We're Closing for Fumigation, Page 2 Pledge Drive: We're This Close, Page 3 Meet the Chapter Candidates, Page 4 Book Talk: Colette Bancroft ...
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January 2022 C R O S S T OW N At the foot of the cross in downtown St. Petersburg We’re Closing for Fumigation, Page 2 Pledge Drive: We’re This Close, Page 3 Meet the Chapter Candidates, Page 4 Book Talk: Colette Bancroft Returns, Page 8 Barney the Camel was a big hit at our first Live Nativity. See page 4 for more details. Photo by HILLARY PEETE
January 2022 Page 2 return to Page 1 Here’s the Latest on Our Plans For Termite Fumigation January 6-10 Michelle Thomas, Cathedral Administrator The Cathedral will be closed January 6 Thursday, January 6 – the church build- Monday, January 10 – Cathedral Office through 10 while the worship space is fumi- ing itself will be entirely off-limits. The rest remains closed. gated for drywood termites. All services and of the rooms around the church campus Tuesday, January 11 – Cathedral building activities, including Sunday worship at the will be prepped. and offices reopen for normal operation. Cathedral, will be canceled during that time. Friday and Saturday, January 7 and 8 – All will be cleaning and putting things back The exterminators, Turner Pest Control, will The entire building is officially off-limits. No post-fumigation. use a procedure called “taped and sealed,” one except the termite company can access which is safe and effective, without the circus- the building. like bright canvas tents you often see. Sunday, January 9 – We will hold an All doors will be locked and chained and outdoor service at 10 a.m. at the northwest no one will be able to gain access during corner of Crescent Lake Park (Crescent Lake the tenting. This includes not only the wor- Drive/Seventh Street at 22nd Avenue N). ship space but also all the office, meeting, We will also offer a prerecorded service of and music space, the kitchen, Harvard Hall, Morning Prayer at 10 a.m. (led by Canon youth room, and Children’s Chapel. It also Ethan Cole and Michelle Thomas; no music) includes the tenants on the second and on the website (spcathedral.org/worship- third floors of the office building. live-stream) and Facebook pages. EYSeed- Here is the timetable: lings and EYC events will be off-campus. Wednesday, January 5 – last day in the Our 7 p.m. Chanted Compline will be pre- We'll gather at Crescent Lake Park for outdoor church. It will be all work after the Wednes- recorded for livestreaming (spcathedral. worship January 9. Photo by HILLARY PEETE day healing service. org/worship-live-stream). (November 2020).
January 2022 Page 3 return to Page 1 We’re This Close to Meeting Our Financial Goal for 2022 Ray McColgan, Stewardship Chair As of December 21, we had lows us to create a budget for 2022. achieved 99 percent of our financial We welcome all financial gifts, but goal of $840,000 in pledges for 2022. it is very helpful if we know your That breaks down into 208 intentions in advance. You can do so “pledging units” (individuals or by filling out a pledge card. households), a decrease of 16 units If you fulfill your financial com- from 2021, for a total commitment mitment online via automatic with- of $835,798. drawal from your checking account That sum represents an increase or credit card (and thank you very of 5 percent in the commitments of much for doing so!) please make those who are pledging for the com- sure it continues into 2022. These ing year. automatic-withdrawal commit- If you have not yet made your ments typically expire on December faith-filled commitment to the 31 and need to be renewed annu- Cathedral for 2022, we invite you ally. If you need help doing that, to do so. Please contact Michelle Michelle or I will be happy to assist Thomas, our Cathedral administra- you. Christmas Comes Again tor, at mthomas@spcathedral.com Thanks so much for your contin- Our children and youth retold the Christmas story or (727) 822-4173 ext. 114. You can ued support. Your financial commit- anew and played and sang music from a variety of also contact me, Ray McColgan, at ment matters because St. Peter’s traditions on December 12. They’d been rehearsing RMcColgan@me.com or (727) 864- matters — to this congregation, to since October. Thanks to parents and staff who made 6259. our community ministry partners, it all happen! Photo by HILLARY PEETE Your financial commitment al- and to the wider church.
January 2022 Page 4 return to Page 1 A Lively Nativity Our Live Nativity at the home of Dwight Thomas and Bruce Rice was a wonderful evening of holiday fun and fellowship. We dressed up in costumes for pictures at the manger and with the animals and filled goodie bags for the residents of Peterborough Apartments. The festivities ended as the Cathedral family sang carols around the pool, studded with floating candles, as dark- ness closed in.
January 2022 Page 5 return to Page 1 Meet the Chapter Candidates Four Will Be Approved at Annual Meeting January 30 We will approve by acclamation four have learned from living through Covid-19; staffing, project management, and social new members of the Chapter at the Annual what they do when they’re not at church or activities. I’ve served on numerous boards Meeting at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, January 30, at work; and when they’ve seen St. Peter’s in the insurance and health industries. In in Harvard Hall. The 12-member Chapter, at its best. Chattanooga I volunteered at Metropolitan or vestry, is the lay board of directors that, Their responses are also available on our Ministries, which with the dean, sets policy, monitors Cathe- website at spcathedral.org/annual-meeting. provides financial dral finances, and oversees the spiritual assistance to those welfare of the congregation. Chapter mem- in need. Called to bers serve three-year terms. Al Carrico serve: I’ve always You will have an opportunity to meet Member since: 2014. Occupation: I’m felt giving back and and hear from the candidates at coffee retired, but I was with State Farm Insurance paying it forward hour on January 16 when we present a in Kentucky and Tennessee for 38 years at to be a part of ev- Meet the Candidates forum. an agency and in management, where I was eryone’s DNA. My At the Annual Meeting we’ll hear a “state responsible for recruiting, hiring, and devel- partner, Thomas of the Cathedral” report from the dean and oping new agents in Kentucky and Tennes- Foster, and I moved Al Carrico other leaders; see a short budget briefing; see. Involvement at the Cathedral/other to St. Petersburg and approve the slate of candidates. churches: Usher, member of the Friends of in 2013. St. Peter’s Here is the slate of candidates proposed St. Aelred, former coffee hour host. I was was the one and only church we visited. We by the current Chapter. We invited them active at St. Paul’s in Chattanooga. Com- were welcomed and felt comfortable from to tell us about themselves: their back- munity involvement: For the last 3½ years the very beginning. Through my partner’s grounds, involvement at St. Peter’s and in I was president of the homeowners’ asso- illness, and eventually his death, we felt the community, the gifts and skills they of- ciation at Signature Place condominiums, fer; why they feel called to serve; what they involved in budgeting, setting reserves, continued on page 6
January 2022 Page 6 return to Page 1 Meet the Chapter Candidates tem. Involvement at the Cathedral/other resilient beyond measure. One thing that churches: I currently enjoy helping with EYC. has remained the same in a time of dis- continued from Page 5 I served on the vestry at St. Paul’s in Hender- ruption: the exceptional support from our the community support and the pastoral son, KY. Community involvement: I volun- community. Where we’ll find you: When care were far above anything we ever teer with my daughter’s school. When I am I am not at work I enjoy spending time experienced. It is now my time to pay it in Henderson I still with my family. I love being outside and I back. Learning through Covid: It is up to volunteer with sev- enjoy binge-watching almost anything. St. every individual to be responsible for their eral organizations. Peter’s at its best: I still consider myself a actions, and to be responsible to protect My most recent role newcomer to the church and in that short those around them. Yes, I am fully vacci- was serving on the time I have seen St. Peter’s at its best many nated, plus the booster. Where we’ll find Louisville Chapter of times. I am constantly moved by St. Peter’s you: Prior to my recent shoulder surgery, I the Association of ability to serve the City of St. Petersburg in was an avid golfer, and I hope to return to Fundraising Profes- many ways. such. I am a Kentucky Wildcat fan. I enjoy sionals (AFP). Called to serve: I feel it is Randy Ramsey travel, dining with friends, and enjoying all that St. Petersburg has to offer. St. Peter’s important to serve Member since: 1992. Family at the at its best: When I needed spiritual help Jennifer Preston the church commu- Cathedral: Wife Tammy, adult children during the illness of my partner, St. Peter’s nity and the larger Alex and Cassie. Occupation: I retired in was there. When I needed to feel I was community. I am looking forward to learning April from Raymond James after 27 years part of a community, St. Peter’s was there. more about the mission, goals, programs, as an Information Technology support services, activities, strengths, and needs of tech. Involvement at the Cathedral/other Jennifer Preston the congregation, the diocese, and the Epis- churches: I was an ordained minister in the copal Church, and how I can help. Learning Church of the Brethren. At St. Peter’s I have Member since: 2017, when we moved through Covid: Every aspect of our lives – been a Sunday School teacher, acolyte, to Florida. Family at the Cathedral: Hus- work, school, health, and travel – continues and lay reader. I am currently a verger and band Kent, daughter Sophia. Occupation: to change, and we have all had to learn to eucharistic minister. Community involve- Chief Advancement Officer for Henderson deal with the unknown. I am thankful to Community College, part of the Kentucky be surrounded by amazing people who are continued on Page 7 Community and Technical College Sys-
January 2022 Page 7 return to Page 1 Meet the Chapter Candidates follow Tammy’s directions in the garden Adulthood youth programs/pilgrimages; continued from page 6 or about picking up groceries. I also inflict lector, eucharistic minister, choir member, viewings of 80- to 100-year-old movies on and general-purpose helper when need- her. St. Peter’s at its best: When I first came ed. Community involvement: Meals on ment: Before the pandemic curtailed things to St. Peter’s, our former associate priest, Wheels, Daystar Community Center. Called I was active in the Democratic Party and Father Bill Bosbyshell, led the Cathedral’s to serve: I have was a member of efforts to provide Thanksgiving dinners for reached a winding- the Rainbow Net- families in need. I know what that means down point in my work at Raymond because I was in one of those families. Our career and would James, a group outreach work with Campbell Park Elemen- like to serve the that supports LG- tary, service dogs, diapers for babies and Cathedral in some BTQ rights. Called adults, and food for local food banks is the ways in addition to serve: I want to Cathedral at its best. to music. Learning serve the church through Covid: that has been so Beth Snyder Wearing a mask is supportive of me. Member since: 2010. Family at the Ca- the easiest way to I feel this is a chal- Beth Snyder Randy Ramsey thedral: Husband Tim Snyder. Occupation: protect yourself lenging time as Real estate agent, semi-retired. Also many and others. Where we deal with the years working in non-profit marketing, PR, we’ll find you: On my motorcycle in one pandemic. Learning through Covid: I have and fund development. Involvement at the of the 49 continental states or traveling learned how much we need each other. I Cathedral/other churches: I’m involved to somewhere in Europe. St. Peter’s at its am aware of many people who support me with choir, Festival Choir, Episcopalians best: When we allowed the homeless to at great risk to themselves. I am excited by Who Lunch, and Friends of St. Aelred’s. I am sleep outside our doors because they said all the creativity at St. Peter’s as we work an occasional lector. In my former churches they felt safe there. Also by providing vari- through this together. Where we’ll find (I am a “cradle” Episcopalian), I have served ous opportunities to allow people to dis- you: You will find me in my pool. When I on parish calling and caring and steward- cover their spiritual gifts and serve in many have dried off I am discussing fantasy and ship committees; established young adult capacities. real football with my son and son-in-law or programs; coordinated and led Journey to just being there with Cassie. I imperfectly
January 2022 Page 8 return to Page 1 Times Book Editor Will Discuss Pulitzer Winner’s Latest Novel We welcome a longtime friend of our The novel is set in the real-life Minne- Sentence, but mysteries old and new are series of book talks on Tuesday, January 11, sota bookstore that Erdrich owns, against solved, and some of the broken places when Tampa Bay Times book editor Colette the background of the Covid-19 pandemic. made stronger,” Colette writes in her re- Bancroft will be with us to discuss “The world was filling with ghosts. continued on page 9 Louise Erdrich’s new novel, The We were a haunted country in a Sentence. haunted world,” the lead charac- The Sentence is “a rich, mov- ter, Tookie, says as she keeps vigil ing, hilarious portrait of a group in a hospital parking lot. January Book Talk of family and friends living in Min- The bookstore has to close be- What: Tampa Bay Times book neapolis in 2020 amid the turmoil cause of the pandemic but keeps editor Colette Bancroft of the coronavirus pandemic and up a busy mail-order business discusses Louise the protests after the killing of in the wake of Floyd’s murder: Erdrich’s new book, George Floyd,” Colette wrote in Colette Bancroft “Everyone who wasn’t out on The Sentence. her review in the Times. Read the the streets wanted to read about full review here: https://tinyurl. why everyone else was out on the When: Noon-1 p.m. Tuesday, com/2p8r57a6 streets.” January 11, via Zoom. “Few novelists can fuse the comic and And Tookie and her husband, Pollux, Register for the link at the tragic as beautifully as Louise Erdrich have to deal with the ghost who haunts the spcathedral.org/book- does, and she does it again in The Sen- bookstore: Flora, who stalked the place in talks. Videos of previous tence,” she writes. life and now won’t go away even though book talks are posted at Erdrich’s last novel, The Night Watch- she’s dead. that site. man, won the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for fiction. “No one escapes heartache in The
January 2022 Page 9 return to Page 1 The Sentence continued from page 8 Evensong Returns with ‘St. Paul’s, Buffalo’ Service view. “The Sentence, a book about the healing power of books, makes its own case The Cathedral Chamber Choir will sing Henri Mulet (1878-1967). Dwight Thomas splendidly.” Choral Evensong for the Confession of St. is director and organist. Watch Colette’s interview with the au- Peter at 5 p.m. Sunday, January 23. thor at the recent Times Festival of Reading The Gospel reading is John here: https://tinyurl.com/mudb36nw 21:15-22, where Jesus, in one of his post-Easter appearances, questions Peter: “Do you love me?” and Peter, who denied Christ before his crucifixion, assures him that he does. The Responses are by Margaret Burk. The service is Roland Martin’s “St. Paul’s, Buffalo,” composed for the Ca- thedral there. Martin teaches at the University at Buffalo and is a prolific organist, accompa- nist, and composer in Western New York. An organ prelude at 4:45 p.m. features the music of the French composer and organist St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buffalo.
January 2022 Page 10 return to Page 1 Music Notes: Compline, Noonday Prayer, Women’s Chorus The Cathedral will be closed on Sunday, Our podcast of sung noonday prayer Conference later that month. The judges January 9, for termite fumigation, but our continues. Canon Williams and Michelle analyzed three years of performances from service of Chanted Compline at 7 p.m. will Thomas sing the Order of Service for Noon- more than 70 submissions. Of those se- go on, thanks to the miracle of prerecorded day each Monday through Saturday. The lected to sing, less than half are high-school video and livestream. The Rev. Canon Dr. podcasts are posted on Spotify and Apple groups. It’s an incredible honor and justly Thomas Williams and Michelle Thomas will Podcast each day at 9 a.m. The service lasts deserved, and we’re delighted to welcome offer this quiet service that ends the day between eight and nine minutes, with the the chorale, which is based at Gibbs High with confession, psalms, prayers, and the sung service lasting six minutes and a spo- School. concluding antiphon: “Guide us waking, O ken meditation two or Lord, and guard us sleeping; that awake we three minutes. may watch with Christ, and asleep we may rest in peace.” View our Compline service Coming February at spcathedral.org/worship-live-stream. 6: The Pinellas County Center for the Arts Women’s Chorale will sing at 5 p.m. as part of the Cathedral Arts series. This group has been chosen to per- form at the prestigious American Choral Direc- tors Assn. Southern The Pinellas County Center for the Arts Women’s Chorale.
January 2022 Page 11 return to Page 1 Sundays at 9 a.m., a Variety of Offerings To Educate, Enlighten, and Invite Our 9 a.m. formation hour on Sundays when we see the manifestation of Christ to Cathedral in the coming years. Learn more this year will focus on three areas: the li- the world. Learn what to pay attention to about this statement, how it was crafted, turgical calendar, as we move through the during this season between Christmas and the resources utilized, and how you can seasons of the church year; our ministry Lent, and how we can use the rhythm of expect to see it lived out at the Cathedral. partners, whom we support with dona- time to shape our spirituality. tions and volunteer time; and our life as a congregation — our physical and spiritual Healthy Congregations health and our day-to-day priorities, prac- (January 23): Our new tices, and goals as we live out our faith. All faith community nurse, welcome. And yes, there will be coffee. Rita Sewell, R.N., will speak about our new program Shape of the Year: Epiphany (January to address physical, emo- 16): Canon Ethan Cole will present this tional, and spiritual needs session on the new season of Epiphany, within the congregation. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion State- Strategic Plan (February 13): A group of ment (February 6): 10 individuals, including clergy, staff, and Current and past Chapter members Kar- lay members, met to articulate the Cathe- en Torrisi, Anysia McDowall, Lauren Durst, dral’s evergreen strategies and strategic and Kerry Carlisle spent nearly a year craft- priorities over the next three years. Learn ing a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion state- more about how this document was creat- ment that will help shape the life of the continued on page 12
January 2022 Page 12 return to Page 1 Formation Opportunities from leaders at Benison Farm as well as 3-Part Series Explores continued from page 11 Cathedral members who have regularly volunteered. Native American History The Episcopal Church is committed to the ed, the initiatives that will be the focus vital work of remembrance, recognition, and moving forward, and how various min- reconciliation in connection with our Indigenous istries will be impacted and enhanced. siblings. The Becoming Beloved Community of the Cathedral invites you to explore Indigenous Benison Farm (February 20): As history in a three-part program. part of a new series during the forma- Native Voices. 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, Janu- tion hour focusing on our outreach ary 29. This program will include videos and partners, join us discussion of the Episcopal Church’s repudiation to learn more of the Doctrine of Discovery; Presiding Bishop about Benison Michael Curry’s response to the Episcopal Farm, how it Church’s history with Indian boarding schools; began, and how Shape of the Year: Lent (February and an exploration of the Native Land Map. To to get involved. 27): Dean Stephen Morris will lead this learn more: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/ Benison Farm presentation on the upcoming peniten- ministries/indigenous-ministries/ is a commu- tial season of Lent (it begins Wednes- Away from Home: American Indian Boarding nity garden day, March 2 — Ash Wednesday). Learn School Stories. Sunday, March 6. We'll visit a founded by St. about this season in the liturgical year, special exhibit at the James Museum. Historical Augustine’s and St. Thomas’ Episcopal what to pay attention to, and how we photographs and objects, interactive timelines, Churches at 2920 26th Ave. S. But it is can use the rhythm of time to shape our and interviews tell individual stories of pain, about so much more than urban farm- spirituality. heartbreak, and resilience. https://thejames- ing. Through mutual work and learn- museum.org/special-exhibitions/ ing, groups from various ethnicities, Sacred Land Tour. Sunday, March 20. We'll religions, and backgrounds learn to visit an ancient Tocobaga village on Boca Ciega respect each other and work together Bay. https://www.sacredlandspreservation.org/ to support our community. You’ll hear
January 2022 Page 13 return to Page 1 This Year the Good Book Club Will Hunger Persists As We Move into Read the Great Stories of Exodus Winter; You Can Help Start the new year by joining thousands of fellow Episcopa- Cathy Rome, Outreach Committee lians across the country and around the world in a new round of Our January outreach opportunity will help feed the hungry in the Good Book Club. From Epiphany, January 6, through Shrove our community through the St. Petersburg Free Clinic’s We Help Tuesday, March 1, we’ll read the first 20 chapters of Exodus. program. in a series of short daily readings, the Club will work its way The items we donate are handed out directly at various sites through the second book of the Bible. Exodus recounts the jour- or assembled into boxes for the Free Clinic’s partners who oper- ney of the Israelites from slavery to freedom. We hear the great ate smaller food pantries throughout the community. We Help stories of Moses, from his discovery by Pharaoh’s daughter on the assists about 18,000 individuals each month. bank of the river ... to the burning bush ... to his presentation of We’re looking for packaged and canned goods in sizes that the Ten Commandments. Along the way, we encounter God’s cov- you’d buy to feed your family — not giant industrial-size contain- enant and explore the grand theme of redemption. ers. Pop-top cans are preferred, since some of the recipients may The full schedule, including the list of daily readings, is avail- not have access to can openers. able at goodbookclub.org. Also at that website you’ll find a Food items most needed are canned pastas (such as Spaghet- variety of resources to make the most of your daily readings: pod- tiOs or ravioli); beef stew; breakfast, protein, and granola bars; casts, Bible study guides, books, blogs, videos, and more. Many trail mix; nuts; instant coffee; protein drinks; tuna or salmon in a are free; for others there is a charge. It costs nothing to read pouch; single-serving cereal boxes; individual bags of chips/cook- along with your fellow Episcopalians! ies/crackers; canned fruit; and fruit cups. Shop the BOGOs and This is the third year that the Good Book Club has encouraged make your dollars go even further! Episcopalians to read their Bibles together. Previous readings Leave your contributions on the collection cart behind the have covered the Gospels of John and Mark and Paul’s Letter to front desk in the Narthex. the Romans. The Good Book Club is sponsored by Forward Move- Volunteers will deliver food to the We Help Food Pantry, the ment, publisher of Forward Day by Day and other materials to #1 emergency food distributor in Pinellas County. Learn more make disciples and encourage learning, along with other ministry about their work at https://stpetersburgfreeclinic.org/about/ partners in the wider church.
January 2022 Page 14 return to Page 1 Christmas at Campbell Park Slate of Bishop Candidates We provided lots of sweet treats for the teachers and staff at Will Be Announced January 25 Campbell Park Elementary last month. Thanks to all who con- tributed Christmas goodies so we could support these dedicated The Rev. Canon Dr. Thomas Williams people who are making a difference in the lives of children. From left, party hosts Shar Nudelman, Doug Hansen, Susan Darrow, The Bishop Search Committee has invited a number of candi- Penny Roen, and Mary Howe. dates to a discernment retreat, which will be held at Dayspring. From those candidates we will select a final slate to present to the Standing Committee: Our charge is to present a slate of three to five candidates, any one of whom could be bishop. The Standing Committee is scheduled to release the names on January 25, at which point a short period for nominations by peti- tion will be open. (The petition process replaces the old practice of accepting nominations from the floor of the electing conven- tion, which did not allow for the required background checks on all candidates.) If there are any petition candidates, their names will be announced on March 14. Opportunities to meet and talk with the candidates will be held throughout the diocese later in March. The electing conven- tion will be held at the Cathedral on Saturday, April 2. Please continue to keep the work of the bishop search com- mittee in your prayers: Almighty God, Giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for this diocese, that we may receive faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
January 2022 Page 15 return to Page 1 For Our Cathedral Children and Youth, Fun, Faith Formation, and Food EYSeedlings Epiphany Party EYC “Holy Friendships” (Faith Formation for 3rd-5th graders) 5-7 p.m. Sundays, January 23 and 30 Sunday, January 9, noon-2 p.m. We will explore pivotal friendships in Bring a silly, wrapped gift ($10 max) for scripture and what we can learn from a game of white elephant. Hosted by Aksel, them. We will also discuss: What does it Celia, and Elin Erickson and family. RSVP to mean to be a good friend? How can we Michelle Thomas (mthomas@spcathedral. maintain relationships with those who may com) for the address. hold different beliefs or values? When is it time to let go of a friendship? EYC Bowling Night 5-7 p.m. Sunday, January 9 Youth Confirmation This evening of fun will be right up your We are in the final stretch of confirma- alley. Meet up at Sunrise Lanes (6393 M.L. tion classes. Confirmands meet from 3:45 King Jr. (Ninth) St. N). Bring $20 to cover to 5 p.m. Sundays. Stay tuned for more bowling, a slice of pizza, and a $10 arcade details. card. Invite friends, too! RSVP to Michelle January 23: The Book of Common Prayer Thomas (mthomas@spcathedral.com) by with mentors January 3 so we can reserve lanes. Bring a January 30: Scripture: The Bible by Heart spare (pair of socks) to get some strikes! February 6: The Sacraments February 13: No confirmation class EYC members wave from the beach at their white-elephant Christmas party in early continued on page 16 December. Photo by MICHELLE THOMAS
January 2022 Page 16 return to Page 1 Youth Events in Epiphany Invite the Blessing of Christ continued from page 15 On Your Home in the New Year February 20: The Sacraments February 26: Retreat Day with mentors The Epiphany Home Blessing is a way The letters C M B come from the tradi- Please pray for our confirmands Sophia, of marking our homes, usually at the tional names for the three kings — Caspar, Dustin, Ellie, Carter, and Joseph, and our front or main entrance. With sacred signs Melchior, and Balthazar — who arrived mentors David, Justin, and Lauren. and symbols, we ask God’s blessing upon to see baby Jesus on Epiphany. Some also those who live, work, or visit throughout suggest “Christus Mansionem Benedi- the coming year. It is traditional to do this cat,” which means, “May Christ bless this on Epiphany, January 6. dwelling!” We write this above our doors: You can use chalk or write on paper 20+C+M+B+22. The first and last numbers and hang it above your doorframe. refer to the current year. Bags of chalk will be available at the Sponsor a Dinner Cathedral on Sunday, January 2, by the for Our EYC! activity bags in the Narthex. Here is the One way to support our growing prayer to accompany the chalking: youth group is to sponsor a dinner God of Light, bless our home. on a Sunday night. The meal can be Bless all who come and go through this homemade, store-bought, or delivery. door, both those who live here and those There are usually 12 to 14 people with who visit. no known food allergies. Favorites are May all who enter through this door soup and salad, tacos or nachos, and come in peace and find love and light. pasta of any kind. If you’d like more May the love and joy in this home over- information, or to sign up, please flow and spread. contact Michelle Thomas (mthomas@ Christ has come to dwell in this home spcathedral.com). and in these hearts. Amen.
January 2022 Page 17 return to Page 1 Around the Cathedral Merry and Bright Don Fritz, Phillip Ketchum, Doug Hansen, wilderness will Members of the Friends of St. Aelred Tim Snyder, Rob Pinion, Meg Banitch, and provide us with enjoyed a Christmas social at Doc Ford’s Ellen Alexander. The Church remembers St. the opportunity Rum Bar and Grille at the St. Pete Pier on Aelred (1109-1167) on January 12: abbot of to refine our own December 8. From lower left: BJ Scarbor- the important Abbey of Rievaulx, scholar, discipleship and ough, Roberta Poellein, Jack MacInnis, Cliff and advocate of the joy of spiritual friend- discover once Lamb, Peter Yelton, Beth Snyder, Al Carrico, ship, human and divine. again what it means to follow Christ—and in February Quiet Day Will Lead Us doing so, take our ‘Into the Wilderness’ Christian vocation Feeling caught up in the clamor and of living in the haste of life and find yourself breathless poem of creation more joyously and gener- and spent? Sensing the need to step away ously, as if we have come out of a desert. from things for a day? Curious to try on a Doors open at 9:30 a.m. for continental period of contemplation and reflection? breakfast. We’ll begin at 10 a.m. and con- Our Quiet Day will provide an opportunity clude at 2 p.m. to stroll in the stillness of God’s presence. You can sign up at spcathedral.org/ The Rev. Canon Richard Norman, our quiet-day. There is a $5 charge, payable at diocesan Canon to the Ordinary, will lead the door, for snacks, lunch, and materials. our annual Quiet Day on Saturday, February All are welcome! Please invite your friends 5, with the theme, “Into the Wilderness.” from other congregations to join us. During our time together, through art and scripture, we will join Christ during his 40 days in the wilderness. Dwelling in the continued on page 18
January 2022 Page 18 return to Page 1 Around the Cathedral Another Very Successful Giving Tree There’s a bonus work day on January 8. continued from page 17 Your generosity helped make Christmas Come to the farm to help plant a fruit tree 2021 brighter for the families at Resur- forest on the back of the property. Mango, rection House, students at Campbell Park avocado, guava, fig, loquat, and more will Check Your Blood Pressure be ready for planting. Please come if you Elementary School, and children served by Our faith community nurse, Rita Sewell, are able to help dig a hole and celebrate Brighter Seasons for Children. R.N., will hold her monthly blood pressure this long-awaited day. With 75 households sponsoring one or clinic from 9 to 10 a.m. Sunday, January more children and the Cathedral Outreach 2, in the Library. Come get checked out Committee’s contribution, we were able to and ask any other questions you may have provide gifts for 88 individuals at our spon- January Zoom Class: about health and well-being. Rita is there The Patriarchs sored institutions. the first Sunday of every month. You can We provided toys, games, clothing, art Patriarchs: January 4 through February 8 also hear her speak on “Healthy Congrega- supplies, dolls, books, learning games, and Led by Canon Ethan Cole tions” at the 9 a.m. formation hour on Sun- so much more. Christmas was merrier for 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays via Zoom day, January 23, about physical, emotional, many, thanks to your help. Register at spcathedral.org/adults and spiritual health at the Cathedral. We are blessed to have such a caring and giving congregation! In this second installment of the Genesis Bible study we will read and discuss God’s engagement with the family of Abraham, Dig in the Dirt, Plant a Fruit Forest: Isaac, and Jacob. Stories that we will con- Work Days at Benison Farm sider: Abraham’s call, Hagar and Ishmael, 9-11 a.m. Saturday, January 22 and Jacob wrestling with the stranger by 2920 26th Ave. S the ford of the Jabbok, among others. All ages are invited to join us for monthly There will be a two-week study to follow work days on the farm. Come out to learn where we read the story of Joseph and his more, dig in the dirt and play with the brothers. chickens! Visit spcathedral.org/community for details. continued on page 19
January 2022 Page 19 return to Page 1 Around the Cathedral our sponsored puppy, Faith, focused on the Patronal Festival Marks continued from page 18 wondrous bond being developed between Confession of St. Peter Faith and her puppy raiser, Rick. We will observe our Patronal Festival on Now we learn that she is living up to Sunday, January 23 — the Confession of St. Our Guide Dog Is Thriving, and her perfect name and is even more at- Peter. Bonding with Her Puppy Raiser tached to Rick. This is the day we recognize the im- Your Outreach Committee’s last “Pup- As reported, “Rick jokes that this grow- portance of our namesake, St. Peter. We Date” from Southeastern Guide Dogs on ing girl has hundreds of pounds of person- read the story of ality packed into one medium-sized body!” his confession, or Friendly and curious, she loves playdates acknowledgment, of with two pups in her puppy-raiser group. Jesus as the Messiah Rick applies the principles of positive and celebrate our reinforcement in helping Faith learn good community of the manners so necessary in the development Cathedral Church of of a well-behaved future working dog. She St. Peter. is rewarded for her ability to focus and now The Gospel lesson understands what is allowed and what isn’t. that day (Matthew Our reporter says, “Whether walking 16:13-19) portrays with a loose leash, carefully navigating Peter as the first to stairs, or showing good manners at door- see who Jesus re- ways, this girl’s got skills!” She is developing ally is: “You are the good impulse control or self-control and is Messiah, the Christ, said to be a great pupil. the Son of the Living In the final words of this report, “Faith is God.” Jesus praises on top of her game in learning with Rick, and Peter and vows to to her, it’s fun! Whether she is busy learn- build his church “on ing, playing, or simply relaxing with her best friend, Faith is on her way to success.” continued on page 20
January 2022 Page 20 return to Page 1 Around the Cathedral white and her white esan Race and Reconciliation Committee, continued from page 19 husband knows noth- is required for lay and ordained leaders ing of her past. Their including clergy, staff, vestries, and heads of paths and their daugh- diocesan committees and boards. this rock,” a play on words. Peter’s name in ters’ intersect over the The training covers historical racism and Greek is Petros, and the Greek word petra years. The Vanishing personal racist tendencies and actions. It means rock. Half explores the in- equips participants to bring about racial The Roman Catholic Church interprets tricacies of identity, healing and to make institutions and cul- this statement as referring to Peter, the family, and race in a tures less racist. individual, as the first pope. The Protestant provocative but com- For more information or to register: Church interprets it to mean that God will passionate way. https://tinyurl.com/2p8dy528 Additional build Christian community upon the confes- Goodreads, the training sessions will be scheduled through- sion, the acknowledgment of Jesus as the website for readers and book recommenda- out the year. Messiah by each member of the priesthood tions, named The Vanishing Half its best of all believers (1 Peter 2:9). historical fiction title for 2020. HBO is de- Ways to Celebrate Martin Luther veloping a limited series based on the book. King Jr. Day in St. Petersburg Book Club Will Discuss a Story of E-mail Roberta Poellein for the Zoom link (rplln37@gmail.com). No need to have read Music Festival at Albert Whitted Park at Race, Identity, and Family 11 a.m. on Saturday, January 15. To meet the book; our lively discussion may encour- St. Peter’s Book Club begins the new with others from St. Peter’s, contact Betsy age you to do so! year with a discussion of The Vanishing Half Adams (betsygadams@icloud.com). by Britt Bennett. They meet via Zoom at Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 25. Diocese Offers Training to Interfaith Service, at 3:30-4:30 p.m. on Separated as teenagers, the light- Dismantle Racism Sunday, January 16, at St. Jude’s Catholic skinned Vignes twins lead different lives. The first six-hour session of training to Cathedral, 5815 Fifth St. N, St. Petersburg. Desiree lives with her dark-skinned hus- dismantle racism will be held January 15 via Masks are requested. To join other pa- band in the small Southern home town Zoom starting at 8:30 a.m., the Diocese of rishioners from St. Peter’s, contact Karen she once tried to escape. Stella lives in Southwest Florida has announced. Amundrud (amundrudk@yahoo.com). Southern California, where she passes for This new program, created by the dioc-
January 2022 Page 21 return to Page 1 Saints Among Us First in an occasional series about holy She revived their native crafts as a covered with a thatched roof of palmetto women and holy men who model for us source of income. She promoted health, leaves.) the rich diversity of calling and discipleship nutrition, and education. And she minis- The Great Spirit watches over all of us. within the church. tered to them in a way that made sense in He feeds us and leads us to the waters of the context of their way of life and beliefs. comfort. Deaconess of the Everglades Here is her version of the 23rd Psalm. (A When we walk in the shadow of death, Cared for the Marginalized in chickee is an open, four-sided structure we need fear no bad things. Southwest Florida The love and mercy of the Great Spirit On January 8 the Church remembers will be with us all our lives and we Blessed Harriet Bedell, a modern-day saint will always be welcome in the Great who ministered here in Southwest Florida. Chickee. Deaconess Bedell (1875-1969) spent the It is no surprise that the Miccosukee came early years of her ministry in Oklahoma and to call her Inkoshopie — woman who prays. Alaska (where she made her rounds via dog- Blessed Harriet was a deaconess, an sled), and the last 30 years near Naples as order of ministry that no longer exists. It she worked among the poorest of the poor, was limited to women who made a lifetime the Miccosukee and Seminole Indians. commitment and agreed never to marry She focused on restoring respect, dig- and to serve without compensation. They nity, and empowerment to the indigenous were “set apart” rather than ordained, people of the Everglades, who had been hence neither really laity nor clergy. ignored or exploited by rapacious develop- She was no fool, this deaconess of the ers and government officials. The men were Everglades. When a Collier County develop- reduced to wrestling alligators to amuse er saw her coming, he’d scoot out the back tourists for tips. “This is like animals in a Blessed Harriet Bedell. The ministry was zoo,” she told her bishop, appalled. Episcopalian; the souvenirs were not! continued on page 22
January 2022 Page 22 return to Page 1 Blessed Harriet Bedell and devotion to our God. New Book Study Is Forming: continued from page 21 Watch a video biography of Blessed Har- When’s the Best Time? riet Bedell at https://vimeo.com/34722844 The Cathedral will offer a four-week door because he knew she wouldn’t leave book study and discussion on The Church until she got what she wanted. At diocesan Cracked Open by the Rev. Canon Stephanie conventions people would hide behind pil- New Sacred Ground Circle Spellers, canon to the Presiding Bishop for lars to avoid her, and no one would escape Is Forming evangelism, reconciliation, and creation. without an assignment. “People thought Sacred Ground is a film- and readings- We seek your input on when to hold this I was stubborn and bossy. I was firm and based dialogue series on race, grounded in study. Please e-mail Hillary Peete (hpeete@ single-minded,” Deaconess Bedell said. faith. It is part of Becoming Beloved Com- spcathedral.com) or visit spcathedral. “Who wouldn’t be when you’re working for munity, The Episcopal Church’s long-term org/adults to indicate your interest in a God?” commitment to racial healing, reconcilia- Wednesday evening in-person group (pot- Today a conference room at diocesan tion, and justice in our personal lives, our luck and study from 6 to 7:30 p.m.) or a headquarters in Parrish is named for this ministries, and our society. Thursday afternoon group from noon to 1 saint, and a chapel, a mural, and a me- A new Sacred Ground circle will meet p.m. in person. morial garden are dedicated to her at St. from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. starting Sometimes it takes disruption and loss Mark’s in Marco Island, the closest church January 20, a combination of Zoom and to break us open and call us home to God. to where she served. in-person meetings at St. Thomas Episcopal In this critical yet loving book, the author Blessed Harriet dedicated her life to Church on Snell Isle. Additional meeting explores the American story and the Episco- serving the forgotten and the marginalized, dates are February 3 and 17, March 3 and pal story in order to find out how communi- creating a Beloved Community where all 17, April 14 and 28, and May 5 and 19. ties steeped in racism, establishment, and are welcomed, respected and loved. To register, or for more information, privilege can at last fall in love with Jesus, “Put God first,” she said. “It’s like work- please contact Bill Barns (williambarns@ walk humbly with the most vulnerable, and ing the frame of a jigsaw puzzle. Everything cox.net) at (757) 646-5146 or Misty Landers embody beloved community in our own else falls into place.” (mistylanders@gmail.com) at (479) 445- broken but beautiful way. Learn more at Her biographer says she “played all of 8052. Visit https://www.spcathedral.org/ https://churchcrackedopen.com life in the key of C Major.” May we all sing beloved-community for more information her song of faith, loving service to others, about Sacred Ground.
January 2022 Page 23 return to Page 1 January Transitions Birthdays Anniversaries 1 David Hill 9 Todd Llewellyn 17 Randy Ramsey 7 Roger & Sydney Pine 23 Steve Buyens & 1 Hank Sharp 9 George Gramling III 18 Michael Plahs 7 Michelle & Lauren Durst 2 Anslee Long 10 Maggie Burnsed Shawn Thomas 26 Tom Walker & 19 Lacey Hodgson 2 Cameron Katzel 10 Emily Fasan 19 Jillian McCoy 13 Earl & Jean Beshears Wil Laroche 4 Rick Knight 10 Dana Green 19 Albert Edgemon 21 Bob & Averill Summer 4 David Hanks 11 Camille Knight 19 Kelly Casey 6 Addyson Sylvester 12 Keeley Lawner 20 Alex Ramsey 6 Lucy Bond 14 Betty Shamas 21 James Parker 7 Katelyn Hancock 15 Mark Campbell 21 Scott Nye 7 Ellen Alexander 23 Don Wright 7 Jenny Koester 16 Bethia Caffery 7 Banner Clark 16 Roberta Poellein 24 Jillian Gairing 16 Milo Burnsed 24 Madison Hancock 8 Sarah Howlett 16 Ann Meuse 8 Mike Robbins 25 Jan Strimer 16 Caleb Knight 8 Fay Mackey 26 Marcy Crosby 17 Ginny Rowell 26 James Knight 9 Michael Lyons 27 George Wilsey 27 Lillyanne Wain-Nye If you’d like to receive Crosstown 28 Paul Bonneau electronically, please send an e-mail 29 Laurel Greene to agorton@spcathedral.com 31 Lela Garnett Deaths asking us to put you on 31 Liam Dunn George Gramling Jean Macias our electronic mailing list. 31 Averill Summer
St. Peter’s: A Guide At the foot of the cross in downtown St. Petersburg Getting in Touch: Our Worship Schedule Office: 140 Fourth St. N, 33701 CATHEDRAL CLOSED on Sunday, January 9: See Page 2. Mailing address: P.O. Box 1581, St. Petersburg, FL 33731-1581 Sunday, 8 a.m., Holy Eucharist Rite I and sermon Sunday, 10:15 a.m., Holy Eucharist Rite II and sermon Telephone: Wednesday, 12:05 p.m., Holy Eucharist (727) 822-4173 Second Sunday, 7 p.m., Chanted Compline (through April) E-mail: Web site: spcathedral@spcathedral.com www.spcathedral.org Fourth Sunday, 5 p.m., Choral Evensong (through April; no Evensong in December) Masks are encouraged at all worship services and indoor gath- Diocesan leadership: erings but are not mandatory. The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith, Bishop Sunday services at 10:15 a.m. can be viewed on Facebook or at The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman, Canon to the Ordinary spcathedral.org/worship-live-stream, where the order of service can be downloaded. Our clergy and senior staff: The Very Rev. Stephen B. Morris, Dean If you have a pastoral emergency after hours, The Rev. Canon Ethan J. Cole, Canon for Congregational Life please call (727) 822-4173 ext. 1 to speak to The Rev. Canon Brandon Peete, Canon for Hospitality a member of the clergy. The Rev. Canon Dr. Thomas Williams, Canon Theologian Mr. Dwight M. Thomas, Canon for Music and Precentor Crosstown is the online newsletter of the people of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, published monthly for members, friends, and supporters. Editor, The Rev. Scott Nonken, Deacon Judy Stark (JudyStark@yahoo.com), Associate Editor, Mary W. Matthews The Right Rev. Barry R. Howe, Bishop in Residence (MotherMary@extremelysmart.com). Next deadline: January 15, 2022.
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