaureate
                                                                                            or equivalent                                                               Year 3                  S. 7                                  enroll in INSA’s
                                                                                                                                          Year 2                S. 5                                                                  research-oriented
                                                                                                                                  S. 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      master’s courses,
                                                                                                               Year 1                                                  at an academic
                                                                                                   Semester (S.) 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      gateway to a

22/41 - Student Affairs - INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students
                                                                                                    Engineering Science
                                                                                                                 July or          Preselection of 2                        from June                       from June
                                                                                                                 August                                                    to August                       to August                      All semester 10
                                                                                                    Practical training                                           Technician internship           Specialty internship           Engineering internship
                                                                                                                           S. 2                          S. 4                            S. 6                           S. 8                                S. 10


     Eating on campus                                   Student rate: €3.25 per meal.

INSA provides a wide choice of meal options:            ESIGELEC cafeteria
cafeteria, university restaurants and many
other locations on both campuses.                       Located at ESIGELEC premises.

Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray Campus                         Centre Leclerc cafeteria
INSA cafeteria                                          The Centre Leclerc is located in front of the
The INSA cafeteria, in the Magellan building,           “Technopôle” metro station stop. The cafe-
is open to students and staff, Monday to                teria serves hot dishes and sandwiches.
Friday, from 8 am to 3:30 pm.                           Le Havre Campus
Madrillet Technopôle University Restaurant              Restaurants in the area
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 11:30             The cafeteria located at ISEL (Institut Supé-
am to 1:30 pm                                           rieur d’Études Logistiques) premises, is open
Located opposite INSA Rouen Normandie,                  from 8:30 am to 3 pm. Tickets are sold on
the university restaurant is in the Faculty of          the spot at meal times.
Science premises at the University of Rouen.

                                  INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students - Campus life - 23/41
to internet.
     Léocarte student card
Léocarte (student card) is issued during your
administrative registration day for the whole
academic year. It can be used to:                                       5 academic publications and 3 books from
  • Enter the different INSA buildings                                  the Bureau des élèves collection for a 28-
  • Pay at the INSA cafeteria and the                                   day period, renewable once;
    CROUS, once you have subscribed to                                  2 reviews or magazines per 7 days, re-
    IZLY (online payment service)                                       newable once;
  • Borrow books at the library                                         Our staff can assist you with inquiries: intro-
You will receive an email from IZLY on your                             duction to the online catalogue, the French
INSA email, as soon as you have activated                               university libraries’ main catalogue (SUDOC)
Léocarte.                                                               and help in getting online information.
The IZLY service enables you to manage
your CROUS account, from any computer
through a secure Internet connection and                                Students may:
to credit it (from €5).                                                  • Make copies on site (cards are sold at
At any moment, you will have the option                                    the library reception desk, payment by
of getting your account balance refunded                                   check only)
or closed.                                                               • Use printers (students must bring their
                                                                           own paper in case of large print runs)
                                                                         • Use internet and check their emails
 # Please note, in case of loss or theft, you
 must inform the Student One-Stop Desk so                               Contacts
 that your Léocarte can be deactivated. You
                                                                        Magellan building - 1st floor
 need to make a request for a new card and
                                                                        Working hours: Monday to Friday, from
 you will be charged a €10 fee.
                                                                        8:30 am to 7:30 pm
                                                                        Phone: +33 (0)2 32 95 98 30
                                                                        Email: biblio-pret@insa-rouen.fr
     Library                                                            Link to the catalogue:
The library is located at Saint-Étienne-du-
Rouvray Campus, on the first floor of the
Magellan building.
It comprises 30,000 specialized publica-
tions covering a wide range of scientific and                           A free-access reprography department en-
technical literature for students, professors                           ables you to photocopy and print all your
and researchers, 150 subscriptions to paper                             documents in black and white and colour
reviews, 4,000 subscriptions to electronic                              (fee-based service), or to scan and upload
reviews and 1,000 magazine-newspapers                                   them to a USB drive or by e-mail (free of
available on tablets. In conjunction with                               charge). For theses and reports, the library
the Student Council (Bureau des élèves),                                provides you with binding-machines and
the library also promotes a leisure and ge-                             plastic and cover boards (free of charge).
neral knowledge collection: novels, comics,
mangas (over 1,500 vol.) and DVDs (currently
120 movies).
On-site consulting: 120 workstations and 2
relaxing areas, as well as 10 computers de-
dicated to literature search and connected

     24/41 - Campus life - INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students
and outside the university.
                                                         For more information, please contact:

The school offers a health service headed                BDE-Durmont Durville building (garden level)
by a state-registered nurse. Its role consists            ○ http://www.bde-insa-rouen.fr
in providing students with information on
«prevention, education, health». The nurse                ○ www.facebook.com/bdeinsarouen
is also the Health Coordinator for students
and staff.                                               Sports Association
Choosing a doctor: the nurse provides you                The Sports Association aims to encourage
with a list of general practitioners located             participation in sports by students, INSA
near the campus. In France, you must                     staff and users of the Madrillet Tech-
choose a referring doctor and consult this               nopôle’s higher education program. It
doctor in case of illness. Don’t wait until you          represents INSA during academic sports
feel sick before choosing one!                           events and gives students the oppor-
The health service is located near the Du-               tunity to participate in approximatively
mont D’Urville building (DU RC C-RC-23)                  thirty university activities in the school’s
                                                         gymnasium, opposite the campus. Annual
                                                         subscription: €70
Contact: Nurse/Head of Department
Health email contact:                                    Contacts
service-sante@insa-rouen.fr                               ○ https://www.insa-rouen.fr/vie-etudiante/vie-asso-
Phone: +33 (0)2 32 95 65 99/+33 (0)6 08                   ciative#tab-lassociation-sportive
86 02 97
More information on:                                      ○ www.facebook.com/asinsarouen/timeline
https://www.insa-rouen.fr/vie-etudiante/                 Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday and
sante                                                    Thursday at Magellan building, office
       Student Associations                              Guy DUBUIS
                                                         President of the Sports Association
                                                          guy.dubuis@insa-rouen.fr
Student Council (Bureau des élèves
- BDE)                                                   Ms MAROS
                                                         Sports Association Coordinator
The BDE is an association managed by INSA                 johanne.maros@insa-rouen.fr
Rouen Normandie student engineers. Its                   $ +33 (0) 02 32 95 65 72
mission is to enhance cultural, recreational
and social life on campus. Annual subscrip-
tion: €15

 • Facilitate cultural, recreational and
   sports activities, social and humanita-
   rian projects on campus.
 • Offer helpful services to members such
   as university restaurants and bus cards
   sale, printing and binding reports, pho-
   tocopying, INSA’Shop etc.
 • Build ties among students.
 • Promote INSA student talents inside

                                   INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students - Campus life - 25/41
logistical or financial aid and expertise..
     Cultural Service
                                                                        Staying informed
Its aims are to:                                                          • By keeping an eye out for billboards and
 • Enhance students’ personal develop-                                      displays.
   ment as they complete their training.                                  • By regularly checking the INSA electro-
 • Bring together INSA members (students                                    nic mailbox Artémys; the Cultural Service
   and staff) through a range of artistic and                               newsletter is sent quarterly; the «Culture
   cultural activities.                                                     news» is emailed to you once a week to
 • Build partnerships with regional cultural                                keep you informed with a single click!
   stakeholders in various fields of perfor-                            For more information, please contact:
   ming, plastic or graphic arts.                                       Cultural Service: Magellan building in front
The Cultural Service enables you to:                                    of the cafeteria.
 • Be informed on local cultural life (per-                              ○ culture@insa-rouen.fr
   forming arts, exhibitions, cinema, confe-
   rences, etc.).
 • Enjoy special rates for regional shows.
 • Visit museums by participating in social
   outings organized on weekends or on
   Thursday afternoons.
 • Attend shows, conferences or movies,
   to discover artistic or scientific cultural
   exhibitions within school or on campus.
 • Foster the achievement of your cultural,
   personal or team projects (foundation of
   an artistic association at INSA, organiza-
   tion of conferences, festivals, cultural or
   artistic outings or events...) by providing

     26/41 - Campus life - INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students

      Transportation                                                 LIA network
                                                                     Students are offered discount rates.
                                                                      ○ http://www.transports-lia.fr
Transportation in Rouen
Public transport                                                     Bicycle
More information on Réseau de transport                              Bikes can be rented for both short and
Rouen ASTUCE                                                         long-term periods.
Traveling at night with Noctambus                                     ○ https://www.lehavre.fr/pratique/velo

It deserves the city centre of Rouen to the
Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray Campus (Rési-
dence Les Cateliers) until 4 :00 am from
Monday to Sunday
Cy’clic is a fast and easy bike rental ser-
vice for every need. There are a variety of
subscriptions ranging from 1 day, 7 days, 6
months or 1 year. The first half hour is free,
no matter the subscription.
○ http://cyclic.rouen.fr

Transport in Le Havre
Public transport

                      INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students - Social and Cultural Life in Normandy - 27/41
outside the city in shopping centers.
   Practical information                                                  • Markets: Rouen boasts a variety of
(shopping, banks,                                                           markets; every week approxima-
                                                                            tely twenty markets enliven the city
communication, etc.)                                                        squares. Each regional town or village
                                                                            also offers its own weekday market,
Shops                                                                       which provides a large choice of local
                                                                            specialties, while enjoying an unique
In Rouen
                                                                            and special atmosphere in comparison
 • Supermarkets are open from 9am to 8                                      to the Normandy capital.
   pm or 9 pm, Monday to Saturday and
   occasionally on Sunday mornings.                                     But on Sundays, people gather at Clos Saint
 • Other shops are generally open from                                  Marc (Rouen Rive Droite). A true walkabout
   Tuesday to Saturday, from 9 or 10 am to                              in a traditional and friendly atmosphere!
   12 am and from 2 to 7pm, and some-                                   There is another huge market on Thursday
   times on Sunday mornings.                                            and Sunday mornings in Sotteville-les-
 • Shops are generally closed on bank                                   Rouen (Hôtel de ville de Sotteville stop on
   holidays.                                                            the Technopole metro line).
 • Hypermarkets are generally located

                           The most popular shopping centers and shopping malls

 Geographical area                    Nom                                             Accès
 Rive Gauche                          Saint Sever                                     Public transport
 Rive Droite                          Docks 76                                        Public transport
                                      Espace du Palais
                                      Galerie Lafayette
 Barentin                             Zone de la Carbonnière                          By car
                                      Centre commercial
 Tourville la Rivière                 Centre commercial                               By car

Le Havre                                                                sa-Mastercard etc.) are usually charged.
The city is divided into two parts, the Lower                           The rate varies between banks, so feel free
City with its older districts and the Upper                             to shop around and don’t forget to mention
City with its outlying districts. You will find                         you are an INSA student. In addition, some
your favorite shops and brands downtown!                                banks can offer you special partnerships.
Go to the shopping centers Docks Vauban,                                To open an account, you are required to present
Espace Coty                                                             the following documents:
Please click here to find the list of hyper-                             • Passport or identity card
marchés                                                                  • Proof of residence
A large selection of ready-to-wear fashion                              Depending on banks, a minimum deposit
stores, restaurants, groceries and design                               ranging from €5 and €150 is mandatory.
stores is available.
                                                                        French phone numbers contain 10 digits: the
Opening a personal bank account and                                     first 2 digits refer to 5 different geographical
checkbooks are generally free of charge.                                areas.
However, withdrawal or credit cards (Vi-                                  • 01: Paris and Ile de France,

     28/41 - Social and Cultural Life in Normandy - INSA Rouen Normandie - Welcome guide for international students
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