Page created by Esther Bush
VoRT & FET RRT Guide
for Employees & Vendors in

            This material may contain confidential and/or official information. The terms and conditions governing its use can be found at www.enterprisesg.gov.sg/Terms-of-Use.
Who is this testing regime for?
 Supermarkets which meet ANY of the 2 criteria:
 1. consumer facing outlets with a Supermarket License from Singapore Food Agency (SFA) OR
 2. Located in a retail mall

                                Outlet is located within a mall         Outlet is not located within a mall
 Existing Supermarket license   Testing regime is applicable for this   Testing regime is applicable for
                                outlet.                                 this outlet.

 No Supermarket license         Testing regime is applicable for this   Testing regime is not applicable
                                outlet. However, please refer to this   for this outlet.
                                link instead of this guide.

Content Page

1.   Overview of Testing Regimes
2.   Definition of Fully-Vaccinated, Medically Ineligible (MI) & Verification Approaches
3.   Training Requirements to Support ESSS
4.   Procurement and Delivery of ART Test Kits
5.   Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) Guidelines
6.   Client Journey & ART Results Handling Workflow
7.   Ground Operations & Recommended Site Layout Templates
8.   Swab Registration System (SRS) guide
9.   Follow up for Supermarkets

Broad principles of VoRT and FET RRT regimes for
supermarket workers
                                                                            FET RRT                                                                  VoRT
Categories of individuals to                     • All workers1 at supermarkets regardless                              • Unvaccinated workers1 at supermarkets
be tested                                          of vaccination status                                                   • Includes external vendors (e.g.
                                                     • Includes external vendors (e.g.                                        promoters) and non-public facing
                                                        promoters) and non-public facing                                      roles

Testing frequency                                • 1x ART per week                                                      • 2x ART per week
Mode of testing                                  • Employer Supervised Self-Swab (ESSS)                                 • Employer Supervised Self-Swab (ESSS)
Funding & Support                                • Fully subsidised for all                                             • Subsidised only for medically ineligible
                                                   supermarket workers                                                    (MI) workers
Effective date                                   • Progressively from 27 September 2021                                 • From 1 October 2021

1This applies to all full and part time employees and vendors working in supermarkets. External vendors include (i) cleaners, (ii) customer facing vendors (e.g. promoters), (iii) all
other vendors stationed in supermarket outlets. This also includes business owners and outlet managers that work at the supermarket outlet.
Fast and Easy Test (FET) Rostered Routine Testing (RRT) regime

•   Testing continues to be an important part of our strategy to detect and ringfence infections in the
    community. Given the rate of increase in community spread..
    • The frequency of the mandatory FET RRT regime for supermarkets is one test every 7 days
•   These tests will continue to be administered primarily through Employer Supervised Self-Swab (ESSS),
    regardless of vaccination status (i.e. all workers)
•   Government will subsidise the costs of all tests under this enhanced surveillance regime, for both
    vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals until the end of 2021.
•   Companies will be onboarded progressively from 27 September 2021

Vaccinate or Regular Test (VoRT) regime

•   In order to expand our vaccine coverage, we will require vaccination, or regular testing in lieu, for
    selected sectors of the workforce. Unvaccinated persons will be required to undergo regular testing to
    pick up possible infections early, so that they can be treated early.
•   The VoRT regime (first introduced on 6 August), has been extended to include retail, supermarket
    workers and large standalone stores as they interact more frequently with the general public.
    • This applies to all workers in supermarket outlets
•   From 1 October 2021, unvaccinated persons from these sectors (including the medically ineligible) will
    need to be tested twice weekly using ART
•   These tests will be administered primarily through Employer Supervised Self-Swab (ESSS)

Definition of
Medically Ineligible
(MI) & Verification
(Applicable for VoRT Regime)
Definition of Fully Vaccinated

                             Full                                                      14 Days
                        Regiment                                  and                has lapsed
                             Of any approved                                     After receiving a full regiment
                                 vaccines*                                         of any approved vaccines

       *Approved Vaccines:
       (1) Tozinameran (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine or Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine);
       (2) Moderna COVID-19 vaccine);
       (3) Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine);
       (4) Covishield COVID-19 vaccine;
       (5) Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) Janssen COVID-19 vaccine;
       (6) Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine;
       (7) Sinovac-Coronavac COVID-19 vaccine.

       Where the individual is vaccinated with vaccines (3) to (7), their vaccination records needs to be ingested
       into MOH’s national IT systems before they will be recognised.

Definition of Fully Vaccinated (Continued)
Category      Requirement(s)                                                                              Verification
Fully         a. Completed full regime of the Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty or Moderna under the              a. TraceTogether app
vaccinated       National Vaccination Programme with an additional two weeks for the vaccine to be        b. HealthHub
                 fully effective                                                                          c. Local physical
              b. Completed 1 dose of Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty or Moderna and subsequently two                vaccination card +
                 doses of Sinovac-CoronaVac under Sinovac after mRNA (SAM) programme, with an                 NRIC/FIN
                 additional two weeks for the vaccine to be fully effective;
              c.   Completed full regime the WHO EUL vaccines with an additional two weeks for the
                   vaccine to be fully effective and data ingested into MOH systems; OR
              d. Recovered from COVID-19 based on a positive PCR test result obtained in Singapore
                 and has taken one dose of Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty or Moderna, with an additional
                 two weeks for the vaccine to be fully effective

Recovered     a.   Recovered from COVID-19 based on a positive PCR test result obtained in Singapore in   a. Local discharge
from COVID-19      the last 270 days, and has not taken one dose of vaccine                                  memo (which
                                                                                                             indicates the date
                                                                                                             of the 1st PCR
                                                                                                             positive test result)
Definition of Medically Ineligible (MI)

       Allergic to mRNA vaccines
       or any other components of the mRNA vaccines

       Developed myocarditis
       after receiving any mRNA vaccines

       Developed a severe adverse reaction to a previous dose of any mRNA vaccine
       and determined by a physician that he/she should not receive a 2nd mRNA vaccine dose

       Persons with the following conditions, who will hence be severely immunocompromised
       and who could not obtain a memo from their specialist to certify that they are eligible for vaccination
       at that point in time, will temporarily be ineligible for any COVID-19 vaccine
       a. Transplant within past 3 months
       b. Aggressive immunotherapy
       c. Active cancer on treatment

Approach to Verify MI Status
 1.   All MI individuals need to be certified by doctors with doctor’s memo
 2.   Some MI individuals would have been certified by a doctor at a Vaccination Centre, however:
      a.   if a MI individual lost his/her doctor’s memo, he/she will need to re-obtain it from a
      b.   MI individuals can visit a PHPC clinic or other GP clinics to obtain another memo at their
           own charge.
 1.   A sample of the doctor’s memo for reference:

Sample of doctor’s memo for reference

Training Requirements
to Support ESSS
Employer supervised self-swab training for supervisors
•     The supervisory training in ART swab is 4 hours in duration and conducted via Zoom
•     Fully subsidized for workers from mandatory VoRT and FET RRT sector
•     For workers in the non-mandatory sector, the training cost can be found on HMI’s website
•     Certificate of attendance will be issued 2 weeks after the course
•     Learners can conduct ART supervision duties immediately after completing this 4 hours synchronous course (3 time slots: 8am-
      12pm, 2pm-6pm, 6pm-10pm)
•     Course evaluation
      •    As this is only a Certificate of Attendance but not a competency based course, HMI will use quiz to evaluate the level of
           understanding and reinforce the topics as required. There will be no formal assessment to be conducted
•   Visit HMI’s website at https://hmi-ihs.com/supervisory-training-in-art-self-swab/ for latest details on the ESSS training.
•   Booking link: https://lms.wizlearn.com/hmiinstitute-virtualcampus/Login/Login_hmiinstitute-virtualcampus.aspx

Requirements and roles & responsibilities of Supervisors
Additional requirements
•    If a Supervisor is above 50 years old, they must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (i.e. they received two doses of the
     COVID-19 vaccination under Singapore’s national vaccination programme and 14 days have passed from the time of the
     second dose ) before they can perform any supervisory role.
•    For fully vaccinated supervisors who are 50 years old and above and fully vaccinated/unvaccinated supervisors 49 years old
     and below, surgical 3-ply mask and face shield/goggles are required.
Roles & Responsibilities
•    Before commencing the swab process, supervisor need to ensure that workers:
     •     Do not have any ARI symptoms
     •     Do not have any nosebleed (past 24hrs), facial surgery (last 8 weeks), nasal surgery (last 4 weeks)

     •     Ensure Infection Prevention Control (IPC) guidelines are observed
     •     Ensure that self-swabbing and testing is done properly, e.g. through observation of the individuals performing the self-swab
           and testing.
           Ensure safe management measures (SMMs) are observed
           Attendance-taking and collection and documentation of results

Registration Instructions for Supervisory Training in ART Self-Swab (Synchronous E-Learning)
  Registration instructions can be found on http://hmi-ihs.com/supervisory-training-in-art-self-swab/ (refer to the “How to register?” column on the right). User journey as follow:

     1                                          2                                     3                                                  4a

                                                                                                                                                Register with your particulars,
     Click “Public Catalogue” on                     Choose preferred timeslot              Choose training date and click                    company profile info, and create a
       direct registration page:                    (8am -12pm, 2pm - 6pm, or              “Register”. Registrations close 3                   profile. Please use a valid email
      https://lms.wizlearn.com/hmiinstitute-         6pm - 10pm) & English or
     virtualcampus/Login/Login_hmiinstitute-                                              days before class commencement                       address as confirmation will be
                virtualcampus.aspx                         Chinese class                  or when classes are fully booked.                      sent to that email address.

4b                                             4c                        5                               6

                                                                                                                                        Zoom link automatically sent to participant’s
                                                                                                                                         registered email address. Do note that this
                                                                                                                                                 email is not a confirmation.
 When creating a participant account,
                                                 Do remember to
      select the most accurate job              select “Yes” under        Pre-reading materials                                           Confirmation emails will be automatically
   category that you belong to under              the “Company               can be accessed                                               sent when the minimum no. of learners
  the “Establishment” dropdown, e.g.               Sponsored”                 directly in your                                          required to open a class is achieved (30 pax).
  Masseurs should select “Masseurs”              dropdown if you                  account                                                 Classes may be cancelled 1 day before &
 from the list of choices. If you do not        are sponsored for                                                                        participants asked to reschedule if there are
    see your industry, please select                                                                                                       not enough learners to open up a class.

HMI Hotline: 6253 3818                                                                                                                                                                 14
Qualified Persons Exempted from ESSS Supervisory Training
Who are considered as qualified persons?

A “qualified person” means an individual who:
     a. is a legally qualified medical practitioner;
     b. is a qualified nurse*;
     c. has, after obtaining any of the following qualifications, acquired at least 3 continuous years of
           practical experience in clinical laboratory work in Singapore:
           a. a degree in Biomedical Science;
           b. a degree or diploma in Medical Laboratory Science; or
     d. has undergone training conducted by a specified training provider, in each of the following:
           a. to perform every type of regulated activity;
           b. to supervise the carrying out of every type of regulated activity;

*“a qualified nurse” means a registered nurse or an enrolled nurse within the meaning of the Nurses and Midwives Act (Cap. 209), who
holds a valid practising certificate under that Act

Procurement and
Delivery of ART Test Kits
ART Kits Distribution Workflow for all workers on board FET RRT regime,
and MI workers on board VoRT regime

                 01                             02                              03                            04

       Sector Leads will create a      Supermarkets to collate        Sector Leads will verify      Test kits will be
       form.sg form to collate:        the information in input       and submit the                consolidated and
       1. # of MI and FET              into form.sg form              consolidated list to ALPS     delivered to the one
            workers                                                   and order 2 months            address that
       2.   Nominal rolls of MI        Supermarkets are               supply of test kits for the   supermarkets
            and ME worker(s)           required to populate the       MI and FET workers            submitted.
                                       information at the                                           Supermarkets then
                                       supermarket chain level.       Bulk delivery of ART kits     have to distribute the
                                       For e.g. a supermarket         for FET RRT regime, and 1     test kits amongst their
                                       chain with 3 outlets           box (25s) of kits for each    outlets.
                                       should still only submit       MI worker will be
                                       the form once.                 arranged

            Note: Companies are required to procure ART kits from the open markets for ME workers on board VoRT regime

                                       Role of Sector Leads             Role of Supermarkets                                  17
ART Kits replenishment model
(More details on the replenishment process will be shared at a later date)

Infection Prevention &
Control (IPC) Guidelines
Infection Prevention & Control Guidelines
Hand Hygiene                                                           IPC Requirements for supervisors to note
                                                                       • Don face shield & surgical 3-ply face mask. For unvaccinated supervisors who are above
                                                                         50 years old and where supervision cannot be carried out in a well-ventilated area with
                                                                         3m distancing from employee conducting self-swab, N-95 mask, gown, gloves of proper
                                                                         size, face shield or goggles, and hair net (for individual with long hair) are still required.
                                                                       •   Preferably to conduct self-swabs in an outdoor setting, or indoor with ample ventilation
                                                                           (open windows/doors and fans). It is not ideal to have air-conditioning at swab location
                                                                           and hence, air-conditioning to be switched off (where possible).
                                                                       •   There should be minimal items at the swab stations.
                                                                       •   The individual should wipe down the swab station before and after swabbing. The
                                                                           supervisor/trained swabber should also ensure that the wipe down of each station is
                                                                           done properly.
                                                                       •   If company uses mirror (mounted or tabletop), it is not necessary to wipe down after
                                                                           every client if the worker does not touch the mirror. It is also not necessary to change
•    Wash your hands with soap and water (via the 8 simple                 gloves or do hand rub after every worker if supervisor does not touch any of the
     steps)*                                                               workers’ belongings or test consumables.
                                                                       •   The swab area should be properly wiped down after each day’s testing operations. This
                                        OR                                 includes furniture/queue poles/physical barriers/partitions.

•    Rub hands with hand sanitiser for at least 30 seconds             •   The flooring at swabbing zone should have a smooth surface, e.g. linoleum, vinyl finish,
                                                                           concrete, hard flooring) to facilitate ease of cleaning, such as mopping. The use of
                                                                           carpeted areas are strongly discouraged as it is difficult to clean and would have to be
                                                                           wet-vacuumed/deep cleaned/removed and discarded after the end of the operations. If
                                                                           not possible, carpeted areas must be covered with a smooth finish surface.
*https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240021280                 •   Test kits must be disposed of in closed bins, e.g. pedal bins) and waste must be then be
                                                                           double-bagged and cable-tied before placing them at the disposal holding
                                                                           area (which must be located away from human traffic and public access to prevent
                                                                           unintended exposure and cross contamination)
Client Journey & ART
Results Handling
Employer-led Supervised Self-Swab (ESSS) for Mandatory Sectors (10-15 mins)
      Green Zone           Yellow Zone           Red Zone

             1                                                              2                                                                             3

                                                                                                                                                              When ready, staff will proceed
                           Staff arrives                                        Undergo temperature screening and                                             for registration, verification of
                                                                                     check in via TT-SafeEntry                                                    personal information**

             6                                                              5                                                                             4

              Staff may proceed back to work
            after the swab, and not required to                                        Test Kit to be tagged and                                              Staff will be directed to the
                 wait for their test results.                                         left at Result table for 15 –                                        supervised self-swab ART station.
             Staff must remain contactable via                                           30mins to analyse for                                             Disinfect area with alcohol wipes
                     mobile for results.                                                         results                                                     when self-swab is completed

* Temperature taking for employees (under ESSS) at company premises will be dependent on Sector Lead’s advisory/ requirements. Temperature taking will not be required at QTCs. If client has ARI-symptoms,
on-ground staff to direct worker to nearest SASH-PHPC for ART-PCR swab test (as per workflow for ARI-patients)
** If client has contraindications, employers can seek exemption requests (See Exemption from FET-RRT section)
# Workers who are unvaccinated and medically ineligible would be required to show proof via doctor memo, for FOC test at QTC
Note: ESSS can also be conducted virtually.                                                                                                                                                              22
Workflow: AG+ Results Handling Workflow - ESSS
 Step 1
                                                2a     No ARI Symptoms/Contraindications
             Employee arrives at                                                           Employee performs supervised self-swab & waits for result.
       company’s designated location
        or present virtually for swab.         3                   Employer/Swab Supervisor/Employee scans Employee’s QR code and uploads result into SRS.
                                                       Submission Timeline: (1) Ag+ to be submitted within 30 min, (2) All other results to be submitted by end of testing day.

        ARI Symptoms/contra                    4a                           4b                                                                  4c
        detected/non-approved use                       Ag-                                  1st Ag+ / 2nd Ag (Invalid)                                        1st Ag (Invalid)
        cases/special needs and                Employee receives SMS                     Employee receives SMS of Ag+ /                               Employee receives SMS of Ag (Invalid)
                                                 of Ag- status and                                                                ARI
        disability/past infection                                                        Invalid status.                                              status.                                  No ARI:
        from COVID                               proceeds to work.                       Supervisor:                                                  Supervisor:
                                                                                         • Checks if Employee developed ARI.                          • Notifies Employee to conduct 2nd      Return to
       Employee should consult a
                                                        END                                                                                              ART promptly.                         Step 1
                                                                                                                                                      • Checks if Employee developed ARI.
       doctor for medical treatment                                                              No ARI
       immediately.                                                                                                                                               ARI
                                                           Supervisor:                                                                           5b
 If erroneous results were                                 •   Informs Employee to:                                                                             ARI Workflow
 submitted, please inform                                         i.   Self-isolate for 72hrs & subsequently self-administer a                       Employer:
 us via the link below:                         Ag-                    2nd ART (unsupervised).                                   ARI
                                                                                                                                                     • Arranges private transport1 to SASH
 https://Go.gov.sg/artpos                                         ii. Follow ARI workflow if symptoms develop.                                         Clinics for confirmatory PCR test.
 itivenoncompliance                                        Employee (after 72hrs):                                                                   Employee:
                                                           • Self-administers 2nd ART (unsupervised).                                                • Presents NRIC & Ag+ SMS or
                                                           • Employee to use their own ART kit (optional for companies to                              Referral note (signed by employer)
                                                             provide/reimburse)                                                                        at SASH Clinics for confirmatory PCR
                                                                                                         Ag+                                           test & self-isolates at home until
             6a              Ag-                      6b                                                                                               result is out.
                  Employee:                                                            ≥2nd Ag+
                  • Informs Employer of                    Employee:                                                                            6c         PCR Result Workflow
                    Ag- result
                                                Ag-        • Informs Employer of Ag+ result                                      ARI
                                                                                                                                                      • If C+, MOH will advise Employee on
                  • Stops self-isolation and               • Continues to self-isolate and repeats self-testing at least one                            the follow-on actions.
                    returns to work                          day apart until Ag-.                                                                       e.g. Home recovery, CCF, HCI, etc
                                                           • To follow ARI workflow if symptoms develop.                                              • If C-, Employee proceeds to work.
                             END                                                           Updated as of 30 Sep 2021
1 To   be conveyed via a private transport (e.g. car / taxi) with windows wind down. Refer to MOH’s website for latest update https://www.moh.gov.sg/.                  END
Management of an AG+ individual with ARI symptoms
Upon receiving AG+ result and having ARI symptoms

1.    AG+ results must be submitted within 30 minutes of the test.

2.    For SASH PHPCs, clients/employers must call the clinic to make an appointment and confirm that they are able to obtain a
      confirmatory PCR test during their visit, before heading down to the clinic. The list of SASH PHPCs can be found at

3.    AG+ individual should travel via private transport (car or taxi) with the windows wound down (switch off air conditioning).
      In addition, individual should wear a surgical mask and sit alone in the back seat (on the other side from driver)

4.    The following list of private transport service providers are available for booking. Transport cost would be borne by the
      a.     Employers/workers are required to inform the hotline operator that the worker is going to a SASH PHPC for his swab test.
      b.     For booking through mobile app, employers/workers must key “SHN” in the chat/note/comment box or check the SHN
             checkbox (if provided within the app).

S/N                   Service Provider                    Contact Number / Mobile Application    Est Booking Fees on top of metered fare
 1    ComfortDelGro Taxi (Comfort & CityCab taxis)   6333 1133 or via ComfortDelGro app          Add Booking Fee $2.30 to $4.50
 2    Trans-cab                                      6213 0997
 3    SMRT                                           6477 5971
 4    Prime                                          6776 7553
 5    Premier                                        6681 9462
 6    GrabSHN, Go-Jek, Ryde, MVL(TADA)               via respective providers’ app               Flat fare based on app          24
Management of an AG+ individual with ARI symptoms
4.   Employer will be required to:
     a.   Have sight over the employees AG+ results. It is not necessary for the employer to retain the photos of
          employees’ test kit results and ID
     b.   Inform individuals to go for a confirmatory PCR test and self-isolate until they receive their PCR results.
     c.   Inform Clients should present the one of the following for verification at the SASH clinic:

           i.    NRIC + ART Results SMS (SMS will be sent once results have been uploaded into SRS, for mandatory sectors only);
           ii.   Photo of their ART results + ID for tests conducted at home

5.   Employers should ensure that all Ag+ individuals self isolate at home until they have tested PCR- or Ag-.

Exemptions from FET-RRT Regime (Contraindications or PWDs or recovery from C+)
• To submit the Declaration Form (refer to “declaration form for FET exemption” on                                 Employee to
    www.enterprisesg.gov.sg/fast-easy-testing ) to employer to seek exemption from FET-RRT                       submit completed
                                                                                                                 Declaration Form
Employer:                                                                                                          to Employer
• To check and approve the exemption on the Declaration Form
• To track the total count of the exemption cases and report to Sector Leads.
                                                                                                                 Employer to check
                                                                                                                  Declaration Form,
Cases exempted from the FET RRT are listed below:                                                                  keep a copy and
1.    Exemption due to contraindication                                                                          inform Sector Lead
      a.   Nasal Surgery
      b.   Facial injury (that may affect the collection of nasal samples from the nostril)
                                                                                                                  Sector Leads to
2.    Exemption due to special needs and disability                                                               Client/Employee
      a.   Special needs such as autism                                                                            from FET-RRT
      b.   Disability such as vision loss, physical impairment
                                                                                                                  Sector Leads to
3.    Exemption due to past infection from COVID-19 (within 270 days)                                            monitor & report
                                                                                                                 the exempted list
      a.   The following supporting documents are required:
                                                                                                                   at DS meeting
           i.    Positive Covid-test record in HealthHub within 270 days (this should be the first C+ from the
                 last episode of confirmed infection/re-infection, a C+ from persistent shedding will not be
                 counted), or                                                                                    Client/Employee
           ii.   Doctors’ discharge memo                                                                          exempted from
                                                                                                                    FET regime
Ground Operations &
Recommended Site
Layout Templates
Proposed ground workflow for Employer Supervised Self Swab (ESSS) (1/2)
1.   Prior to arrival at the swab site, SafeEntry and temperature taking should be done. Individuals with acute respiratory infection
     should be denied entry and asked to see a doctor immediately. Individuals with Contraindications will be assessed accordingly
     (see Exemption from FET-RRT Regime Section)
2.   Each individual is to be registered upon entry. Please ensure that Safe Management Measures (SMMs) are in place during the
     registration process.
3.   The following items should be pre-placed at each swab station:
     a.    A small standing mirror (for individuals to administer self-swabs);
     b.    A box of 70% alcohol wipes for wipe down of the mirror and the environment before and after swabbing;
     c.    A bottle of hand sanitizer; and
     d.    A Ziploc bag containing 1 swab stick, 1 reaction tube and 1 test device required for ART. The ziplock bag with test kits
           could also be handed to the individual at registration.
4.   Instruction cards / infographics can be displayed at the front of swab site at line of sight to the individuals.

Proposed ground workflow for Employer Supervised Self Swab (ESSS) (2/2)
Activities at the swab stations
1.    Individuals to perform hand hygiene before commencing swabbing.
2.    Individuals to carry out self-swab. After the testing has been done, the swab stick, reaction tube and the test device may then
      be placed into the Ziploc bag (with client ID) and the Ziploc bag sealed. The test device should be laid flat and the results may be
      read in 15- 20 mins. Please refer to the manufacturer’s instructions on the exact steps to conduct the test (test kit dependent).
3.    Dispose the Ziploc bag that contains the swab stick, the reaction tube, into bins (double bagged and with cover/lid).
4.    Individuals are to wipe down the swab station (including the table and the mirror) with the 70% alcohol wipes and perform
      hand hygiene before leaving the swab station. Infographics on how to perform proper hand hygiene may be laid out. Individual
      proceeds to work*
5.    Follow-up actions for AG+ individuals should be taken accordingly.

Proposed Site Layout - ESSS

                                                                                                Swab and Go
    IPC Requirements for all
    • Hand wash & Hand Rub                                                           Mirror to be placed on each table
       before and after test
    • Wipe down of swab                                                                           3m
       stations before and after

                                                                                                                        Results Table
       every test

    IPC Requirements for
    supervisors (refer to slide 20)                                                        3m
    • Don face shield & surgical 3-ply
       face mask
    • To keep 3m distance from
       employee conducting self-swab
    • Preference for self-swab to be
                                                   If the ART tests are read at a central          Legends     Descriptions
       conducted in an outdoor
                                                   testing area, the test devices will need
       setting or indoor with ample                to be labelled clearly to avoid mix-up.
                                                                                                               Chairs with Tables (non-absorbent) and Small   32
       ventilation (open                                                                                       Mirror (instructions poster to be included)
                                                   The central testing area must be wiped
       windows/doors and fans)                     down after each batch of tests are read.                    Tables
                                                                                                               Dustbin (double-lined, preferably with a
Recommend 1 Supervisor : 5 clients (per cycle).                                                                lid/cover)                          32
New companies can consider 1 Supervisor : 2 clients (per cycle) before scaling up.
Result Interpretation using SD Bio Sensor

Please note that the
lines on the test cassette
will appear in 15
min after you have added
the specimen buffer in
the test well. Do not
read it after 30 min.

Storage Guidelines for Kits

    BD Veritor Plus System                            SD Biosensor Standard Q                            Panbio Covid-19 AG
                                                [Majority Stock for Workplace ART Operations]
                                                         17 x 7.1 x 23.5 cm (~0.39kg)

• Storage temperature requirements - 2-30 degree Celsius
• Indoor, within an air-conditioned room where available
• Pallet size 40 x 48 inch / 122 x 108 cm (height clearance – approx 1.8-2M)
• Number of tests per pallet –
     • BD - 4,320 Tests
     • Bio Sensor – 9,000 Tests
     • Pan Bio - 9, 600 Tests                                                                   For list of items in SD Biosendor box,
• Number of tests per box:                                                                                please see next slide
     • SD Bio Sensor Standard Q and Panbio COVID-19 AG – 25 tests
     • BD Veritor Plue System – 30 tests

Items in one box             SD Biosensor Standard Q   Qty             Needed for Individual Testing?
Test Device                                                    25      Yes - to break bulk                               SD BIOSENSOR KITs
(wrapped individually in
foil pouch with desiccant)

Sterile Swab Stick                                             25      Yes - to break bulk

Nozzle Cap                                                     25      Yes – to break bulk

Extraction buffer tube                                         25      Yes – to break bulk

Buffer Tray                                                  2 trays   No – not essential to individual testing, not required to break bulk
                                                                       (This is to hold the extract buffer tubes in a mass swab setting.)

Plastic Film                                                   1       No – not essential to individual testing, not required to break bulk
                                                                       (This is to cover the test device to prevent contamination by dust in a mass
                                                                       swab setting. If the individual's swab setting is generally dusty, the test device
                                                                       may be protected by using a sterile clear plastic bag.)
Standard COVID-19 Ag+                                          1       No – not essential to individual testing, not required to break bulk
Positive Control Swab                                                  (This is a control swab manufactured to verify the user’s ability to properly
                                                                       perform the test and interpret the results.)
                                                                       Not to be discarded
Standard Respiratory                                           1
                                                                       Good practice: Employers should use the QC control swabs to determine 353     the
Negative Control Swab                                                                                                                        5
                                                                       fidelity of the test kits in each box. If the QC controls do not match and display
                                                                       the right results, the company should escalate to Sector Lead/HPB.
Overview on how self-swabbing is conducted using SD Biosensor test kits   SD BIOSENSOR KITs

Swab Registration
System (SRS)
Introduction to the Swab Registration System (SRS)
•   A platform for companies to upload swab test results of their employees.
•   Sector leads will set up Admin Accounts for companies, and the Admin Accounts will be able to set up supervisor accounts iper
    outlet in the SRS directly. Admin Accounts will also be able to access the test results to ensure VoRT and FET RRT compliance,
    and follow up on employees who got a positive/invalid test result.
•   Each Admin Account creation will require a unique mobile number and email address, which will be used to access the SRS
    •    We can appoint up to 2 admin accounts per company, and these admin account holders should preferably be a HR
         manager, or anyone who have the clearance or authority to access personal and sensitive data of all your employees.
    •    Information that we need in order to create the admin accounts includes 1. Name, 2. NRIC/FIN, 3. Email Address, 4. Mobile
•   Please refer to the detailed guide in the subsequent slides for more information.

Who is this guide for?

        Company Admin                     Swab Supervisor                         Employees/ Workers
            (Refer Pg 39 - 59)               (Refer Pg 59 – 71)                      (Refer Pg 72 – 81)

• Have an SRS account                • Employee of the company                      • Do the FET self-test
• Main Role: Maintain the list of    • Has attended HMI’s 4-hrs swab                  once/twice per week under
  swab supervisors in SRS              supervisory training.                          the supervision of the swab
                                     • Main role:                                     supervisor
                                         o Supervise employees in
                                            performing a self-test once/twice
                                            per week as required by sector lead
                                         o Record employees’results in SRS
Company Admin

Overview of Workflow

                                                        Before the first test

             Upload Results
             via SRS V1
                              Uploading of Results
                              through Nominal Roll
                                 excel template

1                                                                                                 4
Login to SRS portal                                                                               Accessing FET Reports

                              2b                                   3b
                               Insert details of your               Find your company-specific
                              swab supervisors into                 SRS results submission link
                                        SRS                            and share it with your
             Upload Results                                         company’s swab supervisors
             via SRS V2

1   Logging into SRS Portal
1. Login to SRS portal
2. Change password, forget password

Login to SRS Portal (https://swab.hpb.gov.sg/ext/)
                                   using your registered email account
  Use Desktop/Laptop
  and IE Edge
1. Your sector lead will create your SRS account            3. After entering email address and password, a 6-digit
2. Access site at https://swab.hpb.gov.sg/ext/                  One-Time-Pin will be sent to your registered mobile
3. For first time users, retrieve your password from            number.2
   your registered email address1

        1Please  check your junk folder if email cannot be found in your inbox.
        2 If you do not receive your OTP despite multiple tries, it is likely that your registered mobile is

        incorrect. Please contact your sector lead(s) to check and amend.

You will be prompted to change your password
                                if you are logging in for the first time
Use Desktop/Laptop
and IE Edge
1. Click Change Password on the top right corner
2. Enter your old and new password. Click Save.

If you forget your password, click on “Forget password?” to get another one
Use Desktop/Laptop
and IE Edge
1. Click Forget password? on the main page
2. Enter your registered email address and verification code. Click Send.
3. A new password will be sent to your registered email address1.

      1Pleasecheck your junk folder if email
      cannot be found in your inbox.

Uploading of ART Results through
2a   Nominal Roll excel template

Go to “COVID-19 Testing” to upload FET Results
    Use Desktop/Laptop
    and IE Edge
                                                                                   1. Click COVID-19 Testing to Upload ART
                                                                                   2. Download the sample
                                                                                      UploadARTResultbyPIISample.xtsx file.
                                                                                   3. You will need to fill up the details and results
                                                                                      of your employees into the sample excel
                                                                                   4. Once done, click Choose File. Select your
                                                                                      saved file and click Upload.
                                                                                   5. You will see a prompt if the file has been
                                                                                      successfully uploaded.

•    Should there be any error in the uploaded excel file, there will be error
     messages indicating the row and the error encountered to the uploaded file.
•    Correct the mistakes and re-upload the whole file.
                                                                   Do not change the name of the tab, add or remove
                                                                   columns in the excel template. Otherwise, an error will be
Ensure all mandatory fields are filled accordingly
      Use Desktop/Laptop
      and IE Edge
Sample PII Template for upload
Identification   ID Type    Country of     Full Name           Date of Birth          Gender        Nationality *   Contact No     Postal       Street         Level     Unit
Number *         *          Issue *        (as in ID) *        (YYYYMMDD)*            (M/F) *                       *              Code *       Name *         No        No
S1234567D        NRIC       Singapore      John Tan            19880101               M             Singaporean     91234567       123456       Sesame         02        02
ID                                              Full Name                   DOB                             Contact Number               Address
• Character Limit: 9                            • Pls ensure no             • Character Limit: 8            • Singapore                  • Required for conveyancing
• NRIC/FIN preferred for case                       special characters      • Pls check to remove              numbers only                 if individual tested C+.
   management                                       in name (i.e. ‘)          all spacing                   • Mobile preferred,          • To insert place of
• For those without NRIC/FIN,                                                                                  otherwise no                 residence in Singapore
   passport number is acceptable.                                                                              SMS notification             (i.e. no foreign address)

Date of Test (YYYYMMDD) *               Time of Test                     Test         Test       Test       Reason for Test*              For Official Use     For Official
                                        (24hr Format HH:mm) *            Brand*       Type*      Result*                                  Only                 Use Only
                                                                                                                                          Remarks              Use Case
202100531                               09:00                            BD Veritor   ART        Positive   Supervised Self-

Date of Test                   Time of Test
• Character Limit: 8           • For individuals requiring a repeat                         Use Drop-Down Menu                                  Free Text Fields.
• Pls check to remove all         tests (invalid results), pls ensure                                                           Sector Leads (SLs) can instruct companies to
   spacing                        the date & time of tests are                                                                 fill-in info e.g. test venue/ use case (Whatever
                                  DIFFERENT for both rows                                                                      is useful for SLs to filter and track utilisation)
Please check the report emailed to you for the status of the uploaded result
Use Desktop/Laptop
and IE Edge

   6. An email report with the status of the upload will be sent to your registered email. Check if results have been
   uploaded successfully.

                                                         Please check that processed result is “OK”
Insert details of your swab
2b   supervisors
2 methods to add swab supervisors’ details
1. Add individuals one by one
2. Add multiple individuals concurrently

Go to “Staff Management” to view the list of swab supervisors
                          registered in SRS
   Use Desktop/Laptop
   and IE Edge
Click Staff Management to view your company’s list of swab supervisors registered in SRS, as well as to add/remove
swab supervisors.

                                                                                               Click these buttons to add
                                                                                                swab supervisors to SRS


               If your swab supervisors have any
                changes in their details, you may
                    click on their NRIC to edit.
Click “Add New Staff (Single)” to add swab supervisors one by one
  Use Desktop/Laptop
  and IE Edge                            Details of swab supervisors must be uploaded into SRS
                                         for ESSS. Otherwise, they will not be able to submit
1. Click Add New Staff (Single)
2. Fill in details and click Save.
                                         results via the company-specific SRS results submission

Some common error messages you may encounter
Use Desktop/Laptop
and IE Edge

     Individual has already been registered as a   Individual is currently registered as an
     swab supervisor of your company in SRS.       employee of another company in SRS.

     No further actions required.                  Please inform your employee to contact
                                                   their former company to remove their
                                                   details from SRS. You may subsequently
                                                   add their details.                         52
You can also add multiple swab supervisors into SRS at once.
                                Click on “Add New Staff (Bulk)”
      Use Desktop/Laptop                                                                      Details of swab supervisors must be
      and IE Edge
                                                                                              uploaded into SRS for ESSS.
1. Click Add New Staff (Bulk)                                                                 Otherwise, they will not be able to
2. Download the sample .xtsx file to fill up the details
                                                                                              submit results via the company-specific
3. You will need to fill up the details of your employees into the
                                                                                              SRS results submission link.
   sample excel template
 Sample Template to add employees
 Identification    Full Name      Date of Birth          Gender (M/F)   Nationality *   Contact No *   Postal   Street Name      Level      Unit
 Number *          (as in ID) *   (YYYYMMDD)*            *                                             Code *   *                No         No
 S1234567D         John Tan       19880101               M              Singaporean     91234567       123456   Sesame           02         02

 I                                   Full Name                 DOB                      Contact Number          Address
 • Character Limit: 9
 D                                   • Pls ensure no           • Character Limit: 8     • Singapore             • Mandatory field
 • NRIC/FIN preferred for case            special characters   • Pls check to remove       numbers only
   management and linkage to              in name (i.e. ‘)        all spacing           • Mobile preferred,     Postal Code
   HealthHub etc                                                                           otherwise no         • Strictly 6 characters
                                                                                           SMS notification     • For postal code that begins
                                                                                                                   with 0, pls add a ‘ to prevent
                                                                                                                   excel auto correction. E.g.
                                                                                                                   Key in 012345 as ‘012345
You can also add multiple swab supervisors into SRS at once.
                               Click on“Add New Staff (Bulk)”
   Use Desktop/Laptop
   and IE Edge
4. Once completed, click Choose File. Select your saved file and click Upload.
    • If your file was not uploaded successfully, correct the errors and try again. Refer to step 3 on how the template
       should be filled.

5. SRS will send the results of the processed file to your email. Pls check that the records were successfully uploaded (i.e.
   “Success” in status column).
                                                        Status     Remarks
       Status      Remarks
                                                                   The provided identification number is already associated with
       Success                                          Fail
                                                                   another company, please contact your sector lead

                                                                             *Check the remarks for reasons on failed upload.
                                                                             Refer to Page 16 on the next steps.                   54
3   Find your company-specific SRS
    results submission link

Find your company-specific SRS results submission link
    Use Desktop/Laptop
    and IE Edge
Company-specific SRS results submission Link (for ESSS):
• Specific to each company (based on UEN number).
• Can only be used by Swab Supervisors whose details have been uploaded into SRS (refer to Step 2).
• This link should be shared with individuals performing the role of Swab Supervisors only (i.e. completed 4 hours
    virtual training by HMI). Do not circulate the link to company employees not performing the role of Swab
 1. Click on COVID-19 Testing > ART Link(s)

                                                                       *This is your company-specific SRS results
                                                                       submission link. Share this with your swab
                                                                       supervisors, so they may upload employees’

                                                                       Tip: For easy sharing, you may wish to use a
                                                                       URL shortener to create a shortened link.

4   Accessing FET Reports

Company Admins will have access to FET results of employees
1. Click on Reports > ART Result Report
2. Click “Export Report” to download the report

                                                                                     Please check with your
                                                                                     sector lead if you don’t
                                                                                     have access to this ART
                                                                                     Result Report.

                              •   Reports will be generated on a real-time basis.
                              •   Reports will be available up to the past 30 days
                                  (inclusive of today).
Swab Supervisor

Overview of Workflow

              Before the first test                               On Testing Day

1                                                      2
                                                        Login via your company-specific SRS results
              Create a SRS profile
                                                          submission link1 your employees’ results

1   Approach your Company Admin for your company-specific SRS results submission link

1   Create an SRSv2 profile

Supervisors and Employees will need to create a profile on SRS
 Use mobile phone and

First Time Login
1. Access site at http://go.gov.sg/srs-profile (this link is only for
    profile creation)

2. Key in your ID Type, ID Number and Mobile Number. Click Send

3. A 5-digit One-Time-Pin will be sent to your mobile number. Key in
   the One-Time-Pin and click Verify.

   Note: Your ID and mobile number will be your login information
                  the next time you enter the portal.

Key in the required information to create your profile
  Use mobile phone and
4. You will be required to profile your personal details the first time you enter the portal.
5. Fill in all details and click on the consent checkbox or message to consent HPB’s use of personal data. Then click Update.

 These fields are your
 login ID, and hence
 cannot be edited.


Employees will need to show their QR code to the
                               Swab Supervisors during their FET
  Use mobile phone and
6. Your personalised QR code will be generated. It will be displayed below the update button.
    • Please show this to the swab supervisor during your FET test day, so they may help you upload your test results.
    • If you do not have mobile data, you may wish to save a copy of the QR code onto your mobile phone. Do not
        share your QR code with anyone else except for FET testing.

Upload FET results via your
2   company-specific SRS results
    submission link

Login via your company-specific SRS results submission link to submit results.
 Use mobile phone and
 Chrome/Safari             1. Access the site using your company-specific SRS results submission
                                • Approach your Company Admin if you do not have this link

                           2. Key in your ID Type, ID Number and Mobile Number (same as what you
                              have keyed previously). Click Send OTP.

                           3. A 5-digit One-Time-Pin will be sent to your mobile number. Key in the
                              One-Time-Pin and click Verify.

                           4. Click the       icon at the top right corner, and click + ADD ART
                                                                     Note: If you receive an error message,
                                                                     please approach your Company Admin
                                                                     to check that your details have been
                                                                     uploaded into SRS.

Scan your employee / client’s QR codes to verify their details
   Use mobile phone and
5. The Add Test Results page will appear.
6. Select Test Kit Brand from the drop down menu.
7. Click Scan QR Code, and scan client’s personalised QR code (ref. Section I).
    • Ensure your preferred internet browser is allowed to use your device’s camera.
        Instructions: Safari (iPhone), Google Chrome (Android & iPhone)


Register the employee / client by saving the profile after necessary verifications
  Use mobile phone and

8. If Client’s QR code was successfully scanned, you will be able to see client’s details.

9. Verify if client’s name, NRIC and mobile number is correct
    • Note: Clients will receive a SMS with their results on their registered mobile

10. Press “Save” after the client performs his self swab to register client.

11. The ART kit should be labelled with client’s details. You may identify each kit
    through their Name, Initials or last 4 digits of NRIC

                                                                         Auto-filled by system

Submit Test Results only after 15 minutes
   Use mobile phone and
                                                                 13. Select the accurate test result
12. When the test result is ready, click on the client’s              • Scroll horizontally or click on the
    record from the Submit Test Results section to                        arrows, to view all test results
    submit the test result from the client.                               available
                                                                      • Each test result is color coded for
             Results to be read after 15min.
             Please refer to your test kit for specifics on
                                                                          easy identification
             timing and on how to interpret the results
                                                                 14. Enter remarks (if any) for company
                                                                     specific tagging

Double check all details and
                                  results are correct before submitting
     Use mobile phone and
                                                              16. A success message will appear upon submission.
                                                                  Client will also receive an SMS with their results
15. A confirmation message will pop up. Confirm that client       (ref. Page 36).
    details and test results are correct. Click confirm.

Employees will receive an SMS once their test results have been successfully uploaded
Sample Messages:


Overview of Workflow

    Before the first test                     On Testing Day

1                                 2
                                      Log in to SRSv2 and show QR code to your
    Create an SRS profile              swab supervisor so they may record your

1   Create an SRS profile

Supervisors and Employees will need to create a profile on SRS
Use mobile phone and

First Time Login
1. Access site at http://go.gov.sg/srs-profile (this link is only for profile

2. Key in your ID Type, ID Number and Mobile Number. Click Send

3. A 5-digit One-Time-Pin will be sent to your mobile number. Key in
   the One-Time-Pin and click Verify.

   Note: Your ID and mobile number will be your login information
                  the next time you enter the portal.

Fill in all necessary information to create your profile
   Use mobile phone and
4. You will be required to profile your personal details the first time you enter the portal.
5. Fill in all details and click on the consent checkbox or message to consent HPB’s use of personal data. Then click Update.

  These fields are your
  login ID, and hence
  cannot be edited.


Show this QR code to your Swab Supervisors during your FET
   Use mobile phone and

6. Your personalised QR code will be generated. It will be displayed below the update button.
    • Please show this to the swab supervisor during your FET test day, so they may help you upload your test results.
    • If you do not have mobile data, you may wish to save a copy of the QR code onto your mobile phone. Do not
        share your QR code with anyone else except for FET testing.

2   Log in to SRS and show QR code
    to your swab supervisor

For subsequent logins, key in the NRIC and mobile number
                                previously registered with
 Use mobile phone and

2nd Login onwards
1. Access site at http://go.gov.sg/srs-profile

2. Key in your ID Type, ID Number and Mobile Number (same as what
   you have keyed previously). Click Send OTP.                         S1234567U

3. A 5-digit One-Time-Pin will be sent to your mobile number. Key in
   the One-Time-Pin and click Verify.

After verifying the SMS OTP
  Use mobile phone and
                                        you can access your QR code
4. Scroll to the bottom of your profile page to view your personalized QR code.
    • Show the QR code to your Swab Supervisor after you have completed your FET test

                            John Lee

 These fields have been                                  123456
 filled prior.
                                                         Blk 123, Lala Street
 If there are changes in
 your details , please
 update the field and
 press update.
                                                             02                 17


You will receive an SMS once your results have been successfully
                                   uploaded by your Swab Supervisor
Sample Messages:

Support Channels for

Follow up for
Immediate next steps

  To do                                                                                        Resources                Deadline

  1. Encourage vaccination of staff & vendors                                                  -                        From now onwards

  For supermarkets with medically ineligible unvaccinated employees                            Sample of doctor memo:   *urgent*

  2. Inform medically ineligible (MI) staff working in supermarket outlets (supermarket &                               Please aim to have MI
  vendor) to request for doctor’s memo                                                                                  employees obtain Dr’s memo
  • Supermarket to verify it before declaring to ESG in point (3). No submission of Doctor’s                            as soon as possible
       memo is needed to ESG.
  • Do note that as random audit checks may be conducted, employers will need to keep a
       record of the doctor’s memo.

Immediate next steps
   To do                                                                                       Resources                                   Deadline

   If there are unvaccinated medically ineligible employees, please make sure step 2 is done   3a. Please fill up the form in this link:   *urgent*
   before filling up the form
                                                                                               https://go.gov.sg/test-kit-ordering-        Tight timeline as
   3. Fill up formSG to order test kits and create Swab Registration System (SRS) account      supermarkets                                agencies need to
                                                                                                                                           order and deliver
   3a. Ordering of test kits - Please prepare the following before filling the form.           For supermarkets with unvaccinated          test kits to
   Breakdown of employees based on the table below:                                            employees and vendors, please               supermarkets
                                                                                               download and fill up the nominal roll       for the
                          Total            Total no of unvaccinated   No of unvaccinated
                                                                                               below. You will be asked to upload          employees.
                          vaccinated       medically eligible         medically ineligible
                          employees        employees                  employees                this in the above form.
    employees                                                                                  https://go.gov.sg/nominal-roll-
    Vendor                                                                                     template

   3b. Creation of Swab Registration System (SRS) account
   In the same form, company will also have fill in details for ESG to set up “Company Admin   3b. Sign up for SRS training:
   accounts” for supermarkets Swab Registration System (SRS) for executing ESSS.               https://go.gov.sg/srs-esss-training

   Please appoint 2-3 HQ staff to access the “Company Admin accounts”.

   Those with the “Company Admin accounts" will have to:
   a)          Create Swab Supervisor profiles on SRS
   b)          Access the test results to ensure compliance and follow-up on employees with
   an antigen positive/invalid test result.
Immediate next steps
   To do                                                                                       Resources                        Deadline
   4. Send swab supervisors for Employer Supervised Self Swab (ESSS) training                  http://hmi-                      ASAP
   Please appoint at least 2 personnel per outlet to be a swab supervisor.                     in-art-self-swab/
   It is recommended to appoint employees who are less than 50 years and fully vaccinated to
   be swab supervisors to reduce health risk.                                                  Registration Link:
   Training will be fully funded for all swab supervisors.                                     nstitute-
   The swab supervisor will have to:                                                           miinstitute-virtualcampus.aspx
         o Ensure that employees do test swabs as per the testing regime
         o Upload the test results by scanning employee’s QR code (refer to Swab
            Registration Guide separately attached in email for more information)              Click here for details on
                                                                                               registration process

Support channels for supermarkets
    Enquiries                                                      Contact Details
    For more information on the various advisory                   www.enterprisesg.gov.sg/sector-testing
                                                                   Note: Companies are required to refer to MOH webpage
                                                                   for the latest updates on VoRT and FET RRT regimes.

    General Enquiries                                              FET Hotline 6876 5830/ AskSRS@hpb.gov.sg
    How to use ART kit, how to upload results, advice on what to   Operating Hours: Mon to Fri 8 AM to 5 PM
    do if results is AG+, ESSS workflows, Swab preparation,        (Closed on Sat, Sun and PHs)
    disposal management

    Basic SRS troubleshooting
    Swab Supervisor Training Enquiries                             HMI Hotline 6253 3818
                                                                   Operating Hours: Mon to Fr: 8.30am to 6pm
                                                                   (Closed on Sat, Sun and PHs)

    Other Enquiries                                                https://go.gov.sg/helloesg

                                                                   6898 1800

Thank you
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