2019 Print online eVentS - elektroboerse-smarthouse.de - weka fachmedien

Page created by Armando Reyes
2019 Print online eVentS - elektroboerse-smarthouse.de - weka fachmedien

                              M e d i a G U IDE

                              Print   online   E V ENT S
                                           ●     ●

                                           v     v
                                           w     w   Online
2019 Print online eVentS - elektroboerse-smarthouse.de - weka fachmedien
              Carolin Schlüter                            Christine Gässler                            Tiffany Dinges
              Sales Director                              Dipl.-Kff.                                   Sales                              Ad s ca re er ma rk
              Phone +49 89 25556-1573                     Key Account Managerin                        Phone +49 89 25556-1363            Hotline +49 89 25556-1
              cschlueter@weka-fachmedien.de                                                                                               stellenanzeigen@elekt
                                                          Phone +49 89 25556-1308                      tdinges@weka-fachmedien.de                               roboerse-smarthouse.de

    Editorial office                                                                          Publishing house manager

              Peter Wintermayr                            Cornelia Meier                               Peter Eberhard
              Editor-in-chief (V.i.S.d.P.)                Editor                                       Publishing house manager
              Phone +49 89 25556-1310                     Phone +49 89 25556-1391                      Phone +49 89 25556-1385
              pwintermayr@weka-fachmedien.de              cmeier@weka-fachmedien.de                    peberhard@weka-fachmedien.de

              Jeanette Blaukat                           Rosi Böhm                                     Uschi Wittmann                          Antje Kien
              Disposition print ads                      Assistenz                                     Database Management                     Database Management
              TPhone +49 89 25556-1014                   Phone +49 89 25556-1307                       Phone +49 89 25556-1847                 Phone +49 89 25556-1065
              jblaukat@weka-fachmedien.de                Fax    +49 89 25556-1670                      uwittmann@weka-fachmedien.de            akien@weka-fachmedien.de

              Veronika Stockmayr                          Nelli Schulz                                 Teresa Manuri                           Stefan Buchner
              Disposition banners                         Disposition customized newsletter            Disposition newsletter ads              Disposition newsletter ads
              Phone +49 89 25556-1490                     Phone +49 89 25556-1483                      Phone +49 89 25556-1482                 Phone +49 89 25556-1481
              vstockmayr@weka-fachmedien.de               nschulz@weka-fachmedien.de                   tmanuri@weka-fachmedien.de              sbuchner@weka-fachmedien.de

              Corina Prell                               Julia Hecker
              Sales Manager Events                       Disposition banners                          address for advertising material:
              Phone +49 89 25556-1393                    Phone +49 89 25556-1475                     werbemittel@weka-fachmedien.de
              cprell@weka-fachmedien.de                  jhecker@weka-fachmedien.de

2                   Richard-Reitzner-Allee 2 · 85540 Haar · Telefon +49 89 25556-1308 · Fax +49 89 25556-1670 · media@elektroboerse-smarthouse.de
2019 Print online eVentS - elektroboerse-smarthouse.de - weka fachmedien
Media portrait

                                                                                                      media portrait                                                         1
     1 	Title:                  elektrobörse smarthouse                                                 11 Publisher:              -
     2 Characteristics:         There is much potential to electrician trade due to great technical     12 	Advertising:           Christine Gässler
                                development and rising market needs. elektrobörse smarthouse                                       Sales Director
                                offers well-grounded information and proficient coverage about          			                        Phone: +49 89 25556-1308
                                electric installation, intelligent building technology, building                                   cgaessler@weka-fachmedien.de
                                automation, technical lighting and renewable energies, safety
                                                                                                        13 	Editorial office:      Peter Wintermayr
                                technology. The reporting is supplemented by industry information
                                                                                                                                   E-Mail: pwintermayr@weka-fachmedien.de
                                and interviews on current topics.

     3 	Target group:           Electrician trade
     4 Publication frequency: 13 issues (including special issues)                                      14 	Editorial to advertising ratio: 2017 = 12 issues*
     5 Format:                  A4                                                                      		 total pages:                                630 pages =   100%
     6 Volume:                  71th volume 2019                                                        		 editorial content                           531 pages = 84.29%
                                                                                                        			       advertising content                   99 pages = 15.71%
     7 Subscription rates:      Domestic subscription:€ 50.00
                                (incl. special issues)                                                  			       of which

    			                         Overseas subscription: € 62.00                                          15 	Editorial content analysis             531 pages = 100%
                                (incl. special issues)
                                                                                                        		editorial content per topic                  473 pages = 89.08%
    			                         bus-guide only                                                          			      operating                               32 pages = 6.03%
                                Domestic subscription€ 15.00                                            			      industry news, trade fairs             106pages = 19.96%
                                Overseas subscription€ 19.00                                            			      electroinstallation                     57 pages = 10.73%
    			                         Single copy rate:                                                       			      building automation                     88 pages = 16.57%
                                smarthouse		€ 5.00                                                      			      building technology                     43 pages = 8.10%
                                bus-guide		€ 10.00                                                      			      emitters                                 6 pages = 1.13%
                                                                                                        			      lighting                                35 pages = 6.59%
     8 	Organ:                  -
                                                                                                        			      market overviews                        30 pages = 5.65%
     9 Membership:              IVW                                                                     			      products                                61 pages = 11.49%
    10 Publishing house: 		WEKA FACHMEDIEN GmbH                                                         			      renewable energies
                           Richard-Reitzner-Allee 2, 85540 Haar                                         			      (PV, heat pumps, power storage) 15 pages = 2.82%
                           Phone: +49 89 25556-1307                                                     			      others

                                                                                                                                                                             * (incl. bus-guide )
                           www.elektroboerse-smarthouse.de                                              			      (title, editorial, contents, imprint,
                           www.weka-fachmedien.de                                                       			      advertiser index)                       53 pages = 9.98%
                                                                                                        			      technology & trends                      5 pages = 0.94%

2019 Print online eVentS - elektroboerse-smarthouse.de - weka fachmedien
Circulation /
                       distribution /
                       technical data

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Circulation and
                                                                                               media information 2018                                                                              distribution analysis

     Circulation audit:                   *                                                    Structure of the domestic market circulation by Nielsen-areas
                                                                                               (plus distribution Austria and Switzerland)
     Circulation breakdown:        copies per issue/annual average
                                   (July 1st 2017 to June 30th 2018)
     print run:                     25,263
     total circulation:             24,961          abroad:                              165
     sold circulation:                  121         abroad:                                9                                                                                       Rostock                   Nielsen V + VI
     Abonnements:                        32         member copies:                         –                                                                                       6                     12.8 % = 3,170 copies
                                                                                                       Nielsen I
     other sales:                        89
                                                                                                 13.1 % = 3,258 copies
                                                                                                                                                Bremen                                       5
                                                                                                                                                    1                                     Berlin
     controlled circulation:        24,840
     remainder, archive                 302
     and voucher copies:                                                                             Nielsen II                          Muenster

                                                                                               20.8 % = 5,149 copies                        2                                                                  Nielsen VII
                                                                                                                                                                                         7                10.8 % = 2,690 copies
                                                                                                                                                    3a             Erfurt                Dresden
                                                                                                     Nielsen IIIa
                                                                                                14.0 % = 3,468 copies
     Geographic circulation breakdown:                                                                                                                                                                   Nielsen IV
     economic region                                        share of total circulation                                                                                                             16.4 % = 4,056 copies
                                                            %                  copies
                                                                                                          Nielsen IIIb                                                      4
     Germany                                              99.3                  24,796               12.1 % = 3,005 copies
     abroad                                                 0.7                    165
     total circulation                                   100.0                  24,961
                                                                                                  Summary of the survey methodology
                                                                                                  base (domestic total circulation): 24,796=100%
    * except special issues                                                                       period of analysis: July 2018

2019 Print online eVentS - elektroboerse-smarthouse.de - weka fachmedien
media information 2019                                                           Technical data

    Printing technique / completion                                                                    Loose inserts, bound inserts, tip-on ads, CDs
    printing technique: web-fed offset, saddle stitching                                              loose inserts:
                         Paper: 65gr/m² improved LWC                                                   minimum size:            105 x 148 mm
                                                                                                       maximum size:            10 mm smaller than the magazine on each side
    magazine format: 210 mm width x 297 mm height                                                      minimum weight:          150 gsm for single leaf
                       add 5mm per trimmed edge for bleed size                                         maximum weight:          on request
    Type area:       	186 mm width, 260 mm height,                                                    positioning:             best possible
                       4 column (each 43 mm)                                                           loose inserts must be delivered cut and folded and as a finished product and be adapted for
    Place all picture elements (including logos, QR codes) 4 mm from the outer edge.                   mechanical processing
    Files preferably as unseparated individual pages in PDF format V1.3 or V1.4.                       placement possibilities: print run, part of circulation by zip-codes or by qualified addresses
    Exact specifications can be obtained from the following contact persons:                           bound inserts:
                                                                                                       extent:                 4 pages (more on request)
    Janette Blaukat, Disposition print ads, Phone: +49 89 25556-1014,                                  minimum size:           105 x 148 mm
    Fax +49 89 25556-1690, jblaukat@weka-fachmedien.de                                                 maximum size:           format of the magazine
    Address for advertising material: werbemittel@weka-fachmedien.de                                   trimmed pages should have an additional 5 mm on each border to be cut off
    File names should be given as in the example:                                                      minimum weight:         100 gsm for 4-page-products
    Customer name_elboe-smarthouse_issue (for example: Mustermann_elboe_smart-                         Placement only between the different sections.
    house_1_19)                                                                                        bound inserts must be folded and delivered in uncut format and be adapted for mechanical

    Proof:         Content proofs must be delivered in 4c based on the standard ”PSO_LWC_              tip-on ads:
                   Improved_eci.icc” for offset printing.                                              folded products must be close to the gutter and be adapted for mechanical processing,
                   Cover proofs must be delivered in 4c based on the standard ”ISOcoated_v2_           positioning on request
                   eci.icc” for offset printing, unless we may not print your ad.                      placement possibilities: print run and part of circulation of the tip-on inserts by zip codes
                   The appropriate profiles may be downloaded at www.eci.org.                          CDs:
                   Small tonal value deviations are respectively within the tolerance range of the     positioning on request
                   web offset printing. Black tone surfaces are to be underlined with 40 % raster in   Delivery date for loose and bound inserts and tip-on ads:
                   cyan. In case of questions or problems please ask your contact person.              Please ask your contact person.
    FTP access:    on request
                                                                                                       hofmann infocom GmbH, Emmericher Str. 10, 90411 Nuremberg
                                                                                                       Delivery note: please mark clearly: “loose/bound insert CUSTOMER, for elbö_smarthouse
                                                                                                       issue xy/2019“

2019 Print online eVentS - elektroboerse-smarthouse.de - weka fachmedien
Rates 2018,

    Advertising rates no. 14, valid from Jan 1st, 201
                                                                                                 P                      2		Additional charges
                                                                                                                        		 Position:	We charge 10 % of the basic price for requested and confirmed placements
                                                                                                                                              (at least € 200.-)

                                                                                                                        		 Colour:		additional charge for each special colour on request
                                                                                                                        					       prices apply to Euroscale
    1 Advertising formats and rates (in €)
    Format                                    b/w                  2c                3c                 4c              		 Format:		There is no additional charge for trim / printing gutter bleed.
                                                                                                                        3		Discounts              (within a 12 month period, starting from the publication date of first ad)
    1/1 page                                    5.120,-             5.980,-           6.780,-            7.580,-
                                                                                                                        					                     Frequency discount		                Volume discount
    3/4 page vertical                                                                                                     			                     3 or more insertions   5%           3 or more pages     10%
                                                3.850,-             4.690,-           5.510,-            6.290,-
    3/4 page horizontal
                                                                                                                          			                     6 or more insertions 10%            6 or more pages     15%
    A5 (juniorpage)                             2.880,-             3.470,-           3.980,-            4.450,-          			                     9 or more insertions 15%            9 or more pages     20%
    1/2 page vertical                                                                                                     			                     12 or more insertions 20%           12 or more pages    25%
                                                2.560,-             3.090,-           3.590,-            4.080,-
    1/2 page horizontal
    1/3 page vertical                           1.700,-             2.240,-           2.730,-            3.230,-        4		Categories             Business profile:		                 1/4 page EUR 800.-
    1/3 page horizontal
                                                                                                                           			                    only in special issues		            1/2 page EUR 1,275.-
    1/4 page vertical                                                                                                      			                    no discounts		                      1/1 page EUR 2,140.-
    1/4 page horizontal                         1.290,-             1.670,-           2.030,-            2.360,-
    1/4 page 2-column                                                                                                   5		 Special adverts
    1/8 page 2-column                                                                                                   		 more information and rates on page 8
    1/8 page vertical                             640,-                 900,-         1.150,-            1.390,-
    1/8 page horizontal                                                                                                 6		Contact
    logo in market overview (print and online)                                                               390.-      		 Consultation and booking:
    1/4 product ad* (overview)                                                                               690.-      		 Christine Gässler, cgaessler@weka-fachmedien.de, Phone: +49 89 25556-1308
    *Product ads only bookable within defined topics and in layout of elektrobörse smarthouse special issues. No        		 Digital data transfer:
    discounts or agency commission applicable.                                                                          		 Jeanette Blaukat, jblaukat@weka-fachmedien.de, Tel: +49 89 25556-1014
    Online bookable, more informations on page 9, 12-13.
    cover page                                                                                                          7		Terms of payment:
                                                                                                       (no discounts)

    2nd/3rd cover page                                                                                   8,060.-        		 Bank details: HypoVereinsbank München
    4th cover page                                                                                       8,260.-        		 VAT No.: DE 811 190 616
                                                                                                                        		 IBAN: DE37 7002 0270 0035 7049 81
    per mm (1-column)                               5,00                6,20              7,10                7,90      		 SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMMXXX
                                                                                                                        		 2% discount for advance payment within 8 days after date of invoice
    loose insert                                                                                                        		 or net payment within 21 days of invoicing
    loose insert up to 25 g incl. postage                                                                6,125.-
    min. order sum                                                                                         600.-

6   VAT excluded, total circulation: 24,961 copies
2019 Print online eVentS - elektroboerse-smarthouse.de - weka fachmedien
media information 2019                                                                        formats

    Examples for advertising formats

    2/1 pages spread across gutter        2 x 1/2 across gutter                           1/1 page                                               3/4 page horizontal 3/4 page vertical
    width x height                        width x height                                  width x height                                         width x height      width x height
      420 x 297 mm u                        420 x 143 mm u                                  210 x 297 mm u                                         210 x 215 mm u      148 x 297 mm u
      394 x 260 mm                          394 x 128 mm                                    185 x 260 mm                                           185 x 195 mm        136 x 260 mm

    Junior Page       trim size           1/2 page horizontal 1/2 page vertical           1/3 page horizontal 1/3 page vertical                  1/4 page          1/4 page horizontal
     width x height    width x height     width x height      width x height              width x height      width x height                     width x height    width x height
      135 x 190 mm      147 x 210 mm u      210 x 143 mm u      102 x 297 mm u              210 x 110 mm u       72 x 297 mm u                     102 x 143 mm u     54 x 297 mm u
                                            185 x 128 mm         90 x 260 mm                185 x 90 mm          60 x 260 mm                        90 x 128 mm       42 x 260 mm
                                                                                                                                                 1/4 page vertical
                                                                                                                                                 width x height
                                                                                                                                                   210 x 82 mm u
                                                                                                                                                   185 x 62 mm

    1/8 page        1/8 page vertical                                                                                    u trim size: add 5mm per trimmed edge for bleed size
    width x height  width x height
      102 x 82 mm u    54 x 143 mm u
       90 x 62 mm      42 x 128 mm
                    1/8 page horizontal
                    width x height
                      210 x 51 mm u
7                     185 x 31 mm
2019 Print online eVentS - elektroboerse-smarthouse.de - weka fachmedien
Special advertising
                                                                                                                                       forms /

                                                                                                                                         Elektroboerse smarthouse 2017-06_0_001.pdf;S: 1;Format:(210.00 x 297.00 mm);13. Jun 2017 13:17:45

                                                                                  Ausgabe 4 12. April 2018
                                                                                       ZKZ 67 403 - 5 Euro
                                                                                                                  Cover picture                                                                                                                                                           Ausgabe 6 22. Juni 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ZKZ 67 403 - 5 Euro
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Customized Publishing        Loose inserts:
                                                                             elektroboerse-smarthouse.de                                                                                                                                                                           elektroboerse-smarthouse.de

                                                                                                                  format: on request                                                                                                                                                                                                Whether print or On-         including postage up to 25g:
                                                                                                                  rate: € 7,750.-                                                                                                                                                                                                   line, with creativity and    € 6,125.-
                                                                                                                  (no discounts)                                                                                                                                                                                                    competence your requi-       split-run by zip-codes /
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    rements and ideas into       Nielsen area per 1,000:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the right Format. From       € 245.-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the booklet in the desired
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    format, about Advertorial    split-run by qualified
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 addresses per 1,000:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bild: ©FRÄNKISCHE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    pages up to Customer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    magazines.                   € 430.-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Individual. Professional.    minimum order sum:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Targeted.                    € 600.-
                                                                                                                                                   FRÄNKISCHE                                                                                                                                                                                                    further loose inserts
                                                                                                                                                   Neue ServiceS für daS e-HaNdwerk                                                                                                                                                 Price on request
            Smartphone-technik an der hauStür                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    over 25g:
                                                                                                                                                   G eb äu d eau to matio n                                         elek tro instal l at i o n                        l i cht
            L eser Wa h L 20 1 8
            Produkte des Jahres:
            Das sind Ihre Favoriten
                                         eL ek t r omob iLität
                                         Für alle Zwecke: Mit dem
                                         E-Transporter zum Kunden
                                                                    Vielfalt braucht Flexibilität
                                                                                                                                                   Entspannung trifft Hightech:
                                                                                                                                                   KNX in der Hotellerie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Gleich- oder Wechselstrom im
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Modernes Licht
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      in alten Gemäuern                                                                          on request
    document8579559751914404249.indd 1                                                           03.04.18 16:47
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 calculation run:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 25,000 copies

                                                                                                                  Flap                          ❯ trendtag | advertorial                                                                                                                                                            Advertorial
                                                                                                                  format front:                                                        Intelligent nachrüsten                                                                                                                       format: 210 x 297 mm
                                                                                                                  105 x 297 mm                                                         Vernetzung ist eines der spannendsten Themen im Markt. Dabei rückt vor allem die
                                                                                                                                                                                       nachträgliche Vernetzung in den Fokus. Denn auch Bestandsimmobilien sollen in den
                                                                                                                                                                                       Genuss der hilfreichen Technik kommen. Dafür sind Systeme gefragt, die diese Nachrüstung                                                     with 5 mm bleed:
                                                                                                                                                                                       ohne große Umbaumaßnahmen und mit unkomplizierter Installation ermöglichen.

                                                                                                                  Format inside:                                                                                                                                                                                                    218 x 305 mm
                                                                                                                                                                                       Genau diesen Ansatz verfolgt frogblue, ein junges Münchner Unternehmen, dessen
                                                                                                                                                                                       Systemlösung mit Bluetooth LE funktioniert.

                                                                                                                                                                                       Ob Wohn- oder Gewerbeimmobilie, am Thema intel-              vornehmen. Für die Einrichtung wird keine auf der Bau-

                                                                                                                  105 x 238 mm                                                         ligenter Gebäudetechnik kommt keiner vorbei. Auch
                                                                                                                                                                                       wenn immer noch viele Neubauten entstehen, liegt das
                                                                                                                                                                                       eigentliche Potenzial des Marktes bei den Bestandsge-
                                                                                                                                                                                       bäuden. Alleine im Bereich der Wohnbauten sprechen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    stelle vorhandene Internetverbindung vorausgesetzt,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    einzig Strom muss vorhanden sein.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Frogs und Cubes                                                                 rate: on request
                                                                                                                                                                                       wir von mehr als 40 Millionen Häusern und Wohnungen          Basiskomponenten sind die »Frogs« zur Montage in der
                                                                                                                                                                                       in Deutschland. Doch auch im Gewerbebau müssen               tiefen Unterputzdose. Sie werden einfach hinter vor-
                                                                                                                                                                                       sich Bestandsimmobilien gegen die Flut an Neubauten          handenen Schaltern bzw. Tastern montiert, mit diesen
                                                                                                                                                                                       profilieren, und wie ginge das besser, als mit intelligen-   verbunden und funktionieren schon ohne weitere Pro-

                                                                                                                  rate: on request
                                                                                                                                                                                       ter Gebäudetechnik. Nachrüstsysteme sind da die per-         grammierung »Out of the Box«. Die Frogs bieten Schalt-
                                                                                                                                                                                       fekte Lösung, denn sie erlauben eine Aufwertung ohne         oder Dimmfunktionen und steuern Jalousien und Roll-
                                                                                                                                                                                       aufwendige Umbauten. Doch auch für die Mieter selbst         laden. Sie lassen sich mit wenigen Arbeitsschritten per
                                                                                                                                                                                       sind Systeme wie das von frogblue optimal, denn für          Smartphone zu Gruppen zusammenschalten bzw. auch
                                                                                                                                                                                       ihren Einsatz braucht man keine Zustimmung des Ver-          von Tastern an anderen Aktoren steuern. Zeitsteuerun-
                                                                                                                                                                                       mieters. Sie lassen sich beim Umzug wieder ausbauen.         gen, wie sie in Treppenhäusern benötigt werden, oder
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    langsames Auf- bzw. Abdimmen lassen sich in der
                                                                                                                                                                                       Bluetooth – die clevere alternative                          App (iOS, Android) vom Fachmann konfigurieren – es
                                                                                                                                                                                       Warum Bluetooth? Weil es ein Weltstandard in Sachen          wird keine zusätzliche, zentrale Intelligenz benötigt.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Kommunikation ist. 30.000 Hersteller weltweit, 10 Mil-           »Cubes« sind die Erweiterungen des Systems, bei-
                                                                                                                                                                                       liarden Geräte, die Bluetooth verwenden – das spricht        spielsweise in Form von Displays, Bewegungsmeldern
                                                                                                                                                                                       für sich. Unter Hausvernetzungs-Aspekten ist es vor          oder PinCode-Tastaturen. Sie übernehmen die Visua-
                                                                                                                                                                                       allem die kürzlich eingeführte MESH-Erweiterung, die         lisierung und Steuerung, wenn das Smartphone mal
                                                                                                                                                                                       Bluetooth zum unschlagbaren Partner in Sachen Ver-           nicht zu Hand ist. Dank integriertem WLAN übernimmt
                                                                                                                                                                                       netzung macht. Denn bei dieser werden Befehle von            das Display auch die Kommunikation mit der Umwelt
                                                                                                                                                                                       Komponente zu Komponente weitergesendet, bis sie             und ermöglicht so den Fernzugriff.
                                                                                                                                                                                       den richtigen Adressaten erreichen.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Für damit befasste Betriebe wie auch Kunden bedeu-        Perfekt skalierbar
                                                                                                                                                                                       tet Bluetooth zudem, dass keine speziellen Geräte an-        Neben der unkomplizierten Nachrüstung ist es vor allem
                                                                                                                                                                                       geschafft werden müssen. Ein Smartphone oder Tablet          die Skalierbarkeit, die das System für die Nachrüstung
                                                                                                                                                                                       reicht – schon kann der Elektriker die Programmierung        von Bestandsbauten prädestiniert. Im Gewerbebau
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    lassen sich beispielsweise einzelne Einheiten »im lau-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    fenden Betrieb« modernisieren. Auch die Funktionen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    lassen sich unabhängig voneinander realisieren: Soll nur
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    die Lichtsteuerung automatisiert werden? Die Verschat-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    tung mit einbezogen werden? Ganz nebenbei lassen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    sich noch elektrische Verbrauchsdaten erfassen und

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bound inserts:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    auswerten. Auch präsenzabhängige Steuerungen sind
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    mit wenigen Handgriffen programmiert und helfen so,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    die Betriebskosten zu optimieren.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Im privaten Wohnbereich löst frogblue die Proble-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (including postage)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    matik, dass die Umrüstung zum Smart Home oft von
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    aufwendigen Umbauarbeiten begleitet wurde. Natürlich
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    gibt es auch andere Funklösungen, doch im Vergleich
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    zu diesen kommt das System ohne »Zentralintelligenz«
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    aus, der Kunde kann also mit nur einem Frog starten
                                                                                                                                                                      Bild: frogblue

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    und seine Lösung dann Schritt für Schritt ausbauen.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2 pages		€ 5,625.-

                                                                                                                                                66                                                                                                                         elektrobörse             7-8.2018

                                                                                                                                         document6102326875088605737.indd 66                                                                                                   elektrobörse           1.2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         10.07.18           14:06                                4 pages		€ 8,250.-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 8 pages		€ 13,750.-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 12 pages		€ 19,375.-
    Delivery address for loose and bound inserts:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                further bound inserts on request

    hofmann infocom GmbH, Emmericher Str. 10, 90411 Nuremberg                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    calculation run: 25,000 copies
    Delivery note: please mark clearly: “loose/bound insert CUSTOMER, for elbö_smarthouse issue xy/2019
8   Technical data see page 5
2019 Print online eVentS - elektroboerse-smarthouse.de - weka fachmedien
media informationen 2019                                                                                                                                                                   special issue

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MESSESPIEG EL ❮

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WEKA Fachmedien GmbH
                                                                                                                                              WEKA Fachmedien GmbH

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                             ann              GmbH                                                                                                Unternehmen / Firma GmbH

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2019 Print online eVentS - elektroboerse-smarthouse.de - weka fachmedien
Date / topics
                                                                                                           special issues

                                                                                                                 Main topics and product news
     Issue     Date
                                                                                                    building                                   renewable          specials with           market           trade fair
                                operating         electro­installation     building­automation                              lighting
                                                                                                    technology                                 energies           inside cover page       overview         previews

                              test &              sockets and              energy management        door stations and       street lighting,                      What challenge          fire and smoke   elektrotechnik*
                              measurement         power distribution       and                      door communi-           lighting                              brings the IP techno-   detectors        13.-15.02.2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                           *traid fair newsletter

               PD: 07.02.2019 for electrical      smart home               analysis systems         cation                  for the                               logy for
               AD: 20.12.2018 installation                                                                                  smart city                            the electrician?
               DE 10.01.2019

                                workshop equip-   junction boxes,          trends in motion         roller shutter, blind   light manage-      smart grid,smart                           Cables and wires eltefa*
                                ment and tools    cable ducts              and presence detectors   control                 ment, lighting     metering,                                                   20.-22.03.2019
               PD: 14.03.2019
                                                  etc.                                                                      control, DALI                                                                  *traid fair newsletter

               AD: 25.02.2019
                                                                           Smart-Home-Server and
               DE: 08.02.2019

                              software for        lightning and overvoltage climate control         Emergency call and      Corridor and                          winner                                   *products of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           year 2019
               PD: 11.04.2019 electrical trade    protection; fire protection, and sun protection   reporting systems       emergency                             products
                                                                                                                                                                                                           special n
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ­ ewsletter
                                                  residual current and minia-                                               lighting                              of the

               AD: 25.03.2019
               DE: 08.03.2019                     ture circuit breakers                             Fire and                Energy Efficient                      year 2019
                                                                                                    smoke alarms            lighting

                              commercial          electromobility:         building security        alarm systems           industrial lighting solar modules,                            components and Intersolar*
                              vehicles and fa-    charging stations,       and access control       surveillance                                Inverter,                                 systems for    15.-17.05.2019
               PD: 09.05.2019
                              cilities            wallboxes etc.                                    cameras,                                    battery storage                           photovoltaics  *traid fairnewsletter

               AD: 17.04.2019
                                                                                                    video surveillance
               DE: 05.04.2019

                                   Products and solutions, practice and technology around the building bus systems available on the market such as KNX, LON, LCN,                         KNX products     * bus-guide
     guide 1

               PD: 18.06.2019                     eNet, Bluetooth, EnOcean, digitalSTROM, ZigBee and other standardized and proprietary systems.                                                           special newsletter

               AD: 17.05.2019                                  The bus-guide is the official organ of KNX-Professionals Deutschland e. V.
               DE: 03.05.2019

                                                  cables and wires         control panels,          Fire and                smart lighting                        shortage of skilled     switches and     Sicherheitsexpo*
               PD: 19.06.2019                     for electrical instal-   input devices            smoke alarms                                                  workers: what the       connectors       26.-27.06.2019

               AD: 28.05.2019                     lation                                                                                                          employers must do to                     *traid fair newsletter
               DE: 17.05.2019                                                                                                                                     keep employees                                         inclusive
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Copytest
workshop equip-                 lightning and surge pro- power distri-        IP and network     outdoor lightning   planning software                              operating terminals IFA 2019*

                   PD: 18.07.2019 ment and tools                  tection; fire protection, bution              technology                             for solar systemsn                                                 06.09.-11.09.2019
                   AD: 01.07.2019                                 residual current and line                                                                                                                               *traid fair news-
                   DE: 14.06.2019                                 circuit breakers                                                                                                                                        letter

                                  test &                          underfloor installati-     ambient assisted   carbon monoxi-     lighting design                          Human Centric Lighting: Measuring           efa*
                   ED: 05.09.2019 measurement                     on: junction boxes,        living: comfort    de and heat de-    Software                                 What‘s behind all this? instruments for the 18.-20.09.2019

                   AD: 19.08.2019 for electrical                  connection units,          into old age       tectors, leakage                                                                    electrician         *traid fair news-
                   DE: 02.08.2019 installation                    cable routing, etc.                           Sensors etc.                                                                                            letter

                                            The new „bus-guide product News 2019“ is the annual shopping guide that gives the reader an overview of the most                                          KNX- products

                   PD: 02.10.2019

                                             interesting and innovative products of the year in the field of building automation (KNX, LON, LCN, eNet, Bluetooth,

                   AD: 04.09.2019          EnOcean, digitalSTROM, ZigBee). The reporting is rounded off by a market overview on the subject of KNX products. The
                   DE: 18.07.2019                                    bus-guide is the official organ of KNX-Professionals Deutschland e. V.

                                          electric                Operating elements:        Smart Home         alarm systems      Human Centric       smart solar tech-                              door communi-
                                          vehicles for the        switches, push but-        Server and gate-                      Lighting (HCL)      nology                                         cation
                                          trades                  tons, Radio systems        ways               Surveillance
                   PD: 04.10.2019

                                                                  etc.                                          cameras, video
                   AD: 13.09.2019
                                                                                             Building secu-     surveillance
                   DE: 26.08.2019
                                                                  Sockets and                rity and access
                                                                  Energy distribution in     control
                                                                  the smart home
                                            In the special issue „Light“ of the elektrobörse smarthouse we highlight the current trends and technical developments                                    LED lightning      * light
                   PD: 06.11.2019

                                            in indoor, outdoor, industrial and street lighting. Tips, tricks and practical examples from the planner‘s and electrician‘s                                                 special newsletter

                   AD: 08.10.2019
                                           point of view round off the coverage: Smart Lighting, Light & Sensor Technology, Human Centric Lighting (HCL), Lighting
                   DE: 23.09.2019
                                                            Control, DALI, Industrial Lighting, Shop Lighting, Lighting Planning, Lighting Management.
                                          software for the        Connection techno-         Drives and con-    Door stations      shop lighting                            Smart security techno-    Motion and pre-
                                          electrical trade        logy: box terminals,       trols for the      and door com-                                               logy: alarm systems,      sence detectors
                   PD: 07.11.2019                                 couplings,                 building           munication                                                  fire protection, access

                   AD: 17.10.2019                                 Connectors etc.                                                                                           control and video sur-
                   DE: 11.10.2019                                                                               Multimedia and                                              veillance
                                                                                                                multi-room sys-
                                                                  Structural fire            Radio-based buil- Energy-efficient    outdoor lightning   Energy analysis      readers‘ vote:                               *products of the
                                                                  protection                 ding automation building tech-                            systems for solar    product of                                   year special news-
                   PD: 12.12.2019                                                                              nology                                  systems              the year                                     letter

                   AD: 25.11.2019                                 Underfloor                 Trends in motion                                                               2020
                   DE: 08.11.2019                                 installation: junction     and presence de-                                                                                                                        Inklusive
                                                                  boxes, connection          tectors                                                                                                                               Eye-Tracking
                                                                  units, cable ducts, etc.
     Subject to alterations                                                                                                                                                           *information about all newsletters see page 32
     PD = publication date; AD= ad closing date; DE = Deadline for editorial contents

Date / topics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     special issues

     Ausgabe 1 | 08. Mai 2019 | ZKZ 67 403 | 10 Euro | elektroboerse-smarthouse.de                                                                                                         official organ of                          The special issue bus-guide covers all topics about the bus systems KNX,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      LON, LCN and other proprietary systems available on the market.It shows
                                                                                                                Offizielles Organ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      system integrators how to use modern bus systems in building system
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Practical professional articles and product news make the bus-guide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a high-quality information source for the work routine leading to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      “intelligent building“. The bus-guide is official organ of KNX-Profession-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      als-Deutschland e.V.
                                                                                     Elektroboerse smarthouse SH 2017-02_0_001_NEU.pdf;S: 1;Format:(210.00 x 297.00 mm);09. Aug 2017 15:57:15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The special issue bus-guide is published twice a year.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ausgabe 2 18. August 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ZKZ 67 403 - 10 Euro

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       bus-guide 1/2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Erscheinungstermin:                               08.05.2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Anzeigenschluss:                                  09.04.2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Einsendeschluss für Pressemitteilungen:           26.03.2018

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       bus-guide 2/2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Erscheinungstermin:                               31.10.2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Anzeigenschluss:                                  02.10.2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Einsendeschluss für Pressemitteilungen:           17.09.2018

                                                              2019                                                                                                                                                                    Produktanzeigen (Übersicht) zu folgenden Themen sind möglich:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      · Schalter/Taster
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      · Smart-Home-Server/Gateways
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      · Türkommunikation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      · Videoüberwachung
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      · Jalousieantriebe
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Offizielles Organ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      · Brand-/Rauchwarnmelder
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      · Präsenz-/Bewegungsmelder
                                                                                             EIN SMART HOME, DAS MITWÄCHST                                                                                                            · Wetterstationen
                                                                                             E L E K T R OI N STAL L AT I ON               GE B ÄUDE AUT OM AT I ON                      N AC H GE F RAG T                            · Bedienpanels
                                                                                             FI/LS-Absicherung:                            Wenn Gebäudesteuerung                         Wann ist ein Smart Home
                                                                                             Platzbedarf vs. Selektivität                  zum Vergnügen wird                            tatsächlich smart?                           · Heizungs-/Klima-Steuerung
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      · Zutrittskontrolle

Media-Informationen 2018                                                                     Sonderhefte

                                Die LED-Technik hat die Beleuchtungswelt auf den Kopf gestellt.
                                Von der Planung bis zur Installation, alles hat sich verändert.
                                Im Sonderheft »Licht« der elektrobörse smarthouse beleuchten wir die
                                aktuellen Trends und technischen Entwicklungen bei der Innen-, Außen-,
                                Industrie- und Straßenbeleuchtung. Tipps, Tricks und Praxisbeispiele aus
                                Sicht des Planers und Elektrohandwerkers runden die Berichterstattung

                                 Sonderheft Licht 2018
                                 Erscheinungstermin:                             05.09.2018
                                 Anzeigenschluss:                                07.08.2018
                                 Einsendeschluss für Pressemitteilungen:         24.07.2018

                                Produktanzeigen (Übersicht) zu folgenden Themen sind möglich:
                                · LED Innenraum Beleuchtung
                                · LED Außen-Beleuchtung
                                · Lichtsteuerung
                                · Notfall-/Flurbeleuchtung
                                · Industrie-Beleuchtung
                                · Shop-Beleuchtung

Trendtag 2019 /

                                                                                                                                                                                   Recipient structure
                                                                                                 media information 2018                                                                       analysis

     Branchen des Unternehmens                                                                   Position im Betrieb

                                                         Anteil der ermittelten Empfänger                                                                      Anteil der ermittelten Empfänger

                                                              %             Projektion (circa)                                                                      %                  Projektion (circa)
     Elektro-Installationsbetriebe                           69                   17.180         Leitende Funktion gesamt                                          85                       21.164
     Errichter                                               43                   10.707         Inhaber                                                           61                        15.188
     Elektroplanung                                          38                    9.462         Kaufmännischer/sonstiger Angestellter                             13                         3.237
     Elektrohandel                                           31                    7.719         Geschäftsführer                                                   10                         2.490
     Systemintegrator                                        24                    5.976         Meister                                                           10                         2.490
     Großhandel                                              10                    2.490         Werkstatt-/Abteilungsleiter                                         4                          996
     Sonstige                                                10                    2.490         Geselle/Facharbeiter                                                2                          498
     Mehrfachnennung (100 % = Tatsächlich verbreitete Auflage 24.899 Ex.)                        Tatsächlich verbreitete Auflage                                  100                        24.899

                                                                                                 Rundungsdifferenzen möglich

     Größe des Betriebs

                                                         Anteil der ermittelten Empfänger

                                                              %             Projektion (circa)
     1 - 9 Beschäftigte                                      75                   18.674
     10 - 19 Beschäftigte                                      8                   1.992
     20 - 49 Beschäftigte                                      9                   2.241
     50 und mehr Beschäftigte                                  8                   1.992         source: Copytest elektrobörse smarthouse September 2017, IFAK Institut, Taunusstein
     Tatsächlich verbreitete Auflage                        100                   24.899
     Rundungsdifferenzen möglich

Konkrete Reaktionen auf Anzeigen in den letzten 12 Monaten                                             Themeninteresse der Leser
     Frage: Haben Sie aufgrund einer Anzeige oder eines Artikels, die/den Sie                               Frage: Welche der folgenden Themen interessieren Sie momentan am
     den letzten 12 Monaten in elektrobörse smarthouse gesehen haben, etwas                                 meisten? (Mehrfachnennungen möglich)
     unternommen, was ich Ihnen jetzt vorlese? (Mehrfachnennungen möglich)
     Habe aufgrund von Anzeigen in elektrobörse smarthouse ...

                      Quelle: Copytest elektrobörse smarthouse September 2017, IFAK Institut, Taunusstein

                                                                                                                           Quelle: Copytest elektrobörse smarthouse September 2017, IFAK Institut, Taunusstein


                                                                                                                      media information 2018

                                       Usage of the website of elektrobörse smarthouse
                                       Question: Do you use the website of elektrobörse smarthouse?
                                       For which purpose do you use the website of elektrobörse smarthouse? (Multiple answers possible)
                                       Which categories do you use on the website of elektrobörse smarthouse? (Multiple answers possible)
                                       I use the website of elektrobörse smarthouse ...


                                       I use the website of elektrobörse                                                                         Ich nutze auf der Internetseite der elektrobörse
                                       smarthouse ...                                                                                            smarthouse die Rubriken ...

     as supplement to the magazine                                                                                                videoportal
                                                                                                                          suppliers‘ compass /
      for background reports or for
                                                                                                                            market overviews
               general information
         for concrete research on a
                    topic / problem
         for concrete research on a
                 supplier / product                                                                                            image galleries


16                              Source: Copytest elektrobörse smarthouse August 2017, IFAK Institut, Taunusstein
Order of goods
                            How do you order your goods?
                            (Multiple answers possible)


        beim Hersteller                                                             50%

                           0%         10%           20%           30%   40%     50%       60%    70%        80%        90%     100%

                            Base:                                                                                  Base:
                            Orders via electrical wholesale                                                        Orders via manufacturer

       per Direktbesuch                                                                             per Telefon

            per Telefon                                                                                 per Fax                                         62%

                per Fax                                                                                      per       6%
                                                                              84%               Onlineplattform                              Durchschnitt:
                     per                                                                                                     17%              43 Minuten
        Onlineplattform                                                                                per App
                per App                                                                                                      15%

                           0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%                                             0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

                           Copytest elektrobörse smarthouse
                           September 2017, IFAK Institut, Taunusstein




     www.elektroboerse-smarthouse.de is the IVW online audited web service
     for decision-makers in the electrician trade. It reports about up-to-date de-
     velopments and trends and provides tailor-made information for the work
     routine within the industry. Together with the print medium elektrobörse
     smarthouse and the special issue bus-guide, the web service addresses to
     electricians, planners and furnishers.
     There is much potential to electrician trade due to great technical de-
     velopment, rising market needs and the energy transition in Germany.
     www.elektroboerse-smarthouse.de offers well-grounded information and
     proficient coverage as well as product news from building technology,
     electric installation, technical lighting, building automation and renewable
     www.elektroboerse-smarthouse.de is a target group specific communi-
     cations platform for advertisers of the electro industry. It offers amongst
     others sponsoring, newsletter advertising, banner advertising, event
     announcements, webcasts and whitepapers.

                                                    News, products, experts
                                                    knowledge - just one click
                                                                              0 page
                                                                n 425,00
                                                       more tha ns per year*
               Online                                            io
                                                        impresWs-O           16 - 08/2
                                                                  nline, 9/20
                    geprüft                              * source:

18                                                  information about usage see page 16
Categories:	jobs, pictures, videos, encyclopedia, market place, job
                  market, events, shop, newsletter, media

     Topics:	Office equipments, business management, electric
              installation, building automation, building technology,
              lighting, photovoltaics

     Status:             web service for the electrician trade

     URL:                www.elektroboerse-smarthouse.de

     Host:               WEKA FACHMEDIEN GmbH
                         elektrobörse smarthouse

     Contact:            Richard-Reitzner-Allee 2, 85540 Haar
                         Phone: +49 89 25556-1308
                         Fax: +49 89 25556-1670
                         e-mail: media@elekroboerse-smarthouse.de

     Editorial office:   Peter Wintermayr

     Media:              Christine Gässler, sales director

                                                                                                                                      Overview advertising formats

     Newsletter advertising            Whitepaper                            Calendar entries            Leaderboard
     The elektroboerse-smarthouse.     Introduce your whitepaper within      Make your customers aware   More information on banner
     de newsletter delivers tailor-    the editorial environment of          of your important events.   advertising see page 22
     made up-to-date news, pro-        elektroboerse-smarthouse.de and
     duct reports and professional     generate high-quality leads!
     articles to your customers of     More information on page 26
     the electrician trade.                                                                                                                                Showroom with our online
     The newsletter is the ideal
                                                                                                                                                             advertising formats at
     platform for product presenta-                                                                                                                             www.elektroboerse-
     tions and company or seminar                              Super-/Leaderboard € 320.-/€ 250.-                                                              smarthouse.de/media/
     events.                                                                                                                                                        showroom

                                                                                                                  Wide Skyscraper 1
                                           Wide Skyscraper 1
     See page 30 and 31 for our                                                                                                                            (also in an English version!)
     newsletter advertising formats.
                                                                           Tape Ad € 160.-

                                                                                                                                       Half Page
                                                                                                                       € 160.-

                                                                                                                                        € 290.-
                                                € 160.-

                                                                          Pushdown € 380.-                                                                 Half Page

                                                                           Billboard € 380.-                                                               More information on banner
                                                                                                                                                           advertising see page 22

     Wide Skyscraper                                                                                                                                       Tape Ad / Pushdown / Billboard
     More information on banner                                                                                                                            More information on banner
     advertising see page 22                                                                                                                               advertising see page 22
                                           Wide Skyscraper 2

                                                                                                                                                           Rectangle 300 x 200

                                                                                                   Rectangle                                               More information on banner
                                                                                                   300 x 200                                               advertising see page 22
                                                € 80.-

                                                                                                    € 190.-

     Ad Words
     More information on banner                                                                     Ad Words
20   advertising see page 22                                                                         € 85,-
Medium Rectangle
                                                                    Native Ad
     More information on banner
     advertising see page 22
                                                                     € 380,-      Example Native Ad
                                                                                  Product image (min. 623 x 351
                                                                                  pixels, 16:9), logo (max. 300 x
                                                                                  45 pixels). Headline text: max. 50
                                                                                  characters incl. spaces; text: max.
                                                                                  160 characters incl. spaces, max.
                                                                          Ad      200 KB
                                          Medium                         Words
                                         Rectangle                       € 70.-

                                          € 380.-
     Native Ad
     More information on banner
     advertising see page 22             Native Ad
                                          € 380.-
     Image gallery advertising
     On request.
                                                                                  Suppliers‘ compass

     Video advertising                                                            Premium entries in the suppliers‘
                                                                                  compass are highly-visible to your
     Benefit from the high click-rates                                            customers!
     on elektroboerse-smarthouse.de                                               • The exclusive ranking system
     and use the media center as a                                                  ranks premium customers first
     platform for your adverts – for                                                when a product is searched for
     your pre-roll, overlay or trade                                                in the suppliers‘ compass
     show clip.
     Host your own video on                                                       • Keywords additionally boost
     elektroboerse-smarthouse.de!                                                   your visibility in the right
     More information on page 27
                                                                                  • Premium entries are mentioned
                                                                                    in the newsletter
                                                                                  More information on pages
                                                                                  24 - 25
     More information on banner
     advertising see page 22
                                                     Flashbar € 380.-
                                                                                                                                                                 banner advertising

     Banner advertising                                                                                                              We are happy to help with your banner design. Please ask your contact person.

                                            Super-/Leaderboard                                           Full Banner                                                                            Wallpaper
      Wide Skyscraper 2 Wide Skyscraper 1

                                                                  Wide Skyscraper 1
                                                                                                           Tape Ad

                                                                                                                                                                           Native Ad

                                                                                                                       Rectangle                                                                   Ad
                                                                      Half                                             300 x 200                                                                  Words
                                                                                                                       1. Position                                          Medium
                                                                      Page                                                                                                  Medium
                                                                                                                       Rectangle                                           Rectangle
                                                                                                                       300 x 200
                                                                                                                       2. Position
                                                                                                          Flash Bar                                                        Native Ad

     Super Leaderboard                                                                Tape Ad                                                                       Wallpaper
     € 320.- / 1.000 ad impressions                                                   € 160.- / 1.000 ad impressions                                                € 370.- / 1.000 ad impressions
     (970 x 90 pixel, max. 200 KB)                                                    (970 x 30 pixel, max. 200 KB)                                                 Leaderboard (728 x 90 pixel)
     Leaderboard                                                                      Pushdown                                                                      + Skyscraper (160 x 600 pixel, max. 200 KB)
     € 250.- / 1.000 ad impressions                                                   € 380.- / 1.000 ad impressions                                                Medium Rectangle / Boombox
     (728 x 90 pixel, max. 200 KB)                                                    (970 x 90 pixel to 970 x max. 415 pixel, max. 200 KB)                         € 380.- / 1.000 ad impressions
                                                                                                                                                                    (300 x 250 pixel, max. 200 KB)
     Wide Skyscraper 1                                                                Billboard
     Position 1 € 160.- / 1.000 ad impressions                                        € 380.- / 1.000 ad impressions                                                Native Ad
     (160 x 600 pixel, max. 200 KB)                                                   (970 x 250 pixel, max. 200 KB)                                                € 380.- / 1.000 ad impressions
                                                                                                                                                                    image (min. 623 x 351 pixel, 16:9), logo (max. 300 x 45 pi-
     Wide Skyscraper 2                                                                Full Banner                                                                   xel). headline text: max. 50 characters incl. space characters;
     Position 2 € 80.- / 1.000 ad impressions                                         € 125.- / 1.000 ad impressions                                                text: max. 80 characters incl. space characters, max. 200 KB
     (160 x 600 pixel, max. 200 KB)                                                   (468 x 60 pixel, max. 200 KB)
                                                                                                                                                                    Ad Words
     Floating Wide Skyscraper                                                         Rectangle 300 x 200                                                           € 85,- / 1.000 Ad Impressions
     € 270.- / 1.000 ad impressions                                                   € 190.- / 1.000 ad impressions                                                heading plus 2 lines
     (160 x 600 pixel, max. 200 KB)                                                   (300 x 200 pixel, max. 200 KB),                                               25 characters per line incl. spaces
     Half Page                                                                        1st or 2nd position on availability                                           Logo/image: 100 x 53 pixels
     € 290.- / 1.000 ad impressions                                                   Flashbar                                                                      Page Peel
     (300 x 600 pixel, max. 200 KB)                                                                                                                                 € 210.- / 1.000 ad impressions
                                                                                      € 380.- / 1.000 ad impressions
                                                                                      (970 x 100 pixel, max. 200 KB)                                                (100 x 100 pixel respectively 500 x 500 pixel, max. 200 KB),
                                                                                      in categories only, sticky                                                    Data format: JPEG only
         Data formats: GIF, JPEG, HTML, PNG

     Sponsoring of a category
                                                                Mobile advertising               NEW!
                                                                Access to websites via mobile
                                                                devices is steadily increasing.

                                                                Present your products and services
                                                                through our mobile ads reach
                                                                your target audience on their
                                                                smartphones or tablets!

                                                                                                     Smartphone Static Wide                   Smartphone Static Wide
                                                                                                     Banner 320 x 50                          Banner Sticky 320 x 50
                                                                                                     € 125.- / 1.000 ad impressions           € 410.- / 1.000 ad impressions
                                                                                                     (320 x 50 pixel, max. 50 KB)             (320 x 50 pixel, max. 50 KB)

     Wide Skyscraper 1 left + Wide Skyscraper 1 right + Super                                        Scale of discount
     Leaderboard above · € 490.- / 1.000 ad impressions,                                                Gross annual revenue concerning all
     incl. Billboard: € 650.- / 1.000 ad impressions
                                                                                                        ad types on
     Combine two or more advertising spaces simul-
     taneously and show constant presence                                                               from     2,000 Euro            3%
     on elektroboerse-smarthouse.de!                                                                    from     5,000 Euro            8%
                                                                                                        from    10,000 Euro           10 %
                                                                                                        from    25,000 Euro           15 %
                                                                Smartphone Medium                       from    50,000 Euro           18 %
                                                                Rectangle 320 x 250                     from    75,000 Euro           20 %
      Expanding advertising on request!                         € 380.- / 1.000 ad impressions
                                                                (320 x 250 pixel, max. 200 KB)          from   100,000 Euro           22 %
      20% mark-up for expanding banners per click                                                       from   150,000 Euro           25 %
      50% mark-up for expanding banners per mouseover                                                   from   200,000 Euro           27 %

                                                                                                    suppliers‘ compass

                                                                         media information 2018                          Advertising formats / rates 2018

     Suppliers‘ compass
     About 1,600 companies are listed in the suppliers‘ index of www.elektroboerse-smarthouse.de.
     It offers various possibilities to present your company: from a complete company portrait
     including images and videos to company events and trade shows.

     Advantages for premium suppliers:
     • each editorial article containing your company name
       features a box with all other articles about your company
     • each editorial article containing a booked keyword
       features a box with your company logo
     • your company news within the editorial contents will
       also be shown in the premium entry
     • editorial mentioning of the premium entry on the
       website and in the newsletter
     • the exclusive ranking system displays premium
       customers first when a product is searched for
     • high visibility of the premium entry when a product
       is searched for in the suppliers‘ compass: your logo is
       displayed as well
     • add events, pictures, videos or whitepapers to your
       premium entry

     Rate: € 1,990.- / 12 months
     (no discounts)                     Includ in ord
                                             k e y w
                                       one worredeg   ratis
                                     in Kefyo r f !
                                   E                       x.)
                                                     ions ma
24                                  (36,000
elektroboerse-smarthouse.de           media information 2018                         Advertising formats / rates 2018

     Keyword booking (context sensitive advertising)                        Market overviews
     (only in combination with a premium listing)


                                                                            Benefit from the new interactive market overviews at
                                                                            elektroboerse-smarthouse.de with extensive search and select functions.
                                                                            Your premium listing includes
     Only premium suppliers are able to book keywords (for example
                                                                            • logo (data format JPEG or PNG)
     keys, smoke detectors, lightning arresters, etc.)
                                                                            • display of your entry in colour
     Every article that includes the booked keyword features your logo
     together with a link to your premium listing.                          Rate: € 200.- / market overview
                                                                            (no discounts)
     Rate: € 990.- / year and keyword
     (no discounts)                                                         Rate Print & Online: € 390.- / market overview
                                                                            (no discounts)
     36,000 impressions max. per booking period (12 months max.)

                                                                                                    Webinar, Installationsvideo

     Installation video       NEU!                                             Webinar
     Present your installation video in the new video channel of elektrobo-    Transfer your specific know-how to your customers and actively involve
     erse-smarthouse.de and offer the customer an additional service in a      them in a live event. Your audience can ask questions via chat. Em-
     suitable environment. The setting of your installation video is free of   phasize the advantages of your company´s products and competence
     charge. You decide for yourself whether you would like to have your       in a dynamic and interactive presentation.
     video advertised further.
     Services and technical specifications:                                    Service:
     • Format: mp4                                                             • advance notice of the webinar in 2 newsletters of elektroboerse-
     • Headline and short description text (max. 250 characters)                 smarthouse.de and in one category for one month
     • Send your video to:                                                     • a customized newsletter to elektroboerse-smarthouse.de users
       installationsvideo@elektroboerse-smarthouse.de                          • registration of users
     • Publication free of charge                                              • technical realization of the webinar and guidance to speaker
     Additional options:                                                       • one live broadcast incl. moderation
     • Announcement of the video in two newsletters from                       • Incl. leads (max. 50 leads) each further lead: € 19.-
       elektroboerse-smarthouse.de                                             • archived webinar is available for registered users as an on-demand
     • Announcement in a category for a total of one month                       webcast for download
     • Announcement in a print edition of elektrobörse smarthouse

     Price: € 390,-                                                            Price: € 3,990.-
     (no discounts)                                                            (no discounts)

elektroboerse-smarthouse.de         media information 2018   Advertising formats / rates 2018

     Video / webcast
     Host your video or compulsorily registrable on-demand webcast
     in the media center of elektrooerse-smarthouse.de
     • Display of your video in the video channel of elektroniknet.de
     • promotion in a newsletter

     € 1,750.- (no discounts)

     The webcast production includes
     • briefing via telephone
     • video production (max. four hours shooting
       with a cinematographer and an editor)
     • post production for a five-minute movie
     • camera and sound for movies in web quality
     • travel costs: free up to 50 km,
       then € 0.30 per km
      	                             min. € 2,490.-
       		                             (no discounts)

     optional: customized newsletter
     more information on page 28

                                                                                            customized newsletter

                                                                   media information 2018                        Advertising formats / rates 2018

     Customized Newsletter
     Benefit from the high quality newsletter database of
     The customized newsletter will be sent out to recipients as

     includes 1 image + 1 report + 1 logo
     text: 1,500 characters max (incl. spaces)
     image width: 270 pixel; image height: 200 pixel
     subject: 150 characters max. (incl. spaces)
     max. 5 links
     sender: elektroboerse-smarthouse.de and advertiser
     1 Customized Newsletter per company a week.
     Due dates on request

     subgroup (per product interest):
     basic rate:                               € 1,490.-
                                           (no discounts)
     plus per thousand recipients:                € 280.-
                                           (no discounts)

     alternatively: exclusive sponsoring see page 31

     subject to alterations

elektroboerse-smarthouse.de                    media information 2018                        Customized newsletter

     Request without obligation for a Customized Newsletter
     Select the recipients of your Customized Newsletter per product interest
     and get a bespoke offer from our media experts – without obligation!

        Building technology (all)                 Building automation (all)
           Lightning arresters                        Observing & monitoring
           Multimedia                                 Presence & motion detectors
           Security systems                           Bus systems
           Smart metering                             Energy efficiency
           Door communications                        Home automation
           Heat pumps
                                                  Photovolaics (all)
        Electroinstallation (all)                     Lightning arresters
           Constructional fire safety                 Energy storage
           Lighting                                   Modules
           Electromobility                            Assembly robotics
                                                                                                 Select now and target group
           Cables | joining technology                Inverters
           Test & measurement
                                                                                                     without scatter loss!
                                                  Operating (all)
           Network systems
                                                      Company management
           Norms & comments
                                                      Hardware/ software
           Switches & plug sockets
                                                      Car pool
                                                                                    Get a quote online at


     Newsletter advertising formats                                                                                                         Leaderboard
                                                                            Premium placement                                               (630 x 90 pixel, max. 200 KB)
     The elektroboerse-smarthouse.de
     newsletter delivers tailor-made up-                                    Leaderboard 1,490.-                                             Data format: PNG, JPEG, GIF*
     to-date news, product reports and
     professional articles to your customers
     of the electrician trade.
     The newsletter is the ideal platform for
                                                      Lieber Leser,
     product presentations and company or
     seminar events.                                  eine der ersten Lektionen, die mich mein Vater in Verbindung mit
                                                      der Bohrmaschine lehrte war, mit einem kleinen Metalldetektor
                                                      nach Leitungen zu suchen, bevor man mit dem Bohren begann.
                                                      Diese Erinnerung war so einprägsam, dass ich mir auch heute
                                                      noch genau aussuche wo ich bohre. Im Vordergrund standen
                                                      und stehen dabei allerdings weniger der Brandschutz als vielmehr

                                                                                                                                            (630 x 200 pixel, max. 200 KB)
                                                                                                                                            Data format: PNG, JPEG, GIF*
                                                                             Premium placement
                                                                               below editorial

                                                                              Position 1 + 2                                                Possible forms of advertising:
     All newsletter advertising                                       inside the editorial messages                                         Native Ad, Text Ad, Billboard or
     formats are optimized for                                                    990.-                                                     Leaderboard
     mobile devices.

                                                                                  Position 3
                                                                              end of newsletters
30                                                                                  790.-
Exclusive sponsoring
                                                                 Exclusive sponsoring
     3 insertion forms of your choice
                  +                                                     6,370.-
     3 editorial messages                                                                                                    Small Rectangle
                  +                                                                                                          (291 x 156 pixels, max. 200 KB),
     Mention within the subject heading                                                                                      image supplied by customer
                                                   Small Rectangle                      Small Rectangle
                                                                                                                             Data format: PNG, JPEG, GIF*
                                                  sample placement                     sample placement
                                                        500,-                                500,-
                                                                                                                              Appointment entry
                                                            Headline für einen langen Titel Newsbeitrag
                                                    SEPT                                                         MEHR

     Native Ad without logo                                 über zwei Zeilen und mit viel Text                                Text: 140 characters incl. spaces and

     Visualization like articles                    24                                                                        advertisement URL (max. 1 link) in
                                                                                                                              two newsletters
     Header + text + URL (max. 1 link)
                                                                                                                              € 490,-
     Picture: 225 x 127 pxiel, max. 200 KB
     Headline: 40 characters max.,                Anzeige
     text 300 characters max.,                    Messen ohne Abschalten
     incl. spaces                                                    Mit permanenter Differenzstrommessung im               The editorial staff reserves the right to
     Data format: PNG, JPEG, GIF*                                    geerdeten Netz oder permanenter Messung                edit the articles in corporation with the
                                                                     des Isolationswiderstandes im ungeerdeten              customer.
                                                                     Netz ist, lt. Normen wie der DIN VDE 0105-
                                                 MEHR                                                                       Technical details at
                                                                Headline  für die Anzeige
                                                                     100:2015-10    und der DGUV Vorschrift 3 bei

     Text Ad incl. logo                                                                                                     elektroboerse-smarthouse.de/media/
                                                                     der wiederkehrenden Prüfung eine Anlagen-
                                                                                                                            showroom (in English)
     Visualization like articles                                     abschaltung nicht notwendig.
     Header + text + Logo + URL (max.
     1 link)
     Picture: 225 x 127 pixel, max.                          Preisgekrönt:
     200 KB                                                  Smart Home-System LUXORliving
     Logo: 150 x 50 pixel
                                                                      LUXORliving ist das einfache Smart Home-
     Headline: 40 characters max.,
     text 300 characters max.,
                                                                      System von Theben, das alles bietet, was
     incl. spaces                                                     Eigenheime gemütlicher macht. Licht an,
     Data format: PNG, JPEG, GIF*                                     Licht aus. Dimmen. Heizung regeln und
                                                                      Jalousien steuern. Und das Beste: LUXOR­
                                                                      living ist so einfach montiert, installiert und

                                                                      in Betrieb genommen, dass man dafür kein
                                                                                                                            * GIF without animation
                                                                      Systemintegrator sein muss.


     Newsletter schedule 2019
                 Date         CW   Topic                                     Date         CW   Topic                                           Date         CW   Topic
                 Jan 08, 19   2    BAU preview                               May 03, 19   18   Newsflash                                                         Measuring and testing tech-
                                                                                                                                               Sep 03, 19   36
                 Jan 11, 19   2    Newsflash                                 May 07, 19   19   Intersolar preview                                                nology*

                                                                                                                                               Sep 06, 19   36   Newsflash

                 Jan 15, 19   3    Trends & News                             May 10, 19   19   Newsflash
                 Jan 18, 19   3    Newsflash                                 May 14, 19   20   Trends & News                                   Sep 10, 19   37   efa preview

                 Jan 22, 19   4    Door stations / communication*            May 17, 19   20   Newsflash                                       Sep 13, 19   37   Newsflash
                 Jan 25, 19   4    Newsflash                                                   Security, access control, alarm                 Sep 17, 19   38   Trends & News
                                                                             May 21, 19   21
                 Jan 29, 19   5    Trends & News                                               systems*
                                                                                                                                               Sep 20, 19   38   Newsflash
                 Feb 01, 19   5    Newsflash                                 May 24, 19   21   Newsflash
                                                                                                                                               Sep 24, 19   39   Trends & News
                 Feb 05, 19   6    elektrotechnik preview                    May 28, 19   22   Trends & News
                                                                                                                                               Sep 27, 19   39   Newsflash

                 Feb 08, 19   6    Newsflash                                 May 31, 19   22   Newsflash
                                                                                                                                               Oct 01, 19   40   Trends & News
                 Feb 13, 19   7    Trends & News                             Jun 04, 19   23   Trends & News
                                                                                                                                               Oct 04, 19   40   Newsflash
                 Feb 15, 19   7    Newsflash                                 Jun 07, 19   23   Newsflash
                                                                                                                                               Oct 08, 19   41   Smart Home, radio systems*

                 Feb 19, 19   8    Trends & News                             Jun 11, 19   24   Cables and wires*
                                                                                                                                               Oct 11, 19   41   Newsflash

                 Feb 22, 19   8    Newsflash                                 Jun 14, 19   24   Newsflash
                                                                                                                                               Oct 15, 19   42   Trends & News
                 Feb 26, 19   9    Lighting management/control*              Jun 18, 19   25   Sicherheitsexpo preview
                                                                                                                                               Oct 18, 19   42   Newsflash
                 Mar 01, 19   9    Newsflash                                 Jun 21, 19   25   Newsflash
                                                                                                                                               Oct 22, 19   43   Trends & News
                 Mar 05, 19   10   Trends & News                             Jun 25, 19   26   Special Newsletter bus-guide
                                                                                                                                               Oct 25, 19   43   Newsflash
                 Mar 08, 19   10   Newsflash                                 Jun 28, 19   26   Newsflash
                                                                                                                                               Oct 29, 19   44   Trends & News

                 Mar 12, 19   11   eltefa preview                            Jul 02, 19   27   Trends & News
                                                                                                                                               Nov 05, 19   45   Trends & News
                 Mar 15, 19   11   Newsflash                                 Jul 05, 19   27   Newsflash
                                                                                                                                               Nov 08, 19   45   Newsflash

                 Mar 19, 19   12   eltefa preview                            Jul 09, 19   28   Trends & News
                                                                                                                                               Nov 12, 19   46   Special Newsletter light*
                 Mar 22, 19   12   Newsflash                                 Jul 12, 19   28   Newsflash

                                                                                                                                               Nov 15, 19   46   Newsflash
                 Mar 26, 19   13   eltefa-review                             Jul 16, 19   29   Trends & News
                                                                                                                                               Nov 18, 19   47   Trends & News
                 Mar 29, 19   13   Presence/movement detector*               Jul 19, 19   29   Newsflash
                                                                                                                                               Nov 22, 19   47   Newsflash
                 Apr 02, 19   14   Trends & News                             Jul 23, 19   30   Trends & News
                                                                                                                                               Nov 26, 19   48   Trends & News
                 Apr 05, 19   14   Newsflash                                 Jul 26, 19   30   Newsflash
                                                                                                                                               Nov 29, 19   48   Newsflash
                 Apr 09, 19   15   Trends & News                             Jul 30, 19   31   Circuit breaker*
                                                                                                                                               Dec 03, 19   49   Trends & News
                                                                             Aug 02, 19   31   Newsflash

                                   Results products of the year

                 Apr 12, 19   15                                                                                                               Dec 06, 19   49   Newsflash
                                   2019                                      Aug 06, 19   32   Trends & News
                                                                                                                                               Dec 10, 19   50   Fire protection, smoke detector*
                 Apr 16, 19   16   Trends & News                             Aug 09, 19   32   Newsflash
                                                                                                                                                                 Readers‘ vote products of the

                 Apr 23, 19   17   Trends & News                             Aug 13, 19   33   Trends & News                                   Dec 13, 19   50
                 Apr 26, 19   17   Newsflash                                 Aug 16, 19   33   Newsflash                                       Dec 17, 19   51   Trends & News
                 Apr 30, 19   18   Indoor/emergency lighting*                Aug 20, 19   34   Outdoor lighting*                               Dec 20, 19   51   Newsflash
                                                                             Aug 23, 19   34   Newsflash
                                                                             Aug 27, 19   35   IFA preview
                                                                                                                                 Trends & News = with editorial
32                                                                           Aug 30, 19   35   Newsflash                         Newsflash = news without editorial
                                                                                                                                 * Theme newsletter = with editorial
You can also read