(Mis)Understanding Berlin - Times Media

Page created by Edgar Simpson
(Mis)Understanding Berlin - Times Media
A global local newspaper in cooperation with

October 2016

               (Mis)Understanding Berlin
                          A dictionary for our city

               All Berliners know the most                so that he actually said he was a
               memorable four words spoken by             pastry. This is, however, a two-fold
               John F. Kennedy during his 1963            misunderstanding. While in some
               visit: *Ich bin ein Berliner. He aimed     German-speaking regions Berliner is
               to express that all free citizens of the   indeed the term for a certain sweet
               world, no matter where they live, are      cake, Kennedy’s correct use of ein
               citizens of Berlin, and that as a free     only strengthened his much-needed
               man he is proud to consider himself        words of solidarity. Those keen to
               one of them. Some sneered, and             understand Berlin must speak Berlin.
               still do, that the president’s chosen      The Berlin Times alphabet explains the
                                                                                                    © CHALABALA / FOTOLIA

               phrase was grammatically incorrect         city from A to Z, helping readers learn
               for including ein before Berliner,         what it means today to be ein Berliner.
(Mis)Understanding Berlin - Times Media
2                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2016

    BERLIN IS A ...
                                                                                                                           City of jobs
                                                                                                                            Berlin is on a roll
    Bag of marvels
                                                                                                                     By Michael Müller, Mayor of Berlin
    Wundertüte is a wonderful German
    word. It is wonderful to be given a

    Wundertüte as a child, as on your                                      erlin has become a strong lure for people from all over the                Berlin is a center of science and learning that is unique in Europe.
    very first day of school. It customar-                                 world. In recent years, Berlin’s population has grown by more            This environment gives rise to new businesses with sustainable jobs
    ily contains all sorts of sweets and
    toys. Of course, today there are few-                                  than 40,000 people annually. As early as 2025 the city could             every day.
    er sweets, as most parents feel the                                    be a metropolis with a total population of 4 million.                              The focus of our economic policy must stay on creating the
    long-term health of their children                             The upcoming coalition talks will surely center around the                                 necessary framework conditions for developing and apply-
    is more important than one fleeting                          key issues for Berlin in the coming years: the question of                                     ing the technologies of the future. With a strong concentra-
    feeling of joy. So, more toys it is,                         the “growing city,” creating affordable housing, integrating                                    tion of scientific, academic and research institutions, labs
    and today that means smartphones                             refugees, budget consolidation, social justice and participa-                                    and startups, we are poised to become both a test bed
    and tablets.
    Berlin is also a Wundertüte.                                 tion for all our residents.                                                                      and a production site for Industry 4.0.
    Upon opening this edition of                                   The key to a city committed to the principles of solidarity                                      We need to prepare for different industries; for instance,
    The Berlin Times you’ll find all                             will remain education and the good jobs that education results                                 the solutions that worked for traditional sectors will not
    sorts of treats: We say goodbye to                           in. A prerequisite for good jobs is a strong economy.                                                   be adequate for startups. And since startups in
    President Obama, who has twice                                 Thanks to our goal-oriented policy-making in                                                                  Berlin employ more than 60,000 people,
    visited the city, and ask wheth-                             recent years, we were able to rebuild Berlin as                                                                   that’s a big issue. There will be 50 new
    er Angela Merkel can again be
    elected chancellor this coming                               a business location. In 2015 we saw stronger                                                                       IT professorships in the field of digitiza-
    year; We welcome refugees while                              economic growth than any other German state.                                                                        tion. The professors will be appointed
    also learning that the silent major-                           In 2015 alone around 50,000 new jobs                                                                               by Technische Universität Berlin,
    ity of German-Turks will not speak                           generating social security contributions were                                                                        Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
    up for fear of the fanatical follow-                         created, which makes 300,000 of these new                                                                             Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-
    ers of Turkey’s President Erdoğan;
                                                                 jobs since 2005.                                                                                                      Universität zu Berlin, Universität der
    We look into our future (startups)
    and discover old Berlin novels; We                             Employment now stands at less than                                                                                   Künste Berlin, Beuth Hochschule für
    climb steep walls (in a city without                         10 percent – the city’s lowest figure since                                                                            Technik and Hochschule für Tech-
    hills) and take a twirl on the tango                         reunification.                                                                                                         nik und Wirtschaft Berlin and will
    floor; We grill with a penchant for                            This economic success is the precondi-                                                                               constitute part of the new Einstein
    meat, but it is not too warm to con-                         tion for further investment and, in turn,                                                                               Center Digital Future. Over the next
    template twelve men fighting over
    a black disk on a patch of ice.                              for being able to shape a growing city                                                                                  10 years we will invest an additional
                                                                 committed to solidarity.                                                                                                €100 million annually in strengthen-
    Reach inside your Wundertüte, every                            Our policies will therefore continue                                                                                 ing Berlin as a center of science and
    page a surprise – it would be a                              to ensure that the economic upswing                                                                                    learning.
    shame not to read it.                                        and the resulting tax revenues will                                                                                      Our economic policy is also facing
                                                                 be used to make investment possible.                                                                                  many challenges. What’s most impor-
    Detlef Prinz
    Publisher                                                    Thanks to Berlin’s positive devel-                                                                                   tant here is that we understand eco-
                                                                 opment we were able to invest an                                                                                   nomic and labor policy as a shared
                                                                 additional €500 million in our city in                                                                           responsibility of policy-makers and the
                                                                 2015 alone.                                                                                                   business community, as well as, of course, the
                                                                   The coming years will be all about                                                                         trade unions and business associations.
                                                                 making sure this trend continues. We                                                                          In order to make Berlin a better business
          The Berlin Times is an international registered
                  trademark of Times Media GmbH.                 want to show the people of this city that                                                                  location we must also continue to recruit skilled
                         All rights reserved.                    we will use the economic upswing to improve                                                               staff for our civil service, thereby creating the
        This edition has been produced in cooperation with       everyone’s prospects. Above all, that means                                                               necessary conditions for attracting more business.
     DIE WELT and Berlin Partner for Business and Technology.
        Publisher & liable for editorial content: Detlef Prinz   creating additional jobs.                                                                                   To me, the motto “Berlin as a city of jobs” will
          Printed in Germany by Axel Springer Druckhaus            Berlin is now home to a myriad of thriving                                                             remain one of the guiding principles of the new
                                                                                                                                                                         E / DPA

      Spandau GmbH & Co. KG, Brunsbütteler Damm 156 – 172,
                             13581 Berlin                        industries and business sectors, meaning that our                                                       legislative term.
                                                                                                                                                                    PICTURE ALLIANC

          © Times Media GmbH, Tempelhofer Ufer 23 – 24,          economic development rests on a much broader
                       10963 Berlin, Germany.                    foundation than was the case a few years ago. A
                                                                 new business is started here once every 20 hours!

           Millions of farmers across the world rely on the soil for their livelihoods.
           And we’re helping them to keep it fertile for future generations. CLAAS is one of the world’s leading suppliers of farming technology.
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(Mis)Understanding Berlin - Times Media
2016                                                                                                                                                                                                3

                                                                                                                                                                                  German: Arbeit
                                                                                                                                                                                        [ˈaʁbaɪ ̯t]
                                                                                                                                                                                     English: Work

                                                                                                                                                                               Berlin: Sitting in the
                                                                                                                                                                                park and e-mailing
                                                                                                                                                                                 from your iPhone.

If we just let things carry on as they are, we are risking a dangerous new arms race
By Frank-Walter Steinmeier

           he Berlin Wall came down 27           hopeless. These are all examples of success-   the world. When they start work with us,                  is, of course, our main focus. We managed
           years ago. Walking around Berlin      ful diplomacy.                                 the world’s new crisis mode is their default              to get aid and supplies to 110,000 people
           today, there are many spots where       It is important to draw attention to         setting. They know the Cold War only from                 in Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria via airdrops.
           I can still see the remains of that   these successes, because images of crises      their history books. That is why they need                   However, we are not only concerned
inhumane border: the concrete, the metal         and disasters often stay in memory longer      a different range of tools than we used to                with alleviating acute suffering; we also
plates in the ground, the occasional iron                                                                                                                 think about what happens afterwards. One
struts still jutting out of the ground. The                                                                                                               illustration of this is our reconstruction

Wall divided not only Germany, but Europe                                                                                                                 work in cities such as Ramadi and Tikrit,
and the world as well.                                                                                                                                    where – after they were liberated from ISIL
  What is left of the Wall today looks like                                                                                                               control – we rapidly ensured that the people
the skeleton of a vanished world. A few                                                                                                                   could once again make their homes there.
corners are crumbling away and the gray                                                                                                                   Ninety percent of the population has now
concrete is covered in colorful graffiti. But                                                                                                             returned to these cities.
despite the bright colors, the old heaviness                                                                                                                 Our cultural relations and education
and inhumanity remain. What has changed,                                                                                                                  policy also forms part of our work in crises.
even more than the Wall itself, is the world                                                                                                              Together with the Federal Agency for
around it.                                                                                                                                                Technical Relief, we are providing practical
  Beyond any doubt, the fall of the Berlin                                                                                                                training for young Syrians so that they can
Wall, the reunification of Germany and finally                                                                                                            one day rebuild their country.
the collapse of the Soviet Union marked an                                                                                                                   Of course, the overarching goal is to find
historic watershed. All at once, the Cold                                                                                                                 a political solution to the conflict.
War and the bloc mentality that had divided                                                                                                                  Parallel to these crisis instruments, we
people were things of the past. Back then,                                                                                                                are also working to create structures for an
many people thought “everything will be                                                                                                                   improved international order, as Germany
better now.” Some even spoke of the “end of                                                                                                               is one of the beneficiaries of a rules-based
history.” Almost everyone hoped for a new                                                                                                                 world. That is why we assumed the OSCE
order that would bring peace and stability to                                                                                                             Chairmanship in 2016; that is why Ger-
all corners of the globe.                                                                                                                                 many is standing for election to a seat on
  We have to acknowledge that much of the                                                                                                                 the UN Security Council in the 2019/20
new normality we thought the end of the                                                                                                                   term; and that is why I have suggested that
Cold War would bring now seems anything                                                                                                                   we go back to talking about arms control,
but certain. The world is in disarray. The                                                                                                                with the West and with Russia. If we just
denseness and intensity of the crises and                                                                                                                 let things carry on as they are, we are risk-
conflicts raging around us are greater than                                                                                                               ing a dangerous new arms race, and in the
anyone would have predicted 27 years ago.                                                                                                                 end there will be no winners, only losers
New and old actors are fighting for influence                                                                                                             on all sides.
in a world that has become increasingly com-                                                                                                                 At this time, when peace is not guaranteed,
plex. A new order to replace the bloc-based                                                                                                               Germany must give impetus to finding solu-
confrontation has yet to be found. The end       Frank-Walter Steinmeier on top the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. The Social Democrat
                                                                                                                                                          tions for instilling new order in a world that
of history? Absolutely not.                      has been serving his second term in office since December 2013.                                          is out of joint. Germany should be sending a
  A brutal civil war has raged for years in                                                                                                               signal and giving hope that life in the age of
Syria, dragging an entire region down into a     than tough negotiations producing lengthy      have. It is a matter of learning to identify              globalization consists not only of constantly
spiral of violence. The ISIL terrorist organi-   agreements. We cannot simply swing the         small steps that can be taken, and to stop                defending one’s own ground, but also of
zation is committing atrocities from Iraq to     wrecking ball and get rid of all the world’s   focusing on the great wall that we could                  shaping the world. I would even say that,
Nigeria. With the bitter result of the British   problems overnight. We need to keep            never pierce with a single blow.                          with patience and willingness to approach
referendum on whether to remain in the EU,       taking small, laborious steps towards solu-      In recent years, we have therefore                      others, this world can be made a little more
what was long unthinkable has become a           tions, sometimes working more with a file      reviewed and revitalized our foreign policy,              peaceful and a little more just.
reality. And the annexation of Crimea and        than with a wrecking ball. This is often       and we are increasingly looking at the entire                As there is no use in just hiding and with-
the situation in eastern Ukraine have even       time-consuming and sometimes frustrating,      cycle of a conflict, ranging from humanitar-              drawing, we need to tackle the problems.
brought the issues of war and peace back to      but it is important that we have the right     ian aid and crisis prevention to stabilization            Standing still is not an option.
Europe. Given the numerous trouble spots,        instruments to counter the feeling of having   and expanding our urgently needed media-
one has to say that today’s world has become     lost control.                                  tion capacities.                                                 Frank-Walter Steinmeier is
more chaotic, more complex and much more           The Berlin Wall fell 27 years ago, and         For example, Germany has now become                           foreign minister of Germany.
unpredictable.                                   that is the age of many of our young dip-      the world’s third-largest provider of

                                         IS NOT AN OPTION
  Nevertheless, diplomacy still has chances      lomats going out to represent Germany in       humanitarian assistance. The crisis in Syria
of success. Despite all the crises, we
have seen concrete instances of this
in recent years: the nuclear agree-
ment with Iran; the Minsk agree-
ment in the Ukraine crisis, despite
all its shortcomings; the gradual
success in managing the refugee
crisis; and the peace agreement in
Colombia, which has brought an
end to a conflict that long appeared
(Mis)Understanding Berlin - Times Media
4                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                              [ˈbaːɐ̯ ˌɡɛlt]

                                                                                                                                                                                                       The only way to
                                                                                                                                                                                                       pay the check at
                                                                                                                                                                                                     most restaurants in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                the city

Angela Merkel’s refugee policy has lost her the trust of many voters.
Her party is seething. Will she stand for another term? | By Günter Bannas

           he political situation in Germany                                  selves verbally from her. The cries of their    refuses to make one publicly, repeating her     to stand, she holds a strong hand: no one
           is more uncertain than at any time                                 municipal officials who felt overwhelmed        mantra that she will make an appropriate        in the CDU is positioning themselves as a
           since Angela Merkel was elected                                    by the refugee influx had consequences.         announcement when the time is ripe. She         potential successor.
           German chancellor in 2005. The                                       But the SPD’s change of tack is being seen    has refrained even from committing herself         Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble
parties currently represented in the Bund-                                    simply as a campaign tactic, rendering it       within her party’s most exclusive body, the     will turn 75 next year. Party sources say
estag – the CDU, CSU, SPD, Greens and the                                     less credible. In nationwide surveys the SPD    CDU presidium, while senior CDU figures         that while Interior Minister Thomas de
Left Party – are losing voters’ trust. Doubts                                 continues to languish at about 25 percent       claim to know nothing of her plans. As          Maizière may be a good cabinet official,
are growing that “those up there” or “those                                   of the vote – a figure far too low to capture   the CDU/CSU parliamentary party leader          a party leader he is not. Ursula von der
in Berlin” can still govern Germany.                                          the chancellery.                                Volker Kauder has done, they may indeed         Leyen, Germany’s defense minister, is not
  Figureheads of the establishment parties                                      Meanwhile, the once revered role of chan-     go public with their party’s wishes for a       especially well liked within the CDU’s
are finding it increasingly more difficult to                                 cellor candidate is being tossed around like    fourth Merkel candidacy. Thus far, how-         leadership committees or parliamentary
communicate their positions – a problem                                       a hot potato. Promising figures, especially     ever, mum’s the word.                           group.
pronounced most explicitly in Germany’s                                       Hamburg Mayor Olaf Schulz, are maintain-          Kauder recently stated that in the election      Even Merkel critics, including CDU law-
refugee policy, where the conflict over faster                                ing a dignified silence. Sigmar Gabriel, the    campaign the conservative parties would         maker Wolfgang Bosbach, admit that she
deportation of undocumented immigrants                                        party chairman, will probably step up to the    fight to lead the federal government fol-       still commands high respect within the
has become a permanent issue.                                                 plate. In fact, the perceived wisdom – not      lowing the 2017 vote, yet stopped short         party. No one wants to be the one to topple
  The loss of voter confidence suffered                                       least due to hints from the SPD – is that       of saying that the campaign’s goal was to       her and all candidates for her succession
by the CDU and SPD has very real conse-                                       Gabriel will have to take on Merkel. He         continue Merkel’s chancellorship.               have supported her refugee policy. More-
quences for the achievement of stable gov-                                    would otherwise lose the party leadership.        With their constant criticism of Merkel,      over, Merkel takes advantage of her strong
erning majorities. Three-party coalitions                                       And as for Angela Merkel herself? Many        Horst Seehofer and the entire CSU leader-       position, refusing to back down from her
now govern four German states: Thuringia                                      factors indicate that she would run for yet     ship in Munich are acting as if they no         stance. The most she concedes is that things
(Left Party, SPD, Greens), Saxony-Anhalt                                      another term at Germany’s helm. However,        longer want to see this chancellor from         must get “better.”
(CDU, SPD, Greens), Rhineland-Palatinate                                      her continued lack of commitment one way        eastern Germany as their head of govern-           Her rivals, meanwhile, are groaning and
(SPD, FDP, Greens) and Schleswig-Holstein                                     or the other has been striking. At least she    ment. However, in the case of her choosing      clenching their fists, but that’s the extent of
(SPD, Greens and the ethnic-Danish South                                                                                                                                      it. Perhaps Merkel will share the fate of all
                                                 PICTURE ALLIANCE/AAPIMAGES

Schleswig Voters’ Association). These                                                                                                                                         her forerunners. From Konrad Adenauer
conditions are also reflected in Cologne,                                                                                                                                     to Gerhard Schröder, none have left the
Germany’s fourth-largest city, where the                                                                                                                                      chancellery voluntarily; each was toppled
independent Henriette Reker governs as                                                                                                                                        either by his party, coalition partners or the
mayor with the support of the CDU, Greens                                                                                                                                     German electorate.
and the FDP.                                                                                                                                                                     The success of the AfD in regional elec-
  First and foremost it is the mass influx                                                                                                                                    tions and opinion polls is a harbinger for
of refugees that has permeated Germany’s                                                                                                                                      the Bundestag elections. A new, right-
political landscape over the last year. Even                                                                                                                                  wing populist rival has emerged in German
among the ranks of her own CDU, Chancel-                                                                                                                                      politics. Merkel, acting like a president
lor Merkel’s “We can do this” has drifted                                                                                                                                     above the inter-party fray, recently tried
far from the consensus.                                                                                                                                                       in the Bundestag to form an anti-AfD
  The conservative wing of the party, which                                                                                                                                   alliance stretching from the CDU/CSU to
has seen itself marginalized into the role                                                                                                                                    the Left Party. In election campaigns, this
of misfit, is seething, yet has no clout to                                                                                                                                   sort of thing is doomed to failure, yet
challenge her authority within the party.                                                                                                                                     her attempt betrays her concerns that the
Its Bavarian sister party, the CSU, is in                                                                                                                                     AfD’s advances will come mainly at the
rebellion, but it too lacks the power to                                                                                                                                      expense of her own party. Merkel and the
force its demands on the chancellor’s power                                                                                                                                   CDU have yet to repeat the experiences
machine.                                                                                                                                                                      of the SPD and its last two chancellors. It
  While they may voice loudly their                                                                                                                                           was during Helmut Schmidt’s tenure that
demands for a ceiling on migration and                                                                                                                                        the Greens emerged. The Left Party arose
a burqa ban, these measures are probably                                                                                                                                      during Gerhard Schröder’s chancellorship.
unconstitutional. The SPD initially sup-                                                                                                                                      Each time, the SPD hemorrhaged voters.
ported the chancellor’s policy – and quite                                                                                                                                    Merkel’s legacy for the conservative parties
proudly, not least because they believed                                                                                                                                      goes by one name: AfD.
Merkel would be lost without the Social
Democrats. They are now distancing them-
(Mis)Understanding Berlin - Times Media

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(Mis)Understanding Berlin - Times Media
6                                                                                                                                                                                                    2016

GOODBYE,                                                                                                                                                                                       Charme
                                                                                                                                                                                            Tough love

Barack Obama failed to meet some of his goals. But perhaps his
presidency will be remembered less for what it achieved than for
what it avoided | By Peter H. Koepf

          ack in July 2008 when Senator Barack Obama             start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving
          spoke at Berlin’s Victory Column, 200,000 perspir-     around or being utilized.” A year later, hundreds of
          ing people assembled to hear the man they believed     people died in a poison gas attack in Ghouta, a region
          could make the world a better place. They took on      east of Damascus. Obama did nothing. Assad remains
board that as president he would demand more from the            the head of a rump state where the self-proclaimed
Germans than in recent memory: more money, more arms             Islamic State has long since also made its mark.
and more soldiers. “In this new century, Americans and             It was not only the trigger-happy hawks among the
Europeans alike will be required to do more – not less.”         Republicans that decried Obama’s silence. Hillary Clin-
Had George W. Bush uttered these words, the reply would          ton also railed against Obama’s inaction, saying it had hurt
have been a chorus of boos, jeers and whistles.                  America’s credibility and deterrent potential. Clinton’s
  Eight years later, in the twilight of the Obama Era, more      outspoken rival for president recently remarked that the
than a few people, including Germans, are disappointed in        withdrawal from Iraq allowed the jihadists to gain strength;
the US president, who – it seems – has managed to keep           Obama was therefore the “founder of ISIS,” which could
just a handful of his promises. He took up the fight for gay     then spread far and wide through Syria.
marriage and pushed through his health care reform that has        Lest we forget, it was George W. Bush who invaded
brought affordable health insurance to more than ten million     Iraq on the basis of untruthful arguments. The 2003
Americans. The country has also managed to overcome the          attack is now recognized as the starting point for all
effects of the financial crisis; the economy is back on track.   the region’s upheavals, not least because there
  However, Guantánamo prison – a human rights fiasco             was no power-sharing plan for the region’s
– remains in operation. Gun violence in America is still         groups. The eclipse of the Sunnis in Iraq’s
rampant. Tensions between whites and African Americans           political and military hierarchy led to their
have grown worse, a fact attested to by more than just the       radicalization, providing IS with plenty of
lopsided statistics of police violence. And let us not forget    specialized fighters.
that eavesdropping on the German chancellor’s phone                Obama, however, refused to be drawn
conversations was not exactly polite.                            into a war – especially not alone. That
  The big questions have to do with foreign policy. One          was why he left the visible air strikes in
accusation holds that, as the Syrian regime of Bashar al-        Libya to the British and French when

                                                                                                                                                                                                          PICTURE ALLIANCE/DPA
Assad committed one atrocity after another in the country’s      strongman Muammar Gaddafi pledged
civil war, Obama sat on the fence.                               to drive the Benghazi rebels from their
  “We have been very clear to the Assad regime,“ Obama           hideouts “like rats.” US Air Force drones
explained in the summer of 2012, “that a red line for us is we   destroyed Libya’s air defenses before the

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    LUER-0280_AZ_Berlin_Times_2016_2478x120mm_V02.indd 1                                                                                                                                     16.09.16 10:24
(Mis)Understanding Berlin - Times Media
2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7

Europeans flew their sorties. But, just like            at Obama’s greatest achievement – would be
eight years earlier in Iraq, there was no plan          climate change.
for the time after Gaddafi. Obama admitted                 The Clean Power Plan of August 2015                  Doppelgänger
as much in a Fox News interview when asked              will require America’s coal-fired power sta-            [ˈdɔpl ̩ˌɡɛŋɐ]
about his worst mistake. War heroes Nicolas             tions – which provide almost 40 percent of              Look-alike
Sarkozy and David Cameron quickly turned                the country’s electricity – to cut their CO2
their attention to other matters. Since then,           emissions by 32 percent from 2005 levels.               Every bearded, retro-dressed,
Libya has also become a failed state where IS           Most Americans support Obama’s climate                  bespectacled hipster in Neukölln
has gained a foothold. According to Jeffrey             objectives, but in February 2016 the Supreme
Goldberg in the April issue of The Atlantic,            Court suspended the targets until lawsuits                                                                                        M E RC URY
Obama now refers to the Libya intervention              filed by multiple states are decided. And yet,
                                                                                                                                                                                          The Olympic Village from the 1936

                                                                                                                                                   PICTURE ALLIANCE/UNITED ARCHIVES/WHA
as a “shit show.”                                       Obama’s change of direction, as well as agree-
                                                                                                                                                                                          games, in Elstal, 30 kilometers from
   Obama is the first US president to recog-            ments with China and India on reducing emis-                                                                                      Berlin, exudes the dark charm of decay.
nize that “the West” could not help rule the            sions, enabled world leaders to sign a historic                                                                                   Several buildings have been demolished;
Middle East and North Africa. Yet, as he                climate pact that would limit global warming                                                                                      the gymnastics hall is home to a lone
could not leave that task to the terrorists,            to a maximum 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius above                                                                                       rusted pommel horse; the swimming pool
he ordered drone strikes that killed not only           pre-industrial levels. The US, once an obstruc-                                                                                   is bone dry. Not much remains from the
targeted individuals but hundreds of civil-             tive force on climate issues, has joined the                                                                                      propaganda show put on for the Nazi
                                                                                                                                                                                          games 80 years hence. With one excep-
ians as well. Criticism from Germany for                activist vanguard.
                                                                                                                                                                                          tion: Jesse Owens. The star sprinter,
this morally dubious activity has not been                 New thinking also informed the US approach                                                                                     who won four gold medals in Berlin (top),
nearly as strident as that which George W.              to its bitter foe, Iran. The 2015 Vienna nuclear                                                                                  has been honored at the grounds with

Bush could have expected.                               accords only became possible by rethinking                                                                                        his own museum, which alone is worth a
   Obama has a motto: “Don’t do stupid                  outdated diplomatic strategy. The same is                                                                                         visit. Owens’ room in the Olympic Village
shit.” In foreign policy, Obama has avoided             true for the thaw in US-Cuban relations. And                                                                                      has been reconstructed, with beds, foot-
stupidity. And it would have been stupid to             Obama’s “pivot to Asia” has proven to be a                                                                                        stool and wooden table. Adjoining rooms
                                                                                                                                                                                          chart his rise from college athlete to
follow the “foreign policy establishment and            prescient strategy to contain China’s hege-                                                                                       Olympic champion and emblematic proof
its cruise missile playbook,” as Goldberg calls         monic ambitions. The Transpacific Partner-                                                                                        of Hitler’s delusions: a black man faster
it, as well as the “demands of America’s frus-          ship, a free-trade agreement without Chinese                                                                                      than all Aryans. As it happened, Berlin
trating, high-maintenance allies in the Middle          participation, is a key element of these efforts.                                                                                 spectators cheered him on, even then.
East – countries, he complains privately,                  Barack Obama failed to attain all his goals                                                                                    The German Luz Long, Owens’s big-
seeking to exploit American ‘muscle’ for their          because even “the most powerful man in the                                                                                        gest rival in the long jump and eventual
                                                                                                                                                                                          silver medalist, became his good friend

                                                                                                                                                   PICTURE ALLIANCE//HIP
own narrow, sectarian ends.”                            world” eventually reaches his limits. War and
                                                                                                                                                                                          (middle), much to Hitler’s chagrin.
   Obama’s caution had other grounds. He                terrorism render some foreign policy objec-                                                                                        Berlin’s Olympic Stadium, where his
believed the US had become overstretched                tives obsolete. And an opposition Congress                                                                                        name was inscribed on the monument
in its role as world policeman, which is an             has dashed many a presidential dream – yet                                                                                        listing gold medal winners (bottom),
enormous burden on the country’s finances.              considering who may next take office, that                                                                                        today houses a Jesse Owens Lounge;
He decided to weigh costs and benefits more             may be a comforting thought.                                                                                                      the street running alongside the arena
finely – especially toward Syria and IS, which                                                                                                                                            is Jesse Owens Allee. Nonetheless, the
                                                                                                                                                                                          runner’s home is still where it always was
he did not consider the greatest threats to the
                                                                                                                                                                                          – the Olympic Village.
US and the world. That – and here we arrive

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(Mis)Understanding Berlin - Times Media
8                                                                                                                                                                                        2016

                                                                                                                                                                                    [ˈeːɐ̯ ɡaɪ ̯ʦ]

                                                                                                                                                                                 Clubbing at
                                                                                                                                                                              Berghain from
                                                                                                                                                                         end-of-work Friday
                                                                                                                                                                            to start-of-work

In Berlin, tens of thousands of German-Turks demonstrated in support of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Yet, to believe the entire community stands by the AKP would be a mistake. Erdoğan’s detractors are many;
they just don’t dare take to the streets. An assessment of the situation by Güner Yasemin Balci

           urkey is transforming into a dic-      which willingly sought the support of Turk-    types of German-Turks: the enlightened          denunciation has been known to react with
           tatorship before our very eyes         ish-German citizens, even known members of     ones who found the Bundestag’s Armenia          trigger-happy glee.
           and anyone, be they Turkish or         the “Gray Wolves,” a nationalist group that    resolution well over due and would like to         Turkey is a multi-ethnic state that since its
           Turkish-German, who denies it          defined itself as a pure race and nourished    live in an open democracy, and those who        founding as a republic has sought by force to
is taking a risk. Even those who live here        hopes of someday becoming a world power.       only act as if they are part of this society,   transform itself into a country of one people,
in Germany have quite a bit to lose. At a         But most Germans can only imagine German-      but in the depths of their heart harbor         with the goal of Turkey for the Turks – the
minimum they would face a travel ban to           German Nazis as real Nazis.                    dreams of the great Turkish empire that         Sunni Muslims – who should all be ready to die
Turkey, and this would mean not seeing              However, the possibility that one of them    would be Sunni Muslim, know no borders          for the fatherland. Despite genocidal campaigns
family and friends for an indefinite period.      may be named Ahmet or Betül has been lost      and where dissenters would have no, or          against Armenians, Arameans and the Zazas
While a statement in the German public            on most German citizens not of Turkish         at most a very limited voice. Although          in Dersim, despite the ongoing pogrom-like
about current conditions of Turkey may                  origin. And then there is                these greater Turkish visionaries may not       atmosphere concerning the Kurds, the forced
breeze by with nary a retort, on the                      the fatal multi-culti                  represent the majority of German-Turks,         resettlements, forced Islamizations and language
Bosphorus it can unleash a tornado                        reflex. When Betül                     they are well established                       prohibitions, Turkey remains multi-ethnic, com-
of reaction.                                              Ulusoy, an activist                                                                    prising various cultures, languages and religions.
  The people are afraid, thus the rau-                   in a headscarf who                                                                      While the majority of Turks ascribes to Sunni
cous tens of thousands of Erdoğan                           belongs to Ditib                                                                     Islam, this group can be rather nuanced, ranging
supporters fill our streets without                          (the Turkish-                                                                       from atheist to agnostic to ultra-orthodox, not
encountering hundreds of thou-                                                                                                                   to mention the diversity of political tendencies.
sands of counter protestors,                                                                                                                        Sure, many Turks stand behind Recep Tayyip
also with Turkish roots. To                                                                                                                      Erdoğan and his party, but an absolute majority
conclude that “the Turks”                                                                                                                        they are not, despite regular statements to the
all stand behind Erdoğan                                                                                                                          contrary. The elections of Nov. 1, 2015, were

would be a mistake. The                                                                                                                                         manipulated, a fact attested to by

others are experiencing                                                                                                                                          not only countless independent

a feeling of powerless-                                                                                                                                          journalists, who now sit in pris-

ness in the face of a                                                                                                                                        ons in Turkey, but also by elections

development in which                                                                                                                                             observers from the Council of

systematic injustice is                                                                                                                                             Europe and the OSCE. Hardly
declared just – for the                                                                                                                                                   any German politician has
moment, the struggle                                                                                                                                                        spoken out against the
for a free, democratic                                                                                                                                                       fraud, as Turkey is
Turkey appears lost.                                                                                                                                             too important as a partner for
Martial law will pre-                                                                                                                                             Europe, NATO and Germany’s
dominate for an indefi-                                                                                                                                          refugee policy.
nite amount of time,                                                                                                                                              Perhaps it is good that these
opposition parties are                                                                                                                                           hordes of Islamist headscarved
nothing but extras in                                                                                                                                            women and flag-waving Turk-
Erdoğan’s sultanate,                                                                                                                                           ish nationals are finally visible on
and anyone not wishing to be persecuted                                                                                                                       the streets of Germany; perhaps the
simply shuts up.                                  Islamic Union for Religious Affairs, the       in Ditib communities, other nationalist-                    German school curriculum concern-
  The failed coup attempt has made it easier      umbrella organization for Turkish-Islamic      religious organizations and billion-dollar                 ing Islam – which is organized by
for Erdoğan to implement his dream of con-        mosques in Germany, which is adminis-          corporate coalitions with structured net-       Ditib – will now be taught more critically, and
verting Turkey’s parliamentary democracy          tered by the Turkish prime minister) as        works in all areas of public life. With their   perhaps this display of Islamist-Turkish self-
into an authoritarian presidential system                                                                                                        awareness is an occasion to rethink the Federal
faster than he could have hoped. And those
still campaigning for the persecuted Fetullah
                                                           “Turkey remains multi-ethnic,                                                         Constitutional Court verdict that even public
                                                                                                                                                 employees may wear headscarves, along with
Gülen should not forget that Erdoğan and
Gülen were once good friends, and that it is
                                                            comprising various cultures,                                                         the other concessions we have made. These are
                                                                                                                                                 particularly inconsistent with an open, demo-
a verifiable fact that it was Gülen supporters
who, beginning in 2007, stripped countless
                                                             languages and religions.”                                                           cratic and secular society.
                                                                                                                                                    Hundreds of thousand of German-Turks
dissidents of their jobs under false pretenses    well as a German law graduate and blogger,     two-pronged strategy of reaping all the         would be grateful. Perhaps for the first time they
and incarcerated them without trials.             uses historically problematic rhetoric to      benefits Germany has to offer without sur-      would feel they are not alone.
  Many are now asking themselves what             praise the mass arrests in Turkey as a long-   rendering their orthodox-Muslim national
happened as they ponder the masses of Turk-       awaited “cleansing” that is sure to have       identities, they can always count on the
ish-Germans who so fervently demonstrate          Allah’s blessing, she can be certain that a    support of elected German representatives.                Güner Yasemin Balci is a
for Erdoğan, against freedom of the press,        German colleague will spring to her side       However, all other critical lone warriors,            filmmaker and author. Her most
against civil rights and for the reinstatement    to protect the supposedly misunderstood        for whom no lobby exists either in Turkey              recent book, Das Mädchen und
of the death penalty. The answer is simple:       Muslim woman from the allegedly Islamo-        or Germany, are left out in the cold – for          die Gotteskrieger (The Girl and the
nothing. Nationalist Turks, with their ortho-     phobic witch hunt. Were she not a Turk in      example the Islamic reform theologians who        Jihadist), was published in June of this
dox interpretation of Islam, have been part       a headscarf, she would have zero chance        teach in Germany but will remain unnamed            year. Her film Der Jungfrauenwahn
of the Federal Republic of Germany since the      of ever becoming a lawyer or journalist        in this newspaper for fear that they may lose        (The Virginty Obsession) won the
early 1960s; it is only now that people have      in Germany. And that would be just fine.       their university jobs or suffer some other             2016 Bayerischer Fernsehpreis.
taken notice. An exception over the years has       People whose forbears immigrated from        indignity. After all, the arm of Erdoğan is
been the Antifa activists and the radical left,   Turkey learn early on that there are two       a long one, and this country’s culture of
(Mis)Understanding Berlin - Times Media
2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                            9

 Winter is coming

                                                                        Shake it off
                               Does Berlin need a monument to German reunification? | By Harald Jähner

        ome call it a disgrace, others are          ton’s bat, Myotis Daubentonii, had found             gate was the international icon of German                                   reconciliation process is truly over. There
        relieved; most couldn’t care less. For      a suitable nesting place in the dignified old        separation and, thanks to the hammers                                       is really no need for a monument here – at
        the time being, Berlin will not receive     masonry and set out evening after evening            and chisels that people put to the Wall                                     least not yet.
        a monument to German unification.           on the hunt for mosquitoes swarming over             in its shadow in November 1989, the                                           It would make more sense to erect one
Planning for a memorial on Schloßplatz              the Spree. These creatures of the vesper bat         icon of German reunification as well. No                                    in the middle of the former East Germany,
recalling the peaceful revolution in East           family, weighing all of ten grams each, are          new monument could equal the expressive                                     in Leipzig, perhaps, to honor both the
Germany and subsequent reunification has            under official wildlife protection and would         power of the Brandenburg Gate. So why                                       popular uprising that brought down the
been stopped. The German parliament’s               have had to be resettled at considerable             try to build one?                                                           Wall and the subsequent vote to reunify.
budgetary committee recommended all work            effort and expense. So, with the help of                Berlin, if we look at it more closely, is                                But there, too, plans of the sort have sput-
                                                                                                                             its own living, breath-
                                                                         PICTURE ALLIANCE/DPA

                                                                                                                                                         PICTURE ALLIANCE/AP PHOTO
                                                                                                                             ing monument to
                                                                                                                             reunification, which
                                                                                                                             people are reminded
                                                                                                 “The city still             of with practically
                                                                                                                             every step they take
                                                                                                needs some time              through the city. This

                                                                                                   before the                is especially true in
                                                                                                                             Berlin’s central dis-

                                                                                                 reconciliation              tricts, where the Wall
                                                                                                                             often bisected densely
                                                                                                   process is                inhabited, built-up
                                                                                                                             neighborhoods, where
                                                                                                  truly over.”               its former path can still
                                                                                                                             be surmised, and some-
                                                                                                                             times even felt.
The people’s seesaw: just an amusing idea. Thank goodness.                                                                   It is not only the dif-                                 The Brandenburg Gate, 1961.
                                                                                                                             fering styles of postwar
on future construction be broken off, due           these tiny mammals, the seesaw of unity              construction in the city’s East and West,                                   tered – after all, the reunified capital and
to cost.                                            will hopefully remain just an amusing idea.          but also the divergent residential profiles                                 the Brandenburg Gate belong to the people
  Even before the first shovel hit the soil, cost     And thank goodness. For all the fun                and the social atmosphere in the streets                                    of Leipzig, as well.
estimates for the project had climbed from 10       this kinetic sculpture might have been, it           that remind pedestrians, even 25 years after
to 15 million euros. But the sudden financial       would never have matched the symbolic                reunification, where the communist capital                                         Harald Jähner has been the
scruples revealed other, deeper reasons to          significance of another, existing edifice that       ended and the urban capitalist island began.                                     feuilleton editor of the Berliner
stop the planned monument. That is, the             long ago entered the popular consciousness           Thanks to the antagonistic social systems                                               Zeitung since 2004.
otherwise tolerable rise in price would almost      as the encapsulation of Germany’s divi-              that stubbornly faced one another during
certainly have been deemed acceptable if only       sion and reunification: the Brandenburg              the Cold War, Berlin still needs some time,
the planned design had been more convinc-           Gate. Closed for decades by the Wall, the            and a little more creativity, before the
ing or the basic idea an innate necessity.
The Bundestag vote reads as a thinly veiled
suggestion that Berlin needs no unification
monument. And certainly not this seesaw.                 Discover more
  Five years ago, after a chaotic competition,           db.com/madeforgood
a jury had finally given the nod to a design
by choreographer Sasha Waltz and Milla &
Partner, a “agency for spatial communica-
tion.” While the monument design’s official
name was “Citizens on the Move,” it quickly
became known as “the people’s seesaw.”
  The object would have been an accessible,
50-meter-long gold-colored bowl that could
be set in motion, but only if a large majority
of the visitors atop the object shifted to one
of its sides, thereby tipping it. The process
would playfully express the power of the
people – by the people themselves. Though                Business means
it initially convinced some politicians and
observers that the people’s seesaw could                 more when it’s
become the “monument to joy” that politi-
cal leaders had wanted, over time the doubts
piled up. The plans excluded disabled people.
                                                         made for good.
The wheelchair-bound could only have tra-
                                                         All around the world, a new breed of entrepreneurs are combining business with
versed the middle of the bowl, and the strong            social purpose. Our global enterprise programme Made for Good adds the business
damping of any movement – which would                    know-how to help them succeed. We work with small and early-stage ventures
be necessary to maintain safety – would have             who want to regenerate communities and improve livelihoods, and charities who
taken all the fun out of it.                             need to adopt more entrepreneurial business models. Made for Good provides
                                                         what they need to be commercially viable – business advice and support, access to
  And finally, in the foundation of the former           sources of funding and connections to others who can help. Microenterprise, social
equestrian memorial to Kaiser Wilhelm I on               start-up, charity and commercial business, we’re working with the mall to show
which the new structure was to stand – sym-              how much good business can do.
bolizing the progress of history – crews dis-
covered another, special little folk. Dauben-

                                                      1609_8774_DB_ANZ_MFG_BUSINESS_180x123.indd 1                                                                                                                  12.09.16 09:01
(Mis)Understanding Berlin - Times Media
10                                                                                                                                                                                                    2016


                                                                                                            Continental drift
 Owning a car in Berlin

                 hen Britons voted to leave the         family firms, our small and medium-sized              Straight after the vote, many London start-      the pie. Valérie Pécresse, the councilor of the
                 European Union in June, they           businesses are the backbone of our country.”        ups made the call to Berlin to ask about the       Île-de-France capital region, sent out 4,000
                 unwittingly handed an advan-           She added that the UK would never be fully          pros and cons of a move to the city on the         letters to British companies as soon as the
                 tage to the cities on the conti-       cut off from the European market.                   Spree. Berlin Senator of Economics Cornelia        referendum result was announced. Her words
nent. Brexit – a horror scenario for the entire           But at the moment, with the conditions for        Yzer reported that more than 100 companies         were blunt: “The battle of the cities has begun.”
European economic zone – would neverthe-                the UK’s departure not yet negotiated and the       had made enquiries by late July. “There was           In Berlin it seems that the early eupho-
less create endless opportunities for startup           consequences unpredictable, it is a danger-         a real flood of them at the start,” says           ria has faded. Stefan Franzke claims
locations like Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam and             ous time for London and a tempting one for          Stefan Fran-        zke, manager of Berlin Part-   that interest has waned. And he never
Stockholm. Even if the British government               Berlin. The battle to be seen as the most fertile   ner GmbH.           Franzke’s public-private       called it a battle to begin with. “The
is not in official talks with the EU about the          ground for startups is underway. Fearing legal      partnership         comprises the Berlin Senate    startup scene is far too internation-
country’s departure, one thing is clear – ever          uncertainties, more and more investors may          and more than       270 enterprises while offer-   ally connected and interdependent
since the vote, the startup capital of London           simply keep their money out of Britain, or          ing support for      companies of all sizes and    for people in it to want to hurt one
has been facing tougher competition from                invest it in cities that have a more predictable    shapes, but           especially for startups.     another,” he says. But there are
other cities in Europe for talent, ideas and            political and economic climate. When inves-           Other cities        such as Paris                   eight companies making concrete
innovations.                                            tors hesitate, startup companies get nervous.       are     also           look-                                  plans to move to Berlin,
   As Europe’s most important financial                 New companies in particular rely on cash and        ing for a                                                        he adds. According
center, many of London’s advantages will                trust from investors in order to grow quickly       slice                                                              to Franzke, many
remain even if the UK does leave the EU.                in a competitive environment.                       of                                                                   are in fintech, or
There are good reasons why the British capital            London may also be facing an uphill battle                                                                              finance technol-
provides the current headquarters for some              to attract the smartest minds and best ideas.                                                                              ogy, specializ-
275,000 startups. If anything, London, with             The government has yet to answer the ques-                                                                                  ing in transac-
its business-friendly tax laws, will be able to         tion of how tightly it will restrict immigration                                                                            tion technolo-
offer even bigger tax breaks in the future.             in the future. But at the very least it seems                                                                               gies to ensure
   The country’s new prime minister, Theresa            that freedom of movement for workers from                                                                                    the swift and
May, is well aware of the importance of                 the EU will come to an end in the foreseeable
innovative new companies. A few weeks ago               future. More than half of those working at
she underscored this fact at a meeting at 10            startups in London come from outside the
Downing Street, where she addressed repre-              UK. Many interpret Brexit as the UK saying
sentatives of small and medium-sized enter-             “You are not wanted here!” Smart people are
prises: “From dynamic startups to established           thinking of packing their bags.

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2016                                                                                                                                                                                                   11

                                                                                                                                                                                           [ˈhøːflɪçkaɪ ̯t]
Brexit poses a big opportunity for European cities wanting to attract startups.                                                                                                               Politeness
If Berlin wants to profit from Britain’s brain drain, it must stay cheap, livable                                                                                           Waiting until dark before
and open | By Bastian Brauns                                                                                                                                                      pissing in the street

secure flow of money around the world. Bank-           Yet this is just one snapshot of Europe’s        After all, the German capital is home to more       be face to face when the contract is signed. This
ing apps are just one of many fintech fields.       financial development. One-off deals bringing       than 6,000 startups, including around 100           can often be exceedingly impractical when it
BrickVest, a British-German property invest-        a big investment to a single company – as was       fintech companies.                                  comes to digital processes, he says. Bartz sees
ment startup, has officially announced that its     the case with Spotify in Stockholm – can make          Chris Bartz, is a venture partner at FinLeap,    it as Germany’s task to push forward further
headquarters are moving to Berlin. But the online   it seem that the location overall is enormously     one of Europe’s key fintech firms, and chairman     unification of the European market. “Brexit
platform will continue to be run from its London    valuable. Yet the number of financing rounds        of the FinTechs, Insurance & Banking Innova-        will hurt everyone in the long run, even if
office (see interview p. 12).                       must also be considered, for they show how          tions working group at the digital industry         startup cities benefit in the beginning,” Bartz
  For the moment, Berlin as a business location     many startup projects the investments are           association, Bitkom. “Here in Germany we            says, because it is ultimately essential to have
appears to have been weakened rather than           distributed across.                                 mustn’t think too small when it comes to            uniform rules and a long reach, without borders
strengthened. According to the Ernst & Young           In 2015 Berlin was well ahead of London          financial technologies,” he says.                   or barriers.
startup barometer, the German capital is ranked     in terms of these financing rounds. Inves-             He compares Germany’s current digital               But he believes Berlin is on the right path.
not number one, as it had been in the past,         tors put money into Berlin startups on 205          economy with how it looked around the year          “A city’s feel-good factor is more than just a
but only number four, with invest-                  occasions, compared to 132 for London               2000. Back then, no one managed to establish a      fringe benefit,” says Bartz. The framework
ment volumes of €520 million.                         startups. In the first half of 2016, however,     German Apple, Facebook or Google. “My first         has to be right not just for the entrepreneurs,
London is back on top with                            Berlin was no                    longer number    smartphone was a Siemens. No one talks about        but also for employees and their families. With
investments of €1.3        bil-                       one;      with                   117 financing    Siemens in that context any more,” Bartz says.      its international outlook, welcoming culture,
lion, followed                                         rounds –                       including an         He does not want to see a repeat perfor-         openness, freedom, well-trained IT technicians
by Stockholm,                                          estimated                      €62 million       mance. “There’s a good chance right now that        and affordable cost of living, Berlin has got
which attracted                                         of invest-                     ment in the      we will end up empty-handed once again, and         it all. According to Bartz, entrepreneurs ask
a cool billion,                                         Sound-                        cloud music       it’s up to us to change the situation.” He points   themselves two primary questions: “Where
and Paris, at                                           platform                      – it came in at   out that digitalization has led to an enormous      can I get the people I need?” and “Where do I
€673 million.                                           number                       three.     Paris   shift in the value-creation chain. Bartz believes   myself want to go?”
                                                                                     topped the list    we need more political will so that we are not         Berlin’s two coalition parties, the SPD and
                                                                                    with 178 rounds     too content with what appears to work well          CDU, as well as other parties, are competing to
                                                                                   of financing, fol-   enough. “We have to stop being so complacent        come up with the best startup proposal for the
                                                                                   lowed by London      and instead realign ourselves according to the      city. In September Berlin even opened its own
                                                                                   with 157.            current state of the technology,” he says.          recruiting office in London’s creative startup
                                                                                    What has to            Bartz talks about the discouraging effect        district of Camden. Working together with
                                                                                  happen for Berlin     German laws can have. For instance, there are       the consulting firm KPMG, Berlin officials aim
                                                                                 to get back on top?    rules stating that two parties in a contract must   to be on the spot to advise startup companies
                                                                                                                                                                                           continued on p. 12

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12                                                                                                                                                                                          2016
continued from p. 11

                                                White-collar refugees
eager to move to Berlin. Simultaneously the
Berlin Senate announced that it would create
50 new IT professorships for Berlin, although
they would not be tenured positions.
   “Companies follow the talent,” says Stefan
Franzke. A first wave of educated arrivals      Find out why the fintech company BrickVest moved from London to Berlin

came to Germany and its capital city fol-
lowing the 2008 financial crisis. “We benefit        n mid-September of this year, the online investment plat-                    To what extent is the system heavily bureaucratic?
tremendously from the skilled labor that             form BrickVest was one of the first companies to make the                    In London, fintechs have more flexibility and face much less
has come here, from Spain and Greece, for            post-Brexit move from the British to the German capital.                     regulation. This is why all the startups are in London. Take
example,” Franzke says. This international           Founded in London two years ago, this financial technology                   for example the AIFM license, which we need wherever we
movement has siphoned talent to Germany,        company manages a portfolio of €20 million, drawn from inves-                     do business. The same way a driver’s license is more difficult
giving a boost to our entire startup culture.   tors with capital ranging from €10,000 to €5 million. Seven of                    to get in Germany, so is the AIFM.
News like the results of the state election     the company’s 15 employees – their so-called back office – were
in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania – in           involved in the move. The Berlin Times talked to co-founder                       What would you recommend Germany do?
which the anti-immigration AfD party placed     Thomas Schneider about the reasons for the relocation.                            The first thing would be to solve the language problem. If I
second – are unhelpful, Franzke says, because                                                                                     were the BaFin or a politician, I would
“people in the business talk about how Ger-     THE BERLIN TIMES: Why Berlin?                                                     introduce English as an official
many is so welcoming to newcomers.”             THOMAS SCHNEIDER: We’d been thinking of doing it for a                            language. Young entrepreneurs
  Finleap’s Chris Bartz agrees. “It’s up to     while. Then the Brexit vote gave us that extra incentive to actu-                 all speak English. I would also
us to develop and communicate a positive        ally do it. Now, if and when Brexit comes, we’ll already have a                   set up a regulatory agency that
outlook for the future,” he says. “Fear comes   basis here in Berlin.                                                             takes an open and cooperative
all by itself.”                                                                                                                   approach to new concepts. If
                                                Is the Berlin market really so interesting?                                       these things were in place, Berlin
                                                The entire German market is interesting; all of Europe is, too,                   and Germany would have massive
                                                for that matter. We’re a European platform. Office space and                      opportunities in a growing market.
                                                the cost of living are highly affordable in Berlin, and that’s

                                                important for a young company like ours, where the salaries
                                                aren’t as lavish as you might think.

                                                Did government agencies support your move?
                                                Yes, but I would have expected more in that regard. For
                                                example, the BaFin banking supervisory authority is very
                                                bureaucratic. They’re overly cautious and focused on investor
 Ideologie                                      protection, which is, of course, important, but it’s counter-
 [ideoloˈɡiː]                                   productive to be suspicious of everything new – especially
                                                for us, seeing as our entire business model is based on “the
 Ideology                                       new.” For example, we do the real estate business differently
                                                and better than any bank could. If we did everything the way
 A word not used since                          they do, there would be no need for us anymore.
 the fall of the Wall                                                                                                                                                        Thomas Schneider

           Language                                         T
                                                                       he German Institute for Economic Research of the working refugees finding their first jobs in Germany
                                                                       (DIW) and Humboldt University in Berlin have via friends or relatives.
                                                                       analyzed the data from surveys of refugees in            For children, early education is vital. Refugees seem to
                                                                       Germany between 1990 and 2010. The find- know this – their children are just as happy as other kids
                                                            ings revealed low levels of qualification, a low propensity to participate in voluntary activities at school. Yet activities

                                                            to finish school (refugees: 20 percent,
                                                                                                          PICTURE ALLIANCE / ZB

                                                            migrants: 10 percent), poor knowledge
                                                            of German upon arrival, and a tendency
                                                            to start their first job later than non-refu-

                                                            gees. “But unlike work-seeking migrants,
                                                            refugees are hardly able to prepare for the
                                                            country they go to,” says Martin Kroh of
                                                            DIW Berlin.
                                                              Refugees are more often unemployed
                                                            and earn less. About two-thirds of male
More than one million refugees                              refugees but only one in four women
came to Germany in 2014 and                                 found a job within the first five years of
                                                            being in Germany – primarily in small
2015. While this year’s numbers                             businesses, processing industries and the
are far lower, the refugees now                             catering industry.
here are in need of places to live,                           Some results provide grounds for hope:
                                                            refugees had a better track record on
jobs and prospects for the future.                          school attendance and higher levels of
How can we make integration                                 education than other immigrants. The
                                                            researchers were optimistic about the
work?                                                       latest wave of refugees, a result of there              High potentials: Young refugee children, actually happy to be in school.
                                                            being far more integration measures today
                                                            than in the past: “The many measures and social initiatives outside of school – for instance in sports clubs – are not so
                                                            give us hope that the most recent refugees will be integrated popular. It is comparatively rare for refugee children under
                                                            quickly,” says Kroh. The researchers recommend that the age of three to attend a kindergarten or parent-child
                                                            German authorities be quicker to recognize qualifications group. Katharina Spiess of the DIW says that is a shame:
                                                            from abroad. They conclude that refugees need better “Early education holds especially great potential, which
                                                            information on how to obtain degrees, training certificates we should better utilize in the interests of successful inte-
                                                            and work experience recognized in Germany – something gration.” As a solution she recommends an intercultural
                                                            only one in three has managed so far.                             approach and targeted recruiting of volunteers and integra-
                                                              As for language – a vital criterion for integration – making tion workers who themselves have roots outside Germany.
                                                            work and training options available earlier may quickly
                                                            improve refugees’ German-language skills. Social contact
                                                            plays a big role in success in the labor market, with half
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