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Asian Express National - Asian Express Newspaper
Asian Express National - Asian Express Newspaper
Asian                                                                                      ®

WE GET                                                                    DOUBLE
TESLA                                                                     TROUBLE
OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 1ST EDITION 2014                                     National

                                                          se e 4
                                                            e 3
                                                                          Katrina Kaif gets waxed
Introducing the Tesla Model S – zero emissions, zero compromises          for Madame Tussauds                                                           see page 27

                                                ‘Birmingham Balti’ –
                                                 Invented or inherited
                                                       We’ve all heard of the
                                                                                     City bids to protect iconic curry dish
                                                        Cornish pasty, Jersey
                                                          Royal potatoes and
                                                            Stilton Blue cheese     the dish has a ring to it and there          array of forms, is something
                                                              before, but the       are certainly handfuls of                    which may be hard to
                                                               Birmingham           evidence backing it up as a                  comprehend for some, including
                                                                 Balti? Now that    ‘culinary invention’ from the                a number of restaurateurs in
                                                                  is a different    heart of the West Midlands.                  Britain’s official Curry Capital,
                                                                   matter.            Yet, to ‘patent’ a curry, which            Bradford.
                                                                                    has now become readily
                                                                                                                                    Continued on page 6
                                                                      There is
                                                                     no denying     available across the world in an

                                                                          DISMISSED: Mohammed Aslam MBE, Managing
                                                                       Director of Aagrah, said the ‘Birmingham Balti’ was
                                                                       unfeasible as he claims it was not invented in the city
Asian Express National - Asian Express Newspaper
2            NEWS                                                                                                                                        October/November 2014 - 1st Edition

          CONTACT US:
                 Editor in Chief:
     Andleeb Hanif -
                                                                           French MEP goes “beserk”
                 Operations Director:
              Nadim Hanif - 07969 914 041
                                                                          Politician outraged
       Distribution Manager: Shafeeq Ahmed

                                                                          after police fail to
                Senior group reporter
                  Naumaan Farooq -
                                                                          recognise her upon
                  Greater London:
       Tusdiq Din -
       Lancashire & Greater Manchester:
      Majed Iqbal -
                                                                          alerting them to a
                Sports Reporter:
      Rick Manners -                              woman wearing                              BANNED:
                                                                                                                 Wearing a Niqab is
                                                                                                                 illegal in France and
                                                                                                                 covering up your
                Follow us on                                              banned niqab                           face may result in a
                                                                                                                 fine up to €150

                                                                                                       A prominent French politician           according to Morano ‘in total          asked police if they ever watched
                                                                                                    alerted police when she spotted a          disregard’.                            television. "I'm a minister!" she
            Tel: 08703 608 606                                                                      Muslim woman wearing a black                  Not considering that perhaps        shouted, according to the report.
           Fax: 08703 608 605                                                                       niqab in Paris, in breach of a             the woman didn’t understand               Morano served as minister for
     Email:                                                                 controversial law banning face-            French and hence the reason for        Family Affairs and later for
              Published by Media Buzz Ltd.
                                                                                                    covering veils.                            not responding, Morano reported        Apprenticeship and Professional
          Company Registration No.8863227.
                                                                                                       Nadine Morano, a member of              her presence to police.                Formation under the presidency
      Media Buzz Ltd. 4 Armley Court, Armley Road,
                                                                                                    the centre-right UMP (Union for               The MEP claimed that face-          of Nicolas Sarkozy.
            Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS12 2LB                                                         a Popular Movement) party, came            covering veils pose a security            Under a law that came into
    ©Media Buzz Ltd. All contents are Copyright. All Rights are
                                                                                                    across the woman at Paris Est              threat to the public, as they          effect in 2011 in France, women
    reserved. No part of this publication may be stored in any                                      train station.                             conceal identity.                      who cover their faces in a number
    retrieval system or transmitted electronically in any form
    without prior written permission of the Publishers. Whilst
                                                                                                       The 51-year-old Member of the              "It's allowed to be suspicious      of public spaces, such as in the
    every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can                                                                                                                    street, can be fined up to €150 or
    be accepted for inaccuracies howsoever caused.
                                                                                                    EU Parliament (MEP) wrote on               when (a person) hides," she
    Contributed material does not necessarily reflect the opinion              ENRAGED: French      Facebook that she could not tell if        wrote. "Our vigilance must be          be obliged to attend a citizenship
    of the Publishers. The editorial policy and general layout of
    this publication are at the discretion of the publisher and no          MEP Nadine Morano       the Islam-faithful was a man or a          flawless in this period of             class, or both.
    debate will be entered into. No responsibility can be                   was outraged that       woman as ‘he/she’ was covered              radicalization of communal                The European Court of Human
    accepted for illustrations, articles or photographs whilst in
    transmission with the Publishers or their Agent unless a                police failed to        from head to toe ‘with only the            behaviours and of jihadi               Rights recently dismissed a
    commitment is made in writing prior to receipt of such items.           recognise her           eyes left exposed’.                        indoctrination.”                       complaint that the rule breached
                                                                                                       “I reminded (them) that such               However, more interestingly         freedom of religious rights,
                                                                                                    (an) outfit is banned in France            was her outburst - according to a      maintaining that covering one's
                                                                                                    and that he or she had to uncover          police report on the incident          face in public can be considered
                                                                                                    her face to walk in public areas,”         published by France Blue radio.        an anti-social behaviour.
                                                                                                    Morano wrote.                              Morano went berserk as police             France is home to about five
                                                                                                       The woman, who had most                 officers didn't recognise her and      million Muslims - the largest
                                                                                                    likely just arrived in Paris as            failed to stop the veiled woman.       Muslim population in Western
                                                                                                    Morano said she was carrying                  Described in the report as          Europe - but it is estimated that
                                                                                                    luggage, ignored the female                "extremely aggressive and very         only about 2,000 women wear full

                                                                                                 PTI to end sit-in if PM reveals all assets
                                                                                                    politician and walked away,                nervous", the MEP allegedly            veils.
                 HAIR NAILS & BEAUTY

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                                                                                                     Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI)
                                                                                                 chief Imran Khan said this week

        from winter weathers with...
                                                                                                 that he would wind up his 68-day
                                                                                                 sit-in on one condition.
                                                                                                     Khan has called for Pakistan’s

Prity’s 24/7 Intensive Moisturising Cream
                                                                                                 Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to
                                                                                                 honestly declare all of his assets.
                                                                                                 He added that he would consider
                                                                                                 softening his stance of staying put
                                                                                                 at the D-Chowk with his supporter
        Recommended for Dry Skin, Skin Rejuvenation,                                             till the premier resigned.
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                                                                                                     The announcement follows a shift
                                                                                                 in the PTI’s focus from its sit-in near
                                                                                                 the Parliament House to holding
                                                 Key Ingredients:                                public gatherings in different cities
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         Provides the skin with intense moisturisation using only the finest, natural                “I will call off the sit-in if you, Mr
      ingredients. Also helps to smoothen the skin, reduces pigmentation & blemishes,            Nawaz Sharif, are ready to declare
                       hydrates and protects against harmful UV rays.                            your ‘real assets’ before the nation,”
                                                                                                 he said while addressing the
                                                         To Use:                                 participants of the sit-in.
       Best used after cleaning the skin using Prity's Pure Rose & Gold Toner. Take a                “I believe Nawaz Sharif may
    sufficient quantity and apply on the face whilst rubbing in an upwards motion. Can           himself not be aware of all of his
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    also be applied before applying foundation for luxuriously rich, buffed & glowy skin.                                                     public meeting in Karachi. The          programme from his container.
                                                                                                 country,” he said.
                                                                                                     Addressing PPP chairman                  same amount will be enough to              He demanded a Rs15 decrease
                                                                                                 Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, he said: “I          carry on the PTI sit-in for three       in petroleum prices and announced
                                                                                                 will recognise you as leader if you          years,” he said.                        that his party would protest on

                                       07462 556 956
              City Centre Branch, Kirkgate - Next to McDonald’s                                  ask your uncle Nawaz Sharif and                 He added: “We just use a             Wednesday outside district press
                                                                                                 your father Asif Ali Zardari to              container and a sound system” and       clubs across the country against a
                                                                                                 declare before the nation their `real        the PTI’s supporters participated in    hike in electricity tariff.
                                                                                                 assets’ which they earned after a lot        gatherings without any pressure.           “My dear supporters, your training

                                         01274 307 040
                           14 Legrams Lane, Bradford BD7 1ND                                     of`hard work’. If you fail then I will          Mr Khan invited a TV channel and     is under way during the sit-in and it
                                                                                                 perform this task.”                          its anchor facing suspension of         is possible that someone among
                                                                                                     He said Mr Zardari was raising           licence by the Pakistan Electronic      you may become the chairperson of
                                                                                                 questions about the funding of the           Media Regulatory Authority and a        the PTI in future,” he said.
                                                                                                 PTI’s sit-in and rallies. “Your party        ban on the directives of a Lahore
Asian Express National - Asian Express Newspaper
October/November 2014 - 1st Edition                                               NEWS             3

                                        says no to
                                         Despite their very close   remade in Tamil & Telugu         Govinda was quoted
                                      long-term friendship, it      as Dhoni and in Bengali as    saying: “I thought it's a
                                      seems that Govinda has        'Chalo Paltai' starring       very arty film and I don't
                                      refused to act in Salman      Prosenjit Chatterjee.         want to do an arty film at
                                      Khan's Hindi remake of          Govinda said he is not      least with Salman Khan”.
                                      Mahesh Manjrekar's hit        keen on starring in an arty      Talking    about    his
                                      film       'Shikshanachya     movie and that Salman         bonding with Salman, he
                                      Aaicha Gho'.                  said he would make a few      added, 'We had a great
                                         The movie is a 2010        changes in the script, but    time shooting together for
                                      Indian    Marathi      film   when the script went back     Partner. He is a very dear
                                      directed     by    Mahesh     to Govinda, he just wasn’t    friend. We are almost the
                                      Manjrekar which was later     interested.                   same.'
Asian Express National - Asian Express Newspaper
4       NEWS                                                                                                                           October/November 2014 - 1st Edition

                                          Prime Minister’s Diwali message
                                           “As the world celebrates        Vaisakhi and Hanukkah are         in which hundreds of                 Britain and India. It is a
                                        the festival of lights let us      freely observed and               thousands of men from India          strong and vibrant
                                        all embrace the true spirit        celebrated – by people of         travelled far from home to           relationship that works
                                        of Diwali: the victory of          faith and none. They are          help the Allies defeat tyranny       in so many ways: from
                                        light over darkness, and           reminders of the countless        in the fight for the freedoms        the economy to
                                        hope over despair.                 positive things that we have in   we enjoy today.                      education; from science
                                           “At this special time of year   common and show us that              “As well as looking back we       to sport. I very much
                                        I know millions of people          good will always triumph over     can also look forward with           look forward to
                                        around the world and here in       evil.                             great confidence about the           continuing to build on
                                        the UK will come together to          “Diwali also shines a light    future in the knowledge that         this historic and
                                        mark this joyous festival with     on Britain’s Indian community     British Indians will continue to     invaluable friendship for
                                        family, friends, feasts and        and allows us to think about      excel and be at the forefront        the benefit of both our
                                        fireworks.                         the astonishing contribution      of our society, helping to take      peoples.
                                           “When we hear so much           they have made to our             Britain from strength to                “So whether you are in
                                        about tragedy and misery in        country. And this is not just     strength.                            the UK or India, whether
                                        our world it is at times like      about what we all see and            “I am sure that as Diwali is      you are Hindu, Sikh
                                        Diwali that we can reflect on      benefit from today: the           celebrated here in Britain           or Jains – to
                                        all the incredibly positive and    businesses they run; the jobs     many people will be thinking         everyone

                                        generous things that people        they create and the great         about their loved ones in            celebrating the
                                        and communities do for             public and professional           India, underlining the people-       festival of lights
                                        others.                            services they provide. It is a    to-people connections                around the

                                           “This is why it is important    contribution that goes back       between our two great                world I wish you
                                        as a country we celebrate our      many years. As we                 countries.                           a very peaceful
                                        religions. I am proud that         commemorate a century                “These deeply personal            and happy
                                        Diwali and other important         since the outbreak of the First   links are just one part of the       Diwali.”
                                        festivals such as Easter, Eid,     World War we recall a conflict    great friendship between

                                                                                                                                                             Police ‘concerned’

                                         A vow to clear
     In keeping with the Tubzee

                                                                                                                                                              for safety of teen
        tradition of developing

                                                                                                                                                               in latest appeal
           gelato with flair and
    creativity, our Panna Fragola

                                         his name
        is a divine choice that is
        perfect for sharing with
          friends and family. Its
         smooth texture that is
      complemented with fresh
         strawberry pieces and
    swirled with real strawberry          Former police officer who quit
       fruit sauce makes this an           force over wife-beating says
           irresistible favourite.        he’ll pursue legal action after
     Fresh British strawberries
                                            sexual assault allegations
                                                                                                                      DISGRACED: Former police
                                            A former police officer who        Patala was cleared of rape         inspector Mustaq Patala who
        are handpicked and               was cleared of a string of          and sexual assault at Preston        left force after his wife reported
                                         sexual offences this month,         Crown Court and now claims           beating was cleared of sexual                 APPEAL: Sabeela Waid was last seen by her
    combined in this luxurious           now insists that he was the         police     failed    to    fully     assault charges                            family at the end of September and has made no
     strawberry Gelato. To give          victim of 'institutional racism'    investigate the claims made                                                     contact with them since

                                                                                                                                                                Police in the West Midlands are
                                         by his former police force.         against him.                        best in the country.

                                                                                                                                                             growing ‘deeply concerned’ about a
    you that Summer feeling all             39-year-old Mustaq Patala,         Patala - who was once one            He says other officers were

                                                                                                                                                             missing teenager from Sandwell who
                                         from Blackburn, Lancashire          of the youngest Asian police        jealous of his quick rise
            year around.
                                                                                                                                                             has not been seen by her parents since
                                         was forced to quit the force        inspectors in Britain - has now     through the force and the sex
                                                                                                                                                             the end of last month.
                                         back in 2011 for beating his        vowed to take legal action          charges should never have
                                                                                                                                                                14-year-old Sabeela Waid has been
                                         wife, after she claimed that he     against Lancashire Police and       been brought against him
                                                                                                                                                             missing for three weeks since her initial
    “Tubzee’s vision is to make          had subjected her to a long         the      Crown     Prosecution         Explaining the case, a CPS
                                                                                                                                                             disappearance on Sunday 28th December
                                         campaign of violence which          Service claiming he had been        spokesman        said: “After
                                                                                                                                                             and has had no contact with her family.
    Gelato Giovanni, the most            began in 1999 during her            a victim of 'jealousy' in the       receiving medical evidence
                                                                                                                                                                The teen was last seen in Walter Street,
                                         pregnancy.                          force due to his 'meteoric' rise    relating to the complainant in
                                                                                                                                                             West Bromwich, around midday and is
       prominent Italian ice                His      conviction        for   through the ranks.                  this case the prosecution
                                                                                                                                                             known to frequently visit Walsall and
                                         assaulting his wife resulted in       He said that institutional        applied to the judge to have
                                                                                                                                                             Darlaston in particular.
      cream brand in the UK”             Patala landing 180 hours            racism exists profoundly            the evidence given by the
                                         unpaid work.                        within the police service.          complainant in an earlier trial                She has been missing several times in
                                            After Patala completed             He      told    a    regional     adduced as hearsay evidence                 the past yet local authorities say they are
    Imitated by many perfected           community         service,     he   newspaper        that     whilst    in this trial.                              concerned for her safety due to the
                                         travelled for pilgrimage in         awaiting trial he had spent            'After      hearing      legal           prolonged period of time passed since her
            by Tubzee...                 Saudi Arabia but was then           time in prison and said that he     argument from prosecution                   last contact.
                                                                                                                 and defence about this issue                   Detective Inspector Mick Spellman, from
                                                                                                                                                             Sandwell’s Public Protection Unit, said:
                                         was detained again on his           had to notify the prison staff
                                                                                                                                                             “We have been speaking to a number of
                                         return after two women              that he was an ex-police            the judge refused the
                                                                                                                                                             people whom Sabeela is known to have
                                         alleged that he had sexually        officer and may come into           application and the CPS
                                                                                                                                                             had contact with, but so far our efforts
                                         assaulted them.                     contact with people he had          decided that in these
                                                                                                                                                             have failed to trace her.
                                            Patala, a father-of-three,       arrested whilst in the force.       circumstances it would not be
                                                                                                                                                                “In view of her age, we are deeply
                                         faced two trials accused of 14        He said that he was kept          appropriate to require the
                                                                                                                                                             concerned for Sabeela’s welfare and
                                         charges of rape, three of           behind closed doors 23-hours        complainant to give evidence.
                                                                                                                                                             would urge anyone who knows of her
                                         sexual assault and another          a day for protection.                  'We concluded that there
                                                                                                                                                             whereabouts to get in touch.
                                         charge of perverting justice.         After joining the police,         was no longer a realistic
                                                                                                                                                                “I would also appeal to Sabeela directly
                                            A trial opened last year but     Patala - a former school            prospect of conviction against
                                                                                                                                                             to contact her family and let them know
                                         had to be abandoned due to          governor - was quickly              any of the defendants and
                                         legal problems. A second trial      promoted to inspector to            therefore offered no evidence               that she is safe.”
                                         judge then decided not guilty       oversee         neighbourhood       at court.                                      Sabeela is described as Asian around
                                         verdicts should be entered          policing and was well-known            'We take all cases of alleged            5ft 3" tall and of slim build.
                                                                                                                                                                Anyone who can help in the search for
      Tubzee House, Queens               after a week of submissions.        locally.                            sexual offences extremely
      Road, Halifax, HX1 4LN                But a judge at Preston             He had helped introduce           seriously, however the health               Sabeela is asked to call police on 101 or
                                         Crown Court threw out the           reforms in the constabulary         and welfare of alleged victims              alternatively information can be given
                                                                                                                                                             anonymously to the Missing People charity
        Tel - 01422 355518                                                                                       remains one of our prime
                                                                                                                                                             on 116 000.
                                         case earlier this month             and his performance in police                 following legal submissions.        exams was said to among the         considerations.'
Asian Express National - Asian Express Newspaper
October/November 2014 - 1st Edition   NEWS   5
Asian Express National - Asian Express Newspaper
DWP launches awareness campaign for claimants
6         NEWS                                                                                                                                   October/November 2014 - 1st Edition

   The Department for Work and             every opportunity to tell us if their       has moved in.                               potentially resulting in thousands of      value possessions from convicted
Pensions (DWP) launched a major            circumstances have changed, as the             People who don’t notify us if there is   pounds of overpayments before              benefit fraudsters;
advertising campaign today                 majority do. But those who cheat the        more money coming in.                       discovering fraud or an error.                Continuing to roll out Universal
targeted at nearly 50 towns and            system need to know we will use                The campaign also appeals to                In the last year the Government         Credit to more sites, which is expected
cities across the country.                 everything in our power to stop them        members of the public to call the           recovered more than £1.3 billion in        to reduce fraud by £1 billion in 5 years
   A range of television and radio         stealing money from hardworking             benefit fraud hotline if they suspect       fraudulent payments. In addition to        when it is fully in place across the
adverts, posters, letters and Facebook     taxpayers, and that they could land         someone is claiming benefits illegally.     RTI, it has also introduced a raft of      country;
ads will be used in each region to urge    themselves in jail when they’re caught.     Calls to the hotline topped 150,000 in      measures to counter benefit fraud:            Extending the loss of benefit for
claimants to report changes in their          “Our fraud investigators have new        the last year, an average of more than         Introducing tough new rules so that     offences which result in a conviction of
circumstances or risk a jail sentence.     and better methods of detecting             600 calls every working day.                40% of individuals’ benefits can be        13 weeks for a first offence, then 26
   The advert displays a map pin icon      benefit cheats so it’s becoming harder         Ministers have also announced that       taken to repay stolen cash - on top of     weeks for a second offence and 3
landing on the region and tells            to hide and more difficult to escape        there is a new tool in the armoury for      any fine or custodial sentence handed      years for a third offence;
claimants if their circumstances have      punishment.”                                cracking down on benefit fraud, with        out by the courts;                            Issuing a new £50 civil penalty for
changed to ‘call us to update your            Ministers are highlighting the types     the ability to now cross-check benefit         Increasing penalties that someone       claimants who negligently give
claim before we call you.’                 of fraud that are hiking up the             claims against Real Time Information        committing fraud can receive from          incorrect information on their claim or
   Department for Work and Pensions        estimated £1.1 billion benefit fraud bill   (RTI) on earnings and pension income        £2,000 to £5,000, without taking them      fail to report a change in
Minister Mark Harper said:                 (2013/14):                                  from HMRC. Previously this data was         to court;                                  circumstances which results in an
   “We are giving benefit claimants           People who fail to tell us a partner     submitted by employers annually,               Using bailiffs to confiscate high-      overpayment.

    ‘Birmingham Balti’ –
    Invented or inherited
                                                                             City bids to protect
                                                                              iconic curry dish                                                         from North West
                                                                                                                                                        Pakistan,” Mr Aslam
                                                                                                                                                                                  is fast cooked using fresh
                                                                                                                                                                                  ingredients and spices which are
                                                                                                                                                        said. “Birmingham         added individually. The key
                                                                                                        Cover story continued
                                                                                                                                                        cannot ‘patent’ the       characteristic is that the cooked
                                                                                                                                           dish as such because it is not         dish is served straight from the
                                                                                                                                           their invention, rather an             traditional Balti dish in which it
                                                                                                        The     Birmingham        Balti    inheritance.                           is cooked and from which it
                                                                                                     Association (BBA), on the                “It's a dish that pathans enjoy,    obtains its name.’
                                                                                                     other hand, want to protect           and it's a traditional dish for           Mr Munro, a previous advisor
                                                                                                     what they see as one of the           them. The balti dish is followed       to the Asian Balti Restaurant
                                                                                                     city’s most loved ‘inventions’        by pathans throughout the              Association (ABRA), has
                                                                                                     and have thus applied for             world as they believe it is their      researched the history of the
                                                                                                     protection to ensure every Balti      innovation.                            Balti so far as to even publish
                                                                                                     is a ‘Birmingham Balti’.                 “It cannot be registered as         books on the curry.
                                                                                                        Three years ago, an official       Birmingham balti.”                        Examples of the history
                                                                                                     bid was made to get the title            Likewise, Mr Amjad added            include the alleged first
                                                                                                     officially registered as a            that      he     didn’t     believe    recorded reference to the balti
                                                                                                     Traditional             Speciality    Birmingham can gain legal              in July 1982, when an advert in
                                                                                                     Guaranteed’ (TSG) product.            recognition of the balti dish.         ‘The     Heathen’, a         local
                                                                                                        A TSG is issued by the                He added: “First of all I don’t     newspaper, advertised the
                                                                                                     European Union to council and         think the balti came from              availability of Balti in a
                                                                                                     producers if they can show that       Birmingham and it is ridiculous        restaurant.
                                                                                                     their food or drink is produced,      that they would try to achieve            A recent book of curries from
                                                                                                     processed and prepared in a           the TSG status.                        around the world, split by
                                                                                                     given geographical area using            “Indian and Pakistani food          country only, also mentions the
                                                                                                     recognised know how.                  quite clearly originates from          balti in the section on British
                                                                                                        After a short opposition           them countries and any dishes          food. In it Roopa Gulati writes:
                                                                                                     period in the hands of the            created in England have a              “Having more in common with
                                                                                                     Intellectual Property Office, the     background from the sub-               Birmingham than Pakistan,
                                                                                                     bid was handed over to the            continent.”                            baltis are the star attraction for
                                                                                                     country’s bureaucrats. Ever              Andy Munro, advisor to the          curry aficionados.”
                                                                                                     since, the application has been       BBA, has been a leading figure            For Mr Munro, who has spent
                                                                                                     passed forward and backwards          in the Birmingham Balti bid            years championing the balti,
                                                                                                     on a couple of occasions with         from day one and despite               there is no doubt in his mind
                                                                                                     the bid still yet to be approved      accepting that it may be a long        that it is a ‘culinary invention’
                                                                                                     or disproved.                         time yet before the recognition        straight from the Birmingham
                                                                                                        If successful at this stage, the   can be official, he remains            kitchen.
                                                                                                     request will be handed over to        optimistic of its success.                “People are always going to
                                                                                                     the European Union where it              Speaking about his first            argue about the origins of
                                                                                                     will once again go through a          experiences of the dish, Mr            anything, but I am absolutely
                                                                                                     similar process.                      Munro said: “I am a born and           certain that the balti is a
                                                                                                        However, the bid has been          bred Brummie who has grown             Birmingham invention,” he
                                                                                                     shrugged off by leading               up eating curries.                     said.
                                                                                                     restaurant owners in separate            “I remember going out with             “When people enjoy a curry
                                                                                                     parts of the country including        friends when I was younger and         it really is a delight. For me,
                                                                                                     Aagrah’s Managing Director,           tasting all these red hot curries      there is nothing nicer than
                                                                                                     Mohammed Aslam MBE, and               before, one day, I had my first        enjoying a genuine balti and I
                                                                                                     Zouk Managing Director,               balti.                                 think it’s extremely important
                                                                                                     Tayub Amjad.                             “It was so different to what I      for Britain to safeguard its
                                                                                                        Mr Aslam states that the dish      had tasted and I had never             culinary inventions.”
                                                                                                     was originally conceived in           heard of the dish before.”                In the UK, there are currently
                                                                                                     Pakistan before the early 80’s           In     the     application      a   62 protected food names, yet
       INHERITANCE: Mr Aslam claims that the balti                                                   and      Birmingham         merely    Birmingham            Balti       is   bids for such trademarks
    dish was created in the North West of Pakistan                                                   ‘inherited’ the recipe.               characterised as ‘a dish cooked        regularly take years to be fully
                                                                                                        “The balti dish is originated      in a thin pressed steel pan which      considered.
Asian Express National - Asian Express Newspaper
October/November 2014 - 1st Edition   NEWS   7
Asian Express National - Asian Express Newspaper
8         NEWS                                                                                                                            October/November 2014 - 1st Edition

                                                                                            FREE: A huge pot of food is stirred up at the Guru
                                                                                         Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha which is handed out free
                                                                                         of charge to people who visit the site in need of a meal

                                                                                        FAMILY: A mother
                                                                                     and her son enjoy the
                                                                                     free meal in Leeds

    the ‘world’s oldest
    soup kitchen’
       For more than 500 years,                                  suitable for vegetarians as
    Sikhs around the world                                       to cater for people of all
    have been preparing,                                         beliefs, including Muslim
    sharing and eating food,                                     (halal) and Jewish
    known as ‘langar’, with the                                  (kosher), regardless of
    wider community.                                             where the gurdwara is in
       Now, as the nationwide                                    the world.

                                                                                                   “Can I have a ‘local’ driver?”
    need for foodbanks and                                          The central gurdwara for
    soup kitchens continues to                                   the Sikh faith, the Golden
    grow, seven days of                                          Temple in Amritsar, and
    awareness are being held                                     serve up to 50,000 meals a
    to promote the concept to                                    day free of charge and that
    all people in need of a free                                 number can increase to
    meal.                                                        more than 80,000 during
       Langar is a term used to                                  celebrations.
    describe the free kitchen
    and food initiative that is        CHAIRMAN: Mr Sagoo
                                                                    Mr Sagoo said he does
                                                                 everything he can to ensure       Minicab firm asked for
    served to visitors at a Sikh
                                    from GNNSJ in Leeds          all people are catered for
                                                                 when they come to the
                                                                                                    white drivers after
       A central part of their
    religion, the concept was
                                   least two that provide
                                   langar every day and we
                                                                 door of the Beeston-based
                                                                 Gurdwara yet accepted
                                                                                                     grooming scandal
                                                                                                      After two drivers of Pakistani origin were
    designed by the founder of     regularly have a diverse      that there are sometimes
                                                                                                   arrested for their part in a child sex-grooming
    the Sikh faith, Guru Nanak     range of people coming        challenges to overcome.
                                                                                                   scandal, a taxi firm in Rochdale say they are
    Dev Ji, in the 15th century,   down to use the service.         “Langar has been abused
                                                                                                   now receiving 60 calls a week asking for a
    in order to uphold the           “People are facing more     in the past with people who
                                                                                                   white driver.
    principle of equality          and more problems now         are perhaps drunk or on                                                                      SUFFERED: The Car 2000 firm bought out the former
                                                                                                      The town’s minicab firm, Car 2000, has been
    between all people             because of the economy        drugs coming to the                                                                       Eagles Taxis, after it was found to be at the centre of a
                                                                                                   allowing customers to make such requests after it
    regardless of their            and this has brought          gurdwara and being                                                                        child grooming scandal dating back almost six years
    background.                    forward the concept of        disruptive.                       was revealed that the former company, Eagles            they do what they are asked and they don’t
       In Leeds, the Guru          foodbanks.                       “This causes a conflict,       Taxis – bought out by the new firm – were at the        complain about it.
    Nanak Nishkam Sewak              “We as the Sikh             because as men of faith we        centre of the scandal.                                     “If the public could actually see these [Asian]
    Jatha (GNNSJ) is just one                                    need to show compassion,             Car 2000 manager, Stephen Campbell, told the         people close up and see what they are about, I
                                                                                                   Guardian newspaper that ‘quite a lot’ of customers      don’t think they would be asking for white drivers.
                                   community want to let
    Gurdwara which provides                                      yet they cannot come in to
                                                                                                   had been phoning the firm requesting a ‘local’             “We do get a lot of customers ringing up and
                                   people know that the
                                                                                                   driver.                                                 asking us for a particular Asian guy as well.”
    langar to those who visit      system of langar is           the place of worship if they

                                                                                                      “[It is] A bit insane if you consider that most of      Earlier this month, the area of Heywood and
    the site, 365 days a year.     available to them and by      are behaving poorly.
                                                                                                   the [Asian] lads were born in Rochdale. But it’s a      Middleton had a byelection whereby Ukip ran a
       Operating an open door      having this National             “Therefore, we invested
                                                                                                   business and we have got a duty to do what the          campaign focussing on the issues of child
    policy, any person, of any     Langar Week, we are           in plastic boxes to carry
                                                                                                   customer asks us to,” Mr Campbell said.                 grooming and immigration.
    faith, is welcome to visit     attempting to create more     food so now if someone
                                                                                                      “‘I don’t think we can discriminate against the         The party was only 617 votes away from
    the place of worship for a     awareness.”                   comes to the door and is
                                                                                                   customer in the same way. It is a business at the       overturning a near 6,000 Labour majority,
    free meal.                       He added: “Our              drunk or disorderly, we
                                                                                                   end of the day. We have a large bank loan to pay        something MP for Rochdale, Simon Danczuk, says
       GNNSJ Chairman,             scriptures say that ‘where    give them the food in a box
                                                                                                   back.”                                                  is extremely worrying.
    Harbans Singh Sagoo,           the spirit of God prevails,   to take away and eat.
                                                                                                      Two men were jailed for their part in the sex           He said: “This is extremely worrying and a stark
    explained how important it     nobody should go hungry’         “We would still much
                                                                                                   trafficking and rape of young white girls, which also   reminder of the impact that grooming scandals
    was for greater awareness      and we must practice our      rather people come inside
                                                                                                   resulted in 20 drivers leaving Eagle Taxis after one    have had on northern towns. This will not be a
    to be created to help          faith, not just preach it.    to sit down and talk to us
                                                                                                   had his life threatened and another’s car was           problem exclusive to our borough, I’m sure.
    people ‘struggling in            “Langar is a concept that   because that is how you
    society’.                      can help people,              forge friendships and learn       smashed up.                                                “It must act as a wake-up call to politicians who
       “Wherever you go in the     particularly those who are    about each other’s lives.”           Costing the business an estimated £40,000, 30        just pretend tensions like this don’t exist and bury
    world, a Gurdwara will         homeless or socially             National Langar Week is        per cent of the business’s annual profit, the           their heads in the sand.
    provide a free meal when it    deprived, and so we must      officially held this year         business suffered from the bad publicity and Mr            “There’s a lot of work to do to improve race
    can,” Mr Sagoo said.           help who we can.”             between 1st and 7th               Campbell urged passengers to see what the Asian         relations and if we’re going to build stronger
       “In Leeds there are at        Every meal served is        November.                         driver ‘are all about’.                                 communities then we have to tackle these
                                                                                                      He said: “The Asian drivers are harder working,      concerns head-on.”
October/November 2014 - 1st Edition   NEWS   9
10         NEWS                                                                                                                                 October/November 2014 - 1st Edition

     Family takes charity to heart in fundraising efforts
     £100,000 raised in EIGHT years
        Over the past decade, the        past eight years.                  charity, said she wanted to
     Govindbhai Foundation has             Mr Mistry, speaking on           express a ‘massive thank you’
     been raising thousands of           behalf of the foundation,          to the GBF for a total donation
     pounds for local causes in          explained how this year’s          of £6,350.
     Bradford and their latest event     activities had helped the group       Ms Appleton added: “All the
     has taken their total donations     smash through their latest         money will go directly to
     well above the £100,000 mark.       milestone after expanding          funding a special holiday to the
        Set up by a team of nine         their fundraising efforts past     Bendrigg Trust in May 2015,
     brothers and sisters, who got       the annual dinner dance.           enabling 25 children with a
     together with their mum,              “This year we took a new         range of disabilities to have the
     spouses,       children       and   approach to fundraising,” he       unique       opportunity       to
     grandchildren, the Foundation       explained. “In addition to our     experience the thrill and
     is a unique family-run              dinner-dance, four members of      excitement of activities such as       DONATIONS: Members of the Govindbhai Foundation hand
     operation.                          the family took on the             the zip wire, climbing wall,        over a cheque worth £6,350 to the Saraswati Vidyalay UK charity
        In the short time since 2007,    challenge of the Yorkshire         abseiling and much more.

                                                                                                                Queen of Twitter                                Brit charged over
     the registered charity has held     Three Peaks climb, whilst one         “I want to say thank you so
     an annual dinner dance which        of the youngest members,           much for everything they have

                                                                                                                                                                terror offences
     raises funds for a cause close to   Rohan Mistry, ran 3km to raise     done, you have no idea of how
     home and one in Gujarat,            money for the GBF.                 much happiness this will bring

                                                                                                                   The Queen made her first foray
     India.                                “It's so satisfying to see the   to some amazing children and

                                                                                                                into the world of social media on                 A British man was charged on Friday with
        This year, the Fulfil the Wish   younger members of the             just how much I appreciate

                                                                                                                Friday when she sent out her                    preparing terrorism acts after being arrested
     initiative     and     Saraswati    family getting involved and        what they have done.”

                                                                                                                inaugural message on Twitter.                   in one of a series of raids in recent weeks,
     Vidyalay UK charities were          best of all, we've spent eight        Hasmukh Shah, National

                                                                                                                   "It is a pleasure to open the                police said.
     selected to benefit from the        years successfully fundraising -   coordinator of Saraswati

                                                                                                                Information Age exhibition today at               Tuhin Shahensha, 26, from Portsmouth,
     fundraising efforts, which          while having fun.                  Vidyalay added his thanks for

                                                                                                                the @sciencemuseum and I hope                   southeast England, intended to travel to Syria
     eventually totalled £12,700.          “I'm delighted that once         their identical donation.
                                                                                                                people will enjoy visiting. Elizabeth           and fight in the country's ongoing civil war,
        Cheques were handed over         again we managed to raise so          “I am very thankful to the
                                                                                                                R," the 88-year-old monarch tweeted             London's Westminster Magistrates' Court heard.
     last weekend to both causes,        much money. It'll make a huge      trustees of the Bradford-based
                                                                                                                at the opening of a new gallery at                Shahensha was arrested by the South East
     with the dinner dance, a            difference to children's lives.”   charity     GBF       who     are
                                                                                                                London's Science Museum.                        Counter Terrorism Unit (SECTU) last week
     Yorkshire       Three       Peaks     One of the charities that        sponsoring five one-teacher
                                                                                                                   The message, sent at 10.35am,                alongside three others. A 23-year-old man and a
     challenge and a four-year-old’s     benefited from this year’s         schools for five years in a
                                                                                                                had already been re-tweeted more                23-year-old woman were still in custody while a
     testing three-kilometre run,        donations         was        the   remote part of Nepal,” he said.
                                                                                                                than 4,000 times less than 45                   woman, 29, from Greenwich in southeast London
     helping to raise the funds.         aforementioned Fulfil the             “Children        in      these
                                                                                                                minutes later.                                  was released without charge, SECTU said in a
        The              Govindbhai      Wish charity which provides        impoverished tribal areas will
                                                                                                                   The queen's official Twitter                 statement.
     Foundation,                (GBF)    activity     and     sightseeing   be empowered through basic
                                                                                                                account @BritishMonarchy, which is                Britain raised its international threat level to the
     established by the family of        holidays for children and          literacy education. Although
                                                                                                                run by royal aides has issued almost            second-highest classification of ‘severe’ in
     local resident, Harkishan           young people with disabilities     GBF is local it continues to
                                                                                                                19,000 messages since its inception             August and police chiefs say counter-terrorism
     Mistry, and named after his         and complex health needs.          support many worthwhile
                                                                                                                in 2009, and has some 750,000                   operations are running at an exceptionally high
     late father, has raised £110,000      Mary Appleton, a former          causes worldwide.”
                                                                                                                followers.                                      pace not seen in years.
     for various charities over the      nurse and founder of the

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October/November 2014 - 1st Edition   NEWS   11
12       NEWS                                                                                                                         October/November 2014 - 1st Edition

     Sky’s the limit                                           CHAMPIONS: Members of Bradford’s
                                                            Curry Capital winning team celebrate
                                                            the news of their victory,
Daredevil fundraiser set to                                 taking an unprecedented
                                                            four titles in a row
 plunge thousands of feet

                                                              Bradford clinches Curry Capital Crown

                                                           Four in a row!
   GIVING: Satnam Singh will take part in a skydive next
 month as he looks to raise money for Kirkwood Hospice
    The last thing any person with a fear of
 heights would want to do is fly thousands of
 metres above the ground.
    Yet for one self-confessed ‘acrophobe’, he will
                                                                                                                                                More reasons
 be going one step further next month as he takes
 a leap of faith with only an instructor and
 parachute on his back.
                                                                                                                                                to celebrate...
    Satnam Singh, from Huddersfield, will plunge                                                                                                   Cleckheaton’s Aakash restaurant had
 from the skies at speeds of up to 120mph as he                                                                                                 further reasons to cheer as they followed up
 takes part in a sponsored skydive for his local              If it wasn’t already a foregone        masterminded by the Visit Bradford         the city’s Curry Capital title with another
 Kirkwood Hospice.                                         conclusion it is now. Bradford is the     team and the restaurant quartet of         award of their own.
    The father-of-two was inspired to take part in         official Curry Capital of Britain after   Aakash, Kipling's, Shimla Spice and           Now in its fourth year, the curry awards
 the challenge by his aunt, who sadly passed                                                                                                    commend restaurants over a range of fields with
 away earlier this year after being diagnosed with
                                                           once again clinching the title earlier    Zaara's.
                                                                                                                                                different regions receiving a host of
 terminal cancer.
                                                           this month.                                  Azhar     Mahmood, restaurant
    She was taken to Kirkwood Hospice for care in
                                                              Seeing off competition from major      manager at Aakash, praised the
                                                                                                                                                   Based on a public vote, this year’s winner of
 her final days and Satnam says it was the
                                                           cities across the country, West           efforts of the whole city who
                                                                                                                                                the ‘Restaurant of the Year’ accolade for the
 ‘amazing care’ given to his relative that motivated
                                                           Yorkshire’s reigning champions made       ‘supported’ the city’s project
                                                                                                                                                Yorkshire region was Aakash, who received
 him to give something back to the charity.
                                                           it an unprecedented four wins in a        throughout.
                                                                                                                                                their trophy and certificate at an event in Salford
    “Her final days were made as comfortable as
                                                           row, as the team of restaurants and          “It’s hard to put into words what
                                                                                                                                                earlier this week.
 possible at the hospice, with amazing staff and                                                                                                   Success in the contest comes just days after
                                                           members of Visit Bradford, excelled       this award means to us,” he said. “All
 facilities on hand 24 hours a day ensuring she                                                                                                 Bradford was confirmed as the Curry Capital for
                                                           in this year’s contest.                   praises and thanks go to all the
 always received the best care,” he said.                                                                                                       the fourth year running and for restaurant
                                                              The 2014 title bid included a          customers who have supported the
    “I decided I wanted to do something to thank
                                                                                                                                                manager, Azhar Mahmood, it was hard to put
                                                           number of initiatives and activities,     restaurants, and the restaurants that
 those who had helped our family and so I looked
                                                                                                                                                into words what the accolade means.
                                                           such as a series of poppadom              have supported the city.
 down the list of what fundraising activities I could
                                                                                                                                                   “It does leave you a bit lost for words really,”
                                                           challenges, an Asian afternoon tea           “I think together as Bradford we
 do and that is when I saw skydiving.
                                                                                                                                                Mr Mahmood said. “To have been voted as the
                                                           and a healthy-style Asian cookbook        just love our curry.”
    “I have never liked heights but I thought, why
                                                                                                                                                top restaurant in the region by our diners is a
                                                           created in connection with the NHS.          Iftikhar    Hussain,       restaurant
 not push myself mentally as well to really help
                                                                                                                                                fantastic achievement.
                                                              Peter Grove, organiser and founder     manager at Shimla Spice and
 raise more money for the hospice.”
                                                                                                                                                   “Bradford and Yorkshire as a whole is full of
                                                           of the contest, was full of praise for    Mohammed Rafiq, of Kipling's,
    The 38-year-old will take part in the skydive at
 the start of November after his initial ‘jump-date’                                                                                            some amazing restaurants so to have been
                                                           Bradford’s outstanding effort, with       reiterated Mr Mahmood’s comments.
 had to be postponed due to the weather.                                                                                                        singled out in the region is a very proud
                                                           the city’s score increasing nearly nine      “I am very proud to be a
    Free-falling for a minute before the parachute                                                                                              moment.”
                                                           per cent on last year's total.            Bradfordian right now,” Mr Rafiq
 is deployed, Satnam says he is nervously excited                                                                                                  Mr Mahmood added that he now has his
                                                              “It is as if they have found the       said. “We have basically become the
 about the day.                                                                                                                                 fingers crossed that Aakash could potentially
                                                           magic formula,” he said. “Of all the      elite when it comes to the Indian
    He added: “The thing I’m most nervous about                                                                                                 pull off a clean sweep in this year’s most
                                                           competing       cities    they    have    curry industry and have surpassed
 is queuing up at the door of the plane getting                                                                                                 prestigious curry awards.
                                                           understood the underlying message         Glasgow’s record of three titles.
 ready to jump out.                                                                                                                                “We’ve won the Curry Capital bid and now
                                                           of the event to promote cohesion             “This event is extremely prestigious
    “It is a tandem jump so there will be an
                                                           where there was division and have         and it goes to show the amount of          this award and so the only major one left is the
 instructor on my back but I’m guessing I won’t
                                                           used curry as a bonding agent to bring    effort that has been put into the          British Curry Awards which I think are in
 have much choice as to when we go.”
                                                           different aspects of Bradford’s society   award. It proves a point that we are       December,” he added.
    So far, Satnam has raised around £2,500,               together.                                 still number one here in England and          “It has already been a fantastic year and I can
 surpassing his fundraising target thanks to a                “As well as curry lovers and           even around the world.                     only hope that it finishes in a similar manner.”
 large donation from his work, the Marsh-based             restaurateurs, they managed to bring         “When people think Bradford
 Mann and Associates.                                      together local businesses...They          they think curry.”
    Kirkwood Hospice fundraiser Dawn Walker                managed to portray the local pride           Patricia Tillotson, tourism
 thanked Satnam for his fundraising efforts which          they have in all things ‘Bradford’ so     manager at Visit Bradford,
 are vital in helping to fund the hopsice’s day-to-
 day running costs.
                                                           much so that we will be using their       added: “Winning the hotly
    She said: “We really appreciate Satnam
                                                           approach as a blueprint for next          contested competition this many
 getting behind our Make a Difference Day
                                                           year.”                                    times in a row is a first and we’re
                                                              The Curry Capital of Britain is an     pleased to have set the bar so
    “He has raised a fantastic amount for the
                                                           annual competition which sees cities      high.
 Hospice already and is still fundraising. The fact
                                                           from all over the UK compete to be           “It’s been a pleasure to work
 that he is facing his biggest fear makes his
                                                           crowned the nation’s Curry Capital.       with this year’s team in our bid
 efforts even more special.
                                                              This year, 20 cities and regions       to be crowned Curry Capital of
    “Without the wonderful support of people like
                                                           including Birmingham, Leeds, and          Britain     for      the     fourth
 Satnam, we simply couldn’t continue to provide
                                                           London took part in the contest,          consecutive year.”
 our services for the people of Kirklees.”
                                                           which involved hosting a number of           Visit Bradford will be
    To sponsor Satnam please visit                         fundraising initiatives with proceeds     presented with its award during
                                                                                                                                                   WINNERS: The Aakash team celebrate with their
    his donations page at                                  going to The Curry Tree charity.          a ceremony taking place next
                                                                                                                                                latest award, the English Curry Awards Restaurant of                          Bradford’s successful bid was          week in Bradford.                          the Year for Yorkshire, at their Cleckheaton premises
October/November 2014 - 1st Edition   NEWS   13

                                                 Video warns teens of tactics
14                                                                                                                                                October/November 2014 - 1st Edition

   Young people are switched on to                                                                                                                                                Mark Burns-Williamson, West

                                                 used by internet paedophiles
the danger of online grooming                                                                                                                                                  Yorkshire’s Police and Crime
through a new video which warns                                                                                                                                                Commissioner said: "This new video
of the tricks used by paedophiles                                                                                                                                              is the latest step in raising awareness
to target victims.                                                                                                                                                             of the dangers faced by young
   The 'Who Are You Really Talking                                                                                                                                             people online and reaffirms my and
To?' video makes it clear just how                                                                                                                                             West Yorkshire Police’s continued
easy it is for young victims to be                                                                                                                                             commitment in making sure we are
conned by predators posing as                                                                                                                                                  doing everything we can to safeguard
teenagers to lure them into sexual                                                                                                                                             children and young people from child
exploitation.                                                                                                                                                                  sexual exploitation.
   The video, which was filmed with              Messages have been displayed on         luring victims into talking to them        CSE in West Yorkshire as well as              "Protecting our communities from
actors, shows a teenage girl                  electronic screens in shopping             online and in concealing their real        dedicated awareness campaigns              this insidious crime is one of the top
swapping messages with who she                centres and officers have also been        identities, and I want to thank            taking place in schools and in             priorities in my refreshed Police and
thinks is a teenage boy, who asks her         speaking to young people in towns          everyone involved in helping create        communities.                               Crime Plan and I fully support this
to meet. In reality he is an older man        and cities. Police and partners,           it.                                           "Giving both young people and           continued campaign which gives
hiding behind a false profile which he        including local authorities, will              "People can easily set up fake         parents the information about the          young people the tools to make
uses to attract youngsters.                   continue to release web, facebook          accounts with fake photos to attract       tactics that predators use and the         informed decisions and identify the
   It is the latest part of the 'Know The     and twitter posts to promote the           victims and the key message we             signs of potential grooming is vital in    tell-tale signs to remain safe and
Signs' campaign which highlights the          issue.                                     would encourage young people to            helping us address and tackle the          feeling safe. I would recommend all
issues of child sexual exploitation              Detective Chief Inspector Sue           remember is never to meet up with          issue within West Yorkshire.               young people and parents take the
and encourages victims to report it.          Jenkinson, of West Yorkshire Police,       someone you've only met on line,              "If you have been subject to child      time to view this short video in
   A 'Who Are You Really Talking To?'         said the new video was just one part       who pushes for a meeting.                  sexual exploitation, know somebody         helping them to be aware of the
advertising campaign has been                 of wide ranging activity to tackle             "Just ask yourself; 'Who am I really   who has, or have information about         dangers."
ongoing throughout the summer to              CSE.                                       talking to?' and don't put yourself at     those involved in this crime, please          The clip is available on YouTube
spread awareness of this form of                 She said: "This new video really        risk."                                     contact the non-emergency number           and on the dedicated West Yorkshire
child sexual exploitation among both          spells out how convincing and                  She added: "We have a number of        101 or Crimestoppers anonymously           Police Who Are Your Really Talking
potential victims and also parents.           manipulative predators can be in           criminal investigations ongoing into       on 0800 555 111."                          To?

   ‘Waste of time’ investigation sees Galloway walk free
                                                                                                                  London family in terror after
     Charges dropped
        CLEARED: Bradford MP George
                                                                                                                  world’s deadliest spider jumps
                                                                                                                   out of supermarket bananas
                                                                                                                    A London family were left traumatised
     Galloway has been cleared of all
                                                                                                                                                                    in peoples' homes and supermarkets in
                                                                                                                 after the world's deadliest spider crept
     charges due to a lack of evidence
                                                                                                                                                                    Essex, Staffordshire, Kent and London. It is
                                                                                                                 out from a bunch of bananas delivered by           thought the trend for organic food may be
                                                                                                                 their supermarket.                                 responsible as organic bananas are not
                                                                                                                    The family had to spend the night away          treated with chemicals.
                                                                                                                 from their home, after a sac containing               Native to rainforests of South America, the
                                                                                                                 thousands of the spider's eggs was also            spider's genus' name is Phoneutria, which
                                                                                                                 discovered.                                        translates as "murderess".
                                                                                                                    Parents Tim and Lisa were told the                 The spiders have a leg-span of 5in and
                                                                                                                 Brazilian Wandering spider is the deadliest in     don't weave webs, preferring to lurk in dark
                                                                                                                 the world.                                         places.
                                                                                                                    Waitrose, from whom the bananas were               Their bite contains venom which is 30
                                                                                                                 from, sent a spider expert who tried to            times more poisonous than that of
                                                                                                                 capture the arachnid, but the spider had           rattlesnakes', and at least twice as
                                                                                                                 chewed off its trapped leg and vanished. He        poisonous as the infamous Black Widow's.
                                                                                                                 killed the eggs by putting them in the freezer.    They are thought to have killed 14 people
                                                                                                                    When he located the spider it stood on its      worldwide since 1926.
                                                                                                                 back legs and showed its fangs in a gesture           The last supply of antidote at Guy's
                                                                                                                 of aggression. Trippett bravely guided the         Hospital is thought to have expired in 2011.
                                                                                                                 spider into a plastic box using a three-foot          As well as intense pain, paralysis and
                                                                                                                 stick. It has now been removed from the UK.        asphyxiation, the Brazilian Wandering
                                                                                                                    Waitrose have apologised to the family          spider's venom can cause unwanted
                                                                                                                 and offered them compensation.                     erections of up to four hours in men. This
                                                                                                                    In recent months live Brazilian Wandering       has led some scientists to study the toxin to
                                                                                                                 spiders (also called "banana spiders") and         develop possible treatments for erectile
                                                                                                                 their eggs have been discovered in bananas         dysfunction.
       Bradford MP George                forced on them by ultra-          would be taken.
     Galloway has had all charges        Zionists who were pursuing          “A full investigation has
     against him dropped due to          a vendetta against me.            been carried out which
     insufficient        evidence,         “My comments were               included Mr Galloway being
     regarding a ‘hate incident’         aimed at the state of Israel,     voluntarily       interviewed
     which occurred earlier this         which - I repeat what I said      under caution,” he said.
     year.                               at the time - is an illegal,        “A file was submitted to
       After declaring Bradford          savage and barbarous state,       The Crown Prosecution
     an ‘Israel-free zone’ at a pro-     and had nothing whatsoever        Service for advice on
     Palestine rally in August, a        to do with race or religion.”     whether any offences had
     number of complaints were             He added: “I take back not      been committed and they
     made         against        the     a word and I will continue to     have now concluded that
     controversial politician from       forcefully condemn Israel.        there is insufficient evidence
     members of the public,                “It remains the case that       to support any charges.
     senior officials and even           there is a worldwide boycott        “West Yorkshire Police
     Bradford Council leader,            of Israel, its goods, its         always takes complaints of
     David Green.                        services, its academics.          hate offences seriously and
       However, despite the                “I hope the citizens of         wants victims and witnesses
     incident being recorded as a        Bradford will join me in          to come forward with
     ‘hate incident’ by West             refusing to treat with the        confidence knowing that any
     Yorkshire Police, no further        advocates of this hateful and     reported incidents will be
     actions will be taken.              oppressive regime and truly       thoroughly investigated.
       Now, Mr Galloway has              make Bradford an Israel-            “West Yorkshire Police
     described       the     whole       free zone.”                       has recorded this matter as a
     investigation as a waste of           Chief Superintendent Paul       hate incident.”
     money which has done                Money, Leeds           District     A hate incident is any
     nothing to change his views         Commander, said West              incident which is perceived
     on current world affairs.           Yorkshire       Police     had    by the victim, or any other
       In a statement released by        received a number of              person, to be motivated by
     the Respect MP following            complaints       about     the    prejudice or hate towards a
     the news, he said: “This has        content of the speech made        person’s disability, race,
     been an extremely expensive         by Mr Galloway yet                religion, sexual orientation
     waste of police and CPS time        confirmed no further action       or gender identity.
October/November 2014 - 1st Edition   NEWS   15
16   NEWS   October/November 2014 - 1st Edition
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                                                                                                                                                  Summons for
                                                                                                                                                  business after
  Domestic slave                                                                                                                                    death of
                                                                                      A deaf and mute girl from Pakistan, who was
                                                                                    smuggled into the UK at the age of ten, has been

                                                                                    awarded £100,000 in compensation after being

  receives compensation
                                                                                    forced to work as a slave for more than a decade.
                                                                                      The victim, who is now in her twenties, was
                                                                                    trafficked to Britain when she was just ten-years-old
                                                                                                                                                Four summonses have been
                                                                                    and was discovered living in the cellar of a five-
                                                                                                                                             issued following the death of 16-
                                                                                    bedroom house in Eccles, Greater Manchester, last
                                                                                                                                             year-old apprentice Cameron
                                                                                                                                             Minshull, from Bury.
                                                                                      At the home, she was repeatedly raped by Ilyas
                                                                                                                                                Cameron was fatally injured on 8
                                                                                    Ashar, 85, who is currently serving a 15-year prison
                                                                                                                                             January 2013 when he became
                                                                                    sentence along with his wife Tallat, 69, who was
     Trafficking victim receives                                                    sentenced to six years.
                                                                                      Mr Ashar was found guilty of 13 counts of rape
                                                                                    against the girl as well as two counts of people
                                                                                                                                             entangled in a lathe which he was
                                                                                                                                             operating while working at Huntley
                                                                                                                                             Mount Engineering Ltd. Cameron had
                                                                                                                                             been employed at the company as an
      payout in landmark case                                                       trafficking and three offences of benefit fraud. Mrs
                                                                                    Ashar was convicted for two counts of trafficking
                                                                                    and seven offences of benefit fraud.
                                                                                                                                             apprentice from 3rd December 2012.
                                                                                                                                                Huntley Mount Engineering Ltd
                                                                                      Earlier this month, the girl was awarded a             have been summonsed for offences
                                                                                    landmark payout of £101,300.72 after Greater             of corporate manslaughter and failing
                                                                                    Manchester Police took out the Proceeds of Crime         to ensure the health, safety and
                                                                                    case.                                                    welfare of employees.
                                                                                      The Ashars must also pay back benefits to the state       Lime People Training Solutions
                                                                                    that they wrongfully claimed for the girl, totalling     Ltd., which places apprentices with
                                                                                                                                             employers, has been summonsed for
                                                                                                                                             failing to ensure the health and safety
                                                                                    around £14,000, as well as court costs of £300,000.

                                                                                                                                             of a person other than an employee.
                                                                                      Salford's police chief said the case was important

                                                                                                                                                Zaffar Hussain, 59, of Bridgefield
                                                                                    for victims of trafficking everywhere.
                                                                                                                                             Drive, Bury, the director of Huntley
                                                                                      Chief Supt Mary Doyle, said: “The crimes of the
                                                                                                                                             Mount Engineering Ltd., and Akbar
                                                                                    Ashars are well documented and people continue to
                                                                                                                                             Hussain, 35, also of Bridgefield Drive,
                                                                                    share a sense of disbelief at the prolonged cruelty
                                                                                                                                             Bury, a supervisor, have been
                                                                                    they inflicted on their young victim.
                                                                                                                                             summonsed for offences of
                                                                                      “However, inspired by her strength and courage in
                                                                                                                                             manslaughter by gross negligence.
                                                                                    the face of overwhelming obstacles, officers have
                                                                                                                                                The first hearing will take place on 4
                                                                                    worked tirelessly to ensure justice is done.
                                                                                                                                             November 2014 at Bury Magistrates’
                                                                                      “Our financial investigators delved deeply into the
                                                                                    Ashars financial affairs and used existing legislation
                                                                                                                                                Just before 10.45am on Tuesday 8
                                                                                    to great effect.
                                                                                                                                             January 2013, police received a
                                                                                      “The money will in no way make up for what she
                                                                                                                                             report an industrial accident at a
                                                                                    went through over a number of years, but it will help
                                                                                                                                             factory on Huntley Mount Road, Bury.
                                                                                    her move on with her life.”
                                                                                                                                                Cameron Minshull, 16 suffered a
                                                                                      The victim was found in June 2009 after Salford
                                                                                                                                             serious head injury and was taken to
                                                                                    Trading Standards contacted the authorities to help
                                                                                                                                             Wythenshawe Hospital for treatment
                                                                                    with an investigation into money laundering.
                                                                                      Upon arriving at the Ashar’s home, the young girl      where he sadly died a short time later.
                                                                                    was found sleeping on a cot bed in the cellar of the        A joint investigation has been
     GUILTY: Ilyas Ashar and his wife Tallat Ashar were found guilty of             residence and was removed to a place of safety by        carried out by Greater Manchester
  trafficking the girl who lived in their house as a slave for more than a decade   police.                                                  Police and the Health and Safety

            to book 0161 410 0272
                        shisha lounge - summer mocktail/cocktail menu
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       Authentic Pakistani & Indian dishes                                                                 
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