Volume XVII January 2023 - Ruidoso-NM.gov

Volume XVII January 2023 - Ruidoso-NM.gov
Volume XVII · January 2023

                                          Happy New Year to you all - I hope you all
                                          are enjoying the holidays with your families
                                          and friends.

                                          When we look back on 2022, many of us
                                          will always remember the McBride Fire that
destroyed so many homes and took the lives of two people from our community.
As terrible and scary as that was, it also shined a light on the resiliency of our
Village and the generosity of not only this community, but of our whole state.
The outpouring of donations of non-perishables, water, and money still blows me
away when I think about it. I am in awe of how quickly we were able to help those          Mayor Lynn Crawford
affected thanks in large part to the Community Foundation of Lincoln County.
Let’s not forget that we still have families in our community that are trying to recover, and let’s make sure
that we continue to take care of our own.

                                                            I want to give a big shout-out to the Ruidoso
                                                            Warrior football team who won the 3A State
                                                            Championship when they soundly defeated
                                                            St. Michael’s Horsemen 12-0. The game was
                                                            awesome, and we are so proud of these young
                                                            men. Congratulations to the Warrior players, the
                                                            coaching staff, the cheerleaders, and all of the
                                                            parents who undoubtedly have spent many hours
                                                            on the road and sitting on stadium benches over
                                                            the years. It’s great to be a Warrior!
         Ruidoso Warriors, 2022 3A State Champions

As we move into 2023, please be confident in knowing that Village finances and our water resources are
in a good place. We never forget that we have to be good stewards of your trust. Make a note on your
calendar to join us on January 23, 2023, for the State of the Village address. We will go over a lot of good
information that it is important for our residents to know.

Don’t forget to tune-in to Mondays with the Mayor every Monday morning from 8:00 – 10:00 AM. You can
listen on KRUI 1490 AM – The Mountain or stream it online at 1490KRUI.com.

Happy New Year!

                                                          At the December Village Council Meeting, Mayor Crawford
Mayor Lynn Crawford                                      issued a proclamation that 2022 is “The Year of the Warriors”

Volume XVII January 2023 - Ruidoso-NM.gov
     Recent Actions
                                                                         Ruidoso Village Council Members
At the December 13, 2022, Regular Council meeting, the
Governing Body:
                                                                          » Rifle Salas - Mayor Pro Tem
 » Mayor Lynn D. Crawford Recognized by Proclamation 2022                 » Susan Lutterman
   as “The Year of the Warriors.”                                         » Joe Eby
                                                                          » Gary Jackson
 » Mayor Lynn D. Crawford read a Proclamation Recognizing                 » Tim Coughlin
   Edward Roy Tinsley, III.                                               » Darren Hooker

 » Approved Agreement with CUTLER Repaving, Inc. through
   the New Mexico Statewide Price Agreement No. 90-805-19-16759 for Pavement Resurfacing and Curb-
   Line Milling on Hull Road, Service Road, and Reese Drive, in the Amount of $1,584,741.41, Including Gross
   Receipts Tax.

 » Approved Award of RFP #2023-005P to The Agency for Marketing Services for the Village of Ruidoso
   Authorizing Mayor Crawford to Execute Contract.

 » Approved State Grants-In-Aid for Public Libraries Agreement with the New Mexico State Library for
   Fiscal Year 2023, in the Amount of $10,254.72.

 » Approved Recommendation from Lodgers Tax Committee at their Regular Meeting on November 22,
   2022 to Award the Village of Ruidoso Recreation Department, in the Total Amount of $335,000.00 in
   Special Event Funding for the Special Events for the Remainder of the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year.

 » Approved Ruidoso Midtown Association Professional Service Agreement with the Village of Ruidoso for
   “Junior Bill Funds” Designated for Operating Funds of $80,000.00.

 » Adopted Resolution 2022-55, a Resolution Establishing Rules and Regulations of The Mechem Meadows
   Housing Development & 99 Sunny Slope Drive.

      Wingfield Park
            Select dates
        through January 29th
Volume XVII January 2023 - Ruidoso-NM.gov
     Fiber Optic Coming to Ruidoso
Public- Private Partnership to Bring Fiber Optic to the Village
Some 8,000 homes and businesses in Ruidoso will soon, for the first time, be equipped with high-speed
fiber, a result of a public-private partnership between the Village of Ruidoso and internet provider Kinetic.
Ruidoso leaders and Kinetic representatives are excited to mark the milestone.

The Village committed up to $2 million of American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 stimulus funds it received to the
project, and Kinetic will pay $4.8 million. The project is currently in the outsourcing and permitting phase,
with a start date sometime in the new year. Kinetic has pledged to complete the project by the end of the
first quarter of 2024.

                    The Village of Ruidoso is on track to being able to market its
                   high-speed broadband for economic development prospects. I
                  look forward to working with community leaders to promote not
                        only our beautiful village but now our access to fiber.
                                            Mayor Lynn Crawford

                                            The super-fast, reliable fiber connections in the Village of
                                            Ruidoso will empower residential customers gig speeds to
                                            navigate the internet safely from home with no lag times
                                            while they work, participate in virtual classrooms, or stream
                                            entertainment services. All sized business can take advantage
                                            of the fiber-backed network to deploy solutions that make their
                                            companies more efficient and profitable.

     Ruidoso Police Department
     gets in the Holiday Spirit
One of the best holiday events in the Village is the
Ruidoso Police Department’s annual Shop with a Cop.
Each year, the RPD works with Santa’s Helpers to
identify local youth to participate in the program, which
pairs each kid with a cop. That is when the fun begins!

This year, 24 kids were taken to Walmart in patrol cars
with sirens blaring. Once they got to Walmart, they
were able to pick out presents for themselves and for
members of their family. Next, the crew moved on to
Adventure Mountain, where they spent time playing
games and having lunch with the officers.

  “This is one of the best days we have as police officers,” said Chief Lawrence Chavez. “We are
   grateful for all of the generosity in this community that allows us to keep this tradition going.”

Volume XVII January 2023 - Ruidoso-NM.gov
Village NEWS
        New Mexico 2022 Legislative Session Priorities –
        Status Report
2022 Legislative Capital Outlay Requests: Below are the 2022 Legislative Capital Outlay projects for the
Village of Ruidoso that received the Governor’s final approval on March 9, 2022.
    »    Bridge Replacement Projects - $200,000 – Grant Agreement executed.
    »    Sewer System Improvements - $1,563,000 – Grant Agreement executed.
    »    Wingfield House Museum Construction - $750,000 – Grant Agreement executed.
    »    Senate Bill 48 “Junior Bill”
         •   $80,000 for the Main Street Program in Ruidoso – Grant Agreement executed.
         •   $230,000 for Façade Grant Improvements in the Ruidoso Main Street Businesses.

        New Mexico 2023 Legislative Session Priorities
Legislative Capital Outlay Requests: As approved by the Council in the ICIP, the Village has submitted a
total of five 2023 Capital Outlay request forms for project funding consideration. The list of projects include:
    »    Workforce Housing ($1,000,000)
    »    Broadband Fiber Connectivity ($1,000,000)
    »    Bridge Replacement Construction ($6,000,000)
    »    Sewer Infrastructure Construction Improvements ($913,363)
    »    Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Development ($500,000)

                                          New Mexico Capitol Building

Volume XVII January 2023 - Ruidoso-NM.gov
     Addressing Project
The Request for Proposals (2023-004P) E911 Address Planning and
Implementation was advertised on September 28, 2022, and one bid
was received. The Evaluation Committee found the proposal was
missing required information and deemed it as non-responsive.

The proposal was rejected, and the Request for Proposals was
re-issued the last week of November. If the proposals are rejected a
second time, the Village will have the option to procure the project
directly with a company of our choice.

     Financial Stability of the VOR
                         During the fiscal year, revenue sources are monitored very closely to determine
                          whether items cut out of the initial budget can be added or if budgeted
                            expenditures need to be reduced or postponed. Since the Village has
                             completed five months of FY 2023, revenue received should be around 42%,
                             as a simple rule of thumb.

                             In years past, Ruidoso’s tourist season included only the summer months
                             and the winter months. However, as events have been added and tourism
                            advertising has increased, the season is now year-round. Below is a snapshot
                           of actual revenue receipts received compared to the budget. All segments
                         exceeded the base percentage except for Intergovernmental. This segment is
                      comprised of reimbursement-based grants in which the Village expends the funds
and then applies to the funding agency for reimbursement. As we progress through the fiscal year and
receive reimbursements, this percentage will rise. Also, the portion of GRT that the state reverts will be
recorded in the segment.

In short, the Village’s financial position is very solid. As we progress in the fiscal year, projections indicate
that we will exceed budget and continue to build cash reserves.

                                   FY 2023 Budget               YTD 011/30/22                 % Received

  Taxes                                    $19,688,511                   $8,222,462                    41.76%

  Intergovernmental                        $35,971,201                   $5,196,146                    14.45%

  Licenses and Permits                        $428,000                     $255,259                    59.64%

  Charges for Services                     $10,894,830                   $5,294,097                    48.59%

  Interest                                    $126,000                     $184,751                  146.63%

  Miscellaneous                             $4,436,839                   $1,829,724                    41.24%

Volume XVII January 2023 - Ruidoso-NM.gov
     From the Desk of Executive Director Kendra King
The Ruidoso Midtown Association is proud of the work we did in 2022! We maintained our Nationally
Accredited Main Street Program status and our Board of Volunteers generated more than a thousand
volunteer hours to benefit the community, focusing on board and organization education efforts, along
with stronger communication with the public.

In June, we partnered with the Parks and Rec Department along with Team Tourism, to upgrade the
Brewdoso festival to Party in the Pines - bigger and better than ever before! We also hosted the State
Main Street Conference over the summer, recognizing and highlighting the success of our program at the
state level among 30 of our peer programs across the state. In September, we helped sponsor the Pin-up
Pageant at Ride Ruidoso, and in October, we helped throw the annual Trick-or-Treat event in Midtown
with our community partners. This annual event included the always entertaining coffin race and a
pumpkin roll down Eagle Drive. We gave away $1000 in cash prizes to the participants.

In addition to these events, we assisted the Village of Ruidoso Façade Improvement Grant with New
Mexico Main Street technical assistance. We helped facilitate public improvement projects throughout
the district, including: new light poles with speakers and new sidewalks up to Wingfield Park. Our year
ended with the annual Ugly Sweater Business Mixer, where we raffled off thousands of dollars in prizes to
raise funds for our mission. We look forward to what 2023 will bring!

                 The RMA board recently celebrated at the annual Boards and Commissions Mixer
                                       hosted by the Village of Ruidoso.

               Pictured from left to right are James and Claudia Rupley, Chase and Jennie Tanner,
               Anthony Sanchez and Frankie Leigh Reynolds, Michelle O’Brien, Dakota and Andee
               Montes, Jazmin and Lance Roe, Stephanie Leland and Joey Garcia, Thomas Row and
               Kendra King (missing from the photo are Michael O’Brien, Chris and Joni Stettheimer,
               Elliott and Jamie Taylor)

Please feel free to contact me or any board member.

Kendra King, Executive Director 575-973-0967 | director@ruidosomidtownassociation.com

     Follow the Ruidoso Midtown Association on Facebook for regular posts and updates.

Volume XVII January 2023 - Ruidoso-NM.gov
        From the Desk of Executive Director Deborah Douds
Wow! I can’t believe 2022 is over. It has been a very busy year for the Ruidoso Valley Chamber of
Commerce. We started off our year in February at our Santa Fe Legislative Reception with a great turnout,
despite COVID restrictions. I encourage you to attend this year’s event, which will be held on February 1,
2023, at the Drury Plaza Inn.

After our reception, we jumped right in with the Vines in the Pines Wine Festival on President’s Day
Weekend. Unfortunately, two months later, the Village of Ruidoso and Lincoln County were devastated by
two wildfires, the McBride and Nogal Fires. The chamber collaborated with the Village of Ruidoso and the
Community Foundation of Lincoln County to coordinate donations and distributions.

During our Annual Banquet in June, we honored our Volunteer of the Year, John Cornelius; our Business
of the Year, Ruidoso Parks and Recreation; and our Beautification Award went to the Humane Society of
Lincoln County for their new building. Then, the 51st Annual Ruidoso Art Festival was held in July. Over
100 fine artists participated, and we raised $1600 from the silent auction to contribute to art programs at
the Ruidoso Municipal Schools.

Each year, October brings two of our favorite events: the AspenFest Parade and Festival and Midtown
Trick-or-Treat. Both events grew this year with an amazing line-up of bands during the AspenFest Festival
and the expansion of the Halloween event to include a pumpkin roll, coffin races, a costume contest, and
TONS of trick-or-treaters. Also in October, I was honored to be appointed to the VOR’s Workforce Housing
Advisory Board by the Village Council.

                Festival of Lights Parade                                 Midtown Trick-or-Treat

Our Ruidoso Valley Greeters hosted the Christmas Jubilee in November, and we ended the year with one
of our community’s favorite events: the Parade and Festival of Lights. The parade theme this year was Star
Wars, and it was a hit. Here are the results of our float judging:

    »    1st Place Float: Ruidoso Animal Clinic - “Return to the Bark Side”

    »    2nd Place Float: Lincoln County Medical - “AT-AT Walker” (we loved Grogu riding on top!)

We are so blessed with the way this community comes together. Here at the Ruidoso Valley Chamber of
Commerce, we work hard every day to make this community a better place to live, work, and play.

                    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Volume XVII January 2023 - Ruidoso-NM.gov
Winter EVENTS            Check out our line-up of great events for winter!
               Please visit DiscoverRuidoso.com for additional events and details.

JANUARY 1:                                               FEBRUARY 1:
 • New Year Community Yoga Class, Blue Lotus              • Lincoln County Day in Santa Fe,
   Yoga                                                     Drury Plaza Inn, Santa Fe
 • White Mountain Christmas, Flying J Ranch              FEBRUARY 5:
JANUARY 11:                                               • Full Moon Ecstatic Dance, RareBird Workshop
 • Ruidoso Writers’ Group, Ruidoso Public Library        FEBRUARY 18:
JANUARY 21:                                               • Vines in the Pines Wine Festival, Ruidoso
 • Los Huracanes del Norte, Inn of the Mountain             Convention Center
 • Ruidoso Writers’ Group, Ruidoso Public Library
 • Dust City Opera, Lost Hiker Brewing Company

                                                         FEBRUARY 19:
                                                          • Kids and Family Talent Night, RareBird
                                                         FEBRUARY 25:
                                                          • Spivey, Lost Hiker Brewing Company

  JANUARY 1 – JANUARY 8:             JANUARY 15:
   • Ice Rink Open, Wingfield Park    • Girls’ ART & Dance Party,
                                        RareBird Workshop
   • 10:30 AM New Beginnings         JANUARY 18:
     Storytime, Ruidoso Public        • 10:30 AM Penguins
     Library                            Storytime, Ruidoso Public
   • Kid’s Night, RareBird              Library
     Workshop                        JANUARY 25:
  JANUARY 11:                         • 10:30 AM Forest Animals
   • 10:30 AM Feeling Sick and          Storytime, Ruidoso Public
     Getting Well Storytime,            Library
     Ruidoso Public Library

Volume XVII January 2023 - Ruidoso-NM.gov
PUBLIC WORKS                                              WORKFORCE HOUSING
        Hazard Mitigation                                      Update
Hazard Mitigation has been broken down into
nine sites from the original 40 due to funding
constraints. The nine sites identified include:
    »    Six locations in Upper Canyon
    »    100 Mechem Drive
    »    Two locations between Fern Trail and
         Leach Drive

An Invitation for Bids was issued, and AUI was
selected to complete the construction. AUI has            Mechem Meadows, located at 1114 Mechem
mobilized and set-up construction parameters for          Drive, is almost move-in ready. The homes are all
each site, and the Village has been working to            placed, and utilities are being connected. Once
acquire all easements needed.                             utilities are connected, skirting will be added
                                                          to the homes and inspected by the New Mexico
                                                          Manufacturing Division.

                                                          The Village has also re-zoned 99 Sunny Slope
                                                          Drive to Manufacturing-1 low density. A
                                                          new home will be added to this lot and made
                                                          available for rent as workforce housing. It is
                                                          expected that the project will be completed in
                                                          February 2023.

        Alto/Grindstone Dam Projects
The Grindstone Canyon Dam Drain Cleaning Project was completed in May 2022. This project included
the cleaning and labeling of 55 vertical floor drains, 35 vertical ceiling drains, six horizontal drains on
the north (left) abutment gallery wall, and seven horizontal drains on the south (right) abutment gallery
wall. The project also included grading the gallery and portal entrance to improve drainage from the
gallery. The grading work exposed the original concrete floor and an approximately 2-inch drainage
trench. A removable weir at the portal entrance was installed to measure seepage flow rates for long-term
monitoring. The Village started measuring weir flow on March 30, 2022.

The Yeh and Associates team completed condition assessment for the Grindstone
Canyon Dam Spillway and North Dam Crest Concrete Repairs in October. The
team reviewed assessment findings and discussed repair options with the
Village and New Mexico Office of State Engineer (NMOSE) Dam Safety in
late November. Specifications and 60% plans for the proposed repairs are
currently underway.

The Grindstone Canyon and Alto Lake Dams Outlet Works Video
Surveys were performed in October, although sediment was found in
the Grindstone Canyon Dam 48-inch outlet conduit that prevented the
completion of the video survey. NMOSE requested the removal of the
sediment so the video can be completed as soon as possible. All teams are
currently working on the sediment removal plan and schedule.

Volume XVII January 2023 - Ruidoso-NM.gov

Airport 575-336-8111                          Regional Waste Water Treatment
                                                                                       VILLAGE HALL:
Convention Center 575-258-5445                Plant (RWWTP) 575-378-8417
Judicial 575-257-9055                         Senior Center 575-257-4565
                                                                                        • Capital Projects
Library 575-258-3704                          Water Distribution and Sewer                and Purchasing

                                              Collections 575-257-2386                  • Executive
Parks & Recreation 575-257-5030
                                                                                        • Finance
Police 575-258-7365                           Water Production 575-257-5525             • Forestry
Fire 575-257-3473                             Water Rights/Watershed (RJU)              • Human Resources
                                                                                        • Planning and
Solid Waste 575-257-1502                      575-258-6913
Street Works 575-257-6023                                                               • Utility Billing

     Community Rallies Around McBride Fire Response
Since the McBride Fire erupted on April 12, 2022, the greater Ruidoso community has truly rallied in
support of those most affected by the disaster. With the coordinated help of the Village of Ruidoso, the
Ruidoso Municipal Schools, Lincoln County, area churches, various nonprofits, and community fundraising
events, hundreds of financial donations were collected for the Lincoln County Shelter Fund.

The Shelter Fund was created in 2012 after the Little Bear
Fire to help residents in need of shelter due to the loss of
their primary home to a disaster such as a flood or fire. It is
run by the all-volunteer board of directors of the Community
Foundation of Lincoln County (CFLC). After years of
guardianship, the Shelter Fund was ready to immediately
facilitate donations and provide assistance for those in need
after the McBride Fire.

Five rounds of grants were awarded to those who lost their
residences. The first checks went out within one week of the
fire, with 103 households receiving help. Subsequent grants
were distributed as more donations poured in. These grants         A generous child addressed this envelope
were unrestricted, used for the recipients’ most urgent needs,      and sent five $1 bills to the Shelter Fund.
and at their discretion.

The response to help was nothing short of amazing. As the money came in, checks went out. Not a single
dollar was spent on operating expenses or processing fees — every penny was placed into the hands of
those affected by the fire. A total of $617,145 was awarded.

The Village of Ruidoso contributed $18,265 from the Ride Ruidoso concert proceeds. In addition,
Governor Lujan Grisham recommended that state-wide donations be directed to the Shelter Fund, which
resulted in many gifts coming from outside Lincoln County. Over 400 gifts, in amounts ranging from five
$1 bills from a child to an anonymous $100,000 gift, were deposited and distributed by the CFLC.

Ruidoso is an amazing community, and the Shelter Fund stands ready to help those who have lost their
homes in a disaster. More information can be found at www.cfolc.org.

      Parks and Facilities Infrastructure Improvements –
      Status Update
The VOR Parks & Recreation Department consistently goes above and beyond in working to ensure local
facilities are maintained to the highest degree so that visitors and locals alike can utilize and enjoy them.
Here is a brief update on the infrastructure improvements that were completed in 2022:

Alto Kids Pond
  »   Boat Dock (Paddle Boats Only)
  »   Pedestrian Bridge
  »   Picnic Tables
  »   Signage
  »   Split Rail Fence
  »   Trail

Cree Meadows Trail
  »   Mechem to the Links Running/Walking Trail

Grindstone Lake
  »   Additional Signage
  »   Expansion of Wibit Infrastructure (Slide, Climbing Wall)
  »   Concrete Boat Ramp

      Recreation and Events
                                              The Recreation and Events arm of the department had a
                                              record year full of special events and community activities.
                                              The department focuses on promoting tourism and outdoor
                                              recreation when planning their programming, with the goal of
                                              benefiting the local economy.

                                              The recreation team hosted many
                                              sports activities for both youth
                                              and adults, including: Smart
                                              Start Basketball, disc golf camp,
                                              basketball, and volleyball. They
                                              also hosted four archery shoots,
              AspenFest Parade
                                              the Wingfield Market, Wilderness
                                              Camps, a youth fishing tournament,
the kite festival, holiday drone shows, and managed the Ruidoso Adventure
Tours. They ran the Wibit, the public pool, and helped coordinate Music in
Midtown. In addition, they played a key role in bringing many new events to
the Village, including: Party in the Pines, Ride Ruidoso Week, Cinco de Mayo
Celebration, and the Three Kings of Comedy Tour. These are only a few of the
many events made possible by this hard-working team.                                   Sierra Blanca PowWow

It will be fun to see what great activities they have in store for 2023!

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