Water and sewerage charges 2014-15 - A guide for metering programme customers

Page created by Troy Moran
Water and sewerage charges 2014-15 - A guide for metering programme customers
Water and sewerage charges
A guide for metering programme customers
Water and sewerage charges
A guide for metering programme customers
Southern Water is an appointed provider of water supply and sewerage services                       Contents
in Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Sussex and Kent.
The services we provide are governed by the Water Industry Act 1991, which requires us to                                          Page
set out in a formal document called a ‘Charges Scheme’ how we will raise charges for those          Section 1
services. All our charges have to be approved each year by Ofwat, the independent regulator         General principles              1
of the water industry.
The Secretary of State has determined the whole of our water supply area to be an area of
serious water stress. By virtue of regulations made under the Water Industry Act 1999, this         Section 2
provides us with legal powers to install water meters for charging purposes.                        For customers with a metered
                                                                                                    water supply who are paying
We are carrying out a metering programme, on an area-by-area basis. Under our metering
                                                                                                    the Changeover Tariff           3
programme, household properties in our water supply areas will be metered for charging
purposes. Meters fitted under our metering programme will be fitted free of charge.
We have developed two special tariffs for customers metered under our metering programme,           Section 3
in order to help them make the change to metered charges. These tariffs are known as the            For customers with an unmetered
Changeover Tariff and the Support Tariff.                                                           water supply who are paying
The information in this booklet only applies to customers paying the Changeover Tariff or the       the Changeover Tariff           5
Support Tariff.
The map on page 14 shows Southern Water’s area of operation. If you receive your water supply       Section 4
from Southern Water but are not paying the Changeover Tariff or the Support Tariff, then please     For customers with a metered
see our booklet Southern Water charges 2014-15: A guide for household customers.                    water supply who are paying
Please note that if you receive either your water supply or sewerage service from another           the Support Tariff              7
company, you will need to contact them for details of how they charge for their service. Our
charges are reviewed each year and the amounts shown in this booklet relate only to the year
starting 1 April 2014.                                                                              Section 5
If you are unsure about anything contained in this booklet or would like more information,          For customers with an unmetered
please contact our Customer Services Centre. Details on how to contact us can be found at           water supply who are paying
the end of this booklet.                                                                            the Support Tariff              9
Please note that this booklet is not a legal document and does not take the place of our formal
metering programme charges scheme. The intention of the booklet is to provide you with a            Section 6
summary of the key elements of our metering programme charges scheme. Please contact us             Special help for vulnerable
if you would like a copy of this document.                                                          customers (WaterSure tariff)   11

How to use this guide                                                                               Section 7
Please begin by reading Section 1, and then go:                                                     Paying your bill               12
   • to Section 2 if your water supply is metered and you are paying the Changeover Tariff, or
   • to Section 3 if your water supply is not metered and you are paying the Changeover Tariff,
                                                                                                    Section 8
                                                                                                    Use of Personal Information    13
   • to Section 4 if your water supply is metered and you are paying the Support Tariff, or
   • to Section 5 if your water supply is not metered and you are paying the Support Tariff.
Section 6  gives details of another kind of special help available if you meet certain conditions   Section 9
           (WaterSure tariff).                                                                      Further information            15
Section 7 tells you about paying your bill.
Section 8 tells you about how we may use your personal information.                                 Section 10
Section 9 tells you what to do if you are moving home, want to apply for a surface water            Our charges for 2014-15        16
           drainage rebate, make a complaint, what happens if you enter into any formal
           insolvency procedure and where your money goes.
Section 10 sets out our schedule of charges for 2014-15                                             Section 11
                                                                                                    Contact us                     17
Section 11 tells you how to contact us.
Section 1:
General principles

Installing meters under our                       Where a meter is installed                       Charge and switch you to metered charges
                                                                                                   with effect from the original planned meter
metering programme                                under our metering programme                     installation date. Your metered charges will
By March 2015, we aim to have installed           If your water supply is metered under our        then be backdated for the period up to the
meters for 92% of our water supply                metering programme you will switch from          actual meter installation date based on a
customers under our metering programme            paying unmetered charges to paying               check meter reading.
                                                  metered charges, which are linked to the
It is anticipated, however, that for the                                                           If we are unable to install a meter, we will
                                                  amount of water you use. If you receive
remaining 8% of customers we will not                                                              switch you to assessed charges with effect
                                                  sewerage services from us, your sewerage
be able to install a meter under our metering                                                      from the original planned installation date,
                                                  charges will be also be metered charges.
programme. This is because the water                                                               based on the number of bedrooms in your
supply arrangements to some properties            Once a meter has been fitted, metered            home or, where appropriate, on single
are complicated, and it is not possible for       charges will always be payable.                  occupancy. In either circumstance,
us to meter all the water supplied at                                                              you will be entitled to the assistance
reasonable cost.                                  Where a meter is not installed                   provided by the Changeover Tariff and,
                                                  under our metering programme                     if applicable, the Support Tariff.
Typically, we will be able to install a meter
under our metering programme where:               If we are unable to meter the water supply       If you move into a property at which the
                                                  to your home under our metering                  former customer was paying the No Access
• only a single meter is required to record all
                                                  programme for the reasons set out earlier in     charge, we will contact you to progress the
  the water supplied to the property;
                                                  this section you will switch from paying         installation of a meter.
• the meter can be located in our preferred       unmetered charges to paying assessed             Where we are able to install a meter, we will
  location, which is normally in the public       charges, which are based on the number           place you on metered charges with effect
  highway footpath at the location of the         of bedrooms in your home or on single            from the date that you occupied the
  external stoptap; and                           occupancy. If you receive sewerage services      property. Your charges for the period up to
• the cost of reinstatement is reasonable.        from us, your sewerage charges will also         the actual meter installation date will be
                                                  be assessed charges.                             estimated based on a check meter reading.
The circumstances in which we will be
unable to install a meter under our metering      Once this switch has taken place assessed        Where you assist us with access to your new
programme include:                                charges will always be payable, unless           property, but we are unable to install a
                                                  circumstances should change at a later           meter, we will place you on assessed
• the cost of separating the customer’s           date which allow us to meter your water          charges with effect from the date that you
  water supply pipe where it is shared with       supply. In these circumstances, your             occupied the property, based on the number
  other customers;                                charges will switch from assessed charges        of bedrooms in your home or, where
                                                  to metered charges following the                 appropriate, on single occupancy.
• the cost of installing additional meters if
                                                  installation of the meter.
  the customer’s home is served by more
                                                                                                   In either circumstance, you will be entitled
  than one supply or an additional shared
                                                  No Access Charge                                 to the assistance provided by the
                                                                                                   Changeover Tariff and, if applicable, the
• the cost of alterations to existing plumbing    In order to progress the installation of your    Support Tariff. If, however, you do not assist
  to enable a meter to be installed; and          meter, we may need access to your property.      us with access to your new property, you will
                                                  In these circumstances, we will ask you to       be placed on the No Access charge with
• the cost of installing a meter in a location
                                                  agree an appointment with us. We will make       effect from the date that you occupied the
  that is not our preferred location.
                                                  extensive effort to make contact with you,       property.
                                                  and will be flexible when arranging
                                                  appointments. However, if despite our efforts
                                                  we are unable to obtain your co-operation to
                                                  progress the installation of a meter, we will
                                                  switch you from unmetered charges to our
                                                  No Access charge with effect from the date
                                                  on which we planned to install your meter.
                                                  The No Access charge is a fixed annual
                                                  charge, and comprises separate rates for the
                                                  water supply service and the sewerage
                                                  service. Therefore, if we place you on the No
                                                  Access charge you do not have the option of
                                                  the single occupier discount, or the financial
                                                  assistance provided by the Changeover Tariff
                                                  and the Support Tariff. This means that you
                                                  may well pay more for your water services
                                                  than if charged on a metered basis.
                                                  If we have placed you on the No Access
                                                  charge but you later assist us with the
                                                  metering process, and we are able to install
                                                  a meter, we will cancel the No Access

1 : Water and sewerage charges 2014-2015
Section 1:
General principles (continued)

Single occupier charge                            Unoccupied property                             The switch date
If you pay assessed charges and you live          Generally, our charges may remain payable       We call the date that we switch you from
alone you may apply to pay the single             if a property is unoccupied, unless the water   unmetered charges to metered charges, or
occupier charge.                                  supply has been disconnected because it is      from unmetered charges to assessed charges
                                                  unoccupied. Where the water supply to a         if you cannot have a meter, the switch date.
If you apply for this charge you must provide
                                                  property is disconnected for this reason, our   If you have a meter installed under our
evidence of single occupancy; for example a
                                                  charges remain payable to the day before        metering programme, the switch date will
copy of your current Council Tax bill
                                                  the water supply is disconnected.               either be the date that we install your meter,
containing a single occupier discount.
                                                  However, we will not make charges where         or a later date that we will inform you of.
You will need to provide evidence of single
                                                  a property is unoccupied for any continuous     If you cannot have a meter installed, the
occupancy each year if you wish to continue
                                                  period of four weeks or more due to             switch date will normally be the date that
to take advantage of the charge. We will
                                                  exceptional circumstances, such as death        our surveyor concludes that your home
contact you at the appropriate time to
                                                  or the long-term hospitalisation of the         cannot be metered under our metering
remind you.
                                                  customer. For the sake of clarity, charges      programme.
You must notify us promptly if your               would remain properly due and payable
circumstances change and you no longer live       where the customer is not the sole occupier
alone. In these circumstances, your assessed      of the property.
charges will be based on the number of
                                                  We will make the adjustment to charges
bedrooms in your home with effect from the
                                                  once we are satisfied that the property is
day after the change in occupancy occurs.
                                                  likely to remain unoccupied for a continuous
                                                  period of four weeks or more. Before making
The Changeover and                                such an adjustment to charges, we may
Support Tariffs                                    require the customer or their representative
                                                  to demonstrate to our reasonable satisfaction
As mentioned in the Introduction, we have
                                                  that the property is unoccupied. This may be
put in place the Changeover Tariff and the
                                                  established, for example, by the provision of
Support Tariff in order to help customers
                                                  a copy of the death certificate, or a letter
make the change to metered charges.
                                                  from the customer's executors or solicitors
These tariffs are aimed at assisting those        as appropriate.
customers facing a bill increase as a result of
moving from unmetered to metered charges.         Ownership of water meters
They are also available to customers moving
from unmetered to assessed charges.               Southern Water owns and is responsible
                                                  for any water meter it has installed.
If you wish to take advantage of our              It is a criminal offence to damage, or tamper
Changeover Tariff you must contact us to let      with, a meter or any other apparatus that
us know. If you wish to take advantage of         belongs to us. Where a meter or other
our Support Tariff you must first complete        apparatus has been deliberately damaged
our application process. Information on how       or tampered with, the customer is liable
to contact us is provided in Section 11.          for the repair or replacement costs incurred
Customers who will benefit from lower bills       by us.
as a result of the switch to metered charges
can move directly to paying our normal
metered tariff following the installation of
their meter.
Similarly, customers who will benefit from
lower bills as a result of the switch to
assessed charges can move directly to
paying our normal assessed charges.
Customers paying our normal metered tariff
or normal assessed charges should see our
booklet Southern Water charges 2014-15:
A guide for household customers.

2 : Water and sewerage charges 2014-2015
Section 2:
For customers with a metered water supply
who are paying the Changeover Tariff

How the Changeover Tariff                      Start and end of the                              How the Changeover Tariff works
can assist                                    Changeover Tariff                                  When we bill you on the Changeover Tariff,
If your metered charges are likely to be      You may choose whether to have the                we start by making the following
higher than your unmetered charges, the       Changeover Tariff applied from the date you       calculations:
Changeover Tariff will assist you in making   switched to metered charges, or from the          1. We calculate what your metered charges
the change to full metered charges.           start date of a later billing period within the      would be for the billing period if you were
                                              first 24 months of metered charging.                 paying our normal metered tariff (as
It does this by introducing metered charges
in steps over the first two years following   If at the time we receive your request we            shown in Section 10). We call this the
your switch to metered charging, which        have already billed you on our normal                measured element.
gives you time to budget appropriately and    metered tariff (as shown in Section 10), we       2. We calculate what your unmetered
review your water use. The difference         will cancel those charges in accordance with         charges would have been for the billing
between what you have paid while on the       your choice of dates, and re-bill you for the        period if we hadn’t installed a meter
Changeover Tariff and what you would have     same period on the Changeover Tariff.                under our metering programme and you
paid on the normal metered tariff does not                                                         were paying our normal unmetered tariff
                                              The Changeover Tariff shall end 24 months
have to be repaid to us.                                                                           (as shown in Section 10). We call this the
                                              after the date we switched you to metered
                                              charges. Charges after this date will be             unmeasured element.
Requesting the Changeover                     based on our normal metered tariff.               The amount we actually bill you under the
Tariff                                         If at any time while you are on the               Changeover Tariff depends on how much
If your home is metered under our metering    Changeover Tariff you decide that you would       time has gone by since we switched you
programme, you may request that we place      rather be charged on our normal metered           to metered charges.
you on the Changeover Tariff.                 tariff, then you may request that we switch       During the first year after we switch you to
                                              you to our normal metered tariff.                 metered charges, we calculate your bill by
Your request must be received by us within
24 months of the date on which we             In these circumstances you may choose             adding together:
switched your charges from unmetered          whether to have our normal metered tariff         • 33.3% of the measured element
to metered.                                   applied from the date you switched to the           (see 1. above) and
                                              Changeover Tariff, or from the start date of
If you move out of your home and you                                                            • 66.7% of the unmeasured element
                                              a later billing period. Where we have billed
have not requested to be placed on the                                                            (see 2. above).
                                              you on the Changeover Tariff, the charges
Changeover Tariff, then your closing bill
                                              will be cancelled in accordance with your         During the second year after we switch you
will be based on our normal metered tariff
                                              choice of dates, and we will re-bill you          to metered charges, we calculate your bill by
(as shown in Section 10).
                                              for the same period on our normal                 adding together:
                                              metered tariff.
                                                                                                • 66.6% of the measured element
                                              If you choose to switch from the Changeover         (see 1. above) and
                                              Tariff to our normal metered tariff, you will
                                              not be able to go back onto the Changeover        • 33.4% of the unmeasured element
                                              Tariff at a later date.                             (see 2. above).
                                                                                                An example of how the Changeover Tariff
                                                                                                would work is provided below for a customer
                                                                                                with unmetered charges of £350 and
                                                                                                metered charges of £430.
                                                                                                This example is based on year 1 prices,
                                                                                                and assumes the customer uses the same
                                                                                                amount of water in year 1 as in year 2.

3 : Water and sewerage charges 2014-2015
Section 2:
For customers with a metered water supply
who are paying the Changeover Tariff (continued)

How the measured and                             (b) Unmeasured element                           When you should pay
unmeasured elements are                          The unmeasured element consists of:              Once we have sent you a bill, it should be
calculated                                                                                        paid in full immediately. However, if you
                                                   1. A standing charge for each service
                                                                                                  contact us, we will agree an instalment
The measured element is based on our                  provided.
                                                                                                  arrangement with you to pay your bill by
normal metered tariff and the unmeasured           2. A rateable value charge for each service    regular weekly, fortnightly or monthly
element is based on our normal unmetered              provided.                                   instalments. If you fail to pay an instalment
tariff. These tariffs are shown in Section 10.                                                    on time, the arrangement will be cancelled
                                                 The standing charge is a fixed amount
(a) Measured element                                                                              and the remaining balance becomes payable
                                                 for all properties and covers the costs
                                                                                                  in full immediately.
The measured element consists of:                of maintaining your water services account.
                                                                                                  If you fail to pay your charges and your debt
  1. A standing charge for each service          The rateable value charge is calculated
                                                                                                  is referred to a debt collection agency for
     provided.                                   on the rateable value of your home.
                                                                                                  collection, additional charges will be added
  2. A volume charge for each service            To calculate the rateable value charge we        to your account with us.
     provided.                                   multiply your home’s rateable value (in £s)
                                                                                                  The ways in which you can pay your bill,
                                                 by the rateable value charge.
The standing charge is a fixed charge                                                             and any instalments we agree with you,
based on the size of the meter fitted to         If you paid assessed charges before we           are explained in Section 7.
your water supply and covers the costs           metered your home under our metering
                                                                                                  The charges in Section 10 apply for a period
of maintaining your water services account.      programme, then the unmeasured element
                                                                                                  of 12 months from 1 April 2014. Where the
Most household properties are served by          will consist of the assessed charge based on
                                                                                                  bill covers any dates outside that period,
a 15mm or 20mm meter, and, therefore,            the number of bedrooms in your home, or on
                                                                                                  your charges will be apportioned on a daily
attract the lowest level of standing charge.     single occupancy if applicable.
                                                                                                  basis and applied to the appropriate tariff in
The volume charge for the water supply                                                            place for that period.
service is based on the amount of water          What is rateable value?
supplied to your home, and this will             The rateable value was used as the basis
normally be the volume of water recorded         for local authority taxation prior to 1990.
on the meter in each billing period (normally    Rateable values were set by the Valuation
six months). To calculate the volume charge      Office (formerly part of the Inland Revenue,
we multiply the volume of water supplied         now part of HM Revenue and Customs) to
(in cubic metres) by the metered water           reflect the rental value of the property.
volume charge.                                   We normally use the rateable value
                                                 quoted in the Valuation List in force on
The volume charge for the sewerage service       31 March 1990.
is based on 92.5% of the volume of water
supplied. This is to reflect the fact that not   The 1999 Water Industry Act allowed us
all the water you use returns to the sewer.      to continue to use the rateable value for
92.5% is an assessment of the typical            water charges even though it is no longer
percentage return, but this will vary for all    used for taxation.
customers. To calculate the volume charge
we multiply your water volume (in cubic          Meter readings
metres) by 92.5%, then multiply the
                                                 You will normally receive two bills every
resulting assessed volume of sewage by
                                                 year, approximately six months apart, based
the metered sewerage volume charge.
                                                 on a meter reading we have taken. If for any
If you are able to provide evidence that         reason we cannot take a reading on your
much less than 92.5% of the water supplied       meter, or we believe the meter has not been
regularly returns to the sewer, you may apply    recording properly, you will receive an
for an adjustment to your sewerage volume        estimated bill, but this can be adjusted later
charges.                                         if the actual volume of water used is
If we do agree to an adjustment, it will take
effect from the date of your last account
before we received your application. After       If there is a leak
this, you must tell us straight away if there    If there is a leak on your supply, our Code of
is any change in your circumstances that         Practice on Leakage governs how we will
may affect the adjustment we have agreed.        adjust your bill. Please contact our Customer
Where there has been such a change in            Services Centre or go to our website if you
circumstances, any further adjustment to         would like to receive a copy of our Code of
your sewerage volume charges will be made        Practice on Leakage (see Section 11 on how
from the date of that change.                    to contact us).

4 : Water and sewerage charges 2014-2015
Section 3:
For customers with an unmetered water
supply who are paying the Changeover Tariff

How the Changeover Tariff                       Start and end of the                              How the Changeover Tariff works
can assist                                     Changeover Tariff                                  When we bill you on the Changeover Tariff,
If your assessed charges are likely to be      You may choose whether to have the                we start by making the following
higher than your unmetered charges, the        Changeover Tariff applied from the date you       calculations:
Changeover Tariff will assist you in making    switched to assessed charges, or from the         1.We calculate what your assessed charges
the change to full assessed charges.           start date of a later billing period within the     would be for the billing period if you were
                                               first 24 months of assessed charging.               paying our normal assessed charge (as
It does this by introducing assessed charges
in steps over the first two years following    If at the time we receive your request we           shown in Section 10). We call this the
your switch to assessed charging, which        have already billed you on our normal               assessed measured element.
gives you time to budget appropriately. The    assessed charge (as shown in Section 10),         2. We calculate what your unmetered
difference between what you have paid          we will cancel those charges in accordance           charges would have been for the billing
while on the Changeover Tariff and what you    with your choice of dates, and re-bill you for       period if we hadn’t switched you to
would have paid on the normal assessed         the same period on the Changeover Tariff.            assessed charges under our metering
tariff does not have to be repaid to us.       The Changeover Tariff shall end 24 months            programme and you were paying our
                                               after the date we switched you to assessed           normal unmetered tariff (as shown in
Requesting the Changeover                      charges. Charges after this date will be             Section 10). We call this the unmeasured
                                               based on our normal assessed charge.                 element.
If your home cannot be metered under our       If at any time while you are on the               The amount we actually bill you under the
metering programme and we switch you to        Changeover Tariff you decide that you would       Changeover Tariff depends on how much
our assessed charge, you may request that      rather be charged on our normal assessed          time has gone by since we switched you to
we place you on the Changeover Tariff.         charge, then you may request that we              assessed charges.
                                               switch you to our normal assessed charge.
Your request must be received by us within                                                       During the first year after we switch you to
24 months of the date on which we              In these circumstances you may choose             assessed charges, we calculate your bill by
switched your charges from unmetered to        whether to have our normal assessed charge        adding together:
assessed.                                      applied from the date you switched to the
                                               Changeover Tariff, or from the start date of      • 33.3% of the assessed measured element
If you move out of your home and you           a later billing period. Where we have billed        (see 1. above) and
have not requested to be placed on the         you on the Changeover Tariff, the charges         • 66.7% of the unmeasured element
Changeover Tariff, then your closing bill      will be cancelled in accordance with your           (see 2. above).
will be based on our normal assessed charge    choice of dates, and we will re-bill you
(as shown in Section 10).                      for the same period on our normal                 During the second year after we switch you
                                               assessed tariff.                                  to assessed charges, we calculate your bill
                                                                                                 by adding together:
                                               If you choose to switch from the Changeover
                                               Tariff to our normal assessed charge, you         • 66.6% of the assessed measured element
                                               will not be able to go back onto the                (see 1. above) and
                                               Changeover Tariff at a later date.                • 33.4% of the unmeasured element
                                                                                                   (see 2. above).
                                                                                                 An example of how the Changeover Tariff
                                                                                                 would work is provided below for a customer
                                                                                                 with unmetered charges of £350 and
                                                                                                 assessed charges of £400.
                                                                                                 This example is based on year 1 prices.

5 : Water and sewerage charges 2014-2015
Section 3:
For customers with an unmetered water supply
who are paying the Changeover Tariff (continued)

How the assessed measured                        What is rateable value?
and unmeasured elements                          The rateable value was used as the basis
are calculated                                   for local authority taxation prior to 1990.
                                                 Rateable values were set by the Valuation
The assessed measured element is based           Office (formerly part of the Inland Revenue,
on our normal assessed charge and the            now part of HM Revenue and Customs) to
unmeasured element is based on our               reflect the rental value of the property.
normal unmetered tariff. These are shown         We normally use the rateable value quoted
in Section 10.                                   in the Valuation List in force on 31 March
(a) Assessed Measured element                    1990.

The assessed measured element consists of:       The 1999 Water Industry Act allowed us to
                                                 continue to use the rateable value for water
  1. A standing charge for each service          charges even though it is no longer used for
     provided.                                   taxation.
  2. An assessed volume charge for each
     service provided.                           When you should pay
The standing charge is a fixed charge set        Charges are calculated for the whole year
at the same level as the metered standing        starting 1 April 2014 and are due and
charge for a normal household meter and          payable on that date. However, we will
covers the costs of maintaining your water       accept payment:
services account.                                However, we will accept payment:
The assessed volume charge for the water           • by two instalments on 1 April
supply service is based on the number of             and 1 October,
bedrooms in your home, or on single
occupancy (see Section 1). To calculate the        • if you contact us, by regular weekly,
assessed volume charge we multiply your              fortnightly or monthly instalments.
assessed volume (in cubic metres) by the
                                                 If you fail to pay an instalment on time, the
metered water volume charge.
                                                 arrangement will be cancelled and the
The assessed volume charge for the               remaining balance becomes payable in full
sewerage service is based on 92.5% of the        immediately.
assessed volume of water supplied. This is
                                                 If you fail to pay your charges and your debt
to reflect the fact that not all the water you
                                                 is referred to a debt collection agency for
use returns to the sewer. 92.5% is an
                                                 collection, additional charges will be added
assessment of the typical percentage return,
                                                 to your account with us.
but this will vary for all customers. To
calculate the assessed volume charge we          The ways in which you can pay your bill,
multiply your assessed water volume (in          and any instalments we agree with you, are
cubic metres) by 92.5%, then multiply the        explained in Section 7.
resulting assessed volume of sewage by the
                                                 If you move into a property part way through
metered sewerage volume charge.
                                                 a charging year we will send you a bill for
(b) Unmeasured element                           the remaining part of the year. Once we have
                                                 sent you a bill it should be paid in full
The unmeasured element consists of:
  1. A standing charge for each service
                                                 The charges in Section 10 apply for a period
                                                 of 12 months from 1 April 2014.
  2. A rateable value charge for each service
The standing charge is a fixed amount for
all properties and covers the costs of
maintaining your water services account.
The rateable value charge is calculated on
the rateable value of your home.
To calculate the rateable value charge we
multiply your home’s rateable value (in £s)
by the rateable value charge

6 : Water and sewerage charges 2014-2015
Section 4:
For customers with a metered water supply
who are paying the Support Tariff

How the Support Tariff can assist                 4. You must fully take part in an income and   How the Support Tariff works
                                                    expenditure assessment for your
The Support Tariff will assist you by capping       household. This is a free of charge         When we bill you on the Support Tariff, we
your charges so you will pay no more than           service, provided by an independent         start by making the following calculations:
you would have paid if you had remained on          specialist company. They will provide an    1. We calculate what your metered charges
unmetered charges.                                  independent assessment of the amount of        would be for the billing period if you were
                                                    money you have available to pay towards        paying our normal metered tariff (as
How you qualify                                     any increase in your water services            shown in Section 10). We call this the
The Support Tariff has been designed to             charges following the switch to metered        measured element.
provide assistance with charges for                 charges.
                                                                                                2. We calculate what your unmetered
customers who meet the following criteria:       5. The independent specialist company who         charges would have been for the billing
• their home has been metered under our             conducts the income and expenditure            period if we hadn’t installed a meter
  metering programme, and                           assessment for your household must             under our metering programme and you
                                                    recommend to us that you are unable to         were paying our normal unmetered tariff
• their charges have increased as a direct          afford the increase in your charges.           (as shown in Section 10). We call this the
  result of the switch from unmetered to                                                           unmeasured element.
  metered charges, and                           6. Within 30 days of the income and
                                                    expenditure assessment for your             3. We calculate the difference between the
• they are unable to afford that increase in        household being completed, and within          two sets of charges. We call this the
  charges.                                          12 months of your switch to metered            Support Tariff credit.
In order to qualify for the Support Tariff you      charges, you must complete and return a
                                                    form applying for the Support Tariff.       Where the measured element is greater than
must successfully complete our application                                                      the unmeasured element, the amount we
process, which has the following steps:          7. You must agree and maintain a payment       actually bill you under the Support Tariff will
1. You must fully take part in our Home             arrangement with us.                        be the measured element less the Support
   Saver check. This is a free of charge         If you are not recommended for the Support     Tariff credit. This ensures that the amount
   water and energy efficiency audit of your     Tariff by the independent specialist company   of your metered charges is the same as the
   home.                                         who conducts the income and expenditure        amount that you would have paid if you had
                                                 assessment for your household, and you do      remained on unmetered charges.
2. You must accept any reasonable and
   practical offer we make to you to install     not agree with their decision, you may ask     Should the measured element be less than
   water efficient devices and appliances at     the Citizens Advice Bureau to undertake the    the unmeasured element, it may be an
   your home. These devices and appliances       assessment.                                    indication that you no longer qualify for the
   will be supplied and fitted free of charge.   In these circumstances, we will accept the     Support Tariff. In these circumstances we
                                                 decision of the Citizens Advice Bureau.        will bill you the measured element only, and
3. You must fully take part in a benefits                                                       then investigate whether it is appropriate
   entitlement check. This is a free of                                                         that you remain on the Support Tariff.
   charge service, provided by an
   independent specialist company, to assist                                                    If you qualify for the Support Tariff, it will
   you in securing your full entitlement to                                                     be applied from the date that we switch
   state benefits.                                                                              you to metered charges and shall end
                                                                                                12 months later, or at the end of the billing
                                                                                                period (if that is later).
                                                                                                Before the 12 month period runs out,
                                                                                                we will invite you to renew your application
                                                                                                for the Support Tariff, provided that you
                                                                                                still qualify for assistance from the tariff.
                                                                                                If you cease to qualify for the Support Tariff
                                                                                                part way through the 12 month period of
                                                                                                entitlement, we will continue to apply the
                                                                                                capped charges until the end of the current
                                                                                                billing period.

7 : Water and sewerage charges 2014-2015
Section 4:
For customers with a metered water supply
who are paying the Support Tariff (continued)

How the measured and                             (b) Unmeasured element                           When you should pay
unmeasured elements                              The unmeasured element consists of:              We will normally send you a bill once every
are calculated                                                                                    six months following the routine reading
                                                 1. A standing charge for each service
                                                                                                  taken on your meter, but we may bill you at
The measured element is based on our                provided
                                                                                                  different intervals if necessary.
normal metered tariff and the unmeasured         2. A rateable value charge for each service
element is based on our normal unmetered                                                          Once we have sent you a bill, it should be
tariff. These tariffs are shown in Section 10.                                                    paid in full immediately. However, if you
                                                 The standing charge is a fixed amount for        contact us, we will agree an instalment
(a) Measured element                             all properties and covers the costs              arrangement with you to pay your bill by
The measured element consists of:                of maintaining your water services account.      regular weekly, fortnightly or monthly
                                                                                                  instalments. If you fail to pay an instalment
1. A standing charge for each service            The rateable value charge is calculated on
                                                                                                  on time, the arrangement will be cancelled
   provided                                      the rateable value of your home.
                                                                                                  and the remaining balance becomes payable
2. A volume charge for each service              To calculate the rateable value charge we        in full immediately.
   provided                                      multiply your home’s rateable value (in £s)
                                                                                                  If you fail to pay your charges and your debt
                                                 by the rateable value charge.
The standing charge is a fixed charge                                                             is referred to a debt collection agency for
based on the size of the meter fitted to         If you paid assessed charges before we           collection, additional charges will be added
your water supply and covers the costs           metered your home under our metering             to your account with us.
of maintaining your water services account.      programme, then the unmeasured element
                                                                                                  The ways in which you can pay your bill,
Most household properties are served by a        will consist of the assessed charge based on
                                                                                                  and any instalments we agree with you,
15mm or 20mm meter, and, therefore,              the number of bedrooms in your home, or on
                                                                                                  are explained in Section 7.
attract the lowest level of standing charge.     single occupancy if applicable.
                                                                                                  The charges in Section 10 apply for a period
The volume charge for the water supply                                                            of 12 months from 1 April 2014. Where the
service is based on the amount of water          What is rateable value?
                                                                                                  bill covers any dates outside that period,
supplied to your home, and this will             The rateable value was used as the basis         your charges will be apportioned on a daily
normally be the volume of water recorded         for local authority taxation prior to 1990.      basis and applied to the appropriate tariff in
on the meter in each billing period (normally    Rateable values were set by the Valuation        place for that period.
six months). To calculate the volume charge      Office (formerly part of the Inland Revenue,
we multiply the volume of water supplied         now part of HM Revenue and Customs) to
(in cubic metres) by the metered water           reflect the rental value of the property.
volume charge.                                   We normally use the rateable value quoted
                                                 in the Valuation List in force on 31 March
The volume charge for the sewerage service       1990.
is based on 92.5% of the volume of water
supplied. This is to reflect the fact that not   The 1999 Water Industry Act allowed us to
all the water you use returns to the sewer.      continue to use the rateable value for water
92.5% is an assessment of the typical            charges even though it is no longer used for
percentage return, but this will vary for all    taxation.
customers. To calculate the volume charge
we multiply your water volume (in cubic          Meter readings
metres) by 92.5%, then multiply the
                                                 So that you can see how much water you
resulting assessed volume of sewage by the
                                                 are using, and what your metered charges
metered sewerage volume charge.
                                                 would be without the assistance provided by
If you are able to provide evidence that         the Support Tariff, we will normally take two
much less than 92.5% of the water supplied       readings on your meter every year,
regularly returns to the sewer, you may apply    approximately six months apart. If for any
for an adjustment to your sewerage volume        reason we cannot take a reading on your
charges.                                         meter, or we believe the meter has not been
                                                 recording properly, we will estimate your
If we do agree to an adjustment, it will take
                                                 meter reading, but this can be adjusted later
effect from the date of your last account
                                                 if the actual volume of water used is
before we received your application. After
this, you must tell us straight away if there
is any change in your circumstances that
may affect the adjustment we have agreed.        If there is a leak
Where there has been such a change in            If there is a leak on your supply, our Code of
circumstances, any further adjustment to         Practice on Leakage governs how we will
your sewerage volume charges will be made        adjust your bill. Please contact our Customer
from the date of that change.                    Services Centre or go to our website if you
                                                 would like to receive a copy of our Code of
                                                 Practice on Leakage (see Section 11 on how
                                                 to contact us).

8 : Water and sewerage charges 2014-2015
Section 5:
For customers with an unmetered water supply
who are paying the Support Tariff

How the Support Tariff can assist                 4. You must fully take part in an income and   How the Support Tariff works
                                                    expenditure assessment for your
The Support Tariff will assist you by capping       household. This is a free of charge         When we bill you on the Support Tariff, we
your assessed charges at the amount you             service, provided by an independent         start by making the following calculations:
would have paid if you had remained on              specialist company. They will provide an    1. We calculate what your assessed charges
unmetered charges.                                  independent assessment of the amount of        would be for the billing period if you were
                                                    money you have available to pay towards        paying our normal assessed charge (as
How you qualify                                     any increase in your water services            shown in Section 10). We call this the
                                                    charges following the switch to assessed       assessed measured element.
The Support Tariff has been designed to
provide assistance with charges for                                                             2. We calculate what your unmetered
customers who meet the following criteria:       5. The independent specialist company who         charges would have been for the billing
                                                    conducts the income and expenditure            period if we hadn’t switched you to
• their charges have been switched from
                                                    assessment for your household must             assessed charges under our metering
  unmetered to assessed under our metering
                                                    recommend to us that you are unable to         programme and you were paying our
  programme, and
                                                    afford the increase in your charges.           normal unmetered tariff (as shown in
• their charges have increased as a direct                                                         Section 10). We call this the unmeasured
                                                 6. Within 30 days of the income and
  result of the switch from unmetered to                                                           element.
                                                    expenditure assessment for your
  assessed charges, and
                                                    household being completed, and within       3. We calculate the difference between the
• they are unable to afford that increase in        12 months of your switch to assessed           two sets of charges. We call this the
  charges.                                          charges, you must complete and return a        Support Tariff credit.
                                                    form applying for the Support Tariff.
In order to qualify for the Support Tariff you                                                  Where the assessed measured element is
must successfully complete our application       7. You must agree and maintain a payment       greater than the unmeasured element, the
process, which has the following steps:             arrangement with us.                        amount we actually bill you under the
                                                 If you are not recommended for the Support     Support Tariff will be the assessed measured
1. You must fully take part in our Home
                                                 Tariff by the independent specialist company   element less the Support Tariff credit. This
   Saver check. This is a free of charge
                                                 who conducts the income and expenditure        ensures that the amount of your assessed
   water and energy efficiency audit of your
                                                 assessment for your household, and you do      charges is the same as the amount that you
                                                 not agree with their decision, you may ask     would have paid if you had remained on
2. You must accept any reasonable and                                                           unmetered charges.
                                                 the Citizens Advice Bureau to undertake the
   practical offer we make to you to install
                                                 assessment.                                    Should the assessed measured element be
   water efficient devices and appliances at
                                                 In these circumstances, we will accept the     less than the unmeasured element, it may be
   your home. These devices and appliances
                                                 decision of the Citizens Advice Bureau.        an indication that you no longer qualify for
   will be supplied and fitted free of charge.
                                                                                                the Support Tariff. In these circumstances we
3. You must fully take part in a benefits                                                       will bill you the assessed measured element
   entitlement check. This is a free of                                                         only, and then investigate whether it is
   charge service, provided by an                                                               appropriate that you remain on the Support
   independent specialist company, to assist                                                    Tariff.
   you in securing your full entitlement to
                                                                                                If you qualify for the Support Tariff, it will be
   state benefits.
                                                                                                applied from the date that we switch you to
                                                                                                assessed charges and shall end 12 months
                                                                                                later, or at the end of the billing period (if
                                                                                                that is later).
                                                                                                Before the 12 month period runs out, we will
                                                                                                invite you to renew your application for the
                                                                                                Support Tariff, provided that you still qualify
                                                                                                for assistance from the tariff.
                                                                                                If you cease to qualify for the Support Tariff
                                                                                                part way through the 12 month period of
                                                                                                entitlement, we will continue to apply the
                                                                                                capped charges until the end of the current
                                                                                                billing period.

9 : Water and sewerage charges 2014-2015
Section 5:
For customers with an unmetered water supply
who are paying the Support Tariff (continued)

How the assessed measured                       What is rateable value?
and unmeasured elements                         The rateable value was used as the basis
are calculated                                  for local authority taxation prior to 1990.
                                                Rateable values were set by the Valuation
The assessed measured element is based          Office (formerly part of the Inland Revenue,
on our normal assessed charge and the           now part of HM Revenue and Customs) to
unmeasured element is based on our              reflect the rental value of the property.
normal unmetered tariff. These are shown        We normally use the rateable value quoted
in Section 10.                                  in the Valuation List in force on 31 March
(a) Assessed measured element
                                                The 1999 Water Industry Act allowed us to
The assessed measured element consists of:
                                                continue to use the rateable value for water
1. A standing charge for each service           charges even though it is no longer used for
   provided.                                    taxation.
2. An assessed volume charge for each
   service provided.                            When you should pay
The standing charge is a fixed charge set       Charges are calculated for the whole year
at the same level as the metered standing       starting 1 April 2014 and are due and
charge for a normal household meter and         payable on that date. However, we will
covers the costs of maintaining your water      accept payment:
services account.                               However, we will accept payment:
The assessed volume charge for the water
supply service is based on the number of        • by two instalments on 1 April and
bedrooms in your home, or on single               1 October,
occupancy (see Section 1). To calculate the
                                                • if you contact us, by regular weekly,
assessed volume charge we multiply your
                                                  fortnightly or monthly instalments.
assessed volume (in cubic metres) by the
metered water volume charge.                    If you fail to pay an instalment on time,
                                                the arrangement will be cancelled and the
The assessed volume charge for the
                                                remaining balance becomes payable in full
sewerage service is based on 92.5% of
the assessed volume of water supplied.
This is to reflect the fact that not all the    If you fail to pay your charges and your debt
water you use returns to the sewer. 92.5%       is referred to a debt collection agency for
is an assessment of the typical percentage      collection, additional charges will be added
return, but this will vary for all customers.   to your account with us.
To calculate the assessed volume charge
we multiply your assessed water volume          The ways in which you can pay your bill,
(in cubic metres) by 92.5%, then multiply       and any instalments we agree with you,
the resulting assessed volume of sewage         are explained in Section 7.
by the metered sewerage volume charge.
                                                If you move into a property part way through
(b) Unmeasured element                          a charging year we will send you a bill for
The unmeasured element consists of:             the remaining part of the year. Once we have
                                                sent you a bill it should be paid in full
1. A standing charge for each service           immediately.
                                                The charges in Section 10 apply for a period
2. A rateable value charge for each service
                                                of 12 months from 1 April 2014.
The standing charge is a fixed amount for
all properties and covers the costs of
maintaining your water services account.
The rateable value charge is calculated on
the rateable value of your home.
To calculate the rateable value charge we
multiply your home’s rateable value (in £s)
by the rateable value charge.

10 : Water and sewerage charges 2014-2015
Section 6:
Special help for vulnerable customers
(WaterSure tariff)

How the WaterSure tariff                        The qualifying medical conditions are:
can assist                                       a) desquamation
The WaterSure tariff limits your annual          b) weeping skin disease
charge to the average annual charge              c) incontinence
for domestic water supply and sewerage           d) abdominal stoma
services.                                        e) Crohn’s disease
                                                 f) ulcerative colitis
How you qualify                                  g) renal failure requiring home dialysis
The Government has decided that                We will also consider an application
certain groups of people with                  if your medical condition is similar to
unavoidably high water use can receive         one of those listed above, provided you
special help with their metered charges.       satisfy the other conditions.
This help is provided by the WaterSure
                                               How to apply
If you qualify for the WaterSure tariff        You must complete a claim form and
and our Support Tariff, we will help you       provide documentary evidence to
decide which of the two tariffs gives          confirm that you satisfy the conditions.
you the most help with your charges.           We may verify details with the
To qualify for the WaterSure tariff, you       appropriate organisation. For a detailed
(or someone else who lives with you)           explanation of the circumstances in
must meet all of the conditions in (1)         which you could qualify, and an
to (3) below.                                  application form, please visit our website
                                               or telephone 0800 027 0363.
(1) You must be paying metered
    charges.                                   How the WaterSure tariff
(2) You must be receiving one of the           works
    specified benefits or tax credits
                                               Once we have established your
    (see below).
                                               entitlement to help, we will limit your
The qualifying benefits are:                   annual charge to the average annual
                                               charge for domestic water supply and
     a) Child Tax Credit (you must receive
                                               sewerage services. This is known as the
        more than the family element)
                                               WaterSure tariff, and Section 10 shows
     b) Means-tested Council Tax Benefit       the WaterSure tariff for each service for
        (not including reductions/discounts)   the charging year starting 1 April 2014.
                                               The assistance will begin from the start
     c) Housing Benefit
                                               of the billing period in which you applied
     d) Income-based Jobseeker’s               and end 12 months later or at the end of
        Allowance                              the billing period (if that is later).
     e) Income Support                         Before the 12 month period runs out,
                                               we will invite you to renew your claim –
     f) Pension Credit                         provided you still satisfy the conditions.
     g) Working Tax Credit                     If you cease to satisfy one or more of
     h) Income-related employment              the conditions part way through the
        and support allowance                  12 month period of entitlement, we will
                                               continue to apply the limit until the end
(3) You (or someone else who lives with        of the current billing period.
    you) must either:
(i) be receiving Child Benefit for three
    or more dependent children under 19
    who are in full time education that
    live with you;
(ii) be receiving treatment for one
     or more of the medical conditions
     specified by the Government
     (see below), as a result of which
     a significant extra amount of water
     has to be used.

11 : Water and sewerage charges 2014-2015
Section 7:
Paying your bill

Who is responsible                           How you can pay                                Difficulties with paying
for paying charges?                          • Direct Debit – Please go to our              If you are worried about paying your
                                               website to apply on-line or ring             Southern Water bills we will do all we
The person(s) living in a property is(are)     our 24-hour automated line on                can to help. We will always take into
responsible for paying charges for the         0845 270 1508. Alternatively we              account your personal circumstances
water supply and/or sewerage services          can take your details over the phone or      and try to come to a mutually agreeable
provided to them.                              send you a form to complete.                 payment arrangement. More information
In certain situations we may accept          • Debit and credit cards – Please go           is available on our website, or you can
someone else, such as a landlord, as           to our website to pay online or ring         contact us (see Section 11).
responsible for paying the charges.            our 24-hour automated line on
But, you must agree this with us first.        0845 270 1508.
                                             • PayPoint – For weekly, fortnightly
                                               or monthly instalments, cash
                                               payments can be made at any shop
                                               with a PayPoint terminal. If you don’t
                                               have a payment card please take your
                                               bill with you. You can ring our 24-hour
                                               automated line on 0845 270 1508
                                               to apply for a payment card.
                                             • At a bank or post office – Payments
                                               can be made at most banks or post
                                               office branches using the payment slip
                                               provided on your bill. Payments may
                                               also be made at post office branches
                                               using a payment card. The service is
                                               free of charge if paid at the post office,
                                               at a branch of NatWest, or at any
                                               branch of your own bank (except
                                               Santander and Halifax).
                                             • Home or telephone banking – Please
                                               quote your payment reference number.
                                               Our bank sort code is 57-70-63 and
                                               our bank account number is
                                             • By post – Please complete and tear
                                               off the payment slip provided on your
                                               bill, and send it with your cheque
                                               made payable to Southern Water to
                                               PO Box 41, Worthing,
                                               West Sussex BN13 3NZ.
                                             • BillPay – This facility is offered
                                               in conjunction with Santander.
                                               Please go to our website to pay online
                                               by credit or debit card free of charge.
                                             • Water Direct – You can also ask us
                                               to apply on your behalf to the
                                               Department for Work and Pensions
                                               for payments to be made directly from
                                               certain benefits or credits under the
                                               Water Direct scheme.

12 : Water and sewerage charges 2014-2015
Section 8:
Use of Personal Information

Our full Privacy Statement is available via      (iii) if you do not pay your debt, we may          8.6 We will check your details with one
our website (www.southernwater.co.uk)                  transfer your debt to another                    or more credit reference and fraud
or on written request. A summary is                    organisation and give them details               prevention agencies to help us make
provided below.                                        about you and that debt;                         decisions about your ability to make
                                                                                                        payments and the payment
8.1 We may use your information to do the        (iv) if we have been asked (for example by
                                                                                                        arrangements which we may offer you.
    following:                                        Ofwat or a lawyer) to provide
                                                                                                        Below, we have given a brief guide
                                                      information for legal or regulatory
(i)    Provide you with water and sewerage                                                              to how we, the credit reference and
       services (where licensed to do so in                                                             fraud prevention agencies will use
       your area).                               (v)   as part of current or future legal action;       your information. If you would like
                                                                                                        more information about this, you
(ii)   Help run, and contact you about           (vi) as part of data-sharing initiatives, for
                                                                                                        can find the full version at
       improving the way we run any                   example, those designed to assist
       accounts, services we have provided            vulnerable groups of people;
                                                                                                        or phone us on 0845 272 0845
       before, now or in the future.
                                                 (vii) to provide you information on water-             and we will send you a leaflet.
(iii) Create statistics, analyse customer              related goods or services offered by
                                                                                                    (i)    We will search at credit reference
      information, create profiles (including          trusted third parties (unless you have
                                                                                                           and fraud prevention agencies for
      using information about what services            notified us of an objection);
                                                                                                           information about you. If you are
      we supply to you and how you pay for
                                                 (viii) where water and wastewater services                providing information about other
                                                        are provided by us and another water               people who receive our services on
(iv) Help prevent and detect debt, fraud                company, in order that our and their               a joint basis, you must make sure they
     and loss.                                          records are kept up to date.                       agree that we can use their information
                                                                                                           to do this. If you give us false or
(v)    Help train our staff.                     From time to time these other people or                   inaccurate information and we suspect
                                                 organisations may be outside the European                 fraud, we will pass your details to
(vi) Contact you in any way (including by
                                                 Economic Area (EEA), and as a result we                   credit reference and fraud prevention
     email, phone, text or multimedia
                                                 may use your information in countries that                agencies. Law enforcement agencies
     message or other forms of electronic
                                                 do not have the same standards or                         (such as the police and HM Revenue
     communications or by visiting you)
                                                 protection for personal information as the                & Customs) may receive and use this
     about our services.
                                                 UK. Where such transfer occurs, we will put               information.
(vii) Provide you information on water-          in place appropriate measures to safeguard
      related goods or services that we          the data.                                          (ii)   We and other organisations may
      believe may be of benefit (unless you                                                                also access and use information about
                                                 8.4 If we suspect someone has committed                   you that credit reference and fraud
      have notified us of an objection).
                                                     fraud or stolen water by tampering with               prevention agencies give us to, for
(viii) Make automated decisions.                     the meter or diverting the water supply,              example:
                                                     we will record these details on your
8.2 We may monitor and record any                                                                          (a) check details on applications you
                                                     account record and may share this
    communications we have with you,                                                                           make for credit and credit-related
                                                     information with Ofwat and other
    including phone conversations and                                                                          services;
                                                     people who are interested (such as
    emails, to make sure we are providing
                                                     landlords, housing associations, police
    a good quality and efficient service and                                                               (b) check your identity;
                                                     or other authorities). We may use this
    meeting our regulatory and legal                                                                       (c) prevent and detect fraud and
                                                     information to make decisions about
    responsibilities.                                                                                          money laundering;
                                                     you, your character, how likely we think
8.3 We may allow other people and                    you are able to pay for the services we
                                                                                                           (d) manage credit and credit-related
    organisations to use information we              provide to you. This may include
                                                                                                               accounts or services;
    hold about you:                                  recording sensitive personal information
                                                     such as criminal offences you have                    (e) recover debt;
(i)    to provide services you have requested,       been accused of.
       which may include providing                                                                         (f) check details on proposals and
       information to members of your family     8.5 In limited circumstances where you                        claims for all types of insurance;
       or household, anyone acting on your           inform us, or we believe, that you (or a                  and
       behalf or other people who may be             member of your household) need extra
                                                                                                           (g) check details of employees and
       interested (such as landlords                 care (for example, because of your age,
                                                                                                               people applying for jobs with us.
       or letting agents);                           health, disability or financial
                                                     circumstances), we may record this in          (iii) When credit reference agencies receive
(ii)   to help to prevent and detect debt,           the information we hold about you.                   a search from us, they will record this
       fraud, or loss (for example by giving         We may share your information with                   on your credit file.
       this information to a credit reference        social services, charities, healthcare
       agency), which is described in more           and other support organisations, if we
       detail in clauses 8.4 & 8.6 below;            believe that this is warranted and that
                                                     they may be able to help you.

13 : Water and sewerage charges 2014-2015
Section 8:
Use of Personal Information (continued)

(iv) We will send information on your           8.7 If you give us information on behalf of
     account to credit reference agencies           someone else, you confirm that they
     and they will record it. If you have an        have given permission for us to use
     account with us, we will give details of       their personal information in the way
     it and how you manage it to credit             we have described above and/or within
     reference agencies. If you have an             our full Privacy Statement. If you give
     account and do not repay money you             us sensitive information about yourself
     owe in full or on time, credit reference       or other people (such as health details
     agencies will record this debt. They           or details of any criminal convictions of
     may give this information to other             members of your household), you agree
     organisations and fraud prevention             (and confirm that the person the
     agencies to carry out similar checks,          information is about has agreed) that
     find out where you are and deal with           we can use this information in the way
     any money you owe. The credit                  set out in this document and/or our full
     reference agencies keep records for six        Privacy Statement.
     years after your account has been
                                                8.8 You are entitled to have a copy of the
     closed, you have paid the debt or
                                                    information we hold on you, and to
     action has been taken against you to
                                                    have any inaccurate information
     recover the debt.
                                                    corrected. We may charge you a small
(v)   We and other organisations may access         fee for providing a copy of any
      and use, from other countries,                information we hold about you.
      information recorded by fraud                 For more information about this, or
      prevention agencies.                          our use of your personal data, please
                                                    contact us as follows:
(vi) If you want to see what information
     credit reference and fraud prevention      By post:
     agencies hold about you, you can           Data Protection Officer
     contact the following agencies currently   Southern Water
     working in the UK. They will charge        Southern House
     you a small fee.                           Yeoman Road
                                                BN13 3NX
Consumer Services Team
PO Box 491                                      Email:
Leeds                                           dataprotection@southernwater.co.uk
Telephone: 0845 366 0071
Website: www.callcredit.co.uk
Consumer Help Service
PO Box 8000
NG80 7WF
Telephone: 0844 481 8000
Website: www.experian.co.uk
Equifax Plc
Credit File Advice Centre
PO Box 1140
Telephone: 0844 335 0550
Website: www.myequifax.co.uk

14 : Water and sewerage charges 2014-2015
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