Page created by Nancy Evans
MUSICIANS AGAINST DETENTION                                                                                                            ARTISANS ENLIVEN THE GARDENS
  SOCIAL JUSTICE — PAGE 5                                                                                                                THE REVIEW — PAGES 9–10



WITH the redevelopment of the
Waterloo Estate yet to enter the 12-
to 18-month master planning stage,
local residents are little closer to
understanding what life will be like
in Waterloo in the coming decades.

   Leading the redevelopment, with
the support of UrbanGrowth NSW,
is the NSW Land and Housing
Corporation (LAHC) Communities
Plus team. Preliminary community
engagement over the master plan
may commence as soon as November.
   In a written response to questions
by REDWatch the Communities Plus
team emphasised the redevelopment
will be staged over a 15- to 20-year
period and “a great deal more
consultation and planning [is]
required”. The master planning
process will determine key aspects of
the redeveloped site, such as the mix
between social housing, affordable
housing and private housing.
   Family and Community Services
(FACS) is currently preparing a
“community engagement strategy” as
part of the master planning process.
Information gathered through
community engagement, including
on options for density and human
services support, will form part of a
brief presented to key government              Ronda Graham (pictured here with her dog Mitzy) has lived in the Waterloo Estate for 30 years. Along with other estate residents, she faces an uncertain future. Photo: Bec Lewis
agencies (including UrbanGrowth
NSW). The brief will consider the                                                                       Community housing providers in the mix                         The difference between FACS and                         as part of the socially “mixed”
merit and feasibility of these options          To date, the government                                    Community housing providers                              CHPs is important. Tom McDonald,                           redevelopment, tenants are
as part of a “whole of government”              has made four informal                                  (CHPs) are a primary feature of                             Acting Coordinator of the Tenancy                          concerned the new arrangement
approach to the master plan.                    commitments to the                                      Future Directions in Social Housing                         Team at the Redfern Legal Centre,                          will mean diminished rights and
   In its statement to REDWatch,                community:                                              in NSW, the government’s blueprint                          points to the wide variation                               a stressful relationship between
LAHC has said the redevelopment of                                                                      for reforming social and affordable                         in policies developed by CHPs                              tenants, owners and CHPs.
the estate provides an “opportunity             ƒƒ Existing tenants, who do not                         housing across the state over the                           compared to the government’s own                           WHPAG’s Richard Weeks points
to better plan and provides (sic)                  relocate until instructed to                         next decade. Roughly a third of                             provider, FACS. “FACS policies are                         to large rental bonds required by
support for the high needs of social                                                                    the state’s public housing will be                          more detailed and they’re going to                         some CHPs as one issue needing
                                                   by FACS and wish to return
housing residents”. Tenants can                                                                         transferred to non-government                               cover a larger range of situations,”                       to be addressed by government
expect community engagement over                   will be able to.                                     organisations in the next four years.                       he explains. “Policies that are                            in the relocation process.
the master plan to look specifically            ƒƒ There will be no loss of                             The management of Waterloo’s                                threadbare can leave tenants in                               Changes to the Residential
at their needs as part of the                                                                           redeveloped social housing stock                            the dark about their rights when                           Tenancies Act that came into force
planning and relocation process.
                                                   social housing in the                                will likely be undertaken by CHPs.                          it comes to critical issues like                           in 2016 increase the discretion
   The master planning process                     redeveloped site.                                       Most CHPs are not-for-profit                             transfers, rental subsidies, repairs                       CHPs have to take disciplinary
itself is yet to be fully articulated.                                                                  organisations which manage social                           and absences,” McDonald warns.                             action against tenants under the
                                                ƒƒ Residents will be able                               housing stock owned by LAHC (or
Some in the community are calling                                                                                                                                      CHPs are also not subject                               “three strikes” system. FACS
for more openness at an earlier                    to move directly into                                other landlords). For-profit CHPs do                        to the scrutiny of the NSW                                 policy is to issue a strike notice for
stage about decisions that will                    new tenancies on the                                 exist and may have a role to play                           Ombudsman. The Ombudsman                                   alleged anti-social behaviour only,
affect them in the coming months                   redeveloped site (some                               in Waterloo. The UK-owned global                            is a helpful counteragent for                              whereas the law permits CHPs
and years. “We can handle the                      residents will need to be                            outsourcing giant Serco, which                              “systemic issues,” says McDonald,                          to issue a strike notice for any
truth,” says Richard Weeks of the                                                                       operates Australia’s onshore detention                      who witnessed one Ombudsman                                alleged breach of their tenancy.
                                                   relocated temporarily).
Waterloo Public Housing Action                                                                          centres, was named in a Sydney                              enquiry into the enforcement of                               In the statement to REDWatch
Group (WPAHG). “We might                        ƒƒ The redevelopment will be                            Morning Herald article in August as                         old debts by FACS lead to positive                         LAHC has said, “the government’s
not like it but we can handle it.”                                                                      having made a “secret pitch” to the                         results for FACS tenants.                                  expectation is that public housing
                                                   staged over 15 to 20 years.
The November date for community                                                                         Baird government to manage some                                With thousands of tenancies                             tenants agreements and obligations
engagement to start is yet to be set.                                                                   of LAHC’s social housing portfolio.                         up for grabs by prospective CHPs                           are maintained.”                      S
2                                                                                         NEWS                                                                                   NOVEMBER 2016


                                                      Sydney says welcome at Walk Together 2016
South Sydney Uniting Church
Raglan Street, Waterloo
The views expressed in this newspaper are
those of the author and the article and are not
necessarily the views of the Uniting Church.

NEWS                                                  SSH
Phone Lyn 0400 008 338                                THE exciting children’s African
                                                      dance troupe AfroKidz delighted
Contact – adverts@ssh.com.au
                                                      the crowd at the Walk Together
Phone Duncan 0402 525 061                             festival on October 22.

MAILING ADDRESS:                                         Close to 1,000 Sydneysiders braved
PO Box 3288
                                                      the rain to march from Belmore Park
Redfern NSW 2016
                                                      in Sydney’s CBD to Victoria Park
LETTERS                                               in Camperdown for the family-
Please send letters and emails to:                    friendly festival and to show their
The South Sydney Herald.                              support for a more compassionate,
Email: editor@ssh.com.au
Supply sender name and suburb.
                                                      inclusive and welcoming Australia.
Size: 150 words or less.                                 The Sydney arm of the national
We may edit for legal or other reasons.               diversity celebrations, hosted by
                                                      Settlement Services International
FOUNDING EDITOR                                       (SSI) and Welcome to Australia,
Trevor Davies (25.5.1956—14.6.2011)                   promoted unity, respect and
                                                      inclusion. Speakers included
                                                      Welcome to Australia ambassador
                                                      Mariam Veiszadeh, NSW Labor
                                                      Party MP Jihad Dib, Greens NSW
                                                      MP Mehreen Faruqi, and Racial
                                                      Discrimination Commissioner
MANAGING EDITOR               FEATURES EDITOR         Tim Soutphommasane.
(Acting) Marjorie Lewis-Jones Dorothy McRae-McMahon      SSI Chairman Kamalle Dabboussy
                                                      said events such as Walk Together
                                                      were an opportunity to remind the
                                                      wider Australian community of the
                                                      importance of having a culture of        Afro-Kidz have backgrounds from all over Africa. The group celebrates African music, dance and culture and performed at Walk Together 2016 Photo: Stephen Webb
                                                      welcome – something that was an
NEWS EDITOR                   ASSISTANT EDITOR        extension of the country’s traditional   another. We’ve got to love the kids                        The Deputy Leader of the                              friendship and show welcome.”
Lyn Turnbull                  Louisa Dyce
                                                      values of mateship and a fair go.        and look to their future,” he said.                     Opposition, Tanya Plibersek, said                           SSI said the day was a resounding
                                                         Lawyer and former refugee Deng           “I want you to ask yourself, what                    what really made a difference to her                     success, as demonstrated by the
                                                      Thiak Adut encouraged the crowds         would my children think one day?                        parents when they came to Australia                      diverse crowd that turned out to
                                                      to respond with love when faced          What will we tell them when we’re                       in the early 1950s as migrants                           show Australian can be a nation
                                                      with xenophobic and racist actions.      old? Will we say, ‘I wish I could have                  from Slovenia was the friendship                         known for its compassion, generosity
                                                         “If they hate you, love them back     done that’? That’s the most cynical                     and welcome they received.                               and welcome.                       S

Kris Shalvey                  Miriam Pepper           because love is more powerful. For       thing to say – you can’t ‘wish’ you                        “And that’s something that every
                                                      this country and for us to move          could have done it; do something                        single one of us can do; every single                    See www.ssi.org.au and
                                                      forward, we’ve got to love one           right now. Let’s welcome each other.”                   one of us can extend the hand of                         www.welcometoaustralia.org.au
Robert Young
www.theloop.com.au/rdfy                                               Kevin’s Collectables                                                                    WITNESS TO MOTOR SCOOTER ACCIDENT
PRINTER                                                              Furniture, Glass & China Wares, Books & Records
Spotpress Pty Ltd
www.spotpress.com                                                               33 Botany Road Waterloo
                                                                                       0419 111 944
                                                                                                                                                            On Friday 24 June 2016 at approx 5.12pm a motor scooter
                                                                                                                                                             was involved in an accident with a taxi on Bay St, Ultimo
“We gratefully acknowledge the many
volunteer contributors and distributors
                                                             Redress Recycled Clothing                                                                         between West End Lane and Glebe St travelling north.
who make this publication possible.”                                          For fashion-forward individuals
                                                                                                                                                                If anyone witnessed this incident please contact Ben
David Angell               Erin Links                                             fifi.redress@gmail.com
Ben Aveling                Vangeli Kollias                                              0438 250 163                                                           of Personal Injury Support Australia on 0404 681 502.
Gabriel Azzi               norrie mAy-welby
Anya Beniac                Julie McCrossin
                                                                                33 Botany Road Waterloo
Laura Buzo                 Bronwyn Monro
Anne Camac                 Jim Monro
Philippa Clark             Michael Page
Samuel Clark               Miriam Pepper
Pat Clarke                 Sue Plyde
Lindsay Cohen              Tess Ridgway
Georgia Flynn              Michael Shreenan
Katie Gompertz             Blair Silverlock
Jemima Hall                Catherine Skipper
Kat Hines                  Gai Smith
Liz Hughes                 Emily Straney
Lyndal Irons               Maani Truu
Darren Jenkins             Alexander Turnbull
Perry Johnstone            Geoff Turnbull
Laura Kelly                Marg Vazey
Maggie Korenblium          Andy Walker
Kelly Lane                 Peter Whitehead
Bec Lewis                  Kate Williamson

Eleanor Boustead           John Lanzky
Mark Bridget               Julie McCrossin
                           norrie mAy-welby

                                                                                                                                                            Assure Psychology
Gabrielle Brine
Sam Choy                   Mary Ellen McCue
Michael Condon             Matt McLennan
Yvonne Cowell              Dorothy McRae-McMahon
                           Jane Morro
Alice Crawford
                           Margaret Neale
Jules Cure
                                                                                                                                                                              Urban Nature Wellbeing Centre
                           Jim Patsouris
Sue Dahl
Peter Dodds
                                                                                                                                                                            216 Enmore Rd (cnr Edgeware Rd),
                           David Pocklington
Food Distribution
                           Heather Robinson
Melissa Gibson
                           Lincoln Sharp
                           Colin Sharp
                                                                                                                                                                                   Enmore NSW 2042
Perry Johnstone
                           Adrian Spry
Anne Jordan
                           Tony Steele                                                                                                                     Caring, confidential psychological services to help you deal with
Desley Haas                Gavin Straney
Gabriel Haslam             Lani Tuitavake                                                                                                                       life’s difficulties. Bulk billing available on referral from GP.
                                                                                                                                                                      Contact Elizabeth Munro on 0408 612 808 or at
Rod Haslam                 Alexander Turnbull
Jennifer Jungheim          Margaret Vazey
Anthony Kable              Rosie Wagstaff                                                                                                                                            elizabethjmunro@bigpond.com
Jennifer Laffan            Naomi Ward
NOVEMBER 2016                                                    NEWS                                                                                               3

                                                                                                                                                                          TRIPOD CAFE
                                                                                                                                                                          262 ABERCROMBIE ST, DARLINGTON
                                                                                                                                                                          PH: 9698 8677 OPEN 7 DAYS
                                                                                                                                                                          MON-FRI 7AM-5PM SAT-SUN 8AM-4PM

Physios Steve Velovski and Eddie Farah with dietitian Chloe McLeod Photo: Supplied

Local physios committed to the community
KRISINDA MERHI                                          team includes a dietitian – Chloe                           just about winning; elite sports
                                                        McCleod – and a great group of                              and competitiveness aside, their                                                Sydney and Melbourne
STEVE Velovski and Eddie                                sports and remedial massage                                 main focus is the long-term
Farah are all community. That
is why they have embarked on
                                                        therapists. If this isn’t enough, Farah
                                                        and Velovski have plans to expand
                                                                                                                    wellbeing of their patients.
                                                                                                                       “We want to ensure that our
                                                                                                                                                                                                    1300 769 389
their latest venture – Redfern                          their services to include podiatry and                      players don’t have a relapse or
Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine.                        a sports physician in the New Year.                         recurrence of their symptoms.
Their mission is to improve the                            Both Steve and Eddie have played                         This is one of the key determinants                      24/7 access to cars parked nearby
health and wellbeing of their local                     a huge part in the turnaround and                           of the success of our rehabilitation
community by providing best                             success of the Rabbitohs over the                           programs,” Steve says.
practice and elite health services.                     past decade, which culminated                                  This ability to assist people with
                                                        in the 2014 grand final victory.                            their injuries and follow them on
   Steve and Eddie head up the                          Having come on board in 2007                                their rehabilitation journey is what
team of physiotherapists who have                       after Russell Crowe took over the                           makes Redfern Physiotherapy
been leading the South Sydney                           club, they were involved in the                             unique. The focus is fully on
Rabbitohs in the NRL for the past                       huge advancement towards the                                getting patients back to what they
ten years. They have decided to                         elite training and rehabilitation                           love most – whether it be walking,
take their unique skill to the wider                    services now available at the club.                         swimming, netball, tennis, playing
community by setting up a brand                            The demands and pressure of                              with the kids, yoga or even their
new clinic in the heart of Redfern.                     professional sport continue to grow                         daily work and demands.
   But their strong ties to their                       with every single season. Sports                               So many people suffer from
local community go well beyond                          medicine providers have to be at the                        chronic pain. But Redfern
their connection to the Rabbitohs.                      cutting edge of sports science and                          Physiotherapy doesn’t just treat
Steve Velovski resides in the heart                     rehabilitation. Quite often, the ability                    the pain, they educate you: long-
of Redfern since purchasing an                          to keep the players on the field results                    term success is about constant
apartment in the area three years                       in the difference between winning                           management. In addition to
ago. Eddie was born and raised                          and losing. Critical to the success of                      prescribing a detailed home
in Redfern before relocating                            the Rabbitohs is the ability of Eddie                       exercise and management program,
further west with his family.                           and Steve to meet these demands                             the clinic has a fully equipped
   “My first memories as a child are
of the red and green seats at Redfern
                                                        and excel in this environment.
                                                           “The pressure of having to get a
                                                                                                                    rehabilitation gym, which is always
                                                                                                                    available to any of their patients.
                                                                                                                                                                          Need ‘access’ to transport?
Oval from the days when games                           player back on the field following                             As well as having advanced                         We are a not for profit community organisation
were still played there. I will never                   an injury is a challenge that we                            skills and knowledge in sports
forget the excitement and atmosphere                    really enjoy. It involves us not only                       rehabilitation, the team also caters                  providing affordable transport options
of going along to these games with                      providing regular treatment for our                         for a wide range of musculoskeletal                   for local residents.
my dad and brothers,” Eddie says.                       players but also taking them through                        and orthopaedic complaints, and to
   Having these strong connections                      a specific and individually tailored                        people of all ages.                  S

to the area, and fuelled by a constant                  exercise program,” explains Steve.                                                                                   -   Medical Transport
demand from friends and colleagues                         “The exercise component is                               To meet the team at Redfern
to rehabilitate their injuries, Steve                   really the key – this ensures that                          Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine, or to
                                                                                                                                                                             -   Shopping Transport
and Eddie decided it was a great                        not only are the players ready to                           make an appointment, phone 8068 5158,                    -   Social Outings
opportunity as well as ideal timing                     get back onto the field but that they                       visit www.redfernphysio.com.au or find
to set up their own clinic.                             are ready to compete at the highest                         them on Facebook and Instagram.                          -   Private Hire
   The boys behind the clinic                           level and help the team to win.”                            – Krisinda Merhi is a freelance
have been working hard to build                            But the boys also know it’s not                          writer and media student.
relationships and networks in the
local community. Their aim is                                                                                                                                                Call us on 8241 8000 or visit our website
to partner with local groups and                                                                                                                                            accesssydney.org.au for more information.
businesses to not only provide a
standout service but help improve
health in the area. They have
already established strong ties with
the National Centre of Indigenous
Excellence by offering free services
onsite and are excited to be

                                                                                                                                                                          02 8068 5158
involved in a great initiative by
one.five.six gym, which is hosting
a 12-hour treadmill challenge to
raise money for pancreatic cancer
research (see www.facebook.com/                                                                                                                                           info@redfernphysio.com.au
events/1096622343758459).                                                                                                                                                 www.redfernphysio.com.au
   “We are really focussed on having
a strong community involvement                                                                                                                                            Ground Floor, 140 Redfern St
and to continue to be involved
in initiatives such as the 12-hour
                                                                                                                                                                          Redfern NSW 2016
treadmill run,” Eddie says.
   Redfern Physiotherapy & Sports                                                                                                                                            CONNECT WITH US        @ REDFERNPHYSIO
Medicine is a multidisciplinary
health and injury clinic. As well as
experienced physiotherapists, the                         Head physiotherapist Eddie Farah assisting Greg Inglis from the field following an injury Photo: Supplied       PHYSIOTHERAPY . DIETITIAN . MASSAGE
4                                                             NEWS                                                        NOVEMBER 2016

                                                    Jacaranda to live on
                                                    GREG ROBINSON

Vale Ross                                           WE are saddened to advise that the
                                                    beloved jacaranda tree, which has
                                                    thrived in the University’s Main
It is with great sadness that last month we         Quadrangle since 1928, collapsed
                                                    on October 28.
lost our friend and comrade Ross Smith.                For many years our students
                                                    have lived by the folklore that
                                                    any undergraduate who fails to
There is no simple way to describe Ross that        study before the tree's first bloom
                                                    appears will fail their exams.
will do him justice. Ross has been at the heart        The tree has also been the
                                                    backdrop for thousands of
                                                    graduation and wedding photos
of our South Sydney community for years and         over its 88-year lifetime.
                                                       In 2014 the University advised
I’m sure there will be no shortage of reflections   that the jacaranda was nearing the
                                                    end of its natural life and hired a
on his impact over the coming months.               specialist jacaranda grower to take
                                                    cuttings. Grafted onto the base
                                                    of other jacarandas, the cuttings
                                                    have produced two clones. This
Ross was a loyal Labor member, a fierce             means that the University will
                                                    be able to replace the jacaranda
advocate for his community and a hard-              with genetically identical stock.
                                                       Students are reminded that the
working activist for many years. From his work      current tree had begun to bloom
                                                    and we wish them all well for their
with groups like REDWatch or organising his         final weeks of study for 2016.
                                                       There is a great deal that
local Labor branches, to delivering the South       continues to take place on campus
                                                    outside of our teaching semesters
Sydney Herald (SSH) each month, his passion         and we invite our neighbouring
                                                    community to enjoy our
                                                    grounds, facilities and events.            The beloved jacaranda tree had started to bloom – but collapsed on October 28.
and convictions always drove him.                      In the Quadrangle you can visit         It will be replaced with identical stock Photo: Supplied
                                                    the Nicholson Museum. Australia’s
                                                    oldest university museum, it is           campus, and on our Indigenous                               The University’s Sports and
Of his many passions and many years of hard         home to the largest collection            Tour, you can explore the ways the                       Aquatic Centre continues to provide
                                                    of antiquities in the Southern            land that the University is built on                     a range of programs and facilities
work, what was perhaps most special about           Hemisphere. There’s currently             was used by local communities                            for everyone all year round. There
                                                    even a Lego model of Pompeii              before European settlement.                              are kids’ camps and swimming
                                                    for the children to delight in.              Wandering the campus, you                             lessons, personal training and group
Ross was his consistent and unwavering                 On the opposite side of the            can learn more about the myriad                          fitness, seniors’ wellness programs,
                                                    Quadrangle, you’ll find the               of different plants you can see                          first aid courses and our 50-metre
advocacy for the social housing community.          University Art Gallery, inside the        by downloading the “Campus                               indoor pool. Our campus is open to
                                                    War Memorial Arch, while from             Flora” app. It provides details of                       everyone and I hope you will enjoy it
For years Ross argued, petitioned, campaigned       there you can cross Science Road          more than 1,000 individual plants                        over the coming days.               S

                                                    to visit the Macleay Museum,              on campus, including botanical
and spoke up for the many different residents       which holds the oldest natural            details and interesting facts.
                                                    history collection in Australia.             Later in November, Ben &
of South Sydney. As we look around our                 All of our museums are free and        Jerry’s Open Air Cinema will
                                                    open to the public Monday to Friday       return to campus, on Gadigal
                                                    10am–4.30pm and the first Saturday        Green. The cinema will show a
community today, we can see a special               of the month from 12–4pm and our          variety of new releases and old                          Greg Robinson is Director, Campus Infrastructure
                                                    exhibitions are constantly changing.      favourites from November 25 to                           and Services. Authorised by Michael Spence,
community connection that embraces diversity           You can also take a guided tour        December 20. Relax beforehand                            Vice‑Chancellor of the University of Sydney.
                                                    of our campus. On our Heritage            with some of the best local live                         Contact Details – Security & After Hours:
and is a testament to Ross’s work.                  Tour you can learn about the              music, including sets from the                           1800 063 487 (24/7). Enquiries: 9114 0523;
                                                    architecture of the Camperdown            most exciting emerging musicians.                        local.community@sydney.edu.au

Earlier this year, he wrote for the SSH that we
needed to “acknowledge that housing is not          Justin loves to chat about the world
a commodity for short-term speculation or           THE BIG ISSUE                             I think that’s to do with the lockout
                                                                                              laws, but there are a lot of friendly
a vehicle for wealth accumulation. Rather, it       SAMUEL CLARKE                             people around the area, there are
                                                                                              always people walking past.
is the place for people to raise a family and       IT has been over a year since                 “I have some very friendly people
                                                    Justin first walked into The Big          who come and say hello. We have
the base from which they can be part of a           Issue office in Redfern to sign up        a chat about the world and all that
                                                    as a vendor. Originally selling           stuff. It’s pretty good, very enjoyable.
                                                    now and then Justin has become                “Before I joined The Big Issue I was
community – that is, a home.”                       more regular as his confidence has        a store person and forklift driver at
                                                    grown. He can be found selling            a few companies but I was unable
                                                    the magazine outside Kings Cross          to continue because of my back; I’ve
It’s true, and this community was Ross’s home       station many mornings.                    got a bulging disc which pushes on
                                                                                              my nerves. That affects what kind
and his family. He is sorely missed.                   “I got told about The Big Issue        of work I can do. I’m very happy
                                                    through a mate of mine, Scott, who        selling The Big Issue and turning
                                                    has done it for a couple of years.        it into a full-time role though.
                                                       “It was pretty challenging for me          “I’d like to thank all my customers
Tanya Plibersek                                     at first because I’m a shy person and     for their support, even those people
                                                    it was hard to acknowledge people         who come up and ask me how I’m
                                                    as they walked past. It got easier as     going. I really appreciate it.”      S

                                                    I pushed myself out of my comfort
                                                    zone by approaching people and            If you or anyone you know could benefit
                                                    saying ‘hi’ to them. Eventually I felt    from becoming a vendor for The Big
                                                    a lot more comfortable out on pitch.      Issue, please contact the Sydney office
                                                       “It’s been pretty good and I’m         for more information: 125-127 Little
                                                    in a good spot. Kings Cross has           Eveleigh St, Redfern; phone 8332                          Justin overcame his shyness and now enjoys vending
                                                    changed a bit since I first started and   7200; email sydney@bigissue.org.au                        Photo: Supplied
NOVEMBER 2016                                                                                          SOCIAL JUSTICE                                                                                                                                5

Government must
take a lead in building
housing affordability
STAFFORD SAUNDERS                        and community groups – has
                                         been meeting with NSW cabinet
THE Uniting Church and its partners      ministers and key MPs across
in the Sydney Alliance are urging        Sydney to urge the adoption of IZ
the NSW Government and its Greater       to help address Sydney’s worsening
Sydney Commission to take a lead in      housing affordability crisis.
setting housing affordability targets       Lack of accessible affordable
in all major new developments.           housing in the NSW rental market,                            NSW Planning Minister Rob Stokes meeting on September 5 with Uniting Church NSW and ACT Moderator
                                         especially around the major cities,                          Rev. Myung Hwa Park, Helen Wood from Uniting and David Barrow of Sydney Alliance Photo: Supplied
   A key tool in tackling                has reached crisis proportions.
affordability, experts believe,             Sydney Alliance Lead Organiser                          of rentals in major new developments                           IZ has been endorsed by a               Sydney Commission over the
is the adoption of Inclusionary          David Barrow says: “Thousands                              should be set to be affordable for                           wide range of housing, planning,          coming months as it compiles its
Zoning (“IZ” or “value sharing”):        of people, including some of the                           people on lower incomes; and the                             social justice and equity,                package of recommendations to
setting district-wide minimum            most vulnerable in our community,                          target could be more like 30 per cent                        church and other community                the Baird Government on best
percentages of housing in major          can’t find or keep a stable home                           in larger developments with major                            organisations and researchers –           planning options for the city.
new developments whose rents             – undermining their ability to                             government holdings, especially                              and by an increasing number of               Meanwhile, Uniting’s Social Justice
are set at levels affordable to          hold jobs, raise kids, educate                             in urban expansion zones.                                    politicians of all persuasions.           Forum is encouraging supporters
people on lower incomes.                 or train themselves, and stay                                 “This can and should be done,”                              Former NSW Liberal Premier              to email their own state MP for
   IZ is central to a campaign by        physically and mentally healthy.”                          says David Barrow, “as it has                                Nick Greiner says IZ should               better affordable housing policy,
partners in the Sydney Alliance             Uniting and the Alliance are                            been in at least nine countries, in                          be a key priority for the Baird           including IZ.                       S

– including the Uniting Church in        calling on the government, through                         cities like London, Rotterdam and                            Government as it offers “significant
Australia Synod of NSW and the           the Greater Sydney Commission, to                          Galway, in over 200 communities in                           economic and social benefits              http://socialjusticeforum.good.do/housing/
ACT and its social justice agency        establish district-wide IZ targets in                      the US – with no harm to housing                             which cannot be ignored”.                 emailyourlocalmp-3/
Uniting. The Alliance – including        partnership with local councils. They                      prices or supply, and consistent                               Sydney Alliance partners are            Stafford Saunders is the Campaign
social justice, faith, church, union     say a minimum of at least 15 per cent                      with healthy developer returns.”                             making submissions to the Greater         Director of Uniting Justice Forum.

Musos say ‘no more’ to offshore detention

SYDNEY-BASED composer and
performer Ruth McCall released
a music video on October 12 to
say “no more” to the cruelty of
Australia’s offshore detention of
asylum seekers. One hundred
and seventy musicians, and
an award-winning filmmaker,
donated their time and talents
to help create the video. Why?

What compelled you to undertake
this creative project?
   I made this music video to enable
us as Australians to reconnect with
the heart of the offshore detention
issue, which is compassion, and to
add to the growing push to find a
humane resolution to the worldwide
refugee crisis. It was important
that we as musicians used our
talents to speak for us. Together.

Why did so many musicians
donate their time and talents?
   There was a lot of concern among
my professional colleagues over
the issue of offshore detention
– and we all know the arts can
express things in a different way
to speeches. The Solidarity Choir         Images of protestors (pictured) are interspersed with other footage and images in the music video to engender compassion Photo: Martin Brady Photography
(Erskineville), The Acca-Pony Choir
(Marrickville), the St James Choir       Charlie must travel through the                            musicians with other images, mostly                          What makes you confident that             scheme some years back. Australia
(Sydney city) and the Sydney Gay         wild seas of political and physical                        of protestors from the Town Hall                             music and video can engender              took significant steps to improve
and Lesbian Choir (Glebe) were           turmoil to a place of safety. Will this                    rally on August 27, representing a                           compassion where words and                our society and to solve current
among the choirs that joined in this     little boy make it? The additional                         wide range of community groups.                              protest marches may have failed?          and potential problems. There was
protest in the hope of encouraging       Latin Mass text is about unity – I                                                                                         I don’t believe that words and         a general sense of achievement and
Australia to do better as a nation.      chose it because of the reference                          The images and music work powerfully                         protest marches have failed, but rather   pride after the implementation of
                                         to one baptism (through water)                             together – how have people responded?                        that Australia is at a moral crossroads   that policy, and I believe we can do
What’s the project in a nutshell?        and the idea of one humanity.                                It has been fantastic to see the                           at this point in history and that many    it again by rising to the challenge of
   I drew together Sydney musicians                                                                 response from the wider community.                           voices are needed to help guide us        looking after displaced people, and
and choirs horrified by the atrocities   What about the music and                                   Australia’s treatment of asylum                              towards a more heroic response.           that Australia will be better for it.
perpetuated against refugees at          filmmaking process?                                        seekers has become somewhat
Australia’s offshore processing             Once I’d adapted the song for                           bogged down in political fear. I                             What might an honourable response         What would you most like people to do
centres. We recorded these musicians     piano, strings and six vocal parts,                        doubt that anyone is really happy                            from Australia to the worldwide           after they have watched the video?
singing and playing an arrangement       I collaborated with good friend and                        with how things are. Now is the                              refugee crisis look like?                   Share it!                                    S

of Speed Bonnie Boat, the Scottish       award-winning filmmaker Denning                            time to be more creative and                                   I remember what it felt like to
folksong. In the song, Bonnie Prince     Isles. We interspersed footage of the                      generous with our solutions.                                 participate in the gun buy-back           See Skyeboatsong.ozmedia.com

   This page is sponsored by Uniting, the Board of the NSW and ACT Synod of the Uniting Church
   responsible for the work of community services, chaplaincy and social justice advocacy.

   www.uniting.org                                                                                                                                                                                                   ... to inspire people, enliven
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  communities and confront injustice
6                                                               NEWS                                                   NOVEMBER 2016

                               Jenny Leong MP
                               STATE M EM B E R
                               FOR NEWTOWN                              Frankie gets blessed
                                                                        MARJORIE LEWIS-JONES

                                                                        I’M super excited to be on a play
                                                                        date with Frankie. It’s like he’s the
Public housing for private profit?                                      human and I’m the dog – skittish
                                                                        and yappy.
For more than 100 years, government funded public housing has
                                                                            Leash in hand, I’m wrangling
been available to low income earners in NSW.
                                                                        the most enthusiastic Jack Russell
Government owned estates provided working class people, the             bitsa in Australia. My neighbours
                                                                        warn me not to take him.
elderly, new immigrants, young families, and working people on low-         “He’ll probably burst into flames
income, essential services the opportunity to live in our cities and    when he’s blessed. He’s so naughty!”
                                                                            I don’t believe them.
regional centres, and participate in their local communities.
                                                                            To me, he’s the purest bundle of
In recent decades we have seen a shift. Successive governments          joy. The way he jumps into the air
                                                                        to nuzzle my hand each and every
have under invested in maintaining safe, secure, affordable housing     time he sees me makes me wonder,
for low-income earners. Many public housing tenants suffer long-        “Why are humans so often restrained
                                                                        around the people we love?”
standing issues around maintenance and safety.
                                                                            To be honest, I don’t know what to
Public housing is now only available to those with                      expect as I enter the Uniting Church
                                                                        in South Sydney on Sunday October
the greatest need. And even then, it’s in extremely                     2 for its service in praise of creation.
short supply.                                                               It’s definitely not the vicar
                                                                        of Dibley with farm animals
There are now more than 100,000 people on the waiting list for          honking and bleating.
public housing in NSW, with many waiting for more than ten years            It definitely is animal friendly
                                                                        – and having a dog by my side
for a home.                                                             makes chatting before the
                                                                        service begins quite relaxing.
The Baird Liberal government is selling off and redeveloping public         In fact, I’m so chilled by the time
housing. They intend to shift the management of thousands of public     it starts I forget to panic when a
housing properties – about a third of all public housing in NSW –       parishioner passes the microphone
                                                                        to people who’ve brought pets (or
to the control of the community-housing sector.                         photos of them) so we can share our
                                                                        experiences. When it’s my turn to
Community housing providers have traditionally been not-for-profit      speak, I say Frankie is such a blessing
organisations that provide important support services for tenants and   to me – I wanted to bring him to the
                                                                        service to have him blessed back.           Frankie primed for his next adventure Photo: Marjorie Lewis-Jones
play an essential role in the provision of affordable housing in NSW.
                                                                            This is my first date with my
The big concern about the recent changes is the potential               neighbours’ dog and I find myself
                                                                        trying to guess what Frankie’s
risk it opens up for big corporations to enter into the                 thinking as the dogs Rango, Frances,
“business” of supply and management of public housing.                  Lucy, Finnegan, Jenny, Bobbie,
                                                                        Ebony, Sammy and Horace; the
As a way of honouring the work of the late Ross Smith, a staunch        cats Carrington, Esky and Augie;
public housing advocate, I took up the concerns he raised in last       the canary Jasper; and the axolotl
                                                                        Lotty are introduced or spoken of
month’s newspaper that the British corporation Serco had “made          in absentia during the service.
overtures” to the NSW Government in regards to the management               I also wonder what Frankie makes
of public and community housing, by asking a question of the            of the preacher, Alison Clark, who
                                                                        says God’s good news is about
Treasurer about this.                                                   bringing freedom for all creatures:
                                                                        “Freedom from whatever it is that
Shamefully the Government has failed to rule it out.                    prevents us living in the fullness
                                                                        of what we were created to be.”
Serco became infamous in Australia through their operation of               Clark speaks of how the animal-
detention centres. They have been criticised by the Australian          loving St Francis of Assisi believed in
Human Rights Commission and been the subject of numerous                “preaching the gospel to all creatures,
                                                                        using words when necessary” – and
complaints by detainees in those centres. Serco have also run a         of how she had seen the power of
number of Australian prisons.                                           words in her “pat and chat” sessions
                                                                        with her dog Jenny. “When I talk
In the UK, Serco have held contracts to deliver housing services,       about God, and how much he cares
including settlement services for asylum seekers, as well as prisons.   for her and how much he loves her,
                                                                        her demeanour changes and she gets
Many of those operations have been the subject of scandal.              a completely different look in her
                                                                        eyes. She’ll often just reach out and
Despite Serco’s international reputation, the NSW                       give me a single lick on the nose, as
Government has made it clear that the door is wide                      if to say, ‘I understand what you’re
open for Serco to step in to the public housing sector                  saying Mum – God’s really good.’”
                                                                            Robyn Vazey has brought her dog
in NSW.                                                                 Sammy to South Sydney to be blessed         Pip Clark with dogs Jenny and Frances Photo: Marjorie Lewis-Jones
                                                                        for the last four or five years. She says
Regards,                                                                Clark’s words have made her think           deserve our respect and protection                         died sweating buckets despite her
                                                                        of all of the unfortunate animals in        and not our domination and                                 cool character and snowy name.
                                                                        the intensive-farming system that           destruction. Count the species that                           It’s hopelessly anthropomorphic
                                                                        have no freedom, and spend their            are disappearing each year – and I                         of me to say this, but I think Frankie
                                                                        whole lives just waiting to be killed.      suspect you’ll say amen to that.                           loved hanging with me and the other
Jenny Leong, MP for Newtown                                                 “I think pets today are very               As Frankie’s nose twitches, his eyes                    pooches at church – and I’m sure he’d
                                                                        lucky,” she says. “But there are a          twinkle and his stocky little body                         come with me again if I asked him.
Can we help?                                                            lot of animals in the world that            yanks me towards his next feverish                            I’m still caught up in his animal
                                                                        are very unlucky – and my prayers           adventure, my heart surges with                            enthusiasm when I return home and
If you are concerned about a local issue or if our office can assist    and thoughts are with them in               gratitude. Not just for him but for                        say I think we should get a dog.
you with a specific matter, please get in touch.                        their raw deal. If we can eat less          all the world’s creatures that crawl,                         My husband looks at me, slit-
                                                                        meat, that’s really the best thing          run, swim, float and fly around us. I                      eyed, like a sleepy crocodile.
                                                                        we can do without words [to free            think of the hippopotami in Kruger,                           “Let’s not,” he says. “We want
                                                                        animals]. Eastgardens’ pet shop             the puffins in the Faroe Islands, and                      to travel again, remember.”
Authorised by                                                           is now selling vegetarian dog               the dopey Red Setter I loved but                              I stick a note on the fridge that
Jenny Leong MP                                                          food. So yeah: Eat less meat.”              who went missing 30 years ago (and                         says, “Organise play date.”
State Member for Newtown                                                    Once the animals have been              I haven’t had a dog since). I think                           Yes, it’s with Frankie: Such a
                                                                        blessed and we’ve each received             of the bees that swarmed around a                          divine little dog.                   S

383 King St, Newtown, NSW 2042                                          a banksia-echidna and a “Thank              friend’s gumtree as we relaxed in her
                                                                        You God” card for our pets made             garden, the bat babies that the WIRES                      Visit http://www.wires.org.au/donate/
T: 02 9517 2800 F: 02 9230 3352                                         by the children, I’m eager to get           volunteer, Meg Churches, rescues                           ways-to-help to donate to WIRES and
Newtown@parliament.nsw.gov.au                                           Frankie outside. As we’re leaving,          from the bellies of their electrocuted                     http://www.wires.org.au/rescue/become-
                                                                        I consider how all creatures                mothers, and our cat Aspen who                             a-rescuer to become a WIRES carer.
NOVEMBER 2016                                                           COMMENT & OPINION                                                                                                                   7

                                                                                                                                 The plebiscite,
                                                                                                                                 the referendum
                                                                                                                                 and the church
                                                                                                                                 FAITH                                    marriage equality from their
                                                                                                                                                                          principles? I am a Christian so
                                                                                                                                 PETER MAHER                              I will offer my comments from
                                                                                                                                                                          a gospel perspective, although
                                                                                                                                 IT seems the plebiscite on marriage      many religions share basic
                                                                                                                                 equality will not pass the Senate        values such as love each other as
                                                                                                                                 and therefore will not go ahead          you would wish to be loved.
                                                                                                                                 but much damage has already                 While Christians may have
                                                                                                                                 been done. The fallout affects           certain views about marriage in
                                                                                                                                 not only LGBTI people, but also          their own religious contexts, the
                                                                                                                                 Indigenous people as we prepare          bill before the people of Australia
                                                                                                                                 for the referendum on Indigenous         is a civil marriage bill to preserve
                                                                                                                                 recognition in our Constitution.         the rights and dignity of all
                                                                                                                                                                          Australians. Religious bodies may
                                                                                                                                    What role are Christianity            need to educate their adherents
                                                                                                                                 and other faiths playing in this?        about the meaning of marriage
cartoon: norrie mAy-welby
                                                                                                                                 Can religious principles inform          in their own denominations and
                                                                                                                                 us on a way ahead that values            faiths and to explain how this
                                                                                                                                 diversity, or are religions falling      differs from the Marriage Act.
                                                                                                                                 into the trap of colluding in ways       However, religious bodies also
  Ross Smith, South Sydney Herald’s Volunteer Coordinator and distributor, was a prominent and loved member                      that exclude and discriminate?           regularly comment on national and
  of South Sydney who contributed years of service to the community. Ross passed away suddenly on October 4.                        While the risks to vulnerable         civic issues for the common good.
  This was Ross’s last letter to SSH, and is characteristic of his concerns for justice, accountability and a                    LGBTI people may be lessened             How might they proceed here?
  flourishing society. We run it as our November editorial to pay tribute to him.                                                without a plebiscite they are               I suggest Christians begin by
                                                                                                                                 certainly not gone. Damaging             demanding respect for the dignity
                                                                                                                                 remarks about parenting                  of each person irrespective of race,

Industry-speak, bureaucracy                                                                                                      competences will continue. We
                                                                                                                                 know from the tenor of the debate
                                                                                                                                 that it is a debate about gay and
                                                                                                                                                                          creed or sexual orientation. While
                                                                                                                                                                          this seems self-explanatory, we
                                                                                                                                                                          must ensure that comments are

and other catastrophes                                                                                                           lesbian people, rather than a
                                                                                                                                 dialogue with them. The majority
                                                                                                                                 of the population are making
                                                                                                                                                                          not only factual (for example it is
                                                                                                                                                                          disingenuous to cite out-of-date,
                                                                                                                                                                          academically discredited research
                                                                                                                                 decisions about a minority. LGBTI        such as the Regnerus research on
G U E S T E D IT O R I A L                The two have entirely different          healing the problems caused by                people and their children find           gay parenting) but also respectful.
                                          characteristics and should never         the actions of the government.                this threatening and intimidating.       This might be achieved by dialogue
ROSS SMITH                                be regarded as interchangeable.             Today the government has                   Australia’s top health professionals     with LGBTI people to find language
                                             NSW’s Department of Housing,          succeeded in denying itself the               have noted the risks for gay and         that includes and respects rather
TAKE a look at the loaded term            for example, embraced the concept        benefits of forming a functional              lesbian mental health, and are           than offends and hurts. Many LGBTI
“community participation”,                of social capital in 1984 at the         two-way relationship with their               suggesting that the money saved          Christian groups would willingly
among other semantics, and                direction of its Minister, the late      electorate. The government has                by abandoning the plebiscite be          assist church leaders in this task but
ask: “Have you ever heard of              Frank Walker. The “bridging social       isolated itself from those it is meant        redirected to LGBTI mental health.       they mostly have been excluded,
‘government participation’?”              capital” concept – overlapping of        to be serving and the very cause of its          What has all this got to do           ignored or vilified by church leaders.
                                          social networks – was included           existence – the community of NSW.             with next year’s referendum for             Gospel values of love, equality,
   The relationship between the           in the guiding principles                   Whether the rejection of the               constitutional recognition of            care for the voiceless and respect
government and the community              underpinning the department’s            community arises from fear on the             Indigenous Australians? Marcia           for the dignity of all could
should be productive for                  tenant participation activities.         government’s part of losing absolute          Langton and other Indigenous             support and inspire Australia’s
both the community and the                   Social capital comprises              control is yet to be explored.                leaders have noted that a negative,      LGBTI and Indigenous people.
government, while residing within         participation, trust, reciprocity,          The imposition of rigid                    divisive debate on marriage              Christian leaders might commit
a framework of mutuality.                 and relational networks. It’s            government programs that reflect              equality brings out the fear of          to a discourse of deep respect
   The participatory process              an almost intangible concept,            the priorities of politicians and             change in people. Just as with           and listening to marginalised
engaged in by the government is           underpinning the social fabric that      bureaucrats – rather than those of            the Brexit vote in the UK, a spirit      voices and indeed amplify those
commonly referred to as “community        holds the community together.            the local communities they represent          of rejection of change could             voices that are crying out not to
participation”. This expression              One description of social capital     and serve – creates barriers to               follow on to the referendum.             be strangled by the majority.
implies that participation is a process   is the ideology used by governments      achieving a productive mutually                  Religious bodies have by and             We religious people have much
applicable to the community and           to place responsibility for social       beneficial relationship between the           large remained silent on marriage        to learn about how to contribute
places obligations on the community.      problems in the hands of the             community and their government.               equality or have actively opposed        constructively to the new world
There is no element of mutuality in       community, that is, avoidance               The government has yet to                  it such as we have seen from the         emerging around us. It is about
the term. For the engagement process      of government responsibility for         answer the question of whether                Australian Christian Lobby. This         being a leaven in the communities
to deliver its full potential, both       problems caused by injustice and         they want such a functional two-              has led to some fairly dubious           to which we belong without
parties must actively desire to be in     inequalities within society.             way relationship. Perhaps the                 claims in an effort to scare people.     compromising our uniqueness and
a genuine two-way relationship with          This has been the government’s        reason for the delay is tied up in            For example, marriage equality is        sustainability as one voice within
an overall neutral power balance.         demonstrated approach to community       the government’s reluctance to be             not going to change the parenting        a multicultural, multi-faceted and
   There also needs to be recognition     participation – the community is         accountable and transparent in their          patterns of gay couples, nor will        multifaith society learning to live
that participation is not consultation.   responsible for identifying and then     dealings with the community.          S      the marriage bill affect how sex         in harmony and peace for the good
                                                                                                                                 education is taught, or anti-bullying    of all.                             S

                                                                                                                                 programs are run, in schools.

Social mix: mantra masking reality
                                                                                                                                    How might religious bodies            Fr. Peter Maher is the parish priest at
                                                                                                                                 contribute to the discourse about        St Joseph’s Catholic Church in Newtown.

COMMENT                                   talking about it in relation to public   such projects have shown some              and you had to have your current           public housing was separated by
                                          housing renewal, we would be             positive outcomes. As my son               house inspected to show you could          a wall from the private housing
GEOFF TURNBULL                            seriously discussing affordable          put it in a recent meeting with            look after a government property.          with its private green space. If one
                                          housing. We would be asking how          UrbanGrowth: “What about social               Today we have a growing                 building has its own facilities and
“SOCIAL mix” is the current mantra        those who work in the city can           mix in Double Bay, mate?”                  concentration of people with               the other does not, where will the
the NSW Government mantra uses            also live in it. We would be asking         But there is no discussion              high needs in public housing,              mix occur? Statistically everything
to justify its model for redeveloping     how we can increase the amount           about these issues. Social mix             not because of some natural                will look better, but will there be
public housing.                           of social housing to address the         is just the latest mantra.                 phenomena, but because                     a functional mixed community?
                                          growing waiting list. We would              In fact, our social housing estates     government policy decides to                  What needs to happen to create
   Rather than talking about              be looking to house the homeless         are very socially mixed with               allocate this housing to people            social mix from tenure mix? How do
developers selling off 70 per cent        and provide appropriate housing,         people from many backgrounds,              with higher and higher needs               we get resources committed upfront
of a development on the private           and the services they need, for          nationalities and religions living         without adequate support, rather           so social mix actually results?
market to build 30 per cent of the        people with high needs. We would         side by side supporting one another.       than build more housing stock                 To do this we need a discussion
development for public housing,           not be selling off public housing        This social cohesion is under threat       to maintain the earlier system.            about the complexities of social mix
the government dresses up the             in the inner city or deciding that       from the redevelopment proposals.             The concentration government            not a continual repetition of the
economics and politics of public          some places like Millers Point           If people are moved out they will          says it wants to mix is entirely           current mantra.                     S

housing redevelopment in the              are too good for public tenants.         lose their homes, their support            of its own policy-making.
respectable garb of social mix.              If we are really concerned            networks and their community.                 Finally, government is talking          Delivered August 12, 2016 at University
   If we were really having a             about social mix, where are the             When public housing started it          tenure mix, which does not                 of Sydney Social Justice Learning
discussion about social mix in            programs to move poor people             was affordable housing. You had            necessarily lead to social mix. In         Lab Glebe. See further literature and
Sydney we would not just be               into rich suburbs? In the USA            to have a stable job to pay the rent       a Melbourne redevelopment the              discussion on social mix online at SSH.
8                                                                                           FEATURE                                                                                                                                    NOVEMBER 2016

My journey
with epilepsy
LYN TURNBULL                               seizures, which result from abnormal
                                           activity in both hemispheres of
I sat down today to write about            the brain simultaneously and where
epilepsy, only to discover that            consciousness is lost at the onset
the language used to describe              of the seizure (there are many
the different types of seizures I          types of generalised seizures); and
experience has changed to reflect          unknown, where the origin of the
major scientific advances in the field.    seizures can’t be determined.
                                               I’m part of the about 60 per cent
    What has not changed is that many      of people with epilepsy who have
people with epilepsy still face social     focal seizures (formerly known as
isolation and stigma. This is why          partial seizures). These seizures
as a former teacher I do all I can to      can often be subtle or unusual. My
educate and raise public awareness of      childhood comments to my mother
the condition I’ve lived with for most     that I could taste blood were not         Jem Computer Systems’ team ran in the City2Surf in support of their managing director’s son who has a rare form of uncontrolled epilepsy Photo: Epilepsy Action Australia
of my life, although it wasn’t formally    recognised as epilepsy, although
diagnosed until I was almost 30.           these episodes probably were focal        the roof of the car crushed down                            daughter, but fortunately before                              pain to a very healthy 4.1kg baby.
    According to the World Health          seizures with awareness retained          I was slumped in the seat and the                           I was discharged from hospital,                                   Now, the workings of hormones
Organisation, epilepsy is the world’s      (formerly simple partial seizures).       damage to my head was minimised.                            I had my first focal seizure that                             in the brain are better understood.
most common serious brain disorder.        The focus, where my seizures                 Back in the mid-1980s the influence                      evolved to a bilateral convulsive                             It is well accepted that oestrogen
It is more than three times as common      begin, is my right temporal lobe so       of hormones for women with                                  seizure (formerly secondarily                                 is an “excitatory” hormone, which
as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s         it is my senses that are affected.        epilepsy wasn’t well recognised,                            generalised tonic-clonic seizure).                            means that it makes brain cells give
disease and cerebral palsy.                    Unlike many who grow out of           and the links suggested to me by                               I also had a prolonged focal                               off more of an electrical discharge,
    Seizures and epilepsy are not          epilepsy at puberty, my seizures          an alternative health practitioner                          dyscognitive seizure during the birth                         so for some women seizures spread
necessarily the same. Seizures             changed, so at high school my             were dismissed by neurologists I                            of my son, but fortunately it didn’t                          when oestrogen levels are high.
involve a disruption of the normal         best friend became accustomed to          saw at the time. However, the onset                         become convulsive. My last memory                             Progesterone, on the other hand,
electrochemical activity of the            explaining to teachers why I was          of my focal dyscognitive seizures                           is of warning my husband Geoff                                is an “inhibitory” hormone, which
brain. While about ten per cent of         slumped unresponsively on the floor.      with awareness altered (formerly                            that I was having a “turn”, not a                             means that it calms those cells down.
the population may have a seizure          Again no connection was made and          complex partial seizures) coincided                         contraction. The midwife at the birth                             My journey with epilepsy has
during their lifetime, epilepsy is         the assumption was that “Lyn just has     with when I discontinued the                                centre at RPA who was caring for me                           been more complicated than many,
only diagnosed when a person               a tendency to faint”. Possibly these      contraceptive pill. This was when                           had nursing experience at the epilepsy                        but neuroscience is making progress
has recurring epileptic seizures.          were generalised atonic seizures as       my epilepsy was first diagnosed.                            unit of another major teaching                                in its understanding, diagnosis
Australian Bureau of Statistics            I would usually feel a bit odd, so lean      I have been taking various                               hospital. She reassured Geoff that no                         and treatment.                      S

estimates over 250,000 Australians         against a wall that I would slide down.   antiepileptic medications (AEDs)                            intervention was needed as long as I
are living with epilepsy.                      A couple of years later on a road     since then, but unfortunately I’m                           co-operated by following instructions                         In much of the world November is
    Seizures can be divided into           trip with friends from uni, I lost        not part of the approximately 70                            and she was able to monitor that                              epilepsy awareness month. Epilepsy
three major groups: focal, where           control of the car I was driving,         per cent of people who gain full                            the baby’s heart rate continued to                            Action Australia has launched E-Tea so
seizure activity starts in one area        rolling it four times. This time          seizure control with treatment.                             be normal. A couple of hours later I                          people can put on the kettle and have a
of the brain and may spread to             epilepsy came to my aid as I lost            Hormonal changes were                                    regained awareness, although at that                          cuppa with family, friends or colleagues
other regions of the brain (there are      consciousness when I realised I           also involved when a couple                                 stage no sense of pain, so I had the                          to raise funds and to generate awareness
three presentations); generalised          couldn’t prevent the accident. When       of days after the birth of my                               joy of giving birth naturally with no                         of epilepsy. See www.epilepsy.org.au

       Change a life, keep culture strong.
       Aboriginal carers needed now!

                                                                                                                       Threads of love for
                                                                                                                       those who suffer
                                                                                                                      SSH                                                                       traditions, including a poignant opening
         Help make a difference.                                                                                                                                                                song by Gumbaynggir-Wiradjuri musician
                                                                                                                      Determined to lead the way to survivor                                    Tim Gray and a musical interlude from
         Become a Foster Carer.                                                                                       recovery, representatives from combined                                   the Baha’i Community Choir, as well as
                                                                                                                      faith traditions united on Sunday October                                 a reading from the Royal Commission
         To find out how you can help contact our                                                                     24 at Pitt Street Uniting Church to light                                 into Institutional Responses to Child
         Carer Recruitment team:                                                                                      candles and offer prayers of hope.                                        Sexual Abuse public record, a play excerpt
         p: 02 8782 0300 e: newcarers@kari.org.au                                                                                                                                               from Alana Valentine and a remarkable
                                                                                                                         Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian,                                   testimonial about recovery by Simon Cole.
                                                                                                                      Baha’i and Hindu people of faith                                          The ritual closed with participants weaving
                                                                                                                      participated in a respectful ritual of                                    blue threads through a Melissa Carey
                                                                                                                      lament and memorial for survivors of                                      artwork to symbolise “that threads of love
                                                                                                                      childhood trauma and abuse. This bold                                     will be woven into the lives of all who
                                                                                                                      step forward in unity and collaboration                                   suffer”. The event was held in support of
         www.kari.org.au                        Changing Lives. Keeping Culture.                                      featured music from several faith                                         the Blue Knot Foundation.                S
The Review November ’16 9

                                                                                                                                       threat posed to the female by male assumptions                          more than a fear of passing males but rather

                                                                                                                                       about a woman’s role. In particular, the stories                        the fear that Joe’s disappearance will be noted,
                                                                                                                                       all entitled The Drover’s Wife by Murray Bail,                          and have consequences. The ever-present and
                                                                                                                                       Barbara Jefferis and Mandy Sayer emphasise                              ominous axe poised in the chopping block
                                                                                                                                       the strength and capability of woman, and the                           references her terrified state, which proves

                                                                                                                                       inability of the male to reconcile female needs                         justified by the sexual vengeance wreaked
                                                                                                                                       and desires with their “standard” of womanhood.                         upon her female body by Joe’s mate.
                                                                                                                                          In Bail’s story, the middle-class townie                                Purcell’s version also begins with a siege.

                                                                                                                                       narrator who has been deserted by his wife for a                        However, the perceived threat, an injured
                                                                                                                                       drover and bush life reflects on, and condemns,                         Aboriginal man, proves to be not her enemy but
                                                                                                                                       changes in his wife’s conduct. Hazel began to do                        her salvation. Black, as she calls him, as she shares
                                                                                                                                       “unfeminine” things like chop wood (and sweat!)                         the colonial prejudice against Aborigines, reveals
                                                                                                                                       and he is completely traumatised when she kills                         to Molly that her mother was Aboriginal. At
                                                                                                                                       a snake at the beach. Mandy Sayer’s story gives                         first, she slaps him but eventually his revelation
                                                                                                                                       Hazel’s perspective on events. In this version,                         brings a new understanding of herself, and
                                                                                                                                       Hazel’s husband leaves her after she displays                           of her husband’s brutal treatment of both her
                                                                                                                                       an unseemly passion that does not accord with                           and his children. This knowledge gives her the
                                                                                                                                       his “standards” of feminine behaviour. Jefferis’s                       strength to endure the loss of children stolen
A magnificent Leah Purcell plays the wife in the recent production of The Drover’s Wife at the Belvoir Theatre Photo: Brett Boardman
                                                                                                                                       story is critical of Lawson’s story, as the female                      by the state and faith in her ability to get
                                                                                                                                       narrator sees the anonymity of the wife as                              them back. Leaving the white world, she takes
Catherine Skipper                                                             Nevertheless this resolute woman still takes             objectifying the woman. She wants her readers                           the path described to her by Yadaka, Black’s
                                                                           pleasure in reading the Young Ladies Journal.               to know “about how women have a history too”.                           real name, and which will lead “to the cave,
WHEN I heard Henry Lawson’s The                                               Lawson’s own contemporary Barbara Baynton                   Leah Purcell’s staged version of The Drover’s                        supplies and in the spring … (our) people”.
Drover’s Wife being dismissed by an arts                                   reacted strongly against Lawson’s perspective               Wife wants her audience to know that Aboriginal                            We might feel comforted by the vision of
commentator as “old hat”, I was surprised.                                 in her short story The Chosen Vessel. Her central           women also have a history. While Purcell’s                              this woman, resurrected by the knowledge of
First published in The Bulletin on July 23,                                character, a shearer’s wife, lives with her child           re-imagining reprises many of the details                               her Aboriginality, but for the closing passage.
1892, the story was groundbreaking. At a                                   in the bush, and is alone for long periods of               from Lawson’s story – the death of a child, the                         Embracing her son in a reversal of the Lawsonian
time when acknowledgement of gender                                        time. While she doesn’t like the bush it is not             gallows-faced swagman, a stray Aboriginal,                              conclusion, and clutching her rifle, she says
equality was unimaginable, Lawson’s story                                  the desolate land that presents a threat to                 the mad bullock, the protective son – they are                          “And when ya’re old enough … I’ll introduce
puts forward the idea that a woman could                                   her survival, but rather how she is perceived               reworked in a radically different context.                              you to Robert Parsen and John McPharlen”. It
equally represent the newly emerging                                       by the males with whom she has contact.                        In some ways Purcell’s story is closer to                            seems that Molly is dedicating her son, and the
Australian identity of the noble bushman.                                     When the story opens she, like the drover’s              Baynton’s version. Her drover’s wife, one heavily                       future, to exacting vengeance for her rape and
                                                                           wife, is dreading what the night may bring.                 pregnant and fearful Molly Johnson, lives alone                         thereby perpetuating white masculine violence.
   Lawson’s story begins at sunset when the                                A swagman is camped not far from her home                   in the outback with her eldest son, her other                              There are yet other versions of Lawson’s
drover’s wife, who lives alone with her four                               and is waiting for the dark to attack her.                  children away as birth is imminent. She is                              story than those discussed, for instance,
children in an isolated, inhospitable environment,                         She thinks of going to her husband but he                   subjected to abuse by an array of conniving or                          Anne Gambling’s The Drover’s De Facto, and
sees a snake slipping under the house. While                               would only dismiss her trepidation with                     brutal white males despite the single shot Martini                      another by Frank Moorhouse, and more
she sees the snake as a danger at the same time                            contempt. When her fears eventuate she flees                Henry rifle she relies on for protection. Like                          may still lie ahead. Far from being “old hat”
she calmly sets about securing the safety of her                           into the night but her appeal for help from a               Lawson’s wife, Molly tries to bluff strangers into                      the drover’s wife seems to be a figure upon
children and prepares to spend the night awake                             passing horseman is ignored as the young man                believing that her husband will be back soon, a                         whom Australian writers choose to inscribe
in the company of her dog Alligator, in case the                           thinks he is having a vision of the Virgin and              pretense that underscores a woman’s vulnerability.                      socio-cultural conflict over inclusivity.
snake reappears. During her vigil she remembers                            her child. Her femininity not only makes her                   However, it is later revealed that Molly has                            The Drover’s Wife, written by Leah Purcell
other threatening situations she has faced                                 vulnerable but also brings about her destruction.           killed her husband in self-defence and buried                           and directed by Laticia Caceres, was recently at
without her husband – flood, drought, bovine                                  Several other later stories recycle the image            him under the woodheap. This circumstance                               the Belvoir Theatre, with a magnificent Leah
pleuro, a menacing swagman – and survived.                                 of the drover’s wife, each one exploring the                causes us to reconfigure Molly’s fearfulness as                         Purcell taking the role of the drover’s wife.

Eclectic mix draws crowds
to Artisans in the Gardens
Marjorie Lewis-Jones                                                       are. They’re so creative. Look at these scarves
                                                                           by Zoe Wall. So beautiful and versatile.”
“IT’S my dream job,” says Lucette Moore,                                      Robin McBride also happily gives her time to
curator of Artisans in the Gardens at                                      botanic garden events like Artisans, Botanica and
the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney                                        Treecycle, because it’s such a gentle and relaxing
– a nine-day exhibition that showcases                                     place. “I got married here five years ago at Lion
Australian art and craft, and continues                                    Gate Lodge – so I have happy memories.”
to pack in the crowds in its 16th year.                                       Ceramicist Katherine Mahoney has
                                                                           exhibited three times in Artisans and used
   “Artisans is a lovely mix [of emerging                                  this year’s theme of nature and the garden to
and established artists] and quite eclectic.                               extend her range of hand-thrown pieces.
That’s what’s fascinating about it. Finding                                   “My inspiration came from the local
these amazing people. It’s just terrific.”                                 sandstone and the beautiful rocks you find
                                                                                                                                       Katherine Mahoney used this year’s nature theme to extend her range of hand-thrown ceramics Photo: Marjorie Lewis-Jones
   One find was Jim Hamilton who crafts                                    with the little speckles of gold. I’ve introduced
agapanthus and cactus out of iron wire.                                    some new shapes and some gold into the
   “Jim’s a sheep farmer who wouldn’t class                                range – so that’s a big, new step for me.”                  can serve the strawberries and the coconut                                 “Different artists come at different
himself as an artist or an artisan and, all of a                              Mahoney says one huge benefit of                         cream in a cloud of liquid nitrogen – and                               times but there’s no pressure for
sudden, he’s become one overnight. He’s done                               being at Artisans is getting feedback                       then he’s putting a blackcurrant veiling                                them to be here because we have
so well – and is absolutely pleased as punch.”                             from customers about her tableware.                         on top of that … It’s a big challenge!”                                 sales people on the job. So it’s a
   In curating the exhibition, Moore volunteered                              “I work in isolation – and I’m in my little                Moore is excited by the work of the many                              lovely atmosphere for the artists.
time over ten months to visit galleries, trawl                             workshop all day. Here I can communicate                    emerging artists featured this year and mentions                           “I don’t think there’s anything like it.”
Instagram and negotiate with more than 45                                  with the people who are buying the pieces or                Holly Macdonald’s quirky hand-painted
artisans to secure their involvement. She and                              looking at them. I get some really valuable                 pottery, Kate O’Farrell’s acrylic and ply bowls,                        Proceeds from Artisans in the
the volunteer committee also managed the                                   feedback as to how people look at the colours,              Kai Wasikowski’s 3D photographs, and Pamela                             Gardens go to the artists and to assist
logistics for more than 2,500 artworks to                                  how they like to put things together.”                      Pudan’s ceramic orbs with fine wafers.                                  Foundation and Friends of the Botanic
be displayed from October 15 to 23 at the                                     When Mahoney’s not helping customers                       The diverse mix of contemporary art,                                  Gardens in its support of horticulture,
Lion Gate Lodge for visitors to purchase.                                  she’s mulling over a baby-pink plate she’s                  sculptures, ceramics, textiles, bespoke                                 conservation, scientific research and
   Ann Robinson has volunteered for 12 of the                              making for Troy Rhoades-Brown from                          homewares and jewellery has attracted good                              education programs within the gardens.
16 years of Artisans because she enjoys it. “I                             Muse restaurant in the Hunter Valley.                       crowds in 2016, and Moore has enjoyed                                   – Front page banner photo of artist
love coming here and seeing how clever people                                 “I’ve got to get it right for him so he                  watching its creators bask in the Artisans’ oasis.                      Jade Oakley by Carolyn Price.
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