Week 1 Recipe Booklet: Bright & Vibrant Salads - Derval.ie

Page created by Curtis Hayes
Week 1 Recipe Booklet: Bright & Vibrant Salads - Derval.ie
Week 1 Recipe Booklet:
Bright & Vibrant Salads
Carrot & Apple Slaw:

• 3 Apples Grated
• 3 Carrots Grated
• 1 tbsp Raisins (optional)
• 1 tbsp sunflower seeds
• 1 tbsp poppy seeds
• 1 tbsp sesame seeds
For the Dressing:
• 1 tsp wholegrain mustard
• 1 tsp honey
• 1 tbsp good olive oil
• 2 tbsp Irish apple cider vinegar

1. Toast seeds for 4-5 mins
2. Put carrot and Apple in a large mixing bowl.
3. To make dressing, place the mustard, honey & vinegar in bowl. Whisk in
   the oil.
4. Pour dressing over the slaw and mix well.
5. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Nutritional Information on this recipe from Cathy Dunleavy:

• With apple, carrot & sesame seeds, this fresh homemade slaw is packed
  with phytoestrogens which have been shown to reduce the side effects
  of menopause when consumed regularly.

• Freshly preparing slaw means that much more of the nutrients are still
  available for our bodies to use. As soon as we chop/dice/grate or peel a
  fruit or vegetable, it begins to lose some of its’ nutrient density as it is ex-
  posed to light and air so keep this recipe handy for a quick alternative to
  shop bought slaw.

• Opt for chopped dried apricots instead of raisins for an extra boost to your
  iron intake.
Bulgar wheat & French Bean with Organic Leaves:

• 200g bulgar wheat
• 400ml vegetable or chicken stock
• 150g french beans
• 100g organic leaves

• 1 crushed clove of garlic
• 2tbsp olive oil
• 4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
• Sea Salt and Cracked Black Pepper

1. To cook the bulgar wheat, first rinse it thoroughly in a sieve under cold water.
2. Then place in a saucepan and cover with the stock.
3. Bring to a rapid boil, turn down & simmer for approx 12-15 mins until water is
   absorbed & grain is cooked. Fluff it through with a fork & set aside to cool.
4. To cook french beans. Bring a pot of water to the boil & add a TSP salt. Pop the
   trimmed beans straight into the water. Once the water comes back up to the
   boil, remove the beans & plunge into iced cold water.
5. To make the dressing, crush the garlic clove & put it into a mixing bowl. Pour in
   the balsamic & whisk in the olive oil & a good pinch of salt & pepper. If you pre-
   fer a sweeter taste add in a little honey.
6. Once bulgar & beans are cooled toss them together & mix in the leaves. Pour
   over the dressing & give it a good mix.
7. Delicious with meat or fish!

Nutritional Information on this recipe from Cathy Dunleavy:

• This side dish packs a fantastic micro & macronutrient punch with it’s
  slow release wholefood carbohydrate content, coupled with lots of pro-
  tein & fibre to slow down the release of its’ energy. This contributes to a
  healthy blood sugar balance which is a vital factor in weight manage-

• Opt for good quality dark leafy green for the highest amount of vitamins
  & minerals. The key is in the colour!

• Opt for low salt stock & add Himalayan rock salt instead of regular table
  salt for a better mineral balance and less problems around water reten-
  tion in the body.
Beetroot, Garlic, Greek Yogurt & Mint Salad:

• 4 cooked beetroot (prepacked is fine)
• 100g greek yoghurt
• 2 cloves garlic crushed
• Tbsp chopped mint
• Grated zest of 1 lemon
• (Optional) Tbsp toasted flaked almonds)
• Salt and pepper

1. Chop up the beetroot into bite size pieces.
2. Combine the garlic,.lemon zest, yoghurt & mint & pour over the
3. Season and mix well.
4. Top with the nuts if using.

Nutritional Information on this recipe from Cathy Dunleavy:

• This salad comes with a healthy dose of inorganic nitrates (the kind
  we want!). These nitrates have been shown to improve blood flow
  throughout the body therefore lowering high blood pressure and
  even has the potential to improve athletic performance.

• Phytochemical compounds in mint have been shown to have anti-
  bacterial effects on the body. Keep a fresh mint plant on your win-
  dowsill for use in salads and to liven up your daily water intake.
Chickpea, Butternut Squash, Coriander Salad and Tahini

• 450g cooked weight chickpeas.
• 1 whole butternut squash diced or 800g prepared weight approx
• 1/2 red onion thinly sliced
• 50g fresh coriander
• 1/2 tsp ground allspice/ cinnamon
• 2 tbsp olive oil
• 1 clove garlic

For the tahini dressing:
• 1 clove garlic crushed to a paste with salt
• 3 1/2 tbsp lemon juice (approx 2 lemons)
• 4 tbsp tahini paste
• 2 tbsp water
• 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1. Preheat oven to 200*C
2. Toss the diced squash in the oil, garlic, all spice & olive oil .season with
   salt & pepper.
3. Place in tray in oven for 15-25 mins or until fully softened. Remove & cool.
4. If using dried chickpeas, these should be steeped in water overnight,
   drained & cooked for approx 1 hour on a rapid boil.
5. To make the tahini dressing mix the crushed garlic with the lemon juice
   & add the tahini. Thin it out with the water & olive oil & check the sea-
   soning. There should be a good balance between the nutty tahini & the
   sharp lemon juice.
6. To assemble the salad place the squash & chickpeas in a bowl .add in
   the sliced onion & fresh coriander & toss in the dressing.

Nutritional Information on this recipe from Cathy Dunleavy:

• Chickpeas are a fantastic easy way to increase your plant based
  protein intake. They contain high levels of calcium, magnesium
  and gut healthy fibre too.

• The tahini dressing brings in extra calcium to protect bone health
  as-well as those all important phytoestrogens to help with meno-
  pausal symptoms like hot flushes and weight gain.
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