WAVE August 1, 2019 - Academy Publishing, Inc.

Page created by Kathryn Riley
WAVE August 1, 2019 - Academy Publishing, Inc.
  Fort Myers High School                                                                          August 1, 2019
                                                                                               Volume 12                  Issue 5

2635 Cortez Blvd. | Fort Myers, FL 33901
Ph: 334-2167 | Fx: 334-3095
                                                                             Principal’s Message
          FMHS Principal                         Greetings Greenies! Welcome back students and parents!
            Dr. Robert Butz                            Fort Myers High earned a school grade of an “A” for the 2018-2019 school year!
                                                 This grade is a result of the hard work and dedication of our students and staff, as well
           FMHS Website                          as the support of our parents and the community. Congratulations!
          fmh.leeschools.net                           We are busy doing a much-needed deep cleaning of all areas on our campus,
                                                 ordering textbooks and supplies, and gearing up for another great year. The 2019-2020
                                                 school year should be a great one focused on doing what is best for students. We will
        Lee County School                        begin the year with an exciting celebration of 100 years of football. We also have many
         Board Members                           students who have spent their summer preparing themselves mentally and physically
          Gwynetta S. Gittens,                   to participate in many different extracurricular activities. I want to encourage all of our
            District 5 (Chair)                   students to get involved in something. Research has shown that those students who
           Chris N. Patricca,                    get involved during their high school years are more likely to be successful and less
          District 3 (Vice Chair)                likely to be at risk.
         Mary Fischer, District 1                      It is our goal that students come to school each day ready to be a part of a
     Melisa W. Giovannelli, District 2           “tradition of excellence” while our Fort Myers High staff prepares each day to help
        Debbie Jordan, District 4
                                                 students achieve this goal.
                                                       To the class of 2020, I want to congratulate each of you for making it to your senior
        Betsy Vaughn, District 6
                                                 year of high school! As student leaders of our school, members of this year’s senior
  Cathleen O’Daniel Morgan, District 7           class are held to a high standard rooted in the expectations that our school community
 Dr. Gregory K. Adkins, Superintendent           has for each of you. It is imperative that you continue to do the little things well. Make
                                                 it a priority to attend school each day, become involved at school and with your class,
      www.leeschools.net                         be respectful of yourself and others, and work hard in the classroom in order to receive
     The School Board of Lee County,             your high school diploma at our graduation ceremony in May 2020. Do not let the time
Florida, prohibits discrimination on the         slip away; be sure to enjoy all of those moments that make a senior year memorable.
basis of age, color, disability, gender,               I also want to welcome all of the incoming freshmen, the class of 2023, to our
national origin, marital status, religion, or    school. Your first year of high school is an excellent opportunity to build a solid academic
sexual orientation.                              foundation and develop relationships that will be long-lasting. Part of your preparation
                                                 for this very important school year should include having a plan for being successful in
       School Public                             the classroom and for becoming involved at school. Working smarter in the classroom
                                                 and enjoying time at school away from the classroom will give you many opportunities
       Accountability                            to find success throughout your years at Fort Myers High. I am excited about your first
                                                 year of high school, and look forward to getting to know each
          Report                                 of you over the next four years.
    School Public Accountability Report
(SPAR) and Adequate Yearly Progress              Let’s make this a great year,
(AYP) Report are available on the FMHS           Dr. Robert Butz
website and also in the front office.

                                      Mission Statement
     Each student can learn. Each student is capable of reaching his/her academic potential. Each student
has an inherent right to receive the finest education possible for his or her future and for world class
citizenship. Therefore, it is the mission of Fort Myers High School to create and maintain an orderly business-
like environment with an equitably enforced, uniform-standard discipline policy in which each student may
discover his/her respective potentials and bring them to fruition. Excellence at all performance levels shall be
recognized and celebrated.
                                                                                                                          Dr. Robert Butz
WAVE August 1, 2019 - Academy Publishing, Inc.
2 Counselor Corner                                                                    Gearing up Greenies
                                                           Mark your calendar for Gearing up Greenies. The time has come to prepare for the 2019-
JOIN YOUR COUNSELOR’S                                 2020 school year.
                                                           At Gearing up Greenies you will get your student ID card (mandatory), locker, parking decal
GOOGLE CLASSROOM                                      (bring your driver’s license, vehicle registration and insurance card), Chromebook, and PE
     A one-stop shop for pertinent information!
                                                      uniform (required for all students in physical education classes). Please report to school during the
Request appointments with your School
                                                      designated time for your grade level. If you are not able to attend Gearing up Greenies, parking
Counselor, learn about job/volunteer opportunities,
                                                      decals, lockers, and PE uniforms can be purchased at school in the Student Affairs office August
graduation requirements and relevant information,
                                                      12 - 16.
scholarships, college admission deadlines, testing
                                                           Please note: Students who have not paid their fees/fines balance from the 2018-2019 school
information, and much more!
                                                      year will NOT be able to purchase a locker or parking decal at Gearing up Greenies until the fee/
•    Class of 2020 (12th) - cfil5f
                                                      fine has been paid.
•    Class of 2021 (11th) - ms1sd7
                                                           Freshmen will receive their ID cards, Chromebooks and lockers during the first week of school
•    Class of 2022 (10th) - bh28vcq
                                                      and PE uniforms will be sold during Greenie Orientation.
•    Class of 2023 (9th) - qzf7c
                                                                           Day                   Time                             Location
 Athletic Program Review                                  Group
     In 2018-2019, Fort Myers High ranked 5th                                                                            •   Parking Decal ($35) –
overall in District 7A as an athletic program in                                                                             Cafeteria
                                                         Seniors                        9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
the state of Florida. We won district, regional,                                                                         •   Locker ($5) – Auditorium
and state titles last year in multiple sports.                                                                           •   ID Card & Off-Campus
Twelve sports represented FMHS at state                                                                                      Paperwork – Commons
competitions and Fort Myers was the overall                            Wednesday,
                                                          Juniors                       10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.          •   PE Uniform ($20) – Gear
academic team champion for District 7A! This                            August 7
is a credit to the dedication and efforts of our                                                                         •   Chromebooks – Media
student athletes and coaches, and would not                                                                                  Center
have been possible without the support of              Sophomores                        1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.           •   Bus Transportation - “A”
our parents, community, and alumni. Please                                                                                   Hallway
continue to support Fort Myers Athletics in our
efforts to become the #1 athletic program in the
state of Florida.                                       Freshmen                         4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.                   Auditorium
                                                                        August 8
Freshman Football Tryouts
      Try-outs for freshman football will begin
after school on August 12. Anyone interested
will meet in the stadium bleachers after school.
                                                                                 ACT Test Dates 2019-2020
Please bring athletic attire for practice and                                                                          Late Registration Window
                                                               Test Date               Registration Deadline
be sure that all athletic paperwork has been                                                                               (Late Fee Required)
completed and turned in to the Athletic Office.          September 14, 2019               August 16, 2019                  August 17-30, 2019
                                                          October 26, 2019              September 20, 2019            September 21-October 4, 2019
                                                         December 14, 2019               November 8, 2019                 November 9-22, 2019
                                                          February 8, 2020               January 10, 2020                  January 11-17, 2020
                                                            April 4, 2020                February 28, 2020             February 29-March 13, 2020
                                                           June 13, 2020                    May 8, 2020                      May 9-22, 2020
                                                            July 18, 2020                  June 19, 2020                    June 20-26, 2020

                                                      Register online at www.actstudent.org
                                                      ACT Without Writing:           $50.50
                                                      ACT With Writing:              $67.00
                                                      Late Registration Fee:         $30.00
                                                      Students should check the admission requirements of the college(s) they are applying to before
                                                      registering to test so they know if the Writing section is necessary.
WAVE August 1, 2019 - Academy Publishing, Inc.
Class Schedules
                                                                                                                              “News Wave”
                                                                                                                         August 2019 Issue # 5
                                                                                                                      Published Five Times Per Year
                                                                                                                      School District of Lee County
     Students will receive their class schedules on the first day of school. Until that time, the
                                                                                                                           2855 Colonial Blvd.
schedule showing in Focus is tentative. Counselors will be available during the first week of
                                                                                                                         Fort Myers, FL 33966
school for schedule change requests. Schedule changes are not guaranteed. We will do our best
to accommodate your request. Full time Dual Enrollment students need to attend the first day of
school to complete necessary forms.

               Attendance Policy                                               Science Fair
                                                                            Dahlia Dry and Cynthia
    Students are expected to be in attendance at school
                                                                       Sheng traveled to Phoenix,
except in cases of emergency or for these reasons:
                                                                       Arizona in May to participate in
•   Personal illness or death of a relative
                                                                       the INTEL International Science
•   Religious holiday(s) of the specified faith of the student
                                                                       and Engineering Fair. Dahlia
•   Subpoena by any law enforcement agency
                                                                       walked away with a special award
•   Any other unique situations or emergencies
                                                                       for the statistical analysis of her
•   Other absences may be excused by the Principal/designee
                                                                       data and 1st place in her category
The process of reporting an absence is:                                of Physics and Astronomy. Along
•   Parent/guardian should call the Attendance Office by 10:00         with her cash awards, Dahlia will
    A.M. on the day of the absence                                     have a meteor named after her.
•   Upon returning to school, the student should bring a note to
    the Attendance Office with a parent’s/guardian’s signature              Cross Country
    that includes date(s) and reason for the absence(s).                        Team
     To prearrange an absence, a parent should notify the                    The cross country team has
school prior to the scheduled absence date. The student                started training, but we are still
should return a completed prearranged absence form to the              taking new runners. The boys’
Attendance Office. It is the student’s responsibility to request       and girls’ teams are looking to
assignments that will be missed during the absence.                    defend their county and district
     If a student has more than 5 excused absences in a                championships, and improve on
month, a physician’s note will be required.                            their top 10 finishes at the state
     Students may not be signed out within the final 30 minutes        finals this season. If you would like to
of the school day unless the principal/designee determines it          join, contact Coach Palmer in room
is an emergency.                                                       C-140 to get specific information.

                           SAT Test Dates 2019-2020
                                                                     Late Registration Deadline
         Test Date                Registration Deadline
                                                                         (Late Fee Required)
      August 24, 2019                  July 26, 2019                       August 13, 2019
      October 5, 2019                September 6, 2019                  September 24, 2019
     November 2, 2019                 October 3, 2019                      October 22, 2019
     December 7, 2019                November 8, 2019                    November 26, 2019
      March 14, 2020                 February 14, 2020                      March 3, 2020
       May 2, 2020                     April 3, 2020                        April 21, 2020
       June 6, 2020                     May 8, 2020                         May 27, 2020

Register online at www.sat.collegeboard.org
SAT Without Essay:              $49.50
SAT With Essay:                 $64.50
Late Registration Fee:          $30.00
Students should check the admission requirements of the college(s) they are applying to before
registering to test so they know if the Writing section is necessary.

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WAVE August 1, 2019 - Academy Publishing, Inc.
                          Athletic Booster Club Members
         Thank you to the following parents, grandparents & businesses for joining the 2019-2020
    Athletic Booster Club. Your support allows our student athletes to continue the Tradition of
    Excellence at Fort Myers High!
                Shawn and Katie Barham                  Mark Loren Designs/Cameron Pelle
                Robert and Patti Blanchard                 Jerry and Christine Pottinger
                 Crystal and Andy Borton                      Eric Riemenschneider
              Caloosa Site Development, Inc.                  Sallee Promotions, Inc.
                 Michael and Tricia Enke                      The Vanderlaan Family
                    The Lane Family

                                        Congressional Art Competition
                                   Congratulations to Anna Fischler for winning the Congressional Art
                              Competition for the District with an oil rendition of her twin brother. Anna
                              and her family were flown to Washington, D.C. this summer to attend an
                              awards reception hosted by the Speaker of the House. Her piece will hang
                              in the U.S. Capitol building for one year. Congratulations, Anna!

                                        Join the Academic Booster Club
                                             INVEST IN YOUR SCHOOL…
                                         INVEST IN THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE!
                                    The FMHS Academic Booster Club had been established to bridge the
                                 gap between district and state education funding, and the money necessary
    to help Fort Myers High maintain its outstanding position as a nationally acclaimed public high school.
    Its sole purpose is to provide additional financial support for curricular resources and professional staff
    development, which ensure the TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE in education at FMHS.

    _______$30 Donation: FMHS car magnet

    _______$75 Donation: Car magnet and custom FMHS tote bag

    _______$150 Donation: Car magnet & Premium Green Wave Gift Package

                                        MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION

               (Business, Family or Individual Name as you want it to appear for recognition)

    Contact Name:__________________________________________________________



    Student(s) Name & Grade:________________________________________________
    Mail forms to:	Fort Myers High School, ATTN: Academic Booster, 2635 Cortez Blvd., Ft Myers,
                    FL 33901
                      **Make checks payable to Fort Myers High School*
WAVE August 1, 2019 - Academy Publishing, Inc.
Fort Myers High School Dress Code
      The purpose of the Dress Code is to encourage
students to focus on the learning process without
                                                              •      Any articles of clothing or jewelry that could
                                                                     likely cause injury such as chains, grills,
the distractions of unsuitable dress and grooming.                   bracelets, rings, chokers with or without spikes,
Students shall maintain a clean, orderly appearance                  or studs are prohibited. Wallet chains of any
at all times. The responsibility for the personal                    length are prohibited.
appearance of the student and the adherence to the            •      Rompers are not permitted.
dress code policy rests with the parent/guardian and          •      Exposed body piercing such as eyebrows, tongue,
the student. Personal appearance shall not distract                  and belly button are prohibited. Visible body
from the educational process. According to the School                piercing is limited to the ears and studs in the nose.
Board of Lee County, each school has the authority to         •      Apparel, emblems, insignias, badges, or symbols
establish additional standards.                                      that promote the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco,
      The following guidelines establish the minimum                 violence, sex, or any other illegal activity are
acceptable standards for student dress to be interpreted             prohibited.
and enforced by the administration and staff at Fort          •      Apparel or symbols which may be gang related
Myers High School. Students are required to comply                   may not be displayed on a student’s person, in
                                                                                                                                                             Expires 9/26/19.
with this dress code while on school grounds.                        the student’s locker, vehicles or other locations
•     Shoes shall be worn at all times.                              on campus.
•     Apparel shall be adequate in both length and            •      The wearing of hats, caps, hoods, head scarves,
      coverage to be considered appropriate for school.              bandannas, and headgear or head coverings of
•     Skirts must reach the end of fingertips with arms              any kind, combs, picks, and sunglasses inside
      extended downward. Please note: skirts that are                the building is prohibited. (This includes hats
      stretch/knit material are not allowed.                         attached to belt loops)
•     Pants shall be fastened and at the waist. It is         •      Clothing with slogans or advertising which is
      unacceptable for undergarments to be exposed.                  controversial or obscene in nature that disrupts
      Sagging pants are not permitted.                               the educational setting is prohibited.
•     Shorts are not allowed.                                 •      Long, oversized and/or sleeveless jerseys are
•     Capri pants are defined as “calf length pants” and             prohibited.
      anything shorter than calf length is a violation.       •      No holes, tears or slits in jeans, skirts, or pants.
•     Shirts or blouses shall be appropriately fastened       •      Leggings with or without pockets and stretch pants
      in accord with the design of that shirt or blouse.
      The length shall extend beyond the waist level.         •
                                                                     cannot be worn as pants or as an undergarment.
                                                                     Long coats, including trench coats are not allowed.      Air     &      Service
                                                                                                                                    Certified NAPA Service Center

•     Pajama attire of any kind, including pajama             Note: The school administration reserves the right
      slippers, pajama pants, or house shoes, is not          to appraise any current fashion or fad and determine
      permitted. Pillows and blankets are not allowed.        whether it is appropriate for school wear. Students
•     Transparent or see-through tops, bare midriffs,         must be in dress code compliance upon entering
      strapless, low-cut clothing, or tops and outfits that   school grounds, during all after school events, and at
      provide minimum coverage or are of a suggestive         all times while students are on campus. Lee County
      nature are prohibited: halters, spaghetti straps,       District Dress Code Policy is still the standard and
      backless dresses or tops, tube tops, tank tops,         will be enforced.
      muscle shirts, or any clothing which may be                    Dress code will be checked daily and strongly
      distracting are prohibited. Shoulders must be           enforced. Any student in violation of the dress code will
      completely covered.                                     spend the day in ISS.
WAVE August 1, 2019 - Academy Publishing, Inc.
                              Athletic Booster Club                                                          Fall Sports & Coaches
                                                                                                                 Sport                 Head Coach
2019-2020                 Join Athletic Boosters Today                          2019-2020                   Bowling (B & G)          Dave Trepkowski
                                Support our Student Athletes                                                 Cheerleading             Courtney Butts
                                TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE                                                      Cross Country
_______100 Member Club….$1,250.00                                                                                                     Yancey Palmer
       Become a member of the 100 club to help with renovations to the FMSH Athletic Complex                    (B & G)
       The FIRST 100 paid members will receive a LIFETIME Pass to all home athletic events.                     Football              Sammy Sirianni
       Platinum Greenie benefits
                                                                                                                Golf (B)               Todd Abbey
       Name recognition on commemorative board at athletic complex
_______Platinum Greenie…. $250.00 **MOST POPULAR LEVEL**                                                        Golf (G)               John DeReu
       Family Admission to all Regular Season Home Athletic Events                  PLATINUM                   Swimming
       FREE VIP Premium Parking                                                                                                        Thomas Keer
                                                                                    MEMBERS                     (B & G)
       Listing in FMHS Newspaper, Website & Yearbook                                  Join by
       Custom FMHS Magnet & Spirit Gift                                                                        Volleyball            Stephanie Martin
                                                                                    August 15th
_______Golden Greenie….. $150.00                                                  & get a 2nd
       Family Admission to One Regular Season Home Sport:                         custom gift.         Boys & Girls Swimming Schedule
			                 Select sport: _________________________________                                    Head Boys & Girls Coach: Coach Keer, Coach
       FREE VIP Parking by the Stadium                                                                 Brent, Coach McMurray
       Custom FMHS Magnet                                                                              Home Pool: Deleon
       Listing in Newspaper, Website & Yearbook
                                                                               ADMIN ONLY:             Date      Day Opponent      Place Time
_______Silver Greenie…. $100.00                                                PAYMENT:
	Admission For One Individual to all Regular Season Home Athletic Events                              8/29/19 Thu Riverdale       Away 6:00 PM
       FREE VIP Premium Parking                                                                                       Charlotte
                                                                               ❒❒ Check # _________    8/31/19 Sat                 Away TBA
	Custom FMHS Magnet, Listing in FMHS Newspaper, Website & Yearbook
                                                                               ❒❒ Credit Card
_______Fighting Greenie…. $50.00                                               ❒❒ Cash                                South &
       Athletic Booster Club Membership
                                                                                                       9/3/19    Tue               HOME 6:00 PM
       Custom FMHS Magnet                                                      ❒❒ Gift
                                                                                      ____________                    Ida Baker &
       Listing in FMHS Newspaper, Website & Yearbook                                                   9/5/19    Thu               HOME 6:00 PM
                                                                               ❒❒ Card issued (date)                  Mariner
_______GREENIE GRANDPARENT… $125                                                    ____________                      Naples &
       Admission to all Regular Season Home Athletic Events                                             9/10/19 Tue                HOME 6:00 PM
       FREE VIP Premium Parking
                                                                               ❒❒ Logged                              Charlotte
       Custom FMHS Magnet and Spirit Gift                                                               9/24/19 Tue Estero         Away 6:00 PM
       Listing in Newspaper, Website and Yearbook                                                                     Cypress Lake
                                                                                                        9/26/19 Thu                Away 6:00 PM
                                                                                                                      & South
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                      North Fort
    (Business or Individual as you want it to appear in newspaper, website & yearbook)                  10/3/19 Thu                HOME 6:00 PM
Contact (if different from above):_______________________________________________________________       10/12/19 Sat LCAC          TBA   TBA
Phone: ______________________________________________________________________________                                 Cypress Lake
                                                                                                        10/17/19 Thu               HOME 6:00 PM
                                                                                                                      & Lehigh
E-Mail: ______________________________________________________________________________

Alternate e-mail(s):_____________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                       Volunteers Make it All Happen!
List family members’ names as they will appear on membership cards: _____________________________            Volunteering at athletic events is a great
____________________________________________________________________________________                   way to be part of the Green Wave tradition, meet
**Checks payable to FMHS Athletic Booster Club                                                         other families, and help our organization thrive.
Mail form to: Fort Myers High School, ATTN: Athletic Booster Club, 2635 Cortez Blvd, FL 33901          We would appreciate a few hours of your time!
Contact Kelly Schultz at (239) 340-3238 or Kelly.LaFleur@comcast.net.                                        Send us an email letting us know if you would
                                                                                                       like to be advised when volunteer opportunities
Where Your Athletic Booster Club Donation Goes:                                                        arise, Kelly.LaFleur@comcast.net.
•    Transportation to sporting events                  •     All-star registrations
•    Letter jackets and other awards                    •     Sports banquets
•    P.E. Uniforms                                      •     Coaches’ clinics
•    Programs, banners, and other printing needs        •     Miscellaneous facilities expenses
•    Florida Athletic Coaches Association dues
Varsity Football Schedule
Head Coach:       Sam Sirianni, Jr
                                                                JV & 9th Football Schedule
                                                                JV Coach:          Issac Harvin
                                        HOME/                   9th Grade Coach:   Steve Cato
Date            Opponent                      Time
                                        Away                     Date     Day Opponent                      Place          9th Time   JV Time
8/16/19 Fri Classic vs Cape High        Away 7:00 PM             9/5/19   Thu Cypress Lake                  HOME           6:00PM     7:30PM
            Sebring - Sam Sirianni                               9/12/19 Thu North Fort Myers               Away           6:00PM     7:30PM
8/23/19 Fri                             HOME 7:30 PM
            Night/100th Celebration                              9/19/19 Thu South Fort Myers               HOME           6:00PM     7:30PM
8/30/19 Fri Charlotte                   Away    7:30 PM          9/26/19 Thu Dunbar                         Away           6:00 PM    7:30 PM
9/6/19 Fri Cypress Lake                 Away    7:30 PM          10/3/19 Thu Riverdale                      Away           6:00PM     7:30PM
            North Fort Myers
9/13/19 Fri                             HOME 7:30 PM
            All Sports Hall of Fame                                                                   Boys & Girls Bowling Schedule
9/20/19 Fri South Fort Myers
9/27/19 Fri Island Coast
                                                7:30 PM
                                                7:30 PM        2019 S PO RTS                          Boys & Girls Coach:	Dave Trepkowski
                                                                                                      Home Bowling Alley: Pin Street
                                                                                                      Date    Day Opponent Place Time
Boys Golf Schedule
Head Coach:         Todd Abbey                            Boys & Girls Cross Country Schedule 8/27/19 Tue East Lee Away PM
Home Course:        Fort Myers County Club                Boys & Girls Coach:         Yancey Palmer                  Cape             3:00
Date     Day Opponent         Place      Time             Date     Day Opponent Place            Time 8/29/19 Thu             HOME
                                                                                                                     Coral            PM
8/20/19 Tue Mariner           Away       3:30 PM                        Lemon        Lemon Bay                                        3:00
             North Fort                                   8/24/19 Sat                            TBA  9/3/19 Tue Bishop       Away
8/22/19 Thu                   Away       3:30 PM                        Bay Invite HS                                                 PM
             Myers                                                                   Estero                          Island           3:00
8/27/19 Tue Riverdale         Away       3:30 PM          8/31/19 Sat Estero         Community TBA    9/10/19 Tue             HOME
                                                                                                                     Coast            PM
             South Fort                                                              Park                                             3:00
8/29/19 Thu                   HOME       3:30 PM                                                      9/12/19 Thu Ida Baker Away
             Myers                                                      Fort                                                          PM
9/3/19   Tue Cape Coral       HOME       3:30 PM          9/6/19 Fri Myers           HOME        3PM                                  3:00
9/5/19   Thu Cypress Lake     Away       3:30 PM                        Invitational                  9/17/19 Tue South FM Away
                              The                         9/14/19 Fri Mariner        Mariner HS TBA                                   3:00
9/10/19 Tue Canterbury                   3:30 PM                                                      9/19/19 Thu Lehigh      HOME
                              Forest                                                 North Port                                       PM
9/17/19 Tue Estero            Away       3:30 PM           9/21/19 Sat North Port                TBA
                                                                                     HS                                               3:00
                                                                                                      9/26/19 Thu Riverdale Away
9/19/19 Thu Bonita Springs Away          3:30 PM                                     Holloway                                         PM
9/24/19 Tue Ida Baker         Away       3:30 PM           9/27-   Fri- Florida
                                                                                     Park @      TBA                                  3:00
                                                           9/28/19 Sat Runners                        10/1/19 Tue Dunbar      HOME
9/26/19 Thu Island Coast      HOME       3:30 PM                                     Lakeland                                         PM

Girls Golf Schedule                                            Varsity & JV Volleyball Schedule
Head Coach:             John DeReu                             Head Coach:         Stephanie Martin         JV Coach:        Saad Enrique
Home Course:            Eastwood Country Club                  Asst. Coaches:      Kasey Albright & Joey Phillips
 Date      Day Opponent            Place            Time       Date           Day        Opponent                  Place   JV Time     V Time
Cape  CoralTue
 8/20/19    HS (Full Color-Online) HOME
                Mariner                             3:30 PM    8/13-8/15      Tue-Thu ODA Preseason                Away                TBA
 8/22/19 Thu North Fort Myers HOME                  3:30 PM    8/19/19        Mon        Ida Baker                 Away    6:00 PM     7:00 PM
 8/27/19 Tue Riverdale             HOME             3:30 PM    8/20/19        Tue        Port Charlotte            HOME    6:00 PM     7:00 PM
 8/29/19 Thu South Fort Myers Away                  3:30 PM    8/29/19        Thu        Sarasota Riverview        HOME    5:30 PM     6:30 PM
 9/3/19    Tue Cape Coral          Away             3:30 PM    9/3/19         Tue        Barron Collier            HOME    6:00 PM     7:00 PM
 9/5/19    Thu Cypress Lake        HOME             3:30 PM    9/10/19        Tue        North Fort Myers          HOME    6:00 PM     7:00 PM
 9/10/19 Tue Canterbury            HOME             3:30 PM    9/13-9/14      Fri & Sat Battle of the Beach        Away                TBA
9/12/19   Thu   Charlotte            HOME           3:30 PM    9/16/19        Mon        Dunbar                    HOME    6:00 PM     7:00 PM
9/17/19   Tue   Estero               HOME           3:30 PM    9/17/19        Tue        South Fort Myers          HOME    6:00 PM     7:00 PM
9/19/19   Thu   Bonita Springs       HOME           3:30 PM    9/19/19        Thu        Riverdale                 Away    6:00 PM     7:00 PM
9/24/19   Tue   Ida Baker            HOME           3:30 PM    9/24/19        Tue        Estero                    Away    6:00 PM     7:00 PM
9/26/19   Thu   Island Coast         Away           3:30 PM    9/26/19        Thu        Gulf Coast                Away    6:00 PM     7:00 PM
10/1/19   Tue   Charlotte            Away           3:30 PM    10/1/19        Tue        Cape Coral                Away    6:00 PM     7:00 PM
10/3/19   Thu   Barron Collier       @ Kensington   3:30 PM    10/3-10/6/19 Thu-Sun Tournament of Champions Away           -           TBA

South Fort Myers HS (Full Color-Online)
                                                                Fort Myers High School

                                                                                                        Non-Profit Organization
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                                                                                                           Fort Myers, FL
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    School District of Lee County
    2855 Colonial Boulevard
    Fort Myers, Florida 33966

                                           100 Years of Football
                              This year marks the historic 100th year of football at Fort Myers
                         High School. Please join us for Sam Sirianni Night on August 23rd
                         for the kickoff of our 2019 Football season. We will be honoring and
                         remembering the players and coaches that built the foundation of the
                         football program at Fort Myers High. Historic memorabilia will be on
                         display and meet and greets with former players will take place prior
                         to the game.

                               IB Summer CAS Trip
      This summer was our first CAS Community Service trip abroad. Our Junior IB students
traveled to beautiful Costa Rica and completed 35 hours working side by side with Costa Ricans
to build a kitchen for a local community center. In addition to community service learning, students
participated in team-building skills and reflection activities focused specifically on how we can use
global experiences to act locally within our community. Students applied what they have learned
in Spanish class to communicate authentically with Costa Ricans and gained confidence in their
language skills. Throughout the trip, students engaged in various cultural experiences such as
chocolate production, folkloric dance, environmental discussions on biodiversity, observation of
local wildlife, and a trip to the hot springs. Students were fully immersed in language, service,
culture, and adventure including zip lining through the Costa Rican rainforest and white water
rafting on the Sarapiqui River. This trip gave our students the opportunity to explore as travelers
and use their CAS experience to gain global perspective.

                     Freshmen Cheerleading Tryouts
Freshmen Cheerleading Tryouts are coming up!
•    Cheerleading Clinic will be held on Friday, August 9 from 3pm - 5pm                                             FRIENDLY
•    Tryouts will be Saturday, August 10 from 11am - 2pm
•    All athletic paperwork including an up-to-date physical must be turned in to the Athletic
     Office to tryout.
•    Email Coach Smith with any questions: kristensm@leeschools.net
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