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Edith Cowan College Study at 2018/19 - Rackcdn.com
                        Perth, Australia

Study at
Edith Cowan College
Your Pathway to ECU
Edith Cowan College Study at 2018/19 - Rackcdn.com
ECC Your pathway to EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY 2018/19

                                                       Your future starts here
                                                         • Edith Cowan College (ECC) provides pathway programs
                                                          to Edith Cowan University (ECU), delivering a range of
                                                            programs designed to provide a high quality education
                                                             so that you are university-ready.

                                                               • ECC students receive individual attention from
                                                                their lecturers in smaller classes than the
                                                                 university, with access to high quality English

                                                                  language programs and additional free study
                                                                   support programs. ECC is located on ECU’s
                                                                   campus, providing students with access to the

Australia’s top                                                     university’s state-of-the-art facilities including
                                                                    biology labs, computer labs, engineering labs,

ranked public
                                                                    lecture rooms and library.

                                                                    • ECC has embedded employability and

university for student                                             English language skills within its programs so
                                                                   that you can reach your potential and ‘get that
                                                                  job’. This ensures that graduates are well

experience in the                                                prepared and attractive to employers by standing
                                                                out from other students.
Quality Indicators for                                        • ECC is focused on maximising your student
Learning and Teaching -                                      experience with a range of social programs to help
                                                            you make lifelong friends and enjoy studying at ECC.
2017 and 2018                                             • Read on to find out more about studying at ECC.
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                            Message from                                                Message
                            ECC’s College                                               from ECU’s
                            Director and                                                Vice-Chancellor
                            Principal                                                   and President
At ECC we provide a pathway to Edith Cowan University       Thanks to our long and successful partnership with ECC,
(ECU). We are passionate about providing a high quality     students can benefit from established academic and
education so that you are university-ready and prepared     English entry pathways to ECU for both Australian and
to successfully complete your ECU degree when you           international students.
leave ECC. We have embedded employability skills
within our programs so that you can reach your              ECU provides the ideal learning environment for people
potential and ‘get that job’. ECC is located on ECU’s       who want to reach their potential. Our industry‑relevant
campus with state-of-the-art facilities and provides a      courses, supportive study environment and
supportive, culturally rich and student focused             award-winning facilities enable ECU students to do
environment to allow you to achieve your                    more than just survive in this world – they thrive in it.
academic goals.                                             ECU courses are developed in consultation with
By choosing ECC and ECU you are opening doors to a          industry, and teaching staff have extensive industry
very bright and exciting future. ECC will support you all   experience and networks. It’s why ECU students can
the way with our high quality English, diploma and          expect placement opportunities, fieldwork, practicums
post-graduate qualifying programs which will help you       and networking events as part of their studies.
enter university with confidence.                           This approach has been rewarded with five star ratings
I look forward to meeting you at ECC and wish you the       for teaching quality for eleven years in a row in the Good
very best for your future studies and career.               Universities Guide.

Malcolm Baigent                                             I hope your pathway studies are successful and
ECC College Director and Principal                          satisfying and I look forward to welcoming you to ECU
                                                            in the future.

                                                            Professor Steve Chapman
                                                            ECU Vice-Chancellor and President
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2            ECC Your pathway to EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY 2018/19

Your pathway
to a degree from
Edith Cowan University
ECC provides alternative pathways to ECU for students who may not qualify for
direct entry into a degree program and are looking for a supportive learning
environment. For over 24 years, ECC have successfully bridged the academic and
English gap for over 9,000 students to help them achieve their goal of becoming
an ECU graduate and improving their employment prospects.

                                                                                    YOUR BACHELOR DEGREE ^

                                                                                                   Year 3
    University Level

                                                                                                   Year 2

                                                                                                   Year 1
                                                                        (Year 2)*

                                  Year 12                               Diploma

                               or equivalent                            (Year 1)

                                 Year 11
                              or equivalent

                         Secondary School                         Edith Cowan College      Edith Cowan University
 * Not all Diplomas lead directly into Year 2 at ECU.
 ˆ Some bachelor degree programs are more than three years duration.
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Industry Internships
ECC provides free guaranteed industry internships in all
Diploma and PQP programs.
Internships help students to gain the hands-on industry
experience and employability skills needed to help them stand
out from their peers when they graduate.

What’s included in the                               Requirements
internship program?                                  • Eligibility is limited to students
• Up to 12 weeks of supervised                         who enrol in Diploma or PQP
  internship in an Australian                          programs between June
  company which will boost your                        2018 and February 2020
  job opportunities, advance your                    • Students can only access
  career prospects and build                           the internship program
  important industry links                             when they enrol at ECU
• Access to 3 preparation workshops                  • Students have 2.5 years to
  to help with the internship placement                access the internship after they
  and providing key employability skills               complete studying at ECC
• Access to a resume tool to help get                • The internship starts in
  students ready for employment                        year 2 or 3 at ECU
                                                     • The timing of internship placements
                                                       will be worked out with students
  Note: T
         his Internship is separate from any Work
                                                       and undertaken at an appropriate
        Integrated Placement provided by ECU.
                                                       time that meets their needs
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4     ECC Your pathway to EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY 2018/19

Why get ready at ECU?
At ECU, we equip you with the confidence and practical skills to                          Rankings
deal with whatever challenges may come your way, no matter                                Five-star teaching quality
where you are in the world. But if that isn’t enough, here are a few                      ECU has received a
more reasons why you should choose ECU.                                                   five-star rating for teaching
                                                                                          quality for 11 years in a
                                                                                          row in the 2018 Good
Industry links & practical learning          Safe campuses                                Universities Guide.
Many of our courses offer direct links       •   Security service (24/7)
with industry and organisations, which       •   Well-lit pathways                        ECU ranked the top public university in
means our students get hands-on              •   Emergency phones                         Australia for student experience
experience while they are studying. We       •   Night security escort                    ECU has been ranked the top public
offer learning that extends beyond the       •   Security App                             university for student experience for the
classroom via practicum, work integrated                                                  second year in a row in the 2017 and 2018
learning and internships.                    Outstanding facilities                       Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching
                                             We are known for our award‑winning           (QILT). The QILT survey found 85.3% rated
Learn from the best                          facilities and are at the forefront of       their educational experience positively,
                                             providing innovative education and           above the national average of 79.3%. We
Our high calibre staff have extensive
                                             training solutions.                          were also rated the top public university
experience as researchers, teachers,
                                                                                          for teaching quality,
advisers or consultants and have
                                             Choices                                      skills development
significant professional experience in
                                                                                          and student support.
their field.                                 We offer a diverse range of courses,
                                             majors, minors and electives.
Internationally recognised
ECU degrees are internationally              Multicultural
recognised and a considerable number         ECU has over 30,000 undergraduate
of courses are accredited by a variety of    and postgraduate students, with almost
national and international organisations.    6,000 international students originating
                                             from more than 100 countries.
Supportive learning environment
We offer a supportive study environment      Top rated research school
with approachable teaching staff and         According to the 2017 International
a range of support staff. This includes      Student Barometer, our Graduate
counsellors and academic skills              Research School has been ranked
advisers, to help you get the most out of    amongst the top three in Australia in each
your education.                              year since 2011 with satisfaction of 95%
                                             or higher.
Eligible students can access a range of
scholarships available at ECU.
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             ECU Campuses
             We pride ourselves on our industry‑relevant, world-class
             facilities, that allow you to experience modern equipment
             in real-world environments.

             ECU Joondalup                                   ECU Mount Lawley                                         ECU Bunbury
             The Joondalup Campus is set within              Located in the trendy suburb of Mount                    Located less than 200km south of Perth,
             beautiful surroundings and its spacious         Lawley and close to Perth Central                        our South West Campus in Bunbury is
             grounds provide a great place for students      Business District (CBD), you can’t help                  the largest university campus in regional
             to study and relax.                             but be inspired by the artistic vibe at                  Western Australia.
                                                             Mount Lawley Campus.
             Courses are offered in arts, commerce,                                                                   Courses are offered in arts, commerce,
             communications, engineering, law,               Courses are offered in arts,                             health sciences, nursing and midwifery,
             medical and health sciences, natural            communications, design, media, and                       social work and teacher education.
             sciences, nursing, computing and security,      teacher education.                                       Engineering students can also study the
             sports science, psychology, social science                                                               first year of their course here.
             and teacher education.                          World-class facilities
                                                             ECU has made a major commitment to                       Facilities
             ECU Joondalup Pines Outdoor Cinema              the arts through a $4 million investment                 The campus features a café, gym and
             During the summer months, ECU host              in Arts and Humanities facilities. The                   playing courts, nursing demonstration
             the Lotterywest Festival Films at the ECU       re-housing of the design, photography                    wards, science laboratories and a library
             Joondalup Pines Outdoor Cinema, where           and media studios, along with the                        with 24-hour access to a computer lab.
             moviegoers can enjoy watching a diverse         refurbishment of the visual art and fashion
             line-up of international films.                 areas, provides world-class facilities for
                                                             staff, students and researchers.
             Joondalup city highlights
             • Located in the heart of the                   Mount Lawley city highlights
               northern suburbs                              • Festivals – Comedy Festival /
             • 26km from Perth CBD                             International Film Festival
             • Relaxed, casual atmosphere                    • Vibrant nightlife
             • Lakeside Joondalup Shopping                   • Local and international cuisine
               City is the largest shopping                                                                                                 pus
                                                             • Located only 3km from Perth CBD                                           Cam
               centre in Western Australia
             • Free bus service from the                                                                                           aw

               Joondalup shopping precinct

               to the University Campus






                                                                                         bury C
                                                    BUNBURY                                    ampus
Fremantle                   Armadale

                                                          Margaret River

             Rockingham                                        Albany

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6      ECC Your pathway to EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY 2018/19

ECC is your pathway to
Edith Cowan University
ECC is a modern and dynamic educational institution providing                                  One visa for all your studies
                                                                                               As an ECC student, you can apply for a
high-quality programs in a supportive learning environment that                                single visa to cover the duration of your
encourages students to achieve excellence in their studies.                                    studies. Under this visa you can package
                                                                                               your ECC program, your degree at ECU and
ECC offers a diverse range of programs          Why choose ECC?                                your English language program (if required).
including ELICOS and pathway programs
leading into undergraduate and                  Gain direct entry to ECU                       Flexible trimester
postgraduate degrees at ECU with advance        ECC’s Diploma (Year 2) is based on first       (three semester) system
standing.                                       year units of the equivalent ECU bachelor      Through ECC’s innovative trimester
                                                degree programs. As our Diploma (Year 2)       system, you can fast-track your studies and
At ECU, students will learn in a multi-award
                                                programs are quality assured by ECU, you       complete a one year program in only eight
winning environment and achieve through
                                                can be confident that your program is of the   months. Part-time enrolment options are
highly engaging learning and teaching
                                                highest quality. Students who successfully     also available to Australian students.
activities with practical hands-on skills and
                                                complete Diploma (Year 2) are eligible for
industry based training.
                                                direct entry into the second year of the       More individualised classroom interaction
                                                respective bachelor degree at ECU.*
                                                                                               Lecture groups have a maximum of 50
                                                                                               students, although most classes average
                                                                                               between 25 and 35 students. Lectures
                                                                                               are complemented by group tutorials and
                                                                                               workshops, ensuring you receive a high
                                                                                               level of attention from your lecturers.
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Longer teaching sessions                      Diploma (Year 1)                                 Assessment
As part of our supportive approach, ECC       The Diploma (Year 1) provides students           Methods of assessment may differ
provides more teaching hours per unit         with the underpinning knowledge                  depending on the program and subjects
of study than the university. Instead of      necessary to prepare them for studies at         you choose. Most subjects will be
the traditional three hours of teaching at    university level. Diploma (Year 1) provides      assessed through a combination of
university, ECC conducts its classes in a     opportunities for scaffolded learning and        written examinations and assignments,
classroom setting during the day in four-     the development of core academic and             essays, oral presentations, seminars user-
hour blocks from Monday to Friday.            employability skills.                            generated content (eg. blogs, wikis) and
                                                                                               tutorial participation. Some coursework
Study accredited programs                     Students who have successfully
                                                                                               will include group-based projects and
                                              completed Year 11 or equivalent, are
ECC is registered by the Tertiary                                                              practical workshop activities.
                                              eligible to enter this program. On
Education Quality and Standards Agency        successful completion of the Diploma             For each unit, students receive an outline
(TEQSA) which is Australia’s regulatory       (Year 1) students will be eligible for           that includes unit content, assessments
and quality agency for higher education.      entry into the relevant Diploma (Year 2)         and due dates for the completion of
ECC’s listing on the National Register        program.                                         assignments. Students are prepared for
confirms its compliance with the Higher                                                        ECU by learning the same referencing
Education Standards Framework (HESF).
                                              Diploma (Year 2)                                 systems, academic integrity rules,
                                                                                               academic writing skills and penalties for
Located on ECU campuses                       ECC’s Diplomas (Year 2) are equivalent to
                                                                                               late submission. Attending all classes is
                                              the first year of an ECU degree program.
ECC is located on the Joondalup Campus                                                         essential in order to be successful at ECC.
                                              Units are designed, delivered and
West of Edith Cowan University. The
                                              moderated by qualified university lecturers
Campus is 15 minutes walk from the
                                              on ECU’s campus, in smaller classes                 Note: ECC reserves the right to cancel classes
Joondalup train station. A free bus service
                                              and with longer teaching sessions. Upon             due to insufficient demand. Please note, some
is also available to take you directly to
                                              successful completion of ECC’s Diploma              units are offered in alternate trimesters.
the campus. ECC’s diploma and PQP
                                              (Year 2), students are eligible for entry into
programs are taught on Joondalup
                                              the second year of the related ECU degree
Campus West. ECC’s English language                                                            * Some limitations may apply for specialist
(ELICOS) programs are taught on ECU’s                                                          courses in future. Not all Diplomas lead directly
Mount Lawley Campus.                                                                           into Year 2 at ECU.
                                              Post-Graduate Qualifying Program
Deciding on your preferred course of          (PQP)
study is an exciting challenge. ECC offers
                                              The Post-Graduate Qualifying Program
a broad range of diploma programs in the
                                              (PQP) is a one semester non-award
fields of Commerce, Communications and
                                              program designed to lead students into
Creative Industries, Hotel Management,
                                              Edith Cowan University (ECU) masters
Science (Computing/ IT), Science
                                              degrees. The program is designed for
(Engineering Studies) and Science
                                              students who already have a tertiary
(Health Studies).
                                              qualification but have not qualified for
                                              direct entry into ECU’s masters degrees
                                              in the School of Business and Law or the
                                              School of Science (Computing & Security).
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8     ECC Your pathway to EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY 2018/19

Your student life on campus
At ECC we recognise the importance of meeting our students’                                  As well as ECU’s on-campus medical
                                                                                             service, international students covered
personal and academic needs. To achieve this priority, we have                               by OSHC have access to 24 hour toll-
outlined the services and programs offered to all students to                                free telephone emergency services,
                                                                                             which includes medical, legal and
make your journey as enjoyable and successful as possible.                                   interpreting services.
                                                                                             OSHC does not cover any medical
Orientation program                           information such as unit outlines, course      condition that is pre-existing before you
A comprehensive orientation program is        materials, examination timetables and          enter Australia.
provided for all new students before the      results, re-enrolment details, e-café (study
                                              support resources), student news and
start of each study period. It includes:                                                     Airport pick-up and transfer
                                              reminders. The ECC student portal can be
• interactive campus tour where you           accessed at edithcowancollege.edu.au           International students first arriving in
  have the opportunity to make new                                                           Australia can book a free airport transfer
  friends from different nationalities                                                       to their accommodation. Please contact
                                              Student safety and wellbeing
• meetings with staff and student leaders                                                    your accommodation provider at least
                                              At ECC we understand that the transition       seven days before your arrival in Australia
• assistance with unit selection              to university level study can be challenging   to confirm your airport pick-up and transfer.
  and course advice                           for some students. This may be due to          See page 9 for more information about
• ECC email account, Moodle Learning          homesickness or unexpected problems of         accommodation and airport transfer
  Management System (LMS) and                 an academic or personal nature. A range of     providers.
  internet access with free WiFi              support services are available to you during
                                              your studies at ECC.
• transport information                                                                      IELTS test centre
• text book and online resources              ECC’s Student Counsellor provides free         ECC has been appointed as an official
• information about OSHC membership           and confidential counselling services          IELTS testing centre in Western Australia,
                                              to currently enrolled students who are         and conducts IELTS tests on the Mount
• participation in Steps-to-
                                              experiencing difficulties that may impact on   Lawley and Joondalup Campuses. For more
  Success workshop to set you
                                              their ability to study.                        information about IELTS testing at ECC,
  up for academic success
                                              ECC students also have access to ECU’s         visit ielts.org or edithcowancollege.edu.au/
• information on accessing the                                                               ielts
  Student Handbook, Student                   NowForce app to allow students to seek
  e-café (support information),               emergency assistance any time, any where.
  ECC website and student portal
                                                                                             Pearson test centre
                                              Social activities                              ECC is an official Pearson Select Test
                                              ECC have a number of locations on campus       Centre, offering PTE (English) and general
Academic support                                                                             VUE exams. The test centre is based on
                                              where students can socialise with their
Each trimester, Academic Program                                                             Joondalup Campus West and tests are
                                              classmates. Popular areas include the
Coordinators are available to help                                                           scheduled Monday to Saturday with up to
                                              Student Hub, chill-out zone and the table
students who need additional English                                                         18 test sessions available per week. For
                                              tennis area. Student barbeques and social
language, study or computer support while                                                    more information, visit edithcowancollege.
                                              gatherings also take place throughout the
undertaking an ECC program. “Ask an                                                          edu.au/pte-academic-pearson
Academic” sessions and online resources
will help you improve your study skills,                                                     24-hour emergency contacts
time management, exam preparation and         Medical services
                                              As a condition of a Student Visa,              • ECU Security: 08 6304 3333
referencing skills.
                                              international students must purchase and       • Fire/police/ambulance:
Student portal                                maintain Overseas Student Health Cover           000 (emergency only)
                                              (OSHC) while studying in Australia.            • Police communications:
ECC’s student portal is a web-based
resource developed to assist ECC students     OSHC fees paid to ECC will be transferred        13 14 44 (not for emergencies)
during their studies. It contains important   directly to our preferred provider.            • Lifeline 13 11 14

There are several accommodation options available while you                                              On-campus accommodation
study at ECC. You should start planning your accommodation                                               ECC students have access to on-campus
                                                                                                         accommodation at the ECU Mount
at least six to eight weeks before arriving in Australia.                                                Lawley Student Village which features
                                                                                                         five-bedroom apartments just a short walk
                                                                                                         from the university. The apartments are
Students under 18 years of age                        Homestay                                           modern and fully furnished with private
As well as meeting all requirements for a             Homestays are a popular accommodation              bedrooms, bathrooms, large kitchen and
student visa, if you are under 18 years of            option for overseas students as it gives you       lounge areas, so students will have plenty
age, ECC must approve all your welfare                the opportunity to live with an Australian         of space to hang out with friends. On-site
and accommodation arrangements.                       family while you study. Each homestay              facilities include a pool, café, sound lounge,
                                                      host has been screened to provide safe,            e-library, study zones and shared laundry.
If you are younger than 18 and plan to
                                                      good-quality facilities and meals in a             From time to time, accommodation may
stay with a friend or a relative outside
                                                      friendly environment. Homestay allows              also be available at the Joondalup Student
your immediate family, you must receive
                                                      you to live, relax and study in comfort and        Village.
permission to do so from your parents and
                                                      security, while also improving your English
ECC. If you do not have a friend or relative
                                                      language skills.                                   Off-campus accommodation
to stay with while at ECC, we recommend
homestay accommodation.                                                                                  Off-campus options include house/flat
                                                                                                         rentals or hostels. Costs vary considerably
                                                                                                         depending on the size, quality and location
                                                                                                         of the accommodation. Renting normally
Example of weekly living costs                                                                           requires a contract of 6-12 months and
                                                                                                         one month’s rent in advance, as well as
                    Expense                             Approximate cost per week (A$)                   a refundable deposit (bond) to cover
                                                                                                         any damage to the property during the
 Homestay                                              $235—$325                                         rental period.
 On-campus accommodation                               From $226 (plus utilities and meals)
 Shared accommodation (off-campus)                     $165—$440 (plus utilities and meals)
                                                                                                         Airport pick-up and transfer
                                                                                                         To assist you with your arrival in Perth,
 Groceries and eating out                              $80—$280
                                                                                                         ECC provides a free airport reception
 Gas, electricity                                      $35—$140                                          service for new students studying English
                                                                                                         followed by an ECC pathway program or
 Phone and Internet                                    $20—$55
                                                                                                         students directly entering an ECC pathway
 Public transport                                      $15—$55                                           program.
 Entertainment                                         $80—$150                                          ECC utilises two companies to arrange
 Your budget for living expenses will depend on the type of lifestyle and accommodation you choose. To   airport reception for students - Perth
 cover weekly expenses, a single student needs a minimum of A$20,290 each year to cover living costs.    Student Accommodation (PSA) or
 For further information please see studyinaustralia.gov.au                                              Australian Homestay Network (AHN). If
 For more information on each of the accommodations options and alternative providers                    you would like to be met at the airport
 visit: edithcowancollege.edu.au/accommodation                                                           and taken to your accommodation, please
                                                                                                         complete the application form available
                                                                                                         on the website of the company you wish to
                                                                                                         use as soon as you have your flight details.
10      ECC Your pathway to EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY 2018/19

Your life in Perth
                                                                                                       FAST FACTS
Perth is the vibrant capital city of Western Australia and has
                                                                                                       Population 2.5 million
a population of over 2 million people. Perth provides a clean,                                                     Western Australia
safe, friendly and relaxed environment whilst also offering all the                                    Currency Australian dollar (A$)
cosmopolitan attractions of a large international city. It boasts an                                   Time zone UTC/GMT +8 hours
abundance of restaurants and cafés, beaches, music and sporting                                        Electricity 220–240 V
venues, nightclubs and cinemas — as well as great shopping!                                            Language English

Each year nearly 950,000 overseas visitors         Transport
come to enjoy the city’s sophisticated but         Perth is an easy city to get around with        • Perth has some of the most pristine
relaxed and stress-free lifestyle. Perth           clean, reliable public transport. Students        coastline in the world; in the
and the surrounding region boast a strong          receive discounted fares on buses and             metropolitan area alone there are
economy with low levels of unemployment,           trains. Free public transport is available        over 80 kilometres of white sandy
an excellent standard of living and lower          within the city centre.                           beaches with clear blue water — ideal for
crime rates compared to other Australian
                                                                                                     swimming, surfing, sailing and fishing.
cities. With low living costs combined with
the highest minimum wages in Australia,
                                                   Part-time employment
Perth is now more affordable than ever             Student visa holders can work part-time up      Further afield
before.                                            to 40 hours per fortnight whilst studying       • Rottnest Island, located 18 kilometres
                                                   and work full-time during semester breaks.        off the coast, is Western Australia’s
Services and facilities in Perth are world         Jobs are generally in retail and hospitality.     very own island getaway featuring
class and its people, industries and                                                                 picturesque scenery and some of the
institutions are dynamic and global in their
                                                   Things to see and do in                           world’s finest beaches and bays.
outlook. In recognition of its wonderful
lifestyle, Perth is consistently rated among
                                                   and around Perth                                • World class surfing waves can be found
the world’s top 10 most liveable cities.*          • Perth’s newest entertainment                    in Western Australia’s Margaret River
                                                     precinct ‘Elizabeth Quay’ connects              region, which is also home to some of
                                                     the city back to the Swan River.                the world’s most acclaimed wines.
                                                   • The Perth Arena hosts live                    • Stretching almost two kilometres
Perth offers a Mediterranean-style climate
                                                     entertainment, music and sports                 out to sea, the Busselton Jetty
with warm, dry summers and mild winters.
                                                     events throughout the year. The state-          south of Perth is the longest (and
It is the sunniest capital city in Australia and
                                                     of-the-art venue has a capacity of              oldest) wooden jetty in the Southern
has an average of eight hours of sunshine
                                                     over 15,000 and attracts international          Hemisphere. It is also listed as one
each day.
                                                     artists from around the world.                  of the top 10 dive sites in Australia.
                                 Average daily     • Every February the city hosts the             • Just 30 minutes from Perth is the
 Season           Period         temperature         Perth Fringe Festival, the longest              Swan Valley, Western Australia’s
                                                     running annual international multi-arts         oldest wine-growing region, the ideal
 Summer        December 17˚C to 30˚C                                                                 destination for the gourmet traveller.
               to February                           festival in the Southern Hemisphere.
                                                   • Kings Park is one of the largest              To find out more about living in Perth, visit:
 Autumn        March            14˚C to 26˚C
                                                     inner-city parks in the world (larger         •   studyperth.com.au
               to May
                                                     than New York’s Central Park)                 •   experienceperth.com
 Winter        June to          8˚C to 19˚C          and home to Australia’s largest               •   westernaustralia.com
               August                                wildflower show and exhibition.               •   countrywide.com.au
 Spring        September        12˚C to 23˚C       • During the summer, locals enjoy
               to                                    relaxing with a picnic of great local
               November                              wine and cheese at one of seven
                                                     outdoor cinema complexes.
* The Economist Intelligence Unit's Liveability

 “I chose to start my studies
at ECC because the facilities
   were second to none. The
         friendly, multicultural
         environment is what I
       liked best. My greatest
    achievement was scoring
     a high distinction for my
 Accounting unit, due to the
 great support offered to me
               by my lecturer.”
      Eric McRae, Australia, Hotel Management
12      ECC Your pathway to EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY 2018/19

Choose your program

Students are equipped with the theory, practical
experience and employability skills to succeed,                                 Diploma of Commerce (Year 1)
including the leadership, teamwork, critical thinking,                          CRICOS Course Code
communication and problem-solving skills required in a
wide range of business careers.                                                 Duration
                                                                                8 or 12 months
The Bachelor degree offers thirteen majors across a                             Core units
broad range of disciplines, all created in consultation with                    • Workplace Communication            •   Introductory Mathematics
                                                                                  - Employability                    •   Communication Skills
industry, with many being accredited and recognised
                                                                                • Introductory Computing             •   Project Management
professionally with relevant industry bodies.                                   • English Language                   •   Introductory Accounting
                                                                                  Enhancement (or Elective)          •   Introductory Marketing
When transferring into the second year of the Bachelor degree at ECU,
students can choose up to two majors, or a major and a minor, or, a major
and a range of electives, providing great flexibility and giving students the
opportunity to tailor their degree to suit their career aspirations.
Students who graduate from the degree, are not only job-ready, but industry-
ready, benefiting from practical work-based industry experience, networking
opportunities and career portfolio development.                                 Diploma of Commerce (Year 2)
                                                                                CRICOS Course Code
Location                                                                        092032G
ECU Joondalup Campus West
Progression rules                                                               8 or 12 months
Minimum 50 percent pass in all units.
                                                                                Core units
Employment and career options                                                   •   Foundations of Business
Corporate Accountant, Management Consultant, Economic Adviser, Financial        •   Introduction to Business Analytics
Analyst, Human Resources Manager, Recruitment Consultant, Project               •   Business Environments and Markets
Manager, Marketing/Sales Manager, Sport/Event Manager.                          •   Business Identity and Protocols
Professional recognition                                                        •   Professional and Academic Communication
ECU’s Business and Law courses have been developed in consultation with         •   Accounting
industry, and are well regarded in the business world.                          •   Economics
The Accounting major in the Bachelor of Commerce is accredited by CPA           •   plus one elective according to your intended major
Australia, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ), and
the Institute of Public Accountants.
The Project Management course has been endorsed by the Australian
Institute of Project Management (AIPM).
These are just a few of ECU’s many popular areas of study.
                                                                                Second year of your ECU degree - Joondalup Campus
Note: Students intending to do a double major may be required to
complete an additional unit when entering ECU to satisfy professional           Students will be granted the following unit exemptions towards the
accreditation requirements.                                                     respective degree at ECU.
                                                                                • Bachelor of Commerce (majors in: Accounting, Accounting &
                                                                                  Finance, Event Management, Finance, Hotel Management, Human
                                                                                  Resource Management, International Business, Law in Business,
                                                                                  Management, Marketing, Project Management, Sport Business,
                                                                                  Tourism and Hospitality Management) 8 units (120 credit points)
                                                                                • Bachelor of Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations 8 units
                                                                                  (120 credit points) JO + ML Campus
                                                                                • Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management 8 units (120
                                                                                  credit points)
                                                                                • Bachelor of International Hotel and Resort Management 8 units
                                                                                  (120 credit points)

Communications and Creative Industries
This program focuses on both theoretical and practical
dimensions of communication, with introductory-level                             Diploma of Communications and Creative Industries
                                                                                 (Year 1)
units in which you acquire fundamental skills that are
essential to the program and your future career.                                 CRICOS Course Code
On successful admission to an ECU School of Arts and                             Duration
Humanities undergraduate degree, students can choose                             8 or 12 months
to specialise in one area or gain expertise in multiple                          Core units
areas, providing you with the multi-skilling required to                         • Workplace Communication           •   Creative Cultures
                                                                                   - Employability                   •   Communication Skills
be successful in today’s workforce.                                              • Introductory Computing            •   Project Management
                                                                                 • English Language                  •   Information Design
On progression to ECU, students will have 24/7 access to artist’s studios,
                                                                                   Enhancement (or Elective)         •   Introductory Marketing
edit suites and computing labs with printing facilities and the latest
software. The facilities also include a film and television studio, radio
broadcast suites, photography studios, printing and lighting lab.
The ECU School of Arts and Humanities undergraduate courses offer units
that incorporate practical hands-on experience with theoretical study.
Students have the opportunity to access elective units across multiple
                                                                                 Diploma of Communications and Creative Industries
disciplines and engage in professional industry placements maximizing their
employability. They will develop critical, analytical and communication skills   (Year 2)
that will enable them to adapt to a rapidly changing work environment within     CRICOS Course Code
a growing globalised economy.                                                    092033G

Location                                                                         Duration
ECU Joondalup Campus West                                                        8 or 12 months

Progression rules                                                                Core units
Minimum 50 percent pass in all units.                                            •   Power and the Media
                                                                                 •   Professional and Academic Communication
Employment and career options                                                    •   Communications and Digital Technology
Potential careers in: advertising, broadcasting, communications, film            •   Writing for Communications
criticism, graphic design, journalism, film production.                          •   iTalk – Presentation Skills
Professional recognition                                                         •   Creativity – Theory, Practice and History
Upon successful completion of the relevant ECU degree program:                   •   Camera Work and Lighting
International Advertising Association (IAA);
                                                                                 Marketing, Advertising              Other streams:
Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA).
                                                                                 & PR stream:                        • Media and Social Context
                                                                                 • Marketing Principles
                                                                                   and Practices

                                                                                 Second year of your ECU degree - Mount Lawley Campus
                                                                                 Students will be granted the following unit exemptions towards the
                                                                                 respective degree at ECU.
                                                                                 • Bachelor of Arts (majors in: English, History, Politics and
                                                                                   International Relations, Writing) 8 units (120 credit points)
                                                                                 • Bachelor of Media and Communications (majors in: Advertising,
                                                                                   Broadcasting, Film and Video, Journalism, Media and Cultural
                                                                                   Studies, Public Relations, Screen Studies) 8 units (120 credit
                                                                                 • Bachelor of Contemporary Arts (majors in: Fashion, Photomedia,
                                                                                   Visual Arts) 8 units (120 credit points)
                                                                                 • Bachelor of Design (majors in: Animation, Environmental and
                                                                                   Spatial Design, Games and Interactivity, Graphic Design)
                                                                                   8 units (120 credit points)
                                                                                 • Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management
                                                                                   8 units (120 credit points) - JO Campus
                                                                                 • Bachelor of Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations
                                                                                   8 units (120 credit points) - JO + ML Campus
                                                                                 Students may also select a second major or combination of minors and
                                                                                 / or electives.
14     ECC Your pathway to EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY 2018/19

Hotel Management
Students who successfully complete the ECC Diploma of
Hotel Management are eligible for entry into the second                      Diploma of Hotel Management (Year 1)
year of the Bachelor of International Hotel and Resort                       CRICOS Course Code
Management at ECU.
This industry-based course is designed to provide                            8 or 12 months
students with the essential knowledge and competencies                       Core units
required in hotels and resort organisations.                                 • Workplace Communication           •   Introductory Mathematics
                                                                               - Employability                   •   Communication Skills
When students progress into the second year of their bachelor degree at      • Introductory Computing            •   Project Management
ECU, the course provides them with a fantastic opportunity to apply for a    • English Language                  •   Introductory Accounting
one semester long industry internship placement with a leading hotel or        Enhancement (or Elective)         •   Introductory Marketing
resort business.
The internship is embedded into the curriculum and gives students the
ability to gain the skills and experience needed to impress employers when
they graduate.

Location                                                                     Diploma of Hotel Management (Year 2)
ECU Joondalup Campus West                                                    CRICOS Course Code
Progression rules                                                            092034F
Minimum 50 percent pass in all units.                                        Duration
Employment and career options                                                8 or 12 months
Potential careers in: conference coordination, event management, food        Core units
and beverage management, front office management, gaming supervision,        • Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism
hospitality business management, hotel/resort management, restaurant
                                                                             • Managing the Service Experience
                                                                             • Rooms - Division Management
                                                                             • Marketing Principles and Practices
                                                                             • Business Identity and Protocols
                                                                             • Professional and Academic Communication
                                                                             • Accounting (core for International Hotel and Resort Management
                                                                               and Commerce)
                                                                             • plus one or two electives to a total of 8 units

                                                                             Second year of your ECU degree - Joondalup Campus
                                                                             Students will be granted the following unit exemptions towards the
                                                                             respective degree at ECU.
                                                                             • Bachelor of International Hotel and Resort Management
                                                                               8 units (120 credit points)
                                                                             • Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management
                                                                               8 units (120 credit points)
                                                                             • Bachelor of Commerce (all majors) 8 units (120 credit points)

Science (Computing/IT)
This program introduces you to computer science,
software engineering, internet working technology,                             Diploma of Science (Computing/IT) (Year 1)
computer security, information technology (IT) and                             CRICOS Course Code
other emerging fields.
All computing programs at ECU are developed in                                 8 or 12 months
consultation with the IT industry and have received                            Core units
the Australian Computer Society’s highest level of                             • Workplace Communication             •   Introductory Mathematics
                                                                                 - Employability                     •   Communication Skills
accreditation (Level 1). ECU’s computing and cyber                             • Introductory Computing              •   Project Management
security graduates are actively sought by national and                         • English Language                    •   Information Design
international employers, working in some of the world’s                          Enhancement (or Elective)           •   Introductory Applied Maths
leading technology companies including Google,
Facebook and Microsoft.

ECU’s strong industry relationships ensure that its
computing and IT courses are relevant and cutting-                             Diploma of Science (Computing/IT) (Year 2)
edge in their field. Students from the degree programs                         CRICOS Course Code
have won or placed highly in national competitions                             092035E
and awards.                                                                    Duration
                                                                               8 or 12 months
The Australian Federal Government has announced ECU will share $1.9
                                                                               Core units
million funding as one of just two Academic Centres of Cyber Security
Excellence in Australia, and the only one in Western Australia.                •   Operating Systems
                                                                               •   Applied Communications
Since 2001 more than 1000 cyber security professionals have graduated
                                                                               •   Professional Science Essentials
from ECU’s cyber security program - one of the longest running
undergraduate cyber security degree programs in Australia.                     •   Systems and Database Design
                                                                               •   Computer Security
It is estimated that there will be a global shortfall of 1.5 million cyber
                                                                               •   Systems Analysis
security professionals by 2020.
                                                                               •   Programming Principles
ECU’s Work Integrated Learning program offers high achieving students          •   Computer Fundamentals
the opportunity to participate in unpaid work placements with State and
Local Government bodies, financial institutions and local industries.
The University’s computer labs contain state-of-the-art equipment and
include specialist labs for wireless networking, computer security and
digital forensics.

                                                                               Second year of your ECU degree - Joondalup Campus
ECU Joondalup Campus West                                                      Students will be granted the following unit exemptions towards the
                                                                               respective degree at ECU.
Progression rules
                                                                               • Bachelor of Computer Science (majors in: Cyber Security,
Minimum 50 percent pass in all units.                                            Software Engineering) 8 units (120 credit points)
Employment and career options                                                  • Bachelor of Information Technology (majors in: Cyber Security,
Potential careers in: computer incident investigation, computer                  Software Engineering) 8 units (120 credit points)
programming, digital forensics information security, IT consulting, software   • Bachelor of Science (Cyber Security) 8 units (120 credit points)
engineering, systems administration, web management.
Professional recognition
Degree Graduates are ranked at professional level
by the Australian Computer Society (ACS).
16     ECC Your pathway to EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY 2018/19

Science (Engineering Studies)
This program is specially designed for students wishing
to enrol in the wide range of programs offered by ECU’s                         Diploma of Science (Engineering Studies) (Year 1)
School of Engineering.                                                          CRICOS Course Code
The School of Engineering at ECU is one of the fastest                          Duration
growing engineering schools in Australia with world-class                       8 or 12 months
multi-million dollar facilities featuring purpose-built labs                    Core units
and project spaces.                                                             • Workplace Communication            •   Introductory Mathematics
                                                                                  - Employability                    •   Communication Skills
The programs are structured heavily around practical                            • Introductory Computing             •   Introductory Physics
                                                                                • English Language                   •   Introductory Chemistry
learning and students have the opportunity to work with                           Enhancement (or Elective)          •   Introductory Applied Maths
real hardware, not just simulation packages. Teaching
facilities include advanced laboratories with modern
industry standard equipment.
ECU students have the opportunity to develop industry links during the 12-
week Engineering Practicum unit. This unit provides full-time employment        Diploma of Science (Engineering Studies) (Year 2)
(normally unpaid) under the supervision of an engineer in an approved work
situation.                                                                      CRICOS Course Code
Partnerships with industry ensures students graduate job ready and develop      092036D
strong industry contacts along the way. ECU is the only university in Western   Duration
Australia offering specialist areas such as Motorsports and a combined          8 or 12 months
course in Chemical and Environmental Engineering.
                                                                                Core units
Location                                                                        • Electrical Engineering 1A          •   Engineering Mechanics
ECU Joondalup Campus West                                                       • Engineering Drawing and            •   Linear Algebra
                                                                                  Computer Aided Design              •   Electrical Engineering 1B
Progression rules                                                               • Calculus                           •   Materials and Manufacturing
Minimum 50 percent pass in all units.                                           • Introduction to Engineering
Employment and career options                                                   Pre-requisite units:
Potential careers in: automotive technology, civil engineering, computer        • Introductory Applied Maths†        • Introductory Physics†
systems engineering, control and automation engineering, electrical             • Introductory Chemistry§
engineering, electronics engineering, mechanical engineering.                     (Chemical Engineering only)
Professional recognition
Accredited by Engineers Australia upon successful completion of the relevant
ECU degree.

                                                                                Second year of your ECU degree - Joondalup Campus
                                                                                Students will be granted the following unit exemptions towards the
                                                                                respective degree at ECU.
                                                                                • Bachelor of Engineering Honours (majors in: Civil, Civil and
                                                                                  Environmental, Chemical§, Chemical and Environmental§, Computer
                                                                                  Systems, Electrical Power, Electrical and Renewable Energy,
                                                                                  Electronics and Communications, Instrumentation Control and
                                                                                  Automation, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Petroleum) 8 units (120
                                                                                  credit points)
                                                                                • Bachelor of Technology (Aeronautical) 8 units (120 credit points)
                                                                                • Bachelor of Technology (Electronic and Computer Systems)
                                                                                  8 units (120 credit points)
                                                                                • Bachelor of Technology (Motorsports) 8 units (120 credit points)
                                                                                • Bachelor of Technology (Engineering) (majors in: Chemical§, Civil,
                                                                                  Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Communications)
                                                                                  8 units (120 credit points)
                                                                                • Bachelor of Engineering Science 8 units (120 credit points)

                                                                                                                †,§ Additional entry requirements on page 18

Science (Health Studies)
This program will introduce you to the biological,
social and cultural elements involved in health care,                       Diploma of Science (Health Studies) (Year 1)
as well as providing foundation concepts to progress                        CRICOS Course Code
in your proposed areas of study. ECU offers a range of
degrees that can lead to different careers in fields such                   Duration
                                                                            8 or 12 months
as biomedical sciences, medical research, nursing and
biochemistry, to name a few.                                                Core units
                                                                            • Workplace Communication          •   Foundation Science
                                                                              - Employability                  •   Communication Skills
The University has state-of-the-art health and wellness                     • Introductory Computing           •   Project Management
facilities, and their renowned undergraduate nursing                        • English Language                 •   Introductory Chemistry
program is developed in consultation with nurses,                             Enhancement (or Elective)        •   Introductory Mathematics
healthcare services and industry groups.
ECU Nursing students have access to simulated practice wards for
scenario-based learning. On transfer to ECU, students will participate in
unpaid clinical placements over the duration of the degree.
                                                                            Diploma of Science (Health Studies) (Year 2)
                                                                            CRICOS Course Code
ECU Joondalup Campus West
Progression rules
Minimum 50 percent pass in all units.
                                                                            8 or 12 months
Employment and career options
                                                                            Core units
Potential careers in: biomedical scientist, health care management,
                                                                            •   Professional Conduct and Communication
nursing, pharmaceutical sales, psychology, research.
                                                                            •   Human Structure and Function
Professional recognition                                                    •   Cultural Studies
ECU’s Bachelor of Science (Nursing) is fully accredited by the Australian   •   Professional and Academic Communication (Health)
Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC).                        •   Evidence Based Practice in Health
ECU’s Psychology degrees are fully accredited by the Australian
Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) and have close links to industry.   Nursing stream                     Other streams:
                                                                            • Foundations of Nursing           • Introduction to Psychology
                                                                            • Clinical Sciences Introduction   • Systems Physiology
                                                                            • Health and Healthcare            • Introductory Statistics

                                                                            Second year of your ECU degree** - Joondalup Campus
                                                                            Students will be granted the following unit exemptions towards the
                                                                            respective degree at ECU.††
                                                                            • Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) up to 6 units
                                                                              (up to 90 credit points)
                                                                            • Bachelor of Science (Nursing)‡ up to 7 units (up to 105 credit
                                                                            • Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) up to 8 units
                                                                              (up to 120 credit points)
                                                                            • Bachelor of Science (Psychology) up to 8 units
                                                                              (up to 120 credit points)
                                                                            Other Bachelor of Science majors are available at ECU. Credits and
                                                                            exemptions are assessed on a case-by-case basis.
                                                                            ECU has a fixed quota for Nursing intake. Students that are not
                                                                            packaged with ECU risk missing out on a place in the next intake.

                                                                                                     **,††,‡ Additional entry requirements on page 18
18     ECC Your pathway to EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY 2018/19

Post-Graduate Qualifying Program (PQP)
– Business & IT
The Post-Graduate Qualifying Program (PQP) is a one                                   The program is made up of four core units comprising three PQP units that
                                                                                      embed and test academic rigour and language development, together with
semester non-award program designed to lead students                                  one discipline-based unit, for which ECU will award advanced standing on
into ECU’s master degrees. The program is designed for                                transfer to the University.
students who already have tertiary qualifications but have                            Students must pass all four units in no more than two semesters to qualify
not qualified for direct entry into ECU masters programs.                             for entry into ECU.
The program will equip students with graduate                                         ECU Joondalup Campus West
knowledge, skills and English Language Proficiency (ELP)                              Progression rules
for entry into masters degrees in the School of Business                              Minimum 50 percent pass in all units.
and Law or the School of Science (Computing & Security)
at ECU.

 Post-Graduate Qualifying Program (PQP) — Business                                       Post-Graduate Qualifying Program (PQP) — IT
 CRICOS Course Code                                                                      CRICOS Course Code
 085336F                                                                                 085336F
 Duration                                                                                Duration
 4 months                                                                                4 months
 Core units                                                                              Core units
 Students must complete all 4 core units                                                 Students must complete all 4 core units
 • Managing People and Organisations*                                                    • Applied Communications*
 • Effective Communication                                                               • Effective Communication
 • Research Methodology                                                                  • Research Methodology
 • Post-Graduate Preparation in Critical Thinking                                        • Post-Graduate Preparation in Critical Thinking

 Entry into the following ECU masters degrees -                                          Entry into the following ECU masters degrees -
 Joondalup Campus                                                                        Joondalup Campus
 •   Master of Business Administration                                                   • Master of Computer Science
 •   Master of Business Administration International                                     • Master of Cyber Security
 •   Master of Finance and Banking
 •   Master of Human Resource Management
 •   Master of International Hospitality Management
 •   Master of Marketing and Innovation Management
 •   Master of Professional Accounting§§
 •   Master of Project Management

 Additional course specific entry requirements - Diploma and PQP programs
 * Advanced standing is granted for this unit.
 † These two units are additional units for students who have not completed the prerequisite study at Year 12 (or equivalent).
    Introductory Applied Maths must be completed before progression to Calculus.
    Introductory Applied Maths and Introductory Physics must be completed before progression to Engineering Mechanics.
    These units are not recognised for advanced standing at ECU.
 § Students must have Year 12 Chemistry or equivalent to enter this bachelor degree.
 ** To enter the Diploma of Science (Health Studies) (Year 2) leading to these degrees, you must have an IELTS score of 5.5 with no band less than 5.0, except for
 Nursing where you must have an IELTS score of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0.
 ‡ Students progressing to ECU’s Bachelor of Science (Nursing) must achieve an IELTS score of 6.5 (with no individual band less than 6.5) before entry. Additional
 special requirements also apply for students progressing to this degree. See page 20 for details.
 †† ECC Diploma of Science (Health Studies) (Year 2) students will be eligible to receive the diploma after successfully completing eight units. However, up to
 seven units will be credited towards a Nursing degree, up to six units will be credited towards a Biomedical Science degree and up to 8 units will be credited
 towards a Psychology degree. Students who do not receive the full 8 credits will need to complete additional units during their first year at ECU, which will usually
 extend the duration of their degree.
 §§ Advanced standing is not available for this Master’s degree

Your English language preparation
ECC provides English language programs for people from non-                                     English language programs
English speaking backgrounds and direct entry pathways for                                      ECC offers the Academic English Program
                                                                                                (AEP) which is designed for students who
international students wishing to undertake university study at                                 plan to study at an Australian University
ECU and elsewhere.                                                                              or who are interested in developing
                                                                                                academic reading, writing, listening and
ECC is renowned for its excellent               The teachers at ECC are qualified and           communication skills.
teaching staff, high quality programs           experienced in teaching English as a            The AEP is offered in 10 week blocks
and outstanding facilities. Students            second language and many have taught            (intakes every 5 weeks) with nine fixed
have access to a wide variety of student        overseas. They use a variety of teaching        start dates per year, and is taught on
services, support and activities, with          methods combined with a wide range              ECU’s Mount Lawley Campus. Classes
the added advantage of interaction with         of modern materials, technology and             are taught during the university’s teaching
Australian and international students           resources to encourage active learning.         hours from Monday - Friday.
studying degree courses.
                                                                                                Following successful completion of the
                                                                                                required academic English level, students
Academic English program entry requirements
                                                                                                will not normally be required to take an
                                                                                                English test for entry into ECC / ECU
                                            65% pass mark
                                                                                                (excluding programs where IELTS is
                                   AE4        required           ECC                            compulsory, such as Nursing).
   5.5 IELTS                                                     PQP
                                 10 weeks                        entry                          The pass mark for each 10 week block of
                                                                                                Academic English is 65%.

                        65% pass mark                                                           Academic English program
                                                                                                commencement dates 2019
                                            65% pass mark       ECC
                                                                                                • 4 February
                                   AE3        required
   5.0 IELTS
                                                              Diploma                           • 11 March
                                 10 weeks                   (Year 1 & 2)
                                                               entry                            • 29 April
                                                                                                • 4 June
                                                                                                • 15 July
                        65% pass mark
                          required                                                              • 19 August
                                                                                                • 23 September
                                   AE2                                                          • 4 November
   4.5 IELTS
                                 10 weeks                                                       • 9 December

                                                                                                Study breaks:
                        65% pass mark                                                           • 15-26 April
                                                                                                • 8-12 July
                                                                                                • 28 October – 1 November
   4.0 IELTS                                                                                    • 23 December – 5 January 2020
                                 10 weeks

English language tuition fees for 2019

        Program                CRICOS Course Code                Duration (weeks)          Tuition fee (A$)        Materials fee (A$)
 Academic English             071799A                       10                       $440/week                    $115
 (elementary to advanced)                                   20                       $440/week                    $185
                                                            25–40                    $420/week                    $215
                                                            45-50                    $410/week                    $295
20      ECC Your pathway to EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY 2018/19

Your admission requirements
The minimum English and academic requirements for entry                                                               Credit transfer
to ECC’s Diploma and PQP programs are outlined on pages                                                               Applicants who have undertaken recognised
                                                                                                                      studies may be eligible for exemptions (also
20–23. ECC has established minimum English and academic                                                               known as credits).
requirements for its programs however, each application will be                                                       To be considered, applicants must provide
assessed on its individual merits.                                                                                    certified copies of academic transcripts
                                                                                                                      and detailed subject syllabus. For more
Not all qualifications or countries are listed,          Mature-age entry                                             information, please visit edithcowancollege.
so if you have other qualifications you should                                                                        edu.au/exemptions
                                                         Mature-age students (aged 20 or
attach certified transcripts to your ECC                 above) may be considered for entry into
application form. The College may issue a                a program without meeting the formal
                                                                                                                      English language requirements
conditional Letter of Offer based on forecast            academic requirements.                                       Applicants must be able to demonstrate
or preliminary results, where appropriate.                                                                            their English language proficiency before
                                                         Applicants will need to apply via Portfolio                  they enter an ECC program. The College may
                                                         Entry, and will be required to provide a                     also ask selected students to sit our internal
                                                         written statement of purpose, evidence                       English test to demonstrate their English
                                                         of work experience, a CV, and other                          proficiency, at no cost. Applicants who do
                                                         supporting documents.                                        not meet the English language requirements
                                                                                                                      for their chosen program may be able to
                                                                                                                      enrol in ECC’s Academic English Language
                                                                                                                      Program (AEP).
English entry requirements
             Program                             Diploma (Year 1)                             Diploma (Year 2)                          Post-Graduate
                                          (excluding Nursing. See Special English          (excluding Nursing. See Special        Qualifying Program (PQP)
                                                 entry requirements below)                English entry requirements below)

 IELTS (Academic)                     5.5 with no band less than 5.0                  5.5 with no band less than 5.0             6.0 with no band less than 6.0
 TOEFL Internet Based Test            60                                              60                                         79
 Pearson Test of English (PTE)        49 with no communicative skill less             49 with no communicative skill less        57 with no communicative skill less
 Academic                             than 49                                         than 49                                    than 57
 GCE O‑level                          C                                               C                                          Not applicable
 SPM English / 1119                   C                                               C                                          Not applicable
 HKDSE English                        3                                               3                                          Not applicable
 HKALE English                        D                                               D                                          Not applicable
 KCSE                                 C                                               C                                          Not applicable
 International Baccalaureate          3 at Higher Level for English                   3 at Higher Level for English              Not applicable
 Certificate IV                       Successful completion of any Australian         Successful completion of any               Not applicable
                                      Certificate IV program                          Australian Certificate IV program
 Please note: English language requirements may vary according to Department of Home Affairs requirements.

Special English entry requirements for Nursing
           Program                                                                     Special requirements
 Diploma of Science (Year 1) -     Students must have an overall IELTS 6.0 with no band less than 5.5; or, TOEFL (iBT) 70, with no score less than 17; or, PTE-A
 Health Studies / Nursing stream   57, with no communicative skill less than 50; or OET with a minimum C in all components.

 Diploma of Science (Year 2)       Students must have an overall IELTS 6.5 with no band less than 6.0; or, TOEFL (iBT) 84, with no score less than 17; or, PTE-A
 — Health Studies/Nursing          64, with no communicative skill less than 58; or OET with a minimum B in all components.
                                   To qualify for ECU’s Bachelor of Science (Nursing), international students must provide current evidence of an overall IELTS
                                   6.5 with no band less than 6.5; or, TOEFL (iBT) 84, with no score less than 17; or, PTE-A 64, with no communicative skill less
                                   than 58; or OET with a minimum B in all components.
                                   Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Science (Nursing), students will be eligible to register with the Nursing and
                                   Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). To register, all international graduates must provide evidence of an overall IELTS
                                   score of at least 7.0 in all four bands of IELTS, with an overall band of at least 7; or a B pass or above in all four sections of the
                                   Occupational English Test (OET) Nursing Version. Applicants must achieve the above scores in a single test, which has been
                                   completed no more than two years before their application for NMBA registration.
                                   For more information visit nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au.
                                   All Nursing graduates must be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia to be able to work in Australia.
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