We Energies' First Utility-Scale Wind Farm - Feature Blue Sky Green Field Wind Energy Center

Page created by Ricky Fletcher
We Energies' First Utility-Scale Wind Farm - Feature Blue Sky Green Field Wind Energy Center

Blue Sky Green Field Wind Energy Center

We Energies’ First
Utility-Scale Wind
                The Towns of Calumet and Marshfield, WI

                                Photography by Christine Coates, Editor, Wind Today

18                                            WIND TODAY      Second Quarter 2009
We Energies' First Utility-Scale Wind Farm - Feature Blue Sky Green Field Wind Energy Center
If you look closely at the blades of   Calumet and Marshfield in northeast
the wind turbines operating at the Blue   Fond du Lac County, in east central
Sky Green Field Energy Center in          Wisconsin.                                 Location: Near the towns of Calumet
Wisconsin, you might see that one of        We Energies leases 6,500 acres of          and Marshfield in northeast Fond
those 264 blades is decorated with        property from 51 landowners for the          du Lac County, WI
community members’ signatures.            wind farm. The site includes 50 miles of   Size: 88 wind turbines
                                                                                     Developer: We Energies
   “In December 2007, during our          collector system cabling and 20 miles of
                                                                                     Owner: We Energies
construction phase, we held a commu-      access roads.                              Project capacity: 145 MW
nity event so our neighbors could see        Individual landowners receive a         Power contract: We Energies
some of the blades and rotors up close    fixed lease payment each year as well      Project cost: Approximately $300
before they were erected,” says Tanya     as benefits received by their communi-
                                                                                     Connector & Transmission System:
Holler Muench, special projects           ties. According to Barry McNulty,            American Transmission Company
coordinator, We Energies.                 manager of media relations and             Utility: We Energies
  We Energies, Milwaukee, WI (414-        special projects at We Energies, the       Commercial operation: May 19,
221-2345), is the trade name of the       towns of Marshfield and Calumet each         2008

Wisconsin Electric Power Co. and          receive annual payments of approxi-
Wisconsin Gas LLC, the principal          mately $120,000 per town plus another
                                                                                     Turbine Features
                                                                                     Turbines: Vestas V82, 1.65 MW
utility subsidiaries of Wisconsin         $300,000 or more every year for the        Tower: 262 ft.
Energy Corporation.                       county.                                    Blade length: 134 ft.
   We Energies owns the 145 megawatt        “Our relationship with the commu-        Operational RPMs: 14.4
                                                                                     Cut in wind speed: 8 mph
(MW) wind farm.                           nity is important to We Energies,” says
                                                                                     Rated wind speed: 30 mph
   During the community event, says       Holler Muench.                             Cut out wind speed: 54 mph
Holler Muench, guests signed a wind          In order to facilitate open communi-
turbine blade which was later put into    cations, the wind farm hosts open          Key Personnel:
production on one of the wind farm’s      houses. “We try to open up the wind        Manager-Renewable Resources:
88 Vestas V82 1.65 MW turbines.           farm twice each year so people can see       Mark Noah
                                                                                     Project Manager: Andy Hesselbach
                                          the operation for themselves and get a
                                                                                     Director-Construction: Dan
Blue Sky Gr
     Sky   een Field Energy
         Green                            better understanding of what we do           Pobloskie
Center                                    here,” says Holler Muench.                 Manager of Alternative Energy
  The Blue Sky Green Field energy           Mark Noah, manager-renewable               Strategy: Richard O’Conor
center is located near the towns of

We Energies' First Utility-Scale Wind Farm - Feature Blue Sky Green Field Wind Energy Center
We Energies built the Blue Sky Green Field energy center’s substation
                                                adjacent to ATC’s substation.

                                          resources for We Energies,          energy market in June 1999 when the
                                        manages the wind farm. Noah           company erected two Vestas V47 wind
                                       says more than 1,000 people            turbines by the side of Highway 41
                                     attended an event at Blue Sky            near Byron, WI.
                                    Green Field last September.                  “The Byron turbines were We
                                      “We didn’t know how many guests         Energies’ initial foray into the wind
                                   to expect since it was a cold, rainy       energy field,” says Holler Muench. She
                                   Saturday,” says Noah. “We were             explains that in their 10 years of
                                   surprised at the number of people who      operation the two wind turbines have
                                   lined up more than 200 ft. waiting their   demonstrated good numbers related to
                                   turn for a tour.”                          their capacity factor and electricity
                                      Holler Muench says We Energies’         production.
                                   commitment to open communications             The positive experience with those
The Blue Sky
                                   with the community has proven              turbines led the company to consider
Green Field
energy center                      beneficial to the project.                 acquiring wind farms to increase its
is located                           “We’ve come into this community          ownership of renewable energy.
near the                           and are operating on their property,”         “We decided to invest in wind
towns of
Calumet and          Fond du Lac   says Holler Muench. “It’s important        energy in response to the state Renew-
Marshfield in        County, WI    that we operate as partners with the       able Portfolio Standard (RPS), as well as
northeast Fond                     people who live here.”                     to meet our customers’ demand for
Du Lac County,
                                      During the permitting and construc-     renewable energy,” says Noah.
                                   tion process, says Holler Muench, We         An electric and gas utility, We
                                   Energies representatives met with          Energies serves customers in Wisconsin
                                   landowners, held community meetings,       and the Michigan Upper Peninsula.
  The wind farm is comprised of    and maintained a project hotline.            Currently, We Energies’ supply
  88 wind turbines standing on        Noah says that hiring technicians       portfolio includes approximately 3%
  6,500 acres of land.             from the local community further           from renewable energy.
                                   aids in community relations. “The             According to Noah, wind energy is
                                   technicians who live around here           the least expensive of the company’s
                                   know the issues that are being             renewable energy options for new,
                                   discussed and can help us better           large-scale production. The utility also
                                   anticipate any concerns that might         purchases renewables from other
                                   come up,” says Noah.                       generating companies.
                                      The wind farm employs 13-15 people         Customer demand. Noah says the
                                   for operations and maintenance. At the     utility’s Energy for Tomorrow renewable
                                   peak of construction, says Noah, about     energy program allows customers to
                                   450 workers were employed by the           pay a premium to assure that a percent-
                                   project.                                   age of their electricity is generated by
                                     We Energies has a multi-year O&M         renewable sources.
                                   contract with Vestas which has hired          In March 2009, an average 750
                                   mostly local residents.                    kilowatt per hour customer would be
                                      “Vestas’ technicians have done a        expected to pay $2.57 extra for 25%
                                   great job with O&M services,” says         renewable energy. Customers who
                                   Noah. “I’m especially impressed with       want 100% of their electricity to come
                                   the amount of training the company         from renewables would pay an
                                   provides their employees,” he states.      additional $10.28.
                                                                                 As of March 2009, says McNulty,
                                   Dev                                        19,624 We Energies customers subscribe
                                    We Energies first entered the wind        to this program.

20                                                                             WIND TODAY       Second Quarter 2009
We Energies' First Utility-Scale Wind Farm - Feature Blue Sky Green Field Wind Energy Center
Renewable Portfolio Standard.               Pipe and wire were buried approxi-     link the turbines—eight separate
Wisconsin’s RPS was established in          mately four feet below ground to avoid   circuits—to the SCADA system.
2003 by Senate Bill 459. The legislation    interrupting cropland as much as            Baumhardt Sand & Gravel, Eden, WI
requires utilities to produce 10% of all    possible. Several thousand feet of       (920-477-2511), provided aggregate
their electricity from renewable energy     directional boring was done in areas     products and services.
sources by 2015.                            where trenching was prohibited.             According to Noah, geotextile
  In 2002, We Energies issued a               Fiber optic lines were installed to    fabric was installed as a base for
Request for Proposals (RFP) for wind
energy and in 2003 signed two 80 MW
Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)
with Navitas Energy, Minneapolis, MN,
the original developer of this project.
   In June 2005, We Energies purchased
engineering, leases, and some permits
for development of the Blue Sky Green
Field energy center from Navitas.
   Since the developer already had land
leases and agreements with the towns
in place, We Energies was able to start
their part of the permitting process in
2006 and received approval by January
2007. Construction began in June 2007.

 According to Noah, the Blue Sky
Green Field energy center cost approxi-
mately $300 million.
  Alliant Energy’s RMT WindConnect,
Madison, WI (608-831-4444), was the
Balance of Plant (BOP) contractor.
   Boldt Construction, Appleton, WI
(920-739-6321), put in the turbine
foundations and installed the turbines.
Noah says the foundations required 324
yards of concrete weighing 650 tons
plus another 10 tons of rebar and steel.
   Hooper Corporation, Madison, WI
(608-249-0451), installed the under-
ground collector system at the wind
   Hooper Corp’s Director of Business
Development Steve Lindley says the
contractor installed approximately
50 miles of medium voltage under-
ground power cable between the
88 wind turbines using 156,941 linear
feet of 1/0 and 4/0 cable, 81,004 feet of
750 MCM, and 17,141 feet of 1000 MCM
                                                                          Response No. 211
We Energies' First Utility-Scale Wind Farm - Feature Blue Sky Green Field Wind Energy Center
the stone so it won’t sink into the soil.      The second week of the year, the                                 across the land without damaging the
   The access roads also required           area had 50° temperatures and thunder-                              fields. This reduced the amount of
drainage culverts to make sure water        storms with 1½ inches of rain, says                                 remedial soil reclamation required to
moves through fields as it did prior to     Noah. That shut down construction for                               return the properties back to their
the wind farm’s construction.               about a week before the ground froze                                original condition.
   “We want to make sure the farmer’s       again.                                                                 In spite of the short delay, the wind
fields experience no undue impact             Noah explains that construction had                               farm was completed by May 19, 2008,
because of our wind turbines,” says         been scheduled through the winter                                   less than a year after the start of
Noah.                                       months so cranes—including two                                      construction, concludes Noah.
   Michels Wind Energy, Brownsville,        Manitowac 16000 cranes—could move                                                       Christine Coates, editor
WI (920-583-3132), provided electrical
   Waukesha Electric Systems,                  Blue Sky Gr
                                                    Sky   een Fields Energy
Waukesha, WI (800-835-2732), manufac-
tured and installed the main substation        Center Supplier List
                                               Bolts & Fasteners ................................................................................. Fastenal
   The power produced at the Blue Sky
                                               Certification & Testing .............................. STS-AECOM, URS Corporation
Green Field energy center is connected
                                               Concrete Services ...............................................................................................
to the grid via lines owned and
                                               .............................. Carew Concrete, United Concrete, Boldt Construction
operated by the American Transmis-
                                               Consulting ....................... RMT, STS-AECOM, Ruekert Mielke, J.E. Arthur
sion Company, Waukesha, WI (ATC/
262-506-6700).                                 Crane Rental ....................... Dawes, United Rentals, Wave Wind, Hennes
   “The siting here was very fortu-            Data Collection & Analysis ....................................... SGS Inc., STS AECOM
itous in that ATC’s 345 kilovolt (kV)          Electrical Contractor ..........................................................................................
transmission lines already ran                 ..................................... SPE, Michels Wind Energy, Hooper Corp., Zuerhn
through the middle of the project,”            Electrical Interconnection ............... Hooper Corp., Michels Wind Energy
says Noah.                                     Electrical System Design ....................................... RMT, AMSC, GE Energy
  He says ATC put in their substation,         Engineering & Planning .......................................................................... RMT
We Energies installed the wind farm’s          Environmental Consulting ............................................. STS-AECOM, RMT
substation adjacent to that, and no            Excavation Services .............. Andrews Excavating, Edgerton Contractors
overhead line work was required.               Fiber Installation ......................................................... Hooper Corp., Vestas
  “The only real challenges we                 Field Services ................................................................................ STS AECOM
experienced in construction of this            Foundations .............................. Boldt Construction, Michels Foundations
wind farm are related to logistics and         Generator Services .................................................. Generac Power Systems
the weather,” says Noah.                       Grid Connection Equipment ................................. AMSC, ABB, GE Energy
   Logistics. According to Noah, in 2007       Legal Service ... Michel Best and Friedrich, Quarles & Brady, Stoel Rives
component shipments were required to           Lubricants & Filtration Equipment .......... Mobil One, Corey Oil Services
be delivered to the wind farm laydown          Permitting ..................................................................................... STS AECOM
yard at night. At 6:00 a.m. the next           Substation Design ........................................................................... GE Energy
morning, workers could re-load the
                                               Surveying & Mapping ......................................................... J.E. Arthur, RMT
components and transport them to their
                                               Tower Erection ................................................................. Boldt Construction
respective sites.
                                               Transformer ....................................................... Waukesha Electric Systems
   “Since then, we’ve worked out a
                                               Transmission Services ......................... American Transmission Company
better plan for the timing of deliver-
                                               Transportation & Logistics ............... Hennes Services, Lonestar Trucking
ies,” says Noah.
                                               Turbine Performance Monitoring ............................................... GEC/DNV
   Weather. Weather conditions
                                               Wind Assessment ........................................................................... GEC/DNV
interrupted construction briefly due to
                                               Wind Turbines ........................................................................................ Vestas
an unexpected thaw during the first
week of January 2008.

22                                                                                                                WIND TODAY                Second Quarter 2009
We Energies' First Utility-Scale Wind Farm - Feature Blue Sky Green Field Wind Energy Center
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