GRI Content Index - Bloomberg Professional Services

Page created by Ronnie Stanley
GRI Content Index - Bloomberg Professional Services
                                                     Impact Report

GRI Content
GRI Services Statement
For the Content Index - Essentials Service, GRI
Services reviewed that the GRI content index is
clearly presented, in a manner consistent with the
Standards, and that the references for disclosures
2–1 to 2–5, 3–1 and 3–2 are aligned with the
appropriate sections in the body of the report.

                                                     The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a leading
                                                     organization in global sustainability reporting. GRI
                                                     promotes the use of sustainability reporting as a way
                                                     for organizations to become more sustainable and
                                                     contribute to sustainable development. Bloomberg
                                                     continues to support GRI’s core mission to increase
                                                     both the quantity and quality of reporting, which, in
                                                     turn, enhances critical market transparency. This is
                                                     Bloomberg’s twelfth report written in accordance
                                                     with the GRI Standards.
GRI Content Index

Foundation 2021
GRI 1: Foundation 2021
Disclosures                                                       Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                      Omission                        Assurance
GRI Foundation Disclosures                                        Statement of use: Bloomberg has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period January 1, 2021-December 31, 2021.

General Disclosures 2021
GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021

Disclosures                                                       Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                      Omission                        Assurance
Organization and Reporting Practices
2-1                                                                                                                   2021            2020            2019            2018            2017                                                  Yes
Organizational Details
                                                                  Number of countries                                    72              72              72              72              72
                                                                  Significant operations                      United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, China, Singapore, Hong Kong (SAR),
                                                                                                              Australia, Brazil, India, United Arab Emirates

2-2                                                               For its Impact Report, all joint ventures, subsidiaries and leased facilities are included. Outsourced operations, while not included in                                  Yes
Entities included in the organizations sustainability reporting   the environmental footprint, are subject to significant sustainability program requirements.
                                                                  As a private company, Bloomberg does not release financial statements publicly. For its Impact Report, all joint ventures, subsidiaries
                                                                  and leased facilities are included. Outsourced operations, while not included in the environmental footprint, are subject to
                                                                  significant sustainability program requirements.
2-3                                                               Bloomberg publishes its Impact Report annually, based on the calendar year. As a private company, Bloomberg does not release                                              Yes
Reporting period, frequency and contact point                     financial statements publicly. This is Bloomberg’s twelfth Sustainability Report. It is a full report covering 2021 operations. Our most
                                                                  recent previous report, which was compliant with the GRI standards, issued in April 2021, covering 2020 operations.
                                                                  For questions, contact: Erin Barnes, Sustainability Communications & Engagement,
2-4                                                               No significant changes to applicable operational boundaries, scope or measurement methodology. Only very minor changes to                                                 Yes
Restatements of information                                       calculations (e.g., GHG factor changes) or methodology were employed.
                                                                  For 2021, there are no restatements of emissions from previous years associated with the following:
                                                                  • Minor retroactive adjustments in methodology
                                                                  • Minor corrections from prior years
2-5                                                               Both Bloomberg’s GHG emissions and the 2021 Impact Report are externally assured (as they have been in prior years) by Cventure,                                           Yes
External Assurance                                                LLC, an unaffiliated 3rd party. Cventure uses the Accountability AA1000 Assurance Standard for its Impact Report review and Tier
                                                                  II of the ERT Standard: Corporate GHG Verification Guideline for its GHG emissions review, and verifies to the level of Reasonable
                                                                  Assurance. Assurance reports can be found at
Activities and Workers
2-6                                                               Reference the 2021 Impact Report, pg. 5 (About Bloomberg) and pg. 28 (Business Activities/Supply chain)                                                                    Yes
Activities, value chain and other business relationships

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2021 Bloomberg Impact Report     01
GRI Content Index

General Disclosures 2021 GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021   [Continued]

Disclosures                                         Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                       Omission                        Assurance
2-7                                                                                                 2021           2020           2019          2018           2017                                            Yes
                                                    Total number of employees                     21,273         20,965         19,925         19,974        19,347
                                                    FT Employees – North America                  13,086         12,874         12,200         12,393        12,091
                                                    FT Employees – Latin/South America               294            279            277            281           296
                                                    FT Employees – EMEA                             5,124         4,995          4,786          4,743         4,531
                                                    FT Employees – Asia                            2,769          2,817          2,662          2,557         2,429
                                                    Non-FT Employees – North America                 171            596            564            586           584
                                                    Non-FT Employees – Latin/South America            33             36             31             28            26
                                                    Non-FT Employees – EMEA                          401            409            384            369           363
                                                    Non-FT Employees – Asia                            81            64             62             65           104
                                                    Permanent employees by gender                  Male:          Male:          Male:           Male:         Male:
                                                                                                  65.6%          66.4%           67.0%         68.2%          68.5%
                                                                                                 Female:        Female:        Female:        Female:        Female:
                                                                                                  34.3%          33.3%          33.0%           31.8%          31.5%
                                                    Age group:
                                                    • Under 30 years old                           26.8%          26.5%          26.5%         25.9%          24.5%
                                                    • 30–50 years old                              59.4%          60.6%          59.6%         60.7%          62.4%
                                                    • Over 50 years old                            13.8%          12.9%          13.9%         13.4%          13.1%
                                                    U.S. ethnicity ratio:
                                                    • White                                        49.7%
                                                    • Asian                                        34.0%          32.7%         33.3%          32.8%          31.5%
                                                    • Hispanic/Latino                               7.5%           7.1%           6.7%          6.2%           6.0%
                                                    • Black/African-American                        4.4%           4.3%           3.9%           3.8%          3.8%
                                                    • Other or unknown                              4.4%
                                                    U.K. ethnicity ratio:
                                                    • White                                        45.4%
                                                    • Other or unknown                             32.5%
                                                    • Asian                                        14.1%
                                                    • Mixed                                         4.6%
                                                    • Black/African-American                        3.5%
                                                    Bloomberg “Full-Time” (FT) employees represent all permanent employees working at least 24-hour weeks.
                                                    Employee tallies above are from the end of the period indicated.
2-8                                                 All “Non-Full-Time” (Non-FT) employees represent employee engagements of finite duration.                                                                   Yes
Workers who are not employees                       Non-FT employee tallies above are from the end of the period indicated.
                                                    Seasonal employment variations: Bloomberg promotes a Summer Intern program that results in increased employee populations
                                                    during summer months, but this increase is not in response to business requirements.

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GRI Content Index

General Disclosures 2021 GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021         [Continued]

Disclosures                                               Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                  Omission                              Assurance
2-9                                                       Bloomberg’s Management Committee oversees corporate strategy and operations. The Management Committee consists of eight                                                      Yes
Governance structure and composition                      members: the company Founder, Co-Founder, Chair, Chief Commercial Officer and Chief Product Officer (who also both serve as a
                                                          Vice Chairs of Bloomberg L.P.), Chief Enterprise Officer, Chief Legal Officer and the CEO of Bloomberg Philanthropies. The following
                                                          information concerns the Board of Directors of Bloomberg Inc.
                                                                                                              2021           2020             2019           2018            2017
                                                          Board members                                           8               8              8               8               8
                                                          Independents on Board                                   3               3              3               3               3
                                                          Women on Board                                          1               1              1               1               1
                                                          Tenure on governance body                   Board members serve for an undefined duration
                                                          Non-executives on Board                                 3               3              3               3               3
                                                          Board members’ other significant                                                                                                       Confidentiality constraints:
                                                          positions and commitments,                                                                                                             As a private company, details about
                                                          and the nature of the commitments                                                                                                      board members, other affiliations,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 etc., are considered proprietary
                                                          Membership of under-represented social
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and not disclosed publicly.
                                                          Competencies relating to economic,
                                                          environmental and social impacts
                                                          Stakeholder representation
2-10                                                                                                                                                                                             Confidentiality constraints:
Nomination and selection of the highest governance body                                                                                                                                          As a private company, details about
                                                                                                                                                                                                 board members, other affiliations,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 etc., are considered proprietary
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and not disclosed publicly.
2-11                                                      Peter Grauer was the Chair of the Board in 2021 and continues to serve in this role. Mr. Grauer is one of the eight members of the                                           Yes
Chair of the highest governance body                      Management Commitee.
2-12                                                      Reference the 2021 Impact Report, pg. 6 (Governance).                                                                                                                        Yes
Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the
management of impacts
2-13                                                      Reference the 2021 Impact Report, pg. 6 (Governance).                                                                                  Confidentiality constraints:
Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts                                                                                                                                                As a private company, details about
                                                                                                                                                                                                 board members, other affiliations,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 etc., are considered proprietary
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and not disclosed publicly.
2-14                                                      The annual Impact Report is reviewed in detail by each of the relevant business heads and is approved by the Head of                                                         Yes
Role of the highest governance body in sustainability     Communications, the Head of External Relations, and the Company’s Founder. Every member of the Management Committee
reporting                                                 receives an advance preview of the report before it is finalized and released.
2-15                                                                                                                                                                                             Confidentiality constraints:
Conflicts of interest                                                                                                                                                                            As a private company, details about
                                                                                                                                                                                                 board members, other affiliations,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 etc., are considered proprietary
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and not disclosed publicly.
2-16                                                      The Management Committee receives formal bi-annual updates during business planning and mid-year review meeting cycles,                                                      Yes
Communication of critical concerns                        in addition to ad hoc briefings and meetings with business leaders, as needed.
2-17                                                      Timely, relevant sustainable development related topics are brought to the Management Committees attention throughout the year                                               Yes
Collective knowledge of the highest governance body       by our business leaders. Results of firmwide exercises conducted with relevant business leaders, like our Materiality Assessment
                                                          update in 2020 and our Climate Scenario Analysis in 2021 are also shared with the Management Committee, in addition to the annual
                                                          Impact Report.
2-18                                                                                                                                                                                             Confidentiality constraints:
Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance                                                                                                                                          As a private company, details about
body                                                                                                                                                                                             board members, other affiliations,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 etc., are considered proprietary
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and not disclosed publicly.
2-19                                                                                                                                                                                             Confidentiality constraints:
Remuneration policies                                                                                                                                                                            As a private company, details about
                                                                                                                                                                                                 board members, other affiliations,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 etc., are considered proprietary
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and not disclosed publicly.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                2021 Bloomberg Impact Report       03
GRI Content Index

General Disclosures 2021 GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021    [Continued]

Disclosures                                          Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                          Omission                              Assurance
2-20                                                                                                                                                                                                Confidentiality constraints:
Process to determine remuneration                                                                                                                                                                   As a private company, details about
                                                                                                                                                                                                    board members, other affiliations,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    etc., are considered proprietary
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and not disclosed publicly.
2-21                                                                                                                                                                                                Confidentiality constraints:
Annual total compensation ratio                                                                                                                                                                     As a private company, details about
                                                                                                                                                                                                    board members, other affiliations,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    etc., are considered proprietary
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and not disclosed publicly.
Strategy, Policies and Practices
2-22                                                 “At Bloomberg, we’re taking action on multiple fronts – through our company’s operations and products, our philanthropy,                                                             Yes
Statement on sustainable development strategy        and our collaborations with partners and industry peers.” — Michael Bloomberg, Founder
2-23                                                 Bloomberg is committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest ethical standards and with integrity. Our leadership                                                    Yes
Policy commitments                                   has established Doing the Right Thing as one of the company’s core values. The Company’s Employee Code of Conduct and Ethics,
                                                     and internal policies, including but not limited to Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption, Anti-Money Laundering, Conflicts of Interest,
                                                     and Modern Slavery, set forth general standards of conduct and ethical behavior. Please see Bloomberg’s Anti-Bribery & Anti-
                                                     Corruption statement here. Please see Bloomberg’s UK Modern Slavery statement here. Reference the 2021 Impact Report, pg. 1
                                                     (About this Report) and pg. 7–8 (Risk Management).
2-24                                                 Bloomberg appropriately resources its organization in accordance with its commitment to acting with integrity and takes approriate                                                   Yes
Embedding policy commitments                         actions, as necessary. Bloomberg’s policies are available to all of its employees and all employees are required to attest to
                                                     complying with the policies on an annual basis. Suppliers are subject to a supplier Code of Conduct. Bloomberg provides annual
                                                     training to all employees on numerous ethics-based topics. Reference the 2021 Impact Report, pg. 1 (About this Report) and pg. 7–8
                                                     (Risk Management).
2-25                                                 Employees may report concerns directly to HR, Compliance, or through the Bloomberg Ethics Hotline (described in more detail in                                                       Yes
Processes to remediate negative impacts              Disclosure 2-26). Bloomberg investigates reports of misconduct, conducts root cause analysis reviews, and implements remediation
                                                     plans, as necessary.
2-26                                                 Employees can reach out to managers and HR for advice and to report concerns. We have also partnered with a third party to establish                                                 Yes
Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns   an independent, secure, and confidential reporting channel for employees to use when they do not feel comfortable reporting directly to
                                                     Bloomberg. The Bloomberg Ethics Hotline allows employees to submit concerns electronically by going to https://bloomberg.ethicspoint.
                                                     com or by calling one of the toll-free numbers listed on that website. The hotline is accessible anytime to all employees and third parties.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2021 Bloomberg Impact Report       04
GRI Content Index

General Disclosures 2021 GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021   [Continued]

Disclosures                                         Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                     Omission                        Assurance
2-27                                                                                                            2021                       2020                      2019    2018   2017                                      Yes
Compliance with laws and regulations
                                                    Instances for which fines were incurred                         1                          2                         1      0         0
                                                    Instances for which non-monetary                                0                          0                         0      0         0
                                                    sanctions were incurred
                                                    Total number and the monetary value of    In December 2021,          Two fines: (1) in         The Company was              0         0
                                                    fines for instances of noncompliance      the Company’s              May 2020 the SEC          fined €5 million in
                                                                                              multilateral trading       fined Bloomberg           December 2019 by
                                                                                              facilities (“MTFs”) and    Tradebook $5 million      the Autorite des
                                                                                              swap execution facility    based on non-fraud        Marches Financiers in
                                                                                              (“SEF”) paid a penalty     charges arising from      France on account of
                                                                                              of $4 million CAD to       misstatements and         the Company’s 2016
                                                                                              settle claims of the       omissions made to         publication (along with
                                                                                              Autorité des marchés       customers regarding       other media outlets)
                                                                                              financiers (AMF) that      certain routing and       of headlines based on
                                                                                              the MTFs violated          execution information;    a hoax press release
                                                                                              Quebec law by offering     Bloomberg Tradebook       relating to a French
                                                                                              their services without     neither admitted nor      issuer. The fine was
                                                                                              proper licensing or        denied the charges,       subsequently reduced
                                                                                              exemptive relief to        and by the time of the    to 3 million euro on
                                                                                              Quebec participants        settlement had already    appeal.
                                                                                              and that the SEF had       exited the routing and
                                                                                              filed quarterly reports    execution business;
                                                                                              that did not accurately    (2) In December
                                                                                              and completely             2020, the Company’s
                                                                                              disclose derivatives       multilateral trading
                                                                                              trading of Quebec          facilities (“MTFs”)
                                                                                              participants.              paid a penalty of $3.3
                                                                                                                         million CAD to settle
                                                                                                                         claims of the Ontario
                                                                                                                         Securities Commission
                                                                                                                         that the MTFs violated
                                                                                                                         Ontario law by offering
                                                                                                                         their services without
                                                                                                                         proper licensing or
                                                                                                                         exemptive relief to
                                                                                                                         Ontario participants.
                                                    Describe the significant instances of non-compliance; Describe how it has determined significant instances of non-compliance.
2-28                                                Strategic Memberships: (1) The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) — where Bloomberg co-chairs the                                              Yes
Membership associations                             SIFMA Market Data Subcommittee, the lead entity on regulatory and litigation proceedings currently dealing with market data.
                                                    (2) The U.S. Chamber of Commerce — where Bloomberg serves on the Board of the Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness.
                                                    Additionally, the Chamber works extensively with Bloomberg on issues relating to “The Working Group on U.S. RMB Trading and
                                                    Clearing”. (3) The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation — where Bloomberg serves on the Board. (4) International Swaps and
                                                    Derivatives Association (ISDA); (5) Public Knowledge; (6) Bond Dealers Association; (7) Financial Information Forum — Bloomberg
                                                    serves on the Advisory Board. (8) Asia Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA) where Bloomberg is a member
                                                    of working groups including on FinTech and Benchmarks. (9) Healthy Markets — an investor-focused, buy-side oriented coalition
                                                    focused on data-driven market reform. (10) The Coalition for a Digital Economy (COADEC) Steering Board. (11) The Software
                                                    Information Industry Association (SIIA).

                                                    Memberships: Confederation of British Industry (CBI), Future of Sustainable Data Alliance (FoSDA), International Capital Market
                                                    Association (ICMA), Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME), Financial Information Exchange Trading Community (FIX
                                                    Trading Community), CityUK -International Regulatory Strategy Group, International Securities Lending Association (ISLA), Financial
                                                    Markets Standards Board (FMSB), German Investment Funds Association (BVI), EuroFI, Electronic Debt Markets Association Europe
                                                    (EDMA), European Parliament Financial Services Forum (EFPSF), Atlantik Brueke, Frankfurt Main Finance
Stakeholder Engagement
2-29                                                Reference the 2021 Impact Report, pg. 6 (Stakeholder Engagement).                                                                                                         Yes
Approach to stakeholder engagement
2-30                                                                                                   2021             2020           2019            2018           2017                                                   Yes
Collective bargaining agreements
                                                    Percentage of Bloomberg’s employee                3.10%          3.22%           3.54%           4.02%           4.77%
                                                    base covered by collective bargaining
                                                    100% of Bloomberg employees in France and Brazil are covered by collective bargaining agreements, as well as approximately 34% of
                                                    Bloomberg Industry Group employees. In 2021, that represented 3.1% of Bloomberg full time employees.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         2021 Bloomberg Impact Report     05
GRI Content Index

Material Topics 2021
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021
Disclosures                                                   Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                Omission                             Assurance
3-1                                                           Reference the 2021 Impact Report, pg. 14 (Materiality Assessment).
Process to determine material topics
3-2                                                           Bloomberg’s material topics include GRI 201: Economic Performance, GRI 202: Market Presence, GRI 203: Indirect Economic
List of material topics                                       Impacts, GRI 204: Procurement Practices, GRI 205: Anti-Corruption, GRI 206: Anti-Competitive Behavior, GRI 301: Materials, GRI
                                                              302: Energy, GRI 305: Emissions, GRI 306: Waste, GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment, GRI 401: Employment, GRI 403:
                                                              Occupational Health and Safety, GRI 404: Training and Education, GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity, GRI 406: Non-
                                                              Discrimination, GRI 408: Child Labor, GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor, GRI 413: Local Communities, GRI 414: Supplier Social
                                                              Assessment, GRI 415: Public Policy, and GRI 418: Customer Privacy. There has been no significant changes to applicable operational
                                                              boundaries, scope or measurement methodology. Reference the 2021 Impact Report, pg. 14 (Materiality Assessment).
3-3                                                           Bloomberg LP identifies and addresses the nature and impact of its material issues throughout its published documents, including
Management of topic                                           the process by which Bloomberg identifies and manages the risks and opportunities presented by each of these issues.
                                                              The available documents that provide all of this information are:
                                                              • This 2021 GRI Index
                                                              • 2021 Impact Report, which includes details of Bloomberg’s Materiality Assessment
                                                              • 2021 SASB Index
                                                              • Additional Impact Report Supplements
                                                              All of these documents are available at

Economic Performance
GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016
Disclosures                                                   Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                Omission                             Assurance
201-1                                                         2021 gross revenue was $12.4 Billion.                                                                                                Confidentiality constraints:
Direct economic value generated and distributed                                                                                                                                                    Bloomberg is a private company
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and does not publicly disclose any
                                                                                                                                                                                                   financial information other than
                                                                                                                                                                                                   annual gross revenue.
201-2                                                         Reference the 2021 Impact Report, pg. 10–13 (Scenario Analysis).                                                                                                          Yes
Financial implications and other risks and opportunities
due to climate change
201-3                                                         Bloomberg ensures that all employees globally have access to a retirement savings vehicle, typically a defined contribution                                               Yes
Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans   plan. In some locations, Bloomberg offers a retirement programs that have some characteristics of a defined benefit plan
                                                              (for example, Japan and Germany).
201-4                                                         Bloomberg has never received assistance from governments.                                                                                                                 Yes
Financial assistance received from government

Market Presence
GRI 202: Market Presence 2016
Disclosures                                                   Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                Omission                             Assurance
202-1                                                         Bloomberg pays significantly higher than local minimum wage at all locations.                                                        Confidentiality constraints:
Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender                                                                                                                                                      The specifics of our entry-level
compared to local minimum wage                                                                                                                                                                     compensation are considered
                                                                                                                                                                                                   proprietary and, as such,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   are not publicly disclosed.
202-2                                                                                                                                                                                              Confidentiality constraints:
Proportion of senior management hired                                                                                                                                                              Bloomberg is a private company
from the local community                                                                                                                                                                           and, as such, all details of its
                                                                                                                                                                                                   hiring practices and policies
                                                                                                                                                                                                   are considered proprietary
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and are not publicly disclosed.

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GRI Content Index

Indirect Economic Impacts
GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts 2016

Disclosures                                           Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                        Omission                              Assurance
203-1                                                 Bloomberg is not making significant infrastructure investments, other than managing a global portfolio of offices and data centers,                                                Yes
Infrastructure investments and services supported     and in a couple of instances developing onsite renewable energy projects. We contribute to the local communities where we have
                                                      offices through our Corporate Philanthropy programs and partnerships.
203-2                                                 Bloomberg is instrumental in helping investors and companies manage risk and opportunities related to climate change through our                                                   Yes
Significant indirect economic impacts                 ESG products and services and leads sustainable finance initiatives (i.e. TCFD, CFLI, GFANZ) that strengthen market-driven action
                                                      on climate. In addition, Bloomberg creates indirect economic impact through its corporate philanthropic efforts. Reference the 2021
                                                      Impact Report, Supporting Climate Action and Driving Social Change.

Procurement Practices
GRI 204: Procurement Practices 2016
Disclosures                                           Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                        Omission                              Assurance
204-1                                                 Our purchasing guidelines encourage the procurement of local products and services wherever possible to reduce emissions                     Confidentiality constraints:
Proportion of spending on local suppliers             and costs associated with delivery and for the benefit of the local economy.                                                                 Bloomberg does not track this data
                                                                                                                                                                                                   as a percentage of overall spend
                                                                                                                                                                                                   nor does it report on vendor spend,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   as that is considered proprietary.

GRI 205: Anti-Corruption 2016
Disclosures                                           Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                        Omission                              Assurance
205-1                                                                                                      2021            2020            2019             2018            2017                                                         Yes
Operations assessed for risks related to corruption
                                                      Total number and percentage of               Major          Major            Major           Major           100% of
                                                      operations assessed for risks related        company        company          company         company         all major
                                                      to corruption.                               operations     operations       operations      operations      operations
                                                                                                   assessed       assessed on a    assessed on a   assessed on a
                                                                                                   on a           risk based       risk based      risk based
                                                                                                   risk based     basis            basis           basis
                                                      Significant risks related to corruption         Bloomberg continuously assesses areas of corruption risk to the company and
                                                      identified through the risk assessment.         allocates resources accordingly.
205-2                                                 Bloomberg’s anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies and procedures are set forth in the company’s Global Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption                                          Yes
Communication and training about anti-corruption      Policy and Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Procedure, which are available to all employees. All employees globally are required to take an
policies and procedures                               online course specifically dedicated to Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption on an annual basis. In 2021, most employees who completed the
                                                      full course in either 2019 or 2020 could choose to opt out of taking the full course by demonstrating proficiency in the subject matter by
                                                      taking a test and answering at least 80% of the questions correctly. If the employee did not demonstrate the required proficiency, they
                                                      were required to take the full course again. In addition, targeted live training was conducted for certain segments of the company based
                                                      on their roles and responsibilities.
205-3                                                 During the relevant period, there were no confirmed incident of corruption.                                                                                                        Yes
Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken

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GRI Content Index

Anti-Competitive Behavior
GRI 206: Anti-Competitive Behavior 2016
Disclosures                                                Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                Omission                        Assurance
206-1                                                                                                         2021           2020            2019            2018            2017                                              Yes
Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust,
                                                                                                                  0              0               0               0               0
and monopoly practices

GRI 301: Materials 2016
Disclosures                                                Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                Omission                        Assurance
301-1                                                      2021 paper consumption:                                                                                                                                              Yes
Materials used by weight or volume                         Magazine Paper: 5,023,191 lbs used, 1% (65,653 lbs) were 100% recycled content.
301-2                                                      Office Paper: 46,102 lbs used, 91% (41,933 lbs) were from recycled content.
Recycled input materials used                              Total Paper: 5,238,990 lbs used,99% (5,197,726 lbs) was FSC certified.
301-3                                                      Bloomberg-branded products, including but not limited to keyboards and monitors, are serially tracked (where applicable)                                             Yes
Reclaimed products and their packaging materials           throughout their useful life. This enables us to have accurate information on electronic materials sent to customers, returned,
                                                           refurbished or ultimately retired. Packaging is based on procurement logs comparative year-over-year as well as landfill/recycling
                                                           rates from warehouse operations.
                                                                                                              2021           2020            2019            2018            2017                                              Yes
                                                           Products “sold”                                   100%            100%            100%           100%            100%
                                                           Packaging recovered                                50%             50%             50%             50%            50%

GRI 302: Energy 2016
Disclosures                                                Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                Omission                        Assurance
302-1                                                                                                         2021           2020            2019            2018            2017                                              Yes
Energy consumption within the organization
                                                           Direct energy consumption –                      72,023          73,487          87,810         91,410          55,314
                                                           Natural Gas (GJ)
                                                           Direct energy consumption –                       9,825          13,485         11,453          14,376           9,193
                                                           Diesel Oil (GJ)
                                                           Direct energy consumption –                       8,592           6,464         69,695          92,038        108,061
                                                           Aircraft Fuel (GJ)
                                                           Direct energy consumption – HFC (Lbs.)              320             957             587            976             337
                                                           Electricity consumption (kWh)              342,616,121     319,134,352     314,746,271    303,445,336     308,018,003
                                                           Heating consumption                                    0              0               0               0               0
                                                           Cooling consumption                                    0              0               0               0               0
                                                           Steam consumption (GJ)                           19,951          15,684          16,676         16,776          17,283
                                                           Electricity/Heating/Cooling/Steam sold                 0              0               0               0               0
                                                           Total energy consumption (GJ)                1,343,809       1,258,004       1,318,721      1,306,004        1,298,716
                                                           Standards, methodologies                   In addition to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Reporting Standard, Bloomberg uses:
                                                           and assumptions used                       1) WRI Report “Hot Climate, Cool Commerce: A Service Sector Guide
                                                                                                         to Greenhouse Gas Management” (May, 2006).
                                                                                                      2) GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance (January, 2015)
                                                                                                      3) Framework guidelines from GRI, SASB and TCFD

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GRI Content Index

Energy GRI 302: Energy 2016        [Continued]

Disclosures                                                  Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                              Omission                               Assurance
302-2                                                        While specific data is unavailable, Bloomberg has been committed to reducing the energy consumption of those products              Not applicable:
Energy consumption outside of the organization               provided to customers for use at their facilities. 100% of PCs and flat panels provided to customers are Energy Star-rated.        Relevant energy consumption
                                                                                                                                                                                                outside of the organization, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                therefore outside Bloomberg’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                boundaries, pertains to usage of
                                                                                                                                                                                                Bloomberg-leased equipment at
                                                                                                                                                                                                customer sites. While we do estimate
                                                                                                                                                                                                the energy consumption of these
                                                                                                                                                                                                products at customer sites, we are
                                                                                                                                                                                                not in control of the actual usage
                                                                                                                                                                                                (i.e., frequency/duration of use) of
                                                                                                                                                                                                these products and therefore cannot
                                                                                                                                                                                                accurately report this energy usage.
                                                                                                                                                                                                There is no expectation that we will
                                                                                                                                                                                                do so in the near future.
302-3                                                                                                           2021           2020            2019            2018            2017                                                    Yes
Energy intensity
                                                             Total energy (GJ) consumed within                 63.17           60.00           66.18          65.39            67.13
                                                             boundaries by year-end full-time
                                                             Total energy (GJ) consumed within                  0.24            0.23            0.26            0.27           0.24
                                                             boundaries by year-end portfolio
                                                             square footage
302-4                                                        In 2021, Bloomberg did not complete any specific projects resulting in reductions in energy consumption, but there are a number                                           Yes
Reduction of energy consumption                              of ongoing initiatives across the organization that help Bloomberg limit its energy consumption:
                                                             • 80% of Bloomberg employees sit in one of 36 LEED/BREEAM certified locations — operation of those facilities are significantly
                                                               more energy efficient than traditional office buildouts. All new and refurbished locations with 50 or more employees are built
                                                               to LEED specifications.
                                                             • Bloomberg’s data center portfolio, which includes one facility that is LEED v4 certified, has been gradually improving its PUE
                                                               over time. Overall PUE of Bloomberg’s data center portfolio is 1.41, a 20% reduction since 2010, accruing significant energy
                                                               savings in our data center operations over this period.
302-5                                                        No change in energy requirements of Bloomberg’s sold products in the reporting period.                                                                                    Yes
Reductions in energy requirements of products and services

GRI 305: Emissions 2016
Disclosures                                                  Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                              Omission                               Assurance
305-1                                                                                                           2021           2020            2019            2018            2017                                                    Yes
Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions
                                                             Emissions in metric tonnes of                     5,169           5,712         10,661           12,915          11,601
                                                             CO₂ equivalent (includes CO₂, CH₄, N₂O)
305-2                                                                                                           2021           2020            2019            2018            2017                                                    Yes
Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions
                                                             Emissions in metric tonnes of                    86,912          82,571          87,395         98,235          99,857
                                                             CO₂ equivalent (includes CO₂, CH₄, N₂O)
                                                             Emissions in metric tonnes of CO₂                45,569          49,513         53,056          61,801          62,967
                                                             equivalent – Market Based
                                                             (includes CO₂, CH₄, N₂O)
305-3                                                                                                           2021           2020            2019            2018            2017                                                    Yes
Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions
                                                             Emissions in metric tonnes of                    18,348         24,068           67,844         78,557          73,144
                                                             CO₂ equivalent (includes CO₂, CH₄, N₂O)
305-4                                                                                                           2021           2020            2019            2018            2017                                                    Yes
GHG emissions intensity
                                                             Total CO₂ equivalent (Location Based)               8.91           9.80           15.16           18.11          18.47
                                                             emissions per $1 million of revenue
                                                             Total CO₂ equivalent (Location Based)               5.19           5.36            8.33            9.50           9.54
                                                             emissions per year-end full-time

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Emissions GRI 305: Emissions 2016 [Continued]

Disclosures                                              Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                   Omission                        Assurance
305-5                                                    In addition to the energy reduction initiatives in 302-4, there are other long-term initiatives we have implemented in other                                            Yes
Reduction of GHG emissions                               operational areas to reduce our GHG emissions, including:
                                                         • Publishing Operations: Ongoing streamlining of subscription rolls and utilization of regional printing/distribution. Utilizing 100%
                                                           recycled content paper for Bloomberg Green and, starting in 2022, Bloomberg Markets magazines.
                                                         • Business Travel: Reductions in travel emissions from reduced travel activity during the pandemic. The full extent of these
                                                           reductions will not be permanent.
                                                         • Waste: Increasing diversion of waste away from landfills utilizing aggressive recycling, composting and waste-to-energy
                                                         Gases included in calculations are CO2, CH4 and N2O.
                                                         Bloomberg’s science based emissions reduction targets have a baseline year of 2018.
                                                         Bloomberg’s reduction efforts have impacted scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

305-6                                                    Bloomberg does not hold ozone-depleting substances.                                                                                                                     Yes
Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)
305-7                                                    Bloomberg has minimal Scope 1 GHG emissions and, therefore, immaterial amounts of criteria pollutants and other air emissions.                                          Yes
Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX),
and other significant air emissions

Waste 2020
GRI 306: Waste 2020
Disclosures                                              Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                   Omission                        Assurance
306-1                                                    Waste generated from company operations, including:                                                                                                                     Yes
Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts   • Employee waste
                                                         • Facilities operations
                                                         • Warehouse operations
                                                         • E-waste
                                                         • Publishing operations
306-2                                                    Bloomberg has mitigated its waste that goes to landfills/incineration by:                                                                                               Yes
Management of significant waste-related impact           • Replacing disposable cups with reusable cups in London office
                                                         • Utilizing compostable containers, cups, plates & cutlery in all major offices (representing 87% of Bloomberg employees)
                                                         • Utilizing waste-to-energy for our New York City and London locations
                                                         • Recovering hardware provided to customers to ensure responsible management/disposal of e-waste
306-3                                                                                                        2021            2020            2019            2018            2017                                                Yes
Waste generated
                                                         Total Waste (MT)                                   2,621           3,396           6,574           6,943          10,241
                                                         Waste Diverted Away from Disposal (MT)             2,304           2,580           5,385           5,623           8,673
                                                         Waste Diversion Percentage                          88%              76%             82%             81%             85%
                                                         Major offices globally provide waste data by category, which is collected from our local waste management provider
                                                         or actively compiled by local facilities managers. This actual data allows us to calculate a landfill-waste-per-employee
                                                         metric that we then use to extrapolate landfill waste data for our employee population not covered by the offices that
                                                         provide actual data.
306-4                                                                                                        2021            2020            2019            2018            2017                                                Yes
Waste diverted from disposal
                                                         Waste-to-Energy (MT)                                 354             299             695             747             835
                                                         Recycling (MT)                                       899            1,175          2,288           2,708           6,389
                                                         Compost (MT)                                         566             804           1,969           1,734             771
                                                         E-Waste (MT)                                         485             303             434             434             678
                                                         Hazardous Waste (MT)                                    0               0               0               0                  4
306-5                                                                                                        2021            2020            2019            2018            2017                                                Yes
Waste diverted from disposal
                                                         Landfill Waste (MT)                                  317             816            1,189          1,320           1,568

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GRI Content Index

Supplier Environmental Assessment
GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016
Disclosures                                          Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                 Omission
308-1                                                                                                   2021            2020            2019            2018            2017
New suppliers that were screened using
                                                                                                          N/A            N/A             N/A             N/A             N/A               Information unavailable:
environmental criteria
                                                                                                                                                                                           Once a new process is implemented
                                                                                                                                                                                           this data will be available, but
                                                                                                                                                                                           implementation of this process
                                                                                                                                                                                           is ongoing.
308-2                                                We are working with Compliance and Procurement to formalize the process and requirements to screen vendors using
Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain   environmental criteria and to assess environmental impacts in the supply chain.
and actions taken

GRI 401: Employment 2016

Disclosures                                          Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                 Omission                                   Assurance
401-1                                                                                                                                                                                      Confidentiality constraints:
New employee hires and employee turnover                                                                                                                                                   Bloomberg is a private company,
                                                                                                                                                                                           views information related to employee
                                                                                                                                                                                           turnover to be proprietary and
                                                                                                                                                                                           therefore does not disclose it publicly.
401-2                                                Bloomberg provides generous benefits, including health coverage (medical, dental and vision), wellness programs                                                                  Yes
Benefits provided to full-time employees that are    acompany-matched retirement benefits, EAP, back-up child care, on-site medical services, basic life insurance, basic LTD. Reference
not provided to temporary or part-time employees     the 2021 Impact Report, pg. Helping Employees Thrive.
401-3                                                Bloomberg provides 26 weeks for gender-neutral parental leave to its employees. Additionally we offer programs and resources          Confidentiality constraints:
Parental leave                                       to assist with fertility, adoption, lactation, parenting, child care, education and adult/elder care. (Programs vary by location.)    Bloomberg is a private company and
                                                                                                                                                                                           does not publicly disclose specific
                                                                                                                                                                                           details on employees’ return-to-work
                                                                                                                                                                                           rates after parental leave.

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GRI Content Index

Occupational Health and Safety
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018
Disclosures                                                   Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                                      Omission                        Assurance
403-1                                                                                                              2021             2020           2019           2018            2017                                                  Yes
Occupational health and safety management system
                                                              Percentage of workers whose work,                      3%               3%            3%              3%              3%
                                                              or workplace, is controlled by the
                                                              organization, that are represented by
                                                              formal joint management-worker health
                                                              and safety committees.
403-2                                                                                                              2021             2020           2019           2018            2017                                                  Yes
Hazard identification, risk assessment,
                                                              Incident Rate – North America                       0.06%            0.07%          0.37%          0.15%           0.14%
and incident investigation
                                                              Incident Rate – Latin/South America                 0.00%           0.00%           0.00%          0.00%           0.00%
                                                              Incident Rate – EMEA                                0.31%            0.38%          0.65%          0.62%           0.66%
                                                              Incident Rate – Asia                                0.04%            0.04%          0.38%          0.04%           0.50%
                                                              Lost-Time Incident Rate – North America             0.00%           0.00%           0.17%          0.06%           0.14%
                                                              Lost-Time Incident Rate – Latin/South               0.00%           0.00%           0.00%          0.00%           0.00%
                                                              Lost-Time Incident Rate – EMEA                      0.02%            0.02%          0.10%          0.02%           0.14%
                                                              Lost-Time Incident Rate – Asia                      0.04%            0.04%          0.26%          0.04%           0.00%
                                                              Total Lost-Time Days – Global                           96               96          656             397               64
                                                              Lost Hours per 200,000 hours worked                   4.05            4.09          29.38           17.94            3.05
                                                              – Global
                                                              Total Global Fatalities                                  0                0             0               0               0
                                                              Global Absenteeism Rate                             1.41%            1.07%          1.46%          1.39%           1.24%
                                                              Occupational Diseases                        No occupational diseases identified globally.
                                                              System of Rules applied in recording and     All work-related injuries and illnesses are recorded. Those that require elevated medical
                                                              reporting accident statistics                treatment and/or lead to absence from work, job modification or accommodation are reported.
403-3                                                         Bloomberg employees are not subject to occupational activities that have a high incidence or high risk of specific diseases.                                              Yes
Occupational health services
403-4                                                         Bloomberg ensures employees and workers who are not employees receive suitable and sufficent training (costs can be met by                                                Yes
Worker participation, consultation, and communication         Bloomberg) to enable them to carryout their role in a safe manner. Bloomberg strives to improve its occupational health and safety
on occupational health and safety                             standards with at least annual reviews of the global health and life safety standards. Bloomberg also provides annual training to all in
                                                              this category via health and safety induction and refresher courses.
403-5                                                         Bloomberg provides training on working at height, manual handling, hazardous spillages, and machinery specific training                                                   Yes
Worker training on occupational health and safety             (i.e. forklift/reach truck training). Bloomberg also arranged health and safety qualifications for employees and long term vendors
                                                              (IOSH Managing Safely).
403-6                                                         Bloomberg are not directly responsible for vendors non-occupational medical and health care. However, vendors have access                                                 Yes
Promotion of worker health                                    to first aid assistance provided by Bloomberg employees. Vendors also have access to emergency medical facilities via the
                                                              Wellbeing Centres (at major offices only). Bloomberg offers health and safety training to long term vendors.
403-7                                                         Each worksite arranges a series of health and safety annual assessments, identifying risk (high or low) and mitigates the risk through                                    Yes
Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety   control measures, training, day-to-day supervision and PPE. If required and the risk is seen as too high, the working practice is
impacts directly linked by business relationships             changed to remove the risk.
403-8                                                         Bloomberg has not implemented an occupational health and safety management system, rather, we work to comply with the legal                                               Yes
Workers covered by an occupational health and safety          requirements in each country, as well as to the occupational health and safety standards that we set (i.e. Bloomberg health and life
management system                                             safety policies and procedures). In 2021, Bloomberg has re-written its health and life safety policies and procedures in line with ISO
403-9                                                         In 2021, there were no work-related fatalities or high-consequence work-related injuries.The main types of work related injuries are                                      Yes
Work-related injuries                                         scalds, slips, trips, and falls. Actions taken to reduce accidents are reviewed on an accident-by-accident basis, and where additional
                                                              control measures can be implemented – they are.
403-10                                                        In 2021, there were no fatalities or cases of recordable work-related ill health.                                                                                         Yes
Work-related ill health

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2021 Bloomberg Impact Report     12
GRI Content Index

 Training and Education
 GRI 404: Training and Education 2016
 Disclosures                                                Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                               Omission                               Assurance
 404-1                                                                                                       2021           2020            2019           2018           2017                                                         Yes
 Average hours of training per year per employee
                                                            Total Hours of training                     1,042,055      1,054,099      1,308,336         969,757      1,486,931
                                                            Total Hours of training                         45.85          45.63           58.40          47.54           69.51
                                                            per employee
                                                            Bloomberg does not track training by employee category.
 404-2                                                      Bloomberg provides tuition reimbursement to full-time employees for certain preapproved, job-related courses. To receive tuition                                           Yes
 Programs for upgrading employee skills                     reimbursement for any course(s), the employee must receive a grade of B or better. All employees have access to Bloomberg
 and transition assistance programs                         University, which offers online and classroom training in both technical skills and career development.

 404-3                                                                                                       2021           2020            2019           2018           2017                                                         Yes
 Percentage of employees receiving regular
                                                                                                            100%            100%           100%           100%           100%
 performance and career development reviews

Diversity and Equal Opportunity
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016
Disclosures                                                Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                               Omission                               Assurance
405-1                                                                                                        2021           2020           2019            2018           2017                                                        Yes
Diversity of governance bodies and employees
                                                           Board Gender                                  Male = 7       Male = 7       Male = 7        Male = 7       Male = 7
                                                                                                       Female = 1     Female = 1      Female = 1     Female = 1     Female = 1
                                                           Board age group: under 30 years old,                                                                                                Confidentiality constraints:
                                                           30-50 years old, over 50 years old                                                                                                  Bloomberg is a private company
                                                                                                                                                                                               and does not publicly disclose
                                                           Board minority groups; other indicators
                                                                                                                                                                                               information on the age or ethnic
                                                           of diversity where relevant
                                                                                                                                                                                               makeup of the Board.
405-2                                                                                                                                                                                          Confidentiality constraints:
Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men                                                                                                                                         Bloomberg recognizes the
                                                                                                                                                                                               importance of this issue and tracks
                                                                                                                                                                                               this data annually. However, as
                                                                                                                                                                                               a private company, Bloomberg
                                                                                                                                                                                               views all salary information as
                                                                                                                                                                                               proprietary and therefore does not
                                                                                                                                                                                               publicly disclose any salary-related

GRI 406: Non-Discrimination 2016
Disclosures                                                Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                               Omission                               Assurance
406-1                                                                                                                                                                                          Confidentiality constraints:
Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken                                                                                                                                       As a private Company, Bloomberg
                                                                                                                                                                                               does not publicly disclose internal
                                                                                                                                                                                               allegations of discrimination.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Any publicly filed claims against
                                                                                                                                                                                               the Company are available via
                                                                                                                                                                                               public record.

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GRI Content Index

Child Labor
GRI 408: Child Labor 2016
Disclosures                                        Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                            Omission                        Assurance
408-1                                              Bloomberg maintains a Supplier Code of Conduct, distributed to vendors/suppliers, describing our policies regarding various                                      Yes
Operations and suppliers at significant risk       aspects of our sustainability program, including but not limited to: forced/child labor; environmental concerns, etc. Based on
for incidents of child labor                       targeted reviews of higher risk suppliers, Bloomberg may investigate further and potentially elect to conduct on-site audits
                                                   of labor practices of at-risk vendors.

Forced or Compulsory Labor
GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016
Disclosures                                        Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                            Omission                        Assurance
409-1                                              Bloomberg maintains a Supplier Code of Conduct, distributed to vendors/suppliers, describing our policies regarding various                                      Yes
Operations and suppliers at significant risk       aspects of our sustainability program, including but not limited to: forced/child labor; environmental concerns, etc. Based on
for incidents of forced or compulsory labor        targeted reviews of higher risk suppliers, Bloomberg may investigate further and potentially elect to conduct on-site audits
                                                   of labor practices of at-risk vendors.

Local Communities
GRI 413: Local Communities 2016
Disclosures                                        Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                                                                            Omission                        Assurance
413-1                                              Reference the 2021 Impact Report, Making Connections.                                                                                                            Yes
Operations with local community engagement,
impact assessments, and development programs
413-2                                                                                                2021            2020            2019           2018            2017                                           Yes
Operations with significant actual and potential
                                                                                                         0               0              0               0               0
negative impacts on local communities

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Supplier Social Assessment
GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016
Disclosures                                              Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                           Omission                            Assurance
414-1                                                                                                 2021   2020   2019   2018   2017
New suppliers that were screened using social criteria
                                                                                                       N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A   Information unavailable:
                                                                                                                                         Once a new process is
                                                                                                                                         implemented this data will be
                                                                                                                                         available, but implementation of
                                                                                                                                         this process is ongoing.
414-2                                                                                                 2021   2020   2019   2018   2017
Negative social impacts in the supply chain
                                                         Number of suppliers assessed                    0      0      0      0      0
and actions taken
                                                         for social impacts
                                                         Number of suppliers identified                  0      0      0      0      0
                                                         as having significant actual and potential
                                                         negative social impacts
                                                         Significant actual and potential              N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A   Information unavailable:
                                                         negative social impacts identified                                              Bloomberg is currently revising
                                                         in the supply chain                                                             its vendor management process.
                                                                                                                                         Once a new process is implemented
                                                         Percentage of suppliers identified            N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A
                                                                                                                                         this data will be available, but
                                                         as having significant actual and potential
                                                                                                                                         implementation of this process
                                                         negative social impacts
                                                                                                                                         is ongoing.
                                                         with which improvements were
                                                         agreed upon as a result of assessment
                                                         Percentage of suppliers identified            N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A
                                                         as having significant actual and potential
                                                         negative social impacts
                                                         with which relationships were terminated
                                                         as a result of assessment, and why

Public Policy
GRI 415: Public Policy 2016
Disclosures                                              Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                           Omission                            Assurance
415-1                                                                                                 2021   2020   2019   2018   2017                                       Yes
Political contributions
                                                                                                         0    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A

Customer Privacy
GRI 418: Customer Privacy 2016
Disclosures                                              Page Number(s) or URL / Direct Answer                                           Omission                            Assurance
418-1                                                                                                 2021   2020   2019   2018   2017                                       Yes
Substantiated complaints concerning breaches
                                                                                                         0      0     0      0      0
of customer privacy and losses of customer data

                                                                                                                                                       2021 Bloomberg Impact Report      15
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