We need Nature - Muslim Views

Page created by Amanda Peters
We need Nature - Muslim Views
Vol. 32 No. 3                                       RAJAB 1439 l MARCH 2018

We need Nature

AS the sun set in the west, casting its softening, orange glow on the surroundings, a bokkie peered shyly through the lush undergrowth while a tortoise and a chameleon watched quizzically as a little Khoisan
boy turned his umbrella upside down to catch a few scarce raindrops falling from the sky. I was touched by this scene as, not too long ago, when we were not facing a water crisis, we would have been amused
at the sight of a little boy using an umbrella to catch water rather than shield himself from it. Now, this image serves to make us think about something so precious, which we used to take for granted. Not too far
from there, no more than a few hundred metres away, a rhino grazes peacefully behind metal fencing, well protected from any would-be poachers. These scenes played themselves out in vivid colour in a Cape
Town suburb rather than in one of South Africa’s numerous nature reserves. And you will definitely not see anything like it in any of our art galleries. Turn to page 6 to find out where you can feast your eyes on
these beautiful creations.                                                                                                                                                                   Photo TOYER NAKIDIEN

                          Domestic violence
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We need Nature - Muslim Views
We need Nature - Muslim Views
Muslim Views . March 2018            3

                                         what is good in the broadest sense of                                 SELECTIVE AMNESIA
                                         the word. In four of these instances, the
                                         word ‘tayyib’ is complemented by the                                  The true history of
                                         word ‘halaal’, the latter denoting what is
                                         lawful and righteous.                                                 Sharpeville must be told
                                         Linguistically, ‘halaal’ and ‘tayyib’ are
                                                                                                                                         THANDO SIPUYE
                                         distinct concepts. However, in essence,
                                         they are deeply connected and
                                                                                                               POST-1994 South Africa has a theatrical crisis of selective amnesia
                                                                                                               and partisan rememberings of history.

                                         It is due to a generally parochial and
                                                                                                                   History telling, whether at school, university, in the media or public

                                         superficial understanding of the Islamic
                                                                                                               celebrations and commemorative events, is biased towards a singular

                                         approach, specifically to food and
                                                                                                               political trajectory and one particular school of thought that is por-
                                                                                                               trayed as the sole agent of the socio-economic and political transfor-

                                         nutrition, that the complementary
                                                                                                               mations that have apparently occurred in the past 24 years.

                                         meaning of the two concepts escapes
                                                                                                                   In democratic South Africa, there is neither democracy nor justice
                                                                                                               when it comes to narrating critical historical events and moments.

                                                                                                               There is, rather, a subtle consistent perpetuation of particular memo-

                                         Thus, in one example, Surah Baqara
                                                                                                               ries as less or more valuable and significant than others.
                                                                                                                   South African historiography after 1994 marginalises particular

                                         (2:168), all of humankind is
                                                                                                               voices while structuring others as monolithic.

                                         admonished to ‘partake of what is

Falling foul of tayyib
                                                                                                                   The re-construction and re-writing of histories about the
                                                                                                               Sharpeville Massacre that occurred on March 21, 1960, and the re-

                                         lawful and good on earth’ and to turn
                                                                                                               constitution of that day as ahistorical and a depoliticised ‘Human

                                         away from following Satan. This dual
                                                                                                               Rights Day’ is but one of many examples of this unfortunate political

                                         application of what is lawful and what is
                                                                                                               bias and narrow approach to the telling of history.
                                                                                                                   As we commemorate the 58th anniversary of the Sharpeville Mas-

AN agent in the meat processing          good forms the foundation of the
                                                                                                               sacre, as well as the 40th anniversary of the death under banishment

industry recently remarked, ‘The         holistic concept of tayyib in Islam.
                                                                                                               of Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe, we should reflect on the construction
                                                                                                               and narration of public memory about historical events and public

listeriosis outbreak is the death of     It is possible, therefore, that something
                                                                                                               holidays in South Africa today.

the penny polony.’                       may be lawful but not necessarily good.
                                                                                                                   The government, through its various departments, has already
                                                                                                               begun bombarding the public with mantras of a decontextualised apo-

Any scandal involving food on this       Alternatively, something may be good
                                                                                                               litical ‘human rights month’.

scale invariably has political and       but not necessarily lawful. For the
                                                                                                                   For the past two decades, the African National Congress (ANC)

economic consequences.                   Muslim, this integration of the lawful
                                                                                                               government has unashamedly celebrated their ‘Human Rights Day’
                                                                                                               with all manner of festivities, glamour and speeches without ever ac-

Among the concerns is the plummeting and the good necessarily involves
                                                                                                               knowledging or speaking to the role played by Sobukwe and other

share price of the corporation that owns balance.
                                                                                                               leaders of the Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC), like Nyakane
                                                                                                               Tsolo in the courageous events that led to the ruthless Sharpeville

the errant brand.                        Processed meats generally may be

And then there is the impact on the      certified halaal but they are certainly
                                                                                                                   Yet, the Sharpeville Massacre occurred as a result of the PAC’s Pos-
                                                                                                               itive Action Campaign against Pass Laws, which followed the earlier

informal trader and in townships relying not wholesome to consume, and
                                                                                                               Status Campaign championed by Robert Sobukwe shortly after the

on processed meat as filling for their   therefore not tayyib.
                                                                                                               formation of the PAC in 1959.

fast foods. These traders serve the vast However, the obligation to consume
                                                                                                                   Throughout Azania, leaders of the PAC heeded Sobukwe’s call and
                                                                                                               rallied the African masses for this campaign.

market of particularly working class and what is tayyib extends beyond the
                                                                                                                   On March 21, 1960, the young Philip Kgosana led the PAC march

low-income consumers, directly at local health and safety of the consumer. It
                                                                                                               in Langa Township, in Cape Town, Zachius Botlhoko Molete led the
                                                                                                               PAC march in Evaton; George Ndlovu led the PAC march in Alexan-

level.                                   embraces the ethical obligation to avoid
                                                                                                               dra Township, Sobukwe led the PAC march in Soweto, and Tsolo led

The seriousness with which the health    harm to others.
                                                                                                               the PAC march in Sharpeville.
                                                                                                                   As per Sobukwe’s instruction to “go to jail under the slogan ‘no

department, the private sector and the   We should avoid consuming what is
                                                                                                               bail, no defence, no fine’”, all these leaders, including Sobukwe, were

general public have taken this matter is produced by companies that are
                                                                                                               arrested on that day.

                                         actively engaged in destructive
                                                                                                                   At the time, the ANC, through its secretary general, Duma Nokwe,

clearly focused on the first priority,
                                                                                                               spoke out against Sobukwe’s call for a Positive Action Campaign

namely, the threat of the outbreak to    environmental practices, exploitative
                                                                                                               against Pass Laws, dismissing it as ‘opportunistic’. The ANC distanced

public health and safety.                labour practices and a disregard for the
                                                                                                               itself from the campaign and urged its members not to participate.
                                                                                                                   Today, in their quest to silence and erase Sobukwe and the PAC

And herein lies the big lesson for       rights of animals.
                                                                                                               from the national consciousness and collective memory of the nation,

Muslims. Halaal certification is no      In a tayyib-based framework, all
                                                                                                               to project ANC-aligned leaders as the sole actors and ‘supermen’ in
                                                                                                               the liberation struggle, the ruling party consistently celebrates ‘human

guarantee of the quality of food.        companies have wide-ranging
                                                                                                               rights day’ without ever mentioning the name of Tsolo, the PAC leader

Contamination occurs irrespective of     obligations beyond relevant
                                                                                                               who led the 1960 campaign in Sharpeville.
                                                                                                                   Today, like his leader, Sobukwe, Tsolo has been rendered an in-

Halaal certification. Therefore, any     legislation, health standards and
                                                                                                               significant figure in the annals of South African history, blotted out,

sense of security that Halaal standards industry standards. In terms of a
                                                                                                               silenced and erased from the public memory around the Sharpeville

shield any consumer from the risk of     tayyib-based ethos they are obliged to
                                                                                                               Massacre, an excruciatingly obscure figure – barely known, remem-
                                                                                                               bered or celebrated.

exposure to food poisoning is false.     ensure that, over and above consumer
                                                                                                                   There are no monuments built in his name, no street names, no

Health, safety, wholesomeness, ethics    health and safety, they also prioritise
                                                                                                               buildings, songs or poems in his honour. No public speech reader has
                                                                                                               ever mentioned his name.

and the general goodness associated      poverty eradication, sustainable land
                                                                                                                   Yet, on Monday, March 21, 1960, Tsolo was the man in front at

with food consumption in Islam,          use, fair trade practices and the dignity
                                                                                                               Sharpeville, and when the racist settler police called for the Black
                                                                                                               crowd to disperse, he told them, ‘I am responsible for these people. If

throughout the supply chain, are         of their workers. The industrialised
                                                                                                               you want to disperse people, disperse your police.’

provided for in the profound and         agricultural and food production system
                                                                                                                   Tsolo further declared to the police, ‘We will not call this gathering

divinely ordained concept of ‘tayyib’.   is not transparent to the ordinary
                                                                                                               off until Sobukwe has spoken.’ The rest is history.
                                                                                                                   The erasure of Sobukwe, Tsolo and others from public memory

The word ‘tayyib’ occurs nine times in   consumer. This scandal is but a
                                                                                                               and national consciousness around so-called ‘Human Rights Day’ en-

the Quran in relation to consuming       glimpse of what falls foul of tayyib.
                                                                                                               ables the muting and absence of explicit references to the broader his-
                                                                                                               tories that informed and shaped the massacre – a malicious omission
                                                                                                               calculated to also deny and erase the historical agency and contribu-
                                                                                                               tions of other important figures in the liberation struggle.
                                                                                                                   This erasure is meant to depoliticise Sharpeville and dissociate the

 Our editorial comment represents the composite viewpoint of the Editorial Team of Muslim Views,
                                                                                                               Anti-Pass campaign from the broader struggle against land disposses-

and is the institutional voice of the newspaper. Correspondence can be sent to editor@mviews.co.za
                                                                                                               Thando Sipuye is an Afrikan historian and a social scientist. He is
                                                                                                               an executive member of The Ankh Foundation, the Blackhouse
                                Publishers: BRISKTRADE 175 (Pty) Ltd                                           Kollective and the Africentrik Study Group based at University of
                                P O Box 442 Athlone 7760 South Africa
                                                                                                               Sobukwe (Fort Hare). He works closely with the Robert Mangaliso
                             Tel: 021 696 5404 • Fax Admin: 021 696 9301
                                                                                                               Sobukwe Trust.

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                                           Editor Farid Sayed                                                      This newspaper carries Allah’s names, the names of the
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We need Nature - Muslim Views
4         Muslim Views . March 2018

A living legend amongst those from District Six and beyond

MISTER Tahir Levy is an
83-year-old welfare and
community worker, born in
1935, and raised in Caledon
Street, District 6, during World
War II. He has dedicated more
than 60 years of his life to
serving the community.
   In this time, Mr Levy, also ad-
dressed as Mr Tahir Levy, has
helped thousands of people and
has on file a record of each and
every case he worked on.
   Prior to the demolition of Dis-
trict Six, the residents were very
close and unified. Different places
of worship and people of diverse
faiths were coexisting in harmony.
                                       The team who has been serving the community for many years and not turned
                                       away anyone in need of help. From left to right are Moegamat Yaseen Mallick,
Doctors and imams integrated
                                       Mr Tahir Levy and Gasan Levy.                             Photo AMINA WAGGIE   Some of the photographs of the many people Mr Levy has helped over his many
with the people of the community.
                                                                                                                      years as a welfare and community worker are pinned to a board in his office, in
   There was a sense of peace be-
                                                                                                                      Woodstock, Cape Town.                                    Photo AMINA WAGGIE
fore the introduction of the Group
Areas Act and the people of Dis-       truly an inspiration to many.              ‘We get lots of cases and we try
trict Six were forcefully removed         He started his community work        our best to solve it. Whatever help    she was not receiving a pension.            Mr Levy has received many ho-
from their homes and sent to soul-     at the age of 14, assisting those       the person or people require, we       She went to Mr Levy’s office for         nours and awards from the state
less, sandy areas, such as Mitchells   people in the community who had         try to give to them as we are here     help.                                    and council for his welfare com-
Plain.                                 not had the privilege of learning to    for the community. We don’t ask           Mr Levy went out and bought           munity work but remains humble,
   During the apartheid years,         read and write by doing their pa-       them about their religion or what      her two pies. He gave her one and        and continues to live by the motto:
there were many people who             perwork and filling in forms.           they believe in. We don’t ask for      told her to eat it immediately, and      ‘No name, no fame and no mone-
struggled to survive. They needed         During his later years, he           money or any form of payment           gave her the other one to take           tary gain’.
someone to help them. Tahir Levy       started a welfare office which he       and we never send people away,’        home. He subsequently continued             In line with his commitment to
became that person. He rose to the     opened on Wednesday nights to           said Mr Levy.                          assisting the woman in whichever         assist all those who need help, Mr
occasion and assisted as many          people from all over: Bonte-               From the many people he has         way he could, even writing a letter      Levy, who now lives in Wood-
people as he could.                    heuwel, Tafelsig, Rylands, Penlyn       assisted, one of the cases that        to social services to grant her a        stock, has requested that we add
   Since he began helping others,      Estate and many other areas.            stands out for Mr Levy, is one         pension.                                 his contact details to the article so
people have come to regard him as         He assisted them with legal aid,     which he referred to as ‘The Sugar        Apart from the welfare office,        that people may get in touch with
a community hero, not only de-         housing, grants, burials, rehabili-     Lady’.                                 Mr Levy runs a soup kitchen out-         him if they need his assistance
serving of praise but also as a per-   tation, pension, domestic prob-            She was an elderly woman from       side Muir Street Mosque, in Dis-         with anything.
son who is acknowledged for            lems and almost any other thing         Delft who was diabetic and suf-        rict Six, every Friday. He also             Mr Levy’s office is on the first
giving unselfishly of his time and     he could help with – not limiting       fered from high blood pressure.        collects money for fitrah hampers        floor of Fairview House, at 67 Ar-
expertise to help the people.          himself to only one or a few spe-       She had been living off sugar          for Eid day, every year. And he          gyle Street, Woodstock. His con-
   Mr Levy has dedicated his life      cialties but willing and ready to as-   water for about a week because         helps with sourcing bursaries for        tact details are: (tel) 021 447 4670
to serving the community and is        sist with anything.                     there was no food in her house as      students.                                and (email) tahirlevy1@gmail.com
We need Nature - Muslim Views
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We need Nature - Muslim Views
6        Muslim Views . March 2018

Nature, artists and poets

NO more than four kilometres
from the Mother City or two
train stations away, some exotic
and indigenous animals have
been captured and donated to the
inhabitants of Salt River and
visitors to the area by generous
donors from across the world.
   Unfortunately, the location of
these beautiful animals and some
amazing greenery are not well
known and many of us will pass
by or through the area without
even noticing them – a sad com-
mentary on how preoccupied we
are with the mundane and the or-      ‘Give thanks for the sweet water we share,’ is the translation of the Khoisan
                                      message in this mural. This is part of a mural painted during the second
                                      International Public Art Festival in Salt River, last month.
dinary that is what used to be
                                                                                                 Photo NADIA AGHERDINE
known as the rat race.
   In fact, I rode right past a
bokkie and some dassies without          The murals are part of the an-        ture and regard water as sacred. In
noticing them although they were      nual International Public Art Fes-       the painting, instead of using the
                                                                                                                         Nadia Agherdine, a tourist guide, chatting to some youth as they watch Lucas
not completely hidden by the          tival – the second of its kind –         umbrella to shield himself from
bluish, grassy surrounds.             organised by Baz Art, a local, non-      the rain, the boy uses it to catch        Aoki, an Argentine, at work on his mural in Salt River. In the background, another
                                                                                                                         artist, Anthea Missy, from Belgium, is working on another piece encouraging the
                                                                                                                         preservation of nature.                                    Photo TOYER NAKIDIEN
   I was on my way to visit some      government organisation. This            the now scarce resource.
friends in Salt River as I was not    year’s theme was ‘nature doesn’t            A few blocks away, almost in
willing to dodge my way through       need us, we need nature’, which is       celebration of local humour, one
peak hour traffic to get home.        beautifully illustrated by the mu-       of the ‘Kaapse klopse’ (Cape min-         were in favour of having murals in         ties. However, more and more res-
   I saw my friend Nadia, a tourist   rals.                                    strels) is depicted with one of the       the area. He admitted that he had          idents are starting to appreciate
guide, chatting to a neighbour and       The story behind the mural of         now common five-litre containers          been approached the year before            the artworks.
she mentioned that she was getting    the Khoisan boy with the umbrella        of water clutched behind his back.        and did not give them permission               Take a drive around Salt River
the opinions of people in the area    referred to on the front page is a          In another road, Nadia pointed         to use his wall.                           and see if you can find some of the
about the murals that were being      local artist’s comment on how            out a man on a ladder, armed with            One of the reservations some of         treasures I’m enthusing about.
painted in the neighbourhood.         civilisation has encroached on na-       a roller and paint. But he was not        the Muslim residents have con-                 Oh, what about the poets in the
   She offered to drive me around     ture, destroying it and causing the      one of the artists, he was the            cerns paintings of people and              title, you ask. Well, a number of
and point out where the murals        current situation of drought and         owner of the house where another          faces.                                     the streets in Salt River are named
are.                                  even global warming.                     mural was being planned. He was              Other residents are concerned           after poets – and some of the art-
   I was impressed. Although not         According to the artist, Care         preparing the wall for the artist.        about what they consider to be             works are to be seen in streets
done, the work I saw was beauti-      One Love, from Muizenberg, the              In conversation with him, I            graffiti and the effect it would           named Pope, Kipling, Dryden,
ful.                                  Khoisan live in harmony with na-         learnt that not all the residents         have on the value of their proper-         Shelley and Swift.
We need Nature - Muslim Views
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We need Nature - Muslim Views
8         Muslim Views . March 2018

An exhibition truly inclusive of the entire community
                                                                                  dhikr for the people of Palestine
                                                                                  and the world, who are suffering
                                                                                  at the hands of oppressors.
                                                                                     All dhikr groups in Cape Town
                                                                                  are invited to attend and partici-
                                                                                  pate, as will Shaikh Ahmad
                                                                                  Naaiena, the State Qari of Egypt,
                                                                                  Insha Allah.
                                                                                         Souk and food court
                                                                                      This year, the size of the main
                                                                                  pavilion has been increased to ac-
                                                                                  commodate more vendors, and to
                                                                                  allow attendees to move and nav-
                                                                                  igate freely. This will make for a
                                                                                  much more comfortable and easy
                                                                                  shopping experience.
                                                                                      With over 150 vendors in the
                                                                                  souk and food court, this year’s
                                                                                  event is destined to be an awe-in-
                                                                                  spiring experience. The reconfigu-
                                                                                  ration of the food court was aimed
                                                                                  at crafting a better structure and
Duah being recited after Jumuah at the Castle of Good Hope during last year’s                                               Shreef Abass (left) with the popular Spice Mecca CookEasy Lifestyle Show
                                                                                  flow, thereby creating a magnifi-
Ramadaan Expo.                                         Photo YASSER BOOLEY                                                  personality, Shamilah Abass.                           Photo YASSER BOOLEY
                                                                                  cent entertainment, recreational

                                                                                  and eating pavilion.
                                                  Jumuah at the                       The composition of new and            shoppers over the weekend. Our                   ParticiPaint Project
                                               Castle of Good Hope                old vendors is to transcend what          boeber, falooda, chilli bites, pan-          Safia has organised the Partici-
THE people of Cape Town will                                                      we have done in the past. We              cake mixes, koeksister packs, spice       Paint Project for the Ramadaan
experience a transformative event          The five thousand people that          would like vendors who have syn-          blends, breyani and akni packs,           For All Exhibition under the cura-
when the Ramadaan For All               we anticipate will attend the             ergised with us in the past to apply      and a wide selection of dates will        torship of the maestro Achmat
Exhibition is held at the Castle of     maqam of the Quran will also per-         for space if they have not already        all be sold at exhibition prices.         Soni. The work of art to be com-
Good Hope on May 4, 5 and 6,            form Jumuah at the castle. This           done so.                                                                            pleted will indeed be a special
                                        Jumuah will be led by a mufti                 We intend to add a special di-          Community Legends Awards                community painting of immense
2018. It is the first real attempt
to neutralise barriers and bring        from the Haram Shareef of                 mension to the exhibition regard-            We have identified community           value. Everyone visiting the exhi-
all Muslims and non-Muslims to          Masjidul Aqsa, Insha Allah.               ing the composition, layout, look         activists, educationists and sports-      bition is invited to make their
a celebratory event of immense             Mufti Ibrahim Awadullah has            and feel, comfortable flow, signage       men and women who have im-                mark on the painting. The paint-
value to everybody.                     given a very good recommenda-             and spaciousness in the exhibition.       pacted the broader community              ing will be auctioned off and the
                                        tion for the Grand Mufti of               A wheelchair-friendly plan for the        greatly.                                  proceeds will go towards the de-
  What is Ramadaan For All?             Masjid Al Aqsa, who we hope will          ground-floor area is also being              We will honour them with the           velopment of the community.
    The exhibition is a non-sectar-     be present this year for the Ju-          worked on to ensure that no one           dignity and status that befits them.
ian approach to congregate all          muah at the Ramadaan For All              is excluded from this event.              They are our icons and heroes,                Wassatiyyah symposium
Capetonians and profile the             Exhibition, Insha Allah.                                                            often not recognised or even re-             International Peace College
beauty of Islam.                                                                      The Spice Mecca Pavilion              membered.                                 South Africa (Ipsa) aims to present
    Furthermore, it will demon-                 Exhibition of the                     At the centre of the souk is the         This very powerful community           Islam as a balanced religious path
strate that Ramadaan has value                 Quran by Tuan Guru                 location of the Spice Mecca Pavil-        segment will be broadcast live on         that, in essence, is non-extremist.
for all, Muslims and non-Muslims           An exact replica of the Quran          ion. Spice Mecca is the epicentre         itv and on the Golden Hour with           The importance of this narrative
alike.                                  written from memory by Imam               of the souk. Like a seismic ripple,       Yusuf Fisher and his co-host, Dr          in a segregated and divided global
    The exhibition is a charity         Abdullah ibn Qadi Abdus Salaam            it will exude an infectious vi-           Omar Esau, on Saturday, May 5,            community is paramount for the
event with no retained funds for        while imprisoned on Robben Is-            brancy that will ensure that every        from 1:30pm to 3pm.                       objective of inclusivity – an objec-
profit.                                 land, will be on display at the art       stand in the souk makes roaring              This will be followed by live in-      tive that the Ramadaan For All
    This festival aims to empower,      exhibition during Ramadaan For            business over the entire weekend.         terviews with awardees, celebrities       Exhibition tries to achieve.
profile and allow community or-         All.                                          The Spice Mecca CookEasy              and the public.                              Ipsa will partner with the Ra-
ganisations, cultural and educa-           This Quran has been made               Lifestyle Show, by Shamilah                                                         madaan For All Exhibition and
tional institutions, entrepreneurs      available by Al Ikhlaas Academia          Abass, is an event to behold. She                    Art exhibition                 stage its Annual Wassatiyyah Con-
and home industries to dissemi-         Library and Resource Centre. The          shares cooking tips on her                   The idea of the art exhibition is      ference at the Castle of Good
nate information and trade for          Quran is a scholarly and artistic         favourite Ramadaan dishes and so          to nurture and give exposure to           Hope on May 5, starting at
over 30 hours over the three days.      masterpiece with an Islamic histor-       it is an event not to be missed. Her      talented calligraphers and artists        9:00am, Insha Allah.
    In a world challenged by preju-     ical narrative that has great educa-      philosophy is that authentic cook-        to the Ramadaan For All atten-               Experts from diverse back-
dice and conflict, the organisers of    tional, religious and artistic value      ing can be demystified by follow-         dees, TV as well as radio audi-           grounds will participate in this
this exhibition will endeavour to       for all Capetonians. The Ra-              ing the CookEasy Lifestyle.               ences.                                    conference to show that this space
extend the race, culture, gender        madaan For All Exhibition intro-              By following the cooking space           Established and young budding          exists to allow us, through our di-
and religious demographics of at-       duces to you another great artistic       of Shamilah Abass on VOC, ITV             artists belonging to the South            versity, to engage, interact and co-
tendees in an environment of har-       and religious dimension, Alham-           and social media, you stand the           African Foundation of Islamic Art         exist with peace, harmony, respect
mony, peace and reconciliation.         dulillah.                                 chance of co-hosting one of the           (Safia) will exhibit many works of        and humanity.
    This coincides with a clear and                                               CookEasy Lifestyle Shows with             art.
deep understanding that, as citi-
                                             Dhikr at Masjidul Quds               her during the Ramadaan For All              The thousands of people at-             Relaunch of key publications
zens of this beautiful city and            A dhikr will be held at Masjidul       Exhibition.                               tending the exhibition will be able          Ipsa will relaunch some of its
country, we all have a common           Quds after Eshaa, on Thursday,                The prepared food at our pavil-       to view and purchase many of              publications, specifically the
destiny, which we need to fulfil by     May 3. Come and meet the mufti            ion is always a hit while our fully       these works of art at special exhi-       renowned work of Mohamed
recognising our common human-           from Al Aqsa and participate in a         stocked shop draws thousands of           bition prices.                            Alawi Al Maliki, namely, The Way
ity.                                                                                                                                                                  of The True Salaf. Other coffee-
                                                                                                                                                                      table editions will also be available
       Maqam of the Quran                                                                                                                                             at the International Peace College
   The event, as is customary, will                                                                                                                                   South Africa stand.
be opened with the melodious                                                                                                                                                  Closing ceremony
recitation of the Quran.
   Shaikh       Doctor     Ahmad                                                                                                                                         The many prizes on offer will
Naaiena, the State Qari of Egypt,                                                                                                                                     be handed over at the closing cer-
will be accompanied by other in-                                                                                                                                      emony. Umrah tickets, holiday
ternational and local qurraa to in-                                                                                                                                   vouchers and other prizes will be
augurate the Ramadaan For All                                                                                                                                         announced on stage on May 6.
Exhibition.                                                                                                                                                              The Ramadaan For All Exhibi-
   The Quran was revealed in the                                                                                                                                      tion is backed by many organisa-
month of Ramadaan, on the Night                                                                                                                                       tions with its new trajectory of
of Power.                                                                                                                                                             broader inclusion of media group-
   What will be more appropriate                                                                                                                                      ings – anchored by Voice of the
than to be inspired by maqam of                                                                                                                                       Cape, ITV and Muslim Views.
the Quran by the most proficient                                                                                                                                         Ramadaan For All is a non-
reciters, Insha Allah?                                                                                                                                                profit event focused entirely on de-
   The maqam will start at                                                                                                                                            velopment of our broader
9:30am, on Friday, and will con-                                                                                                                                      community. So, Cape Town, let us
tinue until 12:30pm.                                                                                                                                                  celebrate Ramadaan For All!
                                        Shreef Abbas (left) and organisers with the legends honoured last year, 2017: From left to right are Goosain Emeran, Gasant
   Another recital will take place                                                                                                                                       See you there on May 4, 5, and
                                        Emeran, Cassiem Diedericks, Cassiem Jabaar, Omar Esau, Thelma Achilles, Yusuf Davids and Junaid Daries. In front is Salie
on Sunday morning at 10:00am,                                                                                                                                         6, 2018.
                                        Fredericks, who passed away a few weeks after receiving the award. At the back is Daniel Jones, General Manager at
followed by a lecture from the                                                                                                                                        Shreef Abass is the managing
Mufti of Al Aqsa, Insha Allah.          Western Province Rugby.                                                                              Photo YASSER BOOLEY      director of Spice Mecca.
We need Nature - Muslim Views
Castle Of Good Hope
              4, 5 & 6 May 2018

          Tickets available at:

073 319 6337 / info@ramadaanforall.co.za
We need Nature - Muslim Views
10         Muslim Views . March 2018

Your options in a Muslim marriage
                                                                                                                             The parties will usually agree      if the parties are married by Is-

                                   This month, we are launching a new series on Muslim
                                                                                                                         on a mahr (dower), which can be         lamic rites only, in terms of South

                                   marriages. Advocate FATIMAH ESSOP, a PhD candidate at UCT,
                                                                                                                         paid upfront or can be deferred.        African law, both parents owe a

                                   commences the series with a discussion on the various options
                                                                                                                         Although scholars are in disagree-      duty of support to the minor chil-

                                   open to Muslims in South Africa when concluding a Muslim
                                                                                                                         ment on the minimum amount of           dren born of the marriage, both

                                                                                                                         dower that can be requested, there      during and after the dissolution of
                                                                                                                         is no limit to the maximum dower        the marriage, according to their
                                                                                                                         a bride may request.                    means.
                                                                                                                             It is advisable to record the           If either party defaults on main-
                                        community of property unless the        have stipulated otherwise or have        mahr agreed upon in writing be-         tenance, the other party may lodge
                                        parties have stated otherwise or        concluded an ANC before their            fore witnesses. Although histori-       a complaint with the maintenance
                                        have concluded an ante-nuptial          nikah ceremony.                          cally in the Cape the mahr has          officer at the maintenance court
                                        contract (an ANC).                          In this article, I will focus only   usually been a symbolic amount, it      (which is based at your nearest
                                           Thirdly, they could conclude a       on the first option and its conse-       is advisable to request an amount       magistrate’s court).
                                        dual ceremony, which simultane-         quences. Options two and three           which can serve as security for the         The local imam or Muslim ju-
                                        ously fulfils both the formal state     will be discussed in later publica-      wife in the event of death or di-       dicial body has no powers of en-
‘And He has placed between you          legal requirements and the reli-        tions, Insha Allah.                      vorce.                                  forcement as far as maintenance
love and mercy…’                        gious requirements of a nikah.              Should parties decide on the             A marriage in Islamic law is        claims or orders are concerned.
    MUSLIM marriages are still          Such a ceremony must be con-            first option, namely, the nikah cer-     usually out of community of prop-           It is also very important to note
not recognised as valid marriages       ducted by an imam who has been          emony by a local imam who is not         erty, with each spouse owning his       that a woman in an Islamic mar-
within South African law and, cur-      registered as a marriage officer in     a registered marriage officer, they      or her property separate from the       riage (only) who is being subjected
rently, there is a case pending be-     terms of the Marriage Act of            will conclude their marriage             other. I say ‘usually’ as parties are   to abuse is entitled to protection in
fore the Cape High Court, which         1961. In this scenario, the default     through the conventional nikah           free to conclude alternative agree-     terms of the Domestic Violence
is holding government to task for       position would also be in commu-        ceremony before an imam in a             ments concerning their matrimo-         Act of 1998.
its lack of enforcing legislation       nity of property unless the parties     masjid.                                  nial property.                              Hence, if she is being subjected
that recognises Muslim marriages.                                                                                            Nothing precludes the couple        to any kind of physical, sexual,
    In the interim however, those                                                                                        from purchasing an immovable            emotional or economical abuse by
wishing to conclude Islamic mar-                                                                                         property together in both their         her spouse then she is advised to
riages have various options avail-                                                                                       names. Generally, however, in Is-       report it to the nearest South
able to them.                                                                                                            lamic law, whatever property the        African Police Service, alterna-
    They could conclude a nikah                                                                                          woman acquires, whether through         tively, obtain a protection order
ceremony with their local imam                                                                                           her mahr, through inheritance or        from her nearest family or magis-
(who is not a registered marriage                                                                                        through her work and business,          trate’s court.
officer). In this scenario, the mar-                                                                                     remains her sole property.                  I cannot overemphasise the fact
riage is not recognised as a valid                                                                                           She can, of course, decide to       that Islamic law does not expect
marriage under South African law.                                                                                        voluntarily contribute towards the      wives to patiently persevere in sit-
    Secondly, they could conduct                                                                                         household, which most women in-         uations of domestic violence. Our
two ceremonies – the nikah cere-                                                                                         evitably do.                            beloved Messenger (SAW) never
mony with their local imam (who                                                                                              In Islamic law, the husband, on     lifted his hands to any of his wives.
is not a registered marriage officer)                                                                                    the other hand, owes a duty of              In the next edition, I will dis-
and then subsequently conclude a                                                                                         support to his wife and children        cuss the further consequences of a
civil ceremony in terms of the                                                                                           during the subsistence of the mar-      marriage concluded by nikah only,
Marriage Act of 1961 at the De-                                                                                          riage and towards his wife for the      as well as what occurs on the dis-
partment of Home Affairs.                                                                                                period of iddah after a divorce.        solution of such a marriage on
                                        Muslim couples have three options when marrying. These will be discussed in
    In this scenario, the default                                                                                            It is important to note that even   death or divorce.
matrimonial position would be in        this column over the next few months                              Photo 123RF

                                HAJJ & AQSA                                                                                                   2 UMRA H E XCLUSIVE
                            W I T H I M A A M PA N D Y
                 DEPA RT 23/ 24 Jul y                                       RET URN 3 Sept ember                                                                   DE PA RT 17/18 J ul y

                                    DOUBLE                                    TRIPLE                                                                               DOUBLE                                     TRIPLE

                                    R 66 500                               R 65 500                                                                                R 57 500                                 R 56 500
                                                                                                                                                                   10 Nights in Makkah at the Hyatt Regency Hotel 5* (1st Umrah)
                           9 Nights in Madinah at the Mövenpick Anwar Al Madinah Hotel 5*
                                    10 Nights in Makkah at the Hyatt Regency Hotel 5*
                                                                                                                                                                                    Return to Makkah (2nd Umrah)

                                                          EPA RT                DOUBLE
                                                                                DOU BL E                      TRIPLE
                                                                                                              T RIPLE                                                                    DEPART
                                                                                                                                                                                         DEPA RT                DOU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    BL E                  T
                                                          17/ 18 Ju
                                                                    ly          R 55 500                    R 54 500                                                                       17/18  July
                                                                                                                                                                                           17/ 18 Ju ly
                                                                                                                                                                                                               R 63 750                 R 62 750


                                                          23/ 24 Ju
                                                          23/24     ly
                                                                                R 53 500                    R 52 500                                                                       23/24  July
                                                                                                                                                                                           23/ 24 Ju ly        R 62 600                 R 61 600

                                                             5                                                                                                                                5
                                                           WEEKS                                                                            A J YA D                                        WEEKS
                                                          28/ 29 Ju
                                                          28/29     ly
                                                                 July           R 54 950                    R 53 950                       MAKKAH                                          28/29  July
                                                                                                                                                                                           28/ 29 Ju ly
                                                                                                                                                                                                               R 59 500                 R 58 500

       al maqam                                              4
                                                                                                                                           MAKAREM                                            4

                                                        01/ 02 Au
                                                        01/02     g u st
                                                                                R 53 000                    R 52 000                                                                     01/02  August
                                                                                                                                                                                         01/ 02 Au g u st
                                                                                                                                                                                                               R 55 000                 R 54 000
                                                                                                                                            B R E A K FA S T                             3.5

                                                        06/ 07 Au
                                                        06/07     g u st
                                                                                R 61 000                    R 60 000                                                                     06/07  August
                                                                                                                                                                                         06/ 07 Au g u st
                                                                                                                                                                                                               R 59 000                 R 58 000

                                                                                   LL ST
       AB R A AJ AL W

                                                                                                                                                                                         DEPA RT              DOU BL E
                                                                                                                                                                                                              DOUBLE                      TR IPLE
                                                                               BL E           TRIPLE
                                                                                              TRI PLE              QUAD
                                                                                                                   Q UAD
                                                              24 Ju
                                                                    ly     R 54 500          R 53 500           R 52 500
                                                                                                                                                                                          23/ 24 Ju
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ly        R 62 000                  R 61 000

                                                             5                                                                                                                               5

   ABRAAJ                                                 28/29
                                                          28/    July
                                                              29 Ju ly
                                                                           R 52 500          R 52 000           R 51 500
                                                                                                                                             DARUL                                        28/29  July
                                                                                                                                                                                          28/ 29 Ju ly
                                                                                                                                                                                                              R 61 000                  R 60 000
   AL WAHJ                                                                                                                                  TAWHID
                                                                                                                                        I NTER C O N TI NENTA L                               4

                                                        01/ 02 Au
                                                        01/02     g u st
                                                                           R 53 500          R 52 500           R 51 500                                                                 01/02  August
                                                                                                                                                                                         01/ 02 Au g u st     R 59 000                  R 58 000


                                                        06/ 07 Au
                                                        06/07     g u st
                                                               August      R 52 500          R 52 000           R 51 500                                                                 06/07  August
                                                                                                                                                                                         06/ 07 Au g u st     R 65 000                  R 63 000


                                                                                                                           •   Ziyaaraat in Madinah and Makkah                                                                        • R
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         itual slaughter

                  • Retur
                     Returnn airfare
                             airfare & airport
                                        airport taxes
                                                  taxes from
                                                        from CCpt
                                                                pt / JJnb
                                                                       nb / DDbn

                                                                                                                           •   Jabal Noor climb

                  • Madinah
                     Madinah accommodation
                                 accommodation at a ssingleingle hot
                                                                    el ffostering
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                                                                                        err and ssisterhood

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                                 rom air
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                                                o Madinah / MakMakkahkah / A Aziziy
                                                                               ziziyah in
                                                                                        n upg
                                                                                              graded                       •   Days of Hajj at South African Camp B including breakfast, lunch & dinner
                     air-conditioned buses
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                                                                                              l       ge                   •   Transportation
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                  • AAccommodation
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Muslim Views . March 2018             13

Ford Unleashes new purposefully designed benchmark Ranger Raptor
                                                                                 Ford’s new Raptor
                                      F-150 Raptor. The iconic block                                                                                            High levels of active and pas-
                                                                                 now has the looks
                                      Ford lettering proudly positioned                                                                                      sive safety have been designed-in
                                                                                 that promise to
                                                                                 beat the daylights
                                      within the grille design is unmis-                                                                                     from the outset, including the im-
                                                                                 out of every double
                                      takable when emerging from a                                                                                           proved Ford Stability Control in-
                                                                                 cab bakkie on the
                                      dust cloud.                                                                                                            corporating Roll Mitigation
                                         A      frame-mounted         front-                                                                                 Function.
                                      bumper system is designed to offer         Photo QUICKPIC                                                                 Ford’s comprehensive Elec-
                                      desert durability performance and                                                                                      tronic Stability Control (ESC) sys-
                                      a distinctive presence. The front                                                                                      tem is also there to help in difficult
                                      bumper also includes new LED                                                                                           cornering and braking situations.
                                      fog lamps with functional air-cur-                                                                                     The impressive technology suite

Ashref Ismail, who shares monthly
                                      tain ducts, which help to reduce                                                                                       includes Trailer Sway Control
motoring news with Muslim Views’
                                      air resistance of the body.                                                                                            (TSC), Hill Start Assist (HSA), Hill
readers.             Photo SUPPLIED
                                         Vehicle stance is noticeably big-     time on and off-road and an ag-       mission is combined with a new          Descent Control (HDC) and Load

                                      ger from every angle, standing at        gressive off-road tread pattern       2.0-litre Bi-Turbo diesel engine in     Adaptive Control (LAC).
                                      an impressive 1 873mm tall,              which provides grip in wet, mud,      the Ranger Raptor to deliver a             The rear view camera displayed
                                      2 180mm wide and 5 398mm                 sand and snow conditions.             maximum of 213PS (157kW) of             on the eight-inch colour LCD
THE first-ever Ranger Raptor,         long, with wider front and rear             The Ranger Raptor comes with       power and 500Nm of torque.              screen, matched with the rear
Ford’s new off-road, performance      tracks at 1 710mm.                       a Terrain Management System              The Ford-designed and Ford-          parking sensors, gives drivers the
pickup truck, blasted out from           Ground clearance is increased         (TMS) offering six modes for var-     built 10-speed automatic transmis-      utmost confidence when parking
behind its camouflage during a        to 283mm, while the approach             ious driving experiences, which       sion is shared with the F-150           anywhere.
reveal event in Thailand.             angle of 32,5°, ramp over angle of       can be selected via a dedicated       Raptor, and has been created with          For convenient access, an EZ
   The ultimate Ranger is pur-        24° and departure angle of 24° as        five-button switch located on the     high-strength steel, aluminium al-      Lift Tailgate uses a new rod assem-
posefully designed, built and         a package are superior to anything       steering wheel.                       loys and composites to optimise         bly to give the owner a 66 per cent
tested to set a benchmark as the      seen before.                                Each mode has been calibrated      durability and weight.                  reduction in initial lift force. Intel-
only factory-built performance           Given the unforgiving terrain         to offer the best possible combina-      Having ten gears means a wider       ligent Access, also known as pas-
truck across Asia Pacific. Designed   Ranger Raptor has been devel-            tion of technologies working in       ratio span resulting in better accel-   sive entry, allows owners to
by the Ford Performance team for      oped for, it needed an aggressive        unison to tackle the chosen terrain   eration and responsiveness.             unlock, lock and start the vehicle
the true enthusiast off-roader,       set of tyres to keep it stable on and    or driving style with aplomb.            With more room to optimise           without having to reach for their
Ford Ranger Raptor strengthens        off-road. All-terrain BF Goodrich           The Ranger Raptor powertrain       gear spacing, engineers could cus-      keys.
Ford’s commitment to deliver          285/70 R17 tyres have been spe-          features cutting edge technology to   tomise gear progression far more           Using a radio frequency signal,
‘Built Ford Tough’ pickup trucks      cially developed for the Ranger          offer more power and torque, bet-     efficiently than before, providing      the key fob allows the owner to
to customers in Asia Pacific.         Raptor.                                  ter fuel economy, less weight and     more accurate – and quicker – up-       start the vehicle with a press of a
   The Ranger Raptor features            Holding a strong presence, each       off-road specific calibrations for    shift and downshift capability.         button, and is able to activate cen-
distinctive design cues inside and    tyre measures 838mm in diameter          engine, transmission, driveline,         The Ranger Raptor comes with         tral locking for the doors and the
out that are functionally driven.     and 285mm in width.                      steering, brakes and Electronic       a host of advanced Driver Assist        tailgate. In the case of a depleted
   At the front, a stunning new          The design offers a tough side-       Stability Control (ESC) system.       Technologies (DATs) at the push         battery, a mechanical key blade is
grille takes styling cues from the    wall to take on all environments            In a revolutionary move to de-     of a button, which are not just cut-    incorporated into the fob design.
world’s first factory-built, high     with confidence, a super grippy          liver incredible performance and      ting edge but genuinely practical       Additional technical information
performance off-road truck, the       tread to extend owners’ adventure        responsiveness, a 10-Speed trans-     for everyday use.                       supplied by Ford (SA).
14         Muslim Views . March 2018

From South Africa to the world
       ASHREF ISMAIL                       The car was so popular                                                                                                   journey,’ adds Orr.
                                        amongst the young set that you                                                                                                  ‘We are proud to have such
OLD Citi Golfs do not die. They         would be hard-pressed to find one                                                                                           keen Volkswagen enthusiasts, and
become celebrities.                     in original condition: wheels, tyres                                                                                        it was a pleasure for us to supply
   The VW Citi Golf was a mar-          and suspension modifications                                                                                                parts for the Citi Golf as well as to
keting success story of note. Never     were ever popular and so were                                                                                               host Jamie at the AutoPavilion
before was a humble little run-         sound and exhaust systems, not                                                                                              and take him on a factory tour,
about such a phenomenal sales           forgetting the ubiquitous airflow                                                                                           which has seen major investment
success that it even made it into       transplant that gave it its charac-                                                                                         since ceasing production of the
the case studies of marketing           teristic whoosh-whoosh sound!                                                                                               Citi Golf in 2009,’ said Matt Gen-
courses.                                   Using the hashtag, #Cit-                                                                                                 nrich, VWSA Communications
   The Citi Golf was the successor      iGolfChallenge, car enthusiast,                                                                                             General Manager.
to the VW Golf, which itself was        Jamie Orr, will be taking the                                                                                                   The car will now be shipped to
the successor to the original, ever-    beloved Citi Golf from South                                                                                                the Volkswagen Emden factory in
                                                                                The 1991 classic, blue, two-tone Citi Golf. Old Golfs do not die, they become
                                                                                celebrities. This one is on its way to Europe and America.         Photo QUICKPIC
green VW Beetle, popularly              Africa to one of the biggest Volk-                                                                                          Germany, as well as to the head-
known as the People’s Car.              swagen events, the GTI Treffen in                                                                                           quarters of the Volkswagen
   In South Africa, Beetle produc-      Wörthersee, Germany.                                                                                                        Group, the Wolfsburg factory, in
tion came to an end in 1976.               The project started with ship-                                                                                           Germany.
While uptake of the original Golf       ping a Passat 3.6L VR6 engine,          events, that is why I wanted to buy       images from the Gauteng province              ‘In Wolfsburg, we will apply the
was a bit slow, the Citi Golf series    complete with Golf 4 VR5 trans-         restore and share one as much as          and other iconic images tastefully        finishing touches before another 1
that followed on the recipe of the      mission with a limited slip differ-     possible,’ says Orr.                      lining the stereo system compo-           000 kilometre drive to the GTI Tr-
original shape and design went on       ential, and lightweight billet             The team was able to get their         nents inside the boot.                    effen in Wörthersee. The tour of
to sell for over three decades under    flywheel and clutch setup, from         hands on a 1991 classic, blue,               The build, which took almost a         Europe will also include factory
various names and guises.               America to South Africa.                two-tone Citi which only had              week, culminated in the Citi Golf         and museum visits as well as a trip
   This notable achievement was,           Upon arrival in South Africa, at     dents and minor mechanical is-            attending its first show, the VDub        to the infamous Nurburgring race
however, only recorded in South         the end of January 2018, Jamie          sues. The build challenge included        Camp Fest, in Bela Bela, which            track,’ concluded Orr.
Africa and it was only a few years      started searching for a suitable Citi   installing the imported 225Kw             was held in the beginning of Feb-             After the #CitiGolfChallenge is
back when the car was eventually        Golf. The Volkswagen Citi Golf          VR6 engine, with original factory         ruary. The journey then took the          done, the car would have travelled
discontinued because of the lack        was only produced in South              fuel management and wiring and            Citi Golf to the Volkswagen Uiten-        to three continents, and its final
of safety features, such as airbags     Africa, and was never officially        a full respray in the original            hage factory, some 1 000 kilome-          destination will be in America.
and ABS. It was really a pity be-       sold outside of the African conti-      colour.                                   tres from Gauteng.                            Now, had it been up to me, I
cause the car provided basic but        nent.                                      The exterior and interior were            ‘Although production of the            would have set off in the Citi Golf
colourful transport to many first-         ‘While the Golf 1 enjoys a           updated with GTi Mk7-inspired             Citi Golf stopped nearly ten years        on road from here across Africa to
time buyers who enjoyed its sim-        strong     enthusiast     following     seat fabric, all-new steering com-        ago in South Africa, I wanted to          its destination in Germany. What
plicity, economy and go-kart            around the world, Citi Golfs are a      ponents and upgraded brakes. The          come and visit the Uitenhage fac-         an epic story that would have
handling.                               rare sight even at Volkswagen fan       interior trim work features classic       tory as a symbolic point of this          made!

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Muslim Views . March 2018          15

Conference aims at effective functioning of madaris
         FARID SAYED                                                                                                     ment expressed concern that              ships, Shaikh Ishmael Gqamane,
                                                                                                                         madrasah education ‘is fast be-          will present an introduction to the
THE second Annual Cape                                                                                                   coming an extinct aspect of Mus-         madrasah system in the town-
Madrasah Teachers’ Conference                                                                                            lim upbringing.                          ships.
will be held in Mitchells Plain                                                                                              ‘Many parents don’t see, or re-         Shaikh Sa’dullah Khan, CEO of
this year.                                                                                                               alise, the importance of madrasah        Islamia College, in Lansdowne,
    Presented by Madrasah tul                                                                                            education. In the hierarchy of im-       will discuss the most effective
Madina, speakers at the confer-                                                                                          portance for some parents, it oc-        method of the holistic teaching of
ence will address the theme ‘The                                                                                         cupies fourth or fifth place.            a comprehensive deen.
holistic madrasah system’.                                                                                                   ‘It comes way behind secular            The conference is open to
    While the inaugural conference,                                                                                      schooling, assignments, school           madrasah teachers operating at
last year, under the theme ‘Effec-                                                                                       projects, extra tuition, sports, fam-    madaris from home, in garages or
tive teamwork for efficient teach-                                                                                       ily functions, community events          Wendy houses and those located
ing’, concentrated on the role of                                                                                        and cultural programmes.                 at the masajid as well as teachers
the teacher, this year, the emphasis                                                                                         ‘We want to bring the impor-         and principals at darul ulooms,
will be on a sound organisational                                                                                        tance of madrasah education              higher institutions of Islamic
and administrative structure to                                                                                          again to the fore.                       learning and hifdh schools.
support sound methodology in the                                                                                             ‘Our children, especially high          Teachers at Islamic schools and
classroom.                                                                                                               school students, are struggling to       government schools, and princi-
    Madrasah tul Madina was                                                                                              keep their Islamic identity.’            pals and teachers at pre-schools
pleased with the success of the in-                                                                                          The speakers lined up for the        and crèches, are also invited.
augural conference, in August                                                                                            conference are highly regarded in        Committee members of madaris
2017.                                                                                                                    their respective areas of specialisa-    and masajid are urged to attend.
    As a result, it was felt that the                                                                                    tion.                                       The second Annual Cape
dire need for madaris and other Is-                                                                                          Hasanain Abdullah, project co-       Madrasah Teachers’ Conference
lamic educational institutions to                                                                                        ordinator of Awqaf SA, will pres-        will be held at Glendale High
function at a more effective level                                                                                       ent guidelines on building               School, corner of Weltevreden and
in the communities called for the                                                                                        organisational       capacity      for   Caravelle                     Roads,
Cape Madrasah Teachers’ Confer-                                                                                          madaris.                                 Rocklands, Mitchells Plain.
                                        Lameez Gasant, an educational psychologist, was one of the speakers at the
ence to become an annual gather-                                                                                             Addressing the issue of the             The conference opens at
ing of minds.                           inaugural Madrasah Teachers’ Conference, last year. Presented by Madrasah tul    emotional aspects in the relation-       8.00am with registration and a
                                        Madina, it was held at the Academia Auditorium, on the Islamia College campus,
                                        in Lansdowne. This year, the conference moves to Glendale High School, in
    According to a press statement                                                                                       ship between the child and the           light breakfast. Lunch will also be
                                        Rocklands, Mitchells Plain.                                    Photo SUPPLIED
released by Madrasah tul Madina,                                                                                         teacher will be Muallima Ghadija         served.
the conference is of critical impor-                                                                                     Allie of the Muslim Judicial Coun-          For further details contact
tance to ‘raise the stand of                                                                                             cil Ladies Forum.                        Moulana Abduragmaan May, on
madrasah education, enhance the         l to attract more high school stu-         ment conducive to teaching;               Moulana Hassiem Cassiem,             083 948 5436, Moulana Muham-
classroom environment and im-             dents to madrasah;                     l to introduce more educational         Western Cape chairperson of the          mad Kamalie on 081 803 8538 or
prove the organisational capability     l to make madrasah education               outings and excursions;               South African National Zakah             the Madrasah tul Madina office,
and infrastructure.                       more creative, colourful, effec-       l to organise career days, youth        Fund, will talk on the value a           on 021 376 2827.
    ‘We would also like to discuss        tive and relevant;                       camps, quiz competitions etc as       teacher well-grounded in method-         Those interested in attending –
the methods of teaching of a deen       l to enhance age-appropriate and           part of madrasah education;           ology brings to the classroom.           and the invitation is open to all
which is comprehensive.’                  relevant teaching;                       and                                       The imam at Masjid Murtaza,          madrasah teachers in Cape Town
    Among other objectives of the       l to improve teaching methodol-          l to look at the welfare and inter-     in Gugulethu, and ameer of the           and its environs – could email
conference, the press statement           ogy;                                     est of the madrasah teacher.          Western Cape Shura Council and           their expression of interest to
listed the following:                   l to create a classroom environ-           Madrasah tul Madina’s state-          the Imamat Council of the Town-          madrasahtulmadina99@gmail.com
16         Muslim Views . March 2018

                                           - ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE -
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Taariq Mathiba of Islamic Relief South
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Africa (right) and Imraan Choonara of
Cycling for a cause                                                                                                                                                                                         Africa Muslims Agency, in Ennerdale,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Photo ISLAMIC RELIEF
                                                                                                                                                                                                           materials to children, we hope to
Islamic Relief Challenges are                                                                                                                                                                              motivate them to stay in school
unique ways to fundraise for the                                                                                                                                                                           and to realise their dreams. By
less fortunate. Participants take                                                                                                                                                                          speaking out about their reality,
part in daring and fun activities                                                                                                                                                                          we hope to break the cycle of
while bringing their networks                                                                                                                                                                              poverty that their families have be-
together for a good cause.                                                                                                                                                                                 come all too familiar with.’
Islamic Relief South Africa’s                                                                                                                                                                                 The team stopped off in small
Ashraf Kenny completed an epic                                                                                                                                                                             towns along the way, such as Bela
8-day cycling adventure across                                                                                                                                                                             Bela and Modimolle, where they
Andalusia in aid of water                                                                                                                                                                                  visited schools and addressed
projects in Mali, while                                                                                                                                                                                    learners. ‘A visit to Nylstroom Pri-
Johannesburg-based Taariq                                                                                                                                                                                  mary School revealed a lack of
Mathiba joined the Salaamedia                                                                                                                                                                              running water and sports equip-
Cycle Challenge in aid of                                                                                                                                                                                  ment.
educational services for orphans                                                                                                                                                                              ‘In Bela Bela, one school
and vulnerable children. The aid                                                                                                                                                                           catered for 1 100 students who use
                                      Ashraf Kenny at the Alhambra, in
workers share their experiences.                                                                                                                                                                           latrines as toilets. Six-year-olds
                                      Andalusia, Spain.
ASHRAF Kenny and 22 other                                                                                                                                                                                  have to use these ‘toilets’. This re-
cyclists from Islamic Relief                         Photo ISLAMIC RELIEF    drinking water.’                                                             children.                                        minded me of Michael Komape
offices around the world, started                                               Each cyclist was responsible for                                             They cycled as part of the #Rid-              from Polokwane who slipped into
their challenge in Cordoba.           doors at the gym. I had not done       raising R5 000 towards the water                                             ing4SAeducation 2018 campaign                    a pit latrine and drowned.’
‘Physically and mentally, the         any road training so that took         system that would be installed by                                            hosted by Salaamedia and Salaam                     Islamic Relief South Africa
cycle took its toll on me but I       some getting used to.’                 the Mali office. ‘I used social                                              Foundation. The cycle challenge                  CEO, Yusuf Mohamed, ap-
knew what I had signed up for            Day two provided its own chal-      media to keep Irsa followers in-                                             started on February 11, in Polok-                plauded the efforts of the staff and
and, for me, achieving my             lenges as the route included many      formed about my progress and                                                 wane, and covered a distance of                  volunteers but singled out the
fundraising target was of utmost      hills. Kenny adopted a water proj-     also to encourage them to help me                                            1 162 kilometres, ending in Lena-                members of the public who do-
importance.                           ect in Mali as his primary             reach my target within the 8-day                                             sia on February 25.                              nated towards both challenges.
   ‘The first day was intense as we   fundraising focus. ‘Clean and safe     cycle challenge.                                                                ‘The long distance gave us time                  ‘It has been an exciting few
had to complete approximately 60      water is the key to life … to immu-       ‘Alhamdulillah, on the last day,                                          to reflect on the challenges faced               weeks for the Islamic Relief team
kilometres. Although we were a        nity and health, and to ensuring       we managed to not only reach the                                             by children who have to travel                   but we are overwhelmed by the
large group, we all cycled at our     that children go to school.            target but exceeded the total, end-                                          long distances to get to school,                 community support. We could not
own pace and encouraged each             ‘I decided to raise funds for one   ing the day on a grand total of                                              while others were forced to drop                 have reached these targets alone
other to keep going.                  water system that would service        R52 920.’ The project is expected                                            out of school because they did not               and pray that the Almighty accept
   ‘Initially it was gruelling. We    the villages of Bladje, Siraman,       to be completed by August 2018.                                              have the necessary books, uni-                   your contributions, Insha Allah.’
had to get used to being on a bicy-   Komitan and Tamala, in Mali. As           Meanwhile, in Johannesburg,                                               forms, stationery and basic hy-                     To support Islamic Relief’s
cle for an extended period of time    much as we know about a water          Islamic Relief’s Taariq Mathiba                                              giene items, like sanitary pads,                 water and educational pro-
and this took some adjusting. Al-     crisis, their situation is dire …      and Abdullah Vawda geared up to                                              which we often take for granted,’                grammes in South Africa or
though I did some training for this   with only a small percentage of the    raise funds for educational sup-                                             said Taariq Mathiba.                             abroad,      visit     www.islamic-
challenge, I had only trained in-     population having access to safe       port for orphans and vulnerable                                                 ‘By providing these educational               relief.org.za for more information.

                                                                         Invest in
                                                                  their future by
                                                               donating towards
                                                                   our Orphans
                                                                 General Fund                                                                                                               3.7 million.
                                                                                                                                                                                            That’s how many orphans are living
                                                                                                                                                                                            without one or both parents in South
                                                                                                                                                                                            Africa, with nobody to provide them
                                                                                                                                                                                            a home, safety
                                                                                                                                                                                                      safety,, or love.

                                                                                                                                                                                            At Islamic Relief, we believe in
                                                                                                                                                                                            protecting children and
                                                                                                                                                                                            their rights.

                                                                                                                                                                                            We currently sponsor over 60,000
                                                                                                                                                                                            orphans worldwide by providing
                                                                                                                                                                                            them with food, shelter, healthcare,
                                                                                                                                                                                            education and psychosocial

                                                                                                                                                                                            With your help, we can transform the
                                                                                                                                                                                            lives of more vulnerable kids and
                                                                                                                                                                                            give them the love and care they so
                                                                                                                                                                                            desperately need.

                                                                                                                                                                                            Gift a monthly donation to our
         L VE IS IN OUR DNA                                                                                                        IDES FOR HIM WILL BE IN                                  Orphans General Fund to support
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                                                                                                                                                                                            their families and communities.


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       GIFT YOUR LILLAH                                       FULFILLLY YOUR ZAKAT
                                                                         OUR ZAK KAT
                                                                                                 HO TA

       Standard Bank Fordsburg
                     Fordsburrg                               FNB Smith S Street
                                                                           treet                                                                                                                 islamic-relief.org.za/
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